neo-kajatrash · 3 months
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I drew this a while ago, but I wanted to share it again cause it's decent I think
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goblin-rise · 5 months
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Chapter 5
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Luke Skywalker: [Projects a really low-quality image] Luke Skywalker: Okay guys, so here's the plan- Corran Horn: if i had a dollar for every pixel in this image i'd have 15 cents Kyp Durron: if i had a dollar for every ounce of rage i felt in my body after i read this comment i would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Leia Organa: actually I did the math, they would have $225 not $0.15 Luke Skywalker: sis i'm right here... Kyle Katarn: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Cilghal: while you're there could you buy me an apply juice please Kyle Katarn: sorry I only have a dollar Cilghal: :( Tionne Solusar: he'd have $22500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Kam Solusar: hey I just realized Tionne is right, he would have $22500 not $225 Kyle Katarn: if i had $22500 i would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Octa Ramis: You can buy anything you want with $22500 Corran Horn: yeah and he wants soda and apply juice Kenth Hamner: apply juice to what? Saba Sebatyne: directly to the forehead Luke Skywalker: Luke Skywalker: Great post guys
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theophexislegacy · 5 months
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I played Jedi Academy years before I ever played swtor, and then after playing swtor as a consular first, I learned that they retroactively made the Jedi Tomb be the resting place of the third Barsen'thor and it's been living rent-free in my head since. I finally went around to reinstalling jedi Academy to go in there once again, with some added new context and to take screenshots throughout the level!
It's definitely a strange feeling to be standing in there again after all those years but now my guy is in there!!! For a 3000 years old tomb, it's in pretty good conditions.
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magnetarbeam · 11 months
I don't even really care about Hamner, but I can't help but wonder if it would have been more interesting if he had seen reason about the StealthX launch and stuff and recovered his reputation to the Council and not died embarrassingly.
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gothbutterfly · 2 years
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Kenth Högström
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ophexis · 1 year
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Y'know I thought I had uploaded some of these before but I can't see them on my blog so huh here sdfsg
I only ever fill these with my swtor OCs bc it's the one thing where I happen to have 8 very different characters available for so it's very convenient. Thought some of them aren't entirely accurate (I wouldn't call my jedi knight a dumbass but she didn't fit anywhere else, and she does have the attitude of a shonen protagonist sometimes)
Arguably this would have been better to post after I've done my lineup of characters but they still all don't have their perfect outfits so I haven't done that yet
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forcesung · 2 years
“Jacen, you know you’re not a Master.” Kenth gestured toward the Jedi Knights kneeling in the front row. “Your place is with the other Jedi Knights…should you care to assume it, Jedi Solo.”
“I think that’s where we misunderstand each other, Master Hamner.” Jacen pulled his dark cloak aside, revealing the empty lightsaber snap on his utility belt. “I’m not here as a Jedi.”
“You’re still standing in the wrong place,” Kyle Katarn said, joining them. “This is a Jedi funeral.”
“A funeral I’m attending as family.” Jacen spoke in a deliberately reasonable voice, trying to create the impression that it was the Masters who were causing the disturbance. “I’m only here to comfort my cousin and uncle.”
“To comfort them?” Kyp Durron came forward. “You expect us to believe that?”
“It is the truth,” Jacen said gently.
Kyp ignored the objection and took Jacen by the arm—then Luke surprised them both by raising a hand.
“Wait.” Beneath the grief, there was an odd note of urgency to Luke’s voice. “Jacen is welcome to stand with Ben and me.”
Kyp’s jaw dropped. “But Master Skywalker, Jacen is just using the funeral to—”
“It’s fine.” Luke gestured for Kyp—and Kenth and Kyle—to resume their places. “I want Jacen here.”
Kyp scowled, but joined Kenth and Kyle in obeying.
—Legacy of the Force: Inferno, Troy Denning
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 5 months
New Jedi Order in my AU (updated)
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Last year, I presented a collage of the members of the New Jedi Order in my hybrid Star Wars AU, pulled from Legends, Canon, Lego, Visions, and my own OCs. Here I have a roster updated with new characters and updated micros.
Some come from the Order as it was, others are the faces of the Order as it has become. But no matter who they are or where they come from, all are Jedi. All are one with the Force, and the Force is with them.
May the Force be with you…Always.
Character list under the cut.
Row 1: Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Vima Da-Boda, Rahm Kota, Hala, T'ra Saa, K'kruhk, Cal Kestis, Ephalline "F" Kinema, Petro, Katooni, Ganodi
Row 2: Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger, Starkiller, Korto Vos, Mara Jade Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, Randin Bonteri (OC), Jadah Bonteri-Durron (OC), Hedala Fardi, Kata Akuna
Row 3: Kam Solusar, Alka Koth (Eeth Koth’s daughter), Corran Horn, Gantoris, Streen, Tionne Solusar, Madurrin, Dhara Leonis, Dorsk 81/2/3, Kirana Ti, Ichanbo (OC), Kyp Durron, Cilghal
Row 4: Kyle Katarn, Kenth Hamner, X2, Tresina Lobi, Pypey, Alora, Venku Skirata/Kad Tur-Mukan, Lop Yasaburō, T0-B1, Wade Vox, Barratk'l, Maris Brood, Fable Astin, Jaalib Brandl
Row 5: Saba Sebatyne, Octa Ramis, Rowan Freemaker, Kikto (OC), Hylana Kestis (OC), Karre Keto, Am Keto, Daeshaara'cor, Jaden Korr, Dawn Syndulla (semi-OC), Rosh Penin, Ceres Marek (OC), Opol Nok (OC), Raltheran, Oiri Reshna (OC), Ganner Rhysode
Row 6: Jaina Solo Fel, Jacen Solo, Brycan Wren-Bridger (OC), Lowbacca, Tenel Ka Djo, Vesta Marek (OC), Raynar Thul, Zekk, Lusa, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, Alema Rar, Numa Rar, Tekli, Izal Waz, Tesar Sebatyne, Finn Galfridian
Row 7: Marr Idi-Shael, Valin Horn, Jysella Horn, Myronk (OC), Brekral Gres (OC), Ben Skywalker, Mazal Wren-Bridger (OC), Arimis Durron (OC), Negg Liglo (OC), Vlizz'amoz'aerceu “Zamoz” (OC), Rey, Vestara Khai
*credit for my pixels here*
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neo-kajatrash · 5 months
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Modern AU outfits for Grey, Diedrick, and Kenth, featuring bands I associate with each that they would absolutely listen to x3
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goblin-rise · 5 months
Character Playlists!
I figured I'd share the lists of songs I associate the most with each character. Also it's only included in Diedrick's to keep it concise, but Caer by Faun is one of my favorites that encompasses the whole story.
Diedrick's playlist
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Grey's playlist
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Kenth's playlist
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grison-in-space · 2 months
Can I ask about other science things, maybe not even things related to YOUR things? Such as.... your favorite piece of dog research? (It is also very okay if the answer is no.)
oh yes, always! I'm just--not ready to get into the mess of my PhD; there's... a lot of anger there, that's all. General science is always okay.
I don't actually read that many dog papers day to day! Most of my dogs knowledge is based off of a) extensions and applications of comparative work done on a variety of other species, b) a truly vast quantity of personal observation, c) the general "I am an autistic who has had this special interest at least since I could crawl" gestalt, and d) a lot of trial and error. There just isn't actually that much research cooking with dogs day to day that I'm super into, and most of what there is involves genetic work to dig up interesting phenotypes when I get idly curious about something.
The most recent dog paper I've read and really enjoyed is probably Svartburg 2006 (below) which actually asks deep questions about not only behavioral variation among different breeds of dog but also about how much of that behavioral variation persists over time without selection, using different lines within breed (working v. show) to dig into the variation.
Svartberg, Kenth. “Breed-Typical Behaviour in Dogs—Historical Remnants or Recent Constructs?” Applied Animal Behaviour Science 96, no. 3 (February 1, 2006): 293–313. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2005.06.014.
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theophexislegacy · 6 months
Once in a while I just really gotta give my swtor guys a good spin yknow
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r6guy69 · 3 months
Hi and How did you know Kenth Bradley He is a Broward FL Police/Sniper and he not gay! He is married and have a son! However, He is on Twitter, 2 Facebook accounts, 3 tic Tok account 2 Instagram just the heads up
Wel he's Still HOT AF!! will look him up!
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Reasons, Ch.3 - Cassian Andor series
Female reader insert Summary: You're a droidsmith on Ferrix when a handsome stranger walks in one day with a hopelessly damaged droid. You agree to take on the repairs for the stranger, a decision that will change the direction of your lives forever. Word Count: 2,029 Content Warnings for: canon-divergence; parental death; cursing Taglist: @mithicakurogo @nonniecannie
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The chanting crowd fell silent as you stepped forward, your father’s funerary brick clasped in your trembling hands. Your hair was plastered to the sides of your face, cold raindrops running down the back of your neck and mixing with the tears you couldn’t seem to staunch. One of the Daughters of Ferrix smiled gently at you from, standing next to the city wall where your father’s brick was to be placed. She extended a hand towards you, beckoning you forward. You felt your feet carry you towards her. You lifted the brick - now slick with the cold morning rain - and slotted it into the rectangular hole in the wall. You marveled at the way the brick fit into the wall perfectly, indistinguishable from its neighbors. You wondered if you’d be able to find it again, or if eventually you’d walk by the wall and not be able to pick out the only piece of your father that remained. Your vision grew blurry with tears as you tried to keep your lip from trembling. 
“Well done, my dear.” The Daughter of Ferrix wrapped a wiry arm around your shoulders, gently guiding you back from the wall. The solemn crowd lingered a few moments longer before you heard the scattered sounds of wet soles squelching away. You kept your eyes fixed on your father’s brick, burning its location into your memory. The sky grew darker with your mood, rain now falling off the ends of your hair in plump droplets. More of the crowd thinned and returned to their lives behind you. 
You weren’t entirely sure how long you stood there. When you finally turned to begin the journey back to an empty house, only the Daughters of Ferrix and a handful of your father’s oldest friends remained. They took their cue from you and turned to leave, the final remnants of the funerary procession dissolving into the rain. You exited the square in the direction of your shop and your home - as you were now the sole owner of both - without a backwards glance. If you had looked back, you might have seen a familiar face, his dark eyes following your every movement. And although you’d never know, Cassian Andor was the last resident of Ferrix to pay his respects to your father. 
* * * * * * * * *
Three Weeks Later
“Kenth, you and I both know that quote is twice the price we agreed on and I won’t pay it.” 
You narrowed your eyes at the Abednedos junk dealer. Ever since you’d taken over your father’s business full-time, his long-time suppliers had all tried to jack up the prices on your standing orders. You knew it was their way of testing you. Your father had warned you that this would happen in the months before his passing, and you had promised him that you wouldn’t let his suppliers take advantage of you. What your father hadn’t anticipated was how dizzyingly flush with credits you would be, thanks to Cassian’s hefty first payment for your work on his droid. Even though Kenth’s new price would hardly make a dent in the credit stash you now had, out of respect for your father, you set yourself to the unpleasant task of haggling the price down.
“That was the price for your father, girl. This is the price for you. Pay it or walk.” 
Abednedos were notoriously stubborn, and Kenth was no exception. You held his gaze, chewing on your lip as you considered your next move.
“I’ll pay two hundred more than the price you set with my father and not a credit more.” 
Kenth scoffed at your counter-offer, his black eyes filled with mirth. You bristled, eager to end the transaction. Your customer list had grown exponentially in the wake of your father’s death, many of his longest-standing patrons sending you tedious work in what you knew were gestures of condolence. Each moment you spent here haggling over a price you could easily pay ten times over without batting an eye was eating into precious repair time. 
“Four hundred if you throw in that DD-13.” You gestured towards the medical droid in the corner, its smooth black surface glinting in the harsh light of Kenth’s shop. He looked over at the droid thoughtfully for an instant before he extended a hand towards you.
“Done.” You accepted his handshake, returning his grip forcefully. You knew your father would be disappointed that you’d accepted anything higher than what he had paid, but you saw the bargain as a win. DD-13’s were some of the most valuable droids in all the Galaxy, their parts easy to replace and their skillset unparalleled. The fact that Kenth just sold you one for a measly two hundred credits showed you that his knowledge of droids was lacking. You could use that to your advantage in the future. 
“Let’s go, X8.” Your reprogrammed pilot droid chirped cheerily behind you as he wheeled over to the large, wooden crate of spare charge stations you’d just purchased. You counted out the credits you owed Kenth, splaying them on the glass-bottomed desk in front of him. His beady black eyes fixed you with a cold stare as he watched you finish counting out your payment. You’d been careful not to bring too many credits with you: you knew enough of pirates and gangs to know that walking around with too much money put a target on your back. Even so, you had a sum large enough to make you jumpy, and Kenth had noticed.
“Where’d you get all these credits then?” He picked one up, inspecting it against the lights. 
“My inheritance,” you replied coldly. It wasn’t true, of course. Your father hadn’t left you anything but the deed to his shop and the living quarters above it because that was all he had to give. However, you’d learned rather quickly that implying otherwise about your newly deceased father made others uncomfortable, and usually shut down any improper lines of questioning.
Kenth looked conflicted. He was as shrewd as he was stubborn, and you knew that he sensed there was more to the story than what you were letting on. But you also saw the greedy glint in his eyes. After a moment of indecision, he yielded and scooped up the loose credits on his desk. 
“Fair enough. My condolences, by the way.” You nodded curtly, swallowing down the lump in your throat.
With his arms full of credits, Kenth turned and barked something in Abednedish at the DD-13 droid. The tall, humanoid-looking black droid sprang to life and walked over to you. 
“I am S-QL7, your medical assistant,” it informed you, its voice pleasant and sing-songy. You gestured in the direction of X8, who was piloting the hover-lift with the charge station crate on it up into the loading bay of your ship outside Kenth’s shop.
“X8 will make sure you have everything you need,” you replied. S-QL7 strode off with long, loping strides in the direction of your awaiting ship. 
“I’ll be back in three months,” you called over your shoulder at Kenth as you followed S-QL7 out. You exited the shop, eager to get home and make a dent in your customer list.
* * * * * * * * *
Four Days Later
You shot up in bed, your spine ramrod straight with adrenaline as the echo of shattering glass faded in the darkness around you. You reached under your mattress, feeling for your blaster. Your ears strained into the quiet of your quarters, listening for something, anything. A faint layer of sweat beaded over your body as you slid off your bed, careful not to make too much noise as your feet hit the cold concrete floor.
Your hand closed on the muzzle of your blaster as you  heard the muffled sound of crunching glass. Your heart jolted in your chest, the realization that you weren’t alone sharpening your senses. You forced yourself to breathe quietly as you slid your blaster out from its hiding place, careful not to scrape the metal of your weapon against the wooden bottom of the bunk. 
“Y/n? Y/n, are you there?” A vaguely familiar voice was whispering your name from the main room of your living quarters. 
“Y/n, it’s me. Cassian.” 
You froze, fear making you second-guess whether you really recognized the voice or if it was your mind hearing what it wanted to. Your mouth went dry as every muscle in your body went tight, intent on listening.
“I need to talk to you. Are you in there?” 
The voice was getting closer to your room now, soft footsteps tracking the intruder’s presence across the main room towards your bedroom door. 
“Cassian?” Your reply sounded small and terrified.
A shadow materialized in your doorway. 
“Y/n, don’t shoot. It’s me.”
Speaking in normal tones, you recognized the gentle lilt in his voice, an accent you’d never been able to place. You let go of the breath you’d been holding, standing up and flicking on your bedside lamp. The light illuminated Cassian’s sharp profile, casting half his face in deep shadow. He shot you a cautious grin as he tossed his hands up. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” you snapped. With the initial adrenaline surge fading, you were left feeling angry at the intrusion. 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He closed the distance between you. As he approached, you noted the tense energy that hummed around him, the shifty way his eyes darted over his shoulder as if he expected something - or someone - to be closing in on his back. It reminded you of the first time you’d met Cassian, the afternoon he’d barged into your shop insisting that you fix his hopelessly damaged droid. 
“What’s going on?” you asked. Cassian grabbed you by the shoulders, not enough to hurt but with the pressure of a desperate man. It startled you, although you weren’t entirely sure you could blame your heart flipping over in your chest solely on nerves. 
“Do you have them? The credits I gave you? Tell me you didn’t spend them.” His eyes were wide and pleading, the note of anguish in his voice scaring you.
“Cassian, what are you talking about? Tell me what’s going on.” He shook his head, growing impatient.
“The credits, y/n. Where are the credits?” 
“I have them, they’re here.” You inclined your chin in the direction of your closet, where you kept your credits and other valuables in a small safe at the back. You saw Cassian’s shoulders relax somewhat before you spoke again. “Most of them.”
The same prickle of tension flared to life in his eyes as he met your gaze. 
“How many did you spend?” When he spoke, his voice was barely louder than a whisper. 
“A few thousand,” you replied quietly. The brief flicker of relief splintered in Cassian’s eyes, replaced by a guilt so deep you couldn’t see the bottom. It made you want to reach out and touch him, comfort him. Before you could, his head dropped momentarily, his hands still holding on to the top of your arms as if he were close to getting sucked away in a strong current. When he raised his eyes back to yours, you saw the effort with which he shut out the guilt. 
“We need to leave. Pack only what you can carry.” His voice was so cold it burned. You opened your mouth to argue, a million questions jockeying at the tip of your tongue.
He silenced you with a soft, sad shake of his head. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked, his voice stretched taut between faltering hope and a wretched twang of remorse. The sound stifled every conflicting thought in your throat. Before you knew what you were doing, you nodded in reply. 
“Then pack up. We’re leaving Ferrix. Tonight. I don’t know when we’ll be back… if we’ll be back.” 
You froze momentarily, the gravity of Cassian’s words settling on you like a heavy blanket. You hesitated only a few short breaths before you felt your decision click into place as naturally as a key in a lock. 
This time when Cassian left, you left with him.
*read chapter 4 here If you'd like to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know
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ophexis · 1 year
Character questions with Kenth, my jedi consular, this time
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What is the character’s go-to drink order? : Kenth is not very difficult about drink but I think he probably goes for milder, simple drinks, maybe on the sweet side, but he likes just about anything. There are probably rumors within the alliance that he occasionally indulges in a fancy drinks.
What is their grooming routine? : Showers everyday when possible, washes his face in the morning, trims his beard, makes sure his hair is neat and ties it in a short ponytail. The length of it is a little messy however and strands tend to fall behind his ears and over his face over the course of the day.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?: As a Jedi he does not tend to keep any large amount of money for himself, and he'll keep what is necessary, but as Commander of the Alliance and someone who uses his personal ship to get around a lot, he is forced to keep enough to maintain his ship and help people out. His biggest personal purchase was probably his speeder.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? : He has a large, force-lightning scar on his left arm, that starts at his hands and goes all the way up to his shoulder, with one arc going up to his face across his nose. He also has a lightsaber puncture scar at gut-level, and his body is otherwise covered in a myriad of tiny battle scars. He wraps this arm in bandages and the pain comes and goes. The injury also causes his arm to interact a little weird with the Force. (this is an old sketch but gives the idea)
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What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?: Initially it was when he was a younger, traumatized child. But the last time was likely near the end of kotet. He held himself together really well throughout kotfe and kotet but by the end of it he was stretched very thin.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? : As far as he is aware, he was an only child. Orphaned now.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. : He used to wear standard jedi leather boots. But after a few incidents of being flung around like a ragdoll by Arcann and Valkorion and a few others and breaking several bones, Lana had special long armored boots (and bracers) custom-made for him and she has forced him to wear them. They're pretty stylish though, and were build with his combat-style in mind so they don't impair his movements and he's grown quite fond of them.
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Describe the place where they sleep. : He either sleeps in his private room in his ship (which is rather sparse. It has a very comfy bed and a meditation space though) or on Odessen in the Commander's room. He doesn't tend to have many personal items and he can basically sleep anywhere (or meditate). He does have a small appartment room on coruscant that he doesn't use often.
What is their favorite holiday? : He doesn't partake in holidays all that much, but Life Day and the Feast of Prosperity are based on helping others and spreading joy so he's pretty fond of them.
What objects do they always carry around with them? : His lightsaber. It's been rebuilt in kotet but the crystal is the same. It's a part of him and he would go nowhere without it. Less sentimentally he has one or two communicators, macrobinoculars, scanners, and standard jedi equipment.
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