#kathrine x sarah
Why must everything be so confusing?
Part 8 of my trans Davey series, 'my courage, found'
<prev & next> masterlist
TW: accidental misgendering, brief mention of period typical sexism, brief mention of minor character injury
(Sarah's POV)
When Davey was eight and Sarah barely seven, they had created a pact between themselves. The two of them had snuck out of bed late one-night, childish excitement forcing them out of their warm covers to watch the first snow of the season fall. They had been laying on the rug near the fireplace. Flickering embers from the dying fire had kept the worst of the biting cold away, casting slivers of gold onto their faces. Through the window, fat snowflakes lazily drifted past, dancing in a light breeze.
Sarah was the one who brought it up, always one to speak her mind. One to demand and act without hesitation. It had been almost silent, only the slight crackle of the fire to listen to, and her voice had been loud in comparison despite how she whispered her words.
“We should form a pact,” she had said, a serious look settling upon her round face.
“A pact?” Davey had been confused, frowning slightly and moving to sit up. Sarah copied her, so they were now sitting cross-legged and facing each other.
“It means a promise,” Sarah clarified.
“I know what it means,” Davey had scoffed, “I meant, what exactly would we promise?”
Sarah had huffed at her, annoyed by Davey’s reply, “I wanted us to promise that we would never hide stuff or lie to each other, but you don’t seem to want to make it.”
“No, no- Sarah,” Davey hurriedly said, starting to smile, “I do, c’mon let’s make it.”
“You really want to?”
“Really, c’mon,” Davey had grabbed her hands then, and solemnly said, “I promise to never lie or hide anything from you, Sarah.”
Sarah had followed her lead, voice very serious, repeating the promise and even using Davey’s real name. Her sister had wrinkled her nose at it and told Sarah to use Davey. But Sarah had reminded her that the pact had to be formal which just caused Davey to sigh and shove Sarah over. Then Sarah had kicked Davey and they had both begun trying to wrestle each other while being as quiet as possible.
Their parents had found them ten minutes later because of Sarah screeching at Davey to let go over her braid, while Davey demanded Sarah stop sitting on top of her and digging her knees into her stomach.
The rest of the memory is blurry, but it doesn’t matter. The important part is the fact that they had made a promise, swore to each other, a damn oath, not to lie nor hide things from each other.
The two of them were supposed to tell each other everything. And sure, Sarah may have kept a few secrets from Davey over the years such as who stole her last piece of chocolate or the real names of her crushes. However, Sarah had never acted so blatantly secretive as Davey had been doing for the past couple months. So obviously hiding something.
At first, Sarah had brushed it off as Davey being Davey, always seeming to be half a step out of her body. Occasions where Davey had been completely unaware of outside happenings seemed to become more frequent. And Sarah had become concerned that perhaps something terrible had happened to her sister to cause such a state. Because despite Davey having always suffered from such bouts of mindlessness, it had never been so bad.
Also, Davey had suddenly started being much more tired during the days. Normally, she was wide awake and eager to learn, but now she was barely keeping her eyes open. And Sarah had offered to trade rooms, so that Davey could sleep on a nicer mattress in case that was the problem, but her sister had hurriedly and resoundingly refused. Why Davey likes sleeping in that little closet she will never know. It is either freezing or roasting most of the time due to the windows, and full of spiders and occasional mice. Also, the worn furniture takes up so much room that the door cannot even open all the way. Whatever Davey is hiding, Sarah had thought, I am not going in there to find out.
Then Davey started disappearing after school a lot more than usual. Davey normally came home to study with her but claimed to now be meeting up with friends to study. Which Sarah knows is utter horse shit because Davey does not have friends. She knows every kid in their grade at school and none of them have mentioned studying with her sister. So, Sarah had jumped to the obvious conclusion that Davey was meeting up with a boy. And that just irked her. Why would she hide something like that? Did their pact mean nothing?
But then their father had been injured and Davey had stepped up to take care of them while their mother had been trying to keep herself together. It always seemed to be Sarah who was the one to take care of the three of them, or at least Davey, Les was good at taking care of himself.
But Davey always seemed to forget how to behave, how to properly act as a girl. Her sister had been in a war against skirts for practically her whole life, always tripping and yanking at them awkwardly. On multiple occasions she had to stop Davey from cutting her hair in some sort of fit of emotion, and then lie to their teacher about why Davey had decided to braid her hair up in such a way that it looked quite manly.
So, Sarah had never expected Davey to be the one in the kitchen cooking for them, nor the one to talk with all the relatives and friends that had stopped by. She hadn’t expected to find Davey pouring over the old newspapers about the trolley strike or find him reviewing the bills and bank statements, helping their mother stretch finances more than they already have been.
After those surprises, she has been almost unbothered about Davey going to find work while she has stayed back to help their mother. It had been easier, she realized, to stay near home, in case something happened to their parents. Plus, if she and Davey were both at home and taking care of the neighbors’ kids, their brother would be going to find work by himself. And Les definitely should not be sent alone to news gate, he had a habit of scurrying off into random adventures if left unattended.
The thing is, the first night of them working, Les returned with a sum that was definitely more than what Davey would be making as a laundress. And when she had invited Jack over for dinner, Davey had conveniently not arrived home even though her sister should have been as she’d been quite worried about their father. Strange that she had not been to dinner where Les, the well-known mischief maker, had agreed to host a boy, Jack, around their ages. Hmm…she thinks, strange.
Plus, he had kept mentioning Davey. For whatever reason though, he’d thought they had another brother named Davey as well which would just be confusing. Maybe Davey knew Jack and told him to try and throw off any suspicion that they were acquainted. Why Jack chose to make up a lie about their brother Davey selling with them…. Sarah doesn’t have an answer at that bothers her.
Les’s behavior was also telling. More silent than usual, practically shoveling food in his mouth at a speed only rivaled by a high-speed train. Then, it hit her, he knew something. Davey had told him something. Told him the reason behind the hiding and secretive nature. She had told Les the reason and not her. No, Sarah is not jealous of her kid brother, that would just be petty.
Alright, she admits she is a bit jealous that Davey decided to break their pact and then tell Les instead of her. They were each other’s best friends, basically twins despite the ten month age gap, always enjoying the same books and subjects in school, always fighting over who got the scrap of extra dough when their mother made rugelach.
Currently, Sarah is waiting for Davey to return from her job which is keeping her awfully late. Maybe she could tag along with Davey tomorrow and ask her boss to assign something shorter. Tiredly, she swipes at her drooping eyes, attempting to force herself more awake. Les had gone to bed a few hours ago after telling her that Davey was probably going to be home much later and that she should not wait up.
Well, she had thought, if Les doesn’t want me to stay up, it’s probably because whatever he knows. So, here she is, sitting on her thin mattress in her creepy room, trying not to fall asleep before she comes back. But even if she does, Davey will have to wake her up to sleep which is why she chose this spot. Yawning Sarah slides backwards until her back hits the wall, letting her eyes rest for a moment.
Light slides in onto her face annoyingly bright. Confused, Sarah drags herself upright, squinting at the room around her. Even in the horrifyingly sharp orange light, everything has remained the same as last night. The door still shut; the dresser drawers undisturbed.
Davey hadn’t come home.
A jolt of fear slices through her gut. Sarah sucks in a breath trying to keep calm. There must be an answer to this. Maybe she had realized Sarah was in there and slept in the other room instead. Joints aching, Sarah quickly rises from the bed, and rushes towards her room, hoping that it is early enough that Davey is still sleeping.
When she yanks open the door however, all she finds is Les tying his boots. He looks up startled by her sudden appearance,
“Where is Davey?”
“Um….h-she left early.” Sarah narrows her eyes at him in doubt and Les pretends not to notice. Davey hadn’t even come in to change clothes…probably. Alright, Sarah is a decently deep sleeper so that could be the case. Even if it is, Davey has been acting incredibly suspicious about this whole job.
Maybe she doesn’t even have a laundress job.
Les brushes past her in the doorway as Sarah turns this idea over in her mind. It would explain the weird or weirder behavior that Davey has been exhibiting. And the strange amount of money that Les brought home. Maybe she…maybe Davey decided to become a newsie with Les?
But then why wouldn’t she have said so?
It’s not as if there aren’t any girl newsies. That newsboy, Jack, must have something to do with whatever this is. He and Les must be part of this conspiracy that Davey has developed. A frown settles onto her face, hurt rising at the thought that her sister would rather trust a random boy that she’d only known for as little as a day or at most a few months, with this secret.
Sarah gets for the day, with a muddled mind, swarming with confusion and more and more wild ideas of what exactly Davey is hiding. Finishing buttoning her shirt, Sarah goes to the kitchen where Les is sure to be nibbling on something before, he heads out. Davey couldn’t even bother to accompany Les to the news gate, Sarah thinks with a sigh, even though Les had been excitedly chattering on about them going on strike! Which, from her knowledge of the recent headlines, is bound to be dangerous, even if it’s just a bunch of kids.
“I’m going with you to the gate today,” Sarah says as she walks into the cramped kitchen, glancing over at small table where Les is chewing on a piece of bread with jelly.
“No!” Les shouts around a mouthful of food, “I’m fine goin’ on my own.”
“I’m sure,” Sarah lies, “but you said a strike is organized for today. I wanted to see what exactly occurs at one.”
Les tries to convince her not to go, which only serves to encourage her to. When their mother greets them, she too agrees that Sarah should accompany Les for a bit. As there is not much that she needs Sarah’s help with today, only asking she run a few errands afterwards. Still, Les continues to argue with her as they get ready to leave and wave farewell to their mother.
“You don’t hafta come with me, its goin’ to be really boring.” Les slumps down the street next to her, face pulled into a frown. A jolt of guilt stabs her gut, and Sarah wonders if she should just give up on going with him. It might not be worth it if its actually upsetting Les this much.
“Yesterday you said it is going to be ‘incredible’.” Sarah points out mildly, ignoring how the feeling of jealousy and guilt warring inside has her gut twisted up in knots. The heat is already picking up, sticky and thick even though the sun is barely over the horizon. Only the labor workers are present, hurrying to work on some grand project.
Les huffs at her.
“Are you worried that Davey is going to be there?” Sarah finally asks, because the feeling of confusion and hurt is currently overwhelming the guilt, and she needs to know if any of her ideas are at all correct.
Her brother freezes, eyes wide. Ha, Sarah thinks as she turns to fully face Les, she is correct that Davey has been around the news gate and probably knows Jack. But then Les is shouting at her,
“Why would Davey be there?”
“I don’t know! That’s why I’m asking you.” Les’s face has turned angry, and he takes a step back. And then another as Sarah paces forwards hands spread in front of her, trying to calm her brother down.
“Stop being so nosy,” he snaps at her, then twists around and bolts. A wave of irritation and guilt rushes up and Sarah gives chase.
“Les, stop, please! I’m sorry-” but Les continues to run, ducking and swerving around corners, well acquainted with the backstreets and shortcuts unlike Sarah. By the time Sarah is turning onto the next street, Les has disappeared from view and she is breathing hard. Nothing makes sense right now and a few tears begin to fall. Embarrssed, Sarah moves to the side of the nearest building, so she is obscured from most of the passersbys.
Frustration, worry, hurt, and guilt all mingle in one gigantic, aching, puddle of discomfort. With a sniff, Sarah presses her hands to her eyes, inhaling the smell of factory smoke and fresh bread. There must be a bakery nearby, she realizes idly as she wills her eyes to stop crying.
“Are you ok?” a woman asks nervously. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Sarah lowers her hands and tries to figure out whoever is questioning her, embarrassment heating her face. When her eyes clear, Sarah inhales sharply, mind going blank. The woman is more of girl about her age, with gorgeous auburn hair that frames her face perfectly, highlighting her beautifully green-brown eyes. Time is forgotten as Sarah becomes breathless from the beauty of the girl.
“Oh-” the girl glances away, and Sarah tries to figure out how to breathe again, “here.”
The girl clumsily hands here a handkerchief, and Sarah goes faint as their hands touch. Her face has grown hotter and as she attempts to thank the mysterious, beautiful stranger, her tongue refuses to work. Instead, Sarah ducks her head in a nod, and dabs the remaining wetness from her face.
“Thank you,” she finally forces past her lips after a few moments of awkward silence, “I am better now.”
“That’s good,” the girl nods, “I thought that perhaps you had been injured.”
“Oh, no, I just lost sight of my brother.” Goodness, why did she say that?
“Do you need help looking for him?” The girl wears a worried look, gorgeous eyes widening in concern. Shaking her head, Sarah absently replies,
“He knows where he’s going, my siblings can just be frustrating sometimes.”
The girl smiles and Sarah’s heart somersaults, “sometimes I feel the same way about my coworkers.”
“You work?” Sarah is suddenly eager to learn as much as she can about whoever this stranger is. The question brightens the girl’s expression even more and a giddy feeling bubbles up in Sarah’s stomach.
“Yes, well I’m part-time right now, but I’m hoping to become a journalist.”
“Really? That sounds quite intense,” Sarah has never heard about a woman journalist. But then again, she has never seen someone so breathtaking either.
“It often is,” the girl looks away wistfully, “but I can’t stop myself from doing it. No matter what others say, my mind won’t let me quit.” She laughs lightly, turning back to face Sarah who suddenly feels weak in the knees.
“What newspaper do you work for?” Sarah asks faintly, fiddling with the handkerchief still in her hands.
“The Sun, I mostly write vaudeville reviews.”
“That sounds…incredible,” everything about this girl is incredible.
“It is, though my bosses are not eager to let write anything else. But I’m the one who is going to be writing about the strike that is happening.” The girl’s face falls slightly, “That’s actually where I was headed to before.”
“Oh, no, I’m so sorry if I made you late.”
“No,” the girl waves her hand, “I was running early anyways. It’s been quite pleasant getting to converse with someone besides a forty-year-old man.”
“Would you like to meet some other time?” Sarah asks in a rush. When she realizes what she asked, her face heats even more and heart sinks to the dirty cobbles below.
“Yes,” the girl replies quickly, expression brightening, “yes, would you want to meet at the park on Pine this afternoon?”
Sarah nods, mirroring the girl’s dazzling smile, “yes, that sounds delightful.”
“It was quite enjoyable meeting you,” the girl steps away, turning halfway towards the street, hair rippling like copper in the early morning sun.
“You too,” Sarah steps forward unconsciously, “good luck on writing your article.”
“Thank you, I hope you find your brother.” And then the wonderful, unknown girl is waving goodbye and leaving.
Goodness, Sarah presses the back of her hand to her cheek realizing she’s still holding the handkerchief and that for some odd, terrible reason, she hadn’t even thought to ask for the girl’s name! What on earth just happened?
Biting at her bottom lip, Sarah tries to bring her reeling mind to a halt. The giddiness, sickly sweet, has persisted from when she laid eyes upon the stranger and her face is still hot and Sarah knows it must be embarrassingly red. Inside, most of the earlier emotions have been buried by whatever nauseating tumbling her heart is currently doing. After taking a few moments to calm her breathing, Sarah pockets the handkerchief and decides to let Les be. She owes him that much, she knows, by making him so upset earlier. With that decision made, Sarah goes to complete the errands her mother had requested she make, another confusing encounter piled onto her mind.
At least this one involved a pretty girl.
Yesterday I told myself that I should finish writing my newsie fic and then sat down and wrote this. I'd been wanting to write Sarah's perspective on Davey being trans and sneaking around and this is what I came up with. I'm not sure if Sarah is OOC, I just sorta created her character from my own ideas and experiences with siblings. I hope you enjoyed reading it ☺️
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bigmack2go · 9 months
When people ask what ships i have in newsies im always like
BRO??? I can maybe tell you the ships i dont have that’ll go faster. There are like three.
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Javid (jack x David)
Ralbert (race x Albert)
JoJo x elmer (idk their ship name)
Jathrine (jack x Kathrine)
Redfinch (finch x Albert)
Belmer (buttons x Elmer)
Smalls x Sniper (idk ship their name)
Darcy x Bill (idk their ship name)
Binch/bitch (finch x buttons)
Sprace (Spot x Race)
Blush (blink x mush)
Javid (again)
Snitch x Itey (idk their ship name)
bumlets x skittery (idk the ship name)
bumswiftery (bumlets x swifty x skittery)
Newsbians (Sarah x Kathrine)
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doudouneverte · 1 year
🏅 = my favourite
[Request are OPEN]
[<- Masterlist]
Wolfsburg and Wolfsburg's players
- 2nd choice, but 1st place (x VfL Wolfsburg) 🏅
- Big sister (x platonic!Dominique Jansen) 🏅
- ?????
- Unfinished task (x Lena Oberdorf) [R]
- Only you (x Felicitas Rauch) [R]
- Ray of sunshine (x Ewa Pajor) 🏅 [R]
- Grumpy cloud
- Let the sun shine for a last time
- "It's okay, I'm here" (x Felicitas Rauch) [R]
- Up and Down (x Lena Oberdorf) [R]
Bayern Munich and Bayern Munich's players
- Kisses (x Sarah Zadrazil) [R]
Flower shop AU (x Glódís Viggósdóttir)
- 2026
- Scary soft mama bears (x mom!Hardersson)
More teams and players
- Still can't believe it (x Sydney Lohmann)
- Other plan (x Sarah Zadrazil) [R]
- ???? [R]
Nothing yet...
Women Super League (WSL)
Arsenal and Arsenal's players
- LW (x Laura Wienroither)
- Straight to the point (or not?) (x Kathrine Kühl)
- Flustered swedish (x Stina Blackstenius)
- It's a Miedema's thing (x sis!Viv Miedema)
- Don't call me that (x Victoria Pelova)
Chelsea and Chelsea's players
- A mini problem for a Niamhy girlfriend (x Niamh Charles)
Manchester United and Manchester United's players
Nothing yet...
Manchester City and Manchester City's players
- Next stop...Manchester (x Chloe Kelly)
More teams and players
- Bruise and love (x Jamie-Lee Napier)
- It's the accent (x Nathalie Björn)
Liga F
Barcelona and Barcelona's players
- Secret wife? (x Fridolina Rolfö) 🏅
- Gold-friend (x Aitana Bonmati)
- Overprotective little sister (x sis! Ingrid Engen)
Real Madrid and Real Madrid's players
- Rivals (x Misa Rodriguez)
National Women Soccer League (NWSL)
- Name (x Sophia Smith)
Other Players or National Teams
- Say it (x Laura Feiersinger) [R]
- ??????? (x SpainWNT)
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trenchcoatsbi · 9 months
you guys need to know that in the pokemon x newsies AU, Jack has an umbreon named Santa and a houndoom named Fe.
I think planing stuff out at 12 AM is (sometimes) a bad idea but it makes so so much funny things
also I've figured out Sparrow, Race, Jack, Crutchie, Spot, Kathrine, Sarah, Albert, and Davey! all that's left is mostly background characters. Les is for a different time bc he's younger and wouldn't interact with the others currently - Voidling Anon
the pokemon named Santa and Fe.... rahjghgj that's so silly
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littlecaffeinewitch · 7 years
Just stop for a sec
Remember that Kathrine called Les “the little one”
Go on with your day
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riverroan · 6 years
Girlsies hcs i can think of and worked on at 11-12 AM last night
fun fact before we start: Kathrine (Joesph’s daughter) actually died in 1884. Who knew?
Kathrine Pulitzer
Her favorite show is The End of the Fxxxing World
“I’m so gay for alyssa like wtf?”
“We know kath”
She and Spot are saltmates
“Hey, madison? Who sings that song?”
“Bruno Mars”
“Please let him sing it”
Legit when he’s doing hw
“Kath, stfu. I’m trying to think”
“Yeah i know i can see steam”
After Spot finally gets a bf
“I mean at least i can get someone but yeah, me too”
Jack and Kathrine have dated before
She was confused
He was helping
Chaotic Good™
She fucking loves her siblings and they all accept her
“What a lovely day to be-”
All six of them say it at once
Her mom’s chill with it
Dad not so much
He doesn’t shame her
But he isn’t gonna try and force her to be straight cause honey he knows she’s deep into the gay hell hole
She wears buns constantly
Also when she doesn’t wear makeup she looks like a goddess
“Wow you should stop wearing makeup more often. I may actually go straight for once”
“Fuck off spot”
Whenever she and sarah finally get together
“well my saltmate and my best friend are together who would’ve figured.”
“Spot leave my lesbian ass alone you gay irish boy”
Kathrine is very loveable and anyone who says otherwise gets beat by the guys
Doesn’t matter how they get beaten
Just know these boys cherish their girls to death
Even if they’ve known them for an hour
“Wow ily to death tf”
Specs and Kathrine and the bestest friends ever okay
They have a treat yo self day
Whether it’s small or big
They will legit have a blast
Specs came out to her as pan after watching Deadpool
“Wow can you believe me a Deadpool have something in common?”
“Being pan”
When she figured out she was the first person he came out to she felt amazing
She went home and told her mom everything about it
Her mom was pumped up for her daughter
Specs and Kathrine went to homecoming as friends together and left with their own dates
Specs and romeo
Kathrine and some chick named caitlin
Kathlin didn’t last too long
Turns out caitlin was moving
Theyre still great friends
Specs told her about his crush on romeo
“He’s just so sweet and funny and ughhhhhhhh”
“I feel ya babe”
Then at homecoming they hooked up
Still together to this day
Kath loves their relationship
She calls them goals
Then in eleventh she got with Sarah
Theyre actually the oldest of the group
Her favorite artist is Dua Lipa
She’s a queen
Why else?
Shes in debate team
Also the school news
She wishes they had a newspaper but they wanted to be more “Advanced”
Also she knows whether she’ll win an arguement
She can just tell by the way the other person holds themselves
If she knows she lost she’ll nod her head respectfully and go on
She doesn’t let that get to her though
Her favorite subject is ela
Only really big musical she likes is DEH she hates the others
“Why watch some musical of the Heathers when there’s the original movie right here?”
Sarah Jacobs
Her fave subject is math
“Why are gays supposed to hate math?”
She and spot are besties
“I wish stars were out in the day too”
“You’re doing a lousy job as a lesbian if you don’t know girls already exist”
“Are you sure you’re gay?”
These two dated
It was because spot was confused
“Well this was fun, but i like guys more you’re the best love youuuuu”
She also dated jack
“Isn’t that awkward? Dating one brother then six months later go out with the other?”
“Jack you dumb fuck, haven’t you learned she has no shame don’t question my lesbian best friend and her logic”
She’s not too sure what she’s into honestly
Like holy shit guys are caring and their hands feel great
But like,,, girls are amazing
Spot just calls her a lesbo as a joke
Her fave youtuber is Macdoesit
“We worship queens in this household”
The jacobs’ already knew their first two kids were gay
They don’t care how any turn out as long as they finish school and live happy, healthy lives
They don’t have the time of day to tell them they’ll “go to hell” for being in love with whoever they want since they should be happy
That’s all that matters
“Hey mom, dad, i think i’m bi”
“Cool when you gonna bring a boy or girl over so we can meet them?”
Also after Sarah and Jack broke up Jack started dating Davey after dating another dude after Sarah (it was like two years later)
“isNt tHAt AwkWARd?? dAtiNg ONe sIBlinG tHEn Two YEars lATer Go oUT wITh tHe oTHer????”
Sarah knows the whole Bee Movie
She also has a shirt of the script
Doesn’t actually like musicals
“They just aren’t for me”
Prefers movies
True Neutral™
don’t get me wrong though
she worships Rent
“I thought you didn’t like musicals”
“leave me alone, Mimi’s coming”
allergic to animal fur actually
so she went all kim possible
“I have a hairless mole-rat”
“Be nice to Rufus”
Chowder is her childhood
so is kim possible tbh
She’s Medda’s only daughter
Everyone will fight for this kid
She’s actually younger than everyone else
She’s tough for an eighth grader
“Smalls calm tf down”
Favorite color is mint green
“It’s just so pleasing to the eye”
“So are boys”
“Race i didn’t ask for your commentary”
She wants to be in band but like,,, she only wants to play drums
Not the other percussion instruments
“Who wants to play those other lame instruments when there’s the drums?”
She listens very well actually
Also she remembers too many small details
“No one knows my middle name”
“It’s Aaron, what you talking about????”
She’s smart mouthed Delanceys’ a lot
They don’t do shit cause 1. That’s a kid and 2. That’s a girl
Their parents taught them better
Her favorite movie is shrek
“Smalls, please, it’s four. I need sl e ep”
Chaotic Neutral™
She’s attacked someone with a broom before
It was Jack
He jump scared her while she was sweeping the kitchen
Spot couldn’t breathe while medda and crutchie laughed along and checked if he was okay
Smalls laugh is a snort
“Who sounds like a pig?”
“Don’t call my sister a pig tf dude”
She’s not allowed to be around coffee
It doesn’t do anything really
She’ll throw the cup with the coffee still in to attack people if she’s angry enough though
I said she was chaotic neutral but i’m making her ass sound evil
She shares a room with crutchie
They have bunk beds
She’s top bunk
She hates that bunk but she understands why he’s bottom
She’s actually the youngest Medda ever adopted
When she adopted jack he was 15
Crutchie: 13
Spot: 16
Smalls: 10
She’s 13 now
She goes to her family for different things
Stories: Medda
Nightmare: Jack
Can’t sleep: Spot
Just wants cuddles: Crutchie
Theres different reasons behind these
For Medda she tells her stories about her exprience in theatre and Smalls finds them really nice since Medda’s voice is really soothing and she ususally falls asleep listening to her voice
When she was freaked out over a horror movie he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close and well she found it really nice, eventually falling asleep since it was warm there and she was freezing and she relaxed a lot too
When she first moved in she couldn’t sleep that night and went downstairs to get water and then Spot came down cause he couldn’t sleep either (it was 3 am) and he helped her reach a glass and he just let her crash with him for the night (she fell asleep quick)
When Smalls felt sick one night she went down and cuddled with Crutchie since she couldn’t sleep and she ended up falling asleep quickly like that
When her brothers friends spend the night she always tries to avoid the mess
But fails
One of her brothers will always drag her in
When she goes off to college she goes to NYU for nursing
she’s confused too
“Okay so... guys are cute but like wow girls are too”
“We finally have someone attracted to girls”
“Mama’s a lesbian what are you talking about?”
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fan-girling-101 · 4 years
Sarah’s  Better
Request by Anonymous: Heyy! can you do a JJ smut where you get dared to make out with sarah and jj gets horny affff. and you tease him by whispering into his ear about how good sarahs lips would feel down there. If not thats okayy! i loves switched btwww!! (sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes, english is my second language)
JJ Maybank X Reader
Summary: Resquest^
Warnings: Smut, swearing, underage drinking
Word count: 1418
I tried to write this really fast so I probably sucks. Also english is my first langage and I suck at it you’re probably better than me. gif has nothing to do with the story I just didn’t have enough time to make one.
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I’ve dated JJ overall for 4 months. It started as a drunken kiss on Christmas and it just continued for there. Our relationship was the perfect fun tumblr, aesthetic relationship. We were never serious, everything was laughs and giggles. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Once John B started dating Sarah we had little parties at her house just a small group of people.Tonight was one of the parties.
“Come on princess, do we have to go.” JJ complained on my bed while I tried to find something to wear in my small closet. He flopped down on his stomach, his face in my pillows. I drop what was in my hand jumping on his perfectly tanned back. “Get off.” His voice was muffled as he talked.
“Come on handsome.” I pat his back, kissing his shoulder blades. He turns under me so I can see his perfect face. “Hey.” A JJ smirk resting on his features. He hands roaming my curves he knows so well. “We gotta go J we’re always the late ones.” He groans, pulling me down onto him.
“But princess I wanna cuddle.” He says in a whiny voice no letting me leave. “And maybe fuck.” He adds in my ear. I somehow break out of his hold getting back up pulling my shirt off. I grab the shirt I dropped earlier and threw it on.  
“Get up, and maybe just maybe you get something in return later.” At that he jumps up pulling me into his arms, twirling me around while smashing his lips to mine. “I think you’re a little too excited, handsome I said maybe.” 
“You know you can’t resist me.” I scoff, pushing him to grab my bag and head to the front door. I walk over to JJ’s bike as he comes out . “You know it’s true. I’m way too hot.” 
“I wish your dick was as big as your ego.”
I open the front door saying hi to Wheezie as I lead the way to the living room where everyone was. “The cute one’s here.” I quote Kathrine Pierce as I walk in to everyone chatting.
“Thanks for the intro princess.” JJ smiles, kissing my cheek before sitting on a chair pulling me on his lap. I slap his chest playfully including myself in everyone else's conversation.
When the sky turns dark we start playing truth or dare. Not much has happened, some simple dare and boring truths. But it was Kie turn to truth or dare someone, when Kie dares someone she really dares them. “Y/N, truth or dare.”
“Dare me.” I smile grinning with rosy cheeks from the alcohol I’ve consumed. “I dare you to kiss Sarah like a full on passionate make out kiss.”
Both me and Sarah stand in the middle of the circle everyone was sitting at. My hand slides behind her head pulling her in to me. Her hands rest on my hips as our lips collide. I part my lips as her tongue entered my mouth. The taste of cheap liquor. I deepen the kiss giving everyone a show. When I pull away I see the shocked looks of everyone I giggle going back to sit on JJ’s feeling his erection.
“Sarah I think you’re a better kisser than JJ. I might be gay for you.” I giggle more. Running my hands down JJ’s chest. He shifts under me, completely turned on by what he just saw. 
“Yea you’re my new bae.” I get up from JJ and sit on Sarah’s lap instead. Her arms wrap around my waist and she rests her head on my shoulder. “Why do you taste like cherries?” 
“That’s what I always ask.” JJ spoke up his eyes burning into mine. I smirk over to him but he just watches me. 
Later that night I was sitting back with JJ, whispering dirty things in his ear. He tried to get me to stop but I wouldn’t. Seeing him all flustered trying to play it off around our friends. And then it just became a war between the two of us, of who could get the other more visibly flustered.
“Just from kissing her I could tell her mouth would feel amazing on my pussy.” I whisper in his ear. He shifts not facing me but I could see his cheeks turn red. “Her mouth probably feel better than yours. The things Sarah would be able to do.”
Third POV
“Meet me upstairs, the third guest.” He finally faces Y/N growling in her ear, his voice low causing a wet spot to start in the girls panties. He gets up making up some lame excuse to go upstairs and in a few minutes Y/N follows him up making an even lamer excuse not that they noticed from being so drunk. “Took you long enough.” He slammed the girl against the door after she walked in. His lips found hers in a needy kiss.
His hands find their way to the hem of her shirt pulling it off not wasting a moment to take her bra off too. Instead of what she thought he was going to do, play with her tits he pushes his hands into her hair pulling on it making her moan. He slips his tongue in her mouth winning dominance easily. 
“You’re just a bitch, thinking that was fun. Who do you belong to?” He asks, pulling away from the girl who just wanted his touch.
“Sarah’s” She smirks giggling at the angry expression on his face. “If you can’t figue out who you belong to I’ll just have to show you.”
He starts sucking on Y/N’s neck making her moan. She knew there would be dark purple marks all over her neck, collarbone and chest tomorrow that JJ would be proud of. He starts going down ripping her shorts and panties off quickly. His warm breath on her clit made her squirm. 
“So wet for me already Princess.” His mouth wraps around her core and sucks on her showing her just how good he really is. Her hand grip his roots pushing him further into her. Her moans get louder as she comes closer to her high. Right before her orgasim washed over her he stopped standing back up. Putting his lips on her making her taste herself. “You don’t get to cum yet.”
He picks her up and puts her on the bed. He ripped off his clothes grabbing a condom  from his pocket. Tearing open the package and rolling it on his already hard dick. “Do you know who you belong to yet.” He hovers over her, their breath mixing together. She feels his dick at her entrance, but to her seeing JJ angry was the hottest thing so she shakes her head. 
He slams into her tight opening hearing her moan into his ear. He bottoms out giving the girl a moment to adjust. He slowly pushes in and out of her, too slowly for her.
“JJ, please.” Y/N begs the boy above her, the smirk on his lips tells her he wants something. “JJ. JJ, please.” She tries.\
“Who do you belong to?”
“You JJ! I belong to you. I belong to you and only you.” She finally breaks. The answer pleases him and he starts pounding into her. It doesn't take long for her to cum from being teased earlier. JJ chases his high too finally filling the condom with his cum. He pulls out of her taking his condom off and chucking it into the garbage.
“God Y/N I love you.” He sighs coming to lie down next to her. She sits up quickly when he says that. They’ve never heard these three words come from each other. “I-I mean I don’t, well I do love you but you-but you don’t have to say it back.” He stuttered to her.
“I love you too JJ.” She lies back down with JJ’s head on her chest. “I’m in love with you JJ Maybank.” She smiles pulling the blanket over two of them.
“I’m in love with you Y/N Y/L/N.”
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Have I decided to manufacture beef between Jack and Sarah?
Yep... see at first they wouldn't get along because Jack thinks he's got to protect Davey and Sarah's just super confused. They sort that who debacle out but then begin to furiously compete for Katherine's attention.
They are locked in a heated battle on who can "win" Kathrine, they also know she would absolutely smack them in the heads for thinking she can be won. But they like give each other death stares across the room whenever they meet... Davey finds it way too funny to stop and let's Kathrine know about it. At first she's upset with them but ends up turning the competition into a betting war on how she thinks Sarah or Jack will try to woo her.
It lasts a few good months until Jack starts realizing he's trying to impress the wrong person and concedes victory to Sarah which doesn't feel much like one when she turns around and he's kissing her brother.
And then that starts a whole new beef between them.
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thechosenburrito · 3 years
Intro to Love: 1.2-Clinic Crashers
Word Count: 1,016
Xochi makes a new friend on her way to grab some food but things take a terrifying turn
Author’s Note:
I reread each of these chapters before I post them here.  This was written over a month ago and I feel like I’ve already improved a little!
Mention of Blood
/* I will take this time to mention that this series is meant to be a bit on the darker side where injuries and swearing and even death will be fairly common as the series progresses so proceed at your own risk*/
Previous Chapter: 1.1-Free on Sunday
I'm infamous for my sleep schedule, or lack thereof.  I've always been more of a night person.  During summer break, I'd stay up until the sun came up, go to sleep, and wake up at 4 pm.  I thought it was a good system even though it essentially made me nocturnal.  A nocturnal lifestyle didn't really lend itself to a college lifestyle.  It meant I ended up sleeping for 2-3 hours a night and taking coma-like naps.  I'm a pro napper.  I can nap for 5 hours straight.  That might actually be something to be concerned about.  I'll put a pin in that.
The moment just after waking up is the best part of sleeping, just before you remember who you are.  It's followed by the worst part of waking up: remembering everything that's wrong with your life.
When I woke up from my nap, after my regular dose of existential crisis, I rolled out of bed.  I checked my phone and, yep, my notifications are bone dry.  Actually, there was one, from an account I didn't recognize.
(C): hey this is carson. still on for sunday?
I quickly shot off a reply.
(X): yeah. noon right?
(C): yup
(X): cool. I'm probably gonna at least start it tonight
My stomach growled.  What did I eat for breakfast? Oh yeah, I came back to my dorm and instantly went to sleep.
(X): after I grab something to eat lol
(C): cool.  I can make a document and share it with you so we can both work on it
I must've struck gold.
(X): yeah that would be great
(C): alright I shared it.
(C): ok practice is starting.  see you sunday
(X): ok. see you then. I live at Kathrine hall btw
(C): I know lol
(C): I live on the second floor
I instantly went into panic mode.  I shot out of bed and started to pace a little.  We lived in the same building!?!? How did I not notice !?!?  I started going back through my memories, tearing through my mental filing cabinets.  I check his profile and his feed.  Looking at the pictures, it hit me.  He was the guy a couple of rows down from me in my Physics lecture,  the bench behind me in my Biology lab, and, worst of all, he sat two people down from me in my Chemistry lecture.  This guy is gonna think I'm either not paying attention or don't care about the world around me at all.
I quickly replied something to save my skin.
(X): I'm kidding lol I know
(C): ok suuuurreeee lmao
(C): ok gotta go.  see you saturday
(X): bye
I tossed my phone on my bed and started getting dressed to grab lunch.  I pulled a flannel over my t-shirt, grabbed my wallet, put on some headphones, and headed for the dining hall.
The hair was hot and thick.  It sat on you, crushing your chest.  I passed a couple of runners and wondered how they could even go faster than a brisk walk when they were practically breathing hot soup.
I was trying to cross the street when a large white van whizzed past me so close I could feel the air move out of the way.  I jumped back and fell onto the sidewalk behind me.  A sharp pain shot through my wrist.  
"WATCH IT ASSHOLE!" screamed a voice from behind me.
A girl came around and offered me a hand.
"Are you ok - OH YOU'RE BLEEDING!"
I looked at my wrist and sure enough and I had partially grated it on the sidewalk.  Blood was dripping all down my arm.  I quickly grabbed it and just ended up getting blood everywhere.
"Yeah.  I'm bleeding alright.  I should probably go home and clean this up." I said as I forced a small smile.
I tried making a fist and winced.
"Ok no.  You're going to the clinic and getting that looked at," she helped me up with my good wrist.  "Come on.  I'll walk you to the clinic."
"Oh no!  It's ok!  I can make it!" I replied quickly.
"Too late.  I'm already walking you." She started walking ahead of me and gestured for me to follow.
"Let's go"
I sighed and followed her.
"I think I've seen you in Bio Lecture.  Dr. Vargas right?" she asked.
"Yeah.  9 am? Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays?"
"Yep!  I'm Sarah!  You should sit next to me on Monday....you might need help taking notes.".   She gestured to my still bleeding hand.
"Nice to meet you.  I'm Xochi.  That would help." I said, giving a pained thumbs up.
We weren't too far from the clinic when we saw the white car that almost hit me pull up to the clinic.
"Hey, that's the guy that almost hit you!" She started running towards the clinic.  "Hey! Stop!"
The second-hand embarrassment at the mere thought of her confronting the driver was just too much.  
"Uh! You don't have to do that!"
I made an attempt to chase after her, but I was never really a runner in high school or ever.  
The white car stopped and a figure stumbled out onto the sidewalk.  He took a few steps towards the front door of the clinic before crumpling to his hands and knees.  The car sped off.  I tried to catch the plate numbers but it didn't even have any.
I did my best to catch up with Sarah.  She tried to help him up, but his legs were shaking too much.  She helped him onto his side and I finally caught up and got a good look at him.  He had greasy black hair and dirty glasses.  His eyes were wide and glossy looking.  He was taking short shallow breaths and his lips were moving as if he were trying to speak.  He smelled like he hadn't showered in weeks.
I felt a panic coming.
"HELP!" I yelled, my voice shaking. "SOMEBODY PLEASE! WE NEED HELP"
A few nurses came out to see what was going on and instantly swarmed him.
"Call 911!"
So it’s getting a little intense for Xochi.  This definitely isn’t the end of her troubles.
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New ship idea???
Ok hear me out,,, Sarah x Romeo. Before brutally attacking me with ‘but nEWSBIANS’ just know that Sarah and Kathrine don’t even exist in the same universe technically. Ofc I’m not gonna shame Newsbian shippers bc like,,, it’s cute ngl. But just imagine,,, Sarah and Romeo are both rivals. Pinning rivals. Sarah’s there for the rivalry while Romeo’s there for the t e n s i o n and both are completley oblivious and stuff happens and I didn’t think this out clearly what am I doing.
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Newsies Teen Wolf AU, but it's my favorite Issac x Allison scenes, which will be known as Katherine x Sarah scenes!
Just some extra short scenes because why not?
Warnings: Mentions of bombs, slight make out session, slight second-hand embarrassment. Mentions of PTSD, mentions of child abuse
Sarah's sitting at the desk in the office she shares with Davey when she hears a faint noise outside. She pauses, contemplating grabbing her bow unt she hears a distinct yelp followed by another. She stifles a laugh and not even minutes later, Katherine walks in the office with pursed lips and slightly frizzy hair.
"Electrified the windows?" Katherine asks, her voice higher than normal.
"Yep." Sarah doesn't look up at Katherine, she just keeps flipping through her book looking for any signs of the bomber that they still can't find.
"Didn't think to say anything?" Katherine asks, a tad bit of sarcasm in her voice.
"Nope." Sarah looks up and grins at Katherine before returning to the book.
"Alrighty then."
"You find anything?" Katherine asks, half her body hanging off of Sarah's bed. The two moved to Sarah's bedroom more for comfort than necessity. Sarah's pacing her room now, her book in hand as Katherine slides through page after page on the virtual document.
"There's a thing about flies carrying messages from the dead." Sarah stops pacing and sets the book on her bed, her hands now firmly planted on her hips as she thinks. "What about you, did you find anything?"
"Just something about a Lord of the Flies." Katherine stands up and stands closer to Sarah. Maybe she's been working up the confidence to do this for a while and maybe she's hoping that Sarah had been too based on their interactions, but that hope is quickly shot down when Sarah backs away with slightly wide eyes.
"Are you serious?" Sarah scoffs. Katherine's face heats up, but she tries to ignore it. "You were just trying to kiss me."
"No I wasn't." Katherine knows the attempt is futile, but she'd rather try and lose every last shred of dignity she has.
"Okay, then what were you trying to do? Head-butt me?" Sarah laughs nervously. She keeps trying to tell herself she doesn't want that. Yes, she told Jack forever ago that she thinks she likes both girls and guys, but that has nothing to do with that fact that her and Katherine were hardly friends until recently.
"All right, fine, maybe I was trying to kiss you." Katherine caves, now knowing any dignity she had left is long gone.
"Are you completely, totally out of your mind? You actually think that I would want to kiss you? Or any other werewolf again? Because trust me on this, I would never kiss you. Ever." Sarah laughs nervously again throughout her mini speech, shaking her head and making various hand gestures as her faces flushes red.
"Never." Katherine and Sarah both nod in agreement and they're suddenly stuck in an awkward silence. That is, until Sarah is right in front of Katherine. Sarah places her hands on Katherine's cheeks and suddenly her lips are on Katherine's. Katherine's briefly shocked, but she quickly snaps out of it and holds onto Sarah's shoulders. They eventually break apart for air and Katherine is in a slight daze. "Alright, yeah, I won't kiss you either."
Katherine sits on the edge of Sarah's bed and closes her eyes at Sarah reconnects their lips. She holds Sarah's wrist as Sarah's hand rests on one side of her neck and the other squeezes her hip. Katherine is surprised when Sarah pulled away and hurriedly unbuttons her blouse, leaving her in her bra and shorts. While Katherine is lost in a daze, Sarah carefully at first pulls at Katherine's sweater and when Katherine doesn't oppose, Sarah's pulling the sweater over Katherine's head. She's left in a white camisole and her jeans before Sarah's leaning back in for another kiss. Katherine finds herself with her back on Sarah's mattress, the other girl leaning over her while she still stands at the edge. Sarah's carefully working her fingers under Katherine camisole, her cool fingers meeting the warm skin of Katherine stomach, when suddenly Sarah's door is open. Both girls freeze and look up.
And low and behold, there stands David Jacobs in the doorway with a slightly shocked, slightly regretful look on his face.
"Hey Sarah, can I talk to you in the office for a second? Where we keep the guns." Davey stares right at Katherine when he says it. Sarah quickly stands and hurries out the door. Katherine sits up, her eyes wide as Davey follows Sarah out the door. Katherine waits, knowing there's bound to be a big brother lecture. She is not, however, ready for what she hears next.
Katherine's still waiting in Sarah's room, voluntarily tuning out of Davey's rant as she aimlessly wanders the room. She's still in her jeans and camisole, not caring much to put her sweater back on. She's looking at an old picture of Sarah, Davey, and their older brother Morris when goosebumps rise in her arms and there's a tingling sensation on the back of her neck. She whips around to see nothing in the dark room, although she's not dumb. She knows something's wrong. She hurries towards the door, knowing she should warn Sarah and Davey, but the door is somehow slammed shut.
And then she hears the whispers.
She turns in a circle as the whispers get louder and louder, her hands gripping the sure of her head as the whispers seem to blend into an intolerable static.
Until she's stopped.
And she's staring into the glowing, green eyes of a shadow.
She tries to run, but two more appear. They grab her arms and hold her in place. The first shadow walks closer and reaches it's hand up towards her face. Katherine starts breathing harder until the hand covers her left ear.
And she screams.
Sarah and Davey immediately stop their arguing when they hear Katherine scream. They rush out of the office to see Sarah's door shut. They run at it, Sarah grabbing the handle.
It doesn't move.
"Katherine! Katherine, what's going on? Open the door!" Sarah yells, knocking on the door and pushing it while trying to turn the handle.
"Katherine!" Davey yells. No matter how angry he might be for Sarah going behind his back and breaking their entire agreement to stay out of the supernatural, he doesn't hate Katherine. He likes her, she's generally okay to be around. Now that she's screaming bloody murder in his sister's room, Davey is panicking. They both keep yelling and pushing on the door until the screaming stops. Seconds later, the door flies open and Sarah all but falls over.
"Katherine?" She breathes when she sees the girl trembling on the floor, her body curled into itself. She hurries over to Katherine and kneels next to her, but she almost jumps back when her fingers touch Katherine's arm. "She's freezing. Dave, she's like ice."
"Katherine, look at me." Davey grabs Katherine's chin and makes her face him. It's then that Sarah can see Katherine's lips moving rapidly and her eye kids fluttering, although her eyes stay wide in what Sarah only recognizes as fear.
"What's happening to her?" Sarah subconsciously asks. She jumps when a broken sound passes Katherine's lips and she vaguely hears the word please being whispered over and over again.
"Katherine, listen to me, you have to turn. You have to trigger it." Davey's voice is loud and clear. It's obvious that Katherine is in a form of shock and if she doesn't trigger the healing, she could die.
Suddenly, there's a loud slap followed by a low growls and Katherine's bolting upright, moving as far away from Sarah and Davey as she can. Davey stares incredulously at his sister, not expecting her to full on backhand the very same girl he had caught her making out with not even ten minutes ago.
"Did you see them?" Kathrine breathes, her body still trembling, but her face more alert and less frozen.
"Who?" Sarah moves closer to Katherine, reaching up to her bed to grab a loose blanket. She carefully wraps it around Katherine, letting the shivering girl grab the fabric and pull it tight around her.
"There were five of them. They wore black, I couldn't-" Katherine has to stop, squeezing her eyes shut and swallowing hard as she trembles even harder. "I couldn't see their faces, they were covered."
"What do you mean, like masks?" Sarah sends a confused look to Davey only to find him frowning in thought.
"One of them, I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow, like a firefly." Katherine squeezes her eyes shut even harder and curls her body into itself. Sarah wonders for a brief second if she's remembering the freezer from the basement of her old home. She obviously doesn't ask, bit she knows that Katherine is still plagued by the memories.
"The security system wasn't triggered." Davey mumbles, shaking his head.
"Then how did they get in?" Sarah asks. She scoots closer to Katherine and hesitantly reaches out to her her upper arm, hoping to help her warm up. Sarah is shocked to feel the icy cold through the thick blanket.
"They didn't, it was like they came out of the shadows." Katherine stifles a whimper and subconsciously moves closer to Sarah, her eyes glued shut.
Everything was so cold. She was trapped and it was cold and there was no way to get out. No matter how much she screamed, she couldn't get out. It was like being stuck there all over again. She thought she escaped it, but she was wrong.
"Do you know what that means?" Sarah asks when she sees a brief flash of recognition on Davey's face. "David, what does it mean?"
"I'm not sure, but I need you two to keep this quiet. For a few hours." Davey quickly stands up, turning to leave the room.
"From everyone?" Katherine asks, sniffling as she slowly stops trembling so hard.
"Just twenty-four hours." Davey walks to eh door, but he's stopped again.
"David, they could've killed her." Sarah raises her voice to let Davey know she's not done yet, especially since it's obvious he knows something.
"But they didn't and there's a reason why." Davey leaves the room, leaving Sarah to grab more blankets and sit closer to Katherine.
"I was there. All over again." Katherine whispers. Sarah doesn't think she's meant to hear, so she just sits with Katherine and holds her, confused and concerned.
Heyo! So I love the Allison x Isaac scenes in season 3 and that's partially why I made Sarah, Allison and Katherine, Isaac. Also, who doesn't love some fun Newsbians fluff/angst/make out/ whatever you want to think of it.
Let me know if you want any specific scenes or if you have any suggestions! Please, don't be afraid to ask! I promise you aren't a burden and I'll try my hardest to write what you ask for! I love writing and I'm currently stuck home for a while with a lot of free time!
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bvbfamilie · 6 years
Jahresrückblick 2018
Ann-Kathrin Götze
Nach dem Ann-Kathrin aus dem Urlaub zurück kam, ging es für sie nach Berlin zur Fashionweek. Dort besuchte sie das Grazia Fashion Dinner & die Maybelline New York Fashion Show. Am 22.Januar besuchte sie die Dior Show in Paris. Zusammen mit Mario hatte sie ein Fotoshooting für die Zeitschriften “Men’s Health” & “Women’s Health”. 
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Im Februar flog Ann-Kathrin nach New York für eine weitere Fashion Week. Unteranderem besuchte sie die amfAr Gala. Außerdem hatte sie in Spanien ein Fotoshooting für ihre Mode Kollektion mit Colloseum.
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Anfang März war Ann-Kathrin in Mexico um ihre eigene Bikini Kollektion “Vida Swim” zu shooten. Am 24.März brachte sie ihre Mode Kollektion mit Colloseum in Köln raus.
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In München war sie mit Scarlett Gartmann (Freundin von Marco Reus) & Mandy Bork auf dem Kiss New York Professional Launch Event. Zusammen mit Anna Sharypova (Freundin von Andre Schürrle) & Mandy Bork, besuchte sie am 11.April die Calzedonia Summer Show in Italien.
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Am 01.Mai brachte sie ihre erste Bikini Kollektion “Vida Swim” raus. In Spanien hatte sie mit der Zeitschrift “Bunte” ein Braut Fotoshooting. Am 07.Mai heirateten Ann-Kathrin & Mario standesamtlich in Düsseldorf.Außerdem war sie gemeinsam mit Anna Sharypova bei dem Borussia Dortmund gegen Los Angels Football Club Spiel in Los Angels. In Los Angels verbrachten Ann-Kathrin & Mario noch ein paar Tage, bevor es nach London ging. In London ging es für die beiden zur Dior Backstage Launch Party.
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Am 03.Juni feierten Ann-Kathrin & Mario zusammen mit ihrem Bruder & dessen Freundin, Marios Geburtstag. Bevor es für die beiden nach Paris ging, verbrachten sie ein paar Tage in Spanien bei ihrer Familie. In Paris besuchten die beiden die French Open. Anschließend sind beide nach Mailand geflogen, um sich dort die Versace Show & die Dsquard2 Show anzuschauen. Bevor es wieder zurück nach Hause ging, verbrachten sie gemeinsam ein paar Tage in Dubai.
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Nach dem sie ein paar Tage in Dortmund verbracht haben, ging es für die beiden wieder nach London. Dort besuchten sie das Wimbledon Finale. Danach flog Ann-Kathrin gemeinsam mit ihrer Freundin Mandy Bork nach Los Angels. In Los Angels wurde sie gemeinsam mit Scarlett Gartmann & Mandy Bork zur Film Premiere von “Bad Spies” eingeladen.
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Für Ann-Kathrin & Mario ging es Anfang August zurück nach Spanien zu ihren Eltern. Nach dem sie dort ein paar Tage mit ihrer Familie verbracht haben, ging es zurück nach Dortmund. Ende August war sie gemeinsam mit Scarlett Gartmann, Anna Sharypova, Mandy Bork & Riccardo Simonetti zur deutschen Film Premiere von “Bad Spies.”
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Am 05.September wurde sie zur Intimissimi Fashion Show in Italien eingeladen. Von dort aus ging es nach New York zur New Yorker Fashionweek. Die erste Show die sie sich angeschaut hat, war die BOSS Menswear & Womenswear Show. Außerdem besuchte sie mit Mandy Bork die Karl Lagerfeld x Kaia Show. Zusammen mit Mandy Bork & Nina Suess besuchte sie noch das MESSIKA x Gigi Hadid Event. Dann ging es für Ann-Kathrin wieder nach Italien. Dort sah sie sich die Milan Fashionweek an. Unteranderem war sie auf der Versace Fashion Show & auf der amfAr Gala. Ende September besuchte sie als Nominierte die Goldene Henne in Leipzig.
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Im Oktober war Ann-Kathrin in Paris zur Fashionweek. Für sie ging es auch im Oktober wieder nach Berlin. In Berlin war sie auf dem Dyson Event. Für ihre Kampagne mit Calzedonia flog sie nach Hamburg. Dort hatte sie ein Meet & Greet. Am 24.Oktober besuchte sie das CL Heimspiel Borussia Dortmund gegen Atlético Madrid. Während die anderen Mädels Ende Oktober den Mädchen Flohmarkt organsiert haben, war Ann-Kathrin in München auf dem “Bunte” Event.
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Zusammen mit Nina Neuer & Mandy Bork besuchte sie in Berlin die 25. Operngala. Mit Mandy Bork flog sie anschließend nach Spanien zu den MTV EMAs. Außerdem besuchte sie auch die 20. GQ Men of the Year Award in Berlin. Während der Länderspiel Pause ging es für Ann-Kathrin & Mario wieder nach Dubai. Ende November flog Ann-Kathrin wieder nach Berlin. Dort war sie auf dem Event von Lancôme eingeladen.
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Ann-Kathrin & Mario besuchten am 01.Dezember die Kinderlachen Gala in Dortmund. Für Ann-Kathrin ging es gemeinsam mit Jennifer Schmelzer, Sarah Richmond (Freundin von Julian Weigl), Tina Kehl & Melanie Windler (Verlobte von Manuel Akanji) nach Monaco zum  letzten CL BVB Auswärtsspiel. Kurz vor Weihnachten besuchte Ann-Kathrin ihre Freundin Anna Sharypova & dessen Freund Andre Schürrle in London. Am 22.Dezember ging es für sie & Mario nach Dubai. In Dubai machen die beiden sehr viel mit den jüngeren Bruder Felix Götze & dessen Freundin. Außerdem mit dem Eheleuten Neuer’s, Aogo’s ,Lewandowscy & Yann Sommer mit dessen Freundin Alina.
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Les: Sarah, Davey I’m gay.
Sarah: *Stares at Davey*
Davey: *Clenches fist*
Sarah: Oh no
Davey: *Sweats Profusely*
Davey: “HI GAY, I’M DAD”
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riverroan · 7 years
Since I keep posting Vines with Newies here
Les, turning the lights on and off: Fiesta! Fiesta! Esta noche fiesta! Fiesta! Fiesta! Esta noche fiesta!
Davey: mhmhmhm, that is not correct, because according to the Encyclopedia of vehfi3uhfhwef-
Oscar: I mean, four female Ghost Busters? The feminists are taking over!
Oscar, singing: I'm adult virgin!
Pulitzer: Hey, so, thanks for coming into my office. How would you describe yourself?
Jack: I would describe myself as 'Savage af', but also no chill.
Jack: Hey everybody. So, today one of my best friends pushed me, so I'm starting up a Kickstarter to put him down. *shows a picture of Spot* The benefits of killing him would be I'd get pushed way less. *shows chart*
Morris: We all die. You either kill yourself or get killed.
*dancing* Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Sarah, slowly moving camera to Jack's lovestruck face: Hi.
Jack: Okay.
Sarah, hand on Les's arm: Hey, I'm a lesbian.
Les: I thought you were American.
Les: You know what? I think we're gonna be friends. *Les rocking out while playing Kazoo*
Jack: Pulitzer! *kisses Davey*
Pulitzer: Step back, I think I'm gonna vomit! *fake vomiting*
Spot: I'm over at this dumb ass place with all these fake ass people-
Jack, walking by: Hey.
Spot: Hey.
Spot: Fucking bitch.
Davey, in song: You are my dad. You're my dad! *shows a picture of his dad* Boogie Woogie Woogie!
Race: My favorite screamo band is Big Time Rush.
Spot: *taking in a deep breath*
Romeo: *running away from a vacuum while screaming and throwing a pillow at it*
Morris: *shoots a gun in house*
Oscar, falls off couch and turns to Morris: This is why mom doesn't fucking love you!
Race: *touches Spot's hand on the bus*
Spot: *pulls hand back, ready to smack him*
Jack, in the car next to Medda: *zooming in on her*
Medda, turns head: *smiles, yet still shocked and waves at camera*
Albert: I smell like beef I smell like beef I smell like beef I smell like beef-
Kathrine: *honks horn*
Pulitzer: *throws carton*
Race: *singing to a dog and putting camera closer to it's face*
Dog: *attacks camera*
Race: *screaming*
Specs: Hey, Romeo, do you pee your pants?
Romeo: What?
Specs: Do you pee your pants?
Romeo: Hah, sometimes.
Jojo: What are you going to do?
Les: Yo, drink this vodka down the halfcock. *takes a sip and whole face scrunches up*
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