#kell fucking maresh everybody
antaripirate · 1 year
bro took “how do you know when The Sarows is coming?” to a whole new level
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(this is how you know that The Sarows is coming)
(is coming, is coming, is coming aboard)
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starsailores · 6 months
Hit me wirh 11, 23, 24 and 30 for holland vosijk!!! 18, 19, 25 and 28 for kell maresh as well!!
cats i hope you are ready for me to lose my fucking mind. adsom spoilers incoming
holland vosijk:
11 - first thing when you think about when you think about them: "'vosijk', he almost said. 'my name is holland vosijk.' but it didn't matter now.". there is so much emotion packed into that line and i have it written on a post-it note stuck to my laptop, so that i can suffer emotionally every time i open it. i cannot think about him without the agonies striking
23 - future headcanon: if he had survived a conjuring of light, he would have worked on improving relations between arnes and makt in order to try and undo some of the damage caused by osaron's disappearance. dying is not the only sacrifice a person can make, and the most selfless thing holland could have done at that point was keep living and keep fighting, and in doing so the magic would gradually be able to return. he makes a better diplomat than ruler, seeing as he never wanted the crown, though he would have reclaimed it until he found someone he trusted enough to take over.
24 - what do you think is a secret they have never told anyone: hm. the danes and osaron would have gotten anything they wanted out of him, and he would have told vortalis a lot of things, but i dont think he would have willingly shared the story of how vor died, both because of the vulnerability it entailed and the fact that he never stopped blaming himself. the wound is too raw even seven years later for him to be able to talk about it, and the one person he could discuss it with was dead
30 - funniest scene: giving another one of his scenes that makes me smile. when he is imprisoned beneath the soner rast, a group of guards come in to attack him on behalf of lila, and he just sits there as kell comes in and threatens to attack them all because he 'thought they wanted bloodsport'. only after they leave does holland say anything, and the bastard simply says 'my hero' and attempts to move on. i believe this was also when kell said (paraphrasing) 'you seem awfully good at making enemies. have you ever tried making friends?'. everybody knows this man is a cunt and he does nothing to dispel the rumours.
kell maresh:
18 - how do you think they were as a kid: this largely aligns with canon, but he was simultaneously quiet and cocky. he would never go out of his way to interact with people outside of the palace + tieren, but he was well aware of his intelligence and skill, and willing to flaunt it to get his way or piss people off (see: fletcher). simultaneously a sweet kid and the most infuriating type of child to try and interact with.
19 - most random ship you've seen: the two most popular kell ships are kellila and kellholland, both of which i am fond of, and the adsom fandom is not big enough for rarepairs to be common, so i have not really seen any random ships with him. that being said. i do not like kell/rhy or kell/rhy/alucard, for obvious reasons, though i have stumbled upon it on ao3 before
25 - when do you think they acted most ooc: this is a hard one, probably when he inadvertently convinced king george iii that he could fly. it is the sort of trick kell would pull on someone from grey london that he disliked, but he was fond of george, and putting someone unstable in a dangerous position, especially when he cared about them, is unlike kell. because that man does not care easily, but he cares very deeply.
28 - most unnecessary thing they ever did: discounting the whole 'kay' thing in threads, because i have only read it once and do not have access to the book right now to elaborate accurately, throwing holland's body into black london. logically, i understand it. emotionally, it was uncalled for, and if he hadn't done that, osaron never would have been set free, and he wouldn't have suffered the issues with his magic post-acol. he said the man had suffered enough and then sent his mutilated body to faux-hell. holland did not deserve that.
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