jlalafics · 4 years
Prompt request 2! We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously fucking in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances
Here you go boo-boo! Enjoy!
Groaning, Katniss Everdeen packed her laptop in her bag and threw it over her shoulder. She couldn’t believe that she had mixed up her dates in her calendar. Not only was her Anatomy Practical due on Monday, but so was her analysis on Thoreau and transcendentalism.
She was usually very good at not messing up the calendar; it kept her on track and on time for graduating the upcoming spring.
So, what if she didn’t get to participate in the usual college activities? She didn’t need sorority sisters or keg parties. She didn’t need waking up in someone else’s dorm room after a night of meaningless sex.
She was on the Dean’s List.
That was pretty cool…right?
Johanna, her roommate, stepped into their dorm room. Wrapped in a towel and carrying her shower caddy, she nodded at Katniss before going to her closet.
“There’s a party going on upstairs,” she informed her as she rummaged through her clothes. “Do you want to come?”
“I’ve got two assignments due on Monday,” Katniss replied as she zipped up her bag.
Johanna shrugged. “Your loss. Hit me up if you decide to join and I’ll send you the dorm info.”
“Sure. Have a good time.” Katniss reached for her notebook. “Just don’t bring anyone back to the dorm, okay?”
“Hey! Someone has to get laid around here!”
“I know, but I hate having to give them the let-down talk after you take off,” Katniss retorted. “They look so bummed to be waking up to me and my flannel pajamas.”
“Fine.” Johanna gave her a smile. “Have fun at your favorite place in the world.”
She grinned back. “I will.”
The Panem Library was three floors of pure bliss for her. Katniss always sat on the second floor, right next to archives because no one ever really bothered to come up there. Here, she could commandeer a whole table, spread out her notes and arrange her highlighters. There was also an outlet for her laptop so she would never have to worry about it dying.
The second floor was mostly empty, and her usual table was free so quickly set everything up, notes to her left and writing paraphernalia to her right with her laptop plopped in the middle.
Finally sitting down, Katniss looked around to examine the other occupants of the second floor. There was an older man towards the far end of the floor in a cubby as well as one girl in the corner. Her eyes moved across her area and she almost yelped at who was sitting just a table apart from her.
He hadn’t been there while she was setting up!
He must’ve felt her stare because Peeta Mellark suddenly looked up from his own laptop to meet her eyes.
Then, he smirked. “Everdeen.”
“Mellark. What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded to know.
He had been a thorn in her side since they sat next to each other in General Anatomy—whenever he bothered to show up. When he did show, Peeta either spent his time trying to look at her notes or tugging at her braid.
The worse part was that when the exam grades were listed, he was always—besides herself—one of the top scores.
“I may not be married to my assignments like you are, but I do study,” he retorted.
Katniss nodded tersely. “Fine. Just try not to bother me.”
He glared. “You looked at me first!”
She looked down, hiding her blush. “Whatever.”
“Clever,” he mocked.
They went silent and with a deep breath, Katniss began to look over her notes about transcendentalism, losing herself in her scribble.
“Oh my God…yes…yes…”
Her head shot up at the thick moan and she looked around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
Her eyes went to Peeta, who was also looking around, two crimson spots on his cheeks.
He turned to her. “Tell me you heard that.”
Katniss waved it off. “Maybe someone is watching something on their laptop on the main floor.”
“Well, whatever they’re watching sounds pretty fucking dirty,” Peeta replied.
She found herself chuckling at his words.
Their eyes met for a quick second and she felt a rush of warmth at Peeta’s boyishly handsome smile. His ocean eyes held hers for a moment and her chest fluttered.
Katniss quickly looked down, overwhelmed by her reaction to his penetrating gaze.
Calm the hell down! Yes, Peeta Mellark is a good-looking guy, but there’s no need to get weird over him.
She made a grab for her next set of notes and took her yellow highlighter, uncapping it—
“That’s it…you feel so good…you’re going to make me co—"
The words were followed by a series of moans and grunts.
“Okay, someone is definitely fucking.” Peeta stood up, going to her table, and holding out his hand. “Let’s go.”
She peered up at him in confusion. “What?”
“We’re not going to get any work done if they don’t get the hell out of here,” Peeta told her. “So, we have to find them and let them know that they need to either wrap it up or get out before we alert the library managers.”
“I didn’t peg you as cockblock,” Katniss remarked.
Peeta grinned. “I didn’t peg you as a voyeur of sorts.”
“I just understand that sometimes it’s hard to find places to be alone,” she stated. He looked to her curiously as she stood, taking his offered hand.
Peeta pointed to the far left. “I heard it coming through the archives—that way.”
Katniss snorted. “Oh yeah. That’s just old research on minerals. Nobody is going to be coming around there.”
He smiled wickedly at her as they headed in that direction.
“Didn’t you hear the guy—obviously somebody’s going to be coming.” She laughed at his words and he turned back to her. “You have a nice laugh.”
“It’s a pretty normal laugh.”
“Well, maybe it’s because I don’t hear it that often,” he said as they headed down the corridor.
They went silent as they traveled along the shelves of dusty papers and weathered books. As they got further in, it started to get warmer and Katniss could feel the sweat build at the nape of her neck. She pulled at his hand to stopped them and he whipped around, swift as a ninja.
“It’s fucking warm,” she hissed. Quickly, she pulled her navy sweater, revealing her grey tank top, and took her the hair tie from her wrist to pull her thick, dark hair up into a top knot. “That’s better.”
Katniss looked up to find Peeta staring at her. His jaw was taut, and his usually light eyes were thunderous, her core suddenly throbbed as he reflexively licked his lips.
The question came tightly from her mouth.
Peeta shook his head, pulling himself out of his reverie. “Nothing. You just look…different.”
“I suppose you see me as more asexual,” she replied as they continued down their path. Peeta grunted in response. “It’s probably because I’m not blonde and my tits don’t bounce when I walk—”
She was suddenly slammed against a bookshelf, dust flying at the sudden motion, and staring straight into Peeta’s electric eyes.
“Don’t presume to know how I see you,” he whispered against her mouth. “Trust me, sweetheart. You are sexy, and I’ve fought temptation when it comes to you, Katniss.” His nose went to her neck, inhaling deeply. “And for the record, your tits definitely bounce—I had to stop myself from yanking your top down and pulling one into my mouth while you were yammering.”
Katniss was acutely aware of the fire kindling between them—their mission forgotten—she wrestled with her need to be sensible and her need to reach down to feel…him.
Carefully, her lips went to his, pillowing his bottom lip between hers, dragging it slowly before pulling away.
The little motion filled her body with an ache so harsh that she almost fell to her knees, her core pulsed, and she could feel the wetness between her thighs.
This had never happened before—this hunger—but she wanted more.
Peeta breathed shakily, his hand reaching for the nape of her neck to press his forehead to hers. “Wow.”
Her mouth melted into a smile reflecting his own.
He looked at her shyly. “Do you want to…um…study…at my place? I have my own apartment; it’s quiet and much more comfortable.”
She laughed softly. “Why do you study at the library? You have a perfectly private place.”
“Because of you,” he told her. “I overheard your roommate once saying that you usually come here on Fridays. I thought if you saw me here that you’d take me a little more seriously.”
“Why would what I think matter?” she asked, her heart racing.
“I like you.” The words came out like a treasured wish. “Katniss, you have no idea of the effect you have on me.”
They both went silent at the declaration.
“Yes…yes…oh YES!”
The tension broke and they both burst into laughter.
“Well, I guess it’ll be much quieter now so you can study,” Peeta told her, his gaze traveling down disheartened.
She smiled to herself. When the hell did Peeta Mellark become so endearing to her?
Peeta’s head shot up. “What?”
“Let’s go to your place,” she told him simply, tugging him back to their tables. “I hope you have snacks.”
He was flabbergasted. “Snacks…uh yeah…I can bake, too.”
“Oh good. I get hungry after a study session,” Katniss rattled on. “And after sex, of course.”
She turned to him, an amused smile on her face.
“We’re not going to be like those two in the stacks, especially since we have perfectly good bed, right?” Peeta nodded. “Then, let’s go.”
She turned but was suddenly yanked back and into Peeta’s arms.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since the beginning of the semester.”
Then, he kissed her.
“Where have you been?” Johanna asked as she entered her dorm. “I feel like I haven’t seen you since Friday.”
Katniss put her bag down in a daze, thoughts on the man who had spent most of Saturday between her thighs.
She also got both her assignments done—a feat when she discovered how good Peeta was going down on her.
Katniss turned to her roommate, giving her a serene smile.
“I’ve just been…studying.”
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ashyblondwaves · 4 years
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you so much! <3
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hawthornewhisperer · 6 years
Can we just talk about the last two minutes. Oh and Raven. Poor sweet baby angel. When will they stop torturing her? I need a Raven/Clarke reunion ASAP
Good lord there was so much to unpack, but I’m gonna start with Raven and work backwards on this ask.
1) My heart broke into 15 million pieces for Raven, and then Shaw comforted her and revealed his own scars and my heart broke into 30 million pieces for the both of them.  The way Raven went from thrilled to see Abby to heartbroken to literally tortured was so hard to watch, and I’m just so, so sad for her that she’s going through this AGAIN. (I have a lot of feelings about patterns/cycles and how they’re being used this season, but I haven’t fully articulated them yet so I’ll save that for another meta.)  I also really loved that Raven can see the practicality in E.cho plan to take out Shaw and even grudgingly agree to it, but still take the time to give him a fighting chance.  There were so many layers there, between E.cho and Raven and Raven and Shaw, and all of them were so well done.  Everyone acted the shit out of it, too.
2) I hope when Clarke and Raven FINALLY see each other again, they hug for a solid 2 hours and we see every second of it.
3) I know you said the last two minutes but I want to start with the moment in the tent, because again: SO MANY LAYERS. For one thing, we have Clarke recognizing that she was going too far with her plans against Octavia, and Bellamy recognizing that not only does he see her side of it, if it wasn’t his sister, he would have completely agreed.  We also had Clarke once more noting just how different Bellamy is, which makes what comes next so much more important.
Because even though Bellamy and Clarke have been more or less on the same side since the beginning of the season, there has been a tense undercurrent of who are you in their interactions.  Bellamy tried broaching the subject gently with “surviving alone is impressive” and even though Clarke shut him down there, she later noted how much he’s changed in the years since they last saw each other.  There was his confusion when Clarke and Madi were going to defect, and his angered-bewilderment when Clarke came back to the Secret Clubhouse without Madi and radioed Diyoza.  They’re on the same side, but they’re not sure who the other person is anymore, and that uncertainty is putting distance between them.
And both Bellamy and Clarke are clearly frustrated by that distance.  They don’t blame each other for it, but they aren’t sure how it got there or how to bridge it, which makes their tent scene so touching.  They’re both acknowledging how much the other has changed (Clarke with her comment on what Bellamy would have done in the past, Bellamy with his gentle “mama bear” tease), but reaffirming how much they care about each other anyway.
AND THEN OCTAVIA BURSTS IN WITH HER GUARDS.  So much happens in that scene so quickly, but let’s take it bit by bit.  Clarke realizes the jig is up and immediately looks to Bellamy, terrified that they know he’s in on it too.  But Octavia is one step ahead of them and hints that she knows he was part of it, but she’s giving him an out.  An out that Clarke-- using only her eyes and tiny facial expressions-- begs him to take.
Let’s take a minute to send Eliza ALL OF THE AWARDS for how much she said with just her face in that second, because it was a LOT.  She begs Bellamy to stay quiet and (because Bob is ALSO a master of micro-expressions) he tells her he doesn’t want to, and then they start dragging her away.  And that’s when Clarke can’t leave it unspoken anymore and pleads with him to take care of Madi, but not because she doesn’t think he’ll do it on his own.  She knows he will, but she’s scared and she needs to hear him say it.  Not as proof, but to ease some of her own fear.
And that moment is Bellamy’s point of no return. Clarke being in danger is a big part of it, but I think for him, what hit him hardest was that he has been in this position before.  His mother was arrested and executed as a traitor because of something he had done, leaving behind a young girl he had to take care of.  And he wasn’t going to stand by and watch that happen again, not when this time, he had the power to stop it.
So he goes to see his Hot Topic Don Corleone of a sister, and she picks up the Gossip Girl mantle Diyoza has temporarily relinquished to poke at what she’s sure is a sore spot for Bellamy: that he’s in love with Clarke.  It’s a quintessentially little sister moment (I say that as a little sister myself), even as it’s loaded with malice.  The last time someone used his feelings for Clarke as a weapon against him was ALIE!Raven, and it hit him hard.  He kept his cool there and then lost it outside, but here? He’s just like “yeah, fair point.”  He had six years to spend processing how he felt about Clarke, so by now someone being like “neener neener you looooove her” is just met with a “well, yeah, of course I do.”  Granted, it’s infinitely more complicated now because he also loves E.cho (here is my obligatory reminder to anyone reading this that I like E.cho and respectfully request you keep all your complaints about her off this post) but Captain Daddy!Bellamy is not someone who can have his emotions used against him, because he’s fully at home in them.  He spent a long time hiding them and running from them, but now he’s like “go ahead and roast me, little sister, you’ve got nothing.”
But then the scene with the rations??? Oh my GOODNESS did Bob and Marie kill it, and I’m not just talking about the person they are CLEARLY eating.  Bellamy was on the verge of tears the whole time, and it’s not just because he’s about to put his little sister into a coma. It’s because he’s finally fully admitted that Octavia is out of control (he knew it before but was hoping the problem would resolve itself) and that he’s the only one who can stop her.  He tries to remind her of their common childhood but Octavia isn’t having it.  But once he goes through with it seeing her in pain and fear is heartbreaking for him, and Octavia stops being Blodreina and starts being the baby he held right after she was born, and oh my godddddd that was painful to watch but also so well done.  So brava to everyone involved and honestly I’m glad we have a two week break because I’m gonna need it to mend my broken heart.
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falafelwaffel · 6 years
keelaree replied to your post “I’ve been re-reading Semper Fidelis (for the millionth time, my God....”
Y’all, I bug her daily to write it. It’s gonna be awesome!
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badnovels · 7 years
Have you seen the Future Man trailer!?
I just watched and I’m so hyped!! I actually laughed several times (“I PAID MY ONLY BITCOIN FOR THAT.”) I can’t wait to bingewatch the show, I’m so proud of my son.
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awhiskeyriver · 4 years
Thanks for the tag, @keelaree, @jlalafics & @norbertsmom! :)
Rules: tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with!
Last song: Canyon Moon by Harry Styles
Last movie: Emma 2020, I am obsessed lol.
Currently watching: Wandavision! My boyfriend and I have been so excited all week for the next episode, lol.
Currently reading: The Dating Plan. It was my January pick for Book of the Month! Trying to catch up on some fic reading, too so I’m open to any recs!
Physical books: The Dating Plan, lol. Usually I just read on my phone for convenience but it is fun to read a physical book, too!
Fics: I am embarrassingly behind on reading fics, so like I said I am open to any suggestions! Off the top of my head, I am wanting to read “Bright and Beautiful” by @endlessnightlock, The Snowstorm series by @rosegardeninwinter, Today’s Forecast... by @mandelion82, and Flashover by @xerxia31, because that art by @eiramrelyat had me realizing I need Aussie firefighter!Peeta in my life, lol. I would love some good Gadge and Odesta recs too if anyone has them! :)
Currently craving: Such a random craving but...cheesecake! lol I’ve been craving it all week.
Tagging: @roxys-turing-machine, @thegirlwhowokethedreamer, @southsidestory, @the-sun-and-the-sea, @mrspeetamellark, @eiramrelyat, @xerxia31, @frick6101719 and @little-lynx... and anyone else who wants to share!
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louezem · 4 years
I was tagged by @keelaree thank you 😊
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with.
Last Song: "One” U2 featuring Mary J Blige.  
Last Movie:  Wonder Woman 1984.  (I preferred the first one). 
Currently Watching: Tiny Pretty Things on Netflix (struggling).  Rewatching Spinning Out. (Definitely written by an Everlark fan)
Currently Reading: TBOSAS. 😔 I still haven’t finished it. Snow’s story just didn’t do it for me and Lucy Gray Baird never appealed to me.  
Physical Book: I still buy physical books (I have a growing collection of former fic writers published works that I am very proud off!) but I usually read on kindle or pc. I like audio books, too!. I have found the laziest way to read is to follow the text on my kindle, while listening to the  audiobook! 
Fics: At the moment the fics I drop everything for the second they update are:  One Life To Live by @kriscme, Sole Beneficiary by @hutchhitched, and my most recent “must read” standout fic rec is Which Of Your Lives Is This? by @saturnblushes
Currently Craving: a cigarette.  Which is weird as I haven’t smoked in nearly 12 years, so I will ignore it, and I know it will go away. 
Tagging: the last 9 people to cross my dash... @oakfarmer12 ,   @geekymoviemom  @endlessnightlock, @mrspeetamellark, @mandelion82, @rosegardeninwinter, @mega-aulover, @oh-wellau, @jroseley
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Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Tagged by @fandomkru
Tagging: damn.. I don't even know 20 people. 😩 @obviesbellarke @cinnamonandseasalt @keelaree @cresmix @siyahi123
Name/nickname: Mimi
Gender: She/her
Star sign: Aries
Height: 154 cm
Time: 22:54
Birthday: March 31
Favourite bands: whatever is on spotify? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Favourite solo artists: i don't know.. Taylor Swift?
Song stuck in my head: Rainbow - Kacey Musgraves
Last movie: 20 minutes of Mary, Queen of Scots 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I will finish it, I WILL 😅)
Last show: Bridgerton
When did i create this blog: I'm not sure.. can you look that up? It was in 2014 but not sure of the exact date.
What i post: Beliza, Bellarke fanfiction and random crap. Right now I'm having some fun with Bridgerton.
Last thing i googled: if "aries" is a zodiac sign 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other blogs: no
Do i get asks: yes
Why i chose my url: because back in the day, I shipped klaroline and thought my url was fitting for them. After that whole mess, I just kept it because it fits life so well, I think. My favorite quote is "this too shall pass" and well, there must always be light in the end or this world would simply be too cruel..
Following: 69
Followers: 2523
Average hours of sleep: 6 😅
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: no
What am i wearing: a t-shirt, underwear and socks
Dream job: married to a rich man so I can be a rich woman who never sees my husband nor do I miss him. It's really a full time job.
Dream trip: a real European trip (even though I've already seen most of Europe 😅) but the places I haven't seen. And to drive around Australia.
Favourite food: pasta
Nationality: swedish
Favourite song: people have favorite songs? There are too many, man.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Last book i read: the midnight library - Matt Haig
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: i don't know.. where does Bellamy Blake live?
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lovely-tothe-bone · 4 years
Has anyone heard from @jlalafics ?
I can't tag @keelaree but it looks like she hasn't been on in a couple days either.
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jlalafics · 3 years
Came for the fics. Stayed for the friendship.
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hawthornewhisperer · 6 years
I’ve been reading your stories since you started sending Gadge to Swishy however long ago that was. Sense I have problems picking just one, I picked three for both Bellarke and Gadge. For Gadge “Midnight Sun” “Blitzkrieg” and “Anyway You Want”. For Bellarke “Afraid to call this place our own” “Bloodstains & Innocence” and “The Importance of Names”. As well as countless shorts in your collection fics. Thank you for blessing us with your stories!
Oh man, my days as @swishywillow‘s gadge fairy were so much fun, and also like...so long ago, somehow?  (What is time how does it work etc).  Thank you for name checking Bloodstains and Innocence because I know murder mysteries aren’t really like, the usual fanfic genre, but god I loved writing that one so much I’m working on an original romantic suspense literally as we speak!
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falafelwaffel · 6 years
keelaree replied to your post “Clarke, Bellamy, and Jordan should just wake Raven because they need...”
Write it!!!
Stop enabling me, you know i have problems!!!!
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Hi! My birthday is June 5th. I'm pretty fond of toastbabies and fluff. Nothing specific is coming to mind, so I'll leave the actual story to you. As for rating, not too picky. I wouldn't be opposed to something in the M range. If that doesn't fit for the story it's okay! Thanks so much!!
Happiest of birthdays! A tiny little canon toastbaby drabble just for you!
He never quite manages to keep the braids even, but she doesn’t fix them. Peeta takes such simple pleasure from transforming her long black locks into glossy ropes, carefully tying the ends. She simply doesn’t have the heart to redo them.
And their little girl never minds. As far as she is concerned the sun rises and sets only for her father.
The feeling is quite mutual.
Katniss knew he would be a fantastic parent, but she never guessed he would be so hands on, so doting. He’s the king of bath time, teller of bedtime stories, soother of scraped knees. He delights in every little thing they do, their dancing girl and laughing boy. Every gap-toothed smile they flash, every mashed up fistful of dandelions they bring him, every slip of paper festooned with pencil scratchings.
She catches him watching their children frequently with awe and reverence, as if he can’t quite believe they’re real. As if he can’t quite believe that despite everything they've been through they've made it here, to this time and place of peace and prosperity. And love.
So Katniss watches from the doorway as her husband braids their little girl’s hair for school, his tongue poking out in concentration. And she smiles in contentment. Life is good again.
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jeeno2 · 9 years
I was babysitting a 3 year old and her newborn sister. She asked if she could help feed her sister and I said yes, obviously under supervision. She accidentally poked her sister in the eye with the bottle and muttered "crap" then looked at me. I just raised my eyebrows and she said "I'm sorry, it just escaped my teeth!" I couldn't help but laugh.
Oh my goodness, that’s precious.  Little kids are adorable!  I hope the baby was ok though??  ;)
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jlalafics · 3 years
THIS IS MY MOMENT! It was June 2012 and I had just recently found THG fic on FFN. I read All I Know and was following Two Wrongs. Then the unthinkable happened, FFN did a purge and Two Wrongs, along with others, was a victim. THE AUDACITY! Like others, I flocked to tumblr and AO3 to keep up with TW. Then you posted the first chapter of Again and I sent you a message. The rest, they say, is history. 😘
We were meant to be, boo.
Thank you for all the encouraging texts and TikToks that you send me. Also, for continuing to send notes for all my stories and discussing new ideas whenever either you or I get somehow inspired.
I hope soon that we can see each other again now that we’re both vaccinated and people are traveling again. Time for tea and soup dumplings.
Love you, my sweet keelaree!
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"how did you find my blog and what made you want to follow"
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ashyblondwaves · 7 years
keelaree replied to your post “I’ve been feeling so restless lately. It’s not necessarily a bad...”
Klonopin to the rescue! That stuff is the best.
It’s very helpful. I hoard mine for the times that I really, really need them. Last night was one of those times. It helped :)
replied to your post
“I’ve been feeling so restless lately. It’s not necessarily a bad...”
I'm sorry, I hope you feel better in the morning
Thank you! I am feeling a lot better. The dog seemed to notice i was upset and came and sat on me. Not the most comfortable since he’s 54lbs, but I still appreciated it haha. 
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