wishjacked · 1 month
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fanart of kessiah from the webcomic millenium by @deoidesign :)
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namenerdery · 11 months
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri in 2021 [K, L, M & N]
-note that this dataset didn't include gender so your guess as to whether a name belongs to a girl or boy is as good as mine-
K'mahyree Damoni K'nahlei Chauntia A'miya Ka'nibre Dahila Ka'varee Terranova Kaderick Lee
Kahlanniie Athena Rose Kaibriel Kimberly Ann Kaige Alexzander Kailor Reighd Kairys Rae
Kaiston Lloyd Kally-R Kam'breah Stormy Kayy Kamourra Zamon Elaen Kandaisey Raylien
Kansas Grace Kaplyn Jane Kapone Beloved Luciano Kascity Lynn Kasiahus Amenadiel
Kaspious Paul Michael Kasseus Valyn Katalie Marie Michel Katybell Joann Kayaos Royalty Reign
Kazayla Simone Keirstyn Creative Marie Kencade Wisdom Kentley Elena Kenya Lou
Kerowyn Ramsey Kesden Micheal Kessiah Island Kylo Kyze Kezlynn Claire Khalisee A'marie Khaos Justice
Kharli-Jhea Ariele Khazym Jesse-Mune Ambro Khillyan Charles Khizir Varis Khoryne O'phelia
Khosen Osheone De'nae Khyzer The-Truth Kihlyn Christopher Kikiope Joanne Kindred Lamb
King'xavier Geraldon Kingzley Austin Kinslynn Jane Kinviann Gomorrah Klarity Kurrency A'lan
Klassic Jalia Kneekeytah Joe Everlynn Knightz Imperial Lotti Knine Contrail Knolyn Roxas
Knovah Rae Knoxon Jameslee Kobaine Ray Alan Kohver Dean-William Kortlyn Marie
Kortt William Kramer Rae Kratos Dean Kreation Lavender Kroslyn Scarlett
Krypton Blaize Kurrency Lee Kwynn Ameliah Grace Kyng Bizzie Kynzlin Lou Marie Kyrix Blaise Kyvree Belinda Lorene
Laighla Rose Kay Lakaden Kyrie Lakelenn Asher Scott Laker Olivia Lakeson Allen
Lamborghini Trayson Colt Lark Breta Laulus Dean Scott Layazhini Layneston Joe
Lazuli Selene Le'leighonna Paig Idae Legaceigh Mae Legiona Mary Jane Legolas Zen-Quincy
Legoria Anoited Lemon Mae Lenasilver Azua Lielah Lanette Limeryck Jack
Linex Patrick Linux Herbert Lion Oziel Liriel Elizabeth Livvian Jewel
Logic Andrew Lord Humble Lord X'zahquary Malachi Lorentheous Elijah Loveis Amena
Lowgyn Wade Lucellia Ariadne Lucipher Zayne Wilson Luck Andrew Lukka Noctis
Luxley May Lyllyan Blaise Patience Lyricalyn Luna Alma
M'pryss Julia-Vera Ma'zylah Karlie Macenize Starr Macgyver Lupin Madalynnrea Louise
Madam Avery Krisa Lafaye Maevery Rose Magic Caprie Mahogani-Queen Lee Maizy Dee Maree
Majestic Sunshine Majesty Messiah Makaitlyn A'miracle Maleficent Rain Mandilyn Beatrice
Marjestic De'andre Samuel Marvel Quinn Maserati Joseph Matrix May Alexandra Mauntana Marley
Mayvva-Faye Jolee Mazeabella Lee Melahdee Mi'amour Melanin Eva Vivian Merveille Menge
Messiaz Malakai Mi'kyngg Ares Miavella Calypso Mickheala Erviana Million Major
Mircale Evettelyn Marie Missandei Dawn Amelia Mister Sir Monarch Steele Moon Monet
Mooney Paloma Mordecaiyah Maccabeus Moux Jackson Ray Moxen Andrew Mydae Promise Mylynium John Myraqahl Quardai-Whittier
Nadyx Alan Naiellie Natalia Naivee Rose Nashville Elliot Nation Amarii Juelay
Newera Ellada Newt Tyler Nexin Dinos Nigelle Reeana Nipsey Dominic Armon
Nirvanajane Rea Normandy Normie Jean Notorious Adonis Hussle Noxx Oliver Nyeleigh Marie Nyxx Raine
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art-anomaly · 4 years
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Stuff from last year for friends. Top two for @deo101 and the other two for @magnetichollow
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deoidesign · 4 years
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nofatclips · 5 years
Rottweiler by IDLES, live on KEXP, originally on the album Joy as an Act of Resistance.
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millennium-comic · 6 years
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Ko-Fi: deoart
Patreon: deo101
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comicteaparty · 5 years
October 12th-October 18th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from October 12th, 2019 to October 18th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
Of your story’s characters, who is your favorite to write and why?  Also, who is your least favorite?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
In Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/), my favorite AND least favorites to write for... are both of my villains My favorite to write for is the 'fun villain' - a character as quirky and dramatic as they are threatening. It's super satisfying to just get into their words and PLAY.(edited)
The other is the 'cold villain' - calculating and quiet and controlled. Dramatic fun villains are way more my thing, so writing one that's so restrained (combined with all the bad things I know she's done )... I genuinely dislike writing for her. She holds me back from having fun... AND she's a meanie
Deo101 (Millennium)
In millennium (https://millennium.spiderforest.com/) My favorite to write for is definitely Keith and Aaron... I know technically that's two characters but they practically count as one, so I'm gonna say them. I just really like writing their goofy interactions and their silly jokes, and the way they interact with eachother versus with everyone else.
I..... Don't have a least favorite to write honestly. If I had to pick one, I guess I would say the HARDEST person to write for is Kessiah, which I guess makes writing her scenes my least favorite? That's just because shes the newest character of the whole cast, though, so I don't know her as well. I still like writing her and I love the scenes shes in and shes super important, she's just harder so I dread some of her scenes because I don't quite know how to fit her in. (She was added kind of last minute, everyone else has been there years before I started!)
In AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ I've often said my favorite character to draw is Piago, but probably my favorite to write is Penelope, because of how organically she's grown over time. And she gives me a nice challenge to write because she always seeks non-violent solutions, and she doesn't live in the sort of world where that's always an option.
For least favorite, probably Malphas. He never shuts up, and that's tons of dialogue I have to work in. He's the kind of guy who uses ten words where one would do just fine. If he gets talking he can grind the pace to a halt. Juju I'd also say is difficult to write. Readers want another chapter with her, but honestly, her kind of grim humor really isn't my cup of tea anymore. I've grown as a person and she hasn't, so I'm not really sure what to do with her.
For Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R: http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/ Mizuki and Taci are definitely the most fun to write, especially when they're interacting with each other. Mizuki is the perfect roaster, and Taci is the perfect roast target, so I'm not sure I can pick a favorite between them. For least favorite... either Cahe or Gynu. Gynu has very little personality besides being loud and powerful. He serves as a counter to Suzigu's lazy/annoyed attitude I suppose, but on his own he doesn't really do much for me. Cahe is a bit more entertaining, and while he's not particularly complex I am glad that his kind, mostly innocent personality is a part of the comic. The real issue with Cahe is his powerset - it's basically impossible to work him back into the story as a fighter because of how his ability works.
For The Wide Ocean: http://thewideocean.thecomicseries.com/
Most fun to write: Zahrah. Unsurprisingly one of the main characters, the reason why she's fun to write is because it's surprisingly fun to see which poor decision she'll make next, or she's bonding / living with the people around her.
Least fun to write: Paea. A minor character who's hard to remember. I don't have an especially good grip on her character, and a lot of the time it feels like I'm writing her because the plot calls for a sharkfolk who fills the niche she fills; someone we know, who is a little bit of a jerk but not as much of a jerk as another character.
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
In http://oldmanandtheseawitch.tumblr.com/ I only really have two main characters are the moment and one I only partially write for, as Ains belongs to his creator and I'm essentially using him on loan. So technically, it'd be Witchy. Truth be told, it's also Witchy because he's basically male-Yzma, he likes being mean and nasty, he's a dramatic, crafty fish-man with an eye for pretty things and absolutely zero ability to be introspective on his own feelings. But there's a strange, surprising depth and sympathy to him where he should otherwise be unsympathetic.
For non main characters, probably Hiro. He's such a goofy little fisherman and will invariably be doing something stupid in the background. I love him. I would die for him.
Least favorite... gosh. I try to make every character a character I would love writing for or could make a main story for, so that's honestly pretty hard. There's King [Redacted], who will not show up for a LONG time but his characterization is always slippery for me--unlike his son. Who is somewhere in the character page but also won't show up for a long time.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
@Steph (@grandpaseawitch) THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT
Actually, I'd debate that, especially when they are irrevocably cruel, violent, self-serving and delusional.
Well, some people genuinely have a ton of fun writing characters like that. Whatever Floats Your Boat and To Each Their Own
yeah I gotta agree with Keii, sometimes people just love writing villains. And sometimes those are the most fun? You don't have to write them winning, either
I love lawful good/ lawful neutral characters, good or bad, both as a creator and as a reader. But I'm fully aware that not everyone likes them, and that's okay!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
True! I know Steph and I definitely lean more in the villain/antihero-centric direction, but depending on your story’s aim - and the kind of villain you’re writing - it can either be a chore or a delight. Writing stalwart, lawful-good heroes is a nightmare for me, in comparison. It’s just not something I’m strong at
(psst lawful good does not always a hero make. You can totally have lawful good losers :'D)
i think most of my favorite characters to write are chaotic in nature, whether they're villain or hero, or even just a side character, so really there's all sorts of directions you can go
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
Lawful-good is an alignment that sees very little action in my writing, haha. As an entity of chaos myself, it tends to leak into my characters.
But the worst of the worst, the True Villain, is absolutely a delight to write. I've written a few bad-end versions of Witchy like that in other universes and they were IMMENSELY fun.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
A lawful good loser is actually a character I’m currently trying to write. He’s right on the edge of what I’m comfortable with. A layered kind of good. Good that means well, but suffers on the way to goodness. It’s a great exercise, and I’m starting to genuinely love him. A golden hero who always succeeds and does the right thing... may actually show up as a secondary villain someday, in comparison 🤫
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
Oh! I may not have a LAwful Good character, but... there is one for a main character.
Which is Mister Ains. :3
So there is technically one in the comic.
He's a fun kind of LAwful Good because... he was originally the type of Order Is Very Important type of Lawful Good. A good heart, but sometimes might have put rules above people, and over the years, learned how to be the more "Good Is More Important Than Order" kind of lawful good. Which, to bring things back around to the topic, is why he's a very fun character to write, and probably the most fun of the characters on loan to me.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I would put "Good Is More Important Than Order" under Neutral Good, personally. (Assuming it doesn't go all the way to "good is more important because order is useless," which sounds like Chaotic Good.)
Lawful Good seems like a tough alignment to write -- maybe the toughest? Because it's unrealistic for there to be no unjust laws. If the character starts off earnestly believing all the laws are for a good purpose, that works, but eventually they're going to find a bad one and be forced to choose...
Deo101 (Millennium)
I've always thought of it more like "do good and dont break any laws"
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
But sometimes, the only good thing to do is breaking the law.
Extreme examples are things like "you're legally required to report on your neighbors if they question the government, and anyone who's reported mysteriously disappears in the night."
One way to go about it is they die trying to change the law the legal way (or the closest possible), e.g. getting killed while doing a peaceful protest
or a suicide protest that doesn't involve physically threatening/harming others (e.g. self incineration protests by Buddhist monks)
Nutty (Court of Roses)
the Player's Handbook for D&D: "Lawful Good creatures can be counted on to do the right thing as expected by society."(edited)
Also, lawful good doesn't have to mean "the MOST upper-est left-est corner possible in the alignment graph." You can be like, 90% lawful 88% good or something.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
"Neutral Good folk do the best they can to help others according to their needs. Chaotic Good creatures act as their conscious directs, with little regard to what others expect."
That too. Society =/= the government
at least, not in every case!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Yeah, "expectations of society" is a different standard from "laws of society." And it'll vary from subgroup to subgroup, so if the character sticks to "the expectations off my social circle that believes it's wrong to inform on our neighbors," it's easier to maintain.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Yeah! i was double checking the book and saw that description, and for that very reason is why i brought it up
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
You'd still have to always associate with a group that shares your current values, so you'd have to deal with conflict by convincing people to come around to your point of view...that, or dumping them and finding a new friend group...
As someone who consistently tests lawful good, I genuinely don't get why this is any harder than any other alignment! Like... I'm not lawful good 100% of the time, but I'm still closest to that alignment than any other, overall!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I mean, I probably follow the local laws 90% of the time, but I wouldn't say that makes me Lawful so much as lucky!
Just because some evil-aligned villain has the occasional Pet The Dog moment, doesn't necessarily make them good or even neutral, yeah?
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
...no? But I'm not sure that's the same issue.
Say a lawful good character breaks a rule they consider to be fundamental to being lawful. It can happen. One key difference, for me, is how they deal with it afterward.
Deo101 (Millennium)
I like to think of it more as a tendancy than a hard set rule, too
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I myself consider Merlow Chaotic Good, but not because he's a wacky unpredictable guy, he just goes with the flow and what feels right to him.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
So would the difference be that "lawful good" feels bad/guilty/distraught about having to break the rule, whereas "neutral good" doesn't feel attached to the rule, just satisfied that they did the right thing?
Nutty (Court of Roses)
that sounds about right
or at least, the LG one would be self conscious about it and worry about what others think
Maybe not even "what others think"
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
NG would probably worry about that to some extent too, just for practical reasons.
depending on the situation
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
But "willing to break the law for the greater good, just beats themself up about it afterward" is a much easier character type to sustain than what I was thinking!
Nutty (Court of Roses)
like, it could be more about... worry about what they believe others SHOULD think (this can be very relevant if there is a big rift in the society with regards to what's right -- maybe they're in the minority, and don't feel guilty about acting contrary to what the majority believes to be right)
(I really like parentheses in case you haven't noticed)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
(lol me too)
Nutty (Court of Roses)
(whisper whisper)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
So that goes back to the "LG character adheres to the rules of their particular subculture" idea.
That sounds about right
Though there could be exceptions -- like, what if that subculture is all about anarchism?
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Chaotic Lawful!
And given the history of real-world attempts at anarchist communities, we know that one can only sustain itself about five minutes before self-destructing...
Nutty (Court of Roses)
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
In which US state was American abolitionist Harriet Tubman born?
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Araminta Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland but later escaped and became one of the leaders of the “Underground Railroad”, which led hundreds of slaves to freedom. It is not certain when Harriet was born, but it is estimated to be between 1815 and 1825.
In 1849, Harriet made her first trip from South to North following a network known as the Underground Railroad. Following the death of her owner, Harriet decided to escape from slavery and run away to Philadelphia. On 17th September 1849, Harriet and two of her brothers began the long journey, but after they learnt that Harriet was being sought in the papers for a reward of $300, the boys had second thoughts and turned back.
No sooner had she arrived in Philadelphia, she returned to the South to help more than 300 people escape from slavery. Between 1850 and 1860, Harriet made 19 trips, the first being to help her niece Kessiah and family flee from the harsh conditions.
During the Civil War (1861-1865), Harriet entered the Union Army as a cook and nurse, although ended up working as an armed scout and spy. She was the first woman to lead an armed expedition during the war, which resulted in the liberation of over 700 slaves in South Carolina.
Harriet died in 1917 from pneumonia. At the end of the 20th century, she was named one of the most famous civilians in American History, and she will soon be the face of the new $20 bill.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
École Parc Elementary school reducing environmental impacts with composting team
École Parc Elementary school reducing environmental impacts with composting team
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News The Ecole Parc composting team (L-R) Madeline Black, Laura Derksen, Avery Possberg, Dylan Currie, Jace Weinrich, Finnley Poulin, Gavyn McAleer, Kessiah Crispin. Photo supplied. Article content With Earth Day approaching on Apr. 22, the world is looking to make changes that help protect our planet and reduce our environmental impact, and the kids at École…
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rienfleche · 8 years
On 17 September 1849, Tubman and her brothers, Ben and Henry, made a run for freedom in the North while working for Thompson on his 2200 acre plantation at Poplar Neck in Caroline County, MD.. They stayed hidden nearby for approximately three weeks, but were overcome with fear and returned to the Eastern Shore. Shortly thereafter, Tubman struck out alone, taking her own liberty. She tapped into an Underground Railroad that was already functioning well on the Eastern Shore. Traveling by night, using the North Star and instructions from white and black helpers, she found her way to Philadelphia through Delaware and possibly New Jersey. She sought work as a domestic, saving her money to help the rest of her family escape. In December 1850, Tubman executed her first mission, the rescue of her niece Kessiah Jolley Bowley and Bowley’s two children, James Alfred and infant Araminta. With the help of Bowley’s free husband, John, Tubman turned to the maritime networks she and her family knew so well to help arrange for Bowley’s liberation. In a daring escape sequence, John secretly stole Kessiah and their children from the auction block in Cambridge, Maryland, and sailed them in a small boat up the Chesapeake to Baltimore, where Tubman was waiting to hide them among friends and relatives. Within a few months she returned to Baltimore and helped her youngest brother Moses find his way to freedom as well.
[“Harriet Tubman's Flight to Freedom”, Kate Clifford Larson]
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bassic-ally · 3 years
Isyung Panlipunan: Maging bukas at tigilan ang Diskriminasyong Sekswal
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Ang diskriminasyon ay isang bagay na kinakaharap natin araw-araw, ang hindi pagkakapantay-pantay ng kasarian, hindi pagkakapantay-pantay ng lahi, at hindi pagkakapantay-pantay na sekswal ay ilan lamang sa mga paraan na hinaharap ng ating henerasyon sa diskriminasyon. Ang ibig sabihin ng sexism ay diskriminasyon laban sa mga tao dahil sa kanilang kasarian. Ito ay isa sa mga karaniwang hadlang sa pagitan ng mga kasarian. Ang sexism ay nakakaapekto sa karamihang mga kababaihan. Maaari rin itong makaapekto sa mga lalaki kapag hindi sila umayon sa mga stereotype na tungkulin ng kasarian. Ang mapaminsalang epekto ng sexism ay maaaring maging mas malala para sa ilang babae at lalaki dahil sa kanilang etnisidad, edad, kapansanan, panlipunang pinagmulan, relihiyon, pagkakakilanlan ng kasarian, sexual orientation o iba pang mga salik.
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Bagama't kadalasang nangyayari ang ganitong diskriminasyon kapag may nagnanais na gawin ito. Ang diskriminasyong sekswal ay hindi sinasadyang mangyari dahil sa kultura (tradisyonal na kaugalian sa pagtrato ng mga tao), personal na impluwensya o maling impormasyon tungkol nito. Isang halimbawa ay ang pag-catcall ng mga lalaki sa mga babae dahil sa tingin nila sanay na ang mga babae sa mga pangyayaring ito. Kahit na ikinagalit mo ang mga sinasabi nila at sumama ang loob mo sa ginagawa nila, ikaw pa ang mali at may kasalanan.
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Ang sexism ay kadalasang nakatuon sa mga kababaihan, ngunit sa totoong buhay, ang mga ibang kasarian ay nakakaranas ng diskriminasyon. Tulad ng mga lalaki, maari silang madiskrima dahil sa mga ‘toxic stereotypes’ na gusto ng lipunan. Halibawa, “Ang mga malalakas na lalaki ay hindi umiiyak” o “Ang mga babae lamang ang maaaring maglinis, magluto at mag-alaga ng mga bata!”. Ang mga ito ay nakakaapekto sa mental health ng karamihan sa mga lalaki. Sa Amerika, mataas ang ‘suicide rate’ sa mga lalaki. Tandaan na hindi mo malalaman ang iyong sekswal na oryentasyon batay sa gusto ng lipunan. Minsan ang mga lalaki ay mukhang ‘girly’, ang mga babae ay mukhang ‘boyish’. RESPETO at ang hindi pagpilit sa kanila na sumunod sa ‘social norm’ ay ang solusyon. Tanggapin at igalang ang pagpili na maaari tayong maging iba! Ang harmony sa ating mga buhay ay matatapos sa isang buhay na puno ng ‘conformity’, at hindi natin gusto iyon.
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Ang matinding sexism ay maaaring magsulong ng sekswal na panliligalig, panggagahasa, at iba pang anyo ng sekswal na karahasan. Ang mga karahasang ito ay humahantong sa maraming negatibong epekto sa mental, pisikal na kalusugan at kagalingan ng mga tao. Depresyon, pagkabalisa, pagkawalang gana sa pagkain, pang-aabuso sa droga at alcohol at pananakit sa sarili, kawalan ng kapangyarihan, takot at galit ang mga negatibong epekto ng diskriminasyong sekswal. Ang sexism ay maaari ring magdulot ng malubha at masamang kahihinatnan tulad ng mga negatibong epekto sa kanilang pag-unawa sa sarili at kakayahang bumuo ng malusog, egalitarian na matalik na relasyon, pati na rin ang kahirapan sa pagbuo ng collaborative at cooperative na relasyong panlipunan.
Samakatuwid, ang mamuhay ng maayos at masayang buhay ay ang paggalang at igalang sa iyong sekswal na oryentasyon. Namumuhay tayo ngayon sa isang lupinan na mas bukat at tumatanggap ng iba’t-ibang sekswalidad. Kaya hinihimok nami ang lahat na maging mas matalino, bukas at magalang sa mga pagpipilian ng ibang tao pagdating sa hitsura nila, kung paano sila manamit at kung paano nila nakikita ang kanilang sarili.
Maraming Salamat!! <3
Intro- Dorothy Annika Reas
Body Paragraph 1&2- Kessiah Catherine E. Valmera
Body Paragraph 3- Victoria Ysabelle Bas
Conclusion- Lady Shane Espinosa
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shmosnet2 · 5 years
What Are Some Common Things We Use That Have Come From Space Tech? » Science ABC
What Are Some Common Things We Use That Have Come From Space Tech? » Science ABC
The advent of space exploration has led to many technologies that have infiltrated our everyday life, from baby food to the memory foam in our mattresses, and so much more. There is often a debate over whether we should explore space. Should we really spend our valuable resources on developing technologies that will enable us to better understand and physically travel the vast cosmos? Or is it better to spend those resources to solve the problems running rampant here on Earth? Well, the answer isn’t binary, as we can do both at the same time; in fact, this is in our best interest, as NASA’s 60-year run of success shows. NASA’s primary objective is to explore and gain a better understanding of the cosmos. In doing so, it must develop technologies to establish a better picture of the universe, make devices to physically explore different types of terrain, make equipment that can orbit the earth and other planets, and develop a space station for space environment research, among many other things.
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We’re just getting started with our exploration. (Photo Credit : Smartha/ Shutterstock) This pursuit has led NASA to develop many new technologies, some of which have trickled down into our everyday life. NASA has a magazine called Spinoff, in which it details thousands of its inventions that have come to widespread use. Let’s take a look at some of these. From Space to Everyday Life Cameras in Smartphones Mobile phones have become ubiquitous these days, packed with incredible processing power, as well as high-quality front and back cameras. Miniaturized cameras have found a major market, with the selling point of phones often being their higher megapixel camera, as well as standalone products from companies like GoPro. Smartphones provide a quality front and back camera (Photo Credit : ImYanis/ Shutterstock) One of the ways this miniaturization has been possible is due to the invention of digital image sensors, which can be traced back to NASA JPL scientist Eric Fossum. In his effort to reduce the size of cameras for interplanetary missions, Fossum reduced the signal noise, which was a problem in earlier attempts at CMOS (converting the captured light to electrical signals) imagers. Through that effort, he invented the CMOS active pixel sensor, which is currently used in smartphones and many other applications. Invisible braces Braces can be unpleasant and can hamper one’s physical appearance. Thankfully, we have other alternatives, such as invisible braces, which provide seamless integration with a person’s dentures without them sticking out and drawing attention. Invisible braces (Photo Credit : PavelSm/ Shutterstock) These braces are a form of transparent ceramics called translucent polycrystalline alumina (TPA). A company named Ceradyne developed it. They worked in conjunction with NASA Advanced Ceramics Research to find a method to protect the infrared antennae on heat-seeking missile trackers. LASIK Nowadays, LASIK is the go-to procedure for long-lasting vision correction, making it the best alternative for eyeglasses and contact lenses. It is commonly referred to as laser eye surgery and is used for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It uses lasers to reshape the cornea in the eyes, thus improving visual acuity. LASIK (Photo Credit : Roman Zaiets/ Shutterstock) In the 1980s, NASA wanted to automatically dock space vehicles to service satellites. In an effort to do this, LASIK technology was developed, but eventually, the LiDAR system ended up being used. LASIK thus became a tool used by ophthalmologists for tracking eye movements during the reshaping of a cornea with a laser. Cochlear Implants Hearing aids don’t help everyone who has a hearing deficiency, which is where cochlear implants come into the picture; they are surgically implanted to provide a sense of sound to a person with hearing loss. These implants bypass the normal hearing system and instead replace it with electric signals that directly stimulate the auditory nerve. Cochlear Implants (Photo Credit : Kalah_R/ Shutterstock) Cochlear implants have been around since the 1960s, but their modern application was pioneered by NASA engineer Adam Kessiah. He started working on them in the mid-1970s, leading to a device that would provide hearing sensation for those people who receive no help from hearing aids. He developed this over 3 years while working at NASA, taking time out of his lunch break and using NASA’s technical library. Kessiah studied the impacts of engineering principles on the ear and applied the knowledge gained while working as an electronics instrumentation engineer at NASA. Memory foam A good night’s sleep is essential in everyone’s life, as it provides ample rest and alertness for the following day. Doctors recommend a memory foam mattress that gives the essential lumbar support for perfect recuperation at night. The foam takes the form of the person sitting or sleeping to provide adequate support, but returns to its resting position once the person gets off, giving it the name “memory” foam. Memory foam (Photo Credit : Will Thomass/ Shutterstock) Spacecraft designers wanted to make a material that accounted for the weights and body types of different passengers, but also realized that astronauts would fluctuate in their body form, which made custom designs for specific individuals illogical. The idea of foam changing itself to fit the current person before returning back to its base position worked perfectly as a solution to the problem. Memory foam was developed by Ames Research Center, together with NASA, and is now widely used in civilian aircraft, sports safety equipment, mattresses, pillows, etc. Portable cordless vacuums Cordless vacuums have become a necessity for cleaning household surfaces, especially carpets and rugs. DustBuster (Photo Credit : Sergey Mironov/ Shutterstock) A portable, self-contained drill was required to extract core samples from the lunar surface during the Apollo space mission. NASA tasked Black & Decker with developing a portable machine that could be used for the task; to do this, they optimized the design of the drill’s motor through a computer program, which also used minimal power. This led to the development of a vacuum cleaner called the DustBuster, which was released in 1971 for the masses. Swimsuits Another of the applications of space exploration technologies is seen in competitive swimming. NASA’s Langley Research Center supported Speedo’s design for a swimsuit through their wind tunnel testing and fluid flow analysis software. This resulted in the LZR Racer, which reduced skin friction drag more than 24% over previous Speedo swimsuits. LZR Racer release in NYC 2008 (Photo Credit : Kathy Barnstorff/Wikimedia Commons) The LZR Racer is comprised of woven elastane-nylon and polyurethane, and was released in March 2008. The athletes who wore this line of swimsuits broke 13 swimming world records! Baby Food Toddlers are required to have high-nutrition food, which facilitates healthy development, most of which is gained from human breast milk. There are times when substitutes are required to feed the child and enriched baby food helps in these cases. Enriched baby food (Photo Credit : Oksana Kuzmina/ Shutterstock) The available infant formulas today have a nutritional enrichment ingredient that originated from NASA-sponsored research. This research was conducted for a recycling agent in long-duration space travel on bread mold. The substance formulated is based on micro-algae and is found in over 90% of infant formulas sold in the United States, and is added to infant formulas in more than 65 other countries! Closing Thoughts We clearly enjoy many of the advancements derived from our journeys into space; many things that have come from it are ubiquitous in our everyday use, making further investment in space a valuable proposition. However, that shouldn’t be the only justification for venturing into space, as such leaps into the void also tap a very primal drive of humans to explore the unknown! References
https://ift.tt/2Mals3t . Foreign Articles October 03, 2019 at 10:18PM
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findingmypeace · 5 years
4, 13, 19 :)
Thanks for the questions. I love answering these things.
4. Last time i cried and why:
I think the last time I cried (but I’m not sure) was a few weeks ago and it had to do with my car accident. If it wasn’t that than it was when I was in the hospital for my attempt and I was being forced to go to the psych hospital. That said, the last time I teared up (like tears came to my eyes but they didn’t spill over) was last night when I was talking with a friend on the phone and I was apologizing to her for my suicide attempt and how I may have hurt her. I truly am sorry and I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I feel awful that my actions hurt so many people.
13. Life goal:
Hmm, I don’t know. I think I just want to feel happy and be settled in my life. I’ve spent so much of my life in therapy and working on improving things. It would be nice to feel like all my hard work has gotten me to a point where I can finally say I’m happy.
19. Middle name:
I’m kind of hesitant in answering this because I try to keep really identifying information off of my tumblr and my middle name is quite unique. However, I think I’m going to answer anyway. My middle name is Kessiah. Pronounced Kuh-sigh-uh. It was my great-great grandmother’s first name. I used to hate it but now I think its pretty.
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deoidesign · 5 years
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~We’re accidentally in love~
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millennium-asks · 6 years
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Happy Valentines day!
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
Kessiah Allyson MT
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