#kengan four idiots
kyusrak · 10 months
Cop Kaneda Au
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useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 17
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 17 - Vortex
TIMELINE: This chapter takes place at the same time as Heavy Bakery’s Chapter 27, under a different POV. You can read it here  
"Come on, man, please!"
"I already told you no, damn it!"
"Fucking hell, dude!," Rihito shouts, throwing his arms up in frustration, making some pigeons that pecked on the sidewalk take flight in fright. "When it comes to helping Okubo you go all out, but when it's my turn, you couldn't give a single fuck!"
“And how the hell are we going to help you if you refuse to make the first move, you idiot?," Himuro rebuts impatiently, quickly pulling his phone away from Rihito's grasp, who stretched out his hands in an attempt to grab it by force. "You know what you have to do, if you want that girl's contact that much."
"No! I'm not going to create an Instagram account just to slide into a chick's DMs," Rihito twists his whole face in disguste. Kaneda sighs heavily.
"What's your problem with Instagram, exactly? It's just a social network..."
"A sissy social network where you only find pictures of food, kittens and motivational phrases for moody teens. I have too much respect for my manhood to put up with that,” Rihito rolls his eyes, and that elicits a chorus of groans.
"You say that, but you're here, giving me hell so you can use my account to hunt down this girl's profile," Himuro puts his phone in his shirt pocket. "And why does it have to be mine, anyway?"
"And you still ask? Don't you remember how there were like five or six girls asking for your DMs after Miss Uta posted that picture? That pretty boy face of yours is a chick magnet, as much as I hate to admit it."
"Do you seriously want to use my face to catfish a girl? Hell no! And if you don't cut that out, I'll fuck you up," Himuro threatens, to which Rihito puts his arms in front of his face in a defensive position, grinding his teeth.
"Damn it, didn't I told you that I just got out of a Kengan match? I won, but I still toke some blows that left me sore, so I can't go all out on you now!"
"Stop being such a pansy. If you didn't want us to open a can of whoop-ass on you, then you shouldn't get on everyone's nerves so early," Okubo, who was walking behind, jokes. Rihito flips him the bird, ignoring the disapproving glances from passers-by passing them on the sidewalk.
"Shut up, you're another fair weather friend! What would it cost you to ask Miss Uta to cut me some slack and give me her friend's number?"
"It'd cost me what I've been trying to maintain all these weeks, you obsessed sicko! Do you think I'm in a position to ask her something like that?"
"More than any of us! You two went out other times since that second date, there's some intimacy settling in," Rihito shrugs as the four of them stop in front of the red light for pedestrians. "Want me to be honest? You haven't banged her yet only because you're a sucker. If you already had, you could ask for anything and she'd say yes."
"Screw you, man," Okubo grumbles while Himuro rolls his eyes and Kaneda scratches his hair tiredly. "You think I have a magic dick or something? And anyway, Tomori is very protective of her friend, from what I've gathered. I respect this. Just do what Himuro and Kaneda said and create a fucking account already."
"Is that all you have to tell me?" You ungrateful bastard..."
"Fuck, Rihito, what do you want me to do?," Okubo opens his arms in frustration, almost hitting Kaneda's nose, who had to dodge with an irritated expression. "You want me to put on my best shameless face and ask her for her friend's number? And what if she gets angry at me? Do you really wanna ruin something that you yourself helped to build?"
"Hell no! Your weeping would be unbearable."
"Then forget about it! I can still try to help ya, but let's think of something that doesn't involve me ruining the best thing that's happened to me in the last few years!"
Rihito frowns and pouts, appearing to be thinking hard. And at the same time that the light turns green, he reaches into the right pocket of Okubo's pants with an expression of feigned innocence.
"You could let me use your profile then, since Himuro vetoed his..."
"That's fucking enough! Holy shit, man, you're more annoying than usual!," Himuro yells, hitting Rihito in the ribs with a precise jab, to which he lets out a yelp.
"Aargh! That's one of the sorest places, you son of a bitch!"
"Not even I can stand this anymore!," Kaneda also lost his patience, hitting Rihito's stomach with a palm blow, and he get out of breath.
"Ow! E-Even you, you lil' fucker?!
"You're to blame for getting on our fuckin' nerves!," Okubo cracks his fists, snarling. "Trying to grab my phone was the last straw! Now you'll get your ass kicked 'till we reach Yamashita's office, asshole!"
"Damn it, I hate you guys- argh! Cut it out, you- ouch! Just wait until I feel better, you shitheads!," Rihito was screaming and threatening them while trying to escape the kicks, punches and nudges that fell on him, the four of them crossing the crosswalk like crabs, walking sideways and providing quite a show for the astonished passersby around.
They had to stop after being spotted by two policemen, who threatened to take them to the police station if they didn't put an end to their stupid antics. But the punishment was duly administered, and when they finally reached Kazuo's office, Rihito was hugging his torso, whimpering and even limping a little.
"… Should I ask?," The old man asks, a bit exasperated, staring at them from behind his desk. Kaede, standing by the door, adjusts her glasses, unimpressed.
"There is no need. Whatever the reason, Rihito probably deserved it."
"C'mon, Kaede, that's mean…," Rihito pouted. "Just for that you won't be invited to dinner in the company of a great name of the Kengan matches."
“Tell him to ask me out himself instead of making you his errand boy."
"... I was talking about myself."
"I know."
"Hey, did I hear that right? You won a match, Ichiro?," They hear Ohma's voice, as he returned to the office with a glass of water. "Congratulations for doing the bare minimum."
"It's Rihito, Seaweed Head! We already talked about this, damn it!," Rihito shouts indignantly, barely managing to overcome the loud laughter of the others. "And of course I won, what are you thinking? It was the reason I came. Kazzy, my man, I hope the paperwork for my newest aquisition is ready," He smiles excitedly, and Kazuo nods.
"Oh yes, they already are! They're in the files, Ms. Akiyama will pick them up. And you two are here to renew your licenses, right?," He looks at Himuro and Kaneda, and they nod.
"Yep. The last thing we want is to screw with Mr. Ohya's business and consequently ours," Himuro points to the Kaneda, who laughs softly.
"Exactly! And he asked us to let you know that he invited you to a night out at Dai-Uchu-Sakaba next weekend."
"Ahaha, if I'm free by then, I'll accept it! And what about you, Okubo?," Kazuo turns to Okubo. "What are you here for? Mr. Atami has already renewed your license for the next three years, if you're worried about that..."
"Oh no, I’m fine," Okubo shakes a hand, scratching the back of his head with the other. "I’m just following these three today, we agreed to go eat later…"
"Are you going to the Bakery?," Ohma raises his head. "I was already going there. We can go together."
"Whe barely mentioned the sugar shack and Tokita is already having the munchies," Rihito jokes while Himuro and Kaneda pick up pens to sign the papers Kazuo handed them. "Come with us then, dude, it’s been a good few days since we last talked! Tell me, how is your housing situation? Did you get a place to stay or are you under a bridge?"
Kazuo has a brief coughing fit, which he disguises by taking a few sips of the water Kaede offers him.
"I was going to go back to my mansion but they demolished it," He shrugs. "But I found a better place, I just can't take you there because the landlord doesn't allow it. At least not yet."
"Wow, that sucks," Rihito comments, his hands on his hips, while Okubo crosses his arms with a sympathetic expression. None of them noticed the discreet sigh of relief that Kazuo gave while briefly wiping his forehead with a handkerchief. "But honestly, Tokita, it was better that way. That mansion was falling apart. I remember how easy it was for Ivan and I to break in..."
"The old mansion was nice, but it wasn't even mine, it belonged to nobody and I was there, so it's easy to break in," Ohma shrugs.
"Your assuredness while talking about invasion and illegal occupation of private property is impressive…," Kaede comments, and Okubo laughs while Himuro and Kaneda raise their heads after finishing with their signatures.
"Come with us then, Tokita! Then you can talk more about your new place while we can't see it with our own eyes," Himuro suggests.
Ohma waves to Kazuo as he leaves with the guys.
"Nah, there’s nothing special, the house is just like Yamashitakazuo's, only it has fewer rooms and bigger spaces," Ohma comments, already walking with them. "It’s really nice, I pay the bills and the landlord helps me with the cleaning."
"Wait, the landlord help with cleaning? Damn, give me his number, sounds like the kind of place I'd love to move to!," Rihito jokes while they go down the stairs. They hear Kazuo call from upstairs, his voice rising:
"Rihito, don't forget that you also need to renew your two employees' licenses! They are now fighters for the association under your name!"
"I know, Kazzy, chill out!," Rihito answers calmly, without turning around, while the five of them leave the office. Soon they were on their way to the bakery, which fortunately was not far from there.
"There's only one room available, sorry," Ohma says with a half, almost mischievous smile. "So, tell me about the match. How did Ichiro fare?"
"He did good, according to him, but it's hard to believe, considering that we beat the shit outta him just now and he couldn't even defend himself," Himuro jokes, and easily dodges when Rihito tries to hit him with a clumsy kick, the pain getting in his way.
"It's easy when it's three against one, you fucker! But yes, Tokita, I fucking rocked it in that match!," He exclaims excitedly, and he spends the next few minutes describing the match in detail, while they walk towards the bakery. Okubo was particularly excited to get there; besides the food, there was also a very important person waiting for him. And if he'd been paying attention, he'd have noticed that Ohma seemed to be quickening his pace as well.
"... you say it was a piece of cake, but we can see the bruise on your ribs when you raise your arms like that," Himuro was saying, to which Rihito laughs.
“No, man, I'm telling you, the guy only managed to hit me by luck! I managed to get there and make him shut up, hahaha, the arena shook with their cheers…”
“Too bad I couldn't see that” Okubo smiles at his friend, and Himuro and Kaneda laugh along with him.
“I’ll only believe it when I see it, man,” Himuro jokes. “So far I've only seen you losing…”
“That's why I don't invite you anymore, damn, you just bring me bad luck” Rihito jokes too, and the four of them stand there, laughing like idiots, while Ohma just smiles. Okubo didn't know if he was seeing things, but the seaweed head had been smiling more lately. Maybe it was just the product of his very fertile imagination, driven by the honeymoon phase he was living…
“So, are you going out with your little friend again and leaving us behind?”
Kaneda's question makes him turn his head quickly, surprised and a little embarrassed. It's been a few days since those idiots started referring to Tomori as his “little friend”, just to tease him and make it clear that he wasn't deceiving them about his intentions; even Kaneda had joined in, which put him at a numerical disadvantage. He decides to respond normally to not give them weapons to use against him.
“Oh, I don’t know. Do you have any plans?”
“Well, I’ve got a new game at home, if you feel like…” Kaneda offers. “It's Biohazard 8...”
"Really? Cool! PC or console?," He asks excitedly as they walk towards the bakery door.
"Console! The price dropped a lot at the store close to my place."
"Boy, you're such a lucky bastard!," Rihito gives him a congratulatory slap on the shoulder. "I'd have to sell my right eye and my left nut to buy something like this."
"So let's celebrate Rihito's victory at Kaneda's place, I'll bring some beers and... what's up, Ohma?," Himuro was about to say, but pauses, surprised, when Ohma enters the door without waiting for them, taking hard steps, his shoulders stiff, his fists clenched tightly. The bell rings as the door closes again, and the four of them look at each other in bewilderment.
"What the hell happened to Tokita?," Rihito asks, to which Okubo shakes his head.
"I don't know, but it doesn't look good. C'mon, maybe he needs assistance," He nods, and they all march to the door, the bell ringing overhead again.
They are welcomed by a familiar scene: Kanami, with a firmly frowning face, facing what appears to be a customer who seems to be a delinquent, aboard the classic combo of topknot and leather jacket. They watch his expression change from smug to scared as he notices Ohma, who has stopped right behind the baker, a dangerous aura surrounding him.
"Wow, where did this giant come from?," He exclaims. "Hey man, am I blocking the traffic, by any chance?”
“You’re bothering her,” Ohma approaches, bending down a little to look him in the eyes, the aura manifesting. “Get out.”
The guy cringes and raises his hands “okay, sorry, I didn't know she was yours…”
“Hey!,” Kanami exclaims, outraged, and that was all it took for the four idiots to decide to interfere. Holy shit, was this establishment some kind of magnet for harassers or something?
“Hey, what's going on?,” Rihito asks, crossing his arms.
“Is the guy bothering you, Miss Kana?” Okubo punches his hand, snapping his fingers “We clean up the trash, you can relax,” He promises, and he wasn't going to lie to himself, that opportunity seemed like a godsend. If beating the crap out of a clueless asshole would help him regain points with the boss and friend of the girl he liked, then he'd gladly do it.
“Yeah, this one stinks…” Ohma almost growls, the guy's eyes widen when he sees the three of them and finally surrenders, now feeling he pissed off the wrong people.
Rihito pretends to lunge at him, and he yelps in response, now flying off. They follow him with their eyes, frowning, Kaneda giving a small sigh of relief that things haven't gotten out of hand; they had already been warned by the police that day, and a second time might not end up so well on their records.
"Oh… thanks boys, but…," Kanami mutters suddenly, making them turn to her again. She looked troubled, even a little upset, which apparently didn't go unnoticed by Ohma, although her expression remained neutral.
"Are you okay?," He asks, while Rihito tries to open a friendlier smile.
"We arrived just in time!"
"I am, thanks. I could handle it, but I…," She blushes, looking like she doesn't know what to say, and Okubo ends up feeling sorry for her. He claps Ohma on the back, smiling playfully.
“Ohma, calm down man, if we hadn't butted in, you'd have ground the guy to dust."
Ohma sighs and turns around. "I'm still pissed, stop."
Okubo raises his hands in surrender, half alert. Ohma turns around and sits at the table where the guy was before. Okubo exchanges a brief look with Rihito, both of them making sure they've seen the same thing, before turning to Himuro, who simply shrugs. Kaneda, as usual, is the most tactful.
"I think we all need to calm down. Everyone knows that Ohma gets angry when someone get in the way of his meal," he smiles, and everyone else gives a sign of understanding. "Miss Kanami, good afternoon, we're here for diner".
"Oh, yes, I already got it," Kanami nods, gesturing with a small sigh. "Eh… Tomoyo was the one being bothered, she's inside with Tomori..."
"What, really?," Okubo turns around, widening his eyes a little. Damn, the guy had to be one hell of a creep to hit on a teenage girl! And if he had tried the same with Tomori… he would probably have turned red with rage if Kanami hadn't raised her hands to reassure him.
"Relax, she's fine. I was just pushing him away when you arrived. Cute, but not my type."
The four of them end up laughing, Okubo breaking his laugh with a brief sigh of relief. Thank god… he would still make sure they were both okay, anyway, even if it was just for conscience sake. Kanami hands them the menu.
"I'll be serving you today, so you can order directly with me."
They place their orders, and soon Kanami leaves them there, standing next to the table that Ohma occupied. He remained silent, his expression closed. They look at each other quickly before sitting down at the table with him.
"Hey, Kelpthulu, are you still mad?," Rihito asks. The other shakes his head.
"No," He answers, a little curtly, but not rudely. It was a relief, in a way.
"Great," Himuro nods. "Because you aren't usually like this."
"Well, she's our friend, right, guys?," Kaneda says, ever the peacemaker. Ohma was only the first to see them. I'm sure everyone here would act..."
"Yeah, but don't you think she would be able to act on her own in this situation?," Himuro frowns.
"Yeah, man, she's an Amazon and all, but what does it cost us to be friends?," Rihito defends. "Tokita just did it..."
"Yes, but if we didn't interfere and let it happen,  Seaweedhead here would grind the guy, and it could cause problems for the bakery staff, and for Miss Kanami too,” Himuro speaks in a low voice.
This causes the other three to widen their eyes.
"Wait a minute, Ohma, were you really going to do that?," Okubo asks anxiously. There was no way Seaweed Brains could be that clueless…
"No…," Ohma grumbles, and Okubo smiles in relief.
“That’s what I thought...”
"Just break a few bones."
"No, man!," He exclaims with a grimace. Fuck, why did he even ask?!
"Damn bro, I've seen you get pissed, but over a loaf of bread?," Rihito laughs, and Himuro rolls his eyes.
"The girl makes the bread he eats, man..."
"Heh, even so," Rihito crosses his arms.
"Why am I always the subject of the table when I'm here?," Ohma looks at them. "Am I some kind of exotic animal, by any chance?"
Okubo, Himuro and Kaneda clear their throats at this, suddenly embarrassed. Rihito didn't have that consideration though. He continues to laugh lightheartedly.
"Well, you kinda are a rare specimen…," He starts mockingly, but he shuts up the instant Ohma shoots him a sharp look in mute warning. Seriously, what the hell was getting into him that day?
"Here, guys, sorry for the delay!"
Kanami's voice interrupts them in their inner questioning. She had been bringing their orders on trays, skillfully balancing them on her hands and arms. "Tomoyo's back at work, crisis averted. Thank you.,” She smiles, handing Ohma's tray last. His sour expression disappears when he looks at her. Okubo is distracted by his own order, all happy to see the cookies, on a separate plate. But even so, he couldn't help noticing how Kaneda and Himuro glanced at each other quickly, nodding in what appeared to be mutual understanding. The later then chuckles behind the sleeve of his robes, while the former shows a lot of interest in his croissants.
He turns to Rihito, wanting to check if he saw the same, but he was totally absorbed in his sandwich, kind of avoiding facing Ohma after the death glare he received. Okubo huffs, a little frustrated. Shit, he hated being left out of inside jokes!
"Hey, Ohma," Himuro calls suddenly. "You must have eaten the whole menu already, right?"
Ohma nods, uninterested, and Himuro follows suit.
"How long has it been? Six months?"
"Wow, it's been a long time," Kaneda comments. "And you come here often?"
"Why not? The food is tasty."
Okubo raises his eyebrows, and this time Rihito imitates him. The later ends up shrugging, and it's the former's turn to imitate him. If they weren't going to let them know about the conversation, he wouldn't worry about it. Kaneda continues:
"What about that Yakiniku restaurant you like?"
"What about it?," Ohma looks up from the food. "Wanna go there after eating here?"
"Hnmm…," Himuro suddenly mutters, looking frustrated. He looks away, but Kaneda continues, with a little more insistence.
"I've seen you less there, it seems that you found another place to eat…"
"Missing me much? I'll follow you there, man, don't fret."
"Nah, no, I was talking about you not talking to us anymore, not hanging out with us like you used to..."
"I've been busy," he nods. "Matches and such.”
"Does this 'such' include crushing on Miss Kanami too?"
The reaction from everyone around the table is immediate and distinct: Rihito widens his eyes, jaw dropping, while Okubo almost drops his plate of cookies in astonishment. Himuro looked like he desperately wanted a smoke, while Ohma's expression hardened like stone, his eyes bulging. Kaneda smiles, very pleased with the effect he elicited, and Okubo wants to grab him by the dividers of his robes and shake him.
How could he drop that bomb on their heads like that, in the middle of their fucking meal?! Ohma, having a crush on Kanami? In what universe would Seaweed Brain be able to be interested in a woman if she wasn't made of barbecued meat or something?!
… And when they saw Ohma's tense expression, which was strangely reminiscent of an animal that had been cornered by predators, they could only think that, perhaps, that could be this universe.
"Wha- What?," Rihito exclaims. "Seriously? The…," He turns to look at the counter, and when he sees Kanami working there, he looks at them and whispers, pointing to her while covered by the his other palm, "The Amazon?!"
"Damn, so that's his type?," Okubo smiles, still disbelieved. "Now I understand why! He has a very specific type."
"There's nothing to be nervous about, bro," Himuro sighs and assures him when he sees that Ohma is still tense, almost in a defensive position. "It's normal…"
"We just wanted to know, don’t worry," Kaneda smiles. "We won’t spread it-"
"Hey Miss Kanami-," Rihito was already calling, raising a hand, before being attacked and silenced by the hands of Okubo, Himuro and Kaneda, shutting him up with angry, desperate hisses.
"Holy shit, man, you don't know how to keep quiet, do you?," Himuro whispers furiously, the four of them practically fighting silently on the table while Rihito tried to get free.
"Damn, bro, respect your friend!," Okubo hisses softly. "What if she doesn't want the same? It will be just like the delinquent from before..."
“You really don't think, do you, man?," Kaneda sighs.
"I just want another milkshake!," Rihito screeches when he finally gets rid of their hands. "Let go of me, damn it!"
"Boys, no play-fighting, please!," Kanami asks from the counter, her tone firm. The three release Rihito at the same time, and he nearly falls off the table.
"Damn, what's gotten into you?," He massages his face angrily, touching the red marks that the fingers of the other three had left. "Come on, I’m no snitch…”
"Sorry, we reacted badly," ​​Himuro sighs, looking at Ohma next. "I confess that it's a bit shocking for us, Ohma. You, of all guys..."
Ohma finally seems to see them, unfreezing from what appears to be trance. "Huhhh… I actually have a question…"
"Ask, bro." Okubo smiles hopefully.
"What do you mean about ‘crushing her’? I’d never crush her, it’ll break her bones…”
... Holy. Fucking. Shit.
The four of them lean back in their seats, sighing, disappointed and furiously frustrated. Damn it, how could someone be that stupid? Even obliviousness should have a damn limit!
Ohma just shrugs, going back to sipping his milkshake as if he didn't just break his friends' spirits. That makes them give up asking any further questions, and Okubo tries to guillotine the idiotic hope that had begun to rise within him.
He’d been fantasizing about double dates between Ohma, Kanami, Tomori and himself. It would be the perfect opportunity to regain the trust of the object of his affection's friend. But no, Tokita destroyed his dreams like a meteor of pure concentrated stupidity, so he had better keep that shit to himself.
"Hnnf... Well?," Kaneda is the first to try to break the ice, opening a very weak smile. "Are our plans of going to my apartment to play Biohazard still up or...?"
"Just give me a minute, man," Rihito asks in a defeated tone, leaning his arms on the table and laying his head on them, hiding his face. "I'm still recovering from the blow. Tokita's virginity is even more resistant than his Indestructible technique, what the fuck."..
"No dude, no," Himuro rubs his face, as if he'd been mentally punched. "I'd explain what a crush is, but I have to pretend you're five to do that and I can't.
"Then don't," Ohma shrugs, going back to eating. "I was going to ask Kanami, but she wouldn't want me to crush her bones either, so it's fine."
"Enough! Stop it, or my brain will melt and start running outta my nostrils!," Rihito almost sobs, grabbing his head with his hands, while Okubo rubs his eyes, a vein standing out in his temple.
"After this I'm going to order not only cookies to go, but all the donuts and chocolate eclairs I can buy. I'm gonna need junk food to get through this existential crisis..."
"You're so dramatic," Ohma grumbles. "You're acting like I beat you or something," he gets up."I'll go to another, so I don't 'crush on you'," he rolls his eyes, taking the tray to the counter.
The table is filled with high-pitched sounds of desperation one would only expect to hear at the entrance to the netherworld, which Ohma blithely ignored. Rihito shivers all over, sticking out his tongue.
"Dude, that's fucking disgusting! I'd rather be 'crushed on' in the literal sense, thank you!"
“Can we just forget about this conversation, please?,” Kaneda practically begs, running his hands over his face, while Himuro mumbles exhausted:
“I'm gonna have to smoke a couple packs after this. The damage to my lungs will be irreparable and it's all Tokita's fault."
"More irreparable than they already are, ciggy?," Okubo snorts, picking up a cookie from his plate and chewing it slowly "No, but you know what's worse? Those two would make a great couple. Two people who love food, albeit in different ways," He looks at the ceiling. "The cook and the glutton. It seemed like fate, y'know..."
He starts a little when the other three choke on their own saliva, bursting out laughing as low as they can manage.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Just look at that sappy spirit in the body of a gorilla, guys," Rihito puckers his lips, making kissing sounds. "The world got a lot more colorful and fragrant after that cute nutcase came into your life, didn't it?"
Okubo turns very red. "What?! I don't...!"
"You’re even talking about fate and shit, haha ," Himuro smiles sharply. "Was it fate that I invited you to that first visit here then? Damn, I'm more of a matchmaker than I thought!"
"Shut the fuck up! I'll beat your asses!" Okubo growls, picking up a fork and pointing at the two in a threat. Kaneda shakes his head.
“Come on, you two, leave Okubo alone. He was talking about Ohma and Miss Kanami specifically."
"Exactly! Thanks, Kaneda-"
"The fact that he put himself in their shoes and wanted company on this uncontrollable descent down the river of fate is irrelevant to the discussion."
"Damn it, I'm gonna beat you black and blue!," Okubo hits the table with his fists, while the other three laugh loudly. "I won't do that in here only because I don't want to be kicked out again!"
"Yeah...," Kanami raises her voice, and as she had heard the noise at the table, she looks at him with half-closed eyes and a raised eyebrow. "I'm watching."
Okubo flinches as the others let out another wave of laughter. He grits his teeth, letting out a pained groan.
“Ugh… I only put up with this because I deserve it. And because Tomori's lunch break is coming... stop laughing, dammit! You're just jealous!," He points accusingly at his friends, who by that time were already sobbing. "Make fun of me all you want, but your words will come back to haunt you later! The river of fate will be there, waiting..."
"River… more like a vortex, if you wanna know," Rihito laughs before taking another bite of his sandwich. "A fucking spiral that just keeps spinning and spinning, throwing you deeper and deeper. .."
"Aw, who's the sappy spirit in the  body of a gorilla now, huh? You're philosophizing about the issue as much as I am!"
"I'm making an analogy with your situation. You go round, round and round, you sink deeper and deeper in these waters, but still can't get your dick wet for shit."
"I swear, motherfucker, you're dead when we get out of here!," Okubo opens and closes his fists as if he wants to grab Rihito's neck, who wipes tears of laughter from his eyes. And that's when they hear a familiar voice, accompanied by approaching footsteps.
"Don't do that, Naoya! If you kill Rihito, you'll end up in jail, and who's going to practice batting with me in that case?"
"Tomori!!," he smiles, changing his tone from irritated to soft like a television channel. "Heeey…"
And the other idiots lose their collective shits, Kaneda already out of breath, Himuro sobbing and Rihito crying. Tomori, approaching them while carrying a tray with her own lunch, smiles with an arched eyebrow at the hubbub at the table.
"Can I know what's the joke or is it a men's secret?"
“Believe me, you don't wanna know. Just ignore those idiots and sit with us," Okubo invites, moving away a little in the seat to make room for her, the smile not dying even with the knowing smirks of his friends getting on his nerves. "We were worried about Miss Tomoyo and you."
"Me...? Ooh, Kanny told you what happened, didn't she?," She understands after a few seconds of confusion, sitting down next to him "Don't worry, Tomoyo's fine. She had already run into the kitchens when you arrived, and I managed to calm her down a bit. And nothing happened to me, I wasn't around at the time it all went down."
"Still… we ended up remembering that bullshit from a few weeks ago, with those stupid kids and everything," Okubo explains, and Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda have to restrain themselves a lot not to remind him that there was no ‘us’ there. "I kept thinking about some stupid things that made me anxious, that's all. We’re glad you're okay..."
Tomori smiles tenderly. "You're so sweet, you know? All of you are. Don't worry, I'm fine too. Just a little fed up," She sighs a little. "This kind of idiot is always showing up to disturb the peace at the bakery. I don't know if it's because of the area we're in or if it's just bad luck..."
"Does this happen often around here?," Kaneda asks, frowning a little, and Tomori takes a sip of the juice she brought with the rest of her lunch.
“More than we'd like, to be honest. It's one of the reasons why Kanny wants to relocate the bakery."
"Relocate?," Himuro repeats the word, to which Okubo widens his eyes a little.
"Wait, you guys want to change the bakery's address?"
"Oh, that's right, I haven’t told you yet," She sits more rigidly in her seat, looking at him. "We had a meeting a few days ago and Kanny decided that it’s time to look for a bigger and better location for the Heavy Bakery. We're currently looking for a place that meets these demands, but we haven't had much luck so far. I even said I was going to ask you if you knew a place or anyone who knows one..."
"No, I don't. Sorry," He scratches the back of his head, trying to smile. "But that doesn't mean we can't help look, right, guys?"
"Of course! I can look for some spaces near my business," Rihito offers, raising a thumb. "It's not exactly the prettiest part of town, but it's got a lot going for it. And you can bet no cocky brat is going to try to play the badass act in the area where my crew and I work."
"I can try checking with some of my contacts. I have some friends who are basically the eyes and ears of the entire district," Himuro comments. Kaneda smiles sheepishly.
"I don't have many contacts or a business, but I can try to find something too. I see a lot of ads for land for sale in the classifieds..."
"And I can help spread the word! Posting on my social networks, inviting people to the bakery, helping to increase the clientele that will definitely want to see a quality establishment thriving. Good publicity makes all the difference, you know?," Okubo smiles excitedly. Tomori lets out a small shuddering sigh.
"Would you do that? Would you really help us? Even if you don't gain anything from it..."
"And who said we don't? The bakery gets even more space, tyou guys expand the business, money comes in and the quality increases. We will be able to apreciate even more of the kick-ass food that you offer. Everyone would win. Helping you out would be our way of saying thank you for the great service… and the great company,” He squeezes her wrist gently across the table.
Rihito, Himuro, and Kaneda, on another occasion, would've thought that as a masterful ploy on Okubo's part, who seemed to know exactly what to say to make the girl he was crushing on swon. But the tender, painfully sincere expression on his face spoke of something much stronger than that. And if Tomori's delighted look meant anything, it was that she had seen the same thing.
"Naoya… thank you. Thanks a lot!," She pouted, holding his arm and closing her eyes as if she was trying not to cry. "And you too, Rihito, Himuro, Kaneda… I keep feeling that I am increasingly indebted to you ..."
"You already know how you can pay! I can even give your friend the news that the sugar shack is going to change its address, no problem at all-"
"Shut up, Rihito!," Himuro and Kaneda command in unison, impatient. Okubo would have joined in the chorus if he wasn't too busy humming with satisfaction from Tomori's half-hug. He strokes her knuckles.
"You're welcome, Tomori. We'll do what we can to help our favorite bakery."
"Yeah, because we used to go to so many others before knowing about this one..."
"Shut up, Himuro."
"And this has nothing to do with the fact that you're trying to regain Kanny's trust, right?," She asks, arching her eyebrow, and Okubo makes a face.
"... Partially? I prefer to to say I'm combining business with pleasure. And like I said, it's going to benefit everyone, you included. I even want to start now!"
"Oh yes? How?"
"With a photo! What do you think?," He takes his phone out of his pocket. "I can advertise the bakery using it... but I'll probably need a better screen...," He sighs as he contemplates the cracked screen of the phone. Tomori laughs, while the other three idiots roll their eyes.
"Seriously, isn't it time you picked another phone?," Kaneda asks.
"It's a classic model, man! It has a whole vintage charm..."
"And no parts available on the market for a repair. Quit being a dumbass and just buy the new iPhone like everyone else...," Himuro snorts impatiently, and Okubo stares at him indignantly.
"And take part in this mediocre fad? No chance! Not to mention that these current models do not even compare with the old ones in terms of resistance and durability-"
"Whoopsie-Daisy!," Rihito slaps the back of his hand, and he almost drops the phone on the floor, the device jumping in his hand like a fish out of water as he tries to support it with somewhat desperate exclamations. "Wow, why are you so afraid to drop it on the ground if it's so durable? That cracked screen is just misleading propaganda from that mediocre fad, right?"
"Screw you! The V3 is resistant to a lot of things, but not toa mule’s kick!," Okubo growls, and both the other three idiots and Tomori burst out laughing. She shakes her head, picking up her own phone.
"Let's try mine then! It's not the latest model, but the camera is good," She leans against Okubo, holding onto his arm. "I just think it'd make more sense to take a selfie with the bakery owner, if the intention was to promote it..."
"I don’t think she'd take a selfie with me at the moment…"
"To promote the bakery? She'd drag you to the place with the best lighting!"
Okubo laughs, leaning towards her so he can fit in the photo. "Okay, I don't doubt that at all. But I really want to take a picture with my favorite cook. Like your fan selfies, you know?"
Tomori blushes, biting her lower lip and looking to the side, smiling like a fool.
"So... you're saying you're my fan?"
"If I say yes, do I get some kisses and some complimentary cookies?"
She pushes him away playfully, giving a high-pitched giggle. "You can't control yourself even in front of your friends, can you? Here, you take the selfie, my arms are too short for me to be able to frame the two of us together."
"Okay. Smile and say 'T-Rex' then!"
She laughs out loud, and he takes the picture right then and there, catching her with an expression of natural glee. Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda didn't know what they wanted to do more: if to have a joint nausea fit at the scene or if to smile with enormous satisfaction.
Holy crap, Okubo didn't know how to hide it, not even at the risk of becoming the target of their mockery, did he? The urge to apply psychological torture, typical of male friendships, was too strong. But another, much more urgent urge was taking shape, and they decided, in a quick exchange of glances, to make it a priority.
The could have a game night another time. Their friend had a golden opportunity on his hands and they weren't going to let him pass it up.
"Oh, come on…," Tomori pouted when Okubo showed her the photo. "My eyes half closed."
"While you were happy and laughing, which is the most important thing."
"But you took me by surprise, there was no time to strike a pose!"
"And that's great, people like spontaneity. Even more so when one of the cooks has such a pretty smile. The bakery's clientele will double."
"Yeah, on the one hand that's great," Kaneda comments suddenly, enjoying Tomori's blush. "But on the other hand, it can also be a little risky."
"Yep. Just today we had to scare away a pushy idiot. That other day, Miss Kanami had to scare away three of 'em," Himuro takes a sip of his soda. "How many more are going to keep showing up like this?"
"Hey, hey, stop it, you," Okubo mutters, seriously, when Tomori's shoulders stiffen a little, her expression becoming slightly pained. "You want to make her scared to even show up for work or something?"
"But we're saying that because we care!," Rihito shrugs with an air of innocence. "We also haven't forgotten what happened that day, with those asshole kids lying in wait-"
"Holy shit, Rihito, you're only making the situation worse!," Okubo hits the table with his fist, to which Tomori shakes her head.
"It's okay, Naoya. They're right. Kanny will even accompany Tomoyo to her house to make sure she doesn't get followed or anything..."
"But what about you, Miss Uta? Are you going to have to go home alone after what happened? You can't!," Rihito gestures a little, while Himuro points to Okubo and commands:
"Take her home, Okubo."
"Wha- Me?," He starts a little, blinking in surprise, and the three nod with serious expressions.
"Who else would it be? You're not going to let her go home alone knowing it might be risky, are you?"
"Uuh… of course not, but…," He scratches the back of his head, looking sideways at Tomori, who also looked surprised. "I don't want you to feel obligated to say yes or anything…"
"I- I don't!," She says quickly. "I'd love the company, by the way. I just don't want to get in the way of any plans you guys may have..."
"Oh, yeah! Didn't we arrange to go to Kaneda's for for a game night?," Okubo remembers, looking back at Tomori afterwards. "They were until an hour ago complaining that I don't hang out with them that much anymore, the whiners..."
"Oh, in that case I really don't want to get in the way of your night out. You'll end up hating me if I monopolize your friend,” She teases with an embarrassed laugh, to which Kaneda makes a reassuring gesture with one hand.
"No problem, it's for a good cause. Your safety is far more important, isn't it?," He looks sideways at Okubo. "You can hang out with us another time."
"Yeah, man. No hard feelings," Himuro assures, to which Rihito smiles mischievously.
"I'd even say that you will be in better company than us, hahaha!"
“Wow, did everyone decided to flirt with me today or what?," Tomori jokes, while Okubo casts an intense look at his friends, who continued to make innocent expressions.
"I know what you're doing, you fuckers, don't think you're fooling me."
"... In that case, if it doesn't bother you, I'll take you home, Tomori," He finally offers. "That way they and I are calmer. And I have an excuse to spend a little extra time with you, hehe."
"Hahaha, likewise! Okay, then, I'm in," She nods, smiling. "Thanks for worrying. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom," She gets up from her seat, patting her skirts with her hands a little, and then walking away towards the toilet area. The four idiots follow her with their eyes, and when making sure she was far enough away, Okubo turns to the other three with a frown.
“Holy shit, couldn't you be less discreet?"
“Man, we have no idea what you're talking about,” Himuro comments as Rihito finishes his sandwich and Kaneda takes a sip of his coffee.
"The fuck you haven't! What a stupid-ass idea, using a traumatic experience of hers to convince her to put me under her roof like that..."
"Bro, trust me, she wouldn’t need much more convincing than that," Rihito guarantees. "We just saw the opportunity and helped you seize it, since you’re too slow to think about it on your own," He laughs mockingly. "No need to thank us, okay? Just enjoy it and be careful not to break her bed with your more than two hundred pounds.
"You're not that far behind, Bigfoot," Okubo snorts, but it's getting hard to stay annoyed. He would never complain about an opportunity to spend more time with Tomori. And if it also meant they could reach third base in the process... "But damn... you guys are totally set on helping me get laid, huh? Hahaha!"
"Yeah, I've been very pious lately," Himuro smirks. "After seeing Rihito and you strugle with rejections again and again, for four years straight, a Good Samaritan side just woke up inside me."
"Yep! At least one of you two had to score, right," Kaneda jokes, ignoring when Rihito gives him the middle finger. Okubo shakes his head.
"Yeah, right… I just hope she doesn't see it as just me trying to take advantage of a sticky situation."
"She kinda could, pal… if we didn't know that she wants this as much as you do," Rihito gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Just go for it!"
"Haha, alright," Okubo doesn't resist, smiling widely. "I'll still find a way to thank you properly… and no, Rihito, forget about her friend's number! I already told you that my dick doesn't work miracles, dammit..."
The four of them stand there, laughing and making fun of each other's faces, but they stop when Tomori returns. She sits back down, smiling at them.
"So, what did I miss?"
"Absolutely nothing. We were absolutely quiet, waiting for you to come back, like the well-behaved boys that we are," Okubo jokes, stroking her shoulder, to which the sous chef laughs. He glances sideways at his friends, who are trying to keep a low profile by focusing on the food. But they also smiled.
They might be a trio of nosy bastards, but holy shit, he wouldn't trade them for any other.
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
dream 1: kengan spinoff manga that had xia ji in it dream 2: only i can save the world by doing the star ritual or whatever
1. kengan spinoff(?) about some girl and her bf. they had an indoor pool and a freaky neighbor who would peep on the gf in the pool all the time. they confronted him but he was just weird about it & they decided to build a fence and call the cops right after the bf got back from his work trip. when he was gone creepo snuck into the house to try & get the girl, but she was friends with kengan members so she called them & a bunch of people showed up. I specifically remember Adam and raian but there were a few more. fem akoya too?? and takayama with the mask. akoya who was weird about creepo guy.
anyway xia ji was also hiding there, and was freaking out bc the association has found him again, so he ended up freeing creepo by throwing knives at the necks of the two random fodder holding creepo & escaping. he hid in a bush and sniped raian & raian fell over. everyone in the subreddit was excited about this. last updated July 25th
2. I wanted to remember this one, but pretty much all the context is missing bc I had to remember the other dream first. not the first time I've had a dream like this but the first time I've succeeded. anyway I'm the ~special girl~ main character. there are four stars and a ritual and the world is ending, or at least the world we live in is controlled by others and we are supposedly just the NPCs (but only when they from above look at us). but I'm the npc main character. we live in our shacks in the desert ekeing out our existence, and once a year the real main characters come and raid us and force us to slaughter each other or our farm animals. we hid our valuables but it's a 50/50 whether they're found or not, as any form of resistance equals death. I held down one of our let rabbits while the main characters chopped each leg off.
anyway, there was a ritual that would end this world and save my family and friends by resetting it, and I was the only one who could do it because I was the only one who could see/talk to (?) the human stars. there were 4. the ritual requires 4 separate things ? i think. I needed to sit in water. I needed to have bread (?) covered in different substances (?) hanging above my head. I needed to be able to stop/trap/see them to do something specific? it was very timelimited. If I failed the ritual I would die and the stars would live forever, but they did not want to live forever, they wanted to die? or at least only livr a human lifespan.
the first 3 stars wltook the form of old men. the 3rd star in particular had the ability to turn invisible so I couldn't see him and trap him once the ritual had begun. he was kind but apologetic about this. he looked like the grandpa from the pickles comic. one of the other stars, 1 or 2, looked like chairman metsudo. tall, long beard and mustache, dignified despite his age. can't remember the remaining one. the fourth star was young. he dressed stylishly, and had blond hair and he was mean to me, but in a somehow kind of encouraging way. like a tsundere actually! "you fucking idiot if you're unable to study 3's patterns to know how he moved you'll fucking cease to exist and we'll live for fucking ever is that what you want??" type beat. he did not believe I could do it, but I think he wanted to. or he did believe it and he was acting like he wasn't. and the me in that dream was so patient and would return each remark with kindness and he would get flustered just like every tsundere ever. I didn't know anything about the ritual and the rest were forbidden from telling me, but through the fourth star's drip marketing I got maybe 70% of the gist of it .
I think the other 3 stars had titles like "star of time, star of light," the star I can't recall anything about, & this guy was the star of death. not the death star. I sensed if I made that comparison he'd abandon me and never help.
i wasn't fully prepared, but we were running out of time. I started the ritual. each star vanished from the human world and took their place in the sky. the old and tall and proud star ate everything in the sky. he became the silhouette of giant Luigi looking over the world. his right eye glinted, and from that glint the ring that would expand and destroy the world if it became encircled began. the round old man with glasses star vanished, and the rings of light off his glasses hit the ground of the room and slowly slowly started changing things. the star I forgot sent his ring of light up and it hit giant Luigi in the eye and this expanded the ring so it'd grant me a few precious more minutes to complete the ritual. I don't know what the star of death was doing.
anyway it teleported me to my mom's bedroom. I sprang into action, I ran the water in the bathtub, started taking my socks off, grabbed clothes hangers for the bread, didn't look outside the window to see the rings progress. got to the kitchen. realized I didn't have the TIME to apply the proper spreads. time..... time....and the old man was there, I saw him, and I put my hand on his head and he smiled and like went in the fridge and turned into cabbage or something. okay. okay. whatever . I smashed the jars on the ground and started mopping them with the bread slices, looked outside it was dark. the ring was 2/3 down, and moving fast. I ran back to the bathtub and finished taking off my socks and lower body clothes and scattered the bread around and sat in the water. the hoodie the star of death had given me was getting wet. as the water came up I saw on the sides - [first star] in dishwasher purple times new Roman: satisfed. star of light (lime green): satisfied. star of time (burnt orange) satisfed. instead of saying star of death, it said "kuro" or some shit like that & it said FURIOUS.
I looked up. there he was. the light from the bathroom window turned white, like early morning. he looked like he didn't know what emotion to put on his face. "are you really ready for this? you messed up the ritual a little but we're letting it slide, you know. we don't want to be immortal. you'll cease to exist as you are now. it'll hurt." his face twisted up & he said "I don't want you to get hurt." & I was lik "okay but if I fail the ritual now, the world will be cleansed in the ring of fire anyway, and all of you will be forced to live forever, and my atoms will be torn apart just like you've told me so many times." he stood there anyway. unsure I guess. my dream self had no patience for his tsundere antics I had a world to save. I smiled and said "thank you for the hoodie - it's really kept me warm." now it was soggy and gross in the water that was up to my neck but I didn't say that. I started to take it off since I had to be just about naked for things to work, and his face settled and he actually looked mature like a star should rather than some angry blond haired twink. he turned away to give me some privacy. I put the hoodie on the floor and uncorked the bathtub so all the water would come out. this was the end of the ritual. the world went white. it hurt for about one second and then I woke up.
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Ohma in a webchat
Here some of my headcanons:
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He is almost an old uncle or grampa to technologies, but he understands the bare minimal and, in the time of Omega, can write properly
He always thinks that's like to talk in person, so he sometimes does not understand insinuations and sometimes gets too literal, and no one understands when he is joking too
Always direct, short messages, minimal information. Sometimes he extrapolates but is only to give essential info.
No caps lock, just the inicial caps. otherwise lowercase only
No gifs, no stickers. Only one or two emojis
The four Idiots nicknamed him as "Kelpface" or "Kelpthulu" or "cabeça-de-pica (dickhead)", his S/O gave him the nick "Marine Monster"
He HATES when people give him nicknames of all kinds, but who listens to him? LOL
He thought that turning off the chat is literally leaving the chat, so frequently their friends got the message "Ohma_Tokita leaves the chat", until someone (his S/O or other friend) taught him.
After some time and a lot of misunderstandings, Koga taught him about mood indicators, and he started to use an emoji (😎) to indicate if he is joking or not.
His responses are always the funniest ones, so absurd they are.
*Lihito posts a photo in a group chat with the other three idiots and Ohma. It's a "graphic design is my passion" main entrance sign of a beauty salon in the suburbs of Tokyo, with a meryl streep in "devil wears prada" with a super poorly photoshopped makeup*
Finger_Master: Guys, guy, check this out If I open photoshop, even using my dick I'd get something better than this.
Master_Gigolo: LMAOOOOOOOO I'm dead
Giant_Killer: OMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kelpthulu: Who is the old hag? 🤨
the image is like this (I tried LOL)
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in BRportuguese: "Lady Priestley Salon: you'll turn a Diva"
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kaijis · 5 years
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karthedense · 2 years
Rihito from Kengan for the ask meme 👀
Sexuality Headcanon: Vehemently claims to be straight but he was checking out Ohma's new trunks when the tournament started Gender Headcanon: trans man A ship I have with said character: him and any of the four idiots really, tho he and Okubo are the closest in wave length A BROTP I have with said character: Rihito and Ohma are bros A NOTP I have with said character: hmm closest thing would be him and Kuroki gensai, as he's more of a dad figure A random headcanon: the only media he consumes is Shonen anime and tokusatsu General Opinion over said character: AAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS IDIOT SO MUCH. BUT HE KEEPS LOSING BUT GOD DAMNIT HE DESERVES A WIN
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Would you be willing to do headcanons for the Kengan crew proposing to their S/O? Specifically, Kanoh, Wakatsuki, Takayama, and Gaolang. If you can't do all four, that's fine!
Thank you for all the writing you do!
Oh my god..... thank you for sending in this request!! I needed some fluff today. MAJOR FLUFF WARNING❤️💙❤️
• Agito has probably wanted to propose to his S/O for a long time now. Ever since he realized they were his soulmate he knew he wanted to marry them.
• Agito wants them to claim his last name, he wants to be their husband and not just their boyfriend. His heart swells with love knowing he’ll grow old with his S/O. Honestly he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with them and all the adventures they’ll go along the way.
• He doesn’t spend long looking for a ring. He wants something simple yet personal. He has a saying along with their initials engraved on the inside of the ring.
• He holds onto the ring for a very long time. He probably has it in his pocket or wallet just waiting for the right time to propose.
• It’s very spontaneous. He and his S/O go out for a ride on his motorcycle. The sun is setting and his S/O looks beautiful exactly as they are. They do most of the speaking, Agito’s got a smile on his face as he watches them laugh with love in his eyes.
• “Marry me.” He says, interrupting whatever they were saying. “Huh? W-what did you say?” They blink at him. “Marry me, Y/N.” He repeats. He pulls out the ring, finally it’s able to go on the finger of the person he wants to share his life with.
• Agito and his fiancé/fiancée share the evening together talking about the future. In the morning they’ll call all their family and friends and begin planning their wedding.
• Wakatsuki ponders proposing for a very very long time. He stresses over it a little bit. He knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with his S/O. He loves them more than anything.... more than himself.
• Though he wonders if they want to spend the rest of their life with him. He’s not particularly insecure. But his worries and anxiety get the better of him sometimes.
• He buys them a diamond ring. His proposal plan is super long and complicated and he plans every little detail.
• leading up to the proposal, he tells his S/O how important marriage is and the history of marriage, as well as fun facts and whatnot. He places wedding catalogs around the house. Wedding dress/suit magazines are at their usual spots.
• He just wants to plant the seed in their head without giving away too much. But his S/O is probably able to connect the dots.
• He takes his S/O out to dinner- their favorite restaurant. Or the restaurant where they had their first date. Then he takes them to all their favorite places. He reminds them of all the memories they’ve made together.
• Then he ends the evening somewhere with a nice view. Maybe to a park with sentimental value or the beach- It’s sunset.
• Finally it’s time to pop the question..... poor Wakatsuki. He’s overcome with anxiety. What if they reject him? What if they want to break up?
• His S/O knows him well enough to see that his mind is racing. They’ll put a hand on his shoulder, or caress his cheek. His lover has a warm look in their eyes. Wakatsuki’s dark thoughts disappear. All he can see is his lover.
• He starts the long speech he has been practicing over and over again. He’s spent so long practicing in front of the mirror and in his head- now when it’s come down to it he’s all choked up.
• He goes on about how much his S/O means to him, and how he never thought he could love a person so much.
• Finally he gets down on one knee. “Will you please marry me Y/N?” By now he’s got tears in his eyes and he’s choking on his words.
• His S/O would have to be an idiot to say no. Waka shoots up and wraps his arms around his S/O laughing. He sobs into their shoulder with a huge toothy smile.
• He slips the ring on their finger finally. At last Takeshi can start planning his dream wedding.
• Taka never ever thought about marriage before meeting his S/O. He never wanted to get married. He never even considered that being an option for him.
• Then he met his S/O- his soulmate. He started desiring all these things he’s never wanted before.
• He’s flipping though the TV one day. He sees a wedding show on Say Yes To The Dress. He imagines his S/O standing at the alter. He imagines them in white. He stares at the ceiling and thinks about being married.
• Desire and the need to be married to his S/O grows and grows. He imagines married life with his beloved. He imagines starting a family. Once again his S/O makes him want things he’s never wanted before.
• He and his S/O would have to be in a relationship for a long time before he proposes. Though it’s quite spontaneous.
• He and his S/O are in bed together they’re laying on their sides facing each other. He’s ditched his mask. Taka and his S/O spend nights like this just talking about the universe and whatever is on their minds.
• “What do you think about getting married... to me?” He asks almost timidly. He is worried about their answer. And he has spent a lot of time thinking about rejection. What if his S/O doesn’t want to get married or him?
• His heart skips a beat hearing his S/O laugh and answer. “Well then I guess we should start planning a wedding.” He chuckles. “Wait. Did you just propose to me?!!”
• He wants them to pick out their own ring. He’d love whatever they’d pick out. He’d get a matching one of course.
• Gaolang has thought about marriage a lot actually. Meeting his S/O and realizing they're “the one” makes him think about it 100x more.
• He’s got the whole wedding planned before he even picks out a ring. His S/O might find wedding catalogs and magazines in their home.
• He picks out a simple and modest diamond ring, something he knows his S/O would love. He gets something engraved on the inside.
• He’s the kind of guy that contacts his S/O’s family and asks for permission for their hand in marriage. He’s a little traditional.
• He takes his S/O out to a very nice restaurant. He books a private room with a great view. He doesn’t want he and his S/O being interrupted.
• In the back of his mind he sees Saw Paing swooping in and ruining the mood.
• After he and his S/O have a lovely evening together and have eaten their fill. He finally starts the speech he’s got prepared in his head.
• He gets down on one knee and pulls out the little box. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me, Y/N?” He pulls out that cheesy line. He’s got a rare smile on his face.
• He instantly calls Rama and shares the good news. Gaolang wants a small wedding but he knows that might not be possible. Either way he’s happy to spend the rest of his life and grow old with the person he loves most.
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kenganwritings · 4 years
Katahara Sayaka Headcanons
Gotta love the girls too <3
She’s a lot smarter than a lot of people give her credit for. She is Katahara Metsudo’s daughter, after all- not just the very beautiful MC for the Kengan tournament. Even before the tournament, she’s gained some notoriety of her own as someone who is capable of doing many things.
She’s open-minded and comfortable with her body, which is how she is fine wearing tight, revealing clothes and having a casual conversation with a naked man in the mixed bathing room. (Retsudo really hates this)
I would say she uses her charisma to her advantage, but I feel that’s not entirely the best way to put it. She’s just a naturally friendly person who wants to get along with everyone. There may be people who don’t consider her a friend, but no one who has met her can truly say they hate her.
It’s because of this charisma that Sayaka has a lot of friends; in particular, the Four Idiots, Saw Paing, Jerry Tyson, and a lot of the secretaries. (Hotaru, Tomoko, Mion and Otoichi for instance)
She’s also optimistic, and has a ‘do first’ kind of attitude. Not to say she doesn’t think at all, but she tends to enter situations with an open mind. And if she doesn’t want to do something, she will say so plainly.
Sayaka has no fighting ability, but she does know self-defence, taught specifically by Retsudo and the Bodyguards. Not that she’s needed to use it much, because Retsudo is too protective of her.
She kind of knows about Retsudo’s sister complex, though she views it more as a little brother looking out for his older sister. She finds it cute, actually, and she cares for him very much so she lets it happen.
But I think even though she suspects it, Sayaka doesn’t quite know that Retsudo sends bodyguards to follow her and make sure she’s okay while on dates.
It’s the Kengan tournament that motivates her to do more within the Kengan association; though I think she’s had some minor roles within the association here and there, the experiences within the tournament inspires her to continue onto a bigger role. 
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erinelizabethh · 5 years
Head in the Clouds | Hatsumi Sen x Reader
You know I had to do it to ‘em
I have to wake up for school in four hours
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Summary: As elusive as a floating cloud.
You’re someone who’s been late to every meeting, to shifts you otherwise desired to miss. For twenty years, you have adopted the behavior of waking up past a time most advisable and adopted the attitude of “Well, guess I’ll go fuck myself then,” by waving off the alarm clock atop your nightstand as it rings with the boisterous words of news that day. While you are a lot more efficient at waking up now—someone has to be—that can not attitude drops in full force and dates meant for your presence are missed. You lament often of your misfortunes regarding your relationships, but really, you’re the problem. The silver lining in your list of flings waltzes in and gives you a run for your money by living a life lax with oversleeping, ignorance, and overall not giving a shit.
Meet Hatsumi Sen, whose presence is also missed upon these dates—dates, that implies you two are a thing which you are not—because unlike your attempts made to better yourself for the sake of your livelihood, with him… there are none. Unlike you, Sen lives by relaxation, floating down a lazy river with a drink in hand. No lifeguard is there to police him on his actions, no kids to poke holes in his tube. There is no one, and nothing, that entices him from this lazy river. While you’re drowning in student debt, the man is forty and his occupation is beating the shit out of others as a fighter for the Nogi Corporation. Geminis, you’re not at all surprised.
Perhaps none of you showing up is a benefit, as there are far less chances to vex the other, so you allow his lackadaisical demeanor to push your relationship with him to desirable outcomes: bed, all night, one can only guess. No one wants to be late for a potential dick appointment, so you’re fortunate enough that Sen takes walk-ins. Jokes aside, you find his company enjoyable as, well, the man amuses you in just how much he does not care. Since all jokes do eventually get old, you have to make up for his lack of enthusiasm by setting all of the alarms to the maximum volume. You have to remind him of an upcoming Kengan match when you don’t even know what that is. The woes of him being your boyfriend—tsk tsk.
With a groan, you bury your face into the silk of your pillow, inhaling the cotton material beneath the cover. Your pillow, Sen swears by, is yours because your imprint is left in that shape of fluff so often your face fits ever so perfectly in that mold. Nonetheless, your fingers wiggle above your head, cracking bones stiff from your position beside the larger man, your body rising from the spot in his bed that is so delightfully yours. Streaks of light seep in through sheer eggshell curtains, illuminating the spots in the column of your neck and both shoulders. Evidence of desire are accompanied by the pigment of ruby on your wrist, as your friend isn’t the only itch in need of scratching. Regardless, warmth comes not only in the form of an arm falling from your hip, the brush of crimson atop your cheeks an involuntary response to the night prior. Your arms high above your head, the ache is sweet, satisfaction stemming from the fact that the day is both of yours to waste.
Wait, no it isn’t. “Shit! Shit, shitshitshit! Sen!” Snore. “Sen!”
This motherfucker. You imagine your attempts to drag the pillow he’s resting on to the carpet reaching his dreams somehow, perhaps in the form of some woman snatching the cushion of her thighs from him, and you damn near crawl under the bed trying to seize that fantasy from him. Yet even unconscious the man is persistent, the grip he has on his pillow tighter than the one on your windpipe last night; an inhaler would have been a curse with your volume during your escapade. Nonetheless, your behind falls to the floor as your new goal is to bring the man down with you, a tangent of explicit language escaping past your lips. This man has thirty minutes, counting down, to get dressed and get his act together before meeting with some corporation you did not care to inquire about. All that is clear to you is that if you have to wake up for work on weekdays, everybody does.
“You forget again, kitten?”
You huff at the man’s gaze falling down on you, namely your bare form, a smirk tugged on his lips despite the rapid blink of his eyelids. “Forget about your crap? Yeah, right.”
A shrug, then a yawn. “Guess I lost, eh?”
“If I have to answer one more damn phone call from that Nogi dude or whatever the fuck—” You’re silenced by a finger to your lips, contrasting from the times you felt he deserved the same treatment because, you know, he’s a child.
“You wound me. I thought you couldn’t get enough of me.”
You cackle, not only because you live to defy every one of Hatsumi Sen’s beliefs, but because you hate how correct his assumption is. Truth is, you doubt in the gravity of his sentence in the past tense—you couldn’t. You can’t. You’re enticed ever so close to him in the way he approaches life, and you, whom is the protagonist of a life he can no longer imagine. He persuades you to stay by curling his arm around you following your sessions, nose buried into the crook of your neck because you’re stupid enough to care so much about your scent if its for him. In the end, you’re the idiot that threatens to tip his balance, because you care so fucking much about everything, about him.
“C’mere, I can’t get close to you if you’re on the floor, princess.” His hand is out, a smile on his lips, and it’s such a gorgeous sight because the sun plays devils advocate and entertains the possibility of him in love. “Five more minutes, then… I’m thinkin’ today’s your day. You won’t mind if I tag along, would you?”
Your heart flutters.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Drunk thoughts with Dani-
Okay I decided instead of just posting all these one by one, here is a compilation of all my drunk thoughts I had! Enjoy!!
Okay so jack was 6’4 and then 7’11 and everything pretty much grew. But did his dick grow along with him? Is his dick the size it was when he was 6’4 or did it grow now that he is 7’11. Plus he does a lot of steroids. His balls must be tiny and his dick is just massive.
Lihito can do a mean scooby impression (from scooby doo)
Wakatsuki is a sad drunk. He cries on his S/O’s shoulder telling them how much he loves them.
Okubo and rihito share one brain cell and also a flesh light- they also share underwear
yumigahama likes wearing women’s underwear.
Okubo secretly listens to Doja Cat and Megan Thee Stallion. Not because he’s attracted to the beautiful ladies- but because he genuinely likes their music.
Agito snorts when he laughs
Lihito and Okubo are absolute MEMELORDS. The four idiots have a meme group chat.
Setsuna sits down and writes self-insert fan fiction with Ohma.... yes it’s all NSFW. Tomoko proofreads for him.
Sekibayashi wears crocs.
Liu, Naidan, and Nicolas are in a vicious love triangle. Fei has no idea that he’s 4th wheeling. He cant sense the brutal sexual tension every time they all hang out.
Okubo and Lihito sleep on dinosaur sheets.
BIGGEST PP- Haruo and no one can convince me otherwise. He’s packing some SHMEAT
SMALLEST PP- Ren... it’s not much to look at.
There are a few Kengan characters that have literal piss kinks.
Okubo and Lihito definitely have homoerotic feelings towards each other. They tell each other “nice cock” frequently and smack each others asses... they always say no homo but let’s be honest... it’s a little homo.
Saw Paing is the kinda guy that actually believes the “life hacks” from Troom Troom and 5 minute crafts actually work. Like Gaolang could break his phone and Saw Paing would be like “hey man just put some Gatorade on it- it’s okay I saw it in a YouTube video it works.”
The majority of The Four idiot’s arguments are over who is which member of the golden girls. Lihito, Okubo, and Himuro think they’re Blanche, little do they all know they’re Rose.
Raian can only drink coffee when it’s loaded up with sugar and cream. He hates that taste of coffee. This man will order a pink drink from Starbucks and tell you that it’s for his sister- it’s really for him.
Gaolang has such ridiculously soft hair. He does it unintentionally too. He uses lots of oils and natural conditioners.
Kaneda and Komugi from Hunter x Hunter would get along so well. Kaneda is so patient with her, especially with her blindness. They’d have so much to discuss together.
Sayaka want to plan a dance or a “prom” for al the Kengan associates. Just something fun where everyone can get dressed up and dance. Though Metsudo won’t humor her.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Imagine the kengan members going to a haunted house.
Raian would get so bored so quickly. It was probably Fusui that dragged him in. Henzo was too chicken to go with her- she didn’t want to go by herself so she ask him to go with her. He rolls his eyes at all the fake blood and guts. She sends a nasty glare to all the actors that pop out. He leaves not gaining anything out of the experience besides a new dislike for haunted houses. “Thanks for coming with me, Rai!” Fusui would beam at him. “You owe me, bitch.” He’d snap.
Haruo and Sekibayashi go together. Haruo clings to Seki’s shoulder. Seki flinches and Haruo screams. They both wander though together. Seki tries to give Haruo pep talks but he ends up getting terrified. They both walk out and agree to never go again.
Julius HATES haunted houses (see that one 4-Koma with Inaba) he gets scared super easily and jumps/yelps at every actor that jumps out. He keeps up that stoic tough guy façade but if he’s frightened he’ll let out a high pitched scream.
Inaba gets a part time job at a haunted house every Halloween (Also canon) He really likes it.
Karla and Elena go through the haunted house they’re on a date Elena starts crying not even halfway through. Karla put an arm around her shoulders and begins running Elena aka her girlfriend to safety. She, like Raian, finds haunted houses to be foolish. If any actors pop out she’ll shoot them a brutal glare. Once they’re out and safe Karla would do her best to comfort Elena. She gets Elena her favorite amusement park food to help comfort her before going on the the next ride Tunnel of love
Hanafusa goes through by himself. He has fun. He doesn’t get scared- he just goes through for a good laugh. It’s pretty much impossible to frighten him.
Gaolang goes though with Saw Paing. Saw Paing gets kicked out halfway because he screams too loud, causing Gaolang to go through by himself. When he’s frightened he flinches but his face doesn’t change. He lets out a little squeak when he gets scared badly.
The four idiots all go in together. They’re all either running and screaming though the whole haunted house or huddling together in fear. They all tease each other for their girlish screams later but all agree never to go again.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Hello again 👋
Been lurking around this site more often and honestly only made an account just to ask for specific HC so to ask the unasked.
What would the Kengan cast do in a Zombie apocalypse scenario, who would live, die, get infected, and survive in a post apocalyptic world.
Feel free to pick any character you'd like to put in this scenario.
Oh my god you made an account just to send requests? Haha I love that so much! I’m also glad you like my blog enough to send in an ask! Thank you! This is such an interesting request!! I love it!
Raian would live for a while. But he is also stupid and cocky and uses a lot of hand-to-hand combat with literal zombies. He gets overwhelmed with a lot of zombies, causing him to get bitten. He would then get infected and turn into one himself.
Ohma also lives for quite a while. He’s smart about the situation and tries to seclude himself, maybe somewhere in the forest or on a mountain. He stays away from highly populated areas and lives off the land. He lives for quite a long time. But eventually he travels a little too far out of his territory and gets infected.
Agito and Takayama stays to protect Metsudo and his family. Their goal is to protect Metsudo’s life even if it cost them theirs. Their plan is to go to Metsudo’s private island to live. They try getting onto a boat, which was infected with zombies, they too fall victim.
The four idiots are pretty much the first to go. Kaneda lives the longest.
Sekibayashi, Haruo, Karugo, and Jose try to stay together, making SJPW headquarters their base, but eventually they are swarmed out. Eventually one by one they’ll all fall victim. Sekibayashi or Jose would be the last, but their motivation would be run out.
Togo Tomari and Muteba would get on a massive boat and try to survive there, however they’ll eventually run out of food and supplies. They’ll have to go to land where Togo would be infected.
The ones I can see surviving are Kuroki and Jurota. They are mountain men, they would both return to the wilderness to live out the rest of their days in the wild.
Muteba would also love for a long time due to his ability to see the unseen so he has an advantage.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Which of the Kengan Fighters smokes pot?
Please keep in mind I’m not a stoner- I’ve got like no experience so take this list with a grain of salt. I’ve got a couple stoner friends so I’m basing this off of them. Mini rant- As a person in the medical community, Cannibis has soooo many medical values, it’s a shame that it’s not legalized in my country- it can help so many people who are suffering.
Who partakes-
HATSUMI SEN FOR SURE, The four idiots have probably done it together, Kuroki gives me major stoner vibes- he and Takakaze smoke together, Sawada, maybe Sekibayashi, Wakatsuki does if he needs to relax, JUROTA, Hanafusa might because he knows the medicinal values it has, Kureishi, METSUDO ABSOLUTELY, JOJI, Sakura, Tokumichi, Idemitsu
Who would never dream of touching the devil’s lettuce-
Mokichi, Akoya, Elena
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kenganparadise · 3 years
I saw you mentions eurovision in one of your posts. are you a fan? And which of the Kengan fighters do you think would like Eurovision?
As an American who only learnt about Eurovision a few years ago I actually really like it. The fact the Verka Serduchka didn’t win in 2007 left a bad taste in my mouth though.
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Please take this list with a grain of salt- I don’t know that much about Eurovision. SoI’m not exactly sure how Europeans react to Eurovision. Most of my European friends I have actually hate Eurovision.
Ivan Karev would tune in. His younger cousins and family probably watch it when it’s on! I think he would like it and probably has a few favorite songs
Sawada loves the stage performances and the costumes especially. He loves all the pop songs- particularly UNO by little big.
Nicolas le banner veers for France every year no questions asked. Even if he hates the song he just wants france to win
Julius is a fan. His favorite wining song would have to be Hard Rock Hallelujah by Lordi.
Edward Wu loves Eurovision. He especial loves the very essentric and abnormal contestants. I can see him liking La Voix by Malena Ernman.
The four idiots probably have watched it together. They’ve probably had adguments on which song is the best and who should win.
Mokichi and Elena probably dig it. Elena has made Karla sit down and watch it with her. Karla adores it.
Sekibayashi tunes in! Like Sawada and Edward he enjoys watching performances. He loves esentric and crazy ones the best. I can see him liking “We Are the Winners” by LT United.
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kenganparadise · 3 years
I had a realisation when they showed the spoilers for the gaiden and various artists on twitter: Liu, Naidan, Nicolas and Fei are technically purgatory's version of kengan's four idiots!
Yesss!!! I’d love to see intactions between the Kengan four idiots and the purgatory four idiots!!
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