#katara thought the spa in ba sing se was fun?
the-badger-mole · 2 years
I have this idea for an ATLA fic that has our intrepid team meeting aliens and accidentally getting "abducted". The aliens are us (and other inhabitants from around the universes, but it's basically a generation ship). I have no real reason for wanting to do this except to have the characters interact with things from our world without having to set a story in our world.
Also, I just really want to have a moment with Ty Lee reacting to the fact that she can have bright pink hair (one of the aliens is an aspiring hair dresser) and there is a whole scene of Ty Lee seeing all the different hair possibilities and an never wanting to leave the ship. Is this fic ever going to get written? Who knows? I just like thinking about it and I thought I'd share.
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Have Some Meta Thoughts I'm Having About Avatar and That One Time Toph and Katara Went to the Spa and Why I Actually Don't Hate It
Because this is my blog and I do what want *nods firmly to self*
Still gonna put it under a cut though because it's gonna get long
Okay, so, I'm rewatching Avatar right now just for fun, and I just got to Tales of Ba Sing Se, and now I'm having a lot of thoughts about this plotline. Normally I'm not a huge fan of the "girls day out at the spa because we're surrounded by boys all the time and need to do some girly things" kind of plotline. Instinctually, I prefer the way Amphibia did it when Anne tries to take Polly to the spa, where Polly still isn't a fan of the spa by the end of the episode and it's revealed the two boys, Sprig and Hop Pop, like the spa a lot more. But I actually really like the way Avatar did this plotline in Tales of Ba Sing Se, enough that other than the obvious Iroh choice, it's my favorite of the stories in the episodes, and I'm gonna go over why.
First of all, and I think this helps a lot overall, Avatar has a lot of episodes where it goes into the idea of girls not having to like all girly things and that they can fight and kick ass at it too. No one who tries to put down Toph or Katara because they're girls (or for any other reason for that matter) is going to last very long. That's actually proven near the end of the mini story when they mess up those girls who make fun of them, and that helps it too.
But I actually really like the spa parts, even more than the "beat up the jerks" part. I like that Toph ends up enjoying it, despite being unsure at first. I like that Katara is okay with Toph's own way of messing around and having fun, like when she makes the alien face by earthbending the mud. I like that they both use their bending to relax in a sauna. And I actually really like that at the end, Toph says she had fun and is enjoying feeling girly. Because actually, I've had those days too.
In case whoever's reading this doesn't know, I identify as what I tend to call a nonbinary woman. I feel fully like a nonbinary person and fully like a woman at the same time, most of the time. (Don't ask me how that works, I don't fully understand it either, it's just how I feel.) I didn't feel super connected to my "girl" identity growing up. I actually look pride in being a "tomboy" a lot of the time. But I still had days where, for one reason or another, I wanted to lean into it. Times when I was a kid and wanted to wear a dress just for the heck of it, or paint my nails, or wear something sparkly and pink. Sometimes the novelty of it was fun, or I wanted to feel connected to that "girl" part of myself that felt either out of reach or unimportant most of the time.
And for that reason, I see a lot of myself in Toph in this story. She comes across to me as wanting to connect with her oft-intentionally-neglected femininity, and I like that that's something she gets to do without being any less of a badass or any less Toph. That's a mistake made by a lot of people who write strong female characters, making the character look down on femininity as a whole. But to parrot what's said by Suki a season earlier, Toph is a badass, but she's a girl too. She can be both.
The other part I really like is how Katara comforts her after they get rid of the jerkish assholes who just want to put them both down. Katara starts with "Those girls don't know what they're talking about," and then Toph responds that one of the good things about being blind is that she's never worried about appearances and doesn't care what she looks like and isn't looking for anyone's approval. But despite that, it's obvious to both Katara the audience that it did get to her. Because of course it did! When you're cautiously exploring a neglected (intentionally or not) part of your identity, that's often a vulnerable place to be in. And if someone then insults you for that very thing you're exploring, it hurts like a bitch.
But Katara doesn't acknowledge her tears or keep going with how wrong the girls were, she instead turns it back on Toph's strong points: "That's what I really admire about you, Toph. You're so strong, and confident." She turns it onto things that they both know Toph is, and tells Toph she admires that about her. And then to top it all off, she validates the things that Toph was enjoying before: "And I know it doesn't matter, but... you're really pretty."
Honestly, that line makes me tear up every time. Because that's Katara validating the very thing that Toph was insecure about. Toph's "I don't care what I look like and I can be confident in that," responded to with, "I admire that about you, and also, if you ever do want to feel pretty, know that you are." And the inner little girl me just melts.
I love this plotline because it doesn't move away from Katara and Toph's characters to let them be stereotypically girly, it explores how Katara and Toph would be stereotypically girly, and then validates them in being allowed to do that.
And I'm really glad I got this episode as a kid, because now on days that I do feel like painting my nails or wearing a dress, I can go into it knowing that it doesn't take away from me in any way. And that's just a really nice, really validating message to hear. And I'm glad Avatar took the time to say it.
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gemgirl28 · 3 years
Okay I got inspired by dictatormandi's top 5 questions for you so here are few more. Your top 5 Katara moments? Your top 5 Zuko moments? And of course, your top 5 Zutara moments from the show?
Hello again dear! Ooooh lots of more fun distractions!
Top 5 Katara moments:
1. When she LITERALLY fights the patriarchy and shoots to kill Pakku
2. Her and Toph's spa day in Ba Sing Se (or really anytime she and Toph are bonding).
3. "I can be funny!" *puts Momo on her head*
4. When she and Sokka bond over how she'll never turn her back on people and he'll never turn his back on her.
5. When she ACTUALLY stops the rain.
Top 5 Zuko moments:
1. "Take a bite out of the silver sandwich"
3. It's so cliche but "That's rough buddy" will never not be funny.
4. Theater nerd Zuko "They always butchered Love Amongst the Dragons".
5. "Have you learned your lesson?" "I have. Completely" THE SMIRK.
Top 5 Zutara moments:
1. All of The Southern Raiders. All. Of. It.
2. The scar touching! I thought they were gonna kiss and was so mad when they didn't!
3. "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun." Like why was it necessary for him to be so damn poetic if they aren't soulmates?
4. When Zuko shoves Aang out of the way to sit beside Katara and then she flirty teases him during EIP.
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years
Just Us With Some Hugging - Part 2
Let me just say how incredibly nice everyone has been?? You all are amazing and I really hope you like Part 2 as much as Part 1. Speaking of, if you haven’t read Part 1, read it first! Masterlist
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Summary: Zuko asks you to be his fake girlfriend to stop his Uncle’s matchmaking. Angst and fluff
(GIF is not mine and has nothing to do with the story. Zuko just looks fine;))
Just Us and Some Hugging- Part 2
There were a few moments of perfect silence as you kissed, the calm before the storm. The music of the party faded away, and it was just the two of you. This is what people write about, you think. This is what all the girls talk about. Kissing Zuko is as powerful as his fire. The energy around you sizzles, and maybe you are burning.
You pull away, slightly breathless, eyes still closed.
“Y/N...” Zuko whispers.
And then reality hits you like one of Ba Sing Se’s trains.
“Oh no.” Flies out of your mouth before you can help it. “No, no.” How could you be so stupid?
You knew he didn’t feel that way about you. You knew this would all blow up in your face. All those feelings had just been burning under your skin, ready to combust at a moments notice. And the soft way he had said your name solidified it all. That’s the voice people used when they were about to reject someone.
Zuko’s eyebrows pulled together over his amber eyes.
“Y/n?” He asked, as you backed away from him.
Tears filled your eyes. You knew he was working out what to say to you, how to let you down the easiest. You couldn’t bear to hear it.
“I’m...I’m sorry.” You choke out, and then you are running.
You barely make it back to the house when you break down. Luckily no one is there, so you pound your way up the stairs and slam your door shut. How could you kiss him?
You had single handedly ruined the best thing in your life by being a complete idiot. You could have lied, said you were doing it for the show. You could have spun it so you could both brush it off and pretend nothing happened.
Instead, you had ran, telling him exactly what that kiss meant to you. Did you really have no self control, or did you just like being a masochist?
Slowly you head to the small bathroom to change out of your simple green dress. With a groan you remember that tonight wasn’t even the real party. Tomorrow is the honorary ceremony, and the reason you came. It’s the one that you brought your best gown for. The one that you thought would make Zuko fall madly in love with you. What an idiot.
Wiping the rest of your makeup away, you make your way miserably to your room and pull the soft bed covers over your head. What were you going to do about tomorrow? You couldn’t face Zuko after what you’d done. How could he even still want to pretend to date you after that?
You could try and catch a train. There wouldn’t be one tonight, but surely there would be one early tomorrow. Then you could go quietly and avoid making this situation any worse than it already was. You try to plan what you’ll do after that. You had lived at the palace your whole life, and you really had no where else to go. You knew that Zuko would never kick you out, his honor would forbid it even if you weren’t friends any more. Even so, you didn’t think you could stand it.
Maybe you could just say you were drunk. So drunk that you acted like a complete lunatic. You’d only had one drink, but maybe Zuko didn’t know that. Ugh. You were a disaster.
Someone opens the door and shuts up your inner monologue. You hadn’t heard any drunken stumbling, so you knew it wasn’t Toph or Sokka. Katara and Aang were too preoccupied to come check on you. Suki would undoubtedly be wherever Sokka was, and anyways you weren’t close enough to check up on one another. That left one person.
You freeze, grateful that you’re under the covers and he can’t see your face. You try to breathe as evenly as possible to make him think you’re asleep. Zuko stands there for an immeasurable amount of time, and you can feel that same energy from before connecting you. Now it’s even more magnetic, and all you want is to go to him. You forcefully lock your muscles into place. You will do no more harm tonight.
“I know you’re awake.” He says lowly, and you clench you’re eyes shut. You are not leaving this bed.
He stands there a little longer, giving you the chance to acknowledge him. When you make no effort to speak to him, Zuko leaves with a sigh and shuts the door quietly behind him. You don’t hear his footsteps as he walks away, but he’s always been a silent walker.
When enough time has passed, you let your body relax. Your pounding heart is loud in your ears, and you fall asleep replaying the exchange over and over.
“Spill.” A voice wakes you up.
Toph lounges leisurely on your bed, one leg underneath her and the other planted firmly on the floor.
“Toph what are you doing?” You groan, rolling back over. It’s too early to be dealing with this.
“I want to know why you and lover boy are pretending to date, and I also want to know why he’s depressed as hell this morning.” She snarks.
You sit straight up in bed, heart pounding.
“What time is it?” You ask frantically! If everyone is awake downstairs then you’ve missed you’re opportunity to leave.
“9. Why?” Toph flicks her loose hair over her shoulder. You had never seen her hair down before.
“Doesn’t matter now.” You say moodily.
Toph’s face lights up like she’s figured something out. Not good.
“You were going to leave!” She says jumping up. She’s being way too loud, and you know if she keeps it up everyone will hear her.
“Toph! Hush!” You admonish, scrambling out of bed and slapping a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.
“Tell me everything or I’m telling.” She says, words muffled by your hand.
You quickly try to debate your options. You didn’t want Toph to tell anyone that you were going to run away, it was too embarrassing. Especially because they’d ask why, and Zuko would have the answer.
“Ugh ok, ok!” You remove you hand from Toph’s mouth and cross your arms. Toph mimics you and raises her chin.
“Well?” She asks. And then you spill.
It all comes out like word vomit. You tell her about the fake dating, about your feelings, and then the kiss.
“You kissed him, ran away screaming ‘no’, and you think he’s the one that doesn’t like you?” She asks incredulously.
“Toph it’s not like that. He was about to reject me, ok? He was using that voice, and his expression. You would understand if you had been there.” You defend.
Perhaps you could see what she was saying. Maybe it did look like you kissed him and ran away screaming, but he was seconds away from doing it himself. You were just saving him the embarrassment. Your argument sounds pathetic even to yourself, but you know you’re right about his feelings. Zuko could never feel that way for you. You weren’t a badass bender or even someone with a noble title, like Mai. You were just you, and you weren’t good enough for Zuko.
“So that’s why he’s sitting downstairs, depressed as hell, pretending to eat breakfast while he watches the door.” Toph sasses you.
“Toph he’s not depressed. He’s.... grossed out.”
Toph rolls her eyes for effect, and shakes her head.
“Idiot.” She mumbles. You aren’t even offended because it’s the truth.
“Toph, I don’t know what to do. I can’t keep this up anymore. That’s why I was going to leave early this morning.” You tell her.
Toph considers it for a minute, and then takes a seat on your bed.
“I think you should talk to him.” She says at last.
“No!” You shake your head vehemently. “I can’t. No way.”
“He’s probably scared and nervous too you know.” Toph says, and it may be the most gentle tone she’s ever used.
You try to imagine a nervous Zuko. You’d seen it a few times, when he came back from exile, or before a really big council meeting. That wasn’t the Zuko you had seen last night.
“He isn’t.” You say with finality.
“I still think you’re an idiot.” Toph says, getting off your bed and adjusting her green tunic. “But if you aren’t going to talk to him, we’ll just have to keep you apart as much as possible.”
Toph’s idea of keeping you and Zuko apart came in the form of a girls’ day. She had even convinced Katara and Suki to come.
Toph had given you some time to change, and then she had whisked you all away to a spa that she and Katara liked.
“We might as well get pampered before our big night.” Toph says, sarcastically. Katara rolls her eyes, and starts leading the group through the cheery streets. Ba Sing Se is even more decorated today then it had been yesterday.
“Are you feeling better, y/n?” Suki asks. “Zuko said you felt sick last night and had to go home early, before he left to check on you.”
Color flushes your cheeks as the wide eyed girl smiles at you kindly.
“Y-yes.” You say. “I’m feeling much better.”
“I bet Zuko helped with that.” Katara giggles, and all the other girls join in.
“Ok, ok knock it off.” You say, laughing uncomfortably. A flash of heat tears through you as you remember Zuko standing at your door.
“Come on ladies, we’re here!” Toph says, ending the Zuko conversation. You would feel more grateful if she hadn’t laughed at you.
The spa day turns out to be rather fun. You enjoy spending time with the girls, and the spa workers are excellent at their jobs. They have you all in tip top shape by the time you leave later that afternoon.
You’re on pins and needles as you near the house. Will Zuko be waiting? You bad barely managed to avoid him this morning, and now you didn’t know how to act around him. Did he still want you to keep up the act? Maybe Toph was right, you should have talked to him.
The house is empty when you all return, and you don’t know why it’s both a relief and a disappointment. Katara teases you for looking for Zuko, and you make a jab back at her about Aang.
There still a few hours left before you have to get ready, so everyone goes their separate ways for a nap.
You just make it through the door of your room, when it slams shut behind you.
You let out a shriek, and whirl around to find Zuko blocking the door. His arms are crossed, and his dark hair is down, strands falling over his eyes. His face is blank, and that’s how you know he’s mad. He also looks unbelievably sexy.
“Zuko? You gave me a heart attack!” You whisper shout at him. “What are you doing here?”
“You’re ignoring me.” Zuko says, icily.
“I am not.” You say, and you wish that you could come up with something better.
Zuko arches an eyebrow in response.
“I’m not!” You flush. “What are you doing hiding in my room?” You try and deflect.
“Oh? Well let’s see. I was dancing with my best friend and then she kissed me. And then to make everything better, she ran off screaming. Now she’s ignoring me when I try to talk to her about it, so I have to ambush her to get her to speak to me!” His chest is heaving when he’s done ranting, and your heart is pounding.
It makes everything different, speaking it out loud. Hearing him tell it. He wanted to talk to you about it, and you hadn’t the slightest idea what to say. You open and close your mouth a few times, trying desperately to find the words.
Zuko watches, eyes boring into yours mercilessly. You know he’s not going to leave until he gets an answer.
“I don’t know what to say.” You admit, blushing. “I was drunk.”
You decide to give the excuse a try. You know he doesn’t buy it, because he pushes off of the door and moves to stand in front of you.
“Drunk? Off of one glass of champagne. Come on y/n, I’ve been out drinking with you. I know you aren’t that much of a lightweight.”
That damned electricity is there, humming again.
“I was drunk.” You repeat again. You heard somewhere that it’s better to stick with the same lie than try to alter it.
“Really.” Zuko says, moving even closer. He’s too close, and your breaths mingle. You’re craning your neck to keep eye contact with him. If he bends down even a little..... No! That kind of thinking got you here in the first place.
“Drunk is really what you’re sticking with?” He murmurs, leaning down just a fraction more. He’s immobilizing you with his eyes.
“Uh huh...” you say, getting caught up in it all.
“Fine.” He says, abruptly. “I hope you can hold your liquor tonight.” He says angrily, but his eyes are telling you something else, something you can’t quite decipher.
He gives you a final searching look, and then marches out the door. This time he lets it slam shut.
It takes all of ten minutes for you to burst into Toph’s room. She’s asleep but you shake her awake, giving her no time to wake up before you tell her what just happened.
When she wakes up enough to understand what you’re telling her, her face twists into an evil grin.
“Don’t worry y/n. I know just the thing to do.”
The thing to do is apparently get you ready for the celebration. Toph gets Suki and Katara, both of whom look like they’ve been doing something other than sleeping. Toph instructs them that they have to make you look pretty for Zuko.
“We have to make her irresistible, ladies. I’m talking the works. Y/n, go get your dress and bring it in here. Suki, Katara go get your stuff too. Bring all the makeup girls, we’re in for a night.”
The girls do an impressively good job getting ready. You all help each other with make up and hair, but they leave you for last. Suki tackles your makeup, while Katara weaves your hair into a masterpiece. They spend what feels like hours pressing various powders into your skin, and wrapping your hair around the curler.
When they’re finished, you look absolutely stunning.
“Oh my!” You say, turning your head at every angle. Your makeup highlights all of you features, and your hair is in an intricate updo. You feel like crying, never in your life have you felt so desirable. You force your tears away before they can ruin all of Suki’s hard work.
“You look gorgeous.” Toph says, and then laughs at her own joke. You roll your eyes, but hug her all the same.
“Ok, enough mushiness.” She says, punching you in the arm. “It’s time for the dress.”
You unzip the garment bag, and show them the brilliant dress. The ballgown is a deep crimson, embroidered with gold and red gemstones. They twist and turn around the bodice, patterned after flames.
“Oh wow.” Katara says as they help you step into it. She zips you up and spins you around to face the mirror. Everyone is speechless as they look at you.
“Zuko is going to lose his mind.”
Your stomach is in knots as you descend the stairs. You don’t know if your anxiety can handle this. After the bedroom incident, you don’t know if you can control yourself around him. He had been there, so close, and you had wanted to kiss him again. You clearly hadn’t learned any valuable lessons.
The boys are goofing around downstairs, when they notice you all. Aang airbends to Katara, lifting her into a hug.
“You’re gorgeous.” He says, kissing her boldly.
Sokka’s mouth is on the ground as he takes in Suki, and Toph snaps it shut for him helpfully. Toph looks incredible too, her green dress accentuating her usually hidden curves.
You look at Zuko last, unsure of what expression you’ll find there. When you finally see him, you think you’ll combust right then and there.
Zuko is devastatingly handsome. You know this, you’ve always known this. But it’s different tonight, when he’s dressed in a traditional firebender suit that matches your dress perfectly. His hair is away from his face, and even though you like it better wild, when it’s up he looks like a man. No, he looks like a Firelord.
His eyes are nearly golden when he looks at you. His expression is no longer guarded or angry, in fact you would say he looked awed.
“Breathe, dude.” Sokka reminds him as you approach. Zuko is still not saying anything, so you take it upon yourself to make the first move.
“Zuko.” You smile softly at him. You aren’t sure where the tenderness comes from, especially because you’re still embarrassed and a little unsure. But when he looks at you like that, it makes it all seem like nothing.
“I think you killed him, y/n.” Sokka accuses you. Toph laughs but shakes her head.
“Oh no, he’s very much alive.” She says, wiggling her eyebrows.
That seems to snap him out of whatever trance he is in, because he shoots Toph a dirty look. He turns back to look at you, and blinks again.
“Y/n. You look....” he starts, but is cut off by Iroh bursting through the door.
“Is everyone ready?” He asks, excitedly. His eyes land on you and Zuko, and they fill with tears.
“Oh my. You’re all so grown up!” He says. “We should have a painting done.”
“Uncle, the celebration will be over by the time the artist finishes.” Zuko says. His voice is raspy and low and it’s doing incredible things to your nerves, like internally lighting you on fire.
“You’re right, you’re right. Come on everyone!”
As you shuffle out of the door, Zuko offers you his arm. You try not to read into it as you wind yours delicately through his.
The celebration is bittersweet as always. The Gaang is honored for their heroism, and then there is the traditional moment of silence for those lives lost. Zuko grabs your hand during this, and you give it a squeeze. Talking about the people lost to violence gives you a new perspective on things.
Life is fleeting, and every moment should be made to count. You watch Zuko out of the corner of your eye, and start to think. Maybe you should be honest with him about your feelings. If he rejected you then at least you knew. Maybe it was time you really started living.
Your musings are broken by the cheers of the audience, and then the music begins playing and the party is officially in full swing.
You’re smooshed around the same table again, and it briefly feels like fate is giving you a do over. Or it’s being cruel. You can’t really decide.
Zuko hadn’t touched you since he grabbed your hand. No one notices with all of the excitement, but you notice. And it’s bothering you.
Toph and Sokka are currently rematching their previous drinking game, and this time Suki is joining them. Katara and Aang are still making eyes at each other, engaged in a whispered conversation. Zuko is stiff beside you, looking at everyone else but you.
You think back to what you told him when this all started. “We both know I’d have to make the first move.” Zuko means everything to you, and his friendship does too. But now that you personally know what it’s like to kiss him, to dance with him, to hold his hand, you can’t let it go. You can’t go back to the way things were, and it’s time you do something about it.
“Let’s dance.” You say, and you grab Zuko’s arm leading him to the dance floor. It’s funny how the roles have reversed.
Zuko doesn’t protest, but he doesn’t seem overly enthused either. You’re not nearly as graceful or trained as he is when it comes to dancing, so you don’t quite integrate as smoothly with the other dancers. After a few bumps and apologies, Zuko rolls his eyes and takes the lead.
You let him whirl you around for a minute as you build up your nerve. His hands send tingles through your body everywhere they touch.
“Zuko...” you start. His eyes find yours and then you finally right your wrong and spit it out. “I wasn’t drunk.”
Ok so it was less poetic than you intended. You’re still doing better than before.
Zuko stares at you, and you know he’s waiting for you to finish.
“I kissed you, because I’m in love with you. I have been for a really long time, and I know you don’t feel that way about me. That’s why I ran. I was so scared that I had ruined our friendship forever.... but it doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter?” Zuko asks, brows pinching together as he tries to decipher your meaning. His eyes are doing that thing where they pin you in place, but this time you let yourself feel it all. You’re done fighting.
“It doesn’t matter, because I can’t pretend anymore. I’m done fighting it Zuko. I love you, and I can’t pretend that I don’t.”
Slowly, Zuko’s lips curl into a smile and he starts leaning in.
“Are you drunk right now?” He asks. You shake your head, biting your lip to keep from smiling.
“No.” You say.
He leans even closer, and connects his forehead to yours. “How about now?”
“N-” but Zuko cuts you off with a kiss before you can finish your sentence.
This kiss is as passionate as the one before, except this time you fully lose yourself in it. Zuko kisses like he firebends, with an intensity and passion you’ve never experienced from anyone else. He pulls you to him, holding you there as he explores your mouth with his tongue. One of his hands sneaks up to cradle your face, and his thumb gently caresses your cheekbone.
When you finally pull away for air, you’re grinning. Zuko laughs a little breathlessly and rests his forehead on yours. He resumes your swaying.
“I’m case if that wasn’t clear, I love you too. When you ran away, I thought you were disgusted.” He laughs. You let your fingers trace over his face, his scar, and they finally stop on his lips.
You raise your eyes to meet his.
“Definitely not disgusted.” You say, and then kiss him again for emphasis. This kiss is sweeter and shorter. It’s a promise.
“So where does that leave us?” He asks, and it’s adorable how timid he sounds.
“Just us.” You tell him smiling. “And some kissing.”
A/N: Hey everyone, I know that this was super long but you all loved it so much I felt like you deserved it. I hope this lived up to everyone’s expectations:) Don’t forget to hit me up for requests, I do write for multiple fandoms. I’m going to get to my other requests this week, so keep an eye out for those. You can find everything I write under the tag slythergirlimagines. I hope I tagged everyone who asked, but if for some reason I missed you please let me know and I’ll add you!
Taglist: @darthsokaaa @a-random-queer-kid @astralsaf @myqueennadia @marvel-ing-at-it-all @galacticamidala @royahllty @whatthef-ckisupkyle @taeeemin @realimbo
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
Could u do 8 and 61 for Sokka?
prompt 8: seductive kiss prompt 61: hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of skin that makes them break the kiss with a gasp ___
** takes place during Tales of Ba Sing Se **
You weren’t exactly sure about spending the entire day with Sokka, you didn’t often have alone time with him, and that’s how you liked it.  Too much time alone and you would say something goofy and let your feelings slip out, and you simply couldn’t have that, could you?
However, the other options weren’t all too enticing either.
You could have had a girl’s day with Katara and Toph, go to a spa, get all done up, but you weren’t the type.  Neither was Toph- but she hadn’t gotten the choice.  You were the lucky one.
You could have joined Aang in his hunt for Appa, and you truly had considered it, but the young Avatar was so worked up about it that you didn’t want to get in the way.
And so that left you with Sokka, alone, in the apartment.
“Let’s go out!” The boy declared.
You looked up from where you’d been intently focused on a book you’d picked up- you’d planned on reading it front to cover tonight, just to keep some distance- and you found Sokka standing before you, grinning ear to ear.
“Um, out?” You mumble, weakly, unsurely.
“Yeah! Let’s just get out of here and find something cool to do,” Sokka suggested, waving his hands in hopes of getting you to put your book down and come with him.  “We can go wherever you want...?”
Your mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to think of a good excuse, a justified reason as to why you couldn’t do that.  But none came to mind, and you only ended up stammering.
“I- I don’t know, I’m in pajamas and the others will be home soon I think-” 
“So? Get dressed!” Sokka said, and you winced a little, realizing it was a terrible excuse.
“Sokka... I just don’t know about-” 
“Alright, enough of this,” He stepped forward, taking your book and being sure to mark your page before tossing it aside.  “Come on! You need to liven up a little!”
He reached out, taking your hands and tugging until you stood, gaping even more.
“Come on, please? Please (y/n/n)? Can we just go do one fun stupid thing together?”
You opened your mouth to protest, but he was begging you, and the puppy dog look in his eyes was impossible to reject.
So you sighed, and headed towards your room.
“Just let me change into some normal clothes, I’ll be right out” 
Sokka cheered silently and fist pumped the air a couple times while your back was turned. ___
“You clean up nice when you’re not moping!” 
You roll your eyes, although you’re blushing, and stuff your hands into your pockets.
“I wasn’t moping,” You argued.  “I just really wanted to finish my book” 
“You can finish it anytime!” Sokka retorted, gazing down at you fondly although he was scolding you.
He couldn’t help it, you looked so pretty in the Earth-Kingdom-green outfit you wore, even when you were pouting up at him.
“We don’t have all the time in the world to just explore the city, you know?” He asks, and you duck your head down, knowing you can’t disagree with that.
It’s quiet between the two of you as you wander along the streets in search of something to do.  And if you weren’t so lost in your thoughts, you probably would have felt awkward being alone with him like this.
Sokka, on the other hand, thought his heart was going to explode from the nerves.
“Are you hungry? We could get dinner,” He offered, desperate to fill the silence between you.  “Oh! Or we could go see a show or something?”
“A show?” You ask, quirking a brow up at him and fighting he urge to smirk.  “Like... a musical? Like a performance show?” You began to giggle.
“Sure! Why are you laughing?” Sokka asked, confused.  “Wouldn’t that be... fun?”
“I mean, isn’t that kind of.. a date?” You asked, your face burning up at the word alone.  “Dinner and a show?”
Upon his simple rebuttal, you were blushing harder, your wide is locking on his while you walked, but your pace significantly slowed.
“So...?” You repeated, shaking your head slightly.  “So this isn’t a date,” You tell him, shrugging your shoulders.  “We’re just getting something to eat”  ___
“I mean, it’s kind of a date” 
You glanced up at him from across the small table you were sat at.  The flame of the candle between you flickering for a moment before going still again.
“No, it really isn't” You remind him for what felt like the tenth time that night, before looking back down at your food, picking around at it.
A few minutes later, the waitress came back with a dessert on the house.
“For the lovebirds to share” She’d said.
Sokka gave you a look, before grinning and helping himself to the sweet treat.
“Don’t even say it” You muttered.
He didn’t, but he was still wearing that dopey smile of his. ___
“You really don’t think so, huh?” He brought it up again as you sat at the fountain in the town center.
“Sokka, if you bring up the date thing again-” 
“I’m just saying, you can admit it, (y/n)” He tells you, but you shake your head.
“Nothing to admit,” You shook your head, before leaning back on your hands and looking up at the stars.  “Now, would you just enjoy this one stupid fun thing?” You repeated his words back at him, smiling to yourself as you traced constellations with your eyes.
Sokka smiled as well, his gaze set on you, wearing the same fond look you had when you stargazed.
You must have felt his eyes on you, because you were turning to him suddenly, raising a brow.
“What?” You mumbled, a blush creeping up your neck as you met his gaze.
He’s silent, his smile stretching, only making the rosy hue in your face darken.
You wonder if he’s doing this on purpose, if he’s messing with you.  Maybe he likes to see you flustered, maybe he knows you’re harboring a crush on him and he just wants to see you suffer.
You’re not sure why exactly he’s looking at you like that.
But he doesn’t say anything, just mimics your position and looks up at the sky. ___
The rest of the night went smoothly, at least you thought it did, because you didn't feel like you were on the verge of throwing up butterflies.
As the pair of you walked home, laughing, talking more than you ever had before, you felt relieved that you’d let Sokka drag you out tonight.
“Thank you,” You told him as you reached the apartment.  “I was just gonna hole myself up all night-” 
“I know,” Sokka chuckles, opening the door and letting you in first.  “You do it all the time” 
You open your mouth to defend yourself, but you don’t know what to say, so you close it again, but Sokka can read the expression on your face well.
“I mean, that’s why we’ve never hung out before” He says, turning away from you as he walks further inside.
“It’s not personal” You say, quickly, before he can think you’ve been avoiding him for the wrong reasons.
You follow him into the kitchen, wringing your hands together.
He laughs at your reply, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Really? Cause we just spent the entire night together and you can barely look at me- you’re not even looking at me now-” 
“Sokka its not that-” 
“Then what is it?”
Your eyes shoot up to his then, glossy, and worried.  He doesn’t understand why, but your nerves are eating away at you.
“Sokka, I- I just...” 
You’re shaking your head, shutting your eyes, trying to find the right words, but you can’t, your anxiety is closing up your throat.
“To be honest (y/n) I like you,” 
His words make your eyes open again, your lips parting in shock.
“A lot, actually, but you just always push me away, and I don’t get why either-” 
“You like me?” You ask him, stepping closer.  “Like- as in you have feelings for me?”
It takes him a second, but he nods back.
A breathless laugh escapes you.
“I like you too,” You reply, a soft smile playing on your lips.  “That’s why I.... I didn’t want to hang out too much... you know?” 
He pauses for a moment, before walking in closer to you, taking you by surprise as his hands reached out for your jaw.
“That’s so stupid” He sighs.
You have no time to retaliate, before his lips are covering yours, and your knees almost give out beneath you.
You melt into him before you can think otherwise- like maybe your friends would be home soon- and you kiss him back fervently.
You’d been waiting for this for a while now, might as well make the most of it.
So you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you even further, properly deepening the kiss.
Sokka’s lips were warm, and soft, and it shouldn’t have surprised you, but he was a really good kisser.
His hands dropped from your face, grabbing at our hips and pulling you closer to him.  Unintentionally, or so you thought, his his hands slipped under the hem of your shirt.
But as you small sound of pleasure died in the back of your throat, he grew more confident, and suddenly both of his hands were sliding around the dip in your back, drawing small shapes into your skin and delighting in the way you gasped against his mouth, before stealing another kiss.
“We, should, um,” You panted, having a hard time collecting your words.  “We should go upstairs,” You said, taking him by surprise.  “They’re gonna be back soon” 
As he started to smirk at you, you were quick to stand on the tips of your toes, and capture a few more kisses, just because you could, and you felt like it.
“It was totally a date by the way” 
“Oh my spirits- no, it wasn’t!” You giggled, before he was picking you up and bringing you towards the stairs.
“It was,” He mumbled, sealing your lips in a kiss, holding it a few seconds longer than before.  “Just stop trying to deny it” 
You sigh, resting your forehead against his as he takes you up the stairs.
“Never,” You giggle.  “I just like to see you suffer” 
“Clearly” He mutters, leaning down and kissing you again as he made it to the top of the stairs.
Just as you were heading into his room, you could hear the front door opening downstairs, Katara and Toph waltzing in laughing and calling into the apartment that they were home.
Sokka kicked his door shut behind him. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Hey Stitch, hope you're doing well. What kind of shenanigans would you like Toph, Zuko, and Katara to get into if they reunited in LoK?
P.S. I really enjoy your Taang One Shots!
Hello! I'm doing well, bud, thanks for asking! Hope all is well with you, and thanks for the ask, love to chat :D
Hmmm, very good question! Lemme think...
I think it would be funny if they got together and went to a spa or something together. Like, Toph says that at some point, they have to leave the fighting to the kids; if she actually wants to do that, perhaps she knocks down Zuko's palace doors and is like "Grab Druk, we're picking up Katara" and the three of them go off to get massages and pampered for a day haha.
They're also really badass old people, so it would've been nice to see them fight against Kuvira and kick some mecha suit butt. And despite the previous point I made, I can see all of them agreeing to go and fight because why not.
I'm not sure if they would actually wreak any havoc like messing around with stuff in Ba Sing Se or something similar, but I think the thought is fun!
Maybe they go to Kyoshi Island or Ember Island and have a beach day!
Since they're pretty old, I can't see them going too crazy and playing pranks on the world or things like that, but I do like to imagine that they gather at a table, drink tea, maybe play Pai Sho, and just reminisce and tell jokes and stories together. Despite the fact that they haven't seen one another in a while, they're able to pick up where they left off with conversations and it's like no time has passed at all!
That's all I've got for now. Thanks again for the ask, and the kind words! I'm so glad you've been enjoying that series of mine. Definitely my main project, so I'm happy to hear that the stories I've written have been enjoyed by a few people! Also, I'm still working on your other ask, haha! I have a lot of thoughts... just gotta narrow the choices down, ya know? ;)
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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watchathon · 4 years
Book 2, Chapter 15: Tales of Ba Sing Se
In case you’re finding this post just by browsing the tags I’ve used for this post, this is the Watchathon, a blog where I’m hoping to watch an episode of a TV show every weekday, with a short blog post where I write down my thoughts as I watch. Each new thought starts with a hyphen and a bolded first word.
- Like so. Now that the introductions are over with, here’s my thoughts on Tales of Ba Sing Se:
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- It’s nice to see the daily morning routine of the Gaang when they’re not traveling the world.
- “As long as they don’t touch my feet.” *immediate cut to them touching her feet in the spa*
- I like the use of bending when Toph and Katara are in the sauna. As I’ve said before, I’m just a sucker for mundane uses of powers like this.
- Another fun use of bending? Giving bullies their comeuppance.
- This scene of Katara telling Toph all the things she admires about her is so sweet. We haven’t gotten all that much interaction between these two so far (except for The Chase, where most of their time onscreen together is spent arguing), so this is nice to see.
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- I like the scene of Iroh singing to the kid to cheer him up. It is just a sweet moment in general, but the choice of song is also a song that will come up in a different context later, so it acts as good setup for that, as well as showing us how it would normally sound.
- This scene of Iroh giving advice to the kids about admitting to their mistakes, then changing his mind, is both wholesome and hilarious. Iroh’s spent a lot of his screen time giving advice and reciting proverbs, but even he knows that sometimes? A simple tactical retreat can be the best option.
- Iroh is the rare kind of character who could give advice to their mugger, and instead of seeming stupid or smug, he seems wise and kind, advising the mugger to follow his dreams and not be afraid to accept help from others. Heck, this one conversation probably turned that guy’s entire life around!
- This scene always puts tears in my eyes. Even before Iroh starts talking, let alone singing, the background music, the sunset in the background, and Iroh setting up that picture of Lu Ten gives you a clue of just what Iroh’s here for. 
- “If only I could have helped you.” Iroh’s been helping people for this entire story. Giving that shopkeeper advice about caring for the moonflower, calming down that kid, having a cup of tea with his mugger. 
But he was unable to help his own son when his life was on the line. To Iroh, Lu Ten was his little soldier boy, but he’ll never come marching home.
And that’s why this is the saddest moment of the whole series.
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- At first I thought that Aang was in the zoo looking for Appa. But, I don’t think Appa could actually fit in one of those cages...
- The rabbiroo is adorable, and I want so hard to believe that some Avatar in the entire line has had a rabbiroo for their companion (like how Aang has Appa, and Roku had that dragon).
- “Don’t worry, I’m great with animals.” Narrator: He was not that great with animals.
- I guess it never occurred to me that the Bison Whistle could work on anything other than a flying bison.
- Turtle seal, also adorable.
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- Never imagined Sokka would have an appreciation for poetry.
- Epic rap battles? Nah, gimme more epic haiku battles!
- I like how the subtitles on Netflix are formatted like a haiku.
- Tsk, tsk, Sokka. You would’ve been in the clear if you’d omitted the word “young”.
- I like that the haiku club has a bouncer who literally throws people out if they get it wrong.
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- Feels so weird to see Zuko all gussied up. He looks nice, though.
- Zuko’s so awkward, it’s both cute and hilarious.
- Headcanon that Zuko did actually learn juggling at some point after the series. Or even better, he actually did know how to juggle already, and actually did fail because he hadn’t practiced for a while.
- It’s really sweet that Zuko lit the lights for Jin. He just met her, might not even actually be romantically interested in her, but he was willing to risk getting caught by her or some random bystander just because it’s something nice that he could do for her.
- And even though it seemed like Zuko was prime for more angst, he still had to admit that it was a nice night.
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- We’ve seen Aang missing Appa, but it’s interesting to see that Momo misses him just as much.
- And Momo is even conducting his own search for Appa.
- There has to be a “Momo dances for an hour” video on YouTube, right? If not, there really should be.
- I don’t know why or how, but Momo’s been seeming more expressive in this story than he ever has in the series.
- I like the return of people speaking gibberish from Momo’s perspective. It was fun the first time, just as fun now.
- Just occurred to me that if these guys did cook up Momo, then Aang would be missing both of his animal companions.
- And Momo freeing the cats (even after they chased him down) brings him good karma as they take him to a footprint that definitely belongs to Appa. IIRC this is the audience’s first confirmation that Appa is (or at least has been) inside Ba Sing Se.
- This whole story was without dialogue. I just love it when that’s done well, and to be perfectly clear, it was done very well in this case.
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ameliatheamazing · 5 years
The Tales of Ba Sing Se
That was a really fun episode! I loved the format, how each character got their own little vignette-type story so we can see what they’re up to in Ba Sing Se. It’s so different from the rest of the show and it was kinda refreshing. This one is definitely up there in the top episodes for me.
So first we had Toph and Katara, and that one was really cute. They had a girls day at the spa and at first toph did not care for it but then she admitted that she liked feeling pretty! Which is good because she deserves it (even though she can’t see what she looks like). And she absolutely destroyed those girls who told her otherwise. I loved how Katara complimented her and said she’s pretty that was so sweet.
Then we had the tale of Iroh, which.. I did not expect to be as sad as it was. Like come on there was no warning for that!! First he’s like just helping random people around town, you know the usual, and then suddenly I’m crying more than I would like to admit. That was so sad how it was his son’s birthday and he was the only one that Iroh couldn’t help! That “leaves from the vine” song was so sweet. And I can’t believe the voice actor died too that’s so sad. I’m sad.
Anyway then we had Aang’s part which was very lighthearted compared to the previous one. He helped all the animals by building a new zoo for them outside the walls, which was awesome. He’s getting so good at earthbending! And he is very good with animals.
Sokka’s tale was fun too, he went to this poetry club or whatever and impressed a bunch of girls with his haiku skills. Which were actually pretty good. But he got too confident and didn’t count his syllables, so he got thrown out. Literally. So sad.
Then we had Zuko, and he went on a date!! I’m proud of him! I thought that was really cute, and I liked that girl Jin. Zuko may not have been the most confident, but he honestly is so great like he LIT THOSE LANTERNS even though he had to firebend to do it. But he was lying about his identity the whole time and so he couldn’t really go any farther with the relationship. It’s sad because it seemed like they both liked each other, and Zuko actually had a nice time and was happy.
Finally there was the tale of Momo, which of course we saved for last as he is the most important character. And he really misses Appa! I miss him too. And if we don’t get him back soon I am going to riot. I have no idea where he could be because it seemed like he was in ba sing se, like his hair and his footprint were there, so idk where he is now. I hope we find out next time. See ya then!
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soopersara · 5 years
👀 !!!!
So THIS is a continuation of a one shot I wrote for Zutara Week (Found, for anyone who feels like snooping). I'm hoping to keep this as an ongoing side project until it's finished, then I'll start posting it as a new fic called Teatime with the Enemy. That also might be the coolest title I've ever come up with.
Katara rose early the next morning. It was difficult to sleep with thoughts of her exploits in the Lower Ring still circulating in her mind. With the image of Zuko's slight, shy smile occasionally invading her thoughts and making her face warm. Spirits, it was a good thing that Toph was blind. She didn't think that her heartbeat got too out of control when she was around Zuko, but the blushing. The blushing was incessant.
Don't act weird, she ordered herself as she finished braiding her hair and marched out of her room. This is just a normal day. Two normal girls having a normal girls' day doing something normal. She tried not to let herself add like interrogating a banished prince to the end of the sentence, but her mind got away from her. She clenched her jaw. They wouldn't be interrogating Zuko. Nothing like that. Just--just talking to him. Asking a few pointed questions to determine his intentions, and analyzing his reactions for any sign of falsehood. That was normal. Interrogation was nothing like that.
She made a face. It wasn't a good sign when she couldn't even convince herself with her own logic, but it would have to be enough. She didn't have time to come up with a better explanation. She wanted to meet with Zuko today, and if she wanted to do that, she had to get Toph to agree to come with her as soon as possible.
Stopping at Toph's door, she steeled herself and knocked. "Good morning, Toph!"
No answer.
She knocked harder. "Toph! Good morning! Rise and shine, the sun's up!"
There was a grunt, and something smacked against the door. A pillow, maybe? Or perhaps Toph had thrown one of those fluffy bedroom slippers that Joo Dee insisted were traditional in Ba Sing Se and that Toph insisted were a deadly weapon meant solely to disarm blind earthbenders.
Undaunted, Katara went on. "I have a plan for us today! We're going to leave the boys at home and go explore the city together, just us girls."
The groan was louder this time, and she thought she could hear Toph rolling over.
"Come on, Toph, I promise it's going to be fun." Katara pounded on the bedroom door.
"What do you know about fun?" Toph's response was muffled through the door--at a guess, Katara would say that she was probably still in bed, awake but fully intent on lounging away the whole morning.
"Come on, Toph. Just give it a chance. You had fun the last time we hung out together."
The door slid open, and Toph jabbed a grubby finger up toward Katara's face. "And if you know what's good for you, you won't push your luck. I'm not doing another spa day with you. Take Aang if you want to girl it up."
Katara glared and pushed her hand aside. "For your information, I'm not asking anyone to 'girl it up'. As a matter of fact, you'd probably blend in better if you leave your hair just like that." It stung a little to admit it, and it would be downright painful to stare at that hedgehog-like bush of hair all day, but unruly hair was hardly unusual in the Lower Ring.
A wicked grin spread across Toph's face, and she leaned against the door, arms folded. "I'm listening."
Thanks for the ask! I've got more where this came from!
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pyxyystyxx · 6 years
ATLA Highlights
Okay so things I really feel are underappreciated in ATLA are as follows: 
{[(This is a long post so read under the cut)]}
Season One
-When Sokka implies that being an optimist makes you a liar (as a cynic/realist I found this hilarious)
-When Sokka gets his ass handed to him by the Kyoshi warriors and is super sexist but then realizes he’s wrong and apologizes all in one episode (that's growth and we love to see it)
-Zuko breaking into a fortress undetected (sneaking back out not so much but kudos for trying lol)
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-Katara being a thief (seriously though stealing from pirates is cool)
-Katara fighting Master Pakku  (seriously he’s a master and she’s been bending for how long? like two weeks? fucking amazing)
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-Zuko diving in after the turtle seals because obviously they have to come up for air somewhere (but dude, how long can they hold their breath for? you’re working under the assumption that you can hold your breath as long as they can? in freezing cold water? in something that doesn’t help keep out the water or the cold? while moving? he, in this moment establishes that he is a bad ass (and persistent) motherfucker)
-Zuko dragging all of Aang’s dead weight a couple of miles through a blizzard (presumably while still soaking wet from his trip through ice cold fucker water)
-Zhao being killed by a vindictive La is everything honestly (why Zuko tried to save him is beyond me (I suppose that this established that he is a compassionate person despite his intentions and words))
Season Two
-The hippie nomads were funny (and very irritating)
-King Bumi (everything about him)
-Toph (enough said)
-The entire Zuko Alone episode (my poor angry baby)
-Foo Foo Cuddlypoops
-Wan Shi Tong’s library is what I imagine The Library of Alexandria to look like in this world
-Sokka continues to impress with his strategist mentality in The Drill
-The City of Walls and Secrets is a horrifying episode that I somehow manage to forget every time and very much regret rediscovering
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-The entire Tales of Ba Sing Se episode
-Katara and Toph having a spa day is so wholesome (and the fact that they put those snobby noble girls in their place is just an added bonus)
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-Iroh coaching those boys on how to face consequences like an upstanding citizen (and how to run away from the consequences when the consequence can crush you like a soda can) | Iroh teaching the would-be-robber how to properly mug someone is hilarious (also good on him for wanting to pursue a career as a masseur | Iroh being knowledgeable on flowers and spreading that knowledge to others, and singing to the fussy baby is sweet | Lu Ten’s birthday segment always make me cry (and if you tell me you don’t cry at that scene I will call you a liar, don’t at me)
-Sokka being surprisingly good at Haiku poems (yay for bonus character depth)
-Aang letting wild animals loose in the city is fucking hilarious (the fact that all the domestic animals ended up in his makeshift zoo just adds to that)
-Zuko’s (valid if not somewhat awful) attempt at dating (Iroh why did you do that to his hair, why?!)
-Momo bonding with the pygmy pumas after freeing them is so wholesome (and the pygmy pumas leading Momo to Appa’s footprint was amazing too)
-Zuko freeing Appa
-(yay for the Earth King finding a spine)
-(of all the godforsaken food combinations why banana and onion juice, that sounds like a pregnancy craving if I ever heard one)
-The catacomb scene with Katara and Zuko (was the beginning of my descent into shipper hell)
-You were this 👌 close Zuko, why did you do that? (what happened to Azula always lies)
Season Three
-Aang going to school like a normal twelve year old (why would you make up words to an anthem you don’t know? instead of just not talking which is far less noticeable that getting it wrong? (also getting into fights on your second day is bad Aang (but Katara and Sokka pretending to be his parents is funny, I wonder if it was awkward for them? I imagine it was)))
-Katara continuing to be a bad ass motherfucker in The Painted Lady
-Sokka in Sokka’s Master was monumental for Sokka’s character growth, I really don’t feel the need to add anything to it, the episode speaks for itself
-The Beach is (for me at least) the cringiest fucking episode like jfc how did this get past everyone (the writers had to get this past editing, producers, directors, animation department, and the sound department, and for some reason no one saw anything wrong with any of it (”I don’t hate you”, “I don’t hate you too” and then they kiss, like for fuck’s sake man how?!))
-(also Zuko, jealousy is an ugly look on everyone, you’re not exempt from that)
-(sparky sparky boom man, really Sokka, that’s what you’re going with?)
-The Puppetmaster was another horrifying episode (cool but horrifying, like thanks I hate it)
-(I’m going to reiterate the point that all of us having been making for years... why the fuck are the adults letting children fight their battles? who does that? like ‘oh I’m fourteen and ready to fight in a war that I am wholly unprepared for’ like I don’t fucking think so, go sit your ass down in a corner somewhere and color or something)
-(Aang kissing people when you think you might die is cliche)
-(Zuko breaking up with someone in a letter is the modern equivalent of breaking up over text (which is a shitty thing to do))
-Toph inventing metal bending is the most bad ass thing I’ve ever seen
-(hooray Zuko, for standing up for yourself to your father though, I’m proud of you)
-(Iroh breaking out of a max security prison is fucking bad ass)
-Zuko making that speech to the frog was priceless honestly (he’s so awkward it’s adorable)
-Toph being the only pragmatic person in the group
-(”why am I so bad at being good?!”)
-(pettiness isn’t a good look on anyone Katara (says the pettiest person on the planet))
-The Firebending Masters was a very cool (du du tssss) episode (like visually speaking)
-(you should probably plan things out a little more than that Sokka)
-Sokka and Zuko being awkward turtle ducklings
-(that scene with Zuko in the cooler, when he looks up and exhales fire and smirks? I was dead, big sexy)
-Suki being a bad ass motherfucker
-(Shout out to Mai and Ty Lee for standing up to Azula, but being imprisoned doesn’t sound fun)
-The Southern Raiders episode (my shipper heart melts a little every time I watch it)
-The Ember Island Players (*side eye* *cringe* yikes)
-(Aang, kissing people when they don't give you explicit permission or when they say they're confused is... wait for it... shitty (I'm gonna be nice and not call it r@pist behavior even though I could))
-Everyone (except for Aang) being realistic about what it is they’re doing (or about to be doing rather)
-(glue bending? really Aang? also thanks for fucking off to nowhere in the middle of a war Aang, that’s super helpful)
-June and her shirshu Nyla are fucking amazing (also June, among a few others, should have tipped me off to the fact that I wasn’t straight, but small me was super oblivious)
-The Order of the White Lotus (enough said)
-(time for you to grow the fuck up Aang, even your past lives agree)
-Iroh and Zuko’s tearful reunion is so heartwarming
-Lion Turtles are fucking amazing and I want like eight of them
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-Azula’s descent into madness is both revealing and sad
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-Sokka, Suki, and Toph on the airship is amazing (airship slice!)
-The Agni Kai between Azula and Zuko is one of the greatest fucking scenes in cinematographic history, the graphics are truly awe inspiring (no I will not be taking any criticism at this time nor is this open to debate)
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-The scene on the airship with Sokka and Toph is honestly so gut wrenching | like when they fall and Sokka breaks his leg and he catches Toph with one arm while on his back looks so painful | and when he throws his boomerang and sword but then more fire benders come rushing out and Toph starts slipping and they’re both crying (like goddamn it would be less painful to just rip my heart out and stomp on it)
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-Aang in the avatar state is (visually speaking) really awesome
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-When Zuko dives in front of the lightning to save Katara (him shouting no like that kills me) | The fact that Katara immediately tries to rush to Zuko (even though Azula was standing right there also kills me)
-Katara defeating Azula (who is at her most powerful, along with every other fire bender) proves that she truly is a master and in a league all her own
-Azula after her defeat was heart wrenching to watch (what did Ozai do to you Azula?)
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-(Katara crying over Zuko as she heals him)
-Aang defeating Ozai by taking his bending away is amazing (seriously, spirit bending is cool)
Honorable Mentions:
-Aang and his dedication to mastering earth bending and also him learning spirit bending
-Katara learning to stand up for what she believes is right | Katara learning to forgive (those who deserve it) | Katara mastering her element in less than a year | Katara being a beacon of hope to everyone around her | Katara allowing herself to be human and make mistakes
-(Katara and character growth)
-Sokka unlearning his misogynistic bullshit | Sokka becoming a humble and thoughtful young man, but never losing his sense of humor | Sokka learning to apologize and forgive
-(Sokka and character growth)
-Toph inventing metal bending (it’s worth mentioning twice) | Toph learning when to apologize | Toph learning it’s okay to be vulnerable
-(Toph and character growth)
-Zuko learning to stand up for himself (to his father and Azula) | Zuko unlearning his biases | Zuko learning to own up to misdeeds and apologize | Zuko learning to forgive (himself) | Zuko learning to accept help from others | Zuko learning it’s okay to be vulnerable | Zuko learning how to love people again (starting with his uncle and the small group of kids he helped end the war with)
-(Zuko and character growth across the whole fucking board)
-(Mai and Ty Lee for learning to stand up to Azula, and for what they believe in)
-(Ty Lee joining the Kyoshi Warriors)
Dishonorable Mentions: 
-Azula for being a monster (even if I really (heavily) blame Ozai)
-Ozai for being the shittiest dad in the whole world (though admittedly his father was worse for wanting him kill his own son (then again the fact that he was absolutely and without hesitation willing to do so makes him even worse so never mind))
-(Zuko what on earth made you pick Mai as someone you wanted to date? who told you that was a good idea? cause they lied)
-Aang, when someone says they’re confused that is not the time to kiss them, I don’t care that he’s only twelve that is a shitty move (and you’re not allowed to be upset when you’re rejected either (that makes you even shittier))
-Also Aang had absolutely no character growth or development whatsoever in this series (don’t at me, I love Aang, but he didn’t grow as a person, like at all) | Aang on a consistent basis runs away from things that are difficult or that upset him | Aang thinks he’s entitled to people (no, just because you’re the avatar doesn’t mean anyone owes you their affection, attention, or their time) | Aang never learned how to face his demons head on (him learning spirit bending was just a cop out so Aang could stay this “perfect and pure child” with all his innocence and naiveté in tact), but that’s not how the real world works (sometimes you have to do hard things that you don’t like or agree with, life isn’t always fair.)
Avatar: The Last Airbender was a staple of my childhood that I love dearly. And though there are faults (personally for me they were faults, this won’t be the case for everyone obviously), it was a key foundation of my sense of self, like I’m sure it was for so many others.
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