butmakeitgayblog · 9 months
Saw this and thought of you 😘
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heda-in-the-clouds · 1 year
8% is being way to kind. I’d say a solid 30% at least is more deserving of the pain that will be inflicted.
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Wait a minute. Why is the angst and pain tax rising for me? You haven't even seen anything yet. I merely suggested an idea to @butmakeitgayblog that fit the narrative for AWTR Lexa. I prefer the 8% from @karmensandiegowashere
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mjduncan · 3 years
Rereading "Unadulterated Something" in honor of today's gold medal match. How would Emma and Campbell be handling things?
They would absolutely watch the game in different rooms, and the loser would be forced to wear the other's sweater the next day while they wake up early with the kids and make the winner breakfast.
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butmakeitgayblog · 9 months
Andi! Andi look!
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I.... think I just came?
Honestly wouldn't that be such a cool af concept, the Greek myths transported to modern times. Medusa as like a kingpin of Manhattan (what? It's an island), Poseidon her west coast rival based out of LA. Athena a cut throat military agent. I mean I'm just tossing random thoughts out but imagine modern glamor gods and goddesses and mythical creatures??? Oof. If they all looked like this??? idk maybe I am a monster fucker idk 😟🙏
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
You DO NOOOOOT need to change the chapter amount on CoA! That fic is not finished young lady! There is still a chapter left! I have been waiting PATIENTLY for it! Don't you make the one true sign of my perseverance, my devotion disappear!
Ok but hear me out babe, hear me out.
Leaving it as 16/17 rather than marking it 16/16 complete keeps it out of the search filter for people who only read finished works. Yeah the epilogue is still a wip and yes it will be added, BUT having it marked as complete now will stop taking an essentially finished story out of the complete column for people who may want to read it but haven't because they assumed it's not done 😕 honestly should've done it a long time ago but I'm stupid
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butmakeitgayblog · 10 months
Are we still doing Sin (But Not Anal Sin) Ask Time? I think you've rated all your Clexa's from least to most kinkiest (with my girls from CoA topping the list, natch ✊️). So where would Medusa Lexa and Clarke fit on the scale?
😅 yes the uh, the second truest angel out of the bunch is the freakiest lil minx out of the bunch. Who'd've thunk. She just likes to have a good time idk 👀
As for Medusa, they'd come in dead last in terms of "kinkiness" tbh. They're just soft gay babies who are trying to find a bit of happiness on their little island. Very in-love-daughters-of-sappho-and-nature energy. They're not exactly looking for thrills or adventure, but rather solace and gentle comfort in a world that has otherwise been cruel, used them, and spit them back out. All they want to find in each other is safety and home
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Top 5 Female TV Characters (after Lexa of course)
Ooo ok. Full disclosure these are just the ones that come to mind rn, they might change on another day
1. Bette Porter. She's an arguably an awful person, but she's also extremely hot and that makes up for a lot of sins for me with fictional characters
2. Clarke Griffin. Predictable but I don't care
3. Buffy Summers. Bad bitch, nuff said
4. Love Quinn. Should've taken over the show, absolute travesty that she didn't
5. Wild card, but Pheobe Buffay. She and Joey carried that show on their backs, I said what I said
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Happy Birthday Buddy!
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Thank you babe 💕 i felt like a disgrace for the first part of yesterday for not posting but I was slowly mafe to realize that's.... insane, so i calmed down 😅
But Medusa pt1 in its extremely choppy and not entirely finished state is with first readers, so it is going to be posted soon. And have A Lot of the rest already written so it's good we good 🤞
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
A... a summer? A WHOLE summer?
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Well ya know, first you have when the [REDACTED] happens and then with all the stuff after that, plus the whole [REDACTED] issue when they [REDACTED] and then [REDACTED] is so messy. Honestly it completely makes perfect sense when you think about it
Right? Right. Cheers
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Top 5 dog breeds!
1. PUGS. All the pugs. My dream is to lay down on the floor and be inundated by pug puppies. If given half a chance I would be that chick from Bridesmaids who left the bridal shower with like 9 dogs, only they'd all be pugs, and I'd also be questioning my own sanity. But still. Puggies are the bestest babies
2. Dachshunds. They're so smart but also absolutely fuckin ridiculous. God's prank to the dog world, I'm convinced
3. Weimaraners. Big babies that look so fierce and regal but really they are gentle giants when you train them right. They're also clingy and huge dorks. They want all the love and affection. Bonus: silky floppy ears
4. Saint Bernards. I've never had one but omg those faces. Those faces 🥺
5. Bulldog or Boston terrier. I love the smooshed faces idk idk. I know I know it's bad for their breathing snd I do support breeding out those traits. But goddamn they're still cute
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Andi? 🥺 For Professor AU, when they break up after the semester is over, its only for like a week, right? 😔 A week and then they come to their senses and are like, oh we're doing this. Right? 🥺👉👈🥺
I never confirmed that they'd break up, but if they did, sure! Sure? A week maybe. Or like a... a summer or something whatever time— Time means nothing time,,, is not real
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Ok. Hear me out. You did City of Angels but changed that depressing ass ending. Why can't you do the same with A Walk To Remember?!! It's your thing! You don't want to go against your thing! You can secretly write a super sad ending like you did with CoA if it makes you feel better!
Ok bUt, ok listen
The only thing I did with CoA is make her not run into a fucking logging truck like an idiot🥴 because that was so pointless and just,,, like what was that bitch? That was literally the only obstacle on the road omg
But with AWTR, her being sick is like the whole point 😅 her being sick and them falling in love despite all that and Landon growing as a person through Jamie's strength and wisdom, that's the whole point hOW am I even supposed to rewrite that 😩 they go through all the trials and tribulations of falling for each other and Lexa showing Clarke how to make peace with the things bigger than herself and accept what's beyond her control, to learn to find beauty and love in the present and the hard things in life rather than constantly chasing meaningless highs on the horizon. But then,,,, oops she just gets better?? How does that make sense???? Like Lexa's doctors just go like "lol nevamind 😜" girl help that's a malpractice lawsuit 😭
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
When you mention the cursed Leukemia Dead Lexa Fic:
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Listen that's fair but also how do you think it feels to have it play out in my head??
Who is the real victim here??
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
WAIT WAIT WAIT. In the Portrait of a Lady on Fire gifset that you tagged Medusa AU, which is which? I have an idea but I need you to E-LAB-ORATE.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
So CI Lexa tops out at 11.5 inches. But how does she feel about...
*ba dum tss*
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
"Medi" 🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹
Does she try to hate the nickname at first but secretly loves it?
Oh she very much hates it at first 😅 there is no liking it at all at first because even tho she hasn't shared with Clarke her real name yet, Medusa isn't her name, it's just a part of her curse, and having this intruder turn it into a silly nickname feels like a further humiliation of who she is and was 😔. But as time goes on she realizes that's not actually what's happening here, it's just Clarke being Clarke. So it does grow on her because she starts to realize Clarke isn't really using it in any belittling way, she's just trying to be friendly with this angry and gruff person in her life. But also around that same time that that begrudging fondness starts to set in like a fungus, her steadfast vow to not open up to this stranger is kinda starting to crumble 🥺👉👈
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