werewolf · 2 years
uwu tagged by @theamazingbard
last song: You Might Think - The Cars
last movie: I THINK it was Sing 2. Which is actually a very fun movie.
last show: Taskmaster
currently watching: T E C H N I C A L L Y Stranger things bc I've gotta make time for the last episode of s4. Oops. And also Taskmaster.
currently reading: I'm a serial multi-reader. I love to jump between books and fics depending on what I'm in the mood for.
I'm binge-ing my way through Steddie fics atm. But also The Golden Enclave by Naomi Novik, The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber, and Unbearable Temptation by R. O'Leary
currently working on: a bunch of outlines for fics and some sketches. but no concrete showable work atm :((
favourite colour: Bluueeee (But also gold and dusty pink)
sweet/savoury/spicy: I alternate between craving sweet and savoury. But savoury is moreso my go to.
coffee/tea/cocoa: Cocoa or chocolate milk adjacent things are my fave. But I'll drink coffee some mornings and sometimes tea at night.
craving: Juice or Soda. Neither of which i currently have :(
Tagging: @spiritrotting @juuuuzou @kurtbrussels @timidaria @kelamorphe @wingsofthenorth @jordness @superflyduskullll @pun-always-intended
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zimms · 3 years
Happy birthday!!! I love you and your creativity from afar 🤗
thank you so much!!
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sagemoderocklee · 6 years
"Juste talk to me. Please." for the leegaa ask please :D
“What is there to say?” Lee asked, staring at Gaara. “You forbade me from opening the Eighth Gate, yet you were willing to throw your life away for your village.” 
“You knew that when this started,” Gaara snapped. “I’m the Kazekage. This village is everything--”
“And I am not.” Lee’s expressive face was hard, his boyish charm chased away by hurt and frustration. Gaara clenched his hands into fists. 
“You know that’s not true,” he said softly. “I love you.” 
Lee’s shoulders slumped and he dropped to the bed, holding his head in his hands. “But I will always be second best.” 
And that was the problem. 
Lee had been second best his whole life--sometimes not even that. He couldn’t be second best for Gaara, he couldn’t be less than his whole world. Yet he was because Gaara’s position dictated that he was. 
“Lee.” Gaara stepped forward, reached for Lee, but dropped his hand. What could he say to make this better? What could he do? Lie? Step down as Kazekage? 
He couldn’t do that. Being Kazekage was all he knew how to be. What was he without that? A jinchuuriki? A demon? A shinobi? A man? He lived for his village, he would die for his village. He couldn’t promise to live for Lee, he couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t leave Lee to live without him if Suna needed him to die. 
“Is this...” Gaara’s words caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to ask the question, and the silence hung heavy with the unvoiced words. 
Lee looked up at him, tears in his eyes. “Do you want it to be?” 
Gaara shook his head, mute and numb. “What would I do without you?” 
Lee’s smile was watery, his lips trembling. “Without me?” He shook his head. “I am sure you would continue living for your village.” 
Somehow, despite the softness of his tone, the words hurt like a blow. It felt as though Lee were rubbing salt in the wound, but whose wound Gaara couldn’t say. Did he have any right to call this his wound when he was the one who’d inflicted it upon them? 
“They do not deserve you,” Lee whispered into the silence. 
“Don’t,” Gaara started to say. 
“But they do not,” Lee interrupted. “They were horrible to you when you were young, when you were just a child. You were just a weapon to them.” 
Gaara turned his back to Lee and the words he spoke, turned his back to the truth and left the bedroom they’d shared for almost a year. Try as he might, the truth followed him, nipping at his heals, along with the memory of Lee’s tear stained face. 
He threw himself into his work, praying that Lee would still be there when he was done. 
[ao3 // kofi]
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ghoste-catte · 6 years
“I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t love me either.” for the prompt meme, with leegaa because I am always thirsty for them, please ?
Thank you so much for the prompt!
@sagemoderocklee this is for you, too, since you both sent me the same prompt!
This fill went in a bit of an odd direction compared to where I expected it to go. Here’s the story of how Lee ended up getting therapy:
Send me prompts!
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janeaustentextposts · 6 years
Hey about the least favorite characters post, I totally get you with Emma, i wanna slap her juuuuust a little, and combined with the fact that her lover is more of a father figure who lusted after her since she was 13 i just... Don't. Like. the book. But could you explain more for p&p and persuasion (my two favorite austen books btw) why you can't stand these characters? It's really interesting! (also I love ur blog! )
Thank you! I completely forget which post this was in relation to, and I apologize for letting my ask box languish for so long. I’m sure my opinions will come flooding back to me once I scroll back a bit.
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thatshinobilife · 6 years
What do you think about leegaa, and even without shipping it about their relationship and how kishimoto had a whole opposites green/red dragon/tiger thing prepared for them but never went through it? (btw I love you and your sand sibs and karura hc)
Hi, I’m not sure if you sent this for the gif reaction post but I actually wanna address it so I’m writing a thing. 
I didn’t understand why people shipped leegaa until literally yesterday when I saw a fanart of them that explained their parallels and I was like “ohh……OHHHHH”. I still don’t ship it myself, mostly because I’m not big on shipping in general (shikatema is the only naruto ship I actively support). I also get asexual vibes from Gaara so I have a hard time picturing him in relationships, but if I was gonna ship him with anyone it would be Naruto. Leegaa is cute though! As a general rule I don’t care what other people ship as long as it’s not pedophilia. There are ships I actively dislike but outside of minor bitching to my friends in PMs, I don’t care if other people ship them. 
As for their relationship in general, we didn’t get a lot but what we did get was promising. Kishimoto dropped Rock Lee like a baby giraffe (and pretty much the rest of the Konoha 12 outside of team 7 and Shikamaru) when Shippuden started for seemingly no reason. Free realestate meme except it says it’s bad writing. The Rock Lee Gaara fight is still one of my favorite moments in the entire series, a sentiment echoed by a large portion of the fandom (and even those who never got into Naruto!) and their reconciliation during the Sasuke retrieval arc is one of the few times Naruto actually delivers on a plot point it set up. They do complement each other well in terms of color palette, fighting style, personality, and even backstory to an extent. Gaara was born a prodigy who did absolutely no work whatsoever to attain his ultimate defense as it was freely given to him, whereas Lee had to claw his way tooth and nail from a no-talent no-jutsu having *konoha academy bully kid voice* “wEirRdoO” to the absolute BEAST we see during the run of the series. This is actually the first I’m hearing that kishimoto had bigger plans for them in terms of the tiger/dragon thing, and a cursory glance at google isn’t turning up any results for it so please feel free to send me any additional information about this as it would be super interesting to read! I know Kishi had a lot of ideas and storylines that got cut in the editing room which I actually think hurt the manga in some ways. We could have gotten more missions before the chunin exams arc! Imagine an actual realistic relationship forming between team 7 as a result of the natural camaraderie that develops when groups of people are forced to work together for extensive periods of time instead of the rushed one where naruto and sasuke only sort of kind of even tolerated one another prior to sasuke leaving if you squinted hard enough. But you didn’t ask for a post about that. 
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shepard-headcanons · 7 years
Hello! The survey was really interesting, and I actually had an idea when thinking about it: would it be possible to have the results of the combinations of Shepard's past? Like Sole Survivor/Earthborn etc, I'm really curious which combos people like to use the most! (Also I love this blog!)
First: thank you!!
Second: I’d love to but as I said in the post, it glitched out and a lot of the answers got deleted or showed an error :/
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mermen-in-my-teacup · 11 years
I felt in love with your family AU of this anime with gay swimmers what Free! is. And your art is amazing. And I love butts too. And mermen. And... wait... I love everything that is in your blog. How can you make amazing stupid things?
I’m not sure either. All I’ve done is not think and just be
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sagemoderocklee · 6 years
puppy cookie fawn (i love your naruto hcs!!)
puppy: I would like to talk to you.cookie: can we be friends?fawn: I look up to you. 
awwww this is so sweet! i always welcome ppl sending me asks, replying to my posts, and messaging me but if you’re a minor (i can’t tell from your blog??? unless im missing an about section) then i just ask that you stick with asks and replies because i don’t befriend minors because it’s inappropriate for adults to have super close relationships with random kids on the internet! 
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werewolf · 7 years
for the lab, elevator, mcdo : lance, allura and coran!
new ask game: send three characters and i’ll tell you which i’d rather have
• get randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester,
• get trapped with on a broken elevator for ten hours
• get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds----Lance - i still stand by being stuck with lance in the elevator for the same reasons i gave last time: he’d be the best company in that situation.Coran - definitely as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds. he’s. just. such a nice friendly dude??? i just. imagine he’d be so patient and fun and make you feel at ease in your new job?Allura - i may be biased but shes just so smart and wonderful i would not pass up the opportunity to be her lab partner for an entire semester. over the time we could become friends because of the class. it would be great. 
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zimms · 3 years
OMGCP Kahoot Quiz Results
hi everyone! thank you so much for taking part in that omgcp kahoot quiz from 3 weeks ago and i'm sorry that these results are so late! we ended up with over 150 participants and 10 people scored 30 or more points, so congratulations to each of you, and without further ado, here's the podium !
1) in joint first place, _/ (anonymous) and kelamorphe (@kelamorphe) both with 34/35 questions correct!
2) unconventionalturtle (@unconventional-turtle) with 33/35 questions correct!
3) missweber (@missweber) with 32/35 questions correct!
thank you to everyone for playing and let me know if you'd like to do something similar in the future!
if you have any questions about how i made the quiz or want any correct answers, just send me a dm and let me know!
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