#keefe headcanon
tam-shade-song · 10 months
ok. Because I too, am unoriginal, I challenge thee to a challenge.
If this post gets...5k notes by the ides of March (Mar 15) I'll write a Frankenstein KOTLC Au, where
Sophie is Frankenstein's monster
Sophie is morally grey
They're nonbinary
And they kill Wylie's father (Kinda sorta on accident)
I won't start writing it until after I finish my current fic, but once I do I'll post it on AO3 and Wattpad.
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ramiethewizard · 4 months
headcanon that Grady only dislikes Keefe bc Keefe reminds him of his younger self
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jkriordanverse · 1 month
Edna would've hated the Lost Cities purely because of capes.
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It's not "only Sophie can do this". That is so far from true. Her friends are:
Fitz, one of the most powerful telepaths of his time. Could've killed someone if his friends didn't stop him. Sort of did kill him. Btw, it was his traitorous older brother.
Biana, one of if not the ONLY vanisher who can completely vanish to every species. Has twice tackled murderers. Almost fell off Mount Everest and is covered in scars because of those times. She's super proud of it. Literally could kill you in a face full of a makeup
Keefe, also tested on. Has 3-4 abilities, two of which are new with him. Snarked the ogre king and won a sparring match with him because of it. Also ripped out THE ogre king's earring. Pretty good with weapons. Can make you listen by word of mouth.
Dex, such a powerful technopath that the council requested him to make special tech instead of an elf that's hundreds of years old and invented most of society's daily gadgets. Often underestimated.
Tam, one of the few shades that can control shadowflux. Joined a group of murderers and killed a friend to save his sister (yeah Keefe's alive, but Tam thought that Stellarlune would kill him and he still did it).
Linh, who held up a river surrounding a kingdom that was poisonous and harder to control when she didn't have full control over her abilities. Btw, she was 15.
She is friends with a variety of elves with crazy powers, ogres, trolls, dwarves, gnomes, and a human.
Only Sophie being able to go in these battles is dumb. It makes sense bcz she's the mc, but not in the actual series.
So I present multi-perspective kotlc.
Solves the "only Sophie can do this" issue. Better for character development. Makes side characters' relationships and lives matter more.
It would change the plot slightly but I think it would help.
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Keefe always steals bites of food that Sophie's eating. Doesn't matter what or how, he will find a way
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the-boobrie-dude · 6 months
Petition that Keefe ends up in bed rest and Sophie comes to him with a present to distract him, and she pulls out a rubix cube scrambles it and just tosses it to him saying “solve it” and that’s all he does the rest of the day.
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neededset · 3 days
I've seen a lot of piercings in kotlc fanart and well I understand why but I feel with the way the lost cities are described in terms of culture and values that all piercings would be seen as one of those things that humans do and are utterly shocked by kinda like car and birth like: "what do you mean humans willingly poke holes through their ears", "you mean to tell me they poke these holes through other body parts to, why", "your saying they do this to there children as young as-"*faints*. It better if like Sophie's parents got her lobes pierced as a kid and when she sees Elwin for the first time he is utterly horrified and Sophie is about throw hands when he mentions they 'need to be healed', also considered the mc's piercings there ears as a form of rebellion (Keefe would totally get angel bites)
Please tell me if this is rude this is just my observations and Cannon be damed
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crippling-pages · 2 months
Rayni should've been a 12 year old.
For starters,
SHE'D BE SOOO MUCH MORE FUNNY literally everything she's said so far would've been 10x funnier if it was spoken from a 12 year old's mouth. "you're just fosters back up" its funny but funnier coming from a little kid.
imagine how it would've been for Tam tho. meeting her for the first time. imagine your a prisoner being tortured but then suddenly a 12 year old comes up to you and is like 'what up !@#$."
12 year old rayni would have a potty mouth and it would be HILARIOUS
Rayni is already savage but trust me, she'd be even more savage as a 12 year old she'd be like the 12 year old fitz haters on pinterest
"but we're cong-"
ok so maybe she wouldnt say something like that but here's a reminder; she's 12. 12 year olds would 100% say this.
wait omg imagine there's a sophitz or a sokeefe moment and we get the "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THATS SO GROSS" or even worse its something not PG
or better yet
its a tiana moment i could just finish that there tbh and because its tam, aka her unofficial brother its wayy worse. like biana compliment tam on something, and tam blushes and sheepishly thanks her (as what has happened many times before) and then rayni takes a look at her brothers smiling, blushing face, looks at biana's, and bluntly says "you should ask her out" or smth and then we have tam choking on air and frozen biana, while keefe is just laughing his butt off in the corner.
thinking about Rayni going through her emo phase yet she picked the name that everyone has to call her (pre-reveal) Glimmer.
10x more likeable. just saying.
Rayni getting re enrolled into Foxfire, Rayni annoying the heck out of Tam, Rayni and Linh hanging out being sisters, Tiergan adopting Rayni, the crew adopting Rayni, Raying being savage as heck to the crew
also the angst. THE ANGST.
...imma go start writing this.
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Keefe: Wow. I keep stepping on a lot of crunchy twigs. Biana: Those are bones, Keefe. Keefe: *looks straight up* Not if I never look down.
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dragoncookies · 7 months
The emotional trauma Fitz has by this point in the series is insane.
When you consider:
-Him growing up as a Vacker, always expected perfection and taught to bottle emotions, and that you are only worthy of love if you perform well enough, never learning to really have his OWN voice, just whatever was given to him.
-Alvar and Keefe betraying him, two of some of the closest people to him, giving him some DEFINITE trust issues.
-His echoes FORCING him to bottle his emotions and just straight up deny them (so he didn't die) during one of the most emotionally turbulent situations of his life.
-just the entirety of his injuries in general, the limp he is insecure about, the echo that probably gave him some minor heart problems when you think about it, the damage done to his mental state from repressing so many intense emotions (doing that can seriously do some mental damage and also show up physically in many ways)
-Seeing people (his loved ones) get hurt by his horrendously unchecked emotions, but him being likely unsure of how the heck to deal with them.
-The girl he trusts most and genuinely likes essentially emotionally cheating on him with his best friend while leading him on saying she wants to try to make the relationship work (I love Sophie though, she has a zillion other problems to deal with), then the reason they "broke up" being a morally ambiguous situation where he's torn between the girl he was ready to spend his life with and the system that his family must uphold, the family he owes his power and existence to, and it being seen as a bad thing that he cracked and couldn't NOT choose his family (like he always does), but it also would have been seen as a bad thing if he chose what he wants because his family would likely call him "selfish"
And all of this being completley overlooked because he's a Vacker and he had the perfect life, so why would he have any reason to complain?
The constant undermining of his entirely real and mind-fucking emotional trauma has got to be the worst part of it all, because what's worse than hurting like crazy and then everyone calling YOU crazy for believing that you're hurt?
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syd-slays · 29 days
Biana learned how to flirt by watching Keefe.
That’s why she makes ship names for her and Dex.
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queefsencen · 5 months
Could you draw SoKeefe to Mess It Up (Gracie Abrams)?
the way i SCREAMED when i saw this gracie abrams is my favorite person ever and i literally eat sleep and breathe sokeefe this isnt even funny.
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i might do the blue or full machine or ikiww OR BEST or will you cry or feels like or or or bro im literally gonna combust
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Kotlc things
Keefe LOVES musicals. No one knows where he's finding them or how he discovered them in the first place. Hamilton is his favorite.
Stina ships Sophitz.
Biana writes y/n fanfics.
Fitz cries when the sad dog ads come on.
Marella stole Sophie's iPod once and now is secretly obsessed with human music.
Jensi reads Biana's y/n fanfics.
Dex really likes strawberry lemonade.
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kotlc head-cannons
Marella is an insomniac
Sophie constantly makes meme references no one else gets
Stina and Keefe secretly make trips to the forbidden cities
Fitz and Edaline bake together sometimes
Linh and Marella have watched all the Marvel movies
Marella is obsessed with spider man. Linh really likes the hulk
The neverseen is horrified of the triplets
Fintan plays with stuffed animals
Biana and keefe have gossip sessions while doing makeovers
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guvmy · 10 months
Small facts about the Neverseen
they're super underrated guys
Alvar has "crazy theories" on Mr. Forkles Identities
These guys are super insane and hate eachother
Fintan made Keefe do his laundry
Alvar supervised this
Trix isn't a "huge fan" of Alvar
Ruy is a heavy snorer
Alvar and Ruy are heavy sleepers (which made them "perfect victims" for pranks)
Umber likes the fact the elven/human hand has so many bones, makes it easier for her to torture someone.
Trix hates trolls (umbers death) and would've quit if the Neverseen allianced with Empress Pernille
Some dwarves work for the Neverseen (not enough to make decent amount of food tho)
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every registered elf has tan lines on their neck from their registry pendants. it became painfully obvious for the keeper crew when they ran off to join the black swan- Keefe's was the most prominent, since he'd tanned the most.
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