#naoya okubo
count-alucard-tepes · 2 months
First date with Kanoh😂😂😂
Date: “…so what are your hobbies?”
Agito Kanoh: “…I hunt monsters”
Date: “…what? But…monsters aren’t real…you know that, right?”
Agito Kanoh: “…you’re welcome”
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Evidence with his bestie in tow:
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aneenasevla · 2 years
The 4 Idiots - Onsen
I love these dudes and I'm going to draw them whenever I can XD
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I was inspired by a piece on Twitter and made my own version of it.
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useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 18
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 18 - Curiosity Killed the Gorilla
"... Aaand it's sent! Now we just wait for the likes, shares and comments about how lucky I am for the company."
"My God, you really want me to kiss you here in the middle of the street, don't you? Because that's what it looks like," Tomori jokes, giving him a playful push, to which Okubo laughs. The push didn't even make him move, but it was enough of an excuse for him to place a hand on her back and leave it there, in a discreet caress. He shows her the cracked phone screen.
"Save it for when the likes start to come, lady. Then I'll feel like I've earned it," He winks, supporting her as they get off the train to the crowded station. "But there's something you can do for me right now."
"Hold my hand so I don't lose sight of you in the middle of this crowd. You're so short that I fear you'll be swallowed by this sea of ​​people and I'll never see you again..."
"You clown," She pats the hand he offered her. "In that case, take advantage of your privileged view and guide us out of this crowd. And tell me how the weather is there among the clouds, while you're at it. Any sign of rain?"
"Nope! Clear sky, few clouds, the first stars appearing along with the soft and pleasant tones of twilight," He looks up as they leave the station. "Perfect weather for a walk to your neighborhood. It's the first time I've followed you home on foot, now that I'm thinking about it..."
“It's a good walk until there. It's sort of part of my weekly workout, in addition to the weightlifting sessions I do at home."
“I'd love to attend a session like that one of these days,” he comments, smiling at the thought. He could give her tips, do demonstrations, tell funny experiences he had in gyms... and of course, seeing her wearing a sports bra and leggings would be a nice bonus. "I'm not exactly a trainer, but I know enough to give you some directions, if you like."
"Oh, would you look at this…," She turns her head to the side at him, smiling playfully. "First he offers to help me with baseball batting, and then to give me tips on working out. I'm starting to think this is a very well thought out scheme of yours to start a career in coaching, with me being your first attempt."
"It wouldn't be a very profitable scheme, considering that I don't charge anything more than a few kisses and a few hours in your company," He joins in the joke. "It's just that I can't get enough of how much we have in common. It makes me want to keep trying to figure out if there's something I like that you don't, and vice versa."
"Well, just ask! We've been asking questions about each other's lives, all these times we've gone out together, afterall," She smiles and, this time, she's the one who offers him her hand. "And now the opportunity is perfect, because we're going to my house. A well-reserved, non-public place, where there aren't a bunch of voices around to disturb our conversation..."
... Okay, when she put it like that, it was even easier for him to understand the size of the step they were taking.
They had gone out together a few more times after their successful second date that resulted in their first kiss, and to various other places besides the batting cages at the sports center: a walk around Shibuya, two trips to the movies, a walk through Ueno Park with riding pedal boats and even going to a maid cafe, just for the pleasure of their inside joke. All these encounters ended the same way as the original: him leaving her at the door of her house, but not before exchanging some heated kisses, which were getting longer and longer, neither wanting to say good night and goodbye. None of these times did she invite him into her home.
But now that seemed about to change, and he felt a strange rush of anxiety overwhelm him at the thought. A mixture of want and a slight fear of what that could mean for the two of them. I mean, calling your current date to your house was a lot more serious than suggesting they go get some love in a motel, wasn't it?
He wonders, rather involuntarily, if she would like him to invite her to his apartment too, in the near future. Holy shit, he'd have to give the place a good sweep before that happened, he wouldn't know where to hide his face if she saw the mess that was his place...
He is unceremoniously roused from his reverie by her voice, calling to him with some concern. She was looking at him with one eyebrow arched, her hand still outstretched, fingers opening and closing slightly.
"Is everything okay? You looked worried all of a sudden... ooh, is it the hands?," She moved her arm away, embarrassed. "Sorry, you don't have to feel obligated to do that if you don't want to-"
"I do!," He hurries to answer, his voice a little louder than necessary, extending his hand to hold hers and prevent it from getting out of his reach. "Sorry, I started to think about some things here and got distracted..."
"Do you want to share them with me? Or would you rather keep your schemes on how to make me this generation's next model athlete a secret?"
"I would keep them secret from the public and the press, never from you, hahaha. But no, seriously... I...," He looks to the side, feeling his palms sweat. "Is this really okay? Me, going to your house...?"
"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?," She asks, smiling gently as if to reassure him. "I didn't invite you the other times only because we always came back a little late from dates. But now it's not even seven o'clock. It's still too early for us to say goodbye..."
He would've rocketed up if that had been humanly possible, joy making his feet light and even dancing.
"I agree! It's just that I would've brought something if I'd known. A souvenir, as the custom demands..."
"You already gave me too many souvenirs, hahaha! Enough flowers for me to open my own flower shop, remember?," She jokes, lightly hitting the side of her hip on his thigh, which was what she could reach from that height. "Now I'm the one who wants to reciprocate. What do you think about eating a savory dish of mine for a change?"
"Wow, I'm in! I mean, I've already eaten sandwiches made by you at the bakery, but not a real dinner," He smiles openly, and unconsciously puts a hand on his belly. "Just thinking about it makes me hungry, damn it..."
“And after you tell me that, do you really expect me to let you go willingly? A cook's life's mission is to feed others, especially those she cares about!," She raises a fist with determination, and he chuckles softly.
"You sound like Sanji from One Piece when you talk like that, hahaha! Who's your favorite Straw Hat?," He asks excitedly, but this excitement wanes a little before the slightly embarrassed smile she opens.
"Uh… Chopper, I guess…? I don't know, I haven't watched One Piece since highschool..."
"Oh, I see… sorry, it's just that I'm such a nerd…," He scratches the back of his head, now just as embarrassed. "The girls I've gone out with were always bored with my conversations. I end up forgetting that this is not really your thing..."
"Hey, you're stereotyping again," She points at him with an indignant pout. "I'm not really into manga and anime, but it's not because I'm a woman. Kanny herself loves One Piece, you know?"
"Really? Damn, I'd like chatting with her about it if she wasn't hating me right now..."
"You can chat about it with me. It's not because I'm not a fan that I wouldn't want to hear you talking about your interests," She squeezes his hand to reassure him. "Seriously, we don't need to have absolutely everything in common. It's actually good that we don't, so we discover new things that we might like."
"Heh… you're right," He intertwines his fingers with hers, smiling again, now more relieved. "And I tell you the same, okay? You can talk to me about the things you like, not just martial arts and baseball."
"Heh, I hope you don't get bored..."
“You'll be amazed at how open-minded I can be. Let's have a chat about women's interests. For example, if you prefer to get a Helsa skirt or Swarovski crystal earrings..."
"Hell no, forget about it! I'm serious, don't laugh! Ugh, you big meathead...!," She punches him in the arm, to which he throws his head back with a thunderous laugh. "I think I'd rather get a box of those chocolates again than that..."
"Noted! I'll bring one with at least half a kilo of chocolate next time...just kidding!," He exclaims when she gives him a threatening look. "But seriously, I promise I'll listen to you when you want to talk about your interests too. I'm really curious now..."
"We can talk better over dinner. It'll take a little while to be rady, but we can do other things while we wait. You've never seen the inside of my house, for example," She comments, a little thoughtful. "It's kinda funny to think that Rihito has been there, but you haven't."
"Yeah, he made a point of throwing that in my face a few weeks ago," Okubo snorts grumpily. And he arches an eyebrow when she sees Tomori getting suddenly tense . "What is it?"
“Did he… tell you about my interior decorating choices?”
"Uh… if you're talking about the posters in the living room, he did tell me," He nods after thinking a bit. "But I'm not someone to dictate how you should decorate your house, Tomori. And again, I don't judge your tastes... if you promise not to judge my Ultraman posters if you visit my apartment one day, haha."
"I won't, I promise," She laughs, a little calmer. And then thinks better about what he said, blushing a little. "But would you do that? Invite me to your apartment, I mean..."
"Sure, why not? It's only fair," He nods excitedly. "Then I can show you my trophy room, my reading room, my consoles... I just think we'd have to order a pizza at dinner time, because my fridge has seen fuller days , haha ​​ha!"
"I'm starting to think that the questionable diet of single men isn't necessarily an unfounded stereotype," She jokes, and then points, "Oh, we're already around the corner! I think that was the fastest walk I've ever taken from the station to here..."
"Yeah, I didn't even notice the path I took either," He comments, a little surprised. It was amazing how time seemed to fly by when he was with Tomori. He would've moaned about it in another situation, but not now. They didn't have to say goodbye on her doorstep. They would still have many hours together from now on.
"Hopefully, we'll have all night."
The thought filled him with a rush to get to her house, and he tried to contain it. Why bother if the night has already been won? And any extra time with her was a win, whatever they were doing.
They are soon through the automatic gates, stepping onto the stone path that leads to the porch. The overhead light came on, and she smiled at him.
"Before we go inside, I want to start our little ritual."
He blinks, confused. "Ritual? What ritual-"
She interrupts him by raising her right hand, hooking her fingers in the fabric of his shirt, and making him duck with a small tug. Their mouths meet, and soon Okubo's initial astonishment is replaced by an almost euphoric satisfaction. Hell, in what universe would he deny her a kiss? He reciprocates promptly, one hand automatically going to her back as hers rest on his shoulders. Soon the contact gets a little more intense, and he finds himself pulling her off the ground with a hug. She holds on to him more firmly so she doesn't lose her balance, asking for more by touching his lips with her tongue, and he obliges with an enthusiasm that made her chuckle softly.
Damn, seeing his excitement being so well received did lots of good to his self-esteem, as well as his libido. And if that meant that she wanted it as much as he did... dammit, then the dessert that came after that dinner would be the best he'd ever tasted!
They finally pull away when the need for oxygen becomes impossible to ignore, panting softly and looking into each other's eyes. He puts her down slowly, and she gives him one last peck before smiling at him.
"Just for luck..."
"Believe me, I'm feeling very lucky right now," He jokes, his voice husky. "Best ritual I've ever done. I think it's good that we always do this from now on, so that luck never ends."
“Never wasting time, not in the octagons or out of them.” She laughs softly, squeezing his hand one last time before digging through her purse for something. She takes out the keys and unlocks the door, leaving it open for him to enter right behind her. "Leave your shoes by the door, please."
"Alright," He nods, muttering an 'excuse me' and giving a quick bow before taking off his shoes and entering, having to bend down a little to do it. He busies himself with observing his surroundings while Tomori leaves her purse in the coat rack next to the door.
After walking down a long corridor, they arrive in the small living room of what was the interior of a typical middle-class residence, with enough space to accommodate a couple without children or a small family. For a single woman who lived on her own, that should be more than enough, he supposed. It was in a slightly more western style, which was common in Tokyo's newer residential areas. Two sofas, one small and one medium, with a tea table in the center on a cream-colored rug, and against the wall, a television on a wooden cabinet. In the center of the table was a vase, and inside it, the daisies, gerberas and gladioli that he had given her a few days ago; seeing that she was taking care of the flowers made him immensely happy.
Separated from the living room by a counter was the kitchen, also small but looking professionally equipped; nothing more than expected for a chef. The dining table was also small, but that would only make the diner even more intimate. He saw other vases with more flowers there, adding color to the room. The stairs in the corner must lead to the upper floor where the bedrooms and bathroom were.
In general, it would be an absolutely normal residence if it weren't for one detail: the posters of different sizes on the walls, some glued, others framed like photographs. They were all from fighters he either knew personally or had seen in action on television or the internet. Sekibayashi's was one of those privileged enough to be framed, as was Gaolang's. The twinge of jealousy that hit him was short-lived, however; it was enough time for him to notice his own poster, also framed, striking a victorious pose while displaying the championship belt around his waist.
"Uh... so...?," Tomori suddenly asks, arms crossed, seeming to want to look at everything but him. "I know it's a bit exaggerated and that it looks more like a teenager's bedroom than the living room of an grown woman's house..."
"I haven't seen too many teenage bedrooms or too many grown women's living rooms to make a comparison," He jokes, scratching the back of his head with a low chuckle. "Honestly? From what Rihito said, I was expecting something much more 'hall of fame-ish', if you know what I mean, hahaha!"
"If my living room was something of that level, I'd have to charge you visitation," She jokes too, smiling sheepishly. "So… you don't mind?"
"It's not like I have the right to, come on," He shrugs calmly. "Again, it's your house, Tomori. And honestly, there are fewer posters than I was expecting."
This ends up making her laugh, her shoulders shaking. "What? Were you expecting to see my living room walls completely covered in posters, to the point where you couldn't even see their colors?"
"Hey, hey, my informant was Rihito, and you've met enough of him to know how he's always adding tails to his tales," He justifies himself, and it's his turn to be embarrassed. "No, seriously, your place's nice. Tidier than mine, that's for sure. And you have good taste in idols, no denying," He points to his own poster, arching an eyebrow. "Who's the hunk over there? Do I need to see him as a rival for your affections or something?"
She laughs out loud this time, even though she's still blushing. "Nah, no need to! Not anymore, anyway," She looks at the poster, her eyes softening. "He used to be an idea I had in my head, you know. The idea of ​​someone who would be a source of admiration and inspiration personified, like Seki, Gaolang and many others. Someone far above, out of my reach. But what I'm seeing in front of me now...," She looks at him over her shoulder. "This someone is someone I can laugh with, joke with and talk to, someone I can touch, hug and kiss... so I prefer him much, much more."
Okubo can only stare at her, dumbfounded, his plans to make fun of her over her former idolization of him going down the drain in a way he couldn't have foreseen. Again, she left him speechless without even trying very hard to.
That was probably one of the things that would never change about their relationship, no matter how deep it got. And after that, he wanted anything but that to change.
He moves before he knows it, and Tomori gasps as he takes her in his arms, lifting her off the ground again to reach her mouth, in a kiss even more intense than the one they exchanged on the porch. She hugs him around the neck to steady herself, reciprocating with a low, long sigh, and Okubo shudders as she wraps her legs around his waist. He automatically holds her tighter, not wanting to move an inch away from her.
Holy shit… if it continued at this rate, they'd end up skipping dinner. He blamed that adorable creature who could wrap a grown man almost twice her size around her little finger for that. He wanted so badly to take her to the bedroom, or who knows, to lay her down on that couch and give her the treatment she deserved...
“Not with all these posters around staring at you, dipshit!”
Shit, the posters… he suddenly felt very aware of the dead stares of the fighters depicted on the walls, especially those he knew on a personal level. It was ridiculous, but it seemed to be the same principle as a religious person refusing to do something sinful in front of a representation of the deity they worshiped. As if Sekibayashi, Gaolang and all the others were watching his performance and judging him.
And with that thought, his excitement died pretty quickly. Hey, maybe he had found the ideal method to get rid of morning wood!
"Hnnn...," He murmurs low against her lips, giving it one last lick before pulling his face away to breathe. "And he's also enjoying doing all these things with you. He wants to do so much more. And he's feeling really stupid for talking about himself in third person."
Tomori laughs, leaning her forehead against his. "I think that's cute of him… okay, okay, I'll stop," She promises when he huffs. "But seriously, I had imagined that you'd be uncomfortable seeing your own face on my living room wall. Maybe I shouldn't have hung the poster up there again..."
"Then I would be offended that there is no tribute to me on the living room walls of my number one fan!," He snorts, but his tone remains playful. "I'm used to seeing my own face on television, on magazine covers and on the street screens in Shibuya. But… this one's definitely not one of my best angles,” He scowls at the poster.
"Why not? This is the portrait of the moment when you were enshrined as the first Japanese to become Ultimate Fight's heavyweight champion! It's glorious," She snaps back in mock outrage, whereupon he sets her down to place his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, but not in this picture! Look how the light hits my head," He points. "The sweat makes it look like a disco ball... yeah, laugh at the bald man, very empathetic of you," He snorts as he watches her bend over herself a bit, wiping a tear of laughter from one eye.
"S-Sorry, but it's hard to empathize with someone who is bald by choice. And anyway, that's your opinion. I really like this poster and I think you look great in it," She pats the frame, smiling excitedly. "It's the result of all the sweat and tears you've shed to get to where you are, a slap in the face to all who doubted you, an irrefutable proof of how right you were when you said that the defeatism of the Japanese martial arts leagues was nothing more than underdog syndrome, excuses from those who talk a lot and do little!"
Okubo can't resist, laughing happily. "Damn, I've missed those passionate speeches of yours about me, hahaha! But seriously, it's really nice to see someone who positively interpreted the crap I said in that documentary..."
"It wasn't crap! ... Okay, maybe that final jab of yours was unnecessary," She admits after thinking a little. "It was by far what made people be mad at you the most in those days."
"Yeah, it's kinda unforgettable when cancel culture bites you in the butt fot the first time, hehehe!"
"And he even takes pride in it, my god…," She laughs along with him. "But in general, I agreed with everything you said in that documentary. In fact...," She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, suddenly shy. "It was after watching it that I found the motivation to change my life."
Okubo stops smiling, surprise and curiosity taking over his features. "Change your life…? Oh, are you talking about your delinquent phase?"
"Well, yes, in a way... oh, but if we were to talk about it now, we'd going to be here in the living room all night and dinner would never get ready!," She suddenly claps her hands together, rubbing them afterwards. "We can talk better while we eat, how about that?"
“Uh… sure, that's fine with me.” He nods, taken aback, but dammit, how could he refuse food when she was the one offering it? "Want some help? I'm no chef like you, but I can cut and wash some vegetables, I don't know."
"Well, since you're offering...," She nods, smiling "Just wash your hands first, please. The bathroom is upstairs."
"Yes ma'am!," He salutes, eliciting an affectionate eye roll from her before she turns and heads for the kitchen. He climbs the stairs to the upper floor, which consisted of a long corridor, with two doors on the left and one on the right.
Now... which of the three was the entrance to the bathroom? Damn, she hadn't told him which door was the right one. Maybe it was the first... but for who's going up the stairs or for who's going down? And why was he making a fuss about something so stupid?!
"You're afraid of accidentally walking into her room... which is pretty stupid considering your night will end there."
The thought lifted his confidence a little. Heck, if he missed the door on the first try, he could just close it and try again. He does so, choosing the lone door on the right.
It wasn't the bathroom, but it didn't look like a bedroom either, as there wasn't a bed in there. In the dim light from the hallway, he thought for a second that it was a spare room being used as a storage room. There were boxes stacked in a corner, rectangular white objects propped against them. They looked like... canvases?
Okubo couldn't help his curiosity and groped along the wall until he found a switch. The room lit up, and he found himself in front of what looked like a small crafts room. At least that's what he assumed when he saw himself in front of the painted canvases propped up in the boxes, the small shelf partially filled with colored pencils, graphite, brushes and a few paint pots, a desk with piles of papers full of doodles and a easel, right in the center of the room.
And there were pictures too. Not wall posters of fighters this time, but framed photographs, attached to a magnetic photo board or in frames that filled the other half of the shelf. Many were from people he had never seen before, but who bore enough resemblance to Tomori that he assumed they were her family: an older couple, who must’ve been her parents, and a younger man accompanied by a woman of the same age; probably her brother and sister-in-law.
But his interest was entirely focused on the photos where she appeared, especially the older ones. There he found familiar faces: Tomori with Kanami and Hiro, the three of them looking like they were in their teens (holy shit, was it just him or did Kanami used to be chubby when she was younger? Those extra pounds definitely weren't the muscles he saw). They appeared in a lot of those photos, at the most varied times. And in many of them, there was another girl with them, with tanned skin and curly, dyed blonde hair. She appeared with only Tomori in several photos, one of which depicted both of them wearing school uniforms.
And what captured his curiosity the most about these older photos was that in almost all of them, Tomori's hair wasn't wavy and brown, but straight and black. So that current hue and texture was unnatural? Damn, he'd never have guessed just by looking...
Just as he never would've guessed that she was an amateur artist. He didn't explore the room more and peek at her work only because it would be tremendously impolite. But he might ask when he returned downstairs. He turns off the light and closes the door slowly, not sure if he feels more guilty for snooping or curious about what he's seen.
He tries the first door on the left this time, and luckily it was a bathroom; a room with three sections, consisting of the tiny laundry room, the toilet and sink area, and the shower and bath area, all separated by thin walls. The bathtub seemed small, and he found himself thinking sadly that it would be next to impossible for the two of them to be able to bathe together there. Well, the bathtub in his apartment was big enough for both of them, so that was all the more reason for him to invite her over there one of these days.
He turns on the faucet and washes his hands, taking the opportunity to check his reflection in the mirror. He looked presentable, but dammit, he'd only taken a quick shower in the morning before accompanying his friends to Kazuo's office, and from there he'd taken two walks, one to the bakery and the other to Tomori's house. Did he not smell of sweat? And what about his breath after eating? Maybe he should at least use the mouthwash right there in the sink, or take off his shirt and give his armpits a quick wash with soap just in case. The mood would sour pretty quickly if he smelled bad...
He suddenly feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He hadn't asked her for her Wi-Fi password, so his mobile data must still be on. He dries his hands and checks his messages. There were some from Rihito, in their group chat.
just to let you know, @EggHead, we're in kaneda's place
we couldn't resist, biohazard 8 was calling us with siren songs
sorry, we'll do another game night with ya on a free day
Okubo rolls his eyes, but the truth is, he wasn't exactly upset. He had no right to demand that his friends not have fun without him. But he was glad to know they were at least considerate enough to let him know.
no worries man
tell me what games he has there later
enjoy the night on your side and I’ll enjoy in mine lol
i wasn't expecting you to answer now
what, she couldn't stand your smell and told you to wash it off first? 
fuck you dude lol
she's making dinner and I'm going to help
did ur mom never teach you that you can’t have dessert before dinner?
have some manners
lmao you worthless pervert
yeah, gorge yourself on dinner and then go eat the hell of that dessert
just be careful not to fall mouth first in her plushies by accident lol
the fuck you mean?
what plushies?
have some respect you fucker
talking about her lady bits like that
what lady bits
fuckin dumbass
i'm talkin about stuffed animals lol
okay i got it now
but seriously, what plushies?
and you still ask
she is all cute, girly-girl and shit
i'm pretty sure her bed must be full of that stuff
Okubo frowns. The mental image that those words painted... he shivers a little. Damn, that sounded so wrong!
wait, you really think so?
fuckin hell...
when it’s not one thing, it’s another
are you going to let that slow you down?
going limp over stuffed animals is the last fuckin straw LOL
I wouldn't give a single fuck
it's easy for you to say talk!
you're not the one who will have one knee on the mattress and the other on top of Mockey!
holy shit dude
rihito hollered for the entire building to hear
i even came to see what it is, let me read it
it's the my little pony squad getting in the way of egghead's dick weting session xD
again, i wouldn't give a shit 
but go check it for yourself to be sure
oh my xD
but go check it?
are you talking about him going to snoop on her room??
this is wrong on so many levels!
it’s just for conscience relief man!
that way he doesn’t get scared and goes all limp-dick in the worst time possible
it's still wrong
if it bothers you so much, Okubo, see if there isn’t another more appropriate place for it
there's another room
a crafts room it seems
she's apparently an amateur artist, can you believe that?
it's full of art supplies like canvases, pencils, brushes, even an easel
we know
miss uta told kaneda and I that she likes to paint and illustrate
on wednesday before the sunday rihito went to talk to her
himuro tought she might like it, considering she likes doing cookie art
she confirmed it when he asked
and why didn't you fuckin tell me anything???
you had information like that laying around and you didn’t think about sharing it with me??
what difference does that make now?
it makes a difference because I could've bought her a gift based on that!
fucking hell dude
lmao cry me a river
no, cry her a river, preferably on her bed 
that's exactly what i'm gonna do
fuck the plushies, and fuck you guys too
fair weather friends
LMAOOO dude's fuckin pissed
you guys are good again, you're on her house and you're about to get laid
the fuck you complaining about?
and thanks to us, by the way
don't be ungrateful, Okubo
okay, okay, my bad
thanks you bastards
and I need to at least prepare myself for what i'm gonna see, kaneda
i'll just open her bedroom door, I won’t even go in
for god's sake
at least be discreet
don’t go through her drawers or anything
dude i won't touch anything
i'm not rihito
man fuck you
i'm a bit of a pervert, but i'm not a sicko
yeah, right
anyway, i'll be off now
she must be wondering why i'm taking so long, i won’t keep her waiting
see ya
Okubo puts his phone away again, cursing under his breath. Damn Rihito for putting absurd mental images in his head that didn't help his arousal at all. How the hell was he supposed to perform in a room full of cuddly plushies, staring at him with those beaded eyes exuding innocence and motherly disapproval?!
He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. If so, he'd have to swallow his discomfort, for Tomori's sake. He really had no right to complain about her decorating choices. And anyway, spending that time with her, showing how much he wanted things between them to work out and go forward, showing how important she had become to him; all of that was worth far more than his attempts to protect his fragile ego.
He leaves the bathroom, slowly closing the door behind him, before facing the only other door left. It could only be her room. And to peek into such an intimate room without the hostess's permission was despicable, worthy of a clueless pervert...
“I won't touch anything. I won't even go in. I'll just open the door and turn on the light, nothing more...”
With that promise to himself, he goes to the door, gripping the handle and holding his breath before slowly opening it. The room was dark, the light from the hallway only partially illuminating it. He could see a single bed, a desk with a computer, stationery and a couple of framed pictures, a bookcase and... his own face?
Okubo blinks. He gropes along the wall, finding the switch and turning on the light. And what he saw made him wish that the room was full of plushies instead of... that.
There were posters of fighters everywhere. The walls almost disappeared beneath them. They were of all different sizes, some small enough to have been cut out of magazines, and others huge, almost the width of the door itself. His was in a prominent position, just above the desk, and Sekibayashi's and Gaolang's flanked him as if they belonged to a boy band of muscleheads. And there were so many others, most his acquaintances, some even his rivals inside the octagons, and many of them looked old, worn, portraying younger versions of themselves.
All those shirtless, sometimes sweaty men flexing and showing off their impressive muscles, their expressions either triumphant or livid as if they were about to pounce on their opponent... all those dead gazes directed at the bed in the corner of the room...
If a turn-off was capable of producing sounds, his at that moment would have made the classic Pac-Man death sound. How the fuck would he be able to do anything inside that sanctuary which seemed to be dedicated to everything virile and gay?!
He quickly turns off the light and closes the door with an expression of someone who was suffering with PTSD. He swallows hard, sweating a little, his brain trying to register the scene he had just witnessed, the hemisphere responsible for rationality trying to convince him that it wasn't that bad, he could ignore it, he just needed to be on top of her and to not look at the fucking posters...!
But the other hemisphere, which was responsible for all the neurotic fantasies that had been curdling his thoughts lately, told him that, in the missionary position, Sekibayashi, Gaolang and all those others would have a very privileged view of his ass.
Okubo buries his face in his left hand, groaning hard, wanting to slam his forehead against the wall, as much to punish himself as to forget what he had just seen. Why the hell did he open that door?! That's what he got for sticking his nose where it didn't belong! Curiosity killed the cat, or in this case, the gorilla.
"Naoya?," He hears Tomori calling from downstairs. "Is everything okay up there? Do you need help with something?"
He shudders, clearing his throat quickly to make his voice as normal as possible before replying, “Uuh- no, it's okay! It's just that I received a few messages and decided to reply right away, so no notifications would disturbed us..."
"Oh, okay! I've already laid out the ingredients here on the counter if you're ready to start."
"Alright!," He goes down the stairs, trying to think of something, anything, to use as an excuse to book it. He wouldn't be able to do anything in that disturbing room, not even if he took a few blue bombers like an old man. It wouldn't happen in the living room either, and he didn't want their first time to be in the kitchen either...
Hell, it didn't take a genius to know that nothing was going to happen that night! The best thing was for him to leave, for him to find any excuse to take the road, because otherwise he would only be wasting Tomori's time. Maybe he could come up with some sort of emergency? He's trying to come up with one that sounds convincing enough when he walks into the kitchen. Tomori lifts her head and smiles excitedly at him.
"Look! I checked the fridge and saw that I had all the ingredients to make ginger pork," She points to a meat board on the kitchen counter, where there were pork strips, still raw. "I know it's not very elaborate or sophisticated, but I guarantee you that my ginger pork is delicious! Can you help me with the onions? The ginger is in that little jar with the blue cap," She makes a cute little happy sound. "I'm so excited to show you how I cook! I'm even getting a little nervous, hahaha..."
... Okubo felt like the worst person in the world, not worthy of that woman who was too good to be true.
How could he even think of running away from her house and letting her down, all because he'd paid the price for snooping? She deserved better treatment than that. Hell, she deserved all the best he could give her, even if the night wasn't going to end with them in a bed!
He wanted to stay there with her. He wanted to cook dinner with her, eat with her, talk, laugh, watch tv, anything. More physical things could be for later, and preferably far away from the homosexual sanctuary that was that room.
"Ahaha, what are you even saying? I'm the one who should be excited," He approaches, trying to smile. "After all, I'm going to see my favorite cook in action, besides being able to learn from her."
"You're a sweetheart, but you won't escape helping in the kitchen with just a few smooth words."
"And who said I want to escape it? Guide me through your kingdom of meats, vegetables and spices, miss, you'll have the privilege of having me as your humble follower again," He gestures to the whole kitchen with a sweeping wave of his arm. Tomori laughs, opening a drawer and pulling out a baby blue apron.
"With pleasure. Here, you'll need it," She throws him the apron, laughing again when he makes a face. "Relax, I promise it will be our secret. And look, we're matching!," She shows her own apron, which Okubo recognized as the one she wore in the selfie she sent him weeks ago.
"How cheesy... you're lucky I like cheesy things in secrecy," He jokes, putting on the apron just to appease her. It had frills and looked tiny on him. He snorts when she smirks at the sight, "Next time I'll bring my own apron."
"Heh… good to know there will be a next time," She comments smiling as she hands him another knife. "Cut the onions like this, into thin slices. And don't worry, they're ice cold so they won't sting your eyes."
"Yeah! Just leave them in the freezer for ten minutes and the enzymes that trigger the gas that causes burning are not activated," She explains excitedly. "Cool, right?"
"Wow, I didn't know that!," He comments, impressed, trying to cut the onions in the thickness she asked. "You're really knowledged in cooking stuff..."
"I have a degree in gastronomy for a reason," She sticks out her chest a little, in a gesture of personal pride that he found adorable. "Although this particular trick I learned from my mother. She cooks really well too."
"I can imagine. Was it because of her that you decided to pursue this career?," He asks, and she seems to think for a few seconds, looking up.
"Hnnn… yeah, in parts," She finally replies. "I liked to cook with her since I was a little girl. She was happy, saying I was going to be an excellent cook in the future. And an excellent wife," She smiles with embarrassment. "But I just liked doing things in the kitchen, seeing the happy expressions of those who ate my food and hearing compliments. I had other aspirations at the time..."
"Like art?," He asks before he manages to stop himself, and flinches a little when she looks at him with some surprise.
"Huh? ... Oh, you... you know that I...?"
"Yeah, I… I kinda accidentally saw your crafts room," He admits, a little embarrassed. "I was looking for the bathroom and opened the wrong door by mistake."
She blinks, looking even more surprised. "Oh… I was thinking that Himuro and Kaneda had told you that I liked painting and illustrating, since I had mentioned it to them before."
... Ouch. His big-ass mouth: one. Subtlety: zero. It was just like him to rattle and get himself into trouble when he could very well have gotten away with it if he'd just kept quiet. He shrinks further.
"Sorry, it was an accident..."
"No, it's okay," She assured, waving the hand that held the knife. "It was my fault, I forgot to tell you which door was the right one. And there's nothing extremely personal or embarrassing about that room that makes it a no-go zone for visitors, hahaha!"
He laughed along with her, because at this point, laughing was preferable to screaming hysterically and looking like a lunatic.
"Hehe, if- if you say so... but seriously, I really didn't know that you liked to draw and paint. And I guess I should've guessed, considering your cookies are a work of art."
"Awn, thanks!," She blushes with pleasure at the compliment. "I thought about majoring in visual arts in college, but my parents protested so much that I gave up. They're afraid I wouldn't get a good job and good references on my CV... yeah, I know, they sound controlling," She nods when she sees his sympathetic expression. "They even tried to push me to study law, medicine or architecture, which was the major my brother chose. But I put my foot down and refused. Today they mellowed down and now they respect my decisions more, even if they don't approve very much."
"At least that…," He ends up shrugging, finishing cutting the onion and picking up the ginger. "My parents didn't care much about my choices. I got drafted on my school's wrestling team as soon as I started the school year, and that guaranteed me a shitload of opportunities, so they had nothing to complain about. It sucks that you didn't have that same support..."
"It's okay, I don't regret the choices I made," She guarantees, picking up a bottle that looked like sake, from a corner of the counter. "I love working as a cook, and the salary allows me to keep art as a hobby. I mean, as far as acceptable, it's not enough for me to buy the best materials there is, but it's something."
"In that case I'm happy for you, haha… and I swear I wasn't snooping aroung there, I just saw the canvases!," He swears, a bit agitated. "I just paid attention to the photos…"
"Oh yes, those photos…," She takes the board with the chopped onions that he held out to her, starting to brown them in the frying pan. "They were supposed to be displayed in the living room, or at least in my bedroom. But there, in my crafts room, they give me inspiration and motivation. And they remind me of how things have changed since then."
"Hehe, and how they changed… I learned a lot of new things about you just by looking at those photos," He comments, calmer now that he made sure she wasn’t offended by his accidental snooping. "I didn’t know that you dyed your hair. It's not a criticism at all, this color looks great on you."
"Huh?," She stops in the act of pouring a trickle of sake into the frying pan, staring at him confused. "But I didn't. This is my natural color."
"Uh... wait, really?," It's his turn to be confused. "But I saw some pothos from your school days, and your hair was straight and black..."
"Ooh…," She nods slowly, embarrassed. "Got it. But yeah... that was my dyed, straightened hair," She explains, smiling, embarrassed by his surprise. "My school was the strict type, very inflexible with its rules. And I needed to suit the standards."
"Damn, man…," He shakes his head, indignant. "Are you serious that there are schools that still do these things? That's messed up... but wait," He frowns. "There was a friend of yours in those photos giving the biggest gyaru vibes, with her tanned skin, bleached hair and all. Didn't the school forbid that too?"
"Ooh, are you talking about Akane?," Tomori lets out a vengeful laugh. "They did, but she didn't give a fuck. They threatened her with suspension and even expulsion several times, but the threats never went ahead. She was well connected and the school board was scared shitless of her dad and his 'friends', hahaha!"
"Holy shit, I don't even want to ask… but Akane? Isn't that your friend whose number Rihito wants so bad?," Okubo's eyes widen. "Boy, he really doesn't know what he's getting himself into..."
"I told you, didn't I?," She smiles devilishly. "Anyway, she's been my best friend since high school. I was hanging out with her even before I met Kanny and Hiro. She went through a delinquent phase along with me. We used to terrorize that school. Good times, hehehe..."
"Damn, you weren't joking about that delinquent phase, eh. I've got your number," He laughs, disbelieved. "But I don't have any room to judge, as I did the same thing. I just didn't expect this to be one of the many things we have in common, haha."
Tomori lowers her head a little, eyes fixed as she tends to the frying pan where the onions are browning. She then dips the pork strips into the spiced mixture, stirring vigorously, the flames fanned by the cooking sake, which Okubo is a little nervous about. He even takes a step back.
"H-Hey, sorry, I promise I won't meddle anymore, you don't have to try to intimidate me with pyromania techniques, hahaha...!"
"What- no, that's not it," She shakes her head quickly, taking the frying pan away from the heat. "I'm not mad, I'm just…," She hesitates a little, looking up at him shyly. "I'm just wondering if it changes something for you. In the way you see me, I mean..."
This makes Okubo relax, though not completely. His expression softens as he moves closer again, his expression a little more serene.
"I already said it don't. Again, this is you, isn't it? It's just that I was really curious about what you told me just now... about the things I said in that documentary getting you through that phase," He scratches the back of his head, sort of forgetting that his hands were full of onion bits. "Was that time so complicated for you? For you to think that talking more about it will make me think less of you..."
She sighs a little, closing her eyes briefly. She turns her attention back to the frying pan, and for a second, Okubo thought she was going to ignore him and signal with her silence that the subject was closed. That is until she starts talking.
"It's complicated because, now that I think back, it seems so ridiculous and childish… although at fifteen or sixteen, you're expected to be ridiculous and childish," She gives a humorless laugh "Remember I said I had other aspirations? So... when I was younger, I wanted to become a professional fighter."
"What? Seriously?," He leans towards her, his eyes widening even more. "And why didn't this dream of yours go ahead? I remember that I asked you that day at the market why you didn't learn some martial art..."
"Yeah, you asked. And I couldn't answer you," She nods. "The truth is that I tried to learn, in the last year of middle school. You know how much I am passionate about martial arts, it runs in the family and comes from way back, when I was a little girl... so I decided that I wanted to be part of this world that I loved so much. I begged and begged my parents until they agreed to let me practice judo at a dojo that accepted women. The girls in my class were about my age, and I was super excited. I thought I was going to make a bunch of friends, that I was going to become a judoka like no other, that my fighting career was going to take off... until the third class, where I gave up, bawling my eyes out because my shoulders were killing me after being thrown mercilessly onto the mat by the other girls during practice.
"... Oh," Okubo hisses a little through clenched teeth, sounding pious. "Yeah, judo is no joke, whether for guys or gals. But you could’ve tried with another style, like jiu-jitsu. It's actually a well-recommended martial art for women.
"I know, but my bad experience on that first attempt kinda broke my spirit. The truth is, Naoya, I'm a freaking coward. I hate getting hurt and feeling pain. I hate getting beaten," She gives a mortified smile. "Which is kinda absurd, considering I was always getting into fights in high school. I think anger was a tremendous fuel."
"You're not a coward! Holy shit, how can someone who faced a whole gang of brats like you did be a coward?," He protests indignantly. She shakes her head.
"Having a survival instinct is not the same as being brave. And thinking that I wasn't brave enough to live that childhood dream of mine saddened me to the point of making me go down a bad pathç She turns her head to the side, unable to hold his gaze. "That and several other factors, such as the demands from my parents, my envy of my brother who was a model student and the star of his high school baseball club, how they saw me as inadequate because of things that weren't my fault, like the color and texture of my hair. .. all of this kind of threw me into a self-destructive spiral. I skipped classes, hung out with people who were no good, got into fights... the worst of them was when I fought with another girl over a boy, can you believe it?," She makes a face, the corners of her mouth quivering in a clear attempt to hold back laughter. "We were both liking the same guy, and you know how teenagers are… holy shit, it was a hell of a catfight! I even hit her in the face with a baseball bat, I almost got expelled from school afterwards, hahaha!
"Holy fuck, woman...," Okubo stares at her open-mouthed; the mental image that that brought was too surreal for him to be able to register properly. "I'm glad you weren't armed the night I pissed you off! You were going to leave me scarred for life, just like this girl must’ve been!"
"Yeah, now you know what I'm capable of," She says, half joking, half serious. "But relax, she's fine, and nowadays we're the best of friends. It's not just you fighters who make friends after beating each other up, see?," She made a V with the fingers of her free hand. "Anyway… that time was very difficult for me. I knew that my parents were worried and disappointed, I knew that my fame was spreading, that if I continued like that my life would be over, but I didn't have the heart to try to change, to improve... until I watched your interview, in that documentary."
She finishes frying the meat, turning off the heat and turning to face him. Okubo feels a strange shiver run up his spine at the sight of her intense expression, the glint in her eyes that almost made them look teary, the slight flush that colored her cheeks. Something small flapped against the wall of his stomach.
"You spoke about your belief that race has no influence on a person's ability to be good at something with so much conviction! You said you were good and would prove it to the whole world, and so many people doubted you. So many people accused you of being arrogant, of being a loudmouth with a giant ego, there were even some westerners being racist pieces of shit on the forums. And none of that shook you, none of that stopped you from going out there and proving them all wrong," She clenches her fists against her chest, her voice getting louder, heated, passionate. "It was your dedication, pure and simple, that got you where no other Japanese has gone. You told all those idiots to shut up and watch you fly, and you did! I could only remember everyone telling me that I was a disappointment, a troublemaker, that I was never going to amount to anything in life... and that's when I found the strength to do like you and prove that all of them were wrong about me. I could grow up, be someone, fly like you did! And if I couldn't be a fighter... then I was going to show all my love and admiration for the martial arts by supporting fighters with all my might,  cheering with every victory, taking that energy you exude and using it to chase after dreams I knew I could achieve. And that's why I love everything that involves the world of martial arts. Because this world gave me the strength to fight for myself, even if not in the same way that you do."
She stops talking at last, breathing a little hard, taking in his dumbfounded expression. And then she turns very red, playing with her fingers shyly while giggling in embarrassment.
"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I talked much! When I get excited about something, it's hard to shut up..."
But she didn't didn't know that, for Okubo, it was okay. Because the last thing he wanted was for her to shut up.
He remembered when he first met her, how sweet and adorable he found her, a delicate flower that seemed to be the kind of woman he always wanted as an arm candy; a pretty thing for him to display at press conferences as one of his trophies. A time that felt like it was ages ago instead of just over two months ago. And two months was enough to find out how wrong he was about her. And how glad he was that he was wrong.
She said how his words, spoken in that documentary, had swept her away. But she had no idea how enraptured he felt by her at that moment, by the intense passion in her voice, in her convictions, how he wanted her to keep talking because he loved that iron strength behind all the silk, loved the bravery she doubted she possessed, loved how she managed to be fierce without losing her sweetness, loved everything about her, he loved her...
... Oh. Ooh, shit. He was fucked, wasn't he? Holy crap...
... And at the same time it felt so obvious and so, so wonderful to be fucked like that, because of her. How could it not be? As he looked at her face flushed with embarrassment, the hue not fading even as she rattled on, he couldn't think of anyone who was easier to love.
He never had the slightest chance to resist it, right from the start. And for the first time since becoming a professional fighter, with a name and a reputation to uphold, he didn't feel the slightest urge to resist, either. Falling in love with her was easy, it felt good, and he wouldn't try to fight that feeling.
He just didn't know if it was mutual. And how was he going to explain to Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda that this was no longer a simple attempt to get a laid, which was no longer his priority. Damn...
“…you always say you like to hear me talk about the things I'm passionate about, but everyone has a limit on how much litany they can take. And I'm going to think I've found yours if you don't answer me now," She kept whimpering, mortified, and that wakes him up from his daydreams. "Come on, don't make me feel more embarrassed than I already am…!"
"… Why are you embarrassed?," He asks finally, surprising himself by managing to speak in a casual tone, instead of a dazzled one. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're amazing, you know that?"
She stops chattering, blinking, mouth half open. "M-Me?"
"Is there anyone else here besides us? Damn...," He laughs low, approaching and reaching out to gently touch her face. "And you say you're a scared crybaby... you have to have a shitload of courage to recognize limitations and do what you can with them, you know? I'm very happy to have been an inspiration to you, but the willpower to change your life came entirely from you, ok? Don't take away your own merits, miss."
"Oh...," Her eyes twinkle again, in that way that made her look like she was about to cry. She moistens her lips with her tongue, the corners of them curling upwards. "I'm- I'm not… it's just that I was very frustrated for not being able to carry out that dream of mine, and that's not exactly amazing..."
"It is for me, because you didn't lose that passion within yourself, even with those frustrations. It just gave you another purpose, and now you fight in your own way, every day, one batch of cookies at a time," He jokes, to which she laughs. "Congratulations, Uta Tomori. You managed to turn your idol into your fan."
She bites her bottom lip, seeming to be vibrating with happiness as she touches his hands, which were still caressing her face. Sh close her eyes.
“Hearing you say that is almost like a dream come true, you know? But in my old fantasies, I heard it with the fervent admiration of a fan..."
"And now? How do you hear it?"
She opens her eyes, fluttering her lashes a little before turning her face to the side and kissing his left palm.
“I hear it like someone who really, really wants to kiss you right now."
And he doesn't hesitate, bending down to reach her mouth. He was going to have back pain at that rate, but doing that to her was definitely worth a few physical therapy sessions.
They finish making ginger pork and then they eat it (it was delicious, like everything else she made, dammit, he was one lucky son of a bitch!), talking little between one strip of fried meat and another. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was cozy. He, a chatterbox who couldn't keep his mouth shut for more than five minutes, was perfectly content enjoying this silence with her.
After dinner, she invited him to sprawl out on the sofa in the living room with her while they searched the Netflix catalog for an interesting movie. He was relieved that she hadn't suggested they go upstairs; he definitely wouldn't be abe to get in the mood for that night. But he still had that urge to be close to her, which was also unheard of.
Being like this with a girl, curled up on a couch with no perverted thoughts crossing his mind, just enjoying the warmth of the moment… holy shit, if that wasn't love, he didn't know what else could be.
"Hnnn… today has been a busy day…," She murmurs low, her eyes a little heavy as they are fixed on the television, her head snuggled into his chest as he lazily rubs her back. "And kinda emotional too. Sorry for being tired..."
He understood what those words implied without her needing to elaborate. "Sorry I'm too tired to do things that are more physical and involve less clothing with you." And surprisingly, that relieved him.
"It's fine, Tomori. I'm kinda tired too, the week was busy. I just want to be with you, that's all."
She smiles, closing her eyes "Me too. Then, if you feel like it, I'll show you the rest of the house."
"Fine be me. I'm especially curious about your crafts room. By the way, I wanted to ask..."
"Will I ever be able to see you painting?"
She pouts, looking to the side while blushing a little. "Do you really want to? It's pretty boring from the outside."
"Not if I'm your model. How about it, huh?," He raises and lowers his eyebrows playfully. "I'll bring you a bouquet of roses just to pose with one of them between my teeth."
She laughs, pushing his face to the side. "No, I'll be laughing like an idiot and I won't be able to concentrate, hahaha!"
"Laughing at your idol like that, right on his face? And she still calls herself my fan, hunf..."
"I'm your fan, but not blind about it anymore," She lifts her chin a little. And then she smiles, stealing a peck from him. "And you prefer it that way, don't lie."
Oh yes, he sure did. He could never do those things with a blind, fanatical Tomori. She wouldn't have thought herself worthy. And he wouldn't have known her so well to want to go through all that with her. If he hadn't wanted to get to know her better...
Yeah, curiosity killed the gorilla, indeed. And thank God it did.
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rotdistressxox · 3 months
Can you a list, about if the kengan boys prefer ass or tits??? Can you add as many characters as possible pls🥺
Kengan men: Ass or Tits (and other assorted body parts)
Content: 18+, Silly body parts haha
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Ohma Tokita
• Ass.
•Eats it like groceries, not kidding.
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• Tits
• Likes it when their pressed against him. Bonus points if they bounce when you walk
Raian Kure
• Ass
• Mostly because he likes spanking it
• and thighs
Gaolang Wongsawat
• Personality
• ....
• Tits
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
• more of a tummy and waist guy
• if ya catch my midrifft ba dum tss
Kanoh Agito
• Legs
• loves leg muscles, especially quads and hamstrings
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• Tits
• Sideboob, underboob, cleavage, boob spill, you name it and the man goes bonkers
Okubo Naoya
• Tits
• I mean, look at him
• ass man in denial tho
Imai Cosmo
• Thighs
• Wants to be crushed by some, maybe while playfighting with an S/o
Himuro Ryo
• "PeRsOnaLitY"
• Boy shut up- Ass ass ass ass ass.
Kaneda Suekichi
• Tits
• Has dreams about being suffocated by them.
Kiryu Sestuna
• Ohma Tokita
Hatsumi Sen
• Both
• He's a whore for both
• and in general
Goah Ryuki
• Perosnality
• But actually means it. No like actually. He doesn't really see the appeal in body parts
Narushima Koga
• Ass
• Likes an s/o that can twerk. DID I LIE??
Sekibayashi Jun
• Likes a mean set of legs
• Legs that can KILL
Niko Tokita
• Hips, not too shy of a nice badonkadonk
• inhales FEE- *GUNSHOT*
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maochira · 2 months
Ways of being a father. (Kengan dads & child!reader)
I wrote this almost a year ago, originally with Blue Lock characters assigned. But I thought a lot about assigning Kengan characters so here we go! The quotes are all translated from Alligatoah's song Nicht adoptiert. Also! The song may originally be about being born into a family and not being adopted, but reader can very much be seen as an adopted child in this if that's what you prefer!
gn!child!reader (reader is implied to be different ages in different parts)
If you're listening to this, you're alive, congratulations / I always knew you'd become more than a broken condom
Let's be honest, you weren't planned. Being a father initially wasn't part of his life plan, but then you happened. But he wouldn't replace you for anything in this world.
-Adam, Raian, Lihito, Kanoh, Ohma
Cause I don't believe in marriage you were born a bastard
-Ohma, Raian, Adam, Hatsumi
Sure, we love you, but there's a reason for that, kid / Nature arranges it like this so we won't kill you
Sometimes being a father can be frustrating and exhausting. But no matter how annoying you might get, his fatherly instinct always wins. In no way would he ever intentionally do harm to you.
-Ohma, Kanoh, Kazuo
It looks like you're family / Looks like it's just us now / We've got to get through it now, blood's thicker than beer / [Sorry, you ain't adopted]
-Adam, Kanoh, Hatsumi
I have no idea how to take care of children / But don't worry, I'll find a tutorial
He went into fatherhood completely without knowing what to expect. It all came a bit out of sudden for him, and he was too anxious to prepare himself properly. But when he held you in his arms for the first time, he knew he'd figure it out just fine.
-Lihito, Inaba
The good thing is, I don't even have to share any knowledge with you / You can just read the wiki entry
-Saw Paing, Lihito, Kanoh
I won't always be there for you, I have to party hard too / Did I say "party"? I mean "work"
Being a father doesn't mean that's the only part of his life now. He'll try to be there for you whenever possible, but there will be moments when he gets lost in other things.
-Saw Paing, Lihito, Sekibayashi
Joking aside, the ego-pig in me is happy that you are coming / Cause then I can play with Lego blocks
A part of him is still a child as well. And hey, being a father means he gets to play with toys again - that's something he can look forward to.
-Cosmo, Saw Paing, Inaba
Cause even though I'm putting effort and thinking about how / I can take the pressure off and still get you into bookstores / Something I do will lead to trauma, c'est la vie / I'll be the star of your psychotherapy, have fun
As careful as he is with you, he knows at some point he'll do something wrong. He's perfectly aware of how he won't always be the perfect father, but he's still trying his best.
-Raian, Kazuo, Wakatsuki, Suekichi
You're programmed for me, I'm programmed for you / Now we're sittin' here, I say now we're sittin' here / Sorry, you ain't adopted
He didn't choose to have you as his child, and you didn't choose him to have as your father. But still, you're perfectly made to be this role for each other.
-all of them.
You may not become president or student representative / Reality will throw your dreams in the chick shredder / I know what I'm talkin' about, life ain't no show
You won't achieve the greatest things in the world, and that's okay. You don't have to do that to make your father proud. He knows exactly what it's like to fail, and that's why he will always encourage you to reach your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be.
-Gaolang, Kazuo, Suekichi, Setsuna
You'll see my burdens, I've given them to you / If you think your genes are bad, they're Papa's genes / But you're my update, you can fix the bugs
You may not be a carbon copy of your father, but the similarities are undeniable - both the good and the bad.
-Ohma, Setsuna, Kanoh, Raian
In the beginning it's ambition like in a chess duel / You will emulate me until you outshine me / The balance of power is on my side - currently / But your chance is good, because Papa's withering parallel like a leaf
Being his child also means being his rival - in a fun way. If there's something to compete in, there will be playful competition. Board games, soccer in the backyard and running random races when you're just walking somewhere together - things like that.
-Raian, Koga, Saw Paing, Lihito
This has to come out now 'cause later I won't be the same / When you're around I'm sure I'll write some corny shit / No more tasteless jokes, no more Hitler comparisons
He was more of an immature person before, but he knows after your birth he has to become more serious as a father - at least that's what society expects from him.
-Lihito, Raian, Naoya
I stand in front of the mirror and see a caricature / But I train every day for my father figure / I practice "La-Le-Lu" on the keyboard / And I subject myself to a motherfucking radio censorship / And I learn all the movie clichés, after birth / You'll get a wristwatch with your name engraved on it
At first, knowing he'll be a father soon felt so unreal to him. But the closer the day gets, the more the realization sets in. But that realization makes him nervous, so he's putting extra effort into learning how to be the best father he can be. And even though he doesn't want to be "like the other dads", he finds himself following every cliché possible.
-Kazuo, Sekibayashi, Adam, Suekichi
Even though being strict clashes with my liberal nature / I'll pretend I'm interested in your Spanish exam
He doesn't care how much of a good or bad student you are, but he knows you'll have to pass school somehow. As much as he doesn't care about your grades, he pretends as if he does to keep you encouraged. But of course you'll get praise for your hard work when you get good grades.
-Ohma, Kazuo, Lihito
I'll be mad at you for every adolescent booze story / But don't be afraid of me just because I fuck your mother
-Raian, Lihito, Adam
I'm just an old cynic who writes frustration poems / But I swear I'll give it all to you till the end of my chapter
He'd do anything and everything for you. He will always make sure you feel safe and loved, no matter what age you're at. Even when you become an adult, he will always be your father and protect you as good as he can.
-all of them.
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kuoukyeee · 3 months
hi hi !! can you do gaolong, okubo, and agito with an s/o who likes to cosplay? s/o who cosplays mostly cutesy stuff or scary stuff! (ex: silent hill, fatal frame)
i got inspiration from a cute cosplay i saw of a cute pyramid head vs the original one ! (Btw agito would totally believe you could shapeshift if you cosplay scary stuff change my mind)
Hi anon, ty for requesting. Im not a fan of cosplaying , so im sorry if I got anything incorrect. I also didn't mention any of the fandoms you listed, mostly because idk anything about them 😭
I rewatched Okubo's fight because I totally forgot everything about his character, like my mind literally went blank.
Gn reader
kinda spoilers in okubos part
Gaolang Wongsawat
He likes the cute cosplays more, just because it emphasises your own cuteness.
He would realise how long it takes to make the props and put on make up etc. It would make him appreciate cosplaying more.
He wouldnt let you put him in a full out cosplay, but whenever hes feeling playful or in a good mood he would let you do makeup on him.
He would reluctantly let you take photos ( he will sulk if you giggle at the pictures).
I don't think he would like scary cosplays with fake blood, cuts and bruises. Just because it reminds him of his matches and he wishes to keep his work and your guys' relationship separate. He also doesn't want to see injuries on you, even if they are fake.
He will squeal like a school girl if he sees you in anything cute, and will have cuteness aggression towards you.
He loves seeing you in cute cosplays and he might even encourage you to keep some aspects of the cosplay in your everyday wardrobe. For example, he would encourage you to wear more pastel or frilly clothes.
In omega he literally dressed as the mascot of the area which he comes from. So he wouldnt be oppossed to do couple cosplays.
He would even get into character and try to do their voice and everything, just to make you laugh.
When you do a scary cosplay, especially if it is realistic he will get alarmed. He will sneak up on you and grab you. You have to explain and convince him that its just you in cosplay. (Bro thought he was going to have to fight sum fictional creature or sum💀).
When you remove your cosplay he is in denial. Like how did you turn from a creature in to yourself???? He must be hallucinating from something he ate earlier.
When you put him in a cosplay and he sees himself in the mirror he gets scared. Like has some lookalike stolen his soul???? Did someone do a brain transplant???
He will eventually realise that you are in the cosplay because no one else could have a giggle as sweet as yours.
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rdbrainz · 1 year
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i strongly recommend not to try translating the text with any kinds of sites because whatever translation you'll get is gonna be absolutely botched
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kyusrak · 10 months
Cop Kaneda Au
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
hehehe sorry for going MIA after my poll ended, but y'all chose smth for kengan! y'all know the drill, time to pick a character! (i put all our fav boys in here) 😁
ps. there will be another poll to choose the scenario after y'all choose the character ✨🍂
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 months
Y’all, I swear like Okubo Naoya is like the only character who is normal and thinks/says what we are all thinking/saying when reading the manga or watching the anime😂😂😂
I swear he’s so funny, I love this guy😂😂😂
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 27
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile /Previous
Chapter 27 - Devil's Advocate
“Welcome!” Kanami greets as she enters the Bakery, the other Friday “Ah, Ayami! How are you? You’re early!”
“Oh I'm fine, thanks” she smiles, when she arrives with the gym clothes and sitting on the counter “I got a ride here, so I decided to come spend a little time here and pick you up at work, so we can go together this time.”
“Wow, good then” she observes her friend, while she cleaned the work area “You look happy today.”
“Well, as far as possible, but I think it's starting to get better” she asks for tea “I'll wait at the table in the meantime.”
“Will you study while you wait?”
“No, it's just that today... I'll have company” she smiles a little shyly. Kanami smiles back.
“Oh, good,” she nods. Ayami leaves the counter and looks at Ohma, who, as usual, was seated in the last chair of the counter “Hello to you too, Mr. Tokita…”
“Just Tokita is enough” he waves his hand “no honorifics, Ayami.”
“All right then.” She nods, going to the table.
Kanami approaches Ohma, whispering “Hey, do you think…?”
“I don't know anything, Kana” he interrupts, drinking the milkshake, calmly “We had a talk last week, yea, but it's not my problem, but if something good happened, I'm happy.”
“Yeah… you're right” she sighs “I don't think I can help it.”
“Of course not, it's part of your job to worry about others…” He chuckles “and when do you stop working?”
She laughs a little “I'm working on it.”
“I know” he looks to the side and sees his friends arriving, the four idiots, as usual. Tomori comes out of the kitchen and waves to them, especially to her boyfriend. Okubo smiles and waves too, indicating the table where he was, and she smiles, nodding, heading back to the kitchen. Kanami knew that she would soon be without one of the cooks on duty for at least an hour in the afternoon, but she didn't complain. Tomori always did her job, after all.
“I'm going to talk to them” Ohma gets up, and goes to the table “Yo.”
“Tokita!” the four exclaim at the same time, making Ayami, at the neighboring table, startle a little while reading her book.
“How is the menu today?” Himuro, one of the four, dark skin with white hair, asked, making fun of the seaweed-hair.
“As far as I know, you're the waiter here, clown. But it's the same as always.”
“I’m not a waiter, damn it, Bartender, respect me” Himuro laughs.
“It's all the same, dude” Lihito, the big blonde, slaps Ohma on the back “Yoooo, Tarzan, we haven't been here for a while, what's new?”
“Not on my part. But… I have a gossip” he sits down at the table with the others “apparently Raian got caught up in our space-time vortex too… and also got someone.”
The four stopped to look at Ohma, eyes wide. Apparently, from what Ayami understood, everyone there knew what he was talking about, as they started laughing in a mixture of disbelief and surprise.
“No, seriously?” Okubo, another big guy, only bald and looking older, sits on the edge of his chair, curious “Really?”
“Holy shit, even the psychopath.” Lihito was impressed, his hand in his bleached blond hair.
“I said, damn it, I said it!” Himuro exclaims, now the conversational tone has become more secretive, although very audible to the lawyer at the next table “it was only Tokita meeting Kanami that the entire universe was distorted, and now you two plus the Kure…”
“To this day, I feel like I did something too big for someone who just wanted to eat bread…” Ohma smiles.
“I really appreciate it, Kelpthulu” Lihito smiles a lot “Akane too, despite the confusion at the beginning.”
“We really appreciate it,” Okubo says, looking at the counter, where Tomori was.
“Me too” Kaneda, the smaller one with hair on his shoulders, nods smiling “seeing my friends happy is almost as good as punching them in the face.”
The three look at the smaller one, who smiles, and they respond with laughter.
“Indeed” Himuro shakes his head “considering what we are after all…”
Ayami raised an eyebrow. Were they Assassins too? They looked more like thugs or gym rats than anything else, mostly because of their louder ways… She decided she'd find out later. She drank her tea, straining her ears.
The five men stopped talking when they noticed the presence, and turned their heads towards the door. Ayami too, and unlike the others, she smiled.
“Speaking of the Devil…” Himuro mutters.
The newcomer looks at the group at the table and, recognizing them, smiles from ear to ear, only on his face it looks like a demonic smile, almost like a Cheshire cat.
“Heeey, if it's not the four Losers!” Raian's voice echoing, always entering with firm steps and straight shoulders, as if he owned the place “and Tokita.”
“Raian” Ohma raises a hand and the other hits a high-five.
“Who are you calling a loser, you son of a...!” Lihito growls, making a move to get up abruptly from his chair, but Himuro and Kaneda stop him with their hands on his shoulders. Raian just watches, still smiling, hands in his pockets, just waiting for the challenge to come to him.
“Don't give him leash, Lihito” The smaller one warns him, to which the white-haired nods.
“Yeah man. Do you want to get kicked out of the bakery for picking up bullshit?”
The blonde grunts again, slouching into the chair with a frowning face, all tense and uncomfortable.
“You have nothing else to do but to annoy us, you hellsent beast?” Okubo asks, also with a foul expression.
“Hehe, luckily for you, I do, oh car-polisher poster-boy” he turns to Ohma “Tell me, have you seen a Mouse around?” He was still smiling, but he started to lower his voice.
“Yyyup, way back.” He nods. The four stopped to look behind Ohma and Ayami cringed, blushing hard. What a great way to introduce her…
“Ahh, you're here, I thought you were hiding from me” Raian approaches her and sits beside her, his arm over her shoulder, bringing her along “have you started without me?”
“When we arrived, I barely got off the bike, you were already around the corner, so I decided not to wait either,” she says softly. He laughs.
“Vengeful, aren’t we? You're just as bad as me, haha” he looks at the counter “Yooo Bakery Auntie.”
“Auntie is your mother!” Kanami answers brusquely from there.
“I'll send a shout out to her, but give me a number three, a seven, two eight and a two-four” he points to the menu items without looking at them.
Kanami blinks in surprise “What…”
“Will you do it or not?”
“Oh, geez, okaaay” she rolls her eyes, exasperated, going to order.
“Did you memorize the order numbers on the menu?” Ayami asks, checking the menu paper.
“Yuup… It’s simpler and I waste less time…”
The four idiots just stared at them, blinking, completely stunned, Lihito's jaw dropped.
“Wha-so this is your girl?!” Okubo asks, to which Himuro shakes his head.
“It's a joke, right…?”
“How could a psychopath like this kid get someone with such cuteness?” The blonde asks the others, still in disbelief, to which Kaneda ends up shrugging his shoulders.
“Better not to be questioning. And we better stop staring too, the girl is getting uncomfortable.”
“But do you have to yell from here at the table making a scene, Raian?” she whispers to her fiancée.
“Scene? Is the mousie embarrassed?” he squeezes her cheeks “Look at thaaaat, she’s all reddie” he laughed, while she tried to stop him “Please, squeak some more”
“No, Raian… stoop” she whimpers, but still smiling.
“Noooh, Raiannnn…Staaahhp” he imitates, in falsetto “You are mine, I do what I want with you…”
The four watch that rather absurd dialogue, still stunned.
“No, seriously… how?!” Lihito hisses through his teeth, gesturing with wide eyes.
“If you don't know, figures me” Okubo shakes his head, to which Himuro snorts.
“Capable of being something arranged. It would be something from the Clan…”
“Stop gossiping like old women” Kaneda asks, a finger in front of his lips “This is none of our business.”
They get silent, but they had reached a mental consensus: poor girl.
“If so, I can too…” Ayami responds to the assassin.
“Oh yeah? Do it then, I want to see it” he stares at her, almost covering her with himself. And she pinches his cheek, but so much lighter that he cocked his eyebrow “huh, that's all?”
“No, but they're looking at me…”
“Huh?” then he looks ahead, and notice the four idiots staring “What are you looking at, you morons? It's not for sale!” He raises his voice, hugging her shoulder, while the girl cringes more, blushing a lot, almost holding the book she had in her hands in front of her face.
“Don't worry, nobody here is interested. We already have ours” Okubo indicates himself and Lihito with his thumb, puffing out his chest a little, and his blonde friend nods with a frown.
“It's just that we can't really believe it. What woman would agree to be with an asshole like you if not out of obligation?”
Himuro scratches his eyes as Kaneda sighs. Holy shit, those two didn't know when to shut up, did they? Ohma just laughs.
“Who says that, me or you?” Raian asks Ayami.
“May I?” she asks.
“Do the honors, bae.” He smiles and leans back in his chair. Ayami clears her throat, catching the three's attention.
“Well, gentlemen, I believe that for my fiance's fame this is something contradictory” she begins, with a polite and clear tone “But believe that we are in common agreement, no arrangement, and neither party is harmed, so could you please just whisper to each other? Raian would love to mess with you guys, but I'm uncomfortable doing so, so if you're going to fight, please do it outside, so you don't bother me or Ms. Kanami”, and she leans back against Raian again, who just looks at them and sticks out his tongue.
Ohma laughs even more at the reaction of the four, and explains in a low voice “she's a lawyer.”
They blink, Lihito's jaw dropping a little, while Okubo turns a little red. Himuro lets out a sound of discredited laughter through his nose “Really? Who would say…”
Kaneda just sighs ‘So, ‘See? Just keep quiet, you guys knew better... and sorry about that, miss.”
“Yes, we will not intrude. Isn’t that right?” the white-haired one arches an eyebrow at the two gorillas, who exchange uncomfortable glances before raising their hands and saying in unison: “Sorry, miss” and quickly turning away from the couple, their tips of the ears half red.
“Fuck... when I thought I’ve seen a lot…” Lihito comments quietly, to which Okubo nods slowly.
“Yeah… it's just that some make less sense than others.”
“I think it makes perfect sense,” Himuro says. And before the confused looks of the others, he whispers with a mischievous smile: “Devil's Advocate.”
And the couple at the table farther away only heard a brief burst of laughter and coughing fits being quickly contained. Raian also laughs at the joke, having heard the guys talking.
“Satisfied?” She asks, when he turns his attention to her.
“You have to do everything the hard way…” He rolls his eyes. And he looks at the waitress bringing the orders.
“I'd rather you just pay attention to me instead of them,” she says quietly, just for him, and he smiles.
“Hooohhh, But you look at that… Then I’m the possessive, the jealous one, and I don’t know how many other…”
“You're the scandalous, not me” she takes the sandwich he separates to her. He shrugs.
“Great, it lessens my work to ward off busybodies, I only see profit in there.”
The two eat together, completely ignoring the five at the other table. Then Raian holds her chin and steals a kiss from her, gets up and starts to leave.
“I gotta get going, Mousie. Make sure you don't get lost, will ya?”
“I'll do my best to find my way back. See you later” she jokes as watches him leave and gives Kanami a meaningful look, who nods with a confident smile, before he returns to the five from the table.
“Nice to see you, idiots. And Tokita” Raian nods to the seaweed-head, then turns to the blonde: “Aaaaand you huh, Super-Weiner?” He puts his hand abruptly on Lihito's shoulder and speaks more quietly “I heard you almost got in our sights... relax, we won't mess with you anymore. I personally took care of those jerks after you. You're welcome”. He squeezes his shoulder and walks away as if nothing had happened.
Ayami didn't hear the last words before “you’re welcome”, but she saw when the blonde first turned pale, then red with mortification and hatred. He stands up with a growl, and again, his friends had to hold him back to keep him from going after a chuckling Raian, opening and walking out the door as he leaves.
“I won’t thank you for shit, you asshole!” Lihito yells.
“Lihito, calm down!”
“Forget him!”
“Sit down, you idiot!”
“Let go of me, I'm fine! And it's a good thing they don't get close to Akane again, because if they don't...! Argh!” And he sits up abruptly, grinding his teeth and putting his hand in his face “May this whole family go to hell, for fuck’s sake!…”
“That was rude of you, sir.” Ayami raises an eyebrow.
The men all turn to her. Okubo and Kaneda make embarrassed expressions, but this time, Lihito didn't deign to do so.
“We know your boyfriend from other occasions, lady. I have my reasons for being rude,” he declares, frowning. And then he stands up again, growling as his friends become alarmed again “Cool your jets, you idiots, I'm just going to the bathroom! Freakin’ hell...” And he walks off towards the bathroom area, practically marching. There's a collective sigh at the table.
“Sorry about that, miss,” Kaneda asks, and Himuro nods slowly.
“Yep. He's not usually that thick for nothing. It's just that he's been in a bad situation recently, and it kind of involved the Devil's family.”
“I suppose. But I think if the Kure had any real issues among you, you probably wouldn't be so relaxed in the chairs. But I understand the situation, even though I don't know what actually happened…and…please don't be too alarmed that I'm the Devil's own bride, either. I'm friends with Kanami, if that means anything to you. Unlike him, I can be an ally, if I may” she smiles adorable “here, my card” she hands one to Himuro, the closest.
Himuro takes the card automatically, blinking in surprise. Okubo and Kaneda walk over to look at the paper, equally flustered.
“Yamagami Ayami...?” Okubo reads the name on the card, the three of them turning to her “Aah… well, thanks, miss.”
“Yes, very kind of you.” Kaneda nods, managing to crack a smile, while Himuro tucks his business card into the pocket of his button-down shirt.
“Yeah… and if you're a friend of Kanami's, we really don't have any reason to distrust you” He nods “Lihito, the oxygenated one who just left, will understand that too.”
“Yeah, and Raian is my friend too” Ohma nods to everyone “That’s why the guy left unconcerned, for your information.”
“Yes, that’s it… I feel safe here. I'm sure that's the case with him too.” She bows a little, politely.
“Aah, that explains a lot…” Okubo said, Himuro and Kaneda bow respectfully too “I had understood that it was because he thought we were going to try to woo his girlfriend and Ohma would be here to put us in our place. But even if it was, the Devil could calm down, that Rockfingers and I are already very well accompanied, thanks” And he smiles when he sees Tomori leaving the kitchen, going to the counter to restock the food counter. She looks up and smiles at him too, blowing him a discreet kiss. Himuro and Kaneda make sickening sounds as the bald man pretends to catch him, all gleeful.
“Give us a rest, man… anyway” Himuro turns to Ohma and Ayami again “This is probably the safest place in all of Tokyo, Miss Yamagami.”
“It's our way of repaying for good food and company” Kaneda smiles in amusement “​​Although the owner is perfectly capable of making do as well.”
“Oh I know” she smiles “So safe that even the Devil comes to eat here, right?”
The three laugh at the joke, Himuro saying: “That’s the Heavy Bakery for you. miss!”
“And it's a good thing he doesn't come so often, otherwise Lihito wouldn't have peace when we come to visit” Okubo comments, to which Kaneda grumbles: “That way you'll make the girl think we're a bunch of uncontrolled people who want to kick ass every time we see him. If he's going to show up more to keep Miss Yamagami company, let's be civil.”
“We are civil! Now whether he will be or not is another story” The bald man shrugs.
“I got it. Are you from rival clans or something?” Ayami asks.
“No” Ohma explains “we are all pro fighters, we met in a tournament.”
“Ah, I understand. That explains a little” she smiles “The Kengan Fights, doesn't it? I've heard about it, maybe one day I'll visit some matches.”
The three immediately tense up, eyeing her with concern.
”Aaah, we don't recommend it, see, milady…” Okubo shakes his hands a little.
“Nope. I mean, things have improved over the years, but it's still not a pretty sight to see.” Kaneda makes an uncertain gesture with one hand.
“Too much blood, really heavy violence… it might be a little too much for your stomach” Himuro warns her.
“Oh, don't worry, I like horror movies, so I won't be impressed. The Italians are the best.” She sips some more of her tea, smiling with satisfaction as she gazes into the astonished faces of the three men. Ohma shrugged.
“It is quite possible that it is in this category, even though I never watched Italian things” the seaweed-head nods, half grimacing “especially if you count what Raian has already done in matches…”
“That's exactly what we're worried about, man” Okubo makes a face, and Himuro and Kaneda nod with the same expressions “The devil is still guided by the association's old rules.”
“So it is. But if that's what you want to see…” Himuro ends up shrugging, to which Kaneda turns to him.
“Why did you give up arguing so quickly?”
“I'm not going to get into an argument with a lawyer, man.”
“This one learned quickly” Ayami smiles in approval “and from what I know and understand what they're talking about, I don't think Raian participates unless he's hired... in this case, with prior knowledge of his background, the contractors know what they're doing. getting into I know the history, and well… I can say that if I’m with him…”
“You know what you're getting yourself into” Ohma nods “they already admire you, Ayami, you can stop now.”
She laughs softly “let me shine, Tokita…” she drinks the rest of her tea.
“Yeah, there's no way we aren’t going to admire someone who put a halter on that demon, honestly” Okubo looks to the side, to which Himuro and Kaneda laugh. They see movement in their peripheral vision and turn to see Lihito returning from the bathroom, still frowning but looking a little calmer.
“Hey dude! Is everything ok there? Did you flush out your inner demons?” Himuro asks, and the blonde snorts at him.
“Fuck you. But yeah… I'll feel better after I fill my stomach up.” He sits down, arms crossed. And then he looks at Ayami “And… sorry if I was rude to you, lady. I have nothing against you, okay?”
“I know. Whatever it is, I know who I am with.” She smiles, and then looks at Kanami, who approaches her ‘Ah, are you free yet?”
“Yes, I already set everything up” Kanami looks at Ohma, Ayami approaches her meanwhile “I'll go get my dose of steel, then I'll be back. Will you stay here this afternoon?”
“Uh-hum, I have nothing else to do today, I'll wait for you” he nods, and she strokes his head.
“Tair enough, thanks. And since you're here, hon, you have my permission to be my bouncer while I'm gone…”
Ohma smirks at the other four at the permission to kick ass.
Ayami laughs “Oh, by the way, I don’t know your names, the four of you…”
“Okubo Naoya. You must have heard of me” The bald man points to himself, smiling half convinced “And these are Himuro Ryo, Kaneda Suekichi and Nakata Ichiro-”
“I was about to say that you prefer the nickname, calm down, moron!” He snorts, to which Himuro and Kaneda laugh “Anyway, pleasure, Miss Yamagami.”
“Thanks. Soon it will be Kure Ayami, so you can call me by my first name if you prefer. Until later.”
“Take care, you guys’ Kanami follows along with Ayami, out of the bakery.
Ohma looks at the four of them, after he's seen the girls leave “So, as I said. Horrifying, isn't she?”
“She struck me as a polite and down-to-earth girl” Kaneda comments, then adds “I mean, as down-to-earth as someone who wants to watch Kure Raian fight in a Kengan match can be.”
Himuro laughs, looking at Ohma and saying, “Horrifying as lawyers usually are. I just hope she didn't write down our names to file a lawsuit or something…”
“Don't even play with these things, dude, if I go to jail on the basis of the process, I won't leave there anymore! You want to make Akane a convict's girl? I mean she’s already a Yakuza’s daughter, but…” Lihito asks in playful indignation, and they all burst out laughing.
“It's good to have you back, man… “ Okubo chuckles after getting himself under control.
“I meant she's creepy because of her face.” Ohma comments “She looks like this type of person who deceives others by giving a cute, delicate and polite impression. But you saw Raian near her. And the Kure don't stay with people they don't think are strong.”
“I don't doubt there's something else in her. And we did see it. She said she likes horror movies, right?” Himuro shivers a little “I can’t think of a horror movie that could be more disturbing than that…”
"Well... at least she doesn't really seem to be being forced to be with him, so he shouldn't treat her badly… I guess…" Kaneda ponders, to which Lihito rolls his eyes.
“I honestly don't care. I just want her pet asshole and the rest of those demons to stay away from my girl and me.”
Okubo watches as Himuro, sitting opposite him, briefly looks away, frowning a little. He was about to ask what was his deal when a very familiar voice called out to him, approaching: “Hey, was this table from where half of the bakery's stock was ordered?”
“Tomori!” all the men exclaim happily when Tomori stops by the table, smiling as they sees her with their orders on trays in her hands. Okubo jokes “So you decided to be our exclusive waitress today, huh?”
“I was already leaving for my lunch break, so I gave Tomoyo a hand and brought your orders myself, haha. And hey, Naoh…" She distributes the trays across the table before sitting down next to her boyfriend, who immediately brings her along as he puts his arm around her shoulders. She leans against him, smiling “So, what did I miss? I heard some voices slightly altered from the kitchen…”
“Just my Devil friend mocking Lihito, nothing more than the usual” Ohma shrugs “and they met his fiancée. And it's Ayami.”
“Aaah, you met Aya!” Tomori exclaims smiling “She's very cute, isn't she? And... fiancee? Of that boy you call the Devil?” She blinks, very surprised “I didn't know, damn it! And she had said that her engagement had been broken…”
“Did they?... Eh, apparently they're back. Bad luck for her” Lihito grumbles. 
Kaneda ignores the blonde one and asks, "So you also know Miss Yamagami?"
“Yes I know! Kana introduced her to Akane and I, and we even went out together a few weeks ago…”
“Wait, does Akane know her?!” Lihito stiffens in the seat, widening his eyes “She didn't tell me...! No, wait a minute” He frowns, seeming to remember something “Now that I remember, she even mentioned a girl she knew who broke her engagement, but didn't mention any names... holy shit, it was her ?!”
“Seriously, will there ever come a day when these bizarre coincidences will stop happening?” Himuro asks himself, sounding tired. Okubo shakes his head.
“After even the Devil entered the cosmic vortex dance of fate? I doubt it, bro.”
“I apparently dragged everyone along, you guys are such fools for accompanying me” Ohma laughs, drinking from the milkshake that Tomori had brought “Or that, or you are the best friends I can have to go with me on this one, you decide.”
“Fool my left ball, 'I'm running around in this happy vortex of life and praying I never get spit out!” Okubo leans the side of his face against the top of Tomori's head, to which she giggles softly, hugging him sideways.
“So am I!” Tomori laughs.
Lihito laughs too, slapping the seaweed head on the shoulder “Yeah bro, I prefer the second option too. Living in this vortex is one of the best things that ever happened to me. Again, cheers.”
“I can't tell if Himuro and I were dragged together or if we're just outside observers” Kaneda asks, laughing too, to which Himuro smiles.
“I'm even afraid this shit will swallow us too, Kaneda, honestly…”
“At least you are not alone in that, dudes” Ohma comments, crossing his arms.
They all agreed. No, they weren't.
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Epilogue Here
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useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 27
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 27 - Queens and Clowns
Note: This chapter contains scenes only suitable for 18+ audiences (A.K.A. smut). You’ve been warned
Now that he and Tomori were together and knew each other a lot better, Okubo wondered how he hadn't noticed the signs before.
They've always been there, right under his nose. She had warned him about them herself, and he had chosen to ignore it long enough to be vulnerable. And now, he was in that situation, trapped between a rock and a hard place because of a promise.
All because she, in addition to being cute and sweet, was calculating, slightly manipulative and fully aware of the effects she had on him. If he had noticed these signs sooner, he would have set boundaries from the start. But now it was too late, and he was...
"... Wrapped around her little finger."
"Being held by the balls."
“Lassoed and ridden like the bald bull you are."
"You're good at thinking of synonyms, but not at helping me think of a way out, aren't you, you bastards?!," Okubo grunts, taking an angry bite of his pizza slice while watching Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda being complete assholes to each other during the most violent Mario Kart competition he had ever watched in his entire life. "I'm serious , that girl put me behind the eight ball!"
"Sorry to say that, Okubo, but you're the one who got yourself into this," Kaneda comments, ignoring the curse Rihito shouted in his ear when he throw him off the track with a red shell. "You shouldn’t have agreed to go out with her when you had a bruise too obvious to go unnoticed."
"Or you should've lied and said that it was one of us who did that to you during a sparring session- Rihito, you son of a bitch!," Himuro yells when Rihito throws a banana peel in front of him on the track and makes him spin. Rihito laughs out loud.
"Suck on that banana, you man-whore! And yeah, man, you should've said that. It was a lie, but it was for the greater good, right?"
"I thought about doing that, but I couldn't!," He gestures frustrated. "I don't know what's with her eyes, but I'm totally incapable of lying when I look into them! It's a mix between Puss in Boots from Shrek and a human version of Hello Kitty with the softest, most good smelling boobs in the world! It was a lost battle from the start..."
"You couldn't even put your foot down? Like, saying you won't take her to see a Kengan match and that's it, no more whining?," Himuro asks, grinding his teeth while trying to pass by Rihito without being hit by the green shells that surrounded him. Okubo shakes his head, shoving the rest of the pizza into his mouth at once.
“I wanted to do that, but I just couldn't. She was naked at the time, just out of the shower, all wet and smelling good," He can't hold back, smiling when he remembers, still chewing. "With her asking like that, there's no grown man who can resist."
"Holy shit, dude… now I understand why you took so long to fuck her."
"What do you mean?"
"You knew that your brain cells were all stored in your balls and that she would empty them without thinking twice."
"Fuck you, Rihito!"
"Too late, I'm doing just fine! Yes!," Rihito raises the joy-con in the air in celebration as he manages to pass Kaneda on the last corner and cross the finish line first. Kaneda moans, throwing his head back, while Himuro throws a small tantrum and throws the other joy-con onto a cushion. Good thing, because Okubo would beat his ass if he broke even one piece of his Nintendo Switch. "Gentlemen, I'm fuckin' unbeatable!"
"No way, this is just the first championship you've won tonight," Himuro snorts with a frown. "You were ahead of Kaneda by a measly four points."
"Which I intend to keep in the future. Now, go eat a pizza slice with Egghead, I have a lil' fucker to beat," Rihito dismisses him with hand gestures, to which Himuro gives him the middle finger before leaving the joy-con aside and walking away, sulking.
"Asshole... get his ass for me, Kaneda."
"Haha, I'll do my best. Anyway, Okubo...," Kaneda turned to Okubo while Rihito adjusted the game's settings. "Now that you promised her, there's no going back. Breaking the promise could be worse for you."
"I know…," Okubo scratches the back of his head, tired. "I wouldn't do that to her anyway. She's been honest with me, the least I can do is reciprocate."
"Yeah, but at what cost?," Himuro says while grabbing a pizza slice inside the box on the kitchen counter. "We already talked about the risks, remember?"
"I do...
"And you're still going to go ahead with that idea?"
"It's not because I want to, Himuro," He retorts angrily. "Don't you guys understand? She didn't give me a choice. It almost looks like an ultimatum," He sighs. "If I keep more things from her, she'll think I'm not being honest enough and conclude that it's not worth investing in our relationship. It's that thing about giving too much and getting too little in return... and I want to give as much as I get."
"Holy shit, that came out so wrong, hahaha!"
"Shut up, Rihito, I'm serious!"
"Okay, okay, you want to be serious, right? So let's be serious," Rihito forces himself to stop laughing, looking seriously at him while Kaneda chooses a cup. "You don't want her to know about the Kengan Association because it might be risky for her or is there more to it?"
Okubo immediately gets uncomfortable. "What are you talking about?"
"I don't know, you're focusing too much on something that can be easily solved," Rihito shrugs. "If your concern is with her safety, that's fine. She'll have you and us, if you're the one fighting, to protect her."
"Wow... would y'all really do that?"
"Of course. We like her too," Kaneda guarantees with a nod. "Not just because she's your girlfriend who isn't quite your girlfriend."
"Yeah. She's just a nice girl," Himuro shrugs.
"Yep! She's crazy and a little sarcastic and judgemental, but still cute," Rihito agrees. Okubo sniffs a little.
“Gee, guys… you really-”
"Not to mention that if I play bodyguard, she'll owe me one! Then I can ask for her friend's number as a payment without feeling guilty about it."
"Holy shit, you're the most self-serving jerks I've ever met in my entire fucking life," Okubo runs a hand over his face, grunting. "Okay, I'm glad you guys want to do this for her too. But continue your reasoning, Rihito."
"Alright," Rihito and Kaneda turned their attention to the match again, but the former kept talking. "If that was your only concern, you'd already know that it is very easy to solve. But there's more to it, right? Because when you mix Miss Uta and you, there's always something more. I've got your number..."
"Unf. Aren't you an observant motherfucker..."
"You're just that obvious, bro."
"Indeed," Kaneda and Himuro nod together, and Okubo glares at them indignantly.
"And you still agree with him! Ugh... okay, it's not just that," He finally admits. "It also has to do with moral issues."
"Moral issues?"
"Yeah, like... you're aware of how she's an avid martial arts fan, right? She's always watching the fights in the major leagues, even the lesser known ones," He takes another pizza slice from the box, eating it with a frown. "Only all those leagues are public, safe and full of rules. I don't know what she'd think of an underground league, let alone one like the one the Kengan Association maintains..."
"Look, I think she already guessed that you're involved with underground fighting, considering how you kept hammering this 'backstage league' thing," Himuro forms quotation marks with his fingers, to which Okubo shakes his head.
“But she doesn't know the full extent of the whole thing. It's something much more serious than a bunch of alley jesters getting together to beat each other to a pulp without much safety involved," He finishes chewing and swallowing, burping afterwards and continuing, "Rock bottom always has a basement. And I... I don't know, I'm worried that she might think this is wrong."
"But that's the thing, man… from a legal point of view, it's wrong ," Himuro arches an eyebrow, to which he snorts.
"Wrong to the point that she thinks our relationship isn't worth the effort! That she doesn't want anything to do with a guy who gets involved with that stuff. And the whole thing is very violent, much more than what she's used to seeing on television..."
"Oh... you're thinking she's one of those purist fans then... Damn it!," Rihito curses when a blue shell hits him, allowing Kaneda to pass him. "There'll be payback, mark my words!"
"I'm going to leave my change purse ready, haha ," Kaneda jokes.
“Either that or she became more adept at the concepts of right and wrong after she got over her delinquent phase,” Okubo muses, and Himuro frowns at him.
"Delinquent phase? What, just because of that tattoo?"
"No, she was absolutely deranged during her teens, according to herself. She almost got expelled from school once," He says, eyes wide; the fact still amazed him a little. Rihito lets out a mocking laugh.
"Give me a break! The tattoo thing I can believe in, but this?"
"If you're doubting it, ask her the next time you see each other. Anyway...," Okubo shakes his head. "She doesn't deny her past, but today she tries to distance herself from it. And if she concludes that I'm not following the same path, that the Kengan Association goes against the kind of life she's been trying to maintain... ugh, I don't know," He scratches his whole face with his hands, eyes squeezed shut. "I just don't want her to give up on us because of this!"
"Does that make you rethink your participation in the Kengan matches as a whole?," Kaneda asks, and Okubo needs to think a bit before answering.
"No… I mean, I'm just like you guys, I enjoy fighting without all the rules of the public leagues. Ultimate Fight has hardly offered me more challenges, I'm already at a much higher level-"
"If your ego inflates more, it'll replace your car's airbags."
"And the Kengan Association provides me with that," He continues, ignoring Rihito's comment. "I don't care about the businessmen's shenanigans, as long as I can fight strong guys. It's the same with you. I'm just worried that she won't accept it..."
There is a brief moment of silence while Himuro thinks and Kaneda and Rihito slaughter each other on screen. Himuro then asks the question he honestly didn't want any of them to ask.
"If she doesn't accept it, will you consider this a thing that's doomed to fail? If neither you nor she are willing to compromise..."
Okubo sighs heavily.
"I don't know, man. I don't want it at all. But if things get to that point..."
"If it gets to that point and you see that you are at an impasse, it means that she's not the right girl for you. It's that simple," Kaneda says. "And there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes people just don't work together and it's no one's fault but circumstances'."
"I know. But it's been a while since I wanted something to work so much in my life," Okubo admits, a little embarrassed, but unable to contain himself. "You can say I sound like a sappy fagot and shit, but I don't think I'll find anyone like her anytime soon. And I don't want to. I just didn't want to have to give up one thing to have the other. It's so fucking unfair"!
"Maybe you don't have to!," Rihito says, leaning to the side when making a sharp turn. "If she really was that deranged like you're saying, maybe she won't think it's that wrong. Who knows, maybe she even likes it," He suddenly gives a mischievous laugh. "Maybe she'll get all excited with your performance in a match and wants to try some moves with you on the mattress, hehehe..."
"Rihito, what are you saying..."
“No, Iron Fingers might be right. This is an outright muscle eater we're talking about," Himuro says to Kaneda. "Like, I don't think she would like to see Okubo killing someone in the middle of a match-"
"I don't even intend to! I almost killed my first opponent in Ultimate Fight and I'm traumatized to this day...," Okubo shivers. Himuro nods.
"See? She wouldn't like it, but a fair, violent, bloody fight is something else. Some girls really get turned on with this stuff. If that's Miss Uta's case..."
Okubo blinks. And then he opens a huge stupid smile, even blushing a little.
"Jeez, gigolo, you really think so? Because man, if I win a Kengan match and it gets my Tomoh all horny for me, I'll be more than happy to crush other people's faces!"
"Fucking simp!"
"Fuck off, Rihito," He snorts while Himuro and Kaneda laugh. "The day you feel the softness of the right titties, I'm the one who's going to be laughing."
"Look, I don't know if they were the right ones, but I sure felt the softness of several titties a few days ago," Rihito opens the very same stupid smile. "There's no best way to celebrate Komada's first victory in months, dammit. .."
"Oh yeah, you went to celebrate at Ms. Rino's club on the same day as Okubo's Kengan match," Kaneda comments, and Rihito nods, his chest puffed out.
"We sure as hell did! The girls were so sweet with us. First time I went to celebrate with Komada and Ivan too, since my official brothel bro gave up on that life," He mutters in a sullen tone, to which Okubo smiles in the corner.
“Sorry for that, man. I liked the Golden Pleasure Club as much as you, but I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything."
"I know, bro. 'We're happy for you, you know that," Rihito nods. "And it's because we know how important this is to you that we're telling you not to expect the worst. Your chick is a martial arts lover. She's the type who knows that, sometimes, men only understand each other through violence," He laughs. "Just tell it like it is. If she knows you like she says she does, she won't be on your case."
Okubo smiles wider, his chest lightening considerably. He scratches the back of his head.
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks..."
"Yeah, you're so right I'm almost wondering if you're really Rihito," Himuro arches an eyebrow, to which Kaneda chuckles.
"Don't they say that even a broken clock is right twice a day? Well…"
"Why don't you go screw yourselves? Fuckin' bastards," Rihito grumbles, ignoring the laughter of the others. "You shouldn't even be surprised, I've been on a winning streak like no other lately. It's one win after the other!"
"You say that, but you're still behind me on that last lap..."
"Not for long. Go boomerang!," He screams, and laughs loudly when said boomerang hits Yoshi right in front of him. Kaneda lets out an indignant exclamation.
"Aaah! I could accept it if it was a shell, but a boomerang? It's too humiliating!"
"People do what they can with what they have, man! Hell yeah!," He celebrates when he crosses the finish line in first place, even getting up from the mat to do a little victory dance. "Another glorious victory for me, dammit! The other pizza is all mine!"
"Shit…," Himuro grunts, rolling his eyes while Kaneda scratches his headr tiredly. ​​"Now we're going to have to put up with this bullshit… can I go smoke on your balcony, Okubo? I'll close the glass door so the smoke doesn't get in, I just need to put nicotine into my system to withstand this..."
“Sure, man, go kill your heartache with some cancerogenous smoke,” Okubo jokes as Rihito does a victory dance in the middle of the room. Kaneda sighs and puts down the joy-con as Himuro marches to the apartment's balcony, looking pissed, ignoring Rihito's mocking laughter as best he can.
"Who said Superman's winning streak would be short-lived, huh? I'm kicking some major ass!"
"Yeah, just be careful not to fuck it up to the point of fucking your business," Okubo hands him another pizza box, still unopened. "Yamashita is sending you messages about your employees’ licenses issues. Better get that outta the way before it comes back to bite you in the ass, man."
Rihito moans loudly, throwing his head back.
"Damn, I hate these bureaucracies."
"It's annoying, but necessary, since you're a CEO as well as a fighter," Kaneda comments while turning off the Switch. "The sooner you deal with this, the better."
"Okay, okay, I'll stop by his office on Friday and sort this thing out, I promise," Rihito nods before turning to Okubo. "And you! You better solve this mess with Miss Uta sooner than later too. We can't wait for this soap opera to end and for us to reap the fruits of it."
"Bro, I swear to God, if you talk about her friend's phone number one more time...!"
"Nah, this time I'll be quiet. Unless, of course, you mention to her that we were the ones who pushed you in the right direction, and if she wants to thank us by being generous..."
Kaneda ends up laughing, and even Himuro, from the balcony, lets out a low, husky chuckle. Okubo just rolls his eyes, but he does so while trying to hold a smile back.
He was already kind of indebted to his friends for everything they had done to help him sort things out with Tomori, Rihito in particular. If everything worked out between them and she accepted this unconventional aspect of his life, why not bring the subject up? At least Rihito would stop pestering them like that. And he would pay off his debt.
"I hope your friend likes inconvenient idiots as much as you do, Tomoh..."
* * *
"So, what do you think?," Okubo asks while closing the door behind him, his tone a bit playful to disguise his shyness. "Is it as you imagined or did the typical masculine carelessness exceed your expectations?"
"What exceeded my expectations was the size. Holy crap...," Tomori comments, sounding impressed, as she walks around the living room of his apartment, even walking backwards so she can contemplate the place as a whole. "So this is how the luxury apartments in Tokyo's upscale area are from the inside!
"Eh, there are much more luxurious buildings around here, to be honest. For a guy who lives alone, this is enough," He decrees, hands on hips, to which she smiles a little mockingly at him.
"A guy who lives alone and has lotta cash in the bank, right?"
"Hey, I'm no saudi prince, but I deserve to have some luxuries with the money I earn working, right?," He shrugs, taking it in stride. "You could also have some if you let me spend a little on you..."
"Nah-ah-ah! You can stop right there," She raises the palm of her right hand to him like a traffic cop. "I'm getting enough luxuries just to be able to spend one night here with you. You sure there's no problem?"
"None! I cleaned the whole place to be worthy of your presence," He jokes, going to her and hugging her around the waist. "I even went to the market and stocked the fridge, all with your teachings in mind. We'll be able to watch Seki's fight in style!"
"Really? Such consideration!," She returns the hug, smiling at him. "Unless, of course, this is a very well thought out scheme to make me cook."
"Would you rather eat food made by me then? The guy who couldn't even get the shape of rice balls right before you showed him how?"
"I would help you! It would be a nice thing for us to do together."
"I'm up for it, but right now I'm thinking of something else for us to do together...," He bends down to reach her, exchanging a peck with her before going to kiss and nibble her neck, to which she laughs and shivers with the tickling.
"Wow, I really spoiled you, didn't I? Leave it for tonight, after Mr. Seki's match," She murmurs against his mouth, after giving him a longer kiss. "Then the gratuitous violence on television will have put me in the perfect mood."
"You're such a weirdo, Tomoh."
"Pot, meet kettle. I've got your number, mr. 'I-Get-Sad-And-Pouty-When-The-Woman-I-Like-Doesn't-Let-Me-Spend-Stacks-Of-Money-On-Her'."
"That just makes you even weirder," He smiles more, lifting her off the ground and making her scream. "And it makes me like you more and more..."
He kisses her again, and even though she starts slapping his shoulders, she doesn't protest in the slightest. On the contrary, she manages to encircle his waist with her legs, and Okubo concludes that it would be very easy to take her to the bedroom (or to the sofa, in case they concluded that the distance between the bedroom and the living room was too great) and get busy with her. The could leave the tour on the whole apartment for after they've satisfied themselves. They would have all day, after all.
It was so good to have fallen in love with a woman who seemed to have the same sex drive as him, or at least enough that neither of them ended up frustrated. Another of the many things they had in common, and he couldn't get enough of discovering more and more of them every time they were together.
It was what made him not want to believe what Kaneda had said a few days ago. That speech about her not being the right girl for him, in case their opinions regarding his participation in an association that promoted underground fights were very discordant. Where else would he find someone as amazing as her? Someone he was so in tune with? Where else would he find that warmth, that joy, that feeling that everything in the world was in the right place when he was with her?
He didn't want to give that up if he could help it. He wanted to get those doubts out of the way so he could commit to her, and not hide anything else. The opportunity had arisen when Sekibayashi Jun's next performance had been announced to be broadcast on a pay-per-view channel, and Okubo had offered his own television, with the combat channels already included in its premium subscription package, to Tomori, so that she herself would not have to pay.
"Is everything all right for you, Naoh?," She had asked, surprised and a little hesitant, after he had made the offer during their date a few days before. He had nodded with a laidback smile. "It won't be any trouble?"
"Of course not! Why would having you at my place would be trouble?"
"No, that's not it. It's just that... now I know that you get a little jealous of seeing me kissing up to other fighters, so I don't want to push your goodwill..."
She had looked embarrassed, and Okubo had felt bad for making her think he was the kind of possessive idiot who was jealous of even the celebrities his girlfriend admired. He reached across the table where they were both eating, in a small pub.
"You won't, I promise. I'd never ask you to put aside your love for martial arts because of my insecurities, Tomori. It's that dedication that makes you who you are, and I'll never want to change that."
She had smiled when he had touched her face, lifting her fingers to touch his hand as well.
"Great. Thank you..."
"And there's no reason for me to be jealous of that old man Sekibayashi, who's more like a grandpa on a national scale than anything else, haha!"
"He's not even ten years older than you, so your national grandpa status shouldn't be more than a decade away either."
"Hey, hey, how long are you going to make fun of my age? That says more about you than me, you old man lover!"
She had laughed out loud, holding his hand up to her face and turning her head to the side to plant a kiss in the palm.
"I'm not an old man lover! I only like one in particular..."
He would have kissed her right there if the place had been more suitable. And now that they were there, in his apartment, away from judgmental eyes and safe behind all those walls, he just couldn't and didn't want to stop.
If being completely honest with her had been easier and potentially less painful, he already would have been. He would have taken her to watch a Kengan match live, even. But the fear of losing all that was still too much, so he preferred to test the waters before being more open. A good start would be to give her a fun day, back at his apartment, which she's been wanting to visit for a while. Combining business with pleasure, that's what they called it.
“And if I can tame the beast with some sexy times, even better!”
The thought makes him deepen the kiss, whereupon she moans softly against his mouth and grips his shoulders through the top of his shirt.
"Hnnn... man, you really don't waste time..."
"I'm no broken clock to waste time. I like to get straight to the point, you know..."
"I know that well now. But I still want to see the rest of your apartment, you know."
"Oh, we can take a tour right now," He suggests, pulling his lips away from hers just enough to be able to speak. "Starting with my room…"
"Oooh, that's right. Your room," Her eyes suddenly narrow. "It's the place I'm most curious to see, to be honest."
He smiles, all mischievous. "Heh, I can imagine why. I assure you, my bed is almost as big as the one in that love hotel's room-"
“I still haven't got even for that day."
Okubo's smile dies a little, giving way to bewilderment.
"Yup. Put me down, please," She asks, and he, even more confused, obliges. She marches into the hallway, as Okubo follows. What the hell was she...?
His question is answered when she reaches a door at the end of the hall. She turns to him, arching an eyebrow.
"Is this your room?"
"Uh… yes, it is," He nods, his brow furrowed. "Why? What are you...?"
And instead of answering, she simply reaches out and grabs the  doorknob, turning it and opening the door. Okubo can only stare, speechless, as she looks over her shoulder at him, gives him a petulant look as if daring him to protest, and enters the room without even asking permission.
Shit, he didn't know whether to be indignant or have a fit of laughter. He opts for a middle ground, chuckling softly as he rolls his eyes.
"Okay, I deserved that."
And he enters the room right behind her.
He watches her, from the doorway, walk around the room while inspecting everything with interest. He chuckles again when she places a hand over her chin, frowning.
"Not at all. Your bed is really big, wow...," She comments, sitting on the huge mattress, and he smiles more.
"Now you can see why I want to get you there so badly. Just imagine how comfortable it is...," He pats one of the pillows, very pleased to demonstrate its softness. In general, his room was a bit plain, with the king size bed custom-made for him, the dressers flanking it, the closet and the bathroom with a huge bathtub that completed the suite. More personal things that denoted more of his personality and tastes were in his game and reading rooms, but banging her in those places wouldn't be nearly as comfortable as here. "And there's even a view of the city lights at night!"
He indicates the large window in the wall beside the bed, which gave them a view of the surrounding apartment complexes. Tomori smiles, lying on her side on the bed.
"Yeah, it must be very romantic..."
"That's because you haven't seen my lighting system yet! Check it out..."
He rushes to draw the curtains around the window, plunging the room into a soft gloom. And then he claps his hands twice, while throwing a mysterious smile at her.
"Open Sesame!"
Tomori lets out a sound that was a mix of laughter and excited gasp as soft lights come on behind the headboard and at strategic points on the ceiling, around the main source of light, giving the room a cozy atmosphere. She claps her hands as well as she sits back on the mattress.
"Beautiful! I'm going to love sleeping here tonight."
"Thank you, thank you very much," He gives a playful bow. "But you sure won't love it as much as I will!"
"We'll see about that... but look, Naoh, the correct phrase would be 'let there be light', right? ‘Open Sesame’ is for opening things, not turning on lights, haha.
"… If I say that what I wanted was to 'open your legs', will I be able to get away with being made fun of without sounding like a complete asshole?"
She laughs out loud, opening her arms to him.
"No, you won't. Now come here and kiss me before I change my mind and hit you."
And he goes, flushed but still as happy as he can be, climbing onto the bed and holding her close as he complies with her request with an excitement that has her giggling against his mouth. Soon they were lying on the bed, he propping himself up on his elbows so he wouldn't put too much weight on her, her hands touching his back over his shirt as her legs lifted, her feet brushing the sides of his hips.
“Hnnn… I kinda made a miscalculation,” she murmurs after they've both pulled back just enough to catch their breath. Okubo blinks.
"Yeah. I should've explored the other rooms in your apartment before I decided to be petty and go into your room. I can see that we won't be able to get out of here anytime soon, haha..."
"And you think you won't have another opportunity to see everything?," He looks at her with a malicious smile. "Or to spend the night here more often?"
She smiles back, practically melting under him at those words.
"Now that I've heard it, I don't think so anymore."
And she then brings him for another kiss, already starting to try to take his shirt off by the hem. She loved to joke about how he was in a hurry, but he sure as hell wasn't the only one there who wasted no time...
He loved it when she didn't stall and showed ho much she wanted him. Promptly, Okubo removed the shirt she held by the hem, letting her help him, and promptly letting her caress his ego with her eyes. And her brown eyes, practically devouring him, made him feel like he was on fire.
"I really don't know how you can think you're ugly," She purrs, those avid eyes seeming to burn. "I think you're really hot, I always have…"
"I don't think men are hot, that must be why," he jokes back. "But you…," he kisses her neck, lifting her blouse.
She raises her arms to make his job easier, and soon, her breasts supported by her pale blue bra are visible to him in all their glory.
"I never get tired of hearing that, you know?," She murmurs, her tone desirous. "I used to get frustrated, thinking that you only thought I was cute. But now that I know you think I'm hot too... wow, that drives me crazy...," And she lifts her hips a little to rub herself between his legs, through the fabric of her skirt.
“Always and always,"” He pulls her bra over it this time, so as not to confuse where the clasp is, and he immediately buries his face between her breasts, purring contentedly with her softness, warmth, and scent. She giggled as she shivered at his breath on her skin.
"Your favorite pillow, right? Oooh...," She gasps softly with his kisses there in the middle. "Naoh..."
"More than that…," he laughs softly. "It’s closer to the heart of the one I love…"
The smile fades as her mouth opens in an O of astonishment, her brown eyes widening. He could see a very distinctive glow forming at the bottom of them, her cheeks staining with that shade of pink he loved.
"... Huh? Naoya, you...," She swallows hard, and when she speaks again; her voice seems almost choked. "It's- It's the first time you say that..."
He looks at her, big gray eyes peeking out between her breasts. "Hmm? Say what?"
"... You're really going to make me say it, aren't you?," She closes her mouth when her lower lip trembles a little. "It's the first time that you say you love me."
... Oh, fuck. Loudmouth was the perfect nickname for him, wasn't it?
He feels his face burning, his eyes widening, his stomach doing somersaults worthy of an acrobat. Holy shit, he had planned so much, rehearsed so many times in front of the mirror, had fantasized so much about the best ways to confess to her! But he had to blurt it out like that, on the spur of the moment!
“Well, there's nothing you can do about that now, dumbass! Just go with the flow and clear your doubts while you’re at it!"
"Oh..." he babbles, his face red. "Yeah… I said that. Do you like it?"
"… I do," She nods after hesitating, looking at him with an affection so intense it takes his breath away. "Because I feel the same way. I... I love you too, mountain. Uugh, you…!," She hides her face in her hands, as red as he is. "Making me act all sappy when I want to be naughty…!"
He blinks in astonishment, suddenly feeling all warm inside, smiling like an idiot, but not in a perverted way. It was almost as if his eyes had doubled in size, his breath hitching for a minute.
“Damn it, she loves me too!,” was all that ran through his head, like a wonderful movie that he would never get tired of replaying, over and over, until the idea sank in. He looks deep into her eyes, and in her flushed face, he sees no reason to doubt her words.
“She loves me too...”
Then his smile turns into something naughty. "And can't we be both? Here, I'll show you," he kisses her on the neck. "My beautiful, gorgeous, delicious brunette who fills me with hunger…!," and grunts against her skin between kisses. "Raaaawn!"
She squeals and laughs out loud, bucking all over beneath him, tears appearing in the corners of her eyes. He couldn't tell if they were from laughter, from happiness or both. All he knew was that she looked even more beautiful that way, damn it!
"Hahahaha! That's a low blohohohow...! My god...," She goes completely limp, throwing her head back, the smile seeming about to tear her face. "I'm so happy, I want you so much..."
"I want you too...," He lifts her skirt, kissing down to arouse her, and massaging her legs in the process, even kissing the inside of one of them to make her shiver with the proximity. And he succeeds, making her shudder all over as she bites her bottom lip.
"Hnnn… you really like kissing me there, don't you? Ever since that time at the love hotel..."
"A fruit like that is something I'll always want to eat," he surprises her by going straight to the middle of her legs, over her panties, biting the fabric. She arches her back into the bed, letting out a loud sound of astonishment and pleasure as she wraps her legs around his head automatically, making his face practically rub against it. Holy shit, that was a leg lock capable of knocking any motherfucker down, no matter how big he was!
"Aaaah...! Yeah, right there...," She support her hands on his head, her nails passing through his scalp, scratching lightly. He only gets a little space to run a finger and push aside her panties and kiss her, right there in the middle. And he opens her lips with his tongue to reach a very important part.
Her moan echoes in the room, her legs opening wider and letting him breathe as well as giving him more room to work. He sees her lift her head, staring at him from between her breasts rising and falling with her breath, her eyes almost black.
"Yes, I love your tongue, I love you, I- oooh, yes, yes...!," She closes her teary eyes tightly with his licks. If he wanted romance amongst the naughtiness, that's what he was going to get. He smiles and kisses her more languidly, loving the sounds she was making, squeezing her buttocks in his hands, lifting her a little higher to explore new areas.
Her toes twitch as she bites her mouth, hands cupping her breasts, her fingers playing with her own nipples. She thanked every deity that might exist that he learned so quickly, that tongue was devilish in every sense of the word. But the damn panties getting in the way were so annoying... she reaches out to cup his face, making him stop.
"Naoh, I wanna try something…"
He stops, looking at her and licking his lips. "What?"
She pulls away just enough so that she can take off her panties, dropping them on the bedroom floor. And then she pats the mattress with her hand, right beside her.
"Lie down for me, please…"
Okubo complies, smirking, curious as to what she's going to do. She notices that he was already quite excited under his pants. If he was like this with just tasting her… She really hoped he was only going to get even more excited about what she was going to do from then on. She smiles, climbing on top of him and kissing him, tasting herself on his tongue before stopping. And then she climbs higher, lifting her hips, until she's right on top of his face, her legs straddled and braced on either side of his head, her breathing faster with the urge.
“Wow, I've always wanted to try this… wanna try it too?"
He smiles. "Wow, if you always wanted to, then it's my dream," he pulls her to literally sit on his face, and sighs. "Nnnnh, thanks, ahahhah," and he laughs before kissing her again.
She can barely laugh along, already moaning with satisfaction and bracing her hands on the headboard for support, moving her hips back and forth slowly, following the path of his tongue.
"Hnnnn, you're- you're welcome... ooh, yeah, you're doing so great... I taught you well, didn't I? Hnnnn...!"
"Being hot is your natural talent…," he says while savoring, supporting her buttocks with his arms so that she can move more comfortably. And she gladly does, squirming in his face and loving it, shivering and throwing her head back every time his tongue goes over her clit, moaning loudly because she knew how much he loved to hear it.
"Oooh...! Naoh, this feels so good... I-I'm almost there, don't stop...!"
And he wouldn't be crazy to do that. He even sucked at her noisily, massaging her legs even more, taking a lick to catch her honey, and punishing her clit with his tongue.
The "punishment" proves too much for her, and soon he's tasting her, pure and concentrated, on his tongue, accompanied by those familiar pulsations and her moan that was almost a scream, filling his ears like erotic music.
"AaaAAAAH! Naoooh...," She bends forward, her legs shaking on either side of his head. "My- My god, you're too good for me, hnnnn..."
This softened his ego so much that if someone made a roast beef out of him right now, it would be the juiciest of dishes. He gave her one last kiss before making her come down and sit on his lap so he could appreciate her face, her messy hair, her rosy cheeks, her shuddering breath. She finds his semi-smug face.
"I'm just what you deserve me to be, Tomoh..."
She even shudders at the husky tone of his voice, as well as the place where she was sitting. The bulge brushing between her sensitive parts…she shivers all over as she bends down to kiss him, not caring that his mouth was all sticky.
"Hnnn... oh yeah? So you deserve me to be very good to you too..."
And she bends down to kiss and lick his broad chest, as he had done to her. He laughs a little, feeling a little ticklish, but still lets her kiss him, holding onto her waist, biting his lip as he feels her sway on top of him. He wanted to remove the rest of her clothes, but he let her play with him a little more. Things shouldn't be rushed, not when he wanted to enjoy every second.
Soon her hands were on the waistband of his pants, and apparently she didn't have much patience for teasing that day, because she was soon opening the button and unzipping his pants, licking her lips as she did so.
“Hnnn… you got that way just from licking me?," She asks hoarsely, getting rid of his pants and holding his cock by the base.
"And seeing you, smelling you… I have to control myself, you know? Hnm," he sighs when she holds him and starts massaging him. "And now, with you touching me, there's no other way I can be…"
"I can see that... what if I do this?," She looks at him as she licks the tip, circling it with her tongue before closing her lips around it and sucking. "Hnnn…"
He trembles, biting his lip and hissing. "I think… oh… I don’t think I need to answer, right…? Ooh…," he holds her hair, in a ponytail on top of her head, so as not to disturb either her job or the view. She responds by lowering her mouth further, circling it with her tongue and then moving up while applying pressure. And from there she said nothing more, letting her actions speak for herself, eyes closed as she moved her head up and down, her mouth making smacking sounds. Her enjoying doing it so much was something he was never going to get tired of, holy shit.
"Tomori... hmmmm…," he murmurs. "Ooh… and you still talk about me… oohh… I'm loving this… hmmm… yeah, babe, just like that, oohm…"
She looks at him, not stopping what she was doing, but changing tactics a little by releasing him and closing her mouth around his cock, goingo up and down while holding him with one hand, the other resting on his thigh. That mischievous face, those eyes staring shamelessly into his... how could he ever think she was the epitome of innocence?
He had never been so happy to be wrong. Wolf in sheep's clothing, indeed. And what a wolf!
"Hnnn… I really do," She murmurs after releasing him to breathe. "Because I know you're as naughty as I am," And she keeps going back and forth with her tongue, from base to tip. He doesn't deny it, because it was the purest truth, and because that hot pressure rising prevented him from being very coherent.
"Uuhh… hnmmm… Tomoh… oh," he trembles. "I'm… hmm… I'm almost…"
She retraces all the way to the tip at that, closing her mouth around him again and sucking hard, massaging what she couldn't quite swallow with her fingers, her tongue punishing the slit, as he had done to her. He loved it when she got vindictive like that, damn it!
"Hmmm! Oohh… Tomo-ohhh!," he arches his back at his climax, trembling at the base, and upon feeling that he's locked, she quickly feels him spurt into her mouth, hot and plentiful. She sucked some more to clean it all up, enjoying his dazed face. She then lets go of him, taking a deep breath and licking her lips before going up, kissing his body all the way until she reaches his mouth, which she kisses even harder.
"Hnnn, I love the way you taste..."
He doesn't respond right away this time, just reciprocating, hugging her tightly, massaging her back, hips and buttocks happily, and then letting go of her mouth.
"Hnn... I can't find anything I don't love about you, Tomori."
She smiles, and this time, it was a tender, cheerful, adorable smile like only the ones she knew how to give. She gives him a peck and hugs him back, her head snuggled into his shoulder.
"If you think about it a little bit, you should find something, but I won't ask you to do that. Right now I can't think of anything I don't love about you too..."
He smiles, stroking her hair. It was so soft… he even closed his eyes in satisfaction, stretching out on the bed. He could feel himself light-headed, carefree…
"Naoh...," She calls out suddenly, her voice low, hesitant. "Did you… did you mean it when you said that earlier? It... wasn't it on the spur of the moment?"
"Hm?," he looks at her. "I decided to be honest with you, didn't I? So, yeah, I'm serious...," He didn't want to say how much he wasn't willing to let go of her at any moment; he still feared that it could be used against him, somehow. He loved her and that was undeniable, but holy shit, if that story about true love not making you blind wasn't true. She curls up in his arms, sighing.
“It's just that sometimes it feels too good to be true, you know. I don't know if you feel the same or if it's just me..."
"I have no idea how to compare it, Tomoh…," he sighs. "But I just know that I really care and I'm willing to prove it."
"… Then say it again," She asks, swallowing a little. "Please. Now that our heads are a little clearer..."
She sounded fragile, for some reason. As if she was afraid of something and wanted to be reassured, comforted…he didn't know what had caused it, or if for some reason she had trouble believing it. But if that was a trap...
“Is that what you expect from the woman you swear you love? Maybe you don't love her that much then. And you keeps accusing her of always jumping to the worst conclusions.”
Guilt makes him cringe too. And it's the desire to prove to his conscience how wrong it was that impels him to say what she wanted to hear, and honestly, what he's wanted to say for so long.
"I love you, Tomori," he smiles, and speaks a little louder. "I love you, Shortie."
She lets out a loud, pig-like snort and quickly covers her mouth to stifle her ridiculous laughter. He, on the other hand, laughs out loud without trying to hide it.
"What the fuck was that noise?!
"Shut- Shut up, leave me alone! You're the one who started with this 'shortie' thing..."
"Which is what you are!"
“Anyone is short next to you, you freakin' Ent..."
"If you knew half of my social circle, you wouldn't say that. Now it's your turn!"
"Me? Oooh, now I don't want to..."
"No, now I want to hear it from you too, Piglet!"
She slaps his chest, trying to look angry and failing. There's a brief moment of silence before she looks up at him, her cheeks flushed, a smile lifting the corners of her lips.
"I love you too, Naoya."
He kisses her, as if to reward her, but also tickles her just as a joke, trapping her. It works, considering how she giggles against his lips and squirms, trying to escape his arms but soon giving up.
"Uugh, you take advantage of me just because I'm a 'shortie'…," She whimpers after returning the kiss. "I'm glad I found ways to knock you down, haha."
"I want you to knock me down, that's why I tease you," He smiles mischievously. "How are you going to do it now?"
Her lids droop, her brown eyes darkening again. She lifts her head enough to brush her lips against his neck, tracing his Adam's apple with her tongue and slowly sucking the skin there as she wraps her legs around his waist.
"I'll do it with words," She murmurs in a hoarse tone. "Let me ride you like a bull, c'mon."
"Ooohh," he smiles at her, after shivering with her words. "So you want me to be your bull… hehe, I like that…," he holds her breasts. "But only if you let me move like one and give you trouble."
"Even better. I'm going to love to tame this bull," She bites her lower lip with his hands on her breasts, giving him a quick peck "Do you have a condom? I brought one in my purse, but it's in the living room and I'm too lazy to get out of bed and go get it, hahaha."
"Yeah, I do," he reaches out to get his pants, and from there he removes his wallet, handing it to her. "Right here!"
"Thank you very much. Now if you excuse me...," She kisses him, and with her hands on his shoulders, she encourages him to lie down again. She goes back to holding his cock by the base, stroking it with her hand in that up and down movement that made him a little dizzy. She even went back to licking and kissing the tip to make it easier, dammit... he couldn't stay put in bed after that. Or, just that specific part. The rest lay flat, while another grew larger.
"Ohh… I really can't get enough of this, Tomoh."
"I know, that's why I can't either," She gives him a wink before covering him up and getting up, positioning herself on top of him and biting her bottom lip as she made him brush against her, threatening to fit and not doing so, just to tease him. "Are you enjoying the view?"
"Yeah... it's the best view," he smiles, keeping his hands away from her, but placing them under the torso, his eyes narrowing with the near-contact. "I love when you tease me, I can't get enough…"
She lifts her hips just enough to position herself, and then she moans softly as she sits back down, shuddering at the warm, luscious feel of him slowly entering her. "Ooh, I can't get enough of that either…!"
He hisses low at the contact, but doesn't hold her legs this time. He starts to move his hips with her on top of him. "Now… hmm… it's your turn to ride the bull, he's moving..."
She gasps when he thrusts deeper into her like that, hitting a spot that made her nearly lose her balance. She leans her hands on the headboard again, moaning and trying to keep up with the movements of his hips as she lowers and raises hers, squeezing herself in the process so it feels even better for him.
"Oooh... Let's- Let's see about that... hnnn, Naoh...!"
"Hnmmm… Tomoo ohh…," he groans, moving his hips with her. "Hmm… I can feel you taking me all the way in, oohhh…," He looked at her, his eyes seeming to devour her, while he hissed and gasped with her grips and thrusts.
“And you're going so deep, I love it so much…” She gasps, her expression a little dazed, and he watches her breasts bounce as she rides him hard, sweat trickling down her skin, her full and wavy hair disheveled, wild. Hell, what had he done to deserve such a wonderful view? He didn't know but he was loving it and he wanted her wild like that whenever she wanted to ride him.
"Ohhh… Tomori…," he bites his lip, moving his hips harder. "Hnmmmm… that's so fuckin' good… but… I want to see you…," and he takes a hand to the middle of her legs, rubbing her clit with his thumb. "I wanna see you coming for me…"
"Aaaah! I- I will, I'm almost there, almost...! Na- NaooOOH!," And she collapses on top of him, shivering all over as she squeezed him hard in those rhythmic pulses, and it was so good that she was so much smaller than him, because it felt even better that way, holy shit...!
"Ooohhh… me- me too- hhnnNNNn!," he trembles as he collapses onto the mattress with her on top of him, instinctively holding her hips as he reaches his climax, panting heavily, even rolling his eyes back in delight. He hears, from somewhere in the distance, her breathless giggle. He feels her soft, warm, sweaty body lie over his, and soon, her lips are attacking his in a hungry kiss, her chest rising and falling quickly with his.
"Hnnn... there- there we go... a duly tamed bull..."
"Moooow!," he bellows playfully, laughing out loud along with her afterwards. She gives him one more kiss before lifting her hips, pulling him out of her, and pulling out the condom for him. And she even gives one more lick and a suck on the tip to emphasize, that miniature devil. He shudders and gasps, and she smirks at him.
"You clown... lucky for you that was so good..."
"You're invited to do it more often with me," he smiles, rolling over on the bed to face down. "Come on, let's see the bathroom and then we'll take a shower so we can watch Seki's match."
“If we fit in your bathtub together, I'm up for it. Carry me?," She asks, reaching her arms to him. "My legs are still wobbly, riding you demands a lot from me."
"Don't even ask twice," he picks her up and carries her, taking her to the bathroom. "hohoho, I'm carrying you like a princess! I love it."
"I'm the King of Combat's princess then?" I love it too," She giggles, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes, smiling satisfied. "I accept the title with all the honors that come with it. Being carried is one of them."
"No, no, princesses are too cute for what you really are," He laughs. "If I'm the King, then you have to be the Queen."
She flushed with happiness, even swinging her legs as she hugged him back.
“Okay, a Queen, then. Your queen…”
He had to stop himself from bouncing with happiness as he carried her into the bathroom. He still wanted to retain a shred of goddamn dignity!
* * *
"Damn, Naoh… your bathtub is a dream come true!," Tomori sighs while she and Okubo leave the bathroom, steam following them through the door left open. He smiles as he closes it behind him.
"Did you like it?"
"I loved it! It was like walking into a private bath house where no one makes a fuss about my tattoo,” She smiles at him over her shoulder, finishing wrapping herself in the fluffy towel. His expression becomes insinuating.
"And where we won't be kicked out if we decide to play in there a little. All pros and no cons," He approaches and bends down, moving her wet hair away to smell the nape of her neck, making her shiver. "You can bathe in it whenever you want."
"Hnnn… and what is the fee?"
"Your cookies, your kisses... and whatever else you want to give me," And he takes a bite on her warm and fragrant skin, making her shudder and laugh, moving away from him by slapping his hand.
"You're very easy to please, aren't you?"
"Yeah, that's how lucky you are! Almost as much as I am..."
"Stop it, you...," She laughs and gasps when he grabs her by the hips, pulling her to smell and kiss her neck. "That way we'll end up in an endless sex-bath cycle, again and again..".
“You say it like it's a bad thing."
"It's not, but I really don't want to lose Mr. Seki's match. C'mon, don't make that face," She asks when he frowns. "I already told you that you have no reason to be jealous..."
"What? ... Oh no, that's not it," He shakes his head after a few seconds of confusion. "I was just remembering something and I got thoughtful..."
"Can I know what it is or is this another one of your secrets?"
"No…," He scratches the back of his head, looking to the side in sudden embarrassment. "​​I can talk about it, but it's just… it's kinda ridiculous, to be honest."
"Look, I think we've already reached the intimacy stage where ridiculous situations are part of the package," She argues. "We've moved on from there. I promise I won't make fun of it... too much."
He rolls his eyes, trying not to smile too much when she laughs.
"I would be worried about you if you didn't make fun of it. Anyway...," He shakes his head. "Remember that time when I was trying to win you back after my fuck-up? With the gifts and everything..."
She raises her eyebrows a little, nodding slowly.
"Kinda hard to forget. First the chocolate box, then half a flower shop's stock..."
"And you liked it, you can stop with the exasperated tone," He snorts. "But anyway, the chocolate and the flowers… they weren't the first gifts I bought for you. There's another one... and you can use one of them if you like. They're comfortable..."
"Huh?," She blinks, momentarily confused. And then her eyes widen a little when she understands. "Wait, you – you bought me clothes?"
“Uh… yes?," It was supposed to come out as a statement, but it came out more like a question, given the slight nervousness.
"In plural?"
"Aah… oh, Naoh…," She blushes a bit, scratching an arm. "I… oh, damn, I don't want to sound ungrateful, I swear I'm happy about it, but… how much did they cost?"
He frowns, a little sullen.
“Hey, hey, you don't ask the price of a gift given from the heart."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I...," She ends up sighing. "Anyway, why didn't you give them to me before, in that case?"
"Well… I was going to, but the guys warned me that it might be… inappropriate," He gestures uncertainly. "Under the circumstances, at least."
She blinks again. And then her eyes widened even more, her checks blushing even harder, and this time it wasn't hard for Okubo to read her expression.
"It's not lingerie or anything like that!," he exclaims, alarmed, and she immediately relaxes, taking a deep breath in relief.
"Oooh, good… but what else would be considered inappropriate, in that case?," She asks, and it's his turn to blush. He wets his lips and turns to his closet.
"Yeah, I think you'd better see for yourself..."
He opens the door, allowing her a brief glimpse of the various shelves drawers, the hangers and the items of clothing they hold, the shoes, the baseball caps and various boxes containing sporting equipment before he closes the door behind him. He leaves about half a minute later, carrying a pile of T-shirts, looking a little mortified.
"Okay... first of all, promise you won't get mad at me?"
“I… I don't know if I can promise something like that, so I'll just promise I'll try,” She says after hesitating, to which he sighs.
"Fair enough... here, they're all the same size, so if they don't fit... oh no, the refund deadline has already expired, so it doesn't even matter," He sighs again, more dramatically, and Tomori just can't contain herself.
"Damn, now I'm more curious than worried! Let me see this..."
She picks up the top T-shirt from the pile and unfolds it. She is expressionless for about a second. Then her jaw drops.
"Oh, God..."
"Yeah…," he pouted. "I bought some shirts printed with my face from the store, because well, you're my fan, and I thought if I gave you some… but the guys said…," and he stopped, looking at her. "What's with that face, Tomoh?"
“… It's- It's just that I…,” She starts to say, not seeming to know how to continue. She turns the T-shirt over, checking the back of it and showing him his own face, in profile and smiling, stamped there in a scale of white and gray. She clenches her mouth, holding back a farting sound. "I… I kinda already have one of these, hahaha!"
"... Oh," he sighs. "Okay, I didn't see that coming. So does that mean you like it?"
"Of course!," She exclaims, clearly more relaxed, and that was a tremendous relief. "I mean, if you'd given me that back then, I would've found you very audacious," She admits, but without stopping smiling. "But now… damn, why I wouldn't like it? You gave me the entire collection!," She leaves the shirt aside and goes to inspect the others, excited. "Do you want me to wear one of them, then?"
"Well, they are kind of tailored for you, I think," he says, without much idea in his head. "I hope I got the size right and it's not too tight."
"Let me see…," She removes the towel, allowing him to have his favorite view for a few seconds before putting on one of the shirts. She opens her arms, smiling, showing his own face on her chest. "Yeah, it fits! How do I look?"
"Just like Donald Duck," he laughs. "Wearing a shirt and nothing else."
“Uh… aaah, you jerk!," She hides the middle of her legs with her hands, turning red again, while he bursts out laughing. "If I knew how to make a Donald Duck impression, I'd tell you everything you deserve to hear in his voice!"
"Hahahah, and who said I didn't like it?," Okubo smiles. "You look great in it. If it was up to me, you'd watch the match like this. It would make my job easier later..."
She puffs out her cheeks, still flushed.
"Pervert... I'll wear at least one pair of pajama shorts. Can you imagine me jumping up and down and screaming while my lady bits are ventilated? No, thanks!," She lets him have one more fit of laughter before continuing, smiling knowingly. "But you sure don't play around, huh. Wanting me to watch another one of my idols fight while wearing your face on my chest... they call it 'marking territory', right?"
"Oh, come on," he laughs again. "It's not like you're making a fool of yourself for wearing my face on your clothes… except if it was in front of an audience."
"I know I'm not. But I'd only wear it in front of an audience if you were also wearing something like that, so we can even it out," She jokes.
"Hmmm…," He has an idea. "I think I know exactly what I can do! Wait a minute," he walks into the closet and closes the door. About a minute later, he speaks from inside. "Ready, Tomoh?"
 “I have no idea what for, but sure,” She nods, looking curiously at the door.
"Okay, there you go!," he walks out the door, and there he is, dressed from head to toe as a clown. "Ta-daaaa," he waves his gloved hands, smiling, joking around.
"Uh- Ooooh, my God!," She scratches like a crow, laughing and then pointing. "It's a Kuidaore Taro costume! I can't believe you have something like this, hahahaha!"
"Well, this is a new version, but yes, I do," he scratches the back of his neck. "I wore it in the last tournament I participated in, the guys even encouraged me… but nobody recognized me and that sucked," He sighs. "But it's fine, at least my number one fan recognized it and that's enough for me."
"How could I not recognize it? I baked a whole batch of cookies with his face the second time you visited the bakery, remember? Oh, my Gohohohod...," She bends over herself, still laughing. "All that's missing is the little drum and the drumsticks! Oooh man, I have to take a picture, wait!," And she runs out of the room, with her ass still out.
"Okay, now I'm feeling kinda weird watching you run with your ass out like a nutcase. I want to see more, but I'm dressed as a clown and it's distracting me from my cosplay! My God, that's so fucking perverted, ahahhahaha," He stifles a laugh.
"Dude, control yourself, you have to maintain the character! Come here, the lighting in the living room is better," She calls, and when he goes, she's wearing tiny silk shorts, her phone already in her hand. "Okay, can you concentrate better now?"
"Awwww…," he pouted, and in that costume, it looked like someone had hurt the clown's feelings. "Now I'm bummed, I wanted to keep this mental image of you being cute and sexy in my living room…"
"Naoya, look at the size of these pajama shorts! Only the complete set can be sexier than that," She slaps her own ass, laughing. "You'll see for yourself later. Come on, you don't want to appear in the photo with your 'circus tarp' all set up, do you? Hehehahaha!"
"Damn, that'd be one hell of a weird porn… but I'm not going to do that. Okay, if you're taking a pic, what pose should I do?"
"The classic 'playing drums' pose would be perfect, but I don't think you have the drum or the sticks... Oooh, I know, do a super sentai pose, it'll look funny!," She puts the phone horizontally. And relax, I won't" show it to anyone, it'll just be for me to keep as a souvenir. You look so cute, my God...!," she coos, and it didn't sound mocking. Hell, what had he done to deserve that woman?
He smiles. "Okay then, how about Ultraman's pose, like this?," he raises one arm and flexes the other, leaving his legs apart. "Then I'll open my best Kuidaore smile, just like this…," he smiles.
She laughs out loud and snaps the photo. And then another one hits. And other. And yet another, all of it non stop laughing, varying angles, herself seeming to strike poses in her excitement.
"That's perfect! Now flex your muscles... yes, just like that!," She was approving, and then she runs to him, hugging him from the side. "Wow, I can even see 'em through the costume! Lookin' gooood..."
"And it's all yours," He smiles. "Well, how about if I do this…?," He flexes his arms downwards, making them appear under the costume, and still looking smiling like an idiot, to Tomori's delight. "Yeah, now how about a-," He cuts himself off when he hears the doorbell ring "Oh".
She stops laughing, looking a little startled at the door.
"Oh, are- are you expecting someone? Who is that-"
"HEEEY, IS ANYBODY HOME?!," A thundering voice is heard from the other side of the door. "Is this where someone ordered a half margherita, half Florentine pizza, to match the owner's egg head?"
Tomori's eyes widen. "Rihito?"
"What the…!," he blinks. "I didn't invite him over…," He goes to the door and answers it. "Hey, Rihito, you could've told me you were coming, man!," He stops halfway to open the door when he sees Himuro and Kaneda. "Oh, you guys came too…," and he opens his mouth in astonishment when he notices the seven feet tall man right behind them. "Agito?!"
"Huh?," Tomori frowns, approaching to try to see behind Okubo's body. She could see Rihito, Himuro, Kaneda and... holy crap, who was that giant man right behind them?!
"Can you believe it, dude? Rihito ran into him when he was leaving Yamashita's office and…," Himuro was about to say, but he was interrupted as he looked him up and down, making a slightly perplexed expression. "What's with the costume?"
"And… Miss Uta? You're here?!," Kaneda widens his eyes when he notices Tomori, right behind Okubo. Rihito widens his eyes too, looking from her to the bald man, stopping to analyze the situation... and then making a face that was a mixture of horror and disgust.
"Holy shit, what the hell were you two doing in here?!"
The couple turns extremely red. An awkward silence falls over the group for a few moments. And that's when the huge man right behind the other three idiots, with slicked back dark hair, sunken eyes without eyebrows and wearing biker attire, finally speaks.
"Hnnn… is this what Narushima Koga calls 'bad timing'?"
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
Dumb kengan art
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gabi-theladylover · 1 year
made my first "comic".
Translation under the cut because I'm too tired to redo the text in English.
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Kaneda: Hey, hey Himuro come and see!
Himuro: oh, wut happen-WHAT THE FUCK.
Lihito: We were gonna go to the cinema but, god fucking damn it, we got stuck in these poses.
Himuro: I'm not even gonna question it...
Kaneda: We think (basically just me) that it's because we're missing Leonardo
Okubo: So, we wanted to ask you if you wanna be Leonardo, 'cause you're alread-
Himuro: NO
Okubo: Y tho?
Himuro: Because it's for idiots.
The other three: No shit. Also, your motif is wrong, sucker.
Big sigh
Himuro: Wouldn't it be easier to call, I dunno, Koga or Falcon? They both like Turtles and Ninjas.
Lihito: First of all, talk less, God dammit; Second of all, we invited Kuroki and he's currently waitinf for us outside the cinema.
Change of places: TO KUROKI!
Kuroki: Where the balls are those youngsters...
Kuroki:... and what the fuck is Albert doing, God dammit, how embarrassing... I regret taking him as my student.
Himuro: So... you're telling me you invited Kuroki "The Devil Lance" Gensai to see TMNT: Mutant Chaos with you? And he accepted? And he's currently waiting for you, but you are all currently frozen in these poses because you're missing Leonardo?
The other three: YES
Himuro: I'M IN
The 4 idiots get to the cinema
Lihito: Hai Kuroki!!!!! We made it!!!! :3
Kuroki: about time.
Lihito: sory :(
Kuroki: Ya know you can take those costumes off? You're adults now.
Himuro: I hate everyone of you. EVERYONE. Die fucking southerners.
Lihito: it happens.
Big ass explosion
The five of them: whatafak.
Kuroki: thank god Albert died.
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ezdroids · 2 years
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