#keeping the hitsuhina tag strong
hitsuhinalover · 6 years
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Dedicated to @buddythemeanpeacock, @chinatsupeachwind, @kurachan-ya, @sakura-warrior (you did something almost every day, so) and @tinaillustrations.
Congratulations on completing the 30 days hitsuhina challenge!!! As hitsuhina fans, it was very heartwarming to see again and again how much someone loved this awesome pairing. It's been long since Bleach ended, but you're still here, so dedicated to hitsuhina you were ready to make 30 pieces of hitsuhina!!! Moreover, @expiredmochi and I believe your dedication to the hitsuhina community has inspired and given courage to many other hitsuhina fans to post their incredible hitsuhina works as well. You made the hitsuhina month possible, you kept the hitsuhina tag alive. We can't really thank you enough for that.
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sakura-warrior · 6 years
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HitsuHina Month 2018: Day 16 - Past
The more life changes, the more some things never will
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chinatsupeachwind · 6 years
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HitsuHina month 2018 Day 29 : Soul mates 💕💕💚🌸
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Hitsuhina Day 2020 - Thank you!
And with that, Hitsuhina Day 2020 comes to a close. Please check out all of the submissions for this year:
Hitsuhina Day 2020 by @sakura-warrior
HitsuHina Day 2020 by @chinatsupeachwind
A Moment of Quiet by @rays-of-fire-and-ice
A Deal with the Devil by @rays-of-fire-and-ice​
A Distant Memory by @rays-of-fire-and-ice​
Something New by @rays-of-fire-and-ice​ 
For Good Health and Happiness by @rays-of-fire-and-ice​
Anew by @rays-of-fire-and-ice​
Hitsuhina day 2020 by @hitsuhinalover
Please do not disturb by @kacherokku
If I missed anyone, please contact me ASAP so I can add you to the list. Thank you to everyone who either created submissions or liked/reblogged/commented on them!
Having seen the pieces this year and the support they got, it makes me realise what a strong community we still have on here. We’re small but you all turn up to either create a piece or show your support for the ship. It’s been almost four years since the BLEACH manga ended, but we’ve kept the ship tag going strong on our blogs.
There will be an announcement for a new BLEACH project coming up in five days, and whatever it brings I hope it will involve Toshiro and Momo; but even if it doesn’t, I know we’ll keep the tag going strong on here.
Thank you all again and I’ll see you at the next Hitsuhina event!!
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hanayomemomo · 6 years
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As I say goodbye to 2018, I think back on all of the good things that the year has brought me.  
Not long after the beginning of the year, I created my Momo blog…and boy oh boy…a lot of amazing things have come along with it.  
I have gotten in touch with a part of myself that had been long put away, something I had to tap into so I could do the little peach some bit of justice.  This has impacted me in my daily life, in more ways than one.  
This hell site blessed me with the opportunity to meet some wonderful people…those who have become friends, and others who are more like family.  I am extremely thankful for each and every one of you, and hope that our friendship only continues to grow stronger in the year to come.  
A BIG GIGANTIC New Years smooch to:  @ryusxnka / @hailxthexkiiing / @mxtsumxto / @invcrted / @devilslcg / @sumsinecorde / @heavenxpiercing / @magnusdecus / @captainrukia / @gxntil / @shinkakuka / @shiniobu / @santamight / @caeleste-imperator / @elvaliiente / @kyofu-shi / @yunhuntress / @immovable-force
For those of you that I have just recently met, or have not had much interaction with either IC or OOC…Let’s change that in the coming year!  I appreciate each and every one of you who follow me, who show your support for me and Momo in varying ways.  It means the world to me.  Thank you!  
Special thanks to @rays-of-fire-and-ice for all of the support!  Keep on keeping the Hitsuhina tag pure and strong!  
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ksmile1313 · 6 years
Thank you for participating in the hitsuhina month 2018!!! Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we hope to see you participate in future events as well as everything in between :) Let's keep the hitsuhina tag strong!!!
It was my pleasure !!! They are such a loveable and cute ship 💖
Let’s keep the HitsuHina tag strong !!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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uryui · 6 years
Thank you for participating in the hitsuhina month 2018!!! Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we hope to see you participate in future events as well as everything in between :) Let's keep the hitsuhina tag strong!!!
Thanks! Its nice seeing this pairing get love 😊
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luxandnyx · 6 years
HitsuHina Month 2018 - Day 8: spending the whole night awake
AN: Here’s a story for day eight’s prompt! I had fun writing this fic, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading this, too! :)
Disclaimer: I don’t own BLEACH.
MOMO STIRRED ON the bed. She adjusted her pillows and tucked herself deeper in the warmth of the comforter. Looking over to her right, she saw Rangiku sleeping peacefully. The other woman was quietly snoring but it wasn't the reason she stayed awake; she just couldn't sleep.
They were in a vacation house that was prepared for them by Rukia's older brother. The vacation itself was sort of a gift to them for successfully finishing another year of studying.
The house looked ordinary from outside but one couldn't say the same for its interior. Everything — the walls, the floor, and the furniture — were made of wood, the kind that looked classy and elegant. There were also two spacious rooms complete with big wardrobes, queen-sized beds and plush sofa sets.
But out of all those fancy embellishments, Momo liked the back garden the most. It was filled with various kinds of flowering plants and it just looked amazing. She always loved nature and its beauty.
Now, Momo sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time. Oh how she'd give anything for a good night's rest. This just won't do. She stifled a cry of frustration, afraid she'd wake up the blonde beside her.
What should I do? Should I try and count sheep in my head? Momo thought to herself. But I've tried it before and it never worked. Hmm . . . what about reading? Yep, that's it!
She reached for her phone and started to read an e-book. After a good ten minutes or so, her eyes started to hurt from the bright blue light emitted by the device. She had no choice but to stop reading.
Goodness, at this rate I won't be able to sleep at all! She closed her eyes tightly and willed herself against the onslaught of tears. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in . . . and out. You'll be all right, Momo. Just relax, okay?
After successfully calming herself down, Momo got up. She decided she'd go get some fresh air and visit the garden — even though it'd probably look different at this time of night; everything seemed much more mysterious and abstruse in the dark.
Walking through the living room, she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She didn't mind it that much; it was probably just her imagination, trying to come up with scary scenarios in her head. The truth was she wasn't the bravest person when it came to dealing with these kind of things. She always got so easily scared but right now, her frustration from a lack of sleep was dominating her emotions.
And so, she continued on her way to the back door when suddenly, something startled her.
"Momo?" A voice sounded from behind her.
"Ehhhh?!" she shrieked. So much for trying to be undaunted. Momo whisked around, facing the owner of the voice. "Sh-Shiro?" she muttered, her widened eyes slowly reverting back to their normal size.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Toshiro said, concern lacing his tone.
"What are you doing here, scaring me to death?!" she cried.
He narrowed his eyes. "I just grabbed some water. And I wasn't trying to scare you," he uttered matter-of-factly.
Momo relented; it wasn't his fault she was scared out of her own skin. "Sorry," she mumbled. "I was just gonna go and get some fresh air. I couldn't sleep."
Toshiro sighed. "Will you be okay?"
"Yeah . . . I suppose."
"You aren't even sure. I’ll accompany you, then." It was his second nature to ensure her well-being.
"Eh? But aren't you—"
"No. How could I sleep knowing you were outside and alone?" he argued.
"Fine. But you can go back inside whenever you want to," Momo said with a smile.
"Yeah. Yeah," he agreed.
The summer night was luminous with the thousands of stars dotting the black canvas of the celestial expanse. The silver moon in its glorious beauty was full and bright. The wind softly hummed, swaying the leaves ever so slightly in a graceful dance, as the crickets chirped in the background.
Two teenagers sat on the grass, not making any sound, and just enjoying the other's presence. It had been a long time since they did something like this — just looking up at the night sky and watching in awe the magnificence of the heavens.
For the past half-hour, Momo felt relaxed, her previous worries seemed inconsequential anymore. She realized that what she wanted at the moment was just to be there, outside, surrounded by the comfort of nature. And also to be with her longtime friend, Toshiro. They had always been together but they were also surrounded by others that they didn't get to spend time a lot of time with each other anymore. And right now, that was what they were doing, and she couldn't be more content.
A soft sigh escaped through her lips. Ah, I could stay like this forever. She smiled at the stars, not knowing that her friend was watching her for some time now.
"You look happy," Toshiro commented.
"Mmhmm." Momo looked at him. "I am," she said, her smile getting wider.
"That's good then."
"I am so glad that you're here," she started. "I missed you, you know. We've always been so busy we rarely hang out anymore. I wish . . . we could be like this often."
Toshiro didn't answer right away. He was somehow surprised at her words. He thought he was the only one missing her company but it turned out she longed for his presence, too. Just thinking about it made his face heat up a little. "Y-yeah. I feel the same." he finally answered.
"Really? I thought you've already forgotten about me," she said jokingly.
"As if. For all I know, you were the one who's more likely to forget. What with you being busy with your full-time job as a bedwetter," he teased back.
"Ha ha! That's not funny at all!" she pouted childishly. "I thought you missed me but now, you're teasing me!"
"What do you want me to do, then? Cry my eyes out at how much I missed you?" Toshiro said, "No thanks."
"Well, you could try and be a little nicer, please. And thank you."
Their gaze met, and Momo started laughing at how silly they were acting. After a few seconds, Toshiro also let out a chuckle. He was truly glad to see her so happy and carefree.
"Hey, Shiro," Momo said after recovering from her giggles.
"Ugh. I already told you to not call me that." Toshiro said half-heartedly. "What is it?"
"Are you feeling sleepy already?" she asked.
"No. Are you?" he wanted to be with her much longer but if she was already feeling tired . . .
"Good. I'm not yet, either," she said with a smile.
Thank God. Toshiro sighed, relieved he'd get to spend more time with her. "What do you wanna do now?"
"Hmm . . . maybe we can tell stories?" Momo suggested.
"What kind? If you want fairy tales, I'm not in the mood to do so."
"But fairy tales are good!"
"Not my thing though," he paused. "What about scary stories?" he said, knowing she wasn't too fond of those.
She narrowed her eyes and lightly slapped his arm. "No, no and no! Stop being a meanie, Shiro!"
"Well then, we can just continue watching the stars. You love stargazing, don't you?" he offered. Her eyes lit up and he knew he said the right thing. He didn't want to annoy her any more than he already did. After all, it was their precious time being with each other and he might as well make the most out of it.
"Yup! Also, will you mind teaching me the constellations again? I kind of forgotten about them already," Momo said, feeling a little guilty because Toshiro had taught her the asterisms before but she just couldn't keep them in mind for long.
"Fine by me," he concurred. "Where do you want to start off?"
"Hmm. How about Orion?" she pondered.
"Okay." Toshiro pointed at the sky. "You see that sort of hourglass?"
He took her hand and guided it towards his own that was already pointing to the said constellation. "There," he said. "Do you see it now?"
"Oh! Right!" Momo said, glad that she was now remembering something from their late night lessons before. "And the one over there is the Ursa Major, isn't that?" Her eyes were wide, filled with childlike wonder as she gazed at the tiny speckles of light.
"That's right," Toshiro uttered, amused at his friend's reaction. "Now, look over to the right," he directed. "You can see Pe—" he was cut off
"Pegasus! It's more recognizable than the other ones!" she declared, feeling so lighthearted at the moment.
"Do you even need me to teach you? It looks like you still know a lot." he laughed lightly.
"I only know the more common ones! I still need your lessons!" she said, giving him a determined look.
They continued stargazing, hardly aware of the time passing by. Soon as the sky started to lighten, the stars began to slowly disappear as if returning back to their slumber to give way for the rising sun. Hues of mellow oranges, pinks and reds filled the firmament, creating a soft glow, suggesting a nice and pleasant day ahead.
Momo's eyes started to feel heavy and she stifled a yawn. She leaned her head on Toshiro's shoulder as she continued looking up at the morning sky. "We've always watched sunset before but now . . . we're seeing the sunrise."
"Yeah. It's beautiful, isn't it?" Toshiro assented.
"It is. Like a new beginning of something good." She didn't say it aloud but she hoped that it truly was a fresh start for them — to make their bond stronger and better than before. Suddenly, a blush rose up her cheeks as he circled an arm around her.
"Aren't you sleepy yet?" he asked, thinking they should probably go back inside now. "The others will be waking up soon."
"I am. But let's stay a few more minutes, please?" Momo requested.
"Alright," he said. He closed his eyes and just focused on her presence, basking in it. Toshiro always treasured her as a friend but he knew in himself that he felt way more than that. He wasn't rushing though; he believed things happen at their own pace, and right now wasn't the time to complicate their relationship. He would wait for her no matter how long it'd take.
After awhile, Toshiro declared, "Okay, time's up. Let's head back in." He stood up, and offered his hand to her. She took it and together, they walked towards the house.
As they reached the living room, exhaustion evident on their features, a cheery voice greeted them.
"Wow. You two are up early, aren't you?" their blonde friend, Rangiku, said.
Momo giggled despite her sleepy state. "No, not really."
"Eh? What do you mean?"
Toshiro suddenly spoke up. "I'll be going now." He left the two on their own, not bothering to stay for a chat.
"I'll explain later, Rangiku. Right now, I think I'm going to pass out," she uttered with a weak smile. She headed for the girls' bedroom, but stopped and looked back on her shoulder, "See you in a bit."
"Y-yeah." The voluptuous woman mumbled, mostly to herself. She was puzzled but she'd let it slide for now. She shrugged, and advanced towards the kitchen whilst humming a happy tune. Now, what should I make for breakfast?
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hitsuhinalover · 6 years
Hitsuhina month 2018 & 30 days OTP challenge
Day 28: Kiss
A/N: I'm back to writing sad fics….
Disclaimer:  I don't own Bleach. I've also taken some extracts from the Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and I don't own those fairytales either.
A kiss to wake her up
Knuckles white, Hitsugaya squeezed the fabric of his pants and struggled to take deep breaths. The room was silent besides a humming of machines that kept the dark-haired girl alive. Had there been anyone in the corridor, they would have heard his ragged breaths – but he knew there wasn't anyone, not when the clock had ticked past midnight a couple of hours ago. However, there was Hinamori. His best friend since childhood, the girl he had fallen in love with. Hitsugaya didn't want to weep in front of her. Even though her eyes weren't open, even though she wouldn’t say anything...he wanted to believe she still heard him, had heard all his pleads for her to come back to him.
“She's not going to wake up, Captain Hitsugaya.”
Hitsugaya wished he could control his thoughts as well as his tears. Captain Unohana's words kept plaguing his mind, her tone twisting from apologetic into mocking. “You've failed,” she suddenly said, although he remembered every second of that painful moment and was sure the Captain of the 4th Division hadn't told him anything that resembled those cruel words. “You were supposed to protect her, weren't you? Look how well it played out. No wonder she doesn't want to wake up.”
Even her real words were no help. “It's been too long.”
“Why can't you just wake up?!” Hitsugaya shouted. If he had been able to think rationally, he would have been horrified of his words. He had visited her many times, but never had he blamed her. He had been supportive, desperate, but never angry in her company –  he had saved all the wrath he had for the training grounds. Now, however, he couldn't do that. “I've been waiting so long! How long do you demand me to wait yet?! Hundred years?!”
Since Hitsugaya was already in an emotional state, it was no wonder even the most absurd words could bring memories of his childhood to the surface. “But by this time the hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when briar-rose was to awake again,” he mumbled. Looking at her skin as white as snow, delicate features and hair as black as ebony, she looked like a princess. “But as soon as he kissed her, briar-rose opened her eyes and awoke, and looked at him quite sweetly.” Could a kiss of true love wake her up like it did to the princesses in fairytales?
However, they didn't live in a fairytale, but in harsh reality. Good guys didn't always beat evil ones, kisses didn't wake anyone up, princes didn't get their princesses and there weren't happily-ever-afters. Rationally thinking, he should already give up on a hope of ever seeing her wake up again.
Yet when every morning Hitsugaya opened his eyes and Hinamori didn't, he got disappointed once again. Every night he went to sleep without hearing her laugh, he cried himself to sleep. If he wasn't still clinging on shreds of hope, he might not feel so terrible. Sometimes he wondered if the worst pain in the world was caused by hope.
Hitsugaya wasn't going to place a kiss on the lips of his Sleeping Beauty, but his decision didn't result from a lack of hope. No, to the contrary. He hoped the dark-haired would wake up one day and then she could be wholly present in their first kiss.
Instead of kissing her like princes did in fairytales, Hitsugaya brushed her forehead with his lips. Maybe she would feel it, a touch light like others' belief in her recovery, a plead for her to come back.
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sakura-warrior · 6 years
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HitsuHina Month 2018: Day 28 - Kiss
This little scenario here is actually based on something that happened to a friend of mine a few years back. And the second I saw the theme “kiss”, I just knew I had to draw it!
Since I’m running short on time and still want to work on other pieces for other fandoms, this will more than likely be my last piece for HitsuHina Month 2018. So, I just want to say thanks once again to @hitsuhinalover and @expiredmochi for putting on this great event! I wasn’t able to participate everyday, but I gave it my best shot!
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chinatsupeachwind · 6 years
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HitsuHina month 2018 Day 30 : Do whatever you want 🌸💕
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Thank you for a great year!
It’ll be 2019 very soon where I live, so I justed wanted to wish everyone a happy new year in advance! I also want to thank everyone of you who chose to reblog, comment, like, and/or follow me this year, it’s always meant a lot.
Special thanks go to these amazing people; whether it was the support you gave me, the fanart you created, the writing you posted, or just an awesome post your reblogged, I have you to thank for making my year on Tumblr as great as it was: @expiredmochi, @momohitsugaya20, @xxhanabifireworksxx, @hitsuhinalover, @sakura-warrior, @salzrand, @toshiro1234, @tinaillustrations, @ryusxnka, @kenpachiofsquad10, @katerock777, @alexiethymia, @ichigo-is-my-bitch, @shiromomo-love, @chinatsupeachwind, and @hanayomemomo.
For the hitsuhina and/or BLEACH communities, let’s keep the Hitsuhina and BLEACH tags strong in 2019! I’m planning on doing a Hitsuhina Day again sometime in the new year, and I can’t wait for it!
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hitsuhinamonth · 6 years
Preparations for a Date
Prompt 1: Going on a Date
A/N: Ahh, this is my first time writing anything in a while! And for HitsuHina no less haha. Hope it turns out good! Sorry for the lazy title, can't think of anything lol
This is less about the date itself and more about how I think it would go if they tried to prepare for one (hence the title). Hope that's alright! 
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo
"Come on Hinamori, you've got to show off your body a little! You're growing into a beautiful young woman, surely you want Captain to see it~"
"Absolutely not! I would never let my daughter be caught dead in such skimpy clothes!"
It was ten years after the Quincy war. Most if not all of the Seireitei has been rebuilt, wounds have long healed, divisions that have suffered the loss of a captain have gotten used to their new superiors (or, in the case of the 13th, have welcomed their newly appointed captain with warmth); it's been overall a very peaceful time. 
Momo Hinamori decided to take this opportunity to reconnect her closest friend, Toshiro Hitsugaya.
Much had come between them that threatened to ruin their bond, but it had held on despite this. Though, she was willing to admit that it wasn't as strong as it had been, and it has been like that for some good amount of years now. She practically abandoned Toshiro once she left for the Shino'o Academy, among other things, and hadn't done much to amend such actions for some time. After years of help from those around her she now knows most of this was due to the willful attempt of Aizen to cut off those close to her in order to break her (though his reasoning as to why he did this is still unknown to her. Perhaps it always will be.), she still can't help but feel an immense amount of guilt, even though she has been forgiven.
It hadn't helped that Toshiro had also kept himself away from her for a long time after the Winter War. She always knew that it was to make himself stronger, a concentrated effort to bounce back from a moment as awful as that was - he was never one to sulk about, he would always do something, even if it wasn't the healthiest - but the pain still hurt nonetheless.
But now they can rebuild their bond. Seeing the Seireitei come back from near destruction, seeing others reforge their bonds after decades of distance, gave her the courage and determination to do the same.
So she asked Toshiro to meet her for dinner.
A drastic move, some might say, especially for someone like her. While not a wallflower per se, she certainly wasn't used to doing things like this. Groups of people are more of what she's accustomed to. But she felt it was needed; a hard kick to get her into action, like her "new" captain, Shinji Hirako, likes to do.
That doesn't mean she knew what she was doing when she asked. She remembers Toshiro's face when she asked him, how he coughed into his hand and looked away before looking back at her (it was nice to see some things haven't changed), and how she barely managed to not sound slightly panicked when he asked her where dinner would be. She said the first place to come to her, a small cafe-esque place in the more market like areas of the Seireitei that had reopened a couple years ago.
After he said yes, she went to Captain Hirako as fast she could.
She explained everything to him, and after consoling him from his tears and drifting him away from "the sadness of his daughter growing up," he ran off to grab a hold of "a friend perfect for this." Momo had thought that smart, having more people give her advice on how to handle this, and she decided to get Rangiku and Nanao to get their opinion on what to do as well.
She hadn't thought of how much trouble having so many people chime in until everyone (barring Captain Hirako's friend, who needed to get "something," whatever that was) made it to her lieutenant's office.
"U-Um, guys..." Momo tried to intervene, but was shouted over easily by the feuding Rangiku and Shinji.
"How do you expect to her to grow up if she always dresses like a little kid?!" Rangiku shouted, waving around a low-cut blouse with a short shirt in frustration. "This is her time to shine!"
"No!" Shinji shouted back. "You think I'll let some leery eyed perv stare at my daughter's beauty so lecherously?! Obviously something like this would be far better!"
He held up a multitude of clothes, some of which hung off of his arms since there were so much to hold in terms of thickness. A wool turtleneck sweater with arms that reached the wrist, unshapely men's jeans, a windbreaker, and a long, thick beanie to top it off.
Rangiku nearly gagged at the sight. "Captain Hirako! Do you want Hinamori to make the Captain blind?! No fashion! And she'd stink up a storm! She'll flood the streets!"
"Is that what you're worried about?!" Nanao yelled at her. "She'll have a heat stroke before she takes two steps out of the building!"
Rangiku turned to Shinji with her tongue out. "Ha! So my clothes are way better for Hinamori!"
"No!" Shinji screamed melodramatically.
"Don't put words in my mouth Rangiku!" Nanao snapped "You've both chosen horribly! Weren't you listening to a word she said? She and Captain Hitsugaya are having dinner in the Seireitei and yet you've both found clothes from the World of the Living! Do you want them to stand out and make them uncomfortable?!"
The two huddled together, shrinking down at the woman's sharp reprimands like children being chided by their mother. They both shared a quiet but still audible "No...".
Nanao sighed and turned to Momo, who had backed away from being in the middle of the fight that was sure to have almost happened. "I'm sure you have some casual wear that you can wear that's found here, right HInamori? If not we can get some now."
"Oh! I'm sure I do but..." she trailed off, unsure if she should continue if just clothes were going to cause this much trouble. She quickly decided to make do with the situation she put herself in and went on, "I'm not sure which one to go with..."
Eventually, after far too much bickering from Rangiku and Shinji, they decided on a modest yukata, pink with a tree branch design spiraling around it. Momo sighed, thinking maybe she should tell them to leave, that she could figure out the rest (even if what to wear was the lowest of her concerns...), but Shinji and Rangiku barreled on with advice, Nanao yelled more corrections at them, and Momo felt time slow to that of one second per every ten, numbly and unintentionally absorbing every morsel of "advice" the two determined high-seats were giving.
'Shiro...' she thought, dull eyes rolling to the back of her head as someone slapped something down, 'please save me...'
Toshiro Hitsugaya sat alone in his office, lieutenant no where to be found after she left to go "help someone," though who that was he didn't know. Or care to know, at the moment.
Since he was panicking.
Slightly, anyway.
The time spent after Aizen defeat can easily be described as the some of the hardest Toshiro has spent, but he tired his best to move on. First was training - aggressive, constant training - to better himself in combat. While dearly needed, he came to learn of other ways to better himself. Being more social was one. He would join in on conversations, - or try to anyway, without seeming weird - accept invitations instead of saying he was busy, even crack some jokes here and there (with mixed results). He found himself feeling... better. And better was better than worse.
And then Hinamori asked him to dinner.
He didn't know what to think.
He can say that his relationship with Hinamori was certainly better now than it was a decade ago, at the peak of years of subtle tension rising to make itself known in the most destructive way possible, but part of him wished they were closer. That they talked more, were around each other more.
Well he's certainly getting that wish granted.
Never did he think anyone, much less Hinamori, would ask him out to go somewhere. He has little enough experience with being in groups (though he was getting better, if Renji and Rukia's announcement were anything to go by. He thought he did well enough there). And it's not like he can ask for help: the only person he's even halfway comfortable talking about this with ran off before he could ask her. If he thought he could reach Captain Shiba - or Kurosaki, he has to remind himself, not Shiba - in time he might ask him, but he didn't.
(Even then, the man might be more trouble than help, kind-hearted as he is...) 
He took a deep breath to calm himself.
'Hyorinmaru?' he asked. The zanpaktou surely has no more experience in this field than Toshiro does, but it didn't to ask, right? 'Could you...help?'
A deep chuckle echoed across his mind. 'I'll do what I can, Master'
The dragon spirit helped him as best he could, trying to calm his emotions.
'Don't focus on the dinner,' Hyorinmaru said patiently. 'You are simply talking to her while eating. Be relaxed and it will go smoothly.'
It was such simple advice but it really did help. Hearing it come from someone else made it sound doable.
'You have one set of casual attire,' there was a hint of something else in his voice, something between teasing and tired, if that were possible. 'Wear it. You are talking with a friend, not going out slaying hollows.'
He was sure that was a slight jab at his lack of social interactions but at this point Toshiro didn't care. He needed anything he could get (that wasn't being shouted at him). At the lack of any more words from his sword, however, he started to get worried.
'Is that it?' he asked. He had hoped for more on what to do during the actual dinner, something more specific.
His hopes were dashed at the sound of another chuckle. 'Yes, Master. That is all the advice I can give to you. Any more will only hinder you when you meet with Miss Hinamori. Do not fret, Master. All will go well.'
Toshiro nodded, understanding what the spirit meant. He stood up, walking towards his wardrobe and opening it, looking upon the plain, dark blue yukata within. He saw the other two sets of clothes - a spare shihakusho and some sleeping garb - and made it a note to perhaps get some more clothes in case something like this were to happen again.
'But to do it again I have to be sure not to mess this up,' Toshiro thought. 'And I won't. Don't worry Hinamori. This will be the best dinner you'll have ever had!'
In his enthusiasm he missed the growl of content from his zanpaktou, happy to see his master in such a rarely seen state of happiness.
'All thanks to you, Miss Hinamori' Hyorinmaru thought to himself. 'Thank you.'
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sakura-warrior · 6 years
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HitsuHina Month 2018: Day 11 - Family
Tag Teaming Parenthood
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sakura-warrior · 6 years
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Hitsuhina Month 2018: Day 4 - Shopping Together
Because only Hinamori could get away with putting ridiculous sunglasses on the captain of the tenth division without a scratch.
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sakura-warrior · 6 years
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HitsuHina Month 2018: Day 10 - Working
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