#keratosis pilaris
I wish I had the ability and energy to write skin positivity fiction… the amout of milky and smooth descriptions of skin is just…
Idk, there is so little fiction that celebrates and accepts skin that doesn’t fit beauty standards (even while claiming to be body positive): dark skin, hairy skin, rough skin, couperose skin, skin with acne, moles, discolouration, blemishes, bumps, scars that aren’t just “single white slash from a fantasy sword”, keratosis pilaris, vitiligo, eczema, other skin types and conditions and so on
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sleeping-satan · 3 months
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I wanted to show my arms with keratosis pilaris because I'm self-conscious about wearing tank tops because of it. I'm always worried that people will think that I don't take care of myself or that it's gross.
Realizing that the camera didn't pick it up that well, probably much like everyone else barely noticing except me, I made some filtering adjustments on the arms specifically to show what I see.
Skin issues don't get much visibility because usually the point is to hide them. But this is the first nice tank top I've had since childhood and wanted to make a little statement of it.
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andiv3r · 10 months
So I always have a hard time figuring out whether or not to wear jackets/hoodies, and not just for the normal trans reasons, but also because I have the fun¹ combination of keratosis pilaris + dermatillomania, which means my arms permanently look like they have been ripped to shreds... and like yeah, long sleeves will keep me from fucking them up, but then I just pick at my face instead, which is arguably worse (soo much harder to get my face looking okay after I fuck it up on a really stress-heavy day, it can take months for all the scabs to go away) so like. Do I wear long sleeves and keep myself from fucking up my arms (but risk messing up my face instead) or do I wear short sleeves which is soSO much better in terms of sensory problems but leaves my arms open to harm?
¹This was sarcasm, btw. It is not fun. I fucking hate it with every fiber of my being.
Also if u wanna know more about keratosis pilaris or dermatillomania feel free to ask, I would love to explain either (and why having both at the same time feels like some kinda cruel fucked up joke from the universe).
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mccoys-killer-queen · 10 months
where my keratosis pilaris homies at it's that time of the year where ppl don't have to look at our arms or legsssssss let's goooooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Shoutout to everyone with strawberry legs. Some legs were meant to be strawberries. Keratosis pilaris is just a skin difference like freckles or vitiligo. Your legs look more interesting than smooth legs. If you've tried exfoliation and your legs are still dotty please don't exfoliate your skin to death. Appreciate the beauty in uniqueness and leg dots. I may or may not be biased because I may or may not have keratosis pilaris (I do)
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localdiscountgoth · 1 year
holy shit have keratosis pilaris AND ocd should actually be a crime against humanity
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skincraft-by-alex · 5 months
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theid0loftimeandspace · 3 months
i have keratosis pilaris on my arms pretty bad and i pick my skin on top of it so usually my arms look like a disaster. its gotten worse in my 20's... all sorts of scarring/hyperpigmentation/wounds. i ran into information by chance recently, and my arms look so much better to a noticeable degree; been through a bit of products/methods over the years with no real change. chlorohexidine wash and lactic acid lotion has been working well for me. also wearing sunscreen regularly on my arms and face now.
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it’s time for strawberry boy summer keratosis bitches rise up
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mim-ick · 2 years
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I’m being eaten alive
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4ga1n5t-4ll-4uth0r1ty · 8 months
I'm always having to wear long sleeved t-shirts (short sleeved shirts where the sleeves are like upto your elbows) because the tops of my arms look really fucking weird (they're too big for my body ) and I also have kp
summer sucks
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someone take my fingers away until I learn not to turn tiny zits into huge open wounds shfhkasdxh
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andiv3r · 10 months
So. I need to make a whole post about lots of things but I've decided that dermatillomania is one of them. Cw for blood and lots of skin-picking stuff below.
Story time. I remember in eighth grade, my religion teacher pulled me out into the halls to talk to me, and my first thought was, "Oh shit, another one," because the previous religion teacher had put me through hell and back for being queer (which was information I had not even shared with her). I braced to have an awkward conversation about my love life and gender identity for the second time in two years. Instead, she pointed at my arm.
"What's that?" She asked. I glanced down at my arms, covered in scabs, red and radiating heat from where I'd been picking for hours. "Your skin, I mean. Why is it... like that?"
Oh. Right. She was new. She didn't know.
"Genetic skin condition." I replied. "It's not really that bad on its own, but I pick at it whenever I'm nervous or upset or sad or bored or... just kind of whenever." She opened her mouth and I interrupted before she could say it. "I've tried to stop, and I've tried wearing long sleeves, and I've tried medicine, and I keep my nails short, but it doesn't help, so... yeah. Don't worry about it. It's not contagious or anything, it's genetic."
Her face scrunched into a frown, but she didn't say anything else and told me to return to my English class. I did.
Later that day, I had to go to Science class. The worst of them, at least in terms of places I picked at my arms. The teacher was nice enough, but I fucking hated science as a class. So, while everyone else was taking notes, I ran my hand along my arms. They were warm. Wet in some places, from the blood that had pooled around some bumps. But most of all, they were so... bumpy. So easy to just... pinch. Squeeze. Scratch.
I walked out of Science class that day with my left arm covered in bloody spots. Shit. My mom was gonna kill me.
Don't think about her.
Don't do it, or else you'll get nervous, and when you get nervous you-
Too late. The fingers that had been rhythmically tapping my desk in Pre-Algebra were now tracing my jawline, searching for...
Ah. There.
Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move my fingers up a bit to my cheek. Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move. Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move. Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch. Move, pinch, squeeze, scratch, move, pinch, squeeze, sc-
"[deadname], your face is bleeding!" I jerked my hands away from my face and stared down at my fingers, their tips stained crimson. So it was.
"Ah. Yeah. D'you have a kleenex?" I replied to the alarmed blond beside me.
"Uh... yeah." He passed one over with a frown. He knew about my skin-picking, so I'm not sure why he was so surprised. Maybe it was the blood. I licked my fingers, wetting them so that the blood would come off. It didn't.
The bell rang.
I swung my backpack onto my back and felt the fabric rub against my raw and open skin.
Well that fucking hurts, but I did it to myself, so I ignored it. I could've just stopped picking, as my mother so often reminded me. I should've just stopped.
I mean, it's not like I had some mental condition I didn't know about that was fueling this, right?
When my mom picked me up from after hours that day, both of my arms were red, both from blood and inflammation. Scabs littered every place in my skin that I could reach. The first thing she did was pull up my sleeve and her frown turned into a scowl.
"Really, [deadname]? Seriously? After all I told you about how that's horrible for your skin? Do you want to be so ugly no boy will want to date you?"
That did sound pleasant, actually, but I didn't need to tell her that. Besides, that wasn't why I was doing it. To be honest, there wasn't really a why. I didn't even realize I was doing it, usually, until I had. I zoned out as she ranted about how I'd never be able to wear a swimsuit, I would have permanent scars, and as I did, my left hand trailed up my arm, grazing the warm, itchy, painful bumps.
Pinch. Squeeze. Scratch.
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sootandfangdiary · 3 days
I should give my ocs chicken skin. Yes .
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johannaamnelin · 1 year
Mansikkaiho, keratosis pilaris, sarveistapit; näin pääset niistä eroon vain kahdella tuotteella!
Mansikkaiho, keratosis pilaris, sarveistapit; näin pääset niistä eroon vain kahdella tuotteella! Olen aikaisemmin kärsinyt keratosis pilariksesta aina koko kylmän kauden ajan, mutta nyt viimeiset n. 5 vuotta olen ollut vaivasta vapaa, kiitos Saaren Taika
Keratosis pilaris, eli sarveistapit Syksy on täällä, ja vaikka rakastankin sen tuomaa tunnelmaa ja värikkäitä lehtiä, se tarkoittaa myös sitä, että ihoani alkaa vaivata tuttu ongelma: keratosis pilaris, eli sarveistapit. Joka syksy, kun ilmat viilenevät, huomaan karheita, pieniä näppyjä erityisesti käsivarsissani ja jaloissani. Mikä on Sarveistapit eli Keratosis Pilaris? Sarveistapit, jotka…
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aguirapro · 1 year
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