#kbtbb Soryu
neerons · 1 month
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The bidders talking about Eisuke’s sexual behavior was a hilarious moment in this story. Also the first thing on my mind was "how the hell does Soryu know about Eisuke’s techniques? 👀"
Interesting Interesting….
Eisuke | A Baddest First Night
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berry-hwa · 3 months
*drops art and disappears into the abyss*
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incorrect-otome · 3 months
MC: who do you dislike more? Ota or Baba??
Soryu: hmm...I'll have to go with Mamoru
Mamoru in the background: I wasn't even a damm option, you jerk
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voltagefangirl19 · 1 year
*Bidders chilling out and randomly talking in the lounge when MC enters to clean*
Mamoru: I sleep with a pistol under my pillow in case someone attacks me in my sleep
Baba: a gun? That's boring, I have a gun and a combat knife I stole from a rich guy once
MC: both of you are pathetic
Ota: what do you sleep with, then?
MC *completely deadpan*: Soryu.
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otastoothbrush · 1 year
The bidders at my cookie shop
(i work at a cookie shop soooo😋)
he normally wouldn’t stand in line at a little cookie shop in the mall for a sub pare chocolate chip cookie but the cashier caught his eye (mc obv)
he is one of the only customers who doesn’t complain about the high prices bc he big balling
he first just wanted a chocolate chip cookie maybe a coffee too
but mc persuaded him to do the daily deal of buy 6 get one free
(an obv scam but she can bat her eyes at anyone and make them spend every penny there)
and Eisuke wasn’t any different, he actually bought one of everything
which had mc’s mouth on the floor
(she was honestly pissy bc there was a line forming behind him)
he would overly compliment mc which would have her rolling her eyes
she would try to walk to the back when she saw him coming but he would wait for her to come back up for his order to be taken
after times and times of trying to give her his number she finally takes it
eisuke’s fave cookies: koko creme + the chocolate chip
and ofc he loves mc’s coffee, literally creams for it
he would be a usual there
he also works in the mall
he works in the little magick shop all the way on the other side of the mall
but the walk is worth it to see the cute cookie shop cashier
(and he doesn’t mind walking, he got those long legs for a reason)
he knows mc by name and ALWAYS asks how mc is before ordering his cookies
he is very charming and subtly flirts to make sure she isn’t uncomfortable
he would always get a red velvet and a cheesecake brownie
(mc literally knows his order by heart he gets the same thing every time, bless his soul)
he usually asks when her break is and if she wants to head down to the food court during it
(she always says yes)
he always tries to pay for mc’s food (and he usually does if mc isn’t looking)
if mc is closing he walks the long way out the mall so he can say goodnight to her
man isn’t a cookie person but inui dragged him here
he isn’t even a mall person but once again inui heard about the puppies in the mall and had to go, little did they know a quaint little cookie shop was by it
ofc they stopped when inui saw the spiderman cookie, which he had to get
Soryu ended up getting something like a double fudge brownie or a smores bar
he hits it off well with mc surprisingly, since he wasn’t much into small talk she did to mind taking his order
(other than his deathly stare that sorta scared her)
he really enjoyed the brownies and actually came back without inui
which had mc on edge since soryu didn’t have his little puppy dog beside him
he actually came later in the day so mc gave him some free chocolate chip which weirdly had him blushing
he devoured them, when inui tried to touch them he whipped out his gun
every time he goes back there he gets softer and softer for her
and develops an addiction to the double fudge brownies
he has a little art kiosk in the mall, he usually sells his art and sometimes draws people he see’s
his little kiosk was right by the cookie shop so he would stare all day at the cookie shop worker
he would watch her hair start to get messy and her take a breather after the long line of customers
he would draw her the most, her puppy dog eyes reminded him of his little dog koro
he would go up there everyday grabbing a yellow mellow and a large decorated cookie
he would usually pick the quirkiest one like the pumpkin with sunglasses
(even though its the middle of august)
and then two m&m cookies bc the splash of color reminds him of his water paintings
he would joke around with mc a lot
even across the mall from his kiosk
if mc had a loud customer he would look over at her with a concerned face
(he actually came up and put a guy in his place for yelling at her)
(he’s weirdly intimidating)
he put some drawings up of mc in his shop but she low-key never noticed
until he brought her one of his drawings of her
(she literally gave him like free cookies for a week bc of it)
he isn’t a mall man it’s too much of a pain for him
but one day at the office some one brought in cookies and he was hooked ever since
he would go straight to the mall for the cookies every single day after work
he would usually get the monthly cookie, especially in august its his fave
the blueberry crumble✨
other than that he would get the peanut butter swirl or the sprinkles
he would die for the buttercream
he was usually grumpy so mc would draw little doodles on his coffee cup
(when she stopped he actually said something about it)
he would always try to request the ones straight out the oven, which mc caved multiple times and gave him piping hot ones
(which he burned himself on but played it off)
(now mc is super careful while handing him his cookies and even tosses a joke here and there about it)
he actually is the one that tips mc the best, like he always tips her every single time
(he tried to ask if they sold edibles before, mc was thinking about sneaking something special in her new batch)
he knows mc already and goes there everyday to make her life hell
(he obviously wants to eat her out)
he takes forever to order things even though mc always knows what he wants
but he continues to give her a hard time EVERYTIME
his order is always a watermelon cookie pizza and a peanut butter blossom with a dr pepper
but he likes the extra time he takes to talk to mc
he orders cookie cakes often and puts them under dumbass names like “ben dover” or “Anita dic”
mc once persuaded him to get the raspberry cream cookie and he was not in love with it
it was too “tart” for him
(which mc knew but wanted him to waste 5 dollars)
hikaru is one of those customers to bring up the price of the cookies everytime
“why is this shit 2.36 is there dope in it?”
“what dope are you smoking that is 2.36”
“not good shit”
in the end he is low-key obsessed w the cookies and HIGH-KEY obsessed with mc
after the plant shop he would always stop at the cookie place
usually as shu tho never shuichi
when she does see shuichi she thinks its so funny he has the same order as shu since there so different
chocolate chip pecan, a german chocolate brownie and a black coffee
shu always jokes with mc and usually flirts it up with her
(she really enjoys seeing shu he’s actually lowkey her favorite customer)
unlike shuichi which is her least fave, since how brass he is
he never acknowledges her as a person as shuichi but shu greets her very kindly everytime
every visit he takes, shu and shuichi slowly mold together
one day shuichi brings her a little succulent and thats when she puts two and two together
she gets really embarrassed and has a breakdown in the back
(but now she thinks he’s bipolar or has multiple personalities) (which is totally fine on a real note)
very sweet boy and very soft spoken
mc can barely hear him over all the mall noise
his face is always red when he orders he can barely look at mc
but when he does look at mc, he stares
he works in the costume shop and sometimes wears masks to scare her if she doesnt see him coming
(she lowkey thinks he’s weird asf but he’s very kind and cute so she’s fine with him)
his order is a carrot cake cookie and a snicker doodle, he always gets stuff for his coworkers too bc he’s a sweetheart
he tries to give mc free costumes, really wanted her to be Alice for his mad hatter for the last three years in a row
she finally said yes
some days when he would come up to her in his mad hatter get up he would have more courage to talk to her
but she made sure he knew that he could talk to her either way and she would enjoy him
he would get the gluten free sprinkles
since this man on a PILL DIET LIKE BFFR
but eisuke brought him here and made him get a cookie and not only a coffee
so he went for the overly priced gluten free cookies
and stared at mc’s chest the whole time
he says its not creepy and he’s just admiring her bone structure
(which she still finds very creepy)
luke started to come on his own bc his new pill started being the gluten free sprinkle cookies
he would ask mc to be his model to study her bone structure (ngl she had her boss come out and serve him a couple of times bc she was a little uncomfy)
but one day he was actually the exact opposite, almost came in like he was lifeless which freaked her out a bit
(mf was malnourished asf)
mc literally hand fed him the cookies to make sure he ate
(mf was literally just buying cookies to let them stack up at his house)
girl tries her best to love her job
her favorite thing to do is ice the cookies while she hates to restock
she is a closer who workers many hours and usually spends the whole day at the shop
she literally runs the place lets be for real
her favorite would be the underrated koko swirl and oatmeal rasin
she would take long breaks with baba in the food court bc she deserved it after working opening to closing
she lowkey hates when baba pays for her so everytime she goes to the magick shop she tips extra so it feels like she’s paying him back
she always doodles a cat on her cup when she gets a drink, its her little thing so everyone knows the cup is hers
she gets along the best with her coworkers and honestly gets the best tips
she does have like 9 men fiening over her
which i mean she never really minds bc it helps with the tips
ota and rhion always try to give her cookie designs, which she usually listens too bc their gods with their hands
one time she took mamo in the back of her shop and smoked weed with him
she pretends to hate eisuke but she legit thinks he’s the biggest man candy in the world
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jessyurahara · 2 months
KBTBB- Public Affection
Ota Kisaki
Ota, wasn’t embarrassed by these things, you were, embracing you when he wants was kind of his thing, a sly mutter and a smirk going along with his movements, normally people would be watching you from the sidelines. 
He loved the way in which you would squirm and react to him, it made him smile even further, if you listened carefully you’d even catch him laughing, it made him feel like a child, playing around with you at all times, smiling along with each movement. Ota is playful, and a jerk, it’s that simple, but also you’re his world and that was also a simple fact. 
He wasn’t not going to touch you at every open opportunity. 
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Eisuke had never been a particularly affectionate person, possessive in a way yes, but affection was a different matter of facts. Even when you started your overly complex relationship, he was always giving you push and pull. 
He knew if you hugged him, or held his hand, or kissed him it meant you were trying to be close to him, you were creating perfect memories with him. Eisuke wasn’t one to deny you of your deepest desires even if it was something as simple as holding his hand, in fact he was the one who was more likely to try and push you further, a kiss here and there, especially in front of the bidders, or when someone would make him feel jealous, despite the fact you knew you would never leave him, sometimes it was like he questioned that fact himself, and in those moments he would become the most possessive and affectionate man alive. 
Eisuke doesn’t share. 
Mitsunari Baba
In a relationship with Mistunari, the only shame towards public affection was felt by you, he was very open about his feelings towards you, no matter who was around, or what circumstances. There was no end to his affection towards you. 
He’s a passionate man, watching you under the moonlight on a roof, brushing your hair away from your face, he was so unapologetically himself. 
Mitsunari would often find himself walking around with you, his hand resting comfortably on the small of your back, sleeping at night he’d find himself tracing patterns on your skin, he saw you as perfect, he adored every hair on your head, every blemish on your body, every part of you was his. 
He wanted nothing more than to keep you, to claim you as his and his alone, and leave his marks all over your skin, whether that’s to be seen publicly or privately. 
Soryu Oh
It wasn’t that Soryu wasn’t affectionate towards you, when you were in private, he was one of the sweetest men you’d ever met. However, being so attentive in private meant in public you often fell to the wayside, after all, he had an image to uphold. He worried about the people around him, whether or not they would view him at the Mob Boss he is if he started being overly affectionate.
If he would succumb to the desire to be affectionate towards you, but in those moments his almost embarrassment and the way in which the bidders would tease would make the both of you uncomfortable. So affection during working hours became a strict but unspoken rule.
Despite all this, there were certain moments in which he would swallow all those feelings and simply enjoy being with you, holding you close. Tightly clinging to you, or an arm wrapped around your hips, just keeping your warmth close to him, he knew when he would have to restrain himself. 
Mamoru Kishi
Mamoru wasn’t an overly affectionate person, maybe it was his job, maybe it was trauma, but either way if you were looking for someone to cling to you at all moments and be hanging on your every movement, it was his duty to be your partner and stand by your side, but he wasn’t going to run around like a child. 
You had ultimately accepted that you needed to expect this treatment from Mamoru, he was never going to be the man who was going to be outwardly affectionate to you 24 hours a day, and if you were going to be honest then tell there were days in which you found yourself feeling a little thrown to the side, and during those moments you would find yourself reaching out a hand towards him, and grabbing onto him instead. 
Mamoru would allow you all the contact you felt you needed, and sometimes that stopped at a simple hand hold, other times you felt the need to grab him and hold him, and he would hold you back, mumbling something about you being a kid, because despite him not needing the physical contact in the same way, he was going to give you what you need. 
Ryunosuke Inui
Ryunosuke, a strange case, the man would run around calling you a Princess, and yet it was like he was embarrassed to kiss you in public. That’s not to say he wouldn’t in fact, despite how exited he could come across, he knew where to draw his professionalism lines, and in front of Soryu despite the comments of Princess he wouldn’t touch you. 
It was more than a little bit cute, the way in which he would turn red when you’d reach up and kiss him. He wishes he was able to be close to you at all times, apparently to protect you from the hordes of men that would surely chase after you if he wasn’t there. It was just an excuse to be able to be as close to you as possible and as affectionate with you as he wanted to be. 
Ryunsoke would never be embarrassed by his love for you though, if anything he enjoyed being able to show off that he was the one who won in the race to your heart. 
Koji Ayase
Koji was somewhat clueless when it comes to matters of the heart, he knows that he adores you, and he knows you adore him too, he doesn’t seem to always know how to properly react to you showing him how much you love him, it’s like he’s a wreck, turning bright red, mumbling quietly, sometimes freezing under your touch. 
It often meant that any public displays of affection needed to be initiated by you. It wasn’t something he didn’t think about, of course he’d think about touching you, kissing you, holding you closer than he ever thought possible, but he was embarrassed by your actions, and the red that was almost a permanent feature across his cheeks reflected that perfectly. 
He didn’t think you would appreciate it if he acted on his thoughts, and the best he would manage was to reach out and grab your hand, shyly holding it in his and refusing to look you in the eye, that same red covering his face. 
Back to KBTBB Headcannons
Headcannons/ Love Letters/ Stories/ Drabbles
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phoenixriley · 1 year
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➤ Characters: Aihara Hikaru, Ayase Koji, Baba Mitsunari, Hatter Rhion, Hishikura Shuichi, Ichinomiya Eisuke, Inui Ryosuke, Luke Foster, Kisaki Ota, Kishi Mamoru, Oh Soryu, Samejima Koichi
➤ Tags: established relationships, gn!reader with ovaries, mentions of adult activities, period blood and accessories, probably ooc because I haven’t completed everyone’s routes yet (done at least one season for everyone but Rhion, who I am doing next)
➤ A/N: Firstly, I am so late to this series (and Voltage games in general). Secondly, let’s just consider this a shit post. 😂 I wasn’t planning to post anything else like this but... my mind wandered and this was the result. 😂😅
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He either doesn’t know what a period is or is a little confused by the concept. Regardless, he gets really concerned when he finds spots of blood on your shared bed sheets. 
↳  Rhion, RYOSUKE
He doesn’t mention the blood left on your shared bed sheets when you started your period a little earlier than usual. If it isn’t much, he will just let you sleep and deal with it when you wake up. He carries you into the bathroom, where he has an warm bath waiting for you, and tells you to take your time. Meanwhile, he strips the sheets from the bed and deals with the cleaning since he knows how you usually feel during that time of the month.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Ryosuke, Samejima, SORYU
Alternatively, he waits for you to wake up, but you have to change the sheets. Regardless of the reason, he leaves it up to you.
He wakes you up when he notices, when you do spot, and makes you change the sheets immediately.
↳ OTA, Shuichi
He goes out for you, during that time of the month, when you need more period products. He never complains about such a task.
“Do you still want that brand?” He asks, surprising you with how casual he is about it.
When you ask him he frowns. Embarrassing? He doesn’t understand why it would be. Picking up your period products is just another task to him. He is also your boyfriend so this is just something he naturally should be able to do for you without it being a whole thing.
↳ BABA, Luke, RYOSUKE, Samejima, SHUICHI, Soryu
He’s hesitant to go buy period products for you. He may complain about it being embarrassing, but he will do it every time you ask. Even asking when he’s out and he knows it’s that time. His cheeks are as a red as a tomato but it’s for you so he endures.
↳ Ayase, Hikaru, MAMORU, OTA, Rhion
Him? Go buy you period products? Pfft... He has people for that.
↳ EISUKE, Soryu
Why are you concerned about him not being okay fetching period products for you? He’s a doctor, a back alley doctor at that. Something so simple and mundane is nothing to him. 
When you’re having particularly bad cramps, he’ll tell you go lay down and pampers you a little. Brings you some medication, some water, a heating pad, whatever you need. He’ll also lay down with you if he has the time, his hands slipping under the fabric of your clothes to massage your aching body.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Eisuke, Hikaru, RYOSUKE, Samejima, Soryu
He won’t go out of the way to pamper you, but he will gave you massages while the two of you are curled up together on the couch or bed. Don’t bring attention to it though. He’ll most likely stop the moment you point it out.
↳ Eisuke, Hikaru, MAMORU, OTA, Shuichi
He makes a joke about solving your monthly problem for nine months.
↳ Baba, Eisuke, OTA
He isn’t joking. He will do it. Just tell him and he will get started.
↳ EISUKE, Luke, I lowkey see Shuichi too but that could be just me
Want to have sex while on your period? Hell yeah. He doesn’t care. As long as your comfortable then he’s all for it. 
↳ Baba, EISUKE, Luke, MAMORU, Samejima
Goes the extra mile to make it easier on you. Grabs towels to place underneath you, carries you afterward to the bathroom where he gently lowers you into a nice warm bath, etc.
↳ BABA, Hikaru, RYOSUKE, Samejima, Soryu
Want to have sex while on your period? ...I guess? While the blood doesn’t bother him necessarily, he’s just concerned about how you might feel during, the mess, etc.
↳ Ayase, Hikaru, Ryosuke, SORYU
It’s Friday, my dudes, which means it’s sexy time and no period is going to ruin your routine.
He buys you sweets and such each time because he knows they make you feel better, even if it’s only a small fraction.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Hikaru, RYOSUKE
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booklin · 2 years
Bidders x Preg! Fem! reader
Fandom: KBTBB
Rating: E-10
Genre: Fluff
Tws: Pregnancy
Notes: If I throw this in as a scene in one of my books and you happen to notice.. NO YOU DIDNT
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Baby Files
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You and the bidders had been dating for quite a while, things had gone smoothly. Sure, there were ups and downs but that’s with any relationship. All and all, things were calm. Except… they weren’t. Not anymore. Despite how much you shamed yourself, you couldn’t stop eating sweets. You had to have a sweet with every meal. Considering you rarely ate sweets, always self conscious about gaining weight, everyone was taken aback. In fact, their looks were causing so much paranoia you stopped eating anywhere near them. Only eating sweets in your room now, they didn’t fail to notice your other new habits, such as sleeping and becoming stressed over everything. Lately, your work ethic has been terrible, constantly falling asleep. Even your boss couldn’t keep covering for you anymore, alerting Eisuke.
“Okay, I think we can all agree Y/n has been acting strange.” The others nod to Baba’s concern. “She’s been eating sweets everyday. I asked the Chef.” Soryu adds, causing Eisuke to chime in. “And she’s been avoiding us. What could be wrong?” They weren’t sure, and putting their heads together didn’t seem to come closer to finding answers. You were frightened by this new change as well. What could be wrong with you? “Maybe you’re pregnant?” Your friend says after listening thoughtfully to you worries, then laughs. Though, you weren’t laughing. “Pregnant?” You repeat, spacing out at the thought.
Immediately, you rush out of the cafe, leaving your friend behind. What if it’s true? It would explain the cravings. And emotions. And tiredness. And now, a new symptom to add. Throwing up when worried. What a nice cherry on top. Despite not wanting to believe it, you, reluctantly, go to a pharmacy. In disguise, wearing sunglasses, a hoodie, wig, and everything else to keep your identity undetected. Then you grab a test and ask to be rung up in a strained whisper. After discreetly exiting, you shove the box in your pocket before sprinting back to your apartment. You have been spending a lot of time there lately. With what’s been going on, staying away from them, as not to explode or do anything else embarrassing was a must.
Anxiously, you rip the box open then, after drinking plenty of water, go into the bathroom. Shaking the whole time, you nervously wait for the results. Two lines… your heart drops, and so does the pent up emotions inside you. Sobbing your eyes out, you fail to notice the knocking at your door. “Y/n? Are you in there? We want to talk.” Nothing, yet the door was locked. They had a bad feeling, after debating on whether your privacy was more important than safety, Baba agreed to pick the lock. Though, Soryu is impatient, deciding to break the door instead. “Y/n, are you here?” They hear a distressed cry suddenly come to a halt. “I- I’m fine-!” Your voice shakes, barely coherent, it was hard to hide. “Y/n, are you okay?” Ota asks, taking a seat next to where the sobs came from, the bathroom.
“Yes…” Your voice becomes quiet, sniffling any residue onto the tissue. “Can we talk?” Shaking your head, you remember they can’t see you and manage another reply. “I don’t want to.” You hear a small sigh, the voice getting close. “Y/n, we just want to know what’s wrong. We’re all worried about you.” At the moment, you were tied between embarrassment and wanting comfort. Was it worth them seeing you like this? A mess? About to side against it, something in you that yearns for their touch breaks loose. Without giving it a second thought, you open the door before you could change your mind. That sight was shocking to see, on their part. A teary eyed, broken down, head hung, nose running, messy hair partner, appearing miserable as she runs out to hug the first person her hands reach.
Rambling incoherently, you sob some more, this time into Soryu’s button down shirt. “We can’t understand you when you talk like that.” Going on, though everything is heard in more of a whine, he manages to make out a few words, however not enough to piece together what’s wrong. “Why don’t we take some deep breaths?” Baba suggests, his tone gentle and face softened. Facing towards him, you quickly turn away, shaking your head no. “Y/n, come on, I know you can do it. I’ll do it with you.” Without hesitation, he begins taking deep breaths and eventually you repeat after him. Steadying yourself, you’re finally able to say all at once, “You’re going to hate me! I’m going to have to raise our kid alone and I’m not going to have enough money to support us, then we’ll be sleeping in a box on the street, eating out of a trash can, and drinking water from some old guys sweaty socks! Please don’t leave me.”
You become worked up, sobbing once more, while you shake Soryu’s body back and forth, continuing to plead. “Wait, what?” Eisuke says, shocked at both the scenario you’ve come up with and the news. “You’re pregnant?” You stop crying long enough to shake your head yes, then immediately begin again. “Woah woah, it’s okay.” Soryu says, rubbing your back. About to pick you up, Eisuke snatches you away, being the one to pick you up instead. “Baby, it’s fine. We’re not highschool boys, we wouldn’t leave you because you’re pregnant.” Ota nods before saying “And how would you end up homeless?” He laughs lightly, “It just wouldn’t happen.” Finally starting to calm down, you sniffle, rubbing your teary eyes before saying “Because I’ve been doing bad at work, and now you’re going to fire me.” Looking at Eisuke, he shakes his head. “I wouldn’t fire you without reason, and even then I would take care of you. Technically, you don’t need a job. You were the one insistent on keeping yours.”
You give a small smile, thinking about the memories when you first began dating. Suddenly, a hand ruffles your hair, looking at the culprit, Mamoru gives a small smile back before sighing. Then, running a hand through his hair, he shakes his head. “Just relax kid, we’re not goin’ anywhere and you’re not in trouble.” The support was all you needed to calm down, shaking your head to acknowledge you heard Mamoru. “If anything, I’m glad you’re not upset with us.” Baba says, to which you look surprised. “Why would I be upset? If anything I’m ecstatic. We’re having a baby! I hope they look like one of you. They’re sure to be beautiful.” Thinking about it more, finally done crying altogether, you show them the pregnancy test. “We should make the gender a surprise! Do you think they’d like bears? Or are bears too scary? Maybe ducks? Oh, I know! Cats! Wait, what if we make their room ocean themed?”
Going on about the endless possibilities with clothes, room design, and how great parents you would be, Eisuke sets you down. “We have to get parenting books! What type of parents should we be? We could be intense, strict, free-range, french, or-!” You just keep going on, and they intently listen to every word, the smile never leaving their face. After that they had you take time off of work, you finally weren’t as embarrassed to eat sweets around them, they were always kissing, holding, or hugging you, saying how much they loved you. Baba loves rubbing your belly while you sleep, and together they get you anything and everything you could ask for. Eisuke is no longer brutally honest about how he thinks you look. He’ll tell you if something looks better than other outfits, but never critiques such as “it makes you look fat.” Overall, they all turned into soft, loving boyfriends who are always worried about you and the baby.
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rhionhattersgf · 2 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder Meme Templates Pt.4!
Woah so I was gone for a long time and I apologize about that. Let me try and be consistent and not vanish off the face off the earth this time :').
Anyway~! The meme templates! These are just for fun as usual!
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Have a insightful day!
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
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He’s such a dad to them! 😂🤣
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mhudson92 · 2 years
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Kind of reminds me of Soryu and mc
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eisukevint · 2 years
Hello, not to bother you or anything, but can you do a post about how the audition managers would react to MC being annoyed and irritated because they have to wake up? No pressure!
hi!! dw youre not bothering at all <3 also i havent written smth in a long time so pls bear with me i was on like a hiatus. as @cupidocherie says and i quote "eisukevint comeback 2023 ???" anyways i hope you enjoy this headcanon!
Prompt: Tres Spades’ hosting an important event which requires you to put in extra hours, more so than other employees. The fatigue from the overtime and your disrupted sleep schedule has caused you to be grumpy and your boyfriend is not helping.
↬ Eisuke Ichinomiya
You've been working overtime for an entire week now and your body is exhausted. Not to mention Eisuke's libido is unparalleled so you're having a rather rough time to catch up with him. One night, Eisuke comes home to find you already asleep. He doesn’t mind though because he knows how how you’ve been working hard. What he didn’t expect was the morning after. There you are, still asleep even though there’s only ten minutes left until your shift starts. Not to mention, he can’t function properly without his beloved’s coffee so he goes to wake you up. He’ll call your name lightly at first but that doesn’t work because you’re a heavy sleeper so he’ll try shaking you a bit causing you to huff and puff and turn away from him in annoyance. He’s mildly surprised but also finds it amusing because you almost never forget to make him his coffee. “Hey, (Y/N), wake up. It’s almost 9:00.” At that you’ll whine causing Eisuke to chuckle. “What about my coffee though?” You glare at him slightly and tell him to drink room service coffee for just one morning. He’s fully aware that you’ve been labouring arduously for his sake so just for you, he’ll suck it up and survive through the day without his precious coffee. You just looked so adorable pouting at him like that because you didn’t want to get up, he couldn’t help but give in. He’ll let you sleep throughout the day and call Kenzaki to tell him that you’ll be taking a few days - no scratch that, a full week off so your fatigue can wear off. He’ll order room service for you and write a note, telling you to eat once you wake up. Let's be honest, this man loves cuddles so he’ll cuddle you to your heart’s content.
↬ Soryu Oh
This man would be flabbergasted. He wakes you up so you won’t be late to work but almost staggers when you glare at him exasperatedly. He’ll be worried at first because where is his sweet and beautiful (Y/N) who always wakes him up with the most charming smile on her face? He’ll ask you what’s wrong because he for sure thought it’s that time of the month and you might be in pain so he’s kind of relieved when you tell him that the event being hosted at the hotel caused her overtime and she’s super tired. “Oh, i’m glad it’s not something serious.” Pats your head and tells you that he’ll make breakfast for you and there’s no need for you to get up. It’s a little too late when you realise what Soryu had said. Hurriedly getting out of bed, you dash to the kitchen and bang your head against the wall when you see what went down.There you see Soryu in front of the cooktop, a mess from head to toe and God knows how many cracked eggs in the dust bin. He smiles sheepishly because he’s very well aware that he just increased you work load. No worries though, he’ll still help you clean up and tuck you into bed after it’s all done. He’ll call Samejima and tell him that he’ll come to the ice dragon’s headquarter later in the day so he can make up with you with cuddles. He’ll eventually get in with you and give you little pats on the back so you can sleep peacefully. might call eisuke to lesser your work
↬ Mitsunari Baba
Baba’s back from one of his missions. You’re still in bed though and it’s rather unusual because by this time you’re getting ready for work. Ponders over the reasons that are keeping you from waking up. In the end he decides to prepare breakfast for you. Egg and toasts, sunny side up. He brings the breakfast to you like the magical, fictional boyfriend he is and wakes you up. Your mind swirls and you can’t think straight since your peaceful sleep’s been disrupted. You raise a hand to swat him away and tell him to buzz off. He’s all pouty because you pushed him away but nevertheless, he tells you to have breakfast. Helps you sit up and offers to feed you to which you happily oblige. He adores you so much. Your grumpy face is his new favourite thing. He texts Eisuke to let him know that you’ll be taking the day off. Snuggles you and peppers your face with kisses until you fall back asleep.
↬ Mamoru Kishi
One of the world’s greatest mysteries, how did Mamoru Kishi manage to wake up earlier than you? He checks your temperature, it’s normal. Then why are you still sleeping? He checks the clock and it’s time for your shift. “Get up, it’s nine. Don’t you have to go to work?” This little shit has woken you up from your peaceful slumber and you’re absolutely livid. “Shut up Mamo, I can’t. One more day and you’ll have to arrest me for murder.” He doesn’t show it but he’s actually worried about you. Probably guessed that you’re just tired from work. He’s like, “Aight, i’ll call Eisuke then.” Gets into bed with you and spend the entire day sleeping. Later when you wake up, you’re full on panicking and chanting ‘he’s gonna fire me’ so Mamoru saves you the trouble of apologising to devil boss ichinomiya. When you’re fresh and done with dinner, you tell him all that has happened and why you were so worn out. Hugs you and tells you it's alright. You both end up going back to sleep. couple goals fr
↬ Ota Kisaki
A fucking tease. He saw the opportunity and took it. There you were, sleeping in all your ethereal glory, with drool trickling down the corner of your mouth. Ota simply couldn’t resist. Phone out, camera on, he took pictures from every angle possible. He would’ve been the biggest idiot if he hadn’t captured this moment. And when he’s satisfied, he wakes you up. Oh no he didn’t. If he called you his cute Koro before, you were surely no less than a dinosaur right now. Hair flying in all directions, eyebags darker than Soryu’s soul and drool marks on your mouth. “OOOO SOMEONE’S CRANKY.” There’s no break with this guy and he’s certainly not helping right now. First of all, you know you have to go to work so your mood deteriorates progressively and then this guy makes matters worse by showing you those horrendous pictures.You chase him around the penthouse to strangle him once and for all and he’s laughing like a maniac. Eventually you get tired so you give up. All the fun aside, he worries about you so he covers you in his fluffiest furry blankets and kisses you on the forehead. Cuddles you so you sleep warm and tight.
aight, i hope you like this! eisuke one is so self indulgent lmao.
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berry-hwa · 6 months
guess who returns with more art!!
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behold, the outfits i had in mind when i wrote "Why Should I say I'm in Love?"!!...2 years after i said i'd post them!! better late than never right⁉️🔥
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incorrect-otome · 3 months
Person: can you tell me where I can find Mamoru Kishi
Baba: yea, go straight down there, turn left, you look for a dirty old man with a cigarette and follow him
Person: and he'll take me to Mamoru Kishi?
Baba: that is Mamoru Kishi
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voltagefangirl19 · 2 years
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K.O verbal knockout, winner: Nodoka!
Sub-story: becoming the perfect family pt 1- Mamoru
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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ANOTHER REDRAW its da egg boy
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