miraxd0 · 1 year
Keykeeper Chapter 3 Spoilers
Check @asterkiss ‘s fic out here
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‘Man, I hate pigs. You guys always think you’re the Big Cheese and gotta show off.’
first tense little encounter with other people that the duo face,,,im still in shock how this escalated (ig i shouldnt be when it comes to bill cipher)
wonder how those police bros are doing :pp
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asterkiss · 11 months
Keykeeper Chp 24: Extended Makeout Scene
Have an extended scene of Bill/Mabel kissing and getting a bit more hot and heavy than they did in the original fic.
Bill drew closer, and she found herself getting lost in his eyes as the demon's lips stopped inches from her own. He waited.
She frowned. ‘Do I really have to say it every time?’
‘I just want to make it crystal clear this is mutual.’
‘I think you’re just being a bully.’
‘Of course I am, I’m Bill Cipher,’ he whispered, nudging closer still as he looked at her through half lidded eyes.
She swallowed, distantly musing how crazy this entire thing was as she parted her lips. There was a flame igniting in the pit of her stomach from his intense gaze and close proximity, and she wanted to see how hotter it could get.
‘Kiss me.’
Bill’s eyes dilated and then his mouth was pressing fiercely against hers where she could feel every ounce of desire and wanting. She leaned against him as his hands slid down the length of her body and over her hips in such a way that made Mabel want to wrap her legs around him. 
So she did. 
The brunet released a low, satisfied noise in the back of his throat as he deepened their kiss. It ran all the way down her spine, invoking a tightening between her legs that only grew in intensity when she became aware of something hard pressing against her.
‘Hello there,’ she teased, unable to resist because this whole situation was ridiculous. She was straddling and kissing Bill Cipher, and now he had a hard-on. Because of her. 
Life was really, really weird. 
His hands were also venturing into some interesting places, with rough fingertips sneaking beneath her sweater and skimming along her side. Her head pressed against the floor as Mabel suddenly found herself being pushed onto her back, the demon’s lips tracing over her jaw and collarbone. As his hand reached the underside of her bra, she suddenly became aware just how experienced the demon appeared to be. He’d alluded to having sexual encounters before with humans for nefarious purposes, and clearly he knew what he was doing. 
But so did she. 
She reached for the rather obvious bulge in his pants as he pressed rough kisses down her throat, but instead found her wrist snatched aside in a tight grip and a pair of glowing eyes glaring down.
Mabel's chest heaved as the pair both exchanged heavy pants. Her eyebrows knitted together. ‘What?’ she asked, voice breathless. The flame was still burning hot in her stomach.
His gaze flickered over her features, and she could see a fire of his own burning away inside them. ‘Ya don’t wanna do that.’
She arched an eyebrow, trying not to pout. ‘Why not?’ It’s not like she hadn’t touched one before. It’s not like he had some weird demon dick either given he was trapped in a human vessel. 
He leaned closer with a growl, and she could feel the vibrations from his bare chest pressed against her own. The tightening sensation between her legs coiled together more. ‘Because,’ he replied in a low tone. ‘If ya do, I’m gonna ravage you right here and now, Shooting Star.’
Her eyes widened, and the fire within roared violently as the flames soared higher. Oh wow. ‘You say that like it’s a bad thing,’ she whispered, heart racing so wildly he must hear it.
Bill's grip on her wrist tightened and it was almost painful. The demon leaned closer, and her eyes fluttered shut as their lips brushed together. His lips were soft and his body hard, and she could have lost herself in the sensations it invoked if not for his next words acting like a bucket of ice water down her body.
‘Do you really wanna do the dirty in Shortstack’s mind?’ 
Mabel’s eyes snapped open, and the roaring flame was snuffed out in a second. Her gaze met his, and she couldn’t tell if he looked annoyed or amused by her response. Perhaps both? Had he been hoping she would be okay with it and give him the go ahead?
‘...No,’ she replied, quietly.
He chuckled, offering a wry smile. ‘I figured.’ His eyes glittered in the dim light. 'Let's keep it family friendly for now.'
'You say that but you're about to grab my boob.'
'Should I not?'
'Well, I didn't say that.'
They exchanged affectionate smiles, and the hand around her wrist relaxed as he instead grasped her hand, their fingers linking together. But as they leaned towards one another once again, their moment was interrupted.
They froze.
Slowly, the couple turned their heads in tandem to find a familiar figure stood watching with disapproval from ten feet away.
‘Now then, if you two are done actin’ like animals, maybe we can get on with things, hm?’ Bud Gleeful asked.
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tanowah · 1 year
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Is that Edna and Harvey? In 2023?? Well, yes :) I wanted to redraw my own art so bad It gave my Keykeeper brainrot. 
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jaxfromthatcircus · 5 months
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“……..Heheeheheheheheheheheheeheeee hey..hey babe check it out.”
And out came the shotgun! “I saved you a souvenir~”
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"Awww~ Aren't you just the sweetest sugar cube?"
"I got you a little gift too!"
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Makes sense that they can't be mounted BEFORE you tap them.
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@chartreuxcatz your tags about “glasses that make your vision Worse” prompted this silly doodle of Crowned TK trying to be “helpful” when Keykeeper can’t find her glasses lol
(Keykeeper Cookie being one of my actual OCs)
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cookiesofthecosmos · 5 months
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Keykeeper Cookie
A mysterious dragon cookie who can use key magic and also coffee magic. She is quite mysterious and rarely seen. She often carries a staff, not pictured here, wherever she goes as she searches the lands for the Key Beast that fell the Key Trio whose spirits currently try their best to teach her how to use her powers properly. Only the yellow and light purple spirits have been seen near her, the purple one may still linger around the Key Beast.
The keys she holds are very powerful if in the wrong hands. They allow the holder the power over memory, strength, and form.
Keykeeper often oversees all that occurs here!
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churrrrrr · 10 months
A small thing with my characters
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almostlookedhuman · 3 months
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rookwritesrarely · 6 months
The Keykeeper waited impatiently. They had been forced to put themself into hibernation to withstand the onslaught of magic intent on taking all that it could. They decided that it was probably a hundred years or so until they awoke again. Somehow, their captors had decided that the best place to put their prison was at the bottom of the ocean, it was incredibly insulting. Being within arm’s reach of their domain and yet being unable to escape into its cold embrace was infuriating. The one benefit to this was that while the walls of their prison prevented magic from passing through, the sheer amount of power that the Keeper could draw from the abyssal depths allowed them to find the cracks in the wards. The biggest problem was that it still prevented the fine control of their magic that they depended on. All water flows towards the sea, and with it flows other things. But the interference meant that the Keeper would need to sift through their nets by hand, and they would be unable to know what was useful until it became relevant. Fortunately, or depending on your perspective perhaps not, all the Keeper had was time, so they set to work. The first thing they found was the resting place of the King of Broken Glass. They were shocked that the king had truly died, and began to work harder. If one king had died, then how likely would it be that the others had survived? And if the kings had been killed, what had happened to their siblings? The wait was excruciating, something known by too many people could hardly be called a secret, and only forgetfulness and suspicion could lower that number. But over time, the keeper learned everything. Eventually, after all other conspirators have died, the only one left to keep the secret would be the keeper. All the kings were dead. Their siblings still lived, but were imprisoned like themself. The locations of their siblings' prisons. The fate of the Wolf and the Sylph. The results of the war. The Keeper sat in their prison, frozen, staring at nothing as the knowledge flowed over them. They watched as the number of conspirators fell, until those ancient secrets became mundane, not kept because they were dangerous, but because nobody bothered to seek them out. They forced themself to watch as the mere knowledge of the war became the purview of dusty academics that no one truly listened to, as the last astronomer that remembered the Wolf’s star died in his sleep, as the Mountain King was reduced to a nursery rhyme meant to scare children, only to fade further into obscurity as the last grandmother forgets the words. As the lady was remembered not as a liberator and protector, but as the tool of tyrants, devouring crops and spreading plague. Until finally, they are the only one that remembers the kings and their chosen as anything other than “ancient history”. They knew that all things would one day find their final resting place within their domain, but watching it happen to the people they had cared for was… 
Eventually the ocean currents would wash away enough of the magic for them to free themself, but they prayed that they would not have to wait that long.
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asterkiss · 1 year
Keykeeper - Final Chapter Up!
Just in case anyone missed the update yesterday, I finally went ahead and finished the story after 9 months!! (Yay)
I am already plotting a new story but would like to get at least 75% written before I start posting so I can guarantee updates since that worked out nicely with this one.
Thanks for the support and kudos guys!!
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edenesth · 9 months
The Key Keeper
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Pairing: royal guard!Mingi x keykeeper!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Mingi, you're injured!"
Your eyes widened in horror as the head of the royal guard shielded you from an oncoming arrow, taking the hit in his back. Gritting his teeth, he reassured, "I'm fine. You go first; I'll catch up with you soon."
Panicked tears welling up, you shook your head and protested, "No, how can I leave you behind?!"
He softened at the sight of your tears, realising that your distress hurt him more than the arrow in his back. To assure you, he smirked teasingly, "What's this? Are you worried about me? I thought you hated me."
Clenching your fists, you resisted the urge to hit him, "Stop, this isn't funny! We need to get out of here together!"
Against his better judgement, he cupped your face and pressed his forehead against yours, "Listen to me, you're the royal key keeper, and these keys should be your top priority. Protect them with your life, and I'll protect you with mine," His heart ached as he saw your teary eyes tremble, "I promise I'll be there with you before you know it. Now go."
Left with no choice, you clutched the palace keys tightly and ran as you were told. Your heart broke as you threw one final, painful glance back at Mingi to see him forcing himself back onto his feet.
Everything happened so quickly. Just moments ago, he had approached you at your workstation, clad in full armour.
"Why are you here, Song Mingi? Don't you have better things to guard?" He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, "In case you missed the memo, word got out that the pirates are heading for the King's blade."
Your eyes widened at the revelation, "The King's blade? Are they out of their goddamned minds? How ambitious can these fools get?"
He sighed, "As much as I agree with you, we don't have time for idle chatter. We need to secure the blade and move it to a safer location. On your feet now, keykeeper."
Shaking your head in disbelief, you hurriedly gathered all the keys that held access to every corner of the palace, following him as you both navigated a secret passageway leading to the King's treasury.
Just for now, you had to set aside your disdain for Mingi. Despite being longtime rivals in your respective roles – him holding the highest position among male palace staff and you, his female counterpart – the urgency of the situation demanded cooperation. While he focused on the palace's security, your responsibility lay in safeguarding all the keys.
You did your best to remain civil, but his incessant commands were testing you, "Could you move a bit more quietly? It's almost as if you're trying to tell the whole world where we are." He hissed, shooting a frustrated glare in your direction.
Suppressing the urge to retaliate physically, you scoffed, well aware that engaging in a physical confrontation would be futile given his status as the strongest guard in the entire palace, "If my presence is such a burden, why not assign someone else to guard me? You could be safeguarding the King himself, but no, here you are..."
He halted suddenly, causing you to collide into his back with a yelp, "Hey! Why'd you—" Your words were cut short as he turned around, casting you an intimidating gaze, "Wishing the general was here with you, huh? Dream on; he's happily married."
Your jaw hung open at his victorious smirk as he continued on his way. Battling the surge of embarrassment, you reminded yourself that your crush on the renowned general was merely a passing infatuation. After all, he was currently deployed in the war zone, accompanied by his devoted wife.
How dare Mingi bring up that old crush? It was just innocent admiration, and you certainly weren't the only one captivated by the formidable military leader.
Before you could reprimand him for his unprofessionalism, the unexpected attack unfolded. It all happened in the blink of an eye; the only memory etched in your mind was him swiftly wrapping a protective arm around you, turning you away just as he jolted from the impact of an arrow piercing his back.
Now, tears streaming down your face, you fought the urge to run back to him. The sight of him being hurt affected you more than you had anticipated. You never knew you would ever be capable of feeling this way for him, considering how you were constantly at each other's throats for as long as you could remember.
He always found a way to get on your nerves, and you couldn't stand the sight of him. So, it bewildered you why your chest now throbbed with worry for him. Perhaps, in the face of his sacrifice, you realised that there was more to your daily banter than met the eye.
If only you knew how much jealousy flowed through the royal guard's veins whenever he thought about your stupid crush on the general, how much he enjoyed watching the fire in your eyes during your endless silly exchanges, and how much it scared him to think about the danger you were in when he found out about the pirates.
Yes, he could have assigned someone else to protect you, but he didn't trust anyone to keep you safe. The mere thought of anything bad happening to you before you were aware of his affection haunted him. He couldn't fathom forgiving himself for such a failure.
When he saw the genuine concern you displayed for him, a glimmer of hope kindled within him. Perhaps, hidden beneath the surface, you felt the same.
Before reaching you, Mingi made sure to eliminate every single trespasser; he would die before allowing any of these imbeciles near you. A sigh of relief escaped him as he recognised that these were merely amateur pirates; the situation might have taken a perilous turn if the notorious pirate king had been involved. Fortunately, the captain wasn't foolish enough to attempt robbing royalty.
"Hey, it's safe now. You're safe."
Springing up from your crouched position, you dropped the keys in your hands without a second thought, rushing to throw your arms around the royal guard's neck as soon as he entered the treasury. He held you close and wondered if you could sense the rapid beating of his heart.
You sobbed miserably against his shoulder, "You idiot, you could've died out there!"
He chuckled, feeling his heart melt at your worry, "Why? Would you miss me if I was gone?" The question left you momentarily silent, prompting you to pull away slightly and face him.
"I..." You blinked rapidly, attempting to change the topic, "H-how's your injury?"
Dismissing your concern, he shook his head, holding you firmly when you tried to check his back, "I told you I'm fine; my armour shielded me. I'm not hit directly."
"But still—"
Cupping your face with both hands, he made you look at him, "Stop pushing me away! I'm in love with you, okay?" Your movements stilled, and he reached to wipe away the tears you shed for him.
Frowning, you protested, "That's a lie... if you were, why'd you annoy me all the time?"
He broke into a smile, "I thought it'd be the only way to get your attention."
You scoffed, "Well, that's just stupid."
He grinned, retorting, "But it worked, didn't it? You can't fool me; I know you care about me too."
Left speechless, you felt your heart race when he leaned closer. Your breath hitched as your noses touched, and he whispered, "I was afraid of losing you."
You nodded in defeat, finally admitting, "Me too, Mingi. Me too."
That was all the confirmation he needed. Without hesitation, he finally kissed you, just as he had wanted to for so long.
While you were engulfed in each other's embrace, some of the royal guards arrived just in time to catch both of you in a flustered state, grinning knowingly. Unbeknownst to you, the entire palace staff had been placing bets on the two of you all along. It appeared that everyone would have a lot to celebrate soon.
✨ Bonus ✨
"You know, you may be the keeper of all palace keys, but I'm the only one with the key to your heart."
"Oh, shut up, Mingi."
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Aaaand that's a wrap! Hope the final part's decent! Also, damn, Mingi's been wrecking me lately like what the actual frick. Man definitely knows what he's doing to us.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading every part of this series! Do let me know which member's part is your favourite! Don't be shy, I'd love to hear all about it!🤭
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive
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Also while in my guild.
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jaxfromthatcircus · 8 months
“ Why do people wanna bite you? It's cause you’re biteable???? Duh~”
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"The thing is.. Just because I'm your chew toy doesn't mean thst other people get the same privileges!"
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kaylasficrecs · 1 year
draco malfoy recs
we're okay | imagine, flangst | @weaselbrownie
a painful love | imagine, flangst | @shysneeze
vulnerable love | two shot, angst | @shysneeze (this is part 2)
missed smiles | imagine, flangst | @shysneeze
cramps | imagine, fluff | @dreamingonfilm
our little secret | imagine, fluff | @keykeep
how could i ever forget? | one shot, flangst | @talesofadragon
even if it's dark | one shot, flangst | @talesofadragon
let me see it | imagine, flangst | @fanficflaneuse
one hand one heart | imagine, angst | @i-cant-type-help
a lifetime with him | drabble, flangst | @draconisxcaput
my girl | imagine, fluffy flangst | @slytherin-2-mychamber
first love | drabble, flangst | @magicchai
seems right | imagine, fluff | @darling-i-read-it
compromises | imagine, fluff | deactivated blog
moment of happiness | imagine, flangst | @heloisedaphnebrightmore
a malfoy and a potter | imagine, fluff | @mrsmikaelsxn
deepest desire | imagine, flangst | @multific
lovestruck | imagine, flangst | @mrsmikaelsxn
busy bee | imagine, fluff | @cloudybarnes
my bleeding heart | one shot, flangst | @sundrop-writes
doyouwanttogototheballwithme? | imagine, fluff | @toothfa-1-ry
ex best friend | imagine, flangst | @cloudybarnes
buy me presents | one shot, fluff | @writingsbychlo
midnight library | imagine, smut | @sagewritings
flower power | one shot, fluff | @lexamiele
the malfoy signet ring on your finger | imagine, fluff | @kryptonitejelly
odd one out | one shot, fluff | @panda-noosh
engraved | one shot, angsty flangst | @dracowars
silence | imagine, flangst | @dracowars
fighter | imagine, flangst (more flangst) | @dracowars
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