@kibanafuji liked for a starter and volunteered Raihan to be a capri sun
     Leon wanted to make himself scarce, glancing over his shoulder back towards the party to make sure he wasn’t followed before he dug his rotomphone out of his pocket and glanced through his contact list. His hands were shaking-- it was a tell that he was hungry and that this was a bad idea, but he was sending a message before he could think better of this.
     [To Raihan at 7:45 PM] I’m trapped at this party with a bunch of sponsors and everyone is drunk and handsy.
     [To Raihan at 7:45 PM] Please save me.
      He probably should have felt a little bad about adding that second part-- he was well aware that Raihan was a bit of a bleeding heart and that this was terrible behavior on his part, but this seemed like a much better option than going back inside and being fawned over by women who were twice his age. Surely Raihan would forgive him if he was just a bit manipulative so long as it was for his safety, right?
    [To Raihan at 7:45 PM] Pretty please? 🥺
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friendshauna · 5 years
@waveraging​ @asurising​ @kibanafuji​ @champiowned​ liked your post:          “I had decent parents” squad, rise up!
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“Somehow... I doubt this.”
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100eightynine · 5 years
save him / raihan.
( @kibanafuji​ )
“So. Crop, check my angles....” As he squints at his phone, tongue poked between his teeth like a painter working on a masterpiece. Finally he gives a little pleased nod and turns the phone around so the Dragon-type Leader can finally see the fruits of his labor.
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Angle: Bad. Expression: Goofy. Blurry, blurry, blurry-- How did he get it THIS BLURRY, Raihan watched him stand completely still while he took it...
It’s been at least a dozen selfies since Hop asked Raihan to teach him while waiting for the delayed train out of Hammerlocke. The current selfie is bad, the others were worse. The Rotom in Hop’s phone is quietly crying.
“This one’s not bad, eh? Photogenics must run in the family!”
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petram-umbra · 5 years
@kibanafuji​ original here
[TEXT >>> e-boy extraordinaire]: a fuckin tree is what you are
[TEXT >>> e-boy extraordinaire]: in that case then, what’s that mouth do?
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fallcr-a · 5 years
@kibanafuji​ bumps into the wandering agent!
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��� Hey! You’re Raihan, right? I hear you’re the strongest gym leader in this region. ❞ She flashes her badge, the metal still fresh and clean, indicating her rookie status. ❝ I’m with Interpol, I’ve got a few questions for ya. ❞
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sakuraparty · 5 years
 [ @kibanafuji ]
Galar is much, much larger than Momoko expected. It’d take ages to get around on even a bike, let alone on foot. Luckily, there is a flying taxi service that makes it easy enough to reach her destination. Hammerlocke- she’d read about it and seen pictures before making her way there, but seeing it in person was completely different. 
But this was no time to admire the scenery! She has someone to meet, and she hates keeping people waiting. As quick as she can, Momoko makes her way to the gym. It’s easy enough of a walk, straight on from the pokestop, and she finds the gym with relative ease. A guard blocks the entrance. 
“Excuse me,” she says, getting the guards attention. “Sorry to bother you, but do you happen to know where I can find Raihan? I believe he’s the gym leader here?”
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volcalder · 5 years
[POUNCES AT YOU legit got so excited when i saw you on my dash again holy shit. hi i was enharmonics back in ye olde pokerp of 2017! unova gang for life :supersad:]
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gildedcrown · 5 years
@kibanafuji​ found a gremlin!
“Raihan?” There’s a bit of hesitance in her voice, one that she tries her best to hide. Gloria wasn’t always the best at reaching out for advice or help, always feeling like that’s all she ever did these days now. Now she’s just frustrated with herself more than anything, resembling a pouting child as she tried to psych herself up to actually ask her question. Besides, Raihan has never giving off the vibe that he wouldn’t be willing to at least give her some advice!
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“D’ya think that maybe...ya could help me get better at not feelin’ so nervous around all those media people?” She mumbled, shuffling her feet as she tugged on the sleeve of her sweater. “O-Or jus’ not being nervous every time there’s a crowd? I jus’ keep...freezin’ up.”
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champiowned · 5 years
SPECIAL DELIVERY! It's a box with a card slipped under the ribbon reading "charsard go" on the front, and opening the card reveals "flamtrow atack" written inside along with a loose sheet of paper with the drawing he did of Charizard. Within the box itself is an assortment of cookies, shaped and decorated to look like the faces of Charmander, Axew, and Dreepy.
[It honestly takes him a few minutes of squinting to realize that the card is purposefully and humorously misspelled, but when he does, you can be he’s laughing his arse off.
Also, these cookies are the cutest things he’s ever seen? He’s going to cry on them. Mmm, salt.]
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buggsskull-a · 5 years
@kibanafuji​ said: "you got a problem with bee, mate?" whoops, bede's got a 6'8 older brother who regularly spars with his team of powerful dragon-types and is essentially a human skyscraper. "see, 'm thinkin' you're comin' in a little hot, so 'ow 'bout we 'ave a nice calm chat before someone does somethin' they'll regret?" his tone is friendly, so is his expression. it almost masks the fact that that was DEFINITELY a threat!
unprompted asks || always accepting
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   “Leave it to a brat t’ have others fight her battles” Guzma sneers, hands in his pockets as he straightens out his posture, while raihan might be taller, he didn’t bother guzma, not when he was dead set on getting revenge for what bede did. “Hope you know the kid thought it’d be funny t’ curse me, if anythin’ she’s the one who did somethin’ she’ll regret”
   In all honesty, Guzma wasn’t even going to do anything but place bede somewhere where she wouldnt be able to get down, but if she wanted to bring her brother into this guzma would gladly get into an actual fight with him instead
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destinycaught · 5 years
@kibanafuji​ FROM X
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he hears leon getting up, and… running over. he wonders if he was wasted too, or what— he sure hopes he at least remembers why, exactly, he was in raihan’s room when he woke up this morning.
(he about had a heart attack when he woke up and realized leon was asleep next to him, until he realized they both had their clothes on. and then for some reason he sort of felt vaguely disappointed for a reason he cannot and WILL not comprehend.)
he’s already watching the hall out of the corner of his eye, prepared to greet lee as soon as he rounds the corner.
“morn…” he saw something. “…ing…”
he saw something wrong. something bad, just then. and hears something wrong, too.
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“… lee, are you alright?”
raihan can fake cluelessness, but he doesn’t have to now— he doesn’t even know that he’d need to. the look of concern and surprise on his face is genuine.
he’d been prepared to joke around, ask why leon was here, figuring the reason he was rushing out like that was because he was as confused as raihan had been when he’d woken up, but…
“did something ‘appen…?”
LYING WAS WRONG, BUT TALKING ABOUT LAST NIGHT FELT WORSE. he was standing there in the same thing he was wearing last night, he hadn’t even bothered to remove the little stars from his bun. his gaze locked with an expression of genuine care && concern. absolutely confused, too. the night before, he might have pegged raihan as a bad actor. that wasn’t true now, && leon was crushed beneath what else about his best friend was probably also, not true.
last night, those blue eyes were scrunched up tight as tears soaked the face owning them. he felt a cold, icy pit in the depths of his stomach. his posture went through a routine: practiced, simple. his fallen shoulders pulled up, he puffed his chest out, hopes he can play it off. he thinks that talking right now could make him break down. he can’t see raihan sad again so soon.
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just a second of hesitance, a moment of acting. barely noticeable.❝ EH? what are you going on about? maybe a little upset  that you take up the whole bed, what with you being so tall && all! it’s like sleeping next to an alolan exeggutor!❞
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- Leon is a bottomless pit. He will eat anything if it's put in front of him, and he's got a terrible sweet tooth. He can, and will, eat an entire cake all by himself. Someone please stop him.
- Piers cares a lot about team yell, and many members aren't gym trainers at all. He will take in a lot of young queer and genderqueer people if they need help, because he cares a lot. Even though they're called team yell now, this is something his mom did as well, and he's extremely happy to follow in her footsteps in that regard.
- In a similar note, Piers' dream job second to being a Singer would be opening a punk themed gay bar. Mostly because he desperately wants one to exist in Spikemuth. It would be lit.
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spectershy · 5 years
 @kibanafuji​ said: 🔆
you’re happy. actually, you’re more than just happy. you’re ecstatic. you don’t even notice you’re shaking. what you do notice, however, is the sound of your wrists popping occasionally due to how hard you’re flapping your hands. you don’t know what to say. all you can do is show how excited you are your motions, especially since raihan can’t see your face. 
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“ raihan.. can we play together? ”
your excitement has killed your slight stutter, it seems. that doesn’t matter right now, though. what matters if that you have a new game to play on the nintendo switch thanks to raihan. 
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moonblcst · 5 years
Send me ‘✍’ and I will draw your muse horribly on MSPaint
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its called a P O W E R  S T A N C E Gloria
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eternablade · 5 years
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‘ so? what do you think? ‘
the champion had fallen. his reign was complete, his title taken, his throne given to another---yet, there still seemed to be the ever-remaining influx of companies clawing and demanding for rights to his image to paste onto anything feasibly capable of being sold. and, well, ma and hop could always use the money. perhaps hop less now that he was sonia’s big time fancy research assistant, but---
‘ they said it’s just a prototype, but, ‘ with flair does he spin, and with perfect timing to stop with his back facing raihan, he struck his signature move. just like his identical image on his jacket. ‘ i think it looks good! ‘
@kibanafuji​ // starter call.
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serendipitykismet · 5 years
@kibanafuji Liked for a starter from Leon.
     Was this an ill-advised stunt? Most definitely, but that had never stopped Leon in the past and it certainly wasn’t going to start now. Besides, he had to have fun sometimes, and his ornery streak was certainly feeding into him thinking this was a good idea. Never-mind that he could possibly get injured or in trouble because of it, he needed to be a bit immature sometimes.
     Besides, if there was anyone on the planet he figured could take a joke, it was Raihan. He was just going to sneak himself into a corner of the castle, pop out, and give him a little scare. He fully planned on treating Raihan to lunch as an apology afterward. He just had to keep his rival on his toes. It was basically his job, right?
      So he’d hunkered down and prepared to pounce. Any time now.
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