#karn ex
digimonnextadventure · 11 months
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Shiroadmon, Gatomon's Death Digivolution. A zombie Digimon with a remnant of light that makes its eyes shine like headlights. This is one of the Digimons from the video about Death Digivolution, by Karn Ex channel. Karn with digimon artists (I'm one of them) imagined how these Dark Evolutions would be like.
Happy Halloween 🐈👻🖤
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chimera-gui · 1 year
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@demonoflight, you might be interested in this.
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aviculor · 2 months
I just saw Karn EX's video on if the Knowledge armor digimon evolved further, and it got my brain pumping. I actually really like my own idea for Searchmon, becoming Cimbmon and then Shivamon. It almost follows a narrative like Wormmon is searching for a new path in life after the Digimon Kaiser fiasco, climbing mountains while traveling the digital world, and finding enlightenment. Searchmon is a cricket and Climbmon/Shivamon are mantids, which are distantly related. Plus, while it's not the same kind of "worm", Shivamon does come with a horsehair worm around its shoulders.
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And while I'm not In Love with this next one, Pharaohmon's gold does circle back around to Armadimon's shell and Digmon having metal drills. Something something digging, bones, archaeology, Ancient Egypt. Armadimon is just so hard to work with. And that's before thinking about how there are basically no more insect digimon to use.
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I mean, I'm completely stumped on trying to come up with a better idea for Mothmon or Flybeemon. Do I stick Okuwamon and GrandKuwagamon/GrandisKuwagamon somewhere? RhinoKabuterimon and Ancientbeatmon? I've actually run out of options, to say nothing of good options.
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rubixkun · 2 years
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Angoramon but...virus type? Do you dare accept a dance from MacabreAngoramon?
I did this for Karn EX once again. Check out his YouTube please. I wanted to try mimicking the reference book style once more after failing so many times.
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amethyst-geek · 4 months
Possible full evolutions of the 02 epilogue kids
I posted links to the above videos as I am taking inspiration from them (among other Karn Ex videos).
Tai's son- As mentioned in some fo my other posts, I would give Tai's son Koromon a line that eventually evolves into Marsmon. For the rookie form, I would go with Liollmon, Liamon would be a champion form, and Grapleomon would be the perfect form. As mentioned in one of my previous posts, The Apollomon line could also work for Tai's son, but I would prefer to have Coronamon/Apollomon be the partner of someone on the Savers's kids' team (should this hypothetical next gen anime focus on more than 1 continuity).
Davis's son- as discussed in the above video, the Veedramon route would be the best way to go.
Ken and Miakyo's daughter- I think Junomon would be a good mega for the Ichijouji daughter's Poromon. The rookie form could be just about any bird rookie (for now let's assume it's the original version of Falcomon). There are couple of possibilities for the champion and perfect form. One possibility is having the Ichijouji's daughter's Falcomon (?) evolve into Rinkmon, then Peacockmon as they both traditionally evolve from Hawkmon and the blue coloring (as well as Peacockmon being based on well, a Peacock) make them good picks for Junomon's pre-evolutions (though if this is not a crossover with the other animes, these should be Rapidmon-style variants). If they want Poromon's line to be more feminine-looking (or they don't want to use armor evolutions because, as I'll say again later in the post, the Adventure 99 universe is probably the one Digimon anime continuity where the armor evolutions can't be used as natural evolutions), Hudiemon could work and it's be a throwback to how Hudiemon's debut as a Wormon evolution.
Ken and Miyako's middle son- I kinda want to have the Ichijouji son's MInomon evolve into BanchouStingmon. If we we go that route, then Stingmon would be a logical champion form. And to keep this kid's partner's line from being too similar to his dad's, I will take a note form Karn Ex and have the rookie be Kunemon. Ad the for the perfect form, I'm torn between Jewelebeeman or taking another note from Karn and go with MetallifeKuwagamon.
Ken and Miyako's baby- as mentioned above, I would give the baby's Leafmon the Fanbeemon line.
Izzy's daughter- There are actually a few possibilities of the evolution line of Izzy's daughter's Motimon. As Karn Ex mentioned above, the Fanbeemon line is 1 possibility. But personally, I would prefer to use the Fanbeemon line for the Ichijouji baby's Leafmon or if the next gen story focuses on more than 1 continuity, Takoto and Juri's kid's partner, mainly because I would to stick Fanbeemon evolving from the adorable Puroromon. As mentioned in some of my previous posts, I think it would be cool to have Izzy's daughter to be partnered with Vulcanusmon. If we go that for Izzy's daughter's Motimon, I think Sangomon would be a good rookie form. As suggested above, Octomon is an ideal champion form for Vulcanusmon. As for the perfect form, Asuramon could work, but Asuramon would kinda be the odd one out in the evolution line, so a making a brand new Digimon for Sangomon's perfect form (perhaps one based on Eros/Cupid, though I guess Pidmon and Cupimon already got that covered) might be a better way to go. A third possibility is that they could give Izzy's daughter's Motimon a butterfly-themed line, and Hudiemon could be the champion form (if they don't use Hudiemon for one of the Ichijouji kids' lines).
Matt and Sora's daughter- As mentioned in some of my previous posts, I would love to give Matt and Sora's daughter's Yokomon Venusmon as the mega form. I also think this would be 1 of the lines that has some new Digimon. I was thinking that the rookie form could be based on a duck (perhaps called Duckmon or Ducklingmon). Then the champion form could be the pre-existing Swanmon in reference to the Ugly Ducking story. However, since Swanmon is an armor Digimon, and the Adventure 99 universe is probably the 1 Digimon continuity where they can't get away with making an armor Digimon a Digimon's default champion evolution. Thus, I'd only make Swanmon Duckmon's champion form if they either a) created a champion-level variant of Swanmon similar to how there's a perfect-level variant of Rapidmon or b) have Duckmon being able to naturally evolve into an armor Digimon serve as foreshadowing that Duckmon did not originate from the Adventure 99 universe (though I'd only want to go this route if the this hypothetical next gen anime is a crossover with the other Digimon Animes). Then for the perfect level, I was thinking they could introduce a new Digimon, perhaps one based on Odette from Swan Lake.
Matt and Sora's son- I'm actually pretty stumped as to what this kid's Tsunomon would digivolve into. I'd suggest Bearmon, but that was Daigo's partner as established in Tri, so and the writers for a Digimon next gen anime would only want to give the kids repeat partner Digimon if it's repeat of their parents' Digimon. But if the writers are willing to give Matt and Sora's son a Bearmon, then Grizzmon would be the obvious Champion form, and Pandamon would make cute choise for the perfect form. Strabimon could also work, though it might be weird for a Legendary Warrior-linked Digimon to be in the Adventure 99 universe, though as discussed in previous posts (and later in this post), I am not opposed to having the epilogue kids' partners originate from other universes.
Mimi's son- I previously proposed the possibility of this kid's Tanemon having Ceresmon as the Mega, but I'd rather use that for the partner of Yoshino's daughter should this next gen anime focus on the kids of the first 6 Anime as opposed to just focusing the epilogue kids. As Karn ex states above, BloomLordmon would make a great mega. As for the rookie, champion, and perfect levels, there are a lot of plant digimon to choose from, and I don't really have a preference. I kinda like the idea of Floramon as Mimi's son's Tanemon's rookie form, though that might work better as the rookie of Yoshino's daughter's partner (and even if this next gen anime isn't a crossover with Savers, Floramon is already the partner of Catherine, who I think has a good chance of being revealed the mother of TK's son, which would lead to her having a fair amount of screentime, so giving one of new heroes a Floramon as well might be confusing).
Cody's daughter- as mentioned in previous posts, I think Minervamon would make a good mega for Cody's daughter's Upamon. I imagine this would be a good line to debut some brand new Digimon, if only to give Upamon/Minervamon a less random-looking evolution line. For the perfect form, they could make a new Digimon based on Medusa. Not only is Medusa heavily associated with snakes like Minervamon, but there are at least 2 different versions of Medusa's origin story where Minerva/Athena was the one who transformed Medusa into what she is.
Kari's kid- I would have this kid's Salamon evolve into Darcmon, the Angewomon (because what else would the evolution for Darcmon be?) There are a few ways to go for the Mega form. As Karn Ex mentioned above, LovelyAngemon could be a good mega for Kari's kid's Salamon, and Venusmon would also work as an evolution for Angewomon. A third possibility is Ophanimon, especially if this hypothetical next gen anime is a crossover with the other Digimon Anime, including Frontier, and Kari's kid's Plotmon turns out to be the reincarnation of the same Ophanimon from Frontier who somehow got turned back into a Digiegg (again) and the Digiegg somehow wound up the Adventure 99 universe.
Tk's son- Originally, I was gonna have TK's kid Tokomon be a reincarnation of the Seraphimon from Frontier, but that would almost certainly lead to TK's son's Tokomon having an identical evolution line to TK's Patamon, which would be pretty boring (don't get me wrong, I like Patamon's evolution line, but I want keep the instances of next gen kids having a same evolution line as their parents to a minimum). Knightmon could work for the perfect level (yes this was inspired by one fo Karn Ex's swap videos) and the mega could be ClavisAngemon.
Jou's son- Karn Ex and I agree that Neptunemon would be a solid mega for Jou's kid's Digimon. For the perfect, I'd go with Divemon. I've also considered Dolphmon for the champion, but if the writers wanted to use a new Digimon instead, I would go the route of a Digimon based on the Hippocampus, as Neptune (or at least his Greek counterpart, Poseidon) is often associated with horses. Plus, giving a Jou's kid's Digimon an horse-themed evolution or 2 would make for a neat callback to how Gomamon's first digivolution to Ikkakumon was to fight a Unimon.
Edit: I just found out about ArkhaiAngemon, and that could also work as a perfect form for Kari's kid's Salamon. It might also work as a pre-evolution for Venusmon or Junomon is we don't use new Digimon for their respective perfect pre-evolutions.
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
"What If We FIXED The NON-02 Courage Armor Digimon?" Archive
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lighttailoring · 1 month
Ok, I'm not sure this actually my *worst*, but it's pretty niche:
Ship: Syril/Nemik
AU setting: anywhere in the real world of 2024 that you want to put them
Any remaining hope of a peaceful and civilised tabletop war gaming session was miserably crushed by the appearance of a second curly-haired figure at the door. Syril had of course turned up his usual ten minutes early and already set up at his section of the table, even heartbreak unable to dampen his perfectionism; it was Karis who was the unknown variable here, which had been the case over the course of the pair's entire doomed partnership. Now he casts a disparaging eye over Syril's figurines and readies the first of many snide remarks about the paintwork on his new squadron of Ultramarines (which will, of course, all be responded to with equally ferocious barbs from Syril about the in-game validity of Karis' homemade terrain), while the other players avoid making direct eye contact with either of them and consider taking up new hobbies.
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hegodamask · 2 years
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skydigiblogs · 5 months
oughhh i was plagued by ghost game related thoughts today. this is messy and disorganized and a lot so don't mind me gbdsfhgbdjfg
it's been like half a year or so since i finished watching it so this is mostly unprompted and like
i do kind of wonder what would have happened with ghost game if instead of a bigger focus on purely pick up and go scooby doo shit, they were willing to tell an overarching story with the elements they had
i think i enjoyed it so much if only because it gave us something we hadn't seen much of to that point (that i'm now realizing is one of those things appmon heavily inspired in GG), that being digimon affecting technology in complex ways
(that's to say, not just bricking computers like giant magnets or making binary flash on the screen to ominous messages like makuramon does in tamers)
but like also digimon having more interactions with humans in general? just kind of hanging out and living in the human world? yeah the field exists and digimon can bworp in and out of being visible to humans without VBs, but they also live in a setting where they can mostly get away with just going "no yeah i'm just a very advanced hologram, dw about it :)"
i also refuse to get over the fact that gammamon is like, canonically plural, and i really wish we had more time with gulus after the finale ep reveals about him and the GRB shit.
also, i do wonder if maybe the series shot itself in the foot by not knowing what it wanted to do, plot wise? it gave us expectations in the first episode as an audience--- suggesting big and strange things to be delivered, and didn't seem to know how to really deliver on them while also trying to be that variety of scooby doo shit that doesn't have to have a throughline plot (aka, setting up a mystery inc style story when it's got a stated goal to be more like the original series)
i was still using reddit at the time GG started, and i remember a lot of people really wanting to hype it up as "the next tamers," especially after they saw the tone and structure of the first episode. in general, i wonder if high expectations put more scrutiny on GG than it might have otherwise gotten.
(this of course isn't to say that there's criticism to be had for GG. i mean i just said i personally have beef with its lack of narrative commitment. i'm just wondering if maybe some people got a little too excited to see a series that met the lofty nostalgia of something like tamers.)
anyways, idk, there's not really anywhere i'm going with this one, i just had some idle thoughts at work today about this series.
go read the gray matter ghost game fancomic or something (no i really have no clue why ghost game is on my mind, really)
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khiquii · 2 years
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The Star Wars people are stuck in my brain
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jackpotsadmon · 2 years
aight time to drop my epic espimon theory now that he’s technically partnered with hiro
i don’t think espimon is as dumb as he wants everyone to believe. he has absolutely known who hiro was from day one, i know digimon in this series can take things very literally but there’s something about his hesitation and dodging that make me feel like there’s more to it than just ignorance and comedic relief
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this episode in particular was great in addressing this obviously, because we get a look into espimon’s thoughts and motivations. he was sent by hokuto to find hiro, but we don’t know for what reason. i feel like if it was only to have him be able to evolve than this arc would’ve happened much earlier, and rather that espimon’s desire to evolve influenced his idea that the real hiro would help him evolve; as if it was a tactic to get hiro to help him to evolve. after getting extremely close to hiro and gammamon, at the beginning of this episode he decides to leave to find the “real hiro”, but gets upset when hiro decides not to stop him.
i may be reading into this wayyy too much but i’ve always had a suspicion that espimon is avoiding calling hiro the real hiro on purpose, as if espimon doesn’t want to do what hokuto said to do when he did find the real hiro. it just feels off to me (and i’m sick of espimon slander 😤)
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digimonnextadventure · 10 months
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This is the second work done with Karn Ex! Once again it was a wonderful experience, I was very happy! Shout out to my Brazilian friends, incredible artists who are in the video too!
When I finished the sketch based on the silhouette, I felt that Gatomon's gloves took on the appearance of fighting gloves, like MMA gloves. So I chose to do a Muay Thai pose for the final illustration. I hope you enjoyed Noctmon and the other Digimon.
This is Noctmon's color sketch based on the silhouette. From the shape of the silhouette they would probably have more facial features from ExVeemon, like to the blade on Xvmon forehead. But I thought it would be more interesting to work with Tailmon's feline characteristics.
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Check out Karn's video ♡
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coquettesamosa · 1 year
yaar i need to stop using ig so much
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acoldsovereign · 6 months
In this post, socialization refers to how each Saiyans greet each other, common phrases, and other such things.
Instead, Saiyans grip each other by the forearm, and shake roughly/firmly or gently up and down, twice. Three times is pushing it-- reserved for strained bonds or to quietly say "I don't like you", while four shakes is considered mocking/disrespectful. Most times this is done silently, but there can be verbal greetings to accompany this 'arm greeting' (or replace it entirely).
"May Yamoshi guide you/her/him/your childling/sister/brother [insert other bond/relation here]." This is the Saiyan version of Bless you/May God bless you/Good morning or goodnight. There is a belief system/religion/spirituality amongst the Saiyans, and it is called Yamoshism. Depending on one's philosophical standing, Yamoshi is either a Patron Saint for the Saiyans or the equivalent of an Ascended Master/Saiyan who underwent a process similar to apotheosis. Either way, this is the best thing to hear if you are a Saiyan or carry Saiyan blood as it is usually impossible to utter it maliciously. It denotes a large amount of care and thoughtfulness.
"May Eelnana shine upon you/grace you/smile upon you/your troop, etc." It's the same as above except it involves the Goddess embedded in Yamoshism. Depending on one's philosophical slant, Eelnana either exists as a separate and real entity (hint: Maiz is a believer in this school of thought), or she's purely symbolic. To be told the Goddess of External Power, Inner Strength and Innovation/Change is smiling down upon you and/or guiding you is no small thing to say. This is explicitly saying you are trusted to know what you are doing, and who you must be.
"May our suns rise on you/never set on you." This is the non-religious/non-spiritual version of the above two sayings.
Baby Saiyans are called childlings up until adolescent age (16). Other affectionate names are not translatable into Universal, or other dialects as easily, but the pronunciations are suspiciously similar to the following words: hellspawns, hellhounds, critters and runts. Childlings who stay on the planet are expected to learn hand-eye coordination as soon as they're able to talk. Childlings are who sent away, aka "infiltration babies" are typically abandoned/not talked about until they come back stronger. Until then, they are out of sight, out of mind. Childlings staying on the planet are treated nicer than their weaker counterparts (unless like Maiz, they have a visible birth defect that can impede their ability to fight and defend themselves). In this case, they are pushed harder to overcome their limitations and only then, are they treated with more grace than their counterparts. Outside of that, childlings are typically encouraged to interact with their environment and make connections. If it turns out they're the type of Saiyan who cannot bond easily, this is when they figure that out and plan "ahead." If they can bond, their lives will be a bit easier-- they'll have a second family to fall back on (Team Bardock as an example). However, just because a Saiyan can bond doesn't mean they will get close with everyone. (Ex. Karne was atypical in this regard; she was warm and bubbly on the surface and actively sought out friends, but she was picky about what bonds she wanted. She was insistent on becoming Bardock's first friend* even when he was being difficult. She genuinely loved and doted on Seripa/Fasha, who took over as the more "hot-headed personality" as they both grew up. She ruthlessly killed Artichoke after confirming her pregnancy with Maiz, who she actually wanted. She was emotionally available for her daughter and spoiled her rotten with love and affection. She loved her so much to the point of shoving her into a space pod to save her life during the Genocide). Maiz is the same way, and she's aware of it to varying levels**.
Most Saiyans were either trained to be independent or part of a collective. Individualism spiked post Yamoshi's generation, but especially under Frieza. Incidentally, King Cold didn't do much meddling; he found their ability to work as a collective amusing and intriguing. It was Frieza who took issue and thus, started nitpicking at them little by little until a schism was later created-- one that would give rise to the very thing he feared; a union of Saiyans. (This union and their old, ancient traditions that were taken underground would later give rise to the legend he tried to erase: the Super Saiyan).
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
"What If Digimon Adventure 02 DARK Armor Digivolved?" Archive
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lovelopmon · 1 day
My Adventure 02 Epilogue Evolution Lines ~ Part 1
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Ever since I saw the Epilogue as a kid, I've always wondered what adventures the next generation of Digidestined would partake in. And I never understood the backlash the Epilogue received in regards to the kids having the same baby Digimon as their parents.
Thus, the WIPs were born.
My original next generation WIP idea catered more to my personal interests and what I shipped (Taiora, Mimato, Daikari) but my second WIP idea (the one I'll be talking about here) is much more canon adjacent. This second idea originally stemmed from myself challenging myself as to how I could mould the canon into my liking without entirely rewriting it.
While many of my original digivolution ideas were practically copycats of their parents, I'm much more satisfied with the evolutions I've come up with now. Many of which were inspired by YouTuber Karn EX's video, "What Would Their Partner DIGIVOLUTUONS Be? | Digimon Adventure 02 Epilogue Kids". And while they did a great job with making that video, there were a few digivolutions that I wasn't satisfied with.
When it came to coming up with digivolutions, I wanted them to be inspired by their parents without exactly mirroring the Digimon partners of their parents. At the same time, I wanted some of the Digivolutions to call back to Adventure and Adventure 02.
So for part 1, I'll be discussing the digivolutions for my WIP, Digimon Adventure 03: Inheritance, for the kids of the Adventure cast (minus TK and Kari).
First up, the son of Tai and Meiko:
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Koromon -> Agumon -> Tyrannomon -> MetalTyrannomon -> RustTyrannomom
While there are other options for Rookie Digimon for Makoto (the name I gave him) to have, 1.) Agumon is too iconic and 2.) there's a specific story reason as to why Makoto and Tai share the same Rookie. Tai being the leader of the Adventure cast, and one of the two partners of Omnimon, on top of being a decorated Special Agent in Charge for the National Data Processing Bureau after retiring from his professional soccer career has made quite a name for himself. And Makoto silently struggles with living the shadows of his father's spotlight in a world where Digimon and humans are living in harmony. Being a bit rebellious, he desperately hopes that whoever Koromon digivolves to, it won't be the same as Mr. Agumon's digivolution, and some doubt is cast in as Makoto's Koromon becomes an Agumon.
Initially, I had the Digivolution as Agumon, to GeoGreymon, to RizeGreymon, then to VictoryGreymon. And while I do love that evolution line, it felt lazy. Thanks to Karn EX, I realized Tyrannomon made a great replacement, while also subtly calling back to the battle between Tyrannomon and Greymon in Adventure, as well as the DarkTyrannomon that Togemon fought before digivolving into Lilymon for the first time. MetalTyrannomon is pretty similar to MetalGreymon without being a complete copycat. However for the mega, I decided to stick with RustTyrannomon instead of Machinedramon.
I also have a secret dark evolution line, for when the plot really gets going, but I won't spoil that just yet.
Next, are the children of Matt and Sora:
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Left: Yokomon -> Pomumon -> Parasaurmon -> Toropiamon -> Ceresmon
Right: Tsunomon -> Elecmon -> Leomon -> SaberLeomon -> DinoTigermon
For Mizuki (their daughter), I initially wanted Pomumon as the Rookie as displayed above, with Ornismon being the Mega. Being a huge, blue bird calls back to her mother's partner, Biyomon with her father's partner's, Gabumon's, color scheme. I struggled with finding a champion and ultimate stage to fill in the blanks so I figured I'd lean more into the plant dinosaur aspect of Pomumon for the digivolution. Plus, Sora saved a Pomumon in Digimon Adventure 2020, so that's a nice callback as well.
The idea for Shinji's (their son, and no, I promise not all of the names follow this similar naming convention) partner's digivolution came from Karn EX, however, they had intended it for Yokomon. I felt Tsunomon into Elecmon made more sense than Yokomon into Elecmon. Elecmon somewhat resembles Gabumon with similar blue stripes, and despite being different mammals, Garurumon, WereGarurumon, and MetalGarurumon look very similar to Leomon, SaberLeomon, and DinoTigermon, but red, which is Sora's signature color.
Also, with Pomumon turning into a dinosaur while Elecmon eventually transforms into a saber tooth tiger gives the siblings a nice, fossil, extinct animal theme with their Digimon as well lmao.
Izzy and Mimi:
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Left: Motimon -> Kokabuterimon -> Searchmon -> Kongoumon -> Shivamon
Right: Tanemon -> Aruraumon -> Togemon -> Ajatarmon -> BloomLordmon
So, they didn't originally end up together, and had children with other people but by the beginning of the WIP, they're happily married (it'll be explained in another post) so Umeko (Izzy's daughter) and Akihiko (Mimi's son) are siblings now, which is why they're being group together like Mizuki and Shinji lmao.
Karn EX had introduced me to Kokabuterimon from another video of theirs, so from there, I did some digging and found Searchmon and Kongoumon. Yes, they're both armor digivolutions but I think I'm allowed a few creative liberties. Searchmon being an Armor Digivolution is hardly a problem for me, no one from the Adventure 02 ever had a Searchmon, and Armor Digivolutions were seen as on par with regular Champion level Digimon. Plus, Chuumon from the 2020 remake was seen digivolving into Searchmon naturally without an Armor Digivolution, so who's to say Kokabuterimon can't as well? Kongoumon is a bit trickier, quite a few games have changed Kongoumon's level, but one game did list Kongoumon as an Ultimate, so that's good enough for me (if Digimon can change certain mon's levels to their convenience, so can I. And apparently, SaberLeomon is a Mega and was only listed as Ultimate in a specific video game...oh well, lmao.).
I won't lie to you, seeing BloomLordmon as a Mega for Mimi's son really inspired me to try to find other Megas just as cool for the others. And while I did, BloomLord and the digivolution associated with him is my all time favorite. I also loved Ajatarmon but I wasn't fond of Mushroom and Woodmon, so I needed to find a starting point. Then, I remember my OG Wip, which included a Mimato daughter who had a Aruraumon as a Rookie. All I needed then was a Champion. I saw a post on Reddit with Shurimon listed as the Champion. And while that fits PERFECTLY, I couldn't. 1.) Shurimon had been used by a previous Digidestined and 2.) Shurimon wasn't partnered with Mimi, which would've been the only excuse I could give myself for using it (sure Shurimon comes from Digi-egg of Sincerity, but using Shurimon with that excuse is a stretch). Incorporating Togemon into the digivolution (which is the only instance of a kid sharing a Champion with their Digidestined parent) is not only fitting but shows just how fluid digivolutions can be.
And finally, Joe's son:
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Bukamon -> Syakomon -> Shellmom -> WaruSeadramon -> Gigaseadramon
Originally, I was gonna give Yujin aka Jin (shut up, lol) a Gomamon. But then, I came up with this.
Hear me out, lmao. It's a little all over the place, but for starters, there aren't as many of a variety of aquatic Digimon, specifically, aquatic Digimon that can dwell on land as well. And Gomamon doesn't seem to have a variety of options other than Ikkakumon or Dolphmon.
I came across Syakomon for another post I made on assigning Digimon partners to Descendants characters, and I felt Syakomon was a great starting point. Shellmon and WaruSeadramon share a similar color palette, and given that Jin will bear the Crest of Adaptability, WaruSeadramon to Gigaseadramon makes perfect sense. Apparently, other Digimon digivolve into WaruSeadramon in wickedness from what I've researched, but we can skip over that, right? Honestly, I might have a solution for it if I need one, considering I already have Makoto and another next gen Digidestined going through dark digivolutions for plot reasons.
Next part will include the children of T.K, Kari, Davis, Cody, and Ken and Yolei.
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