erekhsha · 5 years
@kcguyahime​​ liked for a starter
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     ❝COLOR ME CURIOUS, BUT how long do you intend on wearing that mask? Even the Hassans take theirs off sometimes. Well...at least two of them do. I never saw Hassan of the Cursed Arm’s features. I think he doesn’t like to show them.❞ Not once had he ever caught a glimpse of Kaguya’s features, that mask doing well in keeping all things hidden from his view. Even her eyes were difficult to see, though he knew, or perhaps instinctively felt, that they were a brilliant blue. 
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ardenssolis · 5 years
@kcguyahime​ said (inbox): unique interaction; no longer accepting
◭ Kaguya~
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[When it comes to others who share divine blood, Ozy tends to be a bit more pleasant with them upon approach, at least for as long as they do the same. Primarily since such individuals are nearly non-existent in the modern era, all of them having died off in times where the gods began to separate from humanity. So, when he encounters someone like himself wandering about, you can be sure he’s going to auto zoom on that. The fact that Kaguya holds herself with such refine is also what makes things easier between them. She has the right amount of regality and the right amount of savagery and that’s especially what Ozy likes to see. One of the things that he does that is noteworthy is the fact that he actively visits Kaguya. It is so, so rare for him to do this, especially when he’s wandering about. Normally he’ll do things with someone around the city, but actually going to see them at their residence? 
This doesn’t happen.
Perhaps it’s because where Kaguya lives there is a great deal of mana present and he has ulterior motives? Or maybe there isn’t any at all and he just likes talking to someone who he sees on an equal (or as equal as he will allow) basis as himself? Who knows with him? Regardless, he certainly is relaxed around her and that is all that really matters.]
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icypyre-a · 5 years
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          @kcguyahime​​ HAS SUMMONED A PRINCE | liked for a one-liner starter.
               “ ------- I don’t deserve the throne.” 
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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@kcguyahime​  --   ❛ The sincere wish to be good is half the battle. ❜
                                                          little women
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                >> 🔥 <<                 ❝       MHM   . .   y’got that right   -----------   sometimes th’ wish ain’t enough fer some folk.  doesn’ always work out ‘n continuin’ t’try is   . .  AMICABLE   from what’ve seen in   EXPERIENCE.        ❞                
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unwcvering · 5 years
@kcguyahime asked  —
“Date?” (curiosity tbh)
who wants a date with waver? || accepting
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Who asks for it:
[ x ] Your muse asks mine
[ x ] My muse asks yours
   ( They could both ask each other! .3. )
Type of date:
[ x ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[ ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies • [ ] Romantic Comedy • [ ] Adventure Movie • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney) • [ ] Horror • [ ] Drama • [ ] Buddy Movie • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ x ] Restaurant • [ x ] Expensive/High Class • [ x ] Small and familiar ( Both are good! Waver enjoys comfy cozy places too. ) • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest    • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ x ] Visiting a Museum 
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home • [ ] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ x ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[ ] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[ x ] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
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bingcbingo · 5 years
@kcguyahime​​  liked  for  a  lyric  based  starter!
Breath  of  Life  -  Florence  And  The  Machine
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                         ❝  I  was  looking  for  a  breath  of  life,  a  little  touch  of  heavenly  light...  ❞
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sunpierce-moved · 5 years
@kcguyahime​ / starter call!
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( ♚ ) he stands alone, with nothing but the whistling of wind accompanying him while battling negative thoughts that came to mind. on one side, ichigo had the power to protect those he cared for while the other side is him becoming a big target for his foes. train of thought stops when hearing steps crunch swaying grass. ❝ oh, i had no idea someone else was here. ❞
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ryusxnka · 5 years
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                        Aaaah -- Thank you so much, Bee!! It’s been alright!!
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shaivara-a · 5 years
kcguyahime replied to your post: is tonight annoy kaguya night, sign him up.
-narrows eyes at-
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he hasn’t even done anything yet. ❝now, now, it was only a jest. what need would I have to annoy you. I’m well aware of just how much you enjoy my company.❞
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spiriitgun · 5 years
kcguyahime replied to your post: yus vc; oh would you look at that, i’ve been...
“….” -hands bandied-
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          “ I get to keep the knife, right? ”
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vasavajit · 5 years
@kcguyahime​ sent  💭 // no longer accepting
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“Babi still loves you, Maa.” He insists, stubborn in the way only a child might be. Still his voice loses some of its force as he looks up at her, clawed hands balled up into tight fists at his sides. 
He’s heard the rumors, of course. Everyone in Lankapuri has by now most likely. Truth be told he does not know what to think just yet about the unfamiliar woman he’s spotted walking in the palace. A jittery one she is; smelling of humid forests and freshly turned earth. He might have believed her to be an aspara if not for the terror lurking behind her eyes whenever she happened to see another person around.
“Babi chose you, didn’t he? Mother,” uncurling his fingers he reaches for her hand like he hasn’t since before leaving to be mentored by the Trideva. Unlike him, his mother’s hand is soft. Faintly scented with oils and flowers, her palm and fingertips stained with vermilion pigment. “Father chose you, first. Only you are Queen of Lanka. Father holds you first in his heart. Always.”
She does not say anything, hand limp between his own. Until, after what seems to be a long period of time; her fingers curl and press against his own. Her smile is full of things he does not understand, too young and unaware as he is. But it is a smile and he wants, badly, to believe he has been of help.
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erekhsha · 5 years
@kcguyahime​​ said (inbox):
"Ne, Arash-kun, do you mind giving me a hand in the garden? I've some new orchids arriving and I'll confess they are a little heavy. " She sighed, eyeing the phone and checking the message of delivery. "I wanted to make sure I had everything ready for spring--ah, but," She smiled, clapping her hands together. "I promise to make it up to you, so please~?"
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     ❝IT WAS GOOD I decided to stop by when I did then, huh? I might have been lowkey hoping to enjoy some of that delicious tea and desserts you make but you know...that's just a might.❞ From the time they were younger than they were now, Arash had always enjoyed anything that Kaguya ever made. Honestly, if he had to put her in a category, she was rather close to his mother in how highly he thought of the meals she made. Those were the two women he would go to without fail whenever his stomach rumbled. Making his way over, he chuckled softly as he came to a stop, hands coming to rest upon his hips. ❝No worries. You don't really have to pay me anything. I'd be glad to help you out, Kagu-chan. A little heavy lifting is what I'm used to.❞ He did help his mother out around her restaurant, after all. Sometimes he assisted the employees with lifting and taking boxes inside to be placed in the freezer. Carrying around a few heavy orchids was child's play at this point to him.
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ardenssolis · 5 years
@kcguyahime​​ said (inbox):
"So have you ever tried ice skating?" Amused, Kaguya holds herself well over the ice and thin blades at her heels. "Come, its not unlike a dance if you know the proper steps; step, step and slide." She moves away from the edge to glide over the ice easily enough. "Come on Ozymandias-san, surely you can't resist the challenge against your opposite element hm~?" She offered her hand, an air of playfulness lighting her gaze. "Or shall I teach you?" (ozy vs ice)
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     ❝OF COURSE I NEVER have. Did you forget that I am from a land of desert sand?❞ Maybe he had done such with a Master in the past? However, he could not recall ever being summoned besides right here and now, so who was to say? For all he knew, this might have been the first time he had ever been called forth from the Throne of Heroes. Looking from Kaguya to the ice to Kaguya again, he frowned as his uncertainty grew. That ice looked…dangerous. Not in the sense that it would suddenly break beneath his feet, but he felt that the moment he stepped onto that ice, he would slip and fall backwards, sliding along it and looking like a complete fool. However, whatever thoughts he had on this matter evaporated as soon as Kaguya issued a playful challenge.
     Tch, as if he needed her to teach him anything! Besides, what kind of a pharaoh would he be if he was intimidated by ICE of all things? Ozymandias was the sun in the sky – the greatest of all celestial bodies to exist in this universe! ❝Anyway, I will be there in second. Let me put these shoes on and then I shall meet with you.❞ Although…he had…no idea how he was going to get on the ice in the first place once these shoes were on. Did you just…move your feet back and forth on the blades? Whatever! He would figure it out as he went along!
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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@kcguyahime​  --   “ don’t get smart.”
                                                friday the 13th (  1980  )
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                >> 🔥 <<                 ❝       AH I GET IT,   i ain’t allowed t’offer advice that’s obviously a lot   SMARTER   than what y’had.  i see.  either way th’ situation’s fucked either way.  completely ‘n   UTTERLY.      ❞                he huffs,  shaking his head.  damn.
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caemthe-a · 5 years
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With a pensive look on his face, the teen unknowingly lifted a hand to his chin and hummed. He couldn’t believe that there were punishments like that... “So that’s how you get the cool detentions...” He can’t believe he’s been getting the boring type of detentions all this time! Unbelievable! It wasn’t surprising for a rule-breaker like him, he found himself Cú in detention plenty of times. But those were always in a classroom or the library, not a fascinating place like the Forbidden Forest. Also, he already is used to going there.
Suddenly remembering that he still was in front of Kaguya, the teen showed her a simple smile. “Thank you for the advice, Miss Prefect. As expected, you truly are smart.” Though he didn’t specify if he was grateful for being told to not get in trouble or because he now knew what to do to make his detentions less boring.
@kcguyahime // Cont.
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jaxyu-a · 5 years
“The city looks different at night.”
* late night wanderings. // @kcguyahime
     he’sconvinced her to follow him to one of his favorite spots — the rooftops of oneof the tallest buildings, towering over and overlooking all the rest. from here, there’s agreat view of the array of lights that illuminated the city, and they could feelclose to the moon and the few stars still left in the sky. there were a fewdrawbacks and wonderful perks to being a celebrity, and certainly rarely being told‘no’ when he wanted to do things like thiswas part of the latter.
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     smiling,he looks to her. ❝ i told you so, didn’t i?there is nothing quite like the beauty of a city when it sleeps. ❞
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