#kept trying to color or shade this to no avail so calling the line art done sfsfsd
morgenlich · 1 year
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mazel tov to the happy(?) couple 🎊🎊🎊
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purplesurveys · 4 years
(found at xxbieberburnham)
“The rest of your life”
Are you independent or dependent? Dependent as all hell. I’ll put my foot down on very certain things, but most of the time I prefer hearing input or suggestions from people I trust. I definitely think it’s something I still have to work on because I know I’ll have to be mostly independent at some point.
If you could put your life into a category, where would it go? I feel like this would be easier to answer if you gave a list of categories. I don’t know what kind of insight you’re looking for.
How many animals do you have? I have two, but I call them pets.
Are you popular? Idk and I don’t care. All I know is I don’t actively seek to be so.
What time were you born? 9:11 in the evening.
Have you had any candy this week? Yeah, I had a gummy worm this morning. Mom bought a box of Halloween-themed sweets and there were cupcakes had gummy worms on them alongside marshmallows designed to look like a tombstone.
Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Hurricanes are terrifying, but I’m used to them. We don’t get tornadoes at all so I’ll not only be unprepared for those, but would definitely be more afraid of them too.
Do you like those nerd glasses? Sure, I still think they’re cute and look good on people but I never called them nerd glasses lol. Mine are kinda shaped like one.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nah, I’d be wiped out pretty fast.
What color is your house? A light shade of beige.
When was the last time you saw a rainbow? More than a year ago, I’m sure. It was during our ride back home from a journalism workshop, which if I remember correctly was all the way in Cavite. Goddamn we traveled a lot for those workshops.
Have you ever ate a crayon? I’ve never bitten off a piece but I’m not ruling out at least licking.
Ever rode in a helicopter? Nope. Would love to.
Do you like rabbits? Sure.
Do you like mushrooms? For the most part I don’t even think they taste like anything, so I never really had a problem with mushrooms.
“It’s like you step into the room and just press play”
What was the last movie you cried at? That Thing Called Tadhana. I had watched it five years ago after my first breakup; I got to go to Sagada shortly after that breakup, so that movie was actually very therapeutic for me at the time because it allowed me to release my feelings the way Mace did, also in Sagada. Now I’m stuck at home and can’t travel and that movie just hurt too much to finish.
What ice cream flavor best describes your personality? I don’t really...pair ice cream flavors with types of personalities.
Would you rather work for a small or large company? Large, because I feel like I’d be challenged more in those and thus learn more. Also it just looks nicer on resumés, if I’m being honest. Smaller companies are ok too but I prefer those that already have a rep for churning excellent results and having a good track record for workplace culture, like the company I’m currently working with.
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes? Ukays. I used to not like them, but my mom and sister did a great job reeling me in and making me see the appeal.
How many languages do you speak? Two.
What was the worst movie you've ever seen? Me Before You was such a waste of my time. Predictable, cheesy, and typical asshole-guy-softens-up-over-time-oh-and-just-as-you-start-to-root-for-him-we’re-gonna-kill-him-off. But idk, I was with friends who were into movies like those and I wanted to support them, so I went along to watch.
What video game have you played the most? Cumulatively, pretty sure it’s Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
What was your favorite TV show as a child? I was a Nickelodeon girl and Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, and My Life as a Teenage Robot were my top 3, with Jimmy Neutron closely trailing at #4. I loved Disney shows too but wasn’t really able to appreciate them as much until I got a little older and could understand their humor better.
What's your favorite sport? My answer won’t change - if it counts, pro wrestling. If it doesn’t, my next favorite is table tennis.
If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it? Nothing creative is coming to me at the moment.
Do you believe there’s life on other planets? Yes. Maybe not the ones in our solar system, but those out in the distant universe for sure.
What was the worst place you ever traveled to? Can’t say I’ve truly disliked a particular place we’ve been to. I will say that Chinese people have a...culture that I’m not used to, and I did not enjoy touring with a bunch of them during my cruise. They had buffet habits that I would consider unhygienic, they would sit at the same table my mom and I were eating at if there were available seats(??????? imagine if I just sat beside you at a diner while you’re having lunch?), and apparently it’s acceptable for them to actually look you in the eyes and point directly at you if they’re talking about you with other people. It was honestly a lot to put up with for six days, and the only reason I didn’t lose my temper was because my dad works in the ship and I didn’t want to cause him any trouble.
What is one thing you’re really bad at? Making art.
Do you believe in angels? No. I like referring to my grandpa as my guardian angel, but I don’t actually believe in angels.
Would you rather be a famous actor or musician? I know I’m awful at either, but I’d much rather act.
“where have you been all my life?”
If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been? It’d be cool to come up with something that ends up being widely popular and/or beneficial to society, but do it accidentally; like how popsicles came to be. Imagine building a legacy from your own oopsie lmao sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
What's your favorite exercise workout? I don’t do workouts.
What's your favorite thing to do? Wow, very straightforward. Hmm these days I’m slowly inching back to wrestling, so I’ve been watching compilations and documentaries and doing some catching-up here and there. Lately I’d say that’s my favorite thing to do, but that can always change.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? Gab and I went to Pinto and she brought me to Filio after. Then I got back home to see what Athenna had done to my room while I was out, which was to cover the floor with balloons and the walls with printed photos of Zayn Malik.
Does your local Wal Mart have benches in them to rest? First, we’ll need to have local Wal-Mart stores here.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never liked stuffed animals, so I didn’t even have a teddy bear.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not fuck with the ghosts/spirits.
Are you crazy in love currently? Not crazily, but in love.
Are you good at swimming? I can tread and do several strokes, but I also tend to panic so I think that eliminates the concept of me being a good swimmer.
What's worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet. I can get around slow walkers; but unless I have mobile data, slow internet is out of my control for the most part.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? I can’t pick between whistling at me, catcalling me, lunging at me, or flirtatiously harass me in front of his friends while I was minding my goddamn business carrying a goddamn box of cake at the mall. Yeah, not a very big fan of men.
Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Out.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? Put on a YouTube video and let autoplay take over.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? Yeah I used to, until I lost it.
Ae you afraid that one day you might get cancer? The fear of the possibility is there, but it’s not predominantly in our family history and so I’m more afraid of other issues I have a higher chance of getting, like high blood pressure.
“Letters to Juliet”
Are you a fast or slow walker? Fast if I’m running errands, slow-ish if I’m out for leisure.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No.
Does it bother you when people's underwear hangs out? Kinda. Even more when their crack decides to show up too.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? No, I am one of the last people in line when it comes to that.
When's your birthday? April 21st.
Do you own a bobble-head toy? Nopes.
What color was the towel you used to dry off with today after a shower? Turquoise.
Has anyone ever walked you home? I’ve had someone drive me home. Walking isn’t really applicable here.
Have you ever liked someone and they were taken? That’s never happened to me.
When was the last time you went fishing? In my past life, maybe.
True or false: You've read the book Lord of the Flies? False.
Have you heard of the band Yellowcard? Yes.
Have you ever seen the show Teen Wolf? I’ve seen an episode and oh my god it was so boring.
Do you have any quotes, lyrics etc on your walls? I used to until my mom took it down while I was in school. I made it myself, so it stung.
Are you a fan of Star Wars? No.
“Our parents never let us cross the street, but we did it anyway”
Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hair? Whenever it was actually nice, yeah. It was never my best feature though.
What brand of camera do you own? I have...an iPhone, if it counts, ha. My old DSLR was a Nikon.
Is there something you're not looking forward to? The next day. Having to go through rounds of anxiety is not enjoyable.
Have you ever read the book Thirteen Reasons Why? Have not read the book nor seen the show, but have read enough of the premise to know I am not a fan.
Do you wear white pants? Sure, I have a pair of white jeans that I absolutely love.
When was the last time you were really angry? Yesterday. My sister and I were ordering KFC from a food delivery app and no driver was taking it because drivers in that company are notoriously picky bitches about their destinations. They kept canceling our orders and at some point I had enough and proposed that we just get Pizza Hut, this time straight from the Pizza Hut website, which has always worked out for us before. So Pizza Hut confirms the order, calls me up and says the ETA, so far so good. Around 15 minutes later the doorbell rings and it’s...KFC? With our original orders? Apparently that stupid ass app took our order anyway after repeatedly canceling it, and I never got one fucking notification that our order was received. Tried to cancel Pizza Hut but they said they had already started making the pizzas, so in the end we had to pay for both meals. I had never been so angry.
Have you ever made a 3 pointer in a basketball game? Hah, of course not. I’ve barely made one of those free throws that are worth one point.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down? I’ve gotten more compliments whenever it’s up, so that must look better on me even if I personally don’t necessarily agree.
Do you warm up before you hardcore exercise? I don’t exercise, but isn’t warming up recommended anyway?
Do you want a pair of Converse shoes? Not really; I suppose they’re alright. It’s not my favorite brand in the world, but I wouldn’t turn down a free pair either.
Are you more of a studs or hoops type of person when it comes to earrings? Hoooooooooops for days.
How many shirts do you have of your favorite band? Just one. I’m not a band shirt person.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? There’s no TV in this room.
Have you ever wore a tie before? Yeah, as a kid my mom sometimes made me wear neckties. They made me SO uncomfortable I was having internal breakdowns about being seen in public. I was 7 years old. Neckties to me were a boy thing and I felt 0% boy; and so it gave me such serious dysphoria. It’s like making a boy wear a pink tutu even if he’s already visibly distressed. Whenever I told my mom I felt uncomfortable, she would just tell me it “looks good.” Jesus Christ. Why did no one ever drag my mom to a parenting seminar? Did no one seriously see the signs???
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Garlic rice, bacon strips, and glazed ham.
“For the Krusty Krab”
Are you good at art? Of course not.
How many times have you read your favorite book? I don’t have one.
Name one thing that you really hate. Raisins, on their own and incorporated in a dish.
Have you ever tried walking on stilts? I haven’t.
Is there a war that you find interesting? Eh, not really. So many of historical accounts are bombarded with war narratives as it is, and I’ve just never really found disputes or tensions among countries to be the most interesting part about history. Plus women were mostly absent, and that makes it even more boring.
Would you rather live in the city or country? City.
Do you think $7 is too much for a movie ticket? Not always. $7 or ₱350 is actually pretty reasonable if you wanna see a movie at an upscale mall; people who watch movies in places like that shouldn’t be complaining about movie tickets that cost that much. But all movie theaters are the same anyway - pitch black, freezing, comfy chairs - so I just go to midscale malls where tickets would be like a hundred bucks cheaper since it’s gonna give me the same experience anyway.
Would you like to be a newscast person? For a long time I thought I wanted to be one because that’s what my entire family was rooting me to become. Eventually I realized reading from a teleprompter, interviewing guests, and asking questions to reporters is not a career I want.
Do you like word searches, coloring or crosswords better? Word searches, then coloring, then crosswords.
Close your eyes and press a random key on the keyboard. U.
How many William’s do you know? I don’t think I know anyone. It’s too foreign-sounding a name.
What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up at around 6 AM, but I fell back asleep immediately and woke up again around 30 minutes later.
Do you enjoy crutches? ...No? That seems a little insensitive for people who actually need them.
What's better: Snapple or Arizona tea? Arizona. It’s because I’ve never had the Snapple one, but tbh Arizona is already pretty delicious anyway.
Make a word out of the word: Dinosaur. Round.
“she said I love this song, I’ve heard it before”
When you were younger, did you play with legos? Yes. I was never a creative kid, but I liked playing with them anyway.
Do you like Trix cereal? It was only my absolute favorite cereal as a kid, no biggie.
Do you get nervous easily? Ugh, yes. My parents asked me to get water containers from our local water station last Saturday and I literally had to allot like two hours to brace myself and make a script in my head. I constantly rehearse shit nearly every time I have to go out of the house.
How long is your Facebook password? I’m not sharing that.
Do you like the movie Mean Girls? No, I didn’t find it funny the first time and that made me uninterested in giving it a second chance.
How do you want your wedding to be? Big, grand. Lots of friends, lots of food. Not Catholic/Christian.
Have you seen the movie or show Catfish? Nope.
Do you hate it when you arrive to something early? Not usually. Being early is my goal in most situations, unless I’m headed to like a party.
Have you ever been on Omegle? A few times as a teenager.
Are you still in love with one of your exes? Yes. It’s not going away for a while.
Do you think it's attractive when guys wear beanies? I don’t necessarily seek out men with beanies lol but I don’t think it looks bad on them either.
What's something that makes you feel shy in public? Unfamiliar situations.
Do you like the shows on MTV? No.
If you could go back and relive one day, what day? That last Friday I was in school before the lockdown happened. If I knew what the next eight months were going to look like, I would’ve stayed much longer in school, dragged my friends out to drink, blew my money on food, had more fun basically.
What's one word you hate to be called? Exhausting. Like being told I’m exhausting to be with. How does that not hurt?
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mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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Designiest Design
EDIT 11/8/19: The results are in; my design is one of the winning 5!!  Thank you so much to everyone who voted, even if you didn't vote for mine! Congratulations to the other winners, and thank you to Culture Hustle for the contest opportunity! EDIT 10/16/19: Culture Hustle has picked their 10 favorite Designs for the contest, and I'm number 9!  You can vote for which of the 10 selected you'd like to see as one of the 5 winners over on their Facebook Page OR over on their Instagram! I can't wait to see who the winners are, even if my design isn't one of them. ____ What a world where I'm uploading two contest art pieces back to back This time the contest is hosted by a company called CultureHustle, which is in cahoots with an artist named Stuart Semple, over on their Facebook and Instagram Pages. The details this time around were infinitely less specific than they were for my Nightlights in the Deep piece, so I had infinitely more room to play with ideas, which as any artist knows can be a bit of a double-edged sword. The goal of the contest is to design a cover for their product called the "sketchiest sketchbook" and...that's it. They give a deadline (October 1st) and tell you there'll be five winners and what they're going to do with the design, but that's really it. And honestly, it may be a head-scratcher to some, but to me this comes across as a very fitting way to do it, considering the attitude the company portrays on their website. (Go check it out some of the product descriptions or the About page and I promise you'll see what I mean.) I originally came up with two concepts, both pretty similar and very inspired by the company's vaguely "fight the power" impression and spunk, as well as their origin story. (The short version is that another artist claimed all the rights to the blackest material on the planet for their personal use only and Stuart Semple, as well as many others, didn't like that, so Stuart went into making his own "x-iest x" art products that are available to everyone except the aforementioned blackest-black hog.) So pretty right away my color choices were pretty obvious; Black for Culturehustle's own attempts to make the blackest black paints as well as a nod to the origin of the company, and the pink, blue, green, and yellow after their Powder Paint Pigments: Pinkest Pink, Loveliest Blue, Greenest Green, and Yellowest Yellow, which seem to be more of their claim to fame at the moment. I also would end up adding in a few hand-drawn sparkles to reference their "Most Glittery Glitter" that is actually glass and sounds very cool but I personally would be terrified to use it for fear of getting all that teeny tiny glass in places it shouldn't be.   My concepts from the very beginning were kind of all hand-and-magic themed, the hands representing more or less the "hands of the hardworking artist" and the magic...well, that's the art the hands create, of course. The other concept I came up with I was having an excruciatingly hard time finding references for the position of the hand, so that was what ultimately pushed me to this one instead. So we have the hands of the artist, the black void of nothingness, and then the bursting colors and valued tools that fuel the fire of creative inspiration. And while originally I thought of doing completely clean digital lines, while I was working it really felt like the sketchy/rough lines contrasted really nicely with the more rigid solids of the black and the color lines, and it kinda fits with the idea of a sketchbook cover a little better, so I went that route instead. I also kept the less refined shading on the hands since I ended up really liking the way it looked next to the rest of the design. Although I do have to disclose that the hands aren't anatomically correct as far as positioning goes; technically speaking both thumbs should be on the same side (try posing your hands this way for yourself if you don't believe me). But I tried doing that a few different ways, and it just doesn't look as good. The balance feels a lot better to the eyes of the thumbs/positions are opposite. So in the name of having a more attractive design over a more accurate one, I made the executive choice to just let them be opposite. (And admittedly there's probably very few people that would've called me on that, but it was kind of interesting to me when I figured it out for myself so I thought it was worth mentioning.) This design ended up being a lot simpler to take through to completion once I had the concept nailed down than I thought it would be, and it was actually a lot of fun. Especially since I hadn't done much digital stuff lately; it was a nice little warmup to get back into the swing of things, I think.  It's one of those pieces where less is more; I feel like there's a surprising amount of depth you could read into it, for as simple as it is. Here's hoping I've done the design enough design-y justice to place in the contest, but honestly I like it so much and it was so enjoyable to make that I'll still be happy just to have it for my own use even if it doesn't. ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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ladysaraholt · 6 years
Request for Aid
Hello, mutuals, followers, and my various RP families. Sara’s mun here.
The past several weeks have been incredibly emotional, so if you guys aren’t interested, I’ll add in a break for those who would prefer to scroll past. For those that stay, even a reblog to help share this would be incredibly appreciated...
A few weeks ago, my mother called me to inform me that my grandfather had a heart attack, and that he was staying at the hospital because of built-up fluid in his lungs. Over the course of 48 hours, the doctors ran a myriad selection of tests, which led them to discover that he has End Stage Metastatic cancer in his lungs. After finding it there, they ran more tests to see if it was elsewhere. It was confirmed positive in his lymph nodes, adrenal glands, and bones, with a test pending to confirm whether it was also in his brain. They gave him approximately 6 months to live.
A few days later, my mother called me again, anxious and in tears because he was being so combative with the doctors that his heart rhythm was highly erratic, and exacerbating the fluid that kept building up in his lungs. At this point in time, they were also still waiting on the brain tests for confirmation of cancer presence. Everyone was sitting on pins and needles, hoping he would cooperate long enough to get his first round of chemo-therapy (which the doctors told them would ONLY be for quality of life improvement, not for added longevity).
Three days later, another phone call from my mom in hysterics saying that he had gone home the night before only to take a turn for the worst and get rushed back to the hospital. The particulars were not given to me (though the cancer had been confirmed to also be in parts of his brain), but it was bad enough that she put my dad on a plane from where they live in GA to MI where his parents live.
He ended up staying with my grandparents for six days. By the time he went back home, grandpa was stable and cooperative enough to go back home (for the second time). His first round of chemo was scheduled soon, and everyone was looking optimistic that he would remain with us through his time left in relative comfort.
For four long days, I heard nothing from my parents. I hoped no news was good news, and even managed to keep busy enough at work for the days to go by relatively quickly. Then on Thursday, I received a tearful call from my mom. My grandpa was back in the hospital - his cancer had now spread to his liver. The doctors had - by this point - tentatively shortened his time left to the end of January, and (according to my mom) that was being generous.
After a lot of back and forth conversation, I determined that I wanted to try to have my nuclear family (myself, my husband, and our 8-year-old son) travel to Michigan for Thanksgiving this year to ensure my son would get to spend one more holiday with his great grandfather (which we had done once a year up until this year [we went to Easter family get-together with that side of the family every year until this year - we weren’t able to make it this year]). I agreed to do everything in my power to ensure I’d be able to take time off work to make this trip happen for us, and for my parents, and for my grandparents.
But the fun of that day wasn’t quite over - about an hour after my initial phone call with my mom, she called me back to inform me that the doctors were now giving my grandfather approximately two weeks, give or take a little, to live. The acceleration of his cancer, it seems, had been incredibly aggressive, and they did not expect it to slow down at all. With that in mind, they now planned on stopping all treatment once my grandfather was stable, sending him home, and getting him set up with hospice care to make him as comfortable as possible.
On Sunday, my mom called me to let me know that they got him home and set up, with everything in place. He seemed to be comfortable and stable, for now. The one thing the doctors have reveled at in all of this is that my grandfather’s pain levels have been minimal throughout this ordeal. That alone still gives us hope that he will remain stubborn enough for us all to see one another at Thanksgiving in Michigan.
And this brings us to yesterday. Somehow along all of this, my mother had not been made clear that my intentions were to go to Michigan. Once she heard that was my hopeful plan, she went to see about plane tickets. Thanks to her long-standing good reputation with Delta, she managed to get a quote for the tickets for the three of us: $1100. My mother’s initial offer (knowing that money has been tight for us) was to cover two of the three plane tickets so that we would only need to pay for one. In order to lift some stress from my mother’s shoulders (despite not having a plan in place for it), I offered for us to pay half of the total instead of just for one ticket. While this helped my mother relax, the two hours I spent frantically trying to figure out where to come up with $550 dollars was quickly wearing my nerves away (all while I was at work, too).
On my lunch break, I had to run to Target to pick up a few cleaning supplies for work when my mom called me again. She was getting the plane tickets booked in my ear, while my husband was trying to find a way out of fronting $550 we don’t have in the other ear. I was incredibly hesitant, and vocalized it, only for my mom to stop me. She then informed me that my grandmother - who was infinitely grateful that we were trying to plan to come visit for Thanksgiving - had told my mom to buy the tickets and that the cost was covered. It was more than my heart could take. I broke down in tears, in the middle of the day in a damned Target, trying to think of something to do to pay my grandmother back. She’s been through more than everyone, and yet she was sweeping in to the rescue anyway.
That being said. I am opening emergency commissions for sketchy headshots, jewelry concept art, and handmade scarves. My goal would, ideally, be to make the full $1100 to pay back my grandmother. Regardless of whether my grandfather makes it to Turkey day or not, we will be making the trip to Michigan, and that’s not something I get to do very often (a con to my job, which typically blacks out the months of November and December from any and all holiday travel because it’s the busiest time of the year for us).
If any of the below interests you, please send me a message and we’ll get the particulars figured out. Here’s what I have to offer:
$5-$20 : Jewelry Concept Sketch (traditional artwork)
For those who might have an idea for a canon item their character may or may not carry with them, I can help give your trinket dimension. The more details / complexity, the more this would cost. Can add digital color for an additional $3. Seen below are a mix of requested designs for tumblr and concept art drawn by me at work.
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$15-$45 : Character Bust Headshots
While I usually need a faceclaim or inspiration in order to create these, if you have a general idea (or give me creative license based on the info you give me), I can likely create it with little trouble. Line art only takes the least amount of time. Shading is midline. If you want color, I need screenshots / references, and it would be the most expensive. Armor is not something I’m strong at, but I would absolutely try to include some if it is wanted.
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$25-$55 : Handmade Scarves
I have a self-taught talent for creating scarves of various sizes and styles. The ruffly scarves are good spring / autumn scarves - lightweight and fashionable - but still provide a light amount of heat retention; they can come in pretty much any color of the rainbow (availability would have to be confirmed, but I do have a bunch here at home already). The thick fluffy scarves (middle image and bottom left image) are a combination of 2-4 yarns interwoven together to create a very warm winter scarf that can either be traditional or infinity-style and provide heavy heat retention; they too can come in myriad colors (subject to availability), but it should be noted that multiple colors are more expensive. I also will put a disclaimer here that I will only provide a scarf to those who confirm they are not sensitive to wool products, as all of these are wool-based.
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All payments will be taken via PayPal (which we will discuss via dms), so please be respectful of this.
Thank you for taking the time to read through everything. It means a great deal to me. Any and all small donations are incredibly appreciated (I’ll be trying to put something together for those as well). If you cannot purchase or donate, please help me out by reblogging this to share it. I’ll be reposting a shorter Commission post later this week for proper reblogging, after work is done for the week.
I love and appreciate you all for your time, and hope there is something I can offer to each of you.
(( to my various RP families: @blackbay-wra @holtandthornetradingco @householt @the-wyrmrest-sanctuary ))
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cherrifaerie · 6 years
i was wondering if you have any tips for digital painting? i rlly love how your lineless looks and i wanted to try a cute style like that
waaa first of all thank you for your patience bc i know ive taken forever to answer this as i always do with tutorials…oops…..and also thank you im glad you think my style is cute!!!! im gonna do my best to help you out with lineless so here we go! LONG POST UNDER THE CUT!
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to start i mainly use these two brushes (yes…just two…) from kyle webster’s gouache pack which is only available to adobe cloud subscribers now, but im sure a quick google search for gouache brushes for (insert program you use) can find some that will work just fine. these two look pretty similar but the difference is the one on the right is a bit softer and more easily opaque so i use it for light shadows, blush, etc. i think textured brushes like gouache paint and dry media ones make lineless look extra cool but thats just me!
OK ON TO THE TUTORIAL i know you just asked for tips but i was doodling a girl for a warm up and i thought id just take you through how i colored her. started w a sketch + set that layer to 23% opacity and laid down flat colors below it
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after i set my base colors i turn off the sketch and start workin on shading! im startin with the hair here bc i think it can be harder to paint and work with in general for lots of ppl
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i used three colors here for the hair:
- the lightest color is the base. pretty simple 
- using the middle color, took gouache blair brush and made light strokes downward following the flow of the hair from the root to the tip. make sure you think about where the hair begins on the head and follow the direction it goes from there when shading/making lines/making highlights!! 
i kept it simple for tutorial’s sake, but play around with how dark you want the shades to be and how much shading you want! (also these aren’t shades per se since they arent shadows being cast, just a darker color to give the hair a little variation in texture and color and to create a kind of shine effect but idk what else to call em! i guess theyre highlights! i just know it looks nice!)  
- took a slightly darker color and added some lines here and there to break things up and further show the direction the hair is moving in
for a little more visual on the direction thing see this handy graphic i made:
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i didn’t write DONT and DO bc my way is not like…the ultimate Chosen way…if you wanna go for a style with the shading i did on the left then totally do it but personally i think it reads better this way so ya!! theres no right or wrong way to make your own art but there are ways that can make things a bit more interesting and clear if you choose to use them!
and yeah i basically use the same methods to paint skin and fabric and even backgrounds. it’s really just as simple as keeping things flowing in a natural direction and picking colors that u think look nice to paint with!
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i dont wanna make this tut super long and ramble forever so here’s the last things i did to finish up!
- turned the sketch back on momentarily to draw in the eye, mouth, & eyebrow (no painting or shading involved there usually)
- used gouache a go go brush (or a softer/less opaque brush of your choice) to add a bit of blush to the cheek. i usually add blush with a light circular motion bc it gives them a nice rounded look. i use light pressure because a) more pressure means darker color and i want the blush to be subtle and b) more pressure also means less texture and more solid color, and i prefer having the scratchy look with the base skin color showing thru.
- used more pressure and a darker, more orange color to create a sharp shadow on the skin + define the neck & inner ear shape with lines
- added desaturated aqua blue over the top of the hair to create a shadow effect and add another color to the palette
- added the same blue color very lightly on the neck & blended it with the orangey shade (in other words, lightly brushed over it with the orange) to make the shadow more interesting. layering in multiple colors can always help make lineless things look more detailed even if its just a tiny bit!
i hope this doesnt seem like a ton of steps added on at the end bc it took me like way longer to write this (because i ramble) than it did for me to draw it! i love working with lineless because of how easy it can be to slap on some varying colors and defining lines to make something look a lot cooler and more detailed. as long as you keep your shades and stuff on separate layers its easy to try out things and see what you like best so i encourage you to do so! best of luck!
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jadenature · 3 years
Jade Bead Precious Jewelry - What Is Jade?
Making Jade Fashion Jewelry Jade offers well: everybody enjoys jade! If you make handmade fashion jewelry, utilize a lot of jade. It's simple as well as economical to get. It looks great on necklaces, bracelets as well as jewelry - on its own or combined with various other rocks. Getting Jade for Precious Jewelry Jade is available in loosened beads and also momentarily strung into hairs. Loose beads are more affordable, but hair beads have more-uniform drill openings, so will certainly hang better, making them finest for pendants. However, if you plan on binding your pendant, then loosened grains will certainly do.
Jade rough Many tinted jade is dyed, this is common, and also the shade does not come off. So if you desire continuity it is best to buy all you require for a project in one go. Jade beads are carved into more various forms than other stone. Like little, fish, containers, rings, flowers, barrels, hearts, tubes, as well as several various other layouts to compliment a pendant or bracelet. Background of Jade Part of the charm of jade is its aura - use this understanding to help offer your jade jewelry. For 5,000 years Imperial China utilized words "jade" as something priceless - as in English we utilize gold. Due to the fact that the Chinese believe jade has all the features most valued in culture: " A sign of purity and also peacefulness. Is fragile: but will not break. Is attractive: however not passing. It can be flawed with lines: yet still pleasing." Jade is incredibly tough, utilized by old worlds for axes and also weapons. The Aztecs also exhausted it. However, as a result of its smooth structure, it was soon carved right into ornaments as well as fashion jewelry. Chinese jade first arrived in the West throughout the sixteenth-century, brought from Canton by the Portuguese. Today jade remains to be a sign of love, merit, and standing. It is thought to radiate magnificent genuine love and also equilibrium the emotions. Kept in the hand it can enhance judgment - silk traders gripped jade while bartering. Worn around the neck, jade was said to resolve disease and also treatment kidney problems. It was even made use of to bring immortality. Whole jade suits have actually been found in old emperors' burial places! Types of Jade Most jade sculpted in China is from Burma, with tones of environment-friendly, lavender, yellow, white as well as grey. Naturally these shades form over countless years from minerals in the rock. The emerald-green color of "Imperial Jade" jadeite is the most searched for by collection agencies. Just 150-years earlier, it was realized that words jade was being put on 2 different minerals: jadeite and nephrite. The nephrite variety is composed of coarse crystals inter-twinned in a challenging small mass. Nephrite is a lot more bountiful than jadeite and also has fewer shade varieties - generally less extreme dark spinach eco-friendlies, white, browns, as well as black.
Nephrite rough Quality of Jade The most effective jade has a waxy, pearly look. Feeling great and so smooth, it seems soft to the touch. Yet hard sufficient that stress from a sharp knife will certainly not leave a mark. Quality rocks are typically reduced right into smooth dome shapes called cabochons, which are offered by the piece as opposed to per carat weight. Although the overall color is the most crucial element, interest is additionally paid to clarity, structure, and also pattern. Certain patterns, like moss in snow, are extremely valued. Just How to Make use of Jade in your Designs Jade beads are typically made right into necklaces and arm bands. Try blending different shapes with enhancing colors to produce trendy precious jewelry. Matching jade earrings also look good. Style matching sets to enhance your sales. Apart from grains, jadeite bracelets have actually constantly been preferred in Asia - some as current as the art deco duration have brought hundreds of thousands-of-dollars in auctions. So purchasers expect jade to be pricey. If you're marketing hand-crafted jade precious jewelry, this aids your bottom line.
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box Nov 19
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Firstly, I wanted to show this new prize I got from Tokyo Catch. I won it back in March or April during their free daily play promotion (which will be resuming in June), and I got it earlier this week! It’s so sweet looking, I just love it~
I also have 2 more prizes coming, and I’m hoping to get more if anything strikes my fancy this upcoming month. I’d also like to do a post dedicated to Tokyo Catch in the future, just to discuss the process, my opinions, etc, for anyone curious. 
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Word of the month: Mahou - Magic
Event of the Month: November 3rd is Bunka no Hi (Culture Day).
“Embark on a Fantastical journey to a magical kawaii world!“
Mystery Kawaii Item - Pill Case
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Our first item happens to be the random warehouse extra they like to supply us with every now and then, and for this month I’ve received a cute pill/tiny item storage container. I got a pink version of this a long time back (as well as various others), but these come in handy so I don’t exactly mind getting another one. 
These cutesy pill case consists of 2 small pockets and 1 larger on the bottom, and attached to it is a silver ball chain so that you can carry it around with you in something or connected to something.
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I admit, it might have been nicer to get something else, but these come in handy. It’s a lot easier to bring these around than a bunch of boxes or bottles, and they look so much cuter!
I like to use these to hold things to reduce pain, like Ibuprofen or some stomach tabs, and then for the third pocket I usually put in a prescription I might be taking at the time. But you could also use it for other small items if you wanted, like erasers, hair pieces or earrings, maybe even a little lotion or product? Maybe.
Magical Bunny Pastel Gift Bag
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Next up is a sweet little item you can use as a gift to someone else or keep for yourself. There is a few variations of the bag and in each box we get 1, featuring a lovely pastel color scheme with adorable bunnies.
The bag itself feels like smooth card-stock and has metallic silver woven straps.
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In general I tend to be against getting items like this, ones with the intention of giving to another person. I don’t know why. But I really like this, and the booklet suggests using it to store some items, which I think is a cute idea and I’ll probably end up doing it. 
The bag is very sturdy, I love rubbing my finger against its surface, it feels so nice. While I was writing this, I just got a great idea as to what to put into the bag x3 I have a bunch of pretty gem-like perfumes/body sprays I’ve been wanting to display but wasn’t able to at the time, and because one of my cats has been yanking them off of the shelf lately I think I’ll store them in it~
Glittery Animals & Jewelry Puffy Stickers
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To go with a magical themed box, we have some magical looking stickers! They’re ultra-sparkly and adorable, consisting of things like gem hearts, bunnies and fantasy animals, sweets, and cute phrases. Each sticker has gold lining and is very shiny. This exact sheet is called Unicorn Melty Flavor.
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Now, I’ll be honest. As cute as these stickers are they are fairly “flat“ with a slight hint of the 3D puffiness that stickers like these usually have. They are also hard, not squishy or “puffy feeling“ in my opinion. But I think they are very cute and I still really like them. My picture doesn’t do them any justice.
Sparkly Mermaid Hair Clip & Metallic Mermaid Tail Pen
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Just in time for summer (unintentionally :P) is this adorable mermaid hair. There are 6 versions of these, each with its own unique colors and design. I really like this one~
If you don’t want to put it in your hair it would also be a really cute decoration for other items. But does anyone else think its a bit strange that its called sparkly when it really isn’t? Other than the little gem on the hair piece.
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The clip is very secure and “heavy duty“, I didn’t notice it have any problems holding the hair I clipped it to and it seems to be really nicely made. I didn’t notice any sort of defects or problems with it. I really like it!
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In going with mermaids, we also have this mermaid tail pen! It features a lovely gradient of rainbow colors and has a metallic finish and a lovely textured tube reminiscent of scales. I love rubbing it~
It’s a basic black ink fine tip pen.
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The pen writes smoothly, no scratchiness or irritation. However, I strongly dislike the fact that we have to set the pen cap aside. I know its not a big issue but as someone with cats and a constantly running fan/chaos surrounding them, its not easy to keep an eye on them very long. Not only that, but I really like putting my caps on the pen; there’s something fulfilling about it. 
As soon as I saw it, I thought about the makeup brush I got from a NMNL box some months back and I was pretty excited. This will be a really cute summer pen!
Meito Pukupukutai Yumekawa Wafer Snack
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Our snack item this month is an adorably new Pukupukutai wafer in the flavor of "Berry”. If you’re unfamiliar with my blog or this brand, these wafer are in the shape of fish to resemble the popular Japanese snack Taiyaki, a fish-shaped cookie or biscuit filled with various ingredients, such as red bean paste or chocolate.  
I heard about these prior to getting this box, and because I’m an avid fan of these (and trying new flavors~) I was berry excited! As you can see by the packaging, the fish is magically split so that one side is colored sky blue, the other is light purple, with the airy chocolate inside colored a pretty lavender shade~
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It’s very delicious, with a berry taste that wasn’t overwhelmingly sweet or tart. I can’t exactly pinpoint what berries were used for the flavoring though, it didn’t taste like strawberry or blueberry though; maybe raspberry?
I’d recommend picking one up if you ever get the chance!
Unicorn Heroine Pocket Mirror & Magical Wish Note Bottle
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TreeIn Art is back and this time we’re getting a cute mirror themed around a pretty girl and her magical unicorn companion. Pocket mirrors can come in big handy, that comes without saying right?
I also found out that on Blippo.com, they have matching notebooks featuring the designs.
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As much as I love the gorgeous art work and would like to use this...  probably won’t, because to my shock, I unwrapped it (prior to the picture for the first time) to find a large crack against the back of it.
And no, it didn’t crack from me looking at it >3< it was that way, my finger rubbed on it which led to the discovery. I don’t know if it was a result of it being tossed around, if I did it or shipping, this hasn’t happened before and I didn’t know about it until now... so I’m pretty sure its too late to do anything about it.
It’s still usable, but I’d hate to break it even more or cut myself.
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Luckily our next item came perfectly unharmed; an adorable “wish bottle” that includes two little slips of pastel paper you can write your deepest fantasy, wishes, a secret, or even future goals on, then cork up and wait for them to come true~
Besides this, the bottle is filled with tiny gems (that make the most lovely little jingle when shaken) and held by a cute candy and bow themed sticker with silver detail.
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I’m not sure I’ll ever open this, because it’s just too precious! It’s not really an essential item or anything- but I love cute magical decor things like this, and I definitely will be putting this in a safe spot for display.
For such a small item its also very detailed, which I appreciate.
Fluffy Pastel Octopus Plushie & Magical Anime Girl Wand
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Every magical girl needs a cute companion right? So Kawaii Box thought what would be cuter than a fluffy pastel octopus?! Besides its soft body and coloring, it also has a heavy duty silver duo chain piece so that you can choose your preferred method of carrying it around.
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It’s very soft! I love it! There’s nothing wrong with the plush, but while it might not be very visible in the picture, it has very obvious “seam/stitching lines“ covering it, which I’m not a huge fan of.
Also... is it just me, or does it kinda look like a jellyfish? I kept thinking that while I look at it and according to the tag, its actually called that. So... I think I’ll call it Bubbles, the jellypus. Or maybe Octofish?
- - - - - - Along with a partner, every magical girl needs her wand :D its a MUST. At least if you don’t have another transformation tool or weapon of choice. This is available in 3 very Sailor Moon-esque designs:
A light blue and purple crescent moon with a star and winged ornament, accenting in silver.
A pink crowned heart with gold accenting and ribbon ornament. 
Red, white, and blue with gold accent, a star or sun ornament, and winged circular design with a gem
There is also a button you can press, which makes the gem light up in various colors and play a magical sound.
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I think any magical girl fan would love to own one of these, and even if you’re not, hasn’t it been at one time a dream to be able to magically transform~?
It’s made from plastic but its very durable and holds up very well, it doesn’t seem like it would fall apart easily.
I think all 3 of them are pretty, I especially wish I got the pink crowned heart (because I love all of these things!) but I might be tempted to purchase the other two. I’d love to make these into a display piece~
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4.5 out of 5. I loved it all, it’s very cute, colorful, fun, and lovely. However, I feel like there is a slight limitation on practicality. By that I mean, a few items are essentially trinkets/decorative.
Theme - 4 out of 5. As much as I loved it, I wish they played up the magical girl element more. I feel like they were more focused on things like unicorns and mermaids.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. I really liked it, but its rare to find a perfect box. With a few changes I would have loved it even more, but I think it would be worth it if you like magical girls/unicorns/mermaids.
♥Cutie Scale ♥
1. Wish Bottle - It has a wonderful magical feel, I love to observe it~
2. Wafer - It was delicious! 
3. Magical Girl Wand - It’s so much fun to play with, the cats are a bit frightened by the sound though, it’s a little loud. 
4. Mermaid Hair Clip - Very pretty and fun to wear. 
5. Stickers - They’re very pretty, I kind of want to use them but then I kind of don’t to avoid ruining it. 
6. Bunny Bag - It’s so sweet looking, I’m really happy to have it~
7. Mermaid Pen - I love its texture a lot, but the cap is a turn off. 
8. Pill Case - I have a bunch of these already, but I like the idea of swapping them whenever the mood strikes. 
9. Pocket Mirror - loved the design, hate the large crack <_<
10. Plush - I don’t know, its adorable but I don’t feel an overwhelmingly close attachment to it yet. 
0 notes
ravibitworld · 5 years
Fundamental highlights of Dell Printer Tech Support Number
Dell Printer Easy Install not finding my new printer
Had a Dell Color Cloud MFP H825cdw conveyed today. Running Windows 10, with all updates "state-of-the-art". I made the accompanying strides:
Turned on printer, associated telephone line for fax, set up remote and ensured remote "catch" is lit up (turned on) and not blazing
Ensured no different links were associated with the printer
Changed "rest mode" to 30 minutes so printer wouldn't nod off during establishment
Put driver plate in workstation plate, ran "auto play"
Dell Printer Easy Install sprung up, looked for printer, advance bar arrived at the extreme right, and the container stayed there for 30 minutes, never demonstrating the printer had been found.
Made one more go as guaranteeing all Windows updates were in truth cutting-edge, at that point restarted the PC
Ran circle auto-play once more, same outcome
Restarted PC
Opened circle, right tapped on "arrangement" and kept running as overseer. Same outcome
Downloaded most up to date drivers from Dell site (seem to have refreshed a month ago)
Ran downloaded record as administrator...same result
Fundamental highlights of Dell Printer
Dell Printer conveys you the best quality in printing and sets aside less effort to print. It's a simple and secure method for distribution.Dell Printer Tech Support Number has looked for the trust of numerous individuals in the realm of innovation that has made our lives progressively profitable.
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Our expert specialist connects with our specialized group and will defeat with fulfilling results. We generally keep up our clients on need, and this makes us not quite the same as others.
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Why Call Dell Printer Tech Support  Number? At our Dell Printer Tech Support Number, we accept that it's a chance to give you specialized assistance to your printer issues. We furnish you with investigating ventures available to come back to work. Dell Printer Tech Support help-desk is analyzing the issue is the key for any goals.
We are specialists in that, and we accept no issue too huge for us to deal with. Try not to enable printer interruptions to hamper your immeasurably significant work within reach. Call us at our Dell Printer Tech Support Number now for improving reviewed by our specialists.
Original Source: shorturl.at/gpFO8
0 notes
samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Narrow Lot Modern Farmhouse
  We often see TV shows transforming homes that are falling apart into dream homes, but that’s not so hard to do when you have a big team working against the time to show the beautiful results. Don’t get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of some of these shows and some of them can certainly be trend setters, but today I want to showcase a builder and designer that could envision a new modern farmhouse on a really narrow lot in a real fixer-upper neighborhood. That’s the type of work I can really admire. Keep reading to know more:
  “Hi everyone! My name is Amanda of @Nest_Builders_. I’m so excited to contribute to Home Bunch! My company Nest Builders Development & Design Co. builds and renovates homes in Richmond, Va.
With each home I build I try to incorporate current trends and timeless style while staying some what true to the style of other homes in the neighborhood. I call this project “The Urban Farmhouse.” This new construction home is located in the city along side Italianate homes. This home is only 15 ft. wide so keeping the floor plan open and the design as as light and bright as possible was very important. We kept the exterior style of the home similar to the other homes on this block but we added the board and batten siding, white exterior paint, and black windows to give it an updated and on trend look. We made the front porch low to the ground to also give the home some southern charm. The roof is a flat TPO roof similar to the other homes on this block.”
  Narrow Lot Modern Farmhouse
This newly-built white urban farmhouse features white siding black vinyl windows, black metal roof, black TPO roof a black front door.
Home Overall Details: 3 Bedrooms – 2.5 Baths
Roof: Black TPO roof with metal roof details in Black.
Siding and Trim: James Hardie Arctic White.
Windows: Jeld Wen Windows in Black.
The front porch features grey Trex Deck.
Flower Pots by Williams Sonoma.
Front Door
The front door is painted in “Soot by Benjamin Moore”.
Exterior Lighting: Vintage Suspended Pane Outdoor Sconce – small – similar here – Others: here, here & here.
Mailbox by Pottery Barn.
Address Numbers by Home Depot.
Meet the Designer
This is the talented and beautiful designer, Amanda Seibert.
Living Room
The interiors feel bright, open and very welcoming without being cluttered.
 Door Paint Color: Repose Gray by Sherwin Williams.
Lighting by Shades of Light – similar here, here & here.
We live in a historic southern neighborhood so I wanted to keep the furniture traditional yet modern. I think the neutral colors, soft textures, and clean lines marry both styles well.
Wall Paint Color
Paint Color: Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Console Table
A wooden console table brings warmth and some storage space to this living room.
Beautiful Console Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Mirror: West Elm – Others: here & here – similar.
Olive Stems: here.
Furniture was provided by a stanging company that beautifully decorated this entire home.
Coffee Table: Wayfair.
Peacock Rattan Side Table: here – similar.
Table Lamp: Home Goods – Similar: here, here & here.
Art: Green Front Furniture – Others: here, here, here & here.
Rattan Arm Chairs: Green Front Furniture – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sofa: Scott Living Reversible Sectional.
Floor Lamp: Home Goods – Similar: here.
Get the Look:
(Scroll to see more)
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Rug: Home Goods – Shop Neutral Rugs: here, here, here, here & here.
Hardwood Flooring
We kept the floors light. We used white oak with a clear finish throughout the home.
It was very important to me that we kept this house affordable but I wanted it to feel luxurious. I used a granite that mimics marble to get that same look and upgraded the lights and cabinet pulls. The polished nickel coloring of the lights balance the black of the pulls to make the kitchen feel fresh but warm and inviting.
Runner: Wayfair.
Lighting by Shades of Light – similar here – Other Affordable Pendants: here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop is white Granite.
Cabinet Hardware: Metro – 3 3/4″ Centers Uptown Appeal Pull in Matte Black.
Kitchen Decor
Glazed Ceramic Crock: here.
Range: Frigidaire 30″ Freestanding Range.
Ventilation Hood: Frigidaire.
Backsplash tile by The Tile Shop, Imperial Bianco Gloss Ceramic Subway Tile – 3 x 6 – similar here (Great price!) Other Beautiful Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Grout: Silver by Mapei.
Cabinets Aristokraft Select Series with Winstead White Shaker Full Overlay installed by Midsouth.
Microwave: Frigidaire.
Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen cabinets are “Simply White by Benjamin Moore”.
Kitchen Sink: 30” Kohler WhiteHaven Apron Sink.
Dishwasher: Frigidaire.
Bowl: Crate & Barrel.
Faucet is Delta.
Dining Room
I love this light fixture! I knew from the moment I started designing this house that I would use this light fixture. It’s upscale, southern, and a little coastal. It blends all of my favorite styles to make this home feel custom and luxurious.
Lighting by Serena & Lily.
Fiddle Leaf Three: Pottery Barn (Basket is also Pottery Barn).
Wall Clock: Imax Esteri Acrylic Wall Clock.
Vase by Pottery Barn. Flowers are also by Pottery Barn.
Dining Chairs
Dining chairs are by Serena & Lily.
Dining Table: Ikea, DOCKSTA.
Paint Color: Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Powder Room
The floor tile was the inspiration for this room. The half bath is always one of my favorite places to create a show piece in the home. It’s a small space so you can uses really expensive materials without breaking the bank. We upgraded the tile to cement and used a fun vanity to give it more of a custom look.
Lighting by West Elm.
Paint Color
Accent Wall Color: “Soot by Benjamin Moore”.
Paint Color: “Simply White by Benjamin Moore”.
Vanity by Home Depot (also available here).
Mirror by Wayfair.
Plumbing by Delta.
Tile by Cement Tile Shop, Tulum Tile – Also available here.
Grout: White, Mapei.
I am a beach girl at heart. I see these railing in a lot of coastal homes and I just thought it would be a cool feature that would go well with the front elevation of the home.
Upstairs Hall
Railing is custom-made, powder coated metal.
Paint Color Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Guest Bathroom
Again trying to blend trendy and modern with timeless and elegant, I opted for a white vanity and did a herringbone pattern with the black floor tile. I used a polished nickel mirror with rounded edges to soften to the space and incorporate some modern touches.
Cabinet: White Aristokraft.
Mirror by Rejuvenation.
Countertop is Carrara Marble.
Bathroom faucet is Moen.
Vase: Joss & Main.
Eucalyptus Stems: Joss & Main.
Paint Color
Bathroom is Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore.
Tile by Home Depot 6 x 24.
Grout: White by Mapei.
Master Bedroom
The master is typically in the back of the house in the city but we moved it to the front to capture as much natural light as we could.
Nightstands: Target.
Paint Color
White Bedroom Paint Color: “Simply White by Benjamin Moore”.
Master Bathroom
Bathroom countertop is Carrara Marble.
Mirrors are Rejuvenation – Other Great Mirrors: here, here, here & here.
Faucets are Moen. I love these faucets!
    Many thanks to the designer for sharing the details above!
Builder: Nest Builders Development & Design Co.
Photography: Mike Anders Photography.
Home Staging: Vignettes Home Staging LLC.
  Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 20% OFF Everything with Code: GUESTPREP
  Wayfair: Up to 75% OFF on Furniture and Decor!!!
  Joss & Main: Up to 75% off Sale!
  Pottery Barn: Bedroom Event Slale plus free shipping. Use code: FREESHIP.
  One Kings Lane: Buy More Save More Sale.
  West Elm: 20% Off your entire purchase + free shipping. Use code: FRIENDS
  Anthropologie: 20% off on Everything + Free Shipping!
  Nordstrom: Sale – Incredible Prices!!!
  Posts of the Week:
California Home Design Ideas.
Black & White Modern Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal California-inspired Interior Design.
Dark Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Neutral Home.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Charlotte, NC.
New-Construction Home Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Florida Beach Cottage.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/narrow-lot-modern-farmhouse/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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2traveldads-blog · 7 years
After spending a few days diggin’ on the incredible nature of Puerto Rico’s east coast, we relocated to San Juan, the capital.  Wow!  What a city!  From the historic forts and Old San Juan to the vibrant district of Condado, visiting San Juan was a blast! It’s hard to pick what we enjoyed the most about exploring San Juan, so I’ll just share how we did it and what the highlights were.
On top of San Juan being warm and beautifully set on the Atlantic Ocean, it’s also home to one of the coolest National Park sites I’ve ever visited.  I really kicked myself for not bringing the whole family with me, especially since we’ve all enjoyed St Augustine and the Castillo de San Marcos, but it’s just one of the reasons I know we’ll be returning together soon.  Just see what I mean…
DONATIONS OPTION:  with the devastation that hit the Island of Puerto Rico, now more than ever they need to support of their fellow Americans and tourist.  In addition to planning future travels to Puerto Rico, please consider the good a donation to reputable foundation, such as Direct Relief, can do.  Direct Relief puts 99.4% of its funds into its support efforts.
Getting to San Juan, Puerto Rico
Visiting San Juan, Puerto Rico is on so many people’s bucket lists.  For thoese living in or already visiting the USA it’s a pretty easy destination to get to.  No passport is required for US citizens or if you’re traveling from within the USA.  The currency is the US Dollar.  The primary language is Spanish but it seemed that EVERYBODY spoke English.
Direct flights to San Juan are available from all major East Coast cities, with the shortest ones coming from Miami, Orlando and Atlanta.  If you’re traveling from the West Coast, you’ll find some of the best flights stopping over in Houston, Chicago, or New York.  For those in the Midwest looking to get to their tropical dream, MSP or O’Hare both offer direct flights as so many other major airports.
Tip:  some cruise lines now have San Juan as a port of call.  The historic areas are very easy to get to and you could catch the highlights in just one day if you really wanted to.
Biking San Juan, Puerto Rico
We LOVE LOVE LOVE biking when we’re traveling.  Daytona Beach was a thrilling challenge.  Victoria BC was a beautiful adventure.  San Juan, Puerto Rico was idyllic.  With bikes provided by San Juan Bike Rentals, we headed out from our home base at the Condado Plaza Hilton and were immediately on the clearly painted bike path. There’s nothing like having blatantly designated riding zones to make you feel right at home biking in a new city.
After crossing Laguna Condado we immediately were riding down our own biking promenade, cruising past Luis Munoz Rivera Park and then through the neighborhood on the way to Viejo San Juan.  We could choose to take the high road eventually leading down below the Old San Juan historic district or take the low road towards the Malecon and piers.  We opted to stop at Castillo San Cristobal at the eastern end of Viejo San Juan and do a bit of exploring at the fort prior to riding bikes down to the Malecon and parking.
Our paths were clear and easy nearly the whole 3.5 mile ride with ample opportunities to stop if we wanted.  Our experience with the drivers was also great, with being given a wide berth when we blended with traffic and having clear crossing areas at intersections.  I can’t say that will always be the case, but it was ideal for us.  Really, biking San Juan was one of our favorite activities and clearly was our best transportation option during our visit.
Tip:  make sure you always have plenty of water while biking, particularly when it’s as hot and humid as San Juan.  Also, if you’re renting bikes, be sure to get a lock and cable so you can park your bike in safety.
Note:  while helmets are not required/citable at this time, the law may change in the near future to require bikers to wear helmets at all times.  In any case, safety first.
Exploring Viejo San Juan
My traveling companion, Maureen, had a wonderful phrase she kept using: “Meet me in Old San Juan.”  Every time she said it I thought of Humphry Bogart or Frank Sinatra strolling the cobblestone streets of some movie I saw once upon a time.  And Old San Juan was just like I pictured and wanted it to be.  Each building, tightly built onto the next, was colorful with all kinds of balconies. The narrow side streets had vegetation growing out of cracks in building facades.  The street lamps cast an orange glow at nights.  A lone musician sat in a small square playing an accordion.  It’s a dream.  It’s a movie set, I swear.
Calle San Sebastian was quietly hopping with some dimly lit bars and cafes.  The San Juan Gate with its bronze art depicting 16th century ceremonial arrivals loomed over the plaza at the edge of the city wall.  In the day time the light filtered between the balconies and overgrown nispero and banyan trees.
Key sites to visit in Old San Juan
You could invest days and wander street by street and chat it up with every wonderful person you meet, or if you’re pressed for time, here’s what you need to experience:
Callejon Hospital – this pedestrian street is full of cats that are clean, healthy and fed thanks to the donations of visitors to the Callejon.
Cathedral Square – directly up from the San Juan gate, it has the 16th century cathedral that dignitaries would visit immediately upon arrival in San Juan to give thanks for their safe passage. It’s the second oldest cathedral in the Americas. The square also has some fascinating art and a handful of night spots for a beverage or tapas.
Walking the southern city wall – the city wall stretches from the Malecon to the San Juan Gate. At night it’s gorgeous and mysterious. During the day the huge trees and flowers are complimented by the perfect blue waters below.  And the Paseo de la Princessa is great for strolling too.
Casa Blanca – built in 1521 this was Ponce de Leon’s house while governor of Puerto Rico. It has a small admission charge to enter the museum areas, or you can explore the grounds and gardens on your own.
And then of course, visiting San Juan National Historic Site, which was epic.
Tip:  Calle del Cristo has a kinds of shops for both souvenirs and Puerto Rican fashion/handicrafts. The prices are the prices.  This isn’t a place to bargain.  Puerto Rico isn’t a place to bargain or haggle.
Visiting San Juan National Historic Site
And this is why the National Park Service’s slogan is “Find Your Park.”  For somebody who’s not totally into nature but is crazy for history and just plain old beautiful sights, visiting San Juan National Historic Site will cement their love for National Parks.  Encompassing several castillos (forts), an historic district, cemetery, city wall and shoreline hiking trail, it’s an unforgettable place.
Castillo San Cristobal is the first one you encounter upon entering Old San Juan. Exploring the castillo and wandering through the tunnels and bastions, you could spend all day just here.  We actually visited Castillo San Cristobal twice to get to fully explore it.
The next site is Castillo San Filipe del Morro, aka “El Morro.”  Surprisingly larger than San Cristobal, El Morro contains green fields, lookout towers, a chapel, barracks, a lighthouse and more.  Truly unique to the many forts we’ve visited, El Morro is colorful and a photographer’s dream with unusual architecture and iguanas everywhere.
The last aspect of San Juan National Historic Site that’s a must-do is hiking the Paseo del Morro.  This level hiking trail connects the northern entrance of Castillo San Filipe del Morro to the San Juan gate. The views of Bahia de San Juan and the city wall, including a peek-a-boo view of El Cañuelo across the harbor entrance, make for a relaxing and impressive stroll through history.
Tip:  try to hike the Paseo del Morro as early in the day as possible so that you can do it in the shade.  In the afternoon the trail is completely unsheltered and you’re not supposed to swim in the harbor (we got in trouble).
Also, don’t forget to bring your National Parks Passport!  You can get a stamp at either of the castillos and they also have a Junior Ranger program for kids to participate in.
Kayking on Laguna Condado
With the waves that roll in from the Atlantic being so strong, it can be tricky to find perfect spots to get on the water when you’re visiting San Juan.  Laguna Condado is an interesting spot to go either kayaking or Stand Up Paddle-boarding (SUP).  Located between Playa Condado and the larger part of San Juan proper, a good portion of the lagoon is towered over by hotels and condominiums.  Another segment is lined with mangroves, just like the Florida coast, and still another part has sandy beach.  
Tip: we got our kayaks from VIP Adventures next to the Condado Plaza Hilton. Centrally located to be able to paddle either direction around the lagoon.
A coolest bit of Laguna Condado is actually at the mouth where it is fed by the Atlantic Ocean.  Here there are breakers to calm the rolling waves but they’re still pretty big. The coolest sight though is the small castillo at the mouth, Fortin San Geronimo.  This fort belongs to the City of San Juan vs being a part of the National Parks Service, and as of summer 2017 was inaccessible by the public, but you can paddle around the lagoon-facing side and check it out.
Wildlife to watch for while kayaking in San Juan’s Laguna Condado includes pelicans, manatees, egrets, urchins, sea stars and more.  The combination of cityscape, history and nature is amazing.
The Food Scene of San Juan
We hadn’t considered how visiting San Juan would shape the way we thought of Puerto Rican food, but boy did it ever.  Tapas. Tapas. Tapas.  And mofongo.  I’m sure that there are plenty of other wonderful aspects of Puerto Rican cuisine, particularly if you venture into some of the street food and carts down on the Malecon, but we stuck with dim, vintage hangouts in Old San Juan.  Some of our favorite tapas finds to try are:
mofongitos (plantain balls)
bacalao (fish stew)
chorizos (cured sausages)
We really enjoyed one spot in particular, SanSe Marisqueria Bar de Tapas on Calle San Sebastian.  With good beverage prices and a really comprehensive, traditional Puerto Rican tapas menu, we actually popped in here twice.  And as a side note, the art within SanSe was strongly in an LGBT motif with a small but mixed crowd.  It was great to feel so welcome and at home… and full of great food.  
But there was more food to discover!
Eight courses of heaven: Pikayo
Although Pikayo is located within the Condado Plaza Hilton, it is its own independent restaurant.  The atmosphere is high class and yet the dress code allowed for us to come in from a day on the town still wearing shorts.  The service was top notch and subtly impressive.  A nice touch of service was when selecting a wine, the lead server brought us both his preferred selection and what we’d requested (because he was truly more knowledgeable about the dining experience in store).
Note:  just because we were welcomed in wearing resort-wear, Pikayo is exceptionally upscale and warrants tasteful, cocktail attire.
The food.  Something we’re always cautious of when it comes to modern restaurants is the need to incorporate “fusion”.  Visiting San Juan we wanted solidly Puerto Rican food and Pikayo provided exactly that AND seamless fusion in the menu.  Puerto Rican food has become a fantastic combination of tradition elements and latin flavors influenced by cooking methods and ingredients from around the world.  Pikayo reflected the island’s cuisine perfectly with the freshest locally sourced ingredients and fascinating techniques.  Example:  sous vide octopus served with delicate beads of olive oil and local microgreens. Amazing.
The art and private dining space reflected this same perfect fusion, including photography by the chef himself.  Seriously, Pikayo showed us exactly what Puerto Rican cuisine has become at the highest level.  We’d be thrilled to get to dine there again.
Note: Pikayo is open for dinner and private events only and you MUST have a reservation.  The full experience is unforgettable and will set a new standard in what you expect when you dine while traveling.  Not recommended with children.
Where to stay:  Condado Plaza Hilton
We’ve talked before about what makes an ideal hotel for a family or just grown-up vacation, and the Condado Plaza Hilton delivered on it while visiting San Juan.  On property we had three different pools at our disposal, a water slide, beach access on the lagoon, hot tubs, gym, restaurants, bars… Everything.  
We were able to kayak from the lagoon side of the Condado Plaza Hotel as well as easily ride directly out onto the bike routes of San Juan.  We were also able to walk eastward down Calle Condado to find more tapas and beverages beyond the hotel when we wanted.  
Our room had an unobstructed view looking across the aqua colored Atlantic which we enjoyed each morning from our balcony.  There was an enormous bathroom stocked with top of the line products, and then a wonderfully comfortable bed made the room complete.
We dined at Cafe Caribbe for both breakfast and lunch and each was delicious with both traditional Puerto Rican standards as well as comfort foods that sometimes you just need while traveling.  The lobby bar, Moon Bar, was fun on a Friday night, being much more chill than some of the other night spots in the neighborhood.  Also, Pikayo that we dined at, was there in the Condado Plaza Hilton.  Everything about this hotel rocked our stay while visiting San Juan.  Totally ideal on this trip and would be too when we return as a family.
Tip: if you book at the Condado Plaza Hilton request an ocean view room at the west end of that tower for both the best view and easiest pool access, as there’s an elevator at the end of the building that gets you to the pool and beach much faster than the main elevators.
Visiting San Juan was such a treat and I cannot wait to return.  The fun, the history and the food made for a great time exploring.  We did it in three days, but if you wanted to add to your itinerary with activities such as snorkeling, hiking in El Yunque National Forest (the rainforest jungle) or diving into rum history, you could easily add another few days or a week.
Ready to plot and plan an adventure in San Juan, or maybe consider booking a cruise with Old San Juan as a port of call?  Go for it!  And be sure to pin this for later when you’re finalizing your plans.
Exploring San Juan, Puerto Rico: from strolling Old Town to kayaking the lagoon After spending a few days diggin’ on the incredible nature of Puerto Rico’s east coast, we relocated to San Juan, the capital.  
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agosnesrerose · 7 years
Painting the Alps and the Himalayas en Plein Air
Imagine finding yourself painting en plein air in a landscape that is completely remote from the hustle of any city. It’s quiet, except for the wind, perhaps. Your only company is that of yaks or if you choose to acknowledge it as such, that of the snow-covered mountain peaks that break into the sky. Devdatta Padekar is one such artist, and today he shares his story with us.
I came to know of Devdatta’s work in The Artist’s Magazine’s Annual Art Competition several years ago and, fortunately for us, he has kept in touch. It’s an honor for me to bring you his work and his exciting experiences of traveling throughout a region that called to him, as it does to so many. Enjoy. ~Cherie
Devdatta Padekar working on color studies at Gurudongmar Lake, North Sikkim, India, Summer 2016
Symphony of Seasons by Devdatta Padekar (http://ift.tt/2jz6d8a)
My current series of paintings, Symphony of Seasons, is about the Alps and the Himalayas. I have been traveling and painting in various regions around these mountain ranges during different seasons for almost three years. The series is about the ever-changing atmosphere and magnificent environment of these majestic and mystical mountain ranges.
Free download! A Streamlined Method for Quick and Deliberate Plein Air Painting
Inspiration and the Artistic Journey From 2007 to 2009, while pursuing a painting series on ballet dancers at Florence Dance Center in Italy, I frequently flew to Florence at different times of the year. On clear-sky days, the aerial view of the Alps was mesmerizing. If the landscape was so beautiful from above it should be, I was certain, equally spectacular at ground level. I first traveled to the Swiss Alps in 2013 and, over the course of the next two years, I painted in different regions across Swiss, French, Italian, Austrian and German Alps at different times of the year.
I was equally fascinated with the world’s youngest mountain range: the Himalayas. The two mountain ranges have different flora, fauna and also diverse cultures. Just as I painted in the Alps, I then trekked across the Himalayas painting in different regions around Himalayan terrain; this journey of mine is still ongoing.
With vast areas devoid of human presence, serenity rules in both the Alps and the Himalaya. In both places, however, the impression of the landscape always seems to be fleeting. My aim was to try to capture the ephemeral moods of the Alps and Himalayas in my paintings. People who live in the mountains, I observed, love their environment and live in complete harmony with nature. That is the very essence of my paintings of the mountains–to admire, preserve and live in harmony with nature.
Austrian Alps (oil on canvas, 9.5×12) by Devdatta Padekar
Pinpointing Places to Paint in the Alps and the Himalayas I didn’t have any friends nor did I know anyone living in the Alpine regions or the Himalayas. Hence, in the beginning, I searched the Internet for places to visit. Often, on visiting these places I found they didn’t quite interest me; either the places were too commercialized or I simply didn’t find them inspiring to paint.
But the real start to my artistic journey was while traveling. By train, bus and boat, I came across stunning places from one Alpine destination to the next. These places fascinated me. They were often less traveled, at times completely remote. This led to paths where nature was at its best and spectacular. I noted these places on maps and came back to them to paint. Often I made day trips or if there happened to be lodging, I chose to stay near these stunning places. I could thus paint in these landscapes and be absorbed in their environments.
I traveled solo in all these different Alpine regions with the sole purpose to paint themes that challenged and inspired me to paint en plein air. Hence, I call it my artistic journey in the Alps and the Himalayas. My main intention was not to paint famous peaks or famous places frequented by tourists but rather to paint what caught my eye as an artist.
Landscape Painting Challenges of the Alps and Himalayas The foremost challenge while painting on location was the rapidly changing atmosphere. Often the atmosphere would dramatically change halfway through the painting. My approach had to be very flexible and at times, direct.
When the atmosphere changed in midst of my painting session, I realized the change was equally beautiful to what I’d seen when I started my painting, so I made necessary adjustments to the work. Nature brings surprises that we often never imagine and I think that’s the most beautiful part of painting on location.
Sun-break (St. Moritz) (oil on canvas, 12×29) by Devdatta Padekar
Let me cite an example of a painting titled Sun-break. It rained constantly the day I arrived in St. Moritz (Switzerland) and the following two days. Although I had already pinpointed subjects I wanted to paint I couldn’t begin due to the rain and almost zero visibility. The fourth day was highly overcast and since it at least wasn’t raining, I decided to paint outdoors. In the midst of the painting, occasional sun breaks created wonderful glowing light effects in the sky, on land and on water. It was so beautiful that I tried to add those light effects to my painting, attempting to retain the spontaneity and freedom through the application of paint. After this brief play of light, it again turned overcast and remained the same all through the day. As mentioned above, nature brings surprises; in this instance, fleeting movements of dramatic light effects in the sky, land and on water.
Working progress of Sun-break
The other challenge was purity of colors. The colors observed in nature are so pure, fresh and vivid. Closer to the mountains this is even more so. We rely on commercially available oil paints, and initially it was hard to achieve on canvas what I was seeing in reality. I searched for the right shades of colors in numerous art shops until finally I gathered color shades closer to the colors I observed in the mountain ranges. The color palette differs not just with change of season but almost with each passing day that brings in different atmosphere and new color variations.
Hallstatt (oil on canvas, 10×11.5) by Devdatta Padekar
The third challenging aspect was trying to express in paintings the tranquility in the atmosphere. In both the mountain ranges that I painted, there was tranquility, a complete calmness. It was an experience difficult to express in words. My aim was to get closer to that experience and feeling through my paintings.
Tranquil (Gurudongmar) (oil on canvas, 11.5×42) by Devdatta Padekar
Watercolor study of Tranquil on location (Gurudongmar)
A perfect example is through the painting titled Tranquil (above). I did watercolour studies of this painting on location at Gurudongmar Lake. This lake is at 17,000 feet above sea level, very close to the border between India and China. Due to the military zone and harsh weather almost year-round, the traveler inflow is quite restricted and limited. But one could feel the tranquility in the air; I felt almost an elevated state of meditation. I think to achieve that feeling of tranquility in a painting is highly challenging and my aim, as mentioned above, was to get closer to that feeling I was experiencing in real life, through my paintings.
A Serene Day I and III (oil on canvas, 12×9 each) by Devdatta Padekar
My observation: Painting the Alps and the Himalayas en Plein Air
My primary observation between both mountain ranges is the rich diversity of natural habitat with its distinct flora and fauna.
A Serene Day is about a typical summer day in the Swiss Alps. Except for snow laden mountain peaks, the entire environment is enveloped in different shades of green. Occasional light rain lends an even more luminous look to the landscape dotted with Swiss cows grazing down the mountain slopes. It’s a typical Swiss summer day, but with the passage of the season, soon the entire landscape will change into a different color palette.
The essence of A Serene Day III is a typical summer day in the Himalayas. Yaks graze nonchalantly on the cliffs of vulnerable Himalayan Mountains. Heavy torrents of rain each year cause frequent and major landslides, thus exposing the jagged rocks that become a part of the Himalayan landscape. Cows in Swiss Alps (and yaks in the Sikkimese belt of Himalayas) are an integral part of the environment of these respective regions. The flora (vegetation) is also different. I’ve tried to broadly define it through different shades of green pertaining to the vegetation of respective regions.
As both the Alps and Himalayan mountain ranges are spread across different countries, cultural identity plays a very strong role for inhabitants residing in these different mountain ranges. Cultural identity in the Alps differs from country to country but in the Himalayas, it differs from region to region.
Working process of A Serene Day I
A Perfect Day (St. Moritz) (oil on canvas, 18×56) by Devdatta Padekar
As I painted the above landscape, it was a summer morning in St. Moritz and the start to a perfect day. Small boats, some private and some water taxis, are lined up on the shores of St. Moritz lake in summer. The essence of this landscape painting is to make the viewer become part of the environment. It’s as if the boats are all kept ready for the viewer to join in, by selecting any one and enjoying a beautiful ride on the lake on such a pleasant day as this. The lake is large and to show its vastness, I tried to exaggerate the angle of boats and the slight curve of the horizon so it creates a panoramic view depicting the expanse of the lake.
I observed all large lakes in the Alps are filled with boats, which aren’t just a means of transport but also a part of the cultural identity of people living in the Alps. In contrast, the Himalayan lakes are hardly seen with any boats.
Working progress of A Perfect Day (St. Moritz)
A Perfect Day II (Sikkim) (oil on canvas, 18×56) by Devdatta Padekar
A Perfect Day II (Sikkim, India) is in tune with the above painting titled A Perfect Day (St. Moritz), which has view of St. Moritz Lake and the Swiss Alps in the background. Similarly, A Perfect Day II has Tsongo Lake and the Himalayan range in the background. But in this landscape painting, yaks, adorned with colorful accessories, are seen in front of Tsongo Lake. Just like boats, in this painting yaks are not just means of transport but are a part of Sikkimese tradition and culture.
Visit Devdatta online at http://ift.tt/2jz6d8a.
The post Painting the Alps and the Himalayas en Plein Air appeared first on Artist's Network.
from Artist’s Network http://ift.tt/2jz6XdG
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