#kelly severide x kinda oc?
at1nys-blog · 2 years
Dream I had that feel like I shifted pt.1/?
Disclaimer: I know little to nothing about shifting, I never tried to shift before and I don't think I will try it in the near future but sometimes I have such vivid dreams about something and somehow when I tell my friend about it they are like "dude that sounds like shifting the hell?!" So, this morning I had another of those dream and thought why not making a serie where I share those moments? And here I am.
If you don't care and want to spoil yourself the 3x01 of the show do it but again don't come at me with "why did you spoiled me this?" because as I stated before IT IS NOT MY FAULT but yours entirly, now let's get into the dream/shifting moment
Episode 1: Big Brother Kelly Severide
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I was minding my business in front of the Fire Station 51 waiting for Kelly, the man needed some sense slapped into him and today was that day. No one was able to bring him back to reality since Shay's death so Herman and the rest of the fire house came to me for some help.
I checked the time hoping the end of Kelly's shift was coming soon enought for me to have the time to talk to him and then go carry on with my original plan, when a car sprints to me almost hitting me. My fisrt reaction? Shock, what the fuck was happening? Who on earth would hit me out of the blue? Then when I saw Hermann getting of the car I wished nothing but to scream at him.
-I know, I'm sorry. Hop on we have to go.- he tells me and looking inside the car I see there is no space for me. -Oh come on, is not like the police is gonna stop me. Get in.-
-Herman you called it. If the police stops us you need to give me 100$ or let me drink for free for an entire month.- he rolls his eyes and agrees to the little bet. Once in the car I greet Cindy and the kids and then we drive off of somewhere anonimous to me.
During the whole drive I get lost looking outside the window, noticing a very amazing but unfamiliar scenery. The tall trees and all that greenary getting all my attention until we stop and Hermann basically screams at us to get off.
-Cindy one of this days he is gonna loose his voice and we all can be blassed.-she laughes and follows the direction her husband just gave us, and so I did as well.
The firefighter points at an entrance telling me to go in first and once I'm in I see Boden playing chess or something of that sort, I can't really tell since other firefighters are hiding my visual to their game.
-Hello guys.-I say getting the men attention and when the Chief of the 51 sees me his eyes sparkle and his smile is so big that I thought I never saw him smiling that much.
-Oh my God, what are you doing here?- he asked me after giving me a bone cracking hug.
-You know, I was walking by and decided to pay you a visit.- I joked making averyone in the room laughing a little bit. Me and Boden strated talking about nothing in particular to be honest, just some small talks that's it, until Hermann came as well and told me to go and talk with Kelly, who was in the room next door.
-Listen talk to him about everything but keep Shay out the conversation. I just did and it was horrible.- I salute him responding with a mocking "got it sir".
Entering the room I see the man I consider my big brother being someone I never saw before since I meet him, he looks kinda pathetic but I understand he just lost his best friend. I make him notice I'm there as well and when he turns around his face is picturing something completely different from what I imagined but something inside me knew the reason why he was doing that: keep me away from comforting him.
-Why are you here?-he asked confused but happy or so I hope to see me
-I think you are deaf I just explained this to Boden.- I started joking. -I was just passing by- I repeated and he laughed as well what a nice occurance after the incident. -Now what were you doing here all alone?-
-You know same old things. Ehy look what I found?.- he shows me a cassette and I know is a video he and Shay made when they went to live together. My first thought was to tell him to avoid to see it now but honestly? Now was better than later.
-Show me.- I say, he grabs my hand and makes me take a seat on the couch while he inserts the cassette and then gets under the blanket next to me. -Ehy, before you press play I have something to tell you. I hope you know Shay wouldn't like how you are dealing with it, am I right?- he just nodds and press play.
Watching that tape with him was funny and a little bit healing for the man and I'm happy for him. He nedded that and I think me being with him during this process was what he nedded as well.
-I know, about you said before. You are right but I don't know if I can do this alone.-
-You have Casey, your man and everyone at 51. You also have me to relay on so don't worry, you are not alone.-
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
Believe Me
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Characters: Severide!Sister, Kelly Severide, OC, Matt Casey, Squad 3, Chief Boden
Word Count: 5377
Warnings: injury mention, swearing, manipulative behaviour
Requested By Anon: Could you do a Kelly x SquadFF!Sister. Kelly’s new girlfriend doesn’t like his sister. Kelly doesn’t notice this and wants them to be friends. His sister try’s for Kelly but when he’s not around or not looking the girlfriend is a b****. When the sister mentions it to Kelly, he brushes her off basically saying she’s imagining things. One day Kelly is with his gf and he gets a call something has happened to the sister (minor emergency, nothing crazy unless that’s what you’re feeling) and when he tells his gf he’s gotta go she gets mad and basically gives him the “its me or her” speech and he breaks up with her on the spot.
I know it’s kinda long and specific but feel free to change anything you want! All I ask is that if you do write this, can you please make the reader (sister) very not dramatic. Like she tries not make a big deal out of it even though it bothers her. Also big fan of badass women… just saying. 😉
The past 24 hours had been one of the most taxing shifts in a good while, Squad had been called to back-to-back long, complicated, rescues which had left you feeling pretty zonked and somewhat deflated, in need of a recharge. However, other than a deeply satisfying and long sleep, you had personal matters that required your attention. One such matter was that you would be meeting Kelly, your big brother and Squad Lieutenant, for drinks at Molly’s. This wasn’t just a hang-out that you could call off, however, as tonight you’d be meeting his new girlfriend, Olivia.
You tried your best to be supportive of Kelly and his romantic endeavours, you knew that your brother had a heart of gold and always went in with the best intentions. Yet, you also knew he had emotional baggage that he was yet to face full on, and although you and he would talk about anything and everything, it was still down to him to make decisions for himself. So here you were, willing to give Olivia your most polite, undivided attention and see what she was all about, whether Kelly had made a good choice or not remained to be seen. He had seemed really happy of late, and who were you to put a question mark over that?
Arriving at Molly’s your bladder instantly decided that before drinks it would need a visit to the bathroom, so giving your brother a quick wave and Herrmann a salute you headed straight to the restroom. You noted on your walk through that Kelly was alone at the bar, you just figured Olivia hadn’t arrived yet and thought nothing of it. In your brief cloud of thoughts, you didn’t notice someone exiting the bathroom, walking straight into them and snapping yourself out of your musing.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I was totally somewhere else! My bad…” You spoke quickly, apologising profusely as a small embarrassed expression came across your face, smiling to diffuse the annoyance the stranger might feel. 
However, the stranger scoffs, shoving past you as she comments, “For christ’s, just pay attention! What’s wrong with you, are you stupid, bitch?”
Leaving you standing there dumbfounded as it was clearly an accident and you had apologised, there was no need for that kind of venom. Before you can even respond the door to the main bar area swings shut and the stranger is back out into the foray. 
You head to the bathroom for the pee you’d gone for, feeling irritated that you hadn’t had the chance to call that woman out on her nastiness. You were used to stressed out and sometimes volatile people whilst working on Squad, but experiencing that kind of behaviour in a bar really got under your skin.
Washing up and making sure you were presentable for Olivia and Kelly, you head back out into the main area of Molly’s, laughing quietly as Herrmann gives you an encouraging thumbs up on your way back to where Kelly was sitting, now with a woman with long, straight, almost midnight black hair…
You recognised that hair. You had just seen it swishing past you outside the bathrooms. 
“Of course, it would be wouldn’t it.” You exhale in irritation, muttering to yourself as you take the last steps toward Kelly and his companion. Plastering the best smile on your face.
“Kelly.” You wrap a friendly arm around your brother’s shoulder, waiting for him to introduce his new demonic girlfriend.
“Hey! I’m so glad you’re here. Y/N this is Olivia, Olivia this is Y/N.” The lieutenant gestures to the woman beside him, and it’s like looking at a completely different person from minutes ago. Her eyes are softer, less hardened, and a sickly sweet smile greets you - it’s almost shy. She even reaches in to give you a half-hug complete with a pat on the shoulder. You want to laugh in her face, but you don’t show any other emotion other than polite joviality and return the gesture.
“It’s SO amazing to finally meet you, Y/N. Kelly has told me so much about his amazing little sister.” Your eyes do light up a little, not because of Olivia but because Kelly had been talking about you - he had always been so supportive and encouraging of you, he was the reason you fought so hard to get a place on Squad 3 with him. Working with your brother was the dream, and he had let you cut no corners. You were sure that you’d had one of the more gruelling application processes for Squad.
“The same for you, Olivia. It’s really nice to meet you.” You smile as best you can, slotting yourself next to Kelly at the table they’d moved to.
The night was going somewhat successfully, trading work stories, interests and future hopes for trips, experiences and so on, you could feel your irritation from before thawing out… That was until Kelly decided he needed to pee. Something you couldn’t be mad at him for, but desperately wanted to given what happened as a result.
Kelly had left you and Olivia to make small talk, and you had decided that perhaps you had caught her in a bad spot outside the bathroom earlier, choosing to hope that the person you’d been talking to all night was genuinely the kind and the interested person she seemed to be.
“I’ve really enjoyed this tonight, Olivia. It’s so good to see Kelly happy and excited about things other than work.” You smile, sipping at your drink, waiting for some kind of response.
Olivia simply stares at you, an arrogant smirk on her face, she raises an eyebrow.
“You think this is for you? To enjoy tonight? I’m here because your brother wanted me to be, don’t get it twisted. We’re not going to become best friends or fun sisters-in-law or whatever. Kelly’s got a right to have a life away from his little sister hanging off of him at every moment, don’t you think?” 
The words cut into you and you feel your body turn cold, she’s still got a smile on her face for anybody that might look over to the table and see whether Kelly’s sister and his new girlfriend are getting along. You feel the rage bubbling up in your chest, jaw clenched, you really didn’t understand what this woman’s problem was.
“I didn’t… I’m sorry, what have I done to offend you? What happened earlier was an accident, and I know Kelly has his own life, I would never-” The sound of her grating laughter cuts through the air, and you have no idea what’s going on until you feel Kelly return beside you.
“Kel, Y/N was just telling me stories from when you were kids.” She grins, giving him the doe eyes as you sit dumbfounded. 
“Is that so, huh? Nothing too embarrassing, I hope.” Kelly turns to you, and you realise you’re frozen in incredulity. Seconds pass by, and your brain kicks back in, shoving out your best half-hearted laugh and smile. “Nothing too embarrassing, just the highlights” You jest, but really you just want to throw the rest of your drink in Olivia’s face. Your enthusiasm doesn’t quite land, Kelly gives you a weird look, but he figures you’re tired just like he is from the previous shift. 
“Sorry, it's my turn to pee.” You mumble,  as you get up and make a beeline for the bathroom, your emotions surging through your body, ready to spill out in either tears or a temper.
You shove your way into the restroom, immediately turning on the cold tap to splash some water onto your face, blinking back the angry drops that push their way past your eyelashes. Fist clenched against the counter by the sinks. Breathing hard as you try to corral your anger. Being too much of a nuisance, interference or burden on Kelly has long since been your no.1 fear, and you have always tried to let him lead an independent life without relying on him too much as a younger sibling. You thought you’d been doing a good job, in fact, you were certain that you and your big brother had a wonderful dynamic, and yet Olivia’s words had rattled your cage so thoroughly. 
The minutes pass and you’re finding it hard to get yourself back out there, messaging Sylvie to ask if she could make up some sort of excuse about your shared apartment with her, something that would require you to go back and help sort it out.
Just as you think you’ve rallied yourself back together the bathroom door opens, and the last person you want to stand there is watching you with cold eyes. 
“You’re not sulking in here, are you? I was just giving you some adult advice.” Olivia snips, and you want nothing more than to strike your hand across her face. 
You were in your mid-20s, and you had one of the most serious and taxing jobs around, you knew what it meant to be an adult and you were already sick of this witch making you feel small. If Kelly could hear her now… 
“I’m all good thanks, not looking for any extra unsolicited advice.” You bite, this time side-stepping around her to leave the bathroom.
“You’re not running off are you?” She calls out, just as you reach the door back towards the main area again. 
You take long, quick, strides towards Kelly who’s now got Matt for company. You greet the Captain briefly before giving your excuse to leave to Kelly. 
“Hey, Matt… Listen Kel’, I’m so sorry but I gotta dash. Sylvie called and said the showerhead won’t stop running, it’s making a weird sound. I gotta go help her and get hold of the landlord. I’m so sorry for rushing off.” 
Even to your ears, the excuse sounds weak, but Kelly doesn’t show any signs of disbelief, 
“Oh, no sweat. You do what you need to, we can do this again soon, yeah?” Kelly smiles, squeezing your arm. 
“Of course, see you tomorrow. And nice to meet you, Olivia. Bye Matt.” You hurry your goodbyes, only glancing at Olivia who gets to the table as you start to depart, seeking the fresh air and distance from that situation as quickly as possible. Not noticing the curious look Matt gives you as you leave, grateful that he hadn’t offered to go help Sylvie, seeing as fixing things was his forte.
When you get home to Sylvie she’s waiting with some drinks of her own and some snacks, music and a listening ear. You had tried to not let it get to you so much, but in the safety of privacy with one of your dearest friends you felt the angry tears fall. 
“She is so condescending, Sylvie. Jesus Christ… I don’t even know her and yet she’s got under my skin. I have always tried to let Kelly be Kelly and not interfere. And-”
“And what’s changed?” Sylvie queries, eyebrows raised in that big sister, no-bullshit, way.
“What? Nothing’s changed…” 
“Exactly, Y/N. You haven’t changed, you haven’t done anything wrong. You and Kelly are a sibling fortress, and this woman needs to back the hell up if she thinks she can come between you.”
You’re stunned into silence for a moment, this was something you already knew but had let your mind run away from in an evening. You hadn’t done anything wrong, you were there for Kelly always and you hadn’t let your misgivings from tonight get in his way. You had done everything you could to keep the peace for your brother’s sake.
Your eyes filled with “Oh shit” meet Sylvie’s “Uh-huh, I’m right” expression. 
“What do I do, Sylv? I can’t just let her walk all over me, but I don’t want to make a fuss in front of Kelly.”
Sylvie links her arm with yours, “Y/N, listen to me very carefully. If Kelly found out you had let this all happen and kept going, well how do you think he’d feel, hm? What are the chances of him ditching you for a woman he’s known for a minute compared to your lifetime?” 
“Slim.” You murmur. Yet, something about the happy glint in Kelly’s eye told you it may not be as straightforward as telling him and then it all being over. A part of you was still hesitant to shatter the illusion that his new girl was as sweet as pie. 
“Slim to not happening at all, there's no way.” Sylvie corrected. 
“So I tell him?” You ask, needing confirmation that you weren’t crazy and that you had every right to go to your big brother about this. 
“You tell him, you let him know exactly how it all happened, he’s not stupid and he is generally good at seeing people for who they are.”
You nod, resting your head on Sylvie’s shoulder. “You’re the best, Brett.” 
“Only because I am friends with the best kind of person, Severide. Now, what are we getting drunk with, and are we ordering takeout?” You laugh at that, in total agreement with the new plan, squeezing her in a hug as you pick up the remote to find something for you and her to enjoy whilst forgetting about bitchy people snooping around in your life.
The next shift with Kelly is a challenge, to say the least. Rather unexpectedly your brother is particularly hard on you, through maintenance, through drills and, rather frustratingly, on calls. For some reason, you couldn’t do anything right in your brother’s eyes and it was starting to piss you off. Things you did that would have been perfectly acceptable or up to standard for him were suddenly done too quickly, or not taken seriously enough on your behalf; it meant that, despite your best efforts to appreciate that you would be treated like any other firefighter, you were starting to get short with your Lieutenant. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by your crewmates either, with Joe, Capp and Tony all giving each other a look as if to say “What the hell is happening?”
The most recent call had been the last straw, on the return journey you had sat next to Joe in the back simmering with rage. Kelly had undermined you and called you out on something in front of the entire scene of responders, for something you were sure had been the appropriate course of action during the call. Kelly’s tirade had been such that even the Chief had to tell him ‘Enough’ and sent 81 and 51 back to the firehouse, making Squad 3 clean up alone. You hadn’t answered back, or protested, accepting your Lieutenant’s words as something to take on board, yet inside it felt like a fire was ripping through you.
You had swept and hauled debris in silence, opting to work next to Capp and away from your brother who was discussing something with Joe. You couldn’t even look at him as you passed him to get into the truck, you were close to ripping into him personally and unprofessionally - even though you considered his behaviour to not have been appropriate. 
By the time you’d got back you were nothing short of having a breakdown, yet you held your head high and chose to simply pack away your gear ready for the next call, electing to find Matt Casey as soon as possible.
Making a beeline to the Captain’s office you knocked, barely waiting for the “Come in” before opening Casey’s door and pushing it firmly shut behind you. Sinking down onto the floor between the wall and his bed. 
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“If you don’t help me figure out how to keep my cool, I am going to strangle my Lieutenant, your best friend.” You muffle a yell into your palms, looking up at Matt with imploring eyes.
“So he’s not your big brother anymore, just my best friend?” Casey’s face carries a hint of a smile, but he senses you’re not in the teasing mood.
“Case, you heard him out there today, he’s been up my ass all day. Did that bitch break up with him or something, because I-”
“Woah, hold up. You don’t know?” Matt’s eyebrows raised in confusion. 
“Know what?” You’re focused on Matt now, your heart hammering in anticipation of what you didn’t know.
“Olivia told him that you tried to start a fight, and called her some pretty uh, nasty things. He came to me asking if you’d said anything, and I said I hadn’t seen you since Molly’s the other night. I figured this whole mess from today was the fallout of that…”
You stared at Casey with what felt like your entire stomach about to fall out of your ass. 
“She, what?” You murmured, your head was pounding and your mouth had gone dry.
He rose from his chair, coming to sit on the floor with you, a hand on your shin in reassurance. “I know, I told him I didn’t think it sounded like you, but he was pretty mad, Y/N. I couldn’t calm him down all that much.”
Your face fell into the palm of your hand, you were so full of adrenaline you didn’t know what would happen to it next. 
“That bitch. That honest-to-god bitch… All I did was accidentally walk into her at Molly’s, Matt. That’s it! I apologised and she in return told me how useless I was, then accused me of leeching off my brother, then she tried to make me feel like a fucking child… All the while I’m doing my best to keep the peace and not upset Kelly. I’m gonna… hoo, boy, I am gonna lose my goddamn mind.” You exhaled sharply, suddenly springing to your feet which caused Matt to scramble back and do the same, not sure where this was all going. 
“Y/N, don’t do anything you can’t take back…” Casey warned, eyeing you with concern. 
You can’t speak, shaking your head, patting his arm as you leave his office without another word. 
Matt cautiously follows in your quick footsteps, watching as you head towards Squad 3’s table. He swallows, scratching the back of his head, waiting for the implosion. 
You come to stand by Kelly’s feet, he doesn’t look up from his newspaper as you stand patiently. “Lieutenant? You got a second?” 
“Can this wait?” He replies, not even looking up at you. You bite your lip, willing your anger and upset to go away. You didn’t want to do this in front of the firehouse. 
“Unfortunately not, sir. It’s an urgent matter.” You bite your tongue, keeping it amicable, waiting for your brother’s response. 
“Alright, my office.” He replies emotionlessly, getting up from his armchair as he wordlessly heads back in the direction you’d come from. 
Matt eyes you sympathetically, and you smile weakly, steeling yourself for the conversation you were about to have. Joe, Capp and Tony eye the captain, looking for extra gossip. Matt shakes his head, “Back to work, or…whatever it is you guys do out here.” ignoring their noises of disappointment as he heads after you and your brother, wanting to be some kind of mediator if it got too heated. 
Kelly stands by the entrance to his office, waiting for you to get inside the space before closing the door and shutting the blinds. Next door you hear Casey's door shut, and you know he's on standby if anything gets out of hand.
You stand in front of your big brother with arms folded, a defiant expression on your face. You weren’t going to take any of this bullshit, and you weren’t going to let Kelly have the wool pulled over his eyes. 
Kelly’s jaw is clenched, he speaks in a deadly serious tone.
“Explain yourself.”
You swallow a scoff, shaking your head as you look at him. “Explain myself? You really think I am nasty enough to make your new girlfriend feel unwelcome? To get physical with her? To jeopardise your contentment for my own selfishness?” You stare him out, daring him to actually say yes to any of those. You can see the faltering in his eyes, he knew you, he knew how kind you were, how strong and loving you were. Yet, Olivia had put on a good show and for some reason, he couldn’t see past it.
“She was crying that night after Molly’s, Y/N. She was really upset at the way you treated her,”
You shake your head in disbelief, eyes closing for a second, searching for composure.
“I accidentally bumped into her on the way to the bathroom, Kel. When I arrived that night, you remember? That’s all that happened, I bumped into her and she called me a “stupid bitch”, and then for the rest of the night proceeded to accuse me of selfishly taking up your time, of being needy, of being a child.”
There’s silence between you, Kelly shifts awkwardly on his feet, he knows when you’re lying and he can’t see a hint of it in front of him. Still, he can’t understand why Olivia would have been in hysterical tears over nothing. You can see the wavering in his decision, you can see that he’s not going to fully commit to seeing your side of the story and your heart sinks. 
“Kelly, I don’t want you to say another word without you really considering what comes out of your mouth next. Just know that if we lose this great family between us because of something she made up… I can’t take that, Kel. You’re my no.1, the one I trust…I thought I was the same to you.” 
Your brother’s eyes are full of emotion, and you swallow, you just want to break down and beg him to believe you. You wanted to be strong though, to be believed because it was the truth and not because you’d made a fuss. And just like that, the cruel hand of fate sounds the alarm, and the voice asks that all units from the firehouse attend. You don’t say another word to your brother as you both leave in a hurry to get to the truck.
Sitting in the truck waiting to arrive on the scene gives you enough time to get your head together, as always you had a job to do and there was no room for the racing thoughts in your mind. 
Pulling up outside a three-story home a blaze taking hold comes into view on the west side, you pile out of Squad 3 and head towards Chief Boden, masking up as you go, checking each other’s SCBAs as you listen to who is going where. 
Your Squad is sent to the upper floor and you’re behind Kelly as you march up the stairs, announcing yourselves as you go, looking for any potential victims. Room by room you search, under beds and in closets, the neighbour next door had told you as you were going in that a large family lived there, with two parents and 5 kids. She wasn’t sure if they were home or not, but she knew that sometimes the kids would stay home alone if the parents had to work.
At the same time outside was the eldest child talking to the Chief, they had been found in the basement, crying hysterically as they explained that their 6-year-old brother and 10-year-old sister were still in the house. They had been playing hide and seek. 
As you shut one door and go to open another, you hear what you think is a wail coming from above your head. You look up to see the hatch is partially open, 
“Squad 3, come in.” Your radio comes to life.
“Copy you, Chief.” You answer Boden, still eyeing the gap in the hatch.
“There's a 6-year-old and a 10-year-old still in there somewhere, you have five minutes, Severide.”
“I think I see one or both of ‘em chief, the attic hatch is partially open, I think I’ve got movement.”
“I’m sending you Truck 81 on the East side to assist, can you get to that window?”
“Copy, Chief, I’ll get us to the East window.” You let go of your radio, picking up your halligan as you jump to reach the handle to the pull-out steps. Calling out. 
“Fire department! I’m coming up!”
Over the radio you can hear that Capp and Tony were coming back out to assist below, whereas Kelly was relaying the fact that he’d found the older kid in a bedroom, he was bringing them out too. So that left you with just the six-year-old. 
With a quick climb, you were able to shine your helmet into the smoky confined space, revealing a terrified-looking boy coughing and crying, huddled in on himself by the hatch. 
“Hey, buddy. My name’s Y/N, I’m here to help you, alright? You’re just gonna hold on to me, and then we’re gonna climb back down. Easy peasy, huh?” 
The boy whimpers, shying away as the fire roars down below.
“Listen, sweetheart. I know it sounds scary, but it’ll be scarier if you stay up here, alright? We’ve just gotta get to a window upstairs, and my friends are gonna have a fancy ladder waiting for us, they’re gonna help us too, okay?”
You lean further in, painfully aware of the groaning of the house’s structure beneath you, you beckon the child with your hand-clad gloves.
“Come on, kiddo. You got this, I won’t let you go, and we’ll be okay.” 
The boy wails again but this time shimmies forward, 
“Okay, that’s it, you’re doing great, sweetheart. Just wrap yourself as tightly as you can around my neck, and then I’m gonna climb down with you, yeah?”
He nods frantically, instantly getting a death grip around your neck, it makes you almost want to laugh. “That’s a good job, okay we’re going down now, just stay close to me and don’t look.”
With careful steps you push your body out to allow for the boy’s frame, steadily moving down until you feel the solid floor beneath your boots. Though solid, with each additional bit of your weight you can hear it protesting, prompting you to move a little bit quicker to the rendezvous, the staircase now engulfed in flames. 
“Chief, I have the kid, we’re coming to the East window now.” 
You move quickly, arriving at the window where you can see that Casey had broken the glass to get you and the kid out. You hand off your precious bundle to Matt, waiting for them to descend enough so as not to add too much weight to the top of the aerial. 
Behind you you can hear the fire spewing and latching onto the upper floor, grabbing at the doorframe to the room you’re in. You watch in anticipation as the glow grows stronger behind the door you’d shut. Glancing out of the window you can see that Casey is nearly at the bottom to Mouch, so you start to turn yourself around and climb out onto the aerial too, as you do so you hear the telling sound of the impending flashover, trying to correct your feet fast enough to beat the powerful force of the heat and flames blowing out the windows, but it’s too late. 
With a bang the force of the flames pushes you from the ladder, you try and reach out for one of the rungs as you fall but your gloves slip from the speed and force of your falling body, and your helmet collides with the side of the aerial, your mind going blank as you fall helplessly onto the grass below, ignorant of the calls of your name and the sounds of rushing footsteps as you lose consciousness. 
The next thing you hear is an annoying beep, at first you think it’s your PASS alarm but it’s not that annoying. You groan, your head clouded in fog with your body feeling heavy, sore.
There’s a movement by your side, and you decide to blink open weary eyes to find out what it is. Your eyes meet your big brother’s worried ones, and you smile weakly, still feeling weird from the sedation you’d been under. You were very much aware of the fact you had ended up at Med. Again. 
“Mnh, hey.” You murmur. You realise now the weight on your other side was your arm in a sling, your knee was strapped up pretty good and you were sure you could feel stitches on your neck going down into your shoulder. 
“Hey, kiddo,” Kelly murmurs, stroking your hair, mindful of the stitches just under your hairline. 
“Guess I should have taken the aerial rather than just the air, huh?” You quip, a dopey smile from your own joke.
Kelly half-smiles, still looking so morose and only partially relieved. “I would have preferred that yeah. Instead of being scared that my sister had just broken everything in her body. You got so lucky, Y/N.” 
“Feels it, I expected worse…” You sigh. “I’m sorry, Kel.”
Your brother shakes his head, “No, no more apologising from you. You’ve done nothing wrong, and all I’ve done is be an asshole to you.”
His lip quivers, grasping at your hand gently as he feels the tears fall silently. 
“Hey, I’m here. Why are you crying?” You rub your thumb across his knuckles, worried at what had him so upset. 
“Because you’ve done nothing but support me, and I let practically a stranger almost ruin all of that, take my sister away and have her maybe never know how much I love her.”
Your eyes well up now, all that restrained emotion coming to the surface, and your lip trembles too. Relieved that he had seemingly come to his senses in believing you.
“Kel, it’s alright, you’re here and-”
Kelly’s phone rings. He ignores it and you nudge him. “Hey, answer, it could be work or something. I can’t exactly run away.” You grin, he shakes his head with a sad smile. 
As his eyes clock the name on the ID, his face darkens and you frown, you think you can guess who’s on the other end.
He answers, putting the phone on speaker. “Severide.” Voice clipped, in no mood for politeness.
“Kel, are you on your way, the reservation’s at 8pm, you know how many strings I had to pull to get us a spot?” Olivia thinks she’s good at putting on an innocent enquiring tone, but all Kelly can hear now is the controlling and demanding woman that was in front of him all along.
“I’m not on my way, I’m at the hospital with Y/N, she had an accident at work today. I’m gonna be with her overnight and then I’ll be taking her home tomorrow as well.” 
There’s silence on the line, you can feel Olivia’s irritation through the phone and it makes you roll your eyes. Kelly’s jaw is set tight. 
“Kel, really? She can’t be in the hospital for one fucking night on her own? This restaurant doesn’t take kindly to cancellations, not when I called in favours. You have to stop babying-”
Your eyebrows go up at the unmasking of her feelings, and you watch in pure satisfaction as Kelly cuts her off.
“Olivia, I’m going to say this once. We’re done. Take your restaurant and shove it, we won’t be seeing each other again. Lose my number.” With that, Kelly disconnects the call, flicking around in the phone app to block the number. Letting out the biggest of sighs as he looks at you, you try not to smile because you still understand it’s hard to lose what you thought was a good connection, but at the same time, you’re elated that you have your brother alert and seeing that you’d never get in the way of what he wanted.
“Remind me to never lose my mind and believe some witch over my own sister again.”
“Oh don’t you worry, Kel, we’re not doing this again, if there’s a next time the gloves come off and I kick either your or your new lover’s ass.” 
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