heretherebedork · 3 years
Goddamn Brothers, how did you make this last episode the first one where I actually like PrabChol to any extent? Seriously. Way to bury the lead in the LAST EPISODE.
Kaow and Khun continue to be adorable beyond measure, absolutely adorable beyond all knowledge and logic. How dare they be this cute in this bad of a show.
I think Tri and the twins have shuffled off to somewhere far, far away where they are hopefully secretly dating. I should write the fanfic I have plotted in my head for them.
Oh, wait, they do get to exist for a second! And be adorable. DAMN. I want to write so much about them Why do I not do it?
Delivery driver and Q deserved a better plot but they were pretty cute as well!
WTF is this show going to do with a second season?
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heretherebedork · 4 years
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Kaow and Khun being the best pairing of all time and adorable tiny baking boys and sneaking pictures and generally being the best boys ever.
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heretherebedork · 4 years
Watching Brothers right after ATOATS is like going from a perfectly comfortable couch to sitting on a sidewalk. You're not horribly uncomfortable, it's okay, but it might start raining or get too hot and, honestly, there are way better places to sit.
... Look, I'm still watching this show and it's better than The Cupid Coach and Stranger's Kiss. But that's mostly because of Khun and Kaow, tbh.
I wanted Maping to be such a deeper character. I wanted him to still struggle, I wanted him to try to do something and not succeed but get supported by the teacher ANYWAY so he can pursue his real talent with plants.
I want Prab and Chol to be... I don't even know, honestly. I wanted something that I didn't get and I can't quite put it into words. There's too much brother/sibling energy and not enough romance energy, I think. There was definitely more romance at the beginning.
Khun and Kaow are my perfect babies and the only thing they lack is screentime.
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heretherebedork · 4 years
All Khun and Kaow need to do is smile at each other and the entire episode is perfect.
They are my favorite couple and they're so soft and gentle and flirt so nicely.
And we got so much flirting! SO MUCH FLIRTING with the soft bakery boy and his tutor and I love them together.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Kaow and Khun are the best goddamn fluffy love story ever. KAOW PROPOSE BOYFRIENDS TO HIM WITH A GODDAMN CAKE HE BAKED AND DECORATED.
And Khun cried onto his shoulders!
Seriously, what adorable boys. They've made this entire show worth watching even if they didn't really kiss.
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heretherebedork · 4 years
Kaow and Khun are maybe one of the cutest couples ever and all they did in the last episode was text back and forth.
But the adorable comes across so strongly there’s canonical teens arguing about their ship name.
Sunshine/sunshine couples are adorable.
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heretherebedork · 4 years
Who gave him permission to be this cute?
This BL is... so wild.
But outgoing sunshine/shy sunshine is ADORABLE and I am here for it.
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heretherebedork · 4 years
Prab is such a scumbag, seriously.
And then there’s Khun and Kaow giving such strong couple vibes that the teens are already arguing about their ship name.
And then there’s Chol, who’s just trying to figure his life out while having an ass of a stepbrother, a sweet tutor he doesn’t know is taken and a bunch of seniors planning to flirt with him.
Also, why are they all topless in all the little ad breaks?
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Ugh, Brothers.
Okay, Maping is at least cute and I like it's his family expectations keeping him on the medical track rather than anything else.
Also, Kaow is the tiniest cutest person ever and I love him. He's so petite and he just needs to figure out how to trust Khun and they can be the cutest couple of all time. Maybe they can unofficially adopt Chol and keep him with them instead. That'd be fine!
Prab is still... Prab. He keeps brother-zoning himself even though he was obviously in love with Chol first and made that clear early on? So... I am just confused by their relationship.
And Chol's dad is not doing so good. Ugh, maybe try communicating as a family? Like... actually talking to your son about why you remarried? Wow, what sense!
Seriously. The only advantage this show has over The Cupid Coach is Kaow and Khun... and sound work and editing and most of them can act... okay, it's better than Cupid Coach.
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heretherebedork · 4 years
Kaow and Khun are still just about my favorite couple of all time, okay? They're delightful and adorable and just so, so sweet. Who let them be this adorable? Khun loves him so much and Kaow is falling for his charms so beautifully.
Tiny baker and tiny tutor! Best!
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Name your Top 10 BLs Side dishes aka the side couples that stole the series/movie for you
Okay! SO, for this list, I will also be including Chinese Censored Romance because I want to. These are not in order because that would be WAY too much work, tbh.
1. WinTeam: DeanPharm is adorable and sweet and I love them, I do, but WINTEAM please please give us Between Us in 2021, PLEASE.
2. MingKit: I mean... obviously? Yes? For sure? Who doesn't love them?
3. MekBoss: Look, everyone agrees that RamKing steals the show, I know, I know! BUT LOOK AT MY MUTUALLY PINING BABIES. They're the best. The absolute best. The finest we've had.
4. LeoFiat: I mean, I didn't even watch the actual show. I only watched them. So... duh?
5. ChengChangShuzhi: Guardian is my favorite C-Drama of all time and these boys are my absolute favorite. They're so, so good. WHAT GOOD BOYS.
6. LaoBao: ... Yes. Yes, I am including them. They're so cute! I love soft established couples, no denial or hesitation. On that note...
8. Ou Wen and Mark: THE BEST. They're the only reason to watch the show at all and they're so, so good.
9. ChrisJeno: Love these babies, soft babies, mismatch between introvert and extrovert babies, darling little boys that get together so nicely in the end.
10. KaowKhun: The only actual reason to watch Brothers, let's be honest.
AND BONUS: Non-canon couples that stole the show for me!
TRIMABMOB: Screw canon, screw everything, these three boys make me so happy that I don't even CARE. I really should write an actual fanfic for them eventually, lol. (this is a lie I am unlikely to do that.)
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Rate the following BL (1-5 then why):
HIStory 4: Close to You
HIStory 3: Crossing the Line
Brothers the Series
Love by Chance
Addicted: Heroin
HIStory 4: Close to You: OVerall? 3/5... Muren/Lichen is 5/5 and Yongjie/Xingsi is 2/5 so it kinda evens out. Yes, Y/X has amazing chemistry but that STORY no thanks, lol. L/M is one of my favorite pairings ever. Just LOOK AT THEM. Love them so much. If they/’d had their own show... I’d be there and never, ever stop rewatching.
HIStory 3: Crossing the Line: 3/5? Eh. Look, I get it. But, honestly, for me? Doesn’t do it. I never fell in love and can rewatch the bits I like enough to rewatch in under an hour. It’s not bad, I have rewatched it, but I don’t have much of emotional connection to it.
Brothers the Series: 2.5/5 This is a show that should have been cut in half in length and would have been so, so much better. But they gave me my favorite ghost-ship threesome AND KaowKhun so I suppose I can’t be TOO angry at it. But it’s getting season 2 and I don’t... I don’t get that at all. Why?
Love by Chance: 3/5 because AePete and TinCan are two of my favorites pairing but KengklaTechno can burn in a goddamn dumpster fire  I love AePete SO much, no denial. It’s so, so good and adorable and fluffy, one of the best pairings imho. I love them so much.
Addicted: Heroin: 5/5 It’s so good. It’s one of the best examples of what it is and does the pairing so, so well and the sweetness and the fluff and it’s just so good. Yes, the ending got cut off but it’s AMAZING regardless and you can pretend it’s one of the Thai BLs that didn’t get a second season that everyone still loves. Definitely watch this, okay?
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Brothers is 100% improved by watching at 1.5x speed. Seriously so much better.
I mean, still not GOOD.
But better.
Also, I miss the twins.
Where are they?
Also, now KaowKhun?
At least Nick got himself a boy.
And Maping and the teacher cleared the air between them, which was nice.
... I mean... look, it's the pulpiest pulp that ever pulped. But I love enough of the side characters to push through.
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