wrongydkjquotes · 2 years
Schmitty as Peppino
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cinlat · 2 years
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The Stingray mount from the Khojin Tribal Quests. This one took a minute to get, but mostly because I kept forgetting to go do them.
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obvsdisturbed · 6 months
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I drew more white scar OCs!
The one on the top left is my baby boy lieutenant Shen (who is being currently hunted by my night lord Iskaronte). Top right is Khojin, my friend @eldritch-power-bottom's OC, best friend to Shen and local rascal. The third one is beloved pepaw of the chapter Erke, who I drew previously.
I'm deep into the white scar train, brain rotted as I continue reading their books. I recommend them!
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steak-n-popotoes · 1 year
FFxivWrite '23 - 30
Eryna sat with her back against the sole tree at the island's edge. An easy breeze sighed through the branches, stirring the violet canopy into a calming whisper.
As she gazed up into stars long dead, thoughts of her own long journey drifted upon waves of memory.
Before long, she was greeted by the sound of footsteps softened by the grass. The slow, steady beat of his pulse was as a soothing balm.
"This seat taken?"
"I'm afraid I'm saving it for someone." Eryna said with a curled smile as she reached out for his hand.
Caranar took hers in his own as he sat down beside her. "Must be someone special if you're waiting for him in a place like this."
She didn't tease him further; simply leaned into him.
It wasn't the first time they had relied on Argos to ferry them to that place, a nameless speck of land floating along the outskirts of Elpis. With the business in Pandæmonium concluded, the facility had settled into a peaceful state.
"How are they?" Caranar murmured.
So dear, how quick he was to concern. Already a doting father. "It's as we feared. Ameliance was all too willing to care for them."
Eryna felt Caranar shake against her with a single light laugh.
"She said that, 'after all the time we spent watching over her twins, to care for our own was simply a favor owed', but I think she just finds them as darling as we do."
"She doesn't owe us anything." Caranar said. "Besides, they don't need us to babysit them any longer."
"They certainly don't. So much time has passed in the blink of an eye."
"You think that now, wait 'til they actually get taller."
Then it was Caranar's turn to feel Eryna's laughter against him.
They sat like that together in silence as time passed them by. She shifted her hand to interlink her fingers between his, and leaned closer to curl her other hand around his arm. Her center slowly became suffused with his abundant warmth.
"And Beef?"
"I found him pressing wildflowers outside Ala Gannha again." Caranar replied. He had disappeared earlier in the day, but no one at any of his usual haunts had seen him stop by.
"If he's not sketching at Paglth'an, he's there." Eryna remarked. "We ought to grow some at the house for him."
Caranar was quiet for a while. "I think it's something more than the flowers that keeps drawing him there."
"You know he's taller than Popola now?"
He looked down at her in disbelief. "No shit?"
"By an ilm. I'm not sure if he's realized it yet, but she did."
"Hunh. I can't believe I missed it."
Caranar watched the leaves sway overhead.
"You know, it's good that he has places he can go if he wants time to himself." Eryna said.
It seemed no matter where the two of them tried to find retreat they would instead find distraction. Even with Etheirys in a state of relative peace and amity, there was always someone who needed the Warriors of Light. Thankfully, in a far less desperate capacity than in the previous year, but needed nonetheless. Should they seek a private getaway in the Cieldalaes, they instead found a push for industry and development. Should they seek solitude on the moon's surface, they instead found the ever-constant duties of The Dreaming Ways, and Loporrits were ever so difficult to refuse face-to-face. Even at the edge of existence were they expected to bus tables.
This place, this moment frozen in amber, was one where no one knew them. A love letter in a bottle.
Caranar was tracing a design along the side of her hand with his thumb. A perfect dichotomy they made together, the dawn to her dusk; the light to his shadow.
She tilted her head to look at his face.
"I think we've earned a vacation."
He gave a soft snort through the nose as a smile graced his features. "Us, a vacation? If we go someplace new we'll just find new ways to be busy."
"Maybe so. But it would be for us this time. Ameliance would love an extended stay with Khojin and Cirina. And don't pretend Beef wouldn't love to see someplace new."
"I don't need convincing. You know I'd love to go anywhere if it's with you."
He looked down to see her smiling expectantly as their eyes met.
Their lips met soon after.
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paintedscales · 8 months
MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
Some for you! <3
Hihi, Pinxli! Thank you so much for the ask and all of the different options from that original post! \ o w o / Tackling this while I'm taking a short mental break from doing art. :'D Much appreciated for the distraction for sure!
Positive Psychology OC Ask Meme
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MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
Nomin sure does do her best to! Though she's definitely more stuck in the past than she is looking ahead or in the present. I truly feel like the events of Endwalker, where these great things and securing safety happens, not to mention getting that much needed closure, really helps her get out of that mental cycle. Or at least, it certainly helps her pick herself up better to walk forward with her head held high.
When Nomin finally has all that sense of peace, she can finally kind of live for herself more than anyone else. She has it when she's on the island by herself, away from everyone. It helps her keep her mind and vision clear when she's creating a life for herself with Estinien as a part of it. She especially starts living more in the moment once the twins are born, and then when Hami is born.
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
I would say yes for Nomin, that the ends justifies the means -- especially when it comes to any pureblood Jhungid that is in her way at the time (and even if she ever runs into them again in the future). She doesn't care about the actions of individual Jhungid, they're all the same to her. Even in one of my writings that I had, her obsession with how much she hates them leads to introspective musings like this:
Khojin was actually relatively pleasant to speak with when she was not training with her spear. She left more of a positive impression on Nomin, though not enough to dispel her hatred of those in command within the orda. Khojin was a younger member who had taken the place of one of their parents that had been trusted by Harghasun prior when she came of age. Nomin sometimes wondered if they could have been friends were things different.
Nomin has a habit of blaming herself a lot for things that aren't her fault, and then lashing out when things crop up that remind her of her trauma.
As for approaching their goals. I've mentioned a lot how Esenaij haunts Nomin's narrative, and he does this until Endwalker. Like, he's always there, guiding some of her actions. His words always repeat in her head in certain scenarios.
You're too impatient; curb it.
You can't rely solely on mimicking my actions when it comes to fighting for yourself or for others. You have to take yourself into account when using your weapon.
So a lot of this tends to influence Nomin's approach to things unless she has been enraged. In which case, a lot of that goes out the window. She'll face her rage head on, she'll become impatient, and she'll forget sometimes to take herself into account when fighting. Because she's blind. Simple as that. Blinded by her own rage.
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
Depends on how far Nomin fell and also if / how it affects the people around her.
Nomin's not easily consoled by words some of the time -- it's kind of a thing she took from the Qestir. "Words are air." Like, if she feels like people around her are in danger because of her, it brings her right back to how she felt when she left the Sagahl behind the first time after freeing them and herself from the Jhungid. In such cases, she needs to start believing that she is enough and pick herself back up on her own time.
Sometimes this means turning her back on those she cares about in order to collect herself. Some belief that if she's out of the picture for however long, it means that the people she cares about will be the safer for it.
People stubbornly staying in Nomin's life has made this...hard. Haha. It's hard for her to feel like people want to stay in her life because of these ideas and views she has about herself that are all just internalized. Impostor syndrome. She doesn't feel like she deserves it, she has a hard time believing a lot of it is genuine for a time. Even if her Echo doesn't really indicate false intent in regards to those people.
But people staying in Nomin's life has also made it to where she can pick herself back up and do it not just for her, but for them as well. Especially once she starts accepting that they do care about her and want to see her succeed and be happy.
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corgical · 11 months
gets so mad about img src and style tags that my beautiful partners 4chan socialstuck,piper fallout4 and nick valentine fallout 4, and khonjin khojin house watch jerma with me and eat swedish princess cake with me
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middymog · 1 year
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Hi! You can call me Gore/Mog :]
This is my FFXIV account, ill mostly be reblogging others work but I do like to post my own stuff sometimes! Feel free to peruse ~
i also enjoy other media such as dragon age and skyrim, but will rarely post about that. Feel free to chat with me about them tho!
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Kasha Sho - They/Her (WoL)
Malice Hemlock - He/It
Ilya Arodica - He/They (AU WoL)
Nel Dazkar - He/Him (Self Insert)
Khojin Malqir - She/They
Otter Nulah - He/Him
Kupo Monnaswesfv - He/Him
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tarnera-blog · 2 years
This is an ongoing project. I was inspired by some other people who made Warriors of Light for all the Shards (even the lost ones). I had a lot of fun making them, though I haven’t leveled them very far yet. I hope to one day get all of them nice outfits and have even a bit of a backstory for them. I’m aware that I will likely get jossed as more games come out and more lore is given to us, but that’s okay too. They can be AU.
My idea for this one was that I was trying to have as many races as possible, but only one race/gender in the group. So I can have two Elezens but they have to be different genders, if that makes sense. I could also only have one of each Clan for each race.
The Source: Ginko Biloba. I already have a photo on my last post, so we’ll skip this.
1. Ardbert. I didn’t bother making an alt for him; maybe one day? I have enough alts to deal with already lol.
2. Khojin Angura
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I struggled with her name for some reason, I’m glad I finally settled on this one. I can pronounce it, unlike the first one she had! This is also the third time I changed her appearance, but again I think I’m happy with this final look.
From the second shard, which was lost in the third Calamity of Fire. I originally was trying to make her look more affected by fire aether, but I’ve pulled back significantly and only made her eyes reflect that. I also cribbed heavily from Avatar: the Last Airbender for ideas on how to design these characters.
3.  Aleidis Thorne
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I got lucky with her, when I was designing her to be affected by Earth aether I just happened to make her absolutely perfect. I couldn’t bear to change her in any way, so this is just her now. I especially love her eyes.
From the third shard, which was lost in the fourth Calamity of Earth.
4. Edmelle Norbettaux
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I belatedly realized I designed them after Alana the Lionness. They are a guard in whatever city they live in, and go by the nickname Ed.
From the fourth shard, which still exists.
5. Savvel Djt-bidit
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His last name apparently means ‘tempest’ in the Viera language, which is why I chose it.
From the fifth shard, which was lost in the first Calamity of Wind.
6. Kazan Buhen
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I also ended up changing his last name, I like this a lot better. Kazan apparently means volcano, which is hilarious to me as it was a random pick.
From the sixth shard, which was lost in the fifth Calamity of Ice.
7. Tsimh Dolabnha
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Yet another one where I designed her to try and look like she was affected by the aether, but I’ve since decided she’s perfect the way she is. I think her hair makes her look like a calico, and I love her green eyes.
From the seventh shard, which was lost in the seventh Calamity (astral-aspected).
8. Betula Pendula
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She ended up looking like a character from a show I like (Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends) which I’m not mad about. Furthermore, I’ve decided she’s actually in her late 50s/early 60s. She may be new to the adventuring life after several decades of running a farm and having little to keep her busy now that her children are grown and gone and her husband has passed on before her, but she’s no slouch and easily leaves the younger Adventurers in her wake. Most of the WoLs on this list have names suiting their race, but I made an exception for Betula. She’s named after the silver birch tree.
From the eighth shard, which still exists.
9. Tutulao Kokolao
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I am very dissatisfied with his name and will try to change it soon, not sure what to yet. My main idea for him is ‘basically Batman’ only his dad is still alive and a jerk. Maybe throw some Robin Hood in there too? Idk.
From the ninth shard, which still exists.
10. Piane Yapih
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From the tenth shard, which was lost in the sixth Calamity of Water.
11. Maev Alba
No picture yet, though I do have this character already made. I’m waiting for them to release female Hrothgar, and then I will fantasia her into a Lost Hrothgar woman. Right now she’s a generic lady Midlander. I have no idea how I’ll design her yet.
From the eleventh shard, which still exists.
12. Clementain Dubeltaire
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I don’t like his lips, I definitely made a mistake there. I’ll fix it later. I was trying to make his lips look like they had color but it just looks ridiculous.
From the twelfth shard, which was lost in the second Calamity of Lightning.
13. Whispering Abyss
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This is the only character I ended up keeping with the idea that she was slowly being corrupted by aether, because it’s the only one where I managed to find the balance I was trying to achieve with the others. I really love her a lot.
From the thirteenth shard, which was lost to the Void.
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Naturally I have to include my idea for what Azem might have looked like. I modeled them after what Apolo is supposed to look like, and tried to make the eyes look like they glow a little by picking a really light shade. I might change their hair eventually, but I did try to make them look enby and the long hair is important for that. I gave them the name Aegletes Azem.
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dear-spider · 3 years
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world domination // ft. @octavel​
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velkyr · 3 years
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I'm meant to be taking a break before EW but instead I'm taking screenshots of khojin for commissions like
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poppyrocky · 3 years
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One angry gurl
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khojin-arulaq · 4 years
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mon cabaret !
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bramble-star · 5 years
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Finished a commission of Javert and Khojin! 
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centise · 6 years
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Khojin and Val Draemis
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sibutum · 5 years
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beansnake · 6 years
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some of the july rewards for my $20+ patrons!
left to right: E’salih Goldenbough ( @trahearnes ), Vio Terrell ( for @moonlifter, as a gift to a friend ), and Khojin ( for @bramble-star, also as a gift to a friend )
patreon | commissions
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