#kids my mgmt really gets me ok especially this part
donghuamuqing · 2 years
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“Control yourself
Take only what you need from it”
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cicinicole-14 · 7 years
1,12,27,28? :)
1. things that inspire you
reading other fics really inspire me the most I would say. and then the rest I just get randomly, from like dreams or conversations or songs or literally anything. sometimes just quotes, just depends!
12. favorite place to write
my room, in bed, in the dark, by myself. I get super distracted really easily, so writing alone in silence is the best for me 
27. best review you ever got
my favorite was “oh fuck” from paradox1n on ao3. it made me laugh so fucking hard. it was for one of my Letters to Alex pieces, and literally had me laughing so hard. 
and two more that are faves are from the same person, MGmt, on ao3, and if they see this, hit me up because I’m sending them hugs for being awesome. the first one was actually part of a set of questions being answered I had asked pertaining to my ghosts of us series, but this was their intro basically 
“oh do I LOVE (pardon my French) FUCKING LOVE your writing and series…I am totally invested into your stories that when I get an alert there has been an updated I DROP EVERYTHING and have to read it then and there. sometimes I have been out shopping and randomly just sit down in a department store display and read it looking like a complete moron and I give zero fucks because I can not wait - I have to read it in that moment. I have also pulled over on the side of the interstate turn off and have sat on the side of the road to read one…ok I will keep the rest of the stories to myself - but lets just say I drop everything to read your stuff.” 
and the second was on “are you happy?”
 “oh trust me I read ALL your updates! As for Baby Jamie stories…hmm… maybe sleepless nights one of them losing their shit and the other just being have let me — I soo see Maggie having the skills to be a natural parent without even realizing she has it…like the baby just being obsessed with her because she is always so nurturing and cuddly - all her fears are always there and its a constant convo between Alex and her…alex telling her just how great she is…and really showing how much Maggie relies on Alex to show her how to do everything - so she is doing things regarding Jamie 100% right at all times…also showing Alex just melting at watching Maggie and Jamie together…just how grateful she is that Maggie changed her mind and shes able to have this life now. maybe also Maggie also admitting she didn’t realize this was a dream she had…until its now her reality. that she never pictured herself as mama but now she couldn’t live without this kid and for sure without alex….ugh I don’t even care what you write I just love reading your stuff.. you have a gift and I am so glad you are spending your time and gift on writing sanvers.”
these really just made me smile so much because a) they were long, and long reviews are something that take time to construct and are so meaningful and b) because MGmt is a frequent reader and review and they seem to leave comments on most if not all of my pics and I deeply appreciate it. I love the thought and dedication they put in to reading and commenting on my pics, even when I randomly don’t update for forever and leave y’all hanging because writers block is a bitch. 
28. worst review you ever got 
I don’t think I’m going to feed into this one, but I’ve gotten some nasty comments thus of which I have removed from my fics, because as a writer we work really hard on trying to write characters accurately and to have someone come into your comments and tell you your writing is shit and they hated it, it hurts. especially when either they are anonymous, or you click on their accounts and find 0 fics that they’ve written, so saying “you’re writing is terrible” and have nothing to go off of, well thats shit. I can understand if someone who can write really well tries to give me pointers, but a nobody coming onto my fic and telling me that my writing is awful and that I should give it up, well thats rude. don’t comment on people’s fics unless you have something nice to say or constructive criticism that the author knows is constructive. 
thanks so much for these! 
send me fanfic asks
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