#kbr: sulli’s romance is a three way poly relationship!
titsthedamnseason · 2 years
i don’t care if the poly representation wasn’t good and i don’t care if she already has her end game and i don’t care how old the post is every single time i see someone speculate whether sulli would “choose” akara or banks or what team they’re on i lose 10 years of my life
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klarolinedrabbles · 5 years
Can you explain the KBR drama. Like I was only aware of Addicted Like Us, Ryke and Daisy(?) And then I believe Lily and Daisy’s other sis and that pairing.
happy bday! sorry we got shit on by k+b ritchie. i'm so annoyed about them trying to say this was the plan all along. if you wanted to do a poly relationship why promote kitsulli book and not be transparent about it from the start? i smell bs. if they wanted to explore a poly relationship why not luna? she's unattached and plus it would give them the excuse to discuss the difference between sex and romance in a poly relationship given her parents. i'm so beyond disappointed.
thank youuuu! 
And oh lordy, where does one even begin. I don’t think I’m the best person to ask for a recap because I came in when alphas like us had either just released or was about to??? Maybe somewhere in the middle, I can’t remember, lmao. I was definitely there before Jane’s book released though. I read the addicted books/calloway sisters in April of last year, and TLU after. 
And touching the books about the kids was a Mistake that if I could undo, I would. But I strayed away from the twitter portion of that fandom for many reasons, it was just...a lot. But against better judgement I went head first in anyway, and it wasn’t till I was almost all caught-up that I really saw all the shadiness. 
So basically, when books for the oldest kid club got announced, it was supposed to be in their three pov’s (Jane, Moffy, Sulli). And then it changed to one book each, and Sulli’s was supposed to be first. Then Moffy wound up being first, and we’re about to be four books later about him, and Sulli’s book has yet to happen. So now it’s the first three books are Moffy, then Jane’s two books, Moffy needs a wedding book so that’s next, then they decided these two bodyguards get a book, AND THEN Sulli.
Her book, had a confirmed relationship already, for over a year, which is her and her bodyguard Akara. And I’ve observed quite a bit so I’ve seen how anticipated her book was. And it’s the sole reason I even touched TLU, dude. I told my friend Farida ‘I’ll read the OG’s but I won’t go near the books about their kids because everyone’s so mad about them’ but I started them because I was a SOFT BITCH  for Sulli, and her friendship with Akara even though we literally have breadcrumbs for them. I’m not surprised, Ryke and Daisy were my faves, their daughter being my fave is shocking to no one. 
They have this facebook group that’s a mean girls club lmao, point blank that’s what it is. It’s a group who fetishizes the m|m ships that kbr have written, and lgbtq readers who have expressed discomfort @ that behavior from the members and at kbr looking the other way to it, have been removed from the group, belittled in that group, and had their posts deleted in that group. A month or so ago, someone in that group asked if they’d ever considered writing a polyamorous m|f|m relationship, and they said they’ve considered it, but it wouldn’t be till way down the line if they did. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN, in all their posts and marketing for the book that released tuesday, it’s THERE’S TWO SHIPS LIKE IT, AND ONE GETS REVEALED HERE, THERE’S BEEN TINY HINTS, ETC. 
Naturally, not a single one of us presumed it’d involve Sulli or Akara because they’re a confirmed relationship with their own book on the way. Only for the end of the book to have an updated description for book #8, confirming it’ll be Akara, Sulli, and Banks. I---
I’m the biggest jinx on the planet. When GoT ended, I said this is why I stick to books, they don’t ever piss me off this much, AND I OOP---A WHOLE ASS JOKE. Now, it’s not the poly ship existing that’s the problem, because those exist, of course. It’s the fact that they knew how anticipated Sulli’s book was, it kept getting pushed further and further back, and we’re finally within a year of getting it and they pull this right at the end. Also it’s incredibly ooc, but we’ll save that for another ask. 
There are readers who sat through all of Moffy’s books to get the inklings of Akara/Sulli, waiting patiently for her book, and for them to do this, it’s insane. 
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titsthedamnseason · 3 years
i have no one to talk about the series too so im happy i can send these thoughts to someone <3 i just wanted to say i agree about the couples like even though marrow annoys me from time to time i still like their chemistry but jane and sullis romances are just so bland💀 like you cant even compare it to their parents love story cause these exist on a completely different realm (maybe its also the fact that tchatcher is the least interesting character i have ever read about and akara had potential like i liked the guy but i dont know what happened to him in sullis book he was so um yeah and banks was kinda interesting bit kbr didnt know how to write a poly relationship it didnt feel natural at all no chemistry whatsoever) they should have considered writing one/ two books for each person we dont need so many especially that the plots are so repetitive (when will samantha die so she stops leaking stuff) end of rant
listen all the like us couples have their good and bad moments (some worse than others) but there is really no comparison to addicted. i don’t know what happened between writing skop and dlu bc tbh there was hardly any time in between but wow did they manage to fuck it up big time
thatcher is just like....a weird character? i feel like their character notes must have been “tall, not talkative, in love with jane, is able to cook, italian, a twin” and that’s....it? i kept waiting for there to be more but even in his pov he would give us nothing 😭
and i think you’re right with akara’s potential! personally i hate age gap romances and the fact that he’s known sulli since she was so young would have turned me off so much no matter what but i feel like the glimpses we got of him in the other books he was so much funnier and had more personality. i understand that they needed to give him plot points in his book but it feels like he’s more preoccupied with work than with sulli 😭 i actually think i would have liked sulli and banks more as a couple but even so there’s so little to build off of and then all three of them together is just....nothing. there is no chemistry absolute go girl give us nothing vibes
my fingers are crossed so hard that they’ll get a better poly dynamic for beckett’s books bc i could see that going south so fast after this nonsense. i don’t even know how i’m expected to read a THIRD sulli book when barely anything at all even happened in the first two. like i don’t even know what content they’re going to draw from to write a whole third book they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel with these characters
please don’t even get me started on samantha. for one second let’s ignore the fact that her leaking stuff is so overplayed at this point but her role in the like us series really bothers me for so many reasons. i understand that people don’t always keep their promises and that her repetitive and bitchy nature could also just be a character flaw that the characters can’t escape because she’s family. but oh my god, it annoys the crap out of me that it undercuts such a huge arc from the addicted series. it was such an important part of both lily and daisy’s stories that they were learning to have a better relationship with their mom and lily has that big talk about treating her kids the same as everyone else’s and then in the like us series you learn she treats them like crap so lily and lo keep their kids away from her? like i get it people are flawed so maybe she just ended up saying “screw that i hate lily” but really?? i would care way less about samantha still being an issue if kbr hadn’t gone to such lengths to redeem her relationship with her kids in addicted. for me it cheapens that addicted plotline so much and now every time i reread it i no longer get emotional at them fixing the strained relationship i just get frustrated that she never actually did shit to change
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