#katelyn missoni
thepettymachine · 1 year
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Drama on TV Household excluding William Fangmann
Apollo Bloom
Katelyn Missoni
Matty Crewe
Suzy Strummer
Kirby Wise
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ettesims · 2 years
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One house can hold so many stories. When City Entertainment started the 17th season of Little Celebrity and put this cast together, they knew they were going to have a great show. Katelyn Missoni and Apollo Bloom provide plenty of vacuous entertainment while Kirby Wise lusts after a prominent politician in town. William Fangmann is too smart for his own good, but does he know who his secret admirer is?
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nocturnalazure · 5 months
Character Focus: Carmen (Part I)
Carmen is an old character of mine. :) She is the daughter of Felipe, one of my very first self-created Sims (I rarely create additional characters, especially at the time). I needed Felipe to be a temporary boyfriend to one of my other characters. Once they had broken up, I thought it sad for Felipe to be single and forgotten, so I paired him up with a pre-made: Katelyn Missoni. Yes, you read that right: Erik's grandmother is Katelyn Missoni.
So obviously, Carmen is Katelyn and Felipe's daughter. I got interested in her when she became a teen. She's feisty and she knows what she wants. (oh, and fun fact: Tim's father was also a singer and she was a fan of his. She even stalked him to his home, haha...)
But mostly, she was involved with Seth.
Carmen gets interested in the rebels of her class, Seth and Adrian. See, they're rebels because they smoke and skip school and drink beer. And they think they live in a shithole. Very edgy. Very teenage-y.
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But she puts her foot down at bullying. She stands up to Seth when she realizes that he's been picking on Julian (this actually has been going on since elementary school).
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Seth is not the easiest boy to get along with. He's standoffish, uncommunicative, and he picks up fights with anyone he doesn't like. He doesn't seem to care about anything and he scares other people. Carmen knows he's got some issues to deal with, and she'd like him to open up a bit. But he's definitely a tough nut to crack.
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When he ends up inevitably grounded, she comes to see him and they almost kiss. But Seth pushes her away, just saying "Not now".
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In the meantime, Carmen's best friend Daisy is dating Adrian, Seth's sidekick. And Seth's rejection hurts. So Carmen snubs him.
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And just after she tells him to go to hell, this happens. Because hormones.
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Seth is the type of guy who thinks that now is never the right time, but Carmen is the kind of woman who shuts him up by proving that there is never a right time. This will end up being one of the many times in their whole relationship in which Carmen gets her way with him. Because from then on, they become inseparable.
It doesn't take long for them to get physical with each other, but they get caught by Seth's uncle (he has lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle). They plan getting away together, leaving their town forever as soon as they become adults.
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Which they do. Away to Lucky Palms, to live the big life!
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Which turns out to be mostly shitty motels and badly paid jobs.
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Carmen works as a waitress while Seth is (officially) a bouncer at the casino. Unofficially, and unbeknownst to Carmen, he also does odd jobs for the local mob boss.
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Seth proposes to her out of the blue.
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And so they get married at a random wedding chapel. xD Like you would, in Lucky Palms!
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But they quickly get down from their high as money runs low and Seth suddenly announces that he's quit his job. It doesn't help that Carmen's father has finally tracked them down (she didn't exactly say where she was going...), and demands that they return to the Anne Arbor region.
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Penniless and with only Seth's vague assurance that he knows someone who can give him a job in the city, they go back to where they had started. But also reconnect with their friends, Daisy and Adrian.
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Life's not easy as they live in a trailer. Carmen complains a lot and gets jealous as Daisy has her first child. Carmen would also like a baby but once again, Seth tells her that now is not a good time and that she has to wait.
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But Carmen is not one to wait patiently. She takes the matter into her own hands and stops using birth control. And of course gets pregnant. Seth is not exactly happy at the news...
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Carmen feels guilty for a while. Until she realizes that Seth has bought a whole lot and has proposed a financial arrangement to Adrian to rent part of it to him and his family (Adrian and Daisy are not exactly cautious with money). She still doesn't know what her husband does all day for a living and where the money is coming from.
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He just tells her rather cryptically that he "follows his father's footsteps".
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New house, new life!
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Carmen and Seth are now parents to a little boy named Erik. You may have heard of him? ;)
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Carmen hates getting wrinkles. She'd like to stay young forever!
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But more importantly, she gets more and more annoyed at Seth's late working hours and confronts him about his so-called job...
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Yes, that is a shock, but Carmen is a practical woman. She takes it in her stride. At least, now she's got an explanation, which is all she was asking for.
On to Part II!
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wumisims · 10 days
Bienvenue à Bridgeport, dans la vie de Lola Bialetti !
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Lola est une jeune adulte engagée dans la ville où elle a grandi. Depuis son plus jeune âge elle aime participer à la vie de quartier et aider son prochain, surtout quand celui-ci est dans le besoin. Son planning est partagé entre ses répétitions le vendredi soir au Repaire de Waylon et les animations diverses qu’elle réalise pour les citoyens durant les festivals de saison.
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Ses revenus modestes ne lui permettent pas de déménager de cet immeuble, elle habite dans le quartier sud de Bridegport dans un modeste studio avec sa petite-amie. Ce n’est pas une vie de rêve mais au moins, elle se sent libre et se refuse catégoriquement à travailler toute sa vie derrière un bureau.
Lola adore plaire et draguer, elle est connue pour ses nombreuses conquêtes dans la communauté queer de Bridgeport. Depuis quelques mois, elle s’est engagée dans une relation sérieuse avec Katelyn Minossi. Elles ont récemment emménagé ensemble, mais cela demande quelques ajustements. 
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L’été arrive à sa fin et Lola pensait être comblée après avoir passé son temps avec sa petite-amie et son amie de longue date, Lola Belle. Elle se pose des questions sur sa carrière professionnelle. C’est une grande virtuose vous savez, et elle joue très souvent dans des bars ou au parc (c’est d’ailleurs grâce à ça qu’elle réussit à pécho, en partie).
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Elle a rencontré Marina durant une session guitare au Parc du centre-ville. Marina travaille au spa urbain mais elle prend des cours du soir pour apprendre à jouer plusieurs instruments. Son objectif est de vivre de sa passion, la musique. Après quelques sessions musiques ensemble, Lola se demande si jouer au parc ou dans des bars gratuitement lui convient réellement.
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Après tout, elle a un loyer à payer. Kaytelin Missoni est manager du spa situé au centre-ville et est folle amoureuse de Lola. Son esprit très enfantin la rend optimiste, même dans les situations les plus désespérées. Elle ne voit pas l’écart se creuser entre elle et Lola. Après tout, elles viennent d’emménager ensemble donc tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes.
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shhhushhh · 4 years
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“The camera of Time Out Bridgeport captured two beauties rising a glass of Cosmopolitan from the rooftop of the Prosper room to celebrate this year’s grand event - 10 Years Anniversary of @treason-and-plot “
My lovelies, dearest Pru Pru, thank you for all the joy you’ve brought into my virtual life these past years, but most of all, thank you for the wonderful friendship. Cheers to the next 10. ILY
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alovelikesims · 3 years
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At the gym one day, one Miss Katelyn Missoni was making more noise than anyone else in the building. She was interrupting Moira’s phone call, but she seemed to be more concerned than anything else.
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shhhushhh1 · 6 years
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Read the chapter -->HERE<--
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gnomeofinvention · 3 years
Meet the Clavier Household!
The Love Loft, season 1 episode 6
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After Kara Graham and her new love Kylie moved out of the loft, my Twitch chat voted for Ebenezer to remain and become the new head of household. I gave him a quick makeover and spent the rest of the stream auditioning a new set of contestants--all female this time because Ebenezer has a strong preference for women, according to MasterController.
You can watch the livestream replay on my YouTube channel.
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Ebenezer Clavier (EA, Fairy)
Unflirty, Daredevil, Perfectionist, Good, Artistic
The new contestants are listed under the cut.
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Shuyel Ne’Xafughos
“Shu” is the first alien contestant in the history of the savegame. [She showed up just in time too. I was about to use a debug cheat to force an alien visit, but she arrived only a few moments later--no cheats required.] No one knows why she came to Earth in the first place, and she doesn’t talk about her home very much, but so far, she seems to be integrating into the group fairly well.
Since Shu doesn’t need to sleep, she spends her evenings upgrading all the appliances in the loft; she’s pretty handy that way. When she’s not banging on toilets with a hammer, you can find her playing guitar for the other contestants; she’s pretty much a virtuoso with any instrument she can get her hands on, terrestrial or otherwise. Despite having such strong skills in handiness and music, she struggles with low self-esteem and commitment issues. 
She also thinks its strange that humans eat meat.
Loser, Virtuoso, Commitment Issues, Handy, Vegetarian
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Jessica Talon (EA, Vampire)
Jessica has the distinction of not only being the first vampire contestant, but also being the first evil Sim to reside in the loft. 
Flirty, Daredevil, Evil, Charismatic, Ambitious
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Tiara Angelista (EA, Witch)
Over-emotional, Party Animal, Excitable, Charismatic, Kleptomaniac
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Katelyn Missoni (EA, fairy)
Party Animal, Clumsy, Loser, Schmoozer, Childish
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Sugar Bijou (EA)
Sugar was a fan-favorite that had been eliminated early on in the previous household. When she showed up at the casting call, the producers weren’t sure they wanted a repeat contestant right away, but she turned on the schmooze and convinced them to let her stay.
Flirty, Excitable, Party Animal, Easily Impressed, Schmoozer
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Marie Gray
Marie is a Supernatural Skeptic living in a household full of supernaturals. She doesn’t quite understand why talking about witchhunts all the time doesn’t endear her to the other contestants.
Technophobe, Avant Garde, Perceptive, Frugal, Supernatural Skeptic
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Mia Huber
Excitable, Savvy Sculptor, Photographer’s Eye, Dislikes Children, Schmoozer
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vintageplumbobs · 6 years
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Download Katelyn Missoni
Tag me! Don’t take credit, and have fun! x
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damoncmcknight · 8 years
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There’s a drink called the “Big Mistake”. Time to try it out and then calm my nerves before a date with Katelyn Missoni. What could go wrong?
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nocturnalazure · 3 years
Questions B and D for both Laurie and Erik :3
Thanks for asking! I will reply to both questions at the same time if you don't mind. :)
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B) What inspired you to create them?
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
My story being a long-running story, Laurie and Erik are not created from scratch but are both the product of several generations of Sims dating back from 2010! Laurie is part of Generation 6 and Erik is Generation 4. Interestingly, they both have premade EA Sims amongst their ancestors: Laurie's great-great-grandfather was Mortimer Goth, and Erik's grandmother was Katelyn Missoni!
I love the genetic side of the game, so I almost never modify my Sims born in game. Laurie's blond hair gave me pause though, as his parents and sister all have dark hair. His great-grandmother was blond though, so maybe that's where the blond gene came from? I was a bit confused and I almost changed it. Then I decided that it was quite ironic, since his father's lover was blond. And it kind of became a thing.
For Erik, I have only changed his eyes. Not the color but the contacts: none of his parents had any and I had just downloaded Eruwen's contacts no. 8. I loved them on him and who wouldn't really?
EDIT : Forgot to add something! I’ve realized that I’ve mostly focused on physical appearance, but some of my characters’ traits are also inherited from the parents. Their personality is a mix of their personal history and their parents’, or even grandparents’ background. Typically, Erik comes from a family of lawbreakers: his grandfather was a convict with a difficult past who ended up hitman for a gang leader. Erik’s father, as we know, was the right-hand man of the Golzine family boss, a position Erik strives to achieve. Laurie is heir not only to a criminal organization, but also to a huge financial conglomerate, an empire financed by his great-grandfather and built by his grandfather before him. They are both descendants of a long history, as we all are.
Personality-wise, I think they are a pretty good blend with their own twist. Erik is as hot-headed as Carmen and as resilient as Seth. While Seth compensated his lack of education by being very observant, Erik lacks the patience to study people but he has a curious mind and will ask questions on just any topic.
Laurie’s sister Sam looks and acts a lot like their mom, but Laurie's personality is greatly based on his dad’s whom he looked up to. However, he’s got a better self-image than Nathaniel had of himself. He can be impish like his mom Ivy was, and he’s got more ambition and initiative than his dad.
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shhhushhh · 4 years
Been thinking about your story and honestly, I realized I kind of ship Mickey and Katelyn. Any thoughts on that?
First thing first, I want to thank you for thinking of my silly story and me, dear Diana. <3
You are definitely going somewhere with your thought since on a couple occasions I tried to show there is a chemistry between them.
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Or at least there was. In a conversation they had HERE, they both, Katelyn in particular, stated opinion on each other.
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An even though the banter ended with Michael saying ”And yet, I like you.” because he was genuinely amused by her nonchalant attitude and top-notch sarcasm, he then felt disappointed in her when he saw her with Armand HERE
But(t), as I said before, the future of the story holds limitless possibilities, except a romance between Victor and Devin. I also admit an affair between Lyn and Simba will be a source of endless drama. So who knows... ;)
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shhhushhh1 · 6 years
Glass Concrete - 5 Months Ago
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Read this chapter -->HERE<--
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nocturnalazure · 3 years
Fun Fact
I just found out that Mortimer Goth had a different name in French. For some reason, they changed his name to Vladimir (Gothik). That explains why I could never place him on the Goth family tree.
But it also means that... Sam and Laurie’s great-great-grandfather is actually Mortimer Goth! O_o
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Oh, and while we’re at it, Katelyn Missoni is Erik’s grandmother. He never knew her.
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shhhushhh · 5 years
Glass Concrete
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Devin: And that’s the story of how we sold our first sculpture.
Victor: Let’s hope it wasn’t a foredoom.
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Devin: You have to admit it ended quite pleasantly though.
Victor: Or not...
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Katelyn: Vic, we really need to talk.
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Victor: Dev, where are you going?
Devin: Away from the temptation of breaking a nose myself.
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Katelyn: I have to tell you why I was so hesitant to come to the opening and why I acted the way I did.
Victor: I told you already. I don’t want to hear any of it.
Katelyn: This one you do. Trust me.
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