#kang ki young wedding
stuff-diary · 2 months
Wedding Impossible
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Wedding Impossible (2024, South Korea)
Director: Kwon Young Il
Writers: Oh Hye Won & Park Seul Ki (based on the webtoon by Song Jung Won)
Well, this drama was entertaining, but nothing more. It was especially funny at the beginning, thanks to that sort of 'rivalry' between the leads. However, once they solved that and started moving into purely romantic territory, the story began to lose steam quickly. Tbh, I kept watching to the very end because of the sizzling chemistry between Jeon Jong Seo and Moon Sang Min. And I guess I wanted to see how in the world they were gonna clear up the mess created by the characters, which was pretty fascinating. I feel like the show would have been better if the director had put more thought into its style, cause the whole thing looked pretty cheap and bland. But still, Wedding Impossible is fun enough, and I can see fans of classic romcoms enjoying it a lot.
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beseenandheard · 1 year
I usually don't comment on celebrities' personal lives as firstly, it's none of my business and secondly, we can never know entirely what goes on in strangers' personal lives...however, after the announcement of Song JoongKi's wedding/pregnancy announcement and the hate that is being directed at Song Hye Kyo by his obsessive fan's claiming she is a "maneater" who has "dated every single one of her leading men" is ridiculous and hypocritical.
Looking at the facts, she has dated 3 of her leading men (publically). They include her 'first love' Byung Hyun (2003), who is known for some nasty past scandals and for seeing multiple women at a time 2) Hyun Buin who publically stated he missed her such much after filming the drama together that he wanted to be with her but they separated due to him going to the military (2009-2011) and 3) Song JoongKi (2017) who has purposely tried to turn the public opinion on the divorce in his favour. Out of every single drama and film she has done (over 23 different roles)...she's getting hate for having dated 3? I can guarantee that these men have dated more women and the only reason people say she's dated so many is because she is Song Hye Kyo. She is a stunning woman and considered one of the top beauties in the industry, men fawn over her and frankly, people get jealous and project themselves onto her. Why is it okay that Song JoongKi is having a shotgun wedding just because he is an attractive man? or that Hyun byung dated other actresses, such as Kang sora and did not get hate and married another actress who he also worked with and was celebrated for it? Why can infamous womanizer and original Mr. Seedy get to marry one of Korea's sweethearts and it's all okay?
People in the media and fans have paired her with all her leading men because she is who she is...like Rain, Park Bogum, Lee Ki Young. She has not dated these men, that we know of but people still keep insisting she has 'fucked' or 'dated' all these men. The hypocrisy.
Now, I've never particularly liked Song Joongki but my opinion of him is incredibly low due to how he dealt with his divorce publically and even got his agency to threaten her through the media...a woman he supposedly loved at one point and considering how women are looked down upon (especially in Korea) just shows you what kind of man he is. I even have my suspicions about the timing of his announcement, but that's neither here nor there.
Ultimately, they have moved on and all for them, Song Hye Kyo is dominating with The Glory atm and it's honestly what she deserves. She's showing her self-worth through her work and giving the middle finger to the haters, but attacking her just because of who she represents, is ridiculous and it needs to stop. Rant over.
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tennant · 2 years
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Kang Ki Young as Jung Myeong Seok EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO (2022—) —  “The Wedding Dress That Slipped Off” (1.02)
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo was at its best in the early episodes when the drama was all about weirdly banal cases that offered a portrait of contemporary Korean society, albeit through the soft-focus lens of a K-drama. The stakes were low, but the entertainment was high and every case offered a little bit of insight. Like the case about the 'wardrobe malfunction' at the wedding.
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This was undoubtedly one of the best episodes in Extraordinary Attorney Woo. I doubt anyone would have anticipated that an episode that began with a husband putting his arms around his wife to protect her modesty would end with a wonderful statement in favour of queer love. The episode started with a celebration of a patriarchal institution and systematically broke it down with every consecutive scene. I thought the cherry on the cake was Woo Young-woo being the young woman's ally, but there was yet another fantastic twist in the tale after that when the young woman came out to her father.
My other favourite episode was Lee Bong-ryun as the idealistic, feminist lawyer who appears for the two married woman who go to court in the hope of bringing to light the sexism in corporate policies. This was such a charming watch because it showed us two perspectives — that of the scrappy, solo fighter that Lee plays; and the sensitivity that a big player can show when it has people like Kang Ki-young's Myung-seok displays. Lee is also such a joy to watch, especially in the bits with the judge. I loved that the writing made it clear that even though Hanbada won on paper, the real triumph was the women's who were not fazed by the court verdict. They knew they didn't stand much chance of winning, but they went ahead because they wanted their dissent to register and be part of a public conversation. The end of the episode, with all the women gathered together, was just full heartmelt. In fact, this was the episode that made me wish there would be a second season in which Young-woo would join Lee's firm.
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Yet for all the charm that this drama has, it has two major stumbling blocks. One is the character of "Tactician Min-woo", who is initially the kind of person who has a full victim complex even though they have no reason to feel victimised. Then, in the last few episodes, the drama decided Min-woo had to be redeemed. Most characters have a redemption arc; in Min-woo's case, it's a spike and we're supposed to accept that he's actually a good guy (despite all the odious things he did and said earlier) because Su-yeon likes him. I'm sorry, but it makes no sense. Even if I assume that love is irrational (insert eye roll here) and thus Su-yeon, without warning, finds she's forgotten all the things she (justifiably) hated about Min-woo, the drama needed to make Min-woo apologise to Young-woo. He was a proper bully to her and the heart eyes that the drama makes at Min-woo in the last three episodes makes it seem as though his bullying shouldn't be held against him. That's messed up.
Similarly, what is up with Young-woo's dad? I understand that parenting is tough, but he's constantly making it about his troubles and his challenges, and the drama suggests this is acceptable. From early on, the drama makes it seem as though Young-woo breezes through life while her father suffers heartbreak after heartbreak because she's on the autism spectrum. Both as a child and as an adult, we're told she doesn't offer him comfort when he needs it. Of course it's valid to talk about how difficult parenting can be, but there should have been some indication of how difficult it was for Young-woo to make sense of the world around her.
It's also really problematic how Young-woo's dad considers her his property. The show doesn't address how he seems to encourage Young-woo to break up with Jun-ho — which could be seen as a way of ensuring she stays with her father and under is control. Control seems to be a major part of being a father in Bae-soo's book and the drama is happy to give him control over Young-woo's life. It's as though she 'owes' him that power because of all the challenges he faced while raising her when in fact he was doing what he signed up for. After all, he's the one who insisted Tae Su-mi have the child rather than opt for an abortion (as though her concerns are a sign of moral corruption which they're not). Arguably, his decision to set up a gimbap shop rather than pursue his law degree is irresponsible as a single father, but the show insists he's being heroic. In contrast, the show has no sympathy for a young Su-mi, who finds herself pregnant as a single young woman. There's no hint given to how difficult it must have been for her to convince her family to let her have the baby or how hard it was for her to give up the newborn child. Later, we're to have no sympathy for Su-mi as a parent — her response to finding out her son is a hacker is melodramatic and appalling — as though it's a cakewalk to raise a preternaturally intelligent kid who can go around hacking any device in sight.
The show never gives Su-mi a chance. The first time we see her, we're told she's privileged and benefiting from nepotism (she inherited the top spot at the law firm from her father). In the court case that she fights, we see Taesan's methods range from unscrupulous to being corrupt. Then she makes the offer of giving Young-woo a job in Taesan's American branch — not out of the kindness of her heart, but because she wants Young-woo out of sight and out of mind as she runs for the position of the Minister of Justice. Instead of approaching Young-woo, she goes to Bae-soo first. Again, the show doesn't see anything weird about that. Similarly, the CEO of Hanbada talks to Bae-soo when she's politicking, as though Young-woo is incapable of thinking for herself. Perhaps the most glaring example of Bae-soo's controlling streak is when he makes a deal with the CEO of Hanbada and tells her that Young-woo can be used for the CEO's ends only once. At no point does the show encourage the viewers to ask what gives Bae-soo the right to decide this? That too without even discussing the matter with Young-woo. At no point does anyone, least of all Young-woo, point out that Young-woo's life is her own. Her father does not get to make decisions about her.
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It's a major problem that both the older women in Extraordinary Attorney Woo are shown as immoral and villainous. Tae Su-mi is demonised for having wanted an abortion as a student and ultimately, she has to lose her professional success — she excuses herself from the ministerial race — in order to be considered a good mother. That's disappointingly regressive. Meanwhile, we've been through 16 episodes, but we still don't know why the CEO of Hanbada has such a hostile relationship with Tae Su-mi. The show takes the time to explain (unconvincingly) how Tae Su-mi's son found out the secret that practically no one knows, but it doesn't feel the need to give an explanation for the animosity between these two women, who are both heading up law firms. It's almost as though the show is urging the viewer to go with the stereotype that women are inclined to have catfights with one another. It's a sharp contrast to the friendships Young-woo has with her girlfriends, but it's worth noting that neither of these friendships are with people who can be considered either her equal or her senior. Geurami may have some street-smart qualities, but she's quite obviously neither as smart nor as successful as Young-woo. There's less of an imbalance between Su-yeon and Young-woo, but it's clear that Su-yeon knows Young-woo is the better lawyer. She never competes with Young-woo.
For a show that began with so much heart and gave us so much to love, the last few episodes have felt disappointing and occasionally careless. After Young-woo described herself as a narwhal in a conversation with Su-mi, I expected to see a narhwal outside her train window in the last sequence. Instead, it was the regular humpback whale again and as beautiful as these VFX bits are in Extraordinary Attorney Woo, it would have been nice to see a narwhal swimming with a pod of belugas.
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idolskpop · 8 months
Next Suzy? THIS Rookie Star is Making Waves in the Korean Entertainment Industry
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Lee Eun Jae, a 26-year-old actress, has been gaining attention for her stunning visuals and versatile acting skills. She has been compared to Hallyu star Suzy, who is known for her beauty and talent.
Who is Lee Eun Jae?
Lee Eun Jae is a rising actress who debuted in 2019 with the web series “Best Mistake”. She played the role of Kim Yeon Doo, a high school student who gets involved in a complicated love triangle.
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(Photo : Lee Eun Jae Instagram) She then appeared in several popular dramas, such as “18 Again”, “When I Was The Most Beautiful”, and “Dream”. She worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Kim So Yeon, Kim Ha Neul, Hwang In Yeop, Lee Do Hyun, and Wi Ha Joon. She also became an Innisfree commercial model, showcasing her flawless skin and natural charm.
Why is she called the next Suzy?
Lee Eun Jae has been receiving praise for her resemblance to Suzy, one of the most successful idol-actresses in Korea. Suzy debuted as a member of Miss A in 2010 and later pursued a solo career as a singer and an actress. She starred in hit dramas such as “Dream High”, “While You Were Sleeping”, and “Vagabond”.
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(Photo : Lee Eun Jae Instagram) Lee Eun Jae and Suzy have similar features, such as almond-shaped eyes, a button nose, and thin lips. They also have a sweet smile and a graceful aura that captivate the fans. Lee Eun Jae’s high school photos went viral online, revealing that she was an ulzzang (a term for people with excellent visuals) before becoming an actress. She even earned the nickname “Gyeongsan Girls High School’s Suzy” because of her striking similarity to the Hallyu star.
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(Photo : Lee Eun Jae Instagram) Many netizens have agreed that Lee Eun Jae looks like Suzy. Here are some of their comments: “She’s so pretty. She really looks like Suzy.” “She has the same vibe as Suzy. She’s going to be big.” “She’s like a mix of Suzy and Pyo Ye Jin. She has a bright future ahead of her.”
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(Photo : Suzy's Instagram)
What are her upcoming projects?
Lee Eun Jae is currently filming for the drama “Divorce Attorney Shin”, where she plays the role of Shin Yoo Ri, a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases. She will be working with Kim So Yeon, who plays the titular character Shin Yoo Jin. The drama is expected to air in 2023 on TVN. It will be a legal romance comedy that will show the different perspectives of marriage and divorce. Lee Eun Jae is also preparing for her big screen debut with the movie “The Night Before The Wedding”, where she plays the role of Han Soo Ah, a bride-to-be who gets involved in a mysterious incident on the eve of her wedding.
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(Photo : Lee Eun Jae Instagram) The movie is directed by Lee Byung Hun, who is known for his works such as “Twenty”, “Extreme Job”, and “The Book of Fish”. It will also star Kim Young Kwang, Lee Yi Kyung, Kang Ki Young, and Kim Seul Gi. The movie is scheduled to premiere in 2023 as well.
How to follow Lee Eun Jae?
Lee Eun Jae is active on Instagram, where she posts updates about her personal and professional life. She also shares behind-the-scenes photos and videos from her dramas and movies. You can follow her on Instagram @ mercieun to see more of her beautiful photos and adorable selfies. She also has a fan club called Eunjellies, who support her activities and cheer for her success. Lee Eun Jae is one of the most promising actresses in the Korean entertainment industry. She has proven her acting skills and charisma in various genres and platforms. She has also impressed the fans with her gorgeous visuals that resemble Suzy.
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(Photo : Plus M Entertainment) She is definitely someone to watch out for in the future, as she continues to challenge herself and grow as an artist. What do you think of Lee Eun Jae? Do you agree that she looks like Suzy? Which of her dramas or movies have you watched or are looking forward to watching? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends who love Korean entertainment news. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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enterenews · 1 year
Seo In-young, already married…
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Singer Seo In-young, who is about to get married in February, appeared in the Lunar New Year special, 'I Like Tuesday Night'.
On the 24th, the TV Chosun entertainment program 'I like Tuesday night' visited the small room for the New Year's Day special.
On this day, singers Kim Ho-joong, Seo In-young, Young-ki, Jung Da-kyung, Heo Gyeong-hwan, and Jung Ho-young appeared and captivated viewers with a special stage.
In particular, Seo In-young chose the 'pink lipstick' of her senior Kang Ae-Rija. 'Pink Lipstick' is actually a song Seo In-young sang to her prospective groom. Seo In-young is a prospective bride ahead of her wedding in February. Seo In-young sang her song with a sweet voice, and made the audience as well as the cast fall in love with him.
Seo In-young also revealed a behind-the-scenes story with her prospective groom. Seo In-young recalled the time they met and said, “The prospective groom didn’t know I was Seo In-young,” and she took everyone by surprise.
In addition, she continued her surprise announcement, saying, "I registered her marriage first because I was afraid I would change my mind." Afterwards, Seo In-young pointed out her star love when asked who she wanted to fight against. The confrontation between Seo In-young and her star love is predicted, raising expectations for the next episode.
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fluffyyewon · 3 years
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rainstormmushrooms · 3 years
What’s wrong with Secretary Kim?
Kdrama | 16 episodes | duration : 1hr
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Loved how they set up the altar scene.
That final kiss. Swoon!
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passionforfiction · 4 years
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On Your Wedding Day
When I read the title I thought I knew what I was getting into. A story where one of them was going to try to win back true love before the other got married. . . Boy, was I wrong. . .  what I got was something soooo much sweeter.
Not all happy endings are about getting a loved one back, this happy ending was about acknowledging the importance each of them had in their lives and being grateful for the time they had together. It’s about letting go so each can find happiness, looking back with a smile and letting go. It’s sweet with sadness miggled into it, that’s true - it can’t be helped, there are loves that are beautiful because of the taste of sweetness and salty tears. This story was beautiful and different. A story I could sooo totally relate. I connected with the characters, their feelings, relationships and friendships. They inspired each other to become better, they anchored each other and reminded each other where they really wanted to go. They were considerate towards each other and even though they hurt, their love was mature enough to say thank you and wish each other well.
A must see!
Poster from Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/312507661639396286/
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 3 years
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nosebleed when you study too much...
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kakenaku · 5 years
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Moral of the story? Don’t tattoo partner names unless you know someone with the same name.
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namjhyun · 6 years
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“On Your Wedding Day” tells the story of a young man who quite unexpectedly get an invitation to the wedding from his first love.
Release date in South Korea : 2018/08/22 Cast:
Kim Young-kwang
Park Bo-young
Kang Ki Young
Jang Sung bum
Shin So-yul
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angelsarts · 5 years
Hey I'm sorry to ask, but do you have updates for korean dramas? I can't find the link to your old one but also maybe some newer suggestions? (It's okay if you don't!)
It’s cool, I can do a new one! These are all in the order that I watched them in!
1. Coffee Prince ( A great choice for a first k-drama)
Choi Han-gyul is the grandson of chairwoman Bang of Dong-in Foods, a company that has a thriving coffee business. He has never had a job and does not care for responsibility. Han-gyul is hung up on his first love, Han Yoo-joo, who only sees him as a friend. Go Eun-chan is a 24-year-old tomboy who is often mistaken for a guy. Her father died when she was 16 years old and since then she has taken over as the breadwinner in her family. When Han-kyul and Eun-chan meet, he, not knowing that she is a girl, decides to hire her to pretend to be his gay lover so that he can escape the blind dates arranged by his grandmother. 
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2. Cinderella with four knights
Eun Ha Won is a bright college student who dreams of becoming a teacher. Unfortunately, she loses her mother in a tragic accident, moves in with a cruel stepmother, and has no money for her education. One day, she helps an old man and as fate would have it, moves into a gorgeous mansion with three equally gorgeous men, who also happen to be billionaire cousins and heirs to the Kang family fortune. Between the rebel-minded loner Kang Ji Woon, playboy money machine Kang Hyun Min and the super-sweet singer Kang Seo Woo, Eun Ha Won finds herself in the middle of the hottest love quadrangle to ever befall a modern fairy tale princess. Rounding out the mansion’s chaebol lifestyle are Lee Yoon Sung, who serves as the cousins’ handsome bodyguard, and Park Hye Ji, a gorgeous girl who has her own interests in the Kang family and is not above manipulating one cousin to get closer to another.
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3. Bride of the century
Taeyang Group is the largest conglomerate in South Korea. The Choi family who runs Taeyang has supposedly been under a curse for a hundred years that the first bride of the eldest son will always die. When the wealthy heiress Jang Yi-kyung disappears right before her wedding to chaebol heir Choi Kang-joo , Na Doo-rim , a lookalike impostor, is brought in to take her place. Unlike the cold and calculating Yi-kyung, Doo-rim is sweet and sunny, and Kang-joo genuinely falls in love with her. As the wedding plans progress, Kang-joo and Yi-kyung’s mothers both scheme and plot behind the scenes will the romance gets more complicated with the secret of not being the real Jang Yu-kyung.
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4. Strong woman Do Bong Soon
Do Bong-soon was born with superhuman strength. Her strength is hereditary and passed along only to the women in her family. Her dream is to create a video game with herself as the main character. She desperately wants to become a delicate and elegant woman, which is the ideal type of her crush, In Guk-doo, a police officer. Thanks to her strength, she gets a job as bodyguard to rich heir Ahn Min-hyuk, the CEO of a gaming company, Ainsoft. In contrast to Guk-doo, Min-hyuk is an eccentric man who is playful, a little spoiled, has no regard for rules, and dislikes policemen. He has recently received anonymous threats and has even been stalked, leading him to hire Bong-soon as his bodyguard after seeing her beat up a bunch of men after they threatened an old man who was an elementary school bus driver. A series of kidnapping cases soon happen in Dobong-dong, the district Bong-soon lives in, and she is determined to catch the culprit, who targeted her best friend. With help and training from Min-hyuk, she manages to control her strength to use it for good causes. Min-hyuk and Bong-soon find their relationship growing into something more.
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5. My secret romance
Jin-wook and Yoo-mi meet at a Gangwon-do resort and get caught up in a series of misunderstandings and accidents. Yoo-mi is there to attend her mother’s second wedding while Jin-wook is there working as a bellhop (a position given to him by his Chairman father to teach him responsibility.) Yoo-mi is charmed by Jin-wook’s sly and playful personality, and they unexpectedly spend the night together. However, Yoo-mi disappears in the morning, leaving Jin-wook feeling perplexed and insulted. Three years later, the two meet again when Yoo-mi becomes a nutritionist at the company cafeteria where Jin-wook works. It seems that once a playboy Jin-wook, has given up his carefree life and works at the company owned by his father. He has feelings for Yoo-mi and has kept her bra-pad as a memory of the night that they spent together. At first, he is strict toward her, though it is only because he is looking for reasons to be near her. He later confesses this to her and agrees to wait for her.
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6. Scarlet heart ryeo ( One of my all time favourites) 
During a total solar eclipse, a 25-year-old 21st-century woman, Go Ha-jin, is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty. She wakes up in the year of 941 in the body of Hae Soo, among the many royal princes of the ruling Wang family. She initially falls in love with the gentle and warm-hearted 8th Prince Wang Wook, and later Wang So, the fearsome 4th Prince who hides his face behind a mask and is given the derogatory label of “wolf dog.” As the story develops, Hae Soo finds herself unwittingly caught between the rivalry and politics among the princes over the fight for the throne, an she stay alive long enough for a happy ending?
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7. Falling for innocence
Min Ho is a cold-blooded corporate raider who takes no prisoners. He is a scoundrel investment banker for Gold Investment, seemingly the world’s largest financial service firm. As a cynical, self-defensive, suspicious sociopath, he wears down people with his tenacity and takes advantage of them with his delusions of grandeur. However, Min Ho has his own story of how he became evil - it was because of his uncle’s betrayal. His father was overthrown by his uncle and it caused his family to hit bottom. As Min Ho vows to get revenge, he meets Soon Jung, the daughter of his father’s former secretary who betrayed him and whom now works for his uncle. One day, he has a heart attack and is taken to a hospital. He miraculously survives his heart attack after undergoing a heart transplant. His heart is actually from Dong Wook, a young detective and Soon Jung’s fiancé who suffered from brain damage from a mysterious car accident. After receiving a new life thanks to the new heart, he is no longer the cold and callous person that he has been and undergoes a profound change to his personality, talking differently and warming up people. But he still pursues his plan to get revenge on his uncle even though his emotions get in the way at times. He gradually learns the meaning of happiness when he finds Soon Jung, whom he wants to cherish and protect. His heart becomes tender and his eyes swell with tears when as he works with her. He falls in love with her without realising it.
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8. The bride of Habaek / the water god
When the narcissistic water god Ha-baek visits earth in order to find three stones powerful enough to help him claim his throne, he seeks out the help of his servant and destined bride, psychiatrist So-ah, whose family is fated to serve the water god for generations. The problem is that she has no belief in the gods and initially mistakes him for suffering from delusions. Things get even stranger when the wind god Bi-ryeom, the water goddess Mu-ra, and the semi-god Hu-ye show up to complicate things
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9. Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo
Kim Bok-Joo is a promising collegiate female weightlifter. Her father runs a small chicken restaurant and her uncle wants to become an actor. She has a bright personality and strong sense of justice. Kim Bok-Joo and her friends on the female weightlifting team are not popular with the guys and they don’t have boyfriends. The weightlifting team and the rhythmic gymnastic team also don’t get along at all. Meanwhile, Jung Joon-Hyung is a collegiate swimmer plagued with numerous false start disqualifications. He is 21-years-old and has a free spirit. His uncle and aunt raised him along with his cousin Jung Jae-Yi. One day on campus, Kim Bok-Joo bumps into Jung Joon-Hyung while he is riding his bicycle. Her face looks familiar to Jung Joon-Hyung. After he leaves, Kim Bok-Joo picks up a handkerchief left behind by Jung Joon-Hyung. The handkerchief is very important to him and he begins looking for it. Later, Kim Bok-Joo cleans and irons the handkerchief. She goes to the school’s swimming pool and gives back his handkerchief, but he explodes with anger when he sees that she cleaned it. Kim Bok-Joo then falls into the swimming pool and Jung Joon-Hyung jumps into the pool to save her. At that moment, Kim Bok-Joo and Jung Joon-Hyung realize where they have seen each other before. When they were both children, Kim Bok-Joo saved Jung Joon-Hyung’s life by catching him before he fell to the ground.What happens now they know each other?
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10. I’m not a robot
Kim Min-kyu lives an isolated life due to a severe allergy to other people. He develops extreme rashes that rapidly spread throughout his body once he makes any form of skin contact. Jo Ji-ah is a woman who is trying to make it in life by creating her own businesses. Kim Min-kyu who owns the KM Financial company which owns Santa Maria team headed by professor Hong Baek-kyun. Professor Hong’s team has created a humanoid robot called Aji 3 which looks like his ex-girlfriend Jo Ji-ah. CEO of KM Financial, Kang Ki-young, and his father try to sell the Santa Maria team to foreign investor, Martin, who secretly knows about the Aji 3 and wants to use it as a weapon. Hong Baek-kyun sends the robot to Kim Min-kyu to convince him not to sell the team. Before Aji 3 is delivered, the robot’s body is accidentally damaged. Hong Baek-kyun approaches Jo Ji-ah, asking her to pose as the robot, giving the team time to repair Aji 3. Jo Ji-ah agrees, and impersonates the robot under the supervision of the Santa Maria team and the robot’s computer brain, can she survive without being caught out?
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11. Goblin / Guardian the lonely and great
Kim Shin is a goblin and protector of souls. He is the landlord of the grim reaper, who is in charge of taking deceased souls. Wanting to end his immortal life, Shin has been looking for his human bride, the only person who can end his life. Meanwhile, Ji Eun-tak is a high school student who remains optimistic despite the tragedies and difficulties she has experienced in her life. She summons the goblin by chance, and through various encounters, ends up falling in love with him. Sunny is a chicken restaurant owner, whose beauty is undeniable, but what has she got to do with the goblin and reaper? These four characters’ lives took a series of twists and turns when they intertwined.
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12. Terius behind me (Another favourite!)
Go Ae-Rin suddenly loses her husband left to take care of her two children on her own. A mysterious man, Kim Bon, that lives next door ends up getting tangled into their lives. Kim Bon is a legendary NIS agent and 3 years ago, he was involved in a failed secret operation and the woman he loved died. He has since become disconnected with the world and lives alone quietly but that soon changes as he helps his neighbor Go Ae-Rin with her children and uncover a conspiracy, which her husband became involved with all the while trying to keep his secrets by the nosy neighbours in the building.
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13. 100 days my prince 
Lee Yool is the Crown Prince of Joseon, a perfectionist who disregards the majority of those in the royal palace and appears to be cold and demanding, when in reality, he is lonely. He then passes the law that all women must marry before they reach the age of 28. Hong Shim is head of the first detective agency in Joseon, a strong, intelligent figure who takes on multiple jobs to support herself and her father. She is also the oldest unmarried woman in her village, and begins to look for a husband to avoid trouble from law officials. In an attempted assassination, Lee Yool develops temporary amnesia and wanders around aimlessly as a commoner with no name or identity, until he meets none other than Hong Shim, who takes him under her care. Hong Shim is then forced to marry Won Deuk to save her village from drought, due to beliefs in that era where natural disasters are a result of an unmarried woman’s misery. This drama depicts how the love story of Hong Shim, ‘Joseon’s oldest unmarried woman’ and Lee Yool, the amnesiac Crown Prince, develops over the span of 100 days.
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14. My ID is Gangnam beauty
Kang Mi-rae decides to get plastic surgery after years of being bullied because of her looks. Her “rebirth” seems successful at first, but as her life at the university unfolds, her plan starts to backfire. The pressure of being a “pretty girl” begins to pressure her and, worse, those who can see through her surgery ridicule her and tag her as the “Gangnam plastic surgery monster.” The drama follows Mi-rae’s story of recovering self-esteem as she figures out what a two faced friend is and gets to know her coursemate, and former schoolmate in middle school, Do Kyung-seok
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15. The secret life of my secretary 
Do Min-Ik works as a director of the mobile media 1 team at T&T, he’s smart and excellent at his job however he doesn’t like to attach himself to people or his secretary. His secretary is Jung Gal-Hee, a diligent and motivated person that does whatever it takes to keep her job and feed her family. Do Min-Ik often does childish things like calling Jung Gal-Hee continually, Jung Gal-Hee carries out Do Min-Ik’s orders without complaints but though she may look soft, she hides her tough side. The tough side soon comes out as she is fired, much to Do Min-Ik’s regret he soon discovers that he’s going to need her more than ever and discovers a new side to her in the process.
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16. W - Two worlds ( Really recommended!! )
A love story of two people split apart in different worlds connected by a webtoon. The series focuses on the eponymous fictional webtoon entitled W, written and illustrated by its legendary author and illustrator Oh Seong-moo. W became famous in the entire South Korea, the storyline of the webtoon W starts with the younger years of its main character Kang Chul, a handsome and intelligent boy who is also skilled in shooting. He becomes famous as he won a shooting competition during the 2004 Athens Olympics but this fame gets ruined when his entire family was killed by an unknown Murderer, and then framed for it. Another villain Han Cheol-ho  handles the case to gain political popularity, pronouncing in court to impose death penalty upon Kang Chul. Nevertheless, Kang Chul was deemed innocent of the crime. Depressed over losing his family, he attempts to commit suicide over the Han River but he stops himself and chooses to move on with his life.Ten years later, Kang Chul becomes a multimillionaire, starting his “Project W” in his continuous efforts to catch the real culprit behind his family’s death; part of the project is his television broadcasting company dubbed “W,” after the initials of the interrogatives “who” and “why” (hence, the title of the webtoon). One night, he receives a suspicious phone call and gets severely injured by the same mysterious Murderer at the rooftop of his penthouse, only to be saved by a mysterious girl, none other than the authors daughter. How did she get there? Why is she there? How will they become entangled?
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17. My contracted husband Mr Oh
Han Seung-Joo (Uee) is a single woman in her mid 30’s who works as a PD at a broadcasting station. She does well at her job, but is not nearly as good when it comes to housework. Han Seung-Joo has a hard time dealing with social prejudices about single women but still refuses to marry at least until an incident that occurs leading to a dramatic change in her life. She seeks to find a husband thinking it would help her situation but to get the position of a “married woman,” Han Seung-Joo marries Oh Jak-Doo as a contract husband who lives in the mountain that she just happened to own. Their marriage is not based on love, but their relationship develops romantically after several twists and turns.
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18. Marriage contract ( For those who love to cry, seriously heartbreak ahead )
Kang Hye-soo is a single mother who struggles to raise her daughter while paying off her late husband’s debts. Han Ji-hoon is the son of a chaebol who seeks a contract marriage in order to save his mother, who needs a liver transplant. When Hye-soo is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, she agrees to marry Ji-hoon and donate part of her liver to his mother, in exchange for enough money to provide for her daughter until she reaches adulthood. Han Ji-Hoon is driving along when Hye-Soo is almost hit saving her 7 year old daughter Eun-Seong, He rushes her to the hospital as she faints however while she is being tested the Manager of the restaurant Han Ji-Hoon owns Ho-Joon tells him might be a scam and to make sure she is really hurt. Han Ji-Hoon has Hye-Soo’s phone and receives a call from a mysterious man which turns out to be the debt collector who comes to the hospital after hearing it being said in the background. He chases Hye-Soo when she is leaving, where he almost catches her but she in the end hides in Han Ji-Hoon’s car with Eun-Seong. Han Ji-Hoon’s mother has been rushed to the hospital where they find out that if she doesn’t get a liver transplant she will die but she is way down on the list so Han Ji-Hoon decides to marry a Hye-Soo she agrees so she can pay off her debt and also make sure Eun-Seong has money to grow up on as she gets the results back from when she fainted and she has a brain tumour. Eun-Seong in the beginning doesn’t like Han Ji-Hoon but she warms up to him as the pretend relationship blossoms into something real.
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19. 200 pounds beauty
Han-Na is a very large girl with a warm heart. She also possesses an unbelievable voice. Han-Na wants to become a pop-singer, but due to her extra-large appearance, can only work as a faceless singer. She provides the vocals for a popular singer named Amy, a beautiful young lady that can’t carry a note to save her life.Han-Na is also in love with Amiys music producer, Sang-Joon, but it’s a one-sided love. One day, Han-Na is invited to Sang-Joon’s birthday party and receives a red dress from him to wear to his party. Han-Na is excited, yet scared. The dress is revealing and quite extravagant. With her very large figure, she is not sure if she can wear such an outfit. Han-Na does eventually go to the birthday party in the red dress, but is mortified when petite Amy appears in the same red dress. During the course of the birthday party, Han-Na absorbs more emotional trauma and she simply disappears for one year. Han-Na then returns as the beautiful Jenny, a beautiful stunner who decides to make it on her own in the industry but encounters her once sided love. Will she be a success? Will her feelings get in the way and can she keep the guilt of the consequences of what her change brings?
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20. Takane to Hana ( Japanese )
A tv show adapted from a manga ( that I particularly loved).  After her older sister refuses to go to an arranged marriage meeting with Takane Saibara, the heir to a vast business fortune, high schooler Hana Nonomura agrees to be her stand-in to save face for the family. But what happens when Hana meets Takane is an unexpected pairing of utter opposites! Although it seemed a little rushed at the end it was a nice tv show!
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offbeatcappuccino · 3 years
What I Watched This Week: February 16-23 (*Spoilers*)
Hello friends!
I am starting a new thing, where I will be writing reactions for the kdramas I watch every week. I try to avoid watching completed shows because I often just end up binge-watching them and so I only watching ongoing shows during the semester. However, this means that I have to wait nearly two months to write my reviews and analyses. Therefore, I am starting this new writing project. I hope you all will enjoy reading them!
Sisyphus: The Myth ( Thursdays and Fridays): This past week, I watched the first and second episodes of Sisyphus. Sisyphus stars Park Shin Hye and Cho Seung Woo, where the latter plays Han Tae Sul, an engineer and CEO of the successful company, Quantum and Time. On the other Park Shin Hye, plays the character, Kang Seo Hae, a mysterious young woman, that appears to have time travelled to warn Han Tae Sul. Its been a long time since I watched an action focused sci fi kdrama as I've been riding the rom-com wave for a while, but I was super excited to see Park Shin Hye in a drama. Park Shin Hye, was the first kdrama actress that I was introduced to, and my first kdrama was Doctors. However, this is my first Cho Seung Woo drama. So far, Sisyphus seems super interesting and after watching the first two episodes, I was left with many questions, especially surrounding Tae Sul's brother and why Seo Hae wants to meet Tae Sul ( it looks like they get married or atleast have a wedding, but I want to know more about the specifics about their relationship). Sisyphus has great potential as show. The only concern I have is that the plot may get too convoluted and become hard to follow along. Other similar dramas like The King Eternal Monarch seemed to fall into this trap.
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Vincenzo (Saturdays and Sundays) : I also watched the first two episodes of Vincenzo starring Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Been, Ok Taec Yeon, and Yoo Jae Myung. This is the second kdrama that I am watching Song Joong Ki in. The first one was the blockbuster hit "Descendants of The Sun", which starred him and his ex-wife Song Hye Kyo. After Descendants of The Sun, I spent a couple of months, obsessing over Song Joong Ki and was disappointed when I couldn't really commit to watching Arthdal Chronicles. Regardless, I absolutely LOVED the first two episodes of Vincenzo. Before watching Vincenzo, I did not know that it was a dark comedy, and thought it was a thriller, but the comedy in this show is top notch. Its hilarious seeing this dichotomy that exists with Song Joong Ki's Vincenzo Cassano. Vincenzo's the man that doesn't flinch when it comes to pulling the trigger, and yet, you see him on the brink of tears and frustration when the dry cleaners damage his vintage Italian suit. Also, though I initially watched this show for Vincenzo, Hong Cha Yeon stole my heart. She is spunky, hilarious, dramatic, and brilliant. Her character reminds me a lot of Jun Ji Hyun's Cheon Song Yi from My Love From The Star. My only concern with this drama is how reduced Ok Taec Yeon's role is. Ok Taec Yeon is a talented actor, who has succesfully acted in leading roles. Therefore, I found it disappointing to see him reduced as simply playing the dumb intern that exists for comic relief. I hope his character is more flushed out in future episodes!
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She Would Never Know ( Mondays and Tuesdays): Finally, I watched Episodes 11 and 12 of She Would Never Know starring Won Jin Ah and Ro Woon. I didn't realize till today how far along I came with watching this show. I haven't been able to be as committed to watching She Would Never Know because it is not available on any mainstream streaming sites for free. Therefore, I have resorted to watching the show on Kiss Asian and the pop-up ads have been annoying. Regardless, She Would Never Know is definitely one of those slow burn dramas that don't make an immediate impact, but they grow on you over time. Cha Hyun Seung and Yoon Song Ah are finally in a relationship and I am here for the fluff! I also love how the show still manages to focus on their professional lives. I find the inner workings and conflicts that come with working for a major cosmetics company. I also am looking forward to seeing how the LGBTQI+ storyline with Cha Hyun Seung’s sister will play out and how Lee Jae Shin’s relationship with Hyo Joo will unfold. Hyo Joo is unfortunately a stereotypical kdrama character, who resorts to playing the unhinged crazy possessive girlfriend, who refuses to move on. At this point, Hyo Joo needs a therapist more than anything and I hope there is a redemption arc for her character. Also, I wish the show would go more into why she’s so hell bent on marrying Lee Jae Shin even though he’s from a lower social class and is frankly not attracted to her. Regardless, I want to give a special shout out to Ha-Eun she’s such a precious character! She really be out here giving better relationship advice than most adults.
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fierycavalier · 3 years
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5. An unpopular kdrama trope that you enjoy
This is hard. My thing is that any trope done well I enjoy. I also love obvious tropes being subverted at the last minute. A well done love triangle, for example can give me life for weeks! Unfortunately, it’s rarer than it should be, considering how much practice Hallyu has with them.
14. A drama where you disliked everyone but the main lead
These are more dramas where I hated or didn’t care about anything except the main couple’s story; side characters have to really earn my attention and they got way too much here:
Do You Like Brahms? - Everyone except the main couple in this was basically just mean, including the other 4 supposedly main characters. It’s a testament to Park Eun Bin and Kim Min Jae that I finished this at all.
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? - I found Park Seo Joon’s staff mildly entertaining (except that loud redhead, I couldn’t handle her), but they got way too much screen time in the second half when the story ran out of plot for Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young. (Could have just had a longer wedding scene! Come on!)
Wait, no. Kang Ki Young gets a pass to have as much screen time as he wants in everything because he’s hilarious.
Record of Youth - I genuinely didn’t care about anyone except Park So Dam, and when it became clear they were going to ignore her in favor of the Park Bo Gum Show, I quit tuning in.
15. A drama where you skipped at least one episode
She Was Pretty. I made it about 3 or 4 episodes in and then googled “when does he find out she’s his childhood friend” and skipped to then. Her looks, as is typical with these things, weren’t the problem. The problem was the way she went completely stupid every time he was in the room. I couldn’t take the cringe anymore.
Unpopular Opinion Kdrama Ask List
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March 17th
Master List
The rain pounded on the sidewalk as the man ran down the streets. His uniform was soaked through, but that wasn’t going to stop him. 
“Captain Kang! Where are you going?” The person following him begged to know. He couldn’t bring himself to answer, instead only weaving through the people spilling from the pub. “Captain!” His heavy boots splashed through the puddles on the sidewalk, dragging him closer and closer to his destination. 
The cafe was already spilling its patrons when he arrived, a sea of umbrellas between him and the door, but he could still make out your shape. The guitar bag slung over your back, the frog umbrella he had bought you erupting over your head as you stepped out of the building with your bandmate. 
“Captain, why are you-” The young man panted, coming to a halt beside him. “Sir it's pouring, and you shouldn’t be out here, we have to leave soon.”
“Y/n!” His voice cut over the chatter, and all eyes fell on him, including yours. 
“Daesung?” You called back, squinting at him in the darkness. “What are you doing its pouring?”
“I’m leaving tonight, and I don’t know if I’ll come back.” “Dae,” Your face shifts to one of sadness, and your grip on your umbrella tightens. 
“I need to tell you before I leave.” Dae pauses, straightening his shoulders. “I’m in love with you.” You let out a single laugh, shaking your head. 
“I know that, you idiot.”
“Marry me.” He pulls the small box out of his pocket and the crowd gasps. “When I get home, promise me we’ll start planning our wedding.” You sigh, pulling your guitar bag off your shoulder and dropping your umbrella. Walking towards him, he can’t help his smile. “You’re going to get soaked.” He chides as you get close to him. You don’t answer, instead only plucking the box from his grip. Inside is a simple bronze band with a series of diamonds pressed into it. “Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful Dae, but I can’t accept this now.” His heart drops, but you’re still smiling. You instead reach up and unclip his dog tags. You pull the ring from the box and slide it onto his chain, before reclipping it. “So bring it back to me and ask me again then.” You finally look up at his eyes. “And come back soon, okay?” He nods, saluting you. “That’s an order.” 
“Understood.” You laugh again, something he knows he’s going to miss during this mission, and then you cup his cheek, pressing your lips to his and his heart soars. 
“I love you Kang Daesung. Come back to me, and you’ll hear my answer.”
“I’ll be back before you even realize I’m gone.” He promises. You step back turning to his follower. 
“Who are you?” The young man salutes you, coming to attention under your gaze. 
“Private Kim Ki Bum.” 
“Keep him safe Ki Bum, and I’ll buy you Soju when you get back.” 
“Really?” The kid asks, dropping his guard. You smile at him, chuckling softly. 
“Only if he comes home unscathed. Now go, both of you, before you get in trouble.” Dae nods, giving you one more kiss before they’re both jogging back the way they came. “Good luck boys!” You call, seeing them wave back to you. “And please, just come home.” 
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