devdas5z · 7 months
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Aleksandra Kapka
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winedark · 4 months
tagged by the lovely @sumire-no-nikki — thank you so much!! ☀️💙
1. The last book I read:
a thing of beauty by peter fiennes. it's a travel book following someone travelling through greece + relaying it to ancient greek mythology. i love the concept but i think he missed the mark, it was a pretty entertaining book and it was, on occasion, informative... but i can't say greece was in focus as opposed to this man's stream of consciousness. and lord byron.
2. A book I recommend:
weatherland by alexandra harris. beautiful beautiful book i have looked up at the sky so much more since i read it
3. A book that I couldn’t put down:
jane eyre.... need i say more <3
4. A book that I’ve read twice (or more):
the odyssey!!! i've read it about 4 times since picking it up in uni and i will probably reread it in the near future. thats my home
5. A book on my TBR:
crime and punishment! i always want to start it as my first read of the year and never do, so maybe i'll just enjoy it as a light summer read <3
6. A book I’ve put down:
a lot of the time i will put down a book fully intending to pick it up at a later date, however if we were villains by m.l. rio was so dull i made it like 30% in and gave up. sometimes i get mad when i remember that i spent money on it
7. A book on my wish list:
my wish list is impossibly long but one book that comes to mind is little weirds by jenny slate, i'm hoping to nab it before i go abroad later this year as it feels like such a good book to read by the lake (last years choice was um... the bell jar 💀) i don't know the first thing about the book but i do love jenny slate
8. A favorite book from childhood:
i loved my sister jodi by jacqueline wilson. i remember being the same age as the protagonist (10) as i read it and which only seemed to make the book more intense and life-like, the imagery really stuck in my mind.
9. A book you would give to a friend:
most of my friends who read and i don't (seem to) have similiar tastes... but i think the fran lebowitz reaader is a very good book that would appeal to a lot of people!
10. A book of poetry or lyrics you own:
i have the collected poems of odysseas elytis! he is probably my favourite poet, i could do nothing but read his work for the rest of my life and be content
11. A nonfiction book you own:
i'm gonna be honest — most of my books are non-fiction! i buy a lot of history, archaeology and travel books. i'll give a special shout out to a very specific book, which is eva crane's the archaeology of beekeeping. genuine prized possession.
12. What are you currently reading:
i'm presently reading iberia by julian sayarer. honestly i'm not enjoying it that much, he's a good enough writer but i'm not learning a thing :( this morning i finished the entire section of portugal and i couldn't tell you anything about it. this guy just wants to write about his bike lol (i will be inspired to find better books on iberia - maybe get more specific or find people better connected to the place*).
13. What are you planning on reading next:
papyrus by irene vallejo! it has very good reviews and it sounds so so fascinating. also i need to step away from travel-history-culture books til i find something GOOD
tagging: @caernua, @lestogrifoni, @camelliagwerm, @lavampira + @fluentisonus <3
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greatfay · 1 year
these the Eikonic feat they told us about?
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michaelbogild · 2 years
As an exotic bird I’ve learnt to speak this gentle language of oblivion, of severed names.
Kapka Kassabova
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papillonattrape · 3 months
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ourbalancedlife · 2 years
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dailykafka · 1 month
Kapka 🪳 metamorfosis
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captain-angler · 3 months
thank you for the food! :) btw can you elaborate more on what your doing wit omar?
I have no idea but for now I’m figuring out his current whereabouts and his relationships with other people like family and friends such as Malus. Now that I have a set time period though, I can give away basic information like:
- The current year is 1964
- Omar was born April 1st 1941 (23 years)
- He grew up in the Black Sea nearby the coast of the USSR where his village is along with other merfolk
- The first time he set foot on land was when he was 18 at Sochi (Сочи)
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- He and his older sister grew up in the underwater equivalent of a farm owned by his mama
- His mother’s name is Verochka (Верочка) and his sister’s name is Kapka (Капка)
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topoillogical · 1 year
My grandmother was born in the late 1930s in Bulgaria, to an Eastern Orthodox family. She had a twin sister, and both were premature: at 7 months; 2 months early.
They were tiny, tiny, tiny, and the family knew that they were both going to die (her sister did indeed pass away a mere 20 hours after birth). Because of this, they had called the priest over to the house immediately, since in this religion a baby must be baptized before it passes away or it will not go to Heaven.
This was in early November time, meaning the naming period of Saint Demetrius. My grandmother was therefore to be named Dmitriya, and her sister, a similar name.
However, while discussing this, her 12-year-old cousin, who had come for the birth, complained.
"Dmitriya is such an ugly name," he said, "these are such sweet little babies. You should name them kapka (droplet; raindrop) and rosichka (a cute form of "rosa", meaning dew)".
The priest, wanting just to baptize these doomed babies before their deaths (my grandma says he wanted to get paid, which he wouldn't if they passed before the baptism), and having just gotten there, immediately baptized them as that. Kapka and Rosichka, Raindrop and Dew.
My grandma is Kapka. Little raindrop, against all odds, grown old with children and grandchildren of her own.
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theogmissg · 5 days
I urge everyone to listen to this podcast as it beautifully addresses the journey dealing with that shadow aspect of borders and opening to a source of love and peace at the end.
This is what the world needs.
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onlinegratitudes333 · 20 days
Grateful for:
Friends... kapka
My gay fag bf
Smoking weed
Dress to impress
Making collages
Eating snacks
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winedark · 1 year
nick thorpe is a very annoying guy but unfortunately i think the danube is extremely cool and it’s the only available book in my library on the subject
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greatfay · 1 year
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chronivore · 2 months
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Wikov Type 35 Kapka The first Czech streamlined car (c.1931)
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driffting · 2 months
tak tak plaża w mielnie i te obważanki
Więc widziałem takiego shorta jak zrobić kawę mrożoną z kawy rozpuszczalnej, a nie chciałem teraz kupować codziennie kawki mrozonej w jakims starbucksie bo to za drogo wyjdzie przy tym ile zamierzam jej pić (kawka mrozona jest bardzo tumblr, aestetic i ed i wgl wiec ją piję!)
I robie tak: szklanka do drinków z dealz którą kupiłem niedawno bo nie mam w domu wysokich szklanek 450ml, 2,5 łyżeczki nescafe crema, 2,5 łyżeczki erytrytytytytyytyyyy, 30-50ml wody zimnej, szczypta soli dość mała, mini kapka extractu waniliowego. To mieszam froferem do mleka (tym samym co matche robilem) i sobie wrzucam 4 kostki lodu których mam zapas w lodówce, btw jak macie te tacki do robienia lodu polecam jak uzywacie np 3 kostek wyjąć wszystkie, wsypać do jakiegos kubka ktorego nikt nie uzywa i zostawic w zamrażalce ten kubek + tackę napełnic wodą, w ten sposob zawsze macie zapas extra ilosci kostek lodu i to gotowych do uzycia bez wyciskania (u mnie czasem to trwa chwilke bo nie chcą wyskoczyć i musze iderzać o blat (kładę miedzy blatem w tacką ścierkę kuchenną). Po wrzuceniu 4 kostek lodu (mozliwe ze 5 kostek jesli parzyliscie w gorącej wodzie zalewam mlekiem calosc do pelna, mieszam łyżeczką i jechane!
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madtomedgar · 10 months
books read in august, september, october, and november:
[i had to evacuate my apartment at the end of august and spent the next few months dealing with that plus being sick, so this is a comparatively small amount of books for the timeframe. also not typing out my thoughts about them because that just feels like a lot right now]
Dear Life by Alice Munroe (the fictional equivalent of a still-life painting by a Dutch master. Technically fantastic, evocative, but fairly boring to me personally)
Art and Lies by Jeannette Winterson: Fucking fantastic, everything I love about Winterson. Rambling interiority, plots and characters colliding on multiple planes of reality, jumping the tracks for the author to just go off on tangents, weaving the taboos of queerness with other taboos and interrogating taboo and respectability with viciousness and compassion... yeah. good shit.
To the Lake: A Balkan Journey of War and Peace by Kapka Kassabova: absolutely wonderful book about a part of the world i previously knew nothing about. I found it resonated a lot with Jewish intergenerational trauma. Highly recommend.
The Gone Dead by Channelle Benz: interesting idea, terrible execution. The author clearly put a lot of Tips For Writers into this story.
A Memory called Empire by Arkady Martine: Easily the best sci-fi I've read this year, 10/10
Vagabonds by Hao JingFang: interesting premise, very clearly from a very different storytelling tradition than I'm used to. I don't think the plot lived up to the themes.
We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates: Excellent and insightful redux of race in the Obama years. Wish he brought more gender analysis to the table, but there are plenty other authors to do that.
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