#legacy of the force inferno
forcesung · 2 years
“Now I’m afraid I must hurt you in a way worse than anything the Embrace has done.” Jacen continued to clasp Ben’s shoulder, infusing his wounds with soothing Force energy. “A short time ago, your father and my sister made a foolhardy attack on the Anakin Solo. Jaina appears to have escaped, but your father’s StealthX was destroyed.”
Ben frowned, not quite able to grasp what Jacen was telling him. “So?”
“So, his craft was vaporized,” Jacen explained. “There was no chance to eject.”
“You think he’s dead?” Ben knew that his head should have been reeling and his heart cracking, but the truth was, the only thing he felt was disbelief…and hatred. He still had that, even if Jacen was telling the truth. “Boy, are you gullible.”
Jacen’s hand clamped down, sending hot fingers of pain through Ben’s chest and neck. “I was there, Ben. I saw it with my own eyes.”
“You think you shot him down?” Ben didn’t know what he would do if he actually succeeded in making Jacen lose control of his anger—only that he had to make something happen. “That’s a laugh.”
But Jacen wasn’t taking the bait. He removed his hand and said, “Actually, it wasn’t me. It was an accident—friendly fire. Jaina got him.”
That did shake Ben. It seemed unlikely that Jaina Solo would make such a mistake, and even more unlikely that his father would be caught by it. But freak accidents did happen, and his dad had been very distracted since his mother’s death. Was it really so impossible that a grieving Luke Skywalker had made a fatal mistake?
“No—you’re making it up.” Ben’s objection sounded desperate, even to him. It felt like a cold hand had grabbed his heart and started to squeeze. “I would have felt him die—just like I did when you killed Mom.”
Jacen shook his head solemnly. “How, Ben? Have you felt anything through the Force since you’ve been here?” He took his vibrodagger from its sheath and activated it, then tossed it onto the floor about two meters away. “Go on, then. Summon that blade and free yourself.”
Ben reached for the vibrodagger…and couldn’t find it. He opened himself wide, and sensed nothing.
“What’s wrong?” he gasped. “I can’t… feel.”
“Of course not,” Jacen replied. “How long could the Embrace have held you, had I let you keep the Force?”
“You can do that? You can separate me from the Force?”
Jacen gestured at Ben’s helpless form. “Apparently so.”
“And now I can’t reach out for help,” Ben said, beginning to see how Jacen was trying to fool him. “So when you tell me Dad is dead, I can’t find him in the Force. I have to take your word for it.”
“That’s not the reason,” Jacen said. “But I see how you might come to that conclusion.”
Jacen laid his hand on Ben’s shoulder again, and the Force came flooding back in a shocking, painful torrent. He sensed a dozen things at once—his aunt Leia searching for him in the Force, filled with pain and shock and sympathy; his cousin Jaina, down on Kashyyyk, full of sorrow and apology and—now that she sensed him aboard the Anakin Solo—confusion; Saba Sebatyne and the other Masters relieved by his sudden return to the Force. And they were all reeling, bewildered and concerned because he was aboard Jacen’s ship.
But mostly, Ben sensed his father—a small, tight presence a deck or two above. He was skulking through the substructures below one of the long-range turbolaser turrets, and he seemed as surprised as everyone else by where Ben had turned up. But there was also a note of reassurance, a promise that he would soon be there to help.
At first, Ben couldn’t understand why Leia and Jaina and everyone else still seemed so sad—then it hit him: They couldn’t feel his father’s presence. Ben was the only one whom his dad was allowing to sense him through the Force. Not even Jacen had that kind of control.
—Legacy of the Force: Inferno, Troy Denning
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teagrl · 2 years
Rereading the trainwreck that is LotF I cannot express how sad I was when "Jacen"/Darth Caedus of whatever the fuck decides to firebomb Kashyyk and when they put some Wookiee pilots on and try to translate he barks back that he could understand Shiirywook since he was 5. Fuck you LotF you don't deserve my emotions.
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
There's a scene in Abyss where Ben has to make himself small in the Force and it says he draws his signature in so tight he can't even sense it.
And that makes me realize that that was probably how Vergere took away Jacen's ability to feel the Force when she was torturing him, and how Caedus later did the same to Ben. Just make the victims small enough in the Force. It probably wouldn't work as an attack in actual combat, but when someone is basically incapable of resistance, sure.
In hindsight, this seems insultingly obvious.
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icarusignite · 1 month
For Whom the Bell Tolls Masterlist
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Strong! Reader
Tropes: World War 2 HOTD AU, nurse x soldier, trauma bonding, childhood sweethearts, star-crossed lovers
Wattpad / AO3
"The tragic hero is complete. You can call him unhappy (miserable, utterly broken) even before he is dead. For an instant, he is something divine, and then he dies, because there's nothing else left to do. The center of every tragedy is the image of a human being who has already died but keeps talking, someone whose face is a mask."
In the years preceding the inferno of the Second World War, the world dances precariously on the edge of destruction, teetering between disintegrating old empires and the looming dawn of new ones. In the heart of this volatile era, the Targaryen family rises to power through the might of their ironclad empire, the Targaryen Ammunitions Conglomerate. The story is set against a backdrop of a world torn between tradition and modernity, where the echoes of old wars linger in the corridors of power, and the spectre of new conflicts casts long shadows across the lives of those entangled in its web.
Viserys Targaryen, the Chief Executive Officer of Targaryen Ammunitions, is a man haunted by the ghosts of his past. Decades before the world would be set ablaze, he cements his legacy, but at the cost of his own soul. The death of his first wife leaves him shattered, clinging to the last vestiges of humanity through the love he bears for his only daughter, Rhaenyra, his chosen heir. 
But even Viserys cannot escape the machinations of those around him. Drawn into a marriage with Alicent Hightower, his daughter's former college classmate, he finds himself ensnared in a web of deceit spun by her father. Otto Hightower's ambitions reach far beyond the bounds of mere familial ties; he seeks to control the empire itself, and the Targaryen family, once bound by blood and loyalty, begins to fracture as ambition and betrayal take root.
Rhaenyra, a woman of fierce independence and unyielding spirit, is forced into a life she never wanted. Pressured by her father and the demands of his legacy, she is coerced into a marriage of convenience with Laenor Velaryon, a man whose own struggles mirror her own. Their union is one of necessity, where neither partner truly belongs to the other, yet, in their shared discomfort and understanding, they find solace, forging a partnership that defies the world's expectations. Laenor, hiding his true nature in a society that would cast him out, finds safety in the match, while she, in turn, secures the power and stability she needs to maintain her position as her father's heir.
Years pass, and the couple's inability to have children leads them down a different path—a path that brings them to the doors of Harrenhall, where the recently deceased Harwin Strong leaves behind four orphaned children who have been disowned by his brother Larys in his greed for their fortune. Rhaenyra, with a heart as relentless as it is kind, cannot bring herself to separate the siblings, despite the dangers it may pose to her own ambitions. She adopts them all, bringing the Strong children into the fold of the Targaryen family.
As the eldest of these children, you are burdened by the weight of the world. At just ten years old, you have been forced to grow up far too quickly, stepping into the role of mother and protector to your younger siblings in the absence of your own. Your heart is a fortress, built stone by stone, your mistrust of the world as deep as the abyss. When you and your brothers are taken in by the Targaryens, your siblings find joy in the luxuries and love showered upon them by their new family, but you cannot let yourself believe in the comfort being offered, waiting for the moment when it will all be torn away.
Your fears are only compounded by the cold reception you receive from Rhaenyra's half-siblings, the children of Alicent Hightower. The second of these, Aemond Targaryen, is a boy who has grown up in the long shadow cast by his half-sister. Neglected by his father, who lavishes affection upon his new adoptive grandchildren, he harbours a deep resentment toward the Strong siblings. In his eyes, you are all usurpers, interlopers who have stolen all that should have been his and his alone. 
Nevertheless, the two of you find an unlikely ally in each other. Aemond, who despises the hollow privilege of his lineage, finds in you a kindred spirit, someone who understands the bitterness that festers in his heart. You, in turn, see in him a mirror of your own disillusionment, a boy lost in a world that seems intent on breaking him.
As the world outside your gilded cage hurtles toward cataclysm, your connection blossoms into something deeper, something tender, but just as your hearts begin to entwine, calamity, as it always does, intervenes.
Tragedy strikes the family, one blow after another, as the winds of war begin to howl across the continent. The fragile alliances that Rhaenyra has built start to crumble, and as Viserys struggles to hold his empire together, the rifts within his own family threaten to destroy everything he has worked for.
It is all made worse when a terrible accident steals away two precious loved ones, and in the aftermath, guilt weaves its thorny tendrils around Aemond's heart. At the tender age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of his own self-reproach, he severs all ties with his family, abandoning the name that has become a symbol of his anguish. He takes up his mother's maiden name, hoping to cast off the shackles of his past and live free from the burdens that have haunted him.
But in his flight from the wraiths of his former life, he leaves behind the only person who has ever understood him, to pick up the fractured remnants of their family. You are left all alone, as you have been for so much of your life, to mourn in silence, and the grief that once bound the two of you together now festers into a simmering resentment. Aemond does not write, nor does he respond to the countless letters you send, each one a plea for reconciliation, a desperate attempt to reach him across the chasm that has opened between you. 
Eventually, you receive word that he has been drafted into the conflict. The news shatters the fragile remnants of your dreams, the ambitions you once held of becoming a historian now buried beneath the rubble of a world on fire. You abandon everything and follow him into the inferno, earning the nursing certifications that place you at the very heart of the battlefield, where life and death are decided with every breath.
In this vast and chaotic landscape, the young lovers keep missing each other, like ships passing in the night, always just out of reach. Time and again, they come within moments of reunion, but never actually do. Until, at last, they are thrown together once more when a severely wounded and half-blind Aemond Hightower is brought into the makeshift clinic where you have been stationed.
The reunion is a storm of tears and apologies, a raw and unfiltered outpouring of the pain that has been carried for so long. For a few precious months, you have each other once more, as you tend to his injuries, nursing him back to some semblance of health. In those fleeting moments, the two of you cling to each other like drowning souls.
But fate is a fickle mistress, and there is nothing she loves more than to slit the throats of young lovers, and you are not spared the annihilation that has been written for you in the very stars, centuries before you were even born, a destiny that neither of you can escape, no matter how hard you try.
"You're going to die in your best friend's arms. And you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, you've memorized it, it's all you know."
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CHAPTERS: (coming soon)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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A/N: This isn't going to be a full-length fic. It's going to be a collection of one-shots almost, or snippets jumping around the timeline to tell the most important parts of the story, so maybe 10-12 chapters at most. This way I won't bore yall with unnecessary filler chapters and still get to tell the story I want. The summary is about as much as you'll on the background tbh, this is meant to be an AemondxReader centric story. It's inspired by Atonement and every other WW2 movie I've ever watched.
Comment to lemme know if this is something you would be interested in and if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Alternatively, add yourself to the taglist!
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astrolocherry · 2 years
The Elements of Astrology ~
written by #astrolocherry
~Fire Priestesses - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Whatever in the world she wants - she wants it now, and refuses to compromise or make any deals. A romantic at heart who can fall in love with the world, she cannot contain her  passion and appetite for experience, elation, and affection. The inferno of the Goddess rises viscerally through her body when her carnal desires have been activated. And there is rarely shame in her sexuality, so she is never afraid to unleash her wild side. Fire can dominate, or dominate through submission. In any way, she tends to subconsciously control the environment through her sensual command and hypnotic intimate flow. She can make you feel like you are standing on the gateway of heaven and hell together, and have no doubt, she will make you feel like you can have both…but you can never have both at once. If you want a safe bet, you’ve drawn the wrong hand.
~Earth Priestesses - Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn Earth priestesses are here to rule the world and leave a legacy in their name.  Their talents are made for the material plane,  their heels are made to glide like ice skates along the corporate floor, their eyes are made to calibrate value and potential in direct vision. The earth is their palace, and they make it known. They revere their ancient diplomatic powers and reach those supreme positions that ensure they will be given a say in how this world is run, because, don’t think for a second that you can pull this ground from beneath them. Earth is not afraid to dream the dreams and honour the work of the great women that stood before them; the leaders, the thinkers, the queens, the mothers, the creators, the survivors, and the monarchs that constructed the way making their path possible now. 
~Air Priestesses - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Air priestesses are the blend between independence and dependence, cute and clever, a sweetheart with words sharpened like knives. Air lives in the mind, they never really came down to earth. More time is spent hanging out with their own thoughts than anybody else in the world. These are thinking girls, so don’t be surprised or agitated when they forget something so basic as their keys or seem to struggle with simple domestic tasks... Air has that freedom of forgetfulness, and doesn’t bother much to save space and supply energy to such things. They would prefer satiate the appetite in the mind rather than the stomach with drops of word ink. Air is the element of intellect, they tend to know what talents they have and don’t have, so they may not offer to help bake you a cake, but they will stay up late reading your child to sleep, they will be prepared to help anybody who approaches them for conversation, and they can make your problems vanish with their conversation or mere natural presence.  Like a breath of fresh air blown through your mind, body, and environment- a cool, cleansing rush of telepathic love.
~Water Priestesses - Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Water Priestesses are the stars of mythic theatre performing the greatest stories on earth. They don’t have to move or speak a word to make the force of their presence known, and every spirit in the room becomes hypnotised beneath the cosmic spell that only they remember the ingredients. Marvellous, mysterious, and formidable forces stir chaos and maelstroms within. Though, most of their ordeals are kept secret, so nobody truly knows how far below they have sunk before they rise again. It’s difficult to conceive how she manages to fight all of this on her own, and yet still create a wave in the world with the command of her psychic tsunami. she is not made for the earth but she can dissolve and soak the boundaries completely, her water sisters are starring in mythic plays while also dominating the corporate, business, and political floor with the resources she got told were weaknesses. resources like life experience and resiliency, empathy opened through personal tragedy, a sensitivity that enhances the depth of relationships, passion, sacrifice, emotion, and love. 
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Spawn of Rovagug, Xotani
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Image © Paizo Publishing
{Sponsored by @tar-baphon​. Although I imagine that @monstersdownthepath​ will be happy to see it too, since they had to sort of average the 3.5 and PF2e statistics of Xotani. PF1e skipped it completely, maybe because it appeared in literally the last D&D 3.5 adventure Paizo published. I did run Legacy of Fire, and loved it. Personally, I made a few tweaks. Even if Jhavhul had succeeded, his consciousness was just going to be overwritten by Xotani; you don’t compromise with a Spawn of Rovagug. The sponsor asked me to adjust its CR up by 1, which was really only a matter of deciding how many HD to give it. Besides that, and the lava bombs borrowed from PF2e, this is a pretty straightforward conversion.]
Spawn of Rovagug, Xotani CR 21 CE Magical Beast This creature is a living magma flow, a cross between a wingless dragon and a centipede. It is the size of a building, jagged obsidian plates rising from its back and sides, and gouts of flames shooting from cracks in its surface and drool from its maw. It has eight empty eye sockets, but still seems able to see just fine. 
Xotani the Firebleeder is the weakest of the Spawn of Rovagug, but this still makes it one of the most deadly creatures in Garund. When Xotani is awake, it avoids the sun. It finds sunlight blindingly bright and surprisingly painful, and so remains underground by day, creating a network of tunnels from its own burrowing and from the lava that it spews and leaks. By night, it emerges, setting everything ablaze in its path. It has no desires or intentions other than pure destruction, although it will consume the ashes of what it destroys as a mockery of natural predation. It does take extra damage from the touch of cold, but cold damage enrages Xotani more than dissuades it.
Xotani is an unstoppable force in combat, moving like a lava flow over anything that stands in its path. Its very touch sets combustible objects ablaze, and weapons turned against it melt into slag. Xotani’s main strategies are either breathing a torrent of fire over clustered enemies, or grabbing and swallowing a single powerful foe. Wounds that open in Xotani’s flesh spew magma reflexively, and Xotani can fire lava bombs from its back. Xotani is barely sapient, but knows enough to avoid using its breath weapon against foes that are immune to fire: these it just eats after softening them up with claws and teeth.
The Firebleeder was “slain” by a powerful order of mages millennia ago, and is currently slumbering beneath Pale Mountain in Katapesh, where the color of the rock is said to come from the crushed bones of those who died in battle.  However, Xotani came very close to being awakened in the recent past. The lovesick Jhavhul, an efreet general, attempted to possess Xotani in order to have a form worthy of the object of his obsession, Ymeri the Queen of the Inferno. Without the twisted wishcraft used by Jhavhul, Xotani will not awaken for centuries. But it does now stir in his slumber, and droughts, wildfires and heat waves are more common around the Obari Ocean because of it. And plenty of other doomsday cults, misguided fire worshipers or simply bad actors may be able to wake Xotani yet. 
Xotani the Firebleeder       CR 21 XP 409,600 CE Colossal magical beast (fire, spawn of Rovagug) Init +8; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +26 Aura frightful presence (300 ft., Will DC 27) Defense AC 38, touch 6, flat-footed 34 (-8 size, +4 Dex, +32 natural) hp 403 (26d10+260); regeneration 30 Fort +25, Ref +21, Will +20 DR 15/epic; Immune ability damage, ability drain, bleed, disease, electricity, energy drain, fire, mind-influencing effects, paralysis, permanent wounds, petrifaction, poison, polymorph; SR  32 Defensive Abilities heat, hibernation, supreme regeneration; Weaknesses cold, sunlight blindness Offense Speed 60 feet, burrow 40 ft., climb 60 ft. Melee bite +32 (4d8+14 plus grab and 5d6 fire), 2 claws +32 (2d8+14 plus 5d6 fire) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Abilities breath weapon (70 ft. cone, 1d4 rounds, 16d10 fire, Ref DC 33), firebleed, lava bomb, swallow whole (AC 26, 40 hp, 2d8+21 plus 20d6 fire), trample (2d8+21 plus 5d6 fire, Ref DC 37) Statistics Str 38, Dex 19, Con 30, Int 3, Wis 17, Cha 18 Base Atk +26; CMB +48 (+52 grapple, +68 overrun); CMD 62 (cannot be tripped) Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Vital Strike Skills Climb +27, Perception +26, Survival +23; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Survival Languages Aklo (cannot speak) SQ unstoppable force Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization unique Treasure incidental Special Abilities Blindsight (Ex) Xotani’s blindsight is based on hearing. If it is deafened, Xotani cannot use its blindsight. Firebleed (Ex) As an immediate action upon taking at least 10 points of slashing or piercing damage, Xotani can spew lava from its wound in a 30 foot cone. All creatures in the area must succeed a DC 33 Reflex save or take 10d6 points of fire damage. Creatures that fail the save are coated in cooling sticky lava, being entangled and taking 5d6 points of fire damage for the next 1d3 rounds or until they spend a full round action to scrape the lava off. The save DC is Constitution based. Heat (Ex) All of Xotani’s attacks deal an additional 5d6 points of fire damage, and any creature touching or striking it with a unarmed strike or natural weapon take that damage. A manufactured weapon that strikes Xotani is incinerated and destroyed; a magical weapon may attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save in order to survive. The save DC is Constitution based. Hibernation (Ex) Spawn of Rovagug can sleep for years, decades, or even centuries and do not need to eat or breathe during these periods of dormancy, though they breathe normally and eat ravenously and almost constantly once they’ve been awakened. If a spawn of Rovagug is forced into an environment where it cannot breathe and would suffocate, it goes into hibernation until conditions are right for it to reawaken. Lava Bomb (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, Xotani can create lava bombs as a standard action. Treat this as a supernatural version of the meteor swarm spell (ranged touch +22, Reflex DC 27) with a range of 400 feet. The save DC is Charisma based. Sunlight Blindness (Ex) Xotani’s light blindness is only activated by true sunlight. Supreme Regeneration (Ex) All spawn of Rovagug possess regeneration, and no form of attack can suppress this regeneration; they regenerate even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect. If a spawn of Rovagug fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is dealt to its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but a method to kill Spawn of Rovagug has yet to be discovered. Unstoppable Force (Ex) A spawn of Rovagug can always charge, even if its movement is impeded or its path is blocked by another creature. It receives a +20 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to overrun and Strength checks to break or destroy objects, and can make one such check as a free action as part of a charge. In addition, the natural weapons of a spawn of Rovagug ignore all forms of damage reduction and hardness.
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ohheyitsjustbear · 2 months
Dnd character backstory under the cut if anyone wants to read it 🫶 it's long 😅
Seraphyx of the Ashes was a boy born in chaos, the son of flames and despair. The village of Arkan Hollow, once vibrant with life, became his cradle when an insane sorcerer unleashed a conflagration that would change everything. The night his cries first pierced the air, an inferno danced greedily through crumbling homes, casting shadows that flickered like restless spirits. As he wept in his mother’s arms, she fought desperately to shield him from encroaching doom. In her frantic haste to protect him, she struck a dark bargain with powers beyond comprehension—an unknowing deal that would alter their fates forever. Unbeknownst to her, this bargain exacted a terrible price—her own life was sacrificed alongside Seraphyx's innocence. As flames engulfed their once-happy abode, he found himself cradled by spectral forces who would claim dominion over his soul.
In the aftermath of devastation, Seraphyx found himself orphaned amid smoldering ruins where laughter once flourished. His mother perished in the fire’s grasp soon after sealing their fate with desperation—a sacrifice borne from love but steeped in regret. With no trace left behind of his father except whispers among haunted villagers claiming he had betrayed them all for power, Seraphyx grew up cloaked in resentment and loss. The villagers took pity on him but kept their distance, shunning any oddities that came meaningfully close; whispers followed him wherever he went—rumors about how he had emerged unscathed where others perished. The pact forged by maternal love manifested strength within him; he became a warlock, drawing on eldritch energies that pulsed at the edge of reality like embers barely differentiated from ash—dangerous yet tantalizing.
As years passed and childhood faded into darkness laced by vengeance and unresolved questions about identity and legacy, Seraphyx embraced both light and shadow swirling around him—the ashes of despair rekindling purpose aflame within his heart. As Seraphyx matured into manhood cloaked in tattered robes stained gray from soot and sorrowful tears alike—the Ashen Warlock carved himself out as an enigma amongst those haunted lands twisted unforgivingly towards turmoil; he is now driven not just to reclaim what was lost but also to discover why that cursed night still haunts him so deeply; when dusk dances upon smoky horizons mirroring those flames long extinguished, it beckons related mysteries revealing nothing—and yet everything—to those daring enough to seek answers hidden beneath layers of time-worn soot tracing old scars etched across turbulent skies before inevitable dawn finally breaks free from darkness' grip entirely hereafter…
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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My Deepest Condolences To The Anoaʻi Family 🙏🏾♥️🕊
Leati Sika Amituana'i Anoaʻi (April 5, 1945 – June 25, 2024), better known as Sika, was an American Samoan professional wrestler. He is best known as one-half of the tag team the Wild Samoans with his brother Afa. They held the WWF World Tag Team Championship three times, were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2007 and the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2012. He was a member of the Anoaʻi family and the father of professional wrestlers Rosey (Matthew Anoa'i) and Roman Reigns (Joe Anoa'i).
Anoaʻi was born in the village of Leone on the island of Tutuila in American Samoa on April 5, 1945, one of Amituana and Tovale Anoaʻi's thirteen children. In 1959, at the age of 14, he moved with his family to San Francisco, California in the United States. Shortly after, he enlisted in the United States Merchant Marine, working on ships sailing to the Philippines and Japan. He demobilized in 1969 and worked as a stevedore before leaving that to join his brother Afa in pro wrestling.
Anoaʻi was trained as a wrestler by his brother Afa and Kurt Von Steiger, debuting in 1973 in Stampede Wrestling as "Sika". Calling themselves "The Wild Samoans", the brothers and gained notoriety due to their large, wild afros, sarongs, and habit of wrestling barefoot and eating raw fish in the ring. Throughout the 1970s, The Wild Samoans appeared with promotions including Big Time Wrestling, the Continental Wrestling Association, Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling, NWA All-Star Wrestling, NWA Mid-America, Stampede Wrestling, and the World Wrestling Council, winning multiple tag team championships. From 1977 to 1979, the Samoans made repeated tours of Japan with International Wrestling Enterprise; in January 1978, they briefly held the IWA World Tag Team Championship.
On April 12, 1980, The Wild Samoans defeated Ivan Putski and Tito Santana to win the WWF World Tag Team Championship. Their reign lasted until August 9, 1980, when they lost to Backlund and Pedro Morales at Showdown at Shea. As Backlund was the then-WWF Champion, he and Morales were forced to vacate the championship, and The Wild Samoans regained the championship on the September 9, 1980, episode of WWF Championship episode of WWF Championship Wrestling, defeating Tony Garea and Rene Goulet in the finals of a tournament. Their second reign lasted until November 8, 1980, when they lost to Garea and Rick The Wild Samoans left the WWF in December 1980.
Following his retirement, Anoaʻi remained active in wrestling. He trained wrestlers at the Wild Samoan Training Center, a professional wrestling school run by Afa in Minneola, Florida.
On August 15, 1997, both men reunited for one night teaming with Disco Inferno, Gene Ligon and the Big Cheese as they defeated Ken Timbs, George Love, Jay Love, Gary Royal and Kane Adams at IWA Night Of The Legends in Kannapolis, North Carolina.
In 1999, he founded XW 2000, an independent wrestling promotion based in Pensacola, Florida.
On March 31, 2007, The Wild Samoans were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame by Sika's son Matt and Afa's son Samu.
The Wild Samoans appeared at Hell in a Cell to celebrate Roman Reigns' victory.
Anoaʻi died on June 25, 2024 at the age of 79. An Instagram post by his nephew Jahrus Anoa’i reads: "It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the passing of Former Hall of Famer, Polaivao Leati Sika Anoa’i. He passed away peacefully on June 25th. Sika was a celebrated figure whose contributions and legacy have left an indelible mark. His memory will live on through his achievements and the many lives he touched. He was many things: a hard working father, a caring brother, a supportive uncle, and a proud grandfather. He was a cherished friend to many, a loving family member whose warmth and kindness knew no bounds, and an inspiration to countless individuals. His legacy will continue to inspire and uplift future generations, reminding us of the impact one person’s life can have on so many.
Rest in love Uncle Sika.
There are so many wrestlers that have stories about the OGs of the Samoan Dynasty being generous to them when they started wrestling. They went above and beyond to train and help the younger generations. Sika is known as a tough, strong man but also a fair, kind and generous man. He will definitely be missed by the wrestling community, the fans and his family.
The wrestling world and fans lost one of the best today, a legend and most importantly The Anoaʻi/Fatu Family lost a brother, father, grandfather, uncle, husband and cousin.
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thequiver · 2 years
Who is.... Kevin MacTaggert | Proteus? - A Reading Guide
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Kevin MacTaggert, also known as Proteus, is the son of Moira MacTaggert (the former leader of the Muir Island X-Men, longtime ally of Professor X, and co-founder of Krakoa). Kevin is a reality manipulator who mostly inhabits an energy form (a psionic being composed of energy that has a vaguely human form with no physical characteristics) but he requires a human host to sustain himself, wearing through victims the more he uses his powers (which only grow with each victim he possesses). He currently inhabits soulless Charles Xavier clones to sustain life. He's best known currently for having terraformed Mars, being on The Five, and for having been an enemy of the X-Men.
Under the cut you'll find a complete list of all 79 of Kevin's major appearances (as of 17. 2. 23) in chronological order
X-Men Vol 1 #119, 125-128
Classic X-Men Vol 1 #32
New Warriors Annual Vol #1
X-Men Annual Vol 1 #15-16
X-Force Annual Vol 1 #1
X-Factor Annual Vol 1 #8
Excalibur Vol 1 #72-73
X-Man Vol. 1 #12
Star Trek/X-Men Vol 1 #1
X-Force Vol 3 #19
X-Necrosha Vol 1 #1
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 #231-233
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #4-11
House of X Vol 1 #5-6
Maruaders Vol 1 #3
X-Men Vol 5 #7
Marauders Vol 1 #9-10
X-Factor Vol 4 #1
Marauders Vol 1 #11
Hellions Vol 1 #7
X-Factor Vol 4 #5
S.W.O.R.D. Vol 2 #2
Excalibur Vol 4 #18
Marauders Vol 1 #18
X-Factor Vol 4 #8
S.W.O.R.D. Vol 2 #4
Way of X #1-2
X-Men Vol 5 #21
Planet-Size X-Men Vol 1 #1
Cable Vol 4 #11
X-Factor Vol 4 #10
Excalibur Vol 4 #22
Way of X #5
Trial of Magneto #1
New Mutants Vol 4 #21
Trial of Magneto #2
Onslaught Revelation #1
Inferno Vol 2 #2
Marauders Vol 1 #26
Trial of Magneto #4-5
Who is... Scarlet Witch Infinity Comic Vol 1 #1
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #1
X-Men Vol 6 #10
Knights of X Vol 1 #1
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #2
X-Men: Red Vol 2 #3
X-Men: Hellfire Gala Vol 1 #1
A.X.E.: Judgement Day Vol 1 #1-2, 4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #9
A.X.E.: Judgement Day Vol 1 #5
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 #62
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #7
A.X.E.: Judgement Day Vol 1 #6
X-Men: Red Vol 2 #9
X-Terminators Vol 2 #4
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #10
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
How would Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf react and feel about meeting the other Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Hyrule Warriors) and Demise (From Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)?
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Meeting Wind Waker Ganondorf
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would view Wind Waker Ganondorf with a mix of sympathy and curiosity, recognizing the wisdom born from defeat but also the potential weakness in accepting it.
Feelings: Sympathy, curiosity, and slight condescension.
Scene: In a serene garden filled with ancient symbols, Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf meets Wind Waker Ganondorf, who is deep in thought.
"You embraced defeat to find peace," Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf remarks, his voice carrying a hint of condescension.
Wind Waker Ganondorf looks up, a calm smile on his face. "I found wisdom in understanding my limits."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf raises an eyebrow. "Wisdom is valuable, but so is unyielding strength."
Wind Waker Ganondorf chuckles softly. "Then may you learn to balance both."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Meeting Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would see Ocarina of Time Ganondorf as a reflection of his own early ambition and drive, feeling a sense of kinship and mutual respect.
Feelings: Kinship, respect, and understanding.
Scene: In the ruins of an ancient temple, Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf approaches Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, who stands amidst the fallen stones.
"We share the same unyielding spirit," Ocarina of Time Ganondorf says, his gaze intense.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf nods. "And the same desire for ultimate power."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf smirks. "Together, our strength could be unparalleled."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf grins, a fierce determination in his eyes. "Then let us forge our destinies as one."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Meeting Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would see Twilight Princess Ganondorf as a kindred spirit with a strategic mind and ruthless nature, feeling a competitive urge but also a potential for alliance.
Feelings: Competitive respect and potential alliance.
Scene: In the twilight shadows of a dark fortress, Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf meets Twilight Princess Ganondorf, their eyes locking in mutual recognition.
"You wield power with a calculated precision," Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf observes.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf's lips curl into a slight smile. "As do you. We are two sides of the same coin."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf steps closer. "Shall we test our strengths or combine them?"
Twilight Princess Ganondorf's eyes glint. "Let us see where our combined power can lead."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Meeting Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be intrigued by Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf's raw power and martial prowess, seeing potential in their combined strength.
Feelings: Intrigue and strategic interest.
Scene: In a grand arena filled with the echoes of past battles, Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf approaches Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, who is surrounded by his war trophies.
"You harness raw power with unmatched skill," Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf remarks.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf nods. "And you channel the mystical forces of the land."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf's eyes narrow with interest. "Together, we could control both the physical and the mystical realms."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf grins. "Then let us unite our powers and reshape destiny."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Meeting Demise
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would feel a profound respect and awe towards Demise, recognizing him as the primal source of their shared power. He would also feel a strong desire to prove himself worthy of this legacy.
Feelings: Awe, reverence, and ambition.
Scene: In the heart of a blazing inferno, Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf stands before Demise, whose presence exudes overwhelming power.
"You are the origin of our strength," Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf says, his voice filled with reverence.
Demise's eyes blaze with dark fire. "And you are my vessel, bound to my will."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf bows his head slightly. "I seek to surpass your power and carve my own destiny."
Demise's laughter echoes through the chamber. "Then prove your worth, and perhaps you shall."
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forcesung · 2 years
It had to be a bad dream, Ben sitting there in that overgrown bramble, swaddled in thorn-studded vines, his skin flaking away in purple scales, his eyes burning with a pain-mad gleam. Luke had to be imagining this. Not even Jacen would use the Embrace on his own cousin.
“You’ll have to do better than that, Ben.” Still facing Ben, Jacen laughed and threw his hands up in mock terror. “‘Look! Behind you!’ That ruse was old when the stars were young.”
Ben shrugged. “It’s your funeral.”
“It might be, if I were naïve enough to let you summon that. ”
Jacen pointed at a vibrodagger lying on the deck, about two meters in front of Ben. Luke didn’t know what it was doing there—whether Ben had attacked Jacen with it, or whether Jacen had been using it on Ben—but he started to accept that the horrible scene was real. He was, in fact, standing in the doorway of a secret cabin filled with Yuuzhan Vong torture devices, watching his twisted nephew taunt his captive son.
Luke didn’t give Jacen a chance to surrender. He just sprang.
Ben’s jaw dropped, and Jacen started to spin, snatching his lightsaber from his belt and igniting it in the same motion, bringing the emerald blade around high to protect his heart and head.
But Luke was attacking low, striking for the kidney to disable in the most painful way possible. Jacen’s eyes widened. He flipped his lightsaber down in the same moment Luke’s met flesh.
—Legacy of the Force: Inferno, Troy Denning
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starstaiined · 1 year
it hits her one night without warning, as she's kneeling on broken bottles nursing her mother's latest bender.
sam isn't coming back.
tara meets her mother's dark eyes, clouded from alcohol and god knows what else, and suddenly she's eleven and panicking as sam stumbles and slurs messy apologies. her chests constricts sharply. her ribs bite into the fragile edges of her bleeding heart. it's okay, hey, it's okay, i'm okay, it's okay. she murmurs the same lie now that she did then. it blurs the line between past and present a little more. tars never noticed how much sam looked like their mother before now. christina had always been sharp edges and sharper words, leaving tara in pieces like shrapnel littering the battlefield of her childhood home. cruel indifference or pointed malice: tara never knew which was worse.
but if christina had been the open wound, sam had been the balm. gentle eyes and gentler hands, always reaching out to patch up her wounds and guide her in the right direction. when christina tore her to pieces, sam sat and stirched her together again. when christina picked up a sword, sam picked up a shield. they were two opposing forces. they couldn't be more different.
but as tara drapes a blanket over her mother, as she brushes back messy hair, it's like someone superimposed an image of sam months before she left. the haze of drugs, the festering loneliness, the haunting heartbreak. it makes her dizzy. she wonders, briefly, if tragedy had been bred into their blood.
sam, the victim. sam, the villain. sam, the martyr. sam, the monster. sam, the light. sam, the liar.
sam, who's gone.
sam, who left.
tara's throat tightens. her fingers curl into fists as the fire starts licking at the bottom of her spine and blazes into a roaring inferno: she's choking on ashes and smoke as her ears ring.
sam is gone.
sam left.
sam is never coming back.
her eyes meet the foyer mirror, and tara jerks back violently. those eyes ... dark, miserable, lonely, haunted, manic ... they aren't hers. they're sam's. the slope of her nose, the curve of her cheekbones, the bow of her lips ... it's all sam. sam and their stupid fucked up family legacy. glass shatters as tara's wilted fingers fly into it. again, and again, and again, and again, and again—
she isn't sure when the screaming devolved into crying or when that desolved into bone deep weariness: all she's sure of is one thing.
sam isn't coming back.
tara stumbles up the stairs and to an empty room, untouched in almost two years.
sam isn't coming back.
she curls up on the bed, bloody knuckles staining it with more than memories as she sniffles.
sam isn't coming back.
and for all intents and purposes, neither is tara.
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magnetarbeam · 2 months
I'm skimming Inferno just to look for any names of Alliance capital ships, but holy shit, I forgot about the bit at Balmorra where Gavin blindsides Caedus by being a badass admiral, and then just spends like an entire page casually talking down to his boss who would have killed him with a single thought if he wasn't too badass to waste.
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jacentenelka · 1 year
⟿  Happy Star Wars Day!
We've made an account on the clock app for this whole Jacen Solo + Tenel Ka Djo project since we'd like to do more video work for it (and a certain other platform keeps making our project accounts vanish w/ no explanation I wonder which one lolllll :)))))) and we figured we'd kick things off over there today.
This was a set of videos we made a few years ago with a scene from Legacy of the Force: Inferno (the gifset we originally made from it can be found on this tumblr)!
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Pitch for a Dark Pictures Anthology game:
1) The title:
ISLAND OF BRASIL (based on the urban legend)
2) The plot:
(Prologue) In the year 1010, Viking warriors Ulric and Magnus, along with their crew, come across a mysterious island shrouded in fog while sailing past Ireland. The Vikings make camp on the island before being slaughtered by a mysterious force hidden in the shadows.
(Main story) In the present day, world-famous British photographer Colin Brenner has lost his creative spark. He feels that he has done photoshoots in every possible exotic location he could think of. One day, he learns about the island of Brasil, a mythical island that lies west of Ireland that appears once every seven years. Despite the ludicrousness of the story, he decides to find Brasil in the hopes of doing a photoshoot on the island. One last, epic photoshoot before retirement.
Along with four famous supermodels (names will be listed below) and his crew, Colin sets sail for Brasil. Miraculously, the group finds Brasil and lands on the island. But what should’ve been the vacation trip of a lifetime quickly becomes a disaster when the group realizes the same thing the Vikings did centuries ago; there’s something on the island. Something…evil.
3) Details of the game
* Based on the Irish mythical island of Brasil (also known as Hy-Brasil)
* In terms of horror movie inspirations, I pictured this game as a modern take on the cannibal horror movie. For those who don’t know, there’s an entire sub genre dedicated to primitive cannibalistic tribes that terrorize “civilized” people. Movies in this genre include The Green Inferno, Bone Tomahawk, and Cannibal Holocaust.
What I wanted to do was change the setting since most cannibal horror movies feature tribes of Asian, South American, or Native American descent. I wanted to do one where the cannibal tribe, for once, is of European descent.
So, yeah, the game’s main villains are the cannibal tribes of Brasil and it’s up to the players to get our main characters (Colin and the four supermodels) off the island.
4) The main characters
* Colin Brenner (AMBITIOUS, OVERBEARING, ABRASIVE): World-famous British photographer who led the expedition to Brasil in hopes of one last photoshoot to cement his legacy. He is voiced and motion-capped by Idris Elba, the game’s starring actor.
* Amy Simpson (CONFIDENT, ADVENTUROUS, STUBBORN): Supermodel from the United States. Amy uses the same face model as Julia from Man of Medan.
* Claire O’Reilly (FOOLHARDY, PASSIONATE, CHARMING) : Supermodel from Ireland. Claire uses the same face model as Clarice Stokes from House of Ashes. Also, Taylor/Tanya from Little Hope.
* Karin Yoshimitsu (SUPERSTITIOUS, INSECURE, EMPATHETIC): Supermodel from Japan. Karin uses the same face model as Felicity Graves from Hidden Agenda.
* Aminder Chopra (RATIONAL, CURIOUS, WITTY): Supermodel from India. Aminder uses the same face model as Erin Keenan from The Devil in Me.
5) The prologue protagonists
Ulric and Magnus: The two Viking warriors who find Brasil and are later killed (and eaten) by the island inhabitants.
Ulric uses the same face model as Eric King from House of Ashes.
Magnus uses the same face model as Merwin from House of Ashes.
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vv2321 · 1 year
Jeff Seid Bio
Jeff Seid Bio
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From the tender tendrils of youth, Jeff's heart danced to the rhythm of athletic pursuits, weaving a tapestry of passion through soccer, basketball, and football fields. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, it was at the tender age of 16 that his path intersected with the realm of bodybuilding, casting an irrevocable spell upon his soul.
Within the hallowed halls of high school, Jeff seized the iron weights and, in a harmonious symphony of grunts and determination, fell irrevocably in love with the art of weightlifting. Day by day, hour by hour, he sculpted his physique, immersing himself in the sacred temple of the gymnasium, unravelling the mysteries of training and nourishment. His sweat-drenched toil bore fruit as he blossomed into a prodigious force, snatching victories at bodybuilding competitions even before donning the graduation cap.
The ensuing years saw Jeff's meteoric rise as a formidable figure in bodybuilding. Like a young titan striding upon Olympus, he etched his name among the pantheon of luminaries. In 2010, Jeff seized the Teen National Bodybuilding Championships. This conquest crowned him the supreme victor in the Teenage Division, an accolade that would forever be etched upon the annals of his triumphs. The embers of his ambition were stoked, casting an inferno within his being, propelling him forward on his relentless quest for greatness.
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Yet, beyond bodybuilding, Jeff's luminescence radiates upon the entrepreneurial landscape and the vast realm of social media. A revered beacon, he attracts over 3 million followers on Instagram, weaving a tapestry of inspiration and urging souls to embrace the path of vitality and wellness. Harnessing his entrepreneurial spirit, he has birthed a realm of supplements, clothing, and fitness equipment, breathing life into a thriving empire that transcends mere muscle and embraces the ethos of a holistic lifestyle.
Jeff has encountered his share of storms like all beacons illuminating the world. In 2015, amidst the raging controversy, a fellow bodybuilder hurled a lightning bolt of steroid accusations. Standing tall as an oak amidst the storm, Jeff vehemently denied these claims. Nevertheless, the fallout cast shadows upon his path, stripping away specific sponsorships and leaving him to navigate the storm with unwavering resilience.
Undeterred by the raging winds of adversity, Jeff emerged from the storm unscathed, his spirit unyielding. He stands today, an epitome of inspiration for countless souls traversing the globe, yearning to sculpt their destinies through the crucible of health and fitness. With unwavering dedication, relentless toil, and an unquenchable passion for bodybuilding, he has etched his name in the sky of success, transcending mere mortal boundaries.
As the tapestry of time unfolds, Jeff Seid shall continue to inscribe his indomitable legacy upon the world, each stride a resounding proclamation of his unwavering spirit. The realm of bodybuilding, entrepreneurship, and beyond shall bear witness to the radiant brilliance of this extraordinary individual, a luminous testament to the power of dreams forged in iron and harnessed by unyielding will.
Jeff Seid Age
Born on the radiant day of June 12, 1994, Jeff entered this world, bestowing the gift of his presence upon it. With time, the sands of the hourglass have carried him through the tapestry of life, gracing him with the wisdom and experiences that accompany 28 revolutions around the sun.
Jeff Seid Height, Weight & Physical Appearance
Jeff's towering presence commands attention, standing at an impressive height of 6 feet 0 inches (183 cm), a testament to his physical stature. His robust frame, weighing between 205 and 215 pounds (88.5 to 93.0 kg), exudes strength and power.
The magnificence of Jeff's physique transcends mere description, as his sculpted form embodies the epitome of definition and toning. His low body fat percentage unveils a canvas of intricately chiselled musculature. A broad expanse of shoulders beckons admiration, while his chest, etched with precision, speaks volumes of his dedication. His well-defined abs invoke a sense of wonderment, a testament to countless hours spent pursuing physical perfection.
Gaze upon his arms and be captivated by the artistry that adorns them. Muscular and meticulously carved, his biceps and triceps silently testify to his unwavering commitment. The symphony of his physique resonates with harmony and proportion, captivating the discerning eye and earning him a rightful place among the champions of bodybuilding.
Beyond the realm of his physical attributes, Jeff possesses a charismatic allure that transcends the tangible. A classic embodiment of the "pretty boy" aesthetic, his chiselled facial features testify to his captivating presence. Meticulously groomed hair crowns his countenance, enhancing his charismatic appeal.
Jeff Seid's Net Worth
Jeff's resplendent journey extends beyond the stage of fierce competition. He has ascended the virtual realm, harnessing the power of technology to transcend boundaries and become a revered online trainer and fitness influencer. Through his digital presence, he has captivated the hearts and minds of countless individuals, sharing his expertise and inspiring them to embrace a life of strength and wellness.
Jeff's prowess lies in his triumphs as a competitor and influencer, and his extraordinary physique has set him apart from his peers. Admiring eyes have marvelled at his chiselled form, a testament to his unyielding discipline and relentless pursuit of physical excellence. The such remarkable distinction has not only garnered him admiration but has also translated into substantial financial success. Throughout his illustrious career in the fitness industry, Jeff has amassed an estimated fortune of $1.5 million, a testament to the value placed upon his exceptional talent and undeniable charisma.
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