#kathleen is my star trek tag
firedragon1321 · 11 months
I was looking up Star Trek episode titles to use as a title for something and ended up going down a rabbit hole and I saw the word "grup" and I remembered the fandom grandmas named one of their naughty magazines "Grup" and now I can connect the origin to the magazine and I can't see the episode the same again.
Anyway, hi, Star Trek fandom. I'm new here.
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bellaroles · 5 years
Top 7 comfort movie, tagged by @notasapleasure
Thanks! I was looking was something fun to do during this quarantine time.
By comfort meaning, able for rewatching as many time as I like without feeling bored or disturbed. OK, I have a few but can anime be called movie as well? Anyway, here’s my list
1. The Court Jester (1955)
I’m a sucker for witty dialogue + musical comedy + medieval theme which are all blended wonderfully in this movie. Danny Kaye was very funny and talented in this one. This always make me laugh like crazy from start to finish, and also the music is catching as well.
2. Star Trek (2009)
This reboot is very enjoyable to watch. Time-travel theme checked, Enemies to friends to...dare I hope? Lovers?! Checked. Gosh...those bantering dialogue plus reference to Sherlock Holmes (albeit a wrong one lol). Teamwork driven plot unlike a certain popular Sci-fi franchise. Every characters shone with personality, my favorite is Bones. And the CG was also pleasant enough in the eyes. What more can I want in a Sci-fi?
3. My fair lady (1954)
Although I don’t like that misogynist ending, I love this musical-romance(lol what?) so very much. Audrey Hepburn was so lovely. The plot and dialogue was enjoyable. The music was divine, there are few musicals I can claim to be able to sing along more than half of their score, and this is one of them. The costume designs, esp. that black & white horse race scene, was so beautiful.
4. You’ve got mail (1998)
Joe Fox had his faults, to this day I still couldn’t overlooked his business strategy of overcoming small local bookstores with his multi-million dollar book mall complex. Despite that, I still swoon a bit, whenever he and Kathleen were together on the screen. This is my go-to romantic fluff movie. The tone was so fuzzy and warm, and that classic enemies to lovers trope helped a lot. I’ve watched its older version “The shop Around the Corner” (1940) but I love this version more. Maybe it’s because it’s Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks’s chemistry.
5. Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms (2018)
This got me by surprised. I didn’t expect much when I first watched it but 5 minutes in I was hooked. This anime was an exquisite tearjerker, set in imaginary middle-earth-like fantasy land. Featuring an elvish-like girl (whose race has a very long life-span) whose home was invaded by the human, and an orphaned human baby boy that she adopted as her son. And picture that this movie span the lifetime of that boy( till the end of his days) I cried like a baby while watching this, haha is that comfortable for me, yes it is! Best mother-son relationship ever depicted on an anime, in my opinion. It make me want to be a better daugther to my mother! The art visual and music is also very beautiful.
6. Porco Rosso (1992)
My most favorite Studio Ghibli’s anime. There’s something so calm and beautiful flying a red aero plane over the deep blue sea, with a gang of enemy planes in hot pursue! I love its anti-war message, the strange pig curses that could be interpreted in many ways, the lovely Gina & Marco maybe-romance, lively Fio and also those adorable air pirates gang. With Joe Hisaishi’s OST playing in the background and Hayashi Miyazaki’s beautiful art, this is my very comfort movie.
7. It’s a wonderful life (1946)
Not just Christmas do I rewatch this, lol. But every time I do, I’ll be reminded once again that there is always something good in a bad situation. One of that good thing is people who are willing to help each other in their time of need. And I should strive more to be one too.
Honorable mentions; these films are not exactly comfort inducing film but for times of a certain mood I want to indulge in
Clue (1985) Sarcastically funny and witty. I recently found out that there are a few alternate endings but haven’t been able to find one yet.
Two Weeks Notice (2002) I love it sometimes because of Hugh grant and Sandra bullock. Also that once selfish billionaire who later learn to care about other people trope is quite endearing
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Two people with psychiatric disorders reluctantly helped each other to cope with their problems all the while slowly falling in love is so romantic IMHO.
Merry Christmas mr. Lawrence (1983) The Lymond vibe is so strong in David Bowie’s character “Major Jack Calliers” That strong questions about “sacrifice”, “war morality”, and also the underlying homoerotic messages. This one was disturbing to watch but also made a very strong impression in my mind. I wanna rewatch it sometimes when I’m in a thoughtful mood.
The Honey Pot (1967). Rex Harrison and Maggie Smith are so memorable in this one. A crime comedy-drama loosely based on the play Volpone. After watching it, “Dance of the Hours” is never heard the same to me lol.
Megamind (2010) talking about enemies to lovers trope (Again?!) Ok I’m obsessed with this trope lol. I love this movie-cartoon whatever, Megamind is adorable. He and Roxanne are one of my favorite ship. And the redemption arc, gosh , was very well done.
And my latest watch, contender for the above 7 is Emma (2020), such exquisite productions of my favorite Jane Austen’s. It’s like watching a play instead of a movie. Very very well done :))
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madeofmydreams · 5 years
Getting to know each other
Tagged by @wingittofreedom
your name: Kathleen Louise Madden Hemingway / madeofmydreams
fandoms you write for: Star Trek,
where you post: Ao3
most popular one shot: ano... I only have 1 wip and it's OLD! I should finish it.
most popular multi-chapter story: It's called "Love will Fall like Rain" and it's the movie Chuck but G rated as if it had happened to Jim Kirk in my home town and Spock is human...
favorite story you’ve written: I like that story but, I think I like an original short story I wrote while I was in college about a upper class girl who doesn't understand that her crush hasn't asked her out because of wealth differences better though... perhaps I'll dig that up and post it.
story you were nervous to post: EVERYTHING. Posting on Tumblr even makes me nervous. I just put an original poem up that I'm freaking out about.
how do you choose titles: Choosing a title is a little like trying to hit a pinata... they're supposed to be meaningful but honestly I don't even read titles that much I just skip to descriptions sooooo I don't really bother with them.
do you outline: I live and die by outlines
how many of your stories are complete: *looks around*
From a fic perspective... 0
I've got at least 15 orginal stories wandering around my house though and probably 80+ poems.
how many of your stories are in progress: 1
I really should finish it so that when I like somebody I can be like, "hey, read mine too please" instead of just crushing from afar...
coming soon: I'm writing a poem tomorrow. Perhaps I'll post that one too.
do you accept prompts: That would be cool. Yes.
upcoming story you’re most excited to write: I dunno... I have plotted out the next chapter in my wip sooooo. That I guess.
Tagging: @doctorit @swissmissficrecs @dingonato @ajeepandleather
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knotty-pated-fool · 6 years
Ooh, hey, thanks @eattodefeat! 
Rules: answer these questions then tag twenty blogs you’d like to know better
Nicknames: Ever since I was a kid, my family has called me Boo. Now it feels odd when one of my siblings calls me Mary Kathleen. My dad sometimes calls me Boodle the Noodle or Puddle-Wuddle, which are both relics from my toddler-hood. 
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 5′4′’ (and three quarters! so I’m basically like 5′5,′’ ok??)
Favourite band/artist: Disclaimer--I basically have 0 taste in music and if anyone wants to send me album recs, please go for it. HOWEVER, I do love the band Gaelic Storm. It was a huge part of my childhood! We always went to see them at the annual Three Rivers Irish Festival. I also really like Barenaked Ladies. 
Song stuck in my head: I was listening to a playlist of old pop hits this morning, so I was humming American Boy by Estelle on my way to work. 
Last movie I saw: Hmmm. I was watching a lot of horror movies for Halloween and I think the last one I saw was Suspiria! Recently I’ve been making my way through Star Trek: TOS for the nth time--it’s very soothing to me for some reason! Nothing horrible ever happens, at least not so horrible that it can’t be resolved in one episode. (However, it is cringe-level sexist sometimes.)
Last thing I Googled: “best bad jokes.” I love trading horrible puns with my boss. Before that was “yeah sex is cool but have you ever heard of phonology?” because I goofing off in class sending my friend linguistics memes.
Other blogs: Yeah! I have one for all my fandom related junk: Marvel stuff, Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, HP, etc. 
Do I get asks: Never gotten one! But please feel free ☺️
Reason I chose my username: ‘knotty-pated fool’ is a term taken from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, when Prince Hal is talking shit about Falstaff. I am not a lit person by trade, but my mom was an English major and I inherited her love for Shakespeare (we are seeing Much Ado About Nothing on Saturday, as a matter of fact!). 
Following: 122
Average amount of sleep: I am a college student, but I am fairly religious about getting 6-8 hrs a night. It helps me keep my mental health issues in check (along with therapy and meds, among other things!). The meds I’m taking sometimes give me sleep disturbances, which results in the world’s most horrible and boring anxiety dreams. Last night I dreamed I had to take an AP English exam on a book I’d never read. 
What I am wearing: Boots, black jeans, and a sweater
Dream trip: London, Ireland, Prague, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, Amman, Cairo
Favourite food: Squash soup. Right now, though, I’m so pumped for Thanksgiving break coming up and all I can think about is sweet potato casserole and pecan pie. 😋
Play any instruments: My mom plays violin and piano, but her main instrument is the viola. I did both violin and piano as a kid, but then fussed about it till my mom let me quit. As an adult, I wish I had kept up with it. I tried to pick it up again over the summer, with limited success. I never learned to read music fluently, and that’s been the biggest thing holding me back. However, I was in choir for many years, and I love singing while my mom plays. 
Eye colour: blue-gray
Languages you speak: English and (intermediate!) Arabic. (Anche--ho studiato italiano per tre anni nel liceo.)
Hair colour: dark blonde
Most iconic song: Esperanza Spalding--The Radio Song
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A sunny, cold day in November. The first big snow of the year. Blue velvet. 
um...how bout...
@ioannastudies, @whentheflowerblooms, @booksandknowledge, @s-oftanimal, @youre-all-mad-here, @aspunnilyvaneassybil, @thenovelistsings, @spiraling-wonderer, @skyebleg, @discovering-val? 
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transastarion · 6 years
Got tagged to do this so here we go
Name: Anthony
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′7″
Put your music player on shuffle, what are the first four songs that pop up?
Kathleen - Josh Ritter
Ampersand - Amanda Palmer
Into My Arms - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Effigy - Andrew Bird
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you? Yes, both. Some were very good, too.
When was the last time you played guitar? A year or two ago, it’s been a while.
What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love? I hate sirens or high pitched noises. I love the sound of rain and the sound of the ocean.
Believe in ghosts? Not sure. I don’t have a lot of answers with regards to spirituality.
How about aliens? Some form of life other than our own probably exists in the universe.
Do you drive? Yeah. A lot, these days.
What was the last book you read? A book about the culture and food of Italy.
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Actually yeah. My dad worked at a refinery since I was born, so the smell of gasoline reminds me of him coming home from work.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I haven’t been injured much, really? I fractured a bone in my foot once I think.
Do you have any obsessions right now? Cooking, vegan food, Star Trek, my writing.
do you tend to hold grudges against people who’ve wronged you? I used to. But in the past few years I’ve learned to let things go, and it takes something particularly egregious to make me hold onto it.
In a relationship? Not at the moment, no.
Tagging: If you want to do it, do it!
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this was in my drafts for a million years
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 of your followers that you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by:  @amagurith
Names: Kathleen Nickname: mmm. a couple people still call me “Kat” but it’s mostly Relatives Of Friends. i like my name the way it is
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Hogwarts House: sorting hat cannot decide between ravenclaw and hufflepuff Height: a wee bit under five three Orientation: sex neutral demisexual Ethnicity: honky
Favorite Fruit: pineapple, strawberry, mango, guava, grapes, lemon, cantaloupe, uhh… lots Favorite Season: autumn. god yes gimme the fall Favorite Book Series: still Lord of the Rings after all these years
Favorite Fictional Character: wh… how am i gonna…? oh god. um. where to start. Favorite Flower: carnations, ranunculus, morning glory, moonflower, wild roses, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, certain daffodils, honeysuckle
Favorite Scent: rain, ocean, incense, tea, baking, my man’s hair, honeysuckle, and like amagurith said, the smell of a blown out candle.
Favorite Colour: green forever
Favorite Animal: moths, owls, all the local fauna, every single doggie Favorite Band/Artist: oh god. ok. Mountain, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Chuck Berry, Shirley Bassey, Every Motown Girl Group From The 1960s, Donovan, The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem, Polaris, TMBG, god i need to quit while i’m ahead or else i will just keep going. i love music. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: tea, all day, every day, until i shuffle off this mortal coil. hot cocoa in the winter too. Average Sleep Hours: 6ish generally. Number of Blankets I sleep with: it varies with the season… idk why this is always a question on these things tbh. summer: none. winter: a shit ton. Dream trip: wow for a second i was like “so… astral travel?” but uh. i would love to go camping somewhere remote, but also have a full bathroom. that’s my dream trip. Last thing I Googled: something about potatoes
Blog created: May 2011. shit dude How many Blogs do I follow: 565… of these, i talk to maybe a baker’s dozen ppl, lol Number of Followers: over 700, i have no idea how many are bots tho i try to delete obvious ones What do I usually post about: a lot of nerd shit, fandom (mostly star trek tbh), nature, scifi/fantasy, music, writing, social justice, my life (trying to be more open about certain things) Do I get asks regularly: are there even ppl who DO get asks regularly
tagging: if anyone feels like it, consider yourself tagged
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shesailsships · 8 years
Tagged by @enolah ^__^
Rules of the game: Answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname: Babo/Tinky (these are family nicknames, “Amber” is kinda hard to shorten lol) Star Sign: Gemini Height: 5′2 (shorty in the house!) Time right now: 11:40am Last thing I googled: Traplines...doing novel research, oh the random topics it will bring you to! Fave artists: (music) David Gray, Florence + The Machine, Matchbox 20, Zitten, Jason Aldean, Adele, Gary Allen, Mumford & Sons, Toby Keith, Seafret, Kaleo, The Lumineers, Keaton Henson, Serena Ryder...(actors) Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz,  Ewan McGregor, Gong Yoo, Emma Watson, Lee Bo Young, Zoe Saldana, Jung Kyung Ho, Kate Winslet, Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Leonardo Dicaprio, Meg Ryan, Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Gong Hyo Jin, Julie Andrews, Lee Min Ho, Sandra Bullock, Kim Hee Sun, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Lee Min Jung, Scarlett Johansson, Lucy Brown, Jennifer Garner, Diego Luna, Harrison Ford, Lee Sun Gyun, Pierce Bronson, Julia Roberts, Daniel Craig, Zacory Quinto, Matthew Macfadyen, Rupert Penry-Jones, Jung Il Woo, Richard Armitage, Ji Chang Wook, Lee Bo Gum, Karen Gillan, Lee Jung  Suk, Allison Brie, Liv Tyler, Jeffery Donovan, Jack Davenport, So Ji Sub, Daniel Radcliffe, Kim So Eun...(ect) Song stuck in my head: Hello, Adele Last movie I watched: Star Wars: A New Hope Last tv show I watched: Survivor (my guilty pleasure <3) What I’m wearing now: Gray socks and lounge pants + black ribbed long-sleeved sweater When I created this blog: February, 2010 (!!!)  Kind of stuff I post: This is a multi-fandom blog, I post what I’m most crazy about at the moment...and that changes quite often, sorry and I love you @ my followers! I am a 90′s kid and get nostalgic from time to time, so expect that lol. Staples of this blog include: ice dance legends Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir...JAG...The Pretender...gushing over the unpopular ships I adore (harry x hermione, obidala, norribeth, annie x eyal)...I am a sappy romantic so various period drama appreciation is going on at all times: Pride and Prejudice/Persuasion/North & South are my die-hard favorites....KDRAMA CRAZINESS...ect. I do make gifs of my favorite shows/movies/TESSA AND SCOTT <3 Why I chose my URL: I’ve been a shipper since before I had a word for it. It’s literally become apart of my identity (whoops) and I wanted to express that ^__^  She (being me) sails (the verb for shipping) ships (maaaaany) <3  Gender: Female Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw Pokemon team: Mystic (woot!) Fave colors: Pink  Average hours of sleep: 5- 7 (idk I go to bed early but I always toss and turn??) Lucky number: 8 Favorite Characters: (in no particular order!) Remus Lupin (Harry Potter), Miss Parker (The Pretender), Spock (Star Trek), Legolas (Lord Of The Rings), Claudia Brown (Primeval), Harmon Rabb (JAG), Obi-wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Lemony Snicket (Series Of Unfortunate Events), Padme Amidala (Star Wars), Eyal Lavin (Covert Affairs), James Norrington (Pirates Of The Caribbean), Natasha Romanoff (Marvel), Margaret Hale (North & South), Oliver Wood (Harry Potter), Kathleen Kelly (You’ve Got Mail), Li Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura), Clara Oswald (Doctor Who), Michael Westen (Burn Notice), Jarod (The Pretender), Kazuya Shibuya/Oliver Davis/Naru (Ghost Hunt), Nathaniel Underwood (Bartimaeus Trilogy), Anne Elliott (Persuasion), Fiona Glenanne (Burn Notice), Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter) Anthony Lockwood (Lockwood & Co), Nick Cutter (Primeval), Annie Walker (Covert Affairs), Iku Kasahara (Library Wars), Sarah Mackenzie (JAG), Fredrick Wentworth (Persuasion), Atsushi Dojo (Library Wars), Lucy Carlyle (Lockwood & Co), Nyota Uhura (Star Trek), Mai Taniyama (Ghost Hunt), John Thornton (North & South), Sakura Kinomoto (Card Captor Sakura)....ect. (this could go on forever tbh lol)
Dream Job: Author...I’m working on it!
Number of blankets I sleep with: one big puffy duvet!  Following: 892
Tagging: @balletfever89, @frenchcirce, @myrish-lace-love, @naturalcolor, @hilarybecker, @sy5starplaty, @renisanz, @iwouldlovetoeatyourtoast, @cryurname, @100years-to-live
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amphythewanderer · 8 years
Ok! I was tagged by @streamfrost and I haven’t done one of these in a while, so this should be fun. Thank you so much for tagging me.
Name: Kathleen
Nickname: Kathy, Birb, radioactive waste
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Sexual Orientation: I’m asexual/biromantic
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Pokémon Team: Is this for pokemon go? I’m team Valor, but if we’re talking about teams of pokemon; then: ampharos, salazzle, sceptile, flygon, braviary, klefki.
Favorite Color: Red, blue, and green.
Favorite Animals: Cats, pandas, platypus. (Here are some fictional animals too) Dragons and griffons.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5-8ish hours maybe.
Cat or Dog Person? Both, both is good.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Oh dear, the list is going to be really long. I’ll choose one from each fandom. Literally every Bioshock character except Fink and Comstock (Bioshock), Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age), Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect), Mercy (Overwatch), the medic (Team Fortress 2), Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored), Milo (Milo Murphy’s Law), Sheogorath (Elder Scrolls), Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls), The scientist brains from the Old World Blues DLC for New Vegas (Fallout), Wonder Woman (DC Comics), Robin (fire emblem), all the Star Trek crews (Star Trek), and all the other characters I couldn’t get to name because I would be here forever.    
Number of Blankets I sleep with: 2 or 1. Depending on the weather.
Favorite Singer / Band: Weird Al Yankovic, Regina Spektor, Miracle of Sound, JT Machinima, Dan Bull, and Rockit gaming. Just to name a few.
Dream Trip: Europe, just Europe.
Dream Job: A professional writer for a video game studio of some sort.
When was this Blog created? I think 2014, but I don’t remember when? I think April?
Current Number of Followers: 845
When did your Blog reach its Peak? 848 (About three days ago)
What made you decide to make a Tumblr? I didn’t know that many people that are into video games and other fandoms as much as I am in real life. So I resorted to joining this website. Fandoms are the only thing I try to put on my blog, I sort of just attempt to avoid everything else.
Relationship Status: Single
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick (Or none)
Last Song I listened to: “Wait for it” from Hamilton
Last Movie I watched: Ratchet and Clank
Top 3 Shows: Gravity Falls, Justice League Unlimited, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Top 3 Characters: I’ll use this to name some characters I wasn’t able to. Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age Inquisition), Alistair Theirin (Dragon Age Origins), Tali (Mass Effect)
Top 3 Ships: Wonderbat (Wonder Woman and Batman), McHanzo (Mccree and Hanzo), HarleyIvy (Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy).
Thank you for reading this thing, I’ll tag @artlesslylatina @triplehelixmatrix and anyone else that ones to do this. If you don’t want to do this than that’s ok!
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drbobbimorse · 8 years
i was tagged by: @josephmorqans (Thanks, trash sis!) rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag 5 people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy! i’m tagging: @yeahthatotheronewhatshername, @cosmic-wanda, @lydamartin, @darknightfrombeyond, @robbmadden, @god-dammit-barb note: questions 15 and 18 are missing, idk why; i literally tracked and sifted through several other blogs that were tagged in this game to get them but gave up
1: are you named after someone? Yes and no. My family is super Catholic so there are naming traditions for the girls. At some point, one girl in the family with always have a two-parter first name and the first part of said name is always the same. I don’t like to share my real name on here so I won’t but, as an example, let’s say my name is Donna Jo, then my mom would be Donna Jean, my grandmother Donna Grace, my great-grandmother Donna Kathleen and so on and so forth. I have to carry on this tradition if and when I have a daughter. I am not happy about it lol 2: when was the last time you cried? Ummmm I’m not sure. Probably when I saw Moana and (spoiler) it was when Gramma Tala died 3: do you like your handwriting? Nope! I hate it! I’ve had people tell me they like it but I think its so ugly tbh 4: what is your favourite lunch meat? I hate lunchmeat. I worked in a grocery store deli for 8.5 years. I hate that shit, to the depths of my soul. But I do love pepperoni and genoa salami 5: do you have kids? Nope. But I have names picked out lol 6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? This question is gonna give me an existential crisis. Maybe?   7: do you use sarcasm? Only all the time 8: do you still have your tonsils? Yup 9: would you bungee jump? YES!!! 10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? Anything of the Count Chocula line. I wait for it to be released every Fall lol 11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends on how worn in they are 12: do you think you’re a strong person? Emotionally, yes; I’ve got a thick skin. Physically, hell no and I bruise like a peach  13: what is your favourite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip! 14: what is the first thing you notice about people? Probably their attitude. I tend to be quiet and listen in on people before I actually talk to them, to see if we’d get along or not 16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? My stupid potbelly stomach! I’ve people ask me when I’m due because this fucker refuses to get flat! Tied with my ankles, which have no curve definition but aren’t cankles so my legs are just a straight fucking line tf 17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Blue denim jeans with gray leggings underneath (its winter and cold here, don’t judge) and my brown leather calf boots 19: what are you listening to right now? Nothing, but I was jamming to Missy Elliot before 20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be? JUNGLE GREEN! It was always my favorite as a kid. The only color name I bothered to remember lol 21: favourite smell? Baked goods fresh from the oven 22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom  23: favorite sport to watch? I prefer not to cause sports bore me to tears now but hockey or soccer if I have to 24: hair color? Dark brown 25: eye color? Blue 26: do you wear contacts? Yeah but only on special occasions  27: favourite food to eat? Pizza 28: scary movies or comedy? Both! It really depends on the story and whose in it 29: last movie you watched? Star Trek Beyond and it was so good! 30: what color of shirt are you wearing? Purple with a white elephant 31: summer or winter? Summer, fuck winter 32: hugs or kisses? Hugs!!! 33: what book are you currently reading? The Man in the High Castle by Phillip K. Dick 34: who do you miss right now? My oldest and bestest friend. But I’ve been missing her since they put us in different classes for fourth grade. Our schedules haven’t matched up ever since lol We try to get together but its usually months before we can 35: what is on your mouse pad? Nothing, cause I don’t have one  36: what is the last tv program you watched? Emerald City 37: what is the best sound? Rainstorms, easy. I love them! 38: rolling stones or the beatles? Beatles 39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? London, so like 3600+ miles from home (yes, I googled it, don’t judge) 40: do you have a special talent? Ummm, my baking skills, I guess? My sister says I’m Betty fucking Crocker so I know I’m a good baker. I can make shit from scratch, if I have time 41: where were you born? USA
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inquiringquilter · 5 years
Wednesday Wait Loss 113
Welcome to Wednesday Wait Loss. Please share what you’ve been working on!
First let me tell you what I've been up to
Basically, I’ve been working this past week on one project and on Sunday, I got my March Island Batik challenge done! I really like how this one turned out.
The challenge was to be inspired by a vintage design to create something modern, and I chose the Double Wedding Ring pattern. You can read more about my Wedding Bands quilt here.
Since getting the quilt done, I’ve been organizing my goals for April and getting to work on them. I’ll be reviewing my March goals and publishing my April goals later this week but for now I can show you this—-progress on the Star Trek quilt I’m making for my daughter!
Last month, I finished the first section of the Enterprise.
On Tuesday I started working on Section 2, and quickly got this far. Woot!
Well, that was my week!
Now let's see who made this week's feature
Here are my favorite posts from last week.
First up is Kathleen @ Kathleen McMusing, who also finished her March Island Batik challenge. She calls this Pretty in Pink and man it sure is!
Next is Works4me19, who shared her Owl block from the Fall into QAL I hosted last fall along with my Partners in Design. She calls this her Chocolate Owl. Isn’t it adorable?
Finally, I’d like to welcome Vasudha @ Storied Quilts who shared her Island Batik March challenge quilt as well! Vasudha calls this Bali Sunrise, and it’s inspired by the classic log cabin block. I just love those colors!
Be sure to drop by her blog and welcome Vasudha to our Wednesday Wait Loss group. Also, be sure to congratulate her on her 2nd Blogiversary!
Congratulations ladies! Here's an I Was Featured badge for your blogs or to simply print out and wear with pride! Thank you for supporting my blog!
I’m not sure how to link up
Need help? Click the Wednesday Wait Loss tab above to get step by step instructions on what to do. You can link up a blog post, a photo from Flickr, Instagram, or Facebook, or a photo direct from your cell phone provided it is low resolution.
Time to link up!
Now it’s your turn to link up your works in progress and recently completed quilts! Here are some quick reminders about the linky party:
By linking up, you give me permission to grab a photo or two to share here on Wednesday Wait Loss.
This linky is all about encouragement, so please visit a few of the links and leave a comment.
If you’re uploading a photo from your phone/computer, leave a comment below that explains your project. And for the rest of us, please reply to a few of these comments leaving words of encouragement for a quick finish.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
Tag Master List
I use a few tags often around here, so I decided to make a list of tags. Trigger tags included in the readmore.
General Tags
I Have An Opinion: Usually an older post. Generally an opinionated rant.
Rant/Vent: Same as I Have an Opinion
Do You Love the Color of the Sky Length: Long post
Long-Ass Post: Same as above but for older posts
NSFW Text: Text is sexually explicit or suggestive. I will not post sexually explicit images or smutfic.
Actually Autistic: Tag from the autistic community. Used to identify that I am, in fact, autistic.
Writing: Anything writing related
OCs: Related to original characters. I also tag my OCs individually.
My Art: Something I drew.
Tumblr Raw Lines: Banger lines on the hellsite. I saved this for writing ideas, but it could be good for a laugh.
Character Idea: Hold on OP you made a cool Little Dude and I want one too! Other writers- browse this tag for ideas.
Taiposting: Tai-related posting. Mostly shitposts grateful for his existence. Sometimes a little more in-depth.
Bot Alert: Contains bot usernames so they can be identified. Report as spam and block 'em!
Pain Tag: I have separate ones for Gladion, Arven, and Kieran. But if you wanna watch me suffer over Pokemon characters, this is the tag to use. I tried putting the character's name before "pain tag" and it just brought them all up because Tumblr is dumb.
Kathleen: My Star Trek tag. Named after Lieutenant Riley's song in The Naked Time. "I'll take you home AGAIN Kathleen!"
Compassion Fatigue: Posts that can trigger compassion fatigue. This is a problem I have, so I feel the need to tag it and help others. This does not apply to all posts, especially those before 2024.
Anti Horizons: Pokemon Horizons bashing. Please block this tag if you like Pokemon Horizons.
Legacy Tags
Tags for finding older stuff of interest. I don't really use these anymore.
Saga of the Egg: Digimon fans- remember nade nade? This will lead you to all my contributions to the egg-cracking madness.
Poop Floop: As above, but specifically for when Sukamon blocked the egg.
Last Evolution Tag: Related to Ash Ketchum leaving the anime. May still be rarely used.
Bae: Will probably lead to cringy Tai fangirling- if you care.
Trigger Tags
This blog may occasionally post things that will need trigger tags. I will try and tag appropriately. I will not go back to old posts and tag them, but will incorporate them going forward. If you think I need more tags, let me know. Trigger warning tags usually begin with tw.
When I use the tags related to hatred, bigotry, and criminal acts, I'm reblogging content discussing with them. I obviously don't condone that shit. If you do, then nope out of here.
These tags are used for discussions of the topics, certain images (most of which are cartoons), or for writing snippets I may vomit up here.
tw racism
tw homophobia
tw transphobia
tw antisemitism
tw nazi or tw nazis
tw slavery
tw albiesm
tw rape
tw pedophilia
tw incest
tw suicide
tw gore
tw blood
tw body horror
tw abuse
tw child abuse
tw animal abuse
tw animal death
tw pokemon death (this will be paired with the animal death tw to be safe)
tw insects
tw harry potter
tw jk rowling
flashing lights or just flashing
flashing gif (not as often as the above)
I may use other tags but these are the most common
Asshole Tags
If you don't want to hear anything about these specific assholes, block these tags.
Trump Dump: Post contains content related to Donald Trump
Elon Poopyhead: Post contains content related to Elon Musk
tw jk rowling and/or tw harry potter: Post contains content related to JK Rowling
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/06/23/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-62317/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 6/23/17
  It’s gonna be a quick one this week, as I’ve got too much real life stuff going on. Plus, there was a lot of little news, but no big whammy.
Last Saturday I took in Awesome Con which, in its fifth year, was being held at the Washington Convention Center. Normally I’m all about con reports. You’ll see my cosplay pics, and hear about all the stuff I bought. Not so much this time around. I don’t know what it was, but it didn’t feel very Awesome this year. I hate cons that are filled to capacity (like NYCC), but I felt like this one could’ve been better attended. Sure, there were a lot of folks there, but I still bet they fell short of the numbers that had been expected. No cosplay really caught my eye. There were only, like, 7 comic vendors. The show really doesn’t seem to know if it’s a pop culture con, like a Wizard World show, or if it’s a comic-con for the DC area, rivaling Baltimore’s.
It wasn’t all bad, though. I got to hang out with my buds @KeithDavidsen and @ClassickMateria, plus I had a great conversation with 2/3 of the 3 Black Geeks Podcast. Oh, and I totally gushed over Christopher Hastings, who currently writes I Am Groot and The Unbelievable Gwenpool for Marvel. I’ve been a fan of his since his indie series, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, and I’m a huge Gwenpool fan. I pretty much went just to meet him, and he was totally gracious and nice. Meanwhile, I was gonna confront Scott Snyder and get him to sign my Dark Days: The Forge book. And then ask him why he blocked me on Twitter. But the stars were not aligned, as his line was capped before I got there. I suppose it was for the best. So, while lacking in awesome, there’s still room for improvement, and I’m sure I’ll be right back there next year.
While a lot of folks are getting excited about it, I have some problems with the way Netflix’s The Defenders series is being marketed. Something seems off with the tone of everything. See that poster above? As I remarked on Twitter, it looks like a TV Guide ad for a show Fox canceled in 1994. I can hear the promo now: “The Defenders, followed by an all-new New York Undercover. Thursday, at 8/7 Central.” There’s nothing about it that *pops*, and it just looks so pedestrian. Are they a rag tag group of NYC street-level heroes, or is it a coming of age drama about 3 guys and a girl trying to make it in New York City? I still have 3 more seasons of Marvel Netflix shows to catch up on before I can even watch this, so maybe I’m not the target audience. It’s just all so formulaic now, though. “Hey, look – a hallway fight!”
We finally got a premiere date for the long-delayed Star Trek: Discovery, bowing September 24th at 8:30 on both CBS and CBS All Access. What’s with the 8:30 start time, though? I guess we’ll get some kind of half-assed, 30-minute Trek retrospective before the show. And, taking a page from cable shows, the season will be split in two, with the first 8 episodes airing in the fall, while the remaining 7 will air starting in January. I couldn’t be less excited for this show. So many damn hoops to jump through, so many broken promises regarding its premiere date. At this point, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they requested a blood sample before allowing you to watch it. That’s how crazy this has become. What was once thought to become the most pirated series of all time, I’m now starting to think most of us aren’t even gonna bother.
I had no clue that Phil Lord and Chris Miller were the directors on the Han Solo film (how’d I miss that?), and I would’ve told anyone who’d listen that they were a terrible choice – which is why I’m not surprised that they were fired this week, citing “creative differences”. Sure, The Lego Movie was great. The Jump Street franchise was great. But I don’t see them fitting into the “Star Wars vision” that Kathleen Kennedy clearly has. They would’ve given us something great and entertaining, but I don’t know if it would’ve been a “Star Wars movie”. Then again, I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, so what do I know. I’d like to think there’s room to do a lot of stuff in that franchise, but I just don’t see their style fitting into what’s already been established. And then Ron Howard was announced as their replacement. I really don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, gifted director, but this seems sort of out of his wheelhouse. Any of y’all have strong thoughts either way?
Meanwhile, somebody needs to make up their mind about whether these Spider-Man spinoffs are gonna be set in the MCU or not. We were basically told that only Spider-Man was crossing over, and even that’s been threatened as a possible one-time deal. But then Amy Pascal did a press junket earlier this week, where she danced around the matter, saying that the Spider-Man spinoffs would build upon the world that is being carefully crafted, leading some to believe they might actually be set in the MCU. That’s how some folks saw it. I just saw it as Pascal trying to keep her job. I guess time will tell. Meanwhile, Spider-Man Homecoming 2 is already being discussed (which I hope is called Spider-Man: Sadie Hawkins Dance), and there will reportedly be a cameo by another MCU character who’s not Iron Man. Keep it in your pants, boys. Let’s see how this one does first, OK?
Song of the Week
Yup, it’s a Taylor Swift song, but it’s NOT sung by Taylor. She gave this song to Little Big Town, who have ridden it to #1. It’s got her trademark juvenile lyrics, but I still think it’s beautiful. I kinda wish I didn’t know she wrote it, but I think that was part of the push that got it to #1. Anyway, here’s “Better Man”.
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
Shonda Rhimes had to fail eventually, which is why her summer Shakespeare series, Still Star-Crossed, has been moved to Saturday after 3 low-rated episodes. Stick a fork in that turkey!
Speaking of dead shows, CMT couldn’t make the numbers work to revive Last Man Standing, so the sitcom is officially dead
Dule Hill’s real-life fiancee, Ballers actress Jazmyn Simon, will play Gus’ love interest in the Psych reunion movie
Apparently Nickelodeon is prepping a one-hour reunion, called Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling. I didn’t have cable growing up, but I know this means something to some of you.
Virginia Madsen won’t be back for season 2 of Designated Survivor. I was kinda hoping she and Kiefer would bang, so now I have the sads…
Six cast members are out at Taken, amid a major shake-up prior to season 2. I guess you could say they didn’t have the right set of skills.
They’re teasing a Downton Abbey movie for 2018. I hope it’s called Downton Abbey: Matthew’s Revenge!
There are rumors that Damon Lindelof is in talks to do a Watchmen TV series for HBO. That network is really into dongs lately, so I guess this is a perfect fit.
Daniel Henney is shifting his Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders character over the main Criminal Minds series, following the former’s cancellation. Remember that when your CBS-watching grandpa asks you where he’s seen that “Oriental fella” before…
The CW is interested in a Supernatural spinoff called Wayward Sisters, which would star recurring guest star Kim Rhodes. I don’t watch Supernatural, but she was Zack & Cody’s hot mom, so I’m a supporter of giving her more work!
After a thorough investigation, Warner Bros found no evidence of misconduct on the set of Bachelor In Paradise, and production has resumed on the season. Now it’ll probably be the most-watched season of the show, but there’s no way they saw that coming, right? Right?
As a reward for being the #1 daytime drama for the past 28 (!) consecutive years, CBS has renewed The Young and the Restless for another three seasons
NBC is scrambling to do some damage control, as Megyn Kelly’s highly publicized interview with Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones was beaten by a rerun of America’s Funniest Home Videos. That’s right, it was beaten by a show that’s been rendered virtually obsolete since the proliferation of the Internet
Heroes is coming to Crackle on July 13th. You know, that free streaming network that nobody watches? So, if you’re still itching to save the cheerleader, there ya go.
The sequel to Jurassic World will be called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Meh. That shit ought to be called Jurassic Galaxy. Take those dinos into space already!
Daniel Day-Lewis has quit acting, meaning we’ll never get to see him in the Fast and the Furious franchise like we’d always dreamed!
Fresh off his mistrial, Bill Cosby plans to give speaking engagements where he will instruct folks how to dodge sexual assault charges. I couldn’t make this shit up! “If you put the pudding pop in the Jello, make sure you’re not caught on any Kodak film!”
Transformers 5: Bad Touch had the lowest opening day box office for the franchise, with $15.7 million.
In the ultimate Fuck yo’ Father’s Day move, Beyonce’s dad announced to the world, via tweet, that her twins had arrived. I hear he was dragged away by wraiths soon afterward.
Adam West’s unaired episode of Powerless can now be seen on DC All Access, as well as Hulu.
No one had the West Week Ever this week. As Nina Simone sang, “It be’s that way sometimes”. I do have a correction from last week, though. Like I said up top, I’ve got some real world stuff going on and I wasn’t really thinking clearly. I inducted Adam West into the West Week Ever Hall of Fame, when my pal @zacshipley pointed out that a better honor was staring me right in the face: that honor should be called the West Life Ever. So, the post has since been corrected and, going forward, that is what will be bestowed upon those greats that we’ve lost along the way. Adam West had the West Life Ever.
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