w00wzerz · 6 years
This Is It! My Wig Is Non Exsistant! Kastle Has Been Acknowledged And I Am Freaking Out!!!!!
I am back from my Kastle Hiatus and thousands of kastle metas and fictions are coming your way! Feel free to spam me with ideas
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thevampirecat · 7 years
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She was the sun shining upon the tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail He was the moon painting you with its glow so vulnerable and pale
She was the wind carrying in all the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget He was the fire, restless and wild, and you were like a moth to that flame
~ Funeral of Hearts, HIM
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goddamnitkastle · 7 years
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#KastleRadio Week  Day 4: Young God by Halsey
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carry-the-sky · 7 years
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all of them, they all think that you’re a monster. but I know that you’re not, you’re not.
(you sure about that?)
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edourado · 7 years
"I need you to scream for me. You're Karen Page he's the Punisher, he will come for you." in which Karen hurt and taken by a villain and Frank is enraged. (I was inspired by the Tarzan trailer)
Oh hey. That didn’t even take that long!
I mean, it was not fast or anything, but it was definitelly quicker than the others. So yay. Improvement. 
Now this is a combination of prompts. This one and the post by @king0fcrows, here. I thought it was a very, very nice idea, so I gave it a shot. 
This is for Day 8 of #kastleradio, inspired by Rihanna’s “Love on the Brain”. Yay. I made it!
Hope you enjoy the smutness. 
Much love.
This is, Karen supposes, starting to get old.
It’s not exactly routine for her to be taken, of course not. But, by now, she knew how to read the signs.
These guys are amateurs. Which, when you think about it, doesn’t say much about her. But she was just coming home from work, they did a pretty good job of jumping her from a dark ally, pressing a rag full of chloroform against her nose, muffling her startled scream.
But their expertise ended there.
They weren’t even keeping her somewhere hidden. Through the big panel windows, she could see the Manhattan skyline. They were somewhere in Brooklyn, by the water. Not a tall building. A warehouse.
Also, they were afraid. Bickering and snorting cocaine, twitching and walking around, mumbling their stupid plan.
“This is what he would want”, one of them kept saying under his breath, eyes bugged out, looking like he might short circuit any minute, now. “We’re doing right by him, we’re doing right.”
“Karen, right?” The one that fancied himself the boss asked. “Listen, K, it’s not personal, you got my word. But he killed our boy, see, he killed Dante.”
Oh. So it was about Frank. She had been wondering if it was because of one of her articles, Daredevil or the Punisher. Maybe Jessica, Danny or Luke.
Sighing, Karen watched as he paced from left to right.
“And what do I have to do with that?” she asked.
“Everything!” He snapped, a little bit of paranoia in his face and voice. “Everything, you see? Don’t you see?”
“How’s he gonna know?” Asked the other, practically shitting his pants, looking out the window.
“He’ll know.”
Here, he took a step towards her and bent so his face was leveled with hers.
“I want you to know that I don’t like this. My momma, she raised me right, I don’t hit women. But we need him here. Sorry.”
He must watch a lot of movies. With a soft move, the back of his hand met her cheek, his knuckles colliding with her cheekbone, and she held her breath in order to keep silent.
“Nah, nah, come on!” He said, loud, his voice echoing in the empty space and she could see he was anxious. “Don’t make me do it again!”
“What do you even want?” She asked, pulling on the knot that tied her wrists together behind her back.
“I want him to get here! He needs to pay for what he’s done!”
“And what has he done?”
“He killed Dante, you stupid bitch!” Said the one watching the window, turning back to look at them. “He killed our cousin!”
“And how many cousins have you killed, Bob?” She asked.
“Yo, shut up!”
“What about you, Phil?”
They were stupid enough to call themselves by their own names around her. And considering that Frank had killed their cousin Dante, and Dante Arulio from the South Bronx Killers had turned up dead a week ago, Karen was pretty sure who these guys were. Low level thugs, looking to climb up the crime hierarchy by avenging the death of one of their own and, as a bonus, capturing the Punisher.
“Now I told you I don’t like to do this”, Phil told her. “But I’m gonna.”
He struck her across the face again and, again, she kept her mouth shut.
“Come on, lady. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
Pulling out a pocket knife, he moved to stand behind her, whispering in her ear, the blunt, non sharp edge of the blade against her throat. He couldn’t even threaten her life right. “I need you to scream for me. You’re Karen Page, he’s the Punisher, he’ll come for you.”
Yes, he would.
Her cheek throbbing, Karen looked out the window, towards the beautiful skyline. If she could just twist enough to undo that knot, she would be able to untie herself.
“Let’s try this one more time”, Phil said, getting ready to struck her again, this time with a closed fist, when there was a small, quick clinking sound that echoed.
“Go check that out”, he told Bob.
But Bob couldn’t. He was standing there one minute, looking towards the door behind the chair Karen was seated, and then he was dropping, first to his knees, then down to the floor, face down.
Phil got up from behind her and turned around. Karen took the opportunity to move her right shoulder down, creating the right angle for her to pull on the end of the rope tying her wrists behind her back. Even the knot, it was like he had been tying his shoes and not a hostage.
Which, she supposed, in the end, was good for her.
Phil was distracted looking at Frank’s figure at the door, it was easy enough for Karen to get up, turn around and take the knife from his hand and the gun from the back of his pants.
Honestly, SBK was getting sloppy with the recruiting. This guy, seriously?
“Ma’am”, Frank greeted her, not even bothering to point his gun at the guy.
“You killed them”, Phil was saying, pointing an accusing finger at Frank and Karen turned around to see if Bob was dead.
He wasn’t. Frank just knocked him out with a bullet to the side of his face.
“You killed them!”
“Shut up, Phil”, Karen said while the criminal broke down in sobs and fell to his knees while Frank watched. “I’m trying to think.”
She has been thinking about a story like that for a while, now. His minions might be stupid and careless, but he, Dwayne Larson, SBK boss, wasn’t. On the contrary, he was a very educated man, went to a good university on the West Coast, then came back to take over the gang of his neighborhood, with a masters in Business, no less, reclaiming the place that had belonged to his brother, killed by a rival gang when Dwayne was 13 years old.  
She wanted a story on them. Maybe even start something to help the police dismantle them. Dwayne’s greed has been getting out of control, his taxation of local business was making people declare bankruptcy, close their doors, and those who tried to challenge them ended up with dead family members and an even bigger debt.
“Glad about that tracker now?”, Frank asked her, walking past the man who now cried and mumbled on the floor. She bent to pick her phone up from Bob’s pocket.
Karen hummed an acknowledgement, not yet willing to admit that the tracker he had insisted on for months was actually useful.
“You didn’t kill him”, she observed, standing back up and turning to him, who looked mean and huge as always. He looked at her, unimpressed, almost bored.
“You might need ‘em. You know”, he motioned randomly with his gun. “For your article.”
Squinting, she looked at him.
“For my article?”
“You never cared about that before.”
He held her gaze and she realized.
“You want to get to Dwayne.”
“Point is, I didn’t kill ‘em. You can’t complain, this time.”
Karen ended up explaining to Phil - or trying to, given he was high on cocaine and adrenaline and fear - that she might be able to get a deal for him and Bob if they helped her on her story and the police on bringing SBK down. He accepted when Frank took a menacing step towards him and cried loudly while they waited for the police, Frank slipping away before the cars got there.
Brett complained - a lot - but agreed to letting Karen interview her captors. He didn’t promise a deal or anything, but was interested in the possibility of an insider’s perspective on SBK’s business.
When she got home, she heard Max’s paws running to the door.
“Hi, boy”, she said when he jumped up to greet her, petting and rubbing his head, trying to calm him down. It was not rare that Frank brought him over, but it was also not that often.
The man himself was standing in the kitchen, dismantling that big sniper gun he never even used, like he did every time he needed something to do with his hands, when he was bored, when he was anxious, when he was worried.
Putting her purse on the coffee table, she walked to him slowly, knowing he was probably in a mood, and touched his back when she reached him, running her hand from the small of his back up to the base of his neck, pulling on his shoulder so he turned to her a bit, leaning in and placing a soft, lingering kiss on his mouth.
He stood there and accepted it, and she worked her fingers in the hair on the nape of his neck, like she knew he liked, and felt him purr against her lips.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked, just to get him talking, to maybe take him from that mood she knew he was settling in.
“No”, he answered, pressing a kiss of his own and turning his head back to his gun.
“Your tracker thing worked. Why are you playing with that thing?”
“It worked”, he said, his voice careful and low, and she moved to put herself between him and the counter. “But I shouldn’t need to use it to find you.”
With her hands on his arms, she ran them up and down, from elbows to shoulders, and then again.
“Are you mad about that or are you mad because you didn’t kill them?”
“I’m mad because you got taken again”, he said, intense and, yes, mad. All serious and short temper and she raised her brows, continuing with the caressing of his arms. “And yes, ma’am, I’m mad because I didn’t get to kill the motherfuckers who took you.”
“I’m fine, though”, she said, trying to use a soothing voice, making him let go of the counter and wrap his arms around her, sneaking her own around his neck, kissing his face, along his jaw, moving sort of like a cat against him. “They weren’t even that dangerous”. A nip on the lobe of his ear, small and teasing, while she pulled his shirt from inside his pants. “I managed to get untied all by myself.”
“Congratulations”. The sarcasm and annoyance dripped from his voice, and Karen leaned back to look at his face, letting go of the hem of his shirt.
“You haven’t even kissed me properly since I walked in”, she pointed out, noticing the deep crease in his brow. “I thought you would be happy I’m not harmed”, she said, looking at her own hands as they made their way up his chest. “At least a little relieved.” His fingers twitched on her waist, almost a reflex move and he went on looking at her with that angry face. “But I guess you’re more interested in being angry that you didn’t get to kill people, so I’m just gonna leave you to it, with your gun. Have fun.”
Moving to step away from him, she did her best not to smile when he pulled her back, inspecting her face quickly before moving slowly, that way she loved loved loved, sure and confident, sweet and loving, to kiss her, big hand holding her face to his, touching his forehead to hers after a long and lazy swipe of his tongue.
“Of course I’m happy you’re ok. Don’t say shit like that”. His voice was low and measured, that sweet quality he reserved only for her. “But you know I don’t like loose ends. And when it comes to you, I like them even less.”
“I’m a big girl, Frank”, she tried and he clicked his tongue. “But I’ll be more careful. I promise.”
Arms around his neck, she moved to place a kiss on his jaw. “Thank you for not killing them”. Another one by his ear. “I know you could have shot Bob in the head, but you didn’t.”
“Bob”, he echoed, sarcastically, hand closing around her waist.
“That’s his name”, she went on, dragging kisses around his face, avoiding his lips. “The other one is Phil.”
He grunted his “I don’t care”, moving his head, chasing her mouth with his and she thought that this wasn’t really fair, seducing him into forgetting it. She really could have avoided this whole thing, but she had been putting off those self defense lessons with Colleen, and he had been insisting upon it, she didn’t want to hear an “I told you so”.
But this felt good, and she was happy to be home after being chloroformed and spending a couple of hours tied up in a warehouse.
“You’re not hungry?” he asked, right hand closing on her shirt on her back, pulling it from her skirt, and she hummed, finally letting him press a kiss on her lips.
“We’ll eat”, she decided, pulling his shirt up his chest, making him step away a second so she could pull it over his head and off him. “Later.”
Frank came back to her with a deeper, more urgent kiss. Discarding his shirt on the counter by his dismantled gun, she sighed and opened up to him, hugging him to her, letting him unzip and run his hands down her skirt, gripping her butt that way he did when he wanted to make a point, hard enough to make her wince.
With one more long, sensual kiss, Karen pushed him away from her by his chest and turned around, prompting him to follow her, hands lifting to start undoing the buttons of her shirt while she walked towards the bedroom.
“You stay, Max”, he said behind her while she stepped out of the skirt that fell down her legs, hearing as he tossed a treat towards the dog bed she had for his pitbull by the couch.
She knew he was watching her, and bit her smile in when he pulled the shirt off her when she was done with the buttons and moved it over her shoulders.
His mouth was on her neck and his arms were around her again in a second, and she walked on, pulling on his arm and making him sit on the mattress, making him lie down by kissing him and pushing on his chest.
After he was settled, his head on the pillows and his feet by the end of the bed, his eyes traveled up and down her body when she kneeled and moved to sit on top of him, one leg on each side, hands supporting her weight - and enhancing her cleavage - on his stomach.  
Karen let him touch her a bit, big hands going from soft to heavy when he alternated between caressing and squeezing. Leaning in to collect another kiss, she nipped on his bottom lip. Standing up on her knees again, she batted his hands away while maneuvering her underwear down and off.
“Hands to yourself, Frank”, she instructed and he took one more second to feel her skin, from her waist down to her thighs, uninterrupted by the panties she threw back, and lifted them to hold the iron bars of her headboard. “Stay still for me.”
This was probably her favorite view. Him, lying there under her, holding onto the bars of her bed because she told him not to touch her, his chest bare, showing her all the lines and contours of him, swells and dips of muscle and skin, she could sit there on top of him forever, just watching.
“All things considered”, she started, sitting there while his eyes traveled all over her and he moved his jaw in a way that made her skin tingle, as if he was salivating. “Today was a good day.”
“You were taken again, ma’am”, he said, not stopping with his visual inspection. “I wouldn’t say that’s good.”
“Well, I got two amazing sources for my story”, she went on, reaching up to take the pins holding her hair on top of her head. “You didn’t kill anyone”, she said, moving her head from side to side when her hair fell free, because she knew he liked the way it looked when it was down. “And now I got you under me. That’s a pretty good day in my book.” With a slow rock of her hips, she grinded on him, feeling everything, but he was still wearing his pants, so it was a little dulled for him. Still, he clenched his jaw and pressed his head further into her pillows.
That evil smile appeared and, suddenly, he bucked up, making her surge forward, hooking an arm around her waist and pulling, her knees coming to stop on each side of his head. She was about to remind him to not touch her until she told him to, when he sat up slightly, his arm lowering her, his mouth suddenly there, amazing, and she was letting out a strangled cry, her heart rate increasing at the feeling of his lips and his tongue.
He knew she was not about to move away, not while he worked his mouth on her like that. What she could do was take one hand away from the wall behind her bed and weave her fingers through his hair, trying to guide him like she wanted, even if he pretty much knew what to do to make her vision go blurry, to make her moan and her skin heat up.
Pretty soon, sooner than she would like, her vision was going dark, she was breaking out in shivers all over and trembling, crying out like some wanton thing, yanking on his hair, one of his hands still holding on to the railing, the other on her back, keeping her there for him.
Trying to get her breathing under control, she got up and scooted back down, quickly closing a hand around his neck at the smug look he had on.
“I told you to keep your hands to yourself, didn’t I?”
Frank licked his lips indecently, watching as her chest moved up and down with her deep breathing.
“Take that off”, he asked, motioning towards her bra, and she shook her head, moving a strand of hair out of her face, sitting down on top of him again, just below his hips, hands pressing on his stomach, feeling his muscles harden under her palms.
With a challenging look, he took a hand from the railings and reached towards her. Playfully, she slapped it away and he smiled, breathing out heavily, putting his hand back where she wanted them, holding the bars above his head, making the muscles on his arm flex and jump.
Quite a figure, the Punisher cuts.
Slowly, she ran the tips of her fingers on the waist of his pants, watching as his skin broke out in shivers, just like hers had done moments ago, and fiddled with the buckle of his belt.
“You’re really mean when you want to be, you know that?” he said after she did nothing but trace the metal buckle with her fingers. “Downright cruel.”
With a grin she supposed confirmed his words, she rocked a little bit on top of him and undid his belt, unbuttoning his pants slowly, watching his face as he hissed, tightening his hold on the bars.
“Come here”, she whispered and he sat up at once, putting one arm around her and lifting a hand to caress her in a very un-Punisher way, moving her hair away from her face, looking at her with something that looked a lot like adoration.
With an open kiss to his lips, she lifted on her knees a bit and sunk down again, taking him inside her, purring at the satisfied sound he let out, arm tightening around her, the hand on her face coming down to guide her hips, slow and measured, taking control, it was so natural for him, to control everything, to guide everything, to be the boss of everything, and she let him. For a minute or two, she let herself be guided, kissing him deeply, breathing out loudly, moaning when he moved and pressed her against him, his touch so sure and so reverent at the same time, making her tremble with desire for him, her hands on his hair, his back, his face, his arms.
He moved to change the position she had her legs on, bent at the knee, her feet on his knees, but, instead, she pushed him away from her with a hand on his chest, and he groaned, holding on to her for a second, but going when she insisted, hands there on her hips, keeping her on him, making her move, grinding and pressing, nice and hard and slow.
His head touched the pillow with a little too much force, and he bucked his hips up to keep her moving, because he knew she was up to something.
Which only showed he knew her well.
He really shouldn’t have lifted his hips like that, because when he lowered them again, hands on her hips to make her follow, she leaned forward, hands on his stomach, separating them, hissing at the loss of him, missing him immediately, but he needed to learn.
“Fuck- Karen!” he complained, squeezing her hips, the muscles of his chest and abdomen tight under her hands.
“I told you to keep your hands to yourself, didn’t I, Frank?” she asked, voice low, settling on top of him, hissing at the contact, it felt so good, it would be too easy to go on, to give him what he wanted, what she wanted, but where’s the fun in that.
“You liked it, didn’t you?” he challenged, and she pinched him, grazing, rubbing so good.
“Up”, she instructed, motioning with her head, and he reached up to hold the bars again, looking so damn good, way too good, why did he look that good?
Karen spent some good 10 minutes there on top of him, letting the straps of her bra fall from her shoulders, but not removing it when he asked, she was looking for that word, that one word that meant she won.
Well. They both win in these games they play, but still.
His right hand let go of the railing and made it halfway towards her when she rolled her hips slower, allowing a particularly good friction against him, but she stopped and got up on her knees again, biting on her lower lip to control a smile when he slammed his fist on the mattress and dragged his hand back up, closing his eyes, breathing out with a groan.
“Are you in a hurry?” she teased, running her hands on him, her palms gliding easily because of the thin veil of sweat coating his skin.
“You already came once”, he said through gritted teeth.
“That was your decision”, she said, reaching his shoulder, fingers sliding around his bicep until she reached his elbow, pulling on it. “Not mine.”
She placed his hand on her belly and motioned for him to keep moving it up. Sitting there on his stomach, she bit her lip when he reached inside her bra.
“Come on”, he breathed out and she pressed down on him, away from where he wanted her, but good nonetheless.
“‘Come on’ what?” she goaded, pressing his hand with hers, the thin fabric of her bra between her palm and his knuckles.
“Come on”, he repeated, eyes closed, bucking under her, hand working her breast just like she liked, and she smiled. “Please.”
Ah, there it is.
“No”, she said again and he huffed out a breath, opening his eyes and looking at the ceiling, swallowing dry, the movement of his throat catching her eye. “Not just yet.”
He let out satisfied hum when she pulled his hand from inside her bra and lowered it below her belly button, bringing his eyes down, to inspect, and she closed her hand around his wrist, as if to guide him, but he knew just what to do. Her hand was just there to keep him in check.
It was her turn to close her eyes and throw her head back when he started on her, moving his fingers so good.
“Faster, baby”, she instructed, and he obeyed, paying close attention. “Come here.”
He sat up and she kept her hand on his wrist, the other hugging him around his shoulders, guiding his face towards her neck and he went easily, working his fingers faster, in and out, yes, just like that, mouth dragging on her throat, tongue on skin, other hand supporting his own weight behind him.
Karen was almost there, almost there, when she pulled his hand from her, pushed him down one more time and, finally, sank around him, satisfied with the loud groan he let out, putting both his hands on her hips again, trying his best not to take over, just squeezing her between his fingers, enjoying and accepting the pace she set.
“Good?” she asked, her toes curling, and he nodded. “Hmm?” she insisted.
“Fuck, yeah, yes,” he replied, eyes catching hers, and she shivered at that look, that look that asked her permission, it asked for her ok, it asked her for the thing he needed.
“What is it that you want, Frank?” Up and down, slow, dragging, rolling, just a tad faster. “Show me what you want.”
In a flash, he was sitting up again, arm circling her waist, a quick kiss on her lips - a thank you, because finally - he moved and turned them, coming to be on top of her, pulling on her leg, to lock it on his hip, moving like he wanted, like he needed, like she loved, a kiss on her lips, another, and then on her chin, teeth on her neck, and she was holding on to him, he was fast fast fast, hard and long and Karen loved it, but she pressed her leg on his hip, just to see if he would, and he slowed down, hand finding the headboard again to keep himself in check.
All she wanted was to see if he would still do as she said, and it felt so good to know that he would, but it was too good, now, she needed him to keep going, so she relaxed that hold, circling his waist with her leg instead, prompting him further and, amidst the euphoria, she smiled at the small kiss, the ‘thank you’ he pressed on her neck, and she was seeing stars in no time, untangling her arms from the bra she didn’t even feel him unhook and pull from her.
The hand on the wall behind the bars he had been holding was, now, for leverage, to allow him that movement he wanted and her scream came out silent, her toes curling again and her nails pressing on his shoulders and arms, dragging, unintentional scratches left behind while he grunted against her neck, chasing his own high, God, feels so good.
Frank kissed her slowly while she shivered, going from her mouth to her chin, dragging his lips down her throat, kissing her between her breasts, wasting time on her belly, coming back up when she pulled on him.
“Still mad?” she asked, liking the feel of his hand on her hair.
“Hmm”, he hummed. “Can’t really think.”
Moving to get away from under him, she caught his mouth on hers again and made him lie down on her place.
“You stay put”, she said, on her hands and knees above him, her kisses shallow but lingering.
“Where you goin’?” Frank asked, already so lazy, like a damn cat, too much like a cat, considering he was such a dog person.
“I’ll be right back”, she whispered against his lips, watching his eyes close and remain that way. “Don’t fall asleep!”
His brows shot up and he opened his eyes again when she got up and off the bed. Walking to the kitchen to retrieve that Nutella jar she had been saving to eat with cookies in a cold day, she peeked behind her and found him watching her walk.
“Frank”, she warned again when he stretched. “Don’t sleep.”
Her apartment is small enough that she can hear his chuckle when she gets to the kitchen.
“Yes, boss.”
I’m only now realizing, after writing and posting, that Boss is the name of one of Jon’s dogs. Oh well. 
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clonecaptains · 7 years
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#kastleradio - sex and candy by maroon 5 (marcy playground cover)
Hangin' 'round downtown by myself And I've had too much caffeine and I was thinkin' 'bout myself And there she was
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hipsterfrankcastle · 7 years
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[keep calm honey i’ma stick around
for more than a minute
get used to it
funny my name keeps comin’ out ya mouth]
kastle radio week
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So, I was very excited to do a playlist for #KastleRadioWeek and then The Defenders happened and... well That Happened. And I kinda wanted to adjust my playlist for a post-Defenders setting, but... fuck if I know what EXACTLY that would sound like : ||| (Granted, after The Punisher airs THEN I’ll sure have new songs to add. But we’ll err on waiting for that.)
So instead, have the meager playlist I already put together with my bad job of photoshop up there ^^; Cheers!
[Full Playlist]
Imagine Dragons - “Believer” (cover) Pain! You make me a, you make me a believer, believer Pain! You break me down, you build me up believer, believer Pain... Let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain! My life, my love, my drive; they came from Pain! You make me a, you make me a believer, believer!
Switchfoot - “This Is Your Life” This is your life! Are you who you want to be? This is your life! Are you who you want to be? This is your life! Is it everything you dreamed that it would be? When the world was younger, And you had everything to lose
Joy Williams - “Before I Sleep” Oh, carry my body across the frozen ground, While the moon burns bright and the fire fades out... I’ve got miles and miles to go, before I sleep, Before I can feel anything, before I’m free, I’ve got miles and miles to go before I sleep...
The Civil Wars - “Poison & Wine” You only know what I want you to, - I know everything you don’t want me to, Your mouth is poison; your mouth is wine, - You think your dreams are the same as mine, Oh, I don’t love you, but I always will I don’t love you, but I always will
Frightened Rabbit - “Get Out” Get out of my heart! (She won't, she won't) Get out of my heart! (She won't, she won't) I saw a glimmer in the dark, And now, I know, She won't get out of my heart! (She won't)
Joseph - “White Flag” I’ll be an army; no, you’re not going to stop me getting through! I’ll sing a marching song and stomp through the halls louder than you! I could surrender, but I’d Just be pretending, no, I’d Rather be dead than live a lie; Burn the white flag! Burn the white flag!
Florence + the Machine - “Hospital Beds” I got one friend laying across from me! I did not choose him; he did not choose me, We’ve got no chance of recovery! Laying in hospital, joy and misery, joy and misery
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For Kastle Radio week:
A companion playlist for the U Never Lie To Me fic series me & @thesandwich-savedme are doing. Sorry not sorry they’re all happy/sappy country songs but we love this.
Wanted/Hunter Hayes  The Fighter/Keith Urban feat. Carrie Underwood  Get Me Some Of That/Thomas Rhett  You Do The Talkin’/Chris Young  Hey Pretty Girl/Kip Moore  In Love With The Girl/Luke Bryan  Point At You/Justin Moore  Hard to Love/Lee Brice  Just a Kiss/Lady Antebellum Making Memories of Us/Keith Urban Don’t/Billy Currington  Gettin’ You Home/Chris Young  Star of the Show/Thomas Rhett  Don’t Ya/Brett Eldredge  Lovin’ You Is Fun/Easton Corbin  Already Callin’ You Mine/Parmalee   Nothin’ Like You/Dan+Shay  I Like The Sound Of That/Rascal Flatts  Kiss You Tonight/David Nail  Everything I Shouldn’t Be Thinkin’ About/Thompson Square
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ao3feed-daredevil · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xblZxy
by edourado
This was my entrance for #kastleradio week. I can't seem to be able to stray far from the "Frank takes care of Karen" trope.
Words: 1154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 81 of Hell's Kitchen Chronicles
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Frank Castle, Karen Page
Relationships: Frank Castle/Karen Page
Additional Tags: kastle - Freeform, Drabble, kastleradio
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xblZxy
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w00wzerz · 7 years
Desires Kastle FF *(explicit content)*
“Frank,” she exhales through a gasp. Her teeth clenching for dear life onto her bottom lip with each rhythmic thrust.
Just what the hell have you done to me?
Her mind in flutters.
He moans from the deepening fingertips digging further into his flesh.
“Don’t stop,” she mutters through gritted teeth. Wrapping her long legs around his waist.
He accepts her request nodding silently in return, melting as he arrives to the very depths of his yearning pleasures.
{Song: Melt Away by Mariah Carey}
{90s Bop} #KastleRadioWeek 😉
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thevampirecat · 7 years
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Try to kill it all away But I remember everything
~ Hurt, Nine Inch Nails
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goddamnitkastle · 7 years
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#KastleRadio Week  Day 7: The Secret’s In The Telling by Dashboard Confessional
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carry-the-sky · 7 years
#14 from the prompt list! Either kastle or kalagang (so happy to see you writing again :))
Thank you so much for sending one in and for being soooooo patient, you’re a literal angel. :) I’m so sorry this is short and only kinda/sorta follows the prompt - bad case of writer’s block + sickness kinda killed the inspiration muse, but I really hope you still enjoy!
Inspired by Lord Huron’s “The Night We Met”
Just this once, the universe responds
Punisher, they call him.
Karen stares down at his x-ray, ghosts her fingers over the bullet hole in his skull and thinks, who are you, really?
(Sometimes she lies awake at night and asks herself the same question. She always falls asleep waiting for an answer.)
“It’s just a nickname,” Foggy tells her. It’s the morning after the Metro General shooting and he’d walked into the office to find her still awake, scouring the hospital’s morgue reports on her laptop and imagining her name at the top of each one.
“Yeah, well, what if I deserve it?” She says it without hesitation, without really thinking and she realizes her mistake too late as she glances up to see her friend’s bright eyes narrowed with confusion.
“What’re you talking about -”
“Nothing,” she interrupts, forcing a smile. “Nothing, I’m fine.” Her face feels stiff and wrong and she knows Foggy isn’t buying it, but he doesn’t push. She can’t tell if she’s relieved or disappointed.
Punisher, they call him. They don’t know that in a past life, he used to sing along to ‘70s funk records.
“I really can’t picture it,” she says as they turn the corner out of the hotel’s parking garage. It’s been a few minutes since either of them have spoken and the silence is making her restless. “You and that song. You and…singing.”
Frank shrugs, keeps his eyes on the road but his lips pinch into something resembling a smirk. “Guess we’re both full of surprises.”
She darts a glance in his direction. His face is a blur of shadow and streetlight and reminds her of one of those abstract paintings that almost looks like something real, something tangible.
Who are you? she wants to ask.
“Where are we going?” she says instead.
“Somewhere with coffee,” he grumbles, thumb tapping against the steering wheel. “I’m fuckin’ beat.”
She can’t help the laugh that tumbles out of her throat. “You could try, I don’t know, actually sleeping sometime.”
“I sleep.”
He sounds indignant, almost, and she digs her nails into her palms to keep from laughing again. “Getting knocked unconscious doesn’t count.”
He’s actually smiling now, teeth and all. “Shit, you gonna check my vitals next? Make sure I’m eatin’ three squares a day?”
“Shut up,” she mutters, ducks her head to hide the smile blossoming on her lips. Her hair still smells like gunsmoke and her whole body aches from Frank knocking her to the ground but for the first time since the trial, she can breathe. She can breathe.
(This is the part where she reminds herself that she had a life before Frank Castle, before red hospital tape and vigilantes and diners in neighborhoods that are a little sketchy. This is the part where she reminds herself that he complicates things, he complicates everything and she needs to walk away before she forgets that she can -)
Who the hell are you, she thinks six months later, sitting across from him in another diner that looks like it’s straight out of a horror movie, only this time, just this once, she doesn’t really want an answer.
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thesummerfox · 7 years
I’m already 25 songs into my playlist for Kastle Radio Week, haha. Is anyone else compiling everything they usually write to?
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edourado · 7 years
My humble entry for #kastleradio week. I plan on writting a big, steamier piece, but this has been sitting around in my brain for a while, I thought this was a good week to write it down and post it. 
I cannot resist the “Frank takes care of Karen” trope. Won’t even try. 
This was inspired by the song “Gravity”, by Sarah Bareilles. 
I hope you enjoy. 
Much love.
An explosion. A fucking explosion.
He knew Karen was careless - despite her many claims otherwise - but to be caught in an explosion was a little too much.
Still, she kept insisting she was fine.
He climbed through her window not twenty minutes after finding out what happened - and not really thinking about how quickly he would drop everything at the mention of her name - and found her in bed.
Frank masked the sigh of relief that left him with an irritated scoff.
“You're something else, did you know that?” he told her, closing her window and walking towards her. At least she had the decency of looking sheepish. “Let me see”, he asked, sitting by the edge of her bed after shedding his coat and his vest.
She had bruises and cuts and scrapes on her face, her neck, her shoulder, her arms, her legs. When he pressed, she told him a heavy chunk of metal flew right at her ribs, and she was having some trouble standing straight. Nothing was broken, though.
“Have you been to a doctor?”
“Yes, Frank, of course I have.”
“And you're taking time off work.”
She nodded.
“I'm gonna kill Red”, he said, suddenly incredibly irritated, shocked, even, that he wasn't informed about her, he spent almost 24 hours not knowing, not even imagining she was caught up in the explosion that almost made Max bark out of his skin.
“I asked him not to tell you”, she confessed.
“Why in the name of fuck-”
“Because I knew you were gonna fuss!”
He fixed her with a hard look, and he was impressed. Most soldiers under him couldn’t sustain that. Karen Page did.
“I don't fuss, ma’am. And that was a stupid ass thing to do.”
She looked at him.
“Which thing?”
“The list is long”, he said, covering her back up. “Do you need anything?”
“Frank, I told you, I'm-”
“Just tell me if you need anything, you stubborn woman”, he breathed out, getting up from her bed. He felt too dirty and her linens looked too clean.
“Well”, she said after a second. “Now that you asked, I could eat.”
He put his cap on and left, her dinner order memorized. When he came back, this time entering through the front door, he had a duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Are you moving in?” She asked, trying to sit up.
“For a while, yes I am.”
They were passed the stage where he refused to occupy her space. Her old couch had the imprint of his back on it, until she got rid of it and got a new one, more comfortable. He didn't sleep there as often as he liked (also another thing he was past doing: telling himself he didn't like crashing at her place), but it had happened.
“I already have a nurse, you know”, she said and he looked her way while dropping the bag on the chair by the window. She was mostly teasing, that small smile that could tear down walls appearing.
He liked to think that that was his smile. A strange unpleasant feeling surged inside him when he imagined her smiling like that at someone else.
“Where’s Max?” she asked.
“Red has him.”
She laughed weakly.
“I’d like to see Matt taking care of a dog.”
Frank shed his coat again, and placed the bag with her food on her bedside table, walking to the kitchen to get a tray.
When he came back, she was moving about the bed a bit, and he rushed to help.
"I can do it, I can do it, it's OK”, she said when he reached for her.
With the skeptical look, Frank let her try and sit up by herself, but she hissed and screwed her eyes shut.
“Ow, ow, ow, shit”, she exclaimed under her breath and took the hand he offered.
“Cracked ribs, ma’am. They're a bitch.”
When he was done placing pillows behind her back and under her elbows and making sure she was not feeling pain, he placed the tray and the food in front of her.
They ate together, she in bed and him sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, listening as she told him about being caught in the explosion of the office of a gangster.
“And why the hell were you interviewing a gangster?” He asked after swallowing his forkful of food.
“He was looking to take the place vacated by Cornell Stokes. Someone has to expose his true colors. It was a good story.”
He clicked his tongue disapprovingly and ate another bite, watching as she took the fork to her mouth slowly.
“Well, now he’s dead.”
When they were done eating, he asked if she wanted coffee, and she shook her head.
"Ok”, he whispered, taking the tray and the dishes to the kitchen. “Ok if I take a shower?” He asked when he came back with the steaming mug, placing it on her bedside table.
She smiled.
“If you're going to live here, I hope showers are a regular thing", she said, teasing again. "Do you mind if I brush my teeth first?"
Frank helped her up, mindful of her scrapes and her bruises, a hand supporting her ribs while she took slow, measured steps towards the bathroom, her right hand tight around his.
She was wearing a big shirt and small pajama shorts, and a small part of his brain registered that he liked that she was so comfortable around him, not even feeling the need to wrap a robe around herself.
Frank took his shower after she took her painkillers and was sipping on tea, assuring him she would be able to lie back down by herself.
When he exited the bathroom, he felt refreshed, wearing sweatpants and a clean shirt. Karen was lying down, but he still adjusted the pillows against her.
"Hey", she called when he moved to go to the living room and settle for the night. "You don't have to take the couch… If you don't want to", she said, voice soft.
He looked at her for a second, considering, trying to convince himself not to.
"I promise I won't kick you”, she said in a whisper, blinking slowly.
There were several reasons for him to take the vacant spot by her side. She might need to get up during the night, he might need to get her a glass of water, she might feel some pain, he should keep an eye on her ribs, her mattress would be better for his back than the couch, she might feel safer with him there, they were both adults in the 21st century.   
All those things were true. The one thing that made him say “Ok” and settle by her, watching as she turned on her side, facing him, and watch her face until she fell asleep was not on that list.
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