josilverdragon · 1 year
Happy Sheith Day!
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 years
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I will never get over this moment. The pain in this episode is endless.
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captainharunanase · 6 years
Keith paralleling Adam is intentional.
One finally gave up on Shiro.
While the other never gave up on him.
Adam was Shiro's romantic partner who once was there for him and yet vld paralleled him with Keith who has shown time and time again to always be there for Shiro and never gave him up.
Both men love Shiro.
Both men have a past with Shiro.
And both men reacted differently to Shiro leaving.
One tried to make Shiro stay but ended up losing him.
The other waited for Shiro to come back despite what anyone said and did get him back.
Shiro's/Kuron's final thoughts in s3 was of his team and lastly Keith--not to the past with his ex.
Keith literally decided if he couldn't save Shiro than there was no point in living without him.
The parallels of Sheith with Zaggar and Keith's parents are also important.
Keith's parents met the same way Keith found Shiro again.
And Zaggar's love destroyed them while Sheith's love saved them.
Adam, while definitely heartbroken over the breakup, has never been mentioned by Shiro or was Shiro's reason for returning to Earth--remember Shiro was the only one who never spoke about anyone he left behind.
And that's because he didn't have anyone to return to.
Which a lot of people, myself included, felt that Shiro probably didn't see Earth as his home anymore.
If Shiro was really still in love with Adam then he would have mentioned wanting to return to Earth for someone important to him like everyone else did. Doesn't matter if Adam was thrown in "later" Shiro still never expressed interest in returning home and based off all the info about s7e1 and the trailer--Shiro still doesn't look excited by the idea either.
Platonic or not Sheith, from a writing and animation perspective, makes the most sense. Shiro has someone in 6 whole seasons who never gave up on him. Someone who stayed as his best friend; his family; his savior; his equal.
We are two seasons away from ending Voltron for good. Now is the time for establishing the romances vld has laid out.
So it is very interesting to see parallels between an ex and his actions where he ultimately threw their relationship away over Shiro choosing his dream over him versus a potential lover who has been all the key aspects for Shiro and has always been there since the beginning and never once stopped Shiro from pursuing his goals.
If that isn't romantic then clearly people don't understand writing or how a waste it would be to animate Keith's devotion and love only for him to watch Shiro return to his ex.
Shiro is no prize. Shiro isn't owned by anyone and will make his own decisions like he did for Kerberos.
If he remains single then so be it. Sheith has always been perfect as best friends and that's canon.
But if Shiro decides to be with Keith over Adam or any other suitor then it makes sense based on what we have seen in the show and the progression of their relationship--as the staff said Sheith's bond will be stronger after s7.
And that is what makes Sheith beautiful at the possibility presented to us.
Shiro never said he saw Keith as his brother or adopted him. Shiro has never once thought less of Keith or that he was just a kid to him. Shiro always treated Keith as his equal and calls him his old friend and is someone he deeply cares about.
Shiro saw the potential in Keith and wanted him to succeed despite the odds.
And Shiro with his illness? Needed someone who would support his dreams despite his odds and ultimately that was not Adam.
It was Keith.
That's what makes these parallels so very unique.
Adam made a mistake and I'm sure he regrets it and wishes nothing more than to reconcile. And I can't wait to see the closure they both deserve.
But Keith? He has no regrets because he chose to follow Shiro into space and has never looked back since.
So I don't see why Shiro should look back into his past when his future with Keith and their potential love is 100% what saved the fabric of the universe and themselves.
Like Keith said: "We saved each other."
And that right there sums up their entire relationship from beginning to end.
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tangent-s2 · 6 years
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Guardian spirit of “ ”
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literaryoblivion · 6 years
October 4: Moon (Shiro/Keith)
(Read on AO3)
Keith is too busy laying flat on his back and staring up at the moon in the sky to notice the sound of the rooftop entrance door opening and shutting. He does however feel the warmth of someone else at his side, and he doesn’t even have to look to know that it’s Shiro sitting beside him.
“I thought I’d find you up here,” Shiro says as he lays back, mirroring Keith’s position, their hands barely touching between them.
Keith doesn’t respond, doesn’t move, just continues to gaze at the stars above them. He thinks about how they were just like this years ago, but it had been Keith that had found Shiro.
Shiro had just had his fight with Adam, was leaving for Kerberos in less than a week, and he had retreated on the roof to get away, to view what would soon become his future. Keith had gone looking for him, although, he knew exactly where Shiro was. This was their spot, one they had discovered how to get to together (because Keith was always sneaking around and getting into things he shouldn’t and Shiro preferred to be present to save Keith from himself).
Back then, though, Keith wouldn’t have dared to brush Shiro’s hand, lace their fingers together, press his side against Shiro’s. He had needed space back then, needed time to process the loss of Adam, of what he would soon be leaving behind.
They had stayed on that roof for hours, until Keith couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer to look at the moon or Shiro. And, eventually Keith had woken up in his bed, confused and then saddened he had missed the feeling of Shiro’s arms around him, carrying him. He had felt guilty for wanting that, for wanting Shiro, and for the tiny party of him that was glad Shiro was no longer with Adam.
But, they had both grown and changed from that moment all those years ago; they were so different now, older, smarter, more experienced. They wouldn’t have been a good fit all those years ago, no matter how much Keith craved it.
Now, though. Now, their broken, jagged pieces lined up, fit together, and didn’t complete each other but complemented each other.
They still have more to learn, more to do, more to see, both in general and about each other, but they can do it together now, can be together now.
So, Keith brushes his hand against Shiro’s, who brushes his back; Keith laces their fingers together, and Shiro gives his a little squeeze. He presses his side against Shiro’s, and when Shiro turns on that side to lean over Keith to give him a kiss, Keith is ready and wanting and happy.
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okaybutvoltron · 6 years
Omg 1500 congratulations!! I saw u crying over ATLA and just.. relatable. Well let's see how about 📑 (sheith, first meeting, can be as cute and cheesy as you want) Thank u for tagging me you're so sweet💕
Thank you!! And atla is killing me slowly. I’m so mad at past me for not watching it sooner! Thank you for the request! I absolutely loved doing it. I actually had this idea in my head for a while so this was a good chance to finally get it out. Basically think this scene but with Sheith. So this is an AU but I hope you still like it! Meet-Cute’s are my favourite.
I’m having a Follower Appreciation for 1500! Thank you all
Keith’s eyes slid shut and he tipped his head back, letting the morning sun wash over his face and warm him. The spring was finally starting to heat the earth but there was still a chill in the air at this time of the morning. He gently pet the dog whose head was resting on his knee as he sat on the park bench, humming absently in agreement to whatever was being said on the other end of his phone.
“You’re not even paying attention to me, are you Keith?” He heard Lance almost yell through the phone, snapping him back to reality.
For a moment Keith thought about lying but just rolled his eyes and replied “No, not really.”
“Seriously, dude, I’m hurt.” He could practically see the dramatic pose Lance was no doubt striking, regardless of how many strangers may be around him at the moment.
“If it was something important, I promise I’ll apologize. But if it was stupid I’ll zone out again, so really this is on you,” Keith said, watching as the dog lifted his head and started looking intently around the park.
“It’s about the dog, Keith! You know it’s about the dog!”
Keith sighed into the phone, “Hence why I was ignoring you.”
“I just can’t believe you adopted him. Have you really thought this through?”
“Of course I have! He’s fine!” Keith defended himself and his new pet. He watched as the dog stood up and start pacing, so Keith let his leash loosen a bit to give him more freedom. The dog walked back and forth a few times before focusing on something in the distance. Probably the squirrel he wanted to chase earlier.
“Keith. He’s huge. He’s fast. And he’s barely trained. Seriously when I was walking him last night he ran off so fast it was like he teleported. If that girl hadn’t caught him he would have been long gone and–”
“Yeah, but she did catch him and you got her number, so really it worked out pretty well for you.”
“Well, of course I ask for her number, she was gorgeous! But that’s beside the point. Keith, you’ve never had a dog before I just don’t know if he’s the best first pet. He doesn’t even play fetch!”
“That’s not his fault, Lance, no one taught him! And we were working on it this morning.”
“Oh, are you at the park?” Lance asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Yeah. I figured a nice walk before I went to work for the day would be good for him.”
“Nice work, Kogane, taking the dog to the park to pick people up already. You’re learning from me well.”
Keith rolled his eyes, “I’m not going to pick anyone up. You get one number one time and you think you’re a pick up artist, Lance.” He frowned as the dog looked back up at him.
“Well I basically am, seriously you should have seen her–”
“I get it Lance, she’s beautiful, flowing white locks, I heard it all,” Keith grasped the handle a little harder as the dog started barking and jumping a bit at the end of the leash, probably still trying to go after the squirrel. Keith looked behind him to try and see if he could find what he was barking at, but all he saw was a guy a few benches away watching the dog from behind a book. Keith waved a sheepish apology at him and the man went back to reading.
“Did he poop yet?”
Keith turned back around and loosened his hold on the leash as the dog calmed again and laid down on the ground, watching Keith from the corner of his eye. “What kind of a question is that?”
“I don’t know, dog owners know that kind of thing. You gotta make sure he’s healthy. Did you pick it up in a little doggie bag? Did you have to carry it around? I mean, it’s one thing to have to pick up dog poop, but it’s a whole ‘nother level when you actually have to walk around with it in your hand, y’know?”
Keith groaned, “Yes, Lance, I walked around with a bag of dog shit in my hand. Yes, it was weird. No, I’m not getting rid of the dog.”
“Ugh, fine. Be stubborn. But you at least have to name him soon. You can’t just keep calling–” but Lance was cut short as the phone was ripped from Keith’s hand.
“Hey! Give that back!” He hollered as the dog leaned down on his front paws, phone in his mouth and tail wagging high in the air. The dog faked one way and then took off in the direction of the squirrel, the surprise ripping the leash out of Keith’s hand.
“Hey, dog! Come back!” Keith yelled scrambling to his feet, taking off and hoping no one was watching. Hearing about this from Lance was going to be bad enough, he thought with a groan as he chased after the rogue dog.
The dog jumped around a bit, frolicking, tossing the phone up into the air and catching it, turning to Keith and sticking his butt back up in the air as if to play. “Alright, very funny,” Keith said as he slowed down and walked calmly up to the dog, internally wanting to die as he saw the man on the bench watching him from above his book again.
Keith crouched down to the ground and stretched his hand out, “Come on then, give it back.”
But the dog bounded away again with a bark, his leash trailing mockingly behind him, all the way to the man on the other bench. He finally dropped the phone on the ground beside the bench and sat down, barking a few more times.
“Oh, of course,” Keith said with a groan as he stood back up and walked over to the bench. He tried to keep his cheeks from burning up as he walked over to his dog and the stranger, looking down at the ground and picking up the leash as soon as he was close enough. “Sorry about him,” Keith said still staring at the ground and picking up his phone, refusing to look at the stranger.
“That’s alright,” he replied, “I was just heading out anyway. The bench is all yours.”
Before Keith could even fully look up the other man was already walking away. With a death grip on the leash he turned to look at the dog who had his most innocent face on and was glancing back and forth between Keith and the man walking away. “Lance may actually be right this time,” Keith said, shaking his head, “maybe you do need more training.” But before the words were totally out of his mouth the dog took off again, barrelling down the pathway after the other man.
With a death grip on the leash this time Keith refused to let go and was dragged along after the large and powerful dog. “No no no! Stop!” He yelled as they neared that same man along the path yet again. Right when the man heard them coming and turned around to look, the dog ran passed him and looped back around dragging keith right into the other man and wrapping them up in the leash.
The dog pulled tight and Keith was pressed right up against the man. He put his hands against the man’s – unexpectedly strong – chest and started babbling “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into him, I swear–”
At the same time as the man started laughing sheepishly, one hand going up to scratch at the back of his head, “No, it’s fine, really! Don’t worry about it!”
But before they could get their balance back, the dog gave another quick tug on the leash and they both went silent, eyes going wide in a brief panic as they locked gazes and started to fall over, right into the pond.
“Oh my God!” Keith yelled as they hit water, the other man following it up almost instantly with a loud “Holy shit!”
It may be spring but the water hasn’t warmed up yet and they’re both instantly soaked. Luckily the dog finally let up on pulling on the leash and it fell loose, letting the two men scramble to their feet, Keith still sputtering apologies.
As they get their feet under themselves and look at each other Keith finds his long black hair has fallen over his eyes, absolutely soaked, and he looks through it to see the other man’s stark white bangs have been plastered down over one of his eyes as well.
They lock eyes again, Keith falling silent. The spell is quickly broken when the dog barks and the two men turn to him just as he gives that whole bodied shake dogs do, and they both throw their arms up in a weak defence against the second spray of ice cold water.
They both drop their hands to their sides in defeat and look at each other again through their drooping hair, and they both start laughing. Keith can’t help but smile at the full bodied laugh the other man lets out, his head falling back as if he hasn’t laughed that hard in his life.
They both stop laughing eventually, still slowly sinking deeper into the muck, but neither seeming to care anymore. They smile at each other and the stranger thrusts his hand out between them “I’m Shiro,” he says.
Keith shakes his head and smiles, his hand reaching out to shake Shiro’s “I’m Keith.”
“Well, despite the circumstances it’s nice to meet you, Keith,” Shiro says as he pushes his white bangs out of his face. They stick up in a ridiculous cowlick and Keith can’t look away.
Shiro crouches down in front of the dog and pats his head, “And who’s this excited guy?” he asks as the dog lets his tongue loll out like he’s never done anything wrong in his life, ever.
Keith crouches down beside him, his thigh lightly brushing against Shiro’s. “He actually doesn’t have a name yet.”
“Well,” Shiro says, turning to let out grin at Keith, “I guess we’ll have to work on that.”
And Keith fights off a blush as they finally help each other climb out of the frigid water. Not that he’d ever admit it, but it does look like Lance was right about the dog for once.
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joshkeatons · 7 years
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It doesn’t matter where I come from. I know who I am.
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noodledead-blog · 7 years
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welcome         b        
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josilverdragon · 1 year
[Podfic] gentling of painful spines by an_aphorism
It's been 84 years (or rather 8 months), since I last posted a podfic and I felt the urge to do one today so I looked for one of my favorites that had a low word count and banged it out today because I wanted to. And here we are.
Thanks to @an-aphorism for their permission to record.
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 years
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captainharunanase · 6 years
You know you're a major Sheith shipper when you've kudo-ed and reblogged every single art/edit/etc in the tag and so now you have to keep refreshing it for new content every time.
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violettemcon · 7 years
Dany/Jon for the ask meme 🤔
Who would win tickle wars: literally, jon would try and tickle dany and she’d laugh for a split second but then get mad and demand him to stop. (he wouldn't ofc)
Who would draw pictures of the other in their sketchbook: if jon could draw...
Who would hold hands while walking: jon would reach for dany’s hand and she’d hesitate then take it and smile
Who would gives cheek kisses: they both would, but dany would be more discreet about it. 
Who would start a snowball fight: it wouldn't go well. jon would throw a snowball and dany would be like FUCK NO DACARYS and then drogon would spit fire. and jon will be like ???? bae i was just trying to be playful??? and dany will be like lol me too????’
Who would slip the most on a date to go ice skating: DEFINITELY DANY COS JON IS FROM THE NORTH AND KNOWS HIS WAY AROUND ICE 
Who leaves a letter in the other's locker: daenerys stormborn of house targaryen.
Who would bring lunch to school/work for the other:  i can see them both doing this tbh
Who would want cuddle at the movie theater date: jon pls
Who would buy cheezy cliche gifts for each other on holidays: neither lol
Who would start an argument about what color curtains they should have at home: dany because jon wouldn’t care about that
Who would remember their anniversary: DAENERYSSSSS
Who would blurt out how much they love the other in front of people: they’d both be too uptight to do that. 
Who would offer to wash the others back in the shower: jon definitely oh my god picture it  
Who would post up statuses about the other on facebook: i bet during fights dany would post passive aggressive shit about jon 
Who would have the others picture as their phone background: JON  AEGON SNOW TARGARYEN.
Who would take pictures of the other while they’re sleeping: neither but i wholeheartedly see daenerys watching jon sleep like a fucking creep
Who says I love you: JON. he’d be like ‘ily your grace’ and she’d melt
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dragoneki · 7 years
Griffguts 🤔
Who’s more dominant: griffith.Who’s the cuddler: guts, hesitantly. it takes him a while to become comfortable with physical touch from griffith. but once he gets used to it, he really enjoys cuddling.Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: guts is the big spoon. griffith is lucky to be held in guts’ big arms.What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: sparring. they get very competitive about it.Who uses all the hot water: griffith, he’s got a whole beauty routine to do in the shower. especially for his hair. guts, meanwhile, probably forgets to shower.Most trivial thing they fight over: board games. they get very into it.Who does most of the cleaning: griffith. around each other they’re generally fine with being messy, but when they’ve got visitors griffith insists on cleaning up and having their place be presentable, whereas guts doesn’t care. griffith does most of the last minute cleaning.What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: griffith. he has particular taste in shows, whereas guts is mostly up for watching whatever.Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: griffith.Who leaves their stuff around: both, but griffith knows where he leaves his stuff. guts runs between each room of the house trying to find something he left somewhere.Who remembers to buy the milk: griffith. (meanwhile guts is a serial drinker of off milk.)Who remembers anniversaries: griffith, he likes to celebrate.Who cooks normally: they take turns. griffith likes trying new recipes and making a beautiful dish... guts cooks a piece of meat and vegetables.How often do they fight: rarely but when they do it’s Big.What do they do when they’re away from each other: if they’re away for the day they’re fine - they know they’ll see each other in the evening. if they’re away for longer than that, griffith will text guts often to see what he’s up to. when guts returns. guts thinks a lot about griffith when they’re separated, but he doesn’t reach out to him first - it’s always griffith who messages first.Nicknames for each other: guts calls griffith big bird.Who is more likely to pay for dinner: they split the bill.Who steals the covers at night: griffith, but goes doesn’t really mind because he’s usually warm.What would they get each other for gifts: griffith likes buying expensive gifts and guts just gives griffith a cool rock he found.Who kissed who first: griffith kissed guts.Who made the first move: griffith.Who remembers things: griffith for trivial things, guts can be quite forgetful. but if it’s something important, guts is good for remembering.Who started the relationship: griffith.Who cusses more: guts.What would they do if the other one was hurt: i mean it’s canon that guts would Rage. and i imagine griffith would get revenge if anyone hurt guts - but sneakily. he’d plot something.Who is the dirty talker: both when they get into it.A head canon: guts learns to braid griffith’s hair.
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joshkeatons · 7 years
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The Journey
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angel-nero · 7 years
Sh/eith for the meme thing 😭 (if someone beats me to it then kl/ance)
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
She//ith lol
•when I started shipping it if I did: i watched season one without really shipping anyone but I was always interested in the bond they had so later i started to analyze it more and fell in love lol!
•my thoughts: my brain is fried by how much love i have for them, do i seriously have thoughts?? It’s tender, deep, interesting af and ur mind can always fly and try to imagine how they met :^) their interactions are just so fucking good and full of respect i love it. They’re worried for the other, they have shared things man.
•What makes me happy about them: everything…
•What makes me sad about them: everything…
•things done in fanfic that annoys me: keith constantly threats shiro like shit when they first met.
•things I look for in fanfic: they being lovely af? Characterization!! Im looking for aus cus im tired of canon fics 😭
•Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one lmao… i ship them out of canon, same w the other ships i have… i just don’t think they’re ready to date lol! Sheith is the ship i would like to b canon… but i like the idea of none of them actually being canon! My happily ever after for them: :^) well… they survive, they finally chill. I don’t think every thing will b sugar and candy. Cotton candy but they can idk, go to an alien beach lmfao.
•who is the big spoon/little spoon: shiro is the lil. They are versatile, man
•what is their favorite non-sexual activity: aaaaa stargazing in the garrison. Alien?? Dates in the universe:^) !! I also like sparring. And studying in the garrison.
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kyutoryu · 7 years
(Luf doesn't Voltron at all, me@me: send them a Voltron character ask anyway) I demand Keith based on what I showed you (also The princess person you showed me I can't remember her name)
sexual orientation headcanon:  umM...maybe...i guess h’es gay
gender headcanon: i can see him being like nb
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: TORAO I....... stuff. seperation anxiety stuff. anxiety in general
3 random headcanons:
his entire room is Red
he loves........strawberry shortcake. yeah
he’s secretly competitive if u press him enough
sexual orientation headcanon: she is. she doesn’t know. she’s young
gender headcanon: agender princess tbh but she still is like. very fem leaning!
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: she has anxiety that’s abt it 
3 random headcanons
she loves singing rlly off key to everything ever
great at interior design.
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