#kenduli ask game
jedimasterbailey · 1 year
5, 6, 10, 12, 20, 21, 31, 35, and 40!
5- What do the Clones think of their relationship?
I feel like Gree along with the rest of the Green squadron would be all for it and would actually cover for them and stand guard if needed because they love and respect their General so much and love to see her happy so they’re equally happy to help 💚 On the flip side, they’re also having to console Barriss whenever she suspects Luminara is sneaking around 🤣 As for Cody, I feel he would be more annoyed by it because he’s a business man and Obi-Wan just disappearing suddenly to take a call or banging would annoy him however Cody still respects Obi-Wan enough to not make a fuss of it. So long as their romance doesn’t interfere too much, Cody will just let it slide.
6- What do Anakin and Barriss think of their relationship?
Anakin wouldn’t care so much and would probably feel more relief and confidence with his own secret marriage knowing his Master is out there actively getting laid with a woman he respects. He would support their relationship not unlike any other younger brother, however with Barriss it’s a completely different story as this is her MOTHER! Barriss would be so weary of Obi-Wan in that she doesn’t want her Master’s heart getting possibly broken yet she would also be shocked and possibly confused as to how Luminara and Obi-Wan could fall in love despite being dedicated Jedi. Barriss would just have all the feelings about it and having spotted them in situations she’d rather not see them in, it doesn’t make it easier on her 😅 She’s deep down happy for her Master’s happiness, Barriss just wouldn’t be caught dead admitting that.
10- What is something about Obi-Wan that drives Luminara crazy?
The fact that Obi-Wan is such a sexy, suave guy that women, specifically Ventress, feel comfortable enough being flirty with him and Luminara DOES NOT like it one bit. Her blood boils at the thought of that scheming scum tossing her skirt and being suggestive with Obi-Wan and she wants nothing more than to fist fight her 😂 Luminara isn’t a jealous woman per se, it just drives her nuts that other women just feel that comfortable to flaunt themselves onto him despite being with him.
12-Have they ever been caught in a compromising position by either their Padawans, Clones, and/or fellow Jedi?
Yes, many, many times by either Barriss (who just walks in at the wrong time or wakes up sooner than expected), Anakin (who doesn’t believe in knocking), their Clones (who walk down or into the wrong place at the wrong time), or other Jedi like Quinlan (who just gives them a thumbs up before Luminara starts throwing things at him to leave) and even Yoda (who thought the Jedi Council room was empty and quickly leaves laughing making a comment to Obi-Wan in how he’s not supposed “to use his Council chair for such purposes”). You’d think they’d learn their lesson after a while but they never do because the heart wants what it wants when it wants it.
20-Have they ever “done it” in somewhere other than the bedroom?
Also yes, when these two are together, no where is really safe. They’ve done it in the Jedi Council room where Luminara loves to straddle Obi-Wan in his seat, the Archives after hours much to Barriss’s destain, in the medicinal facility while waiting for Ahsoka and Barriss to heal up post Brain Invaders, numerous places on their respective ships, the tent they shared on their Anison mission as described in “The Approaching Storm”, the Jedi Temple gardens, and anywhere they can find shelter whenever they’re off-world. I headcanon them to be like Gomez and Morticia Addams, they love to bang because they’re so obsessed with each other.
21-Any kinks?
YES! Obi-Wan likes to see Luminara bound or strung up like how she was in “Legacy of Terror” and enjoys playing the role of being his knight in shining armor to which Luminara is all for, especially if she’s blindfolded too because suspense. As for Luminara…she likes to be a dominatrix which Obi-Wan finds incredibly hot because being commanded by Luminara is a weakness and she’s so good at it plus she can whip his ass after pulling stupid stunts like how he almost had a mind controlling parasite enter her nose when he was supposed to be saving her.
31-Whose “big spoon” and whose “little spoon”?
Obi-Wan is definitely big spoon because he is very protective of Luminara and well…boobies whilst Luminara enjoys being little spoon feeling like the Queen she is.
35-Whose the “early bird” and whose the “night owl”?
Obi-Wan is the early bird who knows damn well to not disturb Luminara’s sleep as Mirialan women DO NOT LIKE IT WHEN YOU DISTURB THEIR SLEEP. This makes Luminara the night owl and loves to tease Obi-Wan whenever he falls asleep during a late night movie. Obi-Wan enjoys early mornings for the sake of peaceful meditation and quiet before Anakin could ruin his day whilst Luminara finds comfort in the night staying up late to read or help Barriss with her studies (who is also a night owl), but most of the time it’s usually the time Luminara and Barriss can just relax and hang out.
40-Share your favorite Kenduli art (credit the artist).
Well this is easy considering Kenduli art narrows down to just a few pieces (though I hope to see more) but I’d have to go with the first Kenduli piece I ever saw done by the very person who sucked me into this ship @rancidjuno ! It’s just such a simple but sweet sketch of them and I just adore it for it’s simplicity.
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Original Kenduli Ask Game Questions
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bluedeedeedoop · 1 year
3, 12, 14, 22, 25, 37, 43, and 47 for the Kenduli ask game 😎
YIPPEEEE!! never thought i'd end up shipping these two but then again at some point i never thought i'd be gay so hERE WE ARE 3.) Who’s the most obvious about their feelings? fuCKING obi-wan, that man can't hide his feelings for sHIT. like damn at least lumi can keep some composure, all this women has to do is look in this man's direction and he's practically falling over..... straight people smh.... /J/J/J/J (WE LOVE THE EMOTIONAL SUPPORT HETEROS) 12.) Have they ever been caught in a compromising situation by either their Padawans, Clones, or fellow Jedi? Oh poor poor barriss... yes... it has happened. Barriss wanted to evaporate and die because she walked into her Master's quarters only to find something that'll make her unable to look at both jedi for about a week. 14.) Obi-Wan’s favorite physical feature on Luminara. okay no one yell at me but here me out; boobies need i explain more 22.) What do they think of each other’s Padawans? I FEEL LIKE OBI WAN WOULD WANNA LIKE TRYY AND GET A CLOSER FATHER DAUGHTER LIKE RELATIONSHIP WITH BARRISS! But like barriss will be weary as SHIT cuz shes like what the hell are you doing with my master.... YK??? Luminara is just amused by the way anakin is at this point not even going to lie
25.) How would Obi-Wan bond with Barriss?
Bro is trying so hard, literally trying to have tea with her and everything.. (the tea he saves for luminara at his quarters) but the whole time barriss is just like "............" like she doesnt DISLIKE HIM shes just extremely weary 37.) Share your Kenduli headcanon. When they were younger, it was ALWAYS obi wan getting luminara out of trouble, which is something that neither anakin nor barriss would have ever guessed, i can literally see their facial expressions rn: Anakin: fucking laughing his ass off Barriss: Jaw dropped horrified 43.) What does Luminara think about Obi-Wan’s past relationship with Satine and Ventress being flirty with Obi-Wan? Girl feels bad about what happened with Satine, she didn't bother making a move anytime soon after that happened, but Obi wan still wanted her <3 as for ventress, she's fucking pissed man 47.) What does Luminara mean by “strategic planning?” oHohOhohOO- they fucked. thats. thats it.
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devondeal · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 15, 16, 43, 47, 49, 51 for Kenduli ask game please and thank you 😘
I'd like to once again thank you for introducing me to Kenduli because my god they are hot together and I didn't expect it to be this fun to answer but this was truly a surprise joy for me 🥰
1.) How did they each fall in love?
Obi Wan always had a crush on Luminara since he was a young lad in the same creche as her but he was always too shy to say something. He assumed she didn't feel the same since she was probably too "cool" for him.
Luminara also had a crush on Obi Wan since the beginning and she tried all the flirting however Obi Wan was too oblivious to pick up on it. She probably would have straight up told him but I think that probably got stunted when (and what I'm about to say is my headcanon) she lost her Master. The death of Master Katri probably was so consuming she just didn't have the energy to think of romance anymore.
This in turn would reinforce Obi Wan's belief that she didn't feel the same for him and being a good caring person and Jedi, he put his feelings aside to comfort her as a friend.
Unfortunately by the time Luminara was able to heal and felt comfortable enough again to tell him how she felt, that's when Obi Wan met Satine so she assumed he only cared for her platonically or whatever interest she may have sensed earlier in him, he moved on and she was too late.
2.) Who would confess first and how?
Luminara would confess first and I feel like it happened at some point during The Approaching Storm just given the chemistry and events of the book. I mean they promised to take care of the other's Padawan so they clearly had some intense interactions between the lines and scenes.
I mean a mission that forces them to spend prolonged time together sleeping right next to each other? That's prime romantic potential right there. So I feel like in one of the moments their Padawans were both preoccupied with something, they'd get to talking in the infamous tent and Luminara would let it slip that she had a crush on him growing up.
Obi Wan would be so shocked at this and in turn reveal he also had a crush on her. And the interaction would go something like this and it would all be spoken a little heatedly given their surprise how long they've had to hold back:
Obi Wan: "Well why didn't you tell me?! All those years, I thought you only saw me as a friend!"
Luminara: "And I thought you only saw me as a friend!"
(Suddenly both realize how close their faces have gotten)
Luminara: "We are good friends, aren't we?..."
Obi Wan: "Yes... very good friends..."
(They both start furiously making out)
7.) What's a typical date night for them?
I feel like Obi Wan would always have flowers and a "hello there" to start their dates and they're both all dressed up to go somewhere fancy like a restaurant with a private booth or the theatre which usually ends in one of their rooms in the Temple.
In the more casual version they'd probably stay in and cook together just enjoying each other's company while they can.
15.) How would they express their affection for each other?
They both ADORE using cute titles for each other like "darling," "dear," "love," etc.
Obi Wan is THE gentleman and will always open the door, pull up a chair, all that stuff for his lady. He would also be big on words of affirmation and always reminding her how amazing she is because he knows she needs to hear it.
Luminara would give Obi Wan gifts and souvenirs from her missions. She definitely would give him something significant to Mirialan culture that is some kind of sign of love and commitment. Food is also a love language for her so she def would feed him much like Barriss would for Ahsoka.
16.) How would they comfort each other?
With Obi Wan, like I said he would try to use words to validate her but he also knows that sometimes there are no words so he would just check on her and take care of her, makes sure she's eating, etc. until she's ready to talk about it. Luminara suffers in silence for the most part so lots of holding her for sure.
Luminara would be his safe space for him to cry and express his feelings. She'd just listen and hold him. She'd struggle to not go out there and beat the crap out of whoever caused this. But she'd know that he needs to just spill what he's feeling without feeling judged so she'd let him feel it all.
43.) What does Luminara think of Obi Wan's past relationship with Satine and Ventress being flirty with him?
With Satine, Luminara for the most part just feels really hurt that she missed her chance with Obi Wan. She understands why Obi Wan would still care about Satine years later but also is frustrated because she knows it was not a healthy relationship for Obi Wan. Luminara does still feel bits of jealousy come up and just does not like her.
And if Luminara doesnt like Satine, she FUCKING HATES Ventress's flirtiness with Obi Wan 🤣 nothing gets her straight to big mad faster than the thought of that bog witch throwing her skirt at Obi Wan.
47.) What does Luminara mean by "strategic planning?"
49.) Describe their reunion as Force ghosts
Oh this one is gonna give all the feels 😭 They both would immediately start crying upon seeing each other and Obi Wan would say that he's waited so long to come back to her while Luminara tells him she watched over him the whole time ❤️
51.) Favorite Kenduli moment from either a show or a book?
Onscreen of course I have to mention the "strategic planning," basically the entire Legacy of Terror despite Obi Wan's questionable choices of negotiation 🤣 I do love how worried he got when seeing her holo of her getting captured like the man banged on the table in fear for her 🥺
Also The Approaching Storm is basically the Kenduli bible. But I flipped through some pages for examples and it will explain my headcanons above are the way they are:
This was Luminara encouraging Obi Wan that he is capable of training Anakin
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Just Obi Wan being both a feminist and probably blushing furiously too
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The man watched her sleep this whole damn paragraph and, get this, "aroused" him
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This was toward the end when the main conflict is resolved and Luminara wants to chill with Obi Wan for some "small pleasures".... yeah that's one way to put it
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rancidjuno · 1 year
8,9, 12,13,14, 32, 37, 41, and 48 for the Kenduli ask game! 💚💙
tysm for the ask again!!! Any excuse to talk about these losers hehe – if anyone wants to play bailey’s ask game I’ll link it at the bottom <3
8.) Obi-Wan’s favourite thing about Luminara.
Probably her compassion, insomuch that most people who don’t know her wouldn’t immediately recognise it. She’s canonically accused of being uncaring by Anakin—a lot of people don’t like her because they perceive her as callous in my experience—but I have found the opposite to be true, and I think Obi-Wan would see that too. She goes to great lengths to protect people, too great lengths he would sometimes argue, but it comes from a place of care and selflessness.
Also, she just kind of funny? She’s clever and quick and can make him laugh in a way few can.
9.) Luminara’s favourite thing about Obi-Wan.
Patience. She watched him raise Skywalker and has endless admiration for him because of it—Luminara would not have survived with Anakin as her padawan. He stays very calm under almost every circumstance—even when she’s got a mind controlling worm on her face, but his joking was more to calm her than to cause stress—and it’s something she tries to emulate.
12.) Have they ever been caught in a compromising situation by either their Padawans, Clones, or fellow Jedi?
Oh, god, yes. Master Qui-Gon used to tease them about lack of subtly all the time, Quinlan inviting himself in for threesomes, Anakin rushing into the room without warning, poor Barriss at the wrong place at the wrong time. Luminara finds it hideously embarrassing each time, she’s got a rep to maintain after all, but Obi-Wan mostly finds it funny. Except for when it was Barriss. No one was laughing after that incident, Barriss was scarred for life and has had nothing but stilted conversations with Obi-Wan ever since.
13.) Luminara’s favourite physical feature on Obi-Wan.
I think she’d quite like the beard, but that’s a newer development. His hair in general then I guess, it’s a shade you would never find on Mirial so she sees it as unique and pretty. Also his massive dick, probably.
14.) Obi-Wan’s favourite physical feature on Luminara.
I think her eyes, which is super cliché, but she has very pretty and expressive eyes. She’s very good at keeping a neutral façade so it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking most of the time, but the second he makes eye contact it’s a dead giveaway. I hc that she practices makeup on him sometimes and he does it on her in return, he likes to give her orange eyeshadow and winged liner to make the colour really stand out. He’s gotten so good at that whenever there’s a formal event she makes him do her makeup for her.
32.) If Order 66 never happened, what would their futures look like?
I think Luminara would be pretty focussed on Barriss if Order 66 never happened because she still would have bombed the temple, something like rehabilitation and desperate attempts to prevent execution. This would probably be deemed dangerous attachment by the council and put a dent in her future as a member. Don’t get me wrong, Luminara’s as Jedi as they come, but that would put some distance between the Order—though Obi-Wan would be with her every step of the way.
Anakin would probably leave, Ahsoka already gone, so there would be very little keeping Luminara and Obi-Wan there too without the war. I think they’d allow themselves a relationship whether they left or not. If they left they’d probably leave Coruscant altogether for somewhere cooler, maybe Stewjon (I’d say Mirial but Obi-Wan doesn’t deserve another desert lmao). Maybe get a cat. Be Luke and Leia’s kooky aunt and uncle.
37.) Share your Kenduli headcanon.
They’re both bisexual. Maybe that’s me projecting but I mean it’s basically canon when it comes to Obi-Wan and Luminara looks like she’s kissed girls idk what to tell you.
41.) Describe what Kenduli fanfic you’d love to read.
I’d love to read ANY kenduli fanfic, that’s the truth—I’ll take any content because it’s so sparse. I have a few stories I’ll probably write at some point though if no one else does: non Jedi au because it’s fun to see everyone’s ideas about what they’d be up to if they weren’t Jedi, any post order 66 au (I’m writing one rn it’s horrifically angsty but I live for that) and anything with Barriss, Ahsoka and Anakin too.
48.) Obi-Wan’s favourite memory of Luminara and Luminara’s favourite memory of Obi-Wan.
I like to imagine that, whenever she could, Luminara was always over at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s apartment and they’d spend long evening just talking on the balcony and looking over the city. Obi-Wan remembers these evenings particularly fondly because Luminara was never that carefree again.
There are lots of memories from their childhood that Luminara treasures—sneaking around and getting into trouble, him stealing her favourite dessert from the mess for her, building their lightsabers together—but her absolute favourite memory is later on as Masters watching how hard he worked to make Barriss like him. He cooks meals with her in mind if he knows she’s going to be around, offers to help with her form or research, sends her articles he thinks she might find interesting. He’s like an awkward stepdad trying to relate to his teenage stepdaughter and it’s not going well but just trying is a very quick way to Luminara’s heart.
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archduke42 · 1 month
37, 38, 41, 42, 46, 48, 51 from the Kenduli ask game! 💚💙
I just saw this in my message box, so I didn't know if @jedimasterbailey had just sent this to me or if I am old man confused but I thought I'd share my thoughts :) Have a great day :)
37) Secret marriage during the Clone Wars and choosing a domestic life while Vader constantly hunts them down
38) Your stories have been the inspiration for me to do Kenduli stories :)
41) I would love to see Kenduli living in secret during the Imperial age and the struggles of staying hidden from Inquisitors
42) Would love to see Kenduli in fight pose
46) If they survived after Order 66, Luminara might have convinced them to take Baby Luke to live on Ilum
48) Obi-wan's favorite memory: Their first battle against the Separatists
Luminara's favorite memory: The first date
51) Obviously on Geonosis in the tunnels, cuz I love their chemistry and Geonosis is one of my favorite worlds in TCW
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kalyan-gullapalli · 4 years
Post # 114
Bhakt Jayadeva - Odia or Bengali?
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On 16th April, 2007, Shah Rukh Khan, the host of Kaun Banega Crorepati III, asked the contestant the following question - "In which language did the poet Jayadeva write Gita Gobinda?" What the correct answer is, what the contestant replied or how much money the contestant made that day in KBC, is insignificant. What is significant is that, in the follow-up discussion about the question, SRK said that Jayadeva was the court poet of King Lakshmanasena of Bengal!
All hell broke loose in Odisha. SRK was denounced for spreading false information. The government of Odisha demanded an apology from KBC claiming that the game show "mutilated historical facts" and "hurt the feelings of the people of Odisha". The Jayadeva Foundation Trust of Odisha launched a protest against the TV show. In short, mayhem!
So, was it a genuine error on the part of SRK and KBC? Or, is there a genuine confusion about nativity of the great poet-saint? Therein lies a tale.
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The root cause of the confusion and controversy is the name of the village Sant Jayadev is supposed to be a native of.
The Odias believe that he lived in a village called Kenduli Sasan, in Khurda district, a few kilometers from Puri.
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The Bengalis accept Jaydev Kenduli, a village on the coast of River Ajay, in Birbhum district, near Shantiniketan, as the native place of Jayadev.
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Incidentally, there are two more Kendulis - one in Bihar and another in Maharasthra, but thankfully they are not contending to be native places of the poet-saint.
But how did this confusion start, in the first place? Firstly, a Bengali book, Jayadeva Charita, authored by an Odia poet, Banamali Das, in 1803, mentions that the great poet belonged to Bengal. Subsequently other Bengali historians propound the same.
Next, Jayadev himself mentions that he was born in a village called Kendubilva. Somehow, this Birbhum Kendui village gets identified as his birthplace. A traditional Baul festival held every year is renamed Jayadeva Mela and this village get the title - Jayadeva Kenduli.
On the other hand, the Odia lobby points to archaeological evidence to support their claim. Inscriptions at the Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneswar tell us that Jayadeva had been a member of the teaching faculty of the school at Srikurmapataka, near Puri in Odisha.
They also refer to various manuscripts found in Mithila, Gwalior, Maharashtra, Andhra and Assam that support Jayadeva's birthplace in Odisha.
Finally, they refer to Jayadev's own writings, which say his birthplace is "Kendubilva Samudra Sambhava", meaning "Kendubilva by the sea". They point out Kenduli in Orissa is by the sea and the one in Bengal is by the river.
In any case, the controversy raged.
In July 2009, the Government of India released postal stamps of Jayadev and the Dasavataras in Gita Gobida in Bhubaneshwar. Chief minister, Naveen Pattnaik did the honours. 8 lac stamps @ INR 5 were printed.
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It is now more or less accepted that Bhakt Jayadeva was born, lived and chanted the Lord's name in Odisha. But staunch Bengalis have their own opinion. And let's not forget who the producer of Kaun Banega Crorepati was back then - Siddharth Basu, the father of Indian quizzing, a Bengali. Somewhere a small bias might have been there!
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
15, 16, 22, 24, 28 + 46 <33 for the kenduli ask game pretty please
15- How would they express their affection for each other?
They would express their affection towards each other in many different ways. For one, they would for sure address each other with endearments like “darling”, “dear”. etc. Two, they would always take care of the other making sure they are fed (like they’ll pack each other meals/cook for each other) and have everything they need, taking care of each other when sick or injured. Three, they would love to gift each other with things to make every moment count given their lifestyle, like Obi-Wan would always buy Luminara her favorite flowers special occasion or not and Luminara would fetch him a trinket or a book, Obi-Wan could geek over. Lastly, there’s touch. They have their own secret language with touch. Like they’ll squeeze hands, brush shoulders whenever they’re around people and then when they’re alone, they love to just hold each other and drink each other in.
16- How would they comfort each other?
Obi-Wan knows that Luminara is the type that needs to sit in her feelings and process her thoughts so he comforts her by just being there for her and holding her, letting her cry and vent u til she’s calmed down. Then he’d be a totally gentleman, fetching her favorite foods, massage her, draw her a nice bath, etc. Obi-Wan would just do anything to help Luminara RELAX and once she is, he’d do anything to make her laugh and smile again. Luminara would be pretty much the same, however I feel Obi-Wan is the type to need constant affirmation whenever he’s feeling down and just distract him with memories of their childhood, funny stories, etc.
22- What do they think of each other’s Padawans?
I think Luminara loves Anakin just as much as Obi-Wan does and views him like a stepson, he’s just a pain in her ass sometimes. She admires him for all the qualities he possesses that she lacks in (I.e. thinking outside the box, his humor, etc) and finds him funny and I like to think they’d have inside jokes and tease each other lovingly. As for Obi-Wan, I will always see him as an awkward stepdad that is trying so hard to earn his stepdaughter’s approval. He cares for her and will never stop trying, but Obi-Wan is aware that he has to earn Barriss’s trust.
24-How would Luminara bond with Anakin?
Oh for sure they would bond over some sort of extreme sport like drag racing, podraceing, biking, etc. They would watch pod races together over drinks and place bets or I can see them zooming all over Coruscant on speeder bikes and eluding the police giving both Obi-Wan and Barriss heart attacks every time 🤣
46-If they were able to be together after Order 66, how would they go about living?
I feel that they would take advantage of their freedom and marry since there would be nothing holding them back from being fully committed to each other. Afterwards. Luminara would for sure want to find Barriss and bring her home which Obi-Wan would help her with yet they’d still watch over the Skywalker twins and lay low from the Empire not getting involved in anything like the Path or the Rebellion. Once they find Barriss and perhaps even Ahsoka, they would spend time healing and growing as a family before eventually helping Luke and Leia later on, maybe even having a child or two of their own (though I personally always just see them having the one daughter).
Original Kenduli Ask Game Questions
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
I’ve been asked by @archduke42 to the following questions from the Kenduli ask game 💚💙 Excellent choice of questions by the way! 👌🏻
10-What is something about Obi-Wan that drives Luminara crazy?
The fact that Obi-Wan is such a sexy, suave guy that women, specifically Ventress, feel comfortable enough being flirty with him and Luminara DOES NOT like it one bit. Her blood boils at the thought of that scheming scum tossing her skirt and being suggestive with Obi-Wan and she wants nothing more than to fist fight her 😂 Luminara isn’t a jealous woman per se, it just drives her nuts that other women just feel that comfortable to flaunt themselves onto him despite being with him.
11- What is something about Luminara that drives Obi-Wan crazy?
The fact that Luminara is all too willing to self sacrifice when there are still alternatives would drive Obi-Wan insane. He would constantly go out of his way to ensure her that her life has value ❤️.
41-Describe what Kenduli fanfic you’d love to read.
I would love to read more Kenduli fic in which they’re able to reunite/be together post Order 66 like somehow Luminara found her way to Obi-Wan or Obi-Wan was able to save her from death from the Imperials and they’re able to live peacefully on Tatooine watching over Luke until it’s Rebellion time. If no one else will write it, I certainly will one day! 😁
42-Describe what Kenduli art you’d love to see?
Literally anything would make me happy since there’s so few but I would love to see more domestic Kenduli like they’re just dancing together at home or they’re on a date somewhere, but like I said I’d love any and all crumbs 😄
50-What are some songs/quotes/poems/stories/movies that make you think of Kenduli?
I’ve got plenty for this one!
Songs- “If You Love Her” by Forest Blakk, “Middle Of The Night” by Elley Duhe, “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey, “Heaven” by Gregory Porter, “Until I Found You” by Stephan Sanchez, and plenty more but just to name a few 😉
“I went to sleep last night so I can see you.”-Frederick Seidel
“At least I see the same sky as you do.” -Unknown
“In a parallel universe, another world, or a different life, we sit across from each other at the kitchen table and go over the grocery list.” -Unknown
“As for love-why is it never enough to save us?”-Erica Jong
“I never knew love had a sound until I heard you laugh.”- Unknown.
As for stories/movies/poems just basically any like almost lover/tragic love story will have me thinking Kenduli 😭
Original Kenduli Ask Game Questions
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
Kenduli Ask Game 💙💚
Behold I bring you the Kenduli ask game that will give me and others an excuse to talk about this amazing rare pair 😍
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1.) How did they each fall in love?
2.) Who would confess first and how?
3.) Who’s the most obvious about their feelings?
4.) What do the Jedi think about their relationship?
5.) What do the Clones think of their relationship?
6.) What do Anakin and Barriss think of their relationship?
7.) What’s a typical date night for them?
8.) Obi-Wan’s favorite thing about Luminara.
9.) Luminara’s favorite thing about Obi-Wan.
10.) What is something about Obi-Wan that drives Luminara crazy?
11.) What is something about Luminara that drives Obi-Wan crazy?
12.) Have they ever been caught in a compromising situation by either their Padawans, Clones, or fellow Jedi?
13.) Luminara’s favorite physical feature on Obi-Wan.
14.) Obi-Wan’s favorite physical feature on Luminara.
15.) How would they express their affection for each other?
16.) How would they comfort each other?
17.) What would they gift each other for holidays like Life Day?
18.) Whose more likely to initiate intimacy first?
19.) Whose the “top” and whose the “bottom” or do they switch?
20.) Have they ever “done it” outside of the bedroom (I.e somewhere in the Jedi Temple, etc.)
21.) Any kinks?
22.) What do they think of each other’s Padawans?
23.) If Obi-Wan were to propose, how would he do it and how would Luminara react?
24.) How would Luminara bond with Anakin?
25.) How would Obi-Wan bond with Barriss?
26.) Describe their perfect wedding if they were to have one.
27.) Describe their ideal honeymoon if they had one.
28.) Describe their home if they were able to live together.
29.) Who would be the better cook?
30.) Whose more likely to get jealous if someone made a pass on their partner?
31.) Whose “big spoon” and whose “little spoon”?
32.) If Order 66 never happened, what would their futures look like?
33.) Would they ever have children and if so describe how many and what they look like, what their personality would be like, etc.
34.) What do their sides of the bed and nightstands look like?
35.) Who's the “early bird” and whose the “night owl”?
36.) What nicknames if any would they give each other?
37.) Share your Kenduli headcanon.
38.) Share your favorite Kenduli fanfic (credit the author)
40.) Share your favorite Kenduli art (credit the artist).
41.) Describe what Kenduli fanfic you’d love to read.
42.) Describe what Kenduli art you’d love to see?
43.) What does Luminara think about Obi-Wan’s past relationship with Satine and Ventress being flirty with Obi-Wan?
44.) If Luminara was able to evade capture from Order 66, how would she find her way back to Obi-Wan?
45.) If Obi-Wan was able to save Luminara from death, how would he go about it?
46.) If they were able to be together after Order 66, how would they go about living?
47.) What does Luminara mean by “strategic planning?”
48.) Obi-Wan’s favorite memory of Luminara and Luminara’s favorite memory of Obi-Wan.
49.) Describe their reunion as Force ghosts.
50.) What are some songs/quotes/poems/stories/movies that make you think of Kenduli?
51.) Favorite Kenduli moment from either a show or in a book.
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
Hello there 😏 ive got some Kenduli asks for you dear:
3, 17, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30
Well hello there to you too my darling 😘 Thank you so much for these asks because I’ve been dying to answer these specific questions, hope you enjoy 💚💙
3- Whose the most obvious about their feelings?
Luminara because she has the most expressive face and I feel that with such enough probing that you could easily get her to blush or spill some beans. I could see her just looking at Obi-Wan with such adoring eyes that the people around her are completely aware that there’s something more to Luminara’s feelings towards Obi-Wan besides just friendship. In case you forgot, these are just a FEW faces Luminara makes; I can easily see them being applicable in a situation where she’s fretting over Obi-Wan or speaking with him.
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17-What would they gift each other for holidays such as Life Day?
Since I believe them to be lifelong friends since childhood, I feel they would gift each other sentimental mementos from happier days along with a card with a heartfelt message inside or something from their missions off world and they find something that makes them think of the other. Like for example I can see Obi-Wan finding a necklace that matches Luminara’s eyes or I can see Luminara picking up a book that would pique Obi-Wan’s nerdy ass (like maybe a book on parasitic worms). On a final note, I’d love to headcanon that on one very special Life Day that Obi-Wan would offer Luminara a ring 💍
23-If Obi-Wan were to propose how would he do it and how would Luminara react?
I headcanon that both Mirialans Luminara and Barriss LOVE snow and that they have a soft spot for holidays such as Life Day where all is calm and cozy and everyone is together. With that in mind, I think Obi-Wan would propose to Luminara on an especially snowy Life Day with a ring he found in a Mirialan jewelry shop on Coruscant (since Mirial would be far and under Separatist rule) either outside on one of their favorite Temple garden spots or inside when they’re cuddling up next to a fire watching the snow with steaming cups of cocoa. Luminara would of course be estatic, crying happy tears, having always felt that being Obi-Wan’s bride would be a dream that could never come true 🌨️✨
26-Describe their perfect wedding if they were to have one.
Obi-Wan and Luminara both seem to be very private people so I think like Anakin and Padme, they’d have a very intimate ceremony with only their closest friends and Padawans present either in a Mirialan temple on Coruscant (or Mirial if there is no war going on) or out on some lush open field on Obi-Wan’s home planet of Stewjon (which I headcanon to be like Scotland/Ireland with all the green).
27-Describe their ideal honeymoon if they were to have one?
I feel they would love to your both of their home worlds or go to some other scenic planet like Alderaan and have a private little getaway there.
28-Describe their home if they were to live together.
The Kenduli home would be so cozy and very clean. There would be plenty of cushions, books, candles, and other ornate rugs, tapestries, and art pieces from their home worlds or other places they’ve travel. There would also be a desk area for Obi-Wan to study at and a place for Luminara to sew and quilt. They’d have like the biggest, most comfortable bed and a huge closet since they’ve both very fashionable people with a master bathroom that has a huge shower and a jacuzzi bathtub (for extracurricular activities). Since they’re such parents, their home would be full of photos and mementoes of their Padawans, former Masters, and other dear friends.
30-Whose more likely to be jealous if someone were to make a pass?
Obi-Wan and Luminara would be very trusting of each other so neither of them would like get to Anakin level of rage but I feel like it could go either way depending on the situation. Like for example if a woman were to be really flirty and start to get handsy (especially if it’s Ventress) she would be furious and probably do something petty with the Force to get the girl off of him however Obi-Wan would react the same if it were vice versa but maybe he’d be tempted to bust out the lightsaber since men really like to be macho when it comes to their lady. So I guess it’s a tie?
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Original Kenduli Ask Game Questions
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bluedeedeedoop · 1 year
Hello! For the Kenduli ask game:
17, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30
AYYE TY FOR THE ASKS!!! IM PROCRASTINATING ON CLASSWORK SO YIPPEE 17.) What would they gift each other for holidays like Life Day? Definitely something more luxurious would be given to Luminara from Obi Wan, even though she insists he doesn't have to go all out, but he just wants to spoil her <3 Luminara would definitely go with something more useful that he could use! 23.) If Obi-Wan were to propose, how would he do it and how would Luminara react? I wanna say knowing him, it would be pretty well thought out! very romantic hehe. Luminara would cry ofc, but she'd love every second <3 26.) Describe their perfect wedding if they were to have one. Probably their closest friends, their padawans and their partners, probably on some backwater world where nothing can interrupt their special day! 27.) Describe their ideal honeymoon if they had one.
Suggestive eyebrow wiggling
28.) Describe their home if they were able to live together.
I think luminara would want to keep it simple enough, Obi wan would agree obviously cuz its luMINARA- but i just think their styles in general would be more simplistic and somewhat modern, stilly pretty homey though! 30.) Whose more likely to get jealous if someone made a pass on their partner? LUMINARA. NOT EVEN LYING. (cough cough ventress cough cough) BUT YEAH THANKS FOR THE ASKS!!!
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jedimasterbailey · 5 months
Hello wifey, I got these for the unpopular opinion ask: 💖💕🏳️‍🌈
Hi baby! 🥰💙💚 I shall happily answer these asks for you!
Link to original ask game below if y’all wanna play along and if you reblog I’ll be snooping 👀
💖- what is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
So I’m just gonna say this about all of Star Wars in general specifically the newer stuff that’s been coming out lately as well as the future projects they’ve announced to us (minus the Tales of the Empire I’m genuinely excited for that because BARRISS 💙) but in my OPINION they’re focusing on all the wrong characters and spending too much time and money into mediocre storylines when there’s so much more they can be doing. Like the Ahsoka wasn’t really about Ahsoka herself and where they decided to take that show was very strange and weak. Andor head was boring as hell to me and there wasn’t much pay off in there for any of the characters. Bad Batch is only good when the episode isn’t about the Bad Batch themselves but about another character people actually like (I.e Ventress, Rex, etc.). Mando went off the rails in its third season because in my opinion Mando and Grogu’s story ended beautifully with that badass Luke Skywalker finale.
Now before everyone get all butthurt and all up in their feelings, remember that 1.) this is my own unpopular opinion I’m allowed to have and 2.) yes I’m aware I can pick and choose what to watch and not to watch and that if I don’t like a show I won’t watch it. What I’m saying is that the stories and characters I want to see more of don’t get produced which is why I’m so pumped for Tales of the Empire because we finally get a Barriss Offee story which has been left on read for the last decade and why I enjoyed Tales of the Jedi so much because we got more Dooku content and more good Ahsoka content.
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💕- What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Kenduli/Obinara (Luminara Unduli x Obi-Wan Kenobi) all day everyday and I will stan them until the day I die (sorry Satine fans no offense). Anyone who has read The Approaching Storm and paid attention to their interactions in Clone Wars could see these two have chemistry and are an absolute delight together. To me their relationship would have all the class of a pairing like Morticia and Gomez Addams from the Addams family with the sexiness of a James Bond and a Bond girl. Honestly what’s not to like? And no this is not an open invitation to bash them because this is MY unpopular opinion remember 😉 Read any of my fanfic and you’ll warm up to them I assure you!
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🏳️‍🌈- which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn’t seem queer to you?
Obi-Wan Kenobi. And yea I’m aware that the recent Padawan book implied he may be bisexual but I’m sorry Obi-Wan has always come off to me as a total ladies man in both the shows/movies and in books. Like the women go nuts for him (I.e. Ventress, Satine, etc) and there are always women speaking to him when he’s just walking about in the Temple (I.e Luminara, Aayla) like who wouldn’t be into the mister “Hello There” man and I’m saying this as a GAY woman who feels she has a pretty good gaydar and I’m not getting anything from Obi-Wan sorry not sorry. He may be bisexual but at the end of the day, I feel he prefers the ladies.
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Link to original asks!
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
barrissoka game but for kenduli (u know they're my one true love) 3, 22, 30 + 42 <3
OMG YES YES MORE KENDULI YES YES 😍 Forever in debt to you for getting me addicted to them 🥹 I will happily answer these for you my friend 💚💙
3- What do the Masters think of their relationship and would they show their support?
I personally feel that Qui-Gon would support Obi-WAN’s relationship with Luminara 10000%. Qui-Gon would just be happy that his Padawan is getting laid with someone he deems suitable. Luminara is the ultimate good girl with a naughty streak so Qui-Gon would always be pushing Obi-Wan to let loose with her, but he would also ensure that Obi doesn’t become as cringe and obvious as Anakin is with Padme. As for Luminara, I like to headcanon that her Master was Katri from the Tales of the Jedi and I feel she would also be happy for her Padawan but would keep a close eye, making sure Luminara doesn’t get hurt and stays true to her Jedi training and herself. All in all, in a happy world, where Obi-Wan and Luminara can have their family, I believe there would be very supportive “in-laws”.
22- Whose the “top” and whose the “bottom” or do they switch?
Luminara is the top for sure 🥵 She is a woman who can command like no other and probably enjoys giving it to Obi-Wan (especially after he does stupid shit like almost have a mind controlling worm enter Luminara’s nose). I have no doubt that Obi-Wan completely melts like a school boy whenever Luminara gives him the eyes or smirk because my God could she shut anyone down with an expression. Maybe every so often they switch whenever Obi-Wan is really in the mood, but otherwise it’s almost always Luminara 😏
30-Who would be the better cook?
Luminara 100% I feel that Obi-Wan never got much of a culinary lesson with Qui-Gon who seems like someone who just microwaves everything even when you shouldn’t and on top of that, he has his pal Dex, who makes greasy diner fare so…yeah not much inspiration there. Luminara on the other hand was probably educated in every which way about her culture, including food, and she seems to be a woman of refined taste so she would take the time to learn recipes and master cooking. I can see people lining up to eat Luminara’s food and Barriss gets jealous because she wants to be the exclusive taste taster. The lady would have to be in bed sick in order for Obi-Wan or anyone else in the disaster lineage set foot in her kitchen.
42-If Order 66 never happened, what would their futures look like?
If Order 66 never happened, Im on the camp that like Anakin and Padme that Obi-Wan and Luminara would also pursue a more public romantic relationship and possibly have a child together (forever headcanoning a baby girl for them). Perhaps they’d take a break from their Jedi duties to go raise their child in one of their homeworlds like Stewjon with Obi-WAN’s birth family or Mirial or maybe somewhere else. Just anywhere but Tatooine, Luminara would never forgive Obi-Wan for that one 😂 Of course they’d still be tending to their respective Padawans and their families and as they get older, they’d become Grandmasters of the Order and continue to pass on their wisdom. In short, they’d have the happiest life they both so rightfully deserve 💚💙
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Again thank you so much for these asks! I love talking Kenduli 🥰😍 Let me know what y’all think in the comments and don’t be afraid to send more asks!
Maybe I should make a Kenduli ask game after all? 🤔
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
I was asked by @archduke42 to answer the following questions from the Barrissoka ask game but to apply it to Obinara/Kenduli (Obi-Wan Kenobi x Luminara Unduli) 💚💙 Let me know if y’all want me to make a Obinara specific ask game or any other ask game!
4- Who would confess first and how?
For sure Obi-Wan even though I believe Luminara would be the first to fall in love because Lumi comes off as someone who tends to bottle her feelings or feel that she’s undeserving of Obi-Wan’s love because of his relationship with Satine, etc. As for how, I feel like Obi-Wan would confess in one or two ways; one maybe Luminara argues with Obi Wan as to why he was willing to sacrificed himself and others to save her from the Geonosian Queen to which Obi-Wan finally cracks and reveals his love or perhaps he confesses after the terrible arc in which he fakes his own death and Luminara is upset over it. Or maybe it would occur after reminiscing their childhood, etc and it slips. Could go either way I feel, but who doesn’t like some drama?
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7- How would their first date go?
I feel like they’d act like complete teenagers on their first date all nervous and awkward but then as their night progresses, they fall into a comfortable rhythm and they wind up dancing the night away and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
12- What is something about Luminara that drives Obi-Wan crazy?
The fact that Luminara is all too willing to self sacrifice when there are still alternatives would drive Obi-Wan insane. He would constantly go out of his way to ensure her that her life has value ❤️
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21-Whose more likely to initiate intimacy first?
Hmmm I feel like this could go either way since they both have flirty personalities, so I believe both Mister “Hello There” and Ms “I’d Hate to Feel Left Out” would take turns initiating 🤣 Though I feel Luminara would have better timing!
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This was a lot of fun, thanks for the ask! 😁
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jedimasterbailey · 8 months
Fanfic WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Then tag as many people as you do WIP’s!
Tagged by: @kaaragen thank you so much my friend, it’s an honor and I look forward to seeing more of your work 🥰
Current WIP’s
1.) Luminara and Barriss Chapter 4 Legacy of Terror
2.) The Padawans Part II:Rebels Chapter 2
3.) Barrissoka One Shot Title TBD
4.) Kenduli One Shot Title TBD
Tagging: @devondeal @archduke42 @mini-and-mighty @alexeithegoat
I look forward to seeing what you all are working on 😁
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devondeal · 5 months
💕 and 💖 for the unpopular opinions ask game!!
Yay! Thanks for the ask @skygirlstars I love these games
💕 What is an unpopular ship you like
I'm gonna say Kenduli for this one. It's pretty obscure and wouldn't come to mind immediately but once you read The Approaching Storm, all their interactions in The Clone Wars just feel so charged.
💖 What is an unpopular opinion about the series you have
I love love love The Clone Wars but there plenty of episodes I would just never rewatch. The show was good at showing us more of the characters we loved but almost always stopped short when it came to truly acknowledging how the events going on affected them. Instead I feel like it wasted time on stories that went nowhere
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