#ts3 lore
prxnce · 1 month
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the final part! ooh how exciting! why is john burb lowkey... no?.. oh! chat quit playing johnnnnyyyyy is kinda- maybe next i'll post the save file or some screenshots... who knows! look at me being so mysterious WAHAHA love letter save v.2 by mwah (prxnce) thee other townies: pt. 1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6 | pt.7 | pt.8 | pt.9 | pt.10
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
The sims 3 lore is just as wacko as the sims 2 istg my fav lore has to be the dead clone wives lemme explain. So in twinbrook there's s sim name Juan Darer (he's quite interesting to look at too) in the junkyard he owns is the grave of Lacy Darer. Now Juan and Lacy have no relationship but she could be his ex wife as deceased spouses aren't shown on the family tree in the sims 3. Lacy died in a fire but what's the crazy part Juan's best friend Harwood Clay is has a possible wife named Macy Clay who also died in a fire. Macy and Lacy's names aren't just a coincidence. Macy and Lacy are almost completely identical. Many think they're twins but twins don't have the same exact same personalities. The darker theory is that Juan being the eccentric creator created clone wives for him and his best friend and Lacy and Macy somehow perished possible in the cloning process which is also the reason Juan's house caught on fire and he lives in a barn.
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Sorry for taking forever to respond to this! This month has been wildly busy in the worst way!! I hate summer! Everyone in my house has been sick at some point! UGH!
Anyway, I finally had a chance to sit down and thoroughly look into both of these families. I'm going to start with the Doe family because, honestly, I don't have a whole lot to add about the Darers and I'm eager to jump into the Does (my thoughts on the Darers will be at the end though!).
Let's dive in! ↓
I had to look up Midnight Hollow to start, and EEEEEEP I love this world's whole vibe. If I play the Sims 3 THIS will be the world I start in!!! Favorite world I've learned about in TS3 so far. I lowkey want to live here irl.
But imagine my shock when I found out that they were putting whole ass worlds on The Sims 3 store. That's absolutely insane lmao!! They would of had my wallet with this one though, not gonna lie. The vibes are top-tier.
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Now I looked up the Doe family just like you said and I need you to know that they are the kind of unsolved lore I live for. This family alone makes me want to pirate buy TS3 today.
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The Wiki's description wasn't necessarily weird, but the household description left me with many questions.
Jane is the perfect housewife, from her neat hairstyle to her fashionable yet conservative dress. She's neat, nurturing, loves her kids, and can make a mean pot roast! Meanwhile, John is rising in the ranks at his corporate job. He feels successful in life and supported by his family. He works hard but comes home in enough time to teach his kids a lesson or two about life and talk to his wife about her day. Nothing mysterious seems to be happening here, but didn't their house used to have a basement?
That last line. Yeah. WTF? That made the hairs on my arm stand up, especially considering that the world they come with is supposed to mimic a classic-horror vibe. So Immediately I'm getting serial killer vibes, I'm getting psychological thriller, I'm getting family that invites you over for dinner only for you to realize that you are dinner.
Just from the description alone, I'm thinking that the parents are people with a wicked past - coconspirators in crime (whether Jane is a willing or unwilling participant is debatable but intriguing) that may involve killing and disposing, from the sounds of the "former-basement" and the fact that no one really knows why they've suddenly come to a new town without any explanation of their past. Additionally, the names feel like a reference to true crime and murder to me - the last name Doe, with first names Jane and John specifically, are typically names given to unidentifiable victims who, more than not, are victims of violence and brutalization which leaves them unidentifiable. Or, at times, they're simply unidentifiable based on the fact that they don't have family or friends that could claim them, thus making them the perfect targets if you've got bad intentions. The parents seem shady, but beyond that their names reaffirm that they aren't the perfect, squeaky-clean, nuclear family they pretend to be. I mean, you could even speculate that Jane and John are not even their real names. Obviously the sims team are big fans or campy, on-the-nose names (Bob Pancakes, the Goth family, the Calientes, Marcus Flex), but I've always liked to think that sim names can serve more than one purpose.
I jumped over to The Doe family community blog post and the interview there further confirmed a lot of my suspicions, and that whatever they're hiding might be sealed off in what used to be the family basement (the dev who made this family makes sure to draw attention to this enough that it's clearly significant). It's no coincidence that the basement suddenly "disappeared" (or perhaps just became inaccessible) as soon as the family moved in. Some notable things from this interaction:
The classic, old-fashioned misogyny from John. "The light of my life keeps my home perfect and welcoming." It's subtle, but says a lot about this family's old-fashioned dynamic. I hate the condescending, possessive energy between these two. I literally felt uncomfortable during this entire interview (I'd argue that is intentional).
The recurring and growingly tense persistence for the interviewer/producer to drink more tea. BIG red flag on this because my first thought is "Why?" I can understand being hospitable, but it seems like the interviewer has already been taken care of, so why the push? Jane is literally described as frantic, dodging the interviewer's questions entirely and hyper-focusing on the tea as if this is her role to play in what could be an unfortunate turn of events. On the other hand, John seems to be cheerily dismissive. I'm seeing skilled, practiced manipulation in the form of feigned charisma and charm - he doesn't ignore the questions but rather skillfully pivots and tries to keep things light and comfortable. His energy is notably different than the rest of the family, which makes him seem like the primary, skilled aggressor. He is keeping shit under control just enough to not raise suspicion, in my opinion.
But, most interesting to me, is their children's reactions to what is going on. The bio tells us so little about them, but their actions say so much. James, being a toddler and the youngest, obviously is going to be relatively clueless. But Jenn, the daughter, Sits quietly and stares ahead with an eerie blank expression. This feels like a traumatized, almost dissociative response. She seems removed in an anticipatory sense, on-brand for how a child might respond to signs of danger. I'd go as far to say that she is exhibiting one of the 5 fight and flight trauma responses; mainly the "freeze" response. The oldest son Joseph, on the other hand, is outwardly angry. He even leaves the room and slams the door as a response to the conversation, perhaps simply triggered by the mention of moving to Midnight Hollow, but I would venture to guess that he's also frustrated with the events taking place beyond that. After all, I would think that if there is anyone aware of the parent's possible nefarious nature and wrongdoings, it would be him. That being said, he's a teenager... but still a child, nonetheless. He unfortunately has little to no control, and it's clear that he's exhibiting a flight response, showing his own disdain as much as he can (a touch of fight in that door slam) while taking an opportunity to flee the scene. In the picture, their eldest son and daughter seem to be looking at them with... complex expressions. They're certainly not happy.
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The whole interview ends because the wife is "not feeling well," but that brings me back to my point about John being a skilled manipulator and the main aggressor running the web that his family is caught in: he would be able to cite when things are getting out of control. A predator knows when to strike and when to back off, and I think this is John's way of regaining control before too much is brought to light. Many people have been spared, unknowingly, from the clutches of a serial killer because they got lucky and the killer decided it wasn't the right place/right time - that's the vibe I'm getting, idk.
The energy around this family reminds me of an Ari Aster or a Jodan Peele psychological horror feel - everything is fine on the surface until it's not, and that tensity and complexity is disturbing and uncomfortable for the outsider (the audience) looking in, but it's usually just as disturbing for our growingly-aware protagonists (who, based on actions alone, I would argue could possibly be the eldest son and perhaps even the daughter, in this case). "The Stepford Wives" by Ira Levin has also been cited possible inspiration at least for Jane's motivations/role in the story. If you don't know about this story, I recommend checking it out.
As I researched, I was actually surprised with the amount of people who did not jump to the murderer route right off the bat. Some other theories include the family being hypnotized and even speculation that they might be robots (likely a take resulting from Levin's work).
Personally, I am more inclined to think that the parents are people with a wicked past, but it was interesting to read alternative takes. The robot and hypnotism theories are intriguing to me, but they neglect to explain the mysterious disappearance of the basement or the children's behaviors. Furthermore, the "brainwashed" and "repetitive" nature Jane has could just as much be signs of trauma/being in an unsafe environment/being forced to act against her will just as much as they could be literal signs of being robotic or hypnotized, so I don't think those things are necessary. Trauma, fear, and feeling trapped are enough to make a person act outside the realm of "normal."
Hell, I think I've only covered the surface here, but I've talked for so long lol. It seems their story might always just be a mystery left for speculation, sadly.
My boy Benoit Blanc says it best:
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Some additional resources that I used below for any curious cats who made it this far:
The Doe family discussion on the sims forum
TS3 Reddit Thread on the Doe family
As for the Darers: from what I'm seeing, the theory that the wives were clones (or at the very least identical twins) makes sense to me. I put pictures of them below, and just from their CAS headshots you can definitely see that the girls are identical - there's gotta be some relation there
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Personally, I lean toward clones due to the traits being the same. Twins in the sims franchise have always had their own unique interests and traits, so these girls being near carbon-copies doesn't make sense if they're only sisters. Plus, the franchise loves clones (looking at you, two versions of Bella Goth in the Sims 2). For the era of franchise that TS3 was in, I feel like the team was still making the game lean toward whimsy and outlandish as opposed to realism.
Regardless of the relation these two girls share though, the fire death is suspicious and maybe the only thing that keeps this from feeling like an open and shut mystery. It also acts as another good reason to lean toward clones as opposed to sisters unless the fire was caused accidentally by Lacy herself. I think the cloning housefire theory is compelling, due to the girls not actually having a relationship with either of these guys explicitly on the family tree. I guess in that case they were actually their potential wives more than actual wives, which would explain why there's no marriage memory as well.
In some ways it's endearing that Juan would do all that, not just for himself but for his buddy as well, especially if it caused his house to burn down and ultimately push him out into a barn. In the end though, I think the whole cloning situation leans more toward weird when you consider the implications. If you have to invent a wife, you probably should just stay single my dude.
Last and unrelated sidenote: Harwood Clay's hair was an unexpected, horrifying surprise lmao.
Just from what you've told me, TS3 Twinbrook world had a lot of interesting characters. I had no idea that TS3 lore was even close in wackiness to TS2 and TS1, but my takeaway here is that we all should be more pissed off that TS4 premades are so dull.
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smallsimmer · 5 months
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Interrupting the queue for some canon content
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cloudberry-sims · 4 months
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Mordred was delighted by the news of soon having another child. He loves Berylla and another daughter would be a blessing , but he still yearned for a son- for someone to carry his family name for generations to come.
If a son was not meant to be , Berylla would inherit his lands and rank upon his death , but not his name.
It was established long ago by King Sigismund II , a simvarian king. He had sired 3 children - 2 daughters and 1 son. His son would die before him without children of his own, his beloved queen too old for any more childbearing, leaving only his daughters in the line of succession.
He established "the duality of inheritance" , that the eldest daughter would be allowed to inherit her fathers land and title if her father had no sons, and it would pass to her sons upon her death. Queen Marietta was the last of her fathers dynasty ruling Simvaria , but her descendants still ruled to this day.
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comtessezouboff · 3 months
The Godolphins!
This is something you've asked me a lot, and now that @danjaley has released their new Romanov Pose Pack (and I can take screenshots again), I can finally show you the Godolphins in detail!
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(Obsessed with this posepack)
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Let's see who's who!
There are 4 groups signaled by letters, these are the Dowager Duchess and the families of her 3 daughters. The daughters' letters are in order of age. Let's see!
1a: The Hon. Lady Marjorie Alexandra Godolphin, Duchess of Southport.
2a: The Hon. Lord Esmond Nicholas Godolphin, XIVth Duke of Southport
3a: The Hon. Lord William III Evelyn Godolphin, XVIth Marquess of Portborough.
1b: the Hon. Lady Diana Wilhemina Stanhope (née Godolphin) Countess of Mexborough.
2b: The Hon. Lord Cecil Alexander Stanhope, XIth Earl of Mexborough
3b: The Hon. Lord Colin Saint George Stanhope, Viscount Yeoville.
1c: The Hon. Lady Elizabeth Winifred Harmsworth (née Godolphin) Marchioness of Rothermere
2c: The Hon. Lord Vere Sidney Tudor Harmsworth, Marquess of Rothermere.
3c: The Hon. Lord Vere Esmond William Harmsworth, Viscount Daylesford.
4c: The Hon. Lady Winifred Victoria Harmsworth.
D: The Hon. Lady Marjorie Millicent Godolphin (née Dallas-Yorke) Dowager Duchess of Southport (and older sister to Winifred Cavendish-Bentick [née Dallas-Yorke] Duchess of Portland)
The eldest sons of each marriage have what's called a "courtesy title", except for William, who as the eldest son of a Duke, receives his father's subsidiary title, Marquess. The son's subsidiary title is Viscount, followed by the place where their parent's ancestral home is. Lady Winifred, is just a Hon. Lady, a courtesy address only the children of the highest ranking peers (in the order of precedence) receives.
The setting is the Red Saloon at Finchwick Park, the Godolphin's ancestral home.
Pretty much every piece of clothing was masterfully converted from ts4 by @joojconverts most hairs are either from TS3, TS3 Store, @carversims or from Buckley's Disentangled Set Part 1 . The shoes are all from TS3 Store or the Supernatural pack.
The backround is decorated with Unreleased paintings and Rug, but I assure you, you'll get them eventually! Excuse the shoes sinking on the floor, There's a resizing OMSP under the rug haha. In the backround we see 3 portraits, over the mantelpiece hangs the portrait of the Godolphin sisters when bachelorettes, masterfully executed by John Singer Sargent in 1905 (the portrait is originally Sargent's Acheson sisters)
Hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed making this lol.
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galaxytittus · 1 month
saurrrrr how did nilla and pepper meet and what did the gang think of her when they met her????
thank you for the ask (and the excuse to make more gifs lol) friend!
Pepper (and Alex) met Nilla at a local college bar in Buffalo, NY!
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(from my Void machinima, watch it hereeee)
Alex adored her (she spotted her first ;D), if Pepper ever fumbles the bag, Nilla's getting a ring from her ASAPPP. Vlad and Maple were ehhh about her bc of where they met but happy to see Pepper finally meet someone who reciprocates his feelings. Plus Nilla seemed to mellow him out and make him actually happy! Remi was surprised Pepper was even into women 😳, he also found the fact she is half-Mexican/Hispanic like him HILARIOUSSS like this guy never shut up about it, talkin bout "bro total rebound, the bitch even looks like me" 😭
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crispsandkerosene · 11 months
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I downloaded a "deep conversations" mod... These are some strange beliefs about pear trees 🤔
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nocturnalazure · 10 months
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ebxnyh · 2 months
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my roman empire <3
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theeflowerofcarnage · 3 months
so im saying this a someone who just heard about "the sims" the movie (n is an avid emperor romancer but shhhh) im glad Swen Vicke & the team behind bg3 has decided 2 step away from the franchise instead of making a sequel the world's better off when ppl make games they're actually passionate about (source)
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rainbowwsims · 3 months
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Nicki Knack!!! So here's some sims-lore you probably never picked up on!
in the sims 4 country kitchen kit (that's right, even KITS in this game have lore!!!) there's a jar which has a description that mentions Nicki Knack and her relation to ... well ... knick-knacks!
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this tells us about Nicki Knack, a young lady here but an old woman in the sims bustin' out (on GBA)
In TSBO, Nicki is seen working at a thrift shop and according to her wiki page, she has been working there for over thirty years at the start of the game, along with something said about 'keep[ing] the marble jokes to yourself'
Already we see that her parents seemed to have rules that they never explained as to why, but ones that had to be followed anyway, because they said so if you look at her wiki-page, then this is when we also learn that she may be related to the Knack family from the sims 3 in twinbrook
the family consists of the mother Pattina, the father Nick as well as their YA daughter Julienne
whether or not you wanna believe that Nicki is related to them, it may be worth noting that the Knack parents both are perfectionists (as the trait suggests)
the dad on the one hand, not only does he have the perfectionist trait, but he also very much is the opposite of scattered and absent-minded and messy if not for the fact that he's a surgeon, so he probably needs things to be stored 'in their place' where he can find them, but more so for the fact that he also for one has 4 skill-points in logic and for two has the ''can't stand art'-trait his traits tell us that he is a type-A, organized, tidy, and minimalistic, which not only conflicts with his name, but also with his otherwise artistic wife
the wife, on the other hand, is also mentioned in another object from another pack in the sims 4, the movie hangout stuff pack!
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if Nicki really is related to the Knacks, then it could be that her love for trinkets and artistic findings came from Pattina's love for the same things. Who knows, maybe there are more Pattina Knack originals in Nicki's thrift shop?
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valoisfulcanelli · 1 year
A brief analysis of the Sunset Valley Goth family graves in The Sims 3
I've been meaning to do this for some time, since I used one observation from this within my story. But there are a few interesting points in the Sunset Valley Goth family graveyard in The Sims 3, which I've not seen touched upon in detail in any of the videos I've watched about the Goths. Notably, what's around each grave.
Let's start with Cornelia's family.
Simon Crumplebottom - Cornelia's father
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Simon's grave is marked with the smallest tombstone - a tablet - which means he died having earned a total of less than 75,000 Lifetime Points. (This total includes those spent during the lifetime.)
His body is shown as buried within a sarcophagus. Traditionally, sarcophagi were used to bury wealthy people, and leaders.
The only other thing beside his grave is an Ornamental Plumb Tree. There is no such exactly-named plant in real life, but this is clearly a Sims version of the Ornamental Plum Tree, whose meaning is that of hope after enduring a long cold season.
Simon died of old age.
Prudence Crumplebottom - Cornelia's mother
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Prudence's grave is marked with the medium sized gravestone, which means she died having earned between 75,000 and 149,999 Lifetime Points.
Flanking her headstone are two evergreens, symbolising eternal life, since evergreens retain their leaves during winter.
Prudence died of old age.
Now let's look at Gunther's family.
Victor Goth - Gunther's father
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Victor's grave is central to the Goth family graveyard. His gravestone is the largest one available - a pillar - which means he died having earned more than 150,000 Lifetime Points.
Surrounding his grave is a dark Hilt & Foil Fence with two gates - presumably so his gravestone can be accessed for cleaning - the corners of which are adorned with a total of four evergreens. As with Prudence's grave, these symbolise eternal life, since evergreens retain their leaves during winter.
Victor died of old age.
Gretle Goth - Gunther's mother
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Gretle's grave has the most items around it. Her gravestone is the medium-sized one, which means she died having earned between 75,000 and 149,999 Lifetime Points.
Planted beside her grave is an Ornamental Plumb Tree (as per the one planted beside Simon Crumplebottom's grave, this is a Sims reference to the Ornamental Plum Tree, whose meaning is that of hope after enduring a long cold season).
Between the tree and the gravestone is a pot of Calla Lilies. Lilies are traditionally mourning flowers and their white variants are often associated with rebirth and resurrection (they're frequently used in churches around Easter, as well as in funeral wreaths), but in The Sims 3 we only have the pink variant. Pink Calla Lilies are rarer than white ones, and they symbolise love, admiration, appreciation, and oftentimes also romance.
Of greatest interest here, though, is the bench positioned facing the grave. Somebody clearly comes here for some peaceful time, and to be close to Gretle's final resting place.
Gretle died of old age.
Finally, the mystery...
Lolita Goth - unknown
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Lolita's gravestone is the smallest type - a tablet - which means she died having earned a total of less than 75,000 Lifetime Points.
The only ornamentation on Lolita's grave are three plots of planted daisies, which have many different meanings, including: innocence, purity, hope, patience, simplicity, and loyal love.
Lolita died of electrocution.
I'm not here to debate all the theories about Lolita: about whether she's actually Frida Goth, or whether she's based on the Nabokov novel (and, if so, which male Sim was 'her' Humbert Humbert). I'm just going to mention what I've used for my story.
In my personal headcanon, Lolita is Gunther's first wife, who died in a tragic accident. In The Sims 3, electrocution only happens after a Sim has already been shocked once: if they're shocked again while still in their 'singed' state, that's the point where they die of electrocution.
There are a few electrical items in the Goth household in Sunset Valley: a fridge, the oven (which clearly is the kind that has electric rings rather than gas burners), five table lamps, four floor lamps, and a number of ceiling lamps. You could also count the Audio Lite portable stereo in Mortimer's room, but - given its portability - it's clearly battery-powered rather than mains-powered. But any number of these items could have been purchased more recently.
When resurrected, Lolita's main everyday outfit looks very 1960s in style, with her mini-dress reminiscent of the style of Mary Quant, and her long hair held back with a wide hairband. Her formal outfit is a little more eclectic, being a corseted long dress, but her sleepwear and swimwear are both flowered, and - of course - the 60s were known as the Flower Power era.
Granted, this doesn't quite fit the assumed timelines of the Sims games (which are kind of all over the place anyway). One item description in The Sims 2 seems to date that game to around the early 2000s. Since TS2 takes place 50 years after TS3, this puts TS3 at around the 1950s. However... the 1950s didn't feature many of the types of item found in the base game, including the Audio Lite portable stereo in Mortimer's room (which resembles something more from the 1980s than the 1950s).
So, just who is tending the graves of the women on Gunther's side of the family? The graves for Cornelia's side of the family have decorations that require little maintenance: occasional trimming of the evergreens and a wipe-down of the gravestones.
But for Gretle and Lolita Goth? There's that pot of flowers for Gretle, which would - in reality - need watering. There are planted flowers for Lolita, which would - again, in reality - need weeding and watering. Gretle's grave also has a bench facing it, which means someone goes to sit out there sometimes. Maybe Gretle passed before Victor, and he put the bench there, or maybe Gunther added the bench. But someone is tending those two graves.
ETA: As if to make a point, in the game that I started up to take these screenshots, Victor came out to haunt on the full moon, and sat by Gretle's grave :'(
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ssspringroll · 7 months
⭐ it's loving other people oc's time ⭐ show me a pic you love of your oc(s) pretty please! 💜
bless you. bless you. i have been thinking about my boy incessantly for the last few days. i cant wait to see him again
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yeah. he usually has his ass out. i dont know why either. he chooses this, not me.
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smallsimmer · 1 year
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Idk what kinda content I wanna post
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0pal333 · 2 years
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Highschool days.... BVHS open soon....
eyeliners: @smallsimmer lipsticks: @pleaseputnamehere
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comtessezouboff · 3 months
Happy international Women's Day!
From the Godolphins 🩷
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Costumes, jewellery, dowager's hair, vases and chair by @joojconverts
Hairs by EA and Buckley
Poses by @danjaley
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