#kelly blatz
lovecatnip · 2 months
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Simon Says
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clarkkantagain · 3 months
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kelly blatz and kj apa
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jessafallon · 1 year
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therealmrpositive · 2 months
Prom Night (2008)
In today's review, I race against the clock for the most killer prom night ever. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2008 remake of Prom Night. #BrittanySnow #ScottPorter #JessicaStroup #DanaDavis #CollinsPennie #KellyBlatz #JamesRansone #BrianneDavis
You don’t need me to tell you that modern life can be terrifying with its deadlines, pressures, and potential stalkers. Typically, these challenges don’t all happen simultaneously, but if they did, it would feel like a perfect storm of anxiety and uncertainty, perfect for a potential slasher film. In 2008, a film successfully rebooted a franchise to confront the terrors of the modern world, ones…
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Loren & Rose, from Wise Lars, LLC, presents a story of an unusual friendship between a budding director and an aging actress who, influenced by worlds beyond his frame, passes on the wisdom of her life.
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yanxidarlings · 5 months
because i took a break from ftwd at season 3 and i'm not confident enough to write for twd yet but i want angst and misery and want i it now
to refresh your memory the "bromigos" are brandon's group (brandon luke, derek, james mcallister, chris manawa) from season 2 that got chris killed. What can I say I like POS minor characters 🤡
BUT let's just say, hypothetically, instead of putting James down, they chuck him in the back of the truck and jus say "if he bleeds out he bleeds out if he doesn't he doesn't", but chris still crashes the truck and darling is there to prevent everyone's deaths 😮
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• maybe the darling had followed travis and chris from madison's group or maybe they were apart of brandon's group. heck, they could even have been staying with the mexican guy at the farm. either way, they convince the others to spare the bullet and let nature take it's course with james.
• so the group packs up the truck and sets off. eventually chris gets his turn driving and that's when it all goes to shit. the vehicle smashes in a tree, flipping on it's side in the process, brandon and derek get out with pretty minor injuries, cuts to the head and a sprained wrist.
• james and chris on the other hand are doing pretty bad. on with shards of glass in his leg and the bone sticking out, the other with his gunshot wound worsened by the impact. the darling came out with a small concussion, having been in the back with james.
"look at them!, they're as good as dead. they'll be nothing but extra weight on us" brandon pointed his shotgun at james's head, ignoring the others plea's for mercy. m/n shot the other a sharp glare, raising his brows "oh. i get it" he sighed, lowering his pistol, "so if you were also injured you would hold up the same principle?"
"i'm not injured and since when have you been in char-" BANG. before brandon could finish his sentance, a loud crack sounded. and he was on the ground, his calf now covered in blood. "what the fuck man" "oh look there, derek, he's deadweight now, should we put him down?" m/n quipped, turning towards the only other uninjured member of the group, who was staring at him wide-eyed.
• shooting brandon might not have been the best decision in the long run, as walkers were slowly making their way towards the scene. derek was forced to help james and brandon hobble their way back to the farm - or the closest functioning vehicle. whilst m/n found a piece of tarp and dragged chris along on it.
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• out of all of them, brandon hated m/n the most. who does he think he is? but he was also kind of weirdly attracted to the guy. if they weren't in the middle of an apocalypse he'd never even consider what he was nor would he find another male attractive. he'd used to make fun of the gay kids in highschool!
• but it's not like there are many options these days. at some point he tells the reader this, but all that came out of it was a concussion from the slap he received.
• his growing fondness evolved into obsession as the weeks go by and he begins to realise how much of an asset to the group the reader really is. he's the kind of person that would survive and thrive in this world, so much so that other survivors are going to want to steal him away from the group. like hell brandons going to let that happen.
• he used to think the other three were a bunch of gay sissy's, but now he too constantly grills the reader when he tries to go on runs, spends too much time alone or interacts with another survivor.
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• after the whole crash fiasco, derek is straight up terrified of m/n. and is of the belief that he would belong in a mental hospital if society hadn't collapsed. as the only other uninjured member of the group, he's forced to take up alot of the slack. he goes on runs with and helps m/n secure the farm, he believes he's much closer to the reader because of this. which is what kickstarts his obsession.
• derek is under the belief that he's m/n's favourite of the group, otherwise he would have shot him as well, right? he does some mental gymnastics which arrive him at the assumption that m/n is definitely into him.
• wouldn't usually be his thing but nor would shooting people. the apocalypse changes you. so he kinda just starts.. acting like he's much closer to the reader than he actually is. mf takes his shirt off whilst on a run, thinking he's doing m/n a service.
• "put a shirt on" "it's boiling out here bro" "you might as well write walker bait on there"
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• honestly james was into m/n after one look. it only got worse when he was saved from being put down twice. like derek he is fully under the impression that the reader is into him. but is much less subtle (if you could call derek's approach subtle).
• whenever m/n is attending to his wound, james is shamelessly flirting. and then he wonders why the reader is being less gentle when reapplying the gauze. he exaggerates his condition to the reader and is constantly demanding something "you couldn't look for something to drink when your out there? i'd share some with you ;)"
• when his injury starts to heal he only comes on more strong; unprompted 'bro hugs' (m/n could probably press charges), jumping on m/n during the middle of the night (and getting mistaken for a walker 😵), 'sharing' a piece of chocolate m/n brought him (the busted lip took two weeks to heal)
• but he takes it all in relative stride, and thinks m/n has some underlying psychological issues that need to be addressed.
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• chris thinks m/n should have just killed the other three so it could just be the two of them. he hates sharing the readers attention with literally anything and anyone. but he's not exactly in a position to get rid of them, as the most injured out of the bunch.
• whilst he starts off as just possessive, as he gets more mobile and more obsessed with the darling, he becomes overwhelmingly violent. towards the others, towards the darling. he can't stand being rejected, and whilst the other three kind of just laugh the readers blatant disgust with their advances off, chris won't stand for it.
• "do you think your better than me?" chris jumps to the worst conclusions when m/n won't lay next to him, ect. you're planning on abandoning me just like my dad did, you're just using me to find your family, you're a sadistic piece of shit. he swings between shyly and violently affectionate, leaving m/n on the edge.
• out of all of them, chris is the quickest to go full-blown yandere. like brandon he becomes abhorrently possessive of m/n, knowing that there are probably better options out there for him.
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• the only thing that keeps them, or chris and brandon, from killing everyone else in the group, is the knowledge that they have an advantage in numbers. brandon is well aware m/n could probably kill him 1 v 1 but 4 v 1 and m/n's chances of escaping are pretty slim.
• but just because they have silently agreed not to kill each other does not mean they have an active agreement. sure if they catch m/n trying to escape they'll break his arm but does anyone have a specific day they get to spend with him and is there any official relationship between m/n and any of them? not that m/n knows of.
• but it's not like any of them take no for an answer, no matter how many times they come onto him and get wrecked rejected they just go back stronger the next time. as a bunch of hormonal young men in the middle of mexico with no one else in sight the reader is kind of fucked here.
• now is the reader in any particular danger with this group? just a lil bit. nowhere near as much as other survivors they come across are. doesn't matter if m/n is compassionate and offers to take them in, he'll find them as walkers in the barn the next day.
• BUT on the brightside when it comes to decision making for the groups well being, you, dear reader, have the final say. they reluctantly recognise that they owe their livelihood to the reader for knowing a questionable amount of survival knowledge.
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brian-in-finance · 11 months
The 10 Best Caitriona Balfe Movies and TV Shows, Ranked
With her starring role as Claire on the hit fantasy romance series Outlander, Irish actress Caitríona Balfe has become one of the biggest leading ladies in television. Despite her stardom though, Balfe has been careful with her roles, with IMDb listing just 17 acting credits to her name across a career though, to be fair, it doesn't count some of her earliest short film roles nor her blink-and-you-miss-it appearance in the hit fashion comedy The Devil Wears Prada.
The approach has undeniably been one of quality over quantity though, with Balfe's filmography including two Oscar-winning pictures, underrated animated gems, and supporting parts in major blockbusters alongside some of Hollywood's biggest names. These 10 films and television series present as the best projects the actress has been involved with over her career thus far.
🔟 Angela's Christmas Wish (2020)
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Image: Netflix
Throughout her career, Caitríona Balfe has always offered her voice acting to underrated gems of animated cinema. One such example of that is her work on the festive Irish animated film Angela’s Christmas Wish, a sequel to the Emmy-nominated animated short Angela’s Christmas which follows a young girl’s hopes to reunite her family, especially her father working in Australia.
The quaint picture boasted a war-hearted charm which made it an adorable family Christmas picture which, at just 47 minutes long, was easy for young viewers to embrace. Balfe’s role was a minor one as the mother of one of the protagonist’s friends, but she was able to use her natural Irish accent.
9️⃣ Now You See Me (2013)
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Photo: Lionsgate
A magician heist movie with a modern spin on the steal from the rich and give to the poor narrative, Now You See Me became a fan favorite film of 2013. It follows the performative magician troupe ‘The Four Horseman’ and the FBI and Interpol agents trying to uncover how they are able to steal money from major banks to give to the audience as part of the show.
Michael Caine plays the Four Horseman’s wealthy sponsor with Caitriona Balfe playing his young wife. Sadly, the role didn’t give Balfe a huge chance to make much of an impact, but it did get the actress on screen alongside some of Hollywood’s biggest names before her career took off with Outlander.
8️⃣ Lost Angeles (2012)
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Photo: Burgandy Films
An indie comedy-drama focusing on the whirlwind that life can be in the city of Los Angeles, Lost Angeles was the first feature length film to give Balfe a real chance to showcase her acting talents. The film follows homeless ex-con as he is released from prison and moves to L.A. where he claims to be a legitimate photographer to get work.
As Jared (Kelly Blatz) becomes embroiled in the sleazy underbelly of celebrity stardom, the film takes on a grittier tone, one that Balfe was well suited to with her minor role as Veronique. The film was directed by acclaimed cinematographer Phedon Papamichael.
7️⃣ Super 8 (2011)
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Image: Paramount Pictures
Released in 2011, J.J. Abrams’ sci-fi thriller is something of an overlooked gem in his blockbuster filmography. Set in 1979, it follows a group of kids using a super 8 camera to film a zombie film when they accidentally capture a terrible train crash on film only to discover it may not have been an accident as strange things start happening around town.
With the aura of the summer blockbuster hits from Steven Spielberg’s early days, Super 8 excelled as an effects-driven action spectacle, but it found its true brilliance in its quieter, more dramatic notes. Despite only appearing in flashbacks and photos, Caitríona Balfe had a huge emotional impact on the film as the recently deceased mother of one of the kid's, and the late wife of the town's Deputy Sheriff.
6️⃣ Escape Plan (2013)
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Photo: Lionsgate
Yet another minor role before her career erupted, Escape Plan featured Balfe in the small but important part of Jessica Miller, the CIA operative who hires renowned jail breaker Ray Breslin (Sylvester Stallone) to escape from a top-secret maximum-security prison. The majority of the film follows Breslin as he befriends fellow inmate Emil Rottmayer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and plots his escape.
Eventually it is revealed that Rottmayer is Jessica Miller’s father, and she hired Breslin to mastermind his escape. The film has achieved a certain cult classic status and gave Balfe a meaningful supporting role alongside two of the biggest names in Hollywood history.
5️⃣ Money Monster (2016)
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Photo: Sony Pictures Releasing
Directed by Jodie Foster, Money Monster was a compact thriller which followed the host of a financial television show as he and the crew are held hostage by an outraged investor. The true villain of the film turns out to be Walt Camby (Dominic West), a CEO whose manipulation of a trading algorithm for self-gain was what resulted in the financial crisis of the young gunman and many others around the world.
Catriona Balfe portrays Camby’s chief communications officer who proves to be the underlying hero of the film, using her inside information on Camby to investigate his wrongdoing and reveal the truth. The socioeconomic themes gave the film a distinct modern punch, one which thrived off the back of its impressive cast.
4️⃣ The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)
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Photo: Netflix
One of the most eclectic and underrated projects Balfe has bene involved with is Netflix's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, a miniseries which served as a prequel to the 1982 cult classic film The Dark Crystal. Like the 82 movie, Age of Resistance used puppetry to tell the story, focusing on a band of Gelflings who seek to unite the clans of their people to stand against the Skeksis and save their home world.
Balfe voiced Tavra, a Paladin warrior and Princess of the Vapra Clan who often has to serve as the peacekeeper between her two stubborn sisters. Balfe played the part of the tritagonist well, giving her a composed presence which stood out amid an A-list cast of voice talent.
3️⃣ Ford v Ferrari (2019)
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Photo: Twentieth Century Fox
A racing drama focusing on Ford’s efforts to beat Ferrari at the 24 hours of Le Mans race, Ford v Ferrari became a major hit on its way to winning two Academy Awards. It predominantly follows the relationship between Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon), an American car designer, and Ken Miles (Christian Bale), a temperamental British driver.
Balfe’s supporting role sees her portray Mollie Miles, Ken’s no-nonsense yet devoted wife ever supportive of her husband. Admittedly, it would have been great to see Balfe get more of a chance to display the agonizing angst that goes into loving someone involved in such a dangerous sport, but she plays the supporting part to a tee, becoming a major reason why the hot-headed Ken was so accessible to audiences.
2️⃣ Outlander (2014-)
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Photo: Starz
A centuries-spanning romantic epic loaded with fantasy wonder and historical grandiosity, Outlander has become one of the biggest television series of the 2010s and early 2020s. Based on Diana Gabaldon's best-selling novels, it follows a military nurse in WWII who is swept back in time to 1743 where she meets and falls in love with a Scottish Highland warrior, documenting their adventures across the world and through time.
Starring alongside Sam Heughan, the role of Claire Randall shot Balfe to international stardom, making her a household name for fantasy fans while seeing her win numerous British television awards. The penultimate seventh season of Outlander is currently airing on Starz.
1️⃣ Belfast (2021)
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Photo: Focus Features
Irish cinema has been thriving lately, with 2021’s Oscar-winning hit Belfast one of the best dramas in recent years. The semi-autobiographical coming-of-age film from Kenneth Branagh takes place amid the tumult of 1960s Belfast, following a nine-year-old boy’s childhood experiences and reactions to the rising tensions around him.
Balfe portrays the boy’s mother, a hard-working and steadfast woman who, with help from her in-laws, looks after her two sons while her husband has to work long stints in England. Balfe was exceptional throughout the film, playing the role with a grounded, weighted power with her scene on the bus particularly unforgettable, highlighting Balfe's raw and heartbreaking performance.
Remember… a tritagonist* is ���the person who is third in importance, after the protagonist and deuteragonist, in an ancient Greek drama.” Oxford Dictionary of English
*Tavra, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
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lorenandrosemovie · 10 months
Loren (Kelly Blatz), a young filmmaker, dines at a restaurant with Rose (Jacqueline Bisset), at a restaurant to discuss a role for her in his next film. Over the course of six years of meeting at the same restaurant, their friendship blossoms.
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magxit · 11 months
Would that be awkward with Blake? Did they date when they filmed GG?
She dated Penn for 3 years or something like that. Then Leo then Ryan. Leo was like her one wild ride on crazy train which is hilarious if you think about it because now Leo is fucking around with Gigi.
Kelly Blatz (2004 – 2007) The two dated for three years. ...
Penn Badgley (2008 – 2010) Blake Lively and Penn Badgley appeared on "Gossip Girl" together. ...
Leonardo DiCaprio (May 2011 – September 2011)
Ryan Reynolds 2011- present.
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todaynowreport · 1 year
'Loren & Rose' Interview: Jacqueline Bisset
Opening in theaters on June 23rd is the new film ‘Loren & Rose,’ which was written and directed by Russell Brown (‘The Blue Tooth Virgin’). What is the plot of ‘Loren & Rose’? ‘Loren & Rose’ revolves around Rose (Jacqueline Bisset), a legendary actress trying to revive her career. Loren (Kelly Blatz) is a promising filmmaker. Over the course of their many encounters, a deep friendship evolves as…
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme A Corrida da Superação Online fácil
Assistir Filme A Corrida da Superação Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/a-corrida-da-superacao/
A Corrida da Superação - Filmes Online Fácil
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Drew Jacobs (Kelly Blatz) é um adolescente marginalizado que procura desesperadamente por uma saída, para não fazer as escolhas erradas na vida, como seu irmão Wes (Cam Gigandet). Seu destino acaba se cruzando com o de um velho e recluso treinador de atletismo Coleman (Richard Jenkins), que vive zangado com o mundo ao redor. Uma inesperada ligação se forma entre os dois e, com muita dificuldade, eles devem juntar forças para salvar um ao outro. Mas uma tragédia pode afetar o plano dos dois.
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newzzwired · 1 year
Here's Who 48 People Dated Before Their Iconic Relationships
Here’s Who 48 People Dated Before Their Iconic Relationships
1. You’re used to seeing Freddie Prinze Jr. with Sarah Michelle Gellar, but before SMG, Freddie was with Kimberly McCullough: 2. And before Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar was with Jerry O’Connell: 3. You’re used to seeing Blake Lively with Ryan Reynolds, but before Ryan, Blake was with Kelly Blatz: 4. And before Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds was with Alanis Morissette: 5. You’re used…
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ramascreen · 2 years
Eric Dane Joins KJ Apa In Motorcycle Racing Film ‘ONE FAST MOVE'
Eric Dane Joins KJ Apa In Motorcycle Racing Film ‘ONE FAST MOVE’
Gulfstream Pictures in association with Luber Roklin Entertainment has set Eric Dane to join K.J. Apa in the motorcycle racing film ONE FAST MOVE, written and directed by multi-hyphenate Kelly Blatz. Mike Karz and Bill Bindley are producing through their Gulfstream Pictures in association with Matt Luber and Lena Roklin of Luber Roklin Entertainment. Gulfstream is fully financing the film. The…
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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beautifulballad · 2 years
KJ Apa Set To Lead New Action Flick, One Fast Move
KJ Apa Set To Lead New Action Flick, One Fast Move
KJ Apa has landed a new role! The young actor is set to star in One Fast Move from writer and director Kelly Blatz. According to Deadline, this new film follows “…a dishonorably discharged soldier (Apa), who seeks out his estranged father to help him pursue his dream of racing Supersport motorcycles. While training, he meets a small-town aspiring singer who begins to break down the walls his…
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shrooomp · 4 years
skyrunners and minutemen,,,,, underrated legends
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