#they could have easily cut this season down to like 6 episodes
imagines--galore · 3 months
||Mind Over Matter|| Part Thirteen
Summary: Evelyn is Penelope Garcia’s protégé. She is a tech wiz, and knows her way around any kind of security and just like her mentor knows  how to dig deep and get into the past of anyone and has a knack for   anything with a chip in it. Including potato chips. The one thing she fails at is figuring out is the mind and how it works.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Family. Some language, blood and violence in later installments.
Previously - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve
A/N: Well what do you know! Heres another chapter. Random moments happening in between episode really. And please lemme know what you think! Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Takes place during Season 2 Episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
A low humming sound filled the air as Evelyn put away the last of her files, having gone through them already. They were the files for the Team's most recent case. And Evelyn was of course, in charge of putting them away. One of her minor duties as part of the BAU Team along with being assistant techie. A position that hadn't been randomly made up by her mentor. Stepping out of the room and locking the door behind her, she very nearly bumped into the figure that was rushing by. Rather she did bump into them and instantly started to apologize.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was-"
"Evelyn? What're you doing down here?" The red head blinked, finally catching on who she'd bumped into.
"Spencer?" Her instant reaction was curiosity as she stared at her team member, trying to figure out what was new with him. Spencer stared back at her quizzically and questioningly, raising an eyebrow at her. Realization dawned and the red head grinned.
"You got a hair cut!" Instantly his hand went up to run his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit, Evelyn had noted long ago. "Yeah, I figured it was time to get a new look." The genius replied with a shrug. "So what're you doing here?" He asked, coming back to his previous question.
"I had to box away a few files." She responded with a small smile. "It is part of my job to clean after you guys." She added with a teasing tone, prompting him to smile back at her. Blue eyes flickered to his newly cut hair.
And unable to resist Evelyn reached out to gently run her fingers through the ends of his hair, having pushed herself up to the toes of her shoes so she could reach easily. The position pressed her a little close to him, but neither of them seemed to notice as she smiled at him. "I like it. You look cute."
She'd just called him cute!
As if the realization of her words just hit her, Evelyn stepped back, cheeks flushing, a nervous smile playing at her lips as she avoided Spencer's gaze who only looked back at her which she found more cuter then his haircut. Like that of a confused puppy. The red head however did make the mistake of looking at him, and instantly regretted it as her heart sped up and her voice reached new levels of high pitch as she quickly managed to squeak out a goodbye before dashing past him, leaving a slightly confused Spencer, who was confused by her behavior to say the least, yet none the less pleased at her words.
Evelyn for her part avoided Spencer for the entire day.
Of course they were both back to discussing(arguing) over a new theory the very next day.
Though Evelyn still felt that strange warmth in her cheeks any time their eyes would accidentally meet and she would be reminded of the little run in a few days ago.
So embarrassing!
JJ traced the tip of her finger along the rim of her coffee mug. She was sitting on a stool in a little café a few miles from the office and was waiting for Evelyn to show up. Said red head was making her way towards her friend, holding her own coffee mug and setting it on the small table between them, before hoping onto the stool as well. Outside rain splattered against the glass window of the café, the coldness of it seeping through the window, one that both women felt, yet neither minded. They had their coffees to help keep them warm.
"So how did the assignment go?" JJ asked, once she'd taken a small sip of her beverage.
Evelyn gave a small nod. "It went well. And that is all I can tell you." She said with a slightly pointed look to which JJ chuckled.
"Right! Top secret, I know." The red head gave a low chuckle, before taking a sip of her own drink, frowning as the steam from the coffee fogged up her glasses. Handing her friend a tissue with a smile of sympathy she watched as she wiped the glasses clean.
"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" JJ asked. Evelyn sighed before reaching into her bag and pulling out a magazine from her bag and placing it in front of the blonde. JJ pulled the magazine closer, frowning at the bold title that greeted her in big bold letters.
"After five years of marriage." JJ glanced up at the red head sitting across from her, who had her lips pursed as she stared at the image of the smiling woman on the cover. Along with a man, who was obviously her husband, going by the way they had their arms wrapped around each other. JJ bit her bottom lip before she sighed and reached out to lay a hand atop Evelyn's in a gentle grip.
"I've tried everything I could JJ. But she still refuses to listen to me. Even Gideon has tried to help but she's just so stubborn." Evelyn sounded almost heartbroken as she spoke, finally raising her eyes to meet JJ's gaze.
"I don't know what I did to her JJ, but I wish there was some way I could find out." Her friend sighed.
"I know you're trying Evelyn, but sometimes one person's effort isn't enough. The other party has to put in some effort as well." The younger woman sighed before nodding. "I know, but I was just hoping if I did my best it would get something out of her."
Her gaze, which she now focused on JJ was desperate and hopeless. "Why are people so hard to figure out JJ?" The other woman sighed and shook her head, squeezing the hand she held.
"It's a good thing that we have the BAU then isn't it?" The small joke prompted a smile out of Evelyn. "I wish I could ask their help but I don't want this turning into a professional thing. Its why I've only ever talked to Gideon about it. Penelope doesn't know either, and she's my mentor."
JJ frowned. "Then why tell me?" Blue eyes blinked as they caught JJ's. "Because you asked." The response had a wry smile pulling at JJ's lips, which had Evelyn smiling back and shaking her head.
"I don't know JJ. I'm still surprised I even told you about all of it. But I'm glad I did. It doesn't seem as much of a burden as it did before." JJ smiled at the response. "And I will gladly help wherever and whenever I can."
The smile she was given, sent a surge of affection and protectiveness through the older woman. She understood what Morgan had meant when she spoke to him about Evelyn. There was something so….pure about the red head that a person wanted nothing more then to protect her. Or as Penelope said, wrap her up in a bubble sheet and store her away someplace safe.
"Now! On to other topics, is there anyone you're seeing these days?" The groan of dismal she was rewarded prompted her to laugh loudly, one which Evelyn joined in soon after.
Morgan suddenly slammed his file shut a thought occurring to him. The motion caused Penelope to look away from her screen and frown at him. "What?" The blonde asked. Though he turned his head towards her, his eyes were still trained towards the floor, though they were unseeing.
"Have you ever realized that Reid and Evelyn have the same glass frames?" Penelope looked taken aback at the question. She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it as Morgan finally met her gaze and raised an eyebrow as if questioning her.
"Coincidence?" The blonde suggested, looking and feeling uncertain.
"More like unconscious retention?" The confused look had him explaining further. "Basically he picked them out unconsciously because he's seen Evelyn wear them all the time." Penelope frowned. "He sees me wearing glasses all the time." Her hand raised to touch the side of her own glasses which were a bright orange that day. Morgan nodded.
"Yeah, but you change them all the time. Evelyn never did." Penelope sighed before shrugging and turning back to her computers.
"Unconscious retention it is then." She muttered under her breath before starting to type away on her keyboard. Morgan went back to his own files, pushing the observation to the back of his head.
Cupping her hands around the paper cup she watched it scrunch between her fingers. It was more out of worry and sadness then anything else.
"I take it you heard." Evelyn glanced up just in time to see Gideon take Spencer's unaccompanied desk chair and turn it towards her. The red head shrugged.
"More like saw." Both their gaze turned towards the desk that had been previously taken by Elle. It was completely clear now.
"Its for the best." Evelyn's gaze snapped to look at Gideon. "She knew she couldn't handle the pressure any longer." She only nodded in agreement her face grim.
"Still, doesn't make it any easier does it?" Her superior shook his head at her question.
"Leaving is never easy. Neither is letting go." At that he gave her a slightly pointed look which she countered with a sad smile.
"No. Its never easy."
Hotch glanced up from where he had been signing up the last of his papers to see his wife enter the bullpen. Pushing Jack's pram in front of her. He frowned. Hailey was meant to take Jack to her mother's for the night so that the two of them could go on a date. Quickly standing up he met his wife midway as she walked to his office. "Hailey? Is everything alright?" He asked, once he'd greeted her hello and smiled at his son who made delighted sounds at the sight of his father.
His wife nodded. "Yes, only my mom won't be able to look after Jack for the night. She has a cold, and Jack might catch it." Hotch sighed at the news, looking disappointed. "Great, now what?" He grumbled to which his wife shrugged helplessly. "I called the babysitter, but she's out too." The night was getting better and better with each second.
"Agent Hotch! I managed to scrounge up those reports you asked for. Who in their right mind would file them under X instead of Y when clearly it's a Z and-oh hello Mrs Hotchner! I didn't see you there! Is everything alright?" The woman only ever came when there was something going on, and for a minute Evelyn's heart stopped out of terror. But then restarted once the older woman smiled at her.
"Everything is fine Evelyn. Aaron and I just hit a bit of a snag, since we can't go on our date." The red head frowned, even as Hotch pursed his lips, thinking of the reservations that he would have to cancel.
"Oh? Why is that?" Seemingly catching sight of Jack the red head was quick to move forward and wave at the baby, who seemed fixated on Evelyn's hair. "No babysitter." At the answer Evelyn shrugged.
"I can look after him for a few hours. I used to babysit around the neighborhood when I was a teen."
And that was how Evelyn found herself holding a baby in one arm, the other holding up two baby bags. She turned her head to look at Jack who was looking right back with a fistful of her hair in his chubby fingers.
"That went well didn't it?" The baby only responded with a giggle before proceeding to pull at her hair, making her wince.
For once the Team had the chance to eat together in their little conference room. Chinese take out boxes were set atop the table while they all assembled chairs around it. "I love take out with you guys. Its always so much fun." Penelope said with a grin as she settled into her chair and reached for her box.
"Hey, where're the other three?" Morgan asked, glancing up from his box of chicken. Spencer shrugged through his mouthful of rice. JJ answered for him.
"Gideon had someplace to go, Hotch had a dinner date with Hailey, and Evelyn is-"
"And this is where your Daddy and the rest of the Team are briefed about the cases." The four of them stared as Evelyn entered the room with an inquisitive baby Jack, staring around with wide eyes. The woman holding him looked as if she'd been through some kind of storm that had knocked her glasses askew and her hair to be completely frizzy and her pony tail lopsided and barely holding up.
"Look Jack! Dinner! Excellent! Because I am starving!" So saying she dropped into a chair, and started to drop the two baby bags that were weighing her down onto the floor.
"Jesus! How much stuff does one baby need?" She grumbled to herself as she held Jack around the waist, having set him down on her thigh. The baby had his head turned to look up at her. Evelyn met his gaze and the two had an intense stare down. Which was broken when Evelyn made a face and the baby giggled loudly.
Morgan smirked. "Pint-size? Mind explaining what you're doing with Hotch's kid?" He asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Evelyn grunted as she picked up one of the bags and placed it on the table, doing her best to use only one hand while her other was occupied with keeping Jack secure.
"Babysitting Morgan. Something I happen to be good at. And Spencer? Help a girl out. I can't make his formula without some help." She'd already taken out the thermos with the water and the bottle which already had the formula in it. Jack was starting to fuss so she quickly stood up and cradling the baby to her chest starting to walk around while bouncing him a little. Spencer quickly stood up to do Evelyn's bidding, pouring the water into the bottle. JJ met Penelope's gaze and the two of them smiled at the sight of Spencer standing in front of Evelyn with the bottle in hand. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Did you check the temperature of the bottle?" Spencer frowned. "No." The two of them were oblivious to the other three members of their team looking at them.
Evelyn sighed. "All those random facts and you didn't read about babies? Honestly Spence, what're you going to do when a case calls for a random baby fact?" She asked, her tone dry, wincing slightly as Jack pulled at her hair yet again.
"Just squeeze a bit out on your arm. If it burns, obviously we wouldn't give it to him." Rolling his eyes Spencer sighed before moving to unbutton his cuff and pulling up the sleeve. A few seconds later, little Jack was greedily drinking from his bottle while Evelyn cradled him, slowly walking around.
"Why don't you sit down honey?" Penelope said, pulling a chair next to her, if only to coo at the baby. Evelyn shook her head. "Can't. Hailey said he likes to drink while walking around."
"So much fuss over a baby." Spencer grumbled as he munched on a piece of carrot, prompting Evelyn to glare at him. "Oh, and aren't you particular about your eating habits Dr. Reid." She only ever called him that when she was especially ticked off. And Morgan had to say, seeing Evelyn jump to defend Jack was hilarious. Especially when Spencer pursed his lips in response, licking them before speaking.
"Aren't you?" The words had the red head glaring at him even more. "I'm not the one calling a baby out on his eating habits." Morgan laughed loudly. "Alright you two. Reid, leave them alone." The man chided earning a look of triumph from Evelyn who turned her attention back to the baby.
"Spencer is just being mean Jack, don't mind him." Of course, Spencer had to ruin her little bubble.
"I doubt he understands you Evelyn." This time it was JJ who chuckled reaching out to pat his shoulder in a reassuring manner. "Let it go Reid. I know you're jealous, but you'll have Evelyn's undivided attention soon enough." The words only reached Reid's ears who turned to stare at his friend, cheeks flushed and mouth agape.
"Why would I be jealous?" He managed to say quietly, despite having the urge to shout the words in surprise. JJ only gave him an amused look before she turned her attention back to her food. Reid glanced at Evelyn, who was now setting the baby on the floor after spreading a small blanket and placing his various toys around him to play with while sneaking in bites of food for herself here and there. "I was just teasing Spence." The blonde beside him spoke up, knowing he would most likely beat himself black and blue trying to find out why JJ would think he was jealous, when he wasn't.
After eating the four of them left to finish up their tasks for the night. While getting ready to go home, Spencer realized he'd forgotten his bag in the conference room. Quickly walking in he very nearly missed the sight of Evelyn and Jack on the floor. Jack was sound asleep, laid out on his back, one hand still clutching his toy. Evelyn was curled around the baby in what Spencer could only describe as a protective manner. She was asleep as well, her hair falling over her face, her glasses placed beside her head. She'd shed her cardigan to drape it over Jack so he wouldn't get cold and she was on the floor while Jack was on the blanket.
Spencer didn't know how long he stood there. Simply watching the two of them sleep. It was strange how the simple sight of Evelyn sleeping so peacefully had him feeling peaceful and somewhat calm. The notion had him frowning in confusion, yet he still didn't walk away. Not until Hotch arrived with his wife after their night out and the scene was disturbed by Hailey waking up Evelyn. At Hotch's questioning look he simply held up his bag and left without glancing at Evelyn, trying to ignore the flush on his cheeks and the calmness that stayed with him every time he'd think of his red haired friend.
Tag List - @cillsnostalgia @kathaaaaaaa @lovelyygirl8
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luna-andra · 4 months
The Shadows Return | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC Retired AU | Chapter 5: Apologies
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Summary: Ghost has to make up for lost time somehow, and figure out what the hell is going on in his backwater village
Author's Note: Already working on chapter 6, this story is starting to ramp up!
Content warning: slow burn, eventual smut, 18+ only, fluff, mentions of mental health
If this is the first time you're seeing this, Chapter 1 is here. You can find the rest on my masterlist! Next chapter
Word count: 5.8k
Johnny only caught the tail end of their conversation. Andra sounded pissed. Oh yeah, she really gave the door something to fear with how hard it slammed. Johnny turned to Simon’s direction, “What happened?”
His glare could cut a man. “Nothing.”
Johnny went to open his mouth but said nothing. He came back to the front for something work related, and he really didn’t want to get in the middle of whatever went down between the two.
He knows Simon has been reclusive the past several days. Or has it been a few weeks now? Either way, this was feeling like one of his inevitable episodes. The kind that makes him shut everyone out, starting with the people less close to him. Johnny gauged it that way, and he knew if it came down to Simon shunning him out, then it’s getting bad.
Johnny put down the tablet on the countertop beside Simon’s arm. “Thomas completed the diagnostics on the red sedan, call ‘em for me will ya’?”
A comprehensive grunt was all the acknowledgement Johnny was going to get out of Simon right now. He pivoted on his foot and headed straight back into the garage. A minute later, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
Thank you for helping me out these past few months.
Johnny’s lips fell into a thin line on his face. Does this message have anything to do with what went down in the lobby? He didn’t like how finite her words sounded, like she was bidding the both of them farewell out of her life.
Andra took a while to respond back to Johnny, giving him time to focus on the brake pad change he needed to finish up. He wiped his hands clean before picking up his phone.
Sort of.
Okay, yes.
I don’t want you to feel obligated to keep in contact with me now that everything is gonna go back to the way it was.
Johnny sighed, shaking his head softly as his fingers flew across the screen. You’re OUR friend now, you’re not getting rid of us that easily, lass. He made sure to put ‘our’ in big letters.
This would pass. Johnny knew that, Simon would come around once he’s had his fill of solitude, but Andra didn’t see it that way. Understandably so, she had every right to be upset. She’s given Simon a level of grace and patience that would only come from a caregiver. Johnny has noticed the way she would shake her head and sigh after reading the short, one-worded messages she would get from Simon, and to be frank, Johnny couldn’t excuse his best friend’s behavior any longer. 
He could feel a pair of glaring eyes burning into the back of his neck from his supervisor, so Johnny shoved the phone back into his pocket and returned to work.
Simon was being a real prick.
It was Andra’s first Sunday morning with her truck. After she picked it up from the shop, she drove it around for a few hours, having to blow off the irritation she felt after that interaction with Ghost.
It was running, alright. She made it drive out to a neighboring village and then back home. Even when she came home, the spurn of Ghost treating her that way kept nagging at her like a mosquito bite on the back of her neck. It shouldn’t have bothered her for days on end, but it did.
But today was Sunday, and Andra was determined to start the week off on a better note. Fixed truck, crop rotation was only a few weeks away from a new season, she had much to look forward to. Along with an empty seat at the stand.
She thought until a familiar truck drove up her driveway.
Andra finished tethering her trailer to her truck and went out to meet Johnny at the front. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
Johnny shut the door and hit the lock button on the key fob, setting off the short chirp of the horn. “What does it look like? You didn’t think I was gonna stop comin’ just because you got your truck back, did you?” He clicked his teeth and shook his head with faux disappointment and a smirk. “Besides, I like havin’ more money in my pocket from not goin’ out to the pub to drink it away, our Sunday mornings have been keepin’ me sober.”
She couldn’t help the smile escaping her. “That’s good to hear. I’m almost done loading everything, just help me with the table and chairs.”
“You got it.”
Autumn never fails to bring the gloomy overcast for majority of the season. And with the temperatures dropping enough, it allowed for Ghost to wear a light hoodie to keep the misty sprinkles of rain off of him. He tried to ignore the out-of-place energy that worked hard to veil over him. It was one thing to wear the mask in the shop, or when he was at least around Johnny, but going to the farmer’s market made him feel severely out of place.
He took one more second before grabbing the paper-wrapped parcel and left his truck, then followed the sporadic groups of people heading towards the vending stalls.
To think he had driven past this parking lot several times on Sundays and never thought to shop here. Ghost didn’t even like doing his own grocery shopping, that’s why he spends so much money on grocery deliveries. And purchasing anything else felt like a waste on him, unless it was ammunition and new guns.
As he neared the rows and rows of stalls, the chatter of customers and sellers became coherent. If people were looking at him, he paid no attention to the curious and apprehensive eyes. He was looking for Andra, gripping the now faintly damp parcel a little tighter. After wandering through the second row, Ghost spotted the forest green truck chockfull of crates of vegetables, parked in reverse and the tailgate open to the little figure with chestnut brown hair, loosely curled.
Her hair has grown.
That’s what happens when you don’t see someone for a while, Ghost sniped at himself.
He rounded the corner and strode closer to her stall, customers in his path giving him a wide berth, and caught sight of her lost in concentration as she packaged a customer’s brown paper bag. Her warm smile of farewell did something to his stomach. It was his turn to approach her.
Andra lifted her head long enough to see him, and her face relaxed from the smile she had. “Hi, stranger.”
Whatever he had prepared to tell her, it went off like a land mine and left him with nothing. There was a passive-aggressive tone in her voice, not that he blamed her. He basically cut her off with nothing to justify as to why. Guess this was part of seeking forgiveness.
“Surprised to see you here.” She kept prepping more brown bags as she waited for his response. “Or were you looking for Johnny?”
“No, he’s probably trying to slip out of his date’s bed.”
Her eyebrows lifted. “So you knew about his date with the girl from the chip shop, too? Glad to know he didn’t get the cutoff I did.”
His eyes looked down at her moving hands. “I deserved that.”
Andra stopped concentrating on the bags and rested a hand on her hip the way a fed-up mother would. “You deserve a lot of things, Ghost, but I don’t have it in me to be cruel.” Her eyes caught a glimpse of what Ghost was clutching to before she looked back down. “Found something you like at one of the vendors?”
“Actually,” his hand placed the wrapped parcel onto the table and slid it towards Andra. “It’s for you.”
Andra's expression shifted to curiosity. “Is it some kind of peace offering?” She picked up the rectangular parcel, probably knew what it already was given the shape and the weight of it.
“You could say that.” Ghost watched with apprehension as she meticulously peeled back the wrapping, sliding out what she discovered was a hardback cover of the next book in the series she was reading.
Her eyebrows relaxed; a softness overwhelmed her eyes. “You got your hands on a hardback?” she tilted the book to see the pages. “With the sprayed edge?” Her fingers traced the pattern of sigils and swirls decorating the pages. “This is a special edition…” Andra looked back up to him, her expression had his insides tangling. “I haven’t even seen one of these.”
Ghost didn’t know what to do with his hands, so they stayed by his side clenching and relaxing over and over. “The cranky, old stager that runs Raven & Crow helped me get my hands on it.” He wasn’t going to bring up how much of a pain in the ass the geezer was for him, nor was he going to bring up how the old man knew immediately who he was trying to get this for. He told Ghost a lovely young woman was coming in frequently looking for the sequel, but by the time she showed up, the one or two copies he ordered were gone. The payoff was well worth it.
Andra held the book to her chest like a schoolgirl clutching a textbook, tapping her index finger on its back. “I’ll have to think on your apology.” Ghost was about to nod when she gave him a smirk. “Okay I forgive you.”
His shoulders fell and he let out a gentle laugh. “That’s wonderful to hear.” There was a couple of people behind him that formed a line, agitated with how long they have been waiting. “I’ll let you get back to your business –“
“I have an hour here left,” Andra spoke up before he could move. “If you want, I have another chair that you can pull up. That’s if you don’t have anything else to do…”
Ghost stepped aside to let customers walk up. “I was going to find things to keep myself busy. I’ll help you bag, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be as useful as Johnny.”
Andra laughed hard at that. “You give him way too much credit.”
It had been years, more like decades by now, since Ghost had done any sort of grocery bagging. It brought him back to his first part-time job at the corner convenience store he had during his last few years of secondary school. The money always found its way into his mom’s wallet or purse when she wasn’t looking since she never accepted it from him directly. It was unfortunate when his dad got a hold of it, using it for booze and drugs instead of the water and heat bills. It was even more unfortunate when the old man ended up with a bloody nose for leaving them cold.
Ghost enjoyed watching Andra work in her element. This was her expertise, and everyone delighted in her energy. It even had Ghost grinning beneath his mask. There were a few patrons that gave Ghost double take looks as if they wanted to say something but didn’t.
He found himself scanning the faces of her patrons and passersby that took a glance at stalls here and there. Old faces, young faces, faces of children, faces shrouded by umbrellas or hooded jackets. And a face that he swore he’s seen more than once, coming around again and again in the time he decided to sit down with Andra beneath the canopy. The person’s behavior and body language made him tense.
Andra’s patient explanation about difference between the various species of squash and tomatoes pulled him away from the man that caught Ghost staring him down.
“The B grade-lookin’ veggies go in that crate,” Andra pointed behind her. “I take them for myself, or in this case I’m gonna take them to the ranch for the breeder’s animals.” There was excitement in her voice. “I’m gonna visit my new goats.”
His eyes went back to the spot the man last was, only to find someone else in his place buying from another vendor.
“I remember you saying something about them.” Ghost recalled, suddenly feeling shame since it was on the day she was picking up her truck. “Are you taking them home?”
Andra shook her head. “No, they have a few more weeks with their mama.”
Ghost looked at her with mild surprise. “There’s multiple?”
“Just two, they’re twins.” Andra said goodbye to the last customer for the day and started to pack up. “Would you like to come with me to meet them? Since it sounds like you have time in that busy schedule of yours.”
Ghost didn’t miss the nibble Andra took at her lower lip. “I can fit some time in.” He quipped back.
The book looked like it belonged on her shelves. Andra grinned to herself as she angled it just the right way to stand out, giving the book its own moment of fame amongst her collection. A really smooth apology gift, in her opinion. Andra was simply happy that Ghost came back around.
Even though Ghost didn’t explain his sudden absence, Andra had a feeling that this was one of those times Johnny had warned her about. She just wasn’t prepared for how much it would impact her. At least he seems to be doing good; the bags underneath his eyes weren’t as dark as the last time she saw him.
Andra locked up the house with a happy Sammy in tow, letting her roam free off of a leash. She was bringing Sammy along to meet the new goats, part of the process of making sure the animals weren’t going to be a threat to each other and getting used to each other’s scents.
Ghost had transferred the crate of B-grade veggies to the bed of his truck on his own accord. Andra was about to ask when he started, “You mind if we take my truck?” He scratched the back of his masked head sheepishly. “I only ask because I got more leg room in mine…”
Andra held back a giggle as she approached the passenger door. “Not at all, as long as you’re okay with Sammy in the back.” He gave her a nod of the head, leading Sammy to the back of the opened tailgate and shutting it once she hopped up. “I’ll punch in the address in your Maps.” She slid in for what started to feel like an all-too familiar truck, and realized she didn’t have to adjust the seat like she’s done before. Andra tried hiding the grimace from the blossoming thought of another woman being in his truck.
She realized how ridiculous that was when he easily passed an open phone to her. Not even to his navigation app, but the home screen with the default earth background still on it. Before opening the navigator, she opened the camera and angled the phone to catch a shot of her and Ghost on the screen. “Hey.”
Ghost glanced in confusion, and blinked after he heard the sound of the fake camera shutter. He shook his head with a soft laugh and started the truck. “I trust you with my phone for the first time and you’re over there snappin’ pictures.”
Andra’s fingers tapped against the screen as she typed in the address. The navigator started and Andra placed the phone on the dock Ghost had set up on the dashboard. “Who told you it was a good idea to do that?”
Ghost shifted the truck’s gear to drive and made a U-turn to drive towards the shared road, the navigator chiming away its directions. The ETA displayed a twenty-minute drive, and Andra comfortably filled the silence with conversation.
He missed how magnetic her energy is, making his guilt come back with a vengeance. But listening to her talk about how business is going, how the truck has been running better than it was before, and how she was preparing for the winter season made all of that melt away.
If Andra wasn’t holding it against him, he needed to put it to rest.
“And what about you?” Andra turned to Ghost. “Anything interesting with you?”
Her sudden pivot to him threw him off. “No, just work.”
She sat up in her seat, her eyes still fixated on him. “Just work? You don’t have any hobbies, or places you like to go to mull things over?”
Ghost just shook his head. He didn’t really know what to say. Okay, that was a lie, but he didn’t want to go in depth with how he got too close to her, how her jasmine and vanilla scent wouldn’t leave him, the same way her scent was now filling the cabin of his truck once more. He didn’t want to explain how feeling her silky skin took days, weeks, to leave the calloused pads of his hands, and how it took all of his will to pull away from her.
Andra continued. “Or how about a night out at one of the pubs to find yourself a pretty lady to share the company with only to regret it in the morning?”
He fought the urge to roll his eyes. “I’m not Johnny. And what about you?” He challenged. “Found a lad to take you out on the town?”
She laughed at that. “No, there’s no one coming to pick me up and bringing me back before eleven.”
Ghost’s hands gripped the steering wheel a little too hard. So, who’s black sedan was driving down the road then? His motion sensors had alerted him of a car he’s never seen before a few times throughout the time span they weren’t in contact with one another. He thought about looking up the license plate a few times, but let it go out of respect for Andra’s privacy.
That hesitation went right out the window with this new development brought to him.
Andra shifted in her seat, relaxing further into the drive. “I guess we’re alike in some ways.”
“How do you reckon?”
“Too busy focused with work to let anyone else into our lives.” There was a tone of sadness in her voice she was trying to hide. “But I have a feeling you’ve grown too comfortable with being alone.”
Ghost felt like she was peering into him, and he didn’t know how to feel about that.
Andra took a second to speak again. “Did you distance yourself from me because of…” she couldn’t finish her question, but she didn’t have to for Ghost to know what she was alluding to.
Every muscle in his body tensed, and his mouth went dry.
“Your destination is on the right.”
The navigator interrupted the tension between the two of them. Ghost turned into the gravel road, passing underneath the wrought iron gate that displayed Blue Crescent Ranch.
Ghost parked a distance away from the other vehicle on the property and killed the engine. Andra looked straight ahead as she murmured, “You don’t have to answer that, sorry I brought it up.” Before she could open the passenger door, Ghost reached across her and stopped her, his hand gripping hers.
Andra’s head twisted to face him, her honey eyes wide with question. Fuck, that look did things to him. “It wasn’t your fault.” That wasn’t necessarily a lie; he wouldn’t blame her for his self-destructive tendencies. “I needed some time alone.”
Her eyes darted back and forth, looking into his eyes as if she was trying to delve deeper into a place she shouldn’t be. But she nodded. “Okay.” That single word was charged with so much trust and understanding, it twisted his heart.
Ghost removed his hand from hers, pulling himself back from the extreme close proximity he had put them in. “Let’s go meet your goats.”
A smile returned to her lovely face. “Okay.”
 Andra couldn’t say enough good things about Jasmine. She had met her at the farmer’s market – shocker – a few years ago and stayed in touch with her here and there after she had bought the chickens off of her. In truth, Andra wanted to be close friends with her, but both of their jobs kept them busy enough to not have any time to catch up very often.
Such was her life about all of the cool and wonderful people that have come and gone in the past years.
A gorgeous, umber, brown-skinned Jasmine strolled out from her lovely cottage home to meet her guests, sporting fitted blue jeans and a long-sleeve plaid shirt and boots, her dark kinky hair wisping in the gentle breeze. Her jade green eyes crinkled with her smile as she went in for a warm hug, and Andra accepted her graciously, taking in her scent of orange and bergamot on her hair. “So good to see you again,” Jasmine greeted, her accent just as rich as Ghost’s.
She pulled away and acknowledged Sammy’s bubbly presence, giving her a good rub down and cooing praises. After the happy canine had her fill, she found Ghost lingering behind Andra like her shadow.
Before Jasmine could ask, Andra reached out to Ghost, summoning him to her side. “Jasmine, this is my neighbor, Simon, but we call him Ghost.” Something about saying Ghost’s first name made her stomach flip, and by judging his body language, it must have done something to him, too.
Jasmine extended her hand out politely, and Ghost shook. “A pleasure to meet you.”
Jasmine turned to Andra and waved for the two of them to follow her, walking on a path that led them to the acres of rolling, green fields. “Ready to meet your kids?”
Andra beamed a wide smile. “I’ve been thinking about them all week! How did mama do during labor?”
“She did so good!” Jasmine turned to Andra once she walked beside her. “I had those kids delivered in the middle of the night. She started contractions early in the day, I had everything prepped for a week now.”
Andra crooned an ‘aww’, the smile on her face growing brighter. Talk of the goats made the conversation in the truck fade away, and it felt like Ghost was putting it on the back burner as well as he started asking Jasmine about her ranch.
Jasmine had inherited Blue Crescent Ranch from her family and cared for her aging father while running everything. It was massive, and from the look of it she had several employees to help her take care of all of the animals. Goats, sheep, cows, horses, alpacas, and some emus.
They arrived at a cowshed that was housing the mother goat and her kids. “I am letting them bond before they go out and meet the rest of the goats, so that means Sammy is going to meet them before the rest of the flock.”
Ghost stood at the entrance of the cowshed. “I’ll let you have the first moments with ‘em.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorway.
Andra nodded and handed him her phone for him to hold on to, then kept following Jasmine to the back stall. Jasmine’s voice was low, “So, your ‘neighbor’?”
Her cheeks warmed at the insinuation. “Yes, my neighbor.”
“And when did you start talking to your neighbor who happens to wear a mask?” Jasmine’s eyebrow shot up.
Andra looked over her shoulder to make sure they were out of earshot and found Ghost occupied on a phone call. “We met in the summer, he found me off the side of the road after my truck died on me, and fate had it that he’s a mechanic and he helped me get it fixed.”
“Right,” Jasmine nodded as if she’s processing this information, “And why the mask?”
Andra leaned against the wooden post she stopped beside. “He’s ex-military, I don’t really know why.”
“Have you ever seen his face?”
Boy, she was getting the full interview right now, and it had been so long since she thought about what she felt about his decision to hide behind a mask. It was unsettling for the very first time they met, but when Johnny treated it with just as much normality as if it were a N-95 mask, Andra never pushed the subject with Ghost.
“No.” Andra answered, trepidation apparent in Jasmine’s eyes as if what Andra was saying was completely insane. It probably was. “But I respect it.”
Jasmine blinked. “So I have no description to go by but a man in a skull mask if you ever go missing.”
Andra nudged her. “He’s nice. He’s never given me a reason to feel in danger and I’m friends with his best friend who served in the forces with him.”
“I think I’ll stop asking questions while I’m ahead.” Jasmine started walking again, and Andra followed. “Here they are.”
Andra squealed as she saw the two little black baby goats nursing on their sleep-deprived mother, little tails wagging faster than Sammy’s ever could. Sammy’s nose pressed against the bars of the enclosure, sniffling curiously.
They were adorable. Both of them were jet black, one of them had a tuff of white on the end of its tail.
“Both of them are boys,” Jasmine began to open the stall while Andra commanded Sammy to stay, “Did you want to come in?”
Andra was so ready to meet them. She had to gain the trust from mama first before she could get close to the kids, and it took a minute before mama allowed them to hop onto her lap. She sat on the clean bed of hay with the babies, giggling in immense joy as they sniffed and licked her.
Ghost met up with them after attending to his phone call to find Andra snuggling the baby goats. She caught his silhouette in her peripheral and looked up with a wide smile. “Aren’t they precious?”
Andra swore he was smiling beneath that balaclava. “You got names for them yet?”
Her focus returned to the wily kids competing for her attention, thankfully she had two hands to pet both of them. “Oh yeah, I got names for them already.” Andra picked up the jet black kid to showcase him to Ghost. “This one will be Phantom,” then she picked up the other in the same fashion, “And this one is Shadow.”
Did his eye twitch? It made her mischievous grin harder to hold back. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“You had things to say about me naming my chicken Ted, so I figured I’d take a page out of your playbook.”
Jasmine was holding back her laughter and turned away.
Andra was too consumed by the copious amounts of affection the animals were giving her to realize what Ghost was doing until it was too late. “Andra.”
Her head shot up at the sound of Ghost saying her name to find him holding up a phone in a similar angle that she had done not too long ago, crouching down to make sure he had her in the frame. “Say payback.”
Ghost took the photo, and her mouth went slack in surprise. “Is that my phone!?”
Sammy trotted happily up the steps of the front porch and sat with a windshield-wiper tail on full blast, patiently waiting for Andra to open the front door. The energetic dog darted inside seconds after Andra swung the door open and left it open behind her. The two of them lingered on the front porch, Andra leaning against the threshold and Ghost standing close with his hands fisted in his jacket pockets.
“Thank you for coming along with me.” Andra started. “It was good seeing you again.”
“It was a pleasure.” Ghost looked out to the gray skies, the sprinkle of rain continuing its descent like it had been the whole morning. “I hope I didn’t make your friend uncomfortable.” He turned back to Andra to gauge her reaction.
“Oh no, she’s really lovely.” Andra’s lips turned up into a grin. “She’s just looking out for me.”
Ghost nodded. “I get why she was asking if you knew what I look like underneath the,” he pointed a finger to his masked face.
Now it was Andra’s turn to look away, nibbling at her lower lip from learning that he still heard what they said. “I just told her that... I respect it, and I honestly don’t mind.” His eyes were intense when she looked back at him, and her insides turned hot. “Is that weird?”
He let out an amused huff. “Completely bizarre.”
Andra shifted her weight onto her other foot, standing straight now and looking up to meet his gaze. “I respect your choice to remain hidden.” Her hands began to feel warm and clammy. “I had made the assumption in my mind that you pretty much wore it through your time in service, and – I don’t know...”
Andra struggled to manifest the thoughts into words even though this was something she has thought of before, but Ghost waited patiently, giving her his full attention to what she had to say. “Maybe it’s a physical metaphor of not being able to put that all behind you. As if the shadows have returned.”
Ghost looked extremely uncomfortable from her deduction. “The shadows haven’t returned, they just never left.” It sounded like he was struggling to keep his voice from faltering, and instead his response came out gruff.
Andra’s heart dropped to her stomach. His shadows were comparatively darker than hers, but they both had shadows all the same. She recognized that conviction in his words, believing so firmly that he’s still damaged and haunted by things that won’t stay buried. Her eyes softened once her gaze returned to his. “I hope this doesn’t mean you’re gonna disappear on me again.”
The pleading in her gaze pierced him in the chest. “I’ll do better.”
Her face turned up with a glimmer of faith. “I’ll accept that.”
“I’ll do you one better.” Ghost removed his hands from his pockets, palming his phone in one. “If you’re not doing anything Saturday morning, I would like to take you somewhere.”
Andra held herself back from looking too eager. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Doesn’t have to be a date. Just a little morning excursion if weather permits.”
Ghost really was trying, and it swelled something fierce in her heart. “Then I accept this invitation for our not-date.”
“I’ll see you Saturday morning, then.” Ghost left her front porch and hurried off to his truck to avoid getting rained on. Andra watched his truck drive back down the gravel path and make the left turn onto their shared road.
Her phone started to buzz in her pocket, Jasmine was calling to finish the conversation they had started. “Hey, no I’m free I just said bye to Ghost – oh my God, you’re impossible.”
Ghost booted up his laptop after receiving Laswell’s brief message letting him know she sent over any information she could dig up with the license plate number he had given her. He had called her when they were at the Blue Crescent Ranch and while Andra was fawning over her goats. Shadow and Phantom... that woman. Ghost muttered a curse to himself after looking over the registration documents.
It was a dead end.
The license plates were registered under a 65-year-old woman, and the make and model of the vehicle did not match the black sedan that were sporting the plates.
Ghost sighed and leaned back in the chair, staring at the screen as he pulled off his balaclava. This new development put his defenses on high alert. There shouldn’t have been any reason for a person driving with stolen plates to be coming down their road as frequently as this one has been. Shouldn’t have stolen plates at all. A one-time occurrence wouldn’t be enough for him to look into it, but after reviewing every motion sensor alert, this car had traveled down the road and back a total of seven times since July. A week after Andra had gotten her truck from the shop.
It was now September.
Ghost detested himself for feeling some kind of relief when Andra first had told him she wasn’t seeing anyone. He still felt that way, but the distress of this unknown person superseded that. He also remembered that Andra didn’t have any form of security on her property.
He would have to rectify that. She would most likely agree with him that it would be rational to set up at least a few cameras around the outside of her house, and maybe he could convince her to set one up near her mailbox as well. There were a couple of spare cameras he had in storage from when he first set up his own security system back when he moved in.
Johnny, much to his chagrin, had helped him set up the cameras. He had set up his own at his flat, but it seemed like he only checks his doorbell camera every time he gets packages delivered as of late. He wasn’t as concerned about being hunted down the way Ghost was; the 141 had faked his death a year before they had actually completed their contract. It seemed like no matter how many times Ghost had faked his death, it felt like someone out there still knew that he would never stay dead.
Christ... Ghost rubbed his burning eyes and closed the laptop. What was he doing? He recalled what Price told him the day they were on their flight back home. Let Simon have a life now. It was clear what he meant; put away the mask, live a civilian life, find a nice woman, or man, to warm his bed.
Ghost wouldn’t allow himself the luxury of living, he managed to sabotage any connection that wasn’t Johnny, Price, or Gaz. He was certain Andra would have told Ghost to jog off after the cold shoulder he had given her.
Until she hadn’t.
And then she had to go and showcase how much she just might understand his issues. Her metaphors of shadows made his knees feel like they were ready to give out. It was like he was out in an open field with no cover, and she had him in her sights of a scope. Vulnerable.
Ghost picked up his phone sitting beside the closed laptop and found himself looking at the photo she had taken in the truck. He saw her cheery smile on the screen, reaching up all the way to her eyes. With his unexpecting glance in her direction in the background. There was an iridescence about her eyes, it had him looking for what felt like several minutes. He didn’t want to think about what those eyes looked like the day she left the auto shop.
A message from Andra startled his train of thought. What’s the dress code for our morning rendezvous?
The corner of his mouth turned up slightly as he responded. Wear sensible shoes for walking.
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eelfuneral · 1 year
Tech Was Never Cold or Uncaring
In the wake of Tech’s broken-femured heroics in the newest season of The Bad Batch, I am overjoyed (read smug and obnoxious) about the fact that more people seem understand that Tech is, in fact, capable of being a caring individual. The assertion that he is somehow a cold or uncaring character always confused me, because textual evidence points to a very different characterization. I think people got hung up on his formal speaking register, social difficulties, and problems verbalizing his emotional state and kind of ran with an alternate character interpretation that completely ignored his actions and reactions. So in case you are curious about what I mean, here are some moments from the TBB arc of TCW and TBB Season 1 where Tech is a genuinely nice guy.
1. Standing up for Hunter
When Jessie and Kix asked what was “so special” about Hunter, Tech immediately stepped in and explained Hunter’s mutations and how they were beneficial.
2. Physically carrying Echo to safety
During Echo’s rescue, Tech carried Echo (a grown man) on his back while also using his strength to climb. He could have easily pawned this duty off to someone like Wrecker if he didn’t care to do it.
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3. Being disgusted at the slaughter of the Jedi
Tech was so upset by the deaths of the Jedi that in the second episode of TBB Season 1, he brought it up verbally as one of the big issues that he had with the Empire.
4. Worrying about Omega when she cried
Omega cried after being rescued from the Nexu on Cut’s farm, and Tech had a genuine emotional reaction to seeing her in that state:
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5. Helping Omega over the comm
After Omega managed to get her comm back and get into contact with her dads again after being kidnapped by Cad Bane, Tech made it a point to calmly talk her through what he needed her to do next to help them find her.
6. Not wanting to let Omega fly the Marauder until she knew it inside and out
Omega made an offhanded comment to Hera about Tech not wanting her to fly until he felt that she was sufficiently knowledgeable about their ship. I don’t know about you, but that screams “worried dad” to me.
7. Catching Omega when she jumped down from the upper level of the Marauder
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Enough said. There’s also a really sweet moment in a later episode where he helped steady Omega when she climbed down from Wrecker’s shoulders.
8. Being reluctant to leave Hunter after he was captured by the Empire on Daro
Hunter ordered Tech to just leave him after his capture, but Tech tried argue against it by stating that Hunter’s odds of escape were not good. When he prepared to comply with Hunter’s order, you could see him hesitate to initiate the jump to hyperspace because he didn’t want to leave Hunter.
9. Getting genuinely worried about Wrecker after his chip removal
It took a while for Wrecker to come to after the surgery, and you could tell by the tone of Tech’s voice that he was very, very worried. When Wrecker finally stirred, Tech sprang right up from his nap to see.
This isn’t even a complete list of all of the little moments where we got to see Tech’s caring nature, and I may expand on this list later.
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thenanamisimp · 7 months
This isn't something I've really done much since I started this blog but I really wanted to discuss this week’s TGCF episode.
This is your spoiler warning!!
Heaven official's blessing season 2, episode 6 spoilers but there are also discussions of the respective scenes from volume 2 so if you haven't finished reading the novel, I'd suggest maybe not reading this post.
For context, I saw a user on twitter discuss how the donghua has been adapting Hua Cheng's display of emotions towards Xie Lian.
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I also saw another user discuss the difference between how the novel/audio drama and the donghua have been showing Hua Cheng expressing emotions.
(I can't share the source as the OP is now private on twitter)
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While I haven't actually listened to the audio drama and I'm only on my first re-read of TGCF, these posts inspired me and I have thoughts and opinions that I need to share before I implode (one day it’ll happen I swear).
The scene the posters are talking about is after hcg saves xl from the heavenly Xianle palace, where they talk about what happened at paradise manor (aka xl apologising for burning down the armoury and lying to hcg about the earth master and hcg apologising for hurting xl’s arm).
In the donghua, we see hcg very obviously upset. He appears obviously and genuinely very sad about having hurt xl, even with the whole incident having been an accident. The distress in his eyes and voice is evident and clear-cut, seeming perhaps even a bit childish. In contrast, when reading this scene in the novel, while hcg definitely comes across upset, his distress appears a bit more calm and collected and he instead truly seems like a responsible adult who made a mistake and is sincerely apologetic for it to xl.
I believe that there’s multiple reasons why the dongua team chose to show hcg’s emotions in the way that they did. In my opinion, a reason why they could’ve chosen to do it this way is because of censorship. Now hear me out; clearly as a western fan I can’t speak much on Chinese censorship as I’m not highly knowledgable on the subject. However, I’d like to believe that the producing team is trying to work around the censorship laws in their own way. By making hcg’s emotions a little more over-the-top and obvious, it’s a lot easier for us as the viewer, especially queer fans that might understand queer dynamics better than others, to see and pick up on the subtext of what those exaggerated emotions mean while never having to be said out loud. And yes, we could argue that for those of us who have read the novel, it’s easier to recognise those subtle moments of vulnerability even if hcg’s reaction was made as ambiguous as it is in the book, because we have a lot more context. We have to remind ourselves that Hualian’s love story is never gonna be shown in the donghua in the same as the novel and people who are new to the story won't pick up on their relationship as easily.
As someone who hand’t heard of TGCF until Netflix licensed the donghua in my region (in 2021 I think?), I actually highly appreciate this difference in hcg’s character in the donghua. And while I don’t appreciate queerbaiting, watching season 1 made me search for the original source material and ended up with 8 very expensive books on my shelf (it took me 2 years to find volume 2 in stock somewhere…. 2 YEARS because I refuse to buy from amazon). San Lang (specifically referring to hcg’s form in volume 1 or season 1) is definitely slightly more aloof and energetic than hcg in his real form, so I do believe that his adaptation in season 1 was a lot more true to the source than season 2 seems to be.
My personal opinion is that, we need to view the donghua with a little more leniency as they have limits to the scenes they will be adapting later on (if the donghua doesn’t get dropped. Let us all pray together) and they have to make some things a little more obvious (but still no homo) to keep as much of the gay factor as they can without getting, you know, arrested. At the end of the day, it comes down to us what we prefer to consume and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people preferring one over the other. It's valid to prefer hcg in the novels and it's valid to also enjoy hcg's donghua adaptation, even if he's different and not completely true to the OG material.
Now when it comes to the whole “making xl seem oblivious thing”…. The jury is still out on this one I’m afraid. This was the final scene of the latest episode meaning, we don’t actually know how they’re gonna adapt the following scenes and this could very heavily affect the way xl reacts from here on. An adaptation is just that and like mentioned before, the donghua team has to make decisions on how to adapt things due to censorship. And at the end of the day, I think this is an interesting take on xl’s character as one of the biggest parts of his character is how he struggles to accept love and care from other people so one can argue that… He actually is oblivious in this scene? Especially at this point in the story considering he’s known hcg for like, a week, 2 weeks max (do not quote me on that, I haven’t actually calculated, I am lazy. Point is, he hasn’t known him for very long at this point in time). And while I would for sure be a bit disappointed if he still is presented like this later on in the story, we’re still too early into it to criticise the donghua over this and future scenes that haven’t even been touched yet. It’s not in any way fair to base our opinions on the upcoming scenes on a singular 2 minute clip of Hualian’s interaction.
So, I have said my peace. Please remember that everything I’ve discussed is purely my opinion and not fact, so take this post with a grain of salt. I’d actually love to discuss this further with people so please send asks if you have anything to add!
(This is also another good post to read about the censorship stuff I talked about in this post. I like how this user phrased it.)
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Once again, thank you for reading a (lengthy for once) ramble!
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jasntodds · 1 year
Caving In [6]
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Pairing: Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader, Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 13,432
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, fluff, mentions of bruises, panic attack, idk they go to see Jumanji: The Next Level so it’s 2019 because the show’s timeline is a mess and I’m fixing it, there’s a subtle Shazam! reference, little bit of angst, gar and reader talk about their dead parents so i mean, mention of drug addiction
Summary: ❝Tell me Atlas: What is heavier, The world or its people’s hearts?❞ You never expected your life to end up this way, turned upside down by an infamous Gotham villain. It’s been a living hell, every single day, until Dick Grayson brings you to Titans tower where you meet Gar Logan and Jason Todd.
A/N: First of all, next chapter is my favorite chapter and I can’t wait to get there (it’s Jason centric if anyone is curious) and second, this is late because we had a storm and I didn’t have wifi lol I am easily motivated to post more often when I get feedback 😂 The first few chapters take place between season 2 episode 1 and season 2 episode 2. You can add yourself the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary​​ and turn on notifications if you prefer that!!
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Over the next week, you, Jason, and Gar have secret late-night training sessions. You learned your lesson from the first night and were far more careful. Gar helped spar which to him, was also kind of nice because he also got an extra session. You like the late-night sessions with them. It's different than during the day when Dick and Rachel are awake, too. This is just, the three of you and it feels really nice and safe for you. You’ve only woken up four nights over the last week due to nightmares.
Gar walks the tower with you after training and that helps a lot. Jason spends an extra hour in the training room after your sessions. To you, it's kind of like if the impossibility of Jerry being in the tower becomes real, at least Jason is awake. At least you and Gar checked the tower. The two of them just existing helps. And you honestly just really like hanging out with the both of them and they like hanging out with you. You've almost become attached at the hip over the last week.
Now, it's just after ten in the morning and you’re walking into the kitchen in a hoodie and pajamas. Gar and Dick are the ones in the kitchen this time and you’re starting to wonder if Dick spends all of his time in here or the comms lab because almost every time you’re here, so is Dick.
"Good morning." Dick chimes, touches of sarcasm in his voice. You wave your hand haphazardly at him as you take a seat next to Gar.
"Good morning." Gar's voice is chipper and you give him a soft smile.
"Why are you all morning people?" You quip.
"If you weren't up so late..." Dick states.
"I go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up at a reasonable hour, Dickolas." You state, flashing him a grin. "So, do I get to train this week?" You cut to the chase because you know they’ll be going for a training session soon. Dick does have everyone on schedule.
"No." Dick shakes his head and you deadpan.
"It's been a week!" You exclaim. "I'm fine."
"Yeah," Gar chimes in. "She seems fine." It’s true. You’ve been doing just fine in your late-night sessions together.
"You were limping yesterday." Dick points out.
What Dick doesn't know is that you were only limping because Jason kicked you in the leg a little hard after you kicked him a little hard the night before. But, you can't tell him that without getting all of you in trouble so you roll your eyes.
You just want to train with everyone else. Of course, you want to keep the late-night sessions because you like the time with the boys and you could use the extra training regardless. You’re behind and Jason is a very good teacher. But, you just want to be included. You want to feel useful.
"You'll get to train soon." Dick assures you and he really just doesn't want you to injure yourself more.
"Alright." You let out a breath.
"Hey," Gar clears his throat, changing the subject, worried Dick will figure it out. "Did you wanna go see a movie today?" Gar asks looking at you.
"Uh..." You stutter.
What if you run into Jerry? You can't imagine you would because if he thinks you’re dead, he likely is trying to find another lab rat to test on. If he thinks you’re alive with the whole lack of news about a dead body, not that there would be much news since you probably looked homeless anyway and no one cares much for those stories, he might have gone underground to hide in case you actually went to the police. Really, the odds of you running into him aren't very high but the odds of him showing up in the tower are even less than that but that didn't stop you from panicking about him being there. So, what if you do run into him while you're out?
"We don't...we don't have to." Gar assures you, realizing maybe an outing might not be a good idea but you were fine with going with Dick and going with him last week.
"No!" You say quickly. "I want to it's just....um...ya know? Sally's was close and I don't know where the movie theater is and what if it's farther and we run into him? And no one can come help if we need it?"
You felt comfortable going out with Dick because he rescued you and he's Robin. Robin and Batman take down worse criminals than fucking Jerry. Robin did just fine on his own without Batman so going with Dick was a lot easier. And having Gar and Rachel with you, made you feel a little better. Three people with powers, two of which aren't injured sounded a lot better than having one person, not that you think Gar isn't capable. You just don't want to put that all on him.
"We can see if Rachel and Jason wanna go." Gar offers with a soft smile.
He definitely wanted to go alone with you but he's not going to force you or try to convince you. Besides, going out with everyone could be fun and maybe outings with a group will make you more comfortable going out in general, knowing nothing is going to happen.
"Are you sure?" You ask. "I-I mean...I think you're perfectly capable of taking care of Jerry if we did see him, I just...I wouldn't...I wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"It's okay." Gar chuckles softly. "I get it. I'd be fine though but yeah, we can ask."
"Here." Dick hands over enough money for four of you to see a movie, including snacks. "You guys have got to start doing chores though."
"Gotcha, will do." Gar takes the money from the counter with a giant grin. "Thank you."
"What'd ya have in mind?" You ask, leaning back in your chair as you keep your attention on Gar.
"I was gonna see if there was anything you wanted to see." Gar offers, voice as chipper as usual.
"I haven't been to the movies in a year so I'm down with everything." You laugh softly while Gar pulls out his phone, pulling up the closest movie theater to see what they have playing.
"Oh! Have you seen Jumanji? With the Rock and Jack Black?" Gar asks with excitement. "For a reboot, it was so good!"
"It's one of my favorites!" It was one of the last movies you saw in theaters, or at all actually. "Jack Black is hilarious and Kevin Hart with The Rock is truly amazing. Perfect casting. Plus, Karen Gillan is hot so." You gush and this is the most excited you’ve seemed since you got here, it’s warming both Dick and Gar's hearts. If getting you to the movies will get you happy again, Gar will take you to see every single movie, even horror movies. "I didn't know they made a new one!"
"Yeah! Just came out! It looks really good, too! I bet Rachel and Jason will like it, too. They have a show at one?" Gar asks.
"Cool! I'll shower, you wanna ask them to go?"
"Sure." Gar's beaming with a sense of light as he grabs his bowl, bringing to the sink.
"Rinse it." Dick urges.
"Sorry." Gar laughs, rinsing his bowl and putting it in the dishwasher.
Gar rushes off to find Rachel and Jason, leaving you and Dick once again. You’re begging for this not to become a routine. You get up and grab more cereal. You wonder if there's ever actual breakfast that's made given they're supposed to be training. You think maybe there should be, not that you feel entitled to it, but just that you’re surprised Dick doesn't make everyone a breakfast that's good for athletes or something.
"You gonna be okay going today?" Dick asks you.
"Assume so, been fine before." You answer, pouring your cereal into a bowl.
"Your adoptive dad?" He asks and you realize you’ve revealed too much but also can't be bothered to hide it from him. If Jason and Gar can research you, surely he definitely has.
"Mhm." You hum, grabbing your preferred milk from the fridge. "But you knew that." You mutter. "Ya know, talks about Bruce Wayne and all, kind of figured you figured it out or something." You explain. "Presumably, the comms lab is just a giant bat computer."
"Bat computer?"
"Mhm, that's what it's called right? Bat computer? Like Batcave?"
Dick lets out a sigh. "It's not a bat computer."
"Uh-huh, so like, but there's a Batcave, batmobile, BatMAN. So, does Bruce just name everything Bat-something when it has to do with Batman? Like...the baterang!" You exclaim and Dick just blinks at you. "Batshoes? Batcape? Do you actually call Wayne Manor Bathome? Bathouse? BatManor? If you get a dog, is the dog called...batdog? Like in Homeward Bound? Are you and Jason batsons?" You have a shit-eating grin. "And why are you called Robin? Sorry, why is Jason called Robin? Robins are birds. Not bats. So, birdsons." You scrunch your nose. "Batsons is better."
"You think you're funny."
"Oh, I'm fucking hilarious. Gar would be chiming in with other bat things, too." You laugh softly. "Jason would probably start calling things bat-something just to annoy you and Bruce."
"No," Dick shakes his head and you catch the glimpse of a smile. "Not everything is called batsomething."
"What a missed opportunity. Batsons." You snicker to yourself. Dick shakes his head. "Anyway, don't go looking for him." You state. "Jerry, I mean."
"What makes you think I would?" Dick's brows furrow.
"Robin." You state.
"I'm not Robin anymore." Dick says with a sigh.
You roll your eyes. "Mhm, whatever." You take your bowl to the seat you were in previously. "So, you won't find him and hunt him down?"
"No, not since you asked me not to." Dick promises you.
"Thank you. Though, I do think that you should let bring him in when I'm ready." You point your spoon at him.
"Why would I do that?"
"It would make me feel better to know that I survived him, brought him to justice, and he can't ever do that to someone else ever again. Ya know, real Titans shit."
Dick hates the idea but he also knows he can't keep all of you locked in a tower forever training. Eventually, you will have a big bad to fight and take down. Maybe Jerry would be a good test run with the team, to see how you all handle yourselves and he'll be there for backup. Jerry doesn't seem like a huge supervillain, just a guy who beats on smaller people. On the other hand, however, he remembers what it's like looking for the person who wronged him, killed his parents and he ended up dead. He has to live with it every day and heroes aren't supposed to kill people. Even in a year from now, is he supposed to trust you not to go and kill him in a rage fit? It's something he'll need time to sit on.
"We'll see." Dick answers.
You pause, spoon in the air halfway to your mouth. "Wait. Really?"
Dick shrugs. "I said we'll see."
"Well, I expected a complete and hard no so, alright then." You shrug. "Soon as I'm not in pain--"
"Yes, you get to train then." Dick cuts your off. "Your eagerness seems..."
"Overzealous?" You chuckle while Dick nods.
"I don't like sitting around and I wanna feel useful. Everyone else gets to train." You answer but your voice doesn't turn sour, just honest.
"Okay." Dick nods. "Get better, take it easy, rest, and you'll be training in no time." He offers you a smile, still not quite convinced you haven't convinced one of the boys to start your training. Your eagerness is the selling point for your assumption.
"Aye-eye, Captain." You salute him sarcastically as you eat your food.
Dick goes off to do whatever it is Dick does during the day while you finish your food. Once you’re done, you head to your room to pick out something to wear. You don't have much but you have enough in your opinion. You pick out a pair of pants and a shirt. You top it off with the forest green hoodie you picked out, remembering that movie theaters always tend to be a bit cool. With your outfit in hand, you head to the bathroom for a shower.
Weirdly, you think your face looks worse. The bruises are healing but that seems to make them look more off-putting. The healing tone of the bruises make them look off. You almost grimace at the sight of yourself because no matter how many times you shower, it’s always off-putting but you shake it off because you do want to go to the movies.
While in the shower, the rest of the bruises seem to be healing, too. It's all healing slowly, in your opinion, but healing nonetheless. Besides the boot print, that's still a darker tint and still causing some slight pain with your movements but it's something you just have to deal with. If anything, at least that's something you can take away. You'll be better at just dealing with shit, maybe.
After the shower, you get dressed and get ready. Once you’re done, you head to Gar's room to look for him. Gar's door is open when you get there and Jason is sitting on one of the chairs in the middle of the room while Gar is digging through his closet, clearly looking for something.
"What's...what's he doing?" You ask Jason whose hair is still wet from his own shower, pointing to Gar.
Jason shrugs. "Looking for something to wear."
You glance back at Gar, his head fully buried into his closet, standing on one foot with the other pointed out like he's reaching for something. "Surely, it cannot be that big of a thing...right?"
"Appanrent-fucking-ly." Jason chuckles.
"I'm looking," Gar yells from his closet with a grunt. "For a hoodie."
"You're wearing a hoodie?" You question, moving to sit in a chair beside Jason. "What's wrong with the one you're wearing?" You ask and it's the green one he loaned you your first day at the tower.
"Not big enough." He yells again.
Your brows are knitted, Jason just as confused as you are. "Right." You nod not bothering to dig more into that one. "You coming?" You ask.
"Yeah, figured I'd offer extra protection." Jason smirks at you.
"OR," You start, raising your brows and pointing a hand at him haphazardly. "You could just come watch a movie to hang out and have, wait for it," You lean forward. "Fun." You give him a sarcastic, open-mouthed smile.
"I have fun!"
"Beating a punching bag doesn't count!" Gar yells from behind the both of you.
"See." You lean back.
"Oh, so you want me to go...for fun?" Jason quips and he has a teasing smirk that makes your stomach twist.
You shake your head, trying your best not to smile at him. "For fun." You echo making Jason chuckle.
"I found it!" Gar yells, excitement in his voice as he finally emerges from the closet holding a green pullover hoodie that's definitely bigger than the one he's wearing.
"You sure do like green, huh?" You ask with interest. He does look very good in green and it matches his hair which you find endearing.
"It's my favorite color." Gar beams, seeing you also wearing green. "You're wearing green." He states.
"I also happen to like the color." You laugh softly. "Why such a big hoodie?"
"For snacks." Gar smiles widely, tossing the hoodie he's wearing onto the bed and throwing the pullover over his head. He's basically swimming in it but it's cute.
"For snacks, dude? Seriously?" Jason asks.
"Yeah! Do you want to get up in the middle of the movie for them? And! We can bring our own!"
"Oh, breaking rules now." You quip, just wanting to poke some fun at him.
"They're expensive." Gar defends.
"That's fair." You agree with him. "We always just used someone's purse."
"Really?" Jason looks between you and Gar.
"Come on, I find it hard to believe you paid for every movie you ever saw in a theater."
Jason gets a knowing grin, tilting his head quickly to the right and back up. "True."
"And what snacks are we bringing, Gar?" You ask as Gar walks over to you.
"A bag of Cheez-Its," Gar starts, you finding the choice in the first snack a bit odd for a movie theater but you let him talk. "Airhead extremes, sour patch kids, and skittles." Gar finishes his list with a triumphant smile.
"Watermelon Sour Patch kids?"
"What other ones would they be?"
"Well, you've sold me." You stand up. "Was unaware there was candy here though." Your eyes narrow at him.
"I'll show you." Gar jerks his head towards his door. "You coming? We gotta get Rachel, too. She was just getting ready."
Jason lets out a sigh but gets up and follows the two of you out of the room. The three of you go to get Rachel and then head for the kitchen where Gar shows you where Dick keeps the candy. You only really investigated a few cabinets for food. You found the cereal and stuff in the fridge which was enough for you for now. But now, you know where the candy is and suddenly, this place feels a lot better. Candy has a way of making you better about almost any situation.
Once Gar has the snacks secured in his hoodie pouch, the four of you leave for the movies. It's a fifteen-minute walk which was uneventful besides the few bickering comments Rachel and Jason had for each other. You’re figuring out that's an everyday thing. You don't have siblings but you imagine that's how siblings are. Just, fighting, every day, for absolutely no reason and then being fine five minutes later.
You’re happy you don't have siblings.
You and Gar, on the other hand, walk behind them together and Gar talks about his favorite parts of the first movie. You remember everything about the first movie but he was so excited so you asked for a little refresher and Gar did not disappoint. He mimics Jack Black's character, badly, but it made you laugh and made your stomach bubble. He explained the scene where Karen Gillan had to fight some of the bad guys while the rest of the team got the helicopter. Gar's hand flew around here and there with his words, expressing all the scenes and you chimed in with some of your favorite scenes.
It felt like just the two of you, not even noticing the bickering of Rachel and Jason after a few minutes. Jason and Rachel could have ditched you and neither of you would have even noticed. You're too busy being absorbed in the conversation that switched from Jumanji to games Gar thinks you will like to play since you like PlayStation. He rambles about the different games and you hang onto every word, becoming more interested in the idea of Xbox which might also just be because Gar likes Xbox. But you’re willing to play the games with him regardless, anything to spend more time with him at this point.
Once you get to the theater, Gar and you separate only for him and Jason to get tickets and you and Rachel to stand in line for popcorn and a drink.
"So," Rachel starts, keeping her stare forward at the menu board with a smile pulling at her lips. "You and Gar?" Her tone is a little teasing but always kind.
"W-what, uh, what about Gar and me?" You ask, looking at Rachel and then back at the menu. You do love popcorn and there is truly nothing like movie theater popcorn.
"You guys seem..." She hums. "Like you're getting close."
"It feels like you're digging for something." You look over at her, Rachel catching the smile on your face.
"You'd be cute together, is all." Rachel shrugs.
"He is like..." You try your best to hold back the smile that's splitting your face. "SO cute." You gush. You remember the last time you had a crush on someone and how exciting it felt but this feels so much better. And maybe it's because of everything you’ve been through where this little tinge of happiness feels so overdramatic you could drown in it or maybe it's because he's just not like the people you normally like. "And funny." You beam. "And so fucking nice all the time and caring and protective and he's not a smart ass." You catch yourself rambling. "He just..." You slow down, sucking in a breath. "He makes me forget all the shit, ya know?" Your smile grows a little sad with the words.
"Yeah, he's really at that. He found me in the woods and took me to the Doom Manor, as he likes to call it, and he made sure I was always safe. Always checking on me."
"Are you sure you're not into him?" You ask, just making sure you’re not crossing a line.
Of course, you don’t plan to do anything about it because while you ramble about how great Gar is, you know you could do the same about Jason if Rachel asked. But, regardless, it’s better to double-check.
Rachel shakes her head, scrunching her nose. "No, he's cute but there's nothing there."
"Cool." You tilt your weight to your toes and to your heels. "But like, we're just hanging, ya know? And stuff." You add in, not wanting to give the wrong impression.
You’re not ready for anything, not when you’re still having nightmares and tasting iron trauma. You won't put that on anyone and you never dive into anything that quickly anyway. 
"Yeah, of course." Rachel nods, not believing you but going with it anyway.
"Okay, got the tickets." Gar chimes behind the two pf you. He hands you and Rachel your tickets as he looks at the menu.
"Nachos." Jason mutters behind you. "Haven't had nachos in forever."
You look behind you. "You're one of those? Of course, you are." You joke.
"One of what?" Jason’s voice raises.
"Who gets nachos instead of popcorn." You retort.
"They're good, don't tell me you're a freak who doesn't like nachos?"
"I do! But when I can have movie theater popcorn."
"Did you wanna split a popcorn?" Gar interjects, looking at you.
"Yeah, sure." You offer him a smile. Rachel holding her smile to herself.
You look over to a few people standing by the poster wall with the new releases and upcoming movies. You can feel them looking at you when you look away and maybe you’re just hyperaware of it because you feel a bit more self-conscious now. You know the blatant bruises are an eye sore and the rest of the tower is just too kind and too used to seeing them to say how bad they look. But, it makes you shift in your shoes, like you’re too exposed again. And you’re aware of all of the people around you which, any other time, would have made you realize the people by the wall probably aren't looking at you and just looking in the same direction but this is now and you can't help but feel like everyone around you knows. Knows someone is probably out there looking for you to finish you off and what happened to you. Gar notices the distant and detached look across your face almost immediately.
"Are you okay?" Gar touches your arm lightly to get your attention. You nod, your eyes darting around everyone and Gar knows something's going on. "We can go grab seats while Jason and Rachel grab the food." Gar offers his hand to you and you take it without any hesitation. "Large popcorn, Smart Water, drink?" Gar looks to you.
You mutter your drink of choice, Jason and Rachel nodding in response.
Gar pulls you from the line and off towards the screening rooms, Jason watching you as you disappear. He feels bad for you because Gar wasn't the only one to notice the sudden look of panic on your face. He's seen it before, felt it, it's not something he ever wishes on anyone but he knows you’re in good hands with Gar.
Meanwhile, Gar gets you into the proper screening room, the lights still partially lit with an advertising message on the screen for the food the theater sells. He lets you pick which row and then sits on your left.
"What's going on?" He asks, keeping his voice in a whisper and quiet, not to let anyone else hear him. It's a weekday so there aren't that many people here, still enough to make you uneasy but not nearly as many as a Friday night or weekend.
"I-I-I don't know." You pull the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands. "I just...I saw people and I thought they were looking at me." You whisper to Gar. "And then everyone was just there, felt claustrophobic and my heart was racing and my hands got all sweaty."
"Sounds like a panic attack."
"Yeah," You nod with a sigh, your hand still locked with Gar's. "I got them a few times before after my mom died and on the streets and then ya know, first few weeks with Jerry. Never really had one in a normal situation before."
"It's new again though." Gar assures you. "It's understandable and there's nothing wrong about it or anything." He offers a sincere smile. "There were a lot of people out there, too. I don't think anyone was looking at you, if it makes you feel any better."
You give a faint cornered smile. "Thank you."
"Did you still wanna see the movie?" Gar asks. "It's okay if you don't want to."
"No." Your voice raises slightly. "I do." You smile fully this time. "I just...don't think I wanna be around so many people like that for a little while. Even when Dick and me went, there were only like five people in the stores so it wasn't a big deal, I guess."
"Okay." Gar squeezes your hand, realizing he's still holding it and your hands are still cold. "We can do this regularly if you want. Seeing a movie here to help you readjust if you think it'll help. I'm sure Jason and Rachel will be cool with it. We can grab the seat and they can get the food."
"I'd really like that." You fell heat rise to your cheeks, looking down and back to him.
"If it doesn't help though, that's okay, too. We'll figure something else out." Gar holds his head high with a reassuring smile.
"Thank you, Gar." You suck in a breath, feeling better. The dim light of the theater and lack of more people seems to have helped as did Gar talking to you. "I'm feeling a bit better now."
"Got food." Jason says from the end of the aisle as Rachel goes in first, sitting on the opposite side of Gar.
You and Gar disconnect for the first time since sitting down so you can grab your things. Jason already put your drink in the cupholder before handing you a popcorn. Rachel had Gar's water in hand with her own small popcorn. You all get comfortable in your recliner seats. Jason tilts his back with the footrest popping up while you just lean yours back slightly, pulling your legs up knees bent facing Gar. Gar pulls a knee up as he digs out a bag of Cheez-Its from his pocket making you giggle. His cheeks burn with the sound and he's starting to really love the way your laugh sounds to him. He offers a few Cheez-Its as the lights go down, you taking a few before switching to your popcorn.
The previews play and you’re pretty excited about some of the upcoming movies you saw trailers for. You really missed movies. The idea of not doing anything for two hours besides watching characters on screen is what you consider ultimate peace of mind. Even horror movies bring you that comfort because it's fiction and you’re safe, especially now with the three people that surround you in this movie theater.
The movie plays while you and Gar share popcorn and Cheez-Its, Jason even offering to share some of his nachos if he could have some popcorn. That's one of the reasons Gar asked for the large. Sure, him and you were sharing but he also knew Jason would be stealing some of it. They've gone to see a movie before and despite Jason saying he didn't want popcorn, he absolutely was stealing from Gar's small popcorn the whole movie. Rachel, on the other hand, is completely content with her own popcorn and some of the Sour Patch Kids Gar brought.
About halfway through the movie, Gar, Jason, and you finished off the popcorn, Gar putting the empty bucket by your feet so none of you have to hold it. You have your arm on your armrest, leaning comfortably and toward Gar. He thought maybe you were only sitting like that because it was easier to share the popcorn between you, though not easier for Jason who had to stretch a bit. But, now he kind of thinks either you’re really just that comfortable or maybe, just maybe, you like being a little closer to him. He likes the idea of the second one a lot more. So, he gets the courage from the pit of his stomach, sucking in a breath to reach for your hand. The whole arm move thing is way too ballsy, especially right now, so soon and with Jason and Rachel on either side of you both. He'd never hear the end of it even if you weren’t okay with it.
He interlocks his fingers with yours, sitting a little straighter and focusing a little too much on keeping his attention on the movie, he doesn't even notice you moved your attention to look at you. You appreciate the effort and find it be the cutest thing in the world that he's nervous about it. Maybe it's because this time it's not because he's trying to make you feel better like the previous time but just because he wants to. There's no other reason or purpose and it makes him nervous but you interlock your fingers with his, giving his hand a squeeze while refocusing your attention on the movie. You can see Gar relax in his seat with a giant smile on his face from the corner of your eyes.
Jason looks over and sees it. It crushes him a bit. He talked to Gar and he's not that big of an asshole to intrude if his friend wants a shot at someone. But it is a little bit of a blow to the ego even if he kind of gets it. He never really had a shot anyway, maybe you're too similar and snarky. So, it hurts a little but at least his best friend seems happy and he does like the banter with you so he can't be too mad since he'd probably end up fucking that up anyway.
The movie ends and the four of you make your way out of the theater. Gar and you keep your hands connected, lazy smiles on both of your faces as you start your walk back to the tower. To feel normal is something that's typically indescribable because it's normal. It's easy, every day, someone wakes up and just lives, does their thing, then goes to bed. Most people just have normal lives and those normal lives are sometimes boring, sometimes exciting but normal. Sleep, school or work, eat, friends, family (or a found family), hobbies. Normal. Day to to day life is just that, normal. But, for you, the idea of a normal life became a thing.
Not something day to day to shrug off but something you described as magical (which you do think is kind of lame but it’s true). Because even in day-to-day life, in a normal life, even if it's boring, it is there and there is happiness and hope and love and fun. Even if the only thing someone does outside of their normal responsibilities is watch tv, that is something that brings that person happiness and fun. A normal life surrounded by normal emotions and actions and activities seemed so magical. An abstract idea of a dream life. To be normal because for so long, you lived in fear of the cops finding you, the Joker getting out of Arkham, Jerry. Nothing was every routine or normal about any of it, even living in Gotham. But right now, walking with your hand in Gar's and laughing as him and Jason mimic a scene from the movie dramatically, you feel normal. Magical, like you’re living in that ethereal dream you felt was so out of reach, you'd fall to your death trying to grasp it. But here you are, happy and content and smiling and you haven't known any of them long, but you feel loved.
And in this moment, normal life, to you, is confirmed to be magical and intoxicating.
Back at the tower, the four of you tell Dick about the movie, completely spoiling the whole thing for him. You took turn at first talking about your favorite parts before it turned into all of you talking at the same time with excitement. Dick found it to be a little overwhelming, being yelled at by 4 of you about a movie he hasn't even seen the first one to. But he also found it to be heartwarming and he had a real sense that this was going to work. The new Titans were going to work this time because all four of you were getting along so well, better than the last month has been. He even kind of feels like a proud dad in a way, watching you all get overly dramatic about the movie and listening to you. He hopes it stays like this.
As the night goes by, the four of you have a training session, you sitting on the sidelines with 3 bottles of Gatorade while you watch. After the training sessions and after a quick shower, Gar meets you in your room, a Nintendo Switch and the dock in hand. He connects it to the TV hanging on your wall while you get comfortable in the middle of the couch. Once everything is set up, Gar sits right beside you, handing you the left controller that has a green tiger print skin on it.
"Okay I have Mario Party, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, It Takes Two, Jason normally plays that with me." Gar chuckles softly, scrolling through his games. "Overcooked."
"We can okay Mario Kart." You cut him off. "I had a Wii and I was unbeatable." You hold your head up, prideful smile on your face.
"We'll see about that." Gar huffs, a cocky grin pulling at his lips as he clicks the game.
"I can't beat you at Xbox games but I can beat you at Nintendo game you throw at me."
"I thought you liked PlayStation." Gar teases, selecting a circuit for you to play which of course, includes the harder Rainbow Road.
"I'm a multifaceted person." You quip, rolling your eyes at the selection of Rainbow Road knowing you spent hours just playing that race to make sure you could beat anyone at it.
Gar lets out a laugh. "So am I then!" Gar's smile turns into a smirk. "I do turn into a tiger so."
"Which I still have yet to see by the way!" You yell dramatically as you pick Yoshi.
"Hey! I normally play Yoshi!"
"You should have been faster." You laugh. "I have never used another character, even in Mario Party. The only one I pick differently is Smash Bros."
"Let me guess, Link?"
"Obviously." You chuckle while Gar pick Luigi.
Gar shakes his head. "I'm still gonna beat you though. Even with Luigi." Gar scoots to the edge of the couch, getting in a comfortable position and you can't help but laugh.
You cross your legs, leaning against the back of the couch in a relaxed position. You’re rusty but you’re never one to back down from a Mario Kart competition. Does anyone though?
The two of you hold down the down button on your controllers right at the countdown hits 2 and the race starts. You fly by the bots and each collect a box. Gar gets a banana which makes him groan and you get a green shell. You roll your eyes knowing both of you did not get good power-ups which was to be expected running in first and second place. Gar tosses the banana just to get rid of it and you toss your shell, hitting Gar, surprising yourself. A booming laugh escapes her from behind Gar.
"Seriously!?" Gar yells out, collecting a second box.
"I didn't even mean to." You continue to laugh, missing a second box. "I normally end up running into my own shells."
"How do you even win then?" Gar asks through a laugh.
"Lots of skill, clearly." You squeak as you hit a banana thrown by a bot.
"Sure, that's how it happens." Gar mocks.
"I'm gonna kick your ass." You state, brows knitting together and you know he's going to be harder competition than your previous competition.
As the race goes on, you both continue to get power-ups and occasionally yell about how the bots are unfair, every time you happen to get hit by something a bot threw. But both of you mostly are jokingly yelling at each other whenever one of you hits the other with something. You won the first two races by saving a red shell until the end to hit Gar with. He caught on to your plan quickly and did it to you on the third race to which you called him a cheater. Gar thought it was mostly just funny. With the final rest underway, you lean over and mess with Gar's controller at the last minute allowing you to win.
"THAT IS DEFINITELY CHEATING!" Gar yells, appalled with a giant smile.
"Is NOT!" You stick your tongue out at him.
"HOW?! You moved my hands off of my controller!" Gar yells between laughs.
"I took advantage of a situation which is NOT cheating! It's strategy!" You defend, giggling the whole time, not being able to take yourself seriously.
Gar blinks at you, mouth slightly agape. "That's not a strategy! Rematch!"
Before you can argue, the door opens without a knock and Jason storms in, shutting the door quickly behind him. You and Gar watch him, pausing your argument momentary to see not only why he's here but why he didn't knock.
"Can I help you?" You ask.
"I can hear you in my room!" Jason groans. "You're gonna wake up Dick and we're not gonna be able to train."
"Oops." Gar chuckles.
"Our bad." You give Jason a yikes face.
Jason shakes his head, his stomach twisting at the sight of the two of you comfy on the couch and he could hear the majority of your fake argument. Jason can't really tell if he's jealous of you because he's normally the one that plays Mario Kart with Gar (and definitely cheats to win) or if he's jealous of Gar because he likes just spending time with you but you don't laugh like this around him. It's an odd feeling boiling in his stomach, something he doesn't even quite know how to explain. But, he does his best to ignore it.
"You guys ready then?" Jason asks, hands in his pockets.
Gar and you check your phones, only to realize you've been playing for three hours and it's after two in the morning. You quickly get up, offering Jason an apology before following him to the training room. Jason stands in the center of the room while Gar stands next to you.
The three of you do a few stretches before Jason starts giving directions. To start off, just like every night before this, he wants you at the punching bag to warm up and Gar goes to grab the three of you Gatorade since that's the one thing you forgot this time.  Jason wraps your hands because you insist you don't remember how Jason does it. You do but you like when he does it for you and it seems to make him happy when he does it. It makes him feel needed a little more.
"So, you just get to barge into my room without asking now?" You ask as you hit the bag, glancing at Jason.
Jason lets out a huff. "Not like you were busy. I could hear you."
"Mhm." You hum, taking a few more punches at the bag, the way Jason showed you. "What if you were hearing shit and I was naked?" You quip just to get under his skin.
You spot Jason tense up from the corner of your eyes. "I'd be scarred for fucking life, I guess." Sarcasm drips from his words.
"Oooh, burn." You laugh softly. "Can I barge into your room without knocking?"
"Only if you're okay with seeing me naked, babe." Jason gives you a cornered grin and you stop to narrow your eyes at him.
"I like having eyesight, thanks though, DaRlInG." You give him a smirk before returning your attention to the punching bag.
Jason watches and gives you pointers and he likes this a lot. He feels useful and despite the fact it's only been a week, he's seeing progress in you. You’re determined and smart, he tells you how to do something one time and you’ve got it. It makes him feel like he's actually doing something right here. It's behind Dick's back but if something were to happen to you, at least you have another form of defense on your side and it's because of him.
Gar comes running back in, Gatorade in hand with a heaving chest. You pause, turning to look at him and Jason takes a step forward, both of your faces wrapped in confusion. He gasps for breath before pointing down the hall.
"What the hell is going on?" Dick comes up behind Gar, arms crossing as he glares at you and Jason by the punching bag.
Jason shifts his weight to his right foot, crossing his arms over his chest instinctively. You keep your face emotionless as you look at Dick just waiting for him to start yelling at you for disobeying him as if he's your dad. Gar looks shameful as he stands just behind Dick.
"Well?" Dick almost yells waiting to a response.
"We're not doing shit, Dick." Jason finally speaks up with a scoff.
"We're just hanging out." Gar chimes in.
"Can't we do that?" You ask.
Dick is being ganged up on by the three of you. He's so disappointed in all of you. You, of course he knew would try to get someone to train tiy behind his back. You’re new and traumatized and everything is all very new to you. He can understand you. But Jason and Gar? Dick made himself clear to the both of them and yet here they are, going behind his back risking you getting injured further.
With Jason, a part of Dick almost expected it because Jason is already a wild child, reckless, doesn't think before he does anything, rebellious. But he's also the oldest and should know better, especially since he seems to actually care about you. But then there's Gar. Gar does what Dick tells him to besides the chores, sometimes he forgets but this? Training you behind his back? Where is that even coming from? He expects so much more from him. From all of you.
And he does not feel like dealing with their lies at two in the morning.
"Didn't I tell you not to train her?" Dick’s attention is trained on Jason. Dick did warn him, specifically not to. Your determination and eagerness was a red flag and he had a suspicion you'd try to convince Jason to train you early.
Gar looks from Dick to Jason and his heart breaks for his best friend. Jason complains sometimes about how he can never do anything right according to Bruce and Dick. He puts all his effort into being Robin and he knows he's good at it but neither of them actually care or notice. It's just always whatever Jason fucked up this time. And now this is another thing. Gar was told not to help and he's right here but Jason is being blamed. It was your idea but Jason is the one in trouble. It makes Gar grit his teeth and bite his tongue.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jason yells back at Dick in just as much disbelief that he's being blamed fully right now as Gar and you.
Your brows are knitted looking in between the boys. You didn't really understand why Jason has an attitude with Dick. You thought he was just like that, you are. Kind of, you have a reason but you’re also just like that. But now you see it. Dick didn't say Bruce was great and Bruce shipped Jason off here and now he's still not good enough for Dick. He's helping you, and safely right now. Why isn't that seen as a good thing? Sure you aren't supposed to be doing this at all, but it was your idea and Jason is just being a good friend.
"Yeah," Dick nods his head. "I told you she's not ready and you go behind my back and risk hurting her. What is wrong with you?"
Jason shakes his head, fists balling at his sides and why is everything he does always so wrong? Why can't these people that he looks up to so fucking much just have something nice to say about him for fucking once?
"Shut the fuck up." You scoff, moving to stand in front of Jason, eyes locked on Dick.
"I told him—"
"So? I bet him, won the bet and this is what I wanted. And Gar is right there but you're only yelling at Jason. You told me multiple times that I wasn't allowed to train but you haven't started yelling at me yet. What? He's the oldest? Has the most experience so you expect more?" You, part of the gifted kids in school, knows exactly where Dick is going.
"Actually, yeah. I expect more."
"Stop expecting so much and you won't be so fucking disappointed." Your face is hard as you glare at him. "He made sure we were all being safe and it was my fucking idea. I manipulated him into helping me. Gar caught us and didn't want to snitch on us and risk getting us in trouble. The only one you have to be mad at right now is me."
Jason's heart warms with you standing up for him. You literally stood in front of him and took the heat. He is at fault because he did go against what Dick said but he doesn't deserve how Dick talks to him. He's never had anyone stand up for him like that. Not here, no in Chicago, not in Gotham. He can handle himself of course but he doesn't feel so alone with you defending him, cold and strong as stone.
Gar has a cornered grin, one Dick can't see with Gar behind him but you can. Jason and Rachel stand up to Dick but not like that and never to defend each other. And Rachel doesn't really get in trouble, she just disagrees with Dick sometimes. But neither of them quite fight Dick the way you do and with you not even knowing him, Gar can't help but find it both admirable and comical. You almost seem fearless even, standing toe to toe with him, with Jason, after everything you’ve been through. He likes that in you.
Dick sighs, looking behind you and to Jason. Jason gives him a cornered smirk, shrugging his head to the right. "Fine, Gar, Jason, bed now." Dick commands.
"Good night, Y/n." Gar states with a wave and a grin.
"Night." Jason mutters but before he leaves with Gar, he offers you a small but thankful smile and a nod from behind Dick and then leaves.
Dick walks over to one of the benches and sits down, holding the bridge of his nose. Now he gets why Bruce only took one kid in at a time. This is way too much work. He understands the stress and chaos he brought on Bruce now because none of you make it easy on him and he knows he wasn't any better than any of you. Bruce definitely wasn't great and he's determined to be better than Bruce was to him, but it's not nearly as easy as he thought it was going to be.
"Gonna kick me out?" You ask, the coldness gone from your voice and is now filled with hesitance.
Dick looks up you, brows furrowing. "What? No." He shakes his head. "Of course not." He lets out a sigh and you shift your weight from your toes to your heels. "Why would you think that?"
You shrug. "I'm new." Your voice is almost nonchalant. "You're pretty mad, I got two of your guys to disobey you." You shrug, trying to act more casual about it than the beating of your heart is saying. A part of you is actually panicking at the idea of getting kicked out. You don't have anywhere else to go.
"I wouldn't kick any of you guys out." Dicks voice isn't filled with anger anymore, instead, it's sad. "Is that why you got them to help you?"
You walk over to him and sit on the bench. "Kind of." You answer honestly. "If I fuck up and you kick me out, I won't have anywhere to go. I don't even know the city. But....the main reason is just," You suck in a breath, feeling too exposed. "I'm afraid of running into Jerry, ya know? I never want him to know what he did worked. But I need to defend myself some other way."
Dick nods, understanding and while he thinks you shouldn't be training. It's clear, you'll just go behind his back and do it anyway. Your reasoning behind doing it is sound at least.
"Jason wasn't doing anything wrong. I didn't get hurt or anything, not any more than I already am and Gar was just the look out, we didn't even want him involved." You continue.
"You're really taking full responsibility for it?" Dick asks.
"It is my responsibility. My idea, my plan." You nod just once. "Why?"
"You don't seem the type to take the fall for other people."
"Well, it's true."  Your hands are clasped in your lap as you look down to your shoes.
"Yeah but you seem the type to save your ass regardless, especially if something that big is on the line." Dick watches you carefully.
You do not give him the impression that you rat people out. You do, however, give him the impression you would if your life or something significant was on the line. He thinks you’d try to talk yourself out of it but eventually, if it looked a little too bleak, you’d flip and save yourself. But, clearly, he misread you.
You scoff, scrunching your face. "Let's get one thing straight, I am not a fucking narc, Dickolas." You huff, taking full offense to what he said as you look back to him. "And, I do happen to care about the both of them quite a bit so I'd never narc on them, no matter what."
"Both, huh?" Dick chuckles, shaking his head knowing this will probably cause an issue later that he'll end up having to solve which is not where he saw life going.
"Mhm." You hum, sensing Dick growing uncomfortable. "You don't wanna hear about it."
"Yeah, the less I know, probably the better when it comes to that." Dick laughs, a bit relieved. "Well, I guess you can start training tomorrow then." Dick caves because if you’re going to do it behind his back, he might as well let you train. Getting caught isn't going to stop you and Jason, he is almost completely certain of that.
"Wait. What? Why?" You shake your head.
"You're going to do it anyway." Dick lets out a sigh.
"Sweet, thanks." You give him a grateful smile. "I am fine, for the record. You have nothing to worry about."
"Yeah, alright." Dick nods his head, not sure he completely believes you but has no other choice now.
"Well, can I go to bed then?"
"Don't let either of them drag you down, if you need to...narc, do it." Dick warns.
"Nah." You chuckle, standing up. "They'd kill someone and I'd help hide the body."
"You've known them two weeks!"
"When you know, you know." You nod once, smirking at Dick who sucks in a breath, tired of this. "Goodnight, Richard."
"Don't call me that!"
"Dickolas." You chortle, leaving the training room, an exasperated Dick left behind.
You walk down the hallway toward the bedroom and you feel a sense of relief. You knew you would get caught eventually. Dick isn't stupid, especially having been Robining for however long that was a thing. You’re smart enough to think ahead of what the authority figure will say when you get caught. You knew he'd be pissed though you didn't plan for him to blame Jason. You did have a whole speech begging Dick to let you stay which you’re pretty happy you didn't have to use. It's not manipulation. Everything you planned to say was true but you planned it so you'd be prepared. You swore you would never be unprepared again.
And, you feel a lot better knowing that Gar and Jason wouldn't rat you out either. You wouldn't have blamed either of them if they had pointed the finger at you. But they didn't. Jason took most of the heat when it wasn't his fault. It's comforting knowing they have your back, even if it's only against Dick. You know you can trust them.
As the rooms come into view, you see both of their doors open which catches you by surprise. You were sure that with Dick being so pissy, they'd both have listened but nope. You reach Jason's room first, where the light is still on and he's seated in one of the chairs, scrolling through his phone.
"What're you doing?" You ask, Jason shooting up from his seat with a gasp.
"Fuck." He grits his teeth, looking at you holding in a laugh. "What?"
"What're you doing? Thought you'd have listened to him." You lean against the doorframe.
"Nah." He scoffs walking over to the door. "I don't listen to Dick.
"Mmm." You hum, raising your brows. "Noticed."
Jason smiles, licking his lip. "How pissed is he?"
You shrug a shoulder. "Calmed him down, I'm very good at pissing people off and calming them the fuck down."
"Right." Jason shakes his head.
"Start training tomorrow so." You hold your head up high.
"How the fuck did you get him to agree to that?" Jason’s voice is impressed.
"Basically, he said that if I'm going to do it behind his back anyway, he might as well let me train while being supervised." You give him a cornered grin, proud of yourself.
"Wow." Jason raises his brows. "Welcome to the club, I guess then."
"Yeah? Sad kids beating the shit out of each other club? Perfect." You mock.
Jason huffs. "Yeah, something like that." He sucks in a breath, his cheeks starting to ache from the smile plastered across his face. "Thanks for taking the heat from Dick."
"Please." You roll your eyes. "Think I'd narc on you or Gar? Fuck no." You scoff.
"Yeah, why's that?" The question is a taunt.
He knows Gar is into you but he can't help. It just came out and it's so natural with you which is weird to him because he doesn't actually think he has a shot. Not just because of Gar but because he's him. Why would someone like you be into someone him? But he said it anyway and now he's waiting for you to say some sarcastic, snide remark that both will hurt and make him laugh.
You know what he's doing and you think it's cute. You can feel the heat creeping onto your face and you’re trying your best to have a quick snarky remark but you have none. It's all blank in your head and maybe that's part of why you like him. Jason is the only one that can make you forget a smart-ass comment because he's a bit too quick-witted. When Gar makes you speechless, it's because he makes you feel wanted, something you haven't felt in a long time. Jason makes you feel like you’re being punched in the stomach with an adrenaline bomb.
"Hm." You hum. "Wouldn't you like to know." You wiggle your brows at him.
"Yeah, I would." Jason challenges you.
You push yourself off the doorframe, not willing to commit to whatever you’re feeling out loud. "We don't always get what we want, Jason Todd." You tease before turning on your heels, going to leave.
"Y/n!" Jason calls, catching you by your wrist, not enough to grab you, just enough to pull your attention back. You spin back, giant smile plastered on your face. "C'mon, not gonna tell me?"
If you had worse judgment, you would be walking right back to him but you have fairly decent judgment most of the time and that would make a mess you'd have to clean up. You don't want to mess anything up or even commit to anything like that at the moment. One mess at a time.
You laugh softly and you have this sinister grin that makes Jason want to pull you right into his room. "Maybe one day." You taunt. "Goodnight, Jay." You spin back around, Jason walking in between the doorframe to watch you and you don't even go into your room. You bypass it and go to Gar's. But, the nickname swims in his head, over and over like his favorite song. And he has no idea what he's getting himself into with you but he does know it's a lot of fun and he's always liked taking risks. You’re a risk.
Gar, like Jason, is seated in of the chairs by the TV but he's on a laptop watching YouTube when you knock on his door. He looks over at you, offering you a sweet smile before welcoming you. He's been worried about you since he left you with Dick. He was really mad and while Gar knows he wouldn't actually do anything besides maybe give you extra chores or not let you train longer, he was still worried for how you would take it. He knows this is something you really want and he doesn't think Dick should punish you or withhold it from you.
"How'd it go?" Gar asks.
"Fine, I get to start training tomorrow." You beam at him.
"Really?" Gar asks with surprise but a smile stretches across his face. "That's awesome!"
"Yeah," You smile shyly. "I'm surprised, actually. Thought he was gonna like kick me out or something."
Gar shakes his head. "He wouldn't do that. I don't think he'd kick any of us out, even if we killed someone honestly. He just worries about us." Gar explains, sounding a little annoyed with the last sentence.
"Yeah, that's what he said." You scrunch your nose. "Thanks for not ratting me out. I know, it was my idea and you weren't actually involved, but thanks anyway."
"Of course," Gar chuckles softly. "I wouldn't rat you out." He gives you a wide smile.
"Thank you." Your cheeks burn again and you realize you’re in so deep with Gar and Jason.
They just make you feel so drastically different, you don't even know what to do. You wish you could ask your mom. You know exactly what your mom would say. She would tell you that if you like them equally, to either not do anything about it, to not hurt either of them. Or, she would tell you to go with Gar because he's safer and nicer and softer. Jason is rough around all of his edges and shows no signs of slowing down for even the smallest of breaths. Gar would be good for you, good for you mentally and emotionally and for your healing. Jason would encourage every fire-filled thought you have which isn't always the best option. You know that but that's what makes them both fun. Gar is fun in terms of comfort and safety. But Jason is fun in terms of adrenaline and chaos. But, you can't tell Gar that because that just seems cruel.
"I wouldn't rat you out either." You say softly.
"Thank you." Gar chuckles quietly.
The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes and you like it. Sitting with Gar is the only time you can get your brain to stop thinking so much. Just being around him, calms everything down. There isn't this pressure around him to be anything besides just yourself. You don't have to put on a show or an act. Gar just lets you be and you’ve never had someone where you felt like that with. It's always been something, a protective layer, an extra layer of sarcasm, a wall, something but Gar just lets you exist in peace. And you don't want it to end because you’re still terrified of your own nightmares.
"Hey, Gar." You pull Gar's attention from a wildlife documentary he was watching.
"Yeah?" He asks, pausing the video and looking to you.
"C-c-can...can I...can I sleep in here... tonight?" You ask, holding your breath with every word.
Gar's brows raise with surprise but his face softens and he gives you a gentle smile. There's a swelling of pride in his chest with the question. He always aims to make people feel comfortable around him. He never wants anyone to feel anything less than comfortable or like themselves around him. Gar isn't one to judge or care as long people are nice and genuinely try to be good people, that's all that's ever mattered to him. Maybe he's too idealistic for the world, but he thinks everyone deserves a place of safety and comfort.
"Uh, yeah." Gar nods quickly. "Of course." Gar shuts the laptop. "I can take one of the chairs or the floor." He gets up, walking over to the bed to grab one of his blankets and a pillow.
"Um...y-you don't have to...unless you want to." You suck in a breath, chewing the inside of your cheeks.
Gar pauses, standing straight up before turning to face you. "A-are you sure? I, uh, I don't mind."
"I'm sure." You give him a shy smile. "I'm gonna change and then I'll be back." You get up. "Thank you."
Gar nods once and as you leave, he gains the biggest smile he's ever had. You make him feel so bubbly and happy. He knows you’re going through a lot right now and that's okay. He doesn't mind taking it slow and figuring out what you're doing because you're just hanging out and he doesn't expect you to be ready for anything for a while. And, if he's being honest, he sees the way you flirt with Jason and the way Jason flirts with you. If you told him tomorrow, it was Jason, he wouldn't be surprised and would accept the friendship you're building. But, he's hoping that won't happen because it would hurt.
You’re funny and cute and smart, Gar likes your sarcasm and quick-wit. He likes that you’re strong, not because you were forced but because that's just who you are. No one forced you not to go into the system, you made the choice on your own to opt to avoid it. You put on this brave face even in pain and while maybe you shouldn't, there is something Gar admires about you for it. You’re nothing if not determined and stubborn and he likes those things about you.
You come back a few minutes later, the forest green hoodie and pajama pants covering you fully. Gar offers you a smile from the bed, where he's just sitting not sure how you wanted to approach this. You give him a shy and sheepish smile before shutting the door and walking over to him.
"Uh...what side do you want?" You ask.
"Oh," Gar's eyes widen while he looks behind him. Normally, he sleeps on the left side but this is you and he figures maybe you won't want the side closest to the door. "I'll take this side." Gar says from his seat on the right side.
You smile at him before walking to the other side of the bed and sitting down. "You would have a tiger print comforter." You chuckle softly and the blanket is really soft.
"I like tigers." Gar defends, spinning around and bringing his legs onto the bed.
"I still wanna see you turn into a tiger." You state, positioning the pillow behind you to a comfortable spot.
"I can ask Dick if I can show you tomorrow." Gar offers.
"Please!" You exclaim. "I bet it's fucking awesome."
Gar laughs. "Yeah, I think it's cool." Gar gets a little shy talking about it. He thought people would think he's a freak for it.
"It's cool that you turn into a green animal and my hands turn green when I do the acid thing." You show your palm to him, glowing green as you move your fingers.
Gar chuckles softly, watching the neon color fade. "Does it hurt?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No, just feels warm." You pause for a second and the acid thing feels....personal
It's your thing. This is one thing you can do that no one besides the people in the tower knows about. But, none of them know the extent or exactly how it works. The only one who even knows a sliver of it is Dick and that was an accident, both times. It just feels personal and you don't want to share it with anyone because it's yours. But then there's Gar and you do want to share it with him.
"Wanna feel?" You offer, your voice just above a whisper.
"You're not...gonna burn me are you?" He asks nervously.
"No." You shake your head.
"Okay." Gar nods, completely facing you, not sure how you plan to not burn him.
Your palm of your right hand starts glowing and you make a strong fist. You sit like that for just a few seconds before scooting closer to Gar. Your legs are crossed as you sit just an inch away from him and you place your fist against his chest, keeping your palm covered. Warmth spreads around your fist, right against his chest where his heart is. You can feel his heartbeat against your fingers and it's beating a million beats a second. You can't tell if it's because he's nervous about the possibility of being burned or entertained by the whole thing. But it's beating fast and so is yours. All Gar can feel is warmth, no burning or stinging. Just warm like a heating pad. He stares at you, amazed by it and he doesn't know how you even knew you could do that.
"How, uh, how did you know you could do that without burning me?" He asks as you pull your hand away, the green fading.
"My hands get cold so that's how I warm them up. I tried it on myself my first night here, it didn't burn." You explain but keeps your position. “But, if I use my palm, I can burn myself. A flaw for my palms to be the only exclusion from being burned but yeah.”
"That's pretty awesome." Gar smiles at you.
Your cheeks burn with his admiration. "Thank you." You pause for a second. "So," You lean back, laying down on the pillow and you can smell Gar on the pillow. You never realized how good he smells and it makes you smile. He smells like strawberries mixed with something nonspecific, not like toothpaste or vanilla or honey, but just warm. Like how home used to smell. Nothing specific, just warm. "Wanna tell me about your parents?" You ask.
There's s glint in Gar's eyes with the question. No one's asked about them. He gets it, of course, it's a bit of a sore subject for everyone. Rachel's mom wasn't even her real mom and her real mom basically traded her, and tried to kill Gar, for Trigon. Jason's parents are either dead, Dicks parents are dead. Everyone has parental issues here so he gets it. But...he always had a good relationship with his parents before they died and he misses them a lot. He wishes he could talk about them more but he always feels like it'll make everyone else sad for what they miss or what they could have had even for a short time while their parents were alive. But now you’re asking and a part of him feels ready to burst in a puddle of warm water.
"Uh, yeah." He smiles, leaning back on his elbow, facing you. "I don't know where to start." His smile is so big as he shakes his head, eyes darting up to pull from memory. "They were really cool ya know? Even then I thought that, I never told them though. But they were humanitarians and just wanted to help anyone that they could. They were big wildlife lovers, too. We lived on a reserve." Gar beams while you hang onto every word. "I guess that's where I get it from." Gar chuckles softly, looking back at you.
"I think you get a lot from them then." You give him a soft smile.
"Yeah, I guess." Gar shrugs, a little bit of sadness encompassing his heart. "They were strong, too. They, uh, they wouldn't stop caring for other people until they actually couldn't get out of bed anymore." Gar sucks in a breath, eyes widening as he remembers how bad it got towards the end. "They tried to protect me from it, they always looked out for me and made sure I was okay. I know they felt guilty for not being able to protect me from whatever the hell that disease was."
"But you were saved." You assure him. "I'm sure that's a relief, wherever they are."
"Yeah," Gar nods. "Um..." He shakes his head. "My dad was a pilot." Gar doesn’t want to talk about the sadness of it all. It hurts a little too much.
"A pilot?" You ask, gaining an enthusiastic smile.
"Yeah!" Gar explains, the happiness coming back into his smile before he leans over you, partially crushing you as he grabs something from the other nightstand. "Sorry." Gar apologizes bashfully. "This is them." He hands you a framed picture of a younger Gar and his parents in front of a plane. Gar isn't much younger but younger nonetheless and he looks just like both of his parents. Even now with the green hair. He has his mom's eyes and his dad's smile.
You smile at the picture, feeling the burning in the back of your eyes at the thought of your own mom. "You guys were such a cute family." You say, holding the picture tightly. "Your mom was so fucking pretty."
"Thanks." Gar watches you look over the picture and he doesn't share it much. He doesn't hide it, it's out on display for everyone to see but no one ever asks and Gar doesn't tell. But talking about them, like they were in the next room, makes Gar feels close to them again. In a way, it hurts a lot more than he thought it would but in a different way, it makes him so happy because he loved his parents and he wants to talk about the good parts of them. "Mom was a cook in Congo. That's what she did."
"No shit." You say, still holding the picture. "That's really cool."
"Yeah, she loved helping people."
"Mm." You hum. "Sounds familiar." You give Gar a joking smile.
Gar chuckles softly. "Maybe I take after her a little more."
"What about the video games? Did they get you into them?" You ask as you hand the picture, gently, back to Gar.
"Kind of, I think." His brows furrow. "We didn't play much but sometimes, my dad would play with me. But it really wasn't until I went to Doom Manor that I got into it. I wasn't allowed to leave."
"Ahh," You nod with understanding. "Escapism."
"Basically." Gar's smile falls. "But yeah," He sucks in a breath, forcing s smile back onto his face. "They were really great. I don't get to talk about them much."
"You can tell me about them whenever you want. I like hearing about them." Your smile is small but genuine.
"Of course." Your smile grows with your words.
"Okay, how about your mom?" Gar asks.
"Well," You clear your throat, finding the strength to talk about her. You realize, you haven't talked about your mom since she died. Not in detail, or about anything that didn't have to do with her death. Avoidance is clearly your thing. "She was, weirdly enough, a wildlife vet for the zoo in Gotham." You laugh softly.
"That's awesome!" Gar yells.
"Yeah, it was cool because sometimes I got to go when an animal was about to give birth cause they had the cameras and everything. I watched a zebra give birth once and that was so fucking gross but awesome. Then, I got to pet it like a week later when the mom was more comfortable with people being around the baby. I didn't get to do it often because I mean, wild animals, but every once in a while I got to. My mom always taught me about the different animals." You ramble the words quickly, happiness seeping into every word.
"Ya know, that's cool, right? Like hanging out with a baby zebra? Having your own version of Steve Irwin."
"You would be a Steve Irwin fan." You chuckle. "I mean same." You say quickly. "But yeah, no it was really cool."
"What else?" Gar asks.
"She was kind and funny. I didn't take after her very much in the kind department sometimes but she always was. To everyone, even if they sucked. She always said that everyone deserves kindness."
"She's right." Gar chuckles.
"Mmmm." You hum, scrunching your nose in disagreement. "Not everyone. That's too idealistic."
"Yeah, maybe, but most people at least deserve it." Gar says. "What else?"
"Uh...." You stutter trying to think of more. "She was....incredible, ya know?" You shake your head, scrunching your nose as if trying to find the right words. "I mean, she was...strong. I think I only saw her cry once and uh, it was when my dad showed up. I was 10 and had never met him before, never even saw him. No pictures or anything. He came by and my mom checked the window before rushing me off to my room. I snuck back out of course and hid around the corner while she opened the door. He was high as a fucking kite and just yelling at her. Saying some cruel ass shit and bringing me into it and she just stood there. She was a lot shorter than him but she never hesitated. Nothing, not a whimper or anything, she blocked him from entering the house, threatened him without a waver in her voice and he left. She cried after, of course but I remember that day so vividly because I think that was the day I realized she was my hero, ya know? Everyone thinks Batman and Superman are cool. Batman has cool gadgets and Superman has all of these superpowers but my mom? She stood up to some piece of shit addict who could have killed her on the spot. She did everything in her power to always protect me, no matter what. She was my hero."
Gar offers you a soft smile, his eyes just as soft and warm. "She sounds amazing." His voice is soft and it makes you want to melt right into him.
"She was." You try to hold back tears. "I wish I could tell her about you. She would've liked you."
Gar is hesitant but he moves his hand over yours, lightly rubbing his thumb over the top of your hand. "My parents would have liked you, too." His voice is sad and soft.
You move your hand out from under Gar’s but only to grab your phone from your hoodie pocket. You go onto the Instagram app that you already downloaded. You don't give a single fuck what anyone is actually up to or posting about anymore. Not when your life has been so shitty lately. It's all fake bullshit anyway. But, you do have pictures on your Instagram that you want. You scroll down two rows to find a picture of you and your mom.
"That's us." You hand Gar your phone and a smile comes to his face.
"You look just like her." Gar beams.
"Thank you." Your voice is shy as Gar moves to lie on his back, still holding your phone.
"Can I...scroll?" Gar asks and you roll your eyes and smiles at him, scooting closer to him.
"Sure, but don't make fun of anything." You state, resting your head on his shoulder. Gar repositions, bringing his arm around you while he holds the phone in the other hand so you can both look.
Gar scrolls to the top where he sees a picture of the movie tickets for Get Out. Gar puts the pieces together and realizes this was the last movie you saw in theaters, the last time your life was normal. It was the night your mom died. But he scrolls past it, choosing not to ask anything about it. The next few down were just some pictures of textbooks, some of Gotham covered in fog, a picture of graffiti with an unhelpful caption on if it was yours or not. He passes the picture of you and your mom and get to a picture of you and another girl with dark hair, covered in paint.
"Who’s this?" Gar asks.
"She was my best friend. We had a paint war at her house." You smile at the picture.
You miss her, a lot but you won't reach out. How are you supposed to explain that you didn't reach out because you were held captive and tortured? How are you supposed to explain that you ran away from the last people that cared about you because you were scared of ruining their lives? That's too much and it's too big of a reminder of your old life. You aren't that person anymore and you don't think you ever will be, reaching out to her would be a sick and cruel reminder of that.
"Have you talked to her since you've been back?" Gar asks and he feels you shake your head. He looks down at you and he wishes you would. You have them now and that won't change, but that was a huge part of your life. You deserve to have it back. "Why not?"
"Too hard." You say simply. "I think I will one day but not now, not for a while."
"Okay." Gar sucks in a breath. "You know, you deserve to have parts of your old life back. When you're ready, of course." Gar clarifies.
"Thank you, Gar." You snuggle in closer to him and Gar pulls you closer. "You deserve to be happy." You sigh against him and the comment catches Gar off guard but he knows why you said it. The overcaring part of him seems to overcompensate. He squeezes you against him, rubbing your arm gently.
After only a few minutes, you fall asleep with your arm around Gar's torso and your head on his chest. Gar doesn't even notice at first, he's pretty invested in your Instagram, seeing who you were before everything, what you look like without the bruising. What your interests are. Sure, you played up social media like most people do, but none of it was overly fake. You really does love the movies, shows, and music your posted. But your Instagram neglected any sign of negativity. Nothing about your dad or even a bad grade on a test. It's nice for Gar because he only knows you as someone who oozes trauma and heartbreak and sadness. Seeing who you present to the world before, warms Gar's heart because he knows you'll get at least some of that back one day.
When Gar does notice you’ve fallen asleep, a soft smile pulls at his lips. He exits the app and locks your phone, bending awkwardly to put it on his nightstand on his side. He hasn't known you long but he finds himself wanting more moments like these as he carefully wraps his other arm around your waist. He wants more moments where you can talk about your families before the trauma happened. You have a lot going on but you make him happy, make him feel comfortable. In a way, you kind of remind him of what home used to feel like. He can't put his finger on why, but that's what you remind him of. Maybe it's because, while you’re secretive and guarded, you’re also completely yourself in all your sarcastic glory. You just make him feel happy so he cuddles up with you and finds himself falling asleep within minutes.
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bamf-jaskier · 1 year
What do you think of Witcher Blood Origin?
Well, if you can't tell from my recent posting I am massively in love with it.
I got the chance to live chat through it in a sever @spilledbutter set up and I had so much fun live-reacting.
Reasons I enjoyed it:
The Seven are amazing characters because not only do they have very distinct personalities and character design but they also all have great chemistry together
it's hard to balance a large main cast like this show had but I think they did a great job
it reminded me a lot of Heroes, which was one of my favorite shows when it was coming out
Each character has interesting motivations and is fleshed out really well for a show with only 4 episodes
the costume design is just gorgeous. At this point Merwyn is carrying the witcher universe when it comes to fashion. I just know I'm going to be reblogging so many posts of her outfits.
The music is also amazing, I haven't really made it a secret but I was massively let down by the season 2 soundtrack and it's great to see them have super good musical backing and the original songs are fabulous and I have been listening to them a lot
Eile and Fjall were a big reason I got as invested in the show as I did
twn is sort of infamous for how little screentime and build up Yennefer and Geralt have as their main romance so it was really great to see a relationship that actually felt like they got a good amount of plot attention, screentime, and chemistry
the whole Larkstone (Eile and Fjall) relationship really kept me going and the actors did such a good job
I think their relationship is easily one of my favorite parts of the show
the friendship between Meldof and Callan (Brother Death) is also something I didn't expect to love as much as I did
which goes back to what I was saying about the chemistry of The Seven
They just fit perfectly together and complimented each other
it very much had Hansa vibes in the best way possible
and even the characters like Scian who had these previous connections to characters (Scian helped teach Eile) were able to add new dynamics
I was so impressed with the chemistry the show was able to create with so little time. I'm super sad they cut it from 6 to 4 episodes because I just know those other two episodes contained amazing stuff
there is so much more I could say but I'm just going to tell you all to watch it yourselves. At this point it's a rambling train of thought more than an easy list.
It's only 3.5 hours to watch it all and it has really revitalized my interest in The Witcher and it was just super well done.
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theoblivon · 2 years
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Hi, this is my first fanfic ever. Also English is not my native language so please ignore the mistakes.
I might turn this in to a series, telling how the reader and Matthew met etc.
Summary: You and Matthew had been friends for a time. Both of you loved each other but neither of you admitted till today…
TW: Fleabag season 2 spoilers, angst with a happy ending
Word Count: 2,325
Song: Emotions by Brenda Lee and So This Is Love by Ilene Woods
Emotions by Brenda Lee
I was halfway through season 2 episode 6 of Fleabag when he appeared at my door. Turns out this was one of those rare occasions where both of us had a free night.
— "Hi, hope I am not interrupting something."
He said with a smile on his face.
— " You know you're not. Are you hungry? I was just making pasta."
— " It smells delicious. You are a saint (Y/N)."
— " That's blasphemy, Matthew."
I joked. He let out one of those majestic laughs of his. I wasn't a believer nor was I raised as one. Tho it would be a huge mistake to say that I was raised at all. We were now in the kitchen. He sat down on the long counter that I was also using as a table.
— " What were you watching before I arrived?"
— " Do you remember the show that I made Franklin watch?"
— " The one that he talked to you about for days? How could I ever forget? It was called Fleabag right?"
— " Yep, that's the one."
— " You must really love this show."
— " Yes, I do. "
— " Well, let's watch it then."
I panicked because I knew I would cry if I continue. So I lied hoping it wouldn't be caught on his radar.
— " I only have 10 minutes left to finish the entire show. You would hear so many spoilers."
— "I don't mind."
He said with a smile that indicates that he knew I was lying. I had no choice now. I would never admit that I would cry if I continue. Emotions are not my thing. He learned that thus far. I was cold and an incredibly distant person. Tho I was different when there were only two of us. I never cry in front of people. But I did cry in front of him twice. But those times were different. Nevertheless, I was going to hold myself. I could do that. I've been in situations where I had to hold back not only tears but any emotions. But just not with a human hound dog around me who can easily smell my tears.
— " Suit yourself."
I said while handing him a bowl of pasta. I tried to calm my breath down. I was normally good at that but then again everything was different when it comes to him. Sat down next to him with a bowl of pasta myself. I gave him a summary before I hit the play button. We were now at the wedding scene where The Preist was talking about love. I was trying to make the lump in my throat go away by shoving pasta in my mouth but when we got to the part where Fleabag was confessing her love, I couldn’t eat even if I forced myself to. Now the show was over. I tried to stop my eyes from forming tears afraid that he would pick up on it. But I was too late.
—" You are about to cry, I can tell." 
He said with a sad smile.
— "Will you just fuck off and be like a normal blind person for a second." 
I tried the joke, my voice full of emotions other than happiness. Knowing he can understand it as well made me furious but also made me feel a similar feeling whenever I was alone with him: Wanting to let go. I wanted to open myself up to him. Even tho he got a glimpse of who I am -from the small windows he discovered in my walls that I built to hide my true self - I wanted to tell him everything. But I couldn't. I got up and tried to walk away from him and my feelings. But before I can even stand he pulled me back to the couch, much closer to him than before. Couldn't help but steal a glance at his lips but only for a second. Cause I was afraid if I stared a bit longer I might give in and let my lips show the words I can't speak...
— "Don't do that." He said. "Don't walk away from me. Ever."
— "I wasn't walking away from you. I was going to the bathroom-" 
He instantly cut me and said:
— " You know your heartbeat doesn't change very much when you lie like most people. But I don't need to hear your heartbeat to know that you are lying. Because I know you. Even tho you don't let me."
I wanted to tell him that I do want to let him know me. But I couldn't bring myself to speak. I couldn't dare to open my mouth cause I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to close it till there were no walls anymore.
— " Speak to me (Y/N)."
I looked up at him. His gaze focused somewhere on my face. Warmth was visible in his unseeing eyes. His hand still holding mine from when pulled me back to the couch. One of his legs is curled on the couch so that his body fully faces me. Head tilted aside and leans towards me. Ready to listen. He was too close. Not because of the physical proximity but also because he was dangerously close to my true self. Day by day, brick by brick, he destroyed my walls and some voice in my head whispered that this was the last of it. So I took a deep breath. And started to speak.
— " I love this show so much. And not because of its brilliant absurd-comedy writing of course it's an element but-" 
I paused, doubting if I should go on. We sat there in silence for a second. He realised my hesitation to speak.
—"Go on." 
He said with an assuring tone.
—" The reason why I watch Fleabag over and over again, especially season 2 is because of the love story between Fleabag and The Preist."
— " But you always say that you hate love stories."
— "Yes. Yes, I do but you see I hate love stories because I don't relate to most of them. But them, them I relate. Fleabag is much like me. She built these walls around her to survive. And she chooses sarcasm, humour and sex as her defence mechanism. She also does this thing where she looks at the camera from time to time in between the conversations by breaking the 4th wall. And when she does that she is herself. Her true self I mean. Beyond the walls and masks and defences. Likewise, The Priest has walls and masks. But unlike her, he chose his defence mechanism as religion. There is a scene where he says: " I can't have sex with you because I'll fall in love with you and if I fall in love with you then my life would be fucked." 
I paused. Not because I was lost for words. On the contrary, I knew precisely what I was going to say next. I just couldn't bring myself to say it. Cause if I do then there was no going back. I looked at him and I knew whether I say it or not there was no going back.
— "And... well... I relate to that wholeheartedly."
I watched his gaze change. I felt like if I would wait a bit longer then he would say something or worse do something. So I continued.
—"Now here is the part that gets me: The Priest can see when she speaks to the camera. So that means he can see her true self beyond her walls."
I took a deep breath, my voice threatening to break at any moment.
—"And that is... that is just... so fucking beautiful."
I took another breath in, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.
—" But even tho they understood and saw each other beyond all the deception in the end they ended up all alone. And what's worst is they now know what it feels like to be truly loved."
The fight that I had between me and my tears was lost. Now they were falling from my eyes. I could see on his face that he was fighting with himself not to wipe the tears off of my eyes and pull me closer to him. Looking at the ceiling, hoping it would stop my tears from falling I continued.
—" I relate and understand both of them completely. She let go and said "I love you" right out loud and he let his guard down and fell in love with her. But after sacrificing everything to survive he knew that love was a luxury he can not afford. You see I spend the majority of my life trying to survive. So just like them, I built walls. Just like them, I played a character to anyone and everyone I knew. The only difference is I chose my defence mechanism as sarcasm and being a heartless bitch."
I lowered my eyes from the ceiling to capture his eyes, knowing he could feel my gaze on him.
— "But you know what?"
— "What?" 
He said now his eyes are watering as well.
— "I am not heartless Matthew, I just had to learn how to use my heart less to survive."
Tears shamelessly rolled down my face. I tried to quiet my sob by taking a deep breath which I failed miserably. Hearing my sob made his tears fall. He grabbed my other hand as well to squeeze it. He knew I wasn't done speaking, so he didn't interfere. Now looking at our hands I continued.
— "So I have only three options: One, I would put myself out there like Fleabag but to the wrong person or at the wrong time and end up heartbroken. Or just like The Preist, I would be afraid to let go so I'll miss the opportunity of love by turning it down and end up heartbroken. Or I will continue as I am which means I'll die unloved and untouched"
That was the last drop for Matthew. Without wasting another moment he grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me with a force that was enough to suffocate me yet there was a delicacy to his touch that said more than words ever could. His lips were soft yet his facial hair was rough on my skin. When I melted into his touch - which was extremely quick- I pulled him closer by his shirt and kissed him back. And at that moment there was no one else in the world other than us. No other thought was in my mind other than Matthew. He broke the kiss by tugging at my lower lip. I let out a moan. He rested his forehead on mine. Now the reality was crawling back to me. The harsh truth is that I couldn't afford love.
— "You don't have to die unloved and untouched (Y/N). We can make this work."
I turned my head to my side. Fighting to urge to cry.
— "Hey (Y/N). Listen to me."
He gently grabbed me by my jaw and made me face him.
— " Listen to me. We can make this work."
He paused, took a deep breath, and opened his lips to say something. I knew what was coming. I want to stop him from saying it but I was also yearning for him to say it as well.
— "I love you (Y/N)."
I gasped. Not hearing those words for so many years. Not from the people that mattered. And he mattered. More than anyone or anything.
— " Ohh, Matthew." I said with sorrow in my voice. Grabbed the side of his face then watch him lean into my touch.
— " I... can't. I can't do this to you. You see not one person in my entire family has a happy marriage or a happy life. Not one. Not on my mother's or my father's side. When I was growing up I thought we were poisoned. But then I realised that... that... that we are the poison. You deserve so much better than me." I said tears falling once again. A sharp pain in my chest.
— " (Y/N), there is no one for me other than you. There never will be. And it's you who deserves better than me."
—" That's not true, that's not true Matthew. You know that I had to shut down all my feelings to survive. That includes love as well. So now if I say those words back. If I open my feelings back up. That means unlocking Pandoro's box. A tsunami of emotions will come down on me. On us. And I can not do that. Not to you"
— " Then will fight it away. Just like we always do. We fight it together. Because I love you. And I swear to God I will never stop loving you. I don't care if your family was poisoned or not. Because you are my cure (Y/N). "
So This Is Love by Ilene Woods
Feeling that I started to relax in his touch with his words, he leaned in more and whispered on my lips with the tiniest smile.
— " And I love you (Y/N)"
— " I love you too Matthew."
—" This might be the death for both of us."
I said.
—" It might. But it's a risk worth taking. Wouldn't you agree?"
He said with a smile that made me smile as well. He didn't need to hear the answer to know that it indeed sounded like heaven. Our lips were connected once again. And I knew he was the home that I never had. He was my religion. And I was a true believer.
PS: Well this was my little story. Again sorry for any mistakes. I am thinking that I will write multiple stories of Matt x Reader and then put them into chronological order and make them a series but will see. Let me know what you think about my idea and my story. I would love to hear your thoughts and reviews. I am also open to requests. I am a film and series junkie so you can request for me just about anything. I would write smut as well. Just so you know ;))
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jeremys-blogs · 2 years
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Like every other fan of the show, I am immensely disappointed with Disney for cutting the Owl House’s third season down to just a handful of extended episodes. And what’s worse, you can see, in the tremendous montage at the start of “Thanks to Them”, that we could have had a great many interesting ideas that could have easily made up a couple dozen story ideas, not to mention the stuff that the gang all made photo albums about. Even if we spent the majority of the season in the ordinary world instead of the Boiling Isles, I’m convinced we could have had some great stuff here.
In fact, I’m just gonna run down some points that could have easily been their own episodes had the show been given the chance to do them. So click below, if you’re interested 😊
1 - Luz coming out to her Mom and revealing she has a relationship with Amity, which Camila would of course be thrilled about, possibly leading to her telling the tale of how she and Luz’s dad first got together.
2 - The kids all trying to attend Luz’s school, in a reverse of Luz having gone to Hexside.
3 - Hunter coping with his crush on Willow, maybe with Gus recognising it in him and acting as a really supportive wingman trying to hook them up.
4 - Luz spending the day with Vee, maybe helping her out in deciding a new form for herself, all culminating with Camila surprising Vee and letting her know she’s been formally adopted (in fact, I’m just gonna think of her as Vee Noceda from now on anyway).
5 - The kids trying, and failing, to get the portal to work, maybe with a bit of research into how that house specifically became the Earth side of the doorway to begin with.
6 - Maybe some variation on the idea of the “beach episode” that Eda suggested last season (and we know it happened because we see a picture of Luz and Amity at the beach in that aforementioned photo album).
7 - A more sombre episode where the kids all struggle with having been gone from their home for so long, all recognising for the first time just what Luz had been going through after she destroyed the portal at the end of the first season.
8 - Luz and Amity getting to meet the author of the Good Witch Azura books, then perhaps being disappointed that they might not have lived up to expectations.
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metawatts · 1 year
Bitch about the RWBY vs Ace Ops fight. Pretty please. 🥺
Oh this fight. This fight. Bane of my existence. And, also, I'll give the JLxRWBY movie props for proving one thing: Harriet would have soloed team rwby with EASE if the writers weren't afraid to let a girlboss win. (my evidence: Flash kicking Ruby, Weiss, Batman, and Superman around like footballs while possessed, especially Ruby and Weiss before they get their Heroic Speech Power-up, which is a lame way to do it but whatever)
My problems with this fight scene are numerous and varied but the thing that continues to stick in my craw is just all the convenience of it. Let's break it down:
Convenient Thing 1: Marrow doesn't use his semblance off the bat, which would freeze team rwby in place, even though we've been shown that it works on crowds, on Huntsmen, literally he'd have to do is point. He literally has the 'solve this without brawling' button and just doesn't press it, instead just whining about duking it out when he could stop it.
Convenient Thing 2: The Ace Ops and RWBY have spent the night fighting Grimm in Mantle, but aside from a Damsel In Distress aura flicker with Blake, they all go down in 2-4 hits while RWBY takes easily the same or more amount and doesn't. THe rules of aura are bullshit.
Convenient Thing 3: They keep making comments that attempt to justify the fact that the ace ops lost because of Emotions using the lines 'we're the best in atlas' 'you were, then you trained us', 'alright vine, don't hold back' 'are you telling me that or yourself' 'Marrow, cut the crap' 'I'm trying to arrest her, not kill her'. Ren later talks about 'something something friendship power' but that makes zero sense because if team rwby won via the power of friendship, then why were these all solo fights and one double battle? (also the latter lines imply that elm and marrow could and would have bodied WBY and Harriet did in fact completely knock Ruby around like a trashcan for most of the fight, but nah, team rwby wins because their name's on the brand)
Convenient Thing 4: this one's less convenient and more Straight Up Racis, but the DVD commentary goes that 'the ace ops didn't win because they didn't have Clover's semblance to cheese it', which is, well, not only convenient for team rwby, but also just another time where crwby was openly Horrific, in this case going, 'without their white guy leader the poc team can't accomplish anything', but the fndm tries to pretend they weren't (see also crwby going with their mouths 'ironwood losing his arm is a sign of losing his humanity' and the fndm just tries to. Pretend that isn't horrifically ableist. But that's a rant we all know).
Convenient Thing 5: if getting to Mantle is so important, and Ruby's head is hard enough to bust through the steel barricade Harriet dropped down, why waste time on a spectacle fight and not just have Ruby grab her teammates and bust out the window with her steel forehead? (also, the fact that she had the mass to break down a door in petal form really just shows that the 'rwby has no mass' bullshit in vol8 was completely pulled out of the writer's asses because they wrote themselves into a corner).
Conveninent Thing 6, which is actually the second half of 5: why is it that team rwby's big spectacle fight is in episode 12 of 13 against characters who were introduced in this season, and not, say, the big finale fight against an actual villain? it's so convenient for the writers to just toss a random cannon fodder 'surprise baddie' at team rwby to beat up so that they don't have to write actual plot interactions with team rwby vs the villains that they have history with. (ie. everything about the Cat in vol9 and Neo just straight up not being in her own finale fight)
Also, and I'd like to make this clear: the ace ops v rwby fight is BORING. Not even the Spectacle part of the Spectacle fight is good. Ruby v Harriet is just a blur of red blob vs gold lines with the occasional chance to make Harriet look comedic with how she has to spend the last bit of it tied up, literally loses by running into a wall, and makes an ahegao face as she passes out. Elm and Vine vs Blake and Yang is just watching Blake and Yang get ragdolled around until they smirk and suddenly Vine (who had spent most of the fight standing there) got ragdolled and Elm got the Funny humiliating defeat of 'landing funny, toe twitches, hahaha'.
Weiss and Marrow is just Yikes. Like yes lets continually have close ups on Marrow's tail getting burnt and him having to make silly poses to avoid impalement meanwhile the white Megacorp Cop Princess gets to constantly look graceful (they couldn't have had Marrow fight anyone else? Literally any of the others? They literally had the opening bit of the fight start with him clashing weapons with Blake before switching up, was the idea of Blake having to fight someone without being stitched to Yang's side too unbaity for crwby's wallet or-)
Also, the ending: team rwby did mostly use tricks to get an advantage, what with Ruby using Harriet's bolas against her, Blake and Yang setting up a bomb trap for Vine, Weiss taking advantage of Marrow's line of sight with his semblance, and... that's about it, but like, I'm not a 'power levels solve every fight' person, that's not fun, but the endings mostly still ended up being 'hit them harder' and the tricks only worked because the ace ops were all given the collective intelligence level of a salami sandwich in this fight just so the fight could happen instead of, say, Marrow using his fucking semblance from the get-go. Also, the fact that apparently aura breaks knock out the ace ops but in the same season Ironwood, Clover, and Winter all get broken auras but can still keep chatting and fighting is Something. Too convenient, throw the whole fight out.
Overall scores:
Story Context: 1/10
Fight Choreography: 3/10
Authorial Bullshit Intervention (Plot Armour): 10/10
Emotional Investment: 1/10
Deserved Outcome: 2/10
I hate this fight so much it is in my top 10 worst rwby fights (except for specifically seeing Elm put that warhammer to good use and Harriet's absolutely sick kicks)
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bard-llama · 1 year
WiP Wednesday: Toph in S1 AU
I literally just wanted to write Toph in season 1 of atla lol. So... here’s what I got so far.
Premise: They hit up Gaoling after Omashu and find the Earth Rumble and go looking for Toph. And they know they don't need an earthbending teacher just yet, but like, while they're here, they may as well, right. And then Toph ends up running away with them and is there from episode 6 (the one with Haru and the prison rig with the warden voiced by George Takei) on.
The earthbender that the Avatar had added to his group was incredibly irritating. Since she’d joined, Zuko had barely gotten close to capturing the Avatar at all – and now… now she mowed down pirates with ease and took out Zuko’s sailors with precision and finally, he and Uncle were left surrounded by the Avatar’s group.
This was far from ideal, but they hadn’t lost yet. Uncle was the Dragon of the West, and while Zuko wasn’t anything comparable, he could at least back his Uncle up.
“We surrender,” Uncle said serenely.
“What!?” Zuko shrieked. “We do not!”
Uncle’s elbow jabbed into his side. “We surrender,” he said again.
“Peace, Nephew,” Uncle said. “I trust the Avatar’s group shan’t be nearly so dishonorable as the last time we were surrounded.”
Zuko hissed out a breath that steamed.
“Of course we won’t be dishonorable!” the Water Tribe girl snapped. “You’re the dishonorable ones!”
Zuko’s next exhale carried a flame and he glared coldly at her.
The Avatar just looked curious. “What – what happened the last time you were surrounded?”
“None of your fucking business,” Zuko growled, but Uncle, of course, decided to do his own thing.
“Ah, it was a result of my foolishness,” Uncle said easily with half a laugh, as though admitting to being fallible wasn’t unheard of. “I ended up captured by a small Earth Army squad. When my nephew found me, they were about to crush my hands.”
“What?” the Avatar’s group all startled.
“It’s a common Earth Army practice against firebenders,” Zuko grit out. “Crushing the bones crushes the chi lines.”
There was horror on the faces of those surrounding them and Zuko didn’t really know how to feel about the fact that they didn’t know.
“Have you been living under a rock?” he demanded. “This isn’t new. The Earth Army’s playbook literally recommends always aiming to crush bones. It’s the most common cause of veteran discharges. Usually they aim for arms and legs, but some soldiers will go straight for the chest. Others like to aim for the skull. They–”
“Enough!” Uncle said firmly and Zuko blinked, realizing–
“I’m sorry, Uncle,” he said softly, shame-faced. He should’ve known better. Of course Uncle wouldn’t want to hear about how the Earth Army crushed Fire soldiers, not when–
The anniversary of Lu Ten’s death wasn’t that long ago.
Zuko swallowed hard and repeated his apology, feeling vaguely sick.
On the bright side, their attackers appeared wholly frozen, horrified and disgusted.
“No,” the Avatar said quietly, shaking his head, eyes wide. “No, it can’t be. They can’t – surely they can’t–”
“Ah,” Zuko suddenly realized the issue. “You think because they’re your allies, they must be good?” he snorted. “There is no honor in war. All parties excuse the inexcusable because it’s done to their enemies, who obviously deserve it.” His voice was scornful and Uncle looked at him in surprise, but this was something Zuko had figured out long ago.
Sometimes, he was glad for his banishment, as it meant he very explicitly was not part of the war.
He wondered, in his darkest moments, how Uncle and Lu Ten had felt commanding armies when war was so – so–
“There is no honor in war,” he repeated, not looking at anyone. There was no honor in the genocide of the Air Nomads or in the crushing of bones or in the prisons that cut benders off from their elements or in the labor camps that drove prisoners to their deaths or in the burning of crops and farms or–
“You’re,” the Water Tribe boy started, looking at him oddly. “Are you… against the war?”
Zuko’s eye widened. “I never said that!” he insisted, fear clawing up his throat. To say as much was to commit treason. He would never do that.
“But–” the boy’s face scrunched in confusion.
“Can we just – get back to fighting?” Zuko asked plaintively.
“We surrendered, Prince Zuko,” Uncle reminded him and he scowled.
“No,” he refused. “I surrendered once. Never again.”
Uncle inhaled sharply, but it was the earthbender who spoke.
“What does that mean?” she demanded.
“What do you care?” Zuko snapped.
She stared at him with sightless eyes, and it was really creepy, actually. “You’re Prince Zuko, right? I’ve heard of you.”
Zuko stiffened. He knew the story of his scar – well, a bastardized form of the story, anyway – had circulated through the Earth Kingdom, but would this unwashed brat really know it?
“Is it true,” she started and he was already cringing before she finished, “that you found that missing noblewoman in like a day after everyone else had been searching for weeks?”
Zuko blinked. “It was two days,” he corrected blankly. “You – how do you–?”
It had been early on in his banishment when they’d ended up having to go slightly inland to the Earth Kingdom city of Ni Mao to get supplies. They hadn’t advertised who they were, given that it was Earth Kingdom territory, but they hadn’t really hidden it either. Or at least, Zuko hadn’t.
So he’d been wearing his armor when he’d walked into the market, where dozens of people were gathered in front of a well-groomed man standing on a box. “A sackful of gold to any who can find my daughter,” the nobleman had declared and look, keeping his ship afloat was difficult with the budget that Father allowed them and a sackful of gold was a lot and really, how hard could it be to find someone?
So Zuko had listened intently as the nobleman explained what had happened. And then he’d started searching. Few people wanted to talk to him when he was so obviously Fire Nation, but he was good at eavesdropping and tracking and it hadn’t taken long at all to find the noblewoman, who had been ‘abducted’ by her lover (and gardener).
Honestly, Zuko had felt kind of bad bringing her back. He knew exactly how awful nobility could be. But she’d agreed to return to her family (apparently living with her lover hadn’t been all she’d hoped for), so Zuko had gotten the reward. And, weirdly enough, a letter of recommendation from the nobleman.
So the next time they were running low on funds, he perused the wanted notices posted and decided to give it a try.
Turned out, he was pretty good at finding people. And bounties paid well.
“I know her,” the earthbender shrugged, then held her head high and introduced, “I’m Toph Beifong. Nice to meet you.”
Zuko blinked. “You’re a noblewoman!?”
She grinned and it was not a friendly grin. It sent a shiver down his spine. “Yup.”
I have 0 idea as to where this is going. I just wanted s1!Zuko to have to deal with Toph. The others are just a bonus lol
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Finished the One Piece Live Action and overall I'd give it an 8/10. Most of the actors are great at portraying their roles, and despite a few small (and two not so small) criticisms I had with the show, overall it still felt like One Piece, albeit a different version of it.
I sincerely hope they do a season two, despite my criticisms. I think they could easily do the Alabasta arc, even in just eight episodes, though I'd hope for more.
Logue Town
Reverse Mountain / Crocus / Laboon
Whiskey Peak
& 5. Skip Little Garden and go straight to Drum Island
6. , 7., & 8. Alabasta
Would be so awesome if they did that.
Spoilers below where I go in-depth about my criticisms, mainly for my own benefit.
Starting with the biggest criticism I had, I think it was genuinely a mistake for them to cut the Don Krieg fight because of how it really makes both Sanji deciding to join the crew, and Nami's iconic "Luffy, help me" scene kind of fall flat.
It messes up Sanji joining the crew because, without it there's really no reason for Sanji to even consider joining his crew. At that point, Luffy was just this random wannabe pirate captain who had been forced into becoming a dishwasher for the Baratie, and whose crew consisted of a half-dead swordsman, a liar, and a thief who betrayed them. Not to mention, said-wannabe pirate captain just had his ass handed to him and was looking to presumably get his ass handed to him again by the same guy while presumably going after a woman who stated clearly that she wanted nothing to do with them anymore. What about that screams: "Ah yes, I should quit my sure thing of a life and job to go hangout with these all-powerful, super intelligent, upstanding people!"
It also just sort of lessens the Nami moment later on because at that point she has no reason to even hope Luffy can beat Arlong, and literally every reason to believe he can't given that she'd literally just seen him lose to Arlong at the Baratie. Instead of it being an inspiration of hope at her lowest point, it became this pathetic last-ditch effort to beg for help from someone who she has every reason to believe can't help her.
This isn't to say that scene wasn't done well, for what it's worth. I thought Nami did a good job of recreating the scene pretty well honestly. It was just the setup to that moment that I had an issue with.
Beyond that, I had an issue with Sanji overall, but this is again connected to the fact that they cut the Don Krieg fight. Honestly, while I thought the Syrup Village was easily more enjoyable in live action than it was in the anime, I really wish they'd cut that arc down to just one episode and given Baratie the time it deserved to be what it needed to be. I know they had a lot to cram into just 8 episodes, but I really don't think they did the best of jobs deciding what was worth keeping and what was worth tossing.
Of course, I have to assume this was mainly due to budget and effects, hence why they also decided to cut out easily the best character in Arlong Park (probably hard to depict an 6-armed octopusman), Hatchan, who I would argue is far more important as a comedic relief character than one might expect, but I digress. His role in Arlong Park really helps relieve some of the tension, reminding everyone that this is supposed to be a goofy pirate show and not always some ultra serious, depressing drama series.
Other than all that, the show was great I thought. You really have to open your mind a bit and not be such a stickler to the source material, as I often find myself being. I really hope they do a season two though. I can see it being somewhat feasible for them to do an Alabasta Saga next. 1 ep for Logue Town, 1 for Reverse Mountain/Crocus, 1 for Whiskey Peak, skip Little Garden since ultimately it's not super important and just have Nami get sick some other way, 2 eps for Drum Island, and then I think Alabasta itself probably deserves 3 episodes so we can maybe see at least a couple of the fights.
I'd love to see Zoro solo the Millions, and especially his fight against Mr. 1 since I think that's a pivotal power-scaling moment for him when he cuts steel for the first time. Of course, you can't have Alabasta without Bon Clay, so seeing him and Sanji fight would be good. And then obviously, Luffy vs. Crocodile. I'm not sure where Nami, Usopp and Chopper would fit in, since I'm trying to think of how you'd keep this budget-friendly, and having them all fight their actual opponents I think would just be too much (especially Usopp & Chopper vs. Ms. Merry Christmas & Mr. 4).
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popculturebuffet · 5 months
Top 25 Ed, Edd, N Eddy Episodes: Top 25 List of the Ed (Comissioned by Weirdkev27)
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Hello all you happy Eds and happy late anniversary to one of the best showss Cartoon Network ever put out. A few weeks back Ed, Edd n Eddy hit it's 25th Anniversary.. which makes me feel old, but still proud.
For those less familiar, Ed Edd, N Eddy was a series by Danny Antonucci. Antonucci was a huge fan of cartoons of the 40's through 70's, the wobbly style and chaotic energy, and , basing it on people he knew from his children with two of the ed boys to himself with Rolf. He tried pitching it to Nick, but wisely didn't want to give up creative control, something cartoon network gave him, leading to 5 seasons and a movie of handrawn wonder. Yes i'm aware of the 1 technically 6th season episode, but like HBO Max I just lump that in with season 5.
For those less familiar with the show, a quick primer: Ed, Edd, N Eddy follows the titular ed boys: Imaginative cloudcukoolander dum dum brick house Ed, neurotic genius inventor voice of reason Edd, and scheming egotist jerkass Eddy. The three would reguarly try to pull "Scams" to get the kids quarter, a combination of buisnesses, out and out schemes to get money, and ocasinally buliding an ENTIRE CITY. Their targets were the other 6 kids and plank of wood inhabiting their Cul De Sac: Rich kid asshole treat him as the villian Kevin, nice girl and sorta love intrest Nazz, son of a shepard Rolf, Ed's abusive shouty sister Sarah, Sarah's best friend and sensitive kind boy Jimmy and the weird, wonderful Johnny and his best friend Plank. Typically the schemes would fail either due to Eddy's hubris, an unforseen thing or if the writer's were feeling a tad lazy, just having local bullies and sexual harassers the Kanker Sisters end the episode.
The series stuck to it's small cast, a handful of settings, yet used those for all they got, getting 4 seasons out of a nearly endless summer filled with fantastic slapstick comedy, nice adult nods sprinkled in there, and fluid and bouncy animation, with a 5th shifting the setting to school for a decent enough season that's barely on this list but wasn't too bad, ending in a finale movie.
So i'm honoring this fine series with it's 25 best episodes: once kevin pitched the idea and clinked the money in my jar, I went through the series, picked out my faviorites, narrowed it down to the 25, then rewatched ALL of them. I was stuck in bed with tubrculosis, what else was I going to do. I COULD have gone off memory, but it just felt right to rewatch them all and at 11 minutes an episode it was fesable. I am willing to do more lists on comission and will rewatch any episodes I put on said list if possible, but I have limits. Overall though it was remarkable how I not only had TROUBLE pairing it down to 25, but how awesome these episodes still were all these years later.
So these are the good, the great and the weird of Ed , Edd N Eddy across 5 seasons and celebrating 25 years, 25 scams and 25 cents. Join me under the cut.
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25. Ed, Pass it On aka The One With Eddie's Brother Allgedlys Coming Back Home
Ed Pass It On.. is okay. The opening set piece is an all timer and rewatching these reminded me just how much this show loves it's opening set piece scams and how good it was at them. A restraunt is great and the way it derails being ed putting hhimself naked on one of those fancy serving tray things is brilliant. I didn't need to SEE a naked Ed, but that's half the joke.
The actual episode.. is less enjoyable than I remember. The idea of Eddy lying his big brother coming back is great and it has some nice foreshadowing for the big picture show, but joke wise it's just not funny watching everyone be terrified a serial domestic abuser is going to come back. it is intresting seeing how each character interacts with the idea and Sarah easily derail it, but it didn't hold up as well possibly due to SAID big picture show hammering home just how bad a person Eddy's brother is taking Kevin and Rolf's reactions from kinda funny to "Okay I see why jesus". Not a terrible one, just one that didn't age well.
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24. Stop Look and Ed aka The No Rules One
The titles for this series.. aren't great. Some fit okay, but the chaotic title cards meant I didn't read them clearly half the time as a kid and their so generic. Thankfully the episodes are still good> This one's got a strong premise: Edd is , as you'd expect, neurotic about a keep off the grass sign, and Eddy and Ed defy it, then decide to break all the rules they can, leading to the neighborhood goign into chaos in hilarous ways with Rolf taking a break for once, Kevin destroying dishes and Sarah and Jimmy's ice cream mountain. We also get the iconic line "Save it and use it for ammo when I need to double d". Otherwise.. it's flimsier than I remembered, with Edd's solution being entirely assholish and eddy being a dick the whole time. It has enough memorable moments to land it here, with the jawbraker satilte, the off screne double d reveal, the ice cream mountain, it's just not the series best. That won't last long on this list thankfully.
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23. An Ed Too Many aka Sarah gets a crush on Double D
Season 1 was a tad more relaxed than the seasons after, a bit more chill and that shows here. There's no scam in progress, our heroes just hit up Double D, try to make pizza then work on what the next scam will be while the conflict is simply Sarah getting a crush on Edd and stalking him.
That part could easily ruin the episode: Ed, Edd N Eddy has held up in a lot of ways, but it's use of the Kankers.. is not one of them ,being the embodiment of "HA HA THIS SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S HAPPENING TO A MAN. LAUGH LAUGH AT HOW UNCOMFORTABLE THIS IS LAUUUUGGGGHHHH".
So it's a plesant suprise that when it comes to this episode with Sarah.. they get it right. Sarah is obsessively following Double D around, but the episode makes it very clear in how she acts this episode she's a kid: She dosen't understand this isn't okay or Edd isn't intrested because she's.. well apparently 12 according to the middle school seasons but clearly supposed to be younger than that even in those seasons? This show is weird with ages.
Point is you get an innocence in Janynse Jaud's performance. She's just a kid following around the older boy she has a crush on and not understanding that him giving her a flower, entirely innocently, didn't make him his boyfriend but you understand why from her perspective she is. Not only that Sarah's entitlement as a character and tendency to not be told no , as anyone who does usually gets their teeth misplaced soon after, makes it clear WHY she doesn't get it and why Ed gently trying ot tell her to leave or eddy being.. eddy about it don't work. The episode dosen't make Sarah's behavior okay either, as it's clear Double D is massively uncomfortable, but it's on such a low scale, the worst we get being "hello trapped boyfriend" and her acts mostly being following him around, asking him to play and making paper art out of the paper used for their dinosaur.
The episode is low on jokes, but ones it has are great. We have that great shot of Ed and Eddy carrying edd, "Get Lost", an all time great joke of the series, and of course Jimmy's heartbroken reaction to everything, foaming at the mouth and trying to pick a fight with eddy in the most hilarious way possible while Eddy just boggles at it and has ed kidnap him. The ending solution, the two playing together is also really sweet. All in all a solid, shockingly wholesome episode.
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22. Over Your Ed aka Cool Ed
Another season 1 episode and once again I like how relaxed it is: our heroes are simply running an "eno-g-drink" stand, a smaller hustle than normal, ed being ed and also extra smelly ruins it, so the eds decide to fancy him up and then profit off it. Simple plot. This one is here entirely for ed's transformation, a classic design from the fun wig to the neat jacket, and the fountain of nearly incomrephnisble 70's and 80's catchphrases. Cool ed is a delight and would easily get this episode higher. The problem is one MANY an episode have: Deus Ex Kanker. The writer's can't figure out how an episode ends, so the Kanker Sisters show up. There's less HARASSMENT in this one, so it's not as bad, but this one wreaks of them not knowing how to end the scheme and just letting the Kankers do it for them and it ends the episode on a sour note.
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21. Laugh Ed Laugh aka Eddy looses his mind due to a Pandemic
Yeah this one aged well for obvious reasons, but even beyond the obvious parallels to the hellscape we all lived through, it's a well done character piece that shows why EDDY does this. Sure we know other reasons, greed, a need to live up to his brother, etc, but this one makes it clear he's addicted to it. He's given a chance to just hang with his best friends, let the storm pass.. but it's just not as fun. He can't play games like kick the can when there's no money in it, no thrill to it. He may get constantly frustrated at his constant losses... but this ep adds the subtext that that the possiblity of loss, the possiblity of not winning... is part of it. Eddy.. is a gambler. He lives for the thrill of the chase as much as the thrill of those quarters jingling in his jar. IT's why he ends up playing one of the oldest scams in the world with a bunch of squirrels for a prize he dosen't care about. He cares about the money.. but he needs the game too and goes mad without it. Tony Sampsons performance is also a large reason this one's here as it's one of his best. Truly great hilarious stuff. A solid episdoe that really cracks Eddy open as a character.
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20. This Won't Hurt an Ed aka The Needle One
This is also the only one from Season 5. Now despite this I DO like Season 5's attempt's to do something new with the formula, putting the Ed's back to school and giving us new outfits for most of the cast that still echo their familiar ones. I particularly like Eddy's jacket. I also get why it dosen't work for some as the show still wasn't back to full speed despite this refresh, some of it's worse habits stuck, and the minimalist cast is a lot more noticable in a school setting, if still working for me. But I get why it wouldn't work for everyone.
That said it still gave us some classics and this is the best of them. It's also an episode that makes me feel bad for Kevin something hard given that he's an arrogant jerk. The episode does this well without really changing his character: he's still arrogant and he's largely nice to Jimmy at the moment because Jimmy's feeding his ego.. but you also get WHY the other kids are showering him for winning a sports ball as he has genuine charisma and is in a good enough mood to not be a sarcastic jerk to them, as he often tends to be.
The other half is Eddy. Eddy starts shit with Kevin this time not because Kevin disrespected him.. but because Kevin's getting all the attention. Eddy is genuinely in the wrong here and uses private medical information to torture Kevin with his fear of needles while also causing a panic in the school and making Double D's job as a nurse's assitant harder. Eddy... is a bad person a lot of the time and while he has a damn good reason WHY he's this way, it dosen't change the fact a lot of the time he's just a jerk for petty reasons.
The various torments are hilaroius but what gives the episode extra charm is the creepiness added as Kevin tries to avoid the eds as they stalk him. The short takes on a horror movie vibe. And again the episode dosen't forget Kevin is who he is: his response to the boys con being outed by Double D.. is to try and beat their heads in. But what clinches this one as a classic is Double D finding anothe rway around, one that remidns me of the aformentioned grounding episode... but instead of having kevin beat them.. he gives EDDY the shot to help Kevin with his own fear. A perfect payback ending to a damn fine episode.
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19. Floss Your Ed aka OW TOOTH HURT
This is just a fun gag fest, plain and simple. The setup is simple: Ed's tooth is loose , Eddy puts a bounty on it to try and get that tooth fairy money and we get a lot of fantastic hyjinks from the rest of the kids as they try to get it loose from fishing lures to the fake jawbreaker above. It's a bit low thanks to it's ending not being as fun as everything else, but the payoff of Ed eating the teeth still works.
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18. For The Ed By the Ed aka The Election One
A fitting one for this year, and not the last election episode i'll be going with. And what a concidence it's also between a blatant criminal who tries to steal an election and a plank of wood whose still a far better choice. Eerie.
This one's here partly because I really like election episodes, but mostly for it's murderer's row of jokes: We get things like the shovel, Eddy's over the top electionaring, Ed literally digging up dirt, and Eddy's blantant election fraud so obvious and ineveitble Edd already planned way ahead. Simple premise but damn if it ain't fun. It's also cathartic as hell to see Plank beat up the Kankers. He's got my vote.
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17. Rent An Ed aka The Eds leave Johnny Homeless
This is another quick one to talk about: it's just gag after gag after gag as the Ed's destroy Jimmy's house then Johnny's. Plank telling them what they did, the design of Johnny stuck in a tree, Chez La Sweat, this one is just nonstop slapstick gold , concluding int he glorious delivery of "IS THAT THE SUPPORT BEAM TO THE HOUSE?!"
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16. Dear Ed aka Johnny and Plank Break UP
This one thrives on a great concept, as do most great Ed Edd N Eddy Episodes: Johnny and Plank have a fight and while Jimmy takes the poor hunk of wood in, Eddy tries to captlize on Edd's well meaning attempts to find the kid a new best friend. What foils it is especially clever: it's not Eddy's usually impulsivness or greed, it's simply Johnny's imagination: Johnny gave Plank life, so they can't really contorl how he reacts to the other friends with a Traffic Cone being a perverted jerk and a Boot nearly killing him. Add in a fun as heck party with the whole neighborhood showing up and a wholesome ending with the boys dancing with Jimmy and you have one of my faivorite episodes.
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15. Dueling Eds aka the Duel One
Okay some of these titles are pretty transparent, but you name an episode off the top of your head by title. Go on i'l wait.
Anyways, I love Rolf, easily tied with Johnny for my faviorite of the kids, so it's a shock only one of his episodes is on here, but damn does he make it count. The premise works well: It simply let's Eddy be his obnoxious self, disprespecting Rolf's culture then refusing to see he did anything wrong despite how obviously upset Rolf was and how obvious it is to anyone with two eyes that he was an insenstive little dickhead. Thus while Eddy goes through it this episode.. you don't remotely feel bad for him: He had every chance to apologize and even the cupcakes would've work but his stubborn refusal to admit he did anything wrong gets him beat. It's also aged remarkably well with many a person disrepscting people's personal cultures for being diffrent They all deserve a fish slap.
The duel itself also climbs it up here with the striking colors and some good gags like Rolf wanting eddy to fight back even though really this fight is one sided and Eddy has been trying. We also get a rare kevin compuance, as he tapes the fight, clearly is only into it because Eddy's getting beat.. and clearly gets beaten up afterwords. Also Ed becomes an eel. That sure did happen. I also love the guys eagerness to walk on Rolf's face. What a guy.
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14. Look Into My Eds aka the Hypno Wheel One
Look into my heads is a weird one. As you might have noticed from the other season one eps on this list, Season 1 , like most season 1s, experimented a bit, trying to figure out the show's rhythm, having a more relaxed tone in places. The show hadn't quite settled into it's scam of the week format (with the ocasional breaks to keep it from getting stale of course).
So we get this episode where hypnotism is outright real and a lot of fun transformations , paticuarlly monkey Kevin and frog sarah. It's just some fun nonsenes. It's only real issue and what keeps it this down low despite such great animation and physical comedy .. is the Kankers. Their barely on this list for a reason, and while the ending isn't AS bad as usual, their use still feels like they had no ending thought up when they came up with the hynowheel. The reason it dosen't completely derail the ep is it is at least CLEVER why their resitant and the hair gag is hilarious. So a unique ep that could've been better, but still is solid and memorable thanks to it's designs and comedy.
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13. Dawn of the Eds aka The Space Ranger One
Dawn of the eds is another season 1 experiment and one I wish they'd done more of: it's just a chill hangout episode outside the usual premise where the guys collect money for jawbreakers, plan to sneak into a movie then spend the day roleplaying in the junk yard. It's just pure fun to watch the kids have so much fun dressing up junk, hanging out in an old van and playing spaceman, and the ending of them throwing shit at sarah and jimmy and leaving for dinner while dragging ed away is a perfect capper. It's not joke dense like later entries on this list, but it's just so much fun and nice break from the pattern the show would fall into later.
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12. Avast Ye Eds aka the Steel Pedal Guitar One
Another vibes episode.. at least for the first half and one of my faviorite scams of the series: The ed's simply take Johnny and Jimmy boating which fits first, the former loving adventure and the later being a perfect foil for how dinky the boat is with his fussy nature and seasickness. It also has that steel pedal guitar bit, from how much Edd hates the thing to how GOOD he is at it while being utterly bored. It's one of the series best and elviates this episode by itself but even without it it's still a lot of chill fun on a boat.
Then the Kanker's show up.. and the episode gets even better. Yeah, probably the only time anyone's ever said that but unlike other examples of their inclusion in season 1 they feel more part of the plot: of course they'd do this and the pirate thing helps esclate it giving us great stuff like "kick my feet faster", johhnny's badass sail ripping, and walking plank. I"m shocked they got that obvious joke out of the way so soon and wouldn't be suprised if they entirely wrote an episdoea round getting there. The usual sexual harassment keeps this classic down a few pegs, but it's still one of my go to episodes for a reason.
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11. X Marks the ed aka ATTACK THE WIG.
LIke the last entry on this list, X Marks the Ed gets a lot of mileage out of having one of the series best gags, in this case my personal faviorite ATTACK THE WIG, from it's randomness, to Ed's tender reveal of "wigs scare me double d" as well as how it takes the easy solution to this dillema out of the plot.
X Marks in general is just funny. Yes Eddy probably dosen't deserve his suffering even with his giant pile of horrible deeds before this, but while the Zit on his head isn't his fault, his making it bigger by poking at it is. And the antics the kids get up to, from Johnny running a scam himself to the expertly crafted photo bit, is great. Rolf is also in top form here, happy to help, treating making the cure like a cooking show and somehow srhinking eddy while running away from his actions. X Marks the ed is just pure laughs the whole way through and sometimes that's all you need to make a good episode of this show.
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10. They Call him Mr Ed aka Up
This was one of my faviorites as a kid (as most of this list is really, they held up well) , and for good reason: the simple idea of Eddy building a company dedicated to going up with no actual goal this time is genius. It's very clear his understanding of buisness is what tweens would be, with him just thinking it's about board rooms, hiring people and going UP. The sheer amount of up puns is mindboggling as it is incredible and I salute them keeping this schitck up. Everyone fits into the corprate setting really well: Eddy as the corrupt ceo, Edd as the Smithers, Johnny int he mail room, Nazz as receptionist given her people skills, Jimmy as the style person, Rolf on security with his strength. Though I don't think had the fight got on Kevin would've lived much longer. It also uses kevin well to derail the scheme: it's a tricky arct finding a way to end it that isn't TOO ashoolish, and Kevin simply wanting to talk to Nazz, not respecting the game their playing and leading to Eddy tipping his hand on not paying anyone is perfect, as is Ed's elevator runner paying off in such a surreal way.
This episode is truly in the up-er echelon and a perfect way to start UP the top 10.
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9. Fa-La-La-La-Ed aka the first Christmas One
This one gets to the top 10 on sentiment: it's a genuinely heartfelt christmas episode... even as eddy keeps reminding us "it's July!". Remember that for July this year. It's just so nice to see Ed's delusion it's christmas lead to the kids deciding "fuck it let's go ahead and celebrate christmas" and just enjoy themselves. It has good gags too including the caroling and the piggy bank scam, as well as the whole idea of piggy bank day, but it gets here entirley just by being sweet and with Ed being at easily his kindest and most selfless.
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8. One + One = Ed aka the Really Fucking Weird One We All Love
This one was a shoe in for a list the second it was pitched to me. It's one of both the msot memorable episodes and the funniest and now having learned more about animation than I did as a kid, gags like Eddy going into the background or taking away Jimmy's line are even better. It's also hard not to love Jimmy's comeback later "don't spill me!" or the three headed Rolf. An episode simply about learning things work sharply swerves into an absurdist masterpiece, and I love every second of it. It plays with the animation, breaks every rule and has a damn good time doing it. It's certainly the show's weirdest episode.. but it's also certainly one of it's best.
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7. Urban Ed aka Edtropolis
This is one I loved as a kid and I was delighed, again like most of these, that it held up REALLY well.
The setting is what makes this episode both such a classic and such a nice break from the usual: While Eddy's still trying to milk money building an entire, fun looking city of cardboard for it while introducing various city scams, from beginin stuff like shopping or shoe shines to a tatoo parlor the episode finds a LOT of fun stuff to do with an urban setting. This thing is crammed with joke after joke from the anvil gag to the boy with the snake on it's face, and once again threads the needle just right; Eddy's punished.. but given he hit johnny up for money earlier and built the city LARGELY just to make money off people, I can't feel too bad. The opening scam is also one of the series best. Just try to confuse them into money. I'm shocked it didn't work.
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6. Robbin Ed aka the Superhero Episode
Look I love superheroes. I'm not shy about that so this one always had a place in my heart. But it's a dang fun superhero episode and what I hold up as one of the gold standards for "one of the cast becomes a superhero" episodes. It helps it has a unique hook to it compared to most: it's not our main characters becoming masked vigiliaintes, but Jonny, whose upbeat nature, kindness and already shown bits of heroisim (See the pirate episode from before) make him a perfect fit, with Plank being a natural sidekick.
It also puts Eddy in the perfectly fitting role of supervillian. He's already a crook, has ego issues and gets pissed off easily: have Jonny ENTIRELY JUSITFIABLY wreck his latest and most scammy scam (selling people a device they only had one of and filling the boxes with nothing), and Professor Scam is born. The rest of the episode is Eddy just.. perfectly sinking into the role, from his hilariously dumb setup scheme which made me laugh at a butt joke for a change, to his scam ray to that all timer gag of his getaway bike floating away without him, it's a perfect 60's batman style showdown, and Ed turning face at the end is the perfect way to resolve it. Robbin Ed is a good time and stands out for good reason.
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5. See No Ed aka The One Without the Eds
See No Ed is a clever inversion of Laugh Ed Laugh: We've had an episode without the other kids, seen how the Ed's deal with that. I'm amazed it took till season 4 to get to this given they did the inverse so early on but it was worth the wait.
It also neatly shows the stages the kids go through: their curious, then throw a party not having to deal with Eddy's shit for a day, then are genuinely worreid and finally go to a scam WITHOUT the ed's there to opperate it which still goes well. It's all logical but also creates a sense of intrigue as to WHERE they are.
Helping this is Kevin, the lead of the episode and given how much Kevin can be a jerk, putting an episode on his shovel chin is a risk.. but it pays off here. Just as the other kids absence rattled Eddy, Kevin finds he's off ballance without his nemisis. He assumes the absence has to be s cam, that the eds ar ewaiting for him, devolves into parnoia. It lays bear what Kevin is: a bully that needs a target to fuel his massive ego, the same way eddy needs to pull scams, win or loose, to stroke his own ego: Eddy scams because it get shim money and makes him feel sharper than the sharpies. In turn Kevin hutns eddy so viciosuly because hunting Eddy and whaling on him gives him something.
Something that dosen't come up often but this episode makes clear is that Kevin's place among the kids.. is fragile. He's postiioned himself as the alpha dog, the big boy, the one others respect.. but his closest friends are the ones nice to everyone: Rolf and Nazz are just unbelievably Kind. And Even Nazz gets annoyed by him at times and is the one most likely to call him out and Rolf likely woudln't be as close if he knew half of what Kevin said. Kevin needs Eddy because Eddy's presence assures he won't become just like him: an outcast whose ego, selfishness and need for attention isolate him from everyone else. Kevin falls apart because he can't accept the eds aren't some boogey man to make him feel better and their absence isn't some scheme and it's glorious to see.
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4. The Day the Ed Stood Still aka He's a Literal Monster
The Day the Ed Stood still is another format bender, and a clever one as it's a bait and switch: it starts with your standard cold open scam, Ed decides he wants to be a ,onster, Edd wants to help because he's a kind soul and Eddy does because he can sell this.
Then.. things go off the rails in the best way possible. This one asks what happens when two of the ed's biggest assets, Edd's inventivness and Ed's unstoppable strength, ran rampant: Double D builds Ed the perfect monster suit.. and Ed BECOMES the monster and a nightmarish force Double D desperatley tries to stop while Eddy encourages because he's a sick bastard. IT's one of the few times he's not punished for being the worst.
What follows isa fun tense monster movie as Ed slowly picks off the neighborhood. The deisgn on the monster is awesome and the slow reveal of it is brilliant, as is Ed making his layer in his basment with chewed up chunky puffs. Gross AND horrifying. The ending, with Eddy naturally having a bunker ready under his bed and Ed going wild to not let him get away THAT easy with his actions, is a lot of fun.
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3. Once Bitten, Twice Ed aka The Never Ending Scam
This one is helped by having the series best cold open. Easily. It's not even a contest: Baron O Beef Dip is just pure comedy gold, from how Shoddy the prank is, to using Ed's iconic little monster pal, to fo course ED EATING HIS MATTRESS, not to mention the fact this isn't the first time, and ending on "devour the non belivier and Eddy having to get eddy to CALL HIM OFF CALL HIM OFF. This alone would get the episode on this list.
The rest though is also excellent and while a bit overshadowed by the opening set piece, still slaps with a simple concept: Eddy has a scam he won't let go of and instead keeps lazily rehashing while the kids get tired of it and by the end aren't falling for it. Eddy uses a random object, lures them in, it's a hunt, Rolf tries to participate witha blunt object, Johnny objects. Rinse, repeate, comedy gold. I also found a joke I didn't get as a kid that i loved here, Great Nano's kidney stone. The fact Rolf has that and the fact Nazz is the only one to go "wait waht". It's brilliant. Replacing that later wtih Kevin just.. giving hi ma hammer, this time KNOWING it's ed is also good. This one takes a concept and runs with it and unlike Eddy dose'nt run it into the ground. It's a perfect eddy plot too: he's so prideful that of COURSE there'd be that one scam he thought was great and refuses to admit was halfbaked from the start. Of course. This one never quite ends but it certainly leaves us on a high.. and a toilet for some reason.
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2. Little Ed Blue aka BIG TROUBBBLEEEEEE
We all remember this one: Ed gets upset, chaose ensues. What I noticed more on rewatch though is two key things that made this epiosde good: it's densely packed with jokes and ahs a well done plot: the opening with the theater is genuinely nice: the movie is entertaining, we get the steel pedal guitar again, a clear seal of quality, and the food fight is wholesome: it starts as a fight btu the kids just have fun and Eddy gets an honest day's profit.
The main event though is one of the ages: ed is upset, kicks everyone out and gives sarah her just deserts for a change. And what works is that Ed.. just wants to be alone> He's dealing with a pebble, he's having a crappy day and the episode only keeps going because Edd, misguidedly, want's to cheer up his best friend instead of letting him just have a poopy mood, especially since outside of the theater thing, he's not harming anyone> He just sits on a stump moping and only gets agressive when Edd and Eddy won't leave him alone. The worst he does is hurt Edd's feelings.. but he tells him to go away. They don't listen, so what happens next is on them.
It allows the episodes slapstick to be hilarous as Eddy is his usual self, not wanting ot help because he dosen't care and screaming at edd or othe rhalf assed things. Hence the glorious shit he gets done to him from Ed making a toy breathe fire, to the comic book face to my faviorite him being turned into a bat to bean kevin after both are dicks to ed, it all feels deserved> it also makes johnny solving it work: Jonny did nothing wrong, and thus is the one who actually fixes ed.. with planks help. It's a masterful episode with Matt Hill's best performance by far.
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Shoo Ed aka Annoying Johnny
Many an episode on this list is good.. but at the end of the day one was #1 in my heart for years as I didn't realize till getting screencaps a year or two back a LOT of my faviorite gags were int his one episode and even amnong all these rewatches, only one king of the cul de sac could be crowned.
I like Jonny a lot as a character, inconsitent spelling of his name here or not, with plank also being great. His innocense, his weird sidekick, but this is the peak of his moutnain. Johnny is unteitonally a pest to kevin, and Eddy weaponizes it for his own means. The result is the funniest episode of the show and the best version of it's standard formula.
Johnny's the star here with his unteiotnal annoyance, the glorious purple suit, and Paul David Grove's great enthusasim. But everyone gets a chance to shine: Double D's growing bafflement with this and eventaul freakout with "i glued a block of wood to johnny's foot", eddy at his scammiest and hammiest as he enjoys this, and Ed .. well he glued a block of wood to johnny's foot. We get so many great jokes from Eddy and Kevin's argument, to "I glued a block of wood to johnny's foot", the suddne ye haw, provoke our creation, Rolf natually loving new johnny "What does that mean I ask you" and of course
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So many great lines and performances I could spend all day listing them but I won't. It also , like most eps here, avoids the usual pitfall of the series: The ed's punishment is proportionate, trapped by the monster they created and eddy's own cheapness. A fitting end to the series best episode.
Thanks for reading Ed boys.
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heldhram · 1 year
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15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @its-adrienpastel @pleaseputnamehere @agnelid and @neillesimstories thank you all for the tag!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not that I am aware of. It’s actually uncommon (or even disrespectful, if named after an elderly family member) in our culture to name children after other people so I would be surprised if I was named after anyone.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This is a very good question, I don’t actually know. When you get to your mid-20s I guess you can get fairly easily-triggered emotionally, whether it be a distant but sweet memory that reminds you of good times that will never come back, or a dire realisation of things you will almost never achieve, or even a simple scene from a TV show with that right cue of music (Season 2 last episode of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel when the camera cut to Susie carefully admiring her new blazer whilst Lenny’s “All Alone” moody violin interlude playing in the background being an example) that can send me into a tearful mood.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I am definitely not against the idea of having kids, unlike what most of my acquaintances would assume of me. Deep down I am a family-person, but in my home country it is still currently illegal for a gay man such as I to adopt kids that is not biologically related to me (I’ll take the dumbest piece of legislation for $500, Alex).
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I am not good with sarcasm at all, let it be online or in person. To be fair, I don’t think I have used sarcasm if at all in real life, but I don’t find it difficult to detect a sarcastic remark at all. Guess when you’re surrounded by enough witty (but kind nevertheless) people you don’t feel the need to contribute any more sarcasm. (This is not sarcasm, if you’re wondering)
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Not a very sporty person myself. I used to play table tennis with my dad when I was a kid, and then almost 2 decades later at my uni’s student centre. It was so much harder when I was kiddo and I don’t know why. Probably because I hadn’t learned physics yet.
Nowadays I barely do any sports (unless you count jogging), but I’d like to play tennis if my legs aren’t so sore after a day’s shift. Oh, and if I have someone to play with me. I’ll then buy a racquet.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
The way their facial feature move to produce a warm, heartfelt smile. Also, their fascinating shades of eye colours.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Movies with unexpected endings, preferably unhappy ones. I guess I’m just fed up with conventional, commercialised happy endings to the point where I just wish things could be a bit more down-to-earth and realistic. I prefer fictions that I could relate to on a personal level, and that’s probably why I’ve not seen any good movies/TV shows for a while. That being said, I adore Netflix’s mini-series Maid.
8. Any special talents?
Imitating accents, (and according to my acquaintances and relatives) melodious, multitasking, memorising useless things like what happened years ago on a special occasion, listening to the same song/music on loop and not getting sick of them for 1 year.
9. Where were you born?
Taiwan, a beautiful subtropical island polluted by fugly buildings.
10. What are your hobbies?
Playing the guitar, modding Skyrim/Fallout 4 to my own liking, learning languages, baking. Oh, and browsing memes.
11. Do you have any pets?
I would love to adopt a dog from the local shelter if I’m not moving so frequently between countries. I’ve never really had a pet before, and I’m so jealous of people who get to grow up with one.
12. How tall are you?
186cm (~ 6 feet 1)
13. Fave subject in school?
Chemistry (my fave), Biology, Geography, English (the only subject at school I could pass with flying colours without studying at all, so I like it)
14. Dream job?
Not any specific occupation, but rather a concept: An ideal job for me would be the one where I get to utilise the knowledge I gained from formal education, enriched by real-life experiences/lessons, guided by self-reflection and personal growth, that allows me to give back to the community from which I benefited, and to motivate people to improve themselves physically and mentally.
15. Eye colour?
Dark, dark brown
I feel like most of the mutuals of mine have already done this, so I’m not tagging anyone else. If you’d like to do this, please consider yourself tagged and have fun :)
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radi0activesmile · 1 year
Thoughts under the cut!
1. I’ve loved Andrealphus since the moment they dropped a picture of him, so I’m psyched we got to see him finally. HOWEVER...
The fact that they dropped that image of him months before season 2 dropped, and Stella name-dropped him in episode 1 of season 2 making him out to be this big threat that Stolas did not want to anger... seems like they were building up a lot for a guy who was just sorta... there. 
2. I think if this episode had been longer (it’s like seven minutes shorter than Exes and Oohs) that would have helped a lot. If scenes had like 30-40 more seconds in them, I think it would have flowed a little better. Like. Andrealphus was clearly trying to accomplish something by playing up Stolas cheating on Stella, but Striker came in before we could do it. Maybe we could have seen how easily he can get under Stolas’ skin, or maybe he could have said something to help us understand why Stella uses him as a threat. 
3. I like the idea of Millie and Moxxie going to take someone down without Blitz, but I wish it was someone other than Striker. Not that they didn’t have personal beefs with him, but when we last saw Striker, we kind of got the idea that he had almost convinced Blitz to join him, and I think that emotional scene at the end would have been waaaaay more effective if Blitz had been there to save Stolas, and Striker had offered that same deal, and Stolas could get to see Blitzo falter again. 
4. I think this episode suffers the same way Seeing Stars suffered in that, I get why they wanted Blitz to be away from the main plot, but I think the way they got him away... needed some work. Maybe if they’d been on a mission and Loona had been really hurt, and that’s why he needed to take her to a hospital? I know Helluva’s a dark comedy but the tone shifting so drastically from ‘haha dog getting shots’ to ‘man is getting tortured to death’ was a biiiit... extreme? 
5. I do like us getting to see how other hellborns treat imps... and seeing Blitz nearly lose it when someone mispronounces his name is a nice callback. 
6. Shoutout to the boyband imp. I love him. 
7. With how rushed things already felt, I don’t... really understand the scene where Millie and Moxxie stop at the gas station. Seemed like that time could have been better spent developing one of the other scenes. 
8. I’m all for Stella being a jaded girl boss who wants her husband to suffer for cheating on her (which he did, no matter how he tries to justify it, and no matter how loveless the marriage was, he did cheat on her) buuuut why was she okay with Striker shooting him last time? This seems like something she would want done quickly-- and quietly. She’s a noble with an image to think of, right? 
8.5 Then again, they’re clearly trying to paint her as someone who isn’t thinking this through (even though she clearly did think it through the first time she hired Striker? When she waited until he was an entire ring away from his castle and his guards? And could easily pin it on someone else? Rather than getting him abducted in public and not even pretending to be surprised?)
9. Really hope we get some Striker backstory, ‘cause the man’s clearly got some issues with nobles/overlords and I’m dying to find out who hurt him so badly. 
10. There’s so many scenes I wish were longer, but the Loona getting a shot scene could have been cut by a loooot. 
11. Did... did the person who wrote the scene between Andrealphus and Stella forget they’re siblings? Did they think Andre’s her sassy best friend? Because he does strike me as the type of guy who talks like this... but not to his sister. 
12. I like that they’re seemingly painting Andrealphus as this deep thinker who’s out here playing the long-game, but I don’t like that they had to make Stella so oblivious to the obvious to show that. Don’t tell me this woman, who has been plotting this for months (probably over a year) was so blinded by wanting Stolas dead that she didn’t consider anything else. She was raised a noble. Her marriage was arranged in childhood. Don’t tell me she isn’t very aware of what would happen to her status if he died. Don’t tell me she didn’t think of a way around that waaaay before she found an assassin. Why is she a whiny child all of a sudden?
14. Edward Basco does an amazing job as Striker and I love the level of so done with these blue blooded dumbasses he brought during that phone call. 
15. That fight scene is absolutely gorgeous. 
16. I’m so confused about how Blitz got Loona into the car and into the doctor’s office only for her to suddenly put up a fight? I get her being freaked out but knowing it’s something she has to do to keep herself alive, and I could see her fighting Blitz the entire way there. The sudden flip just seemed... again, tonal shift. 
17. Love Doctor goat’s design though. 
18. Music is a bop!
19. So M&M get no credit for absolutely saving Stolas’ ass huh?
20. Stolas’ doctors being legit Plague Doctor demons is fantastic and I have no complaints. 
21. He can get hurt?
All jokes and gripes aside I really do like that line. Blitz clearly has a fear of people leaving him either by choice or by being taken away by death, and I bet thinking Stolas was this immortal being that, while annoying, he was likely comforted by the idea that Stolas physically can’t be taken from him. Then suddenly that security is jerked away from him. No matter what other feelings I have about this episode, that was really well done. 
22. Glad we’re finally getting some clarification on what’s been up with these two since Ozzie’s. It looks like Stolas is trying to give Blitz space and prove their relationship is not just you wanting me to fuck you and Blitz is being dismissive and guarded. They’re acting like nothing happened when they’re in front of others but it seems we’ll eventually get them talking about what happened that night. 
23. Why do you insist on hurting me with these character breaks after looking at phone endings, Viv?
All in all, I didn’t hate the episode. It absolutely wasn’t one of my favorites, and I don’t think it was a good follow up at all to Exes and Oohs, but it wasn’t terrible. I’ll admit my hopes and expectations were high AF because I’ve been dying to see Andrealphus and also dying for Striker to come back. 
So far, in season two, I’ve:
Really enjoyed episode 1
Had... thoughts about episode 2.
Loved episode 3.
Thought episode 4 was meh. 
Soooo, if the pattern keeps up, episode 5 should be great!
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haloburns · 1 year
ectoblastfromthepast fanfic review 2022
oh man this was a big writing year. i published more than double what the last eight years on ao3, and i've written probably about an extra 100k that i haven't/cant be published yet. dove into two big phandom events this year (phic phight and invisobang) and wrote almost 90k for each. got burnt out from those and struggled to finish the year strong, but was able to post some stuff in december anyway!
Fic Count: 42 new, 1 carried over Overall Word Count: 369,436 Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Wynonna Earp and Charmed (crossovers with DP), Percy Jackson, and Bones
1. totally worth it
Fandom: Percy Jackson Pairing: Percy/Annabeth (Percabeth) Rating: G Total Word Count: 171 words Completion Date: 03-09-2022 Notes: I wrote this when i was working on fluff practice for ghost light, and a friend of mine asked for this. first and only PJO fic so far, but it's cute and dumb and i like it a lot. this is the shortest thing i wrote this year!
2. it never hurt like this before (and now it's too late to lie)
Fandom: Bones (2005) Pairing: Temperance Brennan & Angela Montenegro Rating: G Total Word Count: 862 words Completion Date: 03-07-2022 Notes: Also a first and only for this fandom. Rewatched the show, and there's an episode where Bones, the MC, sees too much of herself in their case and it kinda fucks her up. She tells her partner, Booth, she loves him. But he's already in a relationship, so he gently turns her down. the episode ends with her leaving and crying, and i wanted her to have some catharsis. the idea stuck with me and i wrote it pretty much in one sitting.
Danny Phantom Works (under the cut because... well... y'all know lmao)
3. when you sneeze so hard you accidentally half-die in front of your boyfriend for the first time
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar (OC) Rating: G Total Word Count: 297 words Completion Date: 05-02-2022 Notes: I was in the midst of allergy season and i was very angry abt it so i took it out on my blorbos lmao my original end fic note: "but no literally im posting this waiting on my inhaler for my allergies by my entire state is trying to kill me. fuck kentucky, fuck maple trees in particular, and fuck myalgic encephalomyelitis 😭 there's so much pollen on my car 😭😭😭"
4. something's not quite right...
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 501 words Completion Date: 10-04-2022 Notes: This is an Ectober prompt fill, and it fills in a chronological gap leading up to my invisobang. I had a lot of fun writing CW's pov and in present tense, something i don't do often.
5. second death by allergy attack
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,024 words Completion Date: 10-22-2022 Notes: I promise i wasn't still having allergy issues by this point lmao this is an ancient wip i had that i started back in my early fandom days but never finished. the idea is gone, my notes are incomprehensible, so i cleaned it up and posted what i had! it's a non-au work, one of very few i posted this year
6. sin fransisco (dp x charmed)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: Teen Total Word Count: 1,107 words Completion Date: Started 06-17-2022, WIP Notes: This fic I started bc I'd been toying with a Charmed/AU crossover for a while (still angling for a buffy one...) and the Charmed episode of the same title proved the perfect opportunity. had to figure shit out and it's been stalled in limbo as more important/deadline sensitive fics came to the forefront. I have another 2k written, but it's not ready for publishing
7. teach me how to fight
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: Teen Total Word Count: 1,206 words Completion Date: 10-05-2022 Notes: Another Ectober prompt fill, this one is a really cute fighting practice between Danny and Teo after the events of Invisobang. Surprisingly stayed very SFW, even though this could easily stray into NSFW territory lmao
8. love at first fight
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Pitch Pearl) Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,244 words Completion Date: 09-21-2022 Notes: This is a pitch pearl coffee shop enemies to lovers au that i started with Trance and Emeralds it has been SO MUCH FUN. i love this fic. this is the meet cute in the Perky Beans Cafe AU
9. the last night of sadness (it was clear he couldn't go on)
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,441 words Completion Date: 10-06-2022 Notes: JOAN MY BELOVED i wrote this fic for Ectober, it's an outsider POV for my invisobang with an OC i created. she's a medium that isn't aware of that, and she and danny become friends later on. it's very good and emotional, and the writing style was a lot more fun to mess around with in something that wasn't majorly important to the AU but still fun to write
10. one... two... wait, how many are there?
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,608 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: PHIC PHIGHT BABEY. i woke up on the last day of phight with this idea in my head. it's little, and it's mostly just filler in around the series, but i love it so much. dan is babey
11. walk the white line at midnight (dp x wynonna earp)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Pitch Pearl) Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,667 words Completion Date: 09-10-2022 Notes: another pitch pearl fic based on my favorite other show wynonna earp. danny is wynonna, and phantom is doc holliday. i want to do more with this au but it takes time to translate it and mix the two
12. you’re the best thing to happen to me
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,780 words Completion Date: 11-22-2022 Notes: i wrote this as a tumblr prompt i think a year before i published this as fluff practice. then i realized i could actually make it fit properly in the au and brushed it off and dusted it up so it was suitable for the AU. it's very cute
13. hold onto me
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,793 words Completion Date: 10-02-2022 Notes: this is a shiptember prompt and it was basically an excuse to write danny taking care of mateo. i write a lot of mateo taking care of danny, and i decided it was time to turn the tables.
14. with every sin, i still wanna be holy
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 1,926 words Completion Date: 12-16-2022 Notes: This one is a set of notes, no actual prose, that Dan sends to the people he wants to make amends to. It also has pictures on the notes that I've drawn in addition to the writing
15. by all means i'm gettin' mad (that don't mean i don't feel sorry for you)
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,288 words Completion Date: 10-10-2022 Notes: Another Dan fic, where Danny goes to talk to him about his sentence post-invisobang, and the tenuous relationship they start to build. I loved writing this one, I love Dan 💖
16. feed the boy (like and subscribe!)
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,663 words Completion Date: 04-21-2022 Notes: Phic Phight! Danny has to eat fear, and they find a fun way to do it. Involves pranking Wes and teenage shenanigans, which are always the best
17. my resistance was once much stronger (i can't go on like this much longer)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,694 words Completion Date: Started 10-23-2022, WIP Notes: this is one of the last pieces for the "this is the road to ruin" arc, the last big one. i'm very very excited to finish this
18. heaven's grief brings hell's reign
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo AguilarRating: T (eventually E) Total Word Count: 2,860 words Completion Date: Started 09-25-2022, WIP Notes: This fic has been fighting me forever, I wanted to finish it before the year was up but I did not. It's the smut. Soft smut is not my forte apparently
19. see the lightning in your eyes
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,964 words Completion Date: 04-27-2022 Notes: a phic phight prompt i LOVE. lost time my beloved 💖
20. you better promise me i'll be back in time
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 2,990 words Completion Date: Started 04-27-2022, WIP Notes: another phic phight, and this is one i'm so eager to continue. i've started chapter two, i just haven't finished it yet!
21. morning adrenaline rush
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 3,397 words Completion Date: 09-05-2022 Notes: A continuation of "i'm not okay (i promise)" that didn't fit in the story but I wanted to tell so badly
22. i tried hard to make it inside your arms alive
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 4,050 words Completion Date: 10-14-2022 Notes: ohhhhhh this one is so good. it's mateo's pov of what happens in "this is the road to ruin" at the end and... man. it's hard. it's very emo and i love it. good angst.
23. does anyone in this house knock?!
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 4,156 words Completion Date: 04-21-2022 Notes: a lovely Good Fenton Parents fic post-reveal from Phic Phight. i love this fic so much. the first one is soft and sad and sweet, and the second one is funny and sweet
24. new kinds of firsts
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 4,387 words Completion Date: 09-27-2022 Notes: Writing Danny and Mateo's first date after everything theyve been through was so much fucking fun. They're so cute and stupid, i love them
25. decaf to fenton, we have a problem
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 4,599 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: I recently reread this fic from Phight and oh man. oh man it's good. and so funny.
26. sore loser
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: E Total Word Count: 5,024 words Completion Date: 09-30-2022 Notes: this is purely indulgent smut with zero plot whatsoever. i'm very proud of it. it's the first kinky thing i've posted which took a lot of courage. i worked on it for months before finally posting
27. four years, that's all you've got to endure
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 5,118 words Completion Date: 02-12-2022 Notes: Swore to the gods I wrote this in 2021... turns out i did not! i want to do more high school shenanigans with danny and the gang, but i gotta think up some first...
28. slip through my fingers
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Pitch Pearl) Rating: G Total Word Count: 6,356 words Completion Date: 11-20-2022 Notes: part three of the coffee shop au!! i love this one so much. the chase??? gods, i love that trope. i really need to finish the next part of this...
29. a christmas surprise
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 6,447 words Completion Date: Started 12-26-2022, WIPNotes: I am literally the worst at finishing holiday fics on time. a hallmark ghost light au i have YET to complete.
30. in the shadow of your heart
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 6,609 words Completion Date: Started 06-18-2022, WIP Notes: This is a self-indulgent Atlantis au i have also yet to finish. me?? starting fics i never finish??? neverrrr
31. when the nightmare fades
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T 2022 Word Count: 6,105 words Total Word Count: 7,014 words Completion Date: 05-26-2022 Notes: I started this way back in like. november of '21, when i started the series. but it took me six more months for canon to catch up so i could finish it. and the last three chapters changed so drastically from beginning to end... man. it feels like it took forever, but i really only took six months??? wild
32. longer than the song of the whippoorwill
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: E Total Word Count: 7,244 words Completion Date: 07-27-2022 Notes: this is the first smut of the series!! my favorite bookmark comment on the series actually relates to this one. its something like "the tags say there is pornfic. i do not see it. maybe ao3 is bugging. EDIT 7/27: FOUND IT!" it cracks me up every time. do they enjoy the pornfic or are they enraged??? i will never know also it's got actual plot in it so i was more comfortable posting it first than say... sore loser that has 0 plot and is literally just smutty
33. nine and a half lives
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 8,804 words Completion Date: 04-18-2022 Notes: THIS IS MY FAVORITE PHIC PHIGHT PROMPT EVER. KITTEN!DANNY. WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THAT (wait i thInk it was catmiint. my beloved.) IS THE BEST. IT ALSO HAS DOOFENSCHMIRTZ IN IT BECAUSE I COULDNT HELP MYSELF (yes u read that correctly. THAT doofenschmirtz)
34. against doctor's orders
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 9,976 words Completion Date: 07-14-2022 Notes: I also really love this one. kinda plot-adjacent but mostly Relationship Stuff, talking and smooching. it's great. i get to flesh out my other OCs too which is fun
35. i fought you for so long (i should have let you in)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Valerie Gray Rating: G Total Word Count: 11,740 words Completion Date: 04-07-2022 Notes: What's this?! a gray ghost fic?! yeah, its a phic phight prompt and i love it. its got some great textures, and it was a lot of fun to write in val's pov for a little bit
36. such a big, big world (and only the tools to deal with a tiny portion of it)
Pairing: None (hints at Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: G Total Word Count: 11,809 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: big thanks to bib again for this title, it's literally one of my favorites. this whole thing is great, it's mostly the OCs talking about danny and his weirdness in the early school months. did i use phic phight to flesh out my au a little more?? yes, yes i did (and i'm sure annoyed people endlessly. oh well.)
37. hey, dad, look at me, did i grow up according to plan?
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 11,847 words Completion Date: 04-18-2022 Notes: good (learning) parents fenton!! this follows immediately after my version of phantom planet where danny only reveals himself to his parents, and this is their reactions. the kitchen chapter is my favorite.
38. wait til the day you finally see (i've been here waiting patiently)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/OC Tony, Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 11,958 words Completion Date: 10-23-2022 Notes: *vibrates out of my chair* this one is a whim fic (yes almost all 12k) bc of a weird throwaway line in an earlier fic and i couldnt help but make mateo a little jealous of tony. and then proceed to write 12, angsty, angsty k about it. that last chapter is so fucking good, yall can thank dream_trance for that one. its one of his ideas given extra spicy life
39. and they were history project partners
Pairing: None Rating: G Total Word Count: 17,278 words Completion Date: 04-30-2022 Notes: (i finished so many phics 4-30...) Dunno what it was about phic phight but I think i wrote two wes-related fics??? i either wrote Srs fics or Meme Fics, it seems. (wes is always a meme) but this one is one of my best. i also have a UFS version planned for. eventually. maybe.
40. quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead!
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: M Total Word Count: 23,607 words Completion Date: Started , WIP Notes: I AM SO MAD I DIDN'T FINISH THIS ONE BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR. listen. i worked my ass off. but then the boys decided on drama, and then i went back to work.... i'm almost done though. only an extra 6k hanging around........ :sob:
41. it's just another day without you (and i can't sleep)
Pairing: eventual Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 37,175 words Completion Date: 01-29-2022 Notes: i'm SUPER proud of this one, especially because i fucked around with narrative stuff, but i think its too subtle to be noticeable... still love it tho.
42. i'm not okay (i promise)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: T Total Word Count: 38,838 words Completion Date: 05-08-2022 Notes: another proud baby. the culmination (kind of) of months of planning and many, many rewrites. i think i was working on this one in tandem with phic phight, actually...
43. this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
Pairing: Danny Fenton/Mateo Aguilar Rating: M Total Word Count: 88,917 words Completion Date: Notes: …my four biggest works can literally be summed up "i cause danny and mateo excessive amounts of angst and pain for fun." MY INVISOBANG. MY BELOVED. LOOK AT IT. I SPENT ALMOST NINE MONTHS ON THIS FUCKER. IT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER WRITTEN. I CAN SCREAM ABOUT THIS FOREVER. LOOK AT THAT WORD COUNT. literally one of the first fics i thought of for the au, and i posted it over a year later. (got the idea in sept. '21, i finished publishing like... two days shy of an exact year.)
Man... this last year was a WILD writing year. and this is just what i published. y'all should see my wips.
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buffer bother?
it's not half as bad as people say
the opening narration is so fond of the little twin menaces; up to a point (like 25 or so seconds in) i can so easily imagine that edward is telling this story to some visitors
mavis being thrown in again to work with the twins and essentially be their minder is by far my least favorite part. i mean, i like seeing her, but i hate to see that they are locking this down as the whole of her character. #let girl characters not have to be the sensible one 2022
then again, with the new season 5 cut footage i kinda have a realisation about mavis and why the TVS did her Like That. $50 says the mavis model was one of their strongest and most reliable runners (judging by how she is used off-camera to help film the runaway trucks). her model's behavior spilled over to her TVS characterisation—she was their Really Useful clutch in filming and so it affected how they began to use her character in-story!
this sends me down a delighted reflection on how often that happens. like, daisy's model was unreliable; therefore she was used as little as they possibly could until CGI. boco's model began to get scoliosis; hence he disappears. those are the unfortunate examples but this could easily work in reverse. i am betting this is a big part of the reason why duncan, rusty, and to some extent peter sam, skarloey, and rheneas initially got so much screentime with their larger-scale models—they were probably the most reliable runners.
this sort of thing has venerable roots, as it affected how awdry wrote the series to begin with. the great western's 5700s didn't waddle, but the awdrys' pannier tank model did and therefore we got duck instead of merely montague. meanwhile his james model iirc only functioned in reverse and his henry model was super unreliable, and since he didn't have a gordon for some while the edward model generally ran all the trains on his main line set, and if you don't think all of this didn't influence his characterisations of them in the early years of the series then i have a bridge to sell you. (it totally won't take you to walney island.)
... man, i got off track
honestly, i liked bill's growl of "i still know how to biff a truck!" despite that the stories have gotten rather "younger" in S6, angelis was on an absolute roll with his narration and i love that he makes all the characters sound like adults. this is a great example. between the script and the voice acting, bill just... sounds like a real character who has spent his whole life working in clay pits... *squints* erm, quarries?
yeah, the less said about the continuity of the "quarry engines" around this era of the show the better
to be fair, S5 and S6 seemed to be doing a lot of deliberate re-working of settings and engine allocations. i'm not saying i'm wild about all their choices but i don't think it was a matter of mere carelessness.
"bust my buffers!" "i think you have." lolllll. this is a mild example in a season-long trend of the scripts subtly doing little self-owns. i really like it; (most of) season 6 has such an endearing sense of humor about itself. the way they keep making fun of their own "luckily, no one was hurt" shtick, but the joke is a little different every time... and then quips like this... it's nice. it's really very nice.
did we need to listen to bill get scolded the whole damn episode long? well yeah, it's a little tiring. on the other hand it's a great insight into what it must be like to be bill. so, y'know.
overall, nothing special. but a solid 3 out of 6 tenders.
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