#james mcallister
yanxidarlings · 9 months
because i took a break from ftwd at season 3 and i'm not confident enough to write for twd yet but i want angst and misery and want i it now
to refresh your memory the "bromigos" are brandon's group (brandon luke, derek, james mcallister, chris manawa) from season 2 that got chris killed. What can I say I like POS minor characters 🤡
BUT let's just say, hypothetically, instead of putting James down, they chuck him in the back of the truck and jus say "if he bleeds out he bleeds out if he doesn't he doesn't", but chris still crashes the truck and darling is there to prevent everyone's deaths 😮
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• maybe the darling had followed travis and chris from madison's group or maybe they were apart of brandon's group. heck, they could even have been staying with the mexican guy at the farm. either way, they convince the others to spare the bullet and let nature take it's course with james.
• so the group packs up the truck and sets off. eventually chris gets his turn driving and that's when it all goes to shit. the vehicle smashes in a tree, flipping on it's side in the process, brandon and derek get out with pretty minor injuries, cuts to the head and a sprained wrist.
• james and chris on the other hand are doing pretty bad. on with shards of glass in his leg and the bone sticking out, the other with his gunshot wound worsened by the impact. the darling came out with a small concussion, having been in the back with james.
"look at them!, they're as good as dead. they'll be nothing but extra weight on us" brandon pointed his shotgun at james's head, ignoring the others plea's for mercy. m/n shot the other a sharp glare, raising his brows "oh. i get it" he sighed, lowering his pistol, "so if you were also injured you would hold up the same principle?"
"i'm not injured and since when have you been in char-" BANG. before brandon could finish his sentance, a loud crack sounded. and he was on the ground, his calf now covered in blood. "what the fuck man" "oh look there, derek, he's deadweight now, should we put him down?" m/n quipped, turning towards the only other uninjured member of the group, who was staring at him wide-eyed.
• shooting brandon might not have been the best decision in the long run, as walkers were slowly making their way towards the scene. derek was forced to help james and brandon hobble their way back to the farm - or the closest functioning vehicle. whilst m/n found a piece of tarp and dragged chris along on it.
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• out of all of them, brandon hated m/n the most. who does he think he is? but he was also kind of weirdly attracted to the guy. if they weren't in the middle of an apocalypse he'd never even consider what he was nor would he find another male attractive. he'd used to make fun of the gay kids in highschool!
• but it's not like there are many options these days. at some point he tells the reader this, but all that came out of it was a concussion from the slap he received.
• his growing fondness evolved into obsession as the weeks go by and he begins to realise how much of an asset to the group the reader really is. he's the kind of person that would survive and thrive in this world, so much so that other survivors are going to want to steal him away from the group. like hell brandons going to let that happen.
• he used to think the other three were a bunch of gay sissy's, but now he too constantly grills the reader when he tries to go on runs, spends too much time alone or interacts with another survivor.
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• after the whole crash fiasco, derek is straight up terrified of m/n. and is of the belief that he would belong in a mental hospital if society hadn't collapsed. as the only other uninjured member of the group, he's forced to take up alot of the slack. he goes on runs with and helps m/n secure the farm, he believes he's much closer to the reader because of this. which is what kickstarts his obsession.
• derek is under the belief that he's m/n's favourite of the group, otherwise he would have shot him as well, right? he does some mental gymnastics which arrive him at the assumption that m/n is definitely into him.
• wouldn't usually be his thing but nor would shooting people. the apocalypse changes you. so he kinda just starts.. acting like he's much closer to the reader than he actually is. mf takes his shirt off whilst on a run, thinking he's doing m/n a service.
• "put a shirt on" "it's boiling out here bro" "you might as well write walker bait on there"
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• honestly james was into m/n after one look. it only got worse when he was saved from being put down twice. like derek he is fully under the impression that the reader is into him. but is much less subtle (if you could call derek's approach subtle).
• whenever m/n is attending to his wound, james is shamelessly flirting. and then he wonders why the reader is being less gentle when reapplying the gauze. he exaggerates his condition to the reader and is constantly demanding something "you couldn't look for something to drink when your out there? i'd share some with you ;)"
• when his injury starts to heal he only comes on more strong; unprompted 'bro hugs' (m/n could probably press charges), jumping on m/n during the middle of the night (and getting mistaken for a walker 😵), 'sharing' a piece of chocolate m/n brought him (the busted lip took two weeks to heal)
• but he takes it all in relative stride, and thinks m/n has some underlying psychological issues that need to be addressed.
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• chris thinks m/n should have just killed the other three so it could just be the two of them. he hates sharing the readers attention with literally anything and anyone. but he's not exactly in a position to get rid of them, as the most injured out of the bunch.
• whilst he starts off as just possessive, as he gets more mobile and more obsessed with the darling, he becomes overwhelmingly violent. towards the others, towards the darling. he can't stand being rejected, and whilst the other three kind of just laugh the readers blatant disgust with their advances off, chris won't stand for it.
• "do you think your better than me?" chris jumps to the worst conclusions when m/n won't lay next to him, ect. you're planning on abandoning me just like my dad did, you're just using me to find your family, you're a sadistic piece of shit. he swings between shyly and violently affectionate, leaving m/n on the edge.
• out of all of them, chris is the quickest to go full-blown yandere. like brandon he becomes abhorrently possessive of m/n, knowing that there are probably better options out there for him.
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• the only thing that keeps them, or chris and brandon, from killing everyone else in the group, is the knowledge that they have an advantage in numbers. brandon is well aware m/n could probably kill him 1 v 1 but 4 v 1 and m/n's chances of escaping are pretty slim.
• but just because they have silently agreed not to kill each other does not mean they have an active agreement. sure if they catch m/n trying to escape they'll break his arm but does anyone have a specific day they get to spend with him and is there any official relationship between m/n and any of them? not that m/n knows of.
• but it's not like any of them take no for an answer, no matter how many times they come onto him and get wrecked rejected they just go back stronger the next time. as a bunch of hormonal young men in the middle of mexico with no one else in sight the reader is kind of fucked here.
• now is the reader in any particular danger with this group? just a lil bit. nowhere near as much as other survivors they come across are. doesn't matter if m/n is compassionate and offers to take them in, he'll find them as walkers in the barn the next day.
• BUT on the brightside when it comes to decision making for the groups well being, you, dear reader, have the final say. they reluctantly recognise that they owe their livelihood to the reader for knowing a questionable amount of survival knowledge.
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prattery · 2 years
tides by sufjan stevens et al is exactly what i imagine the ambient music in a space spa would sound like
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ash5monster01 · 19 days
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finally that time of year 🍂🤍
Dead Poets Society (1989)
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devilledeggz · 3 months
your honor, yes i did know they were doomed by the narrative, however i was not prepared for them to actually get Doomed
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On a daily basis we’re being reminded that many people are horrible (genocide, war, bigotry, austerity etc.)
However, I think a lot of people (particularly committed lefties) want to counter the awfulness of the status quo and the sectarianism of internet communities by being extra caring and forgiving.
I see you and I really appreciate it, but I feel need to caution you. Be careful not to overstimulate yourself and burn yourself out. Non-stop 24/7 solidarity work is rarely sustainable. Keep in mind that there’s plenty of meaningful & offline things you can do to chip away at the inhumanity of our society without maxing out your capacity or energy.
As for the forgiveness part, be careful not to allow people back in before they have shown to be better. Remember it’s not the intentions but the actions that count. Also, please keep in mind that people with seemingly empathetic politics are not necessarily empathetic people (this is especially true for influencers and content creators).
It’s outcomes that matter. If people that have hurt others can’t seem to face up to that fact without making excuses and/or are way more focused on restoring their previous status then they can’t be trusted. (e.g. James Somerton, Sophie from Mars). I get wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt, but you should look at their actions first if you don’t want to be manipulated. This is especially important when the harm was done to a third party and you have to decide between believing the victims or protecting your (irl or parasocial) relationship.
So, to conclude: Don’t be a martyr, hurting yourself helps nobody longterm. And don’t be a mark. There’s plenty of dangerous people using the politics of kindness to whitewash their misdeeds. Keep in mind to focus on actual behaviour rather than the promise of improvement or remorse.
Be caring, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.
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masterj · 2 months
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I'll be out doing stuff with family so I probably won't be as active for the next few days.
Also just reclarifying if any of you guys are willling to ask me stuff feel free to do so, I'll respond as soon as I can 😊😊😊
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jasontoddinorder · 20 days
Detective Comics #579: The Crime Doctor's Crimson Clinic
Released: October 1987 Story: Mike W. Barr Art: Norm Breyfogle Lettering: John Costanza Colors: Julianna Ferriter Editing: Dennis O'Neil
Note: This comic hasn't been uploaded to dcuniverseinfinite.com so I don't have screenshots this time, just a link to a website that has the comic. I highly recommend using adblock for this one. Also, the continuity is a bit confusing in this one as it references past comics before this version of Jason's debut
Read Here
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Disillusion - Bios
Becky Boxleitner - aka - Lady Corva: From that day on, Becky became a new type of person. She became the anti-hero Lady Corva. Her illusion of heroes shattered, especially when some of that corrupt hero's PR people tried to pay her dad off for silence. (They refused the money and left the city, no intention of returning.) She has a hatred and distrust for older heroes and pity for up and coming ones (Like Rex). As Lady Corva - Becky doesn't interfere with villain schemes. She rather just keeps civilians out of harms way. If the police come knocking or any hero comes around to stop the villain, she makes their jobs that much harder with her powers, skills, and tech her dad designed for her. She would often help villains with their crimes, making the getaway's easier, as long as people don't get hurt (unless those people are jerks). In her civilian life, Becky is still friendly and outgoing with her close friends Violet, Scoops, Victoria, Tobey, Rose, and Eileen. Otherwise she does not try to actively make friends and is only respectful and polite to people when they treat her and her family and friends well. She is warm with the Botsford family because why not. TJ has the International Lady Corva Fan Club. Instead of Art class, Becky takes gymnastics and fencing to help sharpen her skills. She does not solely rely on her powers in battle in this au. She has a pet crow named Rapier. Her aunt found the guy alone and abandoned on her way to visit her brother and niece in Fair City. The crow became Becky's pet. It was discovered by Steven that the poor crow was a result of an abandoned genetics experiment. Rapier has better eyesight and speed than an average crow and can live for a very long time. Rapier's secret identity Plague Hunter. This crow eats bugs and berries. Including some spiders. Steven - Dr. Two Brains: Still becomes Dr. Two Brains in this au. Although the mad scientist is miffed his arm never grew back. Two Brains: Come on it worked for Kurt Conners. Steven had gotten his arm amputated after the accident. His best friends Tubing and Doohickey helped Steven make his robotic prosthetic arm. Tobey is intrigued and curious to how it works but Two Brains won't let the kid touch it. After his accident, Two Brains repairs his arm by himself mostly. He made a few modifications to get it to resemble a mouse paw. He and Becky are not on opposing sides like in canon or the regular bbau's. Even back when he was Steven, Two Brains made gadgets and tech modifications to help his daughter with her anti-hero side. He still talks to Tubing and Doohickey even afterwards. Lady Corva has a black visor and earpiece to help her dad observe her battles (when he is not committing them), and give her aid and advice as usual. This Two Brains/Steven is not much different from his bbau and canon self. He did become slightly solemn after Becky learned the dark truth about corrupt heroes just because his child was sad now. Becky and her dad are both still sassy people. Squeaky was at first afraid of Rapier because he thought the crow would eat mice, but he calmed down after seeing the crow prefer berries and bugs, including spiders. Squeaky also relates to Rapier about being genetic experiments. Dr. Two Brains is also a practical joker and more relaxed in this au. Note: Don't ask him to give you a hand. Notable changes: - Mousebrain takeover is not that angsty. Two Brains was bored and Squeaky and Lady Corva mostly had friendly chats. Lady Corva felt Squeaky did cross a line when he openly terrorized people because it violated her rule. -Lady Corva was never fooled by Miss Power. -Becky is 12 to 13 when Kid Math comes around. This part is angsty.
-A world without Lady Corva (Wordgirl) - Becky's wish is for Bob to come back and that they never went to that city in the first place. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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regaliasonata · 1 year
I think I have an unhealthy type...
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Clueless men, I love Flynn with that umbrella on his head.
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turianosauruswrex · 1 year
7, 12, 19 for Katya, Jules, Miri?
Thank you so much!!!
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Katya: She's actually changed a LOT. Her original concept was a lot punkier and a lot more in line with her alias' namesake, Bad Grief from Pathologic 2. She was going to be more openly chaotic and lean towards being a good person.
Almost immediately all of that changed LOL. I got in my first session with her and she flipped like a switch: elegant, poised, leaning into the selfish side of chaotic neutral rather than closer to chaotic good. Since I started writing her on my PBP server she's changed even more, though it's more development rather than adjustments: She was in love with her best friend. She doesn't like to be forced into doing anything. She's terrified of both her shadow magic and being aasimar. She would have been great leading the family's crime syndicate. She misses her mother almost painfully.
Jules: Considering her original ending (an incredibly brief and bad consideration LOL) was running to the Divide after winning Hoover Dam for the Legion, and her revised ending was getting crucified outside the Strip, yeah she's changed a bit! She's gotten louder, angrier; she has a chance to do better thanks to @randamhajile and her OC Lex. Does she take it? Ehh. Not always. But she has it, and sometimes it works out.
A lot of it also was Jexis asking me things about her and me pulling stuff out of thin air that sounded right and then reverse engineering why it worked LOL. My favorite thing was making her just a huge science nerd to account for my obsessive completionism in Old World Blues that run, and Jules shutting yet another part of herself down in order to gain Caesar's favor. My other favorite thing was rooting a lot of her reasoning for joining the Legion in her abandonment/daddy issues, and then thusly moving them to project onto Joshua Graham after the fall of the Legion lmao. Thanks Jex.
Miri: Honestly not much! I adjusted her name so that she goes by her middle name instead of her first (it's Nora, to be a little FO4 joke, she hates it, too normie) and I made her look and her fashion, when she's not just copying Cher, actually Chinese instead of it just being a throwaway thing. I haven't yet had the brain power to really dig into what coming from a family of Chinese descent might look like for a character from the NCR but it's certainly on my list of things to do for my Fallout girlies.
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Katya: She's had self-harm problems in the past and she'll drink to forget but her self-destruction mostly comes in the form of isolation and putting up barriers to people caring about her. She thinks she's dangerous and it's better for everyone not to be involved with her. Smash cut to: she has a cousin, an adoptive sister, a partner, friends-- they won't let her isolate herself anymore.
Jules: Haha yeah :) She's like, barely clean of a raging Jet addiction (thanks to Arcade Gannon, RIP their friendship, read about it here), she has irresponsible and unsafe sex, she drinks like a fish, it's a miracle getting shot in the head was only the first time she came so close to death.
Miri: Not really, she's just kinda dumb.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
Katya: She's a very sharp, precision strike kind of rage. She'll be completely fine with one person, and within seconds be dragging a metaphorical knife through the target of her anger. She never takes it out on anyone but the person she's upset with; that, at least, she's got under control. Canonically she's gotten so mad at her scourge aasimar bullshit she's stormed into a temple to scream at god.
Jules: People die. Like, slaughtering Camp Forlorn Hope, launching nukes at the Long 15, people die.
Miri: She's never known rage a day in her life actually. Just terminally chill, this one.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 7 months
Don’t worry about him
Summary: Derek makes a comment about you being too clingy and it upsets you more than you’d like to admit
Word Count: 1.5k
Fluff, kissing, slight self doubt?
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
Reader pov:
“Are you like glued to her? If my girlfriend was that clingy I could not cope, it’s like being suffocated surely!” Derek taunted as he saw me clutching Emily’s hand on the jet. I instantly let my hand fall out of hers as I laugh it off with the rest of the team. He says stuff like this all the time, why does this one kinda hurt? Am I really annoying? Does Emily not like it when I hold her hand? Am I suffocating her?
Emily must’ve seen the slight falter in my features because once everyone was back in their own conversations, talking theories about the case, Emily placed her hand on my thigh and started rubbing it soothingly. I looked up to her already looking at me. Her brown eyes held a sympathetic expression, I gave her a weak smile and placed my hand on hers. I looked away and started listening to the others talking about the case again.
Time skip to when they’re at the local PD:
Emily’s pov:
I realised through the day y/n’s been pulling away from me, being more distant. I swear to god if it’s because of what Morgan. Anyway, we don’t normally have much pda out in the field, or at work because of keeping it professional obviously, but even when I graze my fingers over her back she’s pulling away. It’s not like her at all.
I walk over to where she’s standing looking through evidence and place my hand in hers.
“Hey you okay?” As soon as I finished my sentence her hand was out of mine already.
“Yeah, fine. Why? You okay?” She responded, sounding deflated.
“You don’t sound okay honey, and you keep pulling away from me.” I hold her hand again and this time she keeps hers in mine, that’s progress.
“Yeah I- uh just. Ugh it’s stupid. I’m fine I promise.” She put on a bright smile and stuck her pinky out in my direction, an adorable tradition of hers. I link my pinkie around hers and place a delicate kiss on her forehead.
“Okay, if you say so.” At that moment Derek walks in followed by JJ and Spencer.
“You still at it? You always this clingy y/l/n?” Jesus, read the room Morgan. She let go of my hand once again and hung her head.
“Hey leave her alone, just because you’re single doesn’t mean everyone else has to be miserable!” JJ teased, instantly jumping to y/n’s defence. I give her a look to say thank you as Morgan holds his hands up in defence. Just as he was about to say something else Hotch walked in.
“We have him. Everyone in an SUV now, Garcia sent the name and location to your phones let’s go!”
The drive to the unsubs house was, not awkward, but different. Y/n didn’t even spare me a glance, Derek was in the back so I didn’t dare reach over to try comfort her, he’d just say something again. I love him like a brother but sometimes he’s just so annoying. We begin to slow down and I look and see that we’re already at the place. We all get out of the SUV and make our way to the front, Spencer and Rossi take the back, me and y/n take the front door, Morgan took the left, JJ took the right and Hotch trailed behind in case anyone needed support.
We breached the front door and found the unsub holding a woman with a gun pointed at us.
“FBI! Mike McAllister put the weapon down!” I yelled as we got in his line of sight.
“You don’t wanna do this James, you’d be just like your dad.” Threatened y/n, a good move on her part.
“You take that back!” He screamed at us, his hands shaking trying to keep the gun steady.
“You’re no better than him if you do this. In fact, you’d be exactly what you made him.” The unsub looked between me and y/n after I said this. I glance towards her to make sure she’s okay, she looks back and silently tells me she’s fine.
“Oh, you’re gunna be sorry you ever said that.” The unsub warned through gritted teeth. He looked me dead in the eye, and then pointed the gun at y/n.
Reader pov:
The son of a bitch just shot me. What on earth? I was pushed back by the force of the bullet hitting my chest - that was thankfully covered by my bulletproof vest - winding me slightly.
I looked back at him after I hear another shot ringing through the house a split second after the first one did. The hostage had run to Hotch in the fuss and Emily had pulled the trigger. After confirming he was dead she came back over to me.
“Hey, are you alright?” Emily fussed as she placed her hand on my back, her eyes were darting all over me to check if I was okay.
“I’m okay- yeah I’m good.” I splutter out, still a little out of breath. She gently pulled the bullet shrapnel out of my vest and ushers me outside to go see medical to double check everything.
As we were walking there em kept putting her hand on my but I just kept shrugging her off. I didn’t want to be clingy or needy just because I was mildly injured. Especially since Morgan was walking up to us.
“Damn you okay?” He asked as I sat on the edge of the ambulance.
“Yeah fine, I’m fine.” I say while removing my vest. I could tell Emily wanted nothing more than to hug and comfort me right now but I don’t want to be clingy and rely on her, like Morgan said. Ugh I need to get him out of my head.
Time skip to when Emily and reader are back home after the case
I walk into mine and Emily’s shared apartment and put down my bag. I let out a big sigh and go to walk to the kitchen for a drink when I feel two hands on my waist that hold me back.
“Hey you.” She muttered as she gently pulled me backwards into her. My from now pressed against her back she spoke again, “What’s gotten into you today? You wouldn’t even let me near you after you got shot y/n/n. What’s going on?” She was lightly swaying us side to side as she spoke while leaving featherlight kisses on my neck and shoulder as her head snaked round the side of my own.
I shake her off yet again and turn to face her, “Nothing I’m okay I told you. I just do t want to you know, suffocate you by being clingy. I didn’t want to annoy you at work either so, yeah. Just after what Morgan said. I mean he was probably just being him but, it got me thinking that I probably do suffocate you and I’m really clingy I’m sor-“ It was as if she didn’t even want those two words to come out my mouth because as soon as Emily caught wind of what I was about to say, her hand came up to cup my cheek and pulled me into a sweet, comforting kiss. Our lips moved together and it was like her kiss was the antidote for all the anxiety I’d been feeling all day. As soon as her lips were on mine, I temporarily forgot all about what Derek said and how it got in my head.
My arms snaked around her neck and hers found home around my waist as she pulled me flush against her. She pulled away but just enough so that I could still feel her warm breath dan across my face. “Don’t worry about him. Morgan I mean. He doesn’t mean it, he’s just lonely, believe me. I love it when you grab my hand or lean on me. It’s comforting, for me and i’m assuming you too. My love, being clingy isn’t a bad thing and honestly you’re not even that clingy Derek’s just being a moody man who isn’t getting any. I love you so much honey please don’t let him get to you.” She kisses me again at the end of her speech. A much needed speech, that is, on my behalf.
I pull away and look her in the eye, trying not to stare and get lost. “Thank you em, I really needed that.” She just smiled and mumbled a ‘You’re welcome.’ As I pulled her into a bone crushing hug. My head fell into her shoulder and I mindlessly played with her hair as her hand ran up and down my back.
Screw Morgan’s stupid comments.
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yanxidarlings · 3 months
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romano, belarus, latin america, mongolia
austria, belarus, belgium, bulgaria, denmark, england, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, greenland, hungary, iceland, italy, latvia, liechtenstein, lithuania, netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, prussia, romania, romano, russia, seborga, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, ukraine
china, hong kong, india, indonesia, iran, japan, kazakhstan, macau, malaysia, manchuria, mongolia, north korea, persia, philippines, qatar, saudi arabia, singapore, south korea, taiwan, thailand, tibet, vietnam
argentina, bolivia, brazil, canada, chile, costa rica, cuba, ecuador, el salvador, honduras, mexico, paraguay, peru, puerto rico, united states, uruguay, venezuela
cameroon, chad, egypt, niger
australia, new zealand
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slytherins, cormac, zacharias, anthony
adrian pucey, blaise zabini, draco malfoy, gregory goyle, lorenzo berkshire, marcus flint, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson, terrence higgs, theodore nott, tom riddle
cedric diggory, ernie macmillan, justin finch-fletchley, zacharias smith
anthony goldstein, michael corner, terry boot
cormac mclaggen, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, neville longbottom, ron weasley
rita skeeter, viktor krum
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original series
aaron from alexandria, caesar martinez, carl grimes, daryl dixon, eugene porter, gabriel stokes, gareth from terminus, merle dixon, negan smith, owen the wolf, paul jesus rovia, philip blake, ron anderson, rick grimes, shane walsh, simon the saviour
chris manawa, james mcallister, nick clarke, travis manawa, troy otto, victor strand
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vintagelasvegas · 10 months
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Fremont Hotel, June 1957, with a Ground Observer Corps station on the rooftop (far right). Photo by Las Vegas News Bureau
The hotel, designed by architect William McAllister, was the tallest building in Nevada when it opened in '56. The ground floor casino, mezzanine, and guest rooms were a total of 13 floors. There was a smaller 14th floor which were not guest rooms. Atop the hotel above the 14th floor is a small observation station built for the Ground Observer Corps (G.O.C.), a national defense network of the US Army Air Forces consisting of thousands of lookout stations throughout the nation, manned by civilian volunteers.
The station was, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “designed by McAllister after consulting Air Corps officials in Washington DC and Colorado Springs, home of the Air Force Academy. This lookout station is the finest in the nation and will be used as the pattern for all future specially built G.O.C. stations. This roof-top station will have an unobstructed view of 10 miles in all directions.” (Review-Journal, 5/25/56.)
The G.O.C. program ended in '58, but the outpost remains there as of today. The 14th floor space was converted to guest rooms in '59.
Timeline of Fremont Hotel & Casino
Photos: (1) 1957 by Las Vegas News Bureau. (2-3) Undated, Las Vegas News Bureau, courtesy of Sam Morris. (5-6) 2020s rooftop photos by James Smith, I Grew Up in Vegas. Sources: “Ground Observer Corps Expanding Throughout the U.S.” Review-Journal, 4/26/56; “New Fremont Hotel Glamour Spot.” Review-Journal, 5/25/56; “Ground Observer Corps in New Post Atop Fremont.” Review-Journal, RJ 6/10/56.
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deeptrashwitch · 4 months
Retired Captain William "Artemis" McAllister
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Name: William McAllister (deceased)
Age: 57
Date of birth: 12th june 1960, Boston, Massachusets
Date of death: 8th november 2017, Dallas, TX
Profession: Retired Marine Corps Captain
Height: 1,90 m (6'2 ft)
Weight: 94 kg (after retirement)
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Straight
Languages: English (native), French, Chinese, Italian and Greek
Diana McAllister (wife/now widow)
Maddison McAllister (1st daugther)
James McAllister (1st son)
Nova and Henry McAllister (twins)
-He was a caring man towards his soldiers, and a loving husband and father towards his wife and kids. William was percieved as a mentor by Deepwater and Guardian/Origin, and as a respectful and admirable leader by all the members of the 267.
-During the missions, he was strict and harsh about his orders, always screaming towards the soldiers that decided not to follow his command during it. Also he was as well feared by his abilities and eficiency.
-His nickname, "Artemis", came because of his hellish aim and the fact that he spoke greek. Everyone called him like that since his rookie days and it stood until his retirement and after.
-He met his wife when the Marines helped the FBI on some confidential excercises, they had an...interesting relationship before they become boyfriend and girlfriend.
-As a fun fact, Alicia had something to do with William's family outside the MC (hehe). And the last time they saw each other was in 2015!
-Unfortunately his death cause isn't clear, forensics said that was a heart attack thanks to a clogged arthery. Although, Diana knows that something is off about it, mostly because of William's attitude before he died and what he asked her to keep safe and don't let anyone take it until the right time arrives.
Random Quote:
"I trust you with this, you two. The Task Force will be in good hands" -to Oliver and Alicia the day he left Oliver as Captain and Alicia as Lieutenant
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killingsboys · 9 months
read in 2024!
it's that time again! i loved doing reading threads in 2022 and 2023 so i will definitely be carrying on the tradition this year. as always, you can find me on goodreads and storygraph, and you're always welcome to message me about books!
Check, Please! Book 1: #Hockey by Ngozi Ukazu* (★★★★★)
Check, Please! Book 2: Sticks and Stones by Ngozi Ukazu* (★★★★★)
Check, Please! Chirpbook by Ngozi Ukazu* (★★★★★)
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (★★★★★)
The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert** (★★★★☆)
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng (★★★★★)
None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell (★★★☆☆)
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert (★★★☆☆)
The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
Dream Work by Mary Oliver (★★★★☆)
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson (★★★★☆)
Cain’s Jawbone by E. Powys Mathers
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
You’ve Been Summoned by Lindsey Lamar** (★★☆☆☆)
The Seven Ages by Louise Glück (★★★★☆)
The Last Girl Left by A.M. Strong & Sonya Sargent** (★★★☆☆)
The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Normal People by Sally Rooney (★★★★★)
How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin** (★★★☆☆)
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen (★★☆☆☆)
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (★★★☆☆)
The Drowning Faith by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner (★★★★★)
The Burning God by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
King Lear by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
All These Sunken Souls by assorted authors, edited by Circe Moskowitz (★★★★☆)
The Big Four by Agatha Christie (★★★☆☆)
The Avant-Guards, Vol. 1 by Carly Usdin, Noah Hayes (★★★★☆)
That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton (★★☆☆☆)
The Avant-Guards, Vol. 2 by Carly Usdin, Noah Hayes (★★★★☆)
Jurassic Park by Michael (★★★☆☆)
The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis (★★★☆☆)
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo (★★★★★)
Violeta by Isabel Allende (★★★☆☆)
Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister (★★★★☆)
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (★★★★☆)
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel (★★★★☆)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker (★★★★★)
The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes (★★★★★)
Third Girl by Agatha Christie (★★★☆☆)
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis (★★★☆☆)
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin (★★★★★)
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (★★★★★)
Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis (★★★☆☆)
I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman, translated by Ros Schwartz (★★★★★)
Persuasion by Jane Austen (★★★★★)
V for Vendetta by Alan Moore & David Lloyd (★★★★☆)
What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall (★★★☆☆)
We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I: A Palestinian Memoir by Raja Shehadeh
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie* (★★★★★)
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn (★★★★☆)
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin* (★★★★★)
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi (★★★★☆)
An asterisk (*) indicates a reread. A double asterisk (**) indicates an ARC.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Mousebraingirl AU: Heavy Weapons
Dr. James Jenkins is just filling out some paperwork and notes when Wordman comes flying in with Huggy.
Wordman: Jenkins I need your immediate help to build some tech to take down a supervillain!
Wordman lays blueprints on Jenkins table. As the scientist observes the designs. His eyes widen with shock.
Dr. Jenkins: Holy cow this is some heavy grade a level weaponry you want my help with. Are you about to face off against a dangerous and powerful super villain and need my help to prepare for them?
Wordman: With my super hearing I found out Tobey is going on a rampage with some of his robots at the city park in about a few hours.
Dr. Jenkins: *dumbfounded and bewildered* So is Tobey bringing about 1000 robots to rampage in the city park?
Wordman: No just about 15.
Dr. Jenkins: But Tobey is an inventor who's only abilities are to create giant robots which you have easily stopped before.
Wordman: I know.
Dr. Jenkins: Tobey is an 11 year old kid!
Wordman: Yep.
Dr. Jenkins: Using this type of weaponry on him and his robots might end up injuring the kid badly or worse obliterate him into tiny pieces!
Wordman: Exactly. Tobey committed a grave injustice earlier and he needs to pay for his crimes before he commits anymore.
Dr. Jenkins just stares at him, blinking a bit, before his face shifts to realization than annoyance.
Dr. Jenkins: *deadpan voice* Your upset right now because you caught Tobey flirting with your daughter and the kid somehow secured a date with her. Aren't you?
Huggy just nods in confirmation
Wordman: Look we have not time to chat idly. We need to get those weapons into operation as quickly as possible.
(So Steven found Tobey flirting with Mouse and asking her on a date which she accepted to his horror. He also kissed her goodbye on the cheek.)
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