mcytblr-archive · 2 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: kermiekermie
today's interviewee is @kermiekermie, who ran "Friend or Host", was a part of the "Block Men Simps" group chat, and has generally been an active member of MCYTblr for a long time! below is a transcript of the questions and answers.
Q: What was your general experience in MCYTblr? Does anything stand out to you immediately?
A: I think my general experience on mcytblr was pretty positive compared to some peoples. The one thing that really stands out is how young I was- i was 11 when i joined mcytblr in early-mid 2020. That didnt really change the way people treated me aside from the occasional teasing and babying, but I did make it a point to say I didn't want to be treated differently. Mcytblr was not my first time in a fandom space and I knew how to avoid creeps already so I never really had any truly negative experiences, honestly the only annoying things that happened were being banned from discords and blocked by people due to my age (which was completely understandable). The biggest memory I have of mcytblr is of course the Block Men Simps group chat, and the original members of the group chat are really the only tumblr mutuals I still keep up with (snail actually has my snapchat!) I still kind of view them as a sort of family, and they were there for me in what I consider an extremely low point of my life and really helped me take my mind off things. During quarantine, I didnt have any of my irls numbers or socials and my mom had just been diagnosed with breast cancer, so I quite literally NEVER left the house and tumblr was really the only social interaction I got for a solid year. And while that definitely impacted my social development (i still cant start a conversation with someone irl without feeling nauseous and shaky) i'm very grateful I had people to talk to throughout that.
Q: I understand that you were the one who set up "Friend or Host". What was the process of organizing a fandom event like that like?
A: Friend or host . god. Like I said, I was 11-12 throughout the majority of my time on mcytblr, and I had ZERO experience organizing anything and I had very little help from anyone else. I tried to make it work the best I could and got creative, but overall I don't think it was a very big success. Funnily enough, not everyone who participated in FOH knew my age and one of the winners actually blocked me afterwards they found out, which I still giggle about today.
Q: How did Friend or Host go?
A: I don't think FOH necessarily went bad, but if I had a little more help and better organization skills and planned it out further ahead of time, I think it would've gone better. It was still fun and I had a good time either way, but I can admit it was a little messy.
Q: What major events in the fandom do you remember? (Either from the MCYTers themselves or fandom-specific!)
A: Honestly, my memory of my time in the wider mcytblr community isnt all that great and I tend to get timelines a little messed up, but i DO remember being there for the creation of the original dreamceler copypasta. In the BMS group chat we were having our normal conversation and someone oncest got brought up at the same time as dream somehow, and thus Ginger wrote the extremely cursed dreamceler copypasta. This eventually evolved into an entire universe (the dreamceler cinematic universe?) with various different copypastas that eventually had to be archived because of how out of hand it got. Sometimes I still see the copypastas floating around and it kind of freaks me out every time. I also have a veryyyy vivid memory of the time I made the 2020 mcytblr election discord read OmegaNotFound on wattpad (do NOT research. for your own safety) and it was really amusing seeing everyones reactions.
Q: Do you remember any of the "kinnie" blogs?
A: oh MY the kinnie blogs!! i actually have dms with a couple of them plotting little jokes and such and I got involved with them quite often!! i actually ran a justaminx one for a couple days (yikes) and it wasnt really that believeable looking back. me and ginger as well as a couple other mooties loved spamming the ask boxes of them with piss jokes and such, and I feel like we played a pretty big role in how widespread and popular kinnie blogs became.
Q: What was the "Kroger Anon"?
A: oh my dearest kroger anon how I miss you…. I still dont know who the kroger anon actually WAS, but they would send rainbow colored advertising messages about Kroger to various mcytblr blogs at random intervals. Funny thing is, I dont live near any krogers and have never been to one in my life, but the anon messages kinda made me want to go. I miss kroger anon…. kroger anon if youre reading this come home please..
Q: What were common in-jokes in the fandom of that time? (Copypastas, headcanons, rumors, etc)
A: Common in-jokes is a hard one!! like i said earlier, my memory of my time in mcytblr isnt all that great or extensive and I could probably better answer this if I went through my archive but alas, I do not have the patience for that. Obviously we had the good ole tapeworm and pregnancy posts, dreamceler, and various other cursed copypastas and memes. One inside joke between the block men simps gc was "thinkign 👽" which came from a typo snail made that just kind of caught on and we would use every once in a while to giggle at. Other than that, I can't really think of any specific inside jokes.
Q: Is there anything else you remember or would like to talk about?
A: Something I really want to talk about is how much lurking I did!! on the outside I was definitely a normal parasocial mcytblr blog but I lurked on pretty much every corner of the fandom you could really think of. Obviously I have a ton of critblr and other controversial mutuals but I never really openly interacted with that side of mcytblr since it was pretty heavily debated and I am nothing if not conflict avoidant. I also did quite a bit of truthing that no one ever really mentioned which I guess I sort of appreciate. I think being in a fandom that involved actual real people ar that age for that long kind of screwed with me, and ive never really been able to be in a fandom for a piece of actual fiction because theyve just never gotten my interest in the same way, I guess. Even now, i was in grouptwt for quite a while (tgc podcast) and now im active on kpoptwt, which again, both of those fandoms are for actual real people. I dont think its the parasocial aspect either, ive never been super parasocial and have never had a problem criticizing the content creators I watch. Im really grateful for all the people I met on mcytblr, but I think the actual dream smp and the way I engaged with content overall negatively impacted how I interact with things now.
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beacon-lamp · 2 months
yo beacon im online for the first time in 20 decades and thought i stop by to say hi :)
KERMIE???? omfg hii i haven’t seen u around here in forever, i hope life has been good and that you’re doing well <3
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kermiekermie · 2 years
okkk after that rant...... it's almost 3 am and i have time. ..... might actually write a fanfic in my notes app..... just 2 see ......
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fraseris · 2 years
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@kermiekermie @miiilowo
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circusfool · 10 months
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art fight for kermie on art fight and kermiekermie on ig !! ( my art fight is @ circusfool ! )
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falst · 2 years
Mcyt bitches go follow @kermiekermie they’re cool
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theritties · 1 year
my main is @kermiekermie
i had to get this url sorry
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hauntedreptile · 3 years
@kermiekermie mood board :)
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typic-ai · 3 years
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Gangster Kermit
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heartnosekid · 3 years
can i get a stimboard for the jellycat squiggle frog plushie? thank you!
sure thing!!! here ya go~ i hope it’s what you wanted!!
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happypuppys · 3 years
here!!! hav teddy bear!!!
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:oooooo thank u for tha teddy bear :DDDD
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beacon-lamp · 2 years
hi beacon. kermie here to remind you i exist. i would send cat pics but alas i cannot add photos.....
hallo kermie ty for the reminder of you existence it has brightened my day. have a cat photo i yoinked off the internet bc i unfortunately do not have a cat of my own. the cat is looking at you fondly
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kermiekermie · 2 years
the "kermiekermie is the little sibling" era is officially kver im declaring it
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incorrect-mcytblr · 3 years
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artisticgargoyle · 3 years
Human Kermit, should I post the rest of my muppet series?
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wolfie979 · 3 years
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business cat
I love it.
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