#at that point it’s their fault tbh 😭 bc they know what she’s like why do they still give her any access to themselves
Hazel and Jason's dynamic is SO fucking disappointing now that I'm binge reading the books again. It was so frosty and distant. Jason was literally just mistrusted and "not like what she expected him to be" in 90% of her Hoo POVS it's sad really. I really wish they would bonded properly. So much potential for friendship just down the drain.
Hazel's unwillingness to forgive Jason for suspecting Nico was genuinely pissing me off I'm sorry 😭 like I never thought I'd get mad at Hazel of all people bc she is literally a sweetie, but she's infantilized way too much in the fandom, so her flaws are easily overlooked, but like she literally went all volcano on Jason and held a grudge against him till House of Hades too? Like I get that she worried about her brother and stuff I'd be mad too. But it's the fact that she selectively forgave Leo SO quickly and never even yelled at him (even though he's the one who started the suspicion in the first place even jokingly called nico creepy and stuff behind his back not that I'm trying to fault him or anything I love him)
look I'm not saying it's all Leo's fault or anything, in my opinion, both Jason and Leo were right to suspect nico because of how back and forth nico went from both camps without saying a word and also pretended to not know percy and stuff. So it's realistically shady behaviour from their pov.
But Hazel gets all sweet and soft on Leo because of Sammy and forgives him in a heartbeat, tbh tho she never really directed her anger on Leo in the first place so there was nothing to forgive. But when Jason apologizes, she gets all cold and frosty like accepting his genuine apology is the hardest thing she has ever done?? Like?? Hazelnut I love you and all, but you just accused Jason of unfairly judging nico but you ironically unfairly judged Jason and went all sweetheart on Leo?? Contradiction much?? Either forgive both of them or don't forgive either of them? Why the bias?
Then in HoH she goes on a whole lot of yapping about how she doubts his capabilities as if she didnt just idolize him like 5 minutes ago RIGHT after he encouraged her that she was doing well and included her as a part of the team?? Idk, she was so petty with him and for what?. I just found it unfair that Jason considered hazel a friend but she didn't consider him one and just fully went all judgy mode on him for the rest of the series. she holds on an even bigger grudge than nico lol. she literally did anything but forgive him or give him a chance. so ooc.
Also, In TOA, I found out Hazel told Apollo that she talked to Jason's ghost after he died, to yell at him about how much his sacrifice had hurt Piper :/ like rlly? Out of all the things you could say to a person you idolized who made a lifechanging sacrifice, you guilt trip him for the sacrifice instead of gratitude? Ig she may have been raging out of grief or something but I honestly didn't like the way their dynamic ended. So incomplete. Just another reason of why I found fanon way better.
Hazel coming in terms with the fact that jason is a boy, and not a legend would've been sm better. since the seven basically signifies friendship and comfort. him being a boy with feelings is basically the whole point of his character, but it only gets acknowledged by nico and leo. hazel of all people would've understood jason's internal struggle, she has literally come back from the dead, if anyone knows about struggle, its her.
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teaandcrowns · 10 months
I have so many thoughts on Sokka during TSR, because why did katara talk to aang at the end but not Sokka? I understand why her and Aang spoke, but it made no sense for Sokka not to be more involved. This is Kataras episode, and for that reason I would've thought there would be more Sokka because he is one of the biggest parts of her life. What she said to Sokka about their mother, I understand it and don't blame her, but it was cruel and you can't tell me that Katara didn't feel horribly guilty after, that she wouldn't apologise. Throughout the series they don't have really a positive conversation regarding Kyas death once (not that the topic is positive, but by that I mean it is always either brought up in an argument or katara isn't talking to sokka about it) and the way Katara is shocked when she overhears Sokka talking to Toph kind of implies she and Sokka haven't spoke about it, which does make sense. Sokka tends to shut his deep feelings away, and wouldn't want to 'burden' Katara with them bc of his whole protective thing, which is a reason I agree Sokka probably would've argued further to stop Katara going more than Aang, because in regards to his character, he sees Katara when he thinks of Kya because she sacrificed herself for her. Katara feels the need to honour this sacrifice, whilst Sokka feels the need to keep Katara safe, and Hakodas words encouraged those thoughts. From a plot standpoint I get why he didn't fight it, but I would've thought he would've. He has always been vocal against Katara putting herself in danger, so the time when she is about to put herself in the MOST danger, he's just.. weirdly quiet about it. This episode missed a big opportunity to focus less on Aang and Katara in the background, and more on Sokka and Katara. Having a conversation regarding their mother's death; regarding Kataras survivors guilt and her need to feel worthy of that sacrifice, Sokkas repression of her memory despite remembering the raid clearly and feeling a need to keep Katara safe, would've helped them both, and given a lot more insight on their characters, esp Sokka who has never really been a focus in the series. In my dreams, they talked to each other after the episode ended. I think all of the faults of this episode lie within the writing tbh (Zuko bluntly asking Sokka about his mother's death which was.. insensitive, Aang saying about Appa instead of the death of his people) but yeah.. this has gotten way too long 😭 I just have lots of thoughts about Sokka & Katara
Yeah, I think it would have been a lot better if Katara and Sokka had an actual conversation about this, because I think you're right. I don't think they ever talked to one another about it. Katara was too busy trying to fill their mother's shoes (at eight!) and my guess is that Sokka was too busy trying to emulate their father so he could fast track becoming a warrior to help protect the remainder of the tribe. I honestly think that if the episode had put Sokka and Katara as the secondary focus instead of Aang and Katara, it would have made it so much better. I feel like Sokka would have tried to stop her at first, but then they would have argued and Katara would lash out and then Sokka would realize just how much this means to her, to be able to do this, and how no matter how much he wants to, he can't protect her forever (and hasn't been in a lot of senses, for a while), and it would have just been such a good growth point for both of them. I imagine he'd have this revelation and instead of the scene starting with Aang saying, "I forgive you. Does that give you any ideas?" we have Sokka saying, "I'm coming with you." Katara could tell him no, this was something she had to do herself, to keep the primary relationship reconciliation between her and Zuko, and Sokka would feel bad, but understand and not push the point.
Everything else doesn't have to change—I even understand Zuko bluntly asking Sokka because he doesn't know the extent of what happened, just that Katara said the Fire Nation took her mother away from her, and nobody else in camp would know the answer. Forefronting Sokka and Katara as a secondary relationship that grows and is repaired would have made so much more sense than Katara and Aang's fracturing with no on screen resolution after.
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moonlit-positivity · 3 months
Things I wish I knew before healing, part 2
• nobody is coming to save you. Except that's not entirely true either. Not in the way youd think. If you're looking for someone to hold you, coddle you, change your dirty diapers, and do the work for you? Nah these mfs can't baby sit a grown ass adult. But that is a very valid feeling. I can't tell you how much I bitched and moaned in the beginning. I literally told my therapist one time, "I want someone to change my fuckin diapers!" Lol 😭 the hard thing about being abused as a child is that there is never anyone there to care for you on that deeper level. And the hardest part about growing up this way, is that there never will be. Not in the way of this fantasy of wanting someone to be fully enmeshed with your brain enough to know what it is you want and need without you ever needing to open your mouth and say it out loud. No. That's not how people are gonna save you. But they will save you in an entirely different way. They will let you know when youre making a mistake. My therapist has helped me in ways I would have never even fuckin imagined humanity would be able to help someone. And she's not the only one. I'm lucky and blessed and privileged to have had a few good case managers and help from people who work for the city I live in. These people have helped me in ways that others couldn't. They gave me a backbone to stand up and get the work done for myself. They helped me understand this during the hardest fucking rude awakening I have ever had about life in general. And that is, that no one on this earth is entitled to taking care of you. Nah. In my case tho they still wouldn't even if I wanted em to, bc I already kinda knew that from growing up with my mother. I would have never been able to outright ask someone to love me. Not with the awareness of what my mother put me through and the constant fear of becoming just like she was to me. But there comes a time when you gotta stop bitching and whining about how unfair it is and learn how to get up and move anyway. And tbh, I'm still not entirely there yet. It's not an easy thing to learn. But I know a helluva lot more now than I have ever known in my entire life, and that means a whole fuckin lot to me right now. I literally started out from under ground zero, like -65 if you wanna be specific. I had to crawl through the gutters just to get where the fuck I am today. I fuckin carved that shit out all by myself. I fuckin did that. And I'm proud as fuck of where I stand today.
• there is going to be times when you literally cannot talk about it anymore. I can't tell you this without explaining that I am the type of person who would want to immediately snap my fingers and expect the immediate response, to have that quick fix solution. Nah. Patience is an acquired skill. Not to toot my own horn here, but God fuck if I had ever known that before starting therapy I swear to God I don't think I woulda made it through. I have such an aversion to pain and suffering bc of what I went through as a kid, but the pain of healing is unlike anything you will ever experience. Because unlike being abused, healing feels good. Healing feels like someone is purifying your soul in a pure light. And your soul is filled with anger and bitterness and pain. So trusting that light is fucking nuts to say the least. There are times when someone telling you it's not your fault will absolutely break you down into a million fuckin pieces. Not because it hurts, though yeah it does hurt a lot because that's not something anyone has ever told you before and there's the pain around why these mfs have never fuckin told you that. But it also hurts because it feels good to be finally listened to, heard, seen, and validated by another fucking human being on the face of the earth. And you won't want to believe it at first either. But eventually they'll keep saying it to you. Over and over. And eventually there will come a point when you finally lose your shit behind it and deal with the brainwashing coming undone to understand exactly what it is you've had to go through. And then there comes a time when you just can't talk about it the same way anymore. It changes you. It makes you see things about yourself and about the people around you and about this world in general that you've never even thought about before. And that's a whole lotta fuckton to sit with in itself.
• things gonna get better. And it's gonna scare the absolute piss and shit out of you when it does. The silence of peace and serenity is first filled with panic and survival on a whole different level than anyone will ever tell you about. The peace and silence of serenity feels like madness. It feels like youve been living underground your whole life and now you're above ground and everything is new and fuckin terrifying and you don't actually wanna live here, you wanna crawl back underground because it's more familiar and "safer" to you that living above ground is. And this is actually a normal feeling a lot of us go through I've noticed. Talking with other survivors can definitely help give you a sense of normalcy to what you're going through. But my god that urge to go back to the abuse and pain and suffering is so fuckin real. It's all you ever know. Trusting peace to not be a fuckin trap? That takes a lot of pain in itself.
• which brings me to this point. Every single thing about this process is a fucking pain in the ass. You've been beat, abused, gaslit into believing you are the devil incarnate by your parents. Your first ever caregivers, your first ever human experiences, have you believing you are the dog shit underneath their feet. They spend your entire childhood abusing you. Then you finally leave them behind and now you gotta find out they fuckin abused you???? My God. There is nothing about this shit that is gonna give you happy happy fun time play time vibes at all. That's fucked up beyond belief.
• youre gonna be pissed the fuck off all the time. My God if you're reading this and can relate, LOOK INTO SOMATIC HEALING. Give your body an outlet. And it doesn't have to be like exercise or yoga or any of that bullshit. Just shake your shoulders. Shake your arms. Shake your body. Let it move those big fuckin emotions and get it out. Somatics is all you ever fuckin need to get through this shit. Just find ways that it works for you. But yes. The anger and rage and betrayal is REAL. Don't fuckin beat yourself up for this shit. It's valid and it makes sense you'd be angry. LOOK AT WHAT THEY FUCKIN DID TO YOU.
• you're not faking your trauma, your symptoms, or your illnesses. There are real legitimate things happening in your brain and your body that affect the way you function day to day. The fact that there will be people in your life who will never fuckin understand that is a fucking war crime against yourself. Do yourself a favor and remove these people fuckin immediately. Anyone who dares question your life & illnesses & your right to fuckin exist???? Is a fuckin threat and you need to get them out NOW. You are not faking. You never fuckin were. Don't let anyone fill your head with doubt. Family, friends, therapists, doctors. NOBODY. find a second opinion. Find the doctor who's gonna listen and take you seriously when you ask about it and help get you the proper testing to find out. Do NOT settle for the doctors who tell you you're lying. Do NOT settle for the family that says youre lazy and selfish and entitled. Fuck those assholes. You know yourself better than they do. The fact that they even accuse you of lying to begin with is such a mindfuck in itself.
• there are gonna be times when the pain and regret of not knowing what the fuck you've already said and done is gonna suck the living energy from you. It's because well whaddya know. You've grown up a little bit. You might feel like it's a great thing to have the awareness and understanding now, and tbh yes it is! Don't detract from that point! But the people who have already been hurt from you aren't really gonna give a rats fuckin ass one way or another. And that's gonna hurt on so many levels, because yeah that's fair and valid. But holy fuck if i had known that before hand I swear to God things would have been so fuckin different. The thing about it is, people are listening to you, even when you don't think they are. I might go further into this sometime bc there are so many reasons as to why we don't think we matter as much to the people around us as they do actually care and listen. The words and actions you take (or don't take) will have a direct effect on those around you.
• life is not a fuckin game. God I wish someone had told me that a lot fuckin sooner. Take yourself seriously. Take your life seriously. This isn't the pregame show, this is the actual fuckin super bowl. Life is gonna hand you the epitome of fuck around and find out, and its gonna hit you hard if you're not prepared for that.
I will probably add more later. Thanks for reading 😊
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oddinary4bts · 5 months
Thank you soooooo sooooo much for writing this. You said it'll be a happy ending for everyone and you did it. I read you were writing your own book? I ALREADY KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING.
Yk that part where OC talks about that cheating meaning something because he actually loves Jimin. Oof. That made my heart shatter tbh🥲 but atleast he wasn't cheating just to hurt her. She was truly happy for him.
I'm glad Yoongi found someone like Jimin. Ofc the way he did was not okay but I'm glad he's not hurting anymore.
The way he was in pain knowing OC was in pain when he ran into her the first time. I feel for him. He was still trying to make amends when he asked to meet her for coffee, wasn't he? 😞
She can't eat apple crumble because of him and he can't eat croissants because of her🥲🥲🥲
I really wish Namjoon would've been a better friend. He's right to feel angry but Jungkook was his friend too. Him being such good friends with Yoongi even though he cheated is such an irony. She was Yoongi's girlfriend, yes. But he knew JK loved her. You get to yell at your friends when they're wrong but you also need to be there when they need you the most.
Was some of it Jungkook's fault? Yes. But OC and yoongi are to be blamed. They started this.
I understand why JK felt the need to go away from everything. These were his friends, the people who were his family or were supposed to be his family. I get why he didn't reply. He looked up to namjoon and for him to do this, that's gotta suck. Running away seems the best choice.
As someone who lost friends before I can relate with JK. (Speaking with tears in my eyes🥲)
I'm glad JK and Yoongi had that conversation. They really needed it. As for Yoongi bringing Jimin along, it's been a year. Why wouldn't he want his friends to meet the person he loves? So I get why he did. Jk feeling all of those emotions seeing Jimin truly make sense. I would be a little angry too.
As for OC, I'm soooooo glad she tried to put herself back together for the one year she didn't see any of them. From what you've said so far, it seems OC was friends with the girlfriends( not Maya ofc) so I'm glad she has them. Hoseok's girlfriend has been the nicest person to her 😭😭😭. Throwing away the box and running into JK daaaammnn.
I'm glad she was finally at a place where she understood the feelings she had for JK. Kicking him out before was horrid but it was also not good of JK to ask her out when it had been only a few days since they'd broken up.
Jk lost SO MUCH. So much. I feel the most for him. His past, the friends, her. That must've taken a toll on him. I'm glad they're happy together now. "Don't tell me to go and I won't" oof😭😭
Do you think JK and the boys tried to reconcile and tried to stay friends after?
It's sad to say goodbye to this fic but I'm sure I'll keep coming back to reread🥺. How do you feel now that it's finished? 🥺
I cried throughout. I feel sooooo much for this fic. Thaaannkkk youuuuu soooooo much for this. It's so beautiful. 😭😭😭
I'm sorry my thoughts are all over the place and that it's such a long ask.😂😭
Don’t apologize for it being a long ask I loved reading it!!! Thank you so much for reading✨
Yes I’m writing my own book!! It’s actually loosely inspired of my fanfic The Tailor of Chaos, which I never finished bc I realized I wanted to make it into a book instead😌
To reply to your ask ->
Yes, OC is happy for Yoongi. She is also a little relieved that he does love Jimin, bc you know to her it’s not like he cheated just to cheat, you know?
I’m also glad Yoongi found Jimin. They’re happy, and after everything I think that’s all that’s important
Yeah, he definitely was just trying to make amends. He loved her once, and hd’s felt horrible for what he did to her the whole time
I wanted to show how sometimes we also lose a piece of ourselves in break ups?? Hence the ape crumble/croissant thing!! Thank you for pointing it out😌
Honestly yes Namjoon maybe should have yelled at Jungkook when he learned about the nudes but then be there for him. Though I think it took Namjoon a moment to be friends with Yoongi again! So he didn’t just accept Yoongi you know?
Running away did seem like the best choice to Jungkook!
And yeah I wrote Jungkook losing his friends in a similar way that I lost friends so… I relate🥲
Yes it made sense for Yoongi to bring Jimin after all this time! Jungkook’s emotions were valid though, and that conversation with Yoongi was indeed much needed
Yes OC was friends with Ryunah and Sohee! They helped her through the year, but she also healed herself back up, you know? Bc she wanted to do it alone. To break in quiet silence and then come back stronger
It took OC a while, but I think some part of her always knew that she had fallen in love with Jungkook. She really just needed time
Jungkook lost a lot, but hopefully in the next few weeks in the fic he’ll gain a lot as well🥺 I 100% think Jungkook and the boys reconciled. Some part of me even believe he and Yoongi would get even closer than before, bc they understand each other and their pain better than anyone else can, you know?
I’m honestly really sad that it’s done🥺 I always get sad when fics end tho but I try to remember that I’ve got tons of other projects I want to share with you guys!! It helps a little bit
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a thoughtful and detailed review✨✨
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jinkicake · 1 year
Just checked the calendar,,,, and scaramouche birthday is in 15 days🥲 I feel like he’s gunna pop up in my dreams or something I’m nervous bc albedo was just there; that’s my fault tho for falling asleep reading a fic where susbedo rails me and albedo is watching from behind the door of the KOF lab. I just remember looking up when I was struggling to stay alive and kicking eyes w him across the room and him going 🤫🤭 before I blacked out and woke up😭 12am if January 3rd he’s going to show up w ropes n chains n shit🫠 like he’s definitely the sadistic fuck to smile like the Cheshire Cat knowing that he has something over you😒 it’s his special day so he can fuck you in the shrine while yae can’t do shit to him (actually kazuha would also in the”being forced to watch the shogun play w you” scenario; love a man who’s been pushed into insanity) like he will make a huge pillow fort in the publishing house too and then fuck you right in the middle of it, like Ei is dumb asf but she’s way nicer than her shit puppet so when she hears the “poor defenseless traveler” has been taken and is being held hostage by her creation she’s like “oh no🥺🥺” so she rushes over there to help and use is like…. Something ain’t right here this feels like strap why is it completely empty. Then they get sucked into a mind realm of HIS own making. Ei becomes painfully aware of what day it is and they’re stuck listening to the screams of the traveler😔😔 more,deeper and faster; he would pull their hair and make them look they electro archon right in the face while making them swear allegiance to him as the true archon(which I would do without question lmao are you kidding? He’s way better than her and would have cherished Inazuma like she said nah you’re too nice I want everyone to be miserable 💕)can do nothing but sit back and watch him ruin the traveler and then begging for him to finish inside and to go deeper🤭 BONUS POINTS IF EI AND MAYBE MEIKO TOO WERE FOND OF THE TRAVELER AND DIDNT GET THE CHANCE TO TELL THEM!! I love unnecessary suffering it’s suck a great genre🥰 need to see her looking broken and helpless while he grins all crazy back at her is the ultimate revenge!! (Honestly same as abyss aether having you suck him off or ride him on his throne while lumine or whoever watches in shock☺️ he said I’m here to ruin everyone’s lives and he should!)
WHERE DO YOU FIND THESE FICS????? I need to read them too! I'm jealous of your dreams tbh...
naur youRE WRONGGG for putting that kazuha suffering into the air T T omg i dont think he could handle that tbh! he might just actually k!ll the puppet and then her creator! we all know he wants to- (with good reason-)
omgggg.... yes the unnecessary suffering is too good like that's what makes the 'fucking in front of the other person' so good like eeeek if miss miko had feelings for the traveler and came across them getting their guts rearranged by scara.... she would make it EVERYONE's problem... and she would probs k!ll the puppet like she wanted to do hundreds of years ago LOL
no bc abyss aether is superior like- he's a princeeee and he got to fuck around w pierro im jealous of him actually! not sure if i want to be him or with him!
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Well I just watched episode 23. Here are my thoughts. 🥲
Spoilers for TWD season 11 episode 23. Don’t read if you haven’t watched it because some shit goes down.
Love that they’re all heading for commonwealth to fuck shit up
Ok I am actually pissed tf off about Daryl letting Judith come with them. Daryl she’s like 11 years old. Idc how “tough” she is, she should not be allowed to fight in a literal warzone where there are automatic rifles being shot at your people. I absolutely HATE how they’ve written Daryl to allow that. They’re making him make such a stupid ass decision that I feel like he would never make (another OOC moment because the writers don’t know Daryl as a character anymore). Daryl makes stupid decisions sometimes, but this is beyond stupid. Daryl, I know you would be a better parent than that and yet they’ve written you like you have the common sense of a potato
Also Judith begging to go with them all the time is so annoying to me like girl you are a literal child know your place read the room and stop trying to be an adult it’s just annoying at this point we get it your parents were Rick and Michonne pls shut up about it🙄
Hi when am I supposed to start caring about Annie or her and Negan’s stupid unborn baby I think I missed the memo
NOT LYDIA. NOT LYDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I gasped. When I tell you I sat up in my bed at 3am and GASPED. I love Lydia so much. But at least it was just her arm and Aaron was with her and helped amputate, but still. Also when Aaron said “you are so loved Lydia” 🥹 I love this man so much you don’t understand he is actually the best character right next to Daryl don’t @ me I’m right also I cared more about Lydia than I did Judith in this ep 🫣
I hope Elijah and Jerry make it in the herd, but tbh I am not going to get my hopes up because they are both fair game at this point unfortunately 😔 who is going to take care of Jerry’s 20 kids
I love that Mercer is helping them out now! He really is a great character I think. It’s just so frustrating that he got snitched on but you know what they say about snitches
Ezekiel pls you don’t have to be nice to Negan it’s ok (I love him for that tho, we stan a bigger person) also if they kill Ezekiel I will stab someone anyway
I really really hope Rosita finds her baby. I wonder why Coco wasn’t at Alexandria like the other kids??
Connie is so sweet to that guy idk his name but you know. That guy. Too bad he DIES
Oh yeah and Judith gets shot. Um so I am not a big Judith fan at all so like obviously I am slightly sad but also… I mostly just care about how Daryl is going to deal with it because he is totally going to blame himself (as he should bc WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN BESTIE 😭). Daryl has lost so many people and he always blames himself for it and idk it just really bothers me that they’re doing this to him AGAIN like let my man have ONE DAY where someone’s death isn’t indirectly his fault and/or affects him greatly. We don’t even know if Judith is gonna die but yeah it’s not looking good. I mean they’re not going to get great medical care in the middle of a full-blown war AND a walker attack (with the advanced updated DLC version of walkers thrown in too)
I honestly don’t care that much if Judith dies but I also don’t want Daryl to have to deal with that because DAMN he is going to be devastated he has lost so much man it’s really not fair. I think he has suffered more than any character on this show and I don’t think it is controversial to say that because just considering the sheer amount of shit he has dealt with and seen is insane. I would say he is going to need therapy after this but apocalypse 😔
But also Daryl you dumb bitch lol ofc this was going to happen you should have never let a CHILD into a WARZONE you big himbo
I’d still give him a blowjob tho he’s gonna need one after this
Also Pamela suck the fattest cock you are such an asshole I hate you and I can’t wait to watch you die I hope Daryl kills you too 😘
Ok that’s all I think?? Idk this episode was a whirlwind. I am scared for the next one (esp since Daryl is laying on the ground?!?! HELP)
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feelbokkie · 1 year
Changbin is tbh a complete sleaze ball 🤮🤮 every damn time i read something from him in lr i wanna scream throw up and punch a wall. Pls for the love of god don't give a self absorbed asshole of a character like him a redemption arc 😫 but!! I love lr and your writing style!! And have been enjoying all of lr - beside changbin giving me gross shivers down my spine every time he has a moment lmao
Not me accidentally creating an anti-Love Risk Binnie hate train 😭 (that is completely my fault and I apologize to any Binnie stans who follow me and/or read LR)
LR Binnie is in his frat boy era unfortunately. He knows he’s in the wrong from the beginning, but because of his inability to focus on more than one thing at once he doesn’t stop to think about the consequences of the bet. And I also think because of that inability, it took him longer to realize how badly he’s fucking it up with reader, and how badly this was going to backfire for both of them—all of them really. It literally takes him sleeping with Y/n, even after that sight moment of her opening up to him in like a unfortunate post nut clarity moment to realize that he shouldn’t be doing what he’s doing. Which is why he ultimately tells Hyunjin that he was right and they shouldn’t continue the bet, but because he’s also now kind of like focusing more on one thing he also realizes that he doesn’t hate spending time with Y/n, but he may even like her—not love her—but maybe like her. He’s just not there yet he bc he literally just realized that he’s morally in the wrong for the bet so he’s not gonna realize that he might even possibly be in love with her—even if he is—until probably way later which is why he tells Hyunjin he was right and that they should end the bet BUT that he doesn’t want to stop spending time with her. And he didn’t understand why yet. Even if he does, when they wake up and realizes that he has some sort of feelings for reader, I think he feels so guilty that he’s willing to punish himself to the point that he will reject any sort of relationship with her, even if she magically does forgive him and chooses him.
Which is definitely not the ending I can guarantee that right now that’s not how this is going to end, but it was a possible avenue that I was exploring
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nulltune · 2 years
lynn goes insane over some fav hakuno lines tbh
"my past, my values, my preferences— they're so unclear that i feel like i'd be lying if i talked about them." hakuno doesn't know who she is, which is something she attributes to being an amnesiac at first, but as we come to find out‐- that really isn't the case :,) there was just nothing there. she couldn't remember because there wasn't anything, there was nothing from the start and nothing of substance she can see in herself. hakuno doesn't even know or understand what she likes or dislikes, and her own personal feelings. it's just like a blank, empty space and that's why hakuno wants to find something. hakuno always wanted to find herself, so she's very driven by this lack of an identity and how she wants one. it's because of this nothingness within herself that she desperately reaches out for something more. this could be some kind of purpose that can come in the form of a goal (like how in canon it was to put a stop to the war) or with others.
"for me…no, for human beings, companionship is necessary." hakuno is an incredibly relationally-motivated person!! she values bonds and connection, interpersonal relationships above all else. i think deep down she feels that her constant sense of loneliness and emptiness is something that can only be filled by another person and she fears being left with that suffocating sense of emptiness when. her definition of love lines up with this mindset too, defining it as: "something you nurture by thinking of someone else. if you come to properly understand love, your life will surely be enjoyable and you'll naturally be filled up as time goes on". the context for this is romantic, but romantic or platonic, i think she just hopes for someone who will take her out of her internal emptiness so that she can find herself and thus form her identity.
i wanna bring up the color motifs with hakuno because that ties it all together soo perfectly,, "i was just empty in the beginning, so if you say you're bad, then i will just dye myself in your colors." colorless and empty blank/white can only find herself when dyed with another's color.... :thonk: would likely gain a sense of value for herself from to another person's support/appreciation, as we see in this line and in canon as well. i do wanna explore how it's not all sunshine and rainbows though because this can very much lead to an extreme devotion (COUGH dependency-) towards that person (which is understandable bc hakuno would literally be nothing without them 😭 even her undying loyalty aside, it's how they're someone who gave meaning to her life and justify her existence) or, on the opposite spectrum, a disconnect if she fails to find herself even with someone whom she thought she could which would only add on to her feeling of hopelessness. fun hypotheticals! wHICH I WISH CANON EXPLORED HRRGGHNGH
^ also why hakuno can be so self destructive tbh :,) because at her very worst, she isolates herself and hides her vulnerability. (her self deprecation and contraditions also play some role in this too tho methinks..... she feels that she is useless alone, yet she doesn't want to burden others with her perceived faults and imperfections ^_T). hakuno's described as a headstrong person who shows their weakness after a certain point and it's such a perfect description for her,, truly someone with a strong front but also the softest heart 💖 deep and compassionate but also a sea that's hard to grasp and understand. she wants to be understood tho!!! but the irony of it is that she's someone who understand others so well but not herself — her understanding others is also a way for her to try and understand herself too tbh. hakuno's that brand of character that's trying to save herself by saving others methinks. but it's not enough </3
"'you're just like me' the little girl who projected a sense of strength despite her desperate loneliness." also just wanted 2 bring this up a a cherry on top + bc i'm always thinking abt this bit too....... of all the ppl to relate to... (tears in my eyes) HAKUNO..!!!!! but gahdamn canon why didn't u do anything with it!!!! explore it more c'mon!!!!!! this also explains her soft spot for children methinks,, she can def see herself in them and has that vulnerability of a "lost child" even though she's far matured from that age :thonk: :thonk:
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
firstly, tell me why i had that wooyoung shit figured OUT LMAOOO. I literally called it HAHAHA. the way i knew this fool was part of the fruit community
i love the idea that like this story and your writing in general continues to make me go, men ain’t shit fr. but then my tiktok has san getting scared while playing video games and mingi being called pink princess like 🧌.
reading this story with the prologue in mind is insane bc i get that technically no one has really done anything wrong yet ? per se. but san rlly is or ig…is going to be? a grade a asshole.
atp i can understand that sans not at fault (YET apparently) bc like, let’s be real LMAO the agreement was set in place and even y/n herself UNDERSTANDS it, she just continues to play into it bc of her feelings. i cant imagine how san ACTUALLY ends up fucking up (ig putting aside the fact that he couldn’t even be a friend or at the very least an acquaintance and help her w her assignment). like ik y/n probably WILL get mad but she doesn’t rlly hav the right to get mad at him for kissing that girl watever her name is cus she and san aren’t exclusive. but like regardless of the fact, i’m stil obv rooting for y/n bc she’s going through it and she’s being treated terribly by so many ppl for stupid reasons, esp w the knowledge that they all think so shallowly of her and don’t take into account any of her actual interests or experiences like damn.
AND THEN there’s like the fact that (entirely from context and my assumptions alone) y/n didn’t even outright SAY any of this or tell san how she felt until she wrote that letter AFTER THE FACT like ??? that’s INSANE like my brain is scrambling to finish the puzzle before i even hav all the pieces. like ik u said ur not sure about the ending but does san get the letter ? do we even see how he reacts to it ???? (i’m assuming she’ll tell wooyoung or hongjoong tbh)
ALSO i can’t get over the description of why yunho doesn’t like y/n like…damn, homie’s giving incel energy. giving nate jacobs wanting maddy to be a virgin energy (but not nate jacobs wanting maddy cus yunho apparently can’t handle high maintenance bad bitches). idk he’s giving very small peepee, in the closet, daddy issues energy and yeosangs got his own issues that we don’t even know about yet like don’t let me find out i’ll probably lose it.
i’m LITERALLY rambling nonsense and i’m at work rn. anyways amazing work ONCE AGAIN. i cant get over how you write and how you flesh out the characters. cant wait for my boy mingi to be properly introduced. let’s see how my emotions handle that.
there is so much to discuss in this message hold on;
first of all, wooyoung being part of the skittles squad well idk how you got that right i'll be honest with you
this is exactly why when i write i have to stay away from atz content bc i went and watched the new wanteez eps today and i just cant write afterwards bc san is so fawking soft and precious how am i supposed to write him as a fuckboy that breaks hearts??? at one point i was like 'damn i shouldve picked someone else as the fuckboy for starring role' and not HIM😭😭
about san fucking up, it will happen in act 8 and i cant say anything else without giving away spoilers but yes! san never promised her anything, yn is aware of it and she knows where the two of them stand deep down but she just doesnt want to accept it (spoiler: that will basically be what the next chapter is about). also keep in mind that the story doesnt end with the letter, there are a couple more chapters afterwards 😭
YUNHO. WAIT NOT TOO MUCH ON HIM?? thats still my man but i wasnt really going for that sort of energy but now re-reading the part about him, i could see why it might've came off like that 😭. basically, with yunho i was going for the type of guy that doesnt like spoilt girly girls who care about makeup, clothes and are shallow, that only dates girls who, by his standards, have some depth to them and are sorta not-like-other-girls but in a pinterest cottage core aesthetic way (kjsghdjfhkfdj??? idk if that makes sense but he likes sweet girls who he can bring back home to his parents basically. its pretty much what svoh yn was) and yet he would still sleep with starring role yn without a doubt 😭. he was inspired by many guys ive meet in college
yeosang's storyline...im kind of nervous about revealing it tbh, also mingi will be properly introduced in the next chapter! as something much more than just boyoung's friend.
thank you so much for this message, i always look forward to yours in particular and theyre so fun to read. i really appreciate them. i hope you have a good day 💝
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
episode one of nay pretending to have a podcast or perhaps some sort of serious blog where she analyzes slasher movies
"it's a film about meat." - aka there is no ethical consumption under capitalism: the movie
so Obviously i'm gonna start whatever this is. by talking abt. texas chainsaw massacre (1974) there is fucking NOTHING in this world as SPECIAL as texas chainsaw massacre i love her so much she means Everything to me she is so. just. genuinely important for horror movies like. i've seen her be called "The Mother Of All Horror Movies" and you know WHAT it's SOOO TRUE so fair she deserves it she's. the blueprint. the original. and like for better or worse tbh bc if you really look at it she didn't just like. start the slasher subgenre back in the 70s but she also. was the first remake in the 2000s like. she started the fucked up slasher remakes craze of the early 2000s like. they made the tcm reboot in 2003 and they just. never fucking Stopped that trend was her fault. arguably. most of them were at the very least unnecessary like i don't always Hate remakes but. what are you bring to the table why are you needed what are you Saying. and sometimes they bring something new but it's Worse BLACK CHRISTMAS 2006 I'M LOOKING AT YOU but actually speaking of black christmas. i love it so much truly one of my faves But. i've seen like. sources online and stuff and they talk abt black christmas and texas chainsaw like. like an alt kid who wants to Prove they're cooler than you by talking abt some obscure band they listen to. anyway. there's that like weird reversal of expectations tone to some articles and stuff where they try to say that "before texas chainsaw massacre came black christmas" which is like. OBJECTIVELY NOT TRUE?!?!?!?!? like texas chainsaw was lichrally release like 10 days before black christmas give me a break 😭😭😭 why would you lie to me like that why would you fucking say that!!! sbdjajkfksg so weird. anyway!!! i would argue that even IF black christmas had come out before texas chainsaw it doesn't have the same. level of slasher energy i guess. the same amount of influence. like. it's not like the traditional slashers that we grew used to ya know ??? so even THEN all the other movies just clearly took so much more inspiration from texas chainsaw she truly just left more of a footprint i think if the slasher genre was built upon the foundations of black christmas instead it would be sooo different. black christmas is like. a little bit uhhh smarter ?? than like. texas chainsaw and the like. there's more thinking in there w the whole peter situation while texas chainsaw is just. in your face and she's PERFECT ok this is so irrelevant actually anyway moving on
i don't even feel like i Can talk abt it bc there is SO much to say and who am i to try and say it!!!! god. the vibes of the first movie. how it feels so Real the documentary aspect of it the way it just fucking LIES to you saying it's based on a real story and it ISN'T but it does feel real god!! the sets being so organic the way it's shot the low quality and low budget just ADDS so much to it!!!! god old slashers w low budgets are the SHIT i mean it there is NOTHING like those and i feel like you can't really pull it off anymore nowadays ??? like if you have a low budget in 2022. you're done. pack it up. it's gonna be bad. but back in the day???? god and i don't know why but. god. back on topic. tcm74 just Feels so organic you watch it and you feel how hot it is how dry it is you look at it and you can FEEL it can't you. and besides the visuals (stunning) it has so much to say? it's so much smarter than you'd think it is? i could not possibly talk abt all the critique and commentary it does abt usamerica & society besides the obvious points but it's SO interesting and clever and ughhhhh when i learned the gas shortage that is one of the main plot points in the movie was actually a real common problem in the us at the time and not just a convenient plot point to get the characters in the situation we need them in. i was Sent. i was Insane. i don't know why it sent me the way that it did but.
there is also something SO COOL abt how. famously everyone remembers the original texas chainsaw to be a lot gorier and bloodier than it actually is right? like it's a common thing for people who watched it once a long time ago to think it was so much more of a splatter than it actually is. i for one watched it as a kid and i was Dead Sure it was sooo fuckin messy but it ISN'T not ONE bit not at ALL the most blood you see is literally just on sally at the end of the movie. isn't that so fascinating. show don't tell can work the opposite way in movies sometimes and the blood and gore in texas chainsaw is Implied, Philosophical, and it's so fuckin. good. that it gaslights you into thinking it's messy as hell just because it's SO intense the visuals simply Have to match right??? but they DON'T and it's SO IMPACTFUL maybe even more impactful for that innit god i love it sooo fucking much!!!!!! it's so brutal that your brain just kinda fills in the blank!!!! makes me go CRAZY!!!!!!
moving on! onto my favorite bit maybe. ? characters. god bless. i love the mandatory group of teenagers/young adults who are introduced Just to be killed off i LOVE them always and the texas chainsaw ones are especially pleasant to have around for as long as they last are they not. babes. i don't get when people go like. boohoo the mandatory group of kids that only exists to get killed off have no personality in [insert movie] 😔😔 like i don't CARE i don't care abt their personality i look at them and all i see is a bunch of little corpses who CARES but like obviously if they Have personality sure it's a nice bonus but like. who cares. the texas chainsaw kids Do have some level of personality doe i do care them except sally's boyfriend he does Nothing for me except driving the van but fine. kirk i do like him more he's alright. but PAM MY FUCKING GIRL!!!! i love an astrology bitch who has everyone's chart memorized i Love her i love sally but i just care pam so much more. not in a way that makes me wish SHE was the final girl bc i have so much affection for the kids who die. i love to see them diebrnsjjckskgjsf like. sometimes my favorite kids deserve it. not as a result of them Pissing Me Off but just bc i like them so much they deserve to go out in the best way? you know there's a lot of honor in being killed in a movie like this i think and pam? arguably? more iconic than sally. all the scenes she's in are Perhaps more iconic than sally's scenes. like. the shot of the house from below & behind pam ass first. the shot where she tries to run out of the house and bubba picks her up just as she's jumping out the door. the bit where she gets put on that hook. god. Iconique literally iconique !!!!!!!! my beloved my queen!!!! sally doe she just. my girl's jumping out of windows over and over the way she keeps screaming Iconique as well really gets in your head it's so impactful and she simply. does not stop screaming or jumping out the window. she is so relentless fr god bless and to her credit obviously the final bit where she's covered in blood in the back of that car laughing and screaming as it drives off FIND ME A FINAL SCENE AS ICONIQUE AS THIS ONE GOD!!!!! i do hate everything that's happened to her in the sequel(s) doe <3 fuck that. anyway. the man the myth the legend. franklin. my man. pam's a bit more favorite but he's a clooose second how could people ever fucking say he's annoying i have never thought he's irritatin. like. ok objectively maybe he could be a bit nagging and repetitive ok but like. wouldn't you be a bit. shook. like my man got his arm sliced by some freak and you want him to just get OVER it????? fucking insane how do you expect him to not be like a bit paranoid at LEAST abt it god 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and i don't think the other kids are always necessarely evil to him but you know when they just leave him alone once they get to his and sally's grandparents' house. that scene is so frustrating to me why would you do that to him. and then whine that he's annoying. he deserves to be annoying if anything i'm gonna kill you he did Nothing wrong. he's sooo fascinating too like obviously the movie wants to tell us he's got Something in common w the sawyers almost right.... like there's this inherent otherness abt franklin that separates him from his group and it almost seems like he has more of a connection to nubbins.... it's so inchresting..... i wish that went somewhere you know it's kinda left up in the air after the Concept is introduced it's a shame but also i like that it doesn't go further idk. idk
but Obviously the actual STARS of the show. the sawyers God i love them. i love a family i LOVE a fucked up little family more than anything else i love how much we get of them in texas chainsaw 2 i love grandpa just. being there even though he's more dead than alive but they won't let him die they won't let him go and even GRANDMA and nubbins in the sequel something so inchresting abt how they kill & eat people all the time but they won't even really record when their family dies ? like. if they won't eat it then it's not dead ?? they can't wrap their heads around someone being dead unless they eat it i think the sawyers' relationship with death is so fascinating luv
and obviously there is also something to say about grandpa and the Good Ole Days and the way they cling to him and it's some kind of metaphor for not wanting to move on from the traditions they were used to and hating the /progress/ in technology etc and it's something that nubbins touches on in the van too- obviously one of tcm's big themes in general
the way that there is no female figure no mother figure in the family (unless we count grandma who i'm sure was a girlboss but. you know. dead now) is SOOO important and interesting about them and i HATE how some sequels tried to add that female figure i feel like it just fucks up the dynamic like. there Is a reason that they had no ladies in the family to begin with just let it be that way i can't put my finger exactly on WHAT it adds but it ADDS SOMETHING like bubba wearing the grandma mask to make up for the lack of a female figure is IMPORTANT it SAYS SOMETHING they would have added a mom or made grandma alive in 74 if they had to. like. this was so clearly done on purpose like. like. i get so pissed off for no reason abt this LIKE they would have turned out different if a girlboss was in the picture ok. 
moving on. drayton. beloved eldest daughter disease ridden old man. he is such a guy. he is so much some guy. i like to think he's not actually as old as he looks he just aged like absolute shit whenever he ended up having to care for his three younger brothers by himself so like. i don't blame him for being a little rough. he's so weird. he's actively part of the fucked up stuff his family does even if he might not enjoy the actual killing that much but at the same TIME he's so NORMAL like. we meet him very early on at the gas station and we don't suspect a thing we might even forget about him cause he's soooo just some guy right. he's kidnapping sally to bring her home so they can kill & supposedly eat her and yet he stops to go back and turn off the light like that's the biggest problem he's got on his hands rn. the way he's so consistently concerned abt money and stuff. like. it brings such a level of Normalcore it hammers in how much that type of violence has been normalized for them the way that despite. you know. the cannibalism and all he's worried abt money and bills like you and me and the rest of us. it's such a good clash! it does such a good job at subtly telling you. hey. look at this fucked up little family. they're just like us. you could be them if you were pushed enough. you couldn't even tell him apart from sally and her friends at first cause he's just like them. them being just like you. ain't it fuckin scary. and it is!! 
and the TWINS???? HELLO. chop top is SO special i love how he's introduced in the second movie w no actual foreshadowing or anything in the original (which would drive most people up the wall) (talking about me) but still he settled in so well and he's so beloved! when you see people talk abt the og sawyers he's usually included even if he's not an actual og! and usually people (ME) don't fuckin take it kindly when new random family members are added to the original (texas chainsaw 3d & leatherface 2017 talking about you mostly. third & fourth don't really count i feel like it goes off track enough to get away w it but.) but CHOP TOP CAN STAY THANK YOUUUU 🥰🥰🥰 he's my best friend. and the only thing they say abt why he wasn't there in the first one is just. oh he was in the war. genius. stellar. of course he was in the war look he has a fucking metal plate in his head. why the fuck was HE the only one in the war but everyone else was just home. who the fuck cares. i'm obsessed w him!! obviously he fits the tone of the second movie perfectly, actually helps to bring up the funnysilly vibe they wanted, a comedic relief kind of character but if i think too much about him coming back from the war w a hole in his skull & finding his twin brother dead & deciding to put straps on nubbins' arms so he can wear him like a fucked up little backwards backpack and carry him around and talk for both of them using a different voice for nubbins and refusing to let him go. i could start to get a little bit sad it breaks my heart a little bit. it's tragic actually innit. but he CARRIES on w his stupid little hippy attitude or whatever the way he is w music the way he just has fun w bubba and takes him on a little drive and listens to the radio w him. and nubbins also comes with. i love the fucking concept
and nubbins. fucking weirdo little artist he's so fun. obviously not as funNY as chop top but he's FUN we don't get to know him as much as chop top or even like any other brother really bc the second movie is what really gives us a lot of content and obviously :/ nubbins isn't really in it :/ but one thing abt him that i feel like is kinda underrated is that he just fuckin. really sets the whole story in motion doesn't he. he's the one fucking w the corpses at the cemetery and that's the reason why sally and the gang go on their little trip to check on grandpa's grave and that's how they run into the sawyers if you think abt it it's all because of nubbins <3 the little reveal was so satisfying to me! cause you almost forget in the whole mess that at the start of it all was some weirdo digging out corpses! and then in a casual blink and you'll miss it exchange they reveal it's the hitchhiker and like. the way it all snapped into place in my brain was soooooo satisfying it's UNDERRATED i understand that like. you don't need to care abt the gravedigging at the end of the day BUT I LIKED IT UGHHHH also i fucking care that he's an Artiste i care that he's creative i care that he has a Vision i care that the implication is that he made all the cool bone furniture in the house i care that he and bubba (not sure abt chop top doe & drayton def doesn't seem to have one) have weird bracelets that kinda look like they're made from bones or teeth and like it had to be nubbins making that too right i care that he's a photographer i care that he ✨decorates✨ other places too (not just the cemetery but sally & franklin's grandparents home ALSO had that little sculpture that freaked out franklin) he's SOOO SPECIAL
and finally. last but by god not least the opposite of least actually the MOST the most important most special boy in all of texas my BELOVED my BABY BOY BABY leatherface i fucking love him so much i adore him he is SUCH a good character but it's so easy to miss i think if you watch the movie without thinking much abt it 😭😭😭 which is a valid way of watching texas chainsaw but is it worth it. no. but if you think abt him. and i personally think abt him all the fuckin time. there is so much there.... gen my favorite thing is just that he's objectively supposed to be a sympathetic villain. and i feel like at this point it's an overdone and often badly done character trope but he's fine he's OK he's wonderful. so. i love that if i go He Did Nothing Wrong I Can Fix Him i'm not just being hashtag insane but i'm actually kind of right bc that was kind of the plan. the director intended for this to happen he was building leatherface w the purpose of making a pathetic little scary guy and. it worked! so well! to me. i get it's hard to notice but also i cannot imagine missing it like. it's right there. like. backtracking. of Course he is also supposed to make you shit your little pants and he's not supposed to be. innocent or whatever. but you HAVE to grasp the. ~he's as scared of you as you're scared of him~ dynamic it's RIGHT there!!!!! it's not subtext it's RIGHT THERE most notably when him and pam see each other the first time they're both panicking and screaming! or when he just looks out the window to make sure there's no more meddling kids and then he sits down to pat his face and take a breath like he's had such a tough day :( he's having a liddol panic attack pls give him a second :( but a WAY better example to me that i don't see people bring up as often is the little moment when. after sally breaks into his house and locks him out. after she's done running up the stairs and she's running back down just as he finishes chopping up the door. the moment when he steps in and sees her basically running towards him. and he straight up gets so startled he jumps back on his heels for a second before getting his mind back in the game and starting to chase her again. like. that fuckin moment! that is so clear! bc you could chalk up his screaming at pam as him being mad but like. this. this bit is so important to me!! like /canonically/ he doesn't kill any of those kids out of malice but just out of fear? self defense? he's definitively like protecting the family from these fucking trespassers right. i Have said that texas chainsaw massacre 1974 is just Why Are You In My House: The Movie. which is a valid fucking question like for the love of god will you stop fucking walking into people's house it's fuckin illegal. and rude. i just think that it's so cool that he's scared kinda the whole time :) i think it's so cool that Arguably the first slasher is just a scared big guy i think it's so cool that Arguably the first slasher movie managed to make a very organically sympathetic villain without relying on all the cheap moves that a lot of other movies use THAT ONE OF THE PREQUELS FUCKING USES LEATHERFACE 2017 THIS IS FUCKING ABOUT YOU i have so many problems w that fucking movie and the worst crime is the fucking clichè tragic backstory that they slap on my boy like why would you go so far to try and /make/ this character sympathetic by making you feel sooo bad for him or at least i feel like that was the goal when he was already sympathetic in the original movie. like. they missed the point AND they did it wrong and i do not care for it AND WHY SUDDENLY HE'S THIS LANKY TWINKY FUCKING WHITE BOY OF THE MONTH LIKE 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 HE IS NEVER GROWING INTO THE BUBBA WE KNOW AND LOVE DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME !!!!! his Size is so. important ? and they took that away from him 🔪 
ACTUALLY THE WAY HE LOOKS? HIS PRESENTATION IN GENERAL? UGHHHH SO IMPORTANT ! the plasticky butcher apron is furtherly telling you Hey This Is Normal To Them. This Is Just A Job To Them. Because They Lost Their Job To Industrialization So They Need To Do This Now To Provide For Themselves. Wouldn’t You Do The Same? You’d Have To Do The Same. You’d Need To. Hey Why Are You Scared It’s Just Work It’s Just Blood It’s Just Meat Didn’t You Like Meat? We (the sawyers) ’re Just Like You (the viewer) (Struggling, Needing Jobs, Needing Food, Poor) You (the viewer) ’re Just Like Them (the animals) (Just Meat, Get Butchered) the way that putting this normal job article of clothing in a context so fucked up has the same unsettling effect of drayton’s whole deal but it’s more effective bc it highlights one of the main points of the movie aka the equating humans to the animals we have to slaughter so at the same time it brings out the violence we commit and makes you think of it as awful in a way you’re not used to thinking of (vegan propaganda-esque) but at the same time it questions it. why are you not used to thinking like that? why can you excuse yourself when you kill living beings bc u gotta eat but the sawyers are scary for that? aren’t you both monsters then? or are you both excused? aren’t you both just hungry? anyway. as i said his size is so important to the way he. operates. ig? to the way he Scares but also it works so well w the way his characters Is. again like i said. the contrast between him looking so intimidating and him being so intimidated. i truly love it. love that he’s the youngest he’s the littlest baby but also he’s 6something ft x 300 pounds and wields a chainsaw and yet his smaller older brothers kick him around all day and he makes himself (look and sound) small when the oldest, probably weakest, least inclined to violence (alleged, arguable) brother approaches him threateningly
and the masks???? he just wears them to wear them. he’s not hiding a weird face situation like tcm03&06 (which is a liddol lame sorry 😔 like boooo what’s new) i think it’s supposed to be a means of expressing. purely a way to communicate. he can’t really speak- he’s not non-verbal like jason or michael, he simply. it’s like he didn’t learn how to talk. makes me wonder how early on did they give up on him. like definitively they did not bring him to school. so did they never teach him. where were mom and dad. was grandpa /dead/ already when bubba was little. was drayton simply unable to parent him. did they resort to cannibalism were they already cut out of normal human society when bubba was little. how old is even he ! the very fact that his /name/ is just bubba probably because it's all he could manage to say. ! the first actor who played leatherface and worked on building him as a character talked in his book about bubba’s /speaking/ process, about how he has some lines on the script, about how he talks but he just bumbles up the words into a sound that just reminds you of the actual words if you listen closely. it’s like he can’t speak but he can try to replicate sounds he hears. he does the same w animals. so it seems like he can understand but doesn’t know how to make those sounds, put letters in the right order to make them into words. it’s so cool it's so interesting. so he can’t express himself normally thru words. so he does it thru the masks :) he feels nurturing so he wears the grandma mask to make dinner for his family. he wants to be pretty like sally for the dinner so he tries looking for a mask w blonde hair like hers before settling on the pretty lady mask and putting on makeup. i just love him so much do you understand. don’t even get me STARTED on his genderfuckery on his being “detatched” from gender and just trying to look the part. like. he just has no idea how things out there are huh. i think he was just always sheltered and brought up into the violence of the sawyers household. and yet he’s a sweetheart. DESPITE that he’s a sweetie. bc i don’t know if more than any other brother he realizes that what they do is bad. segway-ing into the second movie. when he tries helping?? hiding??? comforting???? idk hard to say. stretch when she ends up in their house and he just does to her what he finds to be good. puts her bestie’s fuckin face on her face. bc maybe he doesn’t realize it’s a fuckin AWFUL thing to do hgdgfdgf but it’s helpful to him he’s used to this it’s normal to him so he does that for her. am i making any sense. can you hear me. are you seeing the recurring theme of fucking up what's normal. are you seeing the recurring theme of bubba babyboybaby my sweetest best boy in all of texas. he's baby your honor.
ummmmm anyway. so. yea. i don't know if i have any more to add so. instead i'm gonna /rank/ all the movies but it's mostly an excuse to talk shit worst to best let's Go
1- fuckin 2017. oh my god. i kinda touched upon what i hate abt it already but. like. why's he a twink. i get why he's a twink it's for the big plot twist wow reveal at the end but like why for the love of god. why's it a prequel to the original why's there a mom why does he fuck up his face to excuse the masks and the Not Talking. why did you make it so different from the tcm formula like… i understand it can get a little repetitive but i love it i feel like it should be there. there wasn't even a dinner scene. there wasn't even a surprise relative. come on. why does it feel like a devil's rejects reject. why does the first movie in the firefly trilogy feel more like a texas chainsaw than this actual texas chainsaw which feels like the second firefly trilogy movie instead. oh my god. why did you do THEE 2012 creepypasta go-to tragic backstory of Insane Asylum. i literally want to kill this movie so hard
2- the newest netflix one. Jesus. it wasn't gonna be this high on the list cause i thought it didn't do Anything for the story. like for better or worse i thought it simply had nothing to add. but oh boy. it's just so. fucking bad and lame. i almost even thought there was potential but. first of all it also doesn't feel like a texas chainsaw either but it's not as bad as 2017. secondly it takes the topic of Progress In Technology Bad but tackles it in the cringiest most boomer way like god. don't even get me started on the bus scene. you cancel leatherface? you cancel them like an influencer? chainsaw. chainsaw for the millenials for ten fucking minutes i want to Die also mask ugly i like that apparently it was supposed to look sad and pathetic almost as if it wanted you to sympathize w him but Ugly. i appreciate that it sort of addresses the original family and why there's a mother figure but i simply do not want it. this leatherface smells like jason. and the focus was on the group of kids too much and those kids sucked ass. and i'm gonna pretend they didn't fucking mess with sally. and i want to kill this movie and this franchise for the love of god let it die let it rest
3- i'm gonna start this point by saying that i feel the same level of like-dislike ratio for tcm3 tcm4 And tcm3d. like. i kinda don't care enough and the pros and cons are sort of the same. so i'm not sure how i'm gonna rate them. they might as well all be on the same tier. but i'm gonna put 3rd one aka 1990 one here. it's just so forgettable. more than the 4th bc at least that one's So fucking bad in the most batshit way it sticks w you but this one ??? like. brain empty. i don't. i'm repetitive but again i do not fucking appreciate adding family members and this one adds All the family members huh. freaks me out to see aragorn there. and the lowest point is obviously the fucking. daughter. oh god for the love of god i hate to think abt her and how it's implied that she. came to be. why would you do this you did not need to do this i swear to god. And i feel like this is where we start to lose our grip on leatherface as a character bc he is a bit too evil and scary in this one besties i'm not seeing him have enough panic attacks. one thing i like soooo much from this movie that i still remember is the golden chainsaw No. but that IS cool as shit. i remember kinda liking the bit where he puts his headphones on the girl :-) and yanks them off when she yells at him or smth :-( my bubba would have gotten startled abt it. but whatever . also the other superior thing is that whole bit where he's playing that i guess word-image association game and it's showing him a picture of a Person and he keeps trying to mark it down as Food and gets frustrated when it keeps telling him it's wrong UGHHH THAT IS SOOOO NICE AND SO COOL AND I LOVE IT!!! but everything else in the movie is shit and wrong so. pass
4- fuckin new generation. oh my god. can you believe that is a movie that got made. how did they even think of that weird illuminati subplot like what weed were they smoking Like. Hello. honestly 80% of the reason i'm not putting this at third place is bc there's no r*pe baby in this one but the bar is so low. insert mandatory complaint abt the extended family here except these guys are fuckin. insane. i don't like them. and the squad of little corpses is unbearable. having said that i can kinda vibe w how BAD!!!!!! JUST BAD it is bc i have grown to enjoy straight up bad slasher movies but the fact that this is a Bad Texas Chainsaw and not just a bad slasher makes it harder for me :( but if i pretend i do not see that… then i can kinda have a good time. they did kinda fuck w leatherface's character but in the completely opposite direction than normal this time like. dare i say he is a bit Too wimpy in this one and not intimidating enough. like it just gets a liddol bit ridiculous. but i can almost forgive everything in favor of how HARD they went with the genderfuckery i'm not gonna debate the like. morality of it? like is it offensive did it come from a good place i do Not care abt it. but i care abt bubba goin full fem baybayyyy slayyyy yassss this might be a problematic statement from me but i think this leatherface is closer to the original than most other sequels have ever gotten to. bye. not debating it
5- 3d. oh GOD texas chainsaw 3d !?!?!?! oh god. getting the obvious Timeline Makes No Sense critique out of the way immediately i'll move on to Why Is This Plot Literally A Creepypasta Wattpad Fanfic. a secret little cousin??? who gets introduced to the family tradition of Chainsaw???? hi?????? this takes my pet peeve of fuckin hate extra relatives and makes the story be all about it. + there's that fuckin terrible editing moment that. iykyk i can't remember enough to be specific but. for the love of god. besides that. i put it lower on this list bc. i appreciate it a bit more. mainly due to my beloved mutual leo hellboys who likes this one sooo much that it grew on me by proximity. and secondly bc at the very least you can tell the source material is truly understood. it's so clearly a passion project and there's so much love that clearly went into it. bringing back original cast members is such a sweet move. leatherface is quite humanized and the movie asks you to empathize with him and if he's a bit more bitter than i'd like i can let it slide bc they killed his family it makes sense if he's rude now. + the actor is……. hhoghh god. lol. it's fine
6- 2003 reboot. i appreciate a reboot WAY more than a sequel prequel whatever. i respect that they went all out and just made up a completely new leatherface & family to fuck around with instead of fucking up the character and add relatives. this leatherface is simply a completely different dude so if he has a tragic backstory and an aggressive personality and a different family it won't annoy me u know? and i RESPECT that. it's a fine movie + it's the one i saw as a kid (in fact me & my cousins just referred to leatherface as thomas) but it bears the faults of starting the bad remakes era. tcm is a trendsetter for better or worse ig
7- the beginning 2006 i like a prequel more sorry. i like to see how things came to be And i like the group of dead kids walking more AND the scene? where chloe from lucifer shoots herself in the head? and the camera goes thru her mouth thru the hole in her head to the wideshot(????) of all the kids screaming? my GOD that is one of THEE coolest fucking shots in the whole world like oh my god. bumps it up the list immediately. anyway. dumpster baby tommy hewitt i care you. this man is the biggest brickhouse in texas has cake for days long shaggy hair A Job competent as all hell cool mouthguard kind of mask?!?!! homoerotic tension with his first face???!?!?!??! my MAN!!! i'm not a slasherfucker. but i'd go as far as to say. he is Hot. anyway. fuckin hate hoyt more than most characters in history. but luda mae… oh sweetie she's so sweet… now i'll go on to broadly talk abt both movies. the cinnamontography as anticipated is really fuckin nice. i adore all the little references to the original movie i always love to see it. i love that they stuck to the formula (surprise family member! DINNER SCENE!!!!) but at the same time! this movie explains things that i don't need explained! the skin thing to excuse the mask! the weird reason to become cannibals that is just a watered down version of what's implied in the original! it's not enough to turn me off bc again. reboot can get away with more or less anything. but still
8- i'm gonna be fuckin honest it's so hard to pick between the first one and the second one. by god they're soooo close they could just be on the same step. the only reason i'm putting the original as the last in this list - and therefore the Best one - is bc. well. of course. it just deserves it. despite of what your opinion might be. so we're talking about 1986's texas chainsaw massacre 2. easily one of my favorite slasher sequels of all. it's so fuckin fun! the original had some bit of dark comedy and they decided to just go all out on the comedy in round 2 and i love them for it! the family dynamic is great chop top is fucking amazing the personality we got from all of them was PERFECT we got so much more of bubba… we got NAMES! WE GOT STRETCH OH MY GOOOOD STRETCH MY FAVORITE FINAL GIRL THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! the ONLY fault of this movie is that one of the new main characters they introduced was a fucking cop. that one is unforgivable. but everyone except stretch dies at the end so it's cool ig. i love it they really knew what they needed to do. instead of making it Scarier they made it funny. just so the next sequels could try to make a scary villain out of bubba. suck my dick this movie is fucking Perfect and i love it so much
so is this it. am i finished. do i have anything else to say 🤔🤔🤔🤔 i think i've talked enough. i fucking love this movie & franchise to some extend soooo much she's everything. my final message thank you for reading to anyone who might have 😭😭😭 if i continue going insane there will be more <3 i had a Blast running my mouth. this is truly therapeutic
9- and finally. the 1974 original. i'm not gonna say anything bc i just. talked enough abt her lmao no need to explain why it's last place in a worst to best all over again. but. yeah. there she is
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1d1195 · 3 months
you're SO REAL for calling those children feral bahah Im not sure if you ever answered this but what's your ideal age range to teach?
THOSE DO COUNT BESTIE!!! I am a HUGE supporter for funding the arts especially in public schools! but NOT THE VOICES?! but lowkey me too lol But i bet your voice isn't as bad as you may think!! Also you having a Harry air freshener is very much on brand for you in the best way possible! what's the scent bestie? do you lean more towards sweet scents or floral?
Omg Harry would not want me in a band like that Im not cool enough hahah so i played the tuba... wild bc I started when I was like 7 and it was such an odd instrument for a young child BUT my first music teacher saw like "potential" in me or whatever and honestly i was wanting to play something shiny lol and all my education was done through school and luckily they were all preforming art schools! and like my connection to music is more complex than that but yeah lol which is also why i am a big supporter for anything creative in general!
ALSO THE PHYSICS EXTRA WAS SOOO GOOD!!!! They are just so cute! I do love some angst once in a while and once again I am living through them lol Makes so much sense that they would have this "misunderstanding" of them being official or not. Especially if they never stated it and knowing how the MC does have her insecurities surrounding the girls Harry use to surround herself with, I don't blame her for answering like that! Oh and it was so cute how we got to see them both slightly freak out about one another lol
AND THEY SAID THEY LOVE EACH OTHER😭 AND HARRY ASKING HER TO BE IS GF?! SO CUTE! all of it was so cute! You did so great bestie! Hope you're okay, love you!-💜
It's my own fault tbh. I teach at the high school level. Mainly 14/15 year old hooligans but I have a group of 17/18 year olds that are a delight to teach despite the fact they probs hate me lol. Add in teaching math they get tired of me pretty quick (it was pi day yesterday! 🎉) though I can't imagine why! 😂
I am in no way tooting my own horn but I am a good singer (you would hope, I sang for a really long time. I would think one of my teachers would have told me) I just am too shy to sing in front of people lol
Ma'am the Harry air freshners I have are HORRIBLE scent-wise HAHAHAHAHA but the scent goes away quick and honestly I just keep them to look at Harry while driving. The current one i have is him dressed as Dorothy from Harryween but I think it's time to swap him out for another one. I got them off Etsy! They're really cute even if they smell bad. I don't know how to say this but I don't know what scents I like? I like the idea of florals but it's gotta be subtle. I love the smell of cotton/clean linen type scents (anything that smells fresh) and I also LOVE Christmas candles. If it smells like pine, or balsam, or sandalwood count me in. I want it to smell like a campfire without the campfire if that makes sense.
Harry would appreciate the musicality in you for sure! I bet we could pop some tuba into one of the songs! Music for a Sushi Restaurant already has a lot going on, why not add the tuba as well? It's so special music is something you are so passionate about and I think it's really cool you're into the technical side of things of music as well. I never took music theory (but I hear there is some math involved so I wish I did!) but nonetheless, I love STEM stuff but you can't have one without the other. I think I would die without music.
SO glad you liked Physics! I know you saw I really wasn't sure what to do with it so I'm glad it worked out well! It's really nice I have you to analyze my own writing because sometimes I miss the stuff you point out (like the part regarding how she doesn't know it's official/how he was around other girls) LOL Usually I just write stuff until I see fit and post it without thinking much of it outside of grammar, spellcheck, and making sure it flows okay hehehehe I appreciate you so much! 💕 I think they'll both be much happier being official now too 🤭
hope you have a lovely weekend!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 years
🌫SITH SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!! LONG ASK https://m1ckeyb3rry.tumblr.com/post/688179713914585088
i’m excited to see what happens, you said it’s referenced in s4 but i watched it such a long time ago i’m not quite sure what it could be, but i guess we’ll see when it comes out!!
was y/n always meant to go down this path? idk why but for some reason i thought that after what had happened with the burning villages and refugee camps, y/n would go against marley or something bc we could see that she had a conscience but that’s clearly not what happened 😭
ooh, how was her death meant to affect y/n? i feel like she would’ve grieved, but y/n right now seems like she wants to be apathetic. but then she went on that whole thing about wanting to die and that the suffering was her fault so 😕 i was so sad to see her go because she was so kind to y/n. ik i said this already but i feel so bad for her family bc they lost their daughter and even though she was only in a few chapters she def made an impact with how good she was. kinda helps to show how terrible the consequences of y/n’s actions are. i feel bad that this is the kind of thing the younger candidates had to go through too 😕
y/n is selfish but in a way her reasons for it are somewhat justified. she’s scared of the war getting so bad that it hurts those she loves but it doesn’t make us agree with her more tbh. like i understand her but don’t agree..
i’m not over that line either i feel so sorry for him.. ikwym by less romantic. like the shit that happened has made it so that it’ll be harder for them to love each other because they’ll just be reminded of it. i hope things get better for them when they meet again and they are so good together ngl just not rn💔
and no i was rolling my eyes when y/n said that bc no decent human would listen and actually do it. esp not friedrich, or colt. AND LITERALLY LIKE Y/N GIRL IT WAS YOUR IDEA?? she took what they claimed to have happened in the propaganda spread to them and ran with it. i was so upset with y/n about that so i’m literally unbelievably glad that friedrich won’t be like her at least. i feel like in the future his feelings for her might be swayed for some reason lmao
in summary this chapter was heartbreaking and get well soon colt LMAO
hehehe yes I’ll not spoil any more because I want it to be a surprise ✋🏼
Honestly with regards to Y/N’s path, no she originally was not meant to be like this. For a long time the plan was for her to go along thinking Marley was good and the Athyaens weren’t, and then the events of the last chapter would’ve happened without her being the one to come up with the idea for it. She would’ve seen that Marley is the one that’s doing bad things and that combined with Xanthe’s death would’ve made her question Marley a lot, to the point where she’d be like Friedrich almost (not really caring about why she’s fighting and doing literally the bare minimum). However I like how she’s going atm in the sense that she knows that she’s wrong but she won’t stop because it’ll make things worse for her and the people she loves. She honestly has very much s4 eren vibes atm 😭 but she won’t be like this forever. Athyae is her big “evil Y/N” arc but afterwards she settles down and is a little more morally palatable.
UGHH I WILL ALWAYS BE UPSET OVER HADRIAN AND Y/N 😩 they’re not going to meet for a long time so it’ll be interesting to see how they’ve both changed by then.
Lol Friedrich will always love Y/N but it’s definitely not going to be blind affection on his part anymore. He’s definitely lowkey annoyed that he loves her sm atm though because you know if he didn’t he would’ve swung at her at least ONCE by now
GOOD I love causing pain 🙏🏼 and yes rip colt…he really came back like a baddie though I think this is the most he’s spoken/been important in like four chapters 😭
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titsthedamnseason · 3 years
i have no one to talk about the series too so im happy i can send these thoughts to someone <3 i just wanted to say i agree about the couples like even though marrow annoys me from time to time i still like their chemistry but jane and sullis romances are just so bland💀 like you cant even compare it to their parents love story cause these exist on a completely different realm (maybe its also the fact that tchatcher is the least interesting character i have ever read about and akara had potential like i liked the guy but i dont know what happened to him in sullis book he was so um yeah and banks was kinda interesting bit kbr didnt know how to write a poly relationship it didnt feel natural at all no chemistry whatsoever) they should have considered writing one/ two books for each person we dont need so many especially that the plots are so repetitive (when will samantha die so she stops leaking stuff) end of rant
listen all the like us couples have their good and bad moments (some worse than others) but there is really no comparison to addicted. i don’t know what happened between writing skop and dlu bc tbh there was hardly any time in between but wow did they manage to fuck it up big time
thatcher is just like....a weird character? i feel like their character notes must have been “tall, not talkative, in love with jane, is able to cook, italian, a twin” and that’s....it? i kept waiting for there to be more but even in his pov he would give us nothing 😭
and i think you’re right with akara’s potential! personally i hate age gap romances and the fact that he’s known sulli since she was so young would have turned me off so much no matter what but i feel like the glimpses we got of him in the other books he was so much funnier and had more personality. i understand that they needed to give him plot points in his book but it feels like he’s more preoccupied with work than with sulli 😭 i actually think i would have liked sulli and banks more as a couple but even so there’s so little to build off of and then all three of them together is just....nothing. there is no chemistry absolute go girl give us nothing vibes
my fingers are crossed so hard that they’ll get a better poly dynamic for beckett’s books bc i could see that going south so fast after this nonsense. i don’t even know how i’m expected to read a THIRD sulli book when barely anything at all even happened in the first two. like i don’t even know what content they’re going to draw from to write a whole third book they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel with these characters
please don’t even get me started on samantha. for one second let’s ignore the fact that her leaking stuff is so overplayed at this point but her role in the like us series really bothers me for so many reasons. i understand that people don’t always keep their promises and that her repetitive and bitchy nature could also just be a character flaw that the characters can’t escape because she’s family. but oh my god, it annoys the crap out of me that it undercuts such a huge arc from the addicted series. it was such an important part of both lily and daisy’s stories that they were learning to have a better relationship with their mom and lily has that big talk about treating her kids the same as everyone else’s and then in the like us series you learn she treats them like crap so lily and lo keep their kids away from her? like i get it people are flawed so maybe she just ended up saying “screw that i hate lily” but really?? i would care way less about samantha still being an issue if kbr hadn’t gone to such lengths to redeem her relationship with her kids in addicted. for me it cheapens that addicted plotline so much and now every time i reread it i no longer get emotional at them fixing the strained relationship i just get frustrated that she never actually did shit to change
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allisonlol · 3 years
Can I have atsushi and dazai with a small chested s/o who seems really confident but they find out she’s a little insecure about her looks and worried they’ll leave her for someone else? Thank you
a/n: oh ofc! personally felt this req lmao </3
warnings: suggestive content, some minor nsfw
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so first off
let me just start by saying this boy loves literally everything about you
he also heavily values personality over appearance to begin with
so it’s unlikely he’ll even pay attention to something as trivial as your chest size tbh
(that’s not to say he doesn’t like it tho…bc he does 😏)
atsushi also really admires how confident you act; especially since we all know he’s a bit lacking in that department
however,,,key word “act”
on one particular occasion, this act slipped and you revealed to him that you do in fact feel a bit insecure
specifically pertaining to ur chest size…or lack of
“i just feel like…you might leave me for someone who’s more appealing” :/
atsushi is literally like “??!!”
he had no clue you felt this way and it makes him in turn feel guilty 😭
thinks that it’s HIS fault ur insecure because maybe he wasn’t giving you enough love or…something
obviously that’s not why and you clarify that it’s just more of a personal problem
atsushi will take your hands in his & explain that it’d be impossible for him to ever want anyone else because you’re PERFECT to him
and therefore the only person he’ll ever find appealing
“i would never wanna leave you, especially not for anyone else !! and…there’s nothing wrong with the size of your chest, i like it !!”
poor bby gets a bit flustered saying this but, he completely means it
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he’ll see right through your fake confidence tbh
won’t comment about it at first
however over time as he senses your insecurities growing, he ponders if he should ask
the thing is, he’s just not entirely sure exactly WHAT it is you’re insecure about
the breaking point is when you start to leave your shirt on during sex when before, it seemed that you’d had no problem taking it off
dazai can’t help but question you about this, and that’s when you crack
you reveal to him your growing insecurity about your looks & how he ought to leave you for someone better
congrats because you were just able to render him speechless lmao </3
is so shocked that you feel this way ?? is also confused as to why you’re even insecure in the first place bc he thinks you’re perfect in every way possible
dazai tells you this and you’re hesitant to believe him
“you’re probably just saying that to make me feel better. surely you must want someone with a better sex appeal…”
he gives you such a serious look it’s SCARY
gently grabs you by the shoulders and leans in close, looking at you intensely
“was there ever anything i did that made you feel this way, darling?” he asks, worried. “because i can guarantee there is not a single person on this planet that i’d rather be with than YOU.”
you start blushing at this & promise that you’re not insecure because of anything he did
dazai is so relieved to hear this and proceeds to lead you to the bedroom where he plans to prove to you just how much he loves you & your body…
a/n: omg i loved this req. ty for this 🥳
song i listened to while writing: the sweet escape by gwen stefani (throwback songs are the only thing currently keeping me sane)
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Thank you!
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thelonelynindroid · 2 years
Ok ok so ep6,,,
• first off its rlly cold here so all that damn rain has me feeling frozen
•idk why but the tone of this episode felt so different?? Could be bc of the rain too tbh
• Alicia is so unhinged. And Sergio basically admitting that he was glad of the opportunity for the heist?? Mannn ur fucked up buddy
• I'm glad Raquel and Rio made up later bc what she said to him at the beginning was so damn insensitive?? Like imagine if Sergio got killed and someone told HER that it was all her fault like 5mins after 🤨🤨
• Can Ángel just quit the police force and expose Tamayo already. Cmon we all know you wanna do it
• the fact that those guys at the ice sea machinery place in the flashback (already forgot where it was rip) would just give a piece of powerful machinery to a guy literally dressed like a supervillain is so funny. And for a PRICE no less
• Denver kissing two different ppl on the same couch in the same day 😭 definitely gonna come back to bite you in the ass honey
• Sergio and Alicia teaming up; kinda predictable at this point but I AM v interested to see where this goes 👀
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: batwoman from 2x12!
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absolutely eager to see what’s going to happen now that sophie knows that ryan is batwoman
feels good to be right feels organic
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this plot with kate/his daughter is very boring to me!
i need jacob kane DEAD
“extra crispy.” 😭😭
“keep going straight, which i’m guessing you didn’t do with angelique.” fuck i love alice 😭
“and she’s with that bitch, alice!” her face plsss
ik alice killed ryan’s mom so she hates her (as she should of course) but i really love their dynamic and i hope they team up more throughout the show
of course she left alice
“what about batwoman?” mf she literally just said that you’d be protecting rapists. read the room maybe???
my God that dna scene was intense
all of a sudden ryan doesn’t know how to fight? 🙄
sophie is just finding out everything
“my dad is not doing snake bite.” oh yes he is
oh this is really the last time we’ll see angelique huh?
so glad alice isn’t dead but i hate that she'll most likely be tortured
a ryan, sophie and mary centric episode? i won.
obsessed with wildmoore's dynamic
well now everything is out in the open and all it took was standing on a ticking time bomb
mary is absolutely right about what she said to ryan
oh luke and stephanie give me such a buzz
hoping jacob dies but i don't think it'll be that easy
really hope this is the beginning of wildmoore going from enemies to friends
when ryan and sophie get together and sophie already knows about batwoman so she doesn’t have to lie to her when she misses one of their dates mhm i see the vision
the drugs are the reason people are eating other people. because why not?
they got sophie too? what the fuck?
it’s always 1 step forward, 3 steps back with wildmoore
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jacob lives :/
the lighting is terrible but they aren’t
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“i think i know how to fix this.” i had no doubt 😌
i need tavaroff GONE
jacob is a terrible father, i feel so bad for mary
i live for their little touches
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marykins is missing but THEY’RE MY FAMILY
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“i love you!” clearly not enough.
don’t think i’ll be able to look at ocean and his relationship with alice the same way again :/
okay wait he kind of has a point tbh maybe their relationship can be saved over time
let alice be happy i am no longer asking
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“ryan’s out breaking imani’s heart.” pls
something’s gonna happen to luke, isn’t it?
i thought he’d be taken or at the very least, knocked out. this is much, much worse WHAT THE FUCK?
don’t want to push play on the next episode because i know it’s going to be painful as hell
he really said that he told the crows that it was luke trying to steal the car and then in that same breath turned around and said it was luke’s fault he got shot
“if you truly loved me, you’d want me to have it all, too.” my thoughts exactly
they messed with the fucking body cam footage
this scene between ryan and sophie is so painful
fuck the cw and i’m so serious
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need jacob to do the right thing for once
“you failed to mention luke was a cutie pie.” so true
“burn it. down. or you’re just as bad as them.” GET HIM AGAIN FOR ME RYAN
oh my gosh luke is gonna be so upset that he lived
need kate to die for real so she can go the hell away
lukeybear :(
she is definitely a hotter kate kane
“she’s wearing yoga pants, this is so much worse than i thought.” pls i love alice
“there’s still time.” that’s definitely foreshadowing
“are you kate kane?” “can i get back to you on that?” lmfao
damn that poker scene was good
“you’re not leaving me!” 🥺
ladies and gentlemen…them.
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“please don’t leave me. stay with me.” GOD
they’re trusting kate too soon. are they forgetting that she’s literally still cerci?
ryan’s the only one who’s suspicious so i have no doubt that we’re about to get bat-team angst :/
why are they giving a storyline to a whole ass racist?
wow they really left the bat-cave knowing that ryan was out on a mission?
what the actual fuck?
if no one notices that ryan is missing i am going to be so upset
honestly they deserved that. except for sophie.
the day that ryan finally stops letting cerci beat her ass is the day that i will finally know peace
alice finally stuck a dagger in safiyah iktr
what’s the deal with this?
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annnd that concludes this lb! now it’s finale time
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