babyslutbuck · 3 months
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sanchoyo · 22 days
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beautiful tmm stuff ive gotten recently + the huge amount of free goodies I got with the ichigo standee!! if ur a mew mew fan and looking for merch I rly cannot recommend either of these artists enough, go follow and buy their stuff :3
(ichigo standee from @tessmontyart)
(1-800-mew print + keychains from @froagie)
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doctorweebmd · 3 months
Helloo! I was wondering what are ur top bkdk fics? You write bkdk so beautifuily, the angst hurts so good‼️ A litany of love and loss and zero-sum game are so beautiful its crazy! I'm tweaking haha I literally cannot stop thinking abt them. All of ur fics r so good in a way thats magical. This might sound weird and kinda alot, im so sorry if it is but I really do hope I remember ur fics for a really long time.
lksajdfl;kasdfj omg don't you THINK i haven't noticed you going through this blog lmao i adore that thank you so much!!! and thank you for reading that hardcore angst you masochist lmao
BUT. thats a super hard question. okay keep in mind that a.) i haven't really kept up with bkdk stuff in >1 year so most of these are older, b.) many of these are, unfortunately, unfinished. it doesn't take away from how amazing these stories are to ME, but i know its a preference for many, so keep that in mind AND c.) every single one of these authors have MANY excellent fics, but these are the ones that have stuck with me. And I'm totally gonna forget some notable people so apologies in advance.
These are in no particular order:
The Space Between by kanae_vr - gorgeous and absolutely devastating work. One of those fics I stayed up all night reading and probably one of the first if not THE first that I commented on. Broke my heart.
In your dreams, nerd! by sapphicflower - Rani's whole portfolio of work is TOP NOTCH (can't recommend the art of falling and love was never easy with you, but since when did we like easy? enough.) but in your dreams, nerd! is still my favorite. The writing has such a magical, dreamy, otherwordly feel to it. Just beautiful.
[KILL GOD] by majjale - majjale is another author that you can read anything they've written and have your mind BLOWN. KILL GOD really stood out to me, though. This is probably THE only villain Deku fic worth reading. The worldbuilding, the reveals, the raw emotion - god, this reads like a novel and I'm simply awed.
To see you alive by overcastjpg - pain. PAIN. Cloddy writes some of the most gut-wrenching angst I've ever had the privilege of reading. And its not just painful interpersonal drama, its also a fascinating and dark plot that makes you feel like you've stepped into a gritty noir novel. Its like stepping into a story where its always cloudy and raining, but in the best way possible.
Undercover by Greyfrey - another author that has a portfolio of top-notch, professional-level bkdk writing. Undercover really holds a special place in my heart, though. The story is absolutely compelling, the character development is handled carefully and elegantly, and it just. It hurts. So, SO good.
Mirror Image by Eleke - this is just a very fun one; so absolutely creative and such an interesting way of imagining BKDK's dynamic in so many different worlds. The structure of the story and the POV changes are also SUPER artistic. Fantastic read.
Bonnie & Klein by surveycorpsjean - i won't belabor the point; this fic, along with everything surveycorpsjean writes, deserves all the hype and MORE. the yearning in it was physically painful and the sex was artistic, emotional, and most importantly, hot.
Doppleganger by waketosanity - another painful and gorgeous read. The pining and self-destruction Katsuki's going through this entire fic is honestly devastating. Its an indirect but powerful character study and, full disclosure, it hurts a lot. But its worth it.
Looking forward to being there by underwickedsky - This author's aura is very foreboding and they tend to write about very dark themes. Like any good mystery or horror, what looks benign on the surface dives into something terrifying. Honestly, this fic has not been updated in 3 years and is only, what, 4 chapters in? But every single one of them is captivating.
i think i found a place for us by dommymommy - sigh. god. i can't even explain it. its gorgeous. it hurts. intimacy is instantly replaced by loss. you ache during the entire story. katsuki's characterization in particular is... he's so skittish, and in denial, and afraid, and lonely. tbh i hope they dont follow me on here because out of every fic on this list and any other list beyond, seeing an update on THIS one would make me drop everything and start reading bkdk again. sorry.
mundane crimes by sifl - last but certainly not least. i dont know how sifl does it, honestly. their work is, in one word, haunting. the tone and cadence and sheer poetry of each and every single one of their works is just - its like they live in a completely different world. i'm obsessed with their style and have re-read this fic too many times to count. should be the AUTHORITY on writing katsuki.
Jeez and there's SO MANY MORE. Like I couldn't just choose one by katyastark, i love ALL their work. and iciclebeanbags and heartsinhay. and there's probably people i can't think of right now. there's SO MANY amazing talented writers we are SO lucky as bkdks
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rooty's bday coming up kasdfj
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callioope · 2 years
Bard, goblin and sorcerer for CR asks? ☺️
Hello!! Ooh these are good.
Spoilers ahead for both TLOVM (and I guess technically campaign 1) and campaign 2, for anyone who's not caught up (and there are spoilers for what could happen eventually in TLOVM).
bard: what is your favorite “how do you want to do this?”
Ahh I know I sent you this one, too, but this is HARD for me! The first two that popped into my head were Vax's against Thordak and Jester's against Lucien/Cognouza, but after some thinking I also loved the HDYWTDT against Kevdak and Obann.
For Thordak, the drama and desperation of Vax flying after him, the natural 20, the fact that he was alone a;kdsjf;kasdfj (how many people killed dragons with no witnesses lol? is this the 'if i had two nickels' meme? anyways) Most importantly the vengeance this meant for the twins, for avenging their mother, the way Vex flies in after him and hugs him, I get teary-eyed just writing about it.
For Lucien/Cognouza, again, Jester was just tearing up my heart during that battle every time she appealed to Molly (how she blamed herself for his death because she wasn't there </3 ahhh). And so the fact that she got the last hit with that final appeal to Molly just felt so right.
Honorable mentions for Grog's HDYWTDT against Kevdak because of the epic way it happened (pokeball delivery from above yess) and recency bias since I recently watched that episode in TLOVM, SO GOOD. And Yasha's HDYWTDT against Obann.
Apparently I have a running theme with 3 out of 4 of these being very personal and appropriate for character backstories.
goblin: who is your favorite non-main campaign character?
Nydas!!! I just loved his arc throughout EXU: Calamity, his initial skepticism and creeping apprehension as he started to suspect what was happening, and just everything he did in part four. He had so many great speeches. And I loved his friendship with Zerxus, too. AHH NYDAS.
I mean everyone in Calamity was fantastic but Nydas popped into my head first so I'm going with my gut here.
I do also want to give an honorable mention Hazel Copperpot because I adore her and her gramophone and I do wish we could have seen more of her! Darrington Brigade Part 2 when? Considering it takes place in Wildemount, Mighty Nein tie in eh? eh? Deastok is not that far from Kamordah after all. I bet Taryon drinks Lionett wine.
sorcerer: what is your favorite sam commercial skit?
LOL OMG. I mean. The Nordverse is pretty enveloping (although I haven't watched the oneshot yet). I do love the D&D Beyond ad song and often get it stuck in my head when using D&D Beyond. "You click open the webpage yaheardaboutonCriticalRole..."
Critical Role Ask Game
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espritdecorpo · 2 years
TAG NINE PEOPLE YOU’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER! favourite colour(s): yellow or blue currently reading: the crying of lot 49 by thomas pynchon and some non-fiction urban design books for work last series: probably love is blind season 3 kasdfj last movie: scream (for halloween ofc) sweet / spicy / savoury: sweet currently working on: some drafts and carrd stuff!
tagged by: @kenneld ( thank you! ) tagging: @korctyshka @cartesianduelist @falsedthought @scmuraimerc (if you've already been tagged oop)
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izvmimi · 2 years
every time i play a new game of league i remember why i shouldn’t be playing league lfjasdlk;fj;kasdfj; lmaoooo
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surprise i cant sleep but anyway while im here im saying hello to all the ladies who liked that wlw post last night
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candyredterezii · 2 years
ever since i got my replacement tablet cord ive been wanting to art now esp without having to worry bout my shit consistently disconnecting 
but i just have no motivation or inspo for anything and ik if i try and force myself it wont come out good
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kihyvvk · 3 years
‘ ¡espera! quiero ser yo quién use el velo/el sombrero ’ 
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‘ ah, no se vale, no me diste tiempo a decidirlo con piedra papel o tijera. ’ finge desacuerdo, a pesar de que ciertos destellos de gracia se colaban. ‘ está bien, te dejaré usar el velo. pero tú me tienes que cargar como los novios a las novias, ¿de acuerdo? ’    *  @iiindiigoo​ .
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candyredmuses · 4 years
Going through my Airam tag I was sure reminded about how DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP Airam’s daddy issues are-
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rockingthegraveyard · 5 years
I really do like redrawing old, old drawings.
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Makes me feel better about myself. 
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sailormoonsub · 3 years
Queen Serenity 🤝 NeoQueen Serenity
"how did my daughter end up so emotionally stunted"
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quitetheketch-moved · 3 years
hey guys how come as both a supernatural and hardcore horror fan it took me until about 30 seconds ago to realize bby Bev in the original It from 1990 was Emily Perkins
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reality-refuge · 3 years
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Francis, Kelli, and all their various household members move to Grim's Quarry!
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stiles or lydia?
lydia <3
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