#unpopular opinion ask game
nyaagolor · 5 months
While I agree that Ema and Franziska are both mean and also probably lesbians, I think there's a distinct difference in the TYPE of meanness that leads me to bestow the moniker of "hater" on Ema and not Franziska
Franziska's anger feels more an reflection of the self, an outward expression of her feelings and circumstances that holds a large degree of thematic relevance to the story of JFA. Franziska's outward aggression reflects her legacy, acting as a twisted mirror of her father and his mannerisms that show the ways in which his fingerprints are all over his proteges long after his death. It serves to highlight the similarities between herself, Manfred, and Edgeworth in their philosophies and actions while showing the ways in which each either chose to grow past their traumas or wallow in them. Her anger shows her innermost feelings and the way she relates to herself and the legacy she's inherited, as well as acting as an expression of her grief towards Edgeworth's faked and metaphorical deaths that she is unable to process in another way. Her anger is a personality trait, yes, but it also more broadly represents the themes of legacy and grief that act as the through-line of JFA's narrative. It acts as the culmination of a lot of narrative elements, her past, and her personality, and more broadly serves as a representation of the social fabric and power dynamics that Franziska has been shaped by. She is mean, but she isn't a hater in the traditional sense because of how deeply her anger is connected to her perceived place in society and the intimate relations that have shaped this understanding. Her "meanness" is thus more connected to the "self" than the "other" and acts as an expression of her ideals and relations to others rather than an explicit judgment of those she's being aggressive towards
Meanwhile Ema is a "hater" because she likes to dunk on all these losers. As is her right
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henrysglock · 2 months
I talked about this a bit last night, but I realized I still have more to say.
ST tumblr in general, but specifically bylerblr, tends to be so ship-focused that they lose sight of many plot lines and themes of the show.
"We want Will with superpowers so he can defend his established useless pathetic wet cat boyfriend Mike!" "We want..." [checks notes and grimaces] "...a byler sex scene..." "We want El to have very little screen time...So all the screen time can go to Will and byIer!!" "We don't want any more depth into HNL. We want to have time for Will and Mike to have fifteen different coming out scenes!" "We want Henry to die painfully! No we don't care about his story...unless it has byler/Will crumbs!! We only care if it has byler proof or proof of Will with powers!!"
Like...do any of them actually like the show? Do they like the central plot? The core themes? The sci fi horror?
The central plot has always been HNL. How can anyone say they want to trade the core plot for ship content about two guys who are just kinda...on par with straight ships? (That's right. I said it. ByIer is just on-par with straight ships. They'll never be Peter and Olivia from Fringe, though. Unfortunately.)
And when byler becomes canon, because it will become canon, the fandom is going to scream about it so loudly that they drown out all the other important aspects of the show. Aspects like:
"Love can pull people back from the brink, even people some might consider too far gone."
"Children need love. When they don't get it, when they're rejected and isolated, they become highly susceptible to harm." (And we DON'T blame the child, we blame the ADULTS who FAILED the child)
"Don't blame the victim, especially when the victim is a child."
"Children don't need to be strong, they need to be protected."
"Sometimes, adults need to be protected too."
"Children are not evil. They are just learning how to survive. Treat them with grace and leniency."
"It's more likely that a troubled child is the result of a good child in a troubled home than it is that the troubled child is simply pure evil."
"You don't need superpowers to be a hero. You just need to be kind and brave."
"You should be kind to and respectful of people, even if they're odd, annoying, or cringe."
"Just because you think you're right doesn't mean you are right."
"Draw conclusions from evidence rather than pursuing evidence for a conclusion."
"Often times, doing more research will uncover crucial information you didn't catch on your first try. Don't assume you know everything."
"Don't make accusations without doing your research. Malicious entities will use this ignorance to their advantage every time."
"Unchecked bias, willful ignorance, and bigotry are killers."
"The support of friends, family, and the community can be just as powerful as, if not more powerful than, romance."
Just...to name a few.
But yes, tell me again about how the two gay boys kissed. That was clearly the sole takeaway from the entire Stranger Things anthology.
Send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (you can request topics!)
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leadandblood · 25 days
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Thank you!
We all know about Goodsir right? Please tell me we know about Goodsir. He's a fucked up lil man just like the rest of them. He killed Jacko :( Don't put him on a pedestal. He's a generally nice guy and I love him, but he's not a saint.
Not sure how unpopular this is, if it even is, but i needed to say it
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jedimasterbailey · 12 days
🧡 and 💜 for the unpopular opinions ask game!!
Hello there my friend! 🥰 thank you so much for the ask, you’ve chosen some fun ones!
Link to the original ask questions below of anyone else wants to play so I can snoop 👀
🧡- What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
That Vader will kill Barriss in the upcoming Tales of the Empire. There is just not a moment in that teaser trailer where the wheels in Barriss’s head aren’t turning and where her eyes aren’t looking for the nearest exit. Barriss is canonically very smart and can hold her own in combat. Like if Anakin had not tapped into the Dark Side and slammed her into the tree in the Wrong Jedi, Barriss probably could have handled more angry Anakin. Not to mention Barriss was able to sneak up and knock out Ventress of all people undetected. Now we don’t know for sure how involved Barriss really was in Ahsoka being framed (that whole arc is just so badly written and rushed with not much explanation but that’s a whole other conversation), but had it not been for Anakin’s persistence in discovering the truth, Barriss could have gotten away with the bombing. So… if she and Vader were to duel again, I am positive Barriss will do just fine and escape somehow.
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💜- Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
LUMINARA! 💚 like I swear does anyone notice how hot this Mominara is because I did since the moment I first saw her debut episode as a kid 🤣 should have known I was gay then 😜 But for real she got HIP, she got ASS, and some BOBBIES that her outfit CLINGS onto tightly! And furthermore her adorable facial expressions both serious and not serious and those brillant glowly blue/purple ish eyes of hers have me like 😳 like I would do ANYTHING this woman told me to do, I wouldn’t even argue with her much like Ahsoka didn’t in Cloak of Darkness. You just know Ventress was taken aback by Luminara when she saw it wasn’t Anakin that was with Ahsoka 🤣 And that sultry soft English accent of hers played by the lovely Olivia D’Abo is just the sugar on the cream! Luminara is just lovely and we need to talk about it more 💚
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Link to original ask game questions here!
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littlewitchbee · 26 days
🧡💜 for the opinion post 👀
🧡 What is a popular (serious) theory that you disagree with?
I'm not sure how "popular" this idea is but I've seen it enough to say I don't believe Riza joined the military because she was in love with Roy. In my opinion they weren't there just yet. It's more likely to me that she saw Roy's offer to join the military as a way to get away from her childhood home and out into the world or just a chance to make a choice for herself for once. She absolutely believed in his dream and I think she wanted to help him, but at that point I wouldn't say it was because she was in love with him. (not to say I don't enjoy young royai - I do! I tend to view it as heavily au content though)
💜 Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
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ghostlynimbus · 17 days
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Thank you for sending this in!!! <3
This is a tough question bc with my current obsession (Stranger Things) there's a lot of characters that I feel get mischaracterized by the fandom.
But since I already talked about Nancy and Joyce in some of my other responses to this ask game I think I'll talk about Steve in this one:
I really don't get why the fandom (or at least parts of the fandom i stumble across quite often) feminizes him so much.
Now, I'm all for femme dudes. I am a femme dude and I love seeing that sort of thing in fiction. I even really love seeing more traditionally masculine characters exploring their more feminine sides.
But i see so many fics feminize him to the point that the character is to me unrecognizable. These depictions of Steve don't feel (to me) like a fun new twist on the character, or exploring the potential of something that's underexplored in the canon, or exploring how things might have turned out different if x, y, or z had been changed.
They just kind of feel like some character i don't know masquerading as a character i find really interesting and compelling in the canon.
Along a similar vein, I don't like when I see him depicted as being stupid about everything?
Steve is shown to not be smart in the same ways as many of the other characters, and he is frequently paired up with characters that are just generally very academically smart (compared to everyone) such as Nancy and Dustin. But he is also, repeatedly, shown to be very competent and capable in a lot of other ways (even if he doesn't do well in school).
One area in particular, is that in the canon Steve is generally pretty socially acute (with some inconsistencies bc the show sucks at consistent characterization). He is also really good at being presented with new information or a new situation and adapting quickly and skillfully (even if he freaks out a bit about it in the process).
He may not be good at writing essays. He may not know as much about science or history as Dustin does.
But Steve is not only good at listening to people who know more about a subject than him, but also at getting the work done and doing what is necessary to action that info in any given situation.
He also is repeatedly shown to have a decent amount of common sense, something which those super academically smart characters he's often paired with tend to lack.
So I really don't like how often i see him depicted at just being so incompetent and stupid about everything. And i don't like when the canon contradicts itself to try and show him like this also.
The Ask Game
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shadowpeachyuri · 5 months
unpopular opinion: nothing wukong does to mk in season 4 makes him seem like a worse person and i dont get why people think that he hasn't improved from s3
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
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iguessitsjustme · 7 months
For the unpopular opinion thing, can I ask 5 and 6? - ☆
Oooo you chose good questions I am going to be terrible at answering because I have no idea what's popular. I'm gonna do my best though.
5. What’s an unpopular show that you enjoyed when you shouldn’t
I'm gonna have to go with Oh! My Sunshine Night for this one. That show is not good. Not a lot of people watched it. The instrument playing hurt my soul and my heart but it was a chaotic mess and that's my favorite kind of show.
6. have?Have you ever dropped a popular show because you didn’t like it?
I think the most popular show that I dropped was Remember Me. I just refused to watch the last episode because I was so mad about Em and Name. I'm still mad. I thought about finishing the show but for what? More anger. No thanks. I choose to believe Name didn't need to "fix" himself to deserve the love he got. It's one thing if a disabled character chooses for themselves that they want to work to remove the disability. It's another when they have to because they are told they aren't worthwhile and aren't normal because of it. Name communicated just fine without magically regaining the ability to speak, but he was consistently pressured to speak and told he would be lonely for the rest of his life unless he sucked it up and just got over it...yeah I'm still mad. (This is the same reason I've been screaming about glasses in shows and characters constantly losing their glasses in the show. It's a disability. The most normalized one with easy(ish) to access accommodations and still characters lose the glasses because they "look better without them.")
Unpopular Opinions Ask Game
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fanartfunart · 20 days
(dropping this for ask game!)
What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character? ok Cartoon Link may not be my Favorite Character TM but he's the main one I can think of for this. And He's??? Not actually that Creepy TM? he's very flirtatious and everything but the Princess is pretty clearly into the flirting, and flirts back, and the other girls he flirts with are all acting interested first before he starts. He's SURPRISED when a girl (who is evil, unfortunately) offers to give him a kiss first. He always asks before trying for a kiss with Zelda, which is, yes, dramatic and expectant sounding, but he WAITS too, which isn't very common in other romances anyway. He's just a sappy dramatic confident romantic.
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cyber-streak-2 · 11 months
🔥 (I'm unsure if this is still open) IDW unpopular opinions? I agree with the designs about Wheeljack having a beard/with other characters, I have a friend who is bothered by it along with OP's face, I usually keep neutral *le shrug*
This is still open, don’t worry about it. Certain little designs on characters don’t really bother me- I’m either neutral, or just don’t care/am not bothered at all. I’d be more bothered if, like, you have a well known character, and instead of minor design changes, there’s so many changes, and you can’t tell who they’re supposed to be.
As for the IDW Unpopular Opinion(s), I can’t really think of any atm- ig there’s my thought of “I don’t really care much for Megatron”, but that’s me with any Megs tbh, I just don’t care for him, and I dunno, maybe I would’ve preferred if he wasn’t in MTMTE/LL, that would be nice. Not sure if that would be unpopular though.
If I can think of any other things, I’ll try to add it on.
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nyaagolor · 5 months
Kazuma has absolutely zero rizz whatsoever. I know that a popular take is that he's brooding and attractive and all the ladies love him, but I am dead convinced Ryu is the one who everyone adores. Ryu is polite, sweet, looks like a little munchkin... Kazuma is all sharp angles and intense stares and cryptic words and machismo. The ladies want Ryu, Kazuma has no charisma and probably no friends because he can't hold a conversation to save his life and is kind of a little freak. Pretty sure I'm one of maybe 3 people on this site who thinks this but I will die on this hill
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henrysglock · 6 months
Several opinions that would probably get me banned from the ST subreddit (at least some of them lol)
1) Nancy and Steve would have a toxic relationship if they got together again
2) Jason would've killed Eddie if he actually catched him (even if on accident)
3) Argyle is not a bad character and actually important to the plot + I'm so happy that Jonathan finally got a friend that isn't his girlfriend!
4) Max will probably stay blind even if she gets revived AND THATS OKAY
5) Hopper was absolutely not ready to take care of El in s2. Yes he gave her food and clothes but he abandoned her for days! (That whole argument he had with her aside) also in s3 he acted like a helicopter parent
6) Mike kissing El in s1 was rushed
7) Brenner is the actual villian of the whole story
Agree. They're not right for each other, even though Steve's grown up. Nancy's not built for a "6 nuggets" life, and she expresses as much when she says it sounds like a nightmare.
HARD agree. Jason would have murdered Eddie, undoubtedly.
YES! YES YES YES!!! Argyle my beloved <3 He's the unsung hero of this season. Where would be be without him? Stranded in Cali and completely cut off from Hawkins. That's all thanks to Argyle.
SPEAK!!! SPEAK!!!! Max should be permanently disabled after Vecna's attack, and that should be okay. She doesn't need to be magically healed in order to live a full and happy life when she wakes up, and honestly it would be very deus ex machina if someone were to magically heal her. Ew.
Anon you are on FIRE tonight!! Hopper wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared to care for a high-needs child. El is a high-needs child. She's traumatized, socially and emotionally stunted, and she's not nearly old enough to be left on her own. In ST3 he was a toxic overbearing father. Miss me with that.
Absolutely. It drives me up a wall, even if I understand why they stuck it in there the way they did. Was it purposeful? Can I see the logic behind it? Yes and yes. Does that mean it's not rushed and painfully awkward? No.
Anon. You are 7 for 7 tonight. Brenner and his curiosity without morality is the root of the entire conflict. If he hadn't been involved with the Creels the way he was, we wouldn't have a story. Kate Trefry just said it herself: There's a reason One ended up the way he did. He wasn't born like this. He was shaped. Brenner was that ultimate shaping force in our villain. Brenner, from the start, has been the ultimate evil in Stranger Things.
Send me unpopular opinions!
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leadandblood · 25 days
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Hi, thank you anon ^^
I'm gonna go with Jopson, because boy do i have THOUGHTS.
In fanfics, people sooo often write him as the submisive, blushy, cute one and that... It's not true! Yeah, he's there to fulfil wishes as a steward, but he's not a sub imo. In fact, I think he'd be able to dom anyone, even Crozier, no problem. A service dom if you will.
Not just talking about romantic/sexual relationships, though. Other kinds of relationships, too. He doesn't take shit from anyone! Sure, he knows his "place" as a steward aboard Terror, doesn't step out of that and doesn't say what he shouldn't. But you can often see that he'd like to say something. To bite back. I'm also convinced he's talked his way into half the stuff he does, shaving Crozier himself, among others.
And when he gets promoted to Lieutenant, he's capable, he's confident, he's sure, he takes action. That's a dom right there.
Don't get me wrong, I can still enjoy a fic where he's the opposite. I've even written one! But generally speaking... It feels wrong.
Thank you for the ask again, anon <3
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jedimasterbailey · 12 days
💚 for the unpopular option ask game!
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HELLO THERE!!!! I am so happy you appeared in my inbox because you are a delight and I hope you reblog the game so I can sneak into your inbox in return 👀 You have a mighty need because you know EXACTLY who I’m gonna be talking about 😁
Link to the original ask questions below!
💚- What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
My girl Luminara gets slandered/mischaracterized on the tone deaf belief that she doesn’t have a heart. I can’t bear to look at any comments section on YT, Tik Tok, etc that pertains to either Luminara or Barriss because everyone and their meemaw got something awful to say about my girl. They claim that she “doesn’t care about Barriss and abandoned her when the weapons factory collapsed” (she straight up said she does care for Barriss and no she did not abandon the girls) or that she’s “the worst Jedi ever” (there is literally no proof to back this claim) that she deserved her death” (how awful to wish a Holocaust like death in anyone but okay) etc even though those of us with critical thinking know damn well that between the books (both legends and canon) and what we’ve seen in the Clone Wars series that these idiots (most likely sexist ones I may add) couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve made plenty of rants and posts on defending Luminara so I won’t get into it here but until the day I die I will defend the good that is Luminara “Mominara” Unduli and if anyone objects to that, they can take their sorry ass opinion somewhere else because I could care less and I’m tired of it.
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Original Ask Questions
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littlewitchbee · 26 days
FMA 💚💖
💚 what does everyone get wrong about your favorite character? there's a lot to say about Riza but I'm getting tired so I'll keep it short - we do a huge disservice to her by reducing her to "girlboss"/team mom/etc". There's a pattern to these answers lol
💖 what is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series? probably not that unpopular and I love an angsty ending as much as anyone but I think the whole idea of royai being executed after reaching their goals is antithetical to the story's entire message about having to live with the sins of your past to become a better person + trusting the people around you to keep you accountable and make a better world (I'd like to think that post promised day they both kinda realize that their desire for self-sacrifice is at its core self-gratifying and that they can do more for the people alive 🤷‍♀️)
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
🔥 uh... anything about gravity falls?
Unpopular Opinion ask game
Bill Cipher is overhyped and pre-redemption arc Discord is better at the Murder Jester thing
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