bts-trans · 1 year
230905 WKorea's Instagram Reel
#협찬 BTS RM이 보테가 베네타(Bottega Veneta)가 후원하는 강서경 작가의 <버들 북 꾀꼬리> 개인전에 참석했습니다. 그가 더블유 독자들에게 보내온 반가운 인사말을 확인해보세요. RM의 더 많은 모습들과 직접 감상한 개인전 리포트 영상도 곧 공개될 예정이니 많관부! @/wkorea #editor_박예린 - 어시스턴트ㅣ이세영 - @/rkive #BottegaVeneta #보테가베네타 #BottegaVenetaInSeoul #보테가베네타인서울 #더블유 #wkorea
BTS' RM attended the private exhibition "Willow Drum Oriole" of author Kang Seo-kyung sponsored by Bottega Veneta. Check out the greetings message he left for readers of Wkorea. More of RM's pictures and videos from the exhibition will be up soon so please look forward to those! @/wkorea #editor_ParkYerin
#BottegaVeneta #BottegaVenetaInSeoul #WKorea
Video Translation:
RM: Hello this is RM with WKorea. I'm here at author Kang Seo-kyung's exhibition "Willow Drum Oriole" at Leeum Museum of Art in Hannam-dong. All of you probably already know that I really like art exhibitions and art from various cultures. Personally, she's one of my favourite authors and Leeum Museum of Art is a place I really like so I'd really really like it if a lot of people could come, take a look around and enjoy the culture. Thank you.
Trans cr; Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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bts-trans · 1 year
230905 RM's Repost of Eyes Magazine's Instagram Story
강서경 작가 개인전 <버들 북꾀꼬리> 오프닝 이벤트 In partnership with BOTTEGA VENETA #BottegaVeneta #BottegaVenetainSeoul 보테가베네타 #보테가베네타인서울
Author Kang Seo-kyung's private exhibition opening event In partnership with BOTTEGA VENETA
#BottegaVeneta #BottegaVenetaInSeoul
Trans cr; Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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bts-trans · 1 year
230905 RM's Repost of Cosmopolitan Korea's Instagram Story
보테가 베네타가 후원 <강서경 작가 개인전 버들 북 꾀꼬리> 전시 오프닝에서 만난 BTS RM#BottegaVeneta #보테가베네타 #BottegaVenetaInSeoul#보테가베네타인서울 @/rkive
BTS' RM who we met at the exhibition opening of author Kang Seo-kyung's "Willow Drum Oriole" sponsored by Bottega Veneta
#BottegaVeneta #BottegaVenetaInSeoul
Trans cr; Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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bts-trans · 1 year
230905 RM's Repost of WKorea's Instagram Story
보테가 베네타가 후원하는 강서경 작가의 <버들 북 꾀꼬리> 개인전에 등장한 BTS RM🤍
BTS RM's appearance at author Kang Seo-kyung's private exhibition "Willow Drum Oriole" sponsored by Bottega Veneta🤍
Trans cr; Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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bts-trans · 1 year
230905 RM's Repost of Elle Korea's Instagram Story
<강서경 작가 개인전: 버들 북 꾀꼬리> 보테가 베네타가 후원하는 강서경 작가 (@SUKISKANG)의 개인전 📍리움 미술관 (@LEEUMMUSEUMOFART) ⬜2023.9.7-12.31 #BOTTEGAVENETA #보테가베네타 #BOTTEGAVENETAINSEOUL #보테가베네타인서울 @/RKIVE
Bottega Veneta sponsored-author Kang Seo-kyung's private exhibition
📍Leeum Museum Of Art ⬜ 2023.9.7 - 12.31
Trans cr; Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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