#kenmore hills
canageek · 8 months
All right here's who I think is in the running to be declared as the new Hermits tomorrow:
Mike from Canmore
Stampy Longhead
Evil X
Double Grian
Joe Hills
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Pacific Appliance Repair Services, INC has been repairing and maintaining air conditioning units and countless other appliance types and brands for over ten years, aiding both individuals and businesses located within Los Feliz and many other areas throughout Los Angeles County. Additionally, our dedicated office staff works tirelessly to make sure that no matter when we receive your call or where you are calling from, you’ll receive the best possible response to address your questions or concerns as quickly as possible. Call us to schedule an appointment today for your air conditioning repair in Los Feliz!
Pacific Appliance Repair Services, INC 1757 N Serrano Ave #111, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (213) 234–7543
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Service We Offer:
Appliance repair Ac repair restaurant equipment repair Refrigerator Repair Heating Repair Washer & Dryer Repair Stove & Oven Repair
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mbta-unofficial · 4 months
The higher ups at the T don’t think the green line is meeting its potential. By expanding with a highway median alignment down route nine and restoring service to forest hills and watertown central we can make the street portals at kenmore look like a truly unwatchable porno
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 7 months
When Life has other plans (11/16)
Let’s Play ball
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, F!MC Casey Valentine, Tobias Carrick
Warnings: mentions of addiction, language, eludes to physical violence, references to masturbation
Catergory: Angst
Rating: Mature
Word count: 2335
Summary: It is the annual softball game between Mass Kenmore and it is an evening full of surprises.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: In all my realities of Open Heart, I have had the softball game as a turning point for not just the relationship between MC and Ethan but also for Tobias. Up until this point all he knows is what June has told him and any speculation he hears on the grapevine but this is the first time he sees them together in a more social setting and he starts making his own mind up coupled with what he remembers him being like. So enjoy the softball game in this AU and enjoy the Dr Carrick perspective.
There was excitement in the air. Not only was he the lead of the study in relation to Stephanie Hill but it was one of his favourite days of the year. The annual softball game between Mass Kenmore and Edenbrook. In the last decade that he has played, all the games had been close and the atmosphere enjoyable. He was, as always, looking forward to it but this year he seemed to be more so than normal. He had gotten his hand on the team list for Edenbrook. There was some names he did not recognize but there was one that caught his eye straight away. Dr Casey Valentine. He knew about her mainly from June and Aurora Emery, not to mention the inter hospital gossip but he was intrigued to lay eyes on her and start forming his own opinions.
It was game time and the pre game atmosphere was buzzing. He was spying the Edenbrook side from the dugout. Some of the doctors were familiar to him and he presumed the one’s he did not recognize were the names he did not recognize. Then he had to do a double take. Ethan Ramsey. He was shocked to see him. He had not seen him in a non professional capacity in years and it was a shock but then his eyes looked beside Ethan, to a woman that he presumed to be Dr Valentine. They both seemed at ease in each other's company, Ethan even smiled at something she said. He had not seen an at ease and jovial Ethan since college and he had wondered if that part of him existed, which it did.
Meanwhile at the Edenbrook dugout, the team was getting ready. Ethan had never participated in the game, he did not care for softball as a sport but when the team was suddenly short, he found it difficult to say No to Casey. It had been a few weeks since he and Casey agreed to being friends again and things seemed to be well on the surface but mixed feelings were close to the surface, what he felt for Casey and the hurt he felt at the events when he returned, that and the revelation after seeing Louise, well he was surprised that he was keeping it together. Casey went off with her friends and he sat down. Naveen came up, surprised to see Ethan there but he was also happy to see him, not only at the game but appearing to be in a better space than a few weeks ago. Ethan rolled his eyes at the knowing look from Naveen. Ethan also thanked him for the lists of counselors that he provided. He said he has chosen one affiliated not with Edenbrook but he felt that Dr Knowles was a good fit for him for which Naveen also agreed.
The game was tight, Tobias liked it when it was close. He had figured out who Dr Green was and he was impressed with the tactical knowledge that he appeared to be providing, not to mention some serious skill as catcher. At the halfway point there was a break. He went to a drinks cooler and noticed that Dr Valentine was there and also alone. He went up.
“So you must be the Dr Valentine I keep hearing about?”
Casey looks up.
“And you are…” questions Casey
“Dr Tobias Carrick”
“So you are the one who poached my patient?”
“You had a lot of competition, surely finding a way to prevent what that family had to go through is important?”
“What? So you were not stoking the fires of competition then?”
Tobias smirked, surprised that this woman knew that there was history with him and Ethan.
Ethan spied the interaction and made his way over.
“Really Tobias, here I was thinking that nothing had changed since Medical school. “ asserted Ethan. Tobias noted the protective posture. He had never seen that from Ethan before. He did start to wonder how much truth was in the gossip. “Surely he would not be this protective if he only slept with Casey to get her on the team.” He thought to himself.
“What scared I am going to poach your star pupil as well?”
Ethan's eyes flashed with anger, both Casey and Tobias saw it.
“Well it would not be the first time you took something of mine.” Said Ethan through gritted teeth.
Just then Dr Mendoza came along. Tobias rolled his eyes, he knew he was here to shit stir but he seemed to be leering in the direction of Dr Valentine.
“Don’t go throwing threats you can’t follow through on!” Exclaims Terrance, “not all of us are big pharma reps you can punch!”
“Please calm down!” Yells Casey. Glaring at Tobias. “Your overall intention is disgusting and you better be looking after Stephanie.”
Tobias was taken aback. Sure he made a play and so had many others, he had happened to win out, and yeah he had to admit it gave him an ego boost at beating Ethan but it was not the sole factor.
“Of course we are.” Said Tobias. “Believe it or not when I heard about Stephanie it was a good study that would benefit so many others and hopefully prevent what did happen.”
“Yeah well I am not convinced” said Casey before turning and making her way back to the Edenbrook side. What happened next surprised Tobias. He was expecting to get into another verbal stoush which had all the potential to get physical with Ethan but instead he followed after Casey. He could see her calm down when he caught up to her and say something. He was surprised. He did wonder if there was more than friendship there. The game resumed but the atmosphere had changed. It was still close but seemed much more competitive. It was the final ball of the final inning and the bases were loaded. Kenmore was three runs ahead and Edenbrook had two outs. He was quietly confident that once again Kenmore would prevail. Casey came up to the plate. He pitched the ball. He noted the determined look before he pitched and he smashed her over left field. Those who were on the bases made it home. Tobias stood and watched as Casey made her way around the bases, duly impressed. It was going to be close, the ball was making its way to the catcher, he had it. He saw her start to slide, it was like a crash happening in slow motion. She collided with their catcher, she was declared safe but that was not the end. He could see Terrance infuriated that she made it and he pulled Casey off the catcher. Then he witnessed something he thought he would never see again, Ethan Ramsey riled up. He could not hear what he said but he could see he was furious at Terrance for touching Casey. He went in to see if he could break it up but a brawl had erupted by the time he arrived. It did not last long and the referee was appalled. The brawl broke and he noted that Casey was limping. She made her way to Ethan, who looked very concerned. Tobias made his way to the dug out to get ready to go. He glanced over at the Edenbrook side, he saw Ethan bandaging up her ankle. At that moment he did not know what their current deal was but he knew that any emotion that Ethan had towards Casey was genuine. He was surprised but he was also deep down happy. Happy that it appeared possible that he could not get in his own way of his happiness.
After bandaging her ankle, Ethan asked Casey if she would come back to his place for dinner. Casey was shocked to hear the request but she accepted. She knew if it got too late there was a guest bedroom. They went back to the hospital to get changed. Casey did question the choice of top, it was more of a party top but when she picked it, she was not planning on coming to Ethan’s after the game. She caught his eyes wandering briefly before turning away. She should have been appalled but she liked it. They went to his apartment and they went into the kitchen and started making Georgian stuffed chicken. They laughed and talked and it made Ethan yearn for a more simpler time. Casey then asked why he really asked her here. Ethan took a breath.
“Do you remember a few weeks ago when you tracked me to Derry’s with my dad?”
Casey nodded.
“Well he told me that my mother, who had walked out on us, had been in touch with him, wanting to contact me.”
He paused to allow Casey to ask any questions but none were forthcoming.
“I realized that after the Stevenson case that not confronting your past can ruin your future, and I have let my fears from that day ruin too much so I decided to confront her.”
“Did she say why she left?” Asked Casey quietly.
“She resented her life and even though she loved us. She, instead of facing her feelings, ran away. She is an addict and well it was confronting especially when I realized that I was not much better than she is.” Said Ethan, his voice full of emotion.
“Did you talk to your dad again?”
Ethan shakes his head. “How do I tell him that the woman whom I presume he still loves is an addict? Tell me Casey? How do I tell my dad that I am no better than her?”
Casey wanted to know why Ethan thought that he was no better than her but there was a knock at the door. Ethan goes to answer it and he was surprised to see Alan there. Ethan invites him in.
“I was not aware that you were in Boston.” Stated Ethan.
“Well son, I had not heard from you and I know you are busy but I was worried…” Alan then spots Casey, “but it appears I am interrupting.”
“Of course not Alan, there is plenty of food.” Said Casey. Casey mouths to Ethan, talk to him which Alan sees. Alan was about to say something when Ethan blurts out.
“I went and saw Louise.”
Alan was shocked. He did as he told Louise and would pass on her details but if he was honest, he did not expect Ethan to reach out.
Ethan moves to the living room and gestures for Alan to join him.
“I am surprised you reached out.”
“So am I,” said Ethan, “we had just wrapped a case up at work and it made me realize how the past can come back to haunt you so I reached out.”
Just then Ethan spotted Casey trying leave quietly.
“Excuse me dad, I will just see Casey out.”
Deep down Ethan was frustrated, yes he had told Casey about his mum but he did not get everything out. Also as much as he was happy to be back in a friendlier place, he could not deny he still wanted more. As they reached the lobby Casey stated she had ordered an Uber whilst still in the apartment. She gave Ethan a hug.
“I am sorry to hear about your mum, at least you have some type of closure. I can sense there is more you want to say but you also need to talk to your dad.”
Ethan squeezes her tighter, her vanilla perfume intoxicating.
“There is so much more, not all about my mum either.”
He tilts her head and leans down, he brushes her lips lightly against hers. In that moment there is nothing Casey wants more than to continue the kiss but she pulls away. Ethan is shocked.
“Believe me, I have wanted nothing more than to kiss you but you need to speak to your dad. I’m sorry.”
She receives an alert on her phone. “My Uber is here, good night Ethan.”
He stands and watches her drive away. He is torn, Casey did state she wanted more but he did wonder if there was more to her refusal.
Meanwhile, on the drive home Casey was also a mix of emotion. As much as she still had deep feelings for Ethan she knew they needed to properly address the elephant in the room, the fallout from her abortion. She also knew that their reporting lines would be an issue and she did not want her private business known to June Hirata. But she also wanted to be back at Ethan’s hoping her brains fucked out because she did miss him.
Ethan told his dad about the meeting with Louise. How she told him that she said he was not their first, and how she came to resent her life, the addictions she did tell him about and the addictions he presumed she suffered from now. Alan was shocked, saddened but in a way he too now had closure. Alan asked about him and Casey. He stated they were friends and nothing more. Alan could sense he was not being fully honest but he left it. When Alan left, he messaged Casey to see if she got home safely and to state he still had leftovers if she still wanted some. He went and had a shower, thoughts of what he had hoped to be doing instead overtook his mind and he masturbated in the shower before having a nightcap and going to bed.
Casey replied to his message that she would very much like to have some leftovers and said that she hoped the talk went well with Alan. Her mind wandered to the near kiss and all the feelings that had unleashed. She reached for her top drawer and took out her vibrator. “This will have to do” as she began to pleasure herself to thoughts of what she was still unsure she could have.
Authors note:
There we have it the softball game. With some changes obviously. For those who have endured thank you for reading. Not the end of the angst either but things start looking up after the attack.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @tessa-liam @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @socalwriterbee @trappedinfanfiction @youlookappropriate @binny1985 @lucy-268 @schnitzelbutterfingers @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @alj4890 @zealouscanonindeer @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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jerzwriter · 1 year
How would your MC (Kaycee) and Ethan have gotten together if MC chose Kenmore instead of Edenbrook to do their internship?
Hey Nonny,
Thanks for the ask! Honestly, in the long run, it would have been semi-easier for them to get together. I say semi because I think the "career" reason was just part of why Ethan kept waffling. His own fears and insecurities were the bigger reason, and I'll die on that hill. lol
She may have ended up meeting him on a joint project between hospitals. Perhaps when he was at Kennmore (because he had privileges there). Maybe Kaycee would have been sent to Edenbrook to get something. Or, more likely, I see them meeting at Donahue's when she goes there one night. Sure, it wasn't the main hangout for Kenmore staff, but I'm sure she has friends at Edenbrook and would meet them there on occasion.
I think they'd date, and he has no "your career" excuse, so when he keeps waffling, Kaycee would probably end things. Then she starts dating another doctor/resident at Edenbrook, and Ethan sees them on occasion. He's kicking himself.
Since she is not at Edenbrook, I think the chemical attack would have still happened, but at Kenmore. It would be the reverse of Tobias rushing to Edenbrook; Ethan would rush to Kenmore. After that, he'd push his other issues aside. Nothing like a tragedy to make people shit or get off the pot. lol
Thanks so much for asking, Nonny!
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huntingtonnow · 2 months
Town Board Authorizes Action Against Blighted Properties
The Huntington Town Board recently approved action against several properties designated as blighted. The properties are: 5 Chatham Place, Dix Hills 5 Pondview Court, Huntington 17 Kenmore St., Dix Hills 20 Stratford Ave., Di Hills 30 Penfield Dr. East Northport 33 Roxbury St., Huntington Station The board also voted unanimously to authorize action at 8 Terrace Drive, Huntington, removing two…
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yourfrankiethings · 2 months
Inn at Kenmore Hall, Richmond, MA., June 2024
front – 1385 State Road, Richmond, MA 01254 The Inn at Kenmore Hall is a luxurious inn dating from 1792 in the wonderful landscape of the Berkshire Hills.  Lovingly restored by owners Frank Muytjens and Scott Edward Cole it is a fabulous place to stay in this area filled with pieces of history.  Normally this is a blog for restaurants but I include this inn as with your stay you get to enjoy a…
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onehikeaweek · 6 months
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prosfixappliances · 8 months
Website: https://prosfixappliances.com/
Phone: +1 866-696-7767
Appliance repair company in the San Fernando Valley servicing all major appliance washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, ranges, stoves, and ovens. Brand Names such as Whirlpool, Kitchenaid, Bosch, LG, Samsung, Frigidaire, GE, Miele, Electrolux, Viking, Amana, Kenmore, Hotpoint, Thermador, Speed Queen, Maytag, Jennair, Sub Zero, Dacor, and many more!
Areas we service: Burbank Glendale Beverly Hills Santa Clarita Universal City Encino Bel Air Van Nuys Chatsworth Northridge Porter Ranch Slymar Arleta Pacomia Lake Veiw Terrece Reseda North Hills La Crescenta Tujunga Shadow Hills Tarzana Valencia Sunland Canoga Park West Hills Canoga Park Studio City Beverly Glen Sherman Oaks Granada Hills Woodland Hills, and more!
Get your appliances repaired and serviced today! Call us now +1-866-696-7767!
Business Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://facebook.com/prosfixappliances
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prosfixappliances
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realtorjamier · 9 months
Things to Do in January in the DMV 2024!
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Start the new year with a First Day Hike or a New Year’s Day 5K! Too cold for your liking? Stay warm inside The Kennedy Center while enjoying Disney’s “Frozen” Broadway production. Holiday revelry may have passed, but there’s no need to hibernate in January.
Disney’s Frozen The Kennedy Center 2700 F St NW Washington, DC January 1 – 21 An unforgettable theatrical experience filled with powerful performances, sensational special effects, stunning sets, and costumes, Frozen is a spectacular Broadway musical playing for a limited time at the Kennedy Center.
New Year’s Day 5K Maybe you’ve overindulged over the holidays. Get a running start on a healthy 2024 by running a 5K on New Year’s Day! Fredericksburg, Ashburn, Reston, Gaithersburg, Arlington, and several other cities in the D.C. area will offer up their streets for a cold-weather frolic into fitness. Click on the link above to search a location near you, or check out these links for races in these cities: Arlington, Va. Ashburn, Va. Fredericksburg, Va. Gaithersburg, Md. Reston, Va.
First Day Hikes If hiking is more your speed, check out the First Day Hikes (ranger-led or self-guided) available as part of a nationwide initiative led by America’s State Parks. First Day Hikes in Maryland First Day Hikes in Virginia First Day Hikes in West Virginia January 1
Winter Lantern Festival Lerner Town Square 8025 Galleria Drive Tysons, Va. January 1 – February 12 Experience a dazzling landscape of lights! Over 1,000 Chinese lanterns – all handmade by artisans – display their light and warmth for your amazement and for great photo ops!
Twelfth Night at Kenmore Historic Kenmore 1201 Washington Ave. Fredericksburg, Va. January 5 – 7 View dramatic scenes by costumed actors in the first-floor rooms of Kenmore with special musical performances by Colonial Faire. Experience the candlelight, music, and decorations of a colonial Christmas  – and the uncertainty of Revolution.
Women Soldiers in the American Civil War National Museum of Civil War Medicine 48 East Patrick Street Frederick, Md. January 6 Civil War scholars explore an unusual and courageous group of soldiers seldom discussed in the annals of Civil War history. Although women were forbidden by social custom and army regulations to enter military service in the Union and Confederate armies, a surprising number of women disguised themselves as young men and “went for a soldier.” Come learn about the best documented of these woman combatants.
Interfusion Festival Crystal Gateway Marriott 700 Richmond Hwy. Arlington, Va. January 11 – 15 “Building resilience is what enables us to not only rise, but ultimately, thrive.” Founded in 2016 under The Institute for Integrative Wellness, this festival includes educational offerings in positive psychology, meditation, and expressive arts. The Interfusion Festival aims to bring awareness of practices that may help combat mental health crises.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration Richard Montgomery High School 250 Richard Montgomery Drive Rockville, Md. January 13 This year celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in a meaningful way. This Rockville event will showcase a panel discussion with city and county justice, equity, diversity and inclusion professionals. You can also watch a screening of the award-winning documentary “Finding Fellowship” followed by a Q&A discussion with Rev. Gerard Green, enjoy a drum performance by Soul in Motion, and sign up for service projects through a variety of nonprofit organizations participating in the Salute to Nonprofits. For the kids: a performance by Groovy Nate.
Super MAGFest Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center 201 Waterfront Street Oxon Hill, MD January 18 – 24 MAGFest (Music And Gaming Festival) celebrates video game music, gaming, and the gaming community with the goals of education, appreciation, and preservation of the culture and history of video games. The event runs 24 hours a day and offers consoles, arcades, tabletop, LAN, live video game cover bands, chiptunes, vendors, guest speakers, and more.
Washington Auto Show Walter E Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Washington, D.C. January 19 – 28 Discover the future of transportation as electrifying innovations take center stage. This show promises an immersive journey into the world of electric mobility through the brand-new DC eDrives Experience at the 2024 Washington, D.C. Auto Show. The Washington, D.C. Auto Show is the largest public show in the nation’s capital.  
Monster Jam Capital One Arena 601 F St., NW Washington, D.C. January 27 – 28 Check out the action-packed motorsports with world-class driver athletes competing in intense competitions at Monster Jam. The trucks’ engines generate 1,500 horsepower due to a supercharger that forces air and fuel into the engine. The Monster Jam Pit Party (requiring a separate admission ticket) allows you to see these massive trucks up close and participate in Q & As with the drivers.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Stoup Brewing Company celebrates 10 years, October 18th, 20th, & 21st.
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Links posted below.
Kenmore, WA
Capitol Hill (Seattle), WA
Ballard (Seattle), WA
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At Pacific Appliance Repair Services, INC, we specialize in restaurant appliance repair in Los Angeles, ensuring that your kitchen equipment runs smoothly and efficiently. With years of experience, our skilled technicians are equipped to handle a wide range of appliances, including ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers, and more. We understand the importance of minimizing downtime in your restaurant, which is why we offer prompt and reliable repair services. Whether you’re dealing with a broken freezer or a malfunctioning grill, trust us to get your appliances back in working order quickly and effectively.
Pacific Appliance Repair Services, INC 1757 N Serrano Ave #111, Los Angeles CA 90027 (213) 234–7543
Official Website: https://pacificappliancerepairs.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=5396650087541014116
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Other Service We Provide:
Appliance repair Ac repair restaurant equipment repair Refrigerator Repair Heating Repair Washer & Dryer Repair Stove & Oven Repair
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gravelish · 1 year
Lake Washington
3 September 2023
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A lot of my longer rides from home involve loops around parts of Lake Washington. Good bike paths, including on both of the floating bridges, offer plenty of permutations and different length rides.
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Today was the first time I’d just ridden the full loop in a long time. It’s not quite a metric century (though it would be easy to make it one with a little more riding).
It’s a pretty flat ride. There is one big hill on the northwest side between Juanita and Kenmore. And there are several much smaller hills. The second biggest climb is the one back to the house at the end (inevitably, most of my rides end with a ten-minute climb).
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Change of heart
Book: Open Heart (book 2)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x June Hirata
Word Count: 2569
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language,mentions of sexual activity
Category: Angst
Summary: A look at the arrangement between Tobias Carrick and June Hirata from Tobias’s perspective and also June’s for some part too.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: I do have a headcanon of Tobias and June found here. This work picks up book 2, Stephanie Hill up until the attack. Part 2 will be the attack and up until the beginning of When Egos Collide.
The state budget cuts were starting to take effect. Some high profile clients and diagnoses had kept the team off the chopping block at Edenbrook for now but Dr Hirata felt that it was not enough. Ethan was being his usual stubborn self and Casey, the newest member was doing all she could but surely there was more.
June was contemplating when she hears that a coma patient woke up and Casey was there. The patient had been in a coma for sixteen years from an overdose of Benzodiazepine. Understandably it was the talk of the meeting. Casey suggested contacting medical journals and then I suggested that we apply for a grant, stating that the study would be of benefit to many patients who were in comas due to overdose of benzodiazepine. I knew if we got this then we would have a job and more importantly an influx of funds. To my frustration, Ethan entrusted Casey with getting Stepehanie to agree.
June did as she was told but she was not happy. She was not convinced that Casey was on the team on merit. Sure she had come up with the diagnosis on many occasion and it was her idea to court high profile clients but she had heard rumours about her and Ethan, his sabbatical coming right after he was offered his job back came along too conveniently.
She had noticed a few looks, and getting away with calling Ethan on his moral high horse bullshit at Leland Bloom’s house. All lead to signs that there was something there.
She had been enjoying benefits with Dr Tobias Carrick on and off for about nine months now. She had spoken about Casey to Tobias and any alleged relationship. When she first told him about the relationship he laughed and then said “Ethan Ramsey does not do relationships. Arrangements, yes but from what I hear even they have a use by date, certainly not relationships, not since med school anyway.”
“He ended it with Harper because she was going to be his boss.” Reflected June, “yet it is ok for him to be having an arrangement with a subordinate. A bit hypocritical if you ask me.”
Tobias nodded in agreement. “Whatever the reason, Naveen must be ok with it, he would not have made such a call otherwise.”
“True, but he clearly favours her. I mean, a coma patient wakes up out of the blue, mental functioning pretty good considering she was in a coma and he entrusts her?”
Tobias can hear the gears clicking in his mind. His plan to woo Harper Emery across is now in effect now that he had her niece there. He did not tell June but he was going to make a play for Stephanie Hill.
The next day came and Aurora saw Tobias. Aurora mentioned how we could get grants for some of our patients to help with the funding cuts. I agreed with her knowing full well that I would be making a play for Stephanie over at Edenbrook. I have privileges at Edenbrook but I decide not to go there, I had no business over there and I was also wanting to avoid Dr Ramsey. If I am being honest with myself, it still hurts that we did not reconcile but he knew that if he could not trust him then there was no point and even though what he was about to do was legal, it would show Ethan that he could not be trusted and well he did not want to give him any further ammunition. He contacted the Hill’s and made his pitch. They accepted and Tobias was happy. He was expecting June to be pissed off that he got the Hill’s to come over to Kenmore but she was not really. She was frustrated again at Ethan and also Casey. Tobias was shocked that Ethan did not get angry. Maybe there was more to this sordid affair.
A few weeks later was the annual softball game. It was Tobias’s favourite day of the year. He had heard through the grapevine that Casey was playing and he was looking forward to seeing more of her. He had met her at Leland Bloom’s residence and he was impressed and even though the Kenmore team lost that cage match he was impressed as she was instrumental in making the final diagnosis. He was at the field and he was surprised. None other than Dr Ethan Ramsey was there. He said this would make the victory even sweeter. After the exchange he had an idea. He knew Aurora was her friend and even though it was June that told him about Stephanie, he decided to play them off and see what Ethan would come out and play.
The game was close, neck and neck for the most part. The break was called and Tobias enacted his plan. He spies Casey at the drink esky, she finds a bottle of water.
“Glad to see you are keeping your head in the game” says Tobias.
“Yeah well I do not want to let my guard down around you. Already learnt that the hard way.”
“Yeah well when Aurora told me about going after your patients for a grant…”
Her resolves falters and along comes Ethan, he was angry, an expression in him he knew well but there was element he had not seen before. She storms off to Aurora and I can see the discussion is heated. I enjoy the fireworks I created and then Terrance comes along.
“Get the hell away from my resident, Terrance….”
“Or you will what, Ethan? Punch me like some pharma rep? Stop throwing threats around that you can’t act on.”
Tobias in that moment became convinced that there was something there. He could not tell if it was an arrangement between the two of them or something more genuine. The break ends and the game goes on, last ball and Casey needs to hit a home run to get herself,Ethan and Bryce home. She hits the ball well, Ethan and Bryce make it home and so does Casey. She is declared safe. He did not feel sorry for Dr Olsen, there was something about him that he could not put his finger on. He is frustrated that Kenmore lost but the second time in one night he sees a side of Ethan he has never seen. The brawl ends and while Tobias is packing up his things he sees Ethan and Casey leave together.
“What are you up to with her Ethan?” He asks himself.
Time marches on, the softball match a distant memory and Tobias is doing some courting of his own. He was approached by Travis Perry to investigate the mystery illness that has been plaguing the senator. He had seen a few doctors and they were stumped. Tobias gave him the tour, stating that if he was admitted, we could run more tests and hopefully figure out what is happening. Tobias noted that Travis was rather taken with the fact that they had a VIP wing. Tobias, at the time thought that why Travis was impressed with the seclusion was for privacy. There were rumblings that the senator was going to put his name up for the primaries leading into 2024 so he understood the reason for privacy. He also told Travis that he would also put Senator Farrugia in under a pseudonym as well. Travis was pleased with this and two days later the senator was at Kenmore.
A week later Tobias was not so pleased with the coup. He was getting nowhere with the diagnosis. Getting information off the Senator himself was difficult and it was Travis that did all the talking. He met with June, vented his frustrations both sexually and eventually verbally.
“We always have a good time but you seem more frustrated than usual,” noted June, “Care to tell me what is on your mind?”
He knew it was a risk to tell June, especially since he stole Stephanie right out from underneath Edenbrook’s nose but he took the gamble.
“For the past week I have had Senator Farrugia under my care with a mystery illness. Getting information from the senator is like getting blood from stone and all the information comes from the aide. As such I am getting nowhere and so am hating it.”
June understood the frustration, she was impressed that Tobias had scored the senator though. She thought how she could get him to transfer to Edenbrook but that needed some finesse. They went back to their evening and June started hoping that an opportunity would present itself.
June did not have to wait long. A week later she sees Ethan consoling Casey. It looked like they were being a little too close than mentor/mentee. An hour later she hears a punch walking past a supply room. She investigates, she is surprised to see Casey. She is crying and frustrated. She goes on about her friend, the cuts, Edenbrook being undermined. June asks her to calm down and offers to slap her. She declines. Then June has a lightbulb moment. Casey seems desperate to do anything to save Edenbrook. She wants more intel on the relationship between her and Ethan and this is the opportunity to steal the good senator from under Tobias’s nose.
She tells Casey about how a little birdie from Kenmore told her that Senator Farrugia is being treated by Tobias. June sells how it would be good not only for Edenbrook but other hospitals in our situation. She even tells her how Ethan has privileges there and would be able to get them in. June can tell that Casey does not know what to think but she can see the gears turn.
She hears that Ethan reluctantly agrees to go, she lets Baz know what is up also. June knows that Tobias will have mixed feelings about this. It was a coup for him, sure but he she knew how it was frustrating him. Her thoughts then turned to the evening's activities.
Tobias was walking along, thinking about the senator when he gets a surprise. Ethan Jonah Ramsey gracing the halls of Kenmore. He makes a quip about him visiting a proper hospital and Ethan says is it a hospital when there are no doctor’s. Tobias is curious as to why Ethan is there. He says he is there for some research thing but Tobias is not entirely convinced. Tobias reaches for his phone, only to find it is not in his pocket. He recalls that he left it in the senator’s room. He went there and was surprised to see signs of packing. Travis looked annoyed but the senator looked very happy that he was moving to Edenbrook.
Tobias wants to be pissed in that moment but he grabs his phone and makes his way to the lobby. He sees Baz and Casey, in that moment he knew he had been had. Now he was annoyed but was impressed “fun Ethan” still existed. He calls out to Baz and Casey, they run, a guard follows then Ethan comes along and collects them. Despite losing the patient he was impressed with Casey’s gall and also that fun Ethan still existed. He knew it was a gamble, he was surprised it took this long but he knew June did things for reasons and there had to be a secondary reason and he wondered if it was a ploy to get more info on whatever was going on between Casey and Ethan.
Meanwhile, back at Edenbrook, June was impressed. Impressed that they now had Tobias’s prized patient. She was even more impressed that Ethan went along with it. It gave her more suspicions about the nature of him and Casey’s relationship. She sees Casey in the office. She tells her how impressed she is but Casey is not happy. She did not appreciate being used as a part of her games with Tobias. June was not sorry, as far as she was concerned Edenbrook was ahead and that was all that mattered.
Later that evening June meets up with Tobias. She is surprised that he is not angry. Tobias states,
“I am a little, despite my frustration he was my star patient, but also a little impressed, getting Ethan and Casey to do your dirty work. That was inspired.”
June smiles smugly. “Casey was easy, I saw her having a meltdown in a supply closet. She really does not want to see Edenbrook fail so I will give her some credit. But her getting Ethan, I told her he had privileges but I am still surprised…”
“He always was not a stick in the mud. Once upon a time he knew how to have fun, I am impressed that it is still there. Did the excursion give you any more info?”
“No,” huffed June. “There has to be something.”
Tobias kissed the column of her neck.
“Enough about those two,” he says. They have enjoyable night.
The next morning there was a media scrum. Edenbrook having the senator was certainly garnering some much needed attention. The work began in earnest to find out what was happening.
The team did find it frustrating that the senator and Travis were involved in the brain storming but they were actually getting responses from the senator and not just Travis. They run some tests. The tests come up empty and we speak some more. Conversation leads to a house he is renovating, Casey picks up on something and she suggests testing for lead poisoning. Whatever gave Casey the hunch was right. It was lead poisoning.
I message Tobias and tell him we figured it out and make arrangements for later that evening.
We watch the interview together, in between other activities. We marvel at Casey not owning the diagnosis as it was her hunch that was right but the shock was still to come. We both chuckle when the interviewer asks Ethan if he is single. “No, I am not” says Ethan and we are both shocked.
“Well there's your proof,Hirata.” Says Tobias.
“What, you expect him to say I have a sexual arrangement with my subordinate on National television…”
“Yeah true but if it was an arrangement like ours, you would be saying yes to being single…”
June is deep in thought.
“I am going to need more proof.”
“I am sure you have your ways.”
The next day brought tragedy and shock. Tobias had not seen Aurora for a bit and he was waiting on some results from her. He paged her, no response. He calls her. She answers and tells me what has happened. After our chat the interactions I had with Travis ran through my head. The being happy about seclusion and privacy, the annoyance at the transfer and it clicked.
“You fucking idiot” I mutter to myself. He knew in that moment that those missed red flags could have meant the same thing happening at Kenmore if he stayed but now was not the time to dwell. With Casey compromised he knew Edenbrook was down one team member and god knows how Ethan was holding up. He got the rest of the team that was working on the senator’s case and a few other doctors and we made our way to Edenbrook, hoping we were not too late.
Authors note: submission 1/2 for Tobias Carrick appreciation week day 3- June Hirata. Do not panic there is a part 2 and that will be posted shortly.
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sportyconnect · 1 year
Overview St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College is a non-public, college-preparatory Catholic high school in Akron, Ohio. It was based in 1906 by the Society of Mary, a non secular order in France in 1817. The varsity is on a 26-acre campus within the North Hill neighborhood of Akron. Teachers St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College presents a rigorous tutorial program that prepares college students for school and the past. The varsity offers many programs, together with honors and AP lessons. Along with lecturers, St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College also gives many extracurricular activities, sports activities, golf equipment, and pupil authorities. Athletics St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College is an Ohio Excessive College Athletic Affiliation (OHSAA) member. The varsity's athletic groups are often known as the Combating Irish. The Combating Irish have gained several state basketball, soccer, and baseball championships. Notable alumni St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College has a protracted checklist of notable alumni, together with: LeBron James, a famous NBA person Danny Inexperienced, NBA champion Dru Joyce III, NBA participant Sian Cotton, WNBA participant Bobby Hurley, faculty basketball coach and former NBA participant Rick Pitino, faculty basketball coach Jim Tressel, faculty soccer coach Admissions St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College is a selective faculty. Admission relies on a pupil's tutorial file, standardized take a look at scores, and extracurricular actions. Tuition St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College tuition is $12,000 per 12 months. Nevertheless, the college presents monetary help to certified college students. Contact info St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College, 2515 Kenmore Blvd. Akron, OH 44308 (330) 762-3636 Web site www.stvm.com Conclusion St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College is a prestigious Catholic high school with a rigorous tutorial program and many extracurricular activities. The varsity has many notable alums, including LeBron James, Danny Inexperienced, and Dru Joyce III. St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College is a beautiful selection for college kids searching for a problematic tutorial atmosphere and a powerful sense of neighborhood. FAQs What are the admission necessities for St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College? The admission necessities for St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College embody a pupil's tutorial file, standardized take-a-look-at scores, and extracurricular actions. What's the tuition for St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College? St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College tuition is $12,000 per 12 months. Nevertheless, the college presents monetary help to certified college students. What are the extracurricular actions provided at St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College? St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College presents numerous extracurricular activities, sports activities, golf equipment, and pupil authorities. Who're the notable alums of St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College? St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College has many notable alums, including LeBron James, Danny Inexperienced, and Dru Joyce III. What's the website for St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College? The website for St. Vincent-St. Mary Excessive College is www.stvm.com. #SportyConnect
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