#the jedi academy
Luke Skywalker: [Projects a really low-quality image] Luke Skywalker: Okay guys, so here's the plan- Corran Horn: if i had a dollar for every pixel in this image i'd have 15 cents Kyp Durron: if i had a dollar for every ounce of rage i felt in my body after i read this comment i would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Leia Organa: actually I did the math, they would have $225 not $0.15 Luke Skywalker: sis i'm right here... Kyle Katarn: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Cilghal: while you're there could you buy me an apply juice please Kyle Katarn: sorry I only have a dollar Cilghal: :( Tionne Solusar: he'd have $22500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Kam Solusar: hey I just realized Tionne is right, he would have $22500 not $225 Kyle Katarn: if i had $22500 i would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Octa Ramis: You can buy anything you want with $22500 Corran Horn: yeah and he wants soda and apply juice Kenth Hamner: apply juice to what? Saba Sebatyne: directly to the forehead Luke Skywalker: Luke Skywalker: Great post guys
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
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happy may the 4th from the jedi academy!!
(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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amarcia · 5 months
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There are no good endings because nothing ends, so that means there are no bad endings either.
May the Force be with you.
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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avame · 5 months
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something about a connection you'll always want but can never make
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art-of-wackylurker · 11 months
I guess it's my turn to contribute something to the @starwars-arttrade-2023
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A lesson on meditation for @stealingpotatoes because world needs more of Luke's New Jedi Academy, it's a pleasant night, the burning wood crackles nicely and the Force fills them with good vibes (✿◡‿◡) So yea I've decided to do the 'Make them comfy' prompt a liiiiitttleeee differently and, well, that's what came out!
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cndcrd · 5 months
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Master Ben and Rey/Jedi Academy AU
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emperorsfoot · 5 months
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virtualni-kobka · 2 months
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old little concept art of my jedi oc together with her padawan
Very roughly based off the character I played as in Jedi Academy
She is a zabrak and I think zabrak *females* cannot have red skin... let's blame that on the queerness shall we
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errantindy · 10 months
It’s a real good thing Luke Skywalker was an incredibly famous respected hero of the Rebellion.
Because Luke really was like “Hey, first class, congrats on coming to my new praxeum, I just learned that word from Leia. I’m sorry yer the test dummies for learning how to teach Jedi. I’m your Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. I had a month long seminar with Grandmaster Yoda, and then he died making me Grandmaster through attrition. I’ve had a self guided study since of whatever I could scrape together from what the Empire didn’t destroy. The New Republic has been nice enough to let us squat in the historic abandoned Yavin Base. Don’t mind the nearby Sith Lord or comatose Jedi Master furry in nearby temples, they’re not important…yet.”
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Maybe Call It A Praexum This Time
“This place looks… verdant,” Finn said. “Are you sure there’s anywhere to set down?”
“General Antilles gave me the coordinates,” Rey replied, banking the Falcon slightly. “There’s somewhere… or, there was back during the war.”
“Decades ago,” Finn mused. “Again. Are you sure there’s anywhere to set down?”
“Given the nature of the place, I’m sure of it,” Rey answered, then pointed. “There it is. On the horizon.”
Finn squinted, shading his eyes, then whistled.
“Now that is one big building,” he said.
“The Great Temple, it’s called,” Rey told him. “Obvious name, I know… can you let Poe know we’ve confirmed it?”
“We haven’t confirmed we can land yet,” Finn pointed out. “But I’ll tell him.”
He reached for his comlink, and flicked it on. “Hey, Poe! How are you doing in that rust bucket?”
“That’s my line!” Poe replied, with a laugh. “This transport’s three whole years younger than the Falcon! But I’ve got to admit, the power-to-weight isn’t so good… you three got me somewhere to set down yet?”
“We’ve got an area,” Finn replied. “We can see the temple, anyway. Chewie hasn’t had a chance to give us an expert wookiee look at the trees to see what we can clear away.”
“I last did that fifty years ago!” Chewbacca shouted, from where he was keeping on top of the Falcon’s inevitable maintenance issues – this time the fact that the concussion missile launcher was being balky.
“I’ve never been a tree guy at all!” Finn shot back. “And I’m pretty sure Rey’s only seen trees in the last year.”
“I knew they existed,” Rey said.
“Okay, guys, guys!” Poe called. “Focus, okay? I’ve got fifteen kids on board and I think Threepio is having trouble keeping them all under control.”
“Aren’t Artoo and BB helping?” Rey said.
“Man, I don’t want to see what happens if Artoo teaches the kids,” Poe replied. “BB’s good, though…”
Finn chuckled, then the Falcon flew over the temple and Rey expertly adjusted the controls.
“What do you think?” she asked Finn, as they stopped.
“...well, it looks like we might have space to land both ships on the forest floor,” Finn replied. “If we do it one at a time. The Falcon would have to go first… actually, I take it back, I think we’ll need to get some work done.”
He glanced back. “Chewie? You’re up! You’re the closest thing we’ve got to an expert!”
One closest-thing-to-an-expert-opinion later, along with a slightly hair-raising landing and twenty minutes of work with lightsabers, Chewbacca waved two lightwands to guide Poe down.
The chunky transport hopefully contained everything they’d need. Supplies… equipment… beds, amenities, tools… and fifteen children, over half of them from Canto Bight, all of them recently liberated and force-sensitive and eager to learn how to use their abilities.
“This is going to go terribly, isn’t it?” Finn asked, standing under the overhang of the long-abandoned temple hangar.
“We’ll see what we can do,” Rey replied. “We found the kids, didn’t we? We found the lightsabers…”
“Yeah, that was tricky,” Finn agreed, thinking about the deep delve into the Imperial Palace on Coruscant to find the Emperor’s hidden trophy room.
He grinned. “Bet that old bastard never thought we’d pull anything like this off.”
“Master Luke’s supposed to have told him that his overconfidence was his weakness,” Rey noted. “I hope we’re not overconfident.”
“Given how I feel right now, if I’m overconfident, we’ve got no chance!” Finn muttered. “This is going to be tough.”
In the newly-expanded clearing, Poe’s ship sank onto its landing legs with a creak.
“Okay, here we go,” Rey decided, squaring her shoulders, then glanced at Finn. “Do you think they’ll mind that we’re going to need to spend time clearing out living space?”
Finn frowned, thinking about it.
“Not if we help,” he guessed. “Let’s start with Force lessons and camping out in the hangar?”
Two weeks into the operation of the new Temple, everyone was still being run ragged. Every hour was full, between making sure that the giant stone structure was liveable, converting it to handle effective Jedi training, and simply giving lessons in the first place.
Rose, Poe and Chewbacca were real pillars of strength, helping make sure that Finn and Rey were only a normal amount of overwhelmed… most of the time.
But it was hard to feel like you were doing a good job of teaching when you didn’t know much yourself.
“I still can’t even read these,” Finn admitted, frowning at one of the ancient Jedi books. “How do you do it?”
“It’s about a state of mind,” Rey replied. “It’s about… focusing on yourself, and focusing on the world, and recognizing the connections between them. Then, once you can do that, you can look with the eyes of the Force.”
“The connections…” Finn repeated, thinking. “You mean like that connection you had, the dyad?”
“That was the easiest one to see, at first,” Rey admitted. “I had to focus on it enough to be able to reduce the strength of the connection, and I wasn’t always able to.”
“I actually think that’s part of the problem I’m having, you know?” Finn said. “You had this big signpost to start with, and I don’t have that.”
Rey picked up a book, closing her eyes to get into the right mindset, then scanned through it.
“Focusing techniques…” she said. “Focusing… oh! There’s, um, good news and bad news.”
“Well?” Finn asked, sounding apprehensive.
“The good news is, there’s several suggested alternative ways to focus,” Rey informed him. “The bad news is… there’s about fifty of them.”
“Great,” Finn sighed. “This is going well.”
He glanced at his friend. “That’s not me trying to complain, or anything.”
“It was,” Rey replied.
“...yeah, it was,” Finn conceded. “Just, not aimed at you.”
“I can’t disagree, though,” Rey told him, thoughtfully. “This is always going to be difficult, Finn… we just don’t know much. So much of the Jedi Order’s knowledge was lost, and Master Luke only had a few months of training with Master Yoda plus what he could find on Ossus. Then Master Luke’s knowledge was lost as well, and I’ve only had a couple of months of very intermittent training. But… it’s the best we can do.”
“It’s the best we can do,” Finn agreed. “Well, that makes me feel better.”
“It should,” Rey smiled. “What matters is that we carry forwards the ideal of the Jedi. Ben – Kylo said to let the past die, but that’s not right… it’s not a rule. It’s advice, and that advice is sometimes wrong.”
She shut the book. “If we had a holocron, that would be better. If we had a Jedi Master with proper training to help us out… that would be perfect. But we work with what we have. It’s not like they grow on trees.”
Finn laughed.
“If they did, we’re in the right place!” he said. “Okay, want to give me one of those meditation techniques?”
“I did see one that might help,” Rey told him. “It’s about visualization. Start with something simple, and add bits to it, one at a time, then take them away again. Add and remove.”
“Right,” Finn decided, crossing his legs, and tried to focus.
Less than three minute later, there was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Rey said, turning. “Oh, Temiri – is something wrong?”
“Um,” the former Canto Bight stableboy said. “I don’t know?”
He held up a furry animal, a bit larger than BB-8 and with long floppy ears. “I found him in the forest. He followed me home… is that okay?”
“Huh, you found a pet?” Finn asked.
“Rather more than that, I think,” the animal said. “I’m given to understand you’re starting a Jedi Temple?”
Temiri let him down, and he clasped his paws and bowed. “I am Jedi Master Ikrit, who was trained by Master Yoda. I have been waiting for… is something wrong?”
Finn and Rey exchanged glances.
“...so…” Finn began. “Looks like you were wrong, Rey.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit to that,” Rey conceded readily. “Please tell me you’re willing to teach. We have so little idea about what we’re doing.”
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alphamecha-mkii · 6 months
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The Maw Installation by Erick Herand
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Technically speaking Cal is the only, living, Jedi who was officially knighted. Yoda implied Luke was a Jedi, but he never knighted him. And Ahsoka and Ezra were Padawan’s who never officially finished there training.
their collective teaching credentials are basically just "haha dude trust me I know what I'm doing for sure"
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brennacedria · 7 months
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Lookie what I got!
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selid327 · 3 months
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Tionne Solusar, my favourite bard girl from Jedi Academy books. She's pretty different in official sources, so I had to mix them into this.
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lothalacademy · 10 months
Mace Windu is not on here because he’s the grandmaster.
Top 6 knights make the council
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shieldofiron · 3 days
Steve Harrington Jedi x Billy Hargrove Sith. And they’re making out. They’re straight swapping spit space style.
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