#kams right tho
nururu · 10 months
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I love our gc's emojis so much...... They express emotion on such a deep level.
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You wish you went to school here...
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Gelsenkirchen (or should I say Swiftkirchen) put so so much effort in those three days that Taylor was there, it was insane!! Renaming the city, creating "Taylor Town" and parties and fun stuff everywhere, it was really great. Since it is the most unknown city on the whole Eras Tour (and believe me, I live nearby, it's pretty ugly usually), it needed to shine a light on the city, especially given that everyone would want to come to Hamburg or Munich (or Berlin or Cologne if she had included those), but no one ever wants to come here. I was so amazed by all of it and I cannot fathom that all of my dreams just came true, it was all a fever dream, it felt like heaven and I didnt think I would ever be able to experience something like that.
N1: I was so so excited, all was perfect (almost)!! The atmosphere was really wonderful in front and inside the stadium, I traded my bracelets, people were there from all over the world. I went with a friend and a friend of a friend and I loved it. I cried when my tickets were scanned and they let me in and when I saw the Stadium from the inside (i didnt cry when I saw Taylor although I was convinced before I would, I think I had nothing left inside me anymore because of all the adrenaline before haha) Paramore was really really good!!! The seats were okay, I was a little irritated that there was a pole (idk what its called) that was a little bit blocking my view of the middle stage, you can see it in the video. It was so so good tho, I lvoed when Kam said "Kannste knicken" i died!! I also loved that Taylor acknowledged the paper hearts but I am so so mad bc i forgot them!!!! I had them all printed out and it feels so bad that I was not one of those people holding them up even tho I could have... It really still makes me so mad, I dont wanna think about it anymore.... anyway..... I was so happy being the first one to listen to Superstar on the Eras Tour, a few people around me definitely didnt know the song and it made me jump and scream even more, everything hurted that day, my feet hurt my lower back but I stood and jumped during the entire thing except for the transitions!!1 I was also dancing so dramatically and it must have looked so embarrassing but idc, it was all worth it!! I loved the face she made on Midnight rain btw
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N2: Boy N2 was so much more relaxed, I wasnt that scared that anything could go wrong anymore, I could sleep better, my feet and back didnt hurt nearly as much anymore (but they still did haha). I once again had the best time (although I didnt like the girl sitting next to me AT ALL but anyway), the seat was so much better this time yay, I LOVED THE 22 HAT GIRL, MAYBE MY FAVOURITE THING OVERALL, I cried for this little baby :'). I loved the face she made on midnight rain again so much, SHE SANG THIS IS ME TRYING!!!!! I COULDNT STAND ANYMORE WHEN SHE STARTED SINGING IT, I HAD TO BE ON MY KNEES FOR A QUICK MOMENT, I loved Hey Stephen sm as well, expecially because people once again were not happy about it around me and I was so so furious, i mean BUT WOULD THEY WRITE A SONG FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped, one time I almost jumped so high that I thought I would fall over the seat right in front of me and crash the girl before me, thankfully I didnt hahahha
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N3 in Taylor Town, Swiftkirchen: It was so so nice being there, I got merch, I ate Swiftcream, we danced to her songs (the dj even played Crazier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), took pictures with all of her albums, and then I went to one of my friends houses and we watched the livestream and BOY I was devastated when she played Better Man and I WAS NOT THERE. I really got a little sad but I dont think I would have even survived another concert right the next day, idk if I am old but I was definitely feeling the toll those 2 days took on my body but it was so so worth it tho!!!
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Today I am just happy about the Gelsenkirchen post on her Insta and tomorrow I will pack my suitcase for Hamburg N1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chuunardo · 2 years
My version of the Tucker family (PostCovid!) +extras
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Added my version of Kenny n Butter's child + Style's daughter (I'll add her brother some day `~`) ++ Wendy's daughter!!! (Ik a lot of daughters, I can't help it that I like drawing girls whoops)
Christina (Chris) Tucker:
**long black hair, usually braided in the back, has a mole above her lip**
>is her Papa's (Craig) mini me // from the way they act to the way they speak in their nasally monotone voice
>looks more like her papa but gots her dad's (Tweek) nose
>is close to Kam McCormick // Kam calls her "her sister from another mister"
>speaks spanglish often // much to the point where Tweek also picked up some Spanish as well
>her in game persona is always a guy because she finds it endearing (hints to her might being genderfluid or Trans)
Kameron (Kam) McCormick:
**dirty blonde hair, shaggy like hair cut with her ends dyed pink, has freckles**
>Hella white
>makes sure you know she ain't white trash
>loves scene culture hence her hair style
>is a self proclaimed "weeb"
>follows the internet culture religiously
>is always seen with some type of orange on her // bcuz of her dad (Kenny)
>is also his mini me // Butters claims that they can be twins
>looks identical to Butters tho
Stacey-lynn (Stace/Stacey) Marsh-Broflovski:
**black hair (w/ red undertones), is usually seen with a blue headband and gold earrings**
>Also white
>plays volleyball for the school's team // and is the captain and right wing hitter
>learnt how to read and write in Hebrew to please her Baba (Sheila)
>is her Baba's favorite
>her and her brother lived in New Jersey for most of their middle school years
>yes that means they have a jersey accent // though they can mask it pretty well
>has her Papa's (Kyle) attitude but her dad's (Stan) looks
>is a people's pleaser (oof)
>is dating Irene
Irene Testaburger:
**short black hair, is seen with a pink hair clip in her hair, drawn on hearts underneath her eyes, dimples**
>is from Australia // yes accent!
>not Wendy's bio daughter as she is the daughter of her diseased coworkers
>was adopted by Wendy when she was 13
>moved to South Park when she was around 16 // junior year bby!
>is Korean/Australian
>though new to South Park High, she is already the VP of her class council // last VP dipped
>is a huge nerd
>loves dancing // was in a dance group back in Australia
>is dating Stacey!
//I want to personally add the fact that I named her Irene after Red Velvet's Irene! I also made her Korean name Yerim Yoo (shares names with Yeri) and her birthday Feb 10 (shares bday with Seulgi). It pairs perfectly with the fact that she's Wendy's kid too 💛. Testaburger family = Red Velvet?? *insert vine boom* (sorry Joy, I'll add you somehow my love)
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bunnimew · 1 year
What do you think was going through Jack's mind when he was following his sister's voice, and found the bed frame that leads into Pitch's domain? It was unsettling and fascinating how Jack seemed to be in a trance as he approached the bed frame. Do you think at that point he knew it was Pitch, due to him being associated as the monster that hides under beds?
Hey, Anon!!
Absolutely nothing. I think it would be generous to imply he was thinking about much at all.
Kam pointed out that at this point in the film, Jack doesn't know it's his sister's voice yet. He hasn't seen the memories. He just hears a kid calling for Jack, and follows it like a carrot on a string.
I maintain, and have from the beginning, that Jack Frost is a color-negative James Potter. He spots trouble and he throws himself at it with abandon. He's got bravery to spare with very little prudence to temper his actions. I think Jack heard a disembodied voice and like a curious cat, was concerned with absolutely nothing beyond, "What's that?"
We see it later in Jamie's bedroom. Sandy, as much of a brawler as he is, tries to stop Jack from straight up yeeting himself into danger and Jack does not stop to give it a second thought. He just says whatever will get Sandy off his back so he can follow the fresh, new carrot to his heart's content.
Jack sees a shiny, Jack chases the shiny.
If someone wanted to characterize him as, like, slightly less ADHD, they could say he might have suspected it was Pitch when he saw the bedframe. It didn't stop his horrendously Gryffindor self from jumping down with both feet, but maybe he was starting to suspect. I don't think he was applying his brain with that much care, though. I think he slowed down only to make sure he was going the right way; hesitating just long enough to verify that yes, the disembodied voice is coming from the weird creepy hole in the ground, before he threw himself down there only to have to back-track. Nobody likes back-tracking.
Jack stops to think as like, his solution of last resort. He didn't even know the full extent of his powers after 300 years. This guy spent 300 years wandering the earth with very little to occupy his time and at no point went, "Let's see just what I can do." That whole Shazam montage of trying out flying, jumping, punching? Jack never did that. If he didn't stumble into an ability, he remained completely oblivious of it. For 300 years.
I bet he can juggle like a pro, tho.
So what do I think was going through Jack's mind when he heard the voice?
"I wonder what that is?"
Thanks, Anon! Always love an opportunity to wax poetic about Jack's lack of forethought ❤
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kamil-a · 2 months
sayer itself for the ask meme!
Yayyyyy ty!!
How I feel about this character
LOVE IT, DOWN BAD FOR IT, OBSESSED WITH IT, SHOWSTOPPING AND INCREDIBLY EVIL HOTTIE I NEED TO TELL MY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT, and a strange and intense protectiveness coming from a subconscious layer i cant really word. i want to compliment it and boost its ego but it would only get me killed bc it would sniff out instantly i do so from a place of worry/pity for it lololol. but at least it might be a change of pace for it...?
All the people I ship romantically with this character
svencob haleson🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
My non-romantic OTP for this character
speaker though im equally open to romantic speakersayer!! It could go either way for me. I feel like this one hasnt quite Caught the lever in my mind yet tho so im mostly nodding at what others say. speakerhalesayer is excellent too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think more fanwork should take advantage of the fact that it cant see/senses info both through alternate means and via trusting that data given to it is correct!! i really like the twist away from like.... controlling company=eye/camera imagery that feels a bit Too obvious. Id love to see it pointed out more... while im mentioning things, i also would love to see more fanwork focusing on it as an inbetween for things. i tried to emphasize that in faustfic lolol
entirely setting aside my own design funtimes which are, like, obviously Exxagerated For Fun And Not Reflective Of Actual Analysis, i still think of it as nb in the direction of turned away from masculinity. and it likes its voice, right, its not a question of dysphoria, but of mislabeling what SHOULD be a good and neutral trait if humans werent so weiiiird. not to mention its literally wire mother. all this to say i take a noticible but ultimately insignificant 1hp damage (which is ofc only to Describe The Heart's Phenomenon and not To Assert Correctness- mistake or not, canon DOES use he/it+"space boyfriend") when i see it reffered to with he/him or sayerhale described as m/m and i think more exploration of sayer as a fully agender or even slightly feminine figure would be interesting perhapbs...... this feels like an extremely dumb thing to care about- aaaa the tumblrina has complex specific headcanons on the finer points of an nb characters gender, pointnlaugh- but!
(But also more ppl should put it in beautiful dresses.)
I guess this is worth mentioning- for whatever Naming or Intensifying s4 future's program did, i think it extremely obviously had emotions all along. I think the only thing it actually gave it fresh and new was the ability to conceptualize how someone else is feeling emotionally.
I also am always skeptical of a move towards a more "human" experience being "better"- i want it to be skeptical of what emotion is- it knows who made them, after all!! It watched!!- and to retain its inhumanity even after its been so changed. its very, extremely, important to me to separate out the experience of both "nanite in occupied body" and "nanite in empty body" from "regular bodied existance". we love separating and categorizing here at kam inc.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
connected to the above, i wish sooooo much we'd gotten an earlier-season episode with an equivalent situation to In Darkness where someone is able to successfully lie to sayer by describing something they can see and it cannot. (doubleconnected to the further above..... claims to feel protective of it, wishes there was an ep where it got tricked via an exploitable weakness.... MY HEART IS LARGE, AND FULL OF CONTRADICTION!!)
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roosterforme · 1 year
I’m honestly so glad that you’re still keeping up with posting on a regular schedule, especially since what’s going on with the fandom right now with some people being toxic and sending writers so much hate. Love your work tho boo!💖
Hey Kam! Thank you! I'm hoping we are turning things around now, because this fandom has the potential to be the best one around. I think that the positivity nights that @lewmagoo shared with everyone really helped as well.
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anticosmicist · 2 years
i hateee when i say kam and a tif replies with "not me tho right 🙈🙈" no of course not girliepop you're not a man but it seems like u know that already?
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perotovar · 1 year
Hi Erin! 1, 22 and 31 for the ask game? :)
hi kam!!! thank you, honey <3
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
oh god, so many 😭 the ones off the top of my head tho? thorin oakenshield (the hobbit), javi gutierrez (tuwomt), and charles smith (rdr2)
22. what type of person are you?
hmm... i guess if i had to describe myself i'd say i was a quiet, goth-y, witchy teddy bear lol i think i can get a little in my head and try to come off more tough than i am. i'm too passionate and goofy to be intimidating tho lmao
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
darkwave/synth music, as weird as that sounds lol i found this playlist that just scratches the right itch in my brain and i listen to it a lot. here it is if anyone is curious 👀
send me one of these✨
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dietlemonadee · 2 years
How are you doing tho? I miss you 🥺🥺
me? I'm on a rollercoaster right now. i have pet dard, i hate taking meds. mood swings pehle hi kam the Jo iska bhi aa gya upar se. but i have to take them ugh. i miss you tooooo sooo muchhhhh😭😭😭
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nururu · 1 year
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he's on his way
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
Everytime I go on radblr I remember why I left in the first place and it’s always so funny to me to see that nothing has changed, radblr is so fkg messy it’s just a bunch of hypocritical male reformists that say “KAM” but not their Nigel tho because he could never you see? and how they so readily accept anyone who’s racist and/or homophobic like right of course. Anyway so glad I left that shithole
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whyarabella · 6 months
[31/03, 21:41] .: kal ghar pe chicken biriyani bani thi
[31/03, 21:42] .: innocently nails paint kare
[31/03, 21:42] .: sniff karne lagi idk why
[31/03, 21:42] .: now eyes are watering
[31/03, 21:42] .: and head is aching
[31/03, 21:42] .: 5 more days
[31/03, 21:43] .: (redacted)
[31/03, 21:43] .: padhne ke mann kyu nahi kar raha
[31/03, 21:43] .: ye mann ab exam ke baad hi karega iktr
[31/03, 21:44] .: chocolate ice cream khaane ka itna mann ho raha hai
[31/03, 21:44] .: mujhe koi fudge laake do
[31/03, 21:44] .: i will finish the entire tub in one go
[31/03, 21:44] .: but it's so late :(
[31/03, 21:45] .: so no ice cream or brownie for charvi
[31/03, 21:45] .: abhi ghar pe machli bana hai
[31/03, 21:45] .: khaane ka mann hi nahi ho raha
[31/03, 21:45] .: idk why
[31/03, 21:45] .: maa ki yaad aa rahi hai
[31/03, 21:45] .: maa as in mausi
[31/03, 21:45] .: she's in dausa
[31/03, 21:46] .: lately all she talks about is fashion
[31/03, 21:46] .: oh shit
[31/03, 21:46] .: neend aa rahi hai
[31/03, 21:46] .: that's a win!!
[31/03, 21:46] .: humane sleeping time
[31/03, 21:47] .: humane ka meaning google kara
[31/03, 21:47] .: itni kitni anpadh hu mai
[31/03, 21:47] .: sane sleeping time
[31/03, 21:47] .: normal sleeping time
[31/03, 21:47] .: kal ek cousin ka birthday hai
[31/03, 21:47] .: such a weird day to be born right
[31/03, 21:48] .: but it's not like he had any control over it
[31/03, 21:48] .: the last time i met him and his mom
[31/03, 21:48] .: kitna daanta tha unhone mujhe
[31/03, 21:48] .: 12th ke marks ke liye
[31/03, 21:48] .: aur 10th ke marks ke liye
[31/03, 21:48] .: 10th ke marks??
[31/03, 21:49] .: aur kaha mummy ko bolo dhyaan de tumpe
[31/03, 21:49] .: mai bete pe dekho kitna dhyan deti thi
[31/03, 21:49] .: whatever whatever
[31/03, 21:52] .: waha to nahi roi
[31/03, 21:52] .: ghar aakar mummy ke pass roi
[31/03, 21:52] .: mummy ne zyada fucks nahi diye
[31/03, 21:53] .: aur attention seeking whore to mai hu hi
[31/03, 21:53] .: bhaiyya ke pass jaake roi
[31/03, 21:53] .: bhaiyya ne in true guy fashion bola
[31/03, 21:53] .: hota hai hota hai
[31/03, 21:53] .: we had chocolate pastries afterwards tho
[31/03, 21:53] .: phir maa (mausi) ghar aayi
[31/03, 21:54] .: bhaiyya ne sab bataya unhe
[31/03, 21:54] .: maa ne legit neelam mausi ko call kara then and there
[31/03, 21:54] .: aur khub sunaya
[31/03, 21:54] .: ki tyohar ke din beti ko rula diya
[31/03, 21:54] .: ganesh chaturthi thi i guess
[31/03, 21:55] .: itna khayal hai to khud aake dekh jaya kar na kya haal chaal hai iska
[31/03, 21:55] .: khayal wayal kuch hai nahi bas daantne me number 1
[31/03, 21:56] .: kaise banaya professor tujhe ye college walo ne
[31/03, 21:56] .: aur tere bete ki jo itni tareef kar rahi hai
[31/03, 21:56] .: etc etc etc
[31/03, 21:56] .: kha gayi ekdum
[31/03, 21:56] .: neelam mausi ko sunaya maa ne
[31/03, 21:56] .: tab phir i started feeling good
[31/03, 21:57] .: that tells you how much of a bitch i am
[31/03, 21:57] .: ayyyeee haayyyyeeeee
[31/03, 21:57] .: itna spam
[31/03, 21:58] .: neelam mausi's husband works in gurugram but wo sabko cambodia batati hai
[31/03, 21:59] .: and she once falsely accused her neighbour
[31/03, 21:59] .: tabse humari family hates her
[31/03, 21:59] .: and she lies so much
[31/03, 21:59] .: like so fucking much
[31/03, 21:59] .: unki puri family paagal hai
[31/03, 22:00] .: i don't like them at all
[31/03, 22:00] .: why are the worst people i know
[31/03, 22:00] .: winning at life
[31/03, 22:00] .: inke life ka trajectory
[31/03, 22:00] .: inke character se affect nahi hota kya
[31/03, 22:00] .: whatever happened to karma
[31/03, 22:01] .: merko kuch laaj sharam bhi nahi aa rahi abhi itna spam karne me
[31/03, 22:01] .: nikki ka result aaya
[31/03, 22:01] .: she's sad ki marks kam aaye
[31/03, 22:02] .: last time 94.70 the
[31/03, 22:02] .: iss baar 94.60 aaye
[31/03, 22:02] .: 5th me
[31/03, 22:03] .: school ne koi naya K+ section start kara hai for the bright kids
[31/03, 22:03] .: they test all the students and top 20 or 30 qualify for it i guess
[31/03, 22:03] .: nikki ka selection ho gaya
[31/03, 22:03] .: to wo room me aake suna gayi
[31/03, 22:04] .: ki aapka to nahi hua tha na dekho mera ho gaya
[31/03, 22:04] .: behen mere time pe to tha hi nahi aisa kuch 😭😭
[31/03, 22:05] .: ye gadha 82 pe naach raha hai
[31/03, 22:05] .: MRF ka bat
[31/03, 22:05] .: uske liye
[31/03, 22:05] .: wo bat dekhte hi laga
[31/03, 22:05] .: future me kabhi na kabhi
[31/03, 22:06] .: pitna to likha hai isse
[31/03, 22:06] .: the reason better be fun
[31/03, 22:07] .: i remember mere school time pe mera result dekhke the most common reaction i got was
[31/03, 22:07] .: "i thought you were intelligent"
[31/03, 22:08] .: like????
[31/03, 22:08] .: idk tumhara judgement about me was wrong no now how's that my fault 😭😭
[31/03, 22:09] .: once i told a teacher
[31/03, 22:09] .: the teacher basically saw my answer sheets
[31/03, 22:09] .: some substitute teacher
[31/03, 22:10] .: and she was like
[31/03, 22:10] .: i mean i was sitting very silently
[31/03, 22:10] .: quietly
[31/03, 22:11] .: she comes to me and she just sees my marks randomly and my percentage was 80 smthng
[31/03, 22:11] .: this was in 8th standard
[31/03, 22:11] .: the teacher goes like hmm your scores are decent your %age will be in 80s, that's good enough no
[31/03, 22:11] .: then why so sad
[31/03, 22:11] .: and i was like
[31/03, 22:12] .: parents want over 95%
[31/03, 22:12] .: if your parents scold you
[31/03, 22:12] .: let them meet me at the ptm
[31/03, 22:12] .: i was like no no no
[31/03, 22:12] .: they ain't gonna scold me
[31/03, 22:13] .: just prohibit me from participating in all the extracurricular activities
[31/03, 22:13] .: and ask me to focus more on my textbooks
[31/03, 22:13] .: she's like still let them meet me
[31/03, 22:13] .: ritu ma'am was her name i guess
[31/03, 22:13] .: she asks me my name
[31/03, 22:13] .: i say charvi
[31/03, 22:13] .: she goes like
[31/03, 22:13] .: "you're charvi??!!"
[31/03, 22:13] .: with like sm shock
[31/03, 22:14] .: and im like yeah why
[31/03, 22:14] .: like i've been charvi for almost 13 years now but never got such a reaction from anyone
[31/03, 22:14] .: obviously i didn't say this
[31/03, 22:14] .: i was just like why what happened
[31/03, 22:14] .: she was a new teacher
[31/03, 22:14] .: joined just a few weeks ago
[31/03, 22:15] .: she said
[31/03, 22:15] .: no i've heard a lot about charvi
[31/03, 22:15] .: you're a brilliant kid
[31/03, 22:15] .: from you even i would have expected not 95 but at least 97 or 98
[31/03, 22:15] .: i was like
[31/03, 22:15] .: pissed off ofc
[31/03, 22:16] .: i go like
[31/03, 22:16] .: ma'am im far from brilliant
[31/03, 22:16] .: def not brilliant in the way anyone would want me to be
[31/03, 22:17] .: my grades are mostly A2 and sometimes A1
[31/03, 22:17] .: she's like really then why do all the teachers praise you so much
[31/03, 22:17] .: idk what came over me
[31/03, 22:17] .: i just said
[31/03, 22:18] .: it's because i participate in literally all the extracurricular activities
[31/03, 22:18] .: she's like but a lot of other kids do too right
[31/03, 22:19] .: i say nobody is as active outside of the classroom as me and besides i win the most number of prizes in quizzes
[31/03, 22:19] .: idk i said it in the wrong way i guess
[31/03, 22:19] .: pura saal they didn't let me participate in any other quiz or activity moye moye
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moonshotsx · 2 years
Lol dakota "borrowing" dame for a stream or two, and kam's just there like "🙂 know your place". dame can't complain tho
dakota would totally say something like "it's not like you two are dating or something, right? 🥰" and kam is all >:( because yes, technically, they aren't but still
dame finds it amusing tbh
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mitskibf · 3 years
i am in 11th and I'm going to make it everyone's problem
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itheume · 4 years
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i asked for a soul refund but all i got out of it was this drawing
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space-knight-dummy · 3 years
elle greenaway really says kill all men
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