#mike says crazy together and will says yes of course
dreamwritersworld · 11 months
Space..(mike schmidt x reader)
Your relationship with mike was beautiful before all your responsibilities came crashing down.
late night shifts…
taking care of abby…
Now there was tension and you hadn’t spoken to each other in what felt like weeks..
Your days were filled of waking up early beside Mike who was still asleep from the late nights shifts, bags under both of your eyes.
It hurt seeing him so different then before, you guys had fallen in love young and stayed together since then. Once Mike was given the responsibility of Abby everything changed, of course you loved her but it was true.
The reality was you were now given a child and the dynamic of your relationship shifted. You both took your role and for the first three weeks it was stressful yet remained peaceful, Abby wasn’t as open to Mike as she was to you…not until later on.
Two weeks ago is when it started, Mike was getting lazy. It was as if he had given up on taking care of the family..
This was the fifth time in a row that Mike had walked past me, after coming home from work. He hadn’t bothered to say hello, like he usually did before. We haven’t spoken in forever because now he sleeps and goes.
I had woken up earlier than usual to get Abby ready for her picture day. Breakfast was prepped for us, we ate and picked out the clothes she’d wear. I spent the morning perfecting her curls and jewelry, sending her off and leaving her at the parking lot of the school..
“You look so beautiful Abby, I can’t wait to see your pictures!!”
“Thank you Y/n, will you pick me up today or are you working another shift?”
I couldn’t help but sigh remembering that Mike forgot her the other three times, leaving her waiting for me to pick her up while he slept.
“I can’t today princess I’ll be working but I can assure you that your brother won’t forget you!”
Abby smiled and waved goodbye giving me one last hug before she left the car
I made sure to send a text to mike reminding her to not forget her and he replied ok, my worries were taken care of and I had reliefs…
A couple hours later while at work my phone was going off like crazy, and when I picked it up I saw it was calls from the school and I answered immediately, walking away to go someplace quiet..
“Hello? I’m Abby’s caretaker is anything wrong? Did her brother forget her?”
“Ahh yes he did. We were just a little worried as it has been about 20 minutes since school ended, will you be picking her up?”
“Yes! I will I’m leaving work right now! Thank you for calling I’m so sorry for the wait!”
“We understand, we’ll see you soon.”
The call ended and although I remained calm on the call I was infuriated. There I was once again having to tell the boss for the fourth time in the row that my boyfriend had an emergency and i had to pick up his little sister from school…of course he was mad urging me to fix the issue or else we’d have a problem.
I ran to my car soaking wet from the rain, rushing across the roads and through the traffic to get Abby. It was embarrassing, having to pick her up once again seeming like the most imperfect caretaker. This wasn’t what abby needed or deserved and this wouldn’t look good in family court for her either.
The school released abby to me and I stood there for awhile apologizing profusely to the teacher who had to wait for her. Once I made my goodbyes we ran to the car and I realized that Abby was holding tears in her eyes, her curls had gotten messy and her dress wet.
“Oh abby i am so sorry-“
“No! It’s fine! Really it’s fine! It’s not your fault.”
Her voice had raised and cracked when she spoke.
“…no it’s not fine. I’ll fix this Abby I promise, once we get home and get you cleaned up.”
We walked into a silent home I got a bath ready and that I left clothes for abby to change into, walking away from the bathroom in a calmed hurry.
“Mike? Mike.”
He was woken up in a slum his bags lighter from the rest he had.
I took a sigh at the attitude he sent my way and I stood in front of the bed, trying to remain patient without yelling, realizing it was a hard time for the both of us…but I just couldn’t handle the situation.
“We’ve gone over this before. I know your working late and your exhausted but I can’t keep leaving work to pick up Abby. I need you Mike, I need you to take care of her.”
“Please don’t give me that bullshit Y/n. I take care of her, she has roof over her head and so do you. I don’t need that, dinner was ready for you by the time you guys came back home. I missed a couple of days so what?”
“Excuse me? Mike are you serious? Do you know how that will hold up in court? Mike! She came into the car soaking wet, exhausted and frustrated that she had to wait for someone to pick her up again. I help you Mike so don’t act like I’m living off you-“
“You act as if Abby’s a chore Y/n, is that helping? Cause you always seem to sound like your complaining-“
The tears of stress that I had held in for so long had fallen, the shock of his words felt like too much to handle
“How dare you?! Don’t you ever say that! I love her Mike. I’m still here. I’m present and I care for her. Do you even realize how lucky you are to have her Mike? Because your starting to treat her like she’s not even in the room and your doing the same to me. It’s not fair! Not to her, and not to me either!”
“I get that but I’m stuck Y/n, all you do is take her from here to there and go to work and come back home to a cooked meal.”
“Why don’t you care? Your just comparing our routines, Mike have you even factored the fact that I clean for you, and that on the days where it’s too hard for you to get up I’ll handle the cooking whenever? You act as though I don’t do my part in the rent. I take care of abby she’s a kid Mike. She doesn’t need you to just give her the bare necessities, she needs love.”
He was holding my heart and squeezing it apart and it had to be fine, because it was him. Mike was the man I had fallen in love with, I gave him my everything. Nausea hit me and I couldn’t stand being in the room with him, I walked away and he hadn’t even followed just mumbling that he was tired.
I rushed away in a hurry, tears falling. I was going to get into my car but I had thrown up when I went to open my door. I have been thrown up a lot lately..my body was always sore, and I’ve been getting my energy drained easily..was I pregnant?
My car was swerving to the nearest pharmacy, my trip led to taking a test in the bathroom, and sobbing holding the positive test in my arms. I’ve never felt so stuck in my life, my relationship was in shambles, I had Abby as my child and another would be an addition to the fire..
I cried my entire way home, shaking and afraid to tell the news…my hands rubbed off the painful tears before I walked in, afraid Abby would be awake watching TV.
Mike walked in a rush breathing heavily,
“I-I thought you weren’t going to come back, Y/n I am so sorry…I’m sorry.”
I walked up to him pulling on his arm to come to our room. The tears flowed again…and I was standing before him, door closed as he watched me with a confused face. I wasn’t one to cry unless I was really hurt by something..
“..im pregnant.” I had spoken the news in a hushed voice emotional and afraid of his reaction
“i’m pregnant..”
“..no..no..” he sat down with his head between his hands
“please don’t shut me out Mike…we need to talk.”
“Talk about what? What more is there to talk about?”
“We need to talk about us, about abby, what we’re going to do. keep your voice down you’ll wake Abby..”
“Ok well there’s nothing else to talk about your pregnant, we have another mouth to feed.”
“…that’s it?”
“Yea that’s it!”
“why are you yelling at me?”
“Im not yelling at you.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not..my god..alright whatever.”
“You don’t understand how hard this is, this is my body.”
“No I do get it.”
“No you don’t get it. You haven’t been there for us Mike, for our family. You go to work and you barley speak to us.-“
“Our family? This wasn’t a family until two seconds ago Y/n we haven’t spoken in weeks-“
“…Because you haven’t tried! And I’m drowning trying to keep our relationship going!”
“Yea and i get that but we’re struggling to hold everything together and we just got abby as our kid we shouldn’t be having one on the way right now.”
I took a step back turning around to change out of my clothes frustrated with his attitude to the situation
“Ok well, it happened. We have to figure it out.”
“Im not gonna be able to do this Y/n…Between you, abby, and this baby i can’t provide for us…We have to let Abby go.”
“What? You think she’s going to be happy with your aunt? You don’t care about anyone but your fucking self! That’s why I can’t talk to you!”
“I don’t care about no one but my fucking self right now?”
he approached me closer with anger and I pushed him away.
“Fuck you, move!”
I made my attempts to leave as he pulled me in getting in my face holding me close
“We can keep the baby Y/n, we just have to make sacrifices. I need to keep you safe and Abby needs to have a better home.”
My tears fell into his hands and sobs fell as I shook my head at his words.
“Fuck you! You think I’m gonna raise my baby with you? Look at you!”
“What do you mean look at me? I’m here for you-“
“No your not, stop saying that!”
I shoved him again as my heart continued to shatter
“Please Y/n just stay.”
“No…no Mike anything but that..you can’t give up on Abby..please.”
He held me close pulling down to the bed as I sobbed
“Ok..ok we’ll figure something out..I need you Y/n…I love you.”
he was pausing and crying in between as we slowly fell asleep once again..
When it was time to wake up I opened Abby’s door to see her quietly sitting down with tears in her eyes and a packed bag.
“What are you doing baby? What is this? Why are you crying?”
“A-are you going to send me away?”
“What? How could I? Oh no..no, Abby. I would never.”
I sat down beside her pulling her to lay down on my leg as I gently pulled her hair away from her face
“I heard what Mike said about me..”
“you heard..”
i looked up with an ashamed face, frustrated at Mike.
“He didn’t mean it, I promise you he didn’t mean it. Abby I love you, I can’t give you up especially to her..she doesn’t deserve you.”
“…he still said it..”
“i know but he didn’t mean it..I promise.”
i wiped her tears away and let her play, as I prepped breakfast and got ready to leave for work.
It had been a long shift and I was exhausted going back home.
“No Abby, you can’t come to work with me.”
“Please, I want to.”
I almost made it past but Abby’s screeching stopped me.
“Y/n!!! Tell Mike to take me!”
“Oh Abby you know he can’t..please just come go to bed I’m exhausted.”
The room grew silent as Mike watchedhow I came in with my work bag and bagged eyes.
“Fine Abby we can go but you have to behave, and Y/n can get rest while we’re gone.”
“…Mike it’s fine, that’s not a good idea, I’ll be-“
“Y/n I got it, just get some rest babe.”
I gave him a kiss walking away calmly but as I waited in I couldn’t help but get a bad feeling…
hope you enjoyed!! and i can assure you that Mike would not act like this irl!! I JUST NEED ANGST! :) please be aware that im just starting to come back into writing and trying to find my drive for it again, Thank you!!!
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royal-they · 8 months
something i feel like people do not talk about enough is how the empire strikes back was a major inspiration for season 4. bc thats like such byler proof idk what else to say like,
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luke going off by himself to study to become a jedi with yoda. el going off by herself to get back her powers with brenner. confronting their pasts? their first huge losses? them both cutting their training short bc they have to go save their friends so everyone doesnt die? vecna being revealed to be henry similar to how vadar was revealed to be anakin? and of course their powers. you get the point. very similar arcs. and okay maybe im looking too much into this but han and leia feel so similar to will and mike to me. or even max and lucas a bit bc han is essentially put in a coma at the end of the movie like max but mainly byler.
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like maybe im crazy but does this remind anyone else of this???
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also like theres the whole weird ass love triangle with leia luke and han. and like leia and luke kiss before theyre separated and at the end theyre siblings and han and leia are together and idk. i dont see mike and el as siblings personally it’s more just the idea ig that luke was a way for leia to ignore her feelings for han.
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“We need you.” “We need?” “Yes.” ”What about you?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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“What about us?” “We’re friends. We’re friends.”
the deflecting is just like weirdly similar. it’s just too similar to me at least to not mean something. especially when the duffer brothers empathized so many times how it inspired season fours ending. i just cant unsee it. el is so obviously luke to me and han and leias storyline where they have to break off and do a bunch of shenanigans trying to escape the empire and also help the resistance on their own is kind of like the cali crew trying to escape the government and help el and their friends back in hawkins. and will and mike are the center of that storyline.
it’s too many parallels. i dont know how im supposed sit here with this information just wondering wtf the writing room was doing and not combust.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
happy birthday, @withacapitalp! i hope im not that late! i am so glad to be your friend and i am glad you were born. ily! long islands on me! 🥂🍾💗
There’s this damn spring festival in Indianapolis. It’s pretty popular among young-ins and people from small towns come to visit it every year. There are local vendors, activities, mini concerts. It’s where Eddie thrives the most, he has gone every year since he can remember.
His first mistake was mentioning it to Dustin. The second was agreeing to his insistent pleading if he could come with Eddie to Indy.
Because after Eddie finally said yes. The news— unsurprisingly— reaches El, and wherever El goes, Will goes, and of course, wherever Will goes Mike goes. Then Max hears and also wants in and of course, Lucas also wants to go. So now, it’s the whole damn party. Of course, he can’t handle all the kids. So now, all the adult kids are coming too.
And listen, he thinks they’re all great. But he’s been wanting to get out of Hawkins and away from them to just— breathe. Also, that’s a lie. Eddie doesn’t want to get away from them. He specifically wants to get away from Steve fucking Harrington and all the confusing feelings he have for the very straight man.
Of course, that doesn’t work out.
Because now they're stuck in the middle of a crowd. Eddie has never really understood why people said they felt like a sardine in a can, but right now, he fully understands. He should have known it was going to be busy. It was a Saturday and it’s one of the biggest festivals in town.
He will never say it, but Eddie thanks Steve’s very strong maternal instinct. He can worry for himself right now, because he knows the kids are together due to the very strict buddy system Steve instituted. Now they just have to get to the damn corn dog stand, which Steve declared as their meet up place.
“Eddie.” Eddie whips his head to see Steve staring intently at him. Oh yeah, Steve’s his buddy. “We have to get out of here.”
Eddie nods faintly but doesn’t answer. He has to keep his breathing in check. They’re fine, and the kids are fine. There’s a crowd but they're not after the kids. They're not after Eddie. They’re not after him. It's not an angry mob. Not after him for killing Chrissy. Not—
“Eds.” Steve pushes against the people to get to him. His brown eyes track his face before he sighs in worry, “Hold my hand.”
“What?” Eddie croaks out in disbelief.
Steve looks around, before whispering, "Baby, I think you're one step away from a panic attack. It's too fucking crowded."
And before Eddie can say anything else, Steve captures his hand into his. He doesn't intertwine them together because they're still in public and though they're in the city, it's always good to be safe. But Steve still holds Eddie's hand so tightly, like he's afraid that Eddie's going to vanish from his sight.
"Don't let go, okay?" Steve asks, which is ridiculous, and crazy. Because now that Eddie's holding his hand, clasped together like two ends of the same parenthesis, he doesn't think he could ever let go.
Eddie nods, and Steve pulls him in front of him, shielding him with his arms so people won't bump into him. It weirdly feels like a hug. If he has to describe it, he will say it feels exactly like the moment Wayne hugged him after he came out to him. It's safety, warmth, and overwhelming love and protection.
Steve maneuvers around the crowd like a pro. He dodges people without hitting them and takes them out of the fucking crowd in the middle of the market.
Before he knows it, they're out of the crowd and sitting on a bench. His breathing is finally getting better, but Steve still hasn't let go of his hand. Not when he bought Eddie a drink, not when he instructed Eddie to breathe with him, not when the kids came and asked what was wrong, only to be shooed away.
Eddie's not sure why he's so shaken to the core by this certain touch. He's always been the touchy-feely one. He throws an arm on Steve's shoulders, pats his head when Steve does something ridiculously adorable, and nudges him by the ribs when he says something funny. Steve's never initiated touch, Robin says it's because of the "complete lack of love and care from his parents."
But Steve's right here. Squatting in front of him. Holding his hand as he waits for Eddie to calm down. Looking at him like he— loves him. How could Steve ever be the product of lack of love and care, when he seems to have an abundance of it?
"You doing better, Eds?" Steve asks, his eyes are bright against the lights. He's looking at Eddie like Eddie's something to be cared for, to be loved, like he's something precious.
Eddie wants Steve to look at him like this. Selfishly, he wants to have it for the rest of his fucking life.
Eddie blinks at him, and accidentally, intentionally, stupidly, spits out, "I think I am in love with you."
Steve freezes. He blinks at him.
The world behind them slows down. There's a kid winning a prize a few stalls down, and a man bargaining for a vase on the other end. Someone's order is ready at the food stand and someone just won the bingo. There's a band playing and they're fucking playing Whitesnake's Is This Love.
It's one of those simple, but beautiful moments. Those that make you feel like you're nothing but a small particle in this big, vast world. Eddie basks in those moments sometimes.
However, at that moment, Eddie doesn't. If Steve looks at him like that for the rest of his life, Eddie doesn't think he'll ever feel small again.
He lets the world fade into a quiet noise. Nothing else matters. Nothing, but Steve Harrington.
He just stares at Steve. He just stares as Steve's face breaks into the biggest smile he has ever seen and it quite literally feels like watching a sunflower grow right in front of him. It's a smile that overflows, from the way he beams at him, from the way his eyes wrinkle, the way his nose crinkles.
Eddie's never seen Steve smile this big before and its damn beautiful.
"You sure about that?" Steve asks. There's insecurity in it, but also hope.
Eddie's never been this sure about anything else in his life, so he says, "Yes."
Steve softens, "Alright. That's good."
"How is that good?" Eddie whispers.
"Because, I—" Steve turns over their hands on his lap, and finally— finally— intertwines them. And shit, maybe there is a God, because this feels sacred, a love made just for the two of them.
"Because, I think I am also in love with you."
"I wish I can kiss you here," Eddie says, making Steve laugh, and it spills out of his body so beautifully Eddie wants to keep doing it for the rest of his life.
"Slow down, cowboy," Steve giggles, but the way he tightens his hold on Eddie's hand tells the opposite of his statement.
"Steve! Eddie! Look at this!" Dustin screams from the nearby booth, where El just won him a teddy bear.
"Yeah, you have to come. El's not doing anything. It's just pure talent!" Lucas sarcastically shrieks back.
In the background, El's giggling like crazy. Which 100% means she's using her magic. Eddie can't help but smile at the kids. He's glad he bought them with him to have fun.
Steve immediately stands up at that, their hands breaking apart at the motion. "Oh God. I told her not to use her powers." Steve's about to rush to them— maternal instincts and whatnot— before he stops in his tracks and turns to Eddie.
Steve softens, holding out his hand to Eddie. Eddie takes it without hesitation.
"Don't let go?" Steve asks.
Eddie stares at him, before he whispers a vow just for the two of them, "I won't. I promise."
True to his word, he doesn't let go. Not ever.
Eddie has no intention of ever letting Steve go.
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pinkerthings · 7 months
the importance of mike and will simply getting each other, cont. (pt 3):
i covered the significance of Mileven not understanding each other here, and the first part of byler getting each other here. time to finish what we started ! Continuing on with--
season 2:
Crazy together, because byler isn’t byler without it:
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This scene is important. It’s a direct parallel of a couple Mileven scenes, like the grocery store scene of Mike trying to tell El he loves her & the season one scene of Mike talking to El about the snow ball.
There is no confusion in this entire scene. Will tells Mike what he’s been experiencing, Mike understands, and tells him if one of them goes crazy, they’ll both go crazy. They are in it together. Literally crazy together. I don’t know what else anyone could want from this scene. It’s the epitome of Mike and Will understanding each other.
In episode 3 during Will’s “episode” seeing the Mind Flayer again, lo and behold, who is the one to find him in the field?
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Of course you’re the one to find him Michael ! You’re always the one to find him !
Later on in episode 5 Will is in his bedroom explaining the shadow monster visions and feelings to Mike, and he just gets it, even if he doesn’t get it.
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Finishing Will’s sentences, not asking a lot of questions, understanding what he’s trying to say, etc. Mike is just getting what he’s saying.
He’s also trying to be positive and uplifting, reassuring Will that everything will be fine.
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And then we get the byler handhold:
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bad pic but we all know what it looks like so idc !
Moving on, one of my favorite parts about season 2 is just how much Mike and Will content we get. They are literally glued to each other's hips for nine episodes. The rest of the party us off doing whatever it is they were doing and Mike has literally not left Will's side once.
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The hospital scene where Will (being partially possessed by the Mind Flayer) doesn't remember Hopper nor Bob, and barely remembers Joyce, but recognizes Mike almost instantly ? Just how much space does Mike take up in Will's brain? Get a grip Byers!
season 3:
Season 3 is interesting because this is where things start getting ...... weird between them. Starting in episode 1, the first scene they have together is the movie theatre scene, where Will senses something is wrong and Mike immediately notices. I mean, literally right away.
(peep the blush on both their cheeks when they first sit down lmao.)
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Will senses something and has this far away look on his face, to which Mike interrupts his thoughts with, "Hey, you okay?" Will nods and says yes. Mike presses again, "You're sure?" And Will says, "Of course." Mike then nods and leans back in his seat.
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The first minutes of season three, we are met with a protective Mike, similar to season two. The Duffers are still showing the audience, "Hey! These two are best friends! Mike watches over Will and Will watches over Mike, and they are very protective of each other."
For the first few episodes of season 3, they seem to be in this awkward rut, but still somehow are almost always at each other's sides ? (interesting considering there's always one person who disrupts their compatibility)
Their next interaction includes Will thinking Mike and Eleven's little "curfew at 4" stunt is "gross," right before feeling the shadow monster and touching his neck (but that’s a theory for another day).
Episode 2: Mike lying to Eleven about his Nana because he doesn’t want to hang out with her (per Hopper’s wrath) and the boys shopping at the mall. (Just another example of Mileven not understanding each other. Their relationship is almost always centered around lies !)
Next is infamous “I dump your ass scene,” yet another example of Mileven misunderstanding each other that I should have included in post one.
Episode 3: The byler fight !
Begins with Will waking up Lucas and Mike with medieval music and his speech about d&d, which I find….interesting.
“I have seen into the future, and I see that today is a new day. A day…free of girls.”
Now, this is Will Byers we’re talking about, he’s not the biggest fan of girls. But that line is interesting. We know the Duffer’s love putting little hints and clues in earlier episodes to allude to future things. (Or maybe I’m just delusional)
Lucas isn’t that opposed to the d&d game with Will, but Mike is a little weary because it’s so early in the morning But he eventually gives in and plays the game.
Mike and Lucas are clearly uninterested in the game, unlike Will, who is clearly invested and trying to have fun.
Mike answers a phone call in the middle of the game thinking it could be El, and ends the game with an easy way out. Will gets upset and tears is costume off, shutting off the music and heading outside.
Mike’s ENTIRE demeanor changes in an instant. It goes from annoyed and bored to apologetic and empathetic in a literal second.
“Will, I was just messing around.”
Michael, you certainly weren’t, but just realized that your attitude actually hurt your best friend and you feel bad about it.
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“Will, let’s finish for real. How much longer is the campaign?”
Will says, “Just forget it, Mike.”
And Mike says, “No, you want to keep playing, right? We’ll just call the girls after.”
It doesn't matter what Mike wants, because Will wants to keep playing, Mike is willing to push his immature attitude aside and play the game for his best friend.
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“I said, forget it, Mike!” Will yells.
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Mike has a hurt look on his face, sort of similar to the s2 e2 look on Will’s face when Mike is slightly annoyed at him for letting Max trick-or-treat with them. It’s the look of, “Oh no, I made my best friend mad and I didn’t mean to. How could I do such a thing?!”
Will says he’s going home and pushes past Lucas and Mike, and only one of them follows.
You guessed it !
“Will come on, you can’t leave, it’s raining.”
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This scene makes me giggle because since when has RAIN stopped anyone in this show from accomplishing anything? Will has literally been through hell and back and Mike is worried because he doesn’t want him biking home in the rain?
Anyways byler rain fight:
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Mike literally says it himself:
El’s not stupid.
(crazy + stupid = love)
Mike literally says himself he and El aren’t compatible.
(screw tumblr for only allowing 30 images per post)
next part coming i promise !!!!
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here's the first part to a little domestic steddie thing that I don't have a name for yet, but I thought it up last night and couldn't sleep while I started planning it in my head.
highlights will include: friends to lovers, roommates, slice of life, getting together, hispanic!eddie (MY LOVE), i may sprinkle in the fact that Steve is HOH (but I haven't decided if i'd like him to be in this one), and possibly the first smut i'll have ever written 👀
this is just to get my thoughts out so go into this knowing that at Robin and Steve know that Eddie is Gay, Eddie and Steve know that Robin is gay, and only Robin knows that Steve thinks he's bi. You know, classic steddie fic things.
“Okay, you guys, time to head out, no Dustin, you can’t stay the night.”
“Damn, how’d you know? Dustin asks, picking up his bag and shuffling toward the door to get his shoes on.
“Because you always ask.” Will admonishes his friend.
“Exactly. Thank you, Will.”
“I can’t believe the last session is next week.” Lucas says to himself, slipping on his shoes and ducking down quickly to arrange Max’s in front of her so she can get them on. 
“Oh no, what will we do then?” the Max in question snarks back. 
“You don’t even play, you can’t be sarcastic about it.”
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t be sarcastic about, Wheeler.” Max follows Mike out the door and smacks him in the shin with her cane.
“We will see you tomorrow Steve?” El asks, stopping at his side to look up at him with those curious eyes. 
“Of course, supergirl, it’s the ‘Everything’s Fine’ party.” He grins at her and she smiles back, moving to grab her shoes as well. Steve stops her “Everything is fine, right?”
She stares off into space for just a second, then smiles back up at him. “Yes. I do not feel any of the Upside Down or of One.”
Steve lets out the breath he always holds when he checks with one of what they are now calling “The Wonder Twins”, El and Will. “Thanks, El, sorry to always ask.”
“It is okay, Steve. I don’t mind.”
“Alright you lot, you heard Stevie. ¡Ya deja de chingar! Ándale, ándale!” Eddie yells at the kids, shoo-ing them out the front door and into his van while the other Hellfire guys get into Jeff’s car. They’d officially disbanded Hellfire after everything happened last year, but still meet for D&D (now at Steve’s house) under a still undecided name.
“No need to be rude, Eduardo, we’re going.” Erica taunts him.
Eddie seems to glitch out, “¿Sabes español?”
“Eso si.”
Eddie sucks his teeth, “Dios mio, now I gotta deal with that; alright, lets go, crotch-goblins, gotta get you home. Be back soon, cariño!” He yells to Steve, still on the front step before he points to Erica and shuts the door in her face.
“I still have no idea what he’s calling me. Why don’t you just tell me? You know spanish.” Steve asks Robin as he comes back inside and closes the door.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to intrude.”
“You literally translated secret russian code, is that not intruding?”
“Yeah, but like, they don’t matter. Eddie does.” He’s looking at her like she’s crazy. “It feels like spying on a friend.”
“Whatever you say, Buckley.”
“Just ask Eddie to teach you. He could use the practice”
“What do you mean? He’s fluent isn’t he?”
“Well, he really only has Wayne to speak spanish with regularly, sometimes me, but usually it’s english. He could start to lose it.”
“That can happen?”
“Yeah, sometimes. I don’t have many people to talk to in Italian, so that’s my worst language. I used to be fluent in that too but if I don’t use it, I lose it.” she shrugs and Steve takes that in. 
“I just want to know what he’s calling me, it’s not anything bad is it?”
She smiles softly at him, “No Dingus, it’s not bad. Promise.”
They clean up the rest of the stuff lying around from the kids being there, Robin is rambling on about something that happened at her last solo shift at work, and Steve’s trying to contain his nerves.
“Querido, Estoy en casa!” Eddie yells from the doorway when he gets back. “Now what’s this surprise?”
“Let me guess, ‘Honey, I’m home’?” Steve asks, rounding the corner from the kitchen, still drying his hands.
Eddie points at him, “You got it, Querido.” and gives him a wink before waltzing his way into the living room in front of Steve. 
Steve rolls his eyes fondly, and wills the heat that’d crept up on his face from being called ‘Honey’ away while he puts the towel back in the kitchen.
“Okay,” he claps his hands when he walks into the living room, his two friends sitting on the couch in front of him “I have a proposal for you.”
“Oh, Stevie! Of course I’ll marry you!” Eddie jumps up and immediately koalas onto Steve, causing him to take a stabilizing step backward.
“Not that kind of proposal, Eds.” Steve chuckles and goes to unwrap Eddie’s arms and legs from around him.
“So you’re not gonna make an honest woman outta me?” Robin says from the couch as Steve comes around the coffee table, Eddie still latched to his front.
“No, Robs, still not that kind of proposal, sorry.”
Steve finally gets Eddie’s limbs out from around him over the couch so he bounces to a landing on the couch next to Robin.
“That’s bogus..”
“Here.” Steve hands them each a manila folder from the mantle, each one with their name written on it in a thick black marker.
“Okay, here goes. So it’s been a year since Vecna, Will and El both haven’t felt hide nor hair of him since, and since these goddamn events usually happen at least once a year, I think we are in the clear.” He pauses to knock on the wooden coffee table. “So I figure now that Eddie is healed all the way, and he and Wayne are set up well enough again with their hush money, Max is doing pretty good at her physical therapy, the Byers are back in town with a not-dead Hopper….well.”
He gestures to their folders, and they both look down at the same time, like they’d forgotten they were there.
As they open them and start flipping through their stack of papers, Steve continues. “Robin, I know you wanted to take a gap year anyway, so I put down entry for the fall of ‘87 on the applications I sent in, I hope that’s okay.” She looks up at him in shock. “There’s a great International Relations program there too if you want to stay after you get your core classes out of the way? But there are a couple acceptance letters in there so you can take your pick. And I got a job at this little diner nearby to the campus just because I wanted to, but I will pay your way if you want since I’m the one who applied for you so you can just live off your hush money.”
“A-and Eddie, I asked around and there’s a great underground music scene that I think you’d fit right into, and I met a guy named Daryl who was real nice and owned a music shop down the road from the diner who is uhm…something? He wrote “call me” and his number on the flyer he gave me so I feel like it’d maybe be safe for you to work there i-if you wanted to, you know. You could also just live off your hush money. I don’t mind.”
Both of them are stock still and dead quiet. He finally looks down at them on the couch.
Both of their faces are blank, like they don’t know what it is they are supposed to feel, which, Steve supposes, is better than pissed off.
“Oh fuck, this was too much wasn’t it? Sorry, sorry, just pretend I didn’t say anything, I’ll just—“ he reaches for their papers and they both jerk away from him at the same time.
“Fuck off, this is my stack of papers, get your own!” Eddie yells at the same time Robin yells “No! I’m keeping these forever!” and Steve pulls his hands back in surrender.
“You still haven’t gotten to the proposal part, Dingus. What’s going on?”
“Oh! Uhm, I bought a house? In Indianapolis? My parents are staying away after the earthquake, and sold the house so I leave to sign the last papers and get the keys in two weeks. So that means Eddie can finish his D&D thing in time too.”
They’re quiet for a beat again, then Eddie asks “You bought a house?”
“Yeah, with the money I saved up from Scoops and Family Video, plus what my parents would leave..I only had to use a little bit of my government money in the end. It’s not much, and it needs work that’s why I got it as cheap as I did, but it has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and—actually, I put pictures at the bottom of your stacks if you want to-“
They both shuffle their papers around until they find what they’re looking for. Then immediately look at the others’ like they are comparing notes.
“Robin, that’s the bedroom at the front of the house, it’s got two windows and one has a window seat, so you’ll get plenty of light, and Eddie, your bedroom is the one in the back corner, it’s only got one window but it’s pretty big and I thought that maybe you’d like that one since it just looks out into the woods like yours used to in your trailer. I was going to take the master, but Robin, if you want that instead so you don’t have to share a bathroom with one of us, that’s cool too, I don’t mind.” Steve rushes it all out.
“You want us to move with you?” Eddie’s voice is quiet, eyes wide.
“Uhm, yeah. I do. That’s the proposal. I figured I’d ask you guys to come with. That way we’re out of Hawkins but still close enough if something does happen,” Steve knocks on the coffee table again with two knuckles, “Robin can go to school, and hopefully Indy is far enough out of the way that Eddie can make a clean-ish start?
“And you don’t have to pay rent, It’s all paid for with cash so just maybe buy groceries, or help with the utilities? Or none of it! Like I said, I kinda just thrust this upon you, so no worries if you want to just mooch.” he huffs out a nervous laugh.
Eddie and Robin take a look at each other then Robin is shooting off the couch and (almost tripping) over the coffee table to latch onto Steve
“Of course I’m coming with you, Dingus, we’re two halves of a whole idiot, we gotta stick together.” She unhooks from him and starts wandering away up the stairs, talking about ‘We gotta tell Keith, and my mom is going to be so excited, but she’s definitely going to think I’m pregnant or something,’ like she’s going to pack away her overnight bag from the guest room and be ready to go just like that.
“Eddie? What about you? I get it if you don’t, but like I said, I figured you’d want to get out of here too an–” 
“Joder si, pendejo! I’m not gonna turn down a chance to get the fuck outta here!” He jumps up and crashes into Steve once again, squeezing him tight. “It means a lot that you’d want me to come with, Stevie.” He says quietly over Steve’s shoulder.
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie and stuffs his face into his curls, he smells like cinnamon. “Of course Eddie, anytime.”
Eddie pulls back with a soft smile, and gives Steve a look that makes him want to melt into a puddle. Eddie’s gaze flicks down momentarily, then there's a creak from the stairs and Eddie lets him go, backing towards the door. “I gotta go tell Wayne, he’s really going to be excited for me to get outta his hai–out from under his feet.”
Steve busts out laughing at that “I’m so gonna tell him that you said that.”
“You better not, pendejo, otherwise he’ll kill me dead and you’ll have one less roommate!” then Eddie’s turning and flying out the door to his van, taking off toward his and his uncle's new shared apartment. 
“Okay, that one’s bad.” Robin says when she’s come down the stairs.
“Yeah, it means ‘asshole’.” She laughs at Steve’s hurt expression, “Oh don’t take it too seriously, Dingus, obviously he was saying it in a joking way.”
“I really need to learn spanish.”
I translated the best I could, PLEASE tell me if something is off in translation:
"¡Ya deja de chingar! Ándale, ándale!" - basically, "Stop your bitching! Hurry up!"
“¿Sabes español?” - You know spanish?
"Eso si" - Yes indeed (my husband says this one a lot lmao)
"cariño" - sweetheart
"Dios mio" - oh my god
“Querido, Estoy en casa!” - Honey, I'm home! (Querido meaning honey, darling, love, etc.)
"Joder si, pendejo!" - Fuck yeah, asshole! (said affectionately :) )
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f1nn-w0lfhard-l0v3r · 6 months
Reasons Byler will be endgame
So first of all let’s start on Season 1
Season 1:
We all know that Will Byers went missing in the first episode! yes that’s sad. anyway, Mike was the first one to CARE about that. (in the party) Yes, Lucas and Dustin obviously cared but Mike cared more. he said “i’m the only one who cares about will!” and repeatedly said they need to go find him. also he stood up for Will when he got bullied when not even being there. Fast forward to when Mike hides El. When El points at Will in the photo mike gets excited and decides to use El as a way to find Will. this shows, maybe Mike never actually loved el? maybe he just liked how she helped. but missed her as a friend in season two. ANYWAY he uses her and when we found out that “Wills body” was in the lake, Mike got angry… too angry. he yells at El for lying and then when gets home he cries to his mum. showing he really cared about will. (yes i know he is his best friend, but what if it was just more, and he didn’t notice?) Anyway, they finally find will and bring him to a hospital. The gang is waiting in the waiting room and when the nurse says that will is awake, mike is the fastest to get in the room and instantly hugs will. ❤️
Season 2:
in season two we notice that will is getting visions and who is the one who always snaps him out of it, or makes sure he is okay? Mike. at the arcade will gets a vision and then when he sees the mind flayer mike snaps him out and puts his arm around will and brings him to everyone. fast forward to halloween, Will gets left behind of the group and bullies start to pick on him. he gets another vision after falling and then runs away and when he wakes up he finds mike there trying to snap him out of it again. then he tells the party that they’re going HOME. Mike decides that home is his basement. they’re talking about how they are both going crazy so mike makes will feel better and says “if we’re both going crazy, we can go crazy together right?” and ofc our buddy, will, agrees. fast forward to when they lost dart at the school. Will finds him and tells dustin through the walkie talkie then senses he’s from the upside down so he gets scared and runs away. when everyone gets there the only one who notices that will is gone is MIKE. he suddenly goes to look for him and finds him in a field and tries to wake him out of it again then eventually the gang finds them too. later they find out he got over taken by the mind flayer blah blah blah and then mike decides to go to the byers house to COMFORT will and they have a cute little sleepover. they have a talk about how will feels when the mind flayer is inside of him. then when they go to the lab hospital thing mike is beside him the entire time. Will eventually loses his memory when he wakes up and everybody is around him. also mike ofc. when they ask will who mike is will says “that’s.. my friend.. mike :)” mike is so happy that. will remembers lol. fast really forward bc id remember much lol. they are locking will in the shed and when mike tells Will the cute little story, how they met, and how it was the best idea of mikes life meeting him on the swing. THAT is what triggers will to do the Morse code. (it was then if you pay attention like me, you would notice.) but it takes Hopper a way longer time to notice. eventually, they found out that Will is saying “close gate.” I don’t remember much lol. that’s all I remember right now if there’s more, comment.
This was part one. I will post part two one day that has season three and four in it because this one has season one and two, of course. ❤️❤️❤️
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teambyler · 6 months
"Byler Endgame, One Episode at a Time" - s5e1
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Plot beats and scenes leading to a Byler endgame, one episode at a time, for Season 5 of Stranger Things. (This is just for fun! I have no insider knowledge!)
Also see Part 0, where I explain what I think a Byler Endgame has to address.
Since we’re going back to s1 themes, a shadowy U.S. government organization is involved. It wants to contain and study the hellscape in Hawkins. People are ordered out of parts of Hawkins. The Byers don’t have a home in Hawkins. Joyce stays at Hopper’s, with Jonathan too probably (Ted wouldn’t let Nancy’s boyfriend sleep in the house. He’s perfectly fine with “Mike’s friend Will” though!)
When Will arrives, he asks to stay in Mike’s basement. Mike says it’s cold and uncomfortable and he doesn’t have to. Will says he’s fine, he prefers a quiet place to do art, he likes that it’s where they played D&D... “We get to play D&D again, yes?” “Of course!” Mike insists on putting a bed in there, etc. Will is fine with the couch. The whole time Will is trying to be cool, trying to get over loving his straight best friend.
Will walks into Mike’s room, to see that Mike has framed the D&D painting and is hanging it on the wall. Mike: “This is a really nice present you gave.” Will’s in shock… does he know? It becomes clear Mike just thinks Will and El talked about what to put in a gift they were both to give Mike, while things were still good between him and El. “It’s too bad things went south so quickly…” Mike shares that he and El aren’t seeing each other. Will looks at the painting, thoughts racing… Mike says he doesn’t know what’s going on with El because after the pizza shop he thought they were official again, but she’s still being cold toward him.
Will sleeps on the basement couch, remembering their "Crazy together" conversation. He cries quietly.
After coaxing Lucas who’s spending time at the hospital with Max, the Hellfire Club play D&D in Mike’s basement. Dustin is the dungeon master. It’s a very feel-good, “the party is back together” scene. Will’s so happy to be playing D&D with Mike and is sitting next to him. In the game, Will risks his life to cast prismatic spray and save the group. The spell fails. In the game, Mike risks his life to protect Will. Will is blushing and it feels kinda romantic.
“A PLOT” SHENANIGANS. Will is rubbing his neck a lot and this is a Will-focused season. (There’s a million ways the A plot can go down so I won’t even try!)
School was disrupted by the events of s4. Bullies with nothing better to do target the Hellfire Club members, blaming them for recent events. Bully #1 lost a loved one when the hellfire opened. The party has to split up to get away from them. Bully #1 corners Will and says he hopes he gets AIDS. Will is terrified and once he’s alone starts crying.
Jonathan senses Will is really down. He invites Robin over. She arrives and kisses Vickie goodbye in front of Will. Will is shocked. Jonathan leaves the room, and Robin and Will connect. Will asks what it’s like to come out. Robin says some people shunned her, but others like Steve and Jonathan didn’t. She found out who her real friends were: “I got to have friends who love me for being me.” Will cry-smiles and thinks about this. Robin says to tell the people you trust the most.
Joyce and El are at Hopper’s cabin. Will looks like he's ready to tell both of them. But he waits for El to step out. Will sits down next to mom and comes out to her. Will: “Do you still love me?” She goes into Mama Bear mode: “Of course I do!” She hugs him. She's heartbroken to think Will didn't know how she'd answer. “Look at me Will. I’ve GONE TO HELL AND BACK FOR YOU WILL. I’ll do it again! I will always, ALWAYS love you.” They have a big ugly-cry hug.
FOLLOW ME for the next part of “Byler Endgame, One Episode at a Time”!
Part 0 (what a Byler endgame needs to address) Next episode
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ailendolin · 1 year
Cannon diversion 🔀
What if Mike was able to see the ghosts instead of Alison (I love Mike a lot and think him seeing ghosts would be really cool)
Oh this was fun to think about! Thank you!
Headcanon ask game can be found here.
🔀- Canon Divergence/Slight AU
The weirdest thing, Mike reflects once he's accepted the fact that ghosts are real and he's not actually going crazy, is not the caveman who likes to make the lights flicker to startle Alison, the Georgian lady who desperately wants to be his sister or even the headless Tudor man everyone always seems to forget about - no, it's the fact that at least four of the ghosts have a crush on him (possibly five - he's not quite sure about Julian's constant innuendos yet).
It's flattering, really. After all, who doesn't like to be desired? But if he has to listen to even one more terrible, lovelorn poem composed by Thomas or watch the Captain blush and stammer when he only so much as glances at him - or, Mike thinks with a shudder, catches Lady Button ogling him as he changes into a new shirt or, god forbid, finds Mary sneaking into the bathroom while he's on the loo again, he swears he's going to fling himself off the roof.
Alison, of course, finds it all hilarious. And, traitor that she is, she eventually joins in on the fun. Mike has no idea how she even learned about Mike Club but when he finds her in the common room with his four admirers (plus Julian by the laptop) talking excitedly to what to her is only empty air about the merits of being married to him, he huffs and loudly declares, "That's it. I'm getting a divorce."
Alison laughs out loud but Thomas's eyes widen with sudden hope. Before Mike can so much as think, Oh no, he says, "Yes! Divorce her, kill yourself, marry me!"
Mike groans and hides his face in his hands. A moment later, Alison snorts and Mike just knows Julian has relayed Thomas's words to her via the laptop. He shakes his head in despair. Why is his life like this?
Then again, he thinks later that night when they're all sitting together watching Friends: he wouldn't really have it any other way.
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It’s really funny when you think of season 4 basically being a tragicomedy where two fruity disasters are engaged in a dance of who can miscommunicate the most. They both are actually on the same page with a desire to go crazy together and be a team but they assume the other boy is reading an entirely different book. Mike goes to Cali frazzled with a million chaotic thoughts, his confusion and flustered heart barely concealed by his Big Bird core outfit.
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I have a girlfriend and I’m supposed to love her. Of course I love her, she’s my girlfriend! She’s El! She has superpowers! She’s changed my life! Yes, stick to the script! I can’t wait to meet her friends she’s been telling me about and also to meet Will 😍. Wait, why did I just get flustered? It’s just Will. My friend. Will Byers. WHO HAS APPARENTLY BEEN MAKING A PAINTING FOR A MYSTERIOUS GIRL?!? I wonder what that’s about. Actually I don’t wanna know. It’s fine. Oh my God, he got hot. Why did he get hot? Wait, don’t think that. That’s weird. He’s a boy. He’s Will. Act calm. Be normal. Uhhh. hi 😍 😍😍 Wait, why isn’t he showing me that? Does he hate me? Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he?
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Meanwhile Will, with no idea about Mike’s internal monologue, is extremely eager and happy to see his best friend again and is utterly confused why he is being so weird and not hugging him and why his outfit is so questionable. I guess he doesn’t care about anything I have to say anymore. I’m so stupid. Why did I make this painting and bring it to this airport like a loser? He doesn’t want to see it. Which is literally the opposite of the truth. And then things start happening too fast to process anything, and everyone’s talking fast, and El is flagrantly lying to Mike and it’s quite disturbing. Why would she do that? Friends don’t lie. This can’t end well.
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And then at the roller rink Will is in tragic yearning mode while also keenly aware that a fire is brewing and wanting to put out the fire before it hurts both his sister and his best friend, both of whom he loves dearly. But Mike is oblivious to all of this while in his feelings about Will, paying absurdly close attention to Will “moping and rolling his eyes,” interpreting things in the wrong way. And then he shoots up like a gopher on adderall when Will tells him they need to talk about El because something is terribly wrong- which would be crystal clear if Mike wasn’t hyperfocused on Will’s every mood swing- and he refuses to believe it until it becomes undeniable, choosing instead to address what is clearly on his mind significantly more than his actual girlfriend on a theoretical date. And they have a high school musical coded fight in the middle of the building, entirely misunderstanding where the other boy is coming from, and it just leaves them more flustered, frustrated, and confused. But because they are incapable of personal space, it doesn’t make them drift apart physically. They stand side by side as El absolutely decks Angela to Will’s shellshocked sinking feeling of “This is my fault. I should have prevented this from happening,” and Mike’s feeling of horror and shock and, “Where did any of this come from? I just got here.”
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And then later on El and Mike have their fight about him not being able to say I love you, which is confusing and full of gaslighting and contradictions and is super messy no matter how the cake is sliced, but Will is not there for any of this, so he has no reason to believe El and Mike are on the rocks. Because why would they be? He heard Mike say I love you to a room full of their friends a year ago. And Mike is clearly dealing with so many internal thoughts and conflicted feelings that he won’t share with the class- with the class being both Will and the audience- so post el’s arrest and post her “superhero” journey we have to watch Byler have these incredibly coded conversations that get increasingly more chaotic. Mike’s basically like, “Yeah bestie I’m not sure about this whole macaroni and cheese thing and I don’t know if me and El are really right for each other, you know? It was prolly like dumb luck or something, but you’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, Will, and I think we should work together as a team, as best friends, as lovers- wait, who said that? Anyway, what do you think, my totally platonic bestie?”
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All this as [tender, emotional music] plays. And Will, even though it destroys him inside, is extraordinarily selfless, and is basically like, “I’m sure you and El will work things out and talk through whatever’s happening. You love each other. You are perfect for each other. And I will always be here to reassure you.” And Mike’s like, “That’s not how I envisioned this convo going. Are you sure?” And while holding back tears, Will’s like, “Of course I’m sure! Why wouldn’t I be sure? Look at this painting I made you.” And Mike’s like “Wow 😍😍😍 did you make that for me?” And Will’s like, “Sure did! Actually El basically did. She commissioned it.” And Mike is like, “Oh. Okay. It’s still really beautiful tho. Which of course it is. Because you made it. But I… I’m confused. But I don’t fully understand why I’m confused. I’m glad El needs me! I think?”
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Meanwhile, Byler literally wants the same things, they both deeply desire and love each other, but they don’t know how the other feels. And if they both paused for one second, were fully honest with each other, and stopped speaking in code, things would fall into place. And they could walk hand in hand, crazy together, into the apocalypse.
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findafight · 2 years
Byler is sooooo good like childhood best friends?? Would do nearly anything for each other? Extreme pining?? Phenomenal. it makes me crazy. but also. Also. Unrequited Byler. For Mike.
Consider, season four fix it everything is mostly fine back in Hawkins, and Will is finally like "I can't keep doing this to myself. I have to have some self respect!!" And Jonathan and Argyle are like yes!! Yes little man!! Do it! We love you! You do what is best for you!!
So Will starts the slow process of Getting Over Mike. It's hard, because they're friends, and all their friends are friends, but worth it. He's tied so much of himself up into Mike that it hurts to disentangle from him, but he does it. Slowly.
Over the summer of '86, with the upside down actually gone and collapsed, Will gains more confidence in himself, more relaxed and self assured, not second guessing everything he does.
The rest of the party is thrilled to see him, to have him back, and even if he's stiff around Mike, they figure it's because Mike and El broke up (or, well, El broke up with Mike because he couldn't say he loved her, and that he was obviously hurting Will, and a great number of other things) and El is Will's sister. Dustin and Lucas fight over who gets to introduce Will to Eddie and are both beaten by Steve who walks in, Eddie on his heels and goes "hey will! This is Eddie, he's a GN or whatever too." With a smile. (Dustin shrieks to correct him but Will sees the smile Steve has and suspects he knows what he's doing.)
So the summer goes, the boys play dnd and talk about girlfriends or lack thereof, and Will barely squirms when he thinks about how he doesn't want one. Jonathan said it was ok. That he'd love him always and that his friends would too, but it's scary. It's always going to be a bit scary, he thinks.
And Will notices things. He notices how, when Jonathan reassures him it'll be fine, his eyes catch on Argyle smiling and nodding along to something Steve is saying. How Argyle always grins a bit too wide when he spots Jon enter a room, a bit too dopey; how their fingers graze against each other.
He notices how Eddie doesn't really mention girls; how Jeff doesn't talk about anyone really. How Steve will smirk at Robin and gently nudge her sometimes and she'll splutter and laugh; how Eddie and Steve will grin and tease and lean into each other's spaces and lean away again blushing but not awkward.
He refuses to notice Mike.
Of course, everybody notices when something shifts between Eddie and Steve, how they start to slot together easily, less blushing. How, when Dustin is asking Steve why he and Robin still aren't dating, Steve shrugs and says "because I'm dating Eddie."
Will notices how Jonathan's eyes go wide, and he looks like he wants to ask a question but doesn't. Mike, however, does.
"so, like, you were faking the whole time?"
And Steve raises a singular eyebrow and explains that for him, someone's gender was never really part of the equation of whether he liked them or not. He was just kinda slow on the uptake that that isn't the case for everyone. How sometimes for some people it does matter, but they like boys and girls and people not either of those (which Will didn't know you could be, inbetween or outside of boy and girl.) He wasn't faking. He liked Nancy Wheeler and he liked those other girls and he likes Eddie.
Then Will notices Argyle nodding and smiling, Jonathan gaping a little bit, brows scrunched together, Nancy chewing her lip. He decides to leave that.
Nothing actually changes because of the revelation, just that now the Party knows. Or. Nothing changes in regards to Steve and Eddie. Jonathan and Argyle, it seems, do plan on changing. Will comes home one day to find Argyle sitting on the counter holding Jon's face tenderly, pecking kisses around his face. He walks out the door and stomps noisily up the steps to give them a chance.
And slowly Will notices that it doesn't hurt, not anymore, being around Mike. Doesn't make his chest ache with longing or his stomach turn.
He thinks he'll always love Mike, in a special way, in the way Steve once told him he still loved Nancy. That special place a first love that broke your heart burrowed but you wouldn't change it because it was important to you. Helped you grow. Steve said that no love is wasted, even if it didn't last in the way you expected it to. He said it with a smile, that day. That Maybe it ends or maybe it fizzles or maybe it just changes into some other kind of love. And that's good too.
When Steve talks like that, Will wonders when he got so wise, and then wonders when he himself got so wise. A side effect, perhaps, of getting your heart broken by a Wheeler.
Will doesn't think he's actually in love with Mike anymore. And that's good.
He tells Jon first. That he thinks he and Mike can be friends, that he wants them to be friends, that it doesn't really hurt as much anymore, to hear Mike complain about girls. Jon hugs him. Tells him he's proud of him. Tells him he's so strong and brave and is growing up so much.
Will hangs out with the party and just. Sorta tells them one day that he's gay. He never actually said the words before, because Jonathan just knew, but it's a sort of thrilling experience, how he'd imagine skydiving to be. El smiles and holds his hand. Lucas and Dustin smile and clamber to hug him, thanking him for telling them and trusting them and that they're so happy for him. Robin highfives him, welcomes him to the club. Eddie ruffles his hair and smiles. Steve just says "good job figuring yourself out, little man!" And Will laughs.
Mike just stares.
It hurts, but not as much as it would have six, four, or even a month ago. Will shrugs it off as they get on with their plans for the day.
And then, somehow, it's been a year since they beat vecna, and El is happier than she's ever been. Will is too. They can both say they are completely over Mike Wheeler.
Will is glad, because both of them have had too much stress for their whole lives. One day, in the Hopper-Byers livingroom, as they all do their own thing and bask in each other's company, she tells Hopper she thinks she's like Steve. Hop just looks at her blankly, Will and Joyce and Jonathan watching, and she shakes her head, saying "I am not always a girl and not always a boy and not always either. I do not care if the person I like is a boy or a girl or like me. It is nice to just be. To wear fun clothes that are comfy and to like someone who likes me. That is how I am like Steve."
And oh. That makes sense. It makes sense for El and it makes sense for Steve. Will gets why Steve carefully said 'boys and girls and people not either or both' when he came out. It makes something warm bloom in Will's chest that someone would be careful like that, for someone else's sake, even if they weren't sure, if it was just in case. Makes him so happy that El has someone like her, because he knows how lonely it is being different and she has already been different most of her life.
El tells the party the next day, the same exact way. She grins at Steve, who is smiling through tears, and thanks him for explaining it to her. Dustin, once again, nearly tackles her in a hug, stopped only by Max's crutches as she heaves El into a spin, kissing her cheek. Mike thanks her for telling them.
So it goes, sophomore year bleeding into junior year, all the petty dramas of highschool overshadowing what happened in the upsidedown. Robin and Eddie and Steve follow Jonathan and Argyle to Chicago, Nancy meeting them when she's finished school, and tell the Party to call. At the send off, Robin wraps Will in a tight hug, whispering that she gets it, gets knowing without having the words to talk about it. How she's proud of her little buddy and he'd better give her all the gossip about the party, as though Max isn't taking diligent notes to share with her.
Will stands beside Mike, leaning against him, as they watch Dustin and Steve sob into each other's shoulder, and is happy they're friends.
A few weeks after, in October, Mike starts acting really weird
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: You get Nico, as a treat-Danny Words: 2,013 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Out Of My League' -by Fitz and The Tantrums
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XXXIX: Fates' First Mistake Was Giving Me a Body, the Second? A Will
"Ara!" Lily shouts, running after her friend.
Ara's never compared to her in speed, no matter how good she is at other stuff, so Lily reaches Nico way sooner.
"Don't listen to her!"
The boy looks at the girls with confusion. "What happened?"
"She made a fool of herself," Ara pants and supports both hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Oh, gods, how can you run uphill like that? You're a cyborg or something?"
"You must be thirsty, Neeks, let's go get you something!" Lily tries to take him away.
"Wait," Nico smirks. "Is this boy-related?"
Lily glares at Nico with determination. "Yesterday Leo used his shirt to clean his face and Ara was staring so hard she walked straight into a wall!"
"Connor heard Leo calling me sunshine," Ara acts like she didn't hear anything. "And he was making fun of us, so he called Lily 'My sweetheart' as a way to mock Leo, but Lily was drinking coffee—"
"He caught me off guard!"
"She spat it all over Connor!" Ara cackles. "Her face was redder than a strawberry!"
Nico never really laughs, but he enjoys hearing their funny stories, especially if they have to do with how they embarrass themselves in front of the guys they like. Ara and Lily rarely fail at stuff, so he thinks it's fair they suck at this.
"I hate you," Lily tries to seize Ara.
Ara sneaks away giggling, she uses Nico as a shield and he stays out of it. Nico moves forward while the girls chase each other around him until they reach the Big House.
"So you two are in your boy-crazy era?" He asks, sitting on the porch steps.
Ara wrinkles her nose. "Is that what this is?"
Lily blushes. "I'm not boy crazy! My brain works just fine, don't compare me to the Aphrodite!"
"You can judge me all you want, but I have a boyfriend and you can't even take a compliment without gagging."
"Lily's just playing the long game, aren't you?" Nico teases her. "I'm sure she'll tell Connor right before they die, so they can spend eternity together."
Ara snorts and Lily raises one fist as if to punch the boy, but he lifts one finger to stop her.
"Attenta, Saggio," he grins. "Don't wanna anger your patron, right?"
"Let me anger him for you, babe," Ara gets up to punch Nico, but Lily trips her.
"Stay away from each other," Lily warns them. "Now's not only my patron I've got to worry about, Nico. Did you know Leo can summon fire?"
"Leo won't fight my battles," Ara states calmly. "Especially when it comes to Nico. Kicking his ass is the highlight of my weekends."
"Likewise, hobbit."
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We have no problem finding the palace, but Lily keeps glancing back at Cerberus longingly.
"It'll take a while for him to get in," I say, unable to utter Mike's name out loud. "We still have time."
Nico's sulking on the front steps of the palace, and as soon as he sees us he runs up to us. "How—"
I roughly seize him by the jacket. He's taller than me, but I'm too angry to care. "You backstabbing piece of—"
"Let go of me!" He snarls.
"Ara," Lily urges me, looking at the skeletons rushing forward to get us.
I toss Nico to the ground. "Call your father," I point at the dead guards. "And tell them to back off."
Hades agrees to see us, mostly because he's super insulted by my audacity. 
"I can't expect you to give up the fight, Lily Saggio," he says. "But I thought you knew better than to bring a Jackson to my palace."
Lily keeps her head down. "She's not here to offend you, my lord."
"No, of course not," he says with a hint of mockery. "An Aphrodite is no challenge for a god, and even if she's Perseus Jackson's sister, I'd like to think she's not as stupid."
"Lord Hades," I get on one knee in front of him. "If you let me, I'll explain why I'm here."
"And why would I care about that?" He asks.
"I know you won't fight if you're not promised respect, recognition worthy of your sacrifice," I glance at Nico without lifting my gaze, "and a place for your children amongst the rest of us."
"A charmspeaker, aren't you?" He points out sharply.
I go straight to my point. "I think can help, my lord."
"You think?" He presses.
I'm not sounding like I want to. Michael believed in me the most, and I'm not an expert at looking confident. Without him, I have no one to speak for me, so if I only have myself, I can't guess, I have to get things done.
"I'll give you what you want," I look up at the god. "If you accept my offer."
He laughs, but he doesn't throw me out of the palace, so I can still convince him. "What can you offer to a God that he can't get himself?"
"A daughter of Olympus."
His eyes flash greedily, but he isn't convinced. "Children of Olympus can't favor a god above others, Jackson."
"If the god favors them beforehand," I reply. "They can."
"You're asking for my blessing?"
"Something of heavier meaning. Show faith in me, obliging to my request."
He takes a heavy breath. "And what would that request be?"
"Fight with us," I look at Nico. "I'll make sure your son has a place in our camp, and you'll get to be one of the gods that didn't turn his back on us, you could be the first patron of the first daughter of Olympus."
He ponders this, looking me up and down. "Do you even know how to use a sword?"
I pull Almighty out of my pocket and show her off, now I have his full attention. "I've been trained, yes."
"Pantodýnamos," Hades's grip on the throne tightens, he leans forward, staring at my sword in awe. "How..?"
"The fates chose me," I continue confidently. "Will you?"
He fixes his posture and glances back at Lily and Nico. "I've heard enough."
"Thank you," I smiled politely, bowing to him. "I'll know you accepted if you show up to fight."
He mutters some stuff as we walk out of the palace. 
"That's what you were trying to do?" The boy inquires as soon as his father is out of sight. "I thought—"
"That I was going after Achilles's curse," I glance at him with annoyance. "That should teach you— When I ask you to do something, just do what I tell you."
He scowls at me. "I did what I thought you wanted—"
"You did what you thought would make you look better," I stop to face him. "You don't fool me, Nico Di Angelo. I know you're not a bad person, but you're very stupid if you think I'll ever forget this. I don't trust you, and Percy never will."
He reaches for his sword, but Lily yanks me onwards. "Let's go back now, or they'll realize we're missing," she says. "And I wanna sleep before our next fight."
I know we have a few hours left before we could be at risk of getting caught. Annabeth is injured and Percy's probably still sleeping—the only person who would've noticed our absence fast enough would've been Mike, but he's gone, and that's given us a type of freedom we never asked for.
"You want to be a hero?" I press, still glaring at Nico. "Convince your father, then maybe Percy will reconsider."
I'm being an ass for manipulating Nico like this, but I never said I'm not like the other charmers in my family. Also, I'm a matchmaker, and that works in more ways than just romantically. 
Hades is a good match for my ambitions, and Nico's a good match for the cause. I'm merely working with what the fates laid down for me. I can only hope... 
No. I believe this is enough.
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Ara's studying a map in the rec room when Leo finally finds her. She feels him before she sees him, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek. "I've got something for you."
Ara glances up at him a little distracted. "What is it?"
"Two things," he pulls something out of his tool belt. "Here's a snack so you stay motivated for the rest of the month!"
Ara looks down and laughs. Leo is holding a stack of photographs of him in various places of camp. He made an effort to look ridiculous in every single one of them.
"What is this?" She asks, looking through them.
"I can't Iris message you every hour of the day, so these will have to do."
"How thoughtful of you!" Ara replies, half-amused and half-bashful. "Who took this?"
"The Stolls. Piper helped with the costumes, though."
"They're great," she puts them in her pocket. "I'll put them up on my ceiling back in New York, so you're the first thing I see when I wake up."
"Damn, you love me too much," He jokes, squeezing her shoulders.
"What's the other thing you wanted to show me?"
"Right! Look at this!" 
He steps away to pull a larger item from his belt: It looks like an ancient scroll, but when he rolls it open a projection starts playing on it. Ara gasps and picks it up.
"What!" She watches as a tiny projection of Leo walks around the bunker giving the viewer a tour. "How did you make this?"
"I'm very smart," he grins. "You like it?"
"This is so cool!"
Leo starts glowing, he's comfortable with her praising nowadays, though it still makes him slightly dizzy. 
"Last weekend you couldn't come cause you had a pile of homework, so I thought I could send you this with a weekly report. Everyone can record a short message for you, so you know everything that's going on around here while you're away."
Ara beams at the idea. "That's awesome. Thank you."
"Don't mention it," he pinches her chin as a brief affectionate gesture. "It's the least I can do to help my stunning girlfriend."
"True," Ara nods solemnly. "That, and sharing your full name with me." 
He snorts. "Nice try."
"Pretty close. It's Leobard."
He laughs. "Are you sure?"
"Why are you torturing me with this?" She scowls.
"You don't need to know my full name, sunshine," Leo brushes it off. "Cause the only way you're allowed to address me is either by a cute nickname like 'Baby' or 'Honey', and plain Leo when you're in General mode. See? Easy."
"I'm not calling you any sweet names unless you tell me your full name!"
"I can live with that," he taunts her. "Can you live with the doubt?"
Ara groans. "C'mon! It can't be ugly."
"It's not that I hate it," Leo grins. "I just like to give out different names when people ask me, and if you go around shouting my name then the joke dies."
"I promise not to call you that in front of the others," Ara pouts. "Pleeeease?"
Leo frowns. "Hey! Not fair, don't look at me like that!"
Ara gives him the most pitiful look she can, placing her arms around his neck and leaning closer. "If you tell me your name," she continues quietly. "I promise to call you ridiculously long fake names in front of everyone else."
The boy sighs, shaking his head a little. "You know the way to my heart..."
"Being real for a moment," Ara says, smoothing out the front of his shirt. "Why can't I know?"
Leo's eyes brighten with amusement, he holds her face and kisses her briefly. "Well, I already dropped the L bomb and took you on a picnic date on the beach, I'm running out of options to keep you interested, and my name is the only thing I've got left!"
Ara laughs, pulling him closer. "You know... next month is Valentine's Day, we can convince Chiron to let you visit the city that weekend?"
Leo hums, half-listening. His brain gets all fuzzy when Ara stands this close to him. "Could be fun..."
"We can go to the movies and you can meet my parents!"
"Movies and parents," His eyes regain focus and they grow worried. "Parents?"
Ara kisses him again. "And if everything goes as planned, then maybe you won't need to keep me on my toes, and I'll know your full name."
"Are you sure you want me to meet your parents?" He asks anxiously.
She nods, eyes bright with affection. "You'll love them."
He makes a face. "That's not the part I'm worried about."
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Next Chapter ->
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hecckyeah · 2 years
Hey! I’m super enjoying your pro-Joey Friends phase. It was my favorite show for a long time.
You had a GREAT post about how that relationship really grew and matured both Joey and Rachel’s characters, and I want to add that the fizzling of that relationship also DESTROYED Joey’s character.
Joey finally falling in love - real love - with Rachel made him see the hollow/shallow reality of his womanizing ways. His parents’ dysfunctional marriage really affected him early on in the series, and I head canon that he felt safe with Rachel. They developed that trust from living together. She was a person he’d never tire of the way that his father tired of his mother and sought out someone else.
When things didn’t work out with Rachel, the writers infantalized him. For laughs. Monica and Chandler joked that they’d have to have a room for him at their new house so they could take care of him forever because he couldn’t take care of himself. A grown man. Who had a good job and lived on his own since his 20’s.
If anyone should’ve been stuck in neutral forever, it was Ross. He was self-destructive from the start (Carol destroyed him and he never got over it and kept hurting other people because of it) and it would’ve been so satisfying to see him just stay in NY and raise his son and be a confirmed old bachelor. He had the temperament for being alone.
Oh! And one more thing: Joey was the first one to step up and offer to be committed to Rachel to help her raise Emma, and even tho Rachel turned him down, he ended up doing it anyway because Ross drove her away.
Anyway, I haven’t thought about all of this in a long time! But it’s been a lot of fun to read your takes and analysis. ☺️
Okay oh my gosh YES to all of this. OH the essays I could write.
I actually went through this exact same phase many years ago, and hadn't watched Friends in a while, so now just speeding through the entire series in a couple months, it's really giving me a different perspective than I had the first time. I'm also quite a bit older (you know how people change so much from late teen years to early twenties? It's crazy) and I have a different frame of reference for all the issues these characters deal with, since a lot of them have become my own issues now. There's so much nuance I didn't pick up on the first time around.
You are so right about Joey's character deteriorating after season 9. It's like the writers didn't know what to do with him except continuing his infamous saga of being an immature, stupid womanizer. He has no character development in season 10. Nothing pushing him ahead, nothing to look forward to like the other 5. Monica and Chandler having their babies and moving, of course, Rachel getting the Paris job offer, Phoebe and Mike getting married. What's in all this for Joey? Jokes about him being possessive of food and regressing back to how he was five or six seasons ago.
Infantilizing is absolutely the perfect word. Of all the friends, I would say Joey had the biggest development in the shortest amount of time, with Rachel right there with him. He was immediately ready to step up when she told him she was pregnant, without giving it any kind of second thought. In fact, he begged her to stay and live with him when she was so sure he would hate the idea. He was there with her at every turn, when she was scared about the braxton hicks, when she had so much anxiety about being a single mom, and especially when she missed going on dates and he made the perfect pseudo-boyfriend.
He absolutely felt safe with her, probably more than anyone he'd ever known. They're so similar in so many ways and he'd been living with her for years. Rachel couldn't even live with Ross for a year, or probably less (the timeline isn't super clear, let's be honest lol). She and Joey finally fell into this relationship built on an incredible foundation of trust and friendship (just like two other friends we all know and love), but they broke up because......???? of Ross? Or something? They were so perfect for each other, the writers had to bumble their way through a breakup in the weirdest way possible.
And then how do they treat Joey in season 10? Like he's the dumbest person who's ever existed. I get that he's not the sharpest crayon in the box, but they play up the stupid factor by about a thousand, and it's infuriating. I've always said he's the emotionally intelligent one of the group, but not even that is really shown in season 10. He flunks at the Pyramid game, he doesn't realize he's not speaking French, digs are made at his character, like you said with Monica and Chandler having a "Joey room" in their house. Sweet idea, horrible insinuation.
I mean, the man is in his mid-thirties. He's been through more life than Ross, for sure. I specifically remember watching that episode recently with Joey's parents and thinking how mature he was, how protective of his mom. And how angry he was at his dad, and insistent that he make things right with Ma. He's had to fight tooth and nail for a place in the world of showbusiness. He's had to watch all his friends find love and settle down and get everything they've ever wanted, while he's been in love exactly once in his entire life. He's grown and matured and when his best friend was pregnant, he realized that he actually wants to settle down and have a family. I mean, what level of growth and maturity does it take to realize that?
In earlier seasons, his demeanor was totally different. I don't even recognize season 10 Joey. They had to kill his very essence to explain their breakup.
And yeah, like you said. I think they wrote Ross into a storyline that -- if we're being realistic -- can only end with him being a bachelor and working at the university. He's never been able to live with anyone. He was a terrible roommate for Joey and Chandler, and he and Rachel couldn't last. Not only is he self-destructive, but he's destructive to everyone around him.
What kind of world do we live in where Joey "my god, she is... beautiful" Tribbiani doesn't get a happy ending, and Ross "we were on a break" Geller does??
Anyway, there's the essay for the day. My mind kind of ran away with me and I probably have more to say and maybe I'll organize my thoughts someday, but I'm watching season 10 as we speak and I'm just so. so sad. about how it all turned out. But I'll just live in AO3 Land and pretend Rachel and Joey raise their little family and grow old together and Ross stagnates and continues his precious tenure.
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himynameis4 · 1 year
Adult Byler Teacher Headcanons
They both teach at the same school, maybe even same district.
Will teaches art, namely Drawing & Painting I & II, as well as AP Art & Honors Drawing for Production & Design. (He also was dragged into making props for the school musical, and started/runs the school’s GSA. Mans is SWAMPED)
Mike teaches AP Language & Comp, Creative Writing, Honors English 9, and English 11. He also runs the school’s Literary Magazine, Newspaper, and Yearbook clubs. (Mans is similarly swamped)
(They’re both considering starting up an AV club & a D&D club, but where they’ll find the money or the time, they got no clue)
Will was the reason Mike first explored teaching. Mike had taken his dad’s advice & become a business major, because it can be applied to lots of jobs & is a good way to get a job quick, but… yeah, he fucking hated it.
He ended up taking one of the education courses Will was taking, trying to fulfill some credits & figuring having a class with Will would make it bearable… and then he fell headfirst into teaching
They were hired at the same time. They student taught together, too. A wave of retirees meant most of their colleagues were new blood, like them, and… well, there was A Lot of relationship drama among the staff. It was like a freakin’ soap opera. (Did my high school have a lot of interpersonal staff relationship drama? Yes, why do you ask?)
Will & Mike came out when they got married, because Will wanted to change his last name. By this point, Will was already running the school’s GSA. They hadn’t been very public about their relationship, having been there for The Sanders Affair Of 2006 (and the subsequent divorces, marriages, and affairs that came from said affair) & making the mutual decision to keep their personal lives private… but as their district became less conservative, they hadn’t exactly hidden it, either.
Their friends on the staff all know, & some are close enough friends to get invites
Will had gone by “Mr. William” for the vast majority of his career, so it wasn’t a huge shift for his students or anything.
Mike’s nickname is just “Wheeler,” a similar sign of affection—at least, to his face.
(His students call him “Hot Wheels” behind his back)
(Will is well aware of this, & endlessly amused)
Will’s hair has gone entirely grey. (Lonnie’s genetics, rip). Post-covid, he uses blue light glasses… unlike mike, who needs glasses full-time. (Will teases him about this quite frequently)
Mike finishes growing his hair out, but ditched the bangs. He’s one of those teachers who always has his hair in a severe ponytail (he likes manbuns, too, but you wont often see him with one bc We’re At Work, Will, I Must Be Professional)
They Do Not Talk About The Mullet Era
Or The Bowl Cut For The Entirety Of The Childhoods
They have matching rings, customized replicas of the One Ring bc they’re both geeks. They’re engraved to say “crazy together” in elvish. Technically these were their engagement rings… and also the rings they used when they got a domestic partnership, and also the rings they used in their wedding ceremony. For a long time, they wore them like necklaces tucked under their shirts (bc the Mike in the Math department & Sydney from Social Studies are MASSIVE gossips, and also bc LoTR is iconic & these two are cheesey af),
They started wearing them openly when Will changed his last name, though.
Will & Mike are the teachers who let students eat lunch in their classrooms. The ones who invite them in during free periods. The ones who hear about the shitty chem teacher, the asshole ex, the awful divorce, the toxic friend group, the impending move. They’re the ones who collect & display dozens of senior photos, whose hands cramp from writing yearbook messages, and the ones whose students will remember years later. They’re the ones who keep in touch—they get wedding invites and scattered letters and life updates.
Because they’re the ones who remember what it’s like to be 14, 15, and feeling like the world was about to end. They remember the bullies. They remember the isolation. They remember how awful it feels to grow apart from the people you used to hold dear, and how much they hated high school.
It’s why they love being teachers, exhausting as it is. They’re the adults they didn’t get in high school, despite their parents’ best efforts—they get to be the support they desperately needed. They get to watch their kids grow, and its so, so satisfying to know they’re giving the kids better than what they had.
But most importantly? They’re happy.
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spicysix · 1 year
🏏 - more romantic ronance headcanons please!
[nancy HCs | ronance HCs part 1]
MORE romantic, you say?? ok then, here's a mariage
Nancy buys a ring and keeps it on her purse for weeks trying to find, or better, trying to plan the perfect moment to propose. she comes up with a ton of ideas but nothing seems as perfect as she wants it to be. she's getting frustrated after a month or two having bought the ring already but not being able to propose the way she wants, because she wants it to be the best proposal ever because Robin deserves nothing but the best, and yet Nancy can't find the right thing
Robin passes by a jewelry store on a random Tuesday and sees the perfect ring, one she knows instantly Nance would love. she buys it on impulse and goes home
when Nancy comes home from work, Robin looks at her, and she's so fucking beautiful: hair all disheveled from the helmet she uses to ride the motor scooter, shirt dirty from a pen that leaked earlier that day, taking off her high heels to show blisters on her feet and Robin just. blurts out the question
Nancy says yes btw. and gives Robin her own ring and tells her how she's been holding on to it for months. they have a laugh
welp not like they can get married though. not yet
the day same sex marriage goes legal in wherever state they live in, they both find the first open hour, drag the first coworker that agrees to be a witness and just. get legally married. for fuck's sake, they've been engaged for, like, a decade - they're allowed to go a little crazy over it
they of course plan a real party for their families to attend
Steve doesn't talk to them for two whole weeks so very offended he wasn't the witness to the legal courthouse thing. he forgives them when Robin asks him to be her bridesmaid. Jonathan is Nancy's bridesmaid. not best men, no. they're bridesmaids
Eddie officiates and gives the best speech ever, makes everyone cry - even Mike even if he denies it later
it's a spring backyard wedding, full of flowers and plants and the color palette is rich with greens and blues and purples and fairy lights hanging from the trees
they go to Iceland for their honeymoon! they see a lot of ice a lot of snow the volcanoes and the thermals and the northern lights!!!
and they kiss under the sky that's lit up with the color palette from their wedding all green and blue and purple and the stars twinkle like fairy lights; and life is beutiful and they're together until death does them part and maybe even after that, and they love each other and the whole world can know now
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lunarwritesthings · 2 years
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Who Did It
Paring: Gerard Way x M!Oc
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Request: Yes, by anon
Summary: Gerard learns that his boyfriend is hurt and demands to know who did it, so he can "talk" to them.
Prompt: #47 “Who did this to you?”
Note: The nickname sugar is used because I've seen so many people use it in gee fics that I feel it fits. Gerard is referred to as Gee and Colton is referred to by Col at times.
Warning: Bruises and blood is mentioned!
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It's well known that Gerard is shy and extremely nice but what's basically unknown is Gee is a totally different person when someone he loves is hurt. Then he's ready to fight the whole world if he has to.
There's one specific person he'd drop everything for. That person is his love, better known as his boyfriend. Gerard would refuse to go anywhere without him, that included tour. Gee and Colton were inseparable. This was not surprised those close to them. Gee and Col had been together for 3 almost 4 years. They were super important to each other.
Now, normally Colton can protect himself and fight back if he's expecting something to happen. That why the day so-called "fans" decided to hurt Colton simply because they were jealous and apparently Colton "wasn't good enough for Gerard". No one was prepared for what was about to ensue. Let's just say there one rule the band has. That being DO NOT mess with Colton.
It took Gee a while to learn about Colton being hurt because it happened while the band was on stage. Gerard learned about what happened when a voice came through on his in-ears. Gee was immediately filled with anger. He wanted to know who dare hurt his sugar. Mikey, Frank, and Ray knew just off Gerard's mood changed that something had happened to Col and they knew this wasn't going to end well.
The concert was close to being over. The guys were in between songs and on a short break so Ray, Mikey, and Frank had used this time to check on Gee and see what happened to Col. Gee didn't answer the question of how he was he just told them that Colton had gotten hurt. Of course, this upset them. They weren't as upset as Gee well except Frank, but they were still upset.
To Mikey, Col was like the young brother he never got. Mike was honestly surprised Col wasn't truly his brother yet but he wasn't going to rush Colton or Gerard. He cared about both of them a lot. They were part of his family. His main worry was knowing how hurt Colton was. He didn't care about who did it. He wanted to make sure Col was okay.
Ray being the dad of the group was trying to calm down Gee but he was worried about Col as well. He knew something was wrong when he didn't Col in the front row like normal. Now to Ray, Colton was a best friend and almost a son. Col always went to Ray when he needed advice because he knew Raw would listen and try his best to help. They were aware of the father/son bond but didn't care.
Frank was on the same level as Gee on being angry. He wanted to know who dare had the fucking audacity to hurt Colton. Colton was probably Frank's best friend. They had bonded over so much. Frank and Colton may not be related but they sure as hell acted like brothers. Frank was big on being there for Col even if that meant defending him from people because rude to him simply because he was gay and trans. Colton was Frank's not-so-little buddy. That meant if someone hurt col then they better start running because karma was coming.
Once the concert was over Gee and Frank immediately ran to the medical area to check on col and find out who did it. Ray and Mikey shared a look before following the other two to make sure they didn't go crazy and to make sure Frank and Gerard didn't try and murder anyone.
When Ray and Mikey got to the medical area they were shocked when they saw col. Col had a lot of bruises and a quite a bit of blood coming from his nose. Gerard was beyond angry. He had one question. "Who did this to you?". Simple yet not so much for Colton. Did he really want to tell the band that "fans" of theirs did this? Of course, he didn't but col didn't have much of a choice. One Colton told them, they all had different reactions.
Gerard's reaction hadn't changed much but Colton could see the disappointment in his eyes. Frank? He was furious. people who called themselves had the audacity to hurt Col over stupid jealousy and a stupid opinion.
Ray was just fully disappointed. There were people that were fans of theirs that were willing to hurt someone that made Gee happy. He couldn't understand. Mikey was sad and disappointed. It made Mike sad that people told col that he wasn't enough for gee yet Mikey has never seen gee more happy and more himself. Mike was disappointed in the fact they felt like they were Dan's.
Gerard had picked up Colton the second he was free to go. Until Col was fully healed Gee wasn't letting his sugar leave his sight. Deep down Gerard was scared of this happening again. Ray and Mikey worked on calming down Frank and worked on a tweet to post about the situation because it needed to be talked about.
Gee had gently put Col in their shared bunk and knew that col was shaken up and needed comfort. Knowing this Gee was careful but laid down next to Col and let col cuddle into his side. Gerard refused to sleep just in case Colton needed something.
Colton wasn't going to be in bad shape for long only a few days. By the time Col was healed the band had made a tweet about the situation and thank to the help of the fans they found the ones that hurt Colton. They were rightfully banned from all shows and events where My Chemical Romance would be. At the end of the day karma had gotten the "fans" and Col was alright and safe.
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sugarsfics · 2 years
Love at First Scoop
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Summary: Here are some cute moments of Steve and you, his girlfriend while working at Scoops Ahoy 
A/N: This is more so a blurb then fic so yea.. dividers by @firefly-graphics
Trope: ScoopsAhoy!Steve x ScoopsAhoy!reader 
Warnings: Making out, fluff cussing, being in love 
Word count: 600 
Ding Ding “Stevie your children are here” “Of course they are, just give me a minute” as he goes to double check the back for the manager. “ So what movie are you guys seeing tonight” “The Goonies” Max says “Oh I been wanting to see that one you have to tell me if it is worth it” “Yeah we will” Lucas speaks. As you chat more with the kids you don’t see Steve watching you with heart eyes. Mike rolls his eye “Steve are we good” “Oh yea come on” “Bye guys” they walked into the back and you hear the faint voice of your boyfriend “If any one catches you your dead” Robin comes in from her break “Since you are dating Steve does that make them your step kids?” 
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For some reason, your boss schedule you, Steve and Robin to come in at 9 o'clock in the morning, who the hell eats ice cream at that time answer no one, no one comes in till 12. So you guys made a little game. One person closes their eyes while the other mixes ice creams together and toppings. The one with the closed eyes has to guess the mixture.  “Ok ready babe” “Yep” “Keep your eyes closed” “Say aaaaa” robin said in a baby voice. “Now guess” “Mhm? Strawberry and chocolate” “Yes how are so good at this game” “Dingus you pick the most basic combinations” “She is right babe” “Wow”  
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“I’m going on break Robin” you said as you take off your hat sending wink to Steve. About 5 minutes later “Hey Rob I’m going on break” “Ok I go on one after” then about 5 move minutes later Robin as to go in the storage room to grab more bowls. Robin screams “OH MY GOD” you and Steve have been caught making out “You guys couldn't wait till you get home to suck each-other faces” this wasn’t the first time and definitely​ wasn’t the last. 
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It was a slow day at work so Steve was in the back cutting up bananas. Then of course when you were by yourselves it got busy. When that rush was over you needed more bananas “Steve I need more-” Steve made a mess of the bananas, he cut them wrong, and was eating one when you walked in “Need more loving” He said when a mushy smile, you laughed at his cuteness “No bananas but you cut them wrong” “How can you cut them wrong” “I don’t know Steve but you some how did and we can’t used them” “Yay more for me” “Steve-” 
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Robin was daydreaming again when see notice Steve and you were missing “Shit” she went to the storage room “Ok guys am opening the room please get off of each-other” she screamed as she opened the door. You and Steve were grabbing boxes of toppings looking at her like she was a crazy woman. “Robin we aren’t always kissing” you said “Yea Rob we have time management so are make out time at work is at 3:30” Steve joked. Robin looked at you two in disgust “Don’t you guys have houses and cars to do that” 
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Steve watched in awe as you interacted with the little girl getting ice cream. He had always wanted a family, a family with you. He had fallen in love in such a short time but the heart wants what it wants. He often daydreamed and dreamed about a family with you. But he was scared to say anything to because 1. you guys are too young to start talking about it. 2. he doesn’t want to scared you away by talking about the future or that what the party says to him when he talks to them about it. So for now he just watches and dreams. “You know if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be with her” “Rob shut up” 
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