#karen wilkinson
the1920sinpictures · 8 months
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1917 A Ziegfeld Girl who stood out from the crowd due to her height of six feet, Dolores left the theatre (and modelling where she had worked for designer Lucile) to marry William Tudor Wilkinson, a millionaire art collector. They remained married til his death in 1969. From Karen Starr.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Brenda Lee and Peter Tork at Lee’s 1966 New Year’s Eve masquerade party. Photo 2 (and 1, too?) by Ric Klein.
New Year's Eve 1966:
“Every year for several years we threw a big masquerade party in December. […] We always had great entertainment, too. One year it was Gale Garnett singing her hit ‘We’ll Sing in the Sunshine.’ Another time it was Jewel Akens, who sang ‘The Birds and the Bees.’ My favorite was the time we booked the Monkees. They were the most popular group in America at the time, with hits like ‘I’m a Believer,’ ‘Last Train to Clarksville’ and ‘Daydream Believer.’ Needless to say, the Monkees were ‘fave raves’ in 16 Magazine. And since editor Gloria Stavers had long been my buddy, the gala got a photo spread in the teen magazine. After I sang with the group, I posed happily with Monkees Peter Tork and Davy Jones. Since I was a clown that year, my cheeks were dotted with red circles, and I was wearing a puffy ruffle around my neck.” - Brenda Lee, Little Miss Dynamite: The Life and Times of Brenda Lee (2002)
“[Lee] held it [the party] in the warehouse of her husband’s electrical store and everyone came in costume. We wore the clothes we had on but I guess some of the guests thought we were in costume anyway. They had a rock and roll band playing and it was mainly older people. Peter sat in on guitar with the band and Micky did his solo complete with dancing and falling down. [...] Davy did his number and then Brenda Lee sang a few songs. It was really great and the Monkees didn’t mind being away from home so much on New Year’s Eve because of it.” - David Price, Tiger Beat, March 1967
New Year's Eve 1967:
Peter, along with Karen Harvey and baby Justin, traveled to London.
"Saturday morning, the telephone rings, Dad answers and the operator tells him that there is a call from New York for Davy Jones, or anyone at Clumber Road, so Dad accepts the call. ‘This is Peter, Peter Tork, sir. I’m so pleased to speak to you. David has told me such a lot about you.’ The message is to tell David that Peter is at the airport in New York and is flying to London, can David meet him there for the New Year? Luckily we are able to get hold of David and fix things up. On Sunday morning Peter flies into London and David meets him at the airport. [They attended] a swinging New Year’s Eve party at the 'Speakeasy Club' in London." - Hazel Jones Wilkinson, Tiger Beat, April 1968
On this London trip, Peter writes "Long Title..." (read more here), plays banjo for one of George Harrison's Wonderwall Music recording sessions (read more here), guest hosts Top Of The Pops, and gives interviews at a press reception held at London's Decca promotions office (read more here; yet more about that press reception here).
New Year's Eve 1982: Peter with MTV's Nina Blackwood (watch here).
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Birthright: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You two get back in the car and head back to the station where everyone else is eagerly waiting.
"Karen recanted her story," you sigh.
"Do you think she's lying?" Rossi asks you.
"I know she is. Something happened to her. I felt the pain she endured, and she is trying to push it down so she doesn't have to think about it. She just refused to admit it happened."
"She couldn't open that door. Afraid she could never come back."
"Exactly. Right now the only person she's protecting is the offender," she sighs.
"We just told her that this guy could still be out there. She wasn't even concerned. She wasn't scared at all. Why?"
"Maybe she's got nothing to be afraid of," Rossi says, and you know exactly where he is taking this.
"Where are you going with this?" John asks.
"Why can't someone let a case go? In your gut, you know the son of a bitch is still out there."
"You're right. She doesn't blink. The only way she'd move back here is if she knew for a fact that it was safe. That means the offender who did this either moved away or he died," you say.
"You know who this man is. He grew up here. He was in his mid-twenties back then. He left after you found his last victim," Rossi tries to jog John's memory. "He might have gone to prison, he could have joined the military, moved away, and sold his property. He was reckless in his personal life, maybe a drinker. He would have had arrests for DUIs. This is your case, John. He was meticulous, so he may have had two areas of control, both private. One to torture and one to confine them. It could have been a workshop or a barn."
"December 13th, 1980. Robert Wilkinson," John says, suddenly remembering.
Emily looks through the different files of potential suspects when she comes across his file.
"He has three DUIs. Spent a few days in jail."
"Well, he's dead. He was twenty-eight when it happened. He fell into his combine harvester."
"When was this?"
"December of 1980. Right when the killings stopped. Sounds about right when Karen moved back. He was survived by a widow, Mary Wilkinson. I know her personally."
"Looks like you're coming with us. Y/N, I'd like for you to join us," Rossi says.
"You got it," you nod.
The three of you leave the police station since John knows where Mary lives. She isn't expecting anyone to come over, so when she sees the old sheriff at her doorstep, she is a little taken back by it.
"Sheriff Caulfield."
"Hello, Mary. May we come in?" Mary nods and opens the door for you three. "How have you and your son been?"
"He's married now and doing just fine. I know you didn't make a house call to see how I'm doing."
"We're investigating a case, and it's led us to Robert."
"Well, he's been dead for twenty-seven years. What could he have done?"
"He murdered five women in 1980," you say. "I'm sure you remember it."
"I'm sorry. I haven't thought about him for a long time."
"You were a young widow, and the sheriff said you had to raise your son by yourself. It's hard to believe you wouldn't think about him from time to time," Rossi states.
"I've never felt sorry for myself. I moved on."
"You remarried?" you ask.
"I moved back here with my parents. I stayed here for a bit while I was pregnant. Robert was mean when he drank. He begged me to come home and said he'd changed."
"Did he?"
"I don't know. He died the day I went back."
"Do you mind if I talk to her alone for a bit?" John asks.
You and Rossi nod in understanding, and you leave the house to hang out by the car. It would take too much time to explain to John what you can do, so you opt to tell Rossi when you get to the car.
"She's definitely caged in, but not as much as Karen was. She wants to hide something, maybe to protect her son?"
"She wasn't surprised. She didn't even ask why we thought he did it. She suspected him. He was a drunk. She got pregnant and left him."
"He could have felt abandoned. Might have had the same thing with his mother. Either way, he can't handle it. It's his stressor. He starts killing. He couldn't touch his pure wife, so he had to find disposable girls, but the killing stopped when he died."
"So, who is doing it now?"
"Would you believe me if I suspected the son?"
"Well, the kid grows up without a father. Naturally, he wants to know why. Mary might not have told him about Robert, but a kid gets curious. When he figures out who his dad is, he could have the same urges."
"Or he could have repulsed him and fought to be nothing like him."
"It's just a theory, Rossi. It's a possibility."
"That it is."
John picks this moment to come out of the house and joins you two by the car. Mary doesn't want to speak to you anymore, and you're not sure what he said to her that would make her not want to talk. You can't force her to say anything, and you only came out here to talk to her. The only thing you can do is head back to the station and hope that someone has something.
However, when you set foot into the police station, you know that something bad happened. You can feel it radiating off of JJ.
"There's been another abduction."
"Her name is Tara Ricker," Sheriff Ballantyne says. "Her family called this morning. She didn't come home last night. We're still trying to locate the vehicle."
"Well, we know he kills after he takes another victim, so we're running out of time here," JJ sighs impatiently.
"Alright, what do we know?" Hotch asks everyone.
"This is a copycat considering Robert is dead. He has the same MO and the same dump site, which he could only have gotten through someone else since it wasn't released into the public. It could be a friend or a family member of Robert. Say, his son?" you say and look at Rossi.
"Are you suggesting there is a genetic predisposition to killing?" John asks you.
"It's one factor, along with psychology and socialization," Hotch answers. "If you have a combination of genetics and a son who grew up without a father searching for his own identity, it could be a stressor."
"I remember Charlie Wilkinson when he was fifteen. He killed a neighbor's cat. He put it in a bag and hit it against a tree."
"How old is he?"
"Mary was pregnant with him when Robert died, so twenty-seven. That makes him roughly the same age Robert was when he started killing."
The phone rings, and you answer it knowing it's Penelope. You put her on speakerphone so everyone can hear her.
"Hey, do you have something for us?"
"I just found the reason why Karen was lying."
"She got pregnant by Robert."
"Mary didn't want to protect her son, Karen did. We need to talk to Karen right now."
Rossi wants you to come with him when he talks to Karen, and you think that's a good idea. She is going to be very emotional, and you think it's best if you're the one to help calm her down and guide her through her memories.
When she sees you two at her door, she becomes angry and caged off, more so than before. She clearly doesn't want to remember what happened, but you're not here to protect her feelings. Young women are getting hurt, and she is the only one who can help right now.
"What are you doing back here? I told you before, I don't know anything," Karen says to you.
"We know that he burned you, Karen. All of the other victims had the same burn marks as you. We know that you were raped by Robert, and we know you have a son because of it."
That seems to soften her tough facade, and she slumps her shoulders in defeat.
"Stephen doesn't know the truth."
She opens the door wider to let you and Rossi in, and she takes you to the living room where she sits on the couch. You opt to stand, but Rossi takes a seat next to her.
"You never told him about his father?" you ask.
"I made him out to be a hero. I said he died in a motorcycle accident."
"Why did you decide to have the child?"
"I couldn't make my baby pay for what his father did," she says, her voice cracking with emotion.
"Is Stephen drinking again?"
"Yes. He just got out of jail for a DUI."
"Has he been hostile or gone for long periods of time?"
"Why are you asking me these questions?" she glares slightly at Rossi.
"You lied about your past because you're protecting your son. You're scared that he could be hurting these women, aren't you? We need to talk to him, Ms. Foley."
Just then, the front door opens and Stephen walks in.
"Mom? What's going on?"
"I'm David Rossi and this is Y/N with the FBI. We're investigating the disappearance of four women from this area," Rossi introduces you two to him.
"Yeah. A girl over at the Monroe farm. I heard about that."
"Do you know something about it?" you ask.
"I don't know anything."
"Does the name Robert Wilkinson mean anything to you?" Rossi asks, and Karen's eyes go wide in fear.
"Please, don't."
"No, it's okay," Stephen assures his mother before turning to you two. "Is this about what he did to my mom?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You thought you could keep it a secret? I've known for a long time that Robert Wilkinson raped you."
"What?" Karen whispers in horror. "Why are you saying that?"
"You never got married. You never dated. You cried yourself to sleep every night. I knew someone hurt you really bad. Then one day, I was cleaning out the garage and I found that article about the man who died in the farming accident... Robert Wilkinson. There was a picture of him, and another article about women disappearing and being found dead. When you walked in the door and saw me holding that picture, the way you looked at me... I knew."
"That was ten years ago. You knew I made it all up? You knew?" Karen sniffles.
"They were really great stories."
"Honey... I wanted you to believe he was a good man. You're the only good thing that came out of it."
They hug, and you let them have their moment. Stephen pulls away from his mother and turns to you and Rossi, wiping his tears.
"So, what, you think this old case is connected to the new murders?"
"Yes, we do," you nod.
"Wilkinson's dead... and I'm not. Mom, you think I did this? If you thought that I could turn out like him, why would you--why would you ever even have me?"
"I never regretted my decision--never. I'm sorry, Stephen. I don't want to doubt you."
"I didn't kill anybody."
Stephen walks off angrily, and Karen follows after him apologizing profusely.
"He's not lying," you say to Rossi. "I feel it. I see it. He's telling the truth. Look, you can handle this here. I'm better off looking for Charlie, Robert's other son."
"Yeah, I got this."
You grab the car keys from him and head out to the car to meet up with the rest of the team. Half of them went to Mary's house and the other half went to the place where the recent missing girl's car was found.
The car was clean as if nothing bad ever occurred there, but the CSI unit is dusting it for prints, but you know they won't find anything. The car has been in that spot since last night, and only until the news of Tara Ricker gone missing, did someone speak up about the car.
It's frustrating because four girls went missing, and no one seems to know anything. This is a small town, someone has to know something about something.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Cast for The Spongebob Musical's UK premiere announced
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Casting has been unveiled for the UK premiere of The Spongebob Musical, based on the beloved animated series.
Featuring SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Eugene and Gary the Snail, the musical has original tunes by the likes of Cyndi Lauper, John Legend, Panic! At the Disco, Sara Bareilles, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Plain White T's and more. It is written by Kyle Jarrow and conceived by Tina Landau, and there are additional lyrics by Jonathan Coulton and additional music by Tom Kitt.
The tour will open at Southampton on 5 April 2023, before visiting Birmingham, Bradford, Oxford, Dublin, Manchester, Belfast, Cardiff, Blackpool, Peterborough, Wolverhampton, Norwich, Leicester and Aberdeen ahead of spending five weeks over the summer at the Southbank Centre's Queen Elizabeth Hall prior to visiting Plymouth.
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Set to appear in the show will be Gareth Gates (he/him) as Squidward, Divina de Campo (she/her) as Sheldon J Plankton, Lewis Cornay (he/him) as SpongeBob, Irfan Damani (he/him) as Patrick, Chrissie Bhima (she/her) as Sandy, Richard J Hunt (he/him) as Mr Krabs, Sarah Freer (she/her) as Pearl, Eloise Davies (she/her) as Mrs Puff, Hannah Lowther (she/her) as Karen and Rebecca Lisewski (she/her) as Mayor.
They are joined by Sam Beveridge (he/him), Jeremiah Olaleye (he/him), Eleanor Turiansky (she/her), Rhys Batten (he/him) and Reece Kerridge (he/him).
Gates is not currently set to appear in Bradford, Manchester, Peterborough, Wolverhampton, Leicester, Aberdeen, London and Plymouth.
The tour is set to be directed by Tara Overfield Wilkinson (she/her), with choreographer Fabian Aloise (he/him), designer Steve Howell (he/him), musical supervisor Mark Crossland (he/him), musical director Marcus Carter-Adams (he/him), costume designer Sarah Mercade (she/her), lighting and video designer Ben Bull (he/him), sound designer Ben Harrison (he/him), costume and wig supervisor Megan Rarity (she/her), associate choreographer Paris Green (she/her) and casting director Harry Blumenau casting (he/him).
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renerox · 1 year
SURFADELIC 60's CHICKS !!! (Girl Groups action!)
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Spongebob Musical UK Tour Cast
Squidward - Gareth Gates Plankton - Divina de Campo Spongebob - Lewis Cornay Patrick - Irfan Damani Sandy - Chrissie Bhima Mr Krabs - Richard J Hunt (1st cover Patrick) Pearl - Sarah Freer Mrs Puff - Eloise Davies Karen - Hannah Lowther (cover Pearl and Sandy) Old Man Jenkins - Reece Kerridge (1st cover Spongebob, 2nd cover Plankton) Mayor - Rebecca Lisewski Electric Skate - Sam Beveridge Electric Skate - Jeremiah Olaleye Electric Skate - Eleanor Turiansky Ensemble: Rhys Batten - Dance Captain / Swing Farirayi Garaba - On-stage Swing (cover Karen, cover Pearl)
Director - Tara Overfield Wilkinson Choreographer - Favian Aloise Designer - Steve Howell Music Supervisor - Mark Crossland Music Director - Marcus Carter-Adams Costume Designer - Sarah Mercade Lighting and Video - Ben Bull Sound Designer - Ben Harrison Costume and Wigs - Megan Rarity Associate Choreographer - Paris Green Casting Director - Harry Blumenau
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kattra · 2 years
What I’m Reading
BOOKS OF DECEMBER The Bone Orchard by Sara A. Mueller ** American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson  The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie Moonbath by Yanick Lahens You’d Better Be Lightning by Andrea Gibson (P) Into the Windwracked Wilds by A. Deborah Baker St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Karen Russell (SS)  You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat Beneath a Waning Moon: A Duo of Gothic Romances by Elizabeth Hunter & Grace Draven The Host by Stephanie Meyer  A Wilderness of Glass by Grace Draven  The Book of Night by Holly Black **
Graphic Novels: HoriMiya Vol.6-10 by Hero & Daisuke Hagiwara ** Wotakoi: Love is Hard For Otaku Vol.3-6 by Fujita ** Queen’s Quality Vol.1-3 by Kyousuke Motomi My Dress-up Darling Vol.4-6 by Shinichi Fukuda **  Dengeki Daisy Vol.1-4 by Kyousuke Motor 
(167 books read / 165 books goal)
currently reading:  Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone by James Martin (NF) Girls Against God by Jenny Hval  Kink edited by R.O. Kwon & Garth Greenwell (SS)  No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay (P)* ** Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater* ** 
* - re-read // ** - 4+ star-rating (recommended) GN - graphic novel // NF - non-fiction // P - poetry SS - short story collection // AB - audiobook 
TBR: Mr. Impossible / Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater Empty Smiles by Katherine Arden Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo Radiance by Grace Draven Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
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wankerwatch · 10 days
Commons Vote
On: Opposition day: Winter Fuel Payment
Ayes: 214 (51.6% Con, 32.4% LD, 4.2% SNP, 2.3% Ind, 2.3% DUP, 1.9% PC, 1.9% RUK, 1.9% Green, 0.5% APNI, 0.5% UUP, 0.5% TUV) Noes: 335 (99.7% Lab, 0.3% Ind) Absent: ~101
Day's business papers: 2024-09-10
Individual Votes:
Conservative (110 votes)
Alan Mak Alberto Costa Alec Shelbrooke Alex Burghart Alicia Kearns Alison Griffiths Andrew Bowie Andrew Griffith Andrew Mitchell Andrew Murrison Andrew Snowden Aphra Brandreth Ashley Fox Ben Obese-Jecty Ben Spencer Bernard Jenkin Blake Stephenson Bob Blackman Bradley Thomas Caroline Dinenage Caroline Johnson Charlie Dewhirst Chris Philp Christopher Chope Claire Coutinho Damian Hinds Danny Kruger David Davis David Mundell David Reed David Simmonds Desmond Swayne Edward Argar Edward Leigh Gagan Mohindra Gareth Bacon Gavin Williamson Geoffrey Clifton-Brown George Freeman Graham Stuart Greg Smith Gregory Stafford Harriet Cross Harriett Baldwin Helen Grant Helen Whately Iain Duncan Smith Jack Rankin James Cartlidge James Cleverly James Wild Jeremy Hunt Jeremy Wright Jerome Mayhew Jesse Norman Joe Robertson John Cooper John Glen John Hayes John Lamont John Whittingdale Joy Morrissey Julia Lopez Julian Lewis Karen Bradley Katie Lam Kemi Badenoch Kevin Hollinrake Kieran Mullan Kit Malthouse Laura Trott Lewis Cocking Lincoln Jopp Luke Evans Mark Francois Mark Garnier Matt Vickers Mel Stride Mike Wood Mims Davies Neil Hudson Neil O'Brien Neil Shastri-Hurst Nick Timothy Nigel Huddleston Oliver Dowden Patrick Spencer Paul Holmes Peter Bedford Peter Fortune Priti Patel Rebecca Paul Rebecca Smith Richard Fuller Richard Holden Rishi Sunak Robbie Moore Robert Jenrick Roger Gale Saqib Bhatti Sarah Bool Shivani Raja Simon Hoare Steve Barclay Stuart Anderson Stuart Andrew Suella Braverman Tom Tugendhat Victoria Atkins Wendy Morton
Liberal Democrat (69 votes)
Adam Dance Al Pinkerton Alex Brewer Alison Bennett Alistair Carmichael Andrew George Angus MacDonald Anna Sabine Ben Maguire Bobby Dean Brian Mathew Calum Miller Cameron Thomas Caroline Voaden Charlie Maynard Charlotte Cane Chris Coghlan Christine Jardine Claire Young Clive Jones Daisy Cooper Danny Chambers David Chadwick Ed Davey Edward Morello Freddie van Mierlo Gideon Amos Helen Maguire Helen Morgan Ian Roome Ian Sollom James MacCleary Jamie Stone Jess Brown-Fuller John Milne Josh Babarinde Joshua Reynolds Layla Moran Lee Dillon Lisa Smart Liz Jarvis Luke Taylor Manuela Perteghella Marie Goldman Martin Wrigley Max Wilkinson Mike Martin Monica Harding Munira Wilson Olly Glover Paul Kohler Pippa Heylings Rachel Gilmour Richard Foord Roz Savage Sarah Dyke Sarah Gibson Sarah Green Sarah Olney Steff Aquarone Susan Murray Tessa Munt Tom Gordon Tom Morrison Victoria Collins Vikki Slade Wera Hobhouse Will Forster Zöe Franklin
Scottish National Party (9 votes)
Brendan O'Hara Chris Law Dave Doogan Graham Leadbitter Kirsty Blackman Pete Wishart Seamus Logan Stephen Flynn Stephen Gethins
Independent (5 votes)
Adnan Hussain Ayoub Khan Iqbal Mohamed Jeremy Corbyn Shockat Adam
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Gregory Campbell Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
Plaid Cymru (4 votes)
Ann Davies Ben Lake Liz Saville Roberts Llinos Medi
Reform UK (4 votes)
James McMurdock Lee Anderson Richard Tice Rupert Lowe
Green Party (4 votes)
Adrian Ramsay Carla Denyer Ellie Chowns Siân Berry
Alliance (1 vote)
Sorcha Eastwood
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Robin Swann
Traditional Unionist Voice (1 vote)
Jim Allister
Labour (335 votes)
Abena Oppong-Asare Adam Jogee Adam Thompson Afzal Khan Al Carns Alan Campbell Alan Gemmell Alan Strickland Alex Baker Alex Ballinger Alex Barros-Curtis Alex Davies-Jones Alex Mayer Alex McIntyre Alex Norris Alex Sobel Alice Macdonald Alison Hume Alison Taylor Alistair Strathern Allison Gardner Amanda Hack Andrew Cooper Andrew Gwynne Andrew Lewin Andrew Pakes Andrew Ranger Andrew Western Andy MacNae Andy Slaughter Angela Eagle Angela Rayner Anna Dixon Anna Gelderd Anna Turley Anneliese Dodds Anneliese Midgley Antonia Bance Ashley Dalton Baggy Shanker Bambos Charalambous Barry Gardiner Becky Gittins Ben Coleman Ben Goldsborough Bill Esterson Blair McDougall Brian Leishman Bridget Phillipson Callum Anderson Calvin Bailey Carolyn Harris Catherine Atkinson Catherine Fookes Catherine McKinnell Catherine West Charlotte Nichols Chi Onwurah Chris Bloore Chris Bryant Chris Curtis Chris Elmore Chris Evans Chris Hinchliff Chris Kane Chris McDonald Chris Murray Chris Vince Chris Ward Claire Hazelgrove Claire Hughes Clive Betts Connor Naismith Connor Rand Damien Egan Dan Aldridge Dan Carden Dan Jarvis Dan Norris Dan Tomlinson Daniel Francis Danny Beales Darren Jones Darren Paffey Dave Robertson David Baines David Burton-Sampson David Pinto-Duschinsky David Smith David Taylor David Williams Debbie Abrahams Deirdre Costigan Derek Twigg Douglas Alexander Douglas McAllister Ed Miliband Elaine Stewart Ellie Reeves Emily Darlington Emily Thornberry Emma Foody Emma Hardy Emma Reynolds Fabian Hamilton Feryal Clark Florence Eshalomi Frank McNally Fred Thomas Gareth Snell Gareth Thomas Georgia Gould Gerald Jones Gill German Gordon McKee Graeme Downie Graham Stringer Gregor Poynton Gurinder Singh Josan Hamish Falconer Harpreet Uppal Heidi Alexander Helen Hayes Helena Dollimore Henry Tufnell Ian Murray Imogen Walker Irene Campbell Jack Abbott Jacob Collier Jade Botterill Jake Richards James Asser James Frith James Murray James Naish Janet Daby Jas Athwal Jayne Kirkham Jeevun Sandher Jeff Smith Jen Craft Jess Asato Jessica Morden Jessica Toale Jim Dickson Jim McMahon Jo Platt Jo Stevens Jo White Joani Reid Jodie Gosling Joe Morris Joe Powell Johanna Baxter John Grady John Slinger John Whitby Jon Pearce Jonathan Brash Jonathan Davies Jonathan Hinder Jonathan Reynolds Josh Dean Josh MacAlister Josh Newbury Josh Simons Julie Minns Juliet Campbell Justin Madders Kanishka Narayan Karin Smyth Karl Turner Kate Dearden Katie White Katrina Murray Keir Mather Kerry McCarthy Kevin Bonavia Kevin McKenna Kim Leadbeater Kirith Entwistle Kirsteen Sullivan Kirsty McNeill Laura Kyrke-Smith Lauren Edwards Lauren Sullivan Laurence Turner Lee Barron Lee Pitcher Lewis Atkinson Liam Byrne Liam Conlon Lilian Greenwood Lillian Jones Linsey Farnsworth Lisa Nandy Liz Kendall Liz Twist Lizzi Collinge Lloyd Hatton Lola McEvoy Louise Haigh Louise Jones Lucy Powell Lucy Rigby Luke Akehurst Luke Charters Luke Murphy Luke Myer Luke Pollard Margaret Mullane Marie Tidball Mark Ferguson Mark Hendrick Mark Sewards Mark Tami Markus Campbell-Savours Martin McCluskey Martin Rhodes Mary Creagh Mary Glindon Matt Rodda Matt Turmaine Matt Western Matthew Patrick Matthew Pennycook Maureen Burke Maya Ellis Meg Hillier Melanie Onn Melanie Ward Michael Payne Michael Shanks Michael Wheeler Michelle Scrogham Michelle Welsh Mike Amesbury Mike Kane Mike Reader Mike Tapp Natalie Fleet Natasha Irons Navendu Mishra Neil Coyle Nesil Caliskan Nia Griffith Nicholas Dakin Nick Smith Noah Law Oliver Ryan Olivia Bailey Olivia Blake Pam Cox Pamela Nash Pat McFadden Patricia Ferguson Patrick Hurley Paul Davies Paul Foster Paul Waugh Perran Moon Peter Dowd Peter Kyle Peter Lamb Peter Prinsley Peter Swallow Polly Billington Preet Kaur Gill Rachel Blake Rachel Hopkins Rachel Taylor Richard Baker Richard Quigley Rosie Wrighting Rupa Huq Rushanara Ali Ruth Cadbury Ruth Jones Sadik Al-Hassan Sally Jameson Sam Carling Sam Rushworth Samantha Dixon Samantha Niblett Sarah Champion Sarah Coombes Sarah Hall Sarah Owen Sarah Russell Sarah Sackman Satvir Kaur Scott Arthur Sean Woodcock Seema Malhotra Shabana Mahmood
Shaun Davies Simon Lightwood Siobhain McDonagh Sojan Joseph Sonia Kumar Stella Creasy Stephanie Peacock Stephen Kinnock Stephen Morgan Stephen Timms Steve Race Steve Reed Steve Witherden Steve Yemm Sureena Brackenridge Taiwo Owatemi Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Terry Jermy Tim Roca Toby Perkins Tom Collins Tom Hayes Tom Rutland Tony Vaughan Torcuil Crichton Torsten Bell Tracy Gilbert Tristan Osborne Tulip Siddiq Uma Kumaran Valerie Vaz Vicky Foxcroft Warinder Juss Wes Streeting Will Stone Yasmin Qureshi Yuan Yang Yvette Cooper Zubir Ahmed
Independent (1 vote)
Rebecca Long Bailey
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paitanthspot · 12 days
So let me get this straight.
They arrest Sarah Wilkinson and her first checklist of complaints are as follows.
they put handcuffs on her.
they held her captive.
they wouldn't allow her to be alone in a room in her house for 10 minutes and use her devices, while she was being arrested.
they arrested her without a search warrant.
she's not allowed to contact her allies directly.
and finally the police bought her food for her.
That's just being arrested.
That's what being arrested is.
Why is she not, you know, arguing the reason why she's arrested?
Bit of a dick move to slag off the poor guy who's just doing his job.
They're not the reason you're being arrested, they're just the guy they send to arrest people.
Why not argue about the charges?
Because that can be used in the case that's currently pending.
She sounds like one of these karens that shakes the bars of her cage like a monkey and screams at the top of her lungs because the police said that she doesn't get her one phone call and that only happens in movies.
Honestly, I don't even know anything about the case yet and I'm already ticked off by this insufferable witch.
I'm half inclined to believe that she's guilty of whatever she's been charged of simply by the display of character so far.
I feel so sorry for the police officers that have to deal with her from now on.
Anyone care to share with me the details of the case? I'm sorry but she winds me up something so bad I simply can't hear it from her horse mouth.
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soundjunglefan · 1 year
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ihgdbook · 2 years
The Art of Tinkering: Meet 150+ Makers Working at the Intersection of Art, Science Technology - Karen Wilkinson
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8 recent Cartwheel/Bonbon Ribbon costume in the UK
1- Lyndsey Gardiner (2014 Olivier Awards)
2- same as previous but with red gloves (201?-2014, West End)
3- Joanna O’Hare (2014-2016, West End)
4- Jade Davies (2021, The Crown)
5- Jade Davies (2017-2018, West End)
6- Bridget Costello (2016-2017, West End)
7- Rebecca Ridout (2018-2020, West End)
8- Karen Wilkinson (2021-present, new West End)
Pictures: performers social media & Operafantomet on tumblr
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marleneoftheopera · 3 years
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Karen Wilkinson in some of her swing costumes.
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On December 4th, 2021
All six swings from the London Production of Phantom of the Opera appeared onstage together
Pictured: Hywel Dowsell, Donald Craig Manuel, Tim Southgate, Olivia Holland-Rose, Karen Wilkinson, & Corina Clark
Photos from Hywel’s Twitter
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kattra · 2 years
What I’m Reading
BOOKS OF NOVEMBER The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor (AB) ** The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black* ** The Drowned Country by Emily Tesh ** The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawn Walton  Five Tuesdays in Winter by Lily King (SS)  Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss Be the Serpent by Seanan McGuire  Dark Waters by Katherine Arden Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn
Graphic Novels: Links by Natsuki Kizu ** My Little Monster Vol.10-13 by Robiko  Magic Knight Rayearth I + II by CLAMP * **
(152 books read / 150 books goal)
currently reading:  You’d Better Be Lightning by Andrea Gibson (P) American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson  The Bone Orchard by Sara A. Mueller  Moonbath by Yanick Lahens  St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Karen Russel (SS)
* - re-read // ** - 4+ star-rating  GN - graphic novel // NF - non-fiction // P - poetry SS - short story collection // AB - audiobook 
TBR: Into the Windwracked Wilds by A. Deborah Baker The Book of Night by Holly Black  You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie My Dress-up Darling Vol.4-6 by Shinichi Fukuda (GN)
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wankerwatch · 10 days
Commons Vote
On: Social Fund Winter Fuel Payment Regulations 2024 (SI, 2024, No. 869): motion to annul
Ayes: 228 (49.3% Con, 31.7% LD, 4.4% Ind, 4.0% SNP, 2.2% DUP, 2.2% RUK, 1.8% PC, 1.8% Green, 0.9% SDLP, 0.4% Lab, 0.4% APNI, 0.4% UUP, 0.4% TUV) Noes: 348 (100.0% Lab) Absent: ~74
Day's business papers: 2024-09-10
Individual Votes:
Conservative (112 votes)
Alan Mak Alberto Costa Alec Shelbrooke Alicia Kearns Alison Griffiths Andrew Bowie Andrew Griffith Andrew Mitchell Andrew Murrison Andrew Snowden Aphra Brandreth Ashley Fox Ben Obese-Jecty Ben Spencer Bernard Jenkin Blake Stephenson Bob Blackman Bradley Thomas Caroline Dinenage Caroline Johnson Charlie Dewhirst Chris Philp Christopher Chope Claire Coutinho Damian Hinds Danny Kruger David Davis David Mundell David Reed David Simmonds Desmond Swayne Edward Argar Edward Leigh Esther McVey Gagan Mohindra Gareth Bacon Gareth Davies Gavin Williamson Geoffrey Clifton-Brown George Freeman Graham Stuart Greg Smith Gregory Stafford Harriet Cross Harriett Baldwin Helen Grant Helen Whately Iain Duncan Smith Jack Rankin James Cartlidge James Cleverly James Wild Jeremy Hunt Jeremy Wright Jerome Mayhew Jesse Norman Joe Robertson John Cooper John Glen John Hayes John Lamont John Whittingdale Joy Morrissey Julia Lopez Julian Lewis Julian Smith Karen Bradley Katie Lam Kemi Badenoch Kevin Hollinrake Kieran Mullan Kit Malthouse Laura Trott Lewis Cocking Lincoln Jopp Luke Evans Mark Francois Mark Garnier Matt Vickers Mel Stride Mike Wood Mims Davies Neil Hudson Neil O'Brien Neil Shastri-Hurst Nick Timothy Nigel Huddleston Oliver Dowden Patrick Spencer Paul Holmes Peter Bedford Peter Fortune Priti Patel Rebecca Paul Rebecca Smith Richard Fuller Richard Holden Rishi Sunak Robbie Moore Robert Jenrick Roger Gale Saqib Bhatti Sarah Bool Shivani Raja Simon Hoare Steve Barclay Stuart Anderson Stuart Andrew Suella Braverman Tom Tugendhat Victoria Atkins Wendy Morton
Liberal Democrat (72 votes)
Adam Dance Al Pinkerton Alex Brewer Alison Bennett Alistair Carmichael Andrew George Angus MacDonald Anna Sabine Ben Maguire Bobby Dean Brian Mathew Calum Miller Cameron Thomas Caroline Voaden Charlie Maynard Charlotte Cane Chris Coghlan Christine Jardine Claire Young Clive Jones Daisy Cooper Danny Chambers David Chadwick Ed Davey Edward Morello Freddie van Mierlo Gideon Amos Helen Maguire Helen Morgan Ian Roome Ian Sollom James MacCleary Jamie Stone Jess Brown-Fuller John Milne Josh Babarinde Joshua Reynolds Layla Moran Lee Dillon Lisa Smart Liz Jarvis Luke Taylor Manuela Perteghella Marie Goldman Martin Wrigley Max Wilkinson Mike Martin Monica Harding Munira Wilson Olly Glover Paul Kohler Pippa Heylings Rachel Gilmour Richard Foord Roz Savage Sarah Dyke Sarah Gibson Sarah Green Sarah Olney Steff Aquarone Steve Darling Susan Murray Tessa Munt Tim Farron Tom Gordon Tom Morrison Victoria Collins Vikki Slade Wendy Chamberlain Wera Hobhouse Will Forster Zöe Franklin
Independent (10 votes)
Adnan Hussain Apsana Begum Ayoub Khan Ian Byrne Iqbal Mohamed Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Richard Burgon Shockat Adam Zarah Sultana
Scottish National Party (9 votes)
Brendan O'Hara Chris Law Dave Doogan Graham Leadbitter Kirsty Blackman Pete Wishart Seamus Logan Stephen Flynn Stephen Gethins
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Gregory Campbell Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
Reform UK (5 votes)
James McMurdock Lee Anderson Nigel Farage Richard Tice Rupert Lowe
Plaid Cymru (4 votes)
Ann Davies Ben Lake Liz Saville Roberts Llinos Medi
Green Party (4 votes)
Adrian Ramsay Carla Denyer Ellie Chowns Siân Berry
Social Democratic & Labour Party (2 votes)
Claire Hanna Colum Eastwood
Labour (1 vote)
Jon Trickett
Alliance (1 vote)
Sorcha Eastwood
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Robin Swann
Traditional Unionist Voice (1 vote)
Jim Allister
Labour (348 votes)
Abena Oppong-Asare Abtisam Mohamed Adam Jogee Adam Thompson Afzal Khan Al Carns Alan Campbell Alan Gemmell Alan Strickland Alex Baker Alex Ballinger Alex Barros-Curtis Alex Davies-Jones Alex Mayer Alex McIntyre Alex Norris Alex Sobel Alice Macdonald Alison Hume Alison McGovern Alison Taylor Alistair Strathern Allison Gardner Amanda Hack Andrew Cooper Andrew Gwynne Andrew Lewin Andrew Pakes Andrew Ranger Andrew Western Andy MacNae Andy Slaughter Angela Eagle Angela Rayner Anna Dixon Anna Gelderd Anna Turley Anneliese Dodds Anneliese Midgley Antonia Bance Ashley Dalton Baggy Shanker Bambos Charalambous Barry Gardiner Bayo Alaba Becky Gittins Ben Coleman Ben Goldsborough Bill Esterson Blair McDougall Brian Leishman Bridget Phillipson Callum Anderson Calvin Bailey Carolyn Harris Catherine Atkinson Catherine Fookes Catherine McKinnell Catherine West Charlotte Nichols Chi Onwurah Chris Bloore Chris Bryant Chris Curtis Chris Elmore Chris Evans Chris Hinchliff Chris Kane Chris McDonald Chris Murray Chris Vince Chris Ward Claire Hazelgrove Claire Hughes Clive Betts Connor Naismith Connor Rand Damien Egan Dan Aldridge Dan Carden Dan Jarvis Dan Norris Dan Tomlinson Daniel Francis Danny Beales Darren Jones Darren Paffey Dave Robertson David Baines David Burton-Sampson David Lammy David Pinto-Duschinsky David Smith David Taylor David Williams Debbie Abrahams Deirdre Costigan Derek Twigg Douglas Alexander Douglas McAllister Ed Miliband Elaine Stewart Ellie Reeves Emily Darlington Emily Thornberry Emma Foody Emma Hardy Emma Reynolds Fabian Hamilton Feryal Clark Florence Eshalomi Frank McNally Fred Thomas Gareth Snell Gareth Thomas Gen Kitchen Georgia Gould Gerald Jones Gill German Gordon McKee Graeme Downie Graham Stringer Gregor Poynton Gurinder Singh Josan Hamish Falconer Harpreet Uppal Heidi Alexander Helen Hayes Helena Dollimore Henry Tufnell Ian Murray Imogen Walker Irene Campbell Jack Abbott Jacob Collier Jade Botterill Jake Richards James Asser James Frith James Murray James Naish Janet Daby Jas Athwal Jayne Kirkham Jeevun Sandher Jeff Smith Jen Craft Jess Asato Jess Phillips Jessica Morden Jessica Toale Jim Dickson Jim McMahon Jo Platt Jo Stevens Jo White Joani Reid Jodie Gosling Joe Morris Joe Powell Johanna Baxter John Grady John Healey John Slinger John Whitby Jon Pearce Jonathan Brash Jonathan Davies Jonathan Hinder Jonathan Reynolds Josh Dean Josh Fenton-Glynn Josh MacAlister Josh Newbury Josh Simons Julie Minns Juliet Campbell Justin Madders Kanishka Narayan Karin Smyth Karl Turner Kate Dearden Katie White Katrina Murray Keir Mather Keir Starmer Kerry McCarthy Kevin Bonavia Kevin McKenna Kim Leadbeater Kirith Entwistle Kirsteen Sullivan Kirsty McNeill Laura Kyrke-Smith Lauren Edwards Lauren Sullivan Laurence Turner Lee Barron Lee Pitcher Lewis Atkinson Liam Byrne Liam Conlon Lilian Greenwood Lillian Jones Linsey Farnsworth Lisa Nandy Liz Kendall Liz Twist Lizzi Collinge Lloyd Hatton Lola McEvoy Louise Haigh Louise Jones Lucy Powell Lucy Rigby Luke Akehurst Luke Charters Luke Murphy Luke Myer Luke Pollard Margaret Mullane Marie Tidball Mark Ferguson Mark Hendrick Mark Sewards Mark Tami Markus Campbell-Savours Martin McCluskey Martin Rhodes Mary Creagh Mary Glindon Matt Rodda Matt Turmaine Matt Western Matthew Patrick Matthew Pennycook Maureen Burke Maya Ellis Meg Hillier Melanie Onn Melanie Ward Miatta Fahnbulleh Michael Payne Michael Shanks Michael Wheeler Michelle Scrogham Michelle Welsh Mike Amesbury Mike Kane Mike Reader Mike Tapp Natalie Fleet Natasha Irons Navendu Mishra Neil Coyle Nesil Caliskan Nia Griffith Nicholas Dakin Nick Smith Noah Law Oliver Ryan Olivia Bailey Olivia Blake Pam Cox Pamela Nash Pat McFadden Patricia Ferguson Patrick Hurley Paul Davies Paul Foster Paul Waugh Perran Moon Peter Dowd Peter Kyle Peter Lamb Peter Prinsley Peter Swallow Polly Billington Preet Kaur Gill Rachel Blake Rachel Hopkins Rachel Reeves Rachel Taylor Richard Baker Richard Quigley Rosie Wrighting Rupa Huq Rushanara Ali Ruth Cadbury Ruth Jones Sadik Al-Hassan Sally Jameson Sam Carling Sam Rushworth Samantha Dixon
Samantha Niblett Sarah Champion Sarah Coombes Sarah Hall Sarah Jones Sarah Owen Sarah Russell Sarah Sackman Satvir Kaur Scott Arthur Sean Woodcock Seema Malhotra Shabana Mahmood Shaun Davies Simon Lightwood Simon Opher Siobhain McDonagh Sojan Joseph Sonia Kumar Stella Creasy Stephanie Peacock Stephen Kinnock Stephen Morgan Stephen Timms Steve Race Steve Reed Steve Witherden Steve Yemm Sureena Brackenridge Taiwo Owatemi Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Terry Jermy Tim Roca Toby Perkins Tom Collins Tom Hayes Tom Rutland Tony Vaughan Torcuil Crichton Torsten Bell Tracy Gilbert Tristan Osborne Tulip Siddiq Uma Kumaran Valerie Vaz Vicky Foxcroft Warinder Juss Wes Streeting Will Stone Yasmin Qureshi Yuan Yang Yvette Cooper Zubir Ahmed
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