thekeytmyheart · 2 years
Cute compilation of Onew and Key singing together over the years!
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almighty-jinki · 2 years
I’ve received a lot of new followers recently, so I’d like to introduce myself and what SHINee means to me!~
My name is Spurb! My main blog is @brysbeddixt and I’ve been a Shawol since December of 2021. When I became a Shawol, I was in a very difficult part in my life. I was an undiagnosed neurodivergent college student who felt trapped. I am not telling you this so you will pity me, but because it is relevant.
I got into K-pop because of dance group called 4x4 Studios, especially their “Random Dance Play” videos. I’ve had a passion for dance since I was 16. The small snippets I saw of Taemin’s choreography astounded me. From there, I went to watch the “Move,” “Criminal,” and “Lucifer” dance practices. From there, it was love.
I remember seeing a livestream clip in which Kibum said something to the effect of, “Live your life; and if people have a problem with how you do so, don’t listen to them. Only you know what is best for you.” So I did. I dropped out of college, moved in with my best friends, got a job, and decorated my entire room in my new home with SHINee posters.
This past Christmas, almost a year into me becoming a Shawol; my roommates got me a pack of SHINee photocards. They got me a SHINee keychain. My dad bought me the CHASE album. Minho’s black-and-white poster looks fantastic next to Jinki’s LGO ver. 4 poster.
Last month, I spent the money to rent out a dance practice space. I improve in leaps and starts each week.
SHINee, to me, is pushing towards a dream. SHINee, to me, is being your authentic self, and knowing what is best for you.
SHINee, to me; is comfort, is perseverance, is love for your friends even when you disagree.
SHINee is what taught me how not to be afraid.
Let’s all support them together in the coming year!~
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shineepansy · 2 years
Hello fellow Shawols decided to make this tumblr as the back up to my twitter as so many others have done
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littlfreakey · 10 months
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Alvida nahi… Alvida kehne se phir milne ki ummeed mar jaati hai. Kya pataa phir milein ?
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ohmuqueen · 3 days
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beommiya · 5 months
(( OTL it's 3am again...I will be back "tomorrow". 🥹❤️
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spohkh · 9 months
innocently watching boys planet and then key shows up????😭😭😭😭😭🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 YAY
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fyjjong · 9 months
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(231218) @bumkeyk: hyung, it's been awhile. my bones are sorely cold but, strangely, i wanted to go see you by myself today. taemin finished his performance well yesterday, and we're all doing well! as i get older, i think about it once in awhile. if we cared for each other and respected each other more like we do now when we were young, would the times that passed feel less regrettable? of course, these thoughts are one of the great gifts hyung left us! us who had passed hyung's age, have become children with stronger hearts and are more honest about our feelings. thank you. whenever a new year comes, i think about you a lot and i hope you're doing well there. i love and miss you. kibummie. ps. i don't have any pictures to use, so don't be mad at me for using ugly ones. (source)
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darl-ingfics · 1 month
Hello! So excited to see a K-pop sickfic page with love for older groups!!!
May I request of you a shinee fic for Key or Taemin (no preference tbh) but with something snz related if you would mind 😊
Thank you! Love your posts 🫶
Oh boy!!! So happy to have another older group lover here, and it was so fun to write this for you, if you can't tell from the word count. I decided to just include both Key and Taemin cause why not? Sincerely hope you enjoy!!!
Finish Your Glass of Whine
Fandom: SHINee
Sickie: Key/Kibum, Taemin
Caregiver(s): Onew/Jinki
Word Count: 2,102
Notes: Title comes from Dua Lipa's "Blow Your Mind (Mwah)." It just feels like it fits, because there is a fever-induced, stream-of-consciousness rant section towards the ends.
Kibum did not feel good, and that a tragic reality he was struggling to deal with. When Taemin had called him crying two days ago, sick as a dog and unable to get ahold of his mom or Jinki, he hadn’t expected to end up just as ill in less than 48 hours. He’d been so safe about it too: always masked up, constantly cleaning things, drinking extra water. The one thing he was refusing to acknowledge, however, was how Taemin basically clung to him the entire time so all of those precautions were null and void. But what was he supposed to do? 
So here they were, confined to Taemin’s apartment, wasting away together.
When Kibum had woken up on the couch an hour ago, coughing like his life depended on it, unable to sit up at first because his legs were tangled with Taemin’s, he’d seriously considered crying. He wanted to just snap his fingers and be well again. No more fever, no more coughing, no more sneezing and sniffling. Just healthy. But he wasn’t a wizard, so he’d just have to suffer it out. Kibum had decided he had the energy to take a shower, and prayed that would relieve some of the awfulness. And the shower had helped him feel marginally less congested, but he still overall felt icky, and that just made him even more upset. 
While deep in his self pity hole, Kibum trudged back into the living room and nearly screamed at the sight of a man turning the corner from the kitchen. His sharp gasp caught in this throat, triggering a coughing fit that had him bent at the waist. Warm hands surrounded him, one holding onto his arm and the other supporting his back until he was finally able the fit subsided. Standing back up, breathing steadily, Kibum made eye contact with Jinki and nearly melted on the spot. He had entirely forgotten that Taemin had put in another call to both Jinki and Minho, and the older of the two had promised to stop over later, finally free from the solo schedules that had kept him away from his phone over the past 48 hours.
“Hyung,” he whined in spite of himself, shoulders slumping as he was pulled into a hug. Kibum closed his eyes, attempted to breathe in the familiar scent of his friend’s clothes, but coming up short. 
“Kibummie,” Jinki replied, running a soothing hand up and down the younger man’s back. “Tell me how you’re feeling. What can I do for you?” 
“I feel like shit,” Kibum answered. He tightened his hold on Jinki’s waist, deepening the hug. This was what he needed, someone to take care of him. Not that Taemin hadn’t been doing that, but it was hard to really do much when you were both so out of it. 
When he didn’t say anything else, Jinki laughed, the vibration of his chest coursing through Kibum too. “I’m gonna need a bit more than that, bud. Why don’t we get you back to the couch first?” Kibum nodded against Jinki’s shoulder, and reluctantly released him from the hug. He scrubbed at his nose, lurching away from the older man with a violent, “Iitchou! H-ikt-choo!” 
“Bless you.” Jinki snatched a few tissues from the box on the side table, passing them to Kibum before moving towards the couch. “Aw, Minnie,” he sighed at the sight of the youngest curled up there, a tangle of blankets, one of Kibum’s hoodies, and ridiculous bedhead. He instinctively moved towards him, but was startled back when Kibum grabbed him by the shoulders. 
“Don’t wake him! He’s sick!” Kibum hissed, physically trying to pull him away from Taemin. The youngest was by far the lightest sleeper in the group, but had the ability to sleep through an earthquake when he didn’t feel well. A simple tap to his forehead wasn’t going to wake him up by a long shot. But now that Jinki was focused on Taemin, Kibum was too, and his fever-addled brain had switched itself back into caretaker mode, so that wasn’t a battle Jinki was willing to fight right now. 
“Yes, I know, and so are you.” Jinki pressed a hand to Kibum’s forehead as if to check the fever he’d already felt earlier. “And you’re burning up, my friend. Which is why you both need to be medicated.”
Kibum huffed, stepping back so he could petulantly fold his arms over his chest. “I’m fine compared to him.” The sneeze that bent him at the waist after that statement said otherwise. 
Jinki rolled his eyes. One crisis at a time. “Whatever you say.” The leader turned his back on Kibum for the moment, kneeling next to the couch and gently shaking Taemin’s shoulder. The younger man groaned quietly. “Taeminnie? You gotta wake up for a minute, buddy.” Bleary eyes cracked open. 
“Hyung?” His voice was rough, hoarse and gravelly from sleep and sickness. 
Jinki pushed his bangs away from his face, unmoved by how sweaty they were. “Hey there, love.” 
“When did you get here?” 
“You called me this morning, remember?” Taemin just blinked at him, his brain still waking up. “I got here maybe fifteen minutes ago? I brought food, meds, and tea’s already steeping for you both. You should definitely drink that and take more medicine before falling back asleep.”
Taemin nodded. “Okay.” He rubbed at his eyes and started to wriggle into a sitting position as Jinki ruffled his hair. The older man got back to his feet and headed for the kitchen. 
“Sit.” He pushed Kibum gently towards the couch. The other man pouted. Sure, he wanted to be taken care of more than anything, but he also hated being told what to do. Especially when his head was hazy with fever. It was a conundrum his members were, fortunately, familiar with.
“Hyungie, sit,” Taemin repeated, patting the couch next to him. Kibum huffed, opting to slump into the recliner instead, pulling his knees to his chest. There: he was sitting, but on his own terms. 
“Okay, it’s been sitting for a few minutes so it should be perfect to drink,” Jinki announced, carefully carrying in two steaming mugs. He placed them both on the coffee table, then turned back to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Taemin asked. 
“To get mine, silly,” Jinki answered with a smile. “I’ve learned not to try to carry three mugs at once.”
“I’m genuinely shocked you got two without spilling,” Kibum replied, reaching for his mug and savoring the heat of it between his palms. He took a careful sip, and felt tears spring to his eyes at how good the hot liquid felt on his sore throat. Jinki had always had a way of making tea exactly how people needed it; extra sweet on a lazy morning, cozy and creamy before bed, honeyed and fruity when sick. “It’s like a superpower,” Kibum declared, unaware he was speaking aloud. 
“Huh?” Taemin blinked at him, taking a sip from his own tea.
Kibum blinked back, totally confused. “What?” But he was saved from having to explain himself as Taemin pitched towards his left arm with a desperate “Ht’choo!”as he thrust his right arm holding the mug away, trying not to spill. Kibum instinctively grabbed the mug from him. “Ht’choo! Hah-ETchu!” 
“Bless you.” Jinki settled onto the floor in front of the coffee table, creating a triangle. 
“Can’t even enjoy tea,” Taemin moaned, collapsing back against the couch. He accepted the mug back from Kibum, sniffling miserably. “I hate this.”
“Me too.” Kibum raised his mug in solidarity. 
“I hate it for you both,” Jinki added, mimicking Kibum’s toast with his own mug. 
“Tell us about your project,” Taemin prompted, eager to think about something else for a while. Jinki happily obliged, explaining the concept for his next mini album, the ideas for the title track MV, and all of the recordings he’d been working on the past week. Taemin was entirely focused on Jinki’s stories, and while Kibum was also listening, he found his mind beginning to wander as he reached the bottom of his mug. 
Their current situation, Kibum had decided (and was now unknowingly explaining aloud to his suddenly captive audience of two,) was not Taemin’s fault. No. Their current situation was entirely Minho’s fault. As most things were when one really thought about it. (Jinki and Taemin exchanged a glance, one Kibum didn’t notice at all as he was currently sporting the miles-long stare reserved for the deeply drunk or terribly feverish. They opted to let Kibum continue rather than interrupt him like he’d interrupted Jinki). 
Taemin had been spending majority of his time this month practicing and promoting with the SuperM boys, so obviously he’d caught this cold from one of them, probably Mark, cause that kid was sick all the time, but that was a conversation for another day. Regardless, Taemin gets sick from SuperM, and then he has two days of solo filming, much of it outside, in this weather, only making things worse. And when he’d spiked a fever and tried to call his mom at 1:30am two days ago, she didn’t answer. And then Jinki, his next call, hadn’t answered either, which they knew was because Jinki himself had been up and busy working on his own solo filming, thankfully inside. So Taemin had called Kibum, now significantly more worked up, and how was Kibum supposed to ignore his dongsaeng when he was crying? So obviously, the blame fell entirely on one person. Choi Minho. Because where even was he? Their maknae was in trouble and was he anywhere to be found? No. Because he was ashamed to show his face after causing them such strife in the first place. 
Jinki, who had been listening with the patience of an absolute saint as Kibum narrated all of this, smiled to himself as he nodded along. The line of logic had completely dropped off, but Kibum was still going, waxing poetic on all of Minho’s supposed cirmes. The leader decided a while ago to let Kibum talk himself into exhaustion,  questioning if the cold medicine he’d slipped into the tea earlier was actually the drowsy kind or not, considering that it seemed to be having the opposite effect on Kibum. 
Which couldn’t be said for Taemin, who was already falling back asleep sitting up when he innocently asked, “Are you done?” Kibum paused. Taemin didn’t look annoyed, but genuinely curious. 
“What?” the older man asked, confused. 
“Talking. Are you done talking?” Taemin clarified, completely unaffected. There was something so genuine and harmless about the question that even Kibum couldn’t snap at him. 
“I mean… I guess,” the older man shrugged. “Why?”
Taemin held out an arm. “Come cuddle with me?” Kibum blinked, suddenly aware that he was extremely tired. His throat hurt a little less, his head felt a bit less stuffy, but the desire to sleep was immediately overpowering. Without a word, he stood and practically fell forward onto the couch, latching onto Taemin. He could never deny Taemin anything. 
“Hyung, will you come cuddle with us too?” Taemin asked as he shifted to more comfortably accommodate Kibum’s presence on the couch. 
“Maybe later. It’s probably best if one of us stays healthy,” Jinki smiled back at him. 
“Minho would cuddle with us,” Kibum grumbled in response. It took everything in Jinki not to burst out laughing at that. “And you have a better immune system than him anyway.”
“Minho really lives rent free in your brain, doesn’t he?” Jinki asked back. Kibum tried to hit him despite the presence of an entire coffee table’s length between them. Jinki laughed, grabbing a blanket that had fallen to the floor and carefully wrapping it around the pair on the couch. “Get some sleep, and we can call Minho so you can nag him when you wake up.” 
“Ooo, Minho-hyung would love that,” Taemin sighed, only retaining the part about calling Minho. Jinki chuckled again, patting each of them on the head.
As the leader collected the now empty mugs, Kibum pointed out, “Hey, you never gave us medicine.”
“Oh no, I did. It was in the tea.”
Kibum blinked. “What?”
“I mixed the extra strength cold medicine I knew you were gonna fight me on into the tea.” Jinki shrugged. “I’ve been doing it for years. You and Minho fought me too much early on, so I adapted.”
Despite his eyes dropping closed, Kibum pouted. “You bastard.” 
“Love you too, Ki. Now get some sleep.” 
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Q: the reason behind minho nickname (Choi Minho bbat-bbac-bbat-bbac-bbad) on your phone?
O:The reason for that? Kibummie suggested that... because Minho's scent is like butter scent, so... so.... lol
trans. | source
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ultrakdramamama · 1 year
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Wishing you all the best Kibummie! Happy Birthday!
cr: @shineebridge
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thekeytmyheart · 13 days
Come join my KEY discord server to have fun and receive updates on his activities!
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sshaw0l · 1 year
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ho5hi_kwon: Minho Hyung Kibummie Hyung Taeminnie Hyung ><
xoalsox: You guys so adorable ❤️‍🔥
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gaykey · 1 year
if i close my eyes i can see kibummie smiling and giggling in his pjs still sleep soft as he reads minho’s silly 05:25 messages on bubble… also that way he doesn’t have to ask for selfies but gets them nonetheless so it’s a win win situation… i have minkey brainrot honestly
kibum if he read this
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there's no way he wouldn't roll his eyes at every 5am gym selfie or mushy message. like, he'd love it - we all know this - there'd be a tiny fond smile of course, but admit to it? even to himself?
you would only catch kibum doing that to boa's bubble.
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ateezmystery · 2 years
TinyTeez Thoughts
HJ: I have a little surprise planned for my cutie soon... I really hope he likes it...
SH: I can't climb the trees anymore, it's too cold!
YH: I'll be hoooomeeeee for quismoissss~
YS: mmmh. Bed warm. Stay in bed.
S: *pokes Ariel* *pokes Ariel* *pokes Ariel* *pokes Ariel*
MG: am... Am I gonna be alone for Christmas again?
WY: I gotta go buy kibummie and haehae presents!
JH: *making airplane noises with his mouth*
❤️: @cupid-of-crime-dr-quinn @fallenangel-oc @supernatural-shinee @storybook-nct
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beommiya · 1 year
What kind of names make you weak? Asking for a friend-
"Oh? Names as in my name? I really love it when I'm called Kibummie, Bummie, Bammie, or...did you mean it as in baby, baby boy, love? Cause those do make me weak too. And who is this curious friend that wants to know?" he chuckled lightly behind his hand. @h0-seok
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