#kessler syndrome
todays-xkcd · 1 year
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The increasing number of graham crackers and chocolate bars in orbit has created a growing risk of Kessler s'mores.
Marshmallow [Explained]
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grayrazor · 3 months
Would Orion Drive spacecraft be a way to rebuild space infrastructure after a Kessler Syndrome incident? They could be built heavy enough to be armored against debris impacts, and their "exhaust" probably would vaporize junk or propel it out of orbit.
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skylobster · 1 month
More space junk.
This is not the first time a Long March 6A upper stage has broken up in orbit.
Chinese rocket breaks apart after megaconstellation launch, creating cloud of space junk | Space
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moneriasaqui · 10 months
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Todo "bien", leyendo a Giordano e imaginando un posible nuevo colapso venido de arriba 🤯☄️☄️☄️ 👉 Basura espacial 💫💩💫
< Feeling the Kessler syndrome in my bones... 👉 Space SH*T 💫💩>
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gamesatwork · 1 year
e435 — Space Junk
#RaspberryPi 5, #Space themes including #Kessler syndrome & #Purrgils, #UX stories about #BetterTouchTool, #CarPlay, #Humane & #Rewind and much more!
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash Published 9 October 2023 Back at full co-host strength, Andy, Michael and Michael start off this show with a discussion about Andy’s recent Cybersalon event celebrating the Mosaic web browser’s 30th birthday.  After a short conversation about the newly announced Raspberry Pi 5, the team gets down to talking about space!   First up, a first for the FCC (Federal…
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gonna laugh so hard when all the space waste makes it impossible to leave the planet
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momoguido · 6 months
I feel like the main problem with AI alignment is similar to the main problem with NFTs: one of your main assumptions is bad, so no amount of tweaking can fix it.
In the case of NFTs, the unregulated and anonymous nature of the system is exactly why it was so appealing to scammers, and also the whole point of them in the first place.
In the case of generative AI, "be able to produce an immense amount of information with very little effort" is both the main problem we're dealing with and the entire point of it in the first place.
Digital Kessler Syndrome isn't an unwanted side effect, it's the only possible outcome.
You cannot fix something that is designed to be harmful.
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xenosagaepisodeone · 9 months
that spaceship full of presidential remains experiencing propulsion issues that are creating doubt in it's ability to reach the moon is really funny. imagine a voyage intended as a symbolic gesture for man's right to colonize space becoming the first major artifact of kessler syndrome as it's washed back into the earth's gravitational orbit like the remains of some bloated beached animal carcass. you look up at the night sky, and the only thing not neutralized by light pollution is a quick white flicker marking the trail of the ship's latest magic circle around the earth; the dead broads encapulated inside bearing less life than the long dead stars they have replaced. the actual end result of the mission will probably be far less interesting and far less on the nose, but I can dream.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Plenty of news stories have focused on the danger posed by Kessler syndrome. In this condition, space is made inaccessible by a cloud of debris surrounding our planet that would destroy any further attempts to get into orbit. Therefore, plenty of companies have sprung up to take care of the problem, from blasting derelict satellites with lasers to helping to refuel them—lots of business models have been created to capture this opportunity. One of the farthest along is Astroscale. This British start-up is tackling the problem with one of the more conventional techniques—linking up with an existing satellite to deorbit it. And recently, they released a promotional video for their new project—the ELSA-M. ELSA-M, which stands for End of Life Services by Astroscale-Multiple, is designed to couple with an existing satellite, force it into a lower orbit, and make it reenter more quickly. It will be the first satellite to boost itself up to another orbit for a second rendezvous and deorbit that second satellite as well. It's unclear how many of these projects a single ELSA-M satellite can take on, but the "multiple" in its name implies at least more than one.
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mhbcaps · 11 months
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updated blorbo catalog :)
info, tags, and more under the cut!
relationship map:
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David “V” Lozano: my canon V, a born-and-bred Heywood brawler who never really cared about being famous but god Jackie made it sound so good. He doesn’t think he can make a difference and he doesn’t really try to. It’s all about survival, and corps can wipe you out in the blink of an eye. He would’ve minded his damn business after the heist if it hadn’t been for Johnny.
Viggo “Gogo” Day: a Static of the Kessler clan along with their three brothers and a sister. They’re David’s best friend, a bright and cheerful foil to his taciturn toughness. The city hasn’t beaten the optimism out of them yet, and they have a lot of friends in surprising places who’d like to keep it that way.
Sanctuary Zelenko: Medtech washout, ex-Scav, currently a ripperdoc in Northside. They’re eccentric, they’re enigmatic, they’re downright creepy sometimes. Their friends tell people they’re harmless, but no one knows for sure. Best not to find out.
Brother Calloway: a statuesque netrunner that’s earned herself a spot in the Afterlife’s back booths. She’s highly focused and more than a little intimidating when she’s working, but in her personal life she tends to be quite demure in contrast.
Omen: a hard-boiled techie from Pacifica. He generally prefers machines to people, but his patience can be bought with salty snacks, and rumor has it that he's got a soft spot for ex-gang members and new techies.
Harvey Vignaud: London-born and never figured he’d do anything else but work for Arasaka like his parents. And he did, for a while, netrunning his way up the corpo ladder and earning himself a reputation as someone you never want to meet out there in the net. Then he quit and became a BD editor instead. There’s not much more to it - he’s fickle, and he’s got the skills to do whatever he wants and not be bothered about it. He’s got the air of someone standing comfortably on that thin line between enigmatic and completely detached from reality.
Heiress Sharp: Seasoned merc and 6th Street royalty - her grandfather was Santo Domingo’s premier fixer in the 2020s and her mother was a founding member of the Street. She used to be a high school teacher, but she got sick of corpos headhunting her students. Now she takes young and dumb mercs under her wing and teaches them a thing or two about survival before the city can eat them alive.
Joey Armas: Scav who grew up homeless in Pacifica. His brother was killed by some trust fund kid testing out their new combat-grade implants--that’s probably what set him down the path that led to the cyberware and organ black market.
Hunter Ward: the eldest daughter of Gogo and River. She’s a rainbow baby and her parents are protective of her, and she’s fine with that. Probably why she tends to be shy and doesn’t go out much without her family. Put her on a motorcycle, though, and she lights up like Christmas.
the St. Martin family: four siblings from the Kessler nomad clan who settled on the outskirts of Night City so that Augie could attend his mandatory therapy after the Unification War drove him to cyberpsychosis. They own and operate a rest stop just outside the city.
Auguste (Augie) & Noel are identical twins and the eldest of the four. They served in the Unification War: Noel in communications, Augie as a panzerboy. Augie is registered as a cyberpsycho in Night City, and doing well in therapy, but remains shy and reclusive. Noel is highly protective of him, and almost as distrustful of any cyberware.
Léonide (Leo) is the middle child, occasionally referred to as Gogo's twin because they were born only a few months apart and Leo's mother nursed Gogo after their mother died in childbirth. Leo suffers from the classic middle child syndrome and was a little too eager to break away from the family when they settled in Night City. Like Gogo, he loves the lights and excitement of Night City, but unlike Gogo, he gravitates to the darker side - and his abrasive personality doesn't earn him many favors. His dream is to be a rocker, but in the meantime he takes grunt jobs as a merc and makes a lot of people mad.
Marceline (Molly) is the youngest St. Martin. She feels torn between Night City and her family - she wants to live it up as a rocker in the glitz and glamour of the city, but she also feels a responsibility to stay with Noel and Augie on the outskirts because she knows Noel is resentful of Leo and Gogo for choosing to live in the city.
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The Hypocrisy of the Spacians (or, why worries about Kessler Syndrome are bullshit)
So, a number of things happened in the latest episode of G-Witch. A number of them were, uh, traumatizing. For both the cast and the viewers. To keep myself distracted, I'm going to focus on a little detail mentioned in episode 12. (Spoilers under cut!)
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Specifically, this line. Now, a lot of people have pointed out it's perfectly reasonable to ban kinetic space weaponry in favor of lasers; lasers don't leave behind any bullets or casings that can drift through space until they hit something and cause a Kessler Syndrome. And this is reasonable- until you look deeper.
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Norea here immediately points out the first layer of hypocrisy (the Spacian military-industrial complex being more than happy to pollute Earth while at the same time worrying about the pollution of space). But there's something more that undermines the kinetic weapons ban and it's stated reasoning entirely, that being that guns aren't the only thing that leaves behind space debris.
Every laser that misses and hits a building or asteroid or whatever, every limb of an enemy MS that's sheared off, all that sends little shards and particulates of material flying off into space, where they'll keep flying until they hit something, normally at high velocity.
For an example, let's look at the Vim/Bob fight in they very same episode:
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The elder Jeturk is more than happy to shear off limbs and leave them drifting, not to mention his using very fucking physical cluster munitions. (How are ordinary guns banned but cluster bombs aren't?! Or is this a case of Vim's money allowing him to get away with flaunting the rules? Either way, more Spacian hypocrisy.)
And that's before we get into what happens to defeated combants; the mandatory post-kill explosion. That explosion doesn't atomize the defeated mobile suit to take care of resulting space debris, it just sends that space debris flying in every direction, making it all the harder to clean up. Here's a couple shots of Vim's MS blowing up:
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Look at how the Dilanza Sol visibly bulges outwards before the explosion completes, and the debris field left behind afterwards. A few weeks, years, decades, I dunno how long, but one day those little Dilanza Sol bits are going to drift into just the right position to ruin some freighter's day.
Now, one could argue that all this is just Vim's flaunting of the rules, or a result of Benerit Group being confronted with someone who doesn't obey the laws of war anyway. Problem is, they left behind plenty of space debris in other conflicts. Look at the aftermath of the Vanadis Incident:
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Or, hell, the duel between Suletta and El4n, may he rest in peace.
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Benerit Group and it's subsidiaries are more than okay with leaving behind fields of space debris from all sorts of sources, as long as those sources aren't guns. Even fore something as petty as a duel among students.
In conclusion, the ban on physical weaponry in the Ad Stella timeline isn't out of any genuine sense of care for the cleanliness of space, or worries about a Kessler Syndrome. The true reason is most likely moral grandstanding, similar to Imperial Germany kvetching about American shotguns in WW1. Alternatively, it could be as simple was wanting to deny what I assume are cheap, easy to manufacture weapons that could prove comparable to lasers to the poors/revolutionaries/poor revolutionaries most likely to buy and/or make them. Either way, the hypocrisy of the Spacian military-industrial complex is on full display here. The solar system of the Ad Stella timeline won't see someone fully dedicated to keep space clean and safe until the military industrial complex is dismantled- preferably in favor of a dictatorship of the proletariat that incentivized to care about the safety of freighter crews and so forth, instead of the corporatocracy incentivized to care about profit, damn everything else.
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sunflowers666 · 6 months
kessler syndrome now pls
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melxncholyman · 7 months
9 people to get to know better
tagged by @kingfisherprince 💜
LAST SONG: pork soda by glass animals. funky tune
FAVORITE COLOR: the colour between blue and purple (indigo?)
CURRENTLY WATCHING: my computer screen lol
SWEET / SAVOURY / SPICY: sweet & spicy! gochujang my beloved. hotpot+black sugar milk tea best combo <3
CURRENT OBSESSION: twenty one pilot's new era + naruto (somehow 2024 catapulted me back into my 2016-2019 era hyperfix°s)
LAST THING YOU SEARCHED: kessler syndrome - it's a theoretical scenario in which Earth's orbit is overpopulated with objects and debris, preventing us from sending more satellites out and thus effectively leaving us 'trapped on earth'
tagging: @kodachromatics @day-trippin-dreamer @whiskeysorrows @timedyne @kaminokilljoy @annamarie-mirage @strats-blood @wonderbound @dnthedncer
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1ore · 5 months
ever since i learned about Kessler Syndrome I've been rotating it in my brain as a worldbuilding concept. probably to cope with the fact that we can't even have an unpolluted orbit LOL. To be sure, I am pissed, it's not all just fiction to me, I just rotate scenarios in my brain to cope.
There is something darkly funny about private space companies fucking up our sky so badly that they trap themselves on earth for the foreseeable future, though. 2horny4mars but you'll never see her. peace and love on planet earth
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
The Witches' Testaments, Masterpost
The concept for this project got stuck in my head some time back as a prequel of sorts to my Solarpunk Witch Story. The idea was to focus a bit more on the "punk" side of Solarpunk and paint a picture of the effort and rebellion that went into how that world transitioned from Cyberpunk dystopia to Solarpunk... well, not utopia exactly, but something better than it was and striving toward that dream.
And because that sort of thing is bigger than any one person and I had multiple worldbuilding concepts I wanted to touch on, I landed on the idea of writing it in the form of a series of interviews with various characters who lived through that period of change.
I don't know how many of these I'll actually get around to writing, but for now, here's a tentative table of contents that at least hints at some general ideas/prompts for me to fill out later:
The Chronicler
A statement of purpose by the interviewer.
Corporate Era:
The First Witch
The first contact between human and “true AI” outside of a laboratory setting was less auspicious than it has since been made out to be.
The Reclaimer
The irony of sharing one’s cybernetic augmentations with an AI as a means of fighting for bodily autonomy was not lost on any of those involved.
The Gardener
How does one even find nature left to heal in a concrete jungle?
The Fighter
The power of love. The power of incredible violence.
Reconfiguration Era:
The Jailor
Whether the onset of Kessler Syndrome ending space flight was the tragic death of one of humanity’s greatest dreams or a much needed wake up call is still hotly debated to this day.
The Liberator
In many circles, freeing MG onto the global net is often regarded as the transitional event from the Corporate to Reconfiguration eras.
The Architect
It was a new world and we required new ways of looking at cities.  In this way, the Reconfiguration was a very literal and physical endeavor.
The Priestess
When MG started creating what appeared to be miracles based on what we knew at the time, was it really any wonder that She began to draw both reverence and fear?
The Demon Hunter
MG is the first and last of Her kind, but She was not the only one of her kind.
Modern Era
The Coordinator
Those who would choose to live as full time gestalts are a rarity, but when it happens few are better suited to overseeing the maintenance of arcology infrastructure than one who blurs the line between human and AI.
The Village Witch
The most common calling for modern members of our order is to settle down in relatively isolated communities as living informational resources and on-call technical and environmental consultants.
The Novice
As those before us made a better world for us, we’ve made a better world for our children.  I have faith that they will make it better still.
It is not unheard of for MG to speak directly with those who ask, but I still consider meeting with Her to be one of my life’s greatest honors.
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kickstarter for my plot to cause kessler syndrome in order to protect the universe from our species
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