amsgrey · 2 years
Why would i lie to you?
AUTHORS NOTE: I started hating this like halfway through and I just kept going? but I hate this so if y'all do too I couldn't even blame you. This was supposed to be a request but I don't even like this enough to say it is.
synopsis: You and Gallo are targeted after accidentally coming across something you shouldn't.
warnings: some VERY bad writing, canon-typical violence, mention of kidnapping, head injury, very bad medical understanding, kind of meh ending
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Working in CFD meant every shift had the potential to be crazier than the last. You were always expecting something crazy to happen that would spin the entire day into chaos.
The last thing you were expecting on a seemingly random Tuesday was to walk straight into a drug den. You and Gallo were ordered to clear the house next door and ensure no sparks would ignite the abandoned building. You both had to pry the door open, making your way through the front room to check the side for any signs of smoke. As soon as you made it through the front room you were greeted by the sight of enough fentanyl and cocaine to kill the entire house.
You quickly stopped Gallo from barreling in after you, aware of all of the powders around the room.
"Is that...?"
"Yeah," You whispered, hands shaking as you radioed Kidd.
"Hey Lieutenant, do you copy?"
"I Copy, what's up Halstead?"
"We're gonna need CPD and decontamination down here," You replied, "I think we just found a trap house."
There was a pause, you and Gallo looked at each other nervously. You could hear Severiade ordering what you asked for, no doubt also radioing Boden.
"Are you and Gallo okay?" Kidd finally said.
"Yeah," Gallo nodded, "We're good, Lieutenant."
"Gallo," You caught his attention, pointing out the powder on both of your turnout gear, "We need to get out of here."
Gallo nodded, clearly trying not to breathe too deep like you were.
"Lieutenant, we have an unknown substance on our turnouts," You informed, "We need might need Brett and Violet standing by, from the looks of this set-up, I think it's Fentanyl."
"Okay, Copy that," Stella rattled off what she wanted you two to do. She ordered you both to leave the house, following Cruz and Severiade to the hasty decontamination that had been set up. Cruz had all but said that it was CFD policy and you two would be fine, but everyone was still on edge. You and Gallo had to strip down to your underwear, washing any exposed skin that wasn't covered by your turnouts.
"Hey," Kidd entered the tent as you and Gallo wrapped yourselves in Towels, "CPD just confirmed it was fentanyl in that room. They're calling in intelligence."
You and Gallo shared a look.
"Well, do we get to have some real clothes? Or do we have to wait around in towels?" You finally asked.
Kidd shook her head, "Protocol says we have to take you two to Med to get checked out-" You and Gallo groaned "-I'll bring you some clothes there."
"We really have to go to Med?" Gallo pressed, both of you trailing behind Stella as she headed for 61.
She scoffed, "Uh yeah. Now get in."
Violet chuckled from inside the rig, pointing at the two spots next to her, "One of you get the gurney."
"Not me," You snapped, playfully jabbing at Gallo before climbing to sit next to Violet. Gallo grumbled about it being unfair, but climbed into the rig and sat on the gurney anyway.
When you walked into Med, they were already waiting for you. Maggie and Will stood at the ambulance entrance with stupid grins when they saw your frustrated pout.
"You always find trouble?" Will joked, gesturing for you to sit on the edge of the bed in Bay 3.
"I just thought I'd come to see you," You told your brother, giving him a massive fake smile.
Will rolled his eyes as he ran through his checks, "How do you even accidentally find a drug den?"
"Yeah, I'd like to know that too."
You and Will looked over to see Jay leaning in the doorway, an amused smile on his face.
"We hadn't caught up in weeks, so I thought Halstead Reunion, ya know?" You replied, laughing as Jay tried to ruffle your wet hair.
"You look like a drowned rat," he laughed, wiping his hand on the towel around your shoulders like it was disgusting.
"Wow, that's the thanks I get for doing your job for you?" You retorted.
"Settle down, Children," Will waved Jay away when he started getting in the way.
You had to sit for almost an hour waiting for Med to go through the checks. When they were done, Kidd gave you CFD sweats to change into. When you were sufficiently dressed to look like a cadet, you joined Kidd and Boden to see what CPD wanted you to do.
Gallo looked a lot better than you did, his hair had at least dried and the sweats were his size. You, on the other hand, did in fact look like a drowned rat. The sweats Kidd had given you were much too big. You had to tie the sweatpants to keep them sitting comfortably. Both you and Gallo had Truck 51 shirts on, the goat emblem on the chest making you look like candidates.
Will had given you a towel, helping you dry your hair while you waited. You looked less rat-like but still felt extremely uncomfortable. Will had jokingly said at least you weren't overdosing on narcotics and immediately apologized when you gave him a shocked frown.
"Alright," Jay said as he and Hailey walked up to your little gathered group, "We need you two to come down to the district with us, and go over what you saw one last time on record."
"Alright, then," Boden nodded, giving you and Gallo his 'please behave' look he reserved especially for the two of you. "Keep me updated."
"Will do, Chief," Jay replied, letting Hailey lead the way back to their car.
As you were walking back to the car you started giving Jay shit, "So, do we get badges now? Seeming we found you your case?"
Jay scoffed, "Yeah sure."
He opened the back door for you to get in, smiling smugly. He definitely got too much amusement out of putting you into the back of his car.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Don't smile at me like that, Chuckles."
Hailey laughed, looking back at the two of you from the passenger seat.
When you were done at the Precinct, Boden had called and informed you and Gallo were off for the rest of the shift. Jay offered to give you a ride home, all but demanding it. As you were headed back to your apartment, you asked him about the case. He waved you off with a lie about it probably being something gang-related and an easy case. You didn't really care enough to press him any further. You had learnt a while ago that pressing Jay for information about the job wasn't worth it - he tried to hide most of the danger from you. At some point, you got so used to it that you always assumed whenever he was quiet it was worth just not asking anything more.
Eventually, he even stopped pressing you about the dangers of your job, it was a weird unspoken recognition between you and him. Not to ask too much.
When you jumped out of the car you wished Jay luck in the case, wanting nothing more than to go home and wash the day away. You were leaving the shower when your phone lit up. Clearly, Gallo had the same thought as you, what an awful way to spend the rest of an on-shift day.
Want to grab a drink?
You laughed, responding; only if you bring it here cbf going out.
Gallo let you know he would be at your apartment soon, no doubt bringing enough beer for you two to drown your sorrows about being benched.
Gallo arrived with a six-pack, putting them in the fridge and bringing two over for you both. He sat next to you on the couch, both of you silently watching the game and just trying to decompress from the day.
"I hate this," You finally muttered, sick of sitting doing nothing while your friends were at work.
"Me too," Gallo replied, looking as forlorn as you felt. After another moment of silence Gallo said, "When I was coming here, it was so weird, I could have sworn someone was following me."
You laughed, "Following you?"
Gallo turned to face you, looking extremely serious, "Yeah, following me. This black ford was behind me up to the store, I thought it was nothing but when I headed here it was two cars behind me, again."
You mirrored Gallo, turning to face him as he spoke. Any sense of drowsy self-pity had vanished and now you were growing concerned, "It followed you all the way here?"
Gallo shook his head, "No. It pulled off a couple of blocks before me, I figured it must have been someone taking the same route, but..."
"it just felt strange," Gallo confessed.
You put your almost untouched beer on the coffee table, walking around the couch to grab your phone off the kitchen counter where I was charging.
"What are you doing?" Gallo asked, frowning at you, "You think it really was following me?"
"I don't know," You told him, "But I'd feel a hell of a lot better if Jay came and told us for sure."
You searched through your phone for Jay's name, quickly calling him and walking back to Gallo. As you heard it start to dial, you heard the unmistakable sound of a car screeching to a halt.
"Tell Jay what's going on," You ordered Gallo, shoving your phone at him for him to take. As Gallo rambled off what was going on to Jay, you slowly approached the windows. You pressed to the side of the window, trying to not be seen by anyone outside. You gently parted the curtains, glancing through the gap to see four armed men getting out of a black crossover.
You ducked away from the windows quickly, grabbing Gallo's arm and yanking him along with you to your ensuite. He handed the phone to you with a breathy, "Jay wants to talk to you."
You nodded, grabbing the phone off him, then pushing him into the bathroom, "Stay in here, get low and lock the door."
Gallo protested, "What about you?"
"I'll be fine, just do as I say," You snapped back shutting the door quickly and as quietly as you could.
"-Y/N? What's going on? Y/n!"
You held your phone to your ear with your shoulder, making your way back out of your bedroom and into the lounge to get a vantage point on the car in your street.
"Jay, there are four armed men outside," You weren't sure why you were whispering, the men hadn't even approached the windows so they wouldn't be able to hear you.
"Patrol is 5 minutes out, we're not far behind, okay?" Came jays response.
"Okay," You whispered. You ducked around your couch, using the furniture to hide your figure as you tried to look for a license plate on the car.
"Shit!" You cursed, barely having time to press yourself flush to the ground before three of the men unloaded their magazines into the front of your apartment.
"Y/N?" You could hear Jay's concerned voice coming from your phone, but it had skidded out of sight when you hit the ground.
The rain of bullets left your ears ringing, all around you were shrapnel of your apartment. Tiny fragments of glass mixed with the ripped-up wood of the floors, essentially creating one hell of a scene.
You dared raise yourself off the ground, getting to your hands and knees and psyching yourself up to crawl to the kitchen to hide behind the counter. The ringing in your ears subsided briefly for you to hear the crunching of footsteps approaching. The footsteps belonged to a pair of dark military-style boots. Before you could think too much about the fact, one of the boots came down on your back, kicking you to the floor and winding you.
You let out a puff of air at the force, gaping and hiccuping trying to regain your breath. The pair of boots were joined by another and you were hauled to your feet.
"Where is it?"
Both of the men were dressed in military-style tactical gear, all black aside from their vests which were camo. Their faces were covered by goggles and balaclavas. It was no doubt meant to be intimidating, but all you could think was what the fuck did they want with you.
"I don't enjoy repeating myself, where is it?" The man on your left snarled, he had a tight grip on your arms while the man on your right loosely trained his rifle on you.
You didn't know what to say, this was all so absurd. Instead of replying to the man you just laughed, a laugh of shock and surprise. The two men looked at each other, and then one of them punched you straight in the stomach.
"Jesus Christ," You swore, doubling over and struggling not to empty your stomach on their boots, "I don't know what you're talking about, okay?"
The sound of police sirens and the bright flashing lights were surrounding you at once. You could hear the patrol cops shouting orders at the men outside your apartment, then the repeated sound of gunfire.
"Last chance," He warned, "Tell us where it is, or we'll kill you."
You almost screamed when the man's chest exploded, his blood spraying over your face and chest. At least you were expecting it when the second man went down too.
"Chicago PD!"
In your line of work, you had been covered in other people's blood more times than you cared to count - but this was different. As you stood shell-shocked, a swarm of officers filled the room. The ringing in your ears grew and grew, all you could do was stare at your shaking hands that were covered in the men's blood.
Someone was grabbing your arm, pulling you towards the door and away from the bodies. Your legs shook so badly that had to support you as you walked. Your vision was blurring from tears that clung to your lashes, every step you took felt like you were slowly sinking into the pavement. You were led through the sea of CPD to an ambulance then gently sat on the back step. You could hear the rustle of action going on around you now, but the blood rushing in your ears drowned most of it out.
Someone was gently taking your face in their hands, guiding you to look up at them. Hailey smiled down at you, slowly talking you through the wave of panic that held you. She wrapped a thick blanket around your shoulders, tucking it under your chin as you sat immobile. Hailey sat down next to you, grasping your hand tightly in hers and rubbing a soothing hand up and down your back.
"Just breathe, you're safe," She kept saying, whispering it quietly into your ear as she soothed your hair away from your face.
Once you finally felt like the world had stopped shaking and the ringing in your ears subsided you realized what was really going on.
You let out a small sigh, turning to Hailey with wide eyes. You wanted to ask what the hell had just happened, to swear and shake the anxiety out of you. Instead, you just looked at her, distraught.
Hailey knew what you were trying to say. She smiled softly, her tone was so soft it almost made you feel warm and safe, "Don't worry about that right now. What matters is that you're okay."
You nodded, letting her pull you into a tight hug and hold you there for a moment. When you both pulled away, she waved over the waiting paramedics, who gave you a few damp wipes to clean your face.
Hailey helped you wipe the blood off your face and neck, watching you struggle to not be ill at the idea of someone else's blood covering you. She kept you calm and held your hand, reassuring you that everything was alright the whole time.
When you were done clearing your face, she took both your hands and started whipping your arms and hands. As she did, your eyes wandered to the scene around you. There had to be at least 6 or 7 patrol cars all parked haphazardly around the street. Uniformed officers were already setting up the tape and directing crowds and media away from the debris field. You could see Gallo sitting in a different ambulance, he looked unharmed, probably just as shaken as you were. Kevin and Kim were standing by, talking to him and the paramedics.
Voight was standing with the rest of intelligence and Trudy, commanding the uniformed officers and lab techs around the scene. As you looked over you spotted Jay, who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest. He glanced over as you were looking, making eye contact and breaking away from the group.
Voight and the others watched him approach you and Hailey. When he got up to you, he quickly pulled you into a hug. He was squeezing you so tight it was almost constricting. You didn't have the heart to tell him that. When he pulled away he forced you to sit back down next to Hailey.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently.
You couldn't find the words to reply, just shaking your head.
Jay grimaced, nodding in understanding. "Hailey is going to go with you to Med, yeah? I'll come as soon as we finish here."
You nodded, your voice still having not returned. Jay pressed a kiss to your hairline, helping you to your feet and into the ambulance. He sent you one last smile before he shut the doors and watched the Rig pull away.
"She okay?" Voight asked as he rejoined the gathered officers.
Jay sighed, "I don't think so, she's really shaken."
Kim nodded, "Gallo told us what happened, she locked him in the bathroom like she knew they would open fire on them."
Jay remembered all the times he told you when you were younger - the safest place in that situation is in the bathtub. Seeming you didn't have one, the bathroom had been your attempt to make do with little resources. The team kept looking at him like they were expecting him to snap, such a brazen attack on his sister with so many witnesses meant there was something bigger at play here. Jay wasn't angry - he was seething. The white-hot fury that slowly burns away at your heart, that would make you act like never before.
Will was feeling something similar when he watched you walk into med for the second time that day. This time, however, he knew you were hurt. Hailey was holding you up, tightly gripping your forearm and steering you into the ED. You had refused to be wheeled in on the gurney, adrenaline coursing through you still, making you unable to feel the pain.
Will dropped his tablet on the desk, running over to you and taking your other arm as you pitched to one side.
"What the hell happened?" He asked, taking in the smudges of blood on your skin and the stains over your shirt.
Hailey answered for you as you fought to stay present, your mind wanting to swallow you whole and ignore the outside world.
Will helped you into the bed, the deja vu of the situation made your skin crawl.
"Hey, what's going on?" Dr Marcel asked as he wanted in, a nurse on his heels. Will looked at you to explain, but you were replaying the night before you. Watching your apartment rip apart again, hearing the crunching of footprints over and over.
"Y/N?" Will grabbed your hand, smoothing your hair back as he tried to calm you down. The monitors started to beep as your heart rate rose and oxygen levels dropped. "Try to breathe, squirt."
You shook your head, unable to slow your breathing or gather any control to do so.
"Can we get a cannula on her please?" Dr Marcel ordered. You could feel the tube being placed on your face, looped around your ears. It made you uncomfortable but there was nothing to do about it.
You gripped Will's hand even tighter, choking on sobs and your own gaps for air. Will watched helplessly, trying to calm you to no avail.
"Will," Crockett spoke, ".5 of versed?"
Will knew the last thing you would have wanted was to be sedated but your oxygen stats were dropping, even with the cannula. He nodded to Marcel, letting him know to go ahead.
He prepped the meds quickly and behind his turned back, when you caught on to what was going on you were already too far gone in your own panic attack to protest. Eventually, the versed did its job of calming you down enough to allow you to relax and feel safe.
"Sorry," You croaked, throat raw from the earlier events.
Will smiled, "You just had to see me again, huh?"
You laughed a little, the movement sending an ache through your stomach, "Don't make me laugh," You pouted holding your abdomen as if it would help.
Crockett watched you two with an amused grin, now that you had calmed down, he asked where you were hurt.
Will had to give you his stern 'I'm the eldest so you do as I say' look, knowing how you and jay both resisted hospitals greatly.
"My right side," You explained to Crockett, gesturing to your right ribs where you had been cruelly sucker punched.
Crockett gently lifted your shirt off the area, even through his gloves you could feel how cold his hands were. He pressed against one of your ribs, causing you to let out a strangled, "Fuck," at the sudden pain.
Crockett smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."
You scowled at him, "Yeah, sure you are."
"Glad to see your humour is still intact," Crockett joked, laughing at Will who looked less than impressed at the two of you bantering.
You smiled at your brother, trying to reassure him that you were fine now. Even though your mind was still full of fog. Every time you stopped to think about it, you were brought back to the events in your living room.
When Dr Marel finished his prodding, he said he would get you on the waitlist for a CT, but that it might take some time. You had to bug Will to go back to his shift, promising that you wouldn't pull a Jay and try to break out. He had only agreed after Hailey promised she wouldn't let you leave either.
"How's Gallo?" You asked Hailey, having not seen him since the ambulance.
Hailey smiled, "He's alright, Sarg took him back to the precinct until we figure out the best way to handle all this."
"Okay," You replied, sighing at the idea that this wasn't all over, just yet.
After the CT scan Dr Marcel assured you and Will - although mostly Will - that you had no broken ribs, but some gnarly bruises that might leave you stiff for a few days. You had grumbled about not being able to go back to work and Dr Marcel laughed at how irritated Will looked.
Hailey had helped you get dressed in some clean clothes, some of your sweats she'd nabbed from your apartment. She helped you put on a zip-up, apologizing at your winces when you had to move too fast. Will had given you a gentle side hug as you and Hailey left, promising that you could crash at his. 
After you got done at the precinct and relayed your statement for the umpteenth time, Jay drove you to Wills. He hovered more than usual, giving you his jacket to keep you warm and letting you know he would go to your apartment and grab some of your stuff. 
“You don’t have to go out of your way,” You laughed, letting him bring you a coffee. 
“I won’t be,” Jay replied, gently squeezing your shoulder, “Working the case remember?” 
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It took a week for you to get back to work, the bruising had gone from purple to green, looking more gnarly than before. It didn’t hurt so much anymore, at least not enough that you couldn’t work. You walked into the firehouse at the start of your shift expecting the ‘surprise’, but it still scared the living daylights out of you. When you walked into the common room, there was no one around. Expecting them all to be gathering in the locker room like they normally did, you thought nothing of it. 
When they all rounded the corner into the room shouting you jumped hallways to the roof. 
“What on earth?” You asked, laughing as they handed you a small box. 
“Ah,” Hermann waved his hand, “Just open it.” 
You laughed, flipping the box open to reveal a plastic police badge. Immediately you burst out laughing, “A police badge?” “Yeah! Seeming you got Intelligence that case, you’re like a cop now,” Gallo joked, playfully elbowing you. 
“Oof,” You grabbed your side, slightly doubling over where Gallo elbowed you. 
Brett was at your side instantly, grabbing your arm and asking what was wrong. Gallo had gone pale, looking terrified he had just hurt you again. 
“Are you alright?” Kidd asked, coming to stand next to Brett with her eyebrows knitted. 
You straightened up, dropping your hands, “Yeah, I’m fine.” You grinned, “Just wanted to mess with Gallo.” 
Everyone laughed, cheering about how it was good to have you back. Gallo grabbed you into a hug, complaining about how that prank was cruel. You sat down to have breakfast with them all, telling Gallo, “It’s payback for that god-awful date you set me up on.” 
Being back to work was exactly what you needed. As much as you loved your brothers, they were hovering a lot and it was nice to get back to a little bit of normality. Your apartment was being repaired, the landlord taking her time and dragging her feet about the ordeal. So, living with Will had meant everything still felt strange. Your truck never treated you any differently though, being back sitting with Gallo and Carver in the truck was the best you’d felt since the incident. 
After a couple of shifts, you’d fallen back into the rhythm of it all, you and Will worked differing shifts so you would often get home to him leaving for work or vise versa. The more you were back on the job the more you started to forget the whole incident. You were at Molly’s one night after shift when Jay and Hailey had come to chill. They had let you know if passing the case was still unsolved and that the police chief had set them up on another case seeming that one didn’t have any leads. You didn’t mind much, it was easier to leave it in the past. Besides, the men who had attacked you and Gallo in your apartment had been locked in prison out of state, you barely had to testify seeming the entire encounter was captured by your neighbour's security cameras. You had gone back to your normal life, responding to fires and car crashes and the occasional ‘how did they get stuck there’ calls. 
“All Units, Structure fire, S Canal St.”
You all jumped into action, suiting up and climbing into the rig. 
“S Canal street? Isn’t that warehouses?” Carver asked. 
“Yeah,” Kidd replied, frowning at her screen. 
When all the companies pulled up the address, all of you climbed out to see the seemingly abandoned area. 
“Where’s the fire?” Severiade asked no one in particular. 
You were all suited up, Truck, Engine and Squad prep with SCBAs with no fire to respond to.
“Spread out, see what you can find,” Kidd ordered. You, Violet and Brett walked around the side of the warehouse to see if you could find anything. As you were approaching the back of the building you saw a door left open. 
“Lieutenant,” You spoke to the radio, “There's a door open on the B side near the back.”
There was no reply, you frowned and tried again. When there was still nothing you turned to Brett and Violet, “Maybe the radios are down?” 
Brett frowned, trying her radio to no response. 
You looked back into the warehouse, trying to decide what to do. 
“Okay,” You sighed, “I’m going to go in, maybe you guys can go back and get the others?” 
Brett looked apprehensive but agreed, telling Violet to go get Kelly and Stella while she grabbed the gurney. You walked into the warehouse, grabbing your tac light and turning it on to look around. 
“Fire Department, Call out!” 
There was no response, the warehouse was so quiet you could hear your footsteps echoing off the walls. 
“Fire Department, Call out!” You repeated. This time you could hear a reply. As you headed further into the warehouse you heard a loud slam. You frowned, turning around to see the door you entered from was shut. 
“Brett?” You spoke into the radio, “Anyone copy?”
You started to get uneasy, there was something wrong here. Turning back to where you heard the victim last, you came around a corner to see a room full of machinery. 
“Fire department!”“Here!” As you stepped into the room, you knew for sure something was wrong. It felt like your entire body was charged with nervous energy, the hair on your arms standing on end. You had got to stop getting into these situations. 
You raised your halligan a little higher, ditching your flashlight and opting for the more weapon-like thing you had. You tried to check every corner and crevice as you walked through the room, but there was nothing to see. Or nothing that you could see. You walked around the final corner where you saw a man lying on the ground, half under what looked like some kind of crusher. 
You took an apprehensive step forward, lowering the Halligan. As you did, you felt the smooth metal of a blade being pressed above your collar. 
“Drop the bar.” 
You did as you were told, letting the metal clang to the ground and offering the suspect your hands. The man who was on the ground got up, simply sliding out from where he was. 
Just my luck.
The man lowered the blade and grabbed our hands, pushing you forward towards a door back to the main warehouse room.
“...stead… do you… rep…” 
You were dragged from the first floor to the basement, zip tied at the wrists and forced to your knees. A man with a rifle stood at the doorway, wearing the same black military tac the men t your apartment were wearing. 
‘Is this about the drug den?” You demanded, “Because I told your buddies when they destroyed my apartment, I don’t know where the police put your stuff.” 
One of the men walked up, your mind immediately started to go over the features you could see from how covered he was. 
6’2”, brown eyes, white.
“I don’t believe you, Lady firefighter.” 
Texan accent. Texan Accent?
“Why would I lie to you?” You snarled, “I really don’t feel like dying in the dirt and I’m clearly not a cop.” 
You could hear the smile in his voice, “I don’t care about the product anymore, love.” 
“Then what?”
“You got four of my best men locked up.”
“Clearly they aren’t the best if they got themselves locked-”
His fist slammed hard into the side of your face, sending your head snapping to the side. You could taste the copper in your mouth from the blood. You licked your lips, feeling the split that started bleeding. 
“Halstead… …are you…” 
Texas reached for your radio, he fiddled with the buttons as if trying to inspect its functions. 
You pointed to the button on the side, “You hold that button to turn it off,” You told him, smiling pleasantly knowing it would irk him. 
“...firefighter Hal… …respond… …you copy…” 
Kidd was sounding more and more frantic in the broken bits you could hear. 
Texas was clearly getting fed up with the interruption, he held down the button on the side. The radio crackled signifying it was relaying to the team. 
“You know, they will call the cops if I don’t respond,” You said, trying to act casual. 
“Let them,” Texas hissed, “You’ll be dead before they get inside.” 
He let go of the button, frowning at it and waiting to see if there were any more responses. 
“...Repeat that…”
“...CPD… the way…” 
“You fucking bitch.” 
You smiled, teeth stained red from the blood on your lips, “You really should know how to use a radio, jackass.” 
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Violet came running around the corner up the Kidd and Severide as they stood trying to figure out where the caller is. 
“We found the entrance,” She told them, “We heard someone, Y/N went in” 
“Alone?” Kidd demanded.
Violet nodded, gesturing to Sylvie, “Brett had to get the gurney, our radios aren’t working.”
Severiade gestured for Violet to lead the way to the door as Kidd rounded up the rest of the company. 
When they all got to the door, they realized it was locked tight. 
Severiade tried opening it, pulling it to no avail. 
“We could force it open?” Stella asked.
Kelly frowned, gesturing to the door, “It’s an old-style security door, the hinges are on the inside.” 
Kidd turned to him, “Something doesn’t seem right.”
“I agree,” Kelly responded, looking up the building for signs of other ways to get in. 
“Can squad get the door open?” 
“Yeah,” Kelly replied, “But it’ll take some time.”
As kelly started barking orders to the gathered firefighters, Kidd stepped back at tried the radio. 
“Halstead,” She spoke into the radio, “Do you Copy? Report.” 
There was no response. 
“Our radios weren’t working at all before,” Violet offered, “Maybe there's some kind of interference from inside?” 
The group watched as Cruz and Severiade made slow work cutting through part of the door, trying to find a way to break into the door. They had to keep replacing the blades to the saw that broke, making the job tedious. 
“Halstead, are you okay?” Kidd tried again 
She sighed, “Gallo, Carver, did you find any other entrance?” 
Carver shook his head, “Only an old garage door, but it’s bolted up from what we could see.” 
Kidd sighed, knowing the best chance would be to get you on the radio somehow. 
“Firefighter Halstead, respond. Do you Copy!”
There was a crackle in everyone's radio. 
“...know… …call the cops…” 
Everyone grimaced at the sharp scratch the radios made.
“... dead before…”
“That wasn’t Y/N,” Mouch noted, it was definitely a male voice who spoke the second time.
“Y/N, can you repeat that?”
“Dispatch, this is truck 51 requesting immediate police backup. We have a possible hostage situation here.” 
“Copy that, Truck 51. Patrol is on route.” 
“Halstead? CPD is on the way, what’s going on?”
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Adam took the stairs two at a time, bounding into the Bullpen and telling them all to be quiet. He turned the volume up on his radio. 
“...Units on the city-wide, any available units to 1399 S Canal St, Truck 51 reported a possible hostage situation with a firefighter.” 
Jay stood up from his desk, grabbed his phone and called you. The phone rang and rang but you didn’t pick up. He frowned, searching through his contacts until he found Stella Kidd's name. He only had her name for emergencies and this was definitely one. 
“Jay?” Kidd answered. 
“Stella, what’s going on, we heard dispatch call for cars to your location.” 
“Listen,” She responded, “Y/N went into a warehouse and the door locked behind them, we can’t reach them on the radio. We got a broken bit of a conversation, she said ‘call the cops’ and a man responded ‘dead before’.” 
Voight immediately ordered the group to tac up and head to the location, knowing how important this was to them all. 
When they all arrived, they joined the firehouse at the side door. By now, Squad had almost got the doors open, they only had to pry them open with the jaws before it would all be a go. 
Voight ordered everyone but Severiade and Cruz back to the trucks, but the firefighters all stubbornly refused. 
“We’ll stay out of the way but we gotta be close, what if they need us?” Kidd had argued. 
Voight didn’t have time to argue, letting them stand far enough from the door that they wouldn't be in the line of fire if there was an offender at the door. 
“Ready?” Severiade asked the gathered officers. “On three. One, two, three.” 
He and Joe pulled the door open, getting out of the way for the 7 police officers to rush inside. 
The team quickly and quietly cleared every room, making it around the basement until they found the stairs to the basement. Voight gave them the clear to make their way down the stairs, letting Kevin and Torres lead the way. At the bottom of the stairs there looked like there was nothing. The room was pitch black, the only light from the teams flashlights.
Kim sweaped her flashlight across the room, "Hey, Adam?"
Adam joined her side, "What is it?"
Kim pointed to a door, a large metal vault door similar to the one outside. It was cracked open slightly, sending a slight draft around the room.
Adam nodded, gesturing for Kim to lead the way to the door. Adam opened it and Kim lead the way into the next room. The room was less a room and more the landing to fire escape.
Kim called out to the rest of the team, they all gathered on the landing, coming to the same conclusion, the suspects had left the building and now they were playing catch up.
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All you could think about was all of the times Jay told you about these kinds of cases, about how he and Atwater found Kim through Kim's persistent efforts. How most of the time victims had to fight to be found. He mentioned once how he responded to a call as a patrol officer, to find a women had jumped out of a moving car to avoid being kidnapped. At the time it was his way to teach you to be careful, but you were freshly 21 and laughed him off.
You really should have payed more attention.
It hadn't been long, definitely less than an hour since Texas had forced you out of a fire escape and into the back of a car. You'd given about as much trouble as you could, kicking him in shin when he'd shoved you into the care. You knew it had to hurt with your uniform boots, but he didn't seem too happy about it.
You had passed at least two blocks and tried to count, but the warehouses made it hard to focus. The driver turned down a street and then into a car junkyard. You would have laughed at the irony had it not meant upsetting Mr texas more.
When he and the driver got out of the car, they stepped away to talk to a new person you didn't recognize. She was at least dressed like a normal person if more fancy than you would have thought necessary for a junkyard.
As a last-ditch effort you tried the radio, "Lieutenant, do you copy?"
There was no reply. You were on your own.
The door was thrown open and you were dragged out of the car. As if they finally remembered they were kidnapping a firefighter, they roughly grabbed your SCBA and threw it to the side, ditching the equipment somewhere near a line of crushed cars. Texas and the driver grabbed you by the arms and pulled you along the gravel until you were towards the back of the yard. You kicked and screamed, trying to break the ties on your wrists or bring any kind of attention.
They threw you on the ground, Texas brandished his revolver and pointed it at you. All you wanted to do was scream and plead, but there was no time. The gun went off and you hit the ground.
The first thing you recognized was the PASS alarm. It was far enough away that it was slightly muffled, but you could hear it clearly through the yard. You hoped that maybe someone would hear it over the traffic noises going on around you. Any sense of fight had left, it was clear this wasn't a kidnapping it was an execution. Now all you could do was lay hopelessly in the dirt.
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"Dr Acher, Dr Asher, we got incoming!"
"Brett, talk to me!" Hannah called as she joined gourney rolling through the doors.
"Y/N Halstead," Brett started to rattle off, "GCS 9, perforating head wound. CPD found her in a car yard, no idea how long she was there."
Will had to hold Jay back from barrelling straight into the room, trying to persuade him that it would be okay without fully believing it himself.
"Page Neuro," Dr Archer ordered, "Let's get a CT and push fluids."
Hannah's face was hovering over you, you could feel a sharp pain in your chest as she performed a sternum rub.
"Y/N?" She pressed, "How are you feeling?"
You groaned, trying to swat her hand away but being held back by the nurses. Everything was moving so fast, it felt like your head had been hit by a sledgehammer. Any sense of time or spacial awareness was gone. It was like an out-of-body experience, but not the fun kind.
When you were next aware of your surroundings, your hand felt clammy. You forced your eyes open and grimaced at the brightness. You pulled your hands towards your face, trying to block the light.
"No, hey, don't," Jay protested, grabbing your hands and pulling them away from the bandages on your head.
You frowned at him, unable to muster up any more energy to fight him. You were half asleep, the feeling of not knowing if your dreaming or not. Jay was at your side, holding your hand. You wanted to tease him about how clammy his hands felt, but talking was too much energy. Hailey was beside Jay, she smiled brightly at you and pulled a blanket higher around your body.
After a while Will came into the room carrying coffee cups, he grinned when he saw you half awake. He gently pulled you into a hug, helping you prop yourself up on the bed.
"I don't get a coffee?" You croaked, attempting a chuckle that ended in coughing.
Will helped you sit up, holding your arm as you coughed like a child.
He and Jay helped you lay back down, Will fussed over the monitors and jay pulled the blanket back up again. You lazily pushed his hands away mumbling about being fine and he was smothering you. Jay ignored you and continued fussing.
You spent 3 weeks in the hospital, Dr Abrams had kept telling you about how lucky you were to be alive - let alone spend such a short time in the ICU. During that time, Will and Jay were almost always around. If they weren't, it would be someone from 51 or all of them.
You had woken up one day to the entire lot of them crammed into the room, somehow managing not to wake you with their rowdiness. They had all teased you about the situation,
"Only you would get yourself in that situation, Halstead," Violet joked, playfully poking your arm.
You had shrugged and proclaimed you wanted the paid time off.
When you were released, Dr Abrams had schooled Will on everything to look out for, warning the both of you to be on high alert. You were expecting it, but still the scolding only made Will more protective.
He always doctored you and Jay, but now it felt like he was less your brother and more a live-in doctor. Staying with him meant you didn't have to worry about your own apartment - which you had essentially been evicted of. And gave both Will and Jay peace of mind. It also meant that Jay could come around whenever he wanted because he had a key.
Will had found you both on the couch one day after his shift. Jay was watching some rerun of a hockey game and you had your legs thrown over his lap, completely passed out covered in blankets.
Even after you had gotten much better, Will insisted that you stayed with him. Jay had teased the two of you were lonely and had gotten used to each other's company and neither of you could argue because he was right. You had been cleared by Abrams to do light duty and got to play Fire Cop alongside Lieutenant Seager. Joe hadn't stopped giving you shit about it. Every time you came to Molly's he'd declared, "The fire cops here!" and envelope you in a massive hug.
After almost 8 months of doing nothing and working a desk job, you finally managed to beg Boden and Abrams to sign off on letting you back on Truck. The company had been functioning without you for so long that you worried they might eventually have to replace you. It took more convincing Jay to let you go back to work than Will. Will knew you were stronger than ever - having come with you to most of your appointments. Jay however, was worried about you getting hurt again.
You had rolled your eyes and said, "what like you do?"
Hailey had to hold in her laughter at the stare off the two of you had.
You'd sworn your brothers and Boden to secrecy, knowing they would accidentally tell the house if you didn't tell them to keep their mouths shut. You'd even gone so far as to bum a ride off Will, not wanting to let them know you were there.
You'd walked into the briefing room when Boden was declaring there was a new addition to Truck. You hadn't known he had set you up for an entrance - which made it all the more amusing for you when you walked into the briefing room and they all but exploded with excitement. Violet and Brett were the closest to you, they both jumped out of their chairs and pulled you into a hug. When you pulled away, Gallo and Ritter were pulling you into their own hugs.
When the hugs and welcomes were done, you felt like you were finally home. Things were back to normal, sure they were different than before, but maybe even better.
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battlestarbones · 4 months
ah because what the world really needed was another severide kid
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“I think you were switched at birth or something, we can’t actually be related.” ( Karissa to Kelly )
"You're right, it must've been a mix up. I'm way too good looking to be related to you. You look like you got hit with the ugly stick." Kelly laughs.
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sailingshipz09 · 2 months
This comparison ! They both look like they could really be the son of benny
I find it interesting they still haven't confirmed if he's coming on as a series regular
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felicitysmoaksx · 2 years
i might be wrong but i remember u posting a part 2 to it that takes placer after andy dies
I did! You can find it right here! Or you can read it on AO3 if you prefer!
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callsign-dexter · 6 months
A Home in His Heart
Request: You know what would be so cute 👀
A Severide x daughter fic 
I feel like he would be the best dad to a foster teen and I know you’d write it so well ❤️
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Foster-Adopted Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
A/N: I loved this so much that I might consider making this into a universe....
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Not many people knew but Kelly Severide was a foster parent. He had been since he turned the legal age to become one. He's had kids of all different ages come and go but none of them stayed, it seemed like once they got there, they were gone. He tried not to get attached but that never was the case especially with his newest foster kid, you, that had just begun to stay with him.
You had been bounced around from foster home to foster home and it really bummed you out. Once you got comfortable in one you were being pushed into another, whether it be that they didn't want to be foster parents anymore or they claimed you were too difficult or they were abusive. You weren't a difficult child, you weren't far from it, until you started being bounced around so you held your emotions back and started acting out. 
You had been placed into foster care when you and your parents were in a car accident and it sadly took them away from you. You were the only one to have survived and you had no living grandparents and your aunt on your mom's side couldn't leave her busy life time as a lawyer to actually raise you, her job was more important than you. Your dad didn't have any siblings so that was out of the question so foster care it was. You loved your parents with all your heart and it hurt when you learned that they passed away. That was 4 years ago when you were 8 years old, now you're 12 years old. You just wanted a stable household.
Currently you are in the car being driven to your next foster home. Your social service worker, Zoey, was the one driving. You loved her and she loved you, she has kids of her own and you often asked if she could adopt you but she just gave you a sad smile and explained calmly why that couldn’t happen. She actually loved her job and she loved helping the kids. She felt so sympathetic for you after she heard your story. You were currently stopped at a stoplight and she looked over at you and saw that you were pouting and moody and she sighed this was to be expected. The last foster home practically kicked you out because they didn’t want to be foster parents anymore. “Y/N.” Zoey said in a caring soothing voice and you turned to look at her.
“Yea?” You asked 
“This one is going to be different.” She said and you looked at her and rolled your eyes.
“You always say that.” You said and she smiled and moved one hand from the steering wheel and put her hand on yours.
“Yes, I know but this one is going to be so different.” She said and she turned her attention and hand back to the steering wheel as the light turned green. 
“How?” You asked
“Well for one his name is Kelly Severide. He’s a firefighter and he loves kids.” She said as she pulled up to his house and it was nice. 2 story brick house with a truck parked outside a garage and a spacious front and backyard. He did have an apartment but when he started to foster, he figured he should invest in an actual house with a yard. You really liked the house. Zoey parked by Kell’s truck and killed the engine and turned to you. “Please give this one a try.” She said and you looked at her and nodded in agreement.
“Ok.” You said and she smiled and leaned over and hugged you. When she released you the both of you got out and you both grabbed your bags and headed to the front door. Zoey rang the doorbell and you stood there with your head down. After a minute the door opened to reveal a nice-looking man, he looked so kind and looked like he cared for everyone.
“Hi.” He said 
“Hi, I’m Zoey. We talked on the phone.” Zoey said and he smiled and nodded and this, she said pointing to you, “This is Y/N.” Zoey said and you looked up and he smiled and you actually felt safe with him.
“Hi, I’m Kelly.” He said with a kind voice and you smiled but didn’t say anything and he didn’t push. He stood back from the door and you both walked in. Once in he shut the door and you all walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and he in a chair. “So what hobbies are you into?” He asked looking at you and you looked up at him, that was new, you looked at Zoey and she gave you a nod and an encouraging nod. You turned to look at the man.
“I like taking pictures, hiking, reading, and helping people out, I used to do it with-.” You said but trailed off.
“Hey it’s ok.” He said
“With my parents.” You said and he smiled and nodded. 
“Do you play any sports?” He asked and you nodded eagerly.
“Soccer and softball are my favorites and I love playing them.” You said and he smiled.
“I used to play baseball when I was younger.” Kelly said and you looked at him.
“Really?” You asked and he nodded.
“Any foods you dislike or allergic to?” He asked and you thought about it and turned to Zoey for help.
“She’s allergic to nuts and shellfish.” Zoey said as she handed him a file, one you’re used to. He nodded.
“I don’t like most fish but that is probably because I never found one, I liked or it wasn’t cooked right.” You said trying to remember “I’m not really picky.” You said and he nodded and smiled.
“Anything you absolutely love?” He asked
“Sushi, as long as there is no shellfish, pizza, steak, love steak, and the list goes on.” You said with a smile.
“Why don’t I show you your new room and let you settle in while Zoey and I talk?” He asked and you nodded and you all stood and before Zoey or you could grab your bags, he grabbed them all in one go, the other foster homes would’ve made you carry them on your own. You walked up the stairs and two doors down he opened it. “We can paint it whatever color you want and decorate it however you want.” He said and you looked up at him.
“Really?” You asked shocked and he nodded and you ran to hug him. Something that surprised him and Zoey but it wasn’t unwelcomed and he hugged you back. You released him and started unpacking some things. 
“We’ll leave you to it.” He said and he and Zoey walked away and back downstairs. “Anything else I need to know?” He asked once they were in the kitchen.
“Her birthday is Y/B/D, which is next month on a Saturday. Also, her parent’s death anniversary is coming up on Friday in 2 weeks, she usually gets moody and acts out during this time.” She said and she watched him take out his phone and program the dates in his phone, something she hadn’t seen any other foster family do before. Just then you came down smiling and they turned when they heard you and smiled. 
“All unpacked?” Kelly asked and you nodded “Good. Tonight Firehouse 51 is having a cookout and everyone is looking forward to meeting you and you’re going to love them. They're all just children inside adult bodies.” He said and everyone chuckled.
“With that said I should be going.” Zoey said and you frowned and walked over and hugged her and then quickly released her. She looked at the both of you. “You both have my numbers so don’t hesitate to call day or night.” She and you both nodded. She gave you one more hug and then hugged Kelly and you both walked her to the door and she turned to you both again and mainly spoke to Kelly. “I’ll be back soon to see how everything is going.” She said and you looked at her.
“Will you be here for my birthday?” You asked and she smiled and looked at you.
“Of course, as long as it is ok with Mr. Severide.” She said and you looked at him and he looked at you as you gave him a puppy dog eyed look and he smiled.
“Of course it is ok with me. Also please call me Kelly. Mr. Severide was my father.” He said looking at Zoey and she smiled.
“Of course, Kelly. Well, I better be off. Y/N be good for Kelly and do everything he asks. Ok?” She asked and you nodded. She smiled and then she turned towards the door and opened it and walked out. You and Kelly watched her get in her car and back out she waved and you both waved back and then she was on the street driving away. Kelly turned to look at you. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” He asked
“Can you help me rearrange my bedroom?” You asked shyly and he smiled and nodded.
“Of course. Let’s go. We have some time before we have to be at the cookout.” He said as he and you walked back into the house and he shut the door and you both headed upstairs to your room. The both of you had spent time rearranging your bedroom and helped you hang stuff that you wanted hung. Kelly looked at his watch and he smiled and then looked up at you. “Why don’t you go and freshen up and then we can start heading our way to the cookout.” He said and you smiled and nodded at him. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He said and you nodded and gave him a smile. You looked at yourself in the mirror and decided that you desperately needed a shower so you grabbed your clothes. You were quick to take your shower and get changed quickly and headed downstairs, something that was trained in you from bouncing from foster home to foster home and you hated it. 
“I’m ready.” You said when you joined Kelly in the kitchen and he turned and smiled.
“That was fast.” He said and you nodded and smiled sadly at him.
“Yea, my other foster homes made us take timed showers…” You said and trailed off not looking at him and that broke his heart. He walked over to you and lifted your head up gently.
“Hey, look at me.” He said and you did and you saw him smiling at you “You can take your time here. I want you to enjoy your time here. My home is your home.” He said and you nodded and he smiled and let go of your face and pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you, Kelly.” You said into his chest and he hugged you just a little bit tighter and kissed your head.
“Anytime kid.” He said into your hair. The two of you broke apart and he nodded and then grabbed his keys and the two of you were off heading to his truck. You started to get in the back but he was quick to shut the door and you looked up at him “You sit up front.” He said and you looked at him surprised, when you were at the other foster homes, they made you sit in the back no matter what. Zoey always had to tell you to sit up front as well.
“Really?” You asked and he smiled and nodded and then you went around the truck and opened the passenger side door and climbed in and settled in like you were meant to be there. He got on the driver’s side and started the engine. You wanted to turn the radio on but was hesitant and he saw this. 
“You can turn it on if you want and listen to whatever you want.” He said and again you looked at him surprised, you got yelled at if you tried to turn on the radio and listen to whatever you wanted. You smiled and were quick to turn on the radio and turn it to a country station. “Country is a favorite of mine.” He said and you looked at him with all the love in the world and he loved that he smiled and then put the truck into reverse and started to head to Herrmann’s place. 
“Have you always wanted to be a firefighter?” You asked shyly now second guessing if you should have said anything “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” You said after a minute of silence and he shook his head.
“Hey, no. I love when you ask questions, ask away. To answer your question, yes, I have.” He said and your eyes widened.
“That is so cool. I have so much respect for cops, firefighters, EMTs, and doctors. They saved my life and tried to save my parent’s life too.” You said and then got quiet and he was quick to notice that.
“You’re allowed to talk about them and to them. It helps with grieving.” He said again you were practically shut down when you started to talk about your parents. “I’m not trying to replace them and I want you to know that.” He said and you looked at him with tears in your eyes and he looked over at you when he was stopped at a stoplight and he smiled softly at you.
“Really?” You asked in a watery whisper.
“Really, Kiddo.” He said and then you hugged him the best you could. 
“Thank you.” You said and he smiled and kissed your head.
“Anytime, Kiddo. Anytime.” He said and then he turned his attention back to the road as the light turned green.  
“What is the rest of the firehouse like?” You asked curious. 
“They're goofy. Easy to get along with. We have several females on the team so you will most definitely not feel left out.” He said turning into a neighborhood. You nodded taking the information in.
“Are you seeing anyone?” You asked genuinely curious.
“No, I'm not.” He said and you knew he was hiding something.
“Do you like one of the girls?” You asked and he stayed quiet and he was blushing?
“No.” He said in a higher pitched voice.
“You do! You totally do!” You said and he blushed even harder. 
“Oh, look we're here!” He said trying to end the conversation as he parked and killed the engine.
“I'm gonna find out who.” You said with a mischievous grin and he looked over and smiled.
“No, you won't.” He said 
“Yes, I will.” You said and then got out of the truck and him following your lead. He already loved you; you were perfect and fun to get along with. Kelly was quick to catch up to you and he knocked on the door and after a minute it was opened and a man was standing in the doorway. 
“Kelly! Welcome!” He said and then turned to you. “Hi, I'm Christopher Herrmann and you must be Y/N.” He said and you looked down shyly and nodded.
“Hi.” You said and he smiled.
“Come on, give me a hug. You're family now.” Christopher said and pulled you into a hug which you shyly hugged back and then you two broke apart. “Get in here! Stella and the girls are dying to meet you.” He said and turned and you looked at Kelly. You were smiling when Stella’s name was mentioned and you smirked and he looked down at you.
“What?” He asked, “Stop looking at me like that.” He said and you shook your head as he started walking in and you followed suit.
“I'm closer to figuring it out. I already have a name.” You said and he turned to you.
“Don't you say anything.” He said pointing at you but you knew he was being playful.
“My lips are sealed.” You said making the motion and smirking. He shook his head and smiled; he really did like you. You followed him out to the backyard where a lot more people were and you started to get overwhelmed and stopped and he took notice of this especially when you stopped in the doorway.
“Hey,” He said, turning to you and getting serious and getting down to your level “if you start getting overwhelmed or want to go home, just tell me and we'll sort it out or go home. You're in control here.” He said and you nodded and he smiled and stood up and you clung to him. You liked Kelly a lot, he was so different from the last foster homes. You wanted to stay with him forever. 
Kelly walked over to someone with you in tow. One of the girls saw him and smiled “Kelly!” She yelled out and hugged him and he hugged back and then they released each other.
“Gabriela, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Gabriela Dawson she is a paramedic on Ambulance 61.” Kelly said and you shyly waved at her and she practically squealed with excitement.
“Kelly has nonstop talked about you and how excited he was. You’re gonna love it here and you’re gonna love it with him.” She said and hugged you and you hesitantly hugged her back.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You said when she released you.
“Come on, the others are dying to meet you!” She said and started ushering you and Kelly to the others. You arrived over to the group and Kelly greeted everyone and then he started to let them introduce themselves to you and you back to them. There were a lot of people and you were overwhelmed at first but throughout the cookout and playing games you slowly started to detach yourself from Kelly and started to hang out with more and more people. Kelly took note of this and was really happy at what he was seeing. One person seemed to be missing in the group and you saw Kelly looking around until you heard a female voice sound from near the house.
“Sorry, I’m late. I had some things that absolutely needed to get done.” She said and you saw Kelly light up like a Christmas tree, so this must be Stella you thought to yourself and smirked you figured it out.
“That’s ok. Herrmann just now started to cook.” Kelly said and hugged her “Oh! I want you to meet someone. Y/N!” He shouted and waved you over and you made your way over after excusing yourself. “Stella meet Y/N. Y/N this is Stella Kidd.” He said and he saw you smile and wave at her and she smiled back.
“Nice to meet you, Kelly has told me so much about you!” She exclaimed and hugged you and you hugged back and then looked at him with a smirk on your face and he knew that you knew that she was the one he liked.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about you from Kelly and the others.” You said and she smiled and then she was being called over to someone else and you looked at Kelly.
“Don’t.” He said and you smirked.
“Don’t what?” You asked, still smirking “Now I know who she is. This is gonna be fun.” You said and walked away to join Stella, Sylvie, and Gabriela. Occasionally you would look up at Kelly and smile sweetly at him but he knew what you were doing and he would just smile and shake his head. It was like you really were his kid.
A few hours later and the cookout was dwindling and you were spent and ready to go home. You made your rounds of bidding everyone that was still there a goodbye and then you were walking back to Kelly’s truck and hopped into the passenger side seat. You let out a sigh and relaxed into the seat. “Did you have a good time?” He asked as he turned the engine over and reversed the truck and you nodded.
“A really good time. Everyone is so nice. It was refreshing.” You said and let your eyes slip closed just now feeling how exhausted you were. Kelly put the truck in drive once he was on the road and looked over at you.
“I’m glad you had a good time. Everyone really liked you.” He said and you smiled and cracked your eyes open at him and then let them shut again and you were out before he even started to move. He turned the radio down and started heading home. It didn't take you both to be home, Kelly pulled into the driveway and killed the engine and looked over at you still sleeping away and he smiled. He got out and walked over to the passenger side door and carefully opened it. He undid your seatbelt and took you in his arms and carried you to the house and inside. He quietly shut the door and carried you upstairs to your room, he gently laid you down and took your shoes off and covered you up and made sure you were comfortable and headed out of your room and to the kitchen. It was late when you both got home so he understood why you had fallen asleep. He tidied everything up and then went upstairs and checked on you one more time and got ready for bed himself and in no time, he was asleep with a smile on his face. He was so lucky to have in his life, he knew you were it for him. He even is having thoughts about adopting you and that was rare for him but you just completed him.
The next morning you woke up confused but well rested. You yawned and stretched and then you smelt something that made your mouth water and that had you getting up but not before you changed out of your jeans and into sweats and threw on a hoodie. You walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Kelly turned when he heard you. “Good morning. Sleep well?” He asked and you nodded.
“I did. Thank you for carrying me in last night.” You said and he smiled at you.
“You were sleeping well; no way was I going to wake you up. I’m strong enough to carry someone.” He said chuckling and that made you chuckle.
“Can I help with anything?” You asked, he shook his head.
“Nope not unless you want to but you’re not obligated to.” He said and you nodded. “You can just sit tight and breakfast will be ready, now.” He said as he turned off the stove and put pancakes and bacon on a plate and walked it over to the table. “Dig in.” He said and smiled and that is what you did. His cooking was delicious, more delicious than the other foster homes you’ve been in. 
“This is so good.” You said taking another bite.
“Thank you. I’m so glad you liked it. Just wait until you have food at the firehouse, you’ll fall in love.” He said and you smiled at him.
“I’m so looking forward to it.” You said and he smiled and took a bite of this food. 
You really loved it here. Zoey was right, this foster home was different and you were going to give him a chance.
Throughout the two weeks that you were there you met a lot of people and you had fallen in love with each and every one of them. It was Friday the day your parents had passed away and it was hitting you hard to the point where you were acting out against Kelly but he never once got frustrated with you or threatened to send you back, he was patient with you. 
One day you had left school during lunch, you had started school the week before after being signed up by Zoey. Everything was too much and everything was too much, you were a bright intelligent girl and you loved school but you just needed away. You were also quick to make friends, two that you made friends with were named Sam and his boyfriend Cooper. You also made friends with a girl named Aubrey. They saw your look and became worried. “Everything ok, Y/N/N?” Sam asked and you looked at him and shook your head.
“No, today is just a good day.” You said hoping to leave it at that and they sensed that. “Hey I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You said easily and they nodded and you headed out but instead of heading towards the bathroom you steered towards the entrance of the school and since you were allowed to eat outside nobody thought anything of it. You were quick to take off school grounds and headed your way to the park, thankfully you were from Chicago and knew your way around. Once at the park you sat on a bench with your knees up. Tears slowly started to spill out of your eyes. “Why? Why did you have to leave me?” You asked nobody in particular.
Back at the school lunch had ended and classes resumed but you were nowhere in sight and this worried the teachers and they had called the front office and they were quick to call Kelly. 
Kelly and Stella were confused when they heard his phone ring, he had his ringer on in case it was your school trying to reach him. It rang twice before he picked up. 
“Kelly Severide?” Olivia, the front desk receptionist asked.
“This is he.” He answered “Is everything ok?” He asked if he looked at Stella and she could see the panic on his face. 
“This is Olivia from Chicago Middle School. We have been notified that your daughter has not been seen since lunch.” Olivia said and his blood ran cold.
“Thank you for letting me know.” He said not really knowing what to say.
“You’re welcome Mr. Severide.” She said and then they hung up the phone and he just stared ahead and then his mind began to race.
“Everything ok?” Stella asked concerned.
“Y/N isn’t at school. Nobody has seen her since lunch.” Kelly said. What if something happened to you? What if you were in danger and needed him? “I need to call Jay.” He said just then his phone rang and he looked at it and saw that it was Jay.
“Jay.” He said “Y/N isn’t at school.” He started to panic.
“I know.” Jay said 
“What if something happened? What if she needs medical assistance? What if- wait, how do you know?” He asked just now, hearing what he had said.
“She’s with me. I was on patrol with Hailey looking for someone and found her sitting on a bench in the park. She looked upset.” Jay said and then it hit Kelly.
“It’s the day her parents died. Zoey warned me she would be acting out. Where are you now?” He asked
“Still at the park. She’s in the truck with Hailey in the heat.” Jay said and Kelly nodded.
“Don’t move. I’ll be there soon.” Kelly said
“You got it.” Jay said and they hung up.
Kelly was so relieved; you were with someone he trusted and hopefully you trusted. He sat there for a few minutes. “Jay and Hailey are with her.” He said to Stella and she looked relieved.
“Oh, thank goodness. Go.” She said after she saw him just sitting there and then he got up and went to Boden and told him what was going on and he was quick to give him the keys to the truck and he was on his way to you.
You were sitting there thinking about how stupid it was that you didn’t contact anyone especially Kelly and you were regretting it but you didn’t move. “Y/N?” You heard someone call your name and you turned around and saw that it was Jay Halstead, a friend of Kelly’s and you really liked him.
“Jay.” You said and turned back around as he came and sat next to you.
“What are you doing out here kid?” He asked 
“I walked out of school.” You said not looking at him.
“Why did you do that?” He asked
“I just got overwhelmed. I couldn’t take it. It’s not a good day.” You said and he nodded.
“Why don’t you come back to the truck? Get out of this cold.” He said and you nodded and you let him lead the way. When you got to the truck, he opened the back door and you got in and then noticed Hailey. “Stay here and I’m gonna call Kelly.” He said and you and Hailey nodded.
“Everything ok, Sweetheart?” Hailey asked looking back at you and you shook your head and she left it at that not pushing and you appreciated that. “If you need anything you can come and talk to any of us.” She said and you nodded. Just then Jay opened the driver’s side door and got in. 
“Kelly will be here in a few minutes.” He said looking at you and you nodded. Small talk was made and then they started talking about the case and this got you interested. 
“Have you thought about why he has been staying around this area?” You asked and they turned to look at you.
“No, we haven’t. What are you thinking?” He asked
“Maybe he has a family here and doesn’t want to leave them although the girlfriend or ex-wife doesn’t want him around and has moved on. Maybe he is killing for revenge.” You said with a shrug of your shoulders and they stared at you.
“We never thought about that. We’ll definitely have to look into it.” He said and then he saw the chief fire truck roll up and Kelly got out and you were quick to get out and run to him.
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that I ran away from school. I’ll never do it again. Please don’t hit me.” You said and pleaded and that broke Kelly’s heart.
“I’m not going to hit you. I just want to know why you ran away from school.” He said and kissed your head. You looked up at him from your hugging position and he looked down at you.
“I just got overwhelmed. I couldn’t take it anymore so I left.” You told him and he nodded. He looked up at Jay and Hailey and nodded and Jay flashed his police lights at you both and they were gone. 
“Come on. I wanna take you somewhere.” He said and you nodded sniffling. He led you to the truck and you got in and so did he and started to drive. You were confused.
“Where are we going?” You asked
“You’ll see.” He said and you nodded. 5 minutes later he was pulling into the cemetery and he drove around until he got to the spot where he wanted to be. You realized where you were, you were at your parent’s grave. He stopped the truck and put it into park and turned to you. 
“Kelly?” You asked with a watery voice and he smiled at you and nodded and you got out and went to them and he was soon following. 
“You can come and visit them anytime you would like. Just tell me and we’ll find a time to come.” He said and you started bawling and hugged him.
“Thank you so much. This means so much to me.” You said and he smiled and hugged you back and kissed your head. “Stay as long as you want.” He said and you nodded and then he walked back to the truck and got in leaving you alone and you turned towards the graves.
“Hi mom and dad. I miss you so much. It’s been tough not having you here but I think I found a really great foster home this time. You would really like him. He’s a firefighter and he loves kids. I really like him. He reminds me so much of you dad. I wanna call him dad but I don’t want to feel like I’m replacing you dad. I know it sounds silly.” You said you felt like someone was touching your cheek almost like telling you it’s ok, you shivered “I really hate to cut this short but I’m starting to get cold. I promised to come back and talk to you soon. I love you both.” You added and kissed the headstone. You turned back towards the truck and got in and Kelly turned to look at you.
“You, ok?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Thank you. Nobody has done that for me before.” You said and he smiled.
“Like I said, anytime you want to come out here just tell me.” He said and you nodded “I also called the school and explained everything. You’re coming back to the firehouse with me.” He added and you nodded.
“I’m sorry for doing this to you.” You said and he smiled and ran his fingers through your hair.
“Just please don’t do it again. Next time, call me.” He said and you nodded your head.
“I will.” You said and he smiled.
“Good now let’s go.” He said and headed back towards the firehouse. 
Kelly was definitely different and you loved him for that. He didn’t try to push you into anything and he took time to listen to you. You didn’t want to leave him. Ever.
A month has passed and you and Kelly have truly bonded unbeknownst to you he and Zoey have been talking about him adopting you. Everything was falling into place and he was really happy about it. He had several people back him that he would be a great father to you. He couldn’t wait to give you the news on your birthday as a birthday present. 
Y/B/D had finally rolled around and you were excited you had planned for your friends and their parents, Firehouse 51 and families, Intelligence and families including Will, Connor, Zoey, and few others were there. The party was going to be held at Kelly’s house. It was time for the party to start and everyone had shown up and the party was in full swing. There was chit chat around everywhere and everyone had brought presents for you. Everyone was wishing you a happy birthday and all the kids went and played together. 
As the night went on you were smiling and having a blast. Food was eaten and then it came time for cake and presents. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to you and you blushed embarrassed and then you blew out the candles. “What did you wish for?” Connor asked and you looked at him.
“If I tell you then it wouldn’t come true.” You said with a smirk and everyone laughed.
“You got me there.” He said and then you started to open presents and you got a lot and you loved every single one of them. You expressed this to everyone. Kelly had gotten you a lot. You looked at him and he looked nervous. 
“I have one last gift for you. Y/N when you came into my life a month ago, I knew you were the one I wanted to keep and call my daughter, you complete me. You have been such a great kid and love that about you. Sure, you have had your days but what teenager doesn’t?” He said and everyone laughed and you smiled. “Zoey and I have been in contact with each other over this past month and we finally got confirmation that everything is a go. So, Y/N if it is ok with you, I would like to adopt you and officially call you, my daughter.” He said and handed you an envelope that had the words ‘ADOPTION’. You opened it and pulled out the papers and tears sprung to your eyes and you looked at him and then Zoey and she nodded. “So, what do you say? Is it ok?” He asked, still looking nervous and everyone was waiting for you to answer, you put the papers down and then practically lunged at him and hugged him.
“1000% it is ok.” You said tears falling and soaking his shirt and he smiled and hugged you back and kissed your head. 
“I love you kiddo.” He said into your hair.
“I love you too, Dad.” You said and you could’ve sworn you felt tears falling into your hair and then everyone was clapping and hollering. You two broke apart and looked at everyone. 
“Here’s to the now Y/N Severide!” Herrmann announced and everyone took a drink and you laughed and snuggled into Kelly and he wrapped his arms around you tighter. This was officially the best day of your life. The night went on and you barely broke away from Kelly’s, now your dad, side. 
When everyone left you helped clean up and then you both headed off to bed. “I’ll come check on you in a few minutes.” He said and you nodded and headed upstairs and got ready for bed and laid down just as soon as Kelly came in. He sat down on your bed.
“I had a really great time tonight. Thank you so much, nobody has ever done something like this for me before or even taken me to see my parents. Yet alone give me the option to go and see them whenever I want.” You said and he smiled.
“Anything for my best girl.” He said and you smiled “Now you get a good night’s rest and we can do anything you want tomorrow.” He said and you nodded and he kissed your forehead. 
“Oh, so how is it going with Stella?” You asked with a smirk and he blushed.
“Good night, Baby Girl.” He said
“Hey, we’re not done talking about this.” You said with a smile and a chuckle and he shook his head.
“I love you.” He said and then started to head out of your room.
“I love you too, Dad.” You said and he turned to you and smiled then turned over and fell asleep with a smile on your face.
Kelly walked out and shut the light off and shut the door. He stood there for a minute and let a few tears slip. He definitely made the right choice and he couldn’t be happier and neither could you. You both had each other and you both completed each other. Zoey was definitely right; this one was different and you would have to text her thanking her for giving you that push.  Without her none of this would have happened. 
You found a home in his heart.
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shesmyboot · 5 months
Baby Severide - Chapter 9: Date Night
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*Gif belongs to its rightful owner, it is not mine*
Pairing: Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: You and Kelly go on your first date night after becoming parents
Words: 1569
Warnings: implied smut, doctors, mentions of sex, mention of siblings, hockey
Read on Ao3 here
Notes: So remember how I said chapter 8 was the last of Baby Severide? Well I lied because I love this fic so so so much. Thank you for your support and join the Taglist to be notified when any of my new fics are published!
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Tags: @district447 @mrspeacem1nusone @tringeorge @storiesofsvu @cfdhouse51 @skullcupcakes @whatismypurpos @carnationworld @youraveragedorkysimp @treehouse-mouse @witchywinchester99 @keabbs @marvelcharactersxreader @pensfan5871 @dhighsstuff
"So I'm cleared?" You asked, sitting up on the table.
"Yes Mrs Severide, you may now return to full workouts, sexual activity and carrying more than 20 pounds. Take it slow, if anything is painful or feels out of the ordinary, please give us a call," Dr Calhoun replied, "how does that make you feel? Mentally?"
"Honestly, a little nervous."
"What if something happens?"
"From everything that I have checked, there is no need for concern. If something happens, we're only a call away. If its after hours, head to Med and have them page me. If there's something wrong, and I don’t think there is, but if something happens, we will take care of it. There's no need to worry."
"Okay. So I'm really good to go?"
"Absolutely. My last word of advice because I've been doing this for a while and I now have two of my own, use a good lube or try it in the shower for the first few times. It makes all the difference."
You chuckled, "Thank you Doctor Calhoun, for eveything."
"If you ever decide to have more children or need a GYN, give me a call."
Dr Calhoun left the room and you collected yourself and Alexis to leave your final OB appointment for the foreseeable future. 
After arriving back at your car, you placed Alexis' carseat in the base and called Kelly. 
"Hey, how'd it go?" Kelly eagerly answered your call.
"Good, all cleared and good to go. You home from shift yet?"
"Just leaving 51. Meet you at home?”
"Sounds good, see you soon. Love you."
"Love you too."
“Kelly, you here?" You heard rustling in the bedroom.
“Yeah, hold on.”
The rustling continued.
“What are you doing?” You laughed.
“Found it,” he exited your bedroom holding a box. 
He followed you to the couch, a now sleeping baby nestled in the crook of your arm. 
“Whatcha got there?”
“Katie sent us some stuff from New York for Alexis.”
“Katie working today? We should FaceTime her to open it.”
“How long has Alexis been asleep?” 
“Almost an hour. I fed her before my appointment and she slept the whole time.”
“How lucky are we that she’s a damn good sleeper?”
“So lucky.”
He looked at the unopened USPS box on the coffee table.
“So calling Katie?”
“Let’s do it, I’ll see if Alexis wakes up when I pick her up.”
You picked Alexis up as Kelly started the FaceTime call to his sister. Alexis awoke, but was her usual calm self as soon as she opened her eyes.
“Hi Alexis!!” Katie smiled as she answered the FaceTime call.
You took Alexis’ arm in your hand and gave Katie a little wave.
“We wanted to wait to open the package until we were with you, but I guess FaceTime will have to do,” Kelly laughed.
“Actually, let’s wait to do it until I’m there.”
“How long will that be?”
“About 30 seconds,” she giggled, knocking on your apartment door.
Kelly practically ran to open the door and hug her.
“How long has it been?” He chuckled.
“Too long,” she smiled, hugging him back.
You invited Katie in and spent the rest of the day hanging out and catching up, before finally opening the package. It was filled with NYC and Manhattan-related gifts along with a white envelope on the bottom. 
“What’s in there?” You asked, curiously.
“Open it,” she smiled.
“Tickets to the Blackhawks game?” Kelly was giddy, he was so excited.
“They’re for tonight, I’ll babysit. You guys have fun,” Katie grinned.
“Katie, I- I- I don’t know what to say,” you started to tear up.
“Don’t say anything, I’m happy to do it. I’m gonna go check into my hotel and I’ll be back in time for you guys to get to the game.”
“Kelly are you ready?” You called into the bedroom while bopping Alexis.
“Yup, I’ll be right there.”
He walked out of the bedroom with his Blackhawks jersey in hand, wearing one of those undershirts you couldn’t help but fall in love with.
“You gonna carry that at the game too?” You giggled.
“Don’t want Alexis to spit up on it. Put it on when we leave,” he laughed, taking your daughter from your arms.
“Katie will be here in like 30 minutes. I gotta curl my hair and do my makeup and get changed.”
“Already found something for you to wear,” he smirked, “it’s on the bed.”
You walked in to the bedroom to find your Jonathan Toews jersey and your favourite pair of jeans on the bed.
"How did you know?" you laughed. 
"What can I say? I know you well, babe."
You changed quickly and fixed up your curls.
"Katie's here," Kelly called.
"Be right there."
Quickly, you threw on some mascara and lip gloss before going to the living room.
"You look good babe," Kelly smiled, handing Alexis off to Katie. 
You leaned over and kissed him, feeling a little more like you wanted to stay in rather than go out. 
"There's, uh, breast milk in the fridge, her schedule is on the counter. Um, Sylvie's number is on the fridge in case there's any, uh, problems," your mind distracted from the kiss, you couldn’t help but giggle.
"We'll be fine. You guys have fun," Katie smiled.
You gave Alexis a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "good night baby, mommy loves you so much."
"Good night Alexis, daddy loves you to the moon and back." 
Watching Kelly love Alexis was something that made you fall in love with him more and more. Having a stable husband with whom you shared a child with was something you dreamt of since high school.
Kelly grabbed his jersey and followed you out the door. 
Walking out of the United Center back to Kelly's car, you were exilerated, but exhasted. The Blackhawks had just snapped their 5 game losing streak, and won with a 4-0 shoutout. That was the perfect end to your first night out after becoming parents. 
"How you feeling?" Kelly asked, "you up for Molly's or are you done for the night?"
You stopped at the car, leaning into Kelly for a kiss, "What about something else?" you smiled.
"You up for that? You just got cleared today," he asked, kissing your neck. He knew you wouldn't say anything unless you were ready.
"Bassinet is finally in Alexis' room. Seems like a great time to test things out again."
"You look so good tonight baby, we'll do whatever you want," he smiled as he went back in for another kiss. 
The traffic home was a nightmare, but by the time you got to the apartment, you were ready for anything. 
"We're home," you smiled, opening the apartment door. 
Katie was asleep on the couch, but woke at the sound of your shoes coming through the door.
"How'd it go?" You asked, going to check the baby monitor.
"Been up every 3 hours since you guys left, but she just went down about a half hour ago if you guys want to get some sleep," she yawned, packing up her purse. 
“You need a ride to the hotel?” Kelly asked.
“I have an uber a few minutes away, but thank you.”
“I have another day before I’m back on shift, wanna meet up and do something tomorrow?”
“That sounds great, I’ll text you guys when I’m ready for the day.”
You and Kelly both hugged Katie before seeing her out of the apartment. You watched her get on the elevator and then locked the door behind you as you entered the apartment. 
“Shower or bed?” You laughed, pulling him closer for a kiss by the collar on his jersey.
“Whatever you want baby,” he chuckled, pulling your jersey off, “it’s your night.”
You grabbed Kelly by the hand and led him into the master en suite. The bathroom door clicked shut and Alexis started to cry.
“Shit,” you started to laugh, resting your head on his chest.
“I’ll get her, put her back down. I’ll met you in there in a few.”
Kelly left the bathroom for the nursery and you started the water. Throwing your clothes on the counter, your hand brushed by your scar. Healed up and mostly pain free, it was still a reminder of what had to be done to bring Alexis into the world. You stepped in the shower, wincing at the feel of the water being a tad too cold, and turned the temperature to more suit the steamy theme of the evening. Kelly returned, already having left his jersey in the other room. 
“How’s the baby?” You asked.
“Good, pacifier fell out of her mouth.” He mindlessly undid his jeans and removed the tank covering his chest.  He looked back towards the shower.
“Damn, you’re-“ he was almost breathless. The two of you had been intimate all throughout your pregnancy, but the morning sickness wasn’t as attractive as you naked in the shower. 
“You gonna join me?” You didn’t have to ask twice, he was gonna obey the first time. 
He finished undressing and practically leapt into the shower. With a flick of the wrist, he tipped your chin up to make eye contact with him. Backing you in the shower’s wall, he placed his other hand on the tile for support. He leaned in and the passionate kisses began shortly after. 
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Together (I)
Characters: Kelly Severide x Reader, Jay Halstead x Sibling!Reader, Will Halstead x Sibling!Reader
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, stabbing, guns, arson, drugs etc.
Summary: What was supposed to be a quick trip cleaning your dad's belongings turns into something so much more.
A/N: Posting this before the summer holiday is over for me. This is a series that I've been planning for a while so I hope your buckled in for quite the ride. Enjoyyyyy!!
Series Masterlist / Next Chapter
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"Where were you this morning?"
Kelly jumped, his head snapping over to find you peering over his shoulder and into his locker. "Gosh Y/N, you scared the crap outta me."
"That doesn't answer my question." You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched your boyfriend expectantly. "I woke up in bed alone."
"What are you even doing here?" Kelly asked you, your question going over his head. "I thought you were going to Wisconsin to clean up the cabin."
"I'll answer your question when you answer mine." You shot back, not backing down. You were going to win the staredown you were currently having, even if it was against his incredible eyes that you adored with all your being.
"I'm getting the grill out today. Just made sure we had everything in case I needed to run to the store before shift." Kelly said truthfully, crossing his own arms in retaliation. "I told you this yesterday, did I not?"
You huffed, rolling your eyes when you realised that he did indeed tell you yesterday. "I came for my jacket and to give you my morning kiss which I would've given you like I usually do had you not left."
Kelly awed, his arms unfolding so he could grab your hips and bring you in for a kiss. No matter how much you wanted to hold a grudge against him, you couldn't help but melt and kiss him back.
Before you could wrap your arms around his shoulders, Kelly very reluctantly pulled back. "Be safe alright? Make sure to call me when you get there."
"You'll be the only thing on my mind." You smirked, pecking his lips before reaching into his locker, taking his CFD issued jacket. "Thank you very much."
"You minx." Kelly rose his brow in surprise, shutting his locker shut as soon as you got what you needed.
"Don't let my brothers hear you call me that." You warned him, shrugging his jacket on as you did so, well aware of Kelly's eyes looking you up and down as though he was going to eat you.
"When are they meeting you up there?" Kelly asked, aware that your brothers were still working and were getting off later than you. You mentioned the other night something about them not being able to get off at the same time as you but they'd be up with you soon after.
"Fingers crossed when the sun sets if there's no traffic." You said with finality, looking down at Kelly's watch and taking note of the time. "I gotta go now but stay safe alright? I don't wanna cut my trip off short because Boden's calling me saying you got hurt or into trouble."
"Yes ma'am." Kellys saluted you, pulling you back in for another kiss before escorting you out the firehouse. "The same goes for you. It's freezing out so the roads will be icy, probably going to start snowing today as well."
"That's why I got this." You pointed at the lieutenants jacket on your shoulders, proudly showing it off. "I promise its safe return."
"I'm holding you to that." Kelly pointed at you as you walked out the app floor.
"I'll call you in a few hours lieutenant." You winked, waving at your boyfriend as you approached your car.
"I'll be looking forward to it firefighter."
You hated how Kelly was correct nearly all of the time.
By the time you reached the cabin that was now in Will's possession due to him being the oldest Halstead after your dad's death, the frost developed into snow and was slowly stacking up.
Kelly jacket was way too thin for the snow but once you got inside and you got the heating working, all would be well.
Fumbling with the keys, you locked your car and just about managed to get into the cabin, a gust of wind pushing you inside. With tons of effort despite your job, you found it difficult to push the door close against earth's natural forces.
With a sigh, you slumped against the door once it was finally closed. It took way too much effort than what was needed.
It'd been years since you last came to visit the Cabin. The last memory you had of this place was staying one summer when Will was in high school and your two brothers teamed together to drown you in the lake nearby. Of course, they didn't let you fully drown but it was funny anyways.
The nostalgia hit you in waves as you walked around, rubbing your hands together to create some friction so you wouldn't freeze to death. It also happened that the last time you were here it was with your mother when she was alive and well.
Oh how you missed the simpler times in life.
For some reason, the motor was refusing to start up and before you could kick it, you heard the front door burst open, a gust of cold air following that you could feel going through the entire cabin.
Frowning, you glanced down at the time on your phone. Unless Jay and Will got off early without telling you, no one should be here.
With your guard fully up, you silently crept through the hallways, looking for anything to protect yourself but came up with nothing. You knew a few things about self defense from both Kelly and Jay and there was also no way you could scream to get attention because no one would hear you out here.
Gripping your fingers around your phone, you were seconds away from tapping Jay's contact when you were stopped by the barrel of a gun at the back of you head.
You immediately froze at the motion, not even trying to risk anything. There could be several things happening but before you could try to escape, you had to evaluate the situation first.
"Listen man, I don't want any trouble." You said warily, holding your hands up to show what you guessed was a man that you had nothing in your possession but your phone. "If you want money, it's in my car. If you want somewhere to hide out, stay here. If you need any help, I'm a firefighter so I'm sure we can figure something out."
"i've got exactly what I want." The man's voice sent chills down your spine, recognition flooding you despite not having seen his face. This was the voice of the man that haunted you for years now and no amount of therapy could erase the permanent scars in your mind and on your body. "And she's not going anywhere."
And before you could reply, you were struck on the back of your head and was met with nothing but darkness.
Coming back to your senses, you were expecting to wake up in your bed with Kelly and everything that happened was nothing but another nightmare but upon not being able to move your arms or legs, reality struck.
This was all very real and you were about to experience something short from hell.
"Jackson Murray." Your throat was hoarse as you spoke, addressing the man that sat opposite you with the proudest smirk on his lips.
You were currently tied to the heater that you failed to turn on, your feet and hands bound but several pairs of zip ties to ensure you wouldn't escape.
"Y/N Halstead." Jackson said with mirth in his eyes. He looked exactly the same since you last saw him, that scar you inflicted still going across his face, going from his left eyebrow all the way down to his upper lip.
"I take it prison wasn't your scene." You tried shifting but only groaned, finding that you movement was very minimal and if you did try to move, it would only cause you pain.
"It was horrific." He groaned, dragging his hand down his face as he reminisced what was supposed to be life in jail. Currently, he was sitting on a dining room chair which gave him leverage against you, allowing him to look down on you. "In all fairness, it taught me a lot."
"Is that so?" You humored him, your eyes flickering around the room, looking for a way to escape or to make a distraction. Your head was absolutely killing you and if you guessed right, you had a wound at the back of your head and you most definitely had a concussion.
"Not too much science but I learnt so much from other inmates, it was fascinating!" Jackson gushed, his smile eerie as he went into story about all the violent and gruesome things he learnt, explaining that he would test some of them out on you.
You shivered, blocking out his voice as you only now realised your lack of clothing. Jackson must've changed you while you were out because you no longer wore Kelly's lieutenant jacket or your shirt. Instead, you only sported your bra and jeans.
You had no idea what he did with your clothes but no matter how much your appearance was a concern to you, you also had concern for the man that was approaching you with a knife in his hand.
Within seconds, he was crouching down so he could be eye level with you, the tip of the blade nicking your neck as he spoke to you in a whisper. "I've been waiting for this day for years. Dreaming of this exact moment every night since I was arrested."
Before you retort back or even spit in his face, you could hear a very faint door being slammed shut from outside. For a nanosecond you were confused as to who on earth would be out here but then you remembered.
Your already built up dread was now drowning you as you remembered that your brothers were coming up here later today but with no record of the time and from your period of unconsciousness, you totally forgot.
Internally, you were cursing out your brothers. From the corner of your eyes, you could see out the window that it was still bright out which meant they got off work earlier than planned.
Opening your mouth to shout out a warning, Jacksons hand clamped down on your lips, his knife still at your neck but digging into your skin further. You could feel the blood slowly dripping down the base of your neck and going down your chest, your groans muted by your captors palm.
"Y/N, you here?!" Will shouted as he entered the cabin but you could only hear his footsteps as he ventured in. "Your car isn't out front and Kelly said you definitely left this morning."
Will's voice got clearer and louder the closer he came to the living room. Panic was now flooding your bloodstream but you were completely immobile with no way of telling him to get out and run.
Turning the corner, Will wasn't expecting anything when he casually passed the living room but the sight he was welcomed with was anything but welcoming.
Before he could move, let alone react and say anything, Will was bashed on the back of his head by a baseball bat in the hands of a man you thought was dead.
You screamed in Jackson's hand, tugging on your restraints as you leaned as far forward as you could, wanting to go and help your now unconscious brother.
Blood was slowly seeping out from the back of Will's head, the crimson liquid mixing with his red curls that only he inherited from your mother.
You felt tears prick the corner of your eyes at your deadly still brothers body. If it wasn't for the occasional rise and fall of his chest, you for sure would've thought he was dead.
All of a sudden, Jackson was moving away from you, allowing you to gasp as you recollected yourself. Your breathing was erratic as you watched the two men converse in whispers. With a joint effort, Will was further subdued using several zip ties around his wrists and ankles just like they did to you but instead of being restrained by the heater pipes, he was put against the table leg.
"Y/N, you remember my brother, don't you?" Jackson innocently asked you, turning around to talk to you. He was acting as if his brother didn't just knock out your brother cold.
"Ezra." You whispered, too scared to talk any louder. Both mentally and physically you were in shock from everything that was happening but you could never forget the brother duo that ruined your life.
"You guys just want me, let Will go please." You said with desperation, eyeing your oldest brother to make sure he was okay. "He has nothing to do with any of this."
"Oh but that's where you're wrong." Jackson shook his head, coming towards you and crouching down to your slumped height, brushing your loose hair with his disgusting hands. "Your brothers have everything to do with this."
And then it was in this moment you remembered that Will hadn't come alone. He mentioned that him and Jay were going to drive here together.
With wide eyes, your heart dropped when you heard the front door open again but instead of hearing a voice greet you alike to how Will did, you were met with silence.
"Watch them." Jackson ordered his younger brother before disappearing into the hallway. Hopefully Jay could use his detectiveness and figure out that something was wrong.
Keeping your lips sealed, you felt yourself shivering even more than you already were. The cold was slowly starting to get to you and you hated it.
The tension was so strong that you felt it suffocating you, your lungs tightening as it got harder to breathe. You eyed the man that everyone thought to be dead, millions of questions flooding your mind.
The gunshot scared you, making you jump out of your bones but your restraints minimised you reaction, pulling you back as you winced at the bruising around your wrists and ankles.
You felt the biggest lump in your throat at the uncertainty. Who pulled the trigger? Did anyone get hurt? You wanted nothing more than these two brothers to be dead and gone from your life but fate was clearly having its fun.
Soon enough, some of your questions were answered when Jay was pushed into the living room by Jackson. Jay was now unarmed but he was also free of any injuries making you breathe a little easier knowing at least one of your brothers were unharmed.
You easily read Jay as his eyes landed on you and Will. The green eyes that you two shared widened in disbelief and concern; looking you up and down, inspecting your half naked body and Will's limp one, you could feel his fury from across the room.
Without argument, Jay allowed himself to be restrained and due to lack of space, he was restrained on the other side of the heater. He was so close to you yet so far. The brothers ran out of zip ties though, leaving Jay's legs free meaning if he stretched himself far enough, he could reach you.
For some reason, the two brothers found this to be the best time to leave the room, disappearing into the cabin somewhere leaving the Halstead siblings alone.
"Jay, did you shoot Jackson?" Was the first thing you asked your older brother, hoping with all your might that the disgusting man was hurt.
"It's just a graze but yeah I did." Jay answered nonchalantly, worry swimming in his eyes as he fully took in your appearance. "They didn't..."
"No, God no." You immediately shook your head, gagging at the mere thought of what Jay was suggesting. "Just a nick on my neck and something at the back of my head but otherwise, I'm all good."
You could see him relax but only ever so slightly, his eyes dragging over to Will's slumped figure. Following his line of sight, you filled him in before he could ask. "Ezra knocked him out with your old bat."
"Why the hell is Ezra alive and Jackson out of jail?" You asked Jay, desperately in need of answers but deep down, you knew Jay had no answers either.
Before Jay could say anything though, he was stopped by the brothers storming back into the living room, a mix of excitement and fury following them.
Without saying anything, they were both coming towards you.
"No, no, no." You repeated over and over, trying your hardest to get their hands off you. "Get off, get away from me!"
Jays shouts for you to be left alone fell on deaf ears, his attempts to kick either brother away failing the second a needle was plunged into the side of his neck. However, even while drugged up, Jay was relentless and tried his hardest to fight the men off you but soon enough, succumbed to whatever drug he was injected with.
You felt like crying as you couldn't do anything to help Jay. All you could do was helplessly watch and beg him to wake up but alas, nothing happened.
Using your distracted state, the brothers managed to remove you from the pipes and were now dragging you onto your feet.
Despite your weakening body, you tried as hard as you could to fight the brothers off. With their hands gripping your arms and your waist, you tried elbowing, headbutting, biting and spitting but the most damage you did was further annoy them.
Now agitated, you were shoved against Ezra's chest, his arms holding you down as Jackson did what he wanted since the day he met you all those years ago. Clenching your jaw, you screwed your eyes shut as you felt your body cry out at each blow.
You swallowed back your cries, not allowing them the pleasure to hear you in pain. That’s what got them off, hearing their victims cry and scream in agony but you wouldn’t allow that.
“Stop, stop.” You tried pushing them away but the punches kept rolling. “What do you want? I’ll give you anything, please.”
Jackson slowly pulled away, his knuckles bruised and bloodied from his attack. He had the proudest smile on his face, as if he’d just won gold in the Olympics
“I just want you to get what you deserve baby.”
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themultifandomgal · 11 months
I hope I can send you an idea where you're Kelly Severides half sister and on duty at Ambulance 61, but also having a crush on Gallo and vise versa but Kelly does not approve. So the mood between you both is not the best as he doesn't want you to be one of his girls. So as the ambulance one time gets in an accident and 51 comes to your rescue, Kelly notices how worried Gallo is and how he wants to make sure your okay. So Kelly gives him a chance and he finally asks you on a date and it's all fluffy ? Hope that's okay 🩷
Blake Gallo- Giving Permission
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Working with her older half brother can be rather difficult for YN. Especially since he found out that she and Blake find each other attractive. They have done since YN became a paramedic for ambo 61. Kelly has made it very known that he doesn't approve of a relationship forming between the paramedic or firefighter. He will often say to YN that he 'doesn't want to see his baby sister get hurt'. Since finding out the tension between the siblings has been high. Whenever Kelly walks onto the room YN will walk out annoyed with how protective he is being.
"He's just being ridiculous" YN tells Brett who's driving the ambulance back from the hospital
"He just wants to protect you from getting hurt. That's what brothers do"
"But Blake isn't going to hurt me that's what I don't get" YN huffs crossing her arms
"Maybe not, but imagine if you broke up. It might be messy and that's what Severide is trying to prevent"
"You know your meant to be on my side not his" YN says looking at her friend
"I am" Brett glances at YN before looking back to the road "but... shit!" a car driving on the wrong side of the road is heading towards them. Quickly Brett swerves the ambulance which causes it to roll down a bank hitting a tree then flipping. On the way down YNs head hits the dashboard making her black out.
Back at the station the alarm rings out signalling that they are needed. Everyone moves around like they are on auto pilot. It isn't until they arrive at scene of the the incident when they realise that it's ambo 61 that's smoking and flipped upside down. Severide is the first to run to the ambulance. Peering in he can see Brett trying to wake YN up. Gallo is next to run down the bank tugging at the door on  YNs side
"Severide it's not budging"
"Capp bring down the spreaders" Severide says into his radio.
Once squad mange to get get the ambulance open, Kidd and Mouch take over making sure YN and Brett are safely out of the ambulance as another ambulance pulls up at the top of the bank. Gallo and Severide nervously follows the stretchers
"She's going to be ok" Kidd placing her hand on Severide's shoulder, but she's saying this to both men.
Of course the firefighters of house 51 all make their way to the hospital worried about YN since she hasn't woken up.
Concussion, a broke arm and leg. That's what Dr Halstead tells the firehouse. Walking into YN's hospital room, Gallo sits down in the chair next to her bed taking her hand
"Hey. Maybe you can hear me, I hope you can. I really need you to wake up YN"
"Gallo" Blake's head turns towards YN's older brother. Blake let's go of YN's hand knowing that her brother doesn't approve
"Im sorry, I just..." Kelly shakes his head a little
"It's fine. You really do care for her don't you?"
"Yeah, a lot"
"I can't believe I'm saying this" Kelly groans "I give you permission to see each other" little do the men know YN has finally woken up. She smiles then coughs making the man's heads snap towards her
"It only took me nearly dying for you to let me and Gallo date?" YN laughs which again causes her to start coughing. Blake grabs a cup and jug of water, pouring the water then helping Yn take a sip of the water "thanks"
"Just take care of her Gallo"
"I will" Kelly then walks out out the room to tell everyone that YN is finally awake
"So what?" YN frowns
"Will you go on a date with me? Ya know when your out of hospital"
"I'd love to"
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Matt Casey x reader
Casey and his wife are expecting there second child, they have been married for three years. Y/n are working at the same firehouse as Casey but she is the paramedic for Ambo 61 and partner with Brett.
Gabby Dawson is still working at firehouse 51 but as a firefighter for truck 81. Y/n and gabby used to be partners for Ambo 61, they two are best friends.
Casey are really nervous to become a father to two kids, they already has a boy who is a toddler now and they are expecting a baby girl.
When Casey and y/n were expecting there boy they wasn’t together or married, but they got together when he was born. But they used to be a couple before there boy was conceived, but work got in the way.
Casey is really nervous, and the only one that he have told is Severide and Dawson. But Y/n finds out about how Casey feel about having a second child. Y/n gets mad at Casey for not telling her and they starts to fight. Even if they both know that they want to have another baby and to give there boy a sibling.
Scared- Matt Casey
Other Characters: Kelly Severide, Gabby Dawson, Sylvie Brett
Summary: Loosely based off of the prompt above, once the fight between you and Matt break out, you almost faint, causing everyone to rush to your aid.
Warnings: Mentions vomiting/morning sickness, dehydration, loose and possible wrong medical terminology.
Y/s/n = your son’s name.
Authors note: sorry I haven’t posted in a while! It’s been crazy and I’m not doing great in any capacity, but I’ve been trying to get something out and also trying to do your requests. I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for your patience and support! Love y’all!
You and Matt have been married for three years. Despite once being in a relationship with Matt, you quickly befriended Gabby when you were her partner on 61. Now, Gabby is a firefighter under Matt and you are partnered up with Brett. Through all of the awkward moments between you and Gabby when it comes to Matt, you are still best friends. Gabby was one of your biggest supporters when you were pregnant with y/s/n. You and Matt had recently broken it off because of his alderman duties when you started getting violently sick. As your roommate and fellow paramedic, Gabby was obviously very concerned until she connected the dots.
Now, a little over three years later, you and Matt are married with a baby girl on the way. The morning sickness has definitely been the worst during this pregnancy, but Matt, Gabby, Kelly, Brett, and Stella have been nothing but supportive. As of right now, you are laying in Matt’s office with a trash can by his cot while Brett and Gabby are trying to calm you down as Matt rushes around to grab a few things. Kelly finds Matt pacing in the locker room, running his hands through his hair.
“Woah man. What’s wrong?” Kelly asks, coming to stop Matt and try to calm his best friend.
“God Sev.” Matt mutters, tears threatening to spill. “She is just so sick and I hate seeing her like this. I mean, I was talking to Gabby the other day and I don’t know.” Matt said, shaking his head and lowering himself to a seat on one of the benches.
Kelly sighed as he lowered himself to the bench beside his best friend. “You don’t have to be afraid Matt. You are already such a good husband and father. Adding one more will be a piece of cake.” Kelly soothed, patting Matt on the back.
Matt shook his head. “I never really had a father figure growing up. I’m scared I’m going to mess up and they are going to leave. Gabby tried to talk me down too and nothing…”
“Excuse me?” You croaked, leaning heavily on Brett as she helped steady you on the way to the bathroom while Gabby stayed behind to change Matt’s sheets.
“Y/n.” Matt sighed, standing slowly and coming over to you.
“No. You talked to Gabby and Kelly, but not your own wife? The mother of your TWO children!” You exclaimed, starting to shake as you began to yell.
“Baby. It’s not like that at all.” Matt plead, hands out to steady you, but you tumbled back, only being caught by Brett.
“You don’t get to be scared Matt Casey.” You whispered. “You and I are suppose to be in this together. I’m terrified every single moment since I’ve been pregnant. You know I have a fear of vomiting, yet I go through this because I love you and I love y/s/n and I want him to have a sibling.” You wept, closing your eyes as the world stared to tilt.
“Y/n!” Matt, Kelly, and Brett yelled.
You pushed back at Matt when he tried to touch you, letting Brett and Kelly lower you to the floor.
“Go get a sick bag, a water, and Gabby. Have her bring the go bag.” Brett said, feeling for your pulse.
“Shhhh. Breathe.” Kelly instructed, taking your face in his hands. “Everything will be just fine.”
“What if he leaves?” You sobbed, grabbing onto Kelly for dear life. “I need him. I’m just really hurt that he won’t talk to me but I need him.” You sobbed, not realizing that Matt was standing behind the three of you as he waited for Gabby clutching a sick bag and a bottle of water.
“Baby, no.” Matt whispered, coming to crouch in front of you, handing what he had off to Kelly. “Yeah, I’m scared and yes, I should have talked to you. But understand this: I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere.” Matt emphasized, looking you dead in the eyes. “Both Gabby and Kelly found me in a panic and that’s why I told them. You are dealing with so much right now and I don’t want you to worry about me too.” Matt explained, wiping the tears from your face as Gabby came in with the go bag, slipping the pulse ox on your finger and the BP cuff on.
“How we doin?” Gabby asked, seeing your heart rate elevated and your oxygen levels at 95.
“Nauseous and dizzy.” You explained, leaning into Matt’s hands as he held your face.
“BP’s low.” Brett announced, grabbing the Iv kit from the bag. “I think you’ve got yourself dehydrated. I’m going to place a line.” Brett said, already prepping your arm.
Your eyes widened as you looked between all of your friends and your husband. “No way. Nope.” You said, trying to stand, but quickly falling back down into Kelly with Matt guiding your decent.
“You aren’t going anywhere. Relax.” Kelly said, squeezing your upper arms.
“Matt, please.” You begged, tears streaming down your face. You were starting to turn grey as the nausea built along with your anxiety.
“Shhh. It’s gonna be alright.” Matt soothed, kissing your forehead before turning to Kelly. “Switch with me. Let me hold her, it normally calms her down. Get the sick bag ready.” Matt instructed, quickly switching with Kelly as the man did what he was instructed to do. Matt sat with you in between his legs so that your back was pushed to his chest. He rested his chin lightly on your shoulder as he whispered in your ear. “Shhhh. It’s for the best. I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry. I love you. I’ve got you.” Matt whispered as you began hyperventilating from the panic of the rising nausea and the impending IV.
“Look at me. Just look at me.” Kelly said, kneeling in your line of sight. He waited until you opened your eyes to meet his own. Kelly smiled at you as he started breathing in time with Matt. “Just relax. We gotcha. We gotta do what’s best for you and the little princess, right?” Kelly said, smiling wider when you nodded. “That’s right. Just breathe. Follow us and focus on us.” Kelly instructed.
Matt noticed you starting to follow, but saw Brett going in with the needle. Matt and Kelly made eye contact as the needle pinched your skin. Kelly saw your change in color as Matt felt your gasp and then gag harshly.
“Shit. Okay, here sweetheart. Hang in there.” Kelly said, placing the bag under your chin as Matt pulled your hair back once more and held you steady around the torso.
“I’m gonna flush this, then give her some Zofran. We gotta get this under control. You cool with that and then some fluids for her Matt?” Brett asked, flushing the IV as she spoke.
“God yes. Whatever you have to do.” Matt instructed, hating how you were squirming and panting in his lap. You shook like a leaf as Matt held you on the cold tile floor.
“Gabby. Can you run and grab a blanket and a wash rag? She’s shaking like a leaf.” Kelly asked, not daring to move the sick bag too far. You were only panting right now, but you had no color to your face.
“On it!” Gabby replied, hurrying off.
“Alright. You know this might sting just a little. Then I’m gonna flush it and then run the fluids, okay?” Brett warned, speaking directly to you now. Once you nodded, Brett administered the medication and did everything else she said she would do before standing up with the bag of saline.
Gabby came running back in as Brett stood up. You were still shaking, but you felt comfortable enough to push the sick bag away. Once Gabby helped you clean your face and wiped the sweat off of your face, she wrapped the blanket around you. A silent decision was made to move you, so Kelly pulled you up and steadied you until Matt stood back up and picked you up, carrying you back into his office.
You groaned, throwing your head back. “Can someone PLEASE get me some mouth wash or my tooth brush. I can’t take this taste anymore.” You whined, shoving your face into Matt’s neck as he sat with you in his lap on his cot.
You didn’t notice Kelly depart from you guys as the lot of you left for Matt’s office. He came back in seconds later with mouth wash, your tooth brush and tooth paste, another bottle of water and another sick bag. “I figured you would want to get the taste out.” Kelly said, confused at the laughter coming from everyone else.
“Thank God. Someone with some sense.” You muttered sarcastically, making grabby hands for the items.
Matt and Gabby muttered “I beg to differ” at the same time, causing everyone to laugh. God, you couldn’t do this without them.
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tiffanyyy-ma · 4 months
I feel like a pregnancy storyline for the Stellarides is the next best step for not only the couple but the show. Hear me out… it’s been a lot of ‘repeat’ type storylines like the writers have been running out of ideas and recycling some (which honestly I get for a show that’s been on as long as CF has), but while a pregnancy storyline may recycle some topics already used (like what Stella will do, I.e. OFI like Gabby or paramedic, etc.), it also opens the door to so much more that didn’t get to be explored.
CF has many comedic elements so imagine the ones that’ll come from Severide trying his hardest to give into every craving Stella has no matter how weird or inconvenient, or Tony and Capp walking on eggshells around her because they fear her pregnancy hormones. Violet being that overprotective friend that pays attention to every bump, cough and scratch; Carver too since he’s developed this sibling-type protection over her (emphasis on sibling lol). Severide connecting more with Hermann and Cruz as the dads at 51 wondering how to balance the danger of the job and being a dad. Overthinker Stella just overthinking even more. A labor storyline which we know will be high intense and probably involve some danger element to it (like picture trapped in an elevator that’s threatening to snap and fall and 51 gets the call only to find out an in labor Stella is in it). The doors that open for special appearances from Matt and Sylvie to meet baby Stellaride; Boden too obviously. And if the writers are really up for the challenge, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to get more of Stella’s backstory.
Hopping off my soapbox now. A girl can dream 💭
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stellariders · 4 months
meredith grey 🤝 kelly severide finding out they have a secret half sibling TWICE
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alittlextrathatway · 9 months
So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The fire house.
Now I have to say, this was difficult because I rarely listen to Swift and I didn't know who the other was either... So if this just comes across as a weird choice, please feel free to ignore it. (just wanted to give you another to choose from because I really like your writings)
Fourth entry for the Sylvie works at FH 40 series.
You can find the previous parts at the following links: part 1, part 2, part 3
Three weeks and many dates later, Sylvie wakes up in Matt's bed. He's not in the room and his side of the bed is still rumpled and messy. She runs a hand over the sheets finding them still warm. He hasn't been out of bed long. Getting out of bed, she borrows a pair of Matt's boxers -- rolling them at the waist so they fit -- and puts on her t-shirt from the night before.
She starts to head to the bedroom door but then her feet leave Matt's rug and land on the cold concrete floors. With a grimace she scampers over to Matt's dresser and steals a pair of socks. Why is this loft always so cold? Do Severide and Matt really run that hot?
Well, okay, she knows Matt does. Thank god. He's like her very own personal space heater.
Padding her way into the open concept living room and kitchen, she finds Matt and Severide making breakfast. She's assuming Stella's still asleep.
Matt looks up as she approaches the kitchen island. He scoops the scrambled eggs into a bowl and then rounds the island to meet her halfway, greeting her with a quick and casual peck to her lips. "Good morning."
"Morning," she replies, winding her arms around his waist.
"How'd you sleep?" He asks, mimicking her stance and holding her in return.
"Wonderful. I had you to keep me nice and toasty all night. That's always my favorite."
Severide's face pinches as he fixes his breakfast plate. "Alright, take it back to his room. I don't need to hear the bed sharing specifics."
Sylvie narrows her eyes at him and sticks out her tongue, leaning into the bratty little sister role she's found herself playing when it comes to her boyfriend's best friend. "Why do we have to take it somewhere else? You have a room too."
"Yeah, but my name is on the lease so..."
"Alright, that's enough of this weird sibling act," Matt says cutting Severide off with a laugh. "Go wake up Stella before breakfast gets cold. We need to leave for the firehouse soon anyway."
"He's only interrupting me because he knows I'm right. For the record," Severide says as he turns and leaves the kitchen.
"You guys leave for the firehouse together?" Sylvie asks Matt. She's never slept over the night before a shift before, but today was different. Today, it made sense.
"We take separate cars but yeah we leave together. Are you ready for a shift at 51?" He asks, leading her to the kitchen so they can both make a plate.
"As I'll ever be. I'm excited to work with Mikami. Shay raves about her. Says she really knows her stuff. I just hope everything goes well for Shay today. If anyone deserves a promotion it's her." Since that first shift Shay covered for her, the two of them have become fast friends. Today, Sylvie's repaying Shay's initial favor and covering 61.
"Have you thought about what she suggested at Molly's last night?"
"What? You mean me filling her PIC spot if she gets promoted to AC?" Sylvie bites her bottom lip and then shakes her head. "I have a little but...do you think that's a good idea? Us being in a relationship and working together? You don't think anyone will have an issue with the optics of that?"
"Optics of what?" Matt asks, following her to the kitchen table to eat. "You wouldn't be directly under my command. You've got an AC and Paramedic Field Chief for that."
"In my experience, the actual chain of command doesn't really matter," Sylvie mutters as they sit.
"Okay, I hear you," Matt reluctantly admits. "I know Kidd's had some weird run ins with a couple of guys even though she and Severide are on different rigs. If people are gonna be ignorant and rude logic hardly ever stops them. If you decide you don't want to, I'd understand, but keep an open mind. See how today feels. Deal?"
"Deal," she agrees, leaning over and kissing Matt's cheek. "For you."
Later, with 12 hours of a shift at 51 under her belt, Sylvie can admit Matt's house is exceptional. The team at 40 is full of good people, but they're not as close knit as 51. Violet is a great partner. A little green but extremely knowledgable. And, most importantly, Chief Boden nor anyone else at 51 cares that she's dating Matt. It doesn't affect how she does her job so it had no bearing on what they think of her.
During a quiet moment, she's sitting with Matt in his quarters and watching everyone else at 51 go about their day. None of them pay her a bit of attention as she lounges on Matt's cot while he finishes up his paperwork. When she was dating Greg at 40, everyone seemed to stare at her constantly. They watched her every move as if waiting for any sign Grainger might favor her over anyone else.
She assumed that was normal. That every house would be that way. It's odd knowing that assumption was wrong. Is this house the exception or the rule? She's never worked anywhere but 51 or 40 so it's hard for her to say.
"I can hear you thinking," Matt says before he turns in his chair to look at her. "What's going on over there?"
"My last experience dating an officer was...uncomfortable. Not because of Grainger. He was fine. But the people around us watching us like a hawk. I braced myself for an uninvited opinion every day," she confesses. "And I thought that was normal."
Matt nods, listening intently. "Thought? Past tense?"
"Your house hasn't asked me a single question about you or batted an eye when we interacted or touched. They only care about our relationship as much as they need to in order to make sure you're happy. That's...mind blowing, honestly."
The grin he points at her is slow and full of understanding. "Yeah, 51 has that effect on people, a lot."
"I was worried working together and dating would put added pressure on us and burst our little honeymoon phase bubble. I've had relationships fall apart over less, you know?" She idly plays with her watch band as she debates continuing.
Is she on the verge of too much, too soon? Should she quit while she's ahead? No, she's done softening her feelings for the sake of a man she's dating. She did that with Greg and ended up staying with him too long passed their expiration date. If anything is ever going to work out for her, it'll take her being honest to make it happen.
"And I really don't want this to fall apart. I haven't been this crazy about a person in a very long time." She takes a deep steadying breath as she finishes telling her truths and impatiently waits for Matt's reaction.
She doesn't have to wait long. He relocates from his chair to the bunk next to her and takes both of her hands in his, smiling so warmly his eyes wrinkle at the corners. "I haven't been this crazy about a person in a long time either, and we're not going to fall apart. Especially not because of any outside opinions. We're the only ones that really know how we are together and how we feel about each other. I'm not gonna let anyone, at 51 or otherwise, take that from us. Trust me on that one."
His certainty and determination send thrilling little shocks coursing through her bloodstream. She feels buzzy. Almost as if she's had a double shot of espresso, but she hasn't. No, she's got something much better: private doses of Matt Casey that she has access to whenever she wants. The more time she spends with him, the harder and faster she falls.
"Oddly enough, I do trust you. Completely."
"Good," he says, lifting the back of her hand to his lips for a quick and subtle kiss. He's aware people could be watching and he's sensitive to her worries. Most guys wouldn't be. But Matt Casey is the best of the best. Of course, he remembers and acts accordingly.
God, she's in big trouble. This man is going to own her heart before too long and, once he has it, she knows she won't be getting it back.
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fictionalreads · 7 months
Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 6
Severide and Kidd
Where are you Severide?
Oh we’re lying. Okay.
I miss the cigar chats.
Nothing better happen to Severide in this vent.
Oh it was a fake explosion.
Brett and Casey
So you really just gonna get married in a fish store?!
Damn. Of course Casey walks in.
Y’all really just making out while she at work huh?
Told you I had a bad feeling.
Smart move Brett.
Not a fan of this bow tie Matt.
Oh yeah Amelia! Is she there?
Why is there only one Darden boy? Not enough in the budget?
Welp. That’s it for Brett.
Yes. Maid of Honor it up!
Why not just talk to Carver?
Oh this lady is a bitch. She has to go.
Sam is so patient with her. I approve.
Gibson and Kylie
But yes Kylie just tell them you want to transfer if there’s ever an open slot.
I keep forgetting to do this.
Rome Flynn is so fine.
LMAO Hermann has no shame.
Oooh it’s so pretty
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samantha-chicago · 6 months
Fireproof - Prologue
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Rebbeca ‘Becca’ Kimberly Carver. The oldest sibling of Sam and Nathan Carver. Becca always dreamt of protecting Sam during her teenage years but when she was unable to and ended up in Juvenile detention it was safe to say Sam would never forgive her for leaving and being unable to protect him. 
Becca was able to get into school to become a paramedic after the help from a certain detective who managed to get her file locked and placed confidentially. After working as a paramedic for a few years Becca finally got her acceptance letter from Chicago Fire Academy. Where she started training to become a firefighter. 
Once passing her firefighters test both on paper and physically she then instantly began working for her Squad Certification. Just out of candidacy she was able to pull a spot on Squad. After bouncing around houses for a while because her Lieutenant’s decided that whatever she did wrong was insubordination or even just because she was female she finally found herself where she always wanted to be. Squad Three with Lieutenant Kelly Severide.
Will Severide give her the chance she deserves? Or will he just treat her how all her other Lieutenants did? 
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felicitysmoaksx · 2 years
Is the soulmate universe the only universe where sarah and severide are siblings?
In my one involving Rheese yes. But Severide and Sarah actually have their own universe just involving them as siblings. (Though I haven't updated it in a while) You can read the first part here!
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