#kenneth kruger
they-thespian666 · 5 months
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Officer Kruger dying in a glue trap from the whiteboard <3
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corelex · 5 months
My brain randomly generated this thought and it is a banger:
Alex and co. (Clyde, Simon, The Flock, 66, Kenneth, and possibly Winfrey) discovers and uses an abandoned but functional radio station to persuade the town to not believe the foundation, the police, and especially Lankmann.
Cue the "Stayed Gone" banter and finale.
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doodle-girl · 3 months
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Let’s dance in the graveyard, cha-cha-oo!
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secret-spirit · 3 months
How i imagine Kenneth Kruger would look mainly in the sitcom au
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Yes he's bald I ain't holding back.
Also he's wearing sun glasses.
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s1cklyheart · 4 months
M’kay so i’ve been thinking about officer Kruger
At some point someone said “hey what if officer Kruger got turned into a caretaker” and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.
I already had a hunch that Kenneth didn’t stay as an experiment for long and that 9 years looked like too long to study a nearly dead person. And with the introduction of the caretakers…I started to look into things a little further.
First off,and this might be the most obvious,the breathing. During Vol.0 we actually hear Kruger breathing during the police training tape,and in Vol.1 similar breathing can be heard when we see one of the caretakers enter Patient 66’s house.
Because I like overanalyzing shit let’s take a look at what was said about Kruger during In Loving Memory,shall we?
“A beloved member of our community,and a caring father.”
Oh,and Vol.1 too,because I have the suspicion that maybe Alex somehow managed to talk to Kruger (I have no idea how they didn’t get caught tbh)
“Someone I know and care about has been hurt.”
This kinda just pushed me further into believing Kruger was turned into a caretaker. In Vol.1 it is a mandated rule that staff CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE interact with the caretakers. I doubt that would be a rule unless SOMEBODY had some stuff they wanted to say,and Lankmann knew that if everyone ignored the caretakers that certain someone wouldn’t get the chance to reveal anything.
I came up with all of this at like 1 in the morning during the weekend,and it’s consumed my mindddd……
I rlly hope none of this theory sounds dumb I’m sorry ffbjjfdf
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Is Kenneth Kruger alive in this au or no? And if he is alive, where is he? (Kinda hoping he's a veldigun like Alex lol)
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Clyde: No... He's dead...
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Clyde: He unfortunately was afflicted with Veldigun Sickness..
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Clyde: When I found him during one of my attempts to break-out Winfrey... I.. Felt bad...
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Clyde: I ended his suffering... It was better than what he was dealing with...
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dogpastra · 5 months
kid klaus
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kruger's kid when he gets away with awful things because he is the son of a cop (mr kruger no offence but that boy aint right) (the facility sure wasn't helping jack shit though) (in a perfect world kenneth is able to raise his son without any of that veldigun bullshittery so klaus becomes a well-adjusted adult)
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corrupteddoodles · 4 months
Looks like someone wandered somewhere he’s not supposed to be.
i wanted to write something for my roleswap au lol in sorry if it’s not good i just wanted to get this idea down
no beta we die like kenneth kruger
“Looks like someone wandered somewhere he’s not supposed to be.”
It felt like time itself stopped when Dr Williams suddenly appeared in front of Herbert. Being face to face with a monster who could crush his skull like a grape was one thing, but considering the fact that Herbert wasn’t supposed to have even seen this room nor the inhabitant in the first place and then being cornered by the person who gave him that rule to begin with was a whole other thing.
Herbert backed away. Why was Williams just staring? Williams took a step forward, reaching a hand out and snatching the video camera out of Herbert’s hands. Herbert pulled his hand away. He looked down to see little pinpricks in his skin. Seems like he got scratched. He looked back up at Williams, and then…their face.
Their face was stitched up, almost like a ragdoll, or Frankenstein’s Monster. Their tired eyes were cold, as if the light that was once in them extinguished a long time ago.
Williams turned off the recording, and tossed the camera back to Herbert.
“Care to explain what you’re doing in here? Or why you disobeyed protocol and took off your goggles?”
“I-I-uh…Curiosity got the better of me, sir.”
Williams stared a few seconds longer, and then pointed to the door.
“Get back to work. Don’t let me catch you in here again.”
Herbert looked up. That was it? No screaming, no lecture, no punishment?
Well, he didn’t want to know what would happen if they didn’t comply with this order.
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dead-by-mending · 1 year
Legion members relationships with other killers
Just trying to get good with headcannons, feedback would be appreciated
Trapper : Strict dad and mischievious kids vibes. They always mess with his traps, get caught, get scolded, apologize, hug, and repeat. No one will ever know, but Evan cried over a drawing Susie made for him
Wraith : They like to hang out with him. If they want some scrap to make stuff, Philip will gladly let them take some (unless they try to take hooks). Joey tried to teach him rap, but he didn't really understand...
Hillbilly : He likes having them around, even if they cause a mess in his house. Max never had real friends before, so he's happy to have some in those meddling kids. He likes to show off his longest chainsaw sprints to them
Nurse : They don't really hang out with her too much, because of her insane nature. But whenever they get hurt outside of trials, Sally is always here to help. And she loves to have some tea with the girls
Myers/Shape : Although they're big fans of his movies, especially Frank and Julie, they usually stay away from him. Michael wouldn't let them approach without stabbing them anyway
Hag : They were surprised when they found out Lisa was actually around their age. She shows them some tricks she can do with her traps, and some tips to take care of totems
Doctor : Since Herman was labeled as the Killers' therapist, they're kinda forced to talk to him regularly. Otherwise, they stay away from him as much as possible
Huntress : Anna likes to take care of them. She teaches them some hunting techniques, and tries to cook them some stuff to eat. She always giggles to herself whenever she remembers that one time Susie accidentaly called her "mama"
Leatherface/Cannibal : From watching his movies, they know about how Bubba's family used to treat him, so they try to be nice to him. Frank even agreed to taste his chili. Obviously the human flesh bits weren't really good for him...
Nightmare/Freddy : At first they thought it was Robert Englund's Freddy Kruger, so they were excited to meet him. Then they realized how wrong they were. Susie was the one feeling the most uncomfortable around him...
Pig/Amanda : Since Saw came out after they were taken by the Entity, they had no idea who she was. But they liked hanging out with her anyway, especially Julie. They eventually got their hands on the first Saw trilogy and learned more about her
Clown : At first, they found him creepy and avoided him. But when it was clear that Kenneth didn't mean no harm (at least to them), they started hanging around his carnival. He especially liked to see Susie play with Maurice
Spirit : Rin quickly became good friends with the Legion, even if Kazan kinda disagrees. She hangs out a lot with Julie and Susie. Frank even thought about dating her, before he fell for Kate
Plague : They don't really get near Adiris, because of her Plague, but Julie and Susie always enjoy talking with her (6ft apart, of course)
Ghostface : Danny is that one funny uncle for the Legion. Even though when they first met him, they were kinda disappointed he wasn't one of the killers from Scream. He turned to be one hell of a cool guy anyway
Demogorgon : Puppy. Yes, that's it. Well not actually... When the Entity abandoned the realm of Hawkins (because let's be honest, Vecna kinda wanted it for himself), they were allowed to keep Demo
Oni : If you read what I said earlier with Spirit, then you know that Kazan doesn't like those indecent, immature and gross teenagers (yes, that's what he said). So they just avoid him
Deathslinger : They really like the old cowboy that Caleb is, even though he won't let them touch his gun. He often tells them stories about his bounties and other adventures with his gang
Executioner/Pyramid Head : They're afraid of him, even though he actually doesn't care about them. If they ever felt guilty about the store cleaner, then they probably stopped, because he never went after them
Blight : They never forgave Talbot for what he did to them with his serum. They hate him with a burning passion and never forget to remind him anytime they come across him... Problem is that he couldn't care less, he got what he wanted and moved on
Twins : They don't really hang out that much, but when they do, they always kinda enjoy it. Charlotte always likes to see Susie play with Victor. She was even surprised when she found out they knew a bit of words in French
Trickster : While the rest of the group kinda likes him, Frank can't stand Ji-Woon. They always get on eachother's nerves
Nemesis : They don't really stay near him, but Nemmy doesn't really cause them any trouble. None of them are S.T.A.R.S. members, after all
Cenobite : Same as Myers : they're fans of the Hellraiser movies (especially Frank and Julie), and that's why they stay away from Pinhead, they know what he's capable of
Artist : Probably their fellow killer that they feel bad for the most. Susie likes to draw stuff with Carmina, hoping to cheer her up with that. They also started getting nicer to crows (not that they were mean to them before, they just didn't care)
Onryo : Thankfully they watched the original Ringu movie, otherwise they wouldn't have any idea about who Sadako is. She formed, with Susie, Lisa and Rin, their own group of killer girls.
Dredge : The only time they approached it was to attack it, when they learned it consumed Maurice. Apart from that, they always stayed away from it, and they never forgave either...
Mastermind : Frank and Joey only remember Wesker from the original Resident Evil 1 (yes, it possibly released before they were taken, I checked), so they were kinda surprised with the Uroboros stuff. They quickly started to make fun of him, and he hated that
Knight : At first they were kinda jealous that Tarhos could bring his buddies in trials while they couldn't stay together. But they quickly forgot about that because they find him really cool, even though he finds them as, I quote, "insufferable brainless youth"
Skull Merchant : They wish they could like Adriana (especially Joey and Julie), but let's be honest, her power sucks and even they know it. Hopefully her new idea for it (her rework) will possibly change that
Singularity : Since they were told Hux would just attack any human on sight, they stayed away from him. But they still watched him from afar and thought he's really cool. Susie even puked when she first saw his mori
Xenomorph : Same as Demo, except that they see Xeno as kitty. They love to cause mess by having their 2 pets play together
Good guy/Chucky : They were really excited to see Chucky arrive in the realm, and even more when they learned he was going to live with them
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USS Albacore (SS-218), a 311-foot, Gato-class submarine lost 7 November 1944 of the coast of Hokkaido Japan, she was presumed lost on 21 December 1944 and struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 30 March 1945, found 16 February 2023.
The USS Albacore earned 9 battle stars, received 4 Presidential Unit Citations and was responsible for sinking at least 10 ships.
Below is a listing of the ships compliment, their names are written in memorial at the National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii:
Walter Henry Barber, Jr., Kenneth Ripley Baumer, Henry Forbes Bigelow, Jr., Edward Brown Blackmon, William Walter Bower, Allan Rose Brannam, Herbert Hodge Burch, Nicholas John Cado, John Joseph Carano, Charles Lee Carpenter, James Louis Carpenter, Pasquale Charles Carracino, Stanley Chapman, Douglas Childress, Jr., Frederick Herbert Childs, Jr., Perry Aubrey Collom, Audrey Cecil Crayton, Eugene Cugnin, John Wilber Culbertson, Philip Hugh Davis, Ray Ellis Davis, Fred Wallace Day, Julius Delfonso, James Leroy DeWitt, James Thomas Dunlap, Carl Hillis Eskew, John Francis Fortier, Jr., Gordon Harvey Fullilove, Jr., John Wilfred Gant, John Paul Gennett, William Henry Gibson, John Frederick Gilkeson, Charles Chester Hall, James Kenneth Harrell, Robert Daniel Hill, Allen Don Hudgins, Donald Patrick Hughes, Eugene Edsel Hutchinson, Burton Paul Johnson, Sheridan Patrick Jones, George Kaplafka, Nelson Kelley, Jr., Morris Keith Kincaid, Victor Edward Kinon, Joseph Mike Krizanek, Arthur Star Kruger,Walter Emery Lang, Jr., Jack Allen Little, Kenneth Walter Manful, Patrick Kennyless McKenna, Willie Alexander McNeill, Joseph Norfleet Mercer, Leonard David Moss, Richard Joseph Naudack, Encarnacion Nevarez, Joseph Hayes Northam, Frank Robert Nystrom, Robert James O'Brien, Elmer Harold Peterson, Charles Francis Pieringer, Jr., James Teel Porter, Jerrold Winfred Reed, Jr., Francis Albert Riley, Hugh Raynor Rimmer, A. B. Roberts, James Ernest Rowe, Philip Shoenthal, George Maurice Sisk, Joe Lewis Spratt, Harold William St. Clair, Arthur Lemmie Stanton, Robert Joseph Starace, John Henry Stephenson, Maurice Crooks Strattan, Earl Richard Tanner, William George Tesser, Paul Raymond Tomich, Charles Edward Traynor, Theodore Taylor Walker, Elmer Weisenfluh, James Donald Welch, Richard Albert West, Wesley Joseph Willans, Leslie Allan Wilmott, David Robert Wood
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borrowing-time-blog · 6 years
;;Tag dump #3
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 years
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Fashion in Transition
ElisaDe Wyngaert, Rebecca Arnold, Caroline Evans
Lannoo, Tielt 2021, 271 pages, 31x24cm., Hardback, English and Dutch , ISBN  9789401476041
euro 64,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Noted fashion historians write perceptively about the importance of fashion and its place in the world
Understanding fashion is a way to understand, and articulate, both the hopeful and the uncomfortable truths of the world. E/MOTION looks at the way fashion has served as a visual signifier of contemporary instabilities, concerns and emotions since the 1990s. Fashion is emotion, always in motion.
The MoMu Antwerp exhibition from September 4, 2021 until January 23, 2022 includes work by, amongst others Helmut Lang, Walter Van Beirendonck, Alexander McQueen, Martin Margiela, Hussein Chalayan, John Galliano, Raf Simons, Versace, Phoebe Philo, Demna Gvasalia, Molly Goddard, Simone Rocha, BOTTER, Pyer Moss, Minju Kim, Kenneth Ize, Ester Manas, Supriya Lele, Marine Serre, Jenny Holzer, Wolfgang Tillmans, Nick Knight, Cindy Sherman, Sho Shibuya, Steven Meisel, Jackie Nickerson, David Sims, Juergen Teller, Barbara Kruger,…
twitter: @fashionbooksmi
instagram: fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr: fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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technews04 · 3 years
New movies coming out in 2022
2022 release dates
tech news Jessica Chastain leads a classy cast of spies in the action thriller The 355. Oscar winners Lupita Nyong’o and Penelope Cruz join forces with international stars Diane Kruger and Fan Bingbing for a thriller that’s been delayed a year.
Scream (Jan. 14, 2022)
The ’90s slasher series returns.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (Jan. 21, 2022) Guy Ritchie directs Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza, and Hugh Grant in a tongue-in-cheek spy romp.
Aline (Jan. 21, 2022)
“A fiction freely inspired by the life of Celine Dion.” Really.
Cyrano (Jan. 21, 2022)
Peter Dinklage is the legendary lover in Cyrano.
Escape from Spiderhead (Jan. 21, 2022) Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller, and Jurnee Smollett star in a sci-fi story about future prisoners and mind-altering drugs.
Moonfall (Feb. 4, 2022) Roland Emmerich and Halle Berry want the moon on a stick in this sci-fi extravaganza.
The Black Phone (Feb. 4, 2022) Ethan Hawke headlines a chilling horror movie.
Jackass Forever (Feb. 4, 2022) Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee Man, and the Jackass crew return after a long break for more pranks and shenanigans. Celebrity guests include Eric André, Shaquille O’Neal, Tony Hawk, Tyler the Creator and Machine Gun Kelly.
Death on the Nile (Feb. 11, 2022) Kenneth Branagh once again fires up his mustache and little gray cells as Agatha Christie’s detective Hercule Poirot in a follow-up to 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express.
Uncharted (Feb. 18, 2022) When 2020’s films began to be reshuffled, Uncharted was the first 2021 film to be moved. Fans are hyped for Sony’s video game adaptation starring Tom Holland, although the release date has jumped around more than Nathan Drake exploring a temple.
Ambulance (Feb. 18, 2022) Michael Bay dials 911 in this intense action thriller.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Feb. 18, 2022) Netflix reboots the classic horror movie.
Sneakerella (Feb. 18, 2022) Disney Plus updates the Cinderella story to modern-day sneaker culture.
Luck (Feb. 18, 2022) Jane Fonda and Whoopi Goldberg lend their voices to this animated comedy on Apple TV Plus.
Rumble (Feb. 18, 2022) WWE’s movie studio tag teams with Paramount for this animated movie in which giant monsters are superstar athletes in professional wrestling.
The Batman (March 4, 2022) Robert Pattinson dons the bat suit for this delayed DC adventure. It’s a Warner Bros. film, but there are no plans to stream it on HBO Max — only 2021 films were released online.
Turning Red (March 11, 2022) Pixar’s latest flick features a young girl who unwittingly transforms into a giant red panda.
Unwelcome (March 18, 2022) Hannah John-Kamen and Douglas Booth are an expectant couple dealing with goblins at the bottom of their new garden.
The Contractor (March 18, 2022) Chris Pine and Ben Foster reunite for some special forces shenanigans, after their acclaimed pairing in 2016’s Hell or High Water.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (March 25, 2022) Following his meddling in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel’s cocky sorcerer Doctor Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, tackles the Multiverse of Madness.
The Lost City (March 25, 2022) Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum are an author and a model caught up in a jungle adventure in this adventure comedy.
Everything Everywhere All at Once (March 25, 2022) Michelle Yeoh stars in a multiverse-spanning epic from A24. Trust me, just watch the trailer.
Morbius (April 1, 2022) Sony’s Spider-Man spinoff features Jared Leto as Marvel vampire Morbius. Already delayed a couple of times, in January it was delayed again.
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (April 8, 2022) Johnny Depp magically disappears from the Harry Potter prequel series, replaced as the villain by Mads Mikkelsen.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (April 8, 2022) Idris Elba is Knuckles as Sonic returns.
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers (April 8, 2022) John Mulaney and Andy Samberg voice the animated heroes for Disney Plus.
Operation Mincemeat (April 22, 2022) Colin Firth, Matthew Macfayden and Kelly Macdonald head this real-life World War II drama.
65 (April 29, 2022) Adam Driver is a crash-landed astronaut in a thriller directed by the writers of A Quiet Place.
Shin Ultraman (May 13, 2022) A reimagining of Japanese superhero adventure Ultraman.
DC League of Super-Pets (May 20, 2022) Dwayne Johnson is Krypto (Superman’s dog) in this animated comedy featuring the voices of Keanu Reeves, John Krasinski, Kate McKinnon, Natasha Lyonne, Kevin Hart, Diego Luna, Jameela Jamil and Vanessa Bayer.
Bob’s Burgers: The Movie (May 27, 2022) The Belcher family flips out in an animated version of the cartoon series Bob’s Burgers.
Top Gun: Maverick (May 27, 2022) We’ve waited over 30 years for a sequel to the original 1986 Top Gun, as Tom Cruise feels the need for speed again.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Upcoming Movies to Watch in 2022
It’s been a bit of a funny couple of years for movies, in case you hadn’t noticed. But COVID be damned, there is every chance that 2022 could be the year in film we were all hoping 2021 was going to be. It’s a packed new release calendar which sees everything from heavy-hitter directors, promising-looking indies, action-drenched blockbusters, and a full roster of superhero movies to get buzzed about.
We’ve rounded up a master list of the films we’re most excited about with dates that were correct on the day of publication. We’ll try to keep these updated as things change. Let’s put 2021 behind us, and take a look at the cracking year of cinema ahead.
The 355
Release Date: Jan. 7
After the success of James Bond’s latest adventure in theaters this year, Universal Pictures is dishing its own spy thriller with The 355, which stars Jessica Chastain as a CIA agent who must form her own international super team of secret agents to recover a weapon that threatens the planet. Together, these spies form a new faction called “355” that includes British, Chinese, Colombian, and German agents.
Chastain came up with the idea for a female-led spy movie while working on X-Men flick Dark Phoenix with director Simon Kinberg, who is now helming this actioner. But this isn’t just a work of pure fantasy. The codename “355” is steeped in real-world history as it refers to the still-unidentified female spy who helped the Patriots during the American Revolution. She was a pivotal member of the Culper Ring, the spy network responsible for stealing information from the British Army’s NYC headquarters. Will The 355 all tie back to 1776 somehow? The movie’s star-studded cast also includes Lupita Nyong’o, Diane Kruger, Bingbing Fan, and Penelope Cruz. Sebastian Stan and Edgar Ramirez also co-star.
Release Date: Jan. 14
Despite being simply titled Scream, this will actually be the fifth installment in the cult horror series created by the late, great Wes Craven. Fortunately, this series has aged like fine wine. Set 25 years after the initial Ghostface murders, a new killer has donned the mask to stalk the town of Woodsboro, and a brand new cast of teens played by Melissa Barrera, Mason Gooding, Jenna Ortega, Mikey Madison, Dylan Minnette, Sonia Ammar, and Jasmin Savoy Brown. Fortunately, the kids have three Ghostface-hunting experts on their side this time around: Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette return as Sidney, Gale, and Dewey, respectively.
As Sidney says in the movie’s trailer, the three heroes will stop at nothing to catch this new Ghostface, but not all of the kids will make it out alive. 
While this is the first Scream film not helmed by Craven himself (the director passed in 2015), original Scream writer Kevin Williamson, who also penned I Know What You Did Last Summer, is on board as executive producer while Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett are picking up directing duties. The two have plenty of street cred when it comes to horror. After all, they’re two of the filmmakers behind fan-favorite shockers V/H/S and Ready or Not. Judging from what we’ve seen so far, expect many of the classic franchise scares but also a few modern twists akin to the recent Halloween.
Release Date: Feb. 4
It’s a Roland Emmerich disaster movie about the moon hurtling towards Earth. It stars Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson. ‘Nuff said.
Death on the Nile
Release Date: Feb 11
Another starry cast, another impossibly opulent journey, and another murder to solve for superstar detective Hercule Poirot in Kenneth Branagh‘s COVID-delayed follow-up to 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express. This time the generously mustachioed Belgian is charged with tracking down a killer who has struck during a deluxe Egyptian cruise.
Potential suspects—and indeed victims—include ​​Annette Bening, Russell Brand, Gal Gadot, Rose Leslie, Emma Mackey, Sophie Okonedo, Jennifer Saunders, Letitia Wright, and Armie Hammer, who completed this film well before his recent troubles in the press.
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Belfast: Kenneth Branagh Remembers a Childhood That’s a Million Miles from Shakespeare
By Don Kaye
The Batman May Have Confirmed Major Riddler Moment from the Comics
By John Saavedra
Branagh’s adaptation of Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery, published in 1937, should provide plenty of twists and turns against some stunning backdrops—the movie was shot on locations in Aswan, Luxor, and Cairo—as Hercule attempts to unravel the killing of a newlywed during a luxury honeymoon vacation. Expect fabulous outfits, fancy accents, gorgeous cinematography, and Branagh acting his socks off. 
The Batman
Release Date: March 4
Easily the most eagerly anticipated superhero film of 2022, Matt Reeves’ star-studded combination of grim superhero action and film noir severs all ties to the DCEU and tells a complex tale situated in a young Caped Crusader’s second year on the job. The Batman stars Robert Pattinson as a deeply haunted Bruce Wayne/Dark Knight, battling underworld kingpins like Oswald Cobblepot (Colin Farrell) and Carmine Falcone (John Turturro) while tracking a macabre serial killer known as the Riddler (Paul Dano) and romancing a mysterious thief named Selina Kyle (Zoe Kravitz).
Reeves’ vision of the Bat and Gotham City looks even darker and more street-level than Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight at first glance, and it will be fascinating to see the underrated Pattinson inhabit such a mythic role for the first time. We’re also excited by the prospect of new big-screen interpretations of classic baddies like the Penguin and the Riddler for the first time since Danny DeVito and Jim Carrey chewed up the scenery in those parts decades ago. The third version of Batman in 10 years—following Christian Bale’s reluctant hero and Ben Affleck’s rage-fueled squad leader—may prove to be that most elusive creature of all: the definitive one. 
Turning Red
Release Date: March 11
Pixar’s latest stars Rosalie Chiang as an angsty teen who not only has to navigate adolescence but also her transformation into a panda! It’s a nutty premise but one that promises one of the most beloved animation houses is going back to their roots by taking wild gambits into the unexpected and unusual. And, indeed, if you’ve seen the above teaser, a Pixar movie with Miyazaki influences is very strange, indeed.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Release Date: April 8
The Sonic the Hedgehog cinematic universe expands in this sequel which sees Sonic again facing off against Jim Carrey’s Dr. Robotnik. But this time a lot more characters from the beloved Sega Genesis era of the franchise are making the jump to the big screen: the foxy Tails (voiced by Colleen O’Shaughnessey) with his trusty biplane is on hand, a is the rough and tumble Knuckles (getting a vocal upgrade courtesy of Idris Elba). With Chaos Emeralds and mysterious floating islands, things are about to get a lot more fan service-y.
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Release Date: April 15 
There might not be as many people clamoring for a third Fantastic Beasts movie as there would have been at the height of Harry Potter popularity, but it’s coming nonetheless. Following the world-shaking events of The Crimes of Grindelwald, The Secrets of Dumbledore is poised to center on Albus himself (Jude Law) as he moves to stop Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald (a newly-arrived Mads Mikkelsen, replacing Johnny Depp) from securing control of the wizarding world.
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There Are No Secrets of Dumbledore Worth Adding to the World of Harry Potter
By Audrey Fox
Is The Batman Adapting Hush?
By David Crow
For obligatory reasons, magizoologist Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) will be there to help him, and someone (Dumbledore) has given him control of a team of witches and wizards to carry out an important mission. Look for more fantastical beasts to be shoehorned into the plot, which marks the halfway point of a prequel series with two more planned Fantastic Beasts installments on the way.
The Northman
Release Date: April 22
Horror master Robert Eggers sets out to 10th-century Iceland for his Viking revenge tale, The Northman. The film marks the third Eggers picture after the stunning one-two punch of The Witch and The Lighthouse. And yet, rather than being a straightforward chiller, the filmmaker is clearly reaching for something grander and more epic with a tale of vengeance and incestuous murder.
The Northman is based on the tales of Amleth–a medieval figure of Scandinavian legend who inspired William Shakespeare to write Hamlet. With that said, the blood soaked images we’ve glimpsed of Alexander Skarsgård tease a protagonist who is anything but dithering. The film also stars Eggers favorites Anya Taylor-Joy and Willem Dafoe, as well as Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, and Claes Bang. 
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Release Date: May 6
It’s taken almost six years to finally get a Doctor Strange sequel. Now director Sam Raimi will fling the good doctor across multiple MCU-adjacent realities. WandaVision’s Elizabeth Olsen will also be on hand as the reality-bending Scarlet Witch, so anything is possible. Could we even get Raimi to revisit his own personal corner of the Spider-Verse? Stranger things have happened…
DC League of Super-Pets
Release Date: May 20
John Krasinski will voice Superman and Dwayne Johnson will voice Krypto the Superdog in this all-star CGI superhero comedy. The film also stars Kevin Hart as Ace the Bat-Hound alongside Vanessa Bayer, Natasha Lyonne, Diego Luna, Marc Maron (as Lex Luthor!), Kate McKinnon, Thomas Middletich, Keanu Reeves (!!!!), Ben Schwartz, and Jameela Jamil.
Top Gun: Maverick
Release Date: May 27
The long delayed sequel to the ’80s classic is finally taking off in 2022. Tom Cruise returns as Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, who, decades after his fateful encounter with enemy MiGs, and Iceman and Goose, is still working as a flight instructor and test pilot at TOPGUN. No longer the young rebel at the academy, Maverick is now a relic of the past in the eyes of his superiors. But even if he’s on his way out, he still has a new generation of pilots to train, including Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles Teller), Goose’s son.
Other new recruits include Glen Powell, Danny Ramirez, and Jay Ellis. They are joined by Jennifer Connelly and Jon Hamm. Joseph Kosinski, who also helmed Tron: Legacy and Oblivion, directs.
Jurassic World: Dominion
Release Date: June 10
The gang’s really all here for this sixth entry in the dinosaur franchise, as stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum return alongside Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. The dinos are roaming free in human civilization and it seems that we’re all about to be living in a lost world.
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Jurassic World: Dominion Prologue – Why Do the Dinosaurs Look Different?
By David Crow
Jurassic World: Dominion Could Open the Door for More Jurassic Park Movies
By Don Kaye
The film marks the end of the current cycle of Jurassic World films, acting as an end to the current trilogy as well as the overarching storyline that started in 1993 with the original film. It’s the film director Colin Trevorrow says he’s dreamed of making since reinvigorating the franchise in 2015, so let’s see if it can offer one more jolt of new (genetically manipulated) blood to the saga.
Release Date: June 17
Buzz Lightyear—the fictional human astronaut, not the toy based on him—gets an origin story. Chris Evans voices Buzz in Angus MacLane’s debut. Well, we imagine Tim Allen isn’t happy about that, but some fans might be curious to see the movie that first inspired Andy to buy the toy. Maybe.
Release Date: June 24
This biopic from Baz Luhrmann chronicles the life of The King himself, from his Army days to music royalty. It stars Austin Butler as Elvis and Tom Hanks as the manager who helped make The King’s career, “Colonel” Tom Parker. It’s Luhrmann’s first narrative film since the visually dazzling The Great Gatsby adaptation in 2013, so we’re game to see if he can shake up the doldrums of musical biopics.
The Black Phone
Release Date: June 24
Scott Derrickson’s return to horror after a sojourn in the MCU with Doctor Strange couldn’t come at a better time, especially since his new film is based on a short story by Joe Hill and features Ethan Ethan Hawke as a deranged child abductor. Word says this one’s as creepy as they come, and represents Hawke’s continually fascinating career reinvention as of late.
Thor: Love and Thunder
Release Date: July 8
Thor: Ragnarok is one of the most beloved entries in the MCU thanks to the style and wit of director Taika Waititi, who injected a welcome jolt of Jack Kirby-esque cosmic weirdness into the franchise. Waititi directs this sequel, which sees Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster become the Goddess of Thunder and Christian Bale as the terrifying Gorr, the God-Butcher.
It’s all wild enough, and Waititi enough, to immediately stand apart from the traditional MCU pack.
Release Date: July 22 
Do we know much about Jordan Peele’s next horror movie? Nope. But are we excited anyway? Hell, yes!
Though Peele has a habit of keeping his horror projects close to his chest, we haven’t been disappointed yet after his Oscar-winning Get Out and highly creepy twist on the home invasion movie, Us. What we do know about Nope is that it’s got a cool title, and that it will feature his Get Out breakout star, Daniel Kaluuya, as well as Keke Palmer, Steven Yeun, Barbie Ferreira, Brandon Perea, and Michael Wincott.
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Thor: Love and Thunder is a “Full-Blown Love Story”
By Kayti Burt
Last Night in Soho: Quentin Tarantino and Jordan Peele Got the James Bond Poster in the Movie
By David Crow
The film will be released by Universal under Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions, and is written and directed by Peele. So far the only plot clues we have are a mysterious poster of a dodgy-looking cloud which appears to be trailing bunting, hovering above a mountain town, and the IMDb description saying it’s a “fantasy” as well as a horror and a thriller. Ominous.
Black Adam
Release Date: July 29
Dwayne Johnson finally joins the DCEU as Black Adam, an ancient champion imbued with the power of Shazam who became corrupted in ancient times before returning to our modern world. The film will bring the legendary Justice Society of America to the big screen for the first time with Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate. 
Salem’s Lot
Release Date: Sept. 9
For many readers, Salem’s Lot remains the greatest Stephen King novel ever written. Which makes the fact there hasn’t been a great film adaptation of it all the stranger. Oh sure, there’s plenty of reason for horror fans of a certain age are nostalgic for Tobe Hooper’s loopy TV miniseries from 1979–it’s got some great moments. But this modernization of Dracula, in which ancient vampires descend upon a modern New England small town, and an author with a past is forced to face his demons as childhood friends fall beneath the thrall of the Undead, demands a classic cinematic interpretation.
Hopefully this year’s Salem’s Lot will be it. The new version is written and directed by Gary Dauberman, who penned both of New Line’s two-part It movies a few years ago. He also wrote and directed the best of the Annabelle movies, Annabelle Comes Home. With any luck, Dauberman will make a vampire movie that plays more like It: Chapter One than Chapter Two.
Don’t Worry Darling
Release Date: Sept. 23 
Olivia Wilde proved herself to be an enormously talented director with her brilliant feature debut Booksmart in 2019, which makes her follow-up, Don’t Worry Darling, one of our most anticipated movies of 2022. It doesn’t hurt that the period piece stars Florence Pugh, one of the most interesting actors of her generation, opposite Chris Pine, Gemma Chan, and Harry Styles. It also has a killer premise: a 1950s housewife living in an experimental “utopian” community begins to suspect her husband’s company is hiding something nefarious. Intriguing.
Mission: Impossible 7
Release Date: Sept. 30 
Did anyone watch 1996’s Mission: Impossible and guess that it would become one of Hollywood’s most durable action franchises? The plot and title of M:I 7 remain a secret for now, but Tom Cruise (of course), Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg, Vanessa Kirby, and Ving Rhames are back, joined by Hayley Atwell, Esai Morales, and—for the first time since the original film—Henry Czerny as former IMF director Eugene Kittridge. Fallout marked the first-time a writer/director returned to the series for more than one outing, and considering how much Christopher McQuarrie hit it out of the park (twice) we can’t wait to see the next installment of his quadrilogy!
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Release Date: Oct. 7
2018’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse wasn’t just an introduction to the Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) incarnation of Spider-Man or a big budget animated exploration of the Spidey mythos, it was a beautiful, emotional, psychedelic trip. Hopefully the sequel will reunite the multiversal Spideys from the first movie and introduce us to some new ones.
Halloween Ends
Release Date: Oct. 14 
After the wide acclaim for 2018’s Halloween reboot, director David Gordon Green’s 2021 follow-up, Halloween Kills, met with a decidedly more polarized response while ending on a cliffhanger. Green has said that the final chapter in his trilogy, Halloween Ends, will be a “much more intimate” movie that celebrates Halloween creator John Carpenter’s “legendary body of work.” We hope, at least, that he can deliver the same kind of focused, character-driven horror that was sadly missing from his middle chapter. 
The Flash
Release Date: Nov. 4
Five years after he first appeared as Barry Allen, Ezra Miller will finally headline a Flash solo movie. This flick will see Barry explore the DC multiverse, meeting an alternate version of himself, a mysterious Supergirl (Sasha Calle), and an older, wiser Batman played by classic Dark Knight actor Michael Keaton. 
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Release Date: Nov. 11
Director Ryan Coogler returns to the franchise that netted Marvel Studios a billion dollars, seven Oscar nominations, and was a genuine cultural phenomenon. Time will tell how the sequel will address the tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman–or the many rumors swirling around what has allegedly been a troubled production–but millions are still chanting “Wakanda Forever.” Black Panther 2 should give them reason to keep the faith.
Creed III
Release Date: Nov. 23
Michael B. Jordan makes his directorial debut and returns as Adonis Creed, Apollo’s son and a heavyweight boxing champion. The film is significant in the franchise because it will be the first Rocky-adjacent movie to not actually star Rocky Balboa. But Jordan’s made Adonis plenty fascinating on his own, and Jordan clearly thinks it’s time to let the character stand on his own two feet as he slips into the director’s chair. Plus Tessa Thompson will be returning while one of the most fascinating leading men of the last five years, Jonathan Majors, joins the cast…
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Release Date: Dec. 16
The first Aquaman was a visually stunning, weird and wild rollercoaster of a film. Less superhero movie than adventure/quest film, its sequel also seems to be leaning even further into the latter. Jason Momoa is back as Arthur Curry, now the undisputed King of Atlantis. Amber Heard, Patrick Wilson, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, and Temuera Morrison will all return.
Avatar 2
Release Date: Dec. 16
Years ago, visionary filmmaker James Cameron promised several sequels to Avatar. In 2022, we’ll finally get the first one. He promises. Sam Worthington returns, as does Zoe Saldana, and even a few familiar faces who died in the last one like Sigourney Weaver and Stephen Lang. Despite all the years that passed, details are still somewhat scarce other than we will be exploring the aquatic side of the planet Pandora, as well as meeting Jake Sully and Neytiri’s children. All grown up at this point, we’d assume.
Super Mario Bros.
Release Date: Dec. 21
Chris Pratt will voice Mario in this new animated movie. Fortunately, he won’t be attempting the Italian plumber’s heavy accent. The film also stars Jack Black as Bowser, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong, and plenty of other celebrities as familiar characters.
Release Date: Dec. 25
Damien Chazelle is back with another Hollywood-centric period drama set during the transition from silent film to synchronized sound. The premise sounds a bit like Singin’ in the Rain, but we expect a film that’s much more wistful than that with its cast of characters including Margot Robbie as Clara Bow–the original “It Girl” whose good time vibes dried out during the Depression–and Brad Pitt as a fictional character based on John Gilbert, the Hollywood silent star whose career imploded due to talkies, leading to alcoholism and an early death. Even the title alludes to one of the costliest (and ruinous) of ancient Hollywood sets…
Killers of the Flower Moon
Release Date: TBA
Martin Scorsese adapts one of the best books written in this century, David Grann’s chilling true crime study, Killers of the Flower Moon, into an AppleTV+ event with Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro finally teaming in the same Scorsese joint.
Set in early 20th century Oklahoma, this Western deals with the haunting legacy of bigotry, racism, and anti-Indian prejudices lingering half-a-century on since “the West was won.” Audiences will no doubt be excited to see DiCaprio, De Niro, Jesse Plemons, and even Brendan Fraser in a Scorsese movie, but keep an eye out for Lily Gladstone. She plays Mollie Burkhart, a Native American woman and the richest person in town as all her relatives are slowly, methodically murdered.
Disappointment Blvd
Release Date: TBA
Hereditary and Midsommar director Ari Aster teams up with Joaquin Phoenix for this decades-spanning portrait of an entrepreneur. An Aster epic? That’s something we could all lose our heads over.
​​The Whale
Release Date: TBA
Darren Aronofsky tackles the play about a 600-pound man who wants to reconnect with his teen daughter years after he abandoned her.
Crimes of the Future
Release Date: TBA
David Cronenberg is remaking his own 1970s sci-fi film about dermatology and skin care gone terribly wrong. As expected, this movie is not for the faint of heart.
Release Date: TBA
Alex Garland is back for his latest work of horror. A young woman travels alone to the English countryside without knowing she’s in an A24 film.
The Killer
Release Date: TBA
David Fincher returns to Netflix for this noir thriller from Se7en writer Andrew Kevin Walker. Michael Fassbender plays the titular killer. We’d hesitate to call this a reunion made in Heaven, but we’re still intrigued to play along….
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The post Upcoming Movies to Watch in 2022 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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secret-spirit · 5 months
Mom said it's my turn to write again
Alex Williams.
That was the name the Eastridge County Police Department was assigned to catch.
None of the personnel however knew why, the Lankmann Foundation only gave out vague details of what this person did to have them all of the police in exchange for a big amount of money from the Foundation, all they got was Treason.
Alex was rather known around Eastridge, especially the police after the Halloween Incident. They were a kind man, having the same sense of justice as Kenneth Kruger. It wasn't like them to commit a crime.
The higher ups didn't care, only aiming for the cash in return. But to those who followed and admired Kruger's sense of justice, they kept questioning why.
Those policemen were quickly shut down if they kept asking more questions, a Higher up saying that that's why Alex got marked as a criminal, they were too curious for there own good.
One of the police was good friends with Alex, but when they questioned him he shunned them down.
After they kept seeing the vandalized posters of Alex, seeing text that says he didn't do anything wrong, and don't trust the Foundation. People within the department began to question their morals, if Alex was just another victim. Some did grow suspicious of the Foundation, not trusting their independency and the cash deals they've been getting to keep quiet about everything.
But one things for sure
Alex is getting protection from the Eastridge Demon.
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s1cklyheart · 3 months
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Late fathers day thing I only just now finished
Enjoy the happiness
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